buku panduan akademik – diploma teknologi
buku panduan akademik – diploma teknologi
BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 1 KATA – KATA ALUAN Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah dan Salam Sejahtera, Salam 1 Malaysia. Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah dengan izin-Nya kita diberi nikmat kehidupan dan diberi peluang untuk menimba ilmu khususnya dalam bidang Teknologi Maklumat (Rangkaian), Teknologi Maklumat (Pengaturcaraan), dan Teknologi Maklumat (Keselamatan Komputer) untuk meningkatkan kemajuan diri dan negara kita umumnya. Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W serta ahli keluarganya dan seluruh pengikutnya sehingga hari kiamat. Syabas dan Tahniah kepada semua pelajar yang telah berjaya menjejakkan kaki ke Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (JTMK), Politeknik Mersing, Johor (PMJ). Hargailah dan manfaatkan peluang ini kerana tidak semua rakan anda yang bertuah untuk mendapat peluang ini. Seluruh warga PMJ komited dalam merealisasikan harapan negara dengan melahirkan graduan yang bukan sahaja mempunyai pengetahuan yang tinggi malahan berkemahiran dan berkebolehan mengamalkan ilmu yang telah dipelajari seperti yang diperlukan oleh pihak industri dan pasaran kerja. Adalah menjadi hasrat JTMK dengan penerbitan Buku Panduan Akademik ini dapat membantu para pelajar merancang pengajian akademiknya dengan teratur dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mencapai kecemerlangan. Diharapkan juga, buku ini akan dapat bertindak sebagai sumber maklumat dan panduan kepada mereka yang berminat untuk mengikuti program di JTMK. Akhir kata, selamat maju jaya dan selamat belajar kepada semua pelajar. Sekian. Terima kasih. Ketua Jabatan Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Politeknik Mersing, Johor BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 2 CARTA ORGANISASI POLITEKNIK MERSING BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 3 SEJARAH POLITEKNIK MERSING Politeknik Mersing, Johor (PMJ) merupakan politeknik ke-25 di bawah Jabatan Pengajian Politeknik (JPP), Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM). Kementerian Dibina di bawah peruntukan Rancangan Malaysia ke-9, PMJ memulakan operasi pentadbirannya secara rasmi pada Oktober 2008. Penubuhannya selaras dengan dasar kerajaan untuk melahirkan tenaga kerja separa professional yang berkebolehan dan berkualiti bagi menampung keperluan sektor awam dan swasta di Malaysia. Bermula dengan pejabat pengoperasian pentadbirannya di Bilik Seminar, Jabatan Hospitaliti, Politeknik Johor Bahru, PMJ seterusnya berpindah ke Kampus Sementaranya di Aras 1, Bangunan Perpustakaan, Politeknik Johor Bahru pada tanggal 7 Januari 2009. Walaupun mempunyai ruang yang terhad, kampus ini dilengkapi dengan ruang pejabat, bilik pengarah, bilik ketua jabatan, bilik mesyuarat, ruang pensyarah, bilik kuliah, makmal baikpulih komputer dan kemudahan asas yang lain. PMJ membuka lembaran sejarah dengan menerima kemasukkan pelajar sulungnya pada tanggal 12 Januari 2009. Kumpulan perintis seramai 14 orang pelajar telah mendaftar bagi mengikuti Program Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Rangkaian). Setelah setahun beroperasi di Kampus Sementaranya di Politeknik Johor Bahru, kini PMJ terus melangkah ke hadapan. Pada tanggal 1 Januari 2010, PMJ sekali lagi berpindah ke Kampus Sementaranya di Bandar Tepian Sungai, Mersing. Kampus yang asalnya 5 unit rumah kedai 3 tingkat ini, diubahsuai agar memenuhi keperluan dan kemudahan untuk tujuan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran agar berjalan lancar. Pada peringkat awal penubuhannya, PMJ hanya menawarkan Program Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Rangkaian) di bawah Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi. Seterusnya, mulai Januari 2010, Jabatan Perdagangan mula menawarkan Program Diploma Sains Kesetiausahaan dan pada sesi pengajian Jun 2014 menawarkan Program Diploma Pengajian Perniagaan. Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik pula memulakan operasi pada tahun 2014 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 4 dengan pengambilan pelajar sulung pada sesi pengajian Jun 2014 bagi mengikuti Program Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektrik. Seterusnya pada tahun 2015, empat lagi program pengajian baharu peringkat diploma telah ditawarkan di Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi serta Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik. Kampus Induk Politeknik Mersing yang terletak 3 km daripada Bandar Mersing telah diserahkan secara rasminya kepada Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia pada tanggal 6hb September 2012. Kampus ini mampu menampung sehingga 2,400 orang pelajar dan 400 orang kakitangan pada satu-satu masa. Pembinaan kampus ini bagi memenuhi program-program yang ditawarkan bagi tiga buah jabatan akademik utama iaitu Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi, Jabatan Perdagangan dan Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik serta dua jabatan sokongan iaitu Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer serta Jabatan Pengajian Am. Kampus Induk Politeknik Mersing BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 5 VISI DAN MISI POLITEKNIK MERSING BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 6 KALENDAR AKADEMIK Minggu Aktiviti 1 Minggu Aktiviti Suaikenal/ Pendaftaran 16 Minggu Perkuliahan 1 Minggu Cuti Pertengahan Semester 3 Minggu Peperiksaan Akhir Jadual 1: Kalendar Akademik Bagi Setiap Sesi Tempoh Pendaftaran Kursus Dalam tempoh 7 hari sesi perkuliahan. Kredit Kursus Jumlah kredit setiap semester antara 12 hingga 18. Pindahan Kredit dan Pengecualian Kursus Permohonan di buat dalam tempoh 3 minggu semester pertama perkuliahan. Menambah atau Menggugurkan Kursus Minggu ke-3 hingga minggu ke-6 sesi pengajian. Jumlah Kredit selepas menambah kursus tidak melebihi 20 jam kredit setelah mendapat persetujuan daripada ketua jabatan. . Jumlah Jam kredit selepas menggugurkan kursus tidak kurang daripada 12. Mengulang Kursus Mengambil semula kursus yang gagal pada semester semasa. Memperbaiki Gred Lulus gred C-, D+ dan D pelajar dibenarkan memperbaiki gred sekali sahaja sepanjang pengajiian. Mengikuti aktiviti pembelajaran sepenuhnya. Keputusan akan diambil dari gred terbaik. Jumlah Kredit tidak boleh melebihi 20 jam kredit. Tempoh pengajian sama seperti biasa. Jumlah Kredit Minimum Pelajar Layak Bergraduat. Nama Program Jam Kredit Minima Bergraduat Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Rangkaian) 92 Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Pengaturcaraan) 93 Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Keselamatan Maklumat) 93 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 7 MAKLUMAT PEPERIKSAAN SISTEM GRED Markah yang diperolehi pelajar bagi sesuatu kursus akan diberi nilai mata, gred, dan status mengikut kumpulan markah seperti ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 2. Markah Nilai Mata Gred Status 90 -100 4.00 A+ Sangat Cemerlang 80 - 89 4.00 A Cemerlang 75 - 79 3.67 A- Kepujian 70 - 74 3.33 B+ Kepujian 65 -69 3.00 B Kepujian 60 -64 2.67 B- Lulus 55 - 59 2.33 C+ Lulus 50 - 54 2.00 C Lulus 47 - 49 1.67 C- Lulus 44 - 46 1.33 D+ Lulus 40 -43 1.00 D Lulus 30 - 39 0.67 E Gagal 20 - 29 0.33 E- Gagal 0 - 19 0.00 F Gagal Jadual 2: Sistem Gred PENCAPAIAN AKADEMIK Pencapaian keseluruhan pelajar dinilai dengan menggunakan dua ukuran iaitu Purata Nilai Mata (PNM); Grade Point Average (GPA) untuk setiap semester dan Himpunan Purata Nilai Mata (HPNM); Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) untuk keseluruhan semester yang telah diikuti. Ukuran ini seterusnya digunakan untuk menentukan pencapaian akademik pelajar. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 8 i. PNM PNM adalah purata mata nilai gred yang diperolehi pelajar bagi setiap semester. Pengiraan PNM adalah seperti berikut: Jumlah Mata Nilai, JMN = k1m1 + k2m2 + ......... knmn Jumlah Kredit Kira, JKK =k1 + k2 + .......... kn PNM JMN = Di mana; JKK kn = kredit bagi mata pelajaran n mn = nilai mata yang diperolehi bagi mata pelajaran n PNM = Jumlah mata Kredit yg diperolehi di dalam sem semasa Jumlah jam Kredit yg diambil di dalam sem semasa ii. HPNM HPNM ialah purata nilai gred kumulatif yang diperolehi pelajar bagi keseluruhan semester yang telah diikuti. Pengiraan HPNM adalah seperti berikut: PNM Di mana; = JMN1+ JMN2+ .................... JMNn JKK1+ JKK2+ .................... JKKn LMNn = jumlah nilai mata yang diperolehi bagi semester n JKKn jumlah kredit kira bagi semester n = HPNM = Jumlah mata Kredit yg diperolehi bagi semua sem hingga kini Jumlah jam Kredit yg diperolehi bagi semua sem hingga kini JAM KREDIT KURSUS 1. Jam kredit bagi setiap kursus adalah seperti yang termaktub di dalam Dokumen Kurikulum dan Struktur Kursus yang dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum, Jabatan Pengajian Politeknik, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. 2. Jumlah jam kredit yang perlu diambil oleh pelajar bagi setiap semester adalah 12 hingga 18 atau seperti yang ditetapkan di dalam Dokumen Kurikulum dan Struktur Kursus. 3. Jumlah jam kredit minimum yang perlu dikumpul oleh pelajar sebelum layak dipertimbangkan untuk penganugerahan sijil/diploma (termasuk Diploma Lanjutan) adalah sepertimana yang ditetapkan di dalam Dokumen Kurikulum dan Struktur Kursus. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 9 PEMBERATAN PENILAIAN BERTERUSAN (PB) DAN PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR (PA) 1. Penilaian terhadap setiap kursus dibuat secara berkala dan berterusan dalam tempoh minggu perkuliahan setiap semester menurut kaedah yang ditentukan oleh politeknik. 2. Pemberatan bagi setiap Penilaian Berterusan dan Peperiksaan Akhir adalah mengikut kursus seperti yang ditetapkan di dalam Struktur Kurikulum. Pembahagian pemberatan kursus adalah seperti berikut: i. 50% PB, 50% PA; ii. 60 % PB, 40% PA; iii. 70% PB, 30% PA; iv. 100% PB. ATAU KATEGORI KEPUTUSAN PENILAIAN Keputusan penilaian bagi setiap semester dikategorikan kepada: 1. Kedudukan Lulus Penuh (LP) Pelajar semester akhir yang mendapat HPNM bersamaan atau lebih daripada 2.00 dan memenuhi syarat serta layak dianugerahkan sijil/diploma. 2. Kedudukan Baik (KB) Pelajar yang mendapat HPNM bersamaan atau lebih daripada 2.00. 3. Kedudukan Bersyarat (KS) Pelajar yang mendapat HPNM bersamaan atau lebih daripada 1.60 dan kurang daripada 2.00. 4. Kedudukan Gagal dan Diberhentikan (GB) Pelajar yang mendapat keputusan penilaian seperti salah satu dari yang berikut: i. pelajar yang mendapat HPNM kurang daripada 1.60; atau ii. pelajar yang mendapat PNM kurang daripada 1.00; atau iii. gagal sesuatu kursus sebanyak tiga (3) kali; atau iv. memperolehi keputusan KS tiga (3) kali berturut-turut; atau v. gagal kursus Latihan Industri sebanyak dua (2) kali; atau vi. telah melampaui tempoh maksimum pengajian sesuatu kursus BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 10 PENGANUGERAHAN DIPLOMA Pelajar adalah layak dianugerahkan diploma setelah: 1. lulus semua kursus yang disyaratkan; 2. mencapai jumlah jam kredit yang ditetapkan bagi sesuatu program; 3. telah menamatkan latihan industri dan memenuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan berhubung dengannya; dan 4. memenuhi semua kehendak program dan diperakui oleh Lembaga Peperiksaan. PENARIKAN BALIK ATAU PEMBATALAN SIJIL/DIPLOMA Lembaga Peperiksaan berhak menarik balik sijil/diploma yang telah dianugerahkan kepada seseorang lulusan jika didapati mengemukakan dokumen kelayakan palsu semasa membuat permohonan kemasukan ke Politeknik Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 11 SISTEM PENGURUSAN MAKLUMAT POLITEKNIK (SPMP) Sistem Pengurusan Maklumat Politeknik (SPMP) adalah satu sistem maklumat bersepadu yang digunakan untuk memudahkan urusan penyimpanan dan capaian ke atas data pelajar. Sistem ini terdiri daripada 9 modul iaitu: i. Modul Hal Ehwal Pelajar (i-HELP) ii. Modul Daftar Kursus (i-Daftar) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 12 iii. Modul Latihan Industri (i-UPLI) iv. Modul Kamsis (i-Kamsis) v. Modul Peperiksaan (i-Exam) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 13 vi. Modul Kokurikulum (i-KOKO) vii. Modul Kaunseling (i-Kaunselor) viii. Modul Penasihat Akademik (i-PAd) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 14 ix. Modul 1 Lecturer 5 Graduate (i-1L5G) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 15 SISTEM PENASIHATAN AKADEMIK (SPA) Sistem Penasihatan Akademik (SPA) ialah suatu sistem di mana pelajar diletakkan di bawah bimbingan seorang pegawai akademik sepanjang tempoh pengajian mereka. SPA dibangunkan adalah bertujuan sebagai satu saluran perhubungan yang bersistematik bagi pelajar mendapatkan bimbingan, nasihat serta maklumat daripada sumber yang betul, dalam usaha melahirkan golongan pelajar yang cemerlang dan bertanggungjawab. Penasihat Akademik (PA) ialah pensyarah yang dilantik oleh Ketua Jabatan Akademik di politeknik yang berperanan membantu pelajar meningkatkan kemahiran dan mengatur strategi bagi mencapai kecemerlangan akademik, personaliti dan kemahiran insaniah yang tinggi. SPA ini diwujudkan agar setiap pelajar: a) Mendapat bimbingan dalam merancang pengajian dan aktiviti ke arah meningkatkan pencapaian akademik dan potensi individu. b) Berlatih mendapatkan kemahiran dan merangka strategi pembelajaran untuk mencapai matlamat diri. c) Mendapat nasihat dan pendedahan mengenai laluan kerjaya. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 16 OUTCOME-BASED EDUCATION (OBE) Outcome-Based Education (OBE) atau Pembelajaran berasaskan Hasil ialah proses pengajaran yang memberi fokus kepada pencapaian hasil. Hasil ialah perkara yang pelajar perlu faham dan boleh melaksanakan atau kualiti yang mereka perlu bangunkan. Sekiranya hasil tidak dicapai, pelajar akan diberitahu untuk memastikan ada Penambahbaikan Kualiti Berterusan (CQI) di dalam sistem pengajaran. OBE lebih menjurus kepada perancangan dan hasil yang bakal diperolehi oleh setiap pelajar dalam setiap program yang diikuti. Hasil pembelajaran lebih menitikberatkan terhadap persoalan apakah jangkaan yang perlu para pelajar capai dari segi pengetahuan, kefahaman atau kebolehan untuk membuat sesuatu ataupun kualiti yang perlu dibangunkan oleh mereka sendiri semasa pengajian di politeknik. Objektif-objektif Pendidikan berasaskan Hasil (OBE) adalah menekankan kepada pembelajaran pelajar dengan: a. Menggunakan pernyataan hasil pembelajaran yang jelas untuk memudahkan para pelajar mengetahui dan memahami tentang jangkaan hasil yang perlu mereka capai. b. Menyediakan aktiviti pembelajaran tertentu dengan tujuan untuk membolehkan para pelajar mencapai semua hasil yang dirancangkan. c. Menilai tahap pencapaian pelajar berbanding kriteria penilaian yang telah ditetapkan secara jelas dan berkesan. ISTILAH DALAM OBE Topic Outcomes Hasil pembelajaran yang perlu dicapai oleh pelajar bagi topik-topik tertentu dalam setiap kursus yang diambil. Course Learning Outcome (CLO) CLO terdapat pada setiap kursus yang diambil oleh pelajar. CLO setiap kursus ditulis pada Course Outline yang akan diberikan oleh pensyarah pada awal kelas semasa sesi pengajian bermula. Setiap kursus mempunyai pernyataan CLO yang berbeza. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 17 Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) PLO adalah hasil capaian untuk setiap program. PLO mestilah dinyatakan secara jelas dan nyata tentang pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap yang perlu dicapai oleh graduan. Secara umumnya, setiap program perlu mempunyai sembilan (9) pernyataan PLO yang setiap satunya melibatkan domain berikut: a. Pengetahuan b. Kemahiran Praktikal c. Kemahiran Insaniah I: Kemahiran berkomunikasi (communication skill) d. Kemahiran Insaniah II: Pemikiran kritis (critical thinking) dan Penyelesaian Masalah (problem solving) e. Kemahiran Insaniah III: Kemahiran kerja berpasukan (team working skill) f. Kemahiran Insaniah IV: Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat (life-long learning) dan Pengurusan maklumat (information management) g. Kemahiran Insaniah V: Kemahiran keusahawanan (entrepreneurship skill) h. Kemahiran Insaniah VI: Moral dan etika profesional (moral and professional ethics) dan tanggungjawab sosial (social accountability) i. Kemahiran Insaniah VII: Kemahiran kepimpinan (leadership skill). Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) Analisa pencapaian PEO samada tercapai atau tidak bergantung kepada KPI yang telah ditetapkan. Lazimnya pencapaian PEO terhadap graduan bagi sesuatu program dinilai atau diukur selepas 4 hingga 5 tahun setelah pelajar bergraduat. Generic skills attribute(GSA) Kemahiran insaniah (GSA) dinilai oleh pensyarah bermula dari semester satu pengajian hinggalah ke semester enam pengajian mengikut kohort kemasukan pelajar. Laporan akan dikeluarkan oleh jabatan untuk mengetahui kemahiran insaniah yang diperolehi oleh pelajar selepas pelajar tersebut layak bergraduat. Penilaian untuk GSA tidak mempengaruhi PNM atau HPNM pelajar. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 18 JABATAN TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT DAN KOMUNIKASI (JTMK) Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (JTMK) merupakan salah satu daripada Jabatan Induk di Politeknik Mersing, yang memulakan operasi pentadbirannya secara rasmi di Kampus Sementara, Politeknik Johor Bahru pada Oktober 2008. JTMK membuka lembaran sejarah dengan menerima kemasukan pelajar sulungnya pada tanggal 12 Januari 2009, iaitu seramai 14 orang pelajar telah mendaftar bagi mengikuti Program Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Rangkaian). Pada Jun 2015, JTMK mula menawarkan tiga program di peringkat diploma iaitu Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Rangkaian), Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Pengaturcaraan) dan Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Keselamatan Maklumat). JTMK mempunyai matlamat yang tersendiri iaitu melahirkan tenaga kerja yang terlatih, efisien dan berkemahiran dalam bidang Teknologi Maklumat. Tiga (3) objektif JTMK diwujudkan adalah seperti berikut: i. Melengkapkan graduan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, kemahiran teknikal dan insaniah bagi membantu mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan cabaran dan kemajuan teknologi baru. ii. Mewujudkan suasana pembelajaran yang kondusif bagi melahirkan graduan yang bersikap profesionalisme dan beretika kerja dalam memenuhi tanggungjawab. iii. Mewujudkan graduan yang memiliki sikap yang positif terhadap keusahawanan, kepimpinan dan kemahiran berkomunikasi secara efektif dan berterusan yang akan menyumbang kepada pembangunan perindustrian ICT negara. JTMK menyediakan kemudahan Makmal/ Bilik Kuliah dan TEC untuk pembelajaran yang kondusif kepada pelajar. Jadual 3 menunjukkan maklumat kedudukan setiap Makmal/ Dewan Kuliah/ Bilik Kuliah dan Bengkel di JTMK. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 19 Nama Tempat Blok Aras FAD 1 D 1 FAD 2 D FAD 3 Nama Tempat Blok Aras FCN 1 E 1 2 FCN 2 D 1 D 2 FIT 1 D G FCCN 1 D G FIT 2 D G FCCN 2 D G FCD D 1 FHY 1 D 2 FGT E 2 FHY 2 D 2 FNP C 1 FNT E G FPR E 2 FIN C G DK 1/ DM 1 C G TEC 3 C 1 TEC 11 C 2 TEC 10 C 2 TEC 12 C 2 BK 1 E G BK 9 BK 2 E G BK 10 BK 3 C G BK 20 BK 4 C G BK 21 Jadual 3: Makmal/ Dewan Kuliah/ Bilik Kuliah/ Bengkel di JTMK BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 20 Diploma in Information Technology (Programming) Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (Pengaturcaraan) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 21 PROGRAM OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION In order to keep abreast with rapid technological advancements and evolving requirements in industries today, Department of Polytechnic Education (DPE) has worked collaboratively with the nation’s key industry players in developing and reviewing the curriculum of Diploma in Information Technology (Programming) programme. This collaboration aims to equip students with up-to-date knowledge and relevant skills to meet the global challenges and the requirements of the ICT industries. This initiative move, namely blended learning, is a form of pedagogy that blends classroom instructions with structured simulated real-life working experience which prepares students for a competitive edge in today’s workplace. This is true especially in the ICT area where there is a rapidly growing demand for highly skilled and technically savvy workforce. The activities of many ICT industries require increasingly sophisticated ICT workforce. One of the most important factors gearing towards the growth of productivity is qualified manpower in this area, in order for the industry to develop and remain competitive in the world market. To address these issues the Curriculum Development Division (CDD), DPE cooperates with the industries, Private Higher Learning Institutions and Public Higher Learning Institutions to develop and review the curriculum of this programme. This curriculum integrates with the curriculum of professional certification such as Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA A+), Oracle Java Certification, Microsoft Computer System Administrator (MCSA) and Microsoft Certified Desktop Service Technician (MCDST), so as to give the opportunities for the students to sit for professional certificate examinations by the end of the sixth semester. This will give the students an added value and ensure that the knowledge and skills acquired through this programme are relevant with the needs of the ICT industries specifically in computer programming. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 22 SYNOPSIS This programme provides education and training in computing with a specific emphasis on computer programming. Among the courses offered in this programme are Problem Solving & Program Design, Programming Fundamentals, Object-Oriented Programming, System Analysis and Design, Computer Organisation, Algorithm and Data Structure, Web Development and Integrative Programming & Technologies. The knowledge and skills in Computer Systems, Operating Systems, Database System, Information System Security, Computer Network and Project provide opportunities for students to get into a broad range of careers in a variety of technology sectors. This programme also provides the students with transferable skills and multiskilling which enable them to adapt and adopt to new technologies. In addition to the technical courses, students are also taught Communicative English 1, 2 & 3, Mathematics for Computing, Discrete Mathematics, Sains, Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan dalam Islam or Nilai Masyarakat Malaysia, Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, Co-Curriculum, and Professionalism & Ethics in IT to enhance their competencies in soft skills. As the programme emphasizes selfinitiated learning and hands-on competencies, graduates of this programme will be ready to take the challenges in the world of computing technologies. JOB PROSPECT Programmers are employed in almost every industry, but the largest concentration is in the computer and data processing services industry, which includes firms that write and sell software. Large numbers of programmers can also be found working for firms that provide engineering and management services, telecommunications companies, manufacturers of computer and office equipment, financial institutions, insurance carriers, educational institutions, and government agencies. This programme provides the knowledge and skills in computer software development fields with job designation such as Computer Application Programmer, Internet Programmer, Web Programmer, Database Programmer, System Analysts Assistant, Software Developer, Database Administrator, Software Tester,System Support Personnel, Systems Programmer, Technical Helpdesk / Support. PROGRAMME AIMS The Diploma in Information Technology (Programming) graduates in Polytechnics, Ministry of Education will have knowledge, technical skills and attitude to adapt themselves with new technological advancement and challenges in Programming fields. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 23 PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES The Diploma in Information Technology (Programming) programme shall produce semi professionals who are: 1. Equipped with knowledge, skills and attitude of computer software development and programming to enable them to serve on related jobs; 2. Instills life-long learning and enables them to adapt positively to the dynamic changes in the IT challenges and industrial requirements; 3. Trained to focus on the application, deployment and configuration needs of managing organisation and people over a wide spectrum; and 4. Demonstrate exemplary model in IT professionalism and ethics, leadership skills, entrepreneurial skills and effective communication. PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOME (PLO) Upon completion of the programme, graduates should be able to: 1. Apply fundamental principles of computing and mathematics to be competent and possess strong understanding in programming; 2. Apply appropriate methodologies, models and techniques that provide a basis for analysis, design, development, testing and implementation, evaluation, maintenance and documentation of a Software system; 3. Communicate effectively with IT Professionals, other professionals and community; 4. Demonstrate strong analytical and critical thinking skills to troubleshoot and solve problems within realistic constraints by applying knowledge, principles and skills in Information Technology; 5. Demonstrate an awareness of and consideration for society, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and their consequent responsibilities; 6. Engage in life-long learning and professional development to enrich knowledge and competencies; 7. Inculcate entrepreneurial skills in the related discipline that contributes towards national growth and be competitive in IT industries; 8. Adhere to professional codes of ethics and enhance humanistic values to adapt to the real challenges in working environment; and 9. Demonstrate effective leadership and teamwork skills. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 24 MATRIX OF PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO) VS PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOME (PLO) Programme Educational Objectives (PEO): The Diploma in Information Technology (Programming) programme shall produce semi professionals who are: BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 25 MATRIX OF COURSES VS PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOME (PLO) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 26 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 27 PROGRAM STRUCTURE BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 28 Legend / Notes : L : Lecture, P : Practical/ Lab, T : Tutorial, C : Credit * For Muslim Students ** For Non Muslim Students *** Students are required to take a minimum of eight (8) credits of elective courses (5 credits in semester 4 and 3 credits in semester 6). For co-curriculum, 1. Path 1 : Sport and Club 2. Path 2 : Uniform Unit (Students who choose Uniform Unit are required to complete 5 modules) Uniform Unit 1. DRB1000 (Asas Unit Beruniform) is a prerequisites to DRB2001 (Unit Beruniform 1). 2. DRB2001 and DRB3002 are graded. 3. DRB5000 and DRB6000 are optional, non-graded, audited courses with full assesment. Upon completion of DRB6XX0, students are entitled for commisioning. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 29 Course Synopsis Sinopsis Kursus Semester 1 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 30 COURSE : DFC1013 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEM CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEM introduces students to the hardware, software and foundation in the basic Information Technology (IT) knowledge and skills necessary for ICT professionals. This course is the study of personal computer (PC) hardware including PC assembly and upgrading, and installing and connecting peripherals. Student will learn hardware troubleshooting techniques used to identify and rectify computer faults. Student are exposed to the principles and good practices in environmentally sustainable computing and the use of appropriate technologies, methodologies in managing IT environment and web page development. REFERENCES Main : 1. Quentin Docter, Emmett Dulaney, Toby Skandier (2012),CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide Authorized Courseware: Exams 220-801 and 220-802. John Wiley & Sons.(ISBN 9781118421659). 2. Timothy J. O’Leary and Linda I. O’Leary (2011), Computing Essentials 2011 Complete Edition. McGraw Hill International Edition (ISBN 978-0-07-351678-3). Additional : 3. Andrews, Jean (2010) CompTIA A+ 2009 In Depth. Course Technology. Boston.(ISBN 978-1-4354-5489-7). 4. Department of Occupational Safety and Health (2008).Akta Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Dan Peraturan-peraturan. MDC Publishers Sdn. Bhd.Kuala Lumpur. 5. Department of Occupational Safety and Health (2007).Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health in the Office.Department of Occupational Safety and Health. KualaLumpur.Department of Occupational 6. Fred, Beisse (2009) A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialists (4th Edition). Course Technology (ISBN 978-0495806493) 7. Scott Mueller (2009). Upgrading and Repairing PCs (19th Edition). Que Publishing(ISBN-13: 978-0789739544) COURSE : DFC1023 PROBLEM SOLVING & PROGRAM DESIGN CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS PROGRAMMING SOLVING & PROGRAM DESIGN introduces the techniques in problem solving and program design. A multiphase program development life cycle and two basic phases of problem solving and program design are emphasized. Problem analysis and the stepwise specification of the algorithms, pseudo code and flow chart are also defined. REFERENCES Main : 1. Jeri R. Hanly and Elliot B. Koffman (2012) Problem Solving and Program Design in C (7th Edition). AddisonWesley(ISBN 9780132936491) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 31 Additional : 2. Frank L. Friedman and Elliot B. Koffman (2010). Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design using C++ (6th Edition). Addison-Wesley (ISBN 978-0136079477) 3. Gilles Dowek (2009). Principles of Programming Languages (1st Edition).Springer (ISBN 978-1848820319) 4. Kenneth C. Louden and Lambert (2011). Programming Languages: Principles and Practices (1st Edition) .Course Technology (ISBN 978-1111529413) 5. Thomas H. Cormen et al (2009). Programming A Beginner's Guide Beginner's Guides (1st Edition). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media (ISBN 978-0071624725) COURSE : DBM1023 MATHEMATICS FOR COMPUTING CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS MATHEMATICS FOR COMPUTING course introduces students to numbering system, geometry and complex numbers. Calculus covers the simple techniques of differentiation and integration. In addition, this course also exposed to basic concept of matrices and linear algebra to help them in solving mathematical problem in organizing data through theoretically and practically. REFERENCES Main : 1. Associate Professor Dr Abdul Hadi Yaakub, Ong Beng Sim et al, (2012). Mathematics for Matriculation Semester 2: Fourth edition update. Fajar Bakti. (ISBN: 978-9834504076). 2. Vince, J. A. (2010). Mathematics for Computer Graphics. New York: Springer. (ISBN: 978-1-84996-023-6) Additional : 3. A.K Singh, (2007), Digital Logic Circuits. As Per Anna University. (ISBN 81224220486) 4. Michael Sullivan, (2009). Precalculus: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities: 5th Edition. Pearson. (ISBN: 9780136015789). 5. Michael Sullivan et al, (2008). Student Solutions Manual for Algebra & Trigonometry. Prentice Hall (8th edition). (ISBN: 978-0132321242). 6. Ooi Soo Huat et al, (2009). Focus Ace Series: Additional Mathematics. Pelangi Sdn Bhd. (ISBN: 978-983-003627-4). BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 32 COURSE : DFT1113 COMPUTER ORGANISATION CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS COMPUTER ORGANISATION course is designed to introduce the basic concepts on which the stored program digital computer is formulated. These include the introduction of computer architecture and computer ORGANISATION, and the representation and manipulation of numbering system. This goal addresses the question on how does a computer work and how it is organized. The course also provides students with foundation knowledge of the Central Processing Unit and assembly language programming. REFERENCES Main : 1. William Stallings (2013), Computer Organisation and Architecture Design for Performance (9th Edition). Pearson Education (ISBN 13: 978-0-273-76919-4). 2. Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Todd Austin (2013), Structured Computer Organisation (6th Edition). Pearson Education (ISBN: 978-0-273-76924-8) Additional : 3. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson (2007), Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (4th Edition). Morgan Kaufmann publishers (ISBN 13:978-0-0-12-370490-0) COURSE : DUE1012 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 1 CREDIT : 2 PREREQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 1 focuses on speaking skills for students to develop the ability to communicate effectively and confidently in group discussions. It is designed to provide students with useful expressions that can be used in a variety of social interactions and situations. It also provides students with appropriate reading skills to comprehend a variety of texts. REFERENCES Main : 1. Bradbury, A. (2010). Successful Presentation Skills: Build Confidence; Understand Body Language; Use Visual Aids Effectively (Creating Success) (4th Edition) Kogan Page. (ISBN:978-0749460334) 2. Nor Azni Abdullah, Mohd Nor, N.Z., Thee, C.S., Foo, K. (2011) Communication Skills For The Workplace. Selangor: August Publishing Sdn. Bhd. Additional : 3. Hancock, M. (2012). English Pronounciation in Use Intermediate with Answers, Audio CDs and CD-ROM, Cambridge University Press. (ISBN : 978-0521185134) 4. Young, K.S. & Travis, H.P. (2011). Oral Communication: Skills, Choices and Consequences (3rd Edition), Waveland Press. (ISBN: 978-1577667452) 5. Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab (http://www.esl-lab.com/ Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 33 COURSE : DUB1012 PENGAJIAN MALAYSIA CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS PENGAJIAN MALAYSIA membincangkan aspek pensejarahan, sistem dan struktur pentadbiran, sistem pemerintahan, sistem perundangan, pembinaan negara bangsa dan dasar-dasar penting negara. REFERENCES Main : 1. Ambri Buang. (1990). Dasar-Dasar Utama Kerajaan Malaysia. Institusi Tadbiran Awam Malaysia. 2. Anggota Persatuan Penerbit Buku Malaysia (2009). Malaysia Kita. International Law Book Services. Petaling Jaya. 3. Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah, Jayum A. Jawan (2004). Kenegaraan Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia. Serdang. 4. Nazaruddin Hj. Mohd. Jali, Ma’rof Redzuan, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah & Ismail Hj. Mohd Rashid (2004). Pengajian Malaysia Kenegaraan Dan Kewarganegaraan Edisi Kedua. Prentice Hall: Kuala Lumpur. 5. Ruslan Zainuddin, Mohd. Mahadee Ismail & Zaini Othman (2007). Kenegaraan Malaysia. Oxford Fajar: Kuala Lumpur. Additional : 6. Abdul Aziz Bari. (2005). Islam Dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia. Intel Multimedia & Publication.Petaling Jaya. 7. Chamil Wariya. Malaysia (2007). 50 Fakta Asas Kenegaraan. Media Gobal Matrix Sdn. Bhd. Kuala Lumpur. 8. Dasar-Dasar Pembangunan Negara. (1994). Institusi Tadbiran Negara (INTAN) 9. Ishak Saat (2009). Pendidikan Negara Bangsa Malaysia. Karisma Publications Sdn. Bhd. Shah Alam. 10. Kamarudin Abu, Ee Ah Meng (1995) Guru Dan Perkembangan Negara. Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd. Shah Alam. 11. Mahdi Shuid & Mohd. Fauzi Yunus (1998). Pengajian Malaysia. Longman: Kuala Lumpur. 12. Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (2010). Modul Hubungan Etnik. UiTM Publication. Shah Alam. 13. Yusof Ismail (2007). Dasar-Dasar Utama Kerajaan Malaysia. A.S Noordeen. Gombak. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 34 Course Synopsis Sinopsis Kursus Semester 2 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 35 COURSE : DFC2013 PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : DFC1023 PROBLEM SOLVING & PROGRAM DESIGN SYNOPSIS PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS course presents structured computer programming in the C++ language. It covers the basic concepts of C++ programs, fundamental control structures, array, structures, function and pointer in C++ language. REFERENCES Main : 1. Y. Daniel Liang, (2013). Introduction To Programming With C++, 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall (ISBN : 9780133252811) . 2. Harvey & Paul, (2011). C++ How to Program, 8th. Edition. Deitel & Associates (ISBN : 978-0132662369) Additional : 3. D.S. Malik, (2012). C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design. Thompson Course Technology, 6th Edition (ISBN : 978-1133626381) 4. Walter Savitch (2011). Problem Solving with C++, 8th Edition. Addison-Wesley (ISBN : 978-0132162739) 5. Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo (2011). C++ Primer Plus 6th. Edition. Addison-Wesley Professional (ISBN 978-0321776402) 6. E Balagurusamy, (2013). Object Oriented Programming C++ 6th. Edition. McGraw-Hill (ISBN 978-9383286508) COURSE : DFC2023 ALGORITHM AND DATA STRUCTURE CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS ALGORITHM & DATA STRUCTURE course is designed to focus on algorithms and the basic data structures. Among the specific data structures covered are linked list, stacks, queues, trees, sorting and searching. The emphasis is on choosing appropriate data structures and designing correct and efficient algorithms to operate on these data structures. REFERENCES Main : 1. Kurt, M. (2010) Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic Toolbox (1st Edition). Springer Publishing Company (9783642096822) 2. Narasimha Karumanchi (2011) Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy: 700 Data Structure and Algorithmic (1st Edition). CareerMonk Publications (9781456549886) Additional : 3. Robert, S., & Kevin, W. (2011). Algorithms, (4th Edition). Addison-Wesley Professional (978-0321573513) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 36 4. Varsha H.Patil (2012) Data Structures Using C++. Oxford University Press (9780198066231) 5. Adam, D. (2013) Data Structures and Algorithm in C++(4th Edition). Cengage Learning (9781133608424) 6. Dr. Clifford A. Shaffer (2010). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (3rd Edition). Dover Publications (9780486485829) COURSE : DBM2023 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : DFC1013 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEM SYNOPSIS DISCRETE MATHEMATICS course introduces students to logical and mathematical thinking. This course focuses on providing basic logic, sets, relations and functions, as well as graphs and trees which integrate symbolic tools, graphical concepts and numerical calculations. This course also addresses the counting principle as well as induction and recursion which are related to the information technology programme. REFERENCES Main : 1. Kenneth Rosen (2011). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN:(9780073383095) 2. Hunter, David (2012). Essentials of Discrete Mathematics, 2nd Edition. USA: John & Bartlett Learning. (ISBN: 9781-4496-0442-4) Additional : 3. Gallier, J (2011). Discrete Mathematics. New York: Springer. (ISBN: 978-1-4419-8046-5). 4. Garrier, R. & Taylor, J (2010). Discrete Mathematics: Proofs, Structures and Applications, 3rd Edition. USA: CRC Press. (ISBN: 978-1-4398-1280-8)Norman L. Biggs (2003). Discrete Mathematics. 2th Edition. Oxford University Press. (ISBN: 0198507178). 5. N. Chandrasekaran & M.Umaparvathi, (2010). Discrete Mathematics. India: PHI LearningPrivate Limited (ISBN: 978-81-203-3938-5) 6. RM. Somasundaram (2006). Discrete Mathematical Structure. Prentice-Hall of India. (ISBN: 8120322010). 7. Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lars Lipson (2007). Schaum’s Outline of Discrete Mathematics, 3rd Edition. McGrawHill. (ISBN: 9780071615860). 8. Susanna S. Epp (2004). Discrete Mathematics with Applications. 3rd Edition. PWS Publishing Company. (ISBN: 0534944469). BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 37 COURSE : DFC2043 OPERATING SYSTEM CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : DFC1013 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEM SYNOPSIS FUNDAMENTALS OF OPERATING SYSTEM course introduces the design and implementation of operating systems. This course will cover briefly the evolution of operating system, and also the major components of most operating system. Particular emphasis will be given to three major OS subsystems: process management (processes, threads, CPU scheduling, and deadlock), memory management (segmentation, paging, swapping), file systems, and operating system support for distributed systems. REFERENCES Main : 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne (2011). Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. Inc (ISBN 1118112733). 2. Ann McHoes, Ida M. (2010). Understanding Operating Systems, 6th Edition. Course Technology. (ISBN : 9781439079201) Additional : 3. Halsey, M. (2009). The Windows 7 Power Users Guide. Microsoft Press. Retrieved from http://www.thelongclimb. com/books/win7powerfree.pdf 4. Todd Lammle (2007). CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide (6th Edition), Wiley Publishing. (ISBN: 978-0-470-110089) COURSE : DUA2012 SAINS, TEKNOLOGI DAN KEJURUTERAAN DALAM ISLAM CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS SAINS, TEKNOLOGI DAN KEJURUTERAAN DALAM ISLAM memberi pengetahuan tentang konsep Islam sebagai al-Din dan seterusnya membincangkan konsep sains, teknologi dan kejuruteraan dalam Islam serta impaknya, pencapaiannya dalam tamadun Islam, prinsip serta peranan syariah dan etika Islam, peranan Kaedah Fiqh serta aplikasinya. REFERENCES Main : 1. Abdullah Basmeih (2010), Tafsir Pimpinan Ar-Rahman (Rumi), Kuala Lumpur: Darul Fikir.(ISBN 9830420132) 2. Diyan Yulianto & M.S. Rohman alih bahasa Noraini Abdullah (2011), Sumbangan Karya Sains Hebat Islam Abad Pertengahan, Al-Hidayah House of Publishers Sdn. Bhd. Cet. 1, Kuala Lumpur Additional : 3. Alias Othman (2008). Islam Yang Mudah. Kuala Lumpur : PTS Islamika 4. Haron Din, Dato’ Dr. (2010). Islam : Ada Apa Dengan Islam. Kuala Lumpur : PTS Millenia Sdn. Bhd. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 38 5. Haron Din, Dato’ Dr. (2010). Islam : Rujukan Efektif Akhlak Mulia. Kuala Lumpur : PTS Millenia Sdn. Bhd. 6. Roziah Sidik. Zulkarnain Mohamed. Nasruddin Yunos (2011), Pengajian Islam. Selangor : Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. 7. Wahbah al-Zuhaili (2007), Fiqh & Perundangan Islam. 8 jil. Terjemahan Md. Akhir Haji Yaacob et.al. Selangor: Percetakan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 8. Zulekha Yusoff dan Asmak Hj. Ali (2007), Ikhtisar Sains dan Teknologi Dalam Islam. Shah Alam: UPENA Universiti Teknologi MARA COURSE : DUB2012 NILAI MASYARAKAT MALAYSIA CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS NILAI MASYARAKAT MALAYSIA merupakan lanjutan daripada kursus Pengajian Malaysia. Pelajar diberi kefahaman secara mendalam tentang nilai-nilai masyarakat Malaysia dan peranan individu dalam hidup bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Kursus ini juga menerangkan cabaran dan isu moral dalam mewujudkan masyarakat Malaysia yang harmoni, beretika dan profesional. REFERENCES Main : 1. Abdul Rahman Md. Aroff (2006). Pendidikan Moral: Teori, Etika dan Amalan Moral, Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia. 2. Mardiana Nordin, Hasnah Hussiin (2011). Pengajian Malaysia, Selangor: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. Additional : 3. Dr. Noriati A.Rashid, Dr. Boon Pong Ying,Sharifah Fakhriah Syed Ahmad et al (2010). SPG Budaya dan Pembelajaran, Selangor: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. 4. Mohd Sohaimi Esa Ph. D. (2012). Malaysia dan Alam Sekeliling, Kuala Lumpur: Freemind Horizons Sdn. Bhd. 5. Syed Ibrahim (2008). Malaysia Kita: Panduan dan Rujukan untuk Peperiksaan Am Kerajaan, Petaling Jaya: SS Graphic Printers (M) Sdn. Bhd. 6. Vishalache Balakrisnan (2009). Pendidikan Moral untuk Universiti dan Kolej, Shah Alam: Arah Pendidikan Sdn. Bhd. 7. Wong Nai Kun, Karthiyani Shanmugam, Chong Yok Feng, Chew Wei Wei, Kong Lee Fong, Siti Sazifa Sheikh Sahip (2011). Pendidikan Moral, Selangor: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd. COURSE : DRS2001 KO-KURIKULUM 1 (SUKAN) CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS KOKURIKULUM 1 memfokuskan kepada penguasaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran khusus secara holistik bagi mengukuhkan pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar yang positif. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 39 REFERENCES Main : 1. Gapor Ahmad. (2007). Kejurulatihan dan Sains Sukan. Utusan Publication & Distributors Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN 9676119296). 2. Wahab, S. (2006). Mengurus Majlis & Acara Rasmi. PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN 9789833585380). 3. Wahab, S. (2005). Surat Minit Mesyuarat Dokumen Perniagaan dan Laporan. PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN 9789833376292). Additional : 4. Maughan R. J, Burke L. M. (2002). Sports Nutrition. Medirect.Com.Blackwell Publishing's Online Medical Bookstore (ISBN 0632 05814 5). 5. Restorm, P. (2002). Strength Training For Sport . Medicert Com Blackwell, Publishing's Online Medical Bookstore (ISBN 063205034 9). 6. Ambulance, S. J. (2009). St. Andrew's Ambulance Association: First Aid Manual. London Darling Kindersley 7. James Ang Jit Eng,Balasandran Ramiah. Kepimpinan Instruksional,Satu Panduan Praktikal. Malaysia: PTS Profesional Sdn. Bhd (ISBN 978-967-5226-41-0). COURSE : DFC2033 DATABASE SYSTEM CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS DATABASE SYSTEM course introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems and applications. This course provides students with knowledge on fundamentals of database modelling and design, the languages and facilities provided by database management system (DBMS). REFERENCES Main : 1. Mannino, M. V (2011), Database Design, Application Development & Administration (Fith Edition), McGraw Hill (ISBN-13: 978-0983332404) 2. Silberschatz ,A., Korth, H. F., & Sudarshan , S. (2012), Database System Concepts (Sixth Edition), McGraw Hill (ISBN 978-0071289597) Additional : 3. Churcher, C (2011). Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional (2nd Edition), Apress (ISBN 9781430242093) 4. Shaffer ,C. A. (2010). Database System Concepts, (6th Edition), McGraw-Hill (ISBN 978-0073523323) 5. Gillenson, M.L. (2011). Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, (2nd Edition), Wiley (ISBN 9780470624708) 6. Elmasri , R. & Navathe, S. (2010), Fundamentals of Database System (6th Edition), Addison Wesley (ISBN 9780136086208) 7. Connolly, T. & Begg, C. (2012), Database Systems: A Practical Approach To Design, Implementation And Management: International Edition(5th Edition), Pearson (ISBN 978-0321601100) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 40 Course Synopsis Sinopsis Kursus Semester 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 41 COURSE : DFC3013 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CREDIT : 4 PRE REQUISITE : DFC1023 PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAM DESIGN SYNOPSIS OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING course presents object-oriented technology to equip students with the concept of object oriented programming using Java language. This course introduces students to write, compile and run Java program, make effective use of some of the standard packages, write object-oriented code using classes and objects, inheritance and polymorphism. REFERENCES Main : 1. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel (2012). Java: How to Program, 9 th. Edition.Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 9780132575669). 2. Herbert Schildt(2011). Java a beginner's guide. 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill. (ISBN: 978-0071606325) Additional : 3. Sun Learning Service, (2008). Java Programming Language Student Guide SL-275-SE6. Sun Microsystems. 4. Ralph Bravaco, Charles Simonson (2010). Java programming from the ground up. 1st Edition. McGraw-Hill. (ISBN: 978-0071271264) 5. Barry Burd (2011). Java for dummies. 5th Edition. For Dummies. (ISBN: 978-0470471732) COURSE : DFT3123 HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION course aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge of HCI, including areas such as user and task analysis, human factors, ergonomics, accessibility standards and universal design. The course focuses on awareness in computer technology and how usability plays a major part in achieving effective implementation of designs and interactivity. This provides a new dimension that will enrich the lives of people who are ICT savvy. REFERENCES Main : 1. Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp and Jenny Preece (2011). Interaction Design: Beyond Human – Computer Interaction, Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons. (ISBN : 978-0-470-66576-3) 2. Andrew Sears and Julie A. Jacko, (2009). Human-Computer Interaction: Design Issues, Solutions, and Applications. CRC Press. (ISBN: 978-1420088854) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 42 COURSE : DFP3143 WEB DEVELOPMENT CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : DFP 2033 DATABASE SYSTEM SYNOPSIS WEB DEVELOPMENT course is designed to introduce students to program a web based application. Students will be exposed to the software and technologies involved in developing web based application. Throughout the course, students will learn proper techniques to develop web based applications starting from designing interfaces to publishing application to a production server. REFERENCES Main : 1. Don Gosselin, Diana Kokoska(2011), PHP Programming with MySQL, International Edition, (2nd Edition). Cengage. (ISBN: 9780538468145) 2. Janet Valade, (2009). PHP & MySQL For Dummies (4th Edition). For Dummies. (ISBN: 978-0470527580). Additional : 3. Don Gosselin(2011), Principles of HTML, XHTML and DHTML : The Web Technologies Series, (1nd Edition). Cengage. (ISBN: 9780538474610) 4. David Powers, (2010). PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy. friendsofED (2nd Edition). (ISBN: 9781430232490). 5. Joel Murach and Ray Harris, (2010). Murach's PHP and MySQL: Training & Reference.Mike Murach & Associates. (ISBN: 978-1890774561) 6. Robin Nixon,(2009). Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites. O'Reilly Media. (ISBN: 978-0596157135). COURSE : DFT3112 PROFESSIONALISM AND ETHICS IN IT CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS PROFESSIONALISM AND ETHICS IN IT course deals with some theories and code of ethics that computer professionals are likely to encounter in the ICT field. Students are exposed to several areas of ethical issues, privacy of personal information, piracy, sharing of information, accuracy and access to information. This course also exposes student the code of conduct for computing and information technology professional. REFERENCES Main : 1. Herman T.Tavani, (2010). Ethics and Technology: Controversies, Questions and Strategies for Ethical Computing, Wiley, 3rd Edition. (ISBN: 978-0470509500). BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 43 2. Robert N. Barger, (2008). Computer Ethics: A Cased-based Approach. Cambridge University Press.(ISBN: 9780521709149) Additional : 3. Micheal J. Quinn,(2012), Ethics for the Information Age. Addison Wesley,5th Edition. (ISBN: 978-0132133876) 4. Kenneth Einar Himma, Herman T. Tavani. (2008) The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics, Wiley. (ISBN: 978-0471-79959-7) 5. Sara Baase, (2012). A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal and Ethical Issues for Computing. Prentice-Hall, 4th Edition. (ISBN: 978-0132492679) COURSE : DFT 3133 COMPUTER NETWORK CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : DFC1013 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEM SYNOPSIS COMPUTER NETWORK course introduces students to the concepts and principles of data transmission and computer networks. This course enables students to correctly use standard terminology in describing the main Local Area Network (LAN) topologies, and hardware components used in networking. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to build a network infrastructure using copper cable, fiber optic cable, and wireless devices. Students also learn to troubleshoot network and secure the network. REFERENCES Main : 1. Dean, T.(2012). Network+ Guide to Networks. Course Technology (6th Edition). (ISBN: 9781133608196). Boston: Cengage Learning. 2. Forouzan, A.B.(2013). Data Communication and Networking (5th Edition). (ISBN:0073376221). Canada: McGRaw-Hill. Additional : 3. Lammle,T. (2011). CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Deluxe Study Guide. Sybex (6th Edition). (ISBN: 978-0470901083).Canada:Sybex. 4. Wallace, K. (2011). CompTIA Network+ N10-005 Authorize Cert Guide. Pearson (1ST Edition). (ISBN: 978-0789748218).USA: Pearson Education. COURSE : DUE3012 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 2 CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : DUE1012 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 1 SYNOPSIS COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 2 emphasises the skills needed to describe products and services as well as processes and procedures. It focuses on the skills to give and respond to instructions. The course will also enable students to make and reply to enquiries and complaints in their future workplace. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 44 REFERENCES Main : 1. Abdullah, N.A, Mohd Nor, N.Z., Thee, C.S.; Foo, K. (2008) Communication Skills For The Workplace. Selangor: August Publishing Sdn Bhd. 2. Lafond C., Vine S. & Welch B. (2010) English for Negotiating. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (ISBN: 97801944579513) Additional : 3. Newman, A. & Ober, S. (2012). Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online (8th Edition), Cencage Learning. (ISBN: 978-1111533168) 4. Anderson, W. (2012). Communication Skills For The Workplace, Create space Independent Publishing Platform. (ISBN:978-1-4776-9808-2) 5. Searless, G.J. (2008). Workplace Communications: The Basics. 4th Edition. Longman. 6. Young, K.S. & Travis, H.P. (2011). Oral Communication: Skills, Choices and Consequences (3rd Edition), Waveland Press. (ISBN: 978-1577667452) COURSE : DRK3002 KO-KURIKULUM 2 (KELAB) CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : DRS2001 KO-KURIKULUM 1 SYNOPSIS KOKURIKULUM 2 memfokuskan kepada penguasaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran khusus secara holistik bagi mengukuhkan pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar yang positif. REFERENCES Main : 1. Gapor Ahmad. (2007). Kejurulatihan dan Sains Sukan. Utusan Publication & Distributors Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN 9676119296). 2. Wahab, S. (2006). Mengurus Majlis & Acara Rasmi. PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN 9789833585380). 3. Wahab, S. (2005). Surat Minit Mesyuarat Dokumen Perniagaan dan Laporan. PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN 9789833376292). 4. Jabatan Pengurusan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi 2006. Modul Pembangunan Kemahiran Insaniah (Soft Skills). Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. Putrajaya. Additional : 5. Che Hasnizah dan Ab. Aziz. 2011. Kemahiran Komunikasi Interpersonal Dalam Organisasi. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. 6. James Ang Jit Eng,Balasandran Ramiah. Kepimpinan Instruksional,Satu Panduan Praktikal. Malaysia: PTS Profesional Sdn. Bhd (ISBN 978-967-5226-41-0). BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 45 Course Synopsis Sinopsis Kursus Semester 4 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 46 COURSE : DFC4013 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN course is an introduction to the concept and the development of information system. The course is designed to acquire the knowledge of system development life cycle. It covers all activities in planning, analysing, designing and developing information systems including techniques used in software maintenance. REFERENCES Main : 1. 2. Shelly, G. B., Rosenblatt, H. J. (2012). Analysis and Design for Systems, 9th edition, Thompson Course Technology. Kendall & Kendall. (2011). System Analysis & Design, 8th edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Additional : 3. David P. Tegarden et al, (2012). Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 4th Edition International Student Version. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ISBN: 978-1118092361). 4. Jeffrey A. Hoffer et al, (2010). Modern Systems Analysis and Design (6th Edition). Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 9780136088219). 5. Jack T. Marchewka, (2009). Information Technology Project Management. Wiley (3rd Edition). (ISBN: 9780470371930). 6. Kenneth E. Kendall and Julie E. Kendall, (2010). Systems Analysis and Design (8th Edition). (ISBN-13: 9780136089162). COURSE : DFP4113 MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY course is designed to introduce students to multimedia technology. Students will explore the use of multimedia tools in designing and authoring of interactive digital media. Students will be able to insert, create and edit digital images, text, sounds, video and animation to develop multimedia application. REFERENCES Main : 1. Adobe Creative Team (2012). Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Classroom in a Book, Adobe Press. (ISBN: 9780133005981) 2. T.M. Savage and K.E. Vogel, (2013). An Introduction to Digital Multimedia, Jones & Bartlett Publishers. (ISBN: 978- 1449688394) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 47 Additional : 3. Adobe Creative Team (2012). Adobe Audition CS6 Classroom in a Book, Adobe Press. (ISBN: 978- 0133016819) 4. Adobe Creative Team (2012). Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book, Adobe Press. (ISBN: 9780133011654)Beach, (2008). Real World Video Compession. Peachpit Press. (ISBN: 978-0321514691) 5. N.Chapman and J.Chapman, (2009). Digital Multimedia,l 3rd Edition, Wiley (ISBN: 978-0470512166) 6. T. Vaughan., (2010). Multimedia Making It Work Eighth Edition, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media (8 editions), (ISBN: 978-0071748469) 7. T.M. Savage and K.E. Vogel, (2008). An Introduction to Digital Multimedia, Jones & Bartlett Publishers. (ISBN: 978-0763750527) COURSE : DFP4123 INTEGRATIVE PROGRAMMING AND TECHNOLOGIES CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : DFC2033 DATABASE SYSTEM, DFC3013 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING SYNOPSIS INTEGRATIVE PROGRAMMIONG & TECHNOLOGIES course introduces students to the knowledge of GUI programming in Java. This course addresses on the creation of GUIs through stand-alone front-end applications and web-based application. This course also focuses primarily on the Swing library, Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and also equips students with knowledge in the development of database applications and web-based solutions. REFERENCES Main : 1. Deitel, P. and Deitel, H. (2011). Java: How to Program (9th Edition). Boston: Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 9780132575669). 2. Liang, Y. D. (2014). Introduction to Java Programming, Brief Version, (10th Edition). Boston: Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 978-0133592207). Additional : 3. Cadenhead, R. (2014). Java in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself (Covering Java 8) (7th Edition). USA: Sams Publishing. (ISBN: 978-0672337024). 4. Murach, J. and Urban, M. (2014). Murach's: Java Servlets and JSP (3rd Edition). USA: Mike Murach& Associates, INC. (ISBN: 978-1890774783) 5. Yakov, F. (2015). Java programming 24-hour Trainer (2nd Edition). Canada: John Wiley. (ISBN: 9781118951453) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 48 COURSE : DFP 4133 INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY course is designed to focus on the overall security processes based on security policy emphasizing on hands-on skills in the areas of a secure perimeter, secure connectivity, identity services and intrusion detection. The knowledge delivered shall enable students to identify some of the security approaches to design a defensive strategy in a network environment. Discussion on the security features of Microsoft Windows Server and Open Source Software network operating systems are also included. REFERENCES Main : 1. Ciampa, M. (2011). Security + Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition. USA: Cengage Learning. (ISBN: 978-1-111-64012-5) 2. Dulaney, E. and Easttom, C. (2014), CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: SY0-401. Canada: Sybex. (ISBN: 978-1-11887507-0) 3. Miller, D.R. and Gregg, M. (2011), Security Administrator Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to CompTIA Security+ Skills. Canada: Sybex. (ISBN: 978-1-118-06116-9) Additional : 4. Andress, J. (2011). The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec in Theory and Practice. USA: Syngress. (ISBN: 978-159-7496-53-7) 5. Department of Skills Development MOHR(2010), Occupational Structure –Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industry. Kuala Lumpur:Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad. (ISBN:978-967-5236-31-0) 6. EC-Council Academy (2010), EC-Council Network Security Administrator Official Courseware(Version 4.0. EC-Council Organisation. (http://www.eccouncil.org) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 49 Course Synopsis Sinopsis Kursus Semester 5 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 50 COURSE : DFC6013 CYBERPRENEURSHIP CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS CYBERPRENEURSHIP course is designed to introduce cyberpreneurship concepts to students. The course will equip students with the knowledge of e-commerce business that would hopefully encourage them to become cybertrepreneurs in the e-commerce industry. The information seeking, processing and decision making skills of a cyberpreneur has been given due recognition in the teaching of this course. REFERENCES Main : 1. Kuratko, D. F. (2014). Entrepreneurship : Theory, Process and Practice 9th Edition. USA: Cengage Learning (ISBN: 978-1-285-05175-8) 2. Sarimah Hanim Aman Shah, Abdul Rashid Mohd Ali (2012). Entrepreneurship 2nd Edition. Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN: 978-983-45096-5-1) Additional : 3. Ang Huat Bin (2011). Business Management. Second Edition. Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN: 9789834703653) 4. Boone & L.Kurtz David (2012) Contemporary Marketing 15th Edition. USA: Cengage Learning (ISBN: 978-1-11122178-2) 5. Heng Seai Kie (2010). Basic Accounting. Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN: 9789834509903). 6. Jere L. Calmes (2010). Start Your Own e-Business 5th Edition Entrepreneur. Canada: Entrepreneur Media Inc. (ISBN : 978-1-59918-387-9) 7. Mazzarol, T.W. (2011). Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Cases and Readings, Tilde University Press, Prahran, Vic. (ISBN: 9-7807-3461-1055) 8. Tawfik Jelassi, Albrecht Enders and Francisco J. Martinez-Lopez (2014). Strategies for E-Business: Concepts and Cases. Pearson Education Limited. (ISBN : 978-0273757870) COURSE : DFT6124 PROJECT CREDIT : 4 PRE REQUISITE : DFC4013 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN , DFP3143 WEB DEVELOPMENT SYNOPSIS PROJECT course will give students the practical and design experience of carrying out an independent application software or technical project from project requirements, implementation, testing to delivery and presentation of the project. The course requires students to learn new technologies and encourage student to develop their generic skills such as developing teamwork, project management, communication skills, problem solving skills and technical writing skills. This will inculcate independent and life-long learning. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 51 REFERENCES Main : 1. 2. Dennis,A., Barbara, H. W., (2009) System Analysis & Design, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc Mikael Berndtsson, Jörgen Hansson, B. Olsson, B. Lundell (2008),Thesis Projects, A Guide for Students in Computer Science and Information Systems,Second Edition, Springer (ISBN-13: 978-1-84800-008-7) Additional : 3. Hoffer, Jeffrey A., George, Joey F., & Valacich, Joseph S. (2002) Modern System Analysis & Design. Prentice Hall 4. Jack T. Marchewka (2009). Information Technology Project Management: Providing measurable Organizational Value. 3rd edition, Wiley (ISBN-13 : 9780470371930) 5. James E. Goldman,(1998). Applied Data Communications - A Business-Oriented Approach. 6. Kendall, Kenneth E. & Kendall, Julie e (2002) System Analysis and Design. Prentice Hall 7. Priscilla Oppenheimer,(2001). Top-Down Network Design. Cisco Press 8. Sally Fincher, Marian Petre, Martyn Clark, (2001). Computer Science Project Work: Principles and Pragmatics. Springer (ISBN: 978-1852333577) COURSE : DUE 5012 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 3 CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : DUE5012 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 3 SYNOPSIS COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 3 aims to develop the skills necessary to carry out a mini project as well as job hunting skills. Students will learn to present ideas through the use of graphs and charts. Students will learn the process of job hunting which includes job search strategies and making enquiries. They will also learn to write resumes and cover letters. The students will develop skills to introduce themselves, highlight their strengths and abilities, present ideas, express opinions and respond appropriately during job interviews. REFERENCES Main : 1. Bradbury, A. (2010). Successful Presentation Skills: Build Confidence; Understand Body Language; Use Visual Aids Effectively (Creating Success) (4th Edition) Kogan Page. (ISBN 978-0749460334) 2. Nor Azni Abdullah, Mohd Nor, N.Z., Thee, C.S., Foo, K. (2011) Communication Skills For The Workplace. Selangor: August Publishing Sdn. Bhd. (ISBN 978-983-3317-21-9) Additional : 3. Hancock, M. (2012). English Pronounciation in Use Intermediate with Answers, Audio CDs and CD-ROM, Cambridge University Press. (ISBN : 978-0521185134) 4. Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab (http://www.esl-lab.com/ Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab). 5. Young, K.S. & Travis, H.P. (2011). Oral Communication: Skills, Choices and Consequences (3rd Edition), Waveland Press. (ISBN: 978-1577667452) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 52 COURSE : DUA6022 KOMUNIKASI DAN PENYIARAN ISLAM CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS KOMUNIKASI DAN PENYIARAN ISLAM memfokuskan kepada penguasaan konsep, kemahiran komunikasi dan penyiaran Islam bagi meningkatkan kefahaman pelajar secara holistik terhadap kursus ini. REFERENCES Main : 1. Abdullah Basmeih. (2010). Tafsir Pimpinan Ar-Rahman ( Rumi). JAKIM & Darul Fikir 2. Harun Din . (2013). Islam: Rujukan Efektif Akhlak Mulia . PTS Litera Utama , ( ISBN: 978- 983- 3604- 27- 2) 3. Zulkifli Abdul Ghani . (2011). Islam, Komunikasi Teknologi Maklumat. Utusan Publication & Distributors Sdn. Bhd. Additional : 4. Abdullah Hassan , Ainon Mohd. (2006). Komunikasi Di Tempat Kerja. PTS Profesional Publishing Sd, Bhd ( ISBN : 983- 3376-78 - 9). 5. Alias Othman,Anisah Ab. Ghani. (2009). Apa Kata Islam Mengenai Hubungan Sosial. PTS Islamika (ISBN : 978967-5137 – 04). 6. Egan, G. (2007). The Skilled Helper. Thomson Higher Education, 10 Davis Drive, Belmont USA. 7. Engku Ahmad Zaki Engku Alwi. (2009). Apa itu Islam. PTS Islamika ( ISBN: 978-967-5237 -04-4). 8. Saodah Wok Awang , Narimah Ismail, Mohd Yusoff Hussain. (2006). Teori-Teori Komunikasi. PTS Profesional Publishing Sd, Bhd. ( ISBN : 983- 3376- 70 -3). 9. Zainuddin Zakaria, Ziadatul Hidayah Zakaria. (2006). Komunikasi Efektif . PTS Profesional ( ISBN -13: 978-9833376-74-2: ISBN -10: 983-3376-74-6). BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 53 Course Synopsis Sinopsis Kursus Semester 6 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 54 COURSE : DUT4011 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CREDIT : 10 PRE REQUISITE : Lulus Semua Kursus Semester 1 hingga 5 (tertakluk kepada arahan pelaksanaan Latihan Industri) SYNOPSIS INDUSTRIAL TRAINING exposes students to related workplace competencies demanded by industries. This course provides exposure to students in terms of technology literacy, effective communication, practice social skills and teamwork, policies, procedures and regulations, professional ethics and reporting. It also equips students with real work experience, thus helping students to perform as novice workers. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 55 Elective Course Synopsis Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Semester 6 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 56 COURSE : DEC5052 EMBEDDED SYSTEM APPLICATIONS CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS EMBEDDED SYSTEM APPLICATIONS covers the basic concept and application of microcontroller system based on Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) microcontroller. Students will learn software and hardware development on PIC16F/PIC18F microcontroller development system and understand how to do interfacing with external devices using suitable internal chip features. students are exposed to the new Microcontroller Unit (MCU) simulation software such as Proteus. REFERENCES Main : 1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay & Danny Causey (2008). PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C for PIC18. Pearson Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 9780136009023) 2. Martin Bates (2008). Programming 8-Bit PIC Microcontrollers In C: With Interactive Hardware Simulation, Newnes. (ISBN: 9780750689601) Additional : 3. Barry B. Brey (2008). Applying PIC18 Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing using C and Assembly, Pearson Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 9780130885463) 4. Huang Han-Way (2005). PIC Microcontroller: An Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing, Thomson & Delmar Learning. (ISBN: 9781401839673) 5. Martin Bates (2006). Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers Embedded Design by Interactive Simulation, Newnes. (ISBN: 9780750680288) COURSE : DEJ5153 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) AND AUTOMATION CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) AND AUTOMATION provides knowledge regarding the concept and principle of automation system. This course emphasizes the relationship between hardwired relay ladder logic and PLC system, application of various industrial input and output devices of PLC, design process, programming and PLC maintenance method. This course also provides knowledge and skills in designing of controlling automation system based on PLC. REFERENCES Main : 1. Frank D. Petruzella (2010). Programmable Logic Controllers. Mc Graw Hill. (ISBN: 0078298520) 2. David W. Pessen (2011). Industrial Automation: Circuit Design and Components(2nd ed.). Wiley. (ISBN: 0471600717) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 57 Additional : 3. David S. Nyce (2004). Linear position Sensors: Theory and Application. Wiley and Sons. (ISBN: 0471233269) 4. Hugh Jack (2008). Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLC. Retrieved October 12, 2009, from http://www.mrplc.com. 5. Ian G. Warnock (1998). Programmable Controller: Operation and Application. Prentice Hall. . (ISBN: 0137300379) 6. Industrial Text and Video Company . Introduction to PLC Programming and Implementation. Retrieved October 12, 2009, from http://www.industrialtext.com/freestuff.htm 7. Industrial Text and Video Company . PLC Start up and Maintenance. Retrieved October 12, 2009, from http://www.industrialtext.com/freestuff.htm 8. Mitsubishi (2008). Melsec Programmer Manual. Mitsubishi Electric Company. 9. Omron (2008). A Beginner Guide to PLC. Omron Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. COURSE : DFN4133 NETWORK PROGRAMMING CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : DFC3013 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING SYNOPSIS NETWORK PROGRAMMING course focuses on the concept of sockets as means of using Internet Protocol (IP) to communicate between machines and using Java programming language to establish the network communication. The course introduces elements of network programming and concepts involved in creating network applications using sockets. This opens up a whole new class of applications to programmers. REFERENCES Main : 1. Harold, E.R. , (2013). Java Network Programming, 4th Edition. United States: O'Reilly Media. (ISBN : 9781449357672) 2. Graba,J., (2013). An Introduction to Network Programming with Java : Java 7 Competible, 3rd Edition. United Kingdom: Sringer. (ISBN: 978-1-4471-5253-8) Additional : 3. Ciubotaru, B. and Muntean, G., & SpringerLink (Online service). (2013). Advanced network programming-Principles and techniques: Network Application Programming with Java.; New York: Springer (ISBN : 9781447152910) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 58 COURSE : DFP6213 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS BUSINESS INTELEGENCE provides knowledge regarding the concept of right information in the right format to the decision makers at the right time. This course help students to anticipate market change, finding value in gigantic amounts of data collected in modern enterprises, enhancing the quality of the decision-making process and improving the rate at which the enterprises are able to make decisions. REFERENCES Main : 1. R. N. Prasad, Seema Acharya (2013). Fundamentals of Business Analytics. Wiley. (ISBN : 9788126532032) Additional : 2. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei (2011). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems). (ISBN : 978-0123814791). 3. Mariano García Mattío (Author) , Dario R. Bernabeu. (2013). Pentaho 5.0 Reporting by Example: Beginner's Guide. Packt Publishing (ISBN : 978-1782162247) 4. Mark Rittman (2012). Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Developers Guide. Oracle ACE. (ISBN : 978-0071798747). COURSE : DBM4213 QUANTITATIVE STATISTICS CREDIT : 2 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS QUANTITATIVE STATISTICS course introduces students to basic statistical concepts such as organizing data, numerical descriptive measures, probability and its applications, probability distributions, sampling, estimation and hypothesis testing. REFERENCES Main : 1. Tan Choo Kim, Tan Choo Peng, Mislina Atan@Mohd Salleh, Assliza Salim, Lye Chun Teck, Law Check Yee and Choong Fook Seng (2008). Elementary Probability & Statistics (2nd Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall. (ISBN 978983-3927—51-7) Additional : 2. Erwin Kreyszig (2011). Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (ISBN: 9780470646137) 3. John Bird (2010). Higher Engineering Mathematics (6th Edition). Elsevier Ltd. (ISBN: 978-1-85-617767-2) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 59 4. James Steward (2012). Calculus, Seven Edition. Brooks/Cole. (ISBN-13 : 978-0-538-49781-7) , (ISBN-10 : 0-53849781-5) 5. K. A Stroud and Dexter J. Booth (2010). Engineering Mathematics (6th Edition). Palgrave McMillan. (ISBN: 978-140-394246-3) 6. Soo T. Tan (2011). Calculus Early Transcendentals. Brooks/Cole. (ISBN-13 : 978-0534-46554-4) , (ISBN-10 : 0534-46554-4 COURSE : DFP6223 MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT introduces mobile application development for the Android platform. Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language. Students will learn skills for creating and deploying Android applications, with particular emphasis on software engineering topics including software architecture, software process, usability, and deployment. Topics will include Android Development Environment, user interfaces, audio, persistence, SQLite databases, location, sensors, and graphics REFERENCES Main : 1. Tan Choo Kim, Tan Choo Peng, Mislina Atan@Mohd Salleh, Assliza Salim, Lye Chun Teck, Law Check Yee and Choong Fook Seng (2008). Elementary Probability & Statistics (2nd Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall. (ISBN 978983-3927—51-7) Additional : 2. Erwin Kreyszig (2011). Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (ISBN: 9780470646137) 3. John Bird (2010). Higher Engineering Mathematics (6th Edition). Elsevier Ltd. (ISBN: 978-1-85-617767-2) 4. James Steward (2012). Calculus, Seven Edition. Brooks/Cole. (ISBN-13 : 978-0-538-49781-7) , (ISBN-10 : 0-53849781-5) COURSE : DFN3113 OPEN SOURCE OPERATING SYSTEM CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : DFC2043 OPERATING SYSTEM SYNOPSIS OPEN SOURCE OPERATING SYSTEM course is an introductory course in Open Source Software. Installation, configuration and management of Linux operating systems are explored. Focus on directory and file management, BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 60 user account management, and certain device management will be discussed. The course also addresses shell scripting, basic networking and troubleshooting of Linux systems. REFERENCES Main : 1. Christopher Negus (2011), Linux Bible 2011 Edition: Boot up to Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, openSUSE, and 13 Other Distributions, (1st Edition) Wiley (ISBN 978-0470929988) 2. Chuck Easttom (2012). Essential Linux Administration: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners, (1st Edition). Course Technology PTR (ISBN 978-1435459564) Additional : 3. Ellen Siever (2009). Linux in a Nutshell (6th Edition). O'Reilly Media (ISBN 978-0596154486) 4. Machtelt Garrels (2010). Introduction to Linux, (3rd Edition). Fultus Corporation (ISBN 978-1596821996) 5. Mark G. Sobell (2010). Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux, (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall (ISBN 978-0132542487) 6. Richard Blum and Christine Bresnahan (2011). Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible (2nd Edition). Wiley (ISBN 978-1118004425) COURSE : DFP6233 .NET TECHNOLOGY CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : DFC3013 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING SYNOPSIS .NET PROGRAMMING course provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop applications in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET for the Microsoft .NET platform. The course focuses on user interfaces, program structure, language syntax, and integration of .NET application development. REFERENCES Main : 1. Diane Zak (2012), Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic, Course Technology Cengage Learning.(ISBN 9 781111577612) 2. Bernie O’Brien and Catherine Seaver (2008). Microsoft Visual Basic. NET Programming Essentials. Microsoft Press. (ISBN 978-0072256215.) Additional : 3. Andrew Troelsen (2008). Pro VB 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform (Windows.Net)(3 rd Edtion). Apress (ISBN 978-1590598221) 4. David Chappell (2006). Understanding .NET )(2nd Edtion). Pearson Addison Wesley (ISBN 0-321-19404-7) 5. H.M Deitel, P. J. Deitel and T.R. Nieto.(2002). Visual Basic.Net How To Program, Second Edition. Prentice Hall. (ISBN 0-13-029363-6). 6. John Smiley.(2002). Learn to Program with Visual Basic.NET (Paperback). Osbourne. (ISBN 13:9780072131772) 7. Michael Halvorson (2008). Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step. Microsoft Press (ISBN : 978-0735625372). BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 61 COURSE : DFS4113 CYBER LAW CREDIT : 3 PRE REQUISITE : NONE SYNOPSIS CYBER LAW course deals with some of the major legal aspects of computing which are related to the various aspects of law. Some leading topics include cybercrimes, electronic and digital signatures, intellectual property, data protection and privacy and crimes in Information communication and technology. Students are exposed to the cyber laws in Malaysia which governs the process and dissemination of information digitally. This course also teaches students the importance of adhering to cyber laws and regulation in order to regulate and protect the ICT industry from misuse and illegal activities. REFERENCES Main : 1. Ian J. Lloyd, (2008). Information Technology Law. (5th ed). New York: Oxford University, Press. Additional : 2. Bainbridge, David I. (2007). Intellectual Property Law. (5th ed). Harlow: Longman. 3. Khadijah Mohamed & Ahmad Shamsul Abd Aziz. (2005). Undang-undang harta intelek di Malaysia. Sintok: Penerbit Universiti Utara Malaysia. 4. Munir, Abu Bakar. (1999). Cyberlaw: Policies and challenges. Kuala Lumpur: Malayan Law Journal. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK – DIPLOMA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (PENGATURCARAAN) 62
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