Paisano`s Ristorante Ohlde`s Family swim party


Paisano`s Ristorante Ohlde`s Family swim party
Volume 76
Number 15
Ohlde’s Family
swim party
August 7, 2014
Paisano’s Ristorante
From the Heart………………………….……Rev. Dr. Bradley K. Walker
I keep running into the word “Generosity” for some
reason. Just a few days ago one of the e-mails I
received contained an article about Stewardship vs.
Generosity. Both are important. Both are noble
concepts and exercises. Yet each brings a different
attitude to the same process – at least in the
I commented at the end that it is difficult as a pastor
to find a way to give each and every ministry the
time and attention it deserves. Then, I challenged
them to help us find a way to promote all of these,
support them with prayer (and maybe funding), and
help our members find ways to participate in these
as they feel the Spirit’s lead. How can we become
Stewardship is about management and being wise a clearinghouse, a switchboard, or an airport that
in our use of the resources that God provides. We enables people to get in touch with these missions
need to be good stewards.
as they meet needs in our world in the name of
Christ? It will take some time to live into this, but
Generosity is also about our response to God. But the opportunities to make a difference with the
generosity is accompanied by the deep joy that we generous contributions of our time and love are
feel as we experience the warmth of God’s love and here right now.
saving grace in Jesus Christ. In many ways,
stewardship is a measured response, while
Julie Ford and Mary Robinson (both working in the
generosity overflows with cheerfulness of gratitude 501 school system) were in attendance, and shared
and joy as we walk in the abundance of God’s
a list of needs within the 501 school district. Julie is
contributing information to this newsletter about two
opportunities are upon us now for people to help
Later this fall, we will find our way into deeper
children and schools. They are seeking to find 100
discussions about how this relates to our finances. mentors by Labor Day, and the annual
On my heart at this time are two of our most
ShareFest day is in September. Take a look at
essential ministries: Our outreach and mission, and this information.
our education. Both have been regular topics of
conversation and planning as we look toward this
September is our month to make contributions to
coming program year.
the needs of the community through Doorstep. It is
a time to truly respond to God’s love with generous
Sandra Brown, our Associate Pastor, is our primary giving to others in need.
staff person for Education and will be presenting
information about the classes, courses and
With so much need and so many ministries
activities coming up in the next edition of the
surrounding us, do not be surprised to start hearing
more about these during our worship services. Not
only are we called by name and claimed by Christ
Last Monday, a few people gathered to discuss the for the abundant blessings that God sends our way,
work of the Outreach Ministry Team. I found the
but we are sent to serve in the name of Christ with
conversations and the energy around mission
generous and joyful spirits.
opportunities to be an inspiring experience. We
talked about current commitments of the church to It is a part of our stewardship. A stewardship that
places like Doorstep and VIDA. We heard about
overflows with generosity and joy.
other ministries in Topeka and beyond with which
members are affiliated but we as a congregation
In Christ,
are not. Questions flew around the room as people
wanted to know more about each of our ministries.
Did you know that 77 percent of students in Topeka Public
Schools are on free and reduced price lunches and face
many challenges associated with poverty? Topeka Public
Schools, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, United Way, JUMP and
other groups/churches/businesses are actively recruiting
100 Mentors by Labor Day to work with individual
students. A mentor will be asked to spend 30 minutes a
week (usually over lunch at the school) building a
relationship with an individual child, helping with reading and
being a role model for that student. If you are interested in
being a mentor and making a difference in a student’s life,
contact Big Brothers/Big Sisters at 234-5524 or Topeka
Public Schools at 295-3047. You can also visit the 100
Mentors Site at
First Presbyterian Church will participate in ShareFest on Saturday,
September 20 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. by organizing a team.
ShareFest is a one morning event involving Topeka area business,
more than 22 community churches and hundreds of volunteers doing much
needed painting cleaning and landscaping at 11 Topeka Public School sites
and The Bridge. The purpose is to increase school pride and develop
community and church relationships with no strings attached. The intent of
ShareFest is to form lasting partnerships and re-engage the churches
and community with the Topeka Public Schools. Call John Ford our
Sharefest Congregation Coordinator at 620-276-0538 or the church
office 233-9601 if you would like to participate.
In Memoriam
Barbara Moorman
December 28, 1928—July 31, 2014
Member since 2001
We extend our sympathy to her friends and
family . Our thoughts and prayers go out to
them at this time as we all trust in the
powerful promises of God.
August 12, 2014
5:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
Send all dates of activities, meetings
and programs by August 8 to Francie at
Tasty Tuesdays
Sunday, August 24, 9:30 a.m.
Youth Led Worship
DVDs of the Worship
Services are
now Available.
Contact the church
Choir “Kick-off Thursday”
August 28 in choir room with
pot luck dinner to follow. Bring
1-2 dishes. Drinks provided.
Spouses and friends welcome.
Choir returns to FPC
September 14 at 9:30 a.m service
Rehearsal at 8:45
Monsoon Grill
August 12
11:30 a.m.
2040 SW Wanamaker
Sign up on
bulletin board
in Disciples Hall
First Presbyterian Church
817 SW Harrison Street
Topeka KS 66612-1607
Web site:
(785)233-9601 Fax: (785)232-4402
All the Members of the Congregation
Brad Walker, Pastor
Sandra Stogsdill Brown,
Designated Associate Pastor
Neil Weatherhogg, Pastor Emeritus
Music Staff
Kevin Kellim, Director of Music
Norma Pettijohn, Organist/Bell Choir Dir.
Robert Jacoby II, Assistant Organist
Support Staff
Laura Messer, Children and Youth Coordinator
Coleen Akers, Financial Secretary
Francie Forrestt Riley, Communications
Glenn Voss, Maintenance Supervisor
Ken Luginbill, Part Time Custodian
Becky Foster, Nursery Coordinator
FPC MESSENGER (UPS315-640) is published semi-monthly, by the First
Presbyterian Church, 817 SW Harrison Street, Topeka, Kansas 666121607; phone 785-233-9601. Periodical Postage paid at Topeka, Kansas.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FPC MESSENGER, 817 SW
Harrison, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1607.
Next FPC MESSENGER will be published on August 21, 2014
Sunday Schedule: Worship Service
9:30 a.m.—Sanctuary
“It’s our privilege to listen, to pray, to help,” says Sandra Stogsdill Brown.
Did you know that we have a wealth of caregiving ministries at this church? In addition to the pastors, we
have our Deacons who all have a heart for serving, and our Stephen Ministers, who have each received
more than 50 hours of training in confidential Christian caregiving (they know how to listen like no one
else!). And don’t forget our elders, the spiritual leaders of our congregation.
Please help us help you; whenever you know of a need in our congregation, please call the church office
at 785-233-9601 so we can be aware of it. Contact Sandra Brown’s, Brad
Walker’s is, or call church office. If you are having surgery, spending time in the
hospital, grieving a loss, or going through a difficult time, we want to be there for you. It is our privilege to
listen, to pray, to help.
THANK YOU for wearing your nametags! Many of you wore nametags on Sunday, August 3 in
response to Sandra’s offer of candy to anybody wearing one (she will actually give candy to anyone,
anytime—check out the well-stocked candy dish in her office). Please continue wearing them! They are
a great help for newcomers and add a friendly vibe to our Sunday worship. If you lost yours or need a
new one, just call the church office as we do order them periodically.