Discovery Digest
Discovery Digest
Discovery Digest Discovery Digest May 2016 Principal’s Corner Dates to Remember: June 4 End of Year Picnic 2:00-6:00 p.m. Discovery Academy June 6 -10 BOGO Book Fair June 6 Field Day (PreK) June 8 Early Dismissal — Teacher PD June 10 Field Day (Grades K-4) (Rain Date June 13) June 14 Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony June 17 Early Dismissal — No Aftercare Last Day of School GOODBYE DISCOVERY FAMILIES! I find it quite difficult to write my final column for the Discovery Digest. Actually, my attempts to craft these heartfelt words seemed to fall flat each time without clearly conveying how connected I feel to this school and our Discovery community. Families, many of you took a chance on us with nothing more than the idea of a STEM school and a brief meeting with me at an open house. For this leap of faith, we are eternally grateful as it was the beginning of something magical. Each year, your support of our new ideas and approaches, our unintentional mistakes and our quest to provide the highest quality educational experience has been unwavering. I am often asked about parent involvement at Discovery and know that I can always respond honestly and share that our families are active participants in their child’s education. As a parent of a child in a magnet school myself, I know the sacrifices that need to be made when attending a school that is not the neighborhood option. I cannot thank you enough for putting in this extra time and effort to arrange play dates across town lines and for travelling extensive distances to come to evening events or PTO meetings. I have been honored to lead this wonderful school for the past five years and know that adherence to excellence and high standards is now an embedded and integral part of the school culture. Other than giving birth to two beautiful sons, my work at Discovery has been the most significant and memorable accomplishment of my life. It is with the deepest love and respect that I step out of the equation to watch what I have nurtured and supported continue to grow and reach even higher levels of success. Mr. Stanco, our new principal, is poised and ready to lead our families to this next level and I will happily follow Discovery’s notable achievements in the years to come. Many families have inquired as to my next position. A couple of weeks ago, I was formally appointed as the Chief of Specialized Learning and Support Services for the city of Norwalk Public Schools. With much love and admiration, Lynn Toper Discovery Digest Sarah Worley is CREC’s Teacher of the Year! Page 2 Discovery Digest Page 3 Lunchbox Literacy – Mrs. Leja, Literacy Coach Summer Reading Book Swap Dear Families, We are asking families to send in gently used books that can be used for a book swap during the last week of school. All students will have the opportunity to leave school with at least one book, if not more. Please send in books by Friday, June 10th. The book swap will occur during the last week of school. GOVENOR’S READING CHALLENGE Last Year’s Totals: 48% of Discovery Academy’s students participated Each read an average of 20.3 books Total books read: 3,601 This summer’s Goal for all Discovery Academy Students 70%+ Participation Your child will be coming home with a reading packet for this year’s Governor’s Reading Challenge. It consists of a book log and recommended books. Many public libraries will offer parents an online book log management system. If you choose to use this format, please feel free to print out the online book log and fill out the information on the reading packet. Teachers will be collecting the logs during the first couple of weeks of school. Discovery Academy has been recognized so often for our academic success! Let’s work together to become a recognized school that promotes the love of reading! “The Writing Beehive” Discovery Academy’s Publishing Center Writing Garden Celebration- June 9th Our volunteers have been tirelessly working with students to have their writing published. We are in the final stages and look forward to our writing garden celebration. Students who have been published will be bringing home an invitation to the writing celebration. Please consider joining this committee next year so that we can publish more students’ writing! Discovery Digest Page 4 End of Year Picnic The PTO will be hosting an end of year picnic at Discovery Academy on Saturday, June 4th from 2:00-6:00 p.m. Pack a blanket, picnic basket, sunscreen, water, and an outdoor game. There will be bouncy houses and fun and games! Volunteers needed: henna artist, face painting, and running some games. Rain date is Saturday, June 11th. Please RSVP via Library Media – Mrs. Gargula This was an exciting year for our brand new library media center. Thank you to everyone for embracing the library media center, especially the PTO for the fundraising to purchase new books for our library. In May, we said goodbye to the last of Piggie and Elephant series books. One of our favorite authors, Mo Willems has ended this fabulous beginning reading series. We all enjoyed reading and rereading his beginning chapter books. Third and fourth graders worked on setting up Easybib accounts to create bibliographies for research projects. I look forward to celebrating summer reading with all students before the end of the school year. In our first year, we circulated over 12,000 books, which is a phenomenal number of books to circulate for the first year. Of course with that number of books being circulated, we have many overdue books. Friday, May 27th was the last day to check out books. We are looking to find our lost books. Please spend some time over the next few days looking for those lost books and returning them by June 10th. If books cannot be found, a replacement copy of the book may be purchased or replacement funds to cover the cost of the book may be sent in. Forms of acceptable payment includes cash (exact change) or checks payable to “Cash”. Have a fabulous summer reading! Physical Education– Mr. Mancini During the month of May, students in physical education class had an opportunity to explore some new topics and revisit some others. Preschool students practiced the skills of throwing, catching and kicking learned earlier in the year. Kindergarten, first and second grade students learned about the game of hockey. They also had an instructor from The First Tee come to class to teach them about golf. Third and fourth grades completed all of the fitness tests and broke all of the school records! They then moved on to learn about golf from The First Tee. Please visit my blog to learn more about the physical education program and keep up with the latest news in PE. The link is Discovery Digest Page 5 From the Lab of Mrs. Neseralla, STEM Coach Garden Committee On Earth Day, we opened the rooftop garden. We are excited to have officially launched the Discovery Academy Garden Committee. We will meet twice per month on Mondays after school in the fall and spring and once per month during the winter. We would love to have parents available to work with classes. Please contact Andrea Velez at if you have time next year to work in the garden. We have committee positions set! A special thanks goes out to: Jon Hand - Director Usha Thakran - Secretary Andrea Velez - Scheduling Lesli Cannon - Student Garden Club Our Newest Discovery Academy Members This month, the first graders welcomed baby chicks that they watched hatch from eggs. There is a pocket of air inside the shell that the hatching chick uses so they can breath as they peck their way and unzip their shell. It was astonishing to see how fast they grew. A chicken is full grown in 6 weeks! This project incorporated so many opportunities to learn about: Life Cycles Time Temperature Nutrition Responsibility Technology Light and heat Parent volunteers to assist students and teachers PreK - Katie Hogan K - Usha Thakran 1st - Marlene Bailey 2nd - Andrea Velez 3rd - Leslie Cannon 4th - Renay Emmanuele 5th - Jon Hand Discovery Digest Page 6 From the Lab of Mrs. Neseralla, STEM Coach Volvo Ocean Race CECA Award I am proud to share that I won the CECA Award, (Connecticut Educators Computer Association). The project involves a STEM unit where students track and report on an around the world international sailing race. The Volvo Race happens every three years and I plan on bring it to Discovery Academy in 2017. If there are any fellow sailors out there, I would love to have you onboard. Summer Math and Science As all adults know, learning never stops. Throughout the summer there are daily opportunities for kids to grow intellectually and solve real problems. All CREC Discovery Academy students have access to a wonderful Summer Scavenger Hunt that allows students to select fun activities that match their interest. I would love to celebrate and feature every student that takes on this fun summer challenge. Students who love research can access webquests that offer exciting self-directed projects. I have made webquests students can access over the summer and the Internet has many more webquests to choose from. NEEDED Two Liter Bottles and Old Electronics In anticipation of next year’s STEM projects, we will need many 2-liter clear bottles for terrariums (rinse out please) and old electronic devices for Take-Apart Lab. Unique recycling material is also appreciated. Please collect over the summer and bring your donations to me in the fall. We are coming upon the last weeks of school. It has been an amazing first year for me. After teaching in a classroom for 16 years, I wondered how the adjustment would be to not having my own classroom. I am happy to say hundreds of Discovery Academy students know my name and they all feel like my students. I want to thank all the parents, staff and students who have made me feel so welcome. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer. Fondly, Mrs. Neseralla Discovery Digest Page 7 P.T.O Update (Parent Teacher Organization) - Claudia Cruz-Reis, PTO President May PTO Meeting: Thanks to all the families who joined us for our final meeting of the school year. We went through some logistics regarding the bylaws, and some vague language that will need to be addressed by the board in the next school year. These updates allowed the PTO to extend the term of an elected officer beyond the two years if the position remains vacant. Other updates that need to be addressed will be the procedures for absentee ballots and limitations as to how many people can be elected to a particular position. We held elections and the new PTO board for the 2016-2017 school year will be as follows: Kristin Labar-Slocki & Andrea Velez (Co-Presidents) Carolyn Farrlley (Vice-President) Sam Balasubramaniyam & Dana McCorkle (Co-Secretaries) Diana Robitaille (Treasurer) We look forward to having our new board lead the PTO in working with our new principal Mr. Stanco in the upcoming school year. Mr. Stanco was gracious enough to join us for a lovely potluck dinner and got to meet and speak to several of the parents in attendance that evening. Upcoming Events As the end of the year is fast approaching, here are a few dates to keep in mind. More information and updates will be available on our Facebook page. End of the Year Picnic (June 4th 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. Rain date June 11th) Pack a picnic lunch and come join us for an afternoon of fun and games. We will be hosting the event at the school, with a bouncy house, fun and games. There may even be a food truck or two in case you’d like a special treat. Feel free to bring your favorite game so we can set up some friendly competitions. We hope you’ll come celebrate another successful year at Discovery. Thank you for all of your help with our events this year. We are looking for volunteers to help out with the end of the year picnic, so if you have a special skill such as face painting, can run some relay races, or would like to help out in general please let us know via email. BOGO Book Fair: (Week of June 6th) Stock up on those summer reading books by participating in our Buy One Get One book fair. Although scholastic dollars will not be earned on this one, it’s an opportunity to pick up a few new books to keep the kids reading over the summer. Other Information Please continue to collect any Box Tops/Labels for Education; they can be submitted to the school in your children’s backpacks at the beginning of next school year. In addition please be sure to utilize our Scrip program while out shopping, and join our rewards programs at Target and other local merchants. These programs are important in helping generate enough funding for more assemblies for our students. For additional information regarding the Scrip program, contact Mrs. Dunn at Please feel free to contact any of the PTO board members at: or on Facebook at President: Claudia Cruz-Reis Vice President: TBD Treasurer: Diana Robitaille Co-Secretaries: Paul Young & Dana McCorkle Page 8 Discovery Digest Art– Ms. Targett-Eaglin Welcome to the last art newsletter of this year! I would like to take a moment to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of the families that supported our Arts program for the 2015-2016 school year. Leah and I were both overjoyed with the attendance for Art and Music Night, and I have so much gratitude for the kind compliments and feedback received through Artsonia! I look forward to showcasing more artwork next year! This past month we have been reintroducing and adding onto important concepts taught at the beginning of the school year. In PreK, we explored lines, shapes, and primary colors. Kindergarten students learned to create self-portraits with more detail. First- and secondgraders studied concentric circles in the work of Kandinsky. Finally, our third and fourth-graders worked very hard to showcase their talent and creativity with some beautiful works that were displayed during our art show! Overall we had an awesome year at Discovery!!!! PBIS– Mrs. Paole & Mrs. Miller As the school year is coming to a close, the PBIS Team at Discovery would like to say “Thank you!” to all of the families who consistently reinforce the BEES at home with their children and encourage them to make good choices everyday. As a school whose PBIS system is still in its early years, we have seen a great deal of growth in our students as they exemplify the BEES rules on a daily basis. The school pledge we recite every morning is a reminder that each day is a new day to Be Safe, Expect the Best, Encourage Others and Show Respect everywhere in our school. We are proud of our students and all the growth they have made this year. The staff would also like to extend an extra special “Thank You!” to Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Paole for their efforts in bringing PBIS to our school. For the past 3 years these ladies have carried out every aspect of PBIS for teachers, staff and students. Without their leadership and dedication, our school’s PBIS system would not be what it is today! Wishing everyone a fun and relaxing summer vacation; remember to practice the pledge and model those BEES rules everywhere you go. Happy Summer! Page 9 Discovery Digest Nurse’s Update– Mrs. Wishneski Student Medications If your child has medications at school, please make arrangements to pick them up no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday, June 17th. Medications must be picked up by an adult. For the 2016-17 school year, students will need an updated healthcare provider’s order and medication that is effective from August 2016-June 2017. You can access this form here. Warm Weather Health Tips Spring and summer offer great opportunities to get outdoors and keep active. The following tips will help to ensure you and your family are best able to enjoy these opportunities: Keep hydrated – heat and physical activity mean our bodies need more water. Carry water bottles with you. Protect from the sun – hats, sunglasses and sunscreen. Tick prevention – wear light colored clothing, tall socks, long pants when hiking or spending time in grassy or wooded areas. Do family tick-checks on return home. Helmets – make it a rule that all family members wear helmets when enjoying biking, scooters and other moving recreation activities. Meghan Wishneski, School Nurse Student Attendance and Changing Pick–Up Regular attendance is essential for an effective school experience. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian, to maintain regular attendance. In the event your child is to be absent, you must call the school at 860-296-2090 before 9:00 a.m. and follow the prompts to leave a message in the attendance mail box. Guaranteeing the safety of our students during dismissal is of the utmost importance to us. Should there be a change in dismissal for a student, please send a note or email informing the school of the change and corresponding/applicable dates for such change. While a note or email is the best way to ensure proper, timely notification to our staff of a change, we certainly understand that a situation may develop where this is not possible. In these rare cases, please call the main office at (860) 296-2090 by 1:00 p.m. on full school days and by 10:00 a.m. on early dismissal days to report the transportation change for that day. All telephone requests must be followed up with an email or fax (860) 296-2087. In cases other than a true emergency, calls received after 1:00 p.m. cannot be accommodated.
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