Avisena - Sevocity


Avisena - Sevocity
Does your current Practice
Management and Billing
System still fulfill all of your
needs to successfully and
easily run your business?
TODAY is the time to evaluate
what is working for you and to
change the things that are not.
Is your in-house
billing team or
out-sourced billing
service providing you
the results you deserve?
Most physicians and administrators ask themselves this same
question every day, however most
do not have the information or
tools necessary to accurately
evaluate their results.
6100 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 450, Miami, FL 33126 | O: 786.621.4400 | E: marketing@avisena.com | www.Avisena.com
Is your practice experiencing
these issues?
Is your in-house billing team or outsourced
billing service delivering results?
Medical practices face a variety of
difficulties that inhibit their ability to run
their practices efficiently or make the
financially strategic decisions needed to
grow their practice.
If you are experiencing any of the issues below, it’s time
to consider a new way of doing things.
• Where are my claims? What is their
status for adjudication?
• I can never seem to reach anyone in
support to assist me.
• I don’t know what is being billed or what
exactly is coming in.
• Am I losing money due to unfiled claims
or are claims not being followed up on in
a timely manner?
• Our current Practice Management/Billing
System is so complex that I had to hire
more people just to use the system.
• Hidden fees are killing my bottom line.
• Claims are written off because they are
too small without my knowledge.
• My denials have increased and are
slowing down my revenue. How can I
avoid or minimize them?
• How can I measure my own productivity
as well as my mid-levels productivity?
• Why are my 90-120 day accounts
receivable drastically disappearing, yet
there is no reflection of that in the bank.
1. The only way I can tell what is being
8. I don’t have the information necessary
2. I can’t run a quick report that will tell
9. My system is very complicated and my
collected is based on what is coming
into my bank.
me what is billed, what was paid, what
was denied or what is still pending and
at risk of being considered timely filing
and losing my money.
3. I don’t know if I am being reimbursed
my contracted amounts.
4. My employees spend hours verifying
insurance on the phone or using a
separate clearing house.
5. I have a full time employee calling
every single patient to confirm their
6. I know that my practice is losing money
due to no-shows and cancellations, but
my system makes it difficult to track
when and why they are happening.
7. My claims are being denied because
of simple mistakes, but I can’t pinpoint
what they are.
to make the business decisions needed
to run my practice.
staff is spending lots of time performing
simple tasks.
10. My accounts receivables are extremely
high, and we end up writing off amounts
that should have been collected.
11. I am paying a full service price but my
staff is doing all of the work.
If you thought “YES” to any of
these issues, then it’s time to
consider a solution from Avisena.
Whether you do your billing in-house or
outsource it, if you need to reduce costs
or improve revenues, Avisena is here to help
you “reinvent” your practice and achieve
your short term and long term goals
Call us today for an analysis of your
practice. We can help!
786.621.4400 / marketing@avisena.com