Pferdestärke - The Porsche Club of America`s Central Iowa Region


Pferdestärke - The Porsche Club of America`s Central Iowa Region
Volume 44, Issue 8 August 2013
Newsletter for the Central Iowa Porsche Club of America
How cool! A
getting an e
birthday pre
Must’ve be
September’s CIA Events:
September 7 - Drive to Trains, Planes & Automobiles Geneseo, IL.
CIA will sponsor “Best German Car Trophy” – John Franks, Chairman
September 22 - Secret Cellar Wine & Wheels Car Show Shueyville, IA –
1:00-4:00pm – Tom Moore, Chairman
President’s message................................................................................................ 3
Officer Contact Information and Member Map ............................................................ 4
New Members, Anniversaries & Zone 10 events ......................................................... 5
Sertoma Fly-In Drive -In photos .................................................................................. 6
Tire Rack Street Survival and Kiwanis KARR Road Rally ........................................... 7, 8
On the web ............................................................................................................. 8
Escape 2013 and Your Porsche revealed ................................................................... 9
Trains, Planes and Automoblies .............................................................................. 10
Best Car Shops, 901-O- Rama, Cars and Coffee ................................................. 11, 12
CIA Activities Schedule, (the old Save the Date page) ................................................. 13
Schönesland Events ............................................................................................... 14
For Sale ............................................................................................................... 15
CIA Goodie Store ..............................................................................................16 -19
Grills just want to have fun ..................................................................................... 20
Join PCA ............................................................................................ Last Two Pages
The Pferdestärke© newsletter name and the content herein are copyright protected and may not be reproduced without CIA-PCA’s
express written permission. All logos belong to their respective owners. Porsche®, the Porsche Crest®, Targa®, Boxster®, Carrera®,
Cayenne®, Cayman™, Panamera®, Tiptronic®, VarioCam®, PCM®, 911®, 4S®, are trademarks of Porsche AG. This newsletter is
only for our Iowa subscribers. We do not intend to establish contacts or enter into any contracts outside of the State of Iowa.
Inclusion of an advertisement or Internet link in these pages does not imply any endorsement of the services or the site, its contents,
or its sponsoring organization. The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of
Pferdestärke, the Porsche Club of America, the Central Iowa Region of the Porsche Club of America, its officers, newsletter editors, or
Classified ads are welcome from CIA-PCA members. Nonprofessional, noncorporate sale of personal Porsche-related items only. Classified cost is FREE!! Editor reserves right to limit ad size due to space limitations. Please email for more information.
About the Cover: Tom and Brenda Moore brought along Alicia Jackson and her Speedster. I knew something
was wrong when the State Patrol pulled up behind her and started citing her for driving on the grass!! Actually it
was all in fun. Turns out Richard Lawler was here with his yellow RSR that he has been building, see May 2010
newsletter which shows his project under way at the tech session he hosted. Right as he was pulling out, the Iowa
City Police was rounding the corner behind him and asked which way did he go. This gave us a great photo op but
nobody was ready, so then a friend of mine from the State Patrol just happened to drive by and this time we were
ready for the photo opportunity. As it turned out it was going to be Alicia’s birthday the following day. Jon from
the State Patrol was kind enough to lend a hand and help us out with the birthday photo. Just as it says on there
motto states, “ To Serve and Protect!”, and that’s what Jon did. Thanks Jon for your help. More photos on page 6.
August 2013
President’s COLUMN
From Your President: Tom Moore
Well July certainly
flashed by in the
blink of an eye. I
hope your summer
is going along smoothly. We had a
fun ice cream social last month with
wonderful refreshments and a great
turnout. Also, if you were able to
attend the Vintage Race at Road
America we were treated to some
of the best weather that I’ve ever
experienced at a race. The Wisconsin 356 Club had a beautiful display
of 356’s at corner five. Dick Sjolund
and I brought our 356’s and added
to the number.
Brenda and I have been driving our
356 as much as possible this year
in order to shake all the bugs out
for the trip to Santa Fe this fall. This
Wisconsin trip brought our second
fuel pump failure of the year. Fortunately, we must have appeased
the Porsche gods because it failed
right in our friend’s driveway and we
were able to catch a ride into town
for a new pump. I think we were
back on the road in less than an
hour. Serves us right for putting an
American fuel pump in a German
car I guess! One more thing to add
to our list of spares to bring along.
wasn’t getting up at 5:30am! (Can
you believe it??) So, we are driving
up on Saturday and staying overnight near Barneveld so she can
sleep in. For those that are driving
up Sunday our usual schedule is to
meet at the Wal-Mart on the east
edge of Marion and leave around
7:00AM. Then meet up with other
PCA members from Eastern Iowa
at the first rest stop along highway
151 in Wisconsin at 8:00. This is
the rest stop that is at Exit 1, just
over the highway 151 bridge that
goes into Wisconsin. That puts you
into the grounds around 9:00 which
should be plenty of time to clean
up any road grime for the judging.
Please let me know if you’re planning to attend and I’ll put everyone
in touch with each other for the
drive up.
August 25 is the annual Iowa City
Sertoma Airport Fly-In, Drive-In
Breakfast. This is a great charity
event and is usually one of our biggest turnouts. All attendees receive
free reserved parking in our special
display area for Porsches and other
sports cars. Breakfast is 7 am to
noon and all drivers receive a free
breakfast! See John Dyson in the
parking area for your ticket.
That’s all for now. See you on the
We have several great events going
on this month. I hope you’re able to
attend at least one of them.
August 3rd will be the autocross at
Marshalltown. Registration starts
at 9:30 and first car out at 10:30.
Please note that you don’t have
to be a PCA member or bring a
Porsche to run the autocross so
bring all your friends and any car
you’d like to try out.
August 11th is the Botham Winery
Vintage Celebration. Usually I lead
the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City group
up to Dubuque where we meet up
with our Eastern Iowa members but
this year Brenda decided that she
August 2013
Want to contact the Central Iowa PCA Region Officers.
Find them here:
President: Tom Moore
Newsletter: Mike Massell
Zone 10 Representative:
Kim Fritze
Vice Pres: Darrell Frett
Secretary: Ed Mitchell
Treasurer: Leesa Elseman
Webmaster: Jim Millick
See where some members are from below*.
*Well most of our members! As Charles Grosser pointed out to our
President, one of our
northern towns was ommitted. We do have several members in Decorah and it does appear
that the map is remiss
in showing that location,
Also, we have one of the
founders of our club that
lives in Minnesnowta
and he is celebrating 40
years this month and is
not on the map, too.
August 2013
Welcome New CIA Members
Thanks to all that have renewed .
Our Zone 10 Representative
Kim Fritze
zone10rep@gmail .com
August Zone 10 events
3.............. Vino in the Valley Drive ..................................................................................... Nord Stern
17-18 .. Grand-AM Race , Kansas Speedway, Kansas City, KS .........................Kansas City
17 ........... Sonic Show ‘N Shine , Lincoln , NE ...........................................................Great Plains
18 ........... Warren Wine Tour....................................................................................................... St. Louis
24 ........... CPG Drive & Dine to Versailles ............................................................................ St. Louis
22-25 .. Run for the Hills 11, Black Hills, SD .................................................................. Dakota
September Zone 10 events
See page 9
Here’s links to all of the regions in our Zone:
Central Iowa Region:
Ozark Lakes Region: .. www.olk
Dakotas Region: .. www.dak
Red River Region: ..
Great Plains Region: porsche .ellipse .net Schönesland Region: .. www.schonesland .org
Kansas City Region: .
St. Louis Region: ..
Nord Stern Region: .. www.nordstern .org
Wichita Region: ..
From the Newsletter Editor: WHO?? HELP p l e a s e ! ! !
Unfortunately I find myself with my priorities out of whack, whatever that is. Being that,
I’m unable to attend many of the events which makes it really hard to write about them,
take photos and just basically enjoy the fun so that I can write about it for the newsletter
and share that fun with those of you like myself that find themselves unable to attend. If
you are interested in helping me out or better yet, even taking on the newsletter, please
contact Tom Moore or Mike
August 2013
Sertoma Fly-In Drive-In photos
Photos courtesy Tom Moore
August 2013
Street Survival X2
On Sunday October 6, we have
TWO Tire Rack® Street Survival
teen driving safety courses in Iowa.
In central Iowa, we’ll be working
again with the Des Moines Valley
SCCA folks to do our ninth school.
We’ll be back at the Iowa Speedway parking lot in Newton, where
we held our very successful May
event. This is a great venue with
lots of room – and the possibility of
a few moderate-speed parade laps
on the NASCAR track as a bonus!
Concurrently, our Quad Cities Subchapter is hosting their second
school at Bettendorf High School,
assisted on this one by Great River
Region SCCA and Porsche Club of
America members.
As always, we need your help in
two ways: putting out the word
to parents of potential students,
and as volunteers at the events.
Please contact friends, family, and
co-workers who have young drivers in their households – the life
you save may be theirs! And if you
are interested in instructing or being a volunteer worker at the event,
please contact the local registrar or
permit for at least half of the period
required before licensing by the
state of issue.
The Kiwanis Club of West Des
Moines is holding it’s inaugural
K iwanis A nnual R oad R ally
Registration for students is at www. (KARR) on Saturday, for both events. ber 28, 2013 beginning at 9 am.
That site has lots more information
This Road Rally event begins
about the course, including a very
and ends at the Dana Company
good video about the in-car training. Other features of our schools building located at 12345 Uniare classroom training, and demon- versity Avenue in Clive, IA. The
strations that include seeing traffic event consists of approximately
from the vantage point of a semi 12 required stops throughout
driver (Parents: this is a great eye- the Des Moines Metro area. 1st,
opener for you too!), a distracted- 2nd and 3rd place prizes will
driving simulator, and an airbag be awarded in two categories;
Shortest Time to complete the
For local information, contacts are course and Fewest miles travregistrars Becky Brighton in central eled to complete the course.
Iowa ( Thousands of dollars in prizes
and Chuck Gipson in the Quad-Cit- will be awarded including;
August 2013
Street Survival is always excellent
prep for winter driving in Iowa, too
– it will be here before we know it.
Get signed up today!
Fred Bell
Kiwanis Road Rally
Let me introduce myself. I’m
Ron Peterson a member of the
West Des Moines Kiwanis Club
and we are sponsoring a road
rally September 28th to raise
We’ve talked about Street Survival funds as part of an international
quite a bit in these pages over the effort to eradicate Maternal Neoyears. Suffice it to say that Street natal Tetanus worldwide. We’re
Survival is the ideal way for teens
contacting Iowa car clubs to into learn about car control in slipvite their members to participate
pery conditions and about accident
avoidance - things that aren’t taught in this event. The detailed inforin Driver’s Education. Students are mation is shown below. Thanks
age 15-21, and have either a driv- for helping this worthwhile effort.
er’s license or have held a learner’s Ron
ies (
register through This is a very worthwhile
program, and the huge effort that it
takes from club volunteers is more
than repaid in the service we provide to our communities.
tickets to Iowa Hawkeyes Football game vs Northwestern Wildcats (Sat Oct 26, 2013) Golf for
4 at The Wakonda Club in Des
Moines (includes carts) Weekend stay at Holiday Inn in Downtown Des Moines (includes
Plus many other prizes for successful completion of the course
and individual stops.
The entry fee is $40 per vehicle
com by September 27, 2013 or
via mail-in registration prior to
Sept 21, 2013 (Mail-in Registration available through www.
org ). $45
Registration at event site on day
of event. Registration closes at
10 AM on day of event. For more
information on KARR visit www.
org . 100% of the proceeds from
the Road Rally will be directed to
the Kiwanis International Eliminate Project to eradicate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus worldwide. For more information on
the Eliminate Project visit www.
$500 Gift Card to Scheels Two
Chiropractic in Motion
SEPTEMBER 28, 2013
Custom Awards
9:00—10:00 AM Registration/Start
The Dana Company
Earl May Nursery & Garden Center
Embassy Club West
Fareway Food Stores
FEH Associates
Hamilton’s Funeral Home
Holiday Inn Downtown Campus
Joseph Jewelers
University of Iowa
Valley Eye Clinic
Wakonda Club
West Bank
West Des Moines Kiwanis
Willis Auto Campus
On the
Internet Porsche Stuff
in the 356 Registry, and come up
with a reasonable market value.
Here’s the link:
This is the place for all kinds of
web sites that have a lot of good
information that may be of interest to you.
Here’s a really useful website for
those of you that are collecting
cars and want to get an idea of
what’s it worth. While watching
Chasing Classic Cars on Velocity the other night, they showed
how you can go to the Hagerty
Insurance website, this is the
same Hagerty Insurance Co. that
advertises in the Panorama and
August 2013
Here’s another webiste for those
that are looking for that barn find
to restore. This site reveals an
upcoming vintage car auction
in Pierce Nebraska this coming
September 27. Good Luck!
Thanks for these great submissions. More next month . . . . .
“Auf wiedersehen”
©201 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Certain restrictions apply. Shipping available for customers in the United
States and Canada only. Offer dependent on availability and completeness of historic records for requested vehicle.
Your Porsche. Revealed.
An important part of your Porsche is waiting for you at the Porsche Historical Archive in
Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen. Order your Certificate of Authenticity, and you’ll learn the original
assembly specifications of your Porsche vehicle. It’s invaluable for restoration or resale
and when showing your car at concours events.
To place your order, have your VIN ready, then call 1-800-PORSCHE and select option 5.
Mention “7MLYKLZ[HYRL” and you’ll receive a $10 discount.
Porsche Certificate of Authenticity.
August 2013
August 2013 PAGE
901 -O- Rama
On September 15 (Sunday) –
Gordon and I will present the
second edition of the 901-O-Rama in Marine-on-St.Croix. This
will be similar in format to the
one we did two years ago and
will happen on the same weekend as 50 years ago when the
901 / 911 was first presented to
Members, as a fellow PCA club the world. Cars displayed at this
member (and Panorama adver- event will be invited to attend
tiser-p. 14 August, p. 13 July) I and all proceeds will go to Courwould appreciate your thoughts age Center.
on our website: bestcarshops.
If you know of anyone who owns
We help Porsche and other European car owners find trusted
repair shops in their area through
fact filled reviews, but we’re only
as good as our data. With your
knowledge it would be extremely
helpful if you can tell me if we
have missed any of the “BEST”
Porsche shops and if your members can give us feedback on
the site too it will help other
Porsche owners. Lastly, your
members or repair shop owners
can submit a repair shop story or
tips to our blog– by emailing me
directly. Thank you for your assistance, it’s very much appreciated. Sincerely, Mike
Michael Sosner
Chief Car Guy
2255 Glades Road, Suite 324A
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
t: 954-644-0119
August 2013
911 and 912 cars built 19641973, please pass along my
contact information. I’d be very
glad indeed to talk to those with
cars to show. This will be the
largest gathering of 64-73 911s
this year.
I hope you and lots of Central
Iowa people will be able to join
us for these two shows.
Cars and Coffee
Jason Smith a local leader, automotive enthusiast and CIA menber, has been leading the charge
to establish a Cars and Coffee
event in Cedar Rapids. As a
“car guy” I’ve been searching for
something that’s a little less formal while being family friendly at
the same time. The more I have
learned about the Cars and Coffee craze sweeping the nation
the more I liked the idea of establishing it in Cedar Rapids. A
friend and I have teamed up with
the NewBo City Market in CR
and we’re going to have our first
event on Saturday, September
7th. Please see the flyer on the
next page.
The event coordinates with the
Cedar Rapids Downtown Farmer’s Market and it will be our
plan in 2014 to hold one or two
events per month coordinating
with the Downtown Farmer’s
Market dates June – September.
We are expecting somewhere
north of 75 cars…Vette’s,
Porsche’s, Shelby’s, Ferrari’s,
BMW’s, Hot Rods, Projects…
anything you (or someone you
know) are enthusiastic about is
welcome! No classes, no judging or awards. Just lining up the
cars, hopefully enjoying some
good weather, live music, and
the wares of local vendors with
fellow automotive enthusiasts
and NewBo visitors. Please
feel free to pass this information along to anyone you know
of that would love to have an excuse to enjoy their ride or anyone that you know of that would
enjoy this type of an event purely
for the enjoyment of the cars and
the scene.If you are planning
to bring a car down it would be
helpful to let us know as we plan
for space and logistics. Please
RSVP to:
Jason PAGE
September 7
Bring your hottest car to NewBo City
Market & enjoy FREE coffee while you
network with fellow car enthusiasts! We
will also have live music, college football
on our 8-foot tv screen inside, an outdoor
beer garden, and everything else
NewBo City Market has to offer.
Reserved parking is limited — reserve your spot today!
(must include name, make, model, year)
RSVP to by September 3rd.
Reserved parking from 7:30 am to 9:00 am.
NewBo lot closes at 9:00 am or when at capacity.
General event hours are 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
August 2013 PAGE
CIA Activities Schedule 2013
Changes in RED!!
Breakfast with Your Porsche - 2nd Saturdays Every Month – Breakfast or Lunch & Open Board
Meetings Alternating Between Shueyville/Cedar Rapids/Iowa City/LuJack’s/Davenport/Dubuque:
9/14; 10/12; 11/9
September 6 – 8 - VSCDA Vintage Festival Road America, WI
September 7 - Drive to Trains, Planes & Automobiles Geneseo, IL.
CIA will sponsor “Best German Car Trophy” – John Franks, Chairman
September 8 - Salisbury House Concours D ‘Elegance Des Moines, IA 11:00 – 5:00 –
Rich Collins, Chairman
September 15 - 901-O-Rama Marine-on-St. Croix Gordon Maltby and Mark Bouljon 2nd Edition
More information on page 8.
September 22 - Secret Cellar Wine & Wheels Car Show Shueyville, IA – 1:00-4:00pm –
Tom Moore, Chairman
October 9 – 13 - 356 Registry West Coast Holiday Santa Fe, NM
October 12 - Fall Leaf Drive – Route TBD
October 24 - 27 - Porsche Escape Los Angeles, CA
December 7 - Holiday Party – Location TBD
September Zone 10 events
7.............. Drive to Trains, Planes & Automobiles, Geneseo, IL ......................... Central Iowa
8.............. Salisbury House Concours D’Elegance , Des Moines, IA ....................Schonesland
...................................................................................................................................................& Central Iowa
12 ........... Trip to Lanesboro, MN..................................................................................................Dakotas
14 ........... Ste . Genevieve Winery Tour .................................................................................. St. Louis
15 ........... 901-O-RAMA, Marine on the St Croix, MN .......................................... Nord Stern
15 ........... Autocross at Road Yoder ............................................................................................ Wichita
20 ........... Last Fling Driver Training, Brainerd International Raceway....... Nord Stern
21-22 .. Last Fling Driver Education , Brainerd International Raceway .. Nord Stern
21 ........... Shrimp Boil at the Hess Residence , Leawood , KS ................................Kansas City
22 ........... Autocross, Kansas Speedway, Kansas City, KS...........................................KansasCity
22 ........... Secret Cellar Wine & Wheels Car Show, Shueyville , IA .................. Central Iowa
27-29 .. 21st Annual North Shore Fall Color Tour, Blue Fin Bay Resort, Tofte , MN
........................................................................................................................................................... Nord Stern
28-29 .. Driver Education , Mid America Motorplex, Pacific Junction , IA .....................
........................................................................................................................................................Great Plains
28 ........... CPG Drive & Dine , Settler ’s Inn , Boonville , MO....................................... St. Louis
29 ........... Autocross at Road Yoder ............................................................................................ Wichita
August 2013 PAGE
2013 Preliminary Event Calendar
(More Events to Come)
Board Meeting 8am Whole Foods
Cars & Coffee- 8 – 10am Mimi’s Cafe
February Foods Party 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Board Meeting; 6 pm Dinner, 7- 8 pm Meeting
9 Cars & Coffee Prevettes Car Care 8 – 10am
25th Board Meeting; 6 pm Dinner, 7- 8 pm Meeting
13 Cars ‘n Coffe : S&S Restoration, Cummings, IA
Road Trip (Mad-Warren Drive Reversed).
Will meet with Jaguar Club @ S&S
22 Board Meeting; 6 pm Dinner, 7- 8 pm Meeting
11 Cars & Coffee 8 – 10 am
27th Board Meeting
8 Cars & Coffee 8 – 10am
23rd Iowa Speedway Indy Car Races Newton, IA
23 – 29th PORSCHE PARADE Traverse City, MI
24th Board Meeting
10 Cars n’ Coffee 8 –10am
Date TBA Greenfield Fly In
26th Board Meeting
Salisbury House Road Trip & Concours
Cars & Coffee 8–10am
Board Meeting
Cocktail Party – Welcoming New Members 6:30pm
12 Cars & Coffee 8–10am
12-13th Annual Fall Drive to WI & MN
28th Board Meeting – Nominating Committee
9 Cars & Coffee 8 – 10am
15th Deadline for 2014 Board Nominations
25th Board Meeting- Ballots sent out, due Dec 3rd
13 Cars & Coffee 8 – 10am
27th Amana Roadtrip & Marshalltown Dinner
29th Board Meeting
Board Meeting & Ballot Counting
Cars & Coffee 8-10am
August 2013
Porsche Stuff For Sale
Sell your old PPPP
(Past Prime Porsche Parts)
Porsche OEM 8J x 18 ET52,
turbo spoke wheel, P/N 993
362 136 01 Great condition.
Best offer. Call or text Scott at
I received this additional information from Scott prior to placing the ad.
1986 Porsche 944 Turbo
53,000 miles, Red / Black, $14,000.00 or offer
Adult driven, No winters, no smokers, no collisions, no autocross.
Unmolested, exceptional car.
Contact: Mike Meinert
563/285-4037 or 563/508-3476 cell
(Before I give it away on EBAY
to a non-PCA member, I would
like to give someone an opportunity within the club for a good
deal. It’s an extra front wheel
from my 2002 911 C4 cabriolet and is a factory turbo hollow
spoke. It has no imperfections.
The only one it had, a blemish, I
had repaired by Alloy Wheel Repair Specialists of Eastern Iowa.
For someone with some curb
rash or imperfections in a front
wheel, this would solve their
problems. I have the original
Porsche Box for it as well.)
Make sure that CIA and PCA
have your current email address.
That way you won’t miss out on the latest announcements or last minute schedule changes.
For the Newsletter, send your current email address to:
For email blasts contact PCA at:
August 2013 PAGE
“The CIA Goodie Store”
Continued on the next page
Look for the CIA Region order form on the bottom of page 25
August 2013 PAGE
Order form on the next page
August 2013 PAGE
Size Chart on the next page
CIA Region order form
August 2013 PAGE
August 2013
It ’s not just the cars, It ’s the people
includes $7 per year for
Membership This
your subscription to our monthly
The Porsche Club of America offers driving experience, technical assistance and camaraderie
second to none. Our award-winning national magazine, Porsche
Panorama, provides a monthly insider’s view on all things
One hundred and thirty-nine
regions throughout the United
States, Canada and Puerto Rico
provides you a wide range of
Porsche activities including club
racing, driver education, restoration and technical sessions, concours d’elegance and an annual
national convention that is the
ultimate Porsche vacation!
magazine, Porsche Panorama,
the world’s premier publication
dedicated to Porsches. It also
includes access to the PCA
website and its members-only
pages at A portion
of your dues is returned each
year to your assigned local region for the support of its activities. Membership is for one-year,
billed annually (unless you paid
for multiple years) in the month
you are accepted as a member.
Please note: membership is not
transferable nor is any portion of
the dues refundable. Complete
all sections of the attached application on the last page and return it along with your payment.
Return directly to the PCA National Office or to your local region contact. You may also apply
online by visiting the PCA webPorsche owners who are 18 site at:
years of age or older are invited to become members of the
PCA membership application on
PCA. If your Porsche is on order
the next page.
and you do not yet have a VIN
number, you can send a copy
of your sales order with the application. You may also have a
family member or affiliate (nonfamily) member added to your
membership if there is someone
who would like to participate in
club activities with you. There is
no additional charge for this person, but they must be 18 years
of age or older.
The Porsche experience reaches across the cars and the years
to people, binding together the
family whose name the cars
bear, the men and women who
design and build them and those Membership is available in one
across the world who drive and ($42), two ($82) or three year
cherish them.
($120) terms and is payable in
U.S. funds by check, Visa, Mastercard or American Express.
August 2013 PAGE
Continued on the next page
Share the
The Porsche Club of America
was founded in 1955 with the
following objectives in mind: to
promote the highest standards
of courtesy and safety of the
roads; to enjoy and share the
good will and fellowship engendered by owning a Porsche; to
maintain the highest standards
of operation and performance
of the marque; to establish a
mutually beneficial relationship
with the Porsche factory, dealers and other service sources;
to exchange ideas with other
Porsche clubs throughout the
world; and to establish mutually
cooperative relationships with
other sports car clubs. Membership in the PCA will add to your
enjoyment of owning one of the
finest automobiles in the world.
Mail or fax completed application to: PCA National Office PO Box 1347 Springfield, VA 22151
703/321-2111 Fax: 703/321-2110
Online registration: