Volume 1, Number 1 - LMU - Lincoln Memorial University


Volume 1, Number 1 - LMU - Lincoln Memorial University
News of, about, and for Alumnae of the Zeta Tau Kappa Sorority
of Lincoln Memorial University
Volume I, Number 1
Reflections . . .
thoughts and opinions by Jo Stone Huddleston*, 57, a Southern ChristianWriter
http://www.johuddleston.com; http://www.shoutlife.com/johuddleston
Subscribe to her newsletter at www.johuddleston.com
Welcome to our first issue of the Zeta Tau
Kappa Alumnae Association newsletter. The
Association plans to provide support and counsel to the LMU chapter as appropriate and
needed. Also, we will promote the growth of
the campus and alumni chapters of ZTK and
establish our presence in LMU alumni activities. This newsletter will serve to reach all in
the sisterhood of ZTK.
And sisterhood is the key word here. Sisterhood holds all Zetas together. The closeness
of sisterhood remains strong while at LMU but
as the years pass after graduation, the communication sometimes dwindles among us. Our PANTS? Even in a snow storm, it s hard to
sisterhood, like any relationship, needs atten- believe that these two got out of the dorm
tion and nurture. We hope this newsletter will wearing PANTS! Shown here (r. to l.) are Jo
bolster the development of renewed and addi- Stone and Trulene Heatherly, 57.
tional ZTK contacts. In fact, during the planning for the recent reunion, some Zeta alumnae “found” one another and the mini reunions
gave great delight and excitement for those involved.
What’s Inside
Voices ......................................... 2
. . . from the LMU Campus
Echoes From the Past .......... 2
. . . ZTK through the decades
Directory ................................... 4
. . . (Work in Progress)
. . . alumnae contact info
Memories .................................. 6
. . . those we have lost
The reunion this past October on campus served to strengthen our sisterhood, not only for
those Zeta graduates of LMU but between alumnae and chapter members. We all know about
the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood and the
Atlanta ladies of the Red Hat Club. Bonds of their members continue through times of happiness as well as trials. The sisterhood is there for its members for whatever and whenever need
or purpose arises. That s our hope for all Zetas wherever we are.
The Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae Association offers a place where continuing connections among
us can thrive. Where we can be all for one and one for all. However, the strength of the
Association needs not rest on the efforts of a very few. A place in the Association exists for
each of us. When we gather physically some of us may not be there; but, for whatever the
reason for their absence, they remain a vital and constant part of us. We want this newsletter to
sustain and support the Zeta Tau Kappa sisterhood at the LMU campus, throughout our country and the world over. We anticipate lifelong contacts for Zetas everywhere. Through this
newsletter we have the opportunity to stay in touch. And through this newsletter we will stay
in touch. *Jo gets credit for suggesting The Sisterhood as the name for our newsletter.
Postscript from Jo: “I am now a contributing writer to www.ChristianDevotions.us, a
website that posts a new daily devotion every day. While there you can also subscribe
to have their daily devotion delivered to your
email inbox every day. It s a great site; please
check it out”.
The Bluebird ............................. 6
. . . ZTK recipe favorites
Homecoming and ZTK
Reunion 2008 .......................... 8
. . . calendar of events
Actives ..................................... 11
. . . campus update
ROOMIES. Shown here are 1957 roommates Betty Irene Greene Green and Jo
Stone Huddleston during a recent visit at Jo s
home in Auburn, Alabama.
The Last Word ....................... 12
. . . editor’s comments
– 1 –
Voices . . .
Echoes . . . from the past
from the LMU Campus
by Cindy Whitt, Vice President for
University Advancement, LMU 77
Box 2005
6965 Cumberland Gap Parkway
Harrogate, Tennessee 37752
Phone: 423.869.6394
FAX: 423.869-6370
Cell: 423.489.9699
Email: Cynthia.Whitt@lmunet.edu
This will be an ongoing feature of your newsletter and we welcome your pix, missing identifications and addresses, and whatever else you care to send about the ZTK heritage.
The following information was contributed
by Trulene Heatherly Nash.
“The Zeta Tau Kappa Sorority, formerly the Thalian Literary Society, was founded in 1929. It has as its objective music, together
with the sponsoring of various sportsmanlike activities and social
functions. Flower: Orchid, Colors: Orchid and white.
What we VALUE at Lincoln Memorial University . . . and how
ZTKAA members can help to achieve their fulfillment:
“I believe the Zetas lost their charter somewhere in the nineties
because I was going to attend one of their teas and someone told
me they were inactive because of loss of charter.”
Mission with Service as the Cornerstone
• Serve on the National Alumni Board of Directors
• Volunteer as a phonathon caller in your area
• Volunteer to distribute LMU admissions materials to area high
schools and churches
• Recruit the brightest students you know to attend LMU
• Volunteer at Homecoming to work the registration booth or serve
on committees
• Write letters inviting your classmates to return
There are noticeable voids in this section. Why and when was ZTK
disbanded? Can anyone send details? Do you have other information, photos and/or text you can contribute? Your assignment –
should you accept it – remember Mission Impossible?! Help us
identify those in photos, provide addresses and/or personal info
where known, and fill in any details you may have about loss of
Mutual respect and recognizing those alumni and friends who
have made LMU the great institution that it is today
• Nominate people for the Educators , Professional, and Literary
Hall of Fame
• Nominate people for the Martin Peters Young Alumnus of the
Year, Alumnus of the Year, and Volunteer of the Year
No information available.
Late 40’s - Early 50’s
Again, thanks to Trulene Nash and Jo Huddleston for scanning
old photos. Look for more in future editions.
Fiscal Soundness with appreciation to those who give and support all our goals
• Notify Cindy Whitt in University Advancement if you know
foundations that have LMU s same mission and would support
LMU by endowing scholarships, constructing new buildings, or
by providing research and technology grants
• Write an article for the Alumnus about giving and what your
LMU education meant to you
• If you have named LMU in your estate plans, allow us feature
you in an Alumnus article
Student - Centered Learning Environment
• Get involved in career-networking with our students or the young
ladies in your sorority
• Volunteer with student organizations and their service projects
such as Habitat for Humanity
ZETA TAU KAPPA 1951. Members were given alphabetically!
Perhaps readers can furnish up-to-date information on some of
these. You may recognize a few of these faces: Joanne Atkinson,
Jane Crawford, Nancy Dougherty, Vera Jo Higdon, Jackie King,
Rose Lambert, Joanne Masters, Evelyn Payne, Joyce Rollins, Virginia Seaton, Ila Anderson, Anne Everly, Jane Hawkins, Jean
Herrin, Jane Dora Scarbro, and Goldye Timberlake. Sponsor Nora
Ellison is middle back row. Anybody? Is that Jeannie James, far
right first row? The names listed do not equal the number in this
Quality Educational Programs
• We are very proud of the fact that LMU graduates are traditionally highly-sought after, successful contributors in their respective fields, and it is our desire to keep our programs on the cutting edge so that tradition of excellence continues. We feel the
best way to stay abreast of the constantly changing trends and
needs of the professional fields for which we train our graduates
is to consult with the people who are out there in the trenches
doing the work, those who have the insight into what s going on
the present and what the future may hold. Let us hear from you.
ZTKAA: Thank you for all you are doing for LMU!
– 2 –
Late 50’s
Gone are the gowns! The culture shifted: Tennessee Waltz to All Shook
Up. Said Carolyn Beard Anderson, 60: “In 1956, I joined what I
felt was the most sophisticated, glamorous, elegant, intelligent group
of girls I had ever met — the Zetas. I could not believe that they wanted
a country bumpkin like me to join them. The benefits to me have
been outstanding — more confidence in myself, lasting friendships
throughout all these years, and the ability to get along with others”
family in Bristol, so 12 hours after leaving New Jersey I first saw the
large white LMU letters. Life was good at LMU in the year 19681969. Then came The Presidents Tea .What in the world was that?
It turned out to be a really great learning experience. I met a lot of
good, pleasant young women and found out about all the sororities.
Little did I know that along with pledging came HELLWEEK .
“Carol Wilson (Bichler 72)and I were the only two who pledged
in the Spring of 1969. We had to wear a white beanie with the letter
ZTK on the front. When we were told we had to wear this beanie
(the term used today) 24/7. That was OK until our future sisters said
No hair washing, no leg shaving and you better learn the Greek
alphabet forward and backward for HELL NIGHT . OK we can do
this!! My Big Sister was Lynn Livesay . . . I really didn t know her
well, so OK this will be good.
“So started the adventure of pledging for Carol and me. Wait until
3:00 am . . . go into the bathroom and wash hair, shave legs . . . easy
to get away with this . . . no problem. We were rooming in Norton
Hall (long ago torn down). It was like a very large old hotel . . . only
three floors. First floor was for the Dorm. Mom s, TV room, Snack
room, and the mysterious locked room where we were told Lincolns
furniture was kept . In theTV Room, we could sit with our significant others and watch TV and BEWARE the lurking of the Dorm
Mom. On the ceiling (which was probably 12 ft. height) was the
famous handprint of one of the Barkley boys-Sigma s.
CIRCA 1957. This crowd posed in Bermuda shorts-suspension of
campus “dress code”?! (Seated on floor l. to r.) Jean Thompson,
Bethira Nevils, Georgia Byrd, Ann Dove James, Trulene Heatherly,
Wanda Littleton, and Carolyn Beard. (Second row seated l. to r.)
Mary Anne Bentley, Linda Walters, Betty Irene Greene, and Jo
Stone. (Back row standing l. to r.) Pat Redwine, Sue Berry, Jody
Lambert, and Nancy McEwen.
Lots of hugs took place at the Friday night, October 10. This is only
one of many groups celebrating their own mini-reunion.
GIRLS OF THE 60 s. Still lookin good are members of the Class
of 63 (front l. to r.) Jean Dishner Moore, Gwen Griffitts Johnson,
and Elaine Margrave Bendler. (Back row l. to r.) Carol Jo Spice
Drinnon, Betty Howard Flanary, and Carolyn Mathes McAninch.
ME . . . A Zeta?! Contributed by Joan Chrustowswki Cole,
“I came to LMU from New Jersey . . . never heard of LMU but had
“At the Cafeteria, where we both worked, we had to carry trays for
our sisters, answer questions, say the Greek alphabet, etc. We had
backward day, everything was backward – our walking, our clothes
etc. (try walking up Grant-Lee backwards). We had dress-up day,
and to tell the truth, I can t remember any other days. In all honesty it
wasn t that bad.
“The Zeta sisters were kind but stern. During pledging I became ill.
I went to my room and fell asleep on my bed. Of course my BEANIE
fell off! In walked my Big Sister Lynn . . . I was caught, I had broken
the cardinal rule, Do NOTtake off the BEANIE .
“I was going to be black-balled. Lynn did not even wait for an explanation!! I went to Carol . . . now what am I going to do . . . well if the
Zeta s won t listen and understand that I am sick . . . then I don t
want to be a Zeta. But I really, really want to be a Zeta but I did break
the cardinal rule! In walks Lynn with a concerned look on her face.
The first words out of her mouth were, Are you going to be OK? I
said Only if you let me still become a Zeta .Then Lynn said Of
course, you are sick and I am here to make sure you get better . I
knew then that I did make the right choice in becoming a sorority
sister and joining the Zeta s and the broken rule was never mentioned again! And Lynn Livesay became not only one of the BEST
Big Sisters anyone could have but also a mentor to me on how to be
a true ZETA.
“Hell night came and Carol and I were taken to the top of Grant-Lee
and told to walk down the mountain path. Sure we will . . . after we
sit and talk for about an hour. We walked down, not the way we were
told, but down we did come . . . into the open arms of our Zeta sisters. We were taken to a room and had to recite the Greek alphabet.
Yes, we both did get it all right and we were given flowers from our
Big Sisters.
“We had made it. We were ZETA s!”
80’s – 90’s – 00’s.
No information available.
– 3 –
Directory of
Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae
These names are shown alphabetically by maiden name (where
known) and with husband s name if LMU grad (also where known).
Corrections and additions needed and welcome!
Allen Schoen, Linda
2978 Viaje Pavo Real
Sante Fe, NM 87505
Baker Colson, Elaine ( 69)
520 Mary Street
Smyrna, TN 37167
Beard Anderson, Carolyn ( 60)
POB 127
Jonesborough, TN 37659
Ph: 423.753.6286
Bentley Dewey, Judy (Honorary)
519 Garendon Drive
Cary, NC 27519
Ph: 919.267.4681
Bentley Spencer, Mary Anne
2570 Dibrell Trail Drive
Collierville, TN 38017
Ph: 901.854.0407
Berry Fields, Sue
1701 Snug Harbor Drive
Greensboro, GA 30642
Ph: 706.453.9051
Black, Julie ( 98)
408 King s Row
Crossville, TN 38555
Ph: 931.456.9154
Bortolin Edwards, Barbara
( 65- 66)
9320 Bell Ridge Drive
Pensacola, FL 32526
Ph: 850.944.2093
Browder Farmer, Bobbie
9419 Ravenwood Circle
Knoxville, TN 37929
Ph: 865.690.0437
Burke Taylor Thomas, Barbara
( 69)
185 Walden Lane
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Bush Hollyfield, Carolyn
3316 Pine Timbers Drive
Johnson City, TN 37601
Ph: 423.282.0610
Chrustowski Cole, Joan ( 72)
113 Sherron Avenue
Salem, NJ 08079
Byrd Snapp, Georgia
1151 Foxhall Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Curry Ely, Phyllis ( 69)
8427 N.W. 53rd Place
Coral Springs, FL 33067
Byrd, Sara Nan (Sissy)
315 Olde Franklin Place
Jonesborough, TN 37659
Ph: 423.753.6043
Dishner Moore, Jean ( 63) (Ron)
P.O. Box 579
Pennington Gap, VA 24277
Ph: 276.546.4015
Campbell Overton, Mary Ann
( 56)
1224 Magnolia Ave
Norfolk, VA 23508
Ph: 757.423.1503
Dolleff Lowenthal, Jeanne
43 Kendall Road
Newton Center, MA 02459
Carr Thompson, Shirley
1020 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10028
Chambers Trapp, Judy (Harold)
102 Concord Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Ph: 865.483.3105
Chesney Sergent, Eleanor (John)
1512 Bob Kirby Road
Knoxville, TN 37931
Ph: 865.693.9054
Christopher Johnston, Linda
P.O. Box 464
Loudon, TN 37774
Ph: 865.458.2483.
Cole Louthen, Billie
28014 Rivermont Drive
Meadowview, VA 24361
Cooke Gregory, Diane ( 70)
511 Lakewood Road
Kingston, TN 37763
Cooper, Nellie
3109 Piney Level Road
Maryville, TN 37801
Ph: 865.983.3298
Dotson, Helen ( 63)
1361 Court Street
Alameda, CA 94501
Ph: 703.887.3188
Dunn Jessee, Diane ( 69)
8119 Washington Pike
Corryton, TN 37727
Eldridge Landry, Glenna ( 62)
3218 Willow Terrace Drive
Kingwood, TX 77345
Ph: 281.360.6146
England Rogers, Freda ( 65)
5285 Old Hwy 63
Speedwell, TN 37870
Fletcher Provost, Barbara Jo
(Jo Bob) ( 56)
1111 Painters Crossing
Chadds Ford, PA 19317
Ph: 610.459.4741
Fletcher Puckett, Carolyn
( 68 or 69)
Rte. #2, Box 385
Honaker, VA 24260
Frank, Keisha 07
Ph: 513.225.5110
– 4 –
Frateschi Behrens, Martha Lou
(Marty) ( 61- 64)
438 Chamber Street N.W.
Port Charlotte, FL 33948
Ph: 941.625.5762
Gero Ardans, Wendy ( 66)
2200 196th Street S.E.
Unit 8
Bothell, WA 98012-7226
Gerson, Meryl Beth ( 62- 64)
1515 Great Falls Street, Apt 225
McLean,VA 22101
Ph: 703.448.1724
Golden Eubank, Wanda ( 59)
3476 Weston Andover Road
Andover, VT 05143
Ph: 802.875.3103
Cell: 660.216.4700
Greene Green, Betty Irene ( 57)
627 Willowcrest Place
Kingsport, TN 37660
Green, Bettey Jo
7272 Hwy 411
Benton, TN 37307
Ph: 423.338.5480
Griffitts Johnson, Gwen ( 63)
156 Monroe Road
Maynardville, TN 37807
Ph: 865.992.8004
Griffitts Lunsford, Wanda
314 David Lane
Maryville, TN 37803
Ph: 865.984.1346
Hatmaker Taylor, Betty ( 59) (Pat)
13009 Clearfield Drive
Bowie, MD 20715
Ph: 301.262.4744
Heatherly Nash, Trulene
747 Davis Chapel Road
Lafollette, TN 37766
Ph: 423.562.3725 (home)
423.566.3581 (office)
Hensley, Samantha ( 07)
145 Jakes Branch Road
Pioneer, TN 37842
Hirt Gaston, Roberta
95 Lincoln St.
Crossville, TN 38555
Horton Bishop, Judy (Bob)
642 Foxfire Drive
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Ph: 270.769.1287
Howard Flanary, Betty ( 63)
678 Boone s Station Road
Johnson City, TN 37615
Ph: 423.282.6242
Hudson, Anne ( 64)
3002 Evington Road
Evington, VA 24550
Ph: 434.525.3765
Hunsaker, Betty J.
408 Lakeside Drive
Jenkins, KY 41537
Ph: 606.832.4400
James Sharp, Ann Dove
705 Sharp Ridge Road
LaFollette, TN 37766
Ph: 423.562.5706
Johnson Hobbs, Betty (Thomas)
221 Rolling Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Ph: 301.926.9520
Johnson Simmons, Carol Lee
( 66)
156 Monroe Road
Maynardville, TN 37807
Ph: 865.992.3114
Johnson, Sidney ( 07)
6035 Budmar Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45224
Ph: 513.404.6914
Keenan Clark, (Phyllis) Sharon
1656 Adswood Rd.
Clarksville, TN 37042
Kelsey Sizemore Gorden, Sharon
2101 S. Flager Ave.
Flager, FL 32136
Ph: 386.439-6743
Kern Pilch, Dr. Margaret L.
( 66- 67)
P. O. Box 6252
Sheridan, WY 82801
Ph: 307.655.5395
Margrave Bendler, Elaine ( 63)
18530 Ridgewood Lane
New Berlin, WI 53146
Ph: 262.679.2834
Marshall Bonafield, Judy
381 Lawn View Drive
Morgantown, WV, 26505
Kimbrough Munsey, Neta ( 62)
POB 443
New Tazewell, TN 37824
Ph: 423.626.5541
Mathes McAninch, Carolyn ( 63)
501 Red Pine Way
Monroe, MI 48161
Ph: 734.240.2660
Klein Latiff, Dale
1250 South Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
McDaniel Irwin, Elizabeth (John
Museum of Appalachia
P.O. Box 1189
Norris, TN 37828
Ph: 865.494.7680
Kohn Jordan, Karen
105 Rosemont Court
Atlantis, FL 33462
Ph: 561.641.6836
McEwen Burton, Nancy (Mag)
( 58) (Donald)
8059 Lake Breeze Lane
Hixson, TN 37343
Ph: 423.842.0967
Lambert McGirt, Jody ( 58)
6868 Bayshore Drive
Lantana, FL 33460
Lambert Short, Rose ( 54)
6308 Richmond Pl.
Norfolk, VA 23508
Middleton, Susie ( 56)
HWY 496, Rt 2, Box 2715
Jonesville, VA 24263
Ph: 276.445.4548
Larocque Cadle, Cecile ( 70)
560 Brantley Road
Harrogate, TN 37552
Ph: 423.869.4389
Monday Bales, Janice
445 Woodson Lane
LaFollette, TN 37766
Lasley Day, Sandra
11450 Huntsman Drive
Manassas, VA 20112
Mote Woods, Mary
PO Box 66
Caryville, TN 37714
Lawson, Kayla (Honorary)
1415 Clinch Valley Road
Sneedville, TN 37869-2014
Littleton Hamilton, Wanda ( 57)
5202 Carriage Drive SW
Roanoke, VA 24018
Livesay, Lynn ( 70)
219 Oak Drive North
Surfside Beach, SC 29575
Ph: 843.238.3320
Cell: 910.797.5406.
Lonergan Weaver, Susan
1878 Wood Stork Point
Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
Nevils Hopson, Bethira
220 Hopson Triangle
Unicoi, TN 37692
Ph: 423.743.2345
Newstrom, Van ( 70)
515 S.26th Street
Arlington, VA 22202
Osborne Walters, Dr. Judy ( 69)
7052 S. Crest Avenue
Talbott, TN 37877
Ph: 423.587.0898
– 5 –
Owens Smith, Saundra
P O Box 72
Cumberland Gap, TN 37724
Ph: 423.869.5780
Parahoo, Shastina ( 07)
2104 Cartmill Drive
Powell, TN 37849-5435
Paris Walker, Sue
10081 Elanja Drive
Miamisburg, OH 45342
Ph: 937.746.0777
Parker Hardenbergh, Sandra
1611 Elm Drive
Maryville, TN 37804
Parrish Andersen, Carol ( 70)
1290 Shadrick Ferry Road
Frankfort, KY 40601
Peterson Janack, Carol ( 56)
8370 Theodolite Drive
Apt 122
Van Buren, NY 13027
Pressnell Layne, Faye
2601 Rock Creek Trail
Signal Mountain, TN 37377
Puckett, Carolyn ( 64)
10725 Redbud Highway
Honaker, VA 24260
Ph: 276.873.4275
Reynolds Fitch, Connie
1580 Lower Bellbrook Road
Xenia, OH 45385
Ph: 937.376.0456
Ridlon Gaude, Karen ( 65 or 66)
14371 Classique Way
San Diego, CA 92129
Ph: 858.538.6491
Rudzinski Perry, Carol Linda ( 70)
POB 425
Coeburn, VA 24230
Ph: 276. 395.6383
Satterfield Kennedy, Norma ( 64)
5905 Old Tazewell Pike
Knoxville, TN 37918
Ph: 865.688.1618
Simmons Babelay, Sylvia ( 69)
5820 Babelay Road
Knoxville, TN 37924
Ph: 865.687.9653
Snyder King, Jackie
1614 South Ridge Drive
Marietta, GA 30066
Ph: 770.971.9722
Thompson Butler, Jean
8529 Cypress Lake Drive East
Knoxville, TN 37923
Ph: 865.693.0834
Spice Drinnon, Carol Jo ( 63)
145 Shady Lane
Church Hill, TN 37642
Ph: 423.357.5730
Spice Carr, Terry ( 65)
7520 Ledgerwood Drive
Knoxville, TN 37938
Ph: 865.922.2982
Stafford Letson, Ruth ( 64)
619 General Barksdale Drive
Smyrna, TN 37167
Ph: 615.355.4852
Stone Huddleston, Jo ( 57)
900 South Dean Road
Auburn, AL 36830
Ph: 334.821.4261
Sulfridge Wimble, Patricia
29422 Nottingham Circle
Warren, MI 48092
Thomas, Barbara ( 69) (Ltr Ret)
602 Harrogate Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Ph: 540.368.0088
The Bluebird . . .
Recipes to share
Timberlake Getschman, Goldye
( 51)
600 Lindsey Avenue
Meadville, PA 16335
Ph: 814.337.5861
This recipe “corner” is dedicated
to the memory of “Dear Teacher”
– Myrtle Ellison Smith – who taught at
LMU (1927 - 60) before her retirement as head
of the college s home economics department (remember The Bluebird?). She wrote A Civil War Cookbook, which was widely distributed and quite popular during
the Civil War Centennial observances of the 1960 s. Amazon
says that it is “not currently in stock”. Your Editor has an
autographed copy!!!
Walters Elkins, Linda ( 60)
4312 Stone Mountain Road
Coeburn, VA 24230
Ph: 276.395.6295
Pending some ideas on if, when and/or how we want to compile a Zeta Cookbook, we want to share one of those collected
to date.
Waycaster, Barbara (Ltr Ret)
Route 1, Box 200
Dillwyn, VA 23936
Ph: 804.983.2972
Webb, Dotty (Honorary) (Johnny)
1421 Woodmont Drive
Johnson City, TN 37601
Ph: 423.929.9322
Wilson Bichler, Carol ( 72)
1921 Byerly Mill Rd.
West Jefferson, Ohio 43162
Wisecarver Stroud, Janice
365 Stroud Road
Mohawk, TN 37810-4608
Ph: 423.234.5943
As an elementary school principal, Mary Anne has lots of occasions to “carry in”. This recipe feeds a BUNCH. Just add
some French bread and a beverage. By the way, our girl is in
the second row wearing rabbit ears and a BIG bow tie!
Woody, Heather ( 06)
254 Lissa Lane
Bean Station, TN 37708
Ph: 865.384.4403
Killer Salad
a specialty of Mary Anne Bentley Spencer
Large stalk of Romaine Lettuce
3 stalks celery
2 carrots
1 cucumber
1 red onion
1 pear
1 carton cherry (or grape) tomatoes
1 green pepper
1 cup dried cranberries
Those We Have Lost
Billie Larman Johnson
Buchanan, VA – January 2001
Janice Provins Brooks
LaFollette, TN – March 4, 2006
Chop all of the above
Virginia Seaton
Johnson City, TN – Date of death unknown
Dressing: 1 package of dry Italian dressing made with olive
oil and white balsamic vinegar; marinade the following in dressing until ready to serve: 1 jar of whole mushrooms and 2 cups
of cooked tortellini.
Jonnie Jane Shackelford
Hazard, KY – February 2008
Put the tortellini and mushrooms on the salad; add more dressing as needed. Optional: top with crumbled bacon.
– 6 –
ZTKAA Address and Bio Information
The following information is for use in a ZTKAA Directory of members; it will be shared with others as deemed to be
appropriate by the Association (email to alumnae who are not members of the ZTKAA, Active members, and LMU
Your Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ Zip _________________
Home Phone: (_________) ________________________ Cell Phone: (_________) _______________________
Email Address: ___________________________________ Web Site: ___________________________________
Year of Graduation: ________________________ Major: ______________________________________________
Marital Status: _______________ Spouse s Name: __________________________________________________
LMU Grad ? ____________________________ Year of Graduation: _____________ Children/Number __________
Advanced Degrees/Study: ______________________________________________________________________
Career Path (continue on back if needed): __________________________________________________________
Brag Book: Your major accomplishments (for sake of space, limit this to five and-as much as you love them - this
doesn t include kids and grandkids!):______________________________________________________________
Return information to:
Wanda Golden Eubank
3476 Weston Andover Road
Andover, VT 05143-9186
– 7 –
Homecoming and Zetta Tau Kappa Reunion 2008
October 10, 2008
Zeta Tau Kappa Reunion and Silent Auction
Murray Alumni Lounge, Library
REUNION. “Actives and alums-gathered on the evening of October
10th for a lively and fun-filled evening”. Carolyn Mathes McAninch,
63,described it this way:
“This is what I remember: Lots of Zetas, old and new; a display of
the purple beanie, the ZTK purple pillow; someone s scrapbook with
her Zeta pictures; lots of items displayed with the auction; group pictures; food; many laughs and hugs; fun, fun, fun; reminiscing.
“I loved the way the intervening years just disappeared and we all
came together as if it were 45 years ago. My husband, Alan, said he
had fun just watching the 60-something ladies laugh and talk like
they were in school and in their 20 s again.
“Your email has had me reliving that wonderful weekend . . . and
remembering it as one of the best weekends of my life.”
Editor s Note: Despite repeated efforts, it was not possible to get a
list of those who attended the All-Sorority Tea; and most people failed
to sign the Friday night register. The list given includes those who
took part in some or all of the weekend activities. An honest effort
was made to include pictures of all who were there, and omissions
have been noted where possible. No attempt was made to identify the
actives in this particular photo.
SILENT AUCTION. S-h-h-h-h-h! contributed by Lynn Livesay, 70',
Coordinator for the 2008 Homecoming Reunion Silent Auction.
“It s silent, and ever so stealthy, but it earned nearly $500 for the
ZTKAA”, says Lynn. “On Friday evening of Alumni Weekend, Zetas, pledges, and guests gathered in the library where an array of unique
and interesting items was up for bid. Thanks to ZTK alum from across
the country who donated items of interest, there was spirited bidding
for nearly two hours. Attendees circled the tables and wrote down
strategic bids in order to come out the winner of the auction at the end
of the evening.
(Above) Eleanor Chesney Sergent
(front center) checking the bid
sheet to see if she is going to get a
THEY CAME FROM EVERYWHERE. This group of Alums traveled in from everywhere in the Mid-South and as far away as California, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Others
sent messages. Perhaps you can match the faces with the names below (not all attendees were present for this photo).
2008 Reunion Attendees (alphabetical by maiden/student name):
Carolyn Beard Anderson
Judy Bentley Dewey (Honorary)
Mary Anne Bentley Spencer
Judy Chambers Trapp
Eleanor Chesney Sergent
Phyllis Curry Ely
Jean Dishner Moore
Helen Dotson
Wanda Golden Eubank
Betty Irene Greene Green
Gwen Griffitts Johnson
Wanda Griffitts Lunsford
Betty Hatmaker Taylor
Trulene Heatherly Nash
Judy Horton Bishop
Betty Howard Flanary
Neta Kimbrough Munsey
Lynn Livesay
Elaine Margrave Bendler
Carolyn Mathes McAninch
Nancy McEwen Burton
Sylvia Simmons Babelay
Carol Jo Spice Drinnon
Jean Thompson Butler
(Left) Helen Dotson stops buying
long enough to study some reunion
photo albums.
“Many, many thanks to all who
donated items. The selection was
unbelievable. A gorgeously presented pasta basket, a collection from
the Columbus Zoo, lovely antiques, regional wines, and many other
items lured the bidders.
“Plans are in the works for next year to attempt a
PaperAuction . In this, you dont have to send
items, you don t have to bid, you just decide how
much you MIGHT HAVE spent at an auction, and
donate that amount. Watch your newsletter for more
Says Lynn: If you have a clever idea for generating funds, contact me at any of the following:
lalivesay@aol.com, lynnann_livesay@yahoo.com,
or 843.238.3320.
– 8 –
NO CHOW HALL THIS! Zetas enjoy a Southern country breakfast.
October 11, 2008
ZTKAA Organizational Meeting – Webb s Restaurant at the Gap
ALL-SORORITY TEA. When is a tea, without tea, a “tea”? Can we
call it an All-Sorority “Punch”? Whatever you chose to call it, this
event was a bustling congregation of Deltas, Kappa and Zetas.
BREAKFAST AT WEBB S.All those not otherwise occupied met
at Webb s Restaurant at the Gap on Saturday morning for a group
breakfast and ZTKAA organizational meeting. Gwen Griffitts
Johnson provided leadership for an event that provided great camaraderie, super Southern cooking, and the opportunity to make the decision to formalize our Sisterhood into an Association. The latter action was approved by voice vote.
Attending this event but possibly not pictured in newsletter were Sylvia
Simmons Babalay and Judy Chambers Trapp. However, go to the
hot link mentioned later in this newsletter and click on photos.
INSTALLATION OF HONORARIES. In order to extend the circle
of fellowship, you may want to recognize those who have enriched
your own LMU/ZTK experience. Below are suggested criteria for
your use. Contact your editor for copies of the sponsor form and/or
professionally-printed Honorary Member Certificates.
Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae Association (ZTKAA) Proposal
• Provide support and counsel to the Campus Chapter as
appropriate and needed
• Promote the growth of the Campus and Alumni Chapters
• Celebrate and showcase the personal and professional
achievements of Alumnae members
• Provide a communication network for members of the
“Association” and designated others
• Establish a “presence” in the LMU alumni process
• Maintain a directory of all Zeta Alumnae and distribute to
members and certain LMU representatives
(L. to r.): Wanda Griffitts Lunsford, Samantha Sharp, Neta
Kimbrough Munsey, Elaine Margrave Bendler, and Gwen Griffitts
• Yearly newsletter (email and/or hard copy) for members
• Copy of member directory to association members
• Serve as hostesses to the Zeta hospitality room at LMU
• Organize annual breakfast meeting at LMU Homecoming
• Nominal membership fee/dues ($10/year)
• Volunteer Effort
If we could overlay these photos with a soundtrack of non-stop chatter, you would get the picture even more clearly!
DOLLARS AND CENTS. Status of the Exchequer and
Treasurer s Report – December, 2008 respectfully submitted by
Betty Hatmaker Taylor, 59', Serving as Treasurer for ZTKAA
(L. to r.): Carolyn Mathes McAninch, Jean Dishner Moore, and
Betty Howard Flanary
$ 50.00
Betty Hatmaker Taylor, presents $500 check to Samantha Sharp,
08, President LMU Chapter ZTKduring the All-Sorority Tea on
October 11, 2008.
October 11, 2008
The All-Sorority Tea, President s Home
ZTK Alumni Contributions
(February 2008 - October 3, 2008)
ZTK Alumni Contributions
(October 10 & 11, 2008)
Silent Auction Receipts (October 10, 2008)
Webb s LMU Café for hiring of extra workers
for Breakfast, October 11, 2008
ZTKAA Donation to LMU Zeta Tau Kappa
Sorority, October 11, 2008
Balance on Hand October 11, 2008:
No income received or expenses incurred since October 11, 2008.
Funds are in the Bowie, Maryland branch of Bank of America.
– 9 –
ZTKAA Honorary Membership
• Association Members may sponsor Honorary Members to be
inducted at a specified event.
• Honorary membership is open to those who do or have endorsed
the purpose of the ZTKAA and have provided friendship,
support and/or resources to active or Alumnae members of the
Zeta Tau Kappa Sorority.
• Honorary members are welcomed and encouraged to participate
in all Association activities and fellowship.
• Honorary members will receive a certificate of membership from
• Honorary members shall not pay regular dues nor have a vote on
ZTKAA business.
HONORARY. Sisters of Zeta
Sisters have a way of becoming part of one s life and
memories. Judy Bentley
Dewey, sister of Mary Anne
Bentley Spencer, was inducted as an honorary member during the All Sorority Tea
during Homecoming 2008.
Sponsor: Wanda Golden
Following is a brief description of the things to be posted there:
ZTKAA membership directory
Details and updates re: the ZTKAA Count Me In Project
Schedule and/or specifics on future reunions or other “get together”
Photos (several already posted)
Newsletter (possibly)
News related to the Campus ZTK Chapter
Items of your choosing (input, please)
Forward items of interest to Amanda at Amanda.wampler@lmunet.edu
with a cc: to editor for use in future communications. Or snail mail to
the return address on this newsletter.
ADDRESS AND BIO FORM. One of the objectives of ZTKAA is
to celebrate and showcase the personal and professional achievements
of Alumnae members. In an effort to communicate with each other
AND with LMU Faculty and Staff, we would also like to include
some background information on each of you. We have some truly
talented alumnae and feel that this would give the University folks
some talking and “bragging” points. You can help by completing and
returning the ZTKAA Address and Bio Information form found in
this newsletter. We look forward to showcasing your accomplishments.
SWEATSHIRTS AND TEES. Sweatshirts and long-sleeve T-shirts
are available in the following sizes at the price shown:
Sweatshirts and Long-Sleeve T-Shirts
S-M-L: $20.00
XL: $22.00
XXL: $24.00
Short Sleeve T-Shirts
S-M-L: $12.00
XL: $14.00
Another honorary who will be
featured in the next newsletter is Dottie Webb of Johnson
City, TN.
$5.00/item ordered
DIRECTORY. Included in
this issue is a copy of the directory as a “work in
progress”. We re looking for names and complete addresses (phone
and email if possible) of Alumnae and their year of graduation/attendance.
FATALITIES. Now that I have your attention, can anyone supply
the correct info? If not, these addies will be removed from the Zeta
Alum listserve since they come back as fast as they re sent!
“The following addresses had permanent fatal errors”:
(Karen Kohn Jordan)
(Sue Paris Walker)
(Carol Linda Rudzinski Perry)
(Ruth Stafford Letson)
saundraos@communicom.com (Saundra Owens Smith)
HOT LINK. By the time you read this, there will be a computer path
to ZTKAA information. Thanks to LMU staff George Davis and
Regina Burns, we are working with Amanda Wampler, graduate
assistant for publications and web, to establish a link to the LMU
Home Page. Go to http://www.lmunet.edu/campuslife/zetas/index.htm
Send your name, address, phone
number and email along with your
check to the following:
Jim Gatewood
G Marketing/Video Services
5421 Autumn Drive
Columbia, MO 65202
Phone: 573.864.3460
Email: gmarketing@charter.net
Betty Howard Flanary 63and
Glenna Eldridge Landry 62send
everyone their best wishes from the
balcony of Glenna s condo in
– 10 –
XXL: $16.00
NO CHOW HALL THIS! Zetas enjoy a Southern country breakfast.
October 11, 2008
ZTKAA Organizational Meeting – Webb s Restaurant at the Gap
ALL-SORORITY TEA. When is a tea, without tea, a “tea”? Can we
call it an All-Sorority “Punch”? Whatever you chose to call it, this
event was a bustling congregation of Deltas, Kappa and Zetas.
BREAKFAST AT WEBB S.All those not otherwise occupied met
at Webb s Restaurant at the Gap on Saturday morning for a group
breakfast and ZTKAA organizational meeting. Gwen Griffitts
Johnson provided leadership for an event that provided great camaraderie, super Southern cooking, and the opportunity to make the decision to formalize our Sisterhood into an Association. The latter action was approved by voice vote.
Attending this event but possibly not pictured in newsletter were Sylvia
Simmons Babalay and Judy Chambers Trapp. However, go to the
hot link mentioned later in this newsletter and click on photos.
INSTALLATION OF HONORARIES. In order to extend the circle
of fellowship, you may want to recognize those who have enriched
your own LMU/ZTK experience. Below are suggested criteria for
your use. Contact your editor for copies of the sponsor form and/or
professionally-printed Honorary Member Certificates.
Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae Association (ZTKAA) Proposal
• Provide support and counsel to the Campus Chapter as
appropriate and needed
• Promote the growth of the Campus and Alumni Chapters
• Celebrate and showcase the personal and professional
achievements of Alumnae members
• Provide a communication network for members of the
“Association” and designated others
• Establish a “presence” in the LMU alumni process
• Maintain a directory of all Zeta Alumnae and distribute to
members and certain LMU representatives
(L. to r.): Wanda Griffitts Lunsford, Samantha Sharp, Neta
Kimbrough Munsey, Elaine Margrave Bendler, and Gwen Griffitts
• Yearly newsletter (email and/or hard copy) for members
• Copy of member directory to association members
• Serve as hostesses to the Zeta hospitality room at LMU
• Organize annual breakfast meeting at LMU Homecoming
• Nominal membership fee/dues ($10/year)
• Volunteer Effort
If we could overlay these photos with a soundtrack of non-stop chatter, you would get the picture even more clearly!
DOLLARS AND CENTS. Status of the Exchequer and
Treasurer s Report – December, 2008 respectfully submitted by
Betty Hatmaker Taylor, 59', Serving as Treasurer for ZTKAA
(L. to r.): Carolyn Mathes McAninch, Jean Dishner Moore, and
Betty Howard Flanary
$ 50.00
Betty Hatmaker Taylor, presents $500 check to Samantha Sharp,
08, President LMU Chapter ZTKduring the All-Sorority Tea on
October 11, 2008.
October 11, 2008
The All-Sorority Tea, President s Home
ZTK Alumni Contributions
(February 2008 - October 3, 2008)
ZTK Alumni Contributions
(October 10 & 11, 2008)
Silent Auction Receipts (October 10, 2008)
Webb s LMU Café for hiring of extra workers
for Breakfast, October 11, 2008
ZTKAA Donation to LMU Zeta Tau Kappa
Sorority, October 11, 2008
Balance on Hand October 11, 2008:
No income received or expenses incurred since October 11, 2008.
Funds are in the Bowie, Maryland branch of Bank of America.
– 9 –
ZTKAA Honorary Membership
• Association Members may sponsor Honorary Members to be
inducted at a specified event.
• Honorary membership is open to those who do or have endorsed
the purpose of the ZTKAA and have provided friendship,
support and/or resources to active or Alumnae members of the
Zeta Tau Kappa Sorority.
• Honorary members are welcomed and encouraged to participate
in all Association activities and fellowship.
• Honorary members will receive a certificate of membership from
• Honorary members shall not pay regular dues nor have a vote on
ZTKAA business.
HONORARY. Sisters of Zeta
Sisters have a way of becoming part of one s life and
memories. Judy Bentley
Dewey, sister of Mary Anne
Bentley Spencer, was inducted as an honorary member during the All Sorority Tea
during Homecoming 2008.
Sponsor: Wanda Golden
Following is a brief description of the things to be posted there:
ZTKAA membership directory
Details and updates re: the ZTKAA Count Me In Project
Schedule and/or specifics on future reunions or other “get together”
Photos (several already posted)
Newsletter (possibly)
News related to the Campus ZTK Chapter
Items of your choosing (input, please)
Forward items of interest to Amanda at Amanda.wampler@lmunet.edu
with a cc: to editor for use in future communications. Or snail mail to
the return address on this newsletter.
ADDRESS AND BIO FORM. One of the objectives of ZTKAA is
to celebrate and showcase the personal and professional achievements
of Alumnae members. In an effort to communicate with each other
AND with LMU Faculty and Staff, we would also like to include
some background information on each of you. We have some truly
talented alumnae and feel that this would give the University folks
some talking and “bragging” points. You can help by completing and
returning the ZTKAA Address and Bio Information form found in
this newsletter. We look forward to showcasing your accomplishments.
SWEATSHIRTS AND TEES. Sweatshirts and long-sleeve T-shirts
are available in the following sizes at the price shown:
Sweatshirts and Long-Sleeve T-Shirts
S-M-L: $20.00
XL: $22.00
XXL: $24.00
Short Sleeve T-Shirts
S-M-L: $12.00
XL: $14.00
Another honorary who will be
featured in the next newsletter is Dottie Webb of Johnson
City, TN.
$5.00/item ordered
DIRECTORY. Included in
this issue is a copy of the directory as a “work in
progress”. We re looking for names and complete addresses (phone
and email if possible) of Alumnae and their year of graduation/attendance.
FATALITIES. Now that I have your attention, can anyone supply
the correct info? If not, these addies will be removed from the Zeta
Alum listserve since they come back as fast as they re sent!
“The following addresses had permanent fatal errors”:
(Karen Kohn Jordan)
(Sue Paris Walker)
(Carol Linda Rudzinski Perry)
(Ruth Stafford Letson)
saundraos@communicom.com (Saundra Owens Smith)
HOT LINK. By the time you read this, there will be a computer path
to ZTKAA information. Thanks to LMU staff George Davis and
Regina Burns, we are working with Amanda Wampler, graduate
assistant for publications and web, to establish a link to the LMU
Home Page. Go to http://www.lmunet.edu/campuslife/zetas/index.htm
Send your name, address, phone
number and email along with your
check to the following:
Jim Gatewood
G Marketing/Video Services
5421 Autumn Drive
Columbia, MO 65202
Phone: 573.864.3460
Email: gmarketing@charter.net
Betty Howard Flanary 63and
Glenna Eldridge Landry 62send
everyone their best wishes from the
balcony of Glenna s condo in
– 10 –
XXL: $16.00
CAMPAIGN 500. Count Me In”. Carolyn Beard Anderson
called this editor one day and asked that I “just listen” to an idea
she had following a discussion (with George Davis) about the low
level of undergrad giving to LMU. To make a long story short, a
proposal was developed to increase these numbers and percentages
through outreach that would yield LOTS of small donations. Those
present at the ZTKAA breakfast on October 11, 2008 gave verbal
sanction to sponsor the project.
The proposal was reviewed, refined, and enthusiastically approved
by the Division of University Advancement at LMU including
Cynthia Whitt, George Davis, Denton Loving and Frank Woodward. See the LMU Homepage at http://www.lmunet.edu (click on
Directory) for titles and contact information for these folks.
In this issue (insert), you will find materials that can be used to
target donors. These items are also posted at the ZTKAA hot link.
We suggest that you copy the letter (or create your own) and the
descriptor/donor form. Send this on to five or more of your LMU
friends and family and let s see what happens. Frank Woodward
will be tracking and will keep us up to date on progress.
Some suggestions for contacts you might make:
• Your first (non-Zeta) study buddy or “roomie” - (sadly, mine is
• An old “flame”- (from all accounts, hale and healthy)
• Alum from your city, town, state, or zip code
(Contact Denton Loving for help. He s great!
Email: Denton.Loving@lmunet.edu)
• Sigma brothers (at least one of mine has already contributed)
• Quid pro quo - (The Class of 56 is sponsoring a drive to furnish
an Avery Hall computer lab-trade off on contributions?!)
This editor specifically requested the “Yankee” addresses and has
already “done” New England, New York, New Jersey and Delaware. These were personalized somewhat by crossing through the
salutation and writing in the recipient s name; a brief note at the
bottom asked for support for our campaign. Response has been heartwarming. Just recently, this message arrived:
“Dear Wanda, Thank you for reminding me of the wonderful 2
years & 3 months I spent at LMU . . .”
Frank Ronga, Class of 53
64 Princeton Drive, Tappan, NY 10983
That, in itself, made my efforts worthwhile!
Actives . . .
Campus Update by Sara West, Secretary/Communications Officer
Email: sara.west@lmunet.edu
“We d like to have a giant Moon Bounce for our GreekWeek activity,
but are still talking to the administration and checking prices. We want
to save some of these funds for next year s activities, of course! Our
goals are for people to notice the Zeta Tau Kappa sorority, to sponsor
more activities on campus, and to give more back to the community!
“Five pledges crossed over this semester-making 13 actives. Open
Rush begins in January. We re working on a theme. Last time was
pajama jam where prospective pledges could chill out in pajamas
and slippers! Another idea: some kind of keep warm theme with hot
Remarks and “Disclaimers” from your Editor
This represents the first issue of “The Sisterhood”, (what we
hope will be) a continuing form of dialogue between Zeta Alums and
others. It is truly a work in progress and it will need your contributions and input if it is to serve as a source of communication and
connection for our members.
The format is designed to provide space for anything you might like
to contribute. Feel free to send commentary and news items (including pix!) to this editor at any time. Our goal is to publish this twice
yearly-following and just prior to Homecoming and the annual Zeta
reunion. (Hold the second weekend of October 2009 for these events).
This time last year, we had only about fifteen addresses to work with.
As you can see from the enclosed Directory, we now have a “bunch”.
Thanks to all who took time to look up alumnae contact information;
but there are still way too many folks missing. We very much need
info on the following decades: up to and through the 30 s, and 80 s present. Help fill in the blanks and/or correct info.
We ve done our best to include something of interest to most of you.
Any gaps or omissions are not intentional, but due to lack of information and/or graphics. For all the photos, we owe thanks to Trulene
Heatherly Nash, Betty Howard Flanary, Wanda Griffitts
Lunsford, Gwen Griffitts Johnson, Lynn Livesay, Carolyn Mathes
McAninch, Jo Stone Huddleston, and Katherine Reagan at LMU.
This issue is being sent to all names on the enclosed Directory and to
those whose names are received before the next issue is mailed. Future issues (hard copy) will go only to those who choose to be a “member” of the Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae Association. You can review the
ZTKAA proposal in the section on Breakfast at Webb s.
To become a member, you will need to send a check for $10.00
yearly dues to Betty Hatmaker Taylor ( 59), 13009 Clearfield
Drive, Bowie, MD 20715, Ph: 301.262.4744. Email:
Make checks payable to “Betty Taylor”, with a notation on the legend
line “ZTKAA”. These funds are used to support our expenses for
newsletter, postage and assorted supplies-especially for the ZTK reunion at Homecoming. Since 2009 will be considered a new membership year, Betty will welcome your check at any time!
“COUNT ME IN”. If you haveNOT received an acknowledgement
of your contribution made at the Saturday breakfast, please contact
Betty Taylor. Five dollar bills were flying everywhere and one may
not have been accounted for correctly.
TYPOS AND STUFF. This Editor is proof positive that one cannot
“proof” their own work (pun intended). Send corrections on substantive items; but— if you see a floating comma or some such thing—
I ve probably already noticed it!!
Wanda Golden Eubank 59,Acting Editor
Phone: 802.875.3103
Email: weubank@vermontel.net
Wanda Eubank
“We used ideas provided by alumni, including shaking hands with
the Sigma s — a favorite with some of you! Your contribution helped
with our having a pleasant crossover celebration. We were able to
provide supper for the new and old actives and had a great time eating
and chatting.
“We also sponsor bake sales at home LMU basketball games and donate half the funds to charity. This year, we ll be able to bake more
because of the money provided. Since we usually sell out, there will
be more funds to give to charity. We hope to sponsor a spring talent
show on campus. We call this endeavor Zeta Idol , and hopefully
your financial support will make it extra special.
deaths, accomplishments, celebrations, or whatever is important to
The August (pre-reunion, pre-Homecoming) issue will include a feature on Vital Statistics and will include items you send related to births,
“The current chapter of ZTK at LMU extends our thanks for the funds
graciously provided by ZTKAA! Your donation, along with current
member dues, helped to fund activities of Hell Week—arguably the
most memorable experience of the pledging process.
“Finally, we ordered T-Shirts for all the members reading ZetaTau
Kappa on the front and on the back a line edited from the movie
Zoolander: Theres more to being a Zeta than being really, really,
ridiculously good looking . . . Everyone was excited to get shirts that
were designed and paid for by the Chapter. So far, that s all the alumni
funds we have used.
The Last Word . . .
3476 Weston Andover Road
Andover, VT 05143-9186
CAMPUS CHAPTER. Front row (l. to r.): Ashley Garrett*, Mandy
Tate*, Jackie Stamper*, Vanessa Santana*, Melanie Cucurullo*,
and Amber Boulden. Back row (l. to r.): Sara West, Angela Neeley,
Samantha Myers, Oniya Lloyd, Shanell Thomas, Franchesca
Tomlinson, and Samantha Sharp. *Denotes those who became fullfledged Zeta s during last semester s “Crossover”.
cocoa and such. If you all have ideas, we ll gladly listen.We have a
special surprise for you. After meeting with alumni, many of us were
saddened because we seem to have drifted so far away from Zeta
traditions including a change in colors. We voted to add purple to our
colors! No one could bear to part with blue, so now our colors are
blue, purple, and white.
“We can t wait to share our future activities with you and would love
to hear from you. We absolutely loved speaking with and sharing ideas
with alumni who attended Homecoming and we truly appreciate all
that you ve done for us!”
Other news: Shanell Thomas replaces Samantha Sharp is the Incoming President and can be reached at Email:
shanell.thomas@lmunet.edu. Samantha is off to graduate school at
ETSU for a Masters in Criminal Justice.
– 11 –
– 12 –
CAMPAIGN 500. Count Me In”. Carolyn Beard Anderson
called this editor one day and asked that I “just listen” to an idea
she had following a discussion (with George Davis) about the low
level of undergrad giving to LMU. To make a long story short, a
proposal was developed to increase these numbers and percentages
through outreach that would yield LOTS of small donations. Those
present at the ZTKAA breakfast on October 11, 2008 gave verbal
sanction to sponsor the project.
The proposal was reviewed, refined, and enthusiastically approved
by the Division of University Advancement at LMU including
Cynthia Whitt, George Davis, Denton Loving and Frank Woodward. See the LMU Homepage at http://www.lmunet.edu (click on
Directory) for titles and contact information for these folks.
In this issue (insert), you will find materials that can be used to
target donors. These items are also posted at the ZTKAA hot link.
We suggest that you copy the letter (or create your own) and the
descriptor/donor form. Send this on to five or more of your LMU
friends and family and let s see what happens. Frank Woodward
will be tracking and will keep us up to date on progress.
Some suggestions for contacts you might make:
• Your first (non-Zeta) study buddy or “roomie” - (sadly, mine is
• An old “flame”- (from all accounts, hale and healthy)
• Alum from your city, town, state, or zip code
(Contact Denton Loving for help. He s great!
Email: Denton.Loving@lmunet.edu)
• Sigma brothers (at least one of mine has already contributed)
• Quid pro quo - (The Class of 56 is sponsoring a drive to furnish
an Avery Hall computer lab-trade off on contributions?!)
This editor specifically requested the “Yankee” addresses and has
already “done” New England, New York, New Jersey and Delaware. These were personalized somewhat by crossing through the
salutation and writing in the recipient s name; a brief note at the
bottom asked for support for our campaign. Response has been heartwarming. Just recently, this message arrived:
“Dear Wanda, Thank you for reminding me of the wonderful 2
years & 3 months I spent at LMU . . .”
Frank Ronga, Class of 53
64 Princeton Drive, Tappan, NY 10983
That, in itself, made my efforts worthwhile!
Actives . . .
Campus Update by Sara West, Secretary/Communications Officer
Email: sara.west@lmunet.edu
“We d like to have a giant Moon Bounce for our GreekWeek activity,
but are still talking to the administration and checking prices. We want
to save some of these funds for next year s activities, of course! Our
goals are for people to notice the Zeta Tau Kappa sorority, to sponsor
more activities on campus, and to give more back to the community!
“Five pledges crossed over this semester-making 13 actives. Open
Rush begins in January. We re working on a theme. Last time was
pajama jam where prospective pledges could chill out in pajamas
and slippers! Another idea: some kind of keep warm theme with hot
Remarks and “Disclaimers” from your Editor
This represents the first issue of “The Sisterhood”, (what we
hope will be) a continuing form of dialogue between Zeta Alums and
others. It is truly a work in progress and it will need your contributions and input if it is to serve as a source of communication and
connection for our members.
The format is designed to provide space for anything you might like
to contribute. Feel free to send commentary and news items (including pix!) to this editor at any time. Our goal is to publish this twice
yearly-following and just prior to Homecoming and the annual Zeta
reunion. (Hold the second weekend of October 2009 for these events).
This time last year, we had only about fifteen addresses to work with.
As you can see from the enclosed Directory, we now have a “bunch”.
Thanks to all who took time to look up alumnae contact information;
but there are still way too many folks missing. We very much need
info on the following decades: up to and through the 30 s, and 80 s present. Help fill in the blanks and/or correct info.
We ve done our best to include something of interest to most of you.
Any gaps or omissions are not intentional, but due to lack of information and/or graphics. For all the photos, we owe thanks to Trulene
Heatherly Nash, Betty Howard Flanary, Wanda Griffitts
Lunsford, Gwen Griffitts Johnson, Lynn Livesay, Carolyn Mathes
McAninch, Jo Stone Huddleston, and Katherine Reagan at LMU.
This issue is being sent to all names on the enclosed Directory and to
those whose names are received before the next issue is mailed. Future issues (hard copy) will go only to those who choose to be a “member” of the Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae Association. You can review the
ZTKAA proposal in the section on Breakfast at Webb s.
To become a member, you will need to send a check for $10.00
yearly dues to Betty Hatmaker Taylor ( 59), 13009 Clearfield
Drive, Bowie, MD 20715, Ph: 301.262.4744. Email:
Make checks payable to “Betty Taylor”, with a notation on the legend
line “ZTKAA”. These funds are used to support our expenses for
newsletter, postage and assorted supplies-especially for the ZTK reunion at Homecoming. Since 2009 will be considered a new membership year, Betty will welcome your check at any time!
“COUNT ME IN”. If you haveNOT received an acknowledgement
of your contribution made at the Saturday breakfast, please contact
Betty Taylor. Five dollar bills were flying everywhere and one may
not have been accounted for correctly.
TYPOS AND STUFF. This Editor is proof positive that one cannot
“proof” their own work (pun intended). Send corrections on substantive items; but— if you see a floating comma or some such thing—
I ve probably already noticed it!!
Wanda Golden Eubank 59,Acting Editor
Phone: 802.875.3103
Email: weubank@vermontel.net
Wanda Eubank
“We used ideas provided by alumni, including shaking hands with
the Sigma s — a favorite with some of you! Your contribution helped
with our having a pleasant crossover celebration. We were able to
provide supper for the new and old actives and had a great time eating
and chatting.
“We also sponsor bake sales at home LMU basketball games and donate half the funds to charity. This year, we ll be able to bake more
because of the money provided. Since we usually sell out, there will
be more funds to give to charity. We hope to sponsor a spring talent
show on campus. We call this endeavor Zeta Idol , and hopefully
your financial support will make it extra special.
deaths, accomplishments, celebrations, or whatever is important to
The August (pre-reunion, pre-Homecoming) issue will include a feature on Vital Statistics and will include items you send related to births,
“The current chapter of ZTK at LMU extends our thanks for the funds
graciously provided by ZTKAA! Your donation, along with current
member dues, helped to fund activities of Hell Week—arguably the
most memorable experience of the pledging process.
“Finally, we ordered T-Shirts for all the members reading ZetaTau
Kappa on the front and on the back a line edited from the movie
Zoolander: Theres more to being a Zeta than being really, really,
ridiculously good looking . . . Everyone was excited to get shirts that
were designed and paid for by the Chapter. So far, that s all the alumni
funds we have used.
The Last Word . . .
3476 Weston Andover Road
Andover, VT 05143-9186
CAMPUS CHAPTER. Front row (l. to r.): Ashley Garrett*, Mandy
Tate*, Jackie Stamper*, Vanessa Santana*, Melanie Cucurullo*,
and Amber Boulden. Back row (l. to r.): Sara West, Angela Neeley,
Samantha Myers, Oniya Lloyd, Shanell Thomas, Franchesca
Tomlinson, and Samantha Sharp. *Denotes those who became fullfledged Zeta s during last semester s “Crossover”.
cocoa and such. If you all have ideas, we ll gladly listen.We have a
special surprise for you. After meeting with alumni, many of us were
saddened because we seem to have drifted so far away from Zeta
traditions including a change in colors. We voted to add purple to our
colors! No one could bear to part with blue, so now our colors are
blue, purple, and white.
“We can t wait to share our future activities with you and would love
to hear from you. We absolutely loved speaking with and sharing ideas
with alumni who attended Homecoming and we truly appreciate all
that you ve done for us!”
Other news: Shanell Thomas replaces Samantha Sharp is the Incoming President and can be reached at Email:
shanell.thomas@lmunet.edu. Samantha is off to graduate school at
ETSU for a Masters in Criminal Justice.
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COUNT ME IN – Sample Cover Letter
Dear LMU Alum,
Enclosed with this letter is a description of Campaign 500: Count Me In. This campaign is a project
of the Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae Association (ZTKAA) and is designed to show BROAD support
from those of us who attended LMU as undergraduates.
This campaign was developed in cooperation with the Division of University Advancement at LMU.
It is NOT intended to replace any LMU giving program that you have in place.
Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae Association (ZTKAA)
Campaign 500: “Count Me In”
Let us count you in. Contribute $5.00 to LMU.
The purpose of Campaign 500 is to increase the NUMBER and PERCENTAGE of alumni who support LMU
with a monetary contribution. This is not intended to replace your regular giving program. The 500 Campaign
is designed to show BROAD support and interest from a large number of Alums. This campaign was developed in cooperation with the Division of University Advancement at LMU.
Objectives of the ZTKAA Campaign 500 are as follows:
• Increase the number of contributors by 500 Alumni each year for 10 years
• Increase the dollars contributed by $5.00 for each Alumni who says “Count me in!”
• Encourage LMU Grads and Alumni Chapters to follow suit by promoting Campaign 500 throughout their
own networks
Did you ever stop to think that Lincoln is our only president to appear on two monetary units-the penny and the
five-dollar bill?! Chances are you have a jug of coins somewhere in the house. Chances are even better that
most of these are Lincoln Pennies. The next time you count yours, say “COUNT ME IN!” Set aside the first
500. Convert these to five dollars and join the 500 Campaign. Complete the form below and SEND ABE
Remember These? The smell of Autumn as you crossed the quadrangle to check your mail box?
Gathering and dancing in the basement of LaFrentz Poole? Congregating before meals at Chow
Hall? The Basketball Railsplitters? Cheeseburgers at the Hunk Stand? I do!
Alumni percentages are vital in fundraising and many foundations ask what alums give back before they will
fund requests for grant support. How does LMU rank with other schools of similar size and mission? It is
difficult to show exact comparisons, but recent figures show that LMU undergrads are not as responsive as
those in other colleges. The following illustrates this point:
During Homecoming conversations with folks at LMU, we felt that the level of undergrad giving
(5.22% in 2008) isn t erflective of the appreciation that we hold for the education and fellowship we
enjoyed during our stay in Harrogate.
• Milligan: 32%
• Berea: 28.5%
So, we are asking you to join us in raising this percentage by making a contribution of at least $5.00
to LMU. Cut off the form, write a check, and say “Count Me In”.
First, copy the enclosed and send it on to some of your LMU friends with a cover note of your
choice. In addition to raising the percentage level of giving, you may just renew an old acquaintance!
Best wishes to you and yours,
• Carson Newman: 10%
• LMU: 5.22%
We invite you to join the ZTKAA with your gift of at least $5.00. Be counted! Copy this message and send it
to five or more of your LMU friends, acquaintances, and former students. Let s increase the total by 500
contributors every year for the next ten years. This is one small way to signal how much your LMU education
has meant to you.
Cut off the form below and send your contribution to
University Advancement, c/o Frank Woodward, LMU
6965 Cumberland Gap Parkway • Harrogate, TN 37752
Ph: 423.869.6351 • Email: frank.woodward@;munet.net.
Make the check payable to Lincoln Memorial University or LMU and – on the legend line – make this note:
“Count Me In”.
Enclosed is (At least!) $5.00/per person listed below:
(Your name and contact information)
Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________
Please include the name used as undergrad and year of graduation or attendance
You may also contribute in Honor/Memory of an Alum
Address: _____________________________________________________________ Zip Code ____________________
ZTKAA Thanks You for Your Support!
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COUNT ME IN – Sample Cover Letter
Dear LMU Alum,
Enclosed with this letter is a description of Campaign 500: Count Me In. This campaign is a project
of the Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae Association (ZTKAA) and is designed to show BROAD support
from those of us who attended LMU as undergraduates.
This campaign was developed in cooperation with the Division of University Advancement at LMU.
It is NOT intended to replace any LMU giving program that you have in place.
Zeta Tau Kappa Alumnae Association (ZTKAA)
Campaign 500: “Count Me In”
Let us count you in. Contribute $5.00 to LMU.
The purpose of Campaign 500 is to increase the NUMBER and PERCENTAGE of alumni who support LMU
with a monetary contribution. This is not intended to replace your regular giving program. The 500 Campaign
is designed to show BROAD support and interest from a large number of Alums. This campaign was developed in cooperation with the Division of University Advancement at LMU.
Objectives of the ZTKAA Campaign 500 are as follows:
• Increase the number of contributors by 500 Alumni each year for 10 years
• Increase the dollars contributed by $5.00 for each Alumni who says “Count me in!”
• Encourage LMU Grads and Alumni Chapters to follow suit by promoting Campaign 500 throughout their
own networks
Did you ever stop to think that Lincoln is our only president to appear on two monetary units-the penny and the
five-dollar bill?! Chances are you have a jug of coins somewhere in the house. Chances are even better that
most of these are Lincoln Pennies. The next time you count yours, say “COUNT ME IN!” Set aside the first
500. Convert these to five dollars and join the 500 Campaign. Complete the form below and SEND ABE
Remember These? The smell of Autumn as you crossed the quadrangle to check your mail box?
Gathering and dancing in the basement of LaFrentz Poole? Congregating before meals at Chow
Hall? The Basketball Railsplitters? Cheeseburgers at the Hunk Stand? I do!
Alumni percentages are vital in fundraising and many foundations ask what alums give back before they will
fund requests for grant support. How does LMU rank with other schools of similar size and mission? It is
difficult to show exact comparisons, but recent figures show that LMU undergrads are not as responsive as
those in other colleges. The following illustrates this point:
During Homecoming conversations with folks at LMU, we felt that the level of undergrad giving
(5.22% in 2008) isn t erflective of the appreciation that we hold for the education and fellowship we
enjoyed during our stay in Harrogate.
• Milligan: 32%
• Berea: 28.5%
So, we are asking you to join us in raising this percentage by making a contribution of at least $5.00
to LMU. Cut off the form, write a check, and say “Count Me In”.
First, copy the enclosed and send it on to some of your LMU friends with a cover note of your
choice. In addition to raising the percentage level of giving, you may just renew an old acquaintance!
Best wishes to you and yours,
• Carson Newman: 10%
• LMU: 5.22%
We invite you to join the ZTKAA with your gift of at least $5.00. Be counted! Copy this message and send it
to five or more of your LMU friends, acquaintances, and former students. Let s increase the total by 500
contributors every year for the next ten years. This is one small way to signal how much your LMU education
has meant to you.
Cut off the form below and send your contribution to
University Advancement, c/o Frank Woodward, LMU
6965 Cumberland Gap Parkway • Harrogate, TN 37752
Ph: 423.869.6351 • Email: frank.woodward@;munet.net.
Make the check payable to Lincoln Memorial University or LMU and – on the legend line – make this note:
“Count Me In”.
Enclosed is (At least!) $5.00/per person listed below:
(Your name and contact information)
Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________
Please include the name used as undergrad and year of graduation or attendance
You may also contribute in Honor/Memory of an Alum
Address: _____________________________________________________________ Zip Code ____________________
ZTKAA Thanks You for Your Support!
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