Geberit Pluvia® siphonic roof drainage system


Geberit Pluvia® siphonic roof drainage system
Geberit Pluvia®
siphonic roof drainage system
What is Geberit Pluvia®?
Geberit Pluvia® is a roof drainage system based on an intelligent negative pressure
suction system. In contrast to conventional drainage systems, Geberit Pluvia®
offers solutions for the architecture of today. The high-performance Geberit Pluvia®
roof outlets are linked together directly under the roof with a non-sloping collector
pipe. Large roof areas can thus be drained through a single discharge stack. This
simplifies planning and reduces construction time. Cost-intensive discharge
stacks and drains are dispensed with, multiplying both the planning options
available to the architect and the potential uses for the building.
The Geberit Pluvia® was named as the 2009 Rainwater Harvesting
Product of the year at the 2009 Master Plumbers and Gasfitters
Association of WA Awards for excellence.
Geberit Pluvia® – The System
Based on the vacuum principle, the Geberit Pluvia® siphonic roof drainage system
offers incredible performance. The innovative roof drainage system can discharge up
to 100L/s of rainwater per outlet.
Advantages of using Geberit Pluvia®
New architectural flexibility in
building use
Reduced pipe dimensions
Less space required
Self-cleaning action
No slope of pipework required
Less underground pipes
Installed by Plumber already on site
Less site work
A simple and speedy fastening system
Fewer pipes and fittings
Conventional drainage systems
Geberit Pluvia® System
Whether it be 100 m2 or
100,000 m2 – Geberit Pluvia® is
always the suitable system
The technical principle and the high
drainage rate of Geberit Pluvia®
ensure that the system can be used
in a wide range of applications.
Installation is possible in both cold
and warm roofs. Inverted roofs and
sloping collector pipes
non-sloping collector pipe
different kinds of greened roof
many discharge stacks
less discharge stacks
surfaces – whether extensively or
complex drain system
intensively greened – can be drained
cost-intensive installation
reduced pipe dimensions
with Geberit Pluvia®.
limited structural design options
low-cost installation
many structural design options
How does Geberit Pluvia® function?
Geberit Pluvia® negative pressure suction system:
fast, clean and inexpensive
Unlike conventional roof drainage methods, the Geberit Pluvia®
roof drainage system functions as a siphonic system, as shown in
simplified form in Illustration 1. The pipeline system fills up as
rapidly as possible, due to the correct pipeline dimensioning and
arrangement of the Geberit Pluvia® roof outlets, thus generating a
negative pressure in the pipeline. This negative pressure in the
pipe rapidly discharges the rainwater (Ill. 2), instead of merely
allowing it to drain away using gravity, and also ensures an
improved self-cleaning function.
Ill. 1
Ill. 2
Geberit Pluvia®
– The Hardware
Geberit Pluvia®
– The Software
Geberit Pluvia® outlets are developed for all types of roof structures.
Proplanner is the Geberit Pluvia® advanced software that easily
Due to the different discharge rates of the outlets (from 1L/s to
allows the calculation of the most complex roof projects. It can
100L/s) an economical layout of the roof drainage system can be
be used to design a siphonic roof drainage system for
reached. The wide range of contract sheets and accessories allows
residential, industrial and commercial roofs larger than 100m2,
connection with every common roof material. The Geberit Pluvia®
including flat roofs, shed type or normal pitch roofs, dome-
outlets can also be transformed into safety overflow outlets with an
shaped and arched roofs with various curvatures.
additional installation kit.
Proplanner is convenient to operate, easy to learn and
The Geberit HDPE range of pipes and fittings is the ideal system to
meet the requirements of the Pluvia® roof drainage system. Due to
its outstanding material characteristics Geberit HDPE is especially
suitable for prefabrication.
The Geberit Pluvia® fastening system was developed for the
installation of exposed horizontal roof drainage piping. The expansion
and contraction of the pipes that occur after installation are absorbed
by the system itself. For this purpose, all mechanical forces are
transmitted to the square steel rail routed parallel to the pipe.
Large spans between beams can be bridged in bay structures.
Fewer fasteners to building structure
Preassembly on the bay floor is possible
> Alignment of clamps on the rail or
> Alignments of brackets and of HDPE pipe on the rail
The brackets are conveniently secured with wedges
Only 2 common tools are required for the assembly of the system
provides isometric drawings, hydraulic calculations, material
list including fastening systems and cost calculation with
ready-to-mail tender documents.
Geberit Pluvia® Design
Geberit named in top 10 most sustainable
companies globally
Geberit is a proven international leader in the
area of sustainability. Having recently been
named among the top 10 most sustainable
By choosing Geberit Pluvia Siphonic System you can gain access to
companies in the world from a study conducted
the following:
by media company, Corporate Knights, further
“supports and validates Geberit’s continuing
Isometric drawings
Geberit Pluvia Proplanner calculation files
Geberit Pluvia® fixation system
Geberit Pluvia® Application Techniques Manual
are core areas of concern for the Geberit
Geberit Pluvia® design guarantee certificate
organisation both globally and locally. A key
Design and project management throughout the construction of the
project, including on-site representation and installation support.
The client provides the following information:
Rainfall intensity
Elevation and plan drawings
Geberit Pluvia® design forms
commitment to being environmentally
responsible in everything we do,” said Managing
Director of Geberit Australia. Saving water,
resource efficiency and sustainable construction
focus for Geberit Australia is to continually
update, integrate and effectively implement a
sustainable strategy that will make a positive
impact today and tomorrow.
Geberit believes that sustainability must be lived
in all company sectors. Geberit aims to be a role
model to and set standards for partners,
customers and suppliers. This includes safe,
environmentally friendly and resource efficient
All sizing of gutters
production with an increasing proportion of
General roof design
renewable energies, procurement and logistics
Acoustic lagging
ensuring that the entire manufacturing process of
Fire collars
Overflow system. However Geberit can design a siphonic overflow
system if required. 100% of the overflow system must be provided.
Note: All siphonic design criteria shall be confirmed prior to
documentation and a design scope shall be finalised prior to
construction. Changes to structure and roof areas will affect the
proposed Geberit Pluvia® design.
with high environmental and ethical standards
all products comply with the highest standards in
environmental protection, social responsibility
and ethical action.
Geberit Pluvia® – committed to sustainability
Sustainability means satisfying the needs of
today’s generation in a manner that will ensure a
solid basis for the livelihoods of future
generations. To assist in achieving this, material
used to convey rain water for Geberit Pluvia®,
HDPE is 100% recyclable. Polythylene(PE) is a
simple compound of carbon and hydrogen
atoms, harmless to man, animals and plants. PE
is the perfect ecological solution as it has a long
life span and does not excrete toxic gases during
incineration during disposal and consumes much
smaller quantities of energy. All Geberit
manufacturing sites are compliant to the latest
ISO standard (ISO 9001 & 14001).
Geberit Pluvia® System Guarantee
Geberit Pty Ltd confirms herewith the Guarantee for the
Geberit Pluvia Siphonic Roof Drainage System as follows:
he Geberit Pluvia® System is calculated by Geberit trained representatives
using the original Geberit Proplanner Version 1.5 or higher Geberit Pluvia®
Software under official License Number and in compliance with the License
10 years guarantee on outlets, HDPE Pipes and fittings.
The functioning of the siphonic roof drainage system
provided that the execution corresponds to all
geometric data of the calculation.
The general product liabilities as defined by official laws.
A combined Professional Indemnity and Public/Product
Business Insurance Policy which covers Geberit within
the scope of this Policy besides bodily injuries and
property damages (including cost of removing and
reinstalling) also the legal liability against third parties
due to proven faulty calculation and/or other advice
given by Geberit staff.
The system is built using only original Geberit manufactured parts (outlets,
pipes, fittings and connectors) and only Geberit tools have been used for
welding processes.
The system is assembled and installed by Geberit Certified Installers.
The design follows the written rules of Geberit Pluvia® manual as issued
by Geberit.
uilding Compliance Certification has been issued by authorised
competent party.
The installation follows the written rules of Application Technique as
issued by Geberit.
The safety overflow system has been put in place at all sections, is free of
any obstruction at all times and is designed in relation to expected excess
water volume.
The system is tested following the testing procedure.
The roof is built according to international rules of general
construction knowledge.
he static calculation and manufacture of the roof structure supports
additional maximum water load up to the spill level of safety overflows.
The roof calculation is based on internationally acceptable standards and
conditions and with maximum rainfall intensity as specified in tender
documents or contracts and/or applicable standards.
One supplier, one system.
A complete solution at
your fingertips.
The roof and gutters are maintained regularly and no obstruction blocks the
free flow of water to the outlets at any time.
Geberit is not liable for the labour, installation and maintenance or any
system default hidden by negligence, abuse etc. Geberit is only liable for
original calculations and tampering of hydraulic data on sheets or in the
software package is strictly prohibited.
Geberit Pluvia® Reference Projects
Darwin Convention Centre NT
New Quay Docklands VIC
Westfield Bondi Junction NSW
Claremont Quarter WA
Australia Post Logistics Centre Vic
Coles Distribution Centre WA
Microsoft Building NSW
T: (02) 9889 7866
F: (02) 9889 7855
The information contained is subject to change without notice. The information provided contains general descriptions
of technical options available, which do not always apply to individual cases. The required features should therefore be
individually clarified in accordance with individual situations at the time of proceeding. All dimensions in mm (10mm=1cm).
This publication GEAU430510 supersedes all previous publications Copyright Geberit PTY LTD/May 2010.
Geberit Pty Ltd
Unit 8a
6-8 Byfield Street
North Ryde NSW 2113