HANIJSKI REGION Hanijski region, zauzima najzapadniji deo ostrva Krita i ističe se posebnim prirodnim lepotama. Sa njenim, dugim, pesčanim plažama, neprohodnim planinskim klancima, pećinama i endemičnom florom i faunom, preko nepreglednih plantaža maslina i agruma, sjedinjuje divlje, unutrašnje predele sa morem, ostavljajući zadivljene čak i najskeptičnije posetioce. U planinskom zaledju, još uvek su očuvana, iz prošlosti zaboravljena mala sela, raštrkane stare crkve i manastiri, ostaci starih kula i zamkova. Cela oblast, je jedan izuzetno intersantan arheološki prostor i ujedno jedan raj za šetnje, planinarenje i sport. Arheološka istraživanja, kako u samoj Haniji, tako i u okolini dokazuju o naseljenosti ove oblasti jos od praistorijskog vremena pa sve do danas. Blaga mediteranska klima (sa zimskim temperaturama oko 12 °C i letnjim oko 30 °C), posebna kritska kuhinja, stari, ponegde već zaboravljeni običaji i širokogrudo ostrvsko gostoprimstvo, osvajaju srca posetilaca, na ovom blagoslovenom mestu. 1 2 2 THE COUNTY OF CHANIA The county of Chania, the most western part of Crete, is characterized by its unique beauty. With its endless sandy beaches, gorges, caves, endemic plants and animals, vast olive and orange groves and a combination of wild landscapes and sea, it excites even the hardest–to–please visitor. In the mountainous inner region, it hosts villages that have been forgotten by time, scattered churches and monasteries, towers and castles. The whole area is a particularly interesting archaeological site and a paradise for wandering, mountain climbing and sports. Excavations, both in the town of Chania and in the countryside, have proven the existence of residences from prehistoric times to today. The mild Mediterranean climate (with temperatures around 12 oC in winter and 30 oC in summer), special Cretan diet, customs that elsewhere tend to become forgotten and the whole–hearted hospitality of the islanders, win over the visitor, to this blessed place. 1 3 4 ISTORIJA Oblast je neprekidno bila nastanjena još od praistorijskog doba sve do danas. 3000 – 2800 p.n.e. 2800 – 1150 p.n.e. 1. milenijum n.e. 823 – 961 n.e. 961 – 1252 n.e. 1252 – 1645 n.e. 1645 – 1897 n.e. 1898 n.e. 1913 n.e. Arheološki nalazi dokazuju postojanje antičke Kidonie Minojska civilizacija. Antička Kidonia je jedan od najvažnijih gradova Krita tog vremena. Kidonia opstaje sve do 7. veka n.e. Arapska okupacija Vizantijski period Venecijanska okupacija Turska okupacija Osnivanje Kritske države, Hanija je glavni grad Krita. Ujedinjenje Krita sa Grčkom 3 4 6 HISTORY The area has been inhabited since pre–historic times until today without intermission. 3000 – 2800 2800 – 1150 1st millennium 823 – 961 961 – 1252 1252 – 1645 1645 – 1897 1898 1913 BC BC AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Archaeological artifacts prove the existence of ancient Kydonia Minoan civilisation. Ancient Kydonia is one of the most powerful cities in Crete. Kydonia prevails until the 7th century AD Occupation by the Arabs Byzantine period Occupation by the Venetians Occupation by the Turks Foundation of the Cretan State. Chania is the capital of Crete. Unification of Crete with Greece 5 7 8 9 KULTURNO PUTOVANJE KROZ GRAD HANIJA Posetilac koji dolazi prvi put u Haniju, biće iznenadjen velikim brojem gradjevina i spomenika i tragovima što je ostavila duga istorija i bogata civilizacija. Stari grad, na uzvišenju Kasteli i oko njega, izgradjen je na ostacima Minojske Kidonie, okružen je sa jedne strane Vizantijskim a sa druge Venecijanskim zidom i jednim delom izlazi na more. Od Minojske civilizacije, u nasledje su ostali veličanstveni grobovi i interesantni keramički predmeti iz različitih perioda. Tokom Venecijanske i Turske okupacije, narodi različitih nacionalnosti, kultura i religija živeli su zajedno (Hrišćani, Katolici i Pravoslavci, Jevreji i Muslimani). Svi oni zajedno, ostavili su duboke tragove i stvorili posebno interesantne kreacije. 5 6 10 11 CULTURAL TOUR OF THE TOWN OF CHANIA A first–time visitor to Chania is surprised by the great number of buildings and monuments on which can be found traces of its great history and rich civilisation. The old town, on and around the hill of Kasteli, was built upon the ruins of Minoan Kydonia and is surrounded by the Byzantine wall, the Venetian wall and the sea. The Minoan civilisation left behind grand tombs, interesting ceramics and objects. During its occupation by the Venetians and the Turks, people of different nationality, culture and religion co–existed. Christians (Catholic and Orthodox), Jews and Muslims, have left discernible traces and produced particularly interesting creations. In the neighbourhood of Topanas with its narrow paved streets, the visitor meets Venetian manors with elaborately decorated facades and Turkish houses with architectural protrusions. 12 13 U kraju Topanas, izmedju uskih kaldrmisanih uličica, posetilac se susreće sa bogato ukrašenim fasadama Venecijanskih vila i tipično Turskim kućama sa izbočenim prozorima i produženim terasama. Tu se nalazi i utvrdjenje Firkas, današnji Nautički Muzej, crkva Sveti Salvatore, Frangiskanskih monaha (15–17 vek n.e.), u čijim prostorijama se čuva Ranovizantijska i Vizantijska kolekcija, Hanije. Takodje, tu se nalaze i prostorije sa kolekcijom ILAEK kao i druge mnogobrojne turističke radnje sa tradicionalnim proizvodima. U staroj Jevreskoj četvrti, postoji Sinagoga, dok u ulici Halidon, nalazi se Folklorni muzej (Kritska kuća), a odmah pored i crkva Svetog Frangiska. 7 8 14 15 There we can find Fort Firkas, the Naval Museum and the church of San Salvatore of the Francheskan Monks (15th – 17th cent. AD) which hosts the Byzantine collection of Chania. The collection of ILAEK and many shops offering traditional handicrafts can also be found there. In the old Jewish neighbourhood there is the synagogue and on Halidon street the folklore museum (Cretan house) and the church of St. Frangiskos. The church hosts the townʼs archaeological museum and houses treasures from the Minoan to the Hellenistic period. Opposite there is the Metropolitan temple of Isodia (representation of the Virgin Mary) with its exquisite hagiographies and close to that are the old Turkish baths. In the area of Sintrivani, around the homonymous square, there is the mosque of Kiuchouk Hasan (1645) and opposite that the quay with the Venetian lighthouse. A little further away, 7 out of the original 17 docks (Neoria) can be found (14th–16th cent. AD). Eye–capturing is the Great Arsenal, which today is used as a convention and exhibition centre. 16 U dvorištu crkve i nekadašnjem manastirskom konaku, nalazi se danas, Arheološki Muzej grada, gde su pohranjene dragocenosti od Minojskog do Helenskog perioda. Preko puta crkve nalazi se Mitropoli Hram Isodia (Svete Bogorodice), sa izvanrednim, reprezentativnim ikonama. Blizu hrama nalaze se stara turska kupatila. Na trgu Sandrivani, nalazi se džamija Kučuk Hasana (1645 god.) i upravo, ispred nje u luci, veličansveno se uzdiže kej sa Venecijanskim svetionikom. Samo, malo dalje, vide se preostalih 7 (od 17, koliko ih je bilo) dokova, Neorija (14–16 vek n.e.). Izdvaja se Veliki Arsenal, takodje, koji danas predstavlja izložbeni i konferencijski prostor. Primamljivu atmosferu, stvaraju mnogobrojni restorani i kafeterije rasporedjeni duž stare luke. Na uzvišenju Kasteli, nalaze se jos uvek ostaci stare Rektorijanske palate i dvorišta, na čijem ulazu, iznad kapije postoji gravura, koja podseća na nekadašnje Venecijanske arhive. U blizini su iskopine, antičke Kidonie i ruševine crkve Santa Maria de Mirakoli (1615). U ulici Stivanadika, gde se oseća istočnjački uticaj, postoji izvanredan izbor kožnih proizvoda. Pored nje, nalazi se zgrada Hrisostomos i nova Gradska Umetnička Galerija. U starom, Turskom delu grada, na trgu Splanzija, nalazi se bivša crkva Svetog Nikole, sa zvonikom i minaretom (1204) i jedna manja crkva iz renesansnog perioda, Sveti Roko (1630). 9 10 Along the harbour, small cafeterias and restaurants create an inviting atmosphere. On the hill of Kasteli there are still parts of the old Rectorʼs palace and its court and the engraving on a lintel over a door reminds us of the existence of Venetian Archives. Near there, the excavation of ancient Kydonia and the ruins of the church of St. Maria of Mirakoli (1615) are located. At the “stivanadika”, which is still characterised by Eastern features, one can buy leather goods. Next to that is the building of Chrisostomos and the new public Art Gallery. In the old Turkish neighbourhood Splantzia is the square of the former monastery of St. Nicholas (1204) with a bell–tower and minaret. The small church of the period of enlightenmentʼs of St. Rokkos (1630) can also be found there. Near that is the church of St. Anargyroi (16th cent. AD) with its priceless hagiographies and St. Catherineʼs church. Outside the walls, to the east of the old town, we come across Koum–Kapi where during the last years of the Turkish occupation, Beduins built a village. Today the area is a favourite meeting place for young people. 17 18 20 19 U istom susedstvu, nalazi se crkva Sveti Anargirios (16 vek n.e.) sa ikonama neprocenjive vrednosti i crkva Sveta Katarina. Istočno od zidina starog grada, prostire se kraj Kum–Kapi, gde su poslednjih decenija Turskog perioda, Beduini izgradili svoje naselje. Dans, taj deo grada predsatvlja privlačno mesto za izlaske mladih. U mondenskom, delu grada–Halepa, nalazi se palata Princa Georgija, kuća Elefteriosa Venizelosa, Francuska škola (1860), crkva Svete Magdalene (1903) i crkva Jevandjelista. Iz novijeg perioda, interesantno je navesti sledeća znamenita zdanja i gradjevine: Vila Kounduru–danas je Centar omladine i Likovna radionica, Gradski vrt (1870) sa satom, Tržni centar–zatvorena pijaca–Agora (1913) – krstato zdanje sa mnogobrojnim malim radnjama, Park mira i prijateljstva, Komleks zgrada Regionalnog suda i uprave–Nomarhia, Muzička škola–Odeon Venizelos, zgrada Istorijskog arhiva, Ratni Muzej i Muzej Hemije. U ostalim delovima grada, izvan starih zidina, postoje monogobrojna neoklasična zdanja okružena prelepim baštama punih jasmina, bukamvilja i ruža. Izmedju grada Hanije i Akrotirija, nalazi se spomen park Elefteriosu i Sofoklisu Venizelos. Grad Hanija, prva prestonica Krita, uspela je da sačuva istorijsko nasledje, gotovo netaknuto i posle toliko vekova. Ljupka Hanijska atmosfera, je privlačila mnogobrojne naučnike, filozofe, pesnike i umetnike, različitog porekla i tako se postavila medju značajne kulturne centre. 11 12 21 22 23 In the neighbourhood of Halepa there is the palace of Prince George, the house of Eleftherios Venizelos, the French School (1860), the church of St. Magdalea (1903) and the church of Evangelismou. From later periods the following places are of interest: the manor “Villa Koundourou”, a workshop of fine arts and a youth centre, the municipal park (1870) with its clock, the market (built 1913, cross–shaped building with hundreds of small shops), the park of peace and friendship of people, the court house, the prefecture, the Venizelion School of Music, the Historic Archives Museum, the War Museum and the Museum of Chemistry. In the neighbourhoods outside the walls there are many neoclassical buildings with beautiful gardens which smell of hyacinth, honey suckle and rose trees. At the border of the town with the cape (Akrotiri) are the graves of Eleftherios and Sofocles Venizelos. The town of Chania, the first capital of Crete, kept its historical heritage of so many centuries almost unaffected. Its atmosphere attracted scientists, philosophers, poets and artists of different origins and it became a cultural centre. 24 MUZEJI I DRUGE ZNAČAJNIJE ZNAMENITOSTI ñ Arheološki Muzej, Hanija, Halidon 25. Tel. 28210 90334. Otvoreno: 8.30–15.00 (osim pon.) ñ Nautiški Muzej Krita, Hanija, Akti Kundurioti, Stara Luka. Tel. 28210 91875/74484. Otvoreno: 9.00–16.00 (1/4–31/10), 9.00–14.00 (1/11–31/3) ñ Minojska ladja, Hanija, Neorija Moro, Venecijanska Luka. Tel. 28210 91875. Otvoreno: Pon.–pet., 10.00–15.00 i 19.00–22.30 (osim praznika) ñ Istorijski arhiv Krita, Hanija, Sfakjanaki 20. Tel. 28210 52606. Otvoreno: 9.00–14.00 (osim sub. i ned.) ñ Folklorni Muzej, Gavalohori, Apokoronas. Tel. 28250 23222. Otvoreno: 9.00–20.00, Sub. 9.00–19.00, Ned. 10.00–13.00 ñ Folklorni Muzej “Kritska Kuća”, Hanija, Halidon 46b. Tel. 28210 90816. Otvoreno: 9.00–15.00 i 18.00–21.00 ñ Vizantijska kolekcija, Hanija, Theotokopoulou. Tel. 28210 96046. Otvoreno: 8.30–15.00 (osim pon.) ñ Crkveni Muzej, Manastir Svete Trojice Tzagarolon, Akrotiri. Tel. 28210 63310. Otvoreno: 8:00–20:00 ñ Crkveni Muzej, Manastir Guverneto, Akrotiri. Tel. 28210 63319 ñ Crkveni Muzej, Manastir Hrisopigi, Hanija. Tel. 28210 91125 ñ Crkveni Muzej, Manastir Gonia, Kisamos. Tel. 28240 22313 13 14 MUSEUMS AND OTHER SITES ñ Archaeological Museum, Chania, 25 Halidon str. Tel. 28210 90334. Open: 8.30–15.00 (except Mondays) ñ Naval Museum of Crete, Chania, Akti Koundourioti, Venetian Harbour. Tel. 28210 91875/74484. Open: 9.00–16.00 (1/4–31/10), 9.00–14.00 (1/11–31/3) ñ Minoan Ship, Moro dock, Venetian Harbour. Tel. 28210 91875. Open: May–Oct. Mon.–Fri. 10.00–15.00 & 19.00–22.30 (except public holidays) ñ Historical Archives of Crete, Chania, 20 I. Sfakianaki str., Tel. 28210 52606. Open: 9.00–14.00 (except Sat. & Sun.) ñ Folklore Museum, Gavalochori, Apokoronas. Tel. 28250 23222. Open: 9.00–20.00, Sat. 9.00–19.00, Sun. 10.00–13.00 ñ Folklore Museum “Cretan House”, Chania, 46b Halidon str. Tel. 28210 90816. Open: 9.00–15.00 & 18.00–21.00 ñ Byzantine collection, Chania, Theotokopoulou str. Tel. 28210 96046. Open: 8.30–15.00 (except Mondays) ñ Ekklesiastic Museum, Monastery of Holy Trinity of Tzagarolon, Akrotiri. Tel. 28210 63310. Open: 8:00–20:00 ñ Ekklesiastic Museum, Gouverneto Monastery, Akrotiri. Tel. 28210 63319 ñ Ekklesiastic Museum, Monastery of Chrissopigi, Chania. Tel. 28210 91125 ñ Ekklesiastic Museum, Monastery of Gonia, Kissamos. Tel. 28240 22313 ñ War Museum, Chania, Tzobanaki Cassern. Tel. 28210 44156. Open: 9:00–13:00 (except Sat. & Sun.) ñ Chemistry Museum, Chania, 34c Eleftherios Venizelos str. Tel. 28210 42504. Open: 9:00–13:00 (except Sat. & Sun.) ñ Byzantine and Folklore Museum of Spilia, Kissamos. Tel. 28240 22080/22357. Open: 17:00–18:00, Sat. 11:00–12:00 ñ Ratni Muzej, Hanija, Kasarna Tzobanaki. Tel. 28210 44156. Otvoreno: 9:00–13:00 (osim sub. i ned.) ñ Muzej Hemije, Hanija, El.Venizelou 34c. Tel. 28210 42504. Otvoreno: 9:00–13:00 (osim sub. i ned.) ñ Viyantijski i Folklorni Muzej, Spilja, Kisamos. Tel. 28240 22080/22357. Otvoreno: 17:00–18:00, sub. 11:00–12:00 ñ Tipografski Muzej, VIOPA, Suda. Tel. 28210 51003. Otvoreno: 10:00–18:00 ñ Muzej Nacionalnog Otpora, Theriso. Otvoreno cele godine. ñ Kuća Elefteriosa Venizelosa, a. Mournies, Kidonia. Tel. 28210 93132/95250. Otvoreno: 18:00–21:00. b. Trg Elene Venizelou, Halepa, Hanija (Zadužbina Elefteriosa K. Venizelosa). Tel. 28210 56008 ñ Centar Mediteranske Arhitekture, Hanija, Akti Tobazi 31 (Veliki Arsenal). Tel. 28210 40101/40201 ñ Kritski Institut Pravde, Hanija, Nearhou. Otvoreno: 10:00–14:00 ñ Vila Koundourou (Centar za Omladinu i Likovna radionica Opštine Hanije), Hanija, Iroon Politehniu 2. Tel. 28210 53730/40896. Otvoreno: 9:00–14:00 i 18:00–21:00 ñ Književni Klub “Hrisostomos”, Hanija, Halidon 83. Tel. 28210 53879 ñ Opštinska Umetnička Galerija, Hanija, Halidon 98. Tel. 28210 92294/92419 ñ Opštinska Biblioteka, Hanija, Opštinska zgrada. Tel. 28210 92000 ñ Muzička škola–Odeon Venizelos, Hanija. N. Foka 5. Tel. 28210 43067/52582. Otvoreno: 8:00–14:00 i 17:00–21:00 ñ Licej Grkinja, Hanija, Micotaki 1. Tel. 28210 42465/59444 15 16 ñ Typography Museum, VIOPA, Souda. Tel. 28210 51003. Open: 10:00–18:00 ñ Museum of National Resistance, Therisso. Open all year round ñ House of Eleftherios Venizelos: a. Mournies, Kydonia. Tel. 28210 93132/95250. Open: 18:00–21:00. b. Elena Venizelou sqr., Halepa, Chania (Eleftherios K. Venizelos Foundation). Tel. 28210 56008 ñ Centre of Mediterranean Architecture, Chania, 31 Akti Tombazi, Venetian Harbour. Tel. 28210 40101/40201 ñ Institute of Cretan Justice, Nearchou str., Chania. Open: 10:00–14:00 ñ Villa Koundourou (Youth Centre and Municipal Cultural Workshop), Chania, 2 Iroon Politechniou str. Tel. 28210 53730/40896. Open: 9:00–14:00 and 18:00–21:00 ñ Chrissostomos Literary Association, Chania, 83 Halidon str. Tel. 28210 53879 ñ Municipal Art Gallery, Chania, 98 Halidon str. Tel. 28210 92294/92419 ñ Municipal Library, Chania, County Hall. Tel. 28210 92000 ñ Venizelion School of Music, 5 N. Foka str. Tel. 28210 43067/52582. Open: 8:00–14:00 and 17:00–21:00 ñ Lyceum for Greek Girls, 1 K. Mitsotaki str. Tel. 28210 42465/59444 ñ Cultural Centre of the Metropolis, 2 Ant. Giannari str. Tel. 28210 27807–9 ñ Intellectual Centre of Chania, 70 A.Papandreou str. Tel. 28210 40525 ñ Mosque of Kioutsouk Hasan (Yali–Tzamisi), Venetian Harbour. Tel. 28210 83235/83232 25 26 ñ Kulturni Centar Mitropolije, Hanija, And. Jianari 2. Tel. 28210 27807–9 ñ Duhovni Centar Mitropolije, Hanija, A. Papandreou 70. Tel. 28210 40525 ñ Kučuk Hasan Džamija (Iali–Tzamisi), Venecijanska Luka. Tel. 28210 83235/83232 ñ Park zaštite flore i faune, Kritiski Tehnički Univerzitet, Akrotiri. Tel. 28210 55988. Otvoreno: pon.–sub. ñ Umetničko Selo, VIOPA, Souda. Tel. 28210 80132/81410. Otvoreno: 10.00–14.30 ñ Muzej školskog života, Nerokuru, Suda. Tel. 28210 74764. Otvoreno: Pon.–pet. 9.00–13.30, Pon. i četv. 18.00–20.30, sub. 10.00–13.00 ñ Arheološki muzej Kisamosa, Kisamos. Tel. 28220 83308. Otvoreno: 8.30–15.00 (osim pon.) ñ Muzej Masline – Institut masline i subtropskih klutura–Hanija, Hanija. Tel. 28210 83476/83428. Otvoreno: 8.00–14.00, zakazivanje telefonom ñ Muzej morskog bogastva i tradicionalnog ribarenja, Kolimbari. Tel. 28240 23299. Otvoreno: 10.00–18.00 (osim sub. i ned.) ñ Muzej An. Skalidisa, Perivolia, Kisamos. Tel. 28220 61052. ñ Muzej Granice Evrope, Paleohora. Tel. 28230 42265. Otvoreno: okt.–maj pon.–pet. 10.00–13.00, jun–sep. sred.–ned. 10.00–13.00 i 18.00–21.00 17 18 ñ Park for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna, Technical University of Crete, Akrotiri. Tel. 28210 55988. Open: Mon.–Sat. ñ Arts & Crafts Village, VIOPA, Souda. Tel. 28210 80132/81410. Open: 10.00–14.30 ñ School Life Museum, Nerokourou. Tel. 28210 74764. Open: Mon.–Fri. 9.00–13.30, Mon. & Wed. 18.00–20.30, Sat. 10.00–13.00 ñ Archaeological Museum of Kissamos, Kissamos. Tel. 28220 83308. Open: 8.30–15.00 (except Mondays) ñ Olive Museum – Institute of Olive & Subtropicals of Chania, Chania. Tel. 28210 83476/83428. Open: 8.00–14.00 via phone arrangement ñ Sea Life & Fishery Museum, Kolimbari. Tel. 28240 23299. Open: 10.00–18.00 (exc. Sat.–Sun.) ñ An. Skalidis Museum, Perivolia, Kissamos. Tel. 28220 61052. ñ Frontier Museum of Europe, Paleochora. Tel. 28230 42265. Open: Oct.–May Mon.–Fri. 10.00–13.00, June–Sept. Wed.–Sun. 10.00–13.00 & 18.00–21.00 28 27 29 ARHEOLOŠKI LOKALITETI U HANIJSKOM REGIONU Hanijska regija je bogata antičkim gradovima i spomenicima svih civilizacijskih epoha. Najznačajnija nalazišta su Minojski spomenici u Malemu i Kurnasu, ostaci starih gradova Aptera, Lisos, Polirinija, Eliros, Irtakina i Falasarna. Iz Grčko–Rimskog perioda su most u Vrisesu, grad Mithimna i svetilište Diktina (posvećeno Boginji Vritomartis). Ovo su samo, od nekih lokaliteta koji očekuju, zainteresovane posetioce. CRKVE I MANASTIRI Ogroman broj crkava i manastira (preko 300 je iz Vizantijskog perioda) nalaze se širom Hanijske oblasti. Pored mogućnosti doživljavanja verskog turizma, posetioci mogu da prate razvoj, religijske arhitekture i Vizantijske umetnosti. Crkve sa predivnim freskama, kao i ikone I. Pagomenosa, pridaju važnost ovom području. Navešćemo samo neke od mnogobrojnih, koje je moguće posetiti: crkva Svetog Georgija u Komitades, Sfakia (1314), crkva Sveti Nikola u Hramu Selino (1315), crkva Arhangel Mihailo u Kavalariani, Kandanos (1328), Crkva Bogorodice u Kakodiki, Selinos (1332), crkva Svetog Nikole u Kirijakoselia, crkva Rotonda u Episkopiji Kisamos, crkva Bogorodice u Stilosu (12. vek), Kraljevska crkva iz ranovizantijskog perioda u Suji itd. U Hanijskoj oblasti nalaze se i mnogobrojni manastiri, kao sto su Manastir Svete Trojice Tzagarolon, Manastir Guverneto na Akrotiriju, Manastir Gonias u Kolimbariju, Manastir Hrisoskalitisa kod Elafonisija i ženski Manastir Hrisopigi u Murnjesu. 19 20 30 31 ARCHAELOGY IN THE DISTRICT OF CHANIA The district of Chania is rich in ancient towns and monuments from all periods of civilisation. Proof of this are the Minoan tombs in Maleme and Kournas as well as towns such as Aptera, Lissos, Polirrinia, Eliros, Irtakina and Falassarna. Greek–roman monuments such as the bridge of Vrisses, the town Mithimn and the sacred Dictyna (where the goddess Vritomartys was worshipped) are some of the places that await any interested visitor. CHURCHES AND MONASTERIES A priceless treasure in churches (over 300 Byzantine), mountain churches and important monasteries can be found scattered around the county of Chania. Here one can experience an unrepeatable religious experience or conduct research in relation to Byzantine art or religious architecture. Splendid churches with wonderful frescoes, partly by masters of Byzantine hagiography like I. Pagomenos, portray the importance of this place. The visitor can, among other things, visit the church of St. George in Komitades in Sfakia (1314), St. Nikolas in the convent of Selino (1315), the Archangel Michael in Kavalarian Kandanos (1328), the Mother of God in Kakodiki Selino (1332), the church of St. Nikolas in Kiriakoselia, the Rotonda in Episkopi in Kissamos, the Mother of God in Stylos (12th cent), the Royal church from the first Byzantine period in Sougia and many more. Many important monasteries can be found in Chania. Some of them are the Holy Trinity of Tzagarolon and the Gouverneto in Akrotiri, the convent of Gonia in Kolymbari, the convent of Chrissoskalitissa near Elafonissi and the womenʼs monastery of Chrissopigi in Mournies. 32 BRDOVITA UNUTRAŠNJOST PLANINARSKI RAJ Impozantni masiv “Belih Planina”, deli oblast na dve različite prirodne celine. Priobalska zona, sa ukupnom dužinom obala od 415km, je gušće nastanjena i ekonomski razvijenija. Planinska unutrašnja oblast, sa vrlo malom gustinom naseljenosti je najautentičniji deo Krita. Većina planinskih vrhova je od decembra do maja, pokrivena snegom i temperature su ispod nule, tokom zime. Na osunčanim, planiniskim stranama, smeštena su mala selca, od kamenih kuća, koja gotovo da su zaboravljena u vremenu i primamljuju poglede turista, kao male “zelene” oaze Kritskih planina. Mnogi avanturisti kreću u istraživanje ovih predela bilo pešice, džipom, konjem ili biciklom. Evropska Zajednica podržava program “Leader”, razvoja agroturizma i smeštaja u ovim krajevima. U mestima kao što su Vamos, Milja, Keramija, Kasteli, Askifu, Spilja, posetioci mogu da prisustvuju tardicionalnim proslavama i učestvuju u njima uz kritsku kuhinju, vino i rakiju i tako upoznaju jednostavni život Krićana i osete koren evropske civilizacije. Nezaboravni boravak na Kritu, sigurno će pružiti, gostoprimljiv smeštaj, prodavnice sa tradicionalnim proizvodima (tepisi, nakit, nameštaj, keramika, ukusna hrana, slatkiši itd) i otvorenost i ljubaznost Krićana. 21 22 33 34 35 THE MOUNTAINOUS INNER DISTRICT – A WANDERERʼS PARADISE The county of Chania is divided by the Lefka Ori mountains into two completely different natural landscapes. The coastal zone, with beaches 415 km long, is richer and more densely populated. The sparsely populated inner territory is one of the most authentic parts of Crete. On most of its mountain tops, temperatures are below zero and from December to May they are covered with snow. On the mountain slopes there are many small traditional villages, forgotten by time, with their stone houses turned towards the sun, certainly interesting “green” destinations of Crete. Day after day, more and more wanderers try to explore them on foot, by jeep, horse or bicycle. The European Union promotes, with the programme “Leader”, sojourns at rustic touristsʼ shelters. In places like Vamos, Milia, Keramia, Kasteli, Askifou, Spilia, etc. it is possible for the tourist to enjoy the Cretan simple and natural life, to enjoy the Cretan diet with a glass of wine or tsikoudia, to take part in celebrations and to feel the roots of European civilisation. Hospitable shelters, establishments for spending your free time and shops with handmade carpets, fine jewellery, embroidery, traditional furniture, ceramics and home–made products (cheese, noodles, marmelades, etc.) of excellent quality guarantee an unforgettable stay. 36 37 39 PLANINSKI KLANCI I PEĆINE 38 Zbog velike specifičnosti kritske flore i faune, veliki deo životne sredine Hanijske oblasti, pripada zaštićenim područjima za lov, nacionalnim parkovima i zaštićenim biotopovima. Jezero Agija, Jezero Kurnas, ostrvo Gavdos i Gavdopula, Elafonisi zažtićeni su programom EZ “Natura 2000”. U Nacionalnom parku “Samarija”, osim planinskog prolaza, zaštićene su i posebne vrste, endemičnih biljaka, koje uspevaju samo tu, kao i životinjske vrste, orao–kraguj i kritska divokoza. Jedan od najvećih planinskih klanaca u Evropi, Samarija, počinje na visoravni Omalos, i ima dužinu 16km a širinu od 3 do 300m. Prolazak kroz klanac traje 4–5 sati i dozvoljen je samo od maja do septembra. Za zainteresovane planinare, izvidjače i istarživače pećina, postoje mnogobrojne destinacije kao što su planinski prolazi Agia Irini, Imbros, Aradenas, Theriso i više od 1500 pećina i jama. Najinteresantnije i najposećenije su Samonas, Kurnas, Melidoni u Apokoronasu i pećine Svetog Jovana i Medvedja pećina, blizu Manastira Guverneto. 23 24 GORGES – CAVES Due to its special flora and fauna, a large part of the natural environment of Chania consists of protected areas for hunting, national parks and natural habitats (lake of Ayia, lake of Kournas, islands of Gavdos and Gavdopoula, Elafonissi, etc.) which are protected by “Natura 2000”. Protected species, such as the Cretan goat and the vulture–eagle, live at the National Park of the gorge of Samaria and there is an abundance of endemic plants which grow only there. The grandest gorge in Europe, the Samaria gorge, starts at the tableland of Omalos and is 16 km long and from 3 to 300 m wide. Crossing of the gorge, which lasts about 4 to 5 hours, is allowed from May to September. For wanderers, mountain climbers and cave explorers, there are many well–loved destinations in the county of Chania, such as the gorge of St. Irene in Selino, Imbros in Sfakia, Aradaina, Therisso etc. and more than 1500 caves and sea caves. The most interesting ones are those of Apokoronas (Samonas, Kournas, Melidoni etc), of St. John and the Bearcave near the convent of Gouverneto. Hospitable shelters, mounted like birdsʼ nests on mountain peaks, await mountain climbers and wanderers. Information can be obtained from local mountaineering clubs (Greek Mountaineering Club of Chania, 90 Tzanakaki str., open late evenings, tel. 28210 44647). 40 41 42 43 Planinarski domovi, smešteni, kao ptičija gnezda po liticama, očekuju planinare i avanturiste. Informacije mogu da se dobiju kod lokalnih planinarskih klubova (Grčki planinarski klub Hanije, Tzanakaki 90, Hanija, otvoren svako veče, tel. 28210 44647). Planinarski domovi na Belim planinama (Lefka Ori) su: Kalergi, Svurihti–Huliopulos, Volikas i Tavri. Predložene planinarske rute: 1. Kalathas, planinarska staza pored mora do Akrotirija, oko 30 ruta sa top rope osiguranjem, težina staze IV–VII stepena ñ 2. Stavros, Akrotiri, 6 staza sa osiguranjem samo sa releʼs, V–VII stepena. ñ 3. Gingilos, iznad Samarije, 15 staza, V–VII stepena ñ 4) Theriso, iznad klanca Theriso, V–VII stepena FLORA I FAUNA Klima i konfiguracija zemljišta su uslovi za opstanak hiljade životinjskih i biljnih vrsta u Hanijskoj regiiji. Najrasprostranjenije biljne vrste su morski ljiljani (pancrtaium maritimum), lavdano (lavdanum), ciklame (cyclamen creticum), kritske lale (tulipa cretica), javor (acer creticus), a diktamon (origanum dictamum), malotira (fideritis cretica), matzurana (origanum maiorana) pripadaju endemičnim vrstama i lekovitim jestivim biljkama. Na visoravni Omalos može se naći retka, endemična, jestiva vrsta stamnagathi (cihorium spinosum). Gotovo sve vrste lekovitog i jestivog bilja (osušeno ili sveže) mogu se naći po prodavnicama i pijacama. Od ukupno 1742, jedinstvenih kritskih biljnih vrsta, u Hanijskoj oblasti nalazi se 10%. 25 26 Shelters on the Lefka Ori: Kalergi, Svourichti–Chouliopoulos, Volikas and Tavri. Suggested routes for climbing: 1. Kalathas, climbing route next to sea at Akrotiri, about 30 routes with top rope crampons, there are routes from IV–VII on the difficulty scale. ñ 2. Stavros, Akrotiri, 6 routes with crampons only at the releʼs, V–VII on the difficulty scale. ñ 3. Gigilos, over Samaria, 15 routes, V–VII on the difficulty scale. ñ 4. Therissos, over the gorge of Therissos, V–VIII on the difficulty scale. FLORA AND FAUNA The climate and the configuration of the land make the county of Chania a paradise for thousands of plants and animals. Lilys of the sea (pancratium maritimum), lavdano (lavdanum), cyclamen (cyclamen creticum), Cretan tulips (tulipa cretica), maple (acer creticus). The endemic and unique dittany (origanum dictamum), malotira (fideritis cretica) and matzourana (origanum maiorana), are medicinal boiling plants which are abundant. On the plain of Omalos you can find stamnagathi (cihorium spinosum). Dried or freshly cut, these special medicinal herbs can be found in the Public Market or local shops. Over 1742 unique Cretan plants can also be found, 10% of which exist only in the county of Chania. The proud Cretan beast (capra aegagrus cretica) lives freely only in the Samaria Gorge. There and elsewhere, you can see Cretan eagles (aquila chrysaetos) and partridges (alectoris chukar). Ferrets, skunks, weasels, hares, hawks etc. can also be seen in open places. There is also an endeavour to protect an area on the north shores of the county especially for the turtles (caretta–caretta) that live there. Čuvena kritska divokoza (capra aegagrus cretica), živi slobodno, jedino još u planinskom prolazu Samarija. Na najvišim delovima Belih Planina nastanjeni su kritski orao (aquila chrysaetos), lešinari, jarebice (alectoris chukar) a tu i tamo, na otvorenim prostorima, mogu se videti tetrebi, jastrebovi, sokolovi, lasice, jazavci, zečevi idr. Na svernim obalama, regije, formirana su područja specijalne zaštite, kornjače (carreta–carreta). STAZA E4 Staza E4, počinje od Pirineja, preko Alpa, prolazi kroz celu Grčku i stiže u Kisamos na Kritu. Od Kisamosa pruža se peko celog Krita do Kato Zarkosa, odatle prelazi na Kipar gde se završava. Planinarima koji prate E4, pruža se mogućnost, prolazeći stazom, penjući se po liticama i prelazeći divlje klance, da otkrivaju napuštena naselja i skrivena mesta. Mogu da uživaju u prirodi, u celoj, njenoj veličini, da upoznaju običaje i dožive autentičnost podneblja. Staze prolaze gotovo, kroz ceo planinski masiv, pužajući predivne prizore. Predložene rute staze E4: 1. Kasteli, Kisamos–Sfinari, 22,5km, 6,5 sati, proleće–jesen ñ 2. Sfinari–Manastir Hrisoskalitisa, 32km, proleće–jesen ñ 3. Manastir Hrisoskalitisa–Paleohora, 22km, proleće–jesen ñ 4. Paleohora–Suja, 14,5km, proleće–jesen ñ 5. Suja–Agija rumeli, 20km, april–septembar ñ 6. Agija Rumeli–Lutro, 13km, preko cele godine ñ 7. Lutro–Frgokastelo, 19,5km preko cele godine ñ 8. Suja–Kustogerako–Omalos, 24,5km, proleće–jesen ñ 9. Suja–Klanac Agija Irini, 15km, maj–septembar ñ 10. Omalos–Agija Rumeli, 18km, maj–oktobar 27 28 E4 PATH The E4 sets off at the Pyrenees, through the Alps and traverses the whole of Greece, reaching Kissamos in Crete. It then traverses Crete until Kato Zakros and ends in Cyprus. Walkers that follow the E4 have the chance, by walking on paths, climbing rocks and crossing wild gorges and forgotten residences, to discover hidden corners, to enjoy nature in all its grandeur and to experience traditions and customs alongside authentic people. The paths traverse almost the whole bulk of the mountain range and offer the most spectacular views. Suggested routes of the E4 are: 1. Kasteli, Kissamos–Sfinari, 22.5 Km, 6.5 hours, Spring – Autumn 2. Sfinari – convent of Chrissoskalitissa, 32 Km, Spring – Autumn 3. Chrissoskalitissa – Paleochora, 22 Km, Spring–Autumn 4. Paleochora – Sougia, 14.5 Km, Spring – Autumn 5. Sougia – Agia Roumeli, 20 Km, April – September 6. Agia Roumeli – Loutro, 13 Km, all year round 7. Loutro – Fragokastelo, 19.5 Km, all year round 8. Sougia – Koustoyerako – Omalos, 24.5 Km, Spring – Autumn 9. Sougia – Gorge of St. Irene, 15 Km, May – September 10. Omalos – St. Roumeli, 18 Km, May – October PLAŽE Na Hanijskim obalama, dugim 415km, postoje prelepe pristupačne plaže, od kojih su mnoge uredjene za kupanje u kombinaciji sa luksuznim hotelskim smeštajem. Najpopularnije plaže Hanije, su u već poznatim turističkim mestima, Nea Hora–Hanija, Hrisi Akti, Agii Aposotoli, Agia Marina, Platanjas, Gerani, Kisamos, Bali, Falasarna, Elafonisi, Paleohora, Suja, Lutro, Fragokastelo, Sfakia, Marathi, Kalives, Georgiupoli, Kavros, Almirida idr. SPORTSKE AKTIVNOSTI Za ljubitelje sporta, ponudjeni su razni vidovi sportova, tokom cele godine, zahvaljujući moru, planinama i blagoj mediteranskoj klimi. Vodeni sportovi su i najzastupljeniji, pored plivanja tu je i jahting i kajak na moru. Posebno su omiljeni windsurfing, skijanje na vodi i free–diving (ronjenje). Planinske litice, klanci i padine, predstavljaju veliki izazov za planinare i zaljubljenike prirode, tokom cele godine. To je privlačna oblast i za sve alpiniste i bicikliste (mountain–bike). Posetioci koji žele da polete, kao kritski orao, mogu da polete sa zmajem (paragliding). Za svaki pravac vetra, postoji pogodna litica. Hanija je takodje, pravi raj za lovce i ribolovce. Postoje ponude i drugih sportova smeštenim u odgovarajućim prostorima, kao što su jahanje, tenis, fudbal, košarka, beach volley, gimnastika idr. LOKACIJE ZA LETENJE ZMAJEM (PARAGLIDING) 1. Nea Hora, 2km od centra Hanije ñ 2. Visoravan Omalos, 45km od Hanije. Jedan veličanstven let sa Kalergija, ka severozapadu preko Gigilosa i planinskog prolaza Samarija ñ 3. Falasarna, preko arheoloških iskopina grada, ka zapadu ñ 4. Visoravan Askifu ñ 5. Jedinstven let preko jezera Kurnas, ka severu–severoistoku ñ 6. Iznad Varipetra, sa pogledom na Bele planine i jezero Agija ñ 7. Elafonisi, ka jugu, sa pogledom na ostrvo i Libijsko more ñ 8. Paleohora, let ka jugu iznad grada i pogled na Libijsko more 44 45 46 47 29 30 BEACHES There are many beautiful beaches available in the county of Chania (415 km coastline), many of which are organised for bathers and are combined with exceptional hotel units. The beaches of Nea Chora, Chrissi Akti, Ag. Apostoloi, Agia Marina, Platanias, Gerani, Kissamos, Balos, Falassarna, Elafonissi, Paleochora, Sougia, Loutro, Fragokastelo, Sfakia, Marathi, Kalives, Georgoupolis, Kavros, Almirida, are only a small selection of the most popular beaches of Chania. SPORTS The combination of sea and mountain and the mild Mediterranean climate offer sport lovers a wide variety of activities throughout the year. From water sports (including swimming), sailing and kayaking are first in preference. Windsurfing, water–skiing, and free–diving are also big favourites. The mountains offer mountain climbers many challenges. They can also be visited in the winter by winter tourists. In the summer the slopes are free for nature lovers and wanderers. The county of Chania offers a wide variety of sports such as mountain climbing and mountain–biking. The visitor who wishes to feel like the Cretan eagle, can go paragliding. There is a suitable mountain top for every wind direction. Chania is also a true paradise for hunters and fishermen. Other sports like horse–riding, tennis, football, basketball, beach volley, gymnastics, etc. are available in suitably equipped facilities. LOCATIONS FOR PARAGLIDING 1. Near Nea Chora, 2 Km from the centre of Chania ñ 2. Tableland of Omalos, 45 Km from the town of Chania. An enchanting flight from Kallergi in a northwest–west direction over the Samaria Gorge and the Gigilos ñ 3. Fallasarna, over the ancient town in a west direction ñ 4. Tableland of Askifou ñ 5. A unique flight over the lake of Kournas in a northeast– east direction ñ 6. Over Varipetro with view of the Lefka Ori and the lake of Agia ñ 7. Elafonissi, in a south direction with a view of Elafonissi and the Libyan Sea ñ 8. Over Paleochora, in a south direction with a view of the Libyan Sea. KRITSKA KUHINJA Tradicionalna kritska ishrana, bazirana je na proizvodima visokog kvaliteta, dok specijaliteti ostaju izvanredno ukusni sa umerenom dozom začina. Glavni sastojci kritske ishrane su čisto maslinovo ulje, jestive divlje biljke, sveže povrće, zrnasto povrće, riba, meso, morski plodovi, vino i rakija. Dodaci su, veliki izbor sireva, gravijera, anthotiro i mlad sir (mizithra). Kao dopuna ove zdrave ishrane su kiselo mleko, med, svež sok od narandže i drugo voće. 31 32 CRETAN DIET The traditional cuisine is based on excellent quality natural products, while the taste of the delicacies is not altered by excessive spices. Main ingredients of the Cretan diet are virgin olive oil, wild greens, vegetables, beans, peas and lentils, fish, meat, sea food, wine and tsikoudia! To these a large variety of cheeses, especially “Cretan graviera”, “athotiro” and “mizithra”, are added. Yoghurt, honey, freshly–squeezed orange juice and various fruits complete this precious and healthy diet. 48 PROSLAVE I VAŠARI U Haniji se slavi tokom čitave godine. Najučestalije, proslave su vašari ili seoske litije, na dan Sveca–zaštitnika, svakog sela. Svake godine, slave se i nacionalni praznici kao godišnjica Kritske bitke u maju, i nacionalni praznici 28. Oktobar i 25. Mart. Interesantne su i sezonske proslave kao što su, pečenje rakije, berbe groždja, berbe trešanja, narandži i kestena idr. Sve ove proslave prati, dosta hrane i pića, igre i muzike i dobrog raspoloženja. U Venecijanskoj luci, u Haniji, svake godine, prvih dana u avgustu, organizuje se “Poljoprivredni avgust”, sa ciljem da se promovišu poljoprivredni proizvodi i agroturizam. KULTURNE AKTIVNOSTI Pored, Letnjeg Festivala, koji se održava u gradu Haniji, sa pozorišnim predstavama, muzičkim večerima, likovnim izložbama i koncertima, u gradu i okolini, tokom čitave godine, organizuju se mnogobrojne i interesantne kulturne manifestacije preko lokalnih uprava, kulturnih udruženja, fondova i gradjana. Takodje, organizuju se medjunarodna sportska takmičenja “Venizelia” i tradicionalna proslava “Nautička Nedelja” u Sudi. ISTRAŽIVANJA – KONFERENCIJE Institucije koje se bave visokim naučnim istarživanjima, organizacijom seminara i internacionalnim konferencijama i prezentacijama su sledeće: Tehnički Univerzitet Krita, Mediteranski Agronomski Institut Hanije (MAIH), Tehnički Obrazovni Instiut za Maslinu i Subtropske kulture–Hanija, Pravoslavna Akademija (Bogoslovija)–Kolimbari, Zadužbina Svete Sofije, Nacionalna Zadužbina Elefterios Venizelos, Centar Mediteranske Arhitekture, Duhovni Centar Hanije, idr. Pored konferencijskih prostora, koji se nalaze u ovim institucijama, mnogobrojne prezentacije i internacionalne konferencije održavaju se u hotelima A kategorije, sa stručnim osobljem. 33 34 CELEBRATIONS – FAIRS In Chania, the residents celebrate all year round. The most well–known celebrations though are the fairs in honour of the patron saint of each village. To these a number of anniversaries of national importance can be added, such as the Battle of Crete every May, and the national celebrations on October 28th and March 25th. Exhibitions of products, street markets etc. are organised. Of particular interest are also celebrations during the production of tsikoudia, wine, or the picking of cherries, oranges, chestnuts, etc. All these celebrations are accompanied by traditional dances and songs and rich food and drinks are offered. The “Agricultural August” is held at the old Venetian port of Chania during the first ten days of the month. The event aims at promoting agriculture and agrotourism in the Chania prefecture. CULTURAL ACTIVITIES 49 Apart from the Summer Festival in the town of Chania with theatre performances, musical evenings, art exhibitions and concerts, in Chania and the surrounding area rich and interesting cultural displays are organised throughout the year by the authorities, cultural unions, foundations and by citizens. The “Venizelia” Games and the Naval Week are also organised. RESEARCH – CONFERENCES The Technical University of Crete, the Technical Education Institute, the Subtropical Plants and Olive Tree Institute of Chania, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH), the Orthodox Academy in Kolymbari, the St. Sophia Foundation, the Centre of Mediterranean Architecture, the Intellectual Centre of Chania as well as other institutions, carry out research of a high standard and organize interesting presentations, seminars and international conventions. Along with the facilities for conventions that exist in the above mentioned institutions, many presentations and international conventions are held in first–class hotel facilities with the help of well–trained staff. 52 51 50 53 PREVOZ ñ Avionske kompanje: a. OLYMPIC AIRLINES, Tzanakaki 88, tel. 80111 44444, 28210 53760/1, aerodrom: 28210 63171/63264/66088 (www.olympicairlines.com). b. AEGEAN AIRLINES, El. Venizelou 12, tel. 80111 20000, 28210 51100, aerodrom: 28210 63366 (www.aegeanair.com). ñ Brodske kompanije: a. ANEK LINES, Trg Sof. Venizelou, tel. 28210 27500 (www.anek.gr). Suda od/do Pirej svaki dan. Karte Souda, tel. 28210 80050/1. b. HELLENIC SEAWAYS, tel. 28210 75444 (www.hsw.gr). Suda od/do Pirej svaki dan. Karte Suda, tel. 28210 89065. c. ANEN LINES, tel. 28210 20345 (www.anen.gr). Kisamos od/do Peloponez. d. ANENDYK (80 Milonojani, tel. 28210 95511). Južna obala. ñ Luka: a. Chania, tel. 28210 98888, b. Suda, tel. 28210 89240, c. Kisamos, tel. 28220 22024, d. Paleohora, tel. 28230 41214, e. Hora Sfakion, tel. 28250 91292. ñ Gradski autobusi (plavi): Od Gradske Pijace (Agora) i Trga 1866, za sve delove grada i predgradja, Akrotiri, Suda (luka), plaže. Tel. 28210 93345/98115. ñ Medjugradski autobusi (zeleni): KTEL–Glavna autobuska stanica, Kidonias. Za Rethimno–Iraklion, Vrises–Hora Sfakion, Kasteli, Elafonisi, Kandanos–Paleohora, Suja, Omalos–Samarija, Solun (preko luke Pirej). Tel. 28210 93306/93052. ñ Rent a car and bike: postoje mnogobrojne kompanije koje pružaju ovu vrstu usluge. Informacije u Turističkom informativnom centru, Kriari 40, tel. 28210 92943/92624. ñ Taxi: tel. 18300, 28210 94300. ñ Aeroclub Hanije: Magični letovi iznad Hanije i Egejskog mora, sa kvalifikovanim pilotom ili sa vašom dozvolom u avionu Cessna, 4 sedišta. Tel. 28210 27272 (www.aer.gr). 35 36 GETTING ABOUT 54 ñ Airlines: a. OLYMPIC AIRLINES, 88 Tzanakaki str., tel. 80111 44444, 28210 53760/1, airport: 28210 63171/63264/66088 (www.olympicairlines.com). b. AEGEAN AIRLINES, 12 El. Venizelou str., tel. 80111 20000, 28210 51100, airport: 28210 63366 (www.aegeanair.com). ñ Sea Lines: a. ANEK LINES, Sof Venizelou sqr., tel. 28210 27500 (www.anek.gr). Souda to/from Pireas daily. Ticket office (Souda port) tel. 28210 80050/1. b. HELLENIC SEAWAYS, tel. 28210 75444 (www.hsw.gr). Souda to/from Pireas daily. Ticket office (Souda port) tel. 28210 89065. c. ANEN LINES, tel. 28210 20345 (www.anen.gr). Kissamos to/from Peloponissos. d. ANENDYK (80 Milonogianni str., tel. 28210 95511). Sea links between the south ports of the county. ñ Port Authorities: a. Chania, tel. 28210 98888, b. Souda, tel. 28210 89240, c. Kissamos, tel. 28220 22024, d. Paleochora, tel. 28230 41214, e. Chora Sfakion, tel. 28250 91292. ñ Local buses (blue): Departures from Municipal Market sqr. and 1866 sqr. to all districts of the town and surrounding areas, Akrotiri, Souda (port), beaches, etc. Tel. 28210 93345/98115. ñ Long distance buses (green): Main Bus Station (KTEL), Kydonias str. To Rethimno–Iraklio, Vrisses–Chora Sfakion, Kasteli, Elafonissi, Kandanos–Paleochora, Sougia, Omalos–Samaria etc. Also to Thessaloniki (via the port of Pireas). Tel. 28210 93306/93052. ñ Car and motorbike rentals: there are many international and domestic companies. Information at the Tourist Information Centre of the Greek National Tourism Organisation, 40 Kriari str., tel. 28210 92943/92624. ñ Taxi: tel. 18300, 28210 94300 (service for disabled people too). ñ Aeroclub of Chania: magical flights around the county and the Aegean islands by qualified pilots (or using your own license) in Cessna 4–seat aircraft. Tel. 28210 27272 (www.aer.gr). 55 KORISNI TELEFONI ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ Hitna služba u slučaju opasnosti . . . . Policija . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turistička policija . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zdravstvena hitna služba . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolnica Hanije . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nautička bolnica Sude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Klinika Gavrilaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Klinika Kapaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Klinika Tsepetis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dom zdravlja–Vamos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dom zdravlja–Kandanos . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dom zdravlja–Kisamos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vatrogasne jedinice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aerodrom Hanija (CHQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turistički informativni centar– Nacionalni Turizam, E.O.T., Kriari 40 . . Turistički informativni centar opštine Hanija, Opština Hanija, Kydonias 29 . Meteorološki izveštaj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ortodoksna crkva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katolička crkva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jevangelistička crkva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinagoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Konsulati: Republika Srbija . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Velika Britanija . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pošte (Peridou 10, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anapavseos 10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ñ Planinarsko spasilački klub ........... USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100, 28210 28746/25791 Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 25700 Tourist Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 28750/25931 Ambulance Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Hospital of Chania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 22000–9 Naval Hospital of Souda . . . . . . 28210 82538/82414 Gavrilakis Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 70800 Kapakis Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 52688 Tsepetis Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 27633 Health Centre of Vamos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28250 22580 Health Centre of Kandanos . . . . . . . . . . . 28230 22550 Health Centre of Kissamos . . . . . . . . . . . 28220 22222 Fire Brigade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Airport of Chania (CHQ) . . . . . . . 28210 63171/63264 Tourist Information Centre of the National Tourism Organisation, 40 Kriari str. . . . . . 28210 92943/92624 Tourist Information Centre of the Municipality of Chania, 29 Kidonias str. . . 28210 36155/36204–6 Weather Forecast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1448 Orthodox Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 43802 Catholic Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 93443 Evangelist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 22365 Synagogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 86286 Foreign Embassies: Republic of Serbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 7774344 Great Britain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2810 224012 Post Offices (10 Peridou str., . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 28444/5 10 Anapafseos str.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28210 71180 Mountain Rescue Club . . . . . . . . 28210 44647/44359 FOTOGRAFIIJE: Korice: Balos, Kisamos ñ 1,3,5,6,7,8,19: Hanijska luka ñ 2: Trg Slobode (Elefterijas), Hanija ñ 4: Metohi Kindeli ñ 9,12: Manastir Gouverneto (Akrotiri) ñ 10: Crkva Svetog Pavla (Hora Sfakion) ñ 11: Unutrašnjost crkve ñ 13,21: Stari grad (Hanija) ñ 14: Crkva Bogorodice (Spilja, Kisamos) ñ 15,48: Lutro (Sfakija) ñ 16: Fragokastelo ñ 17: Karidi (Apokoronas) ñ 18: Turski minaret ñ 20: Sat (Gradski vrt) ñ 22: Kritski Nautički Muzej (Hanija) ñ 23: Francuska škola (Hanija) ñ 24: Arheološki Muzej (Hanija) ñ 25: Laki (Kidonija) ñ 26: Folklorna grupa ñ 27: Crkva Rotonda (Episkopi, Kisamos) ñ 28,30,32: Manastir Svete Trojice (Akrotiri) ñ 29: Crkva Svetog Nikole (Kirijakoselia) ñ 31: Manastir Hrisoskalitisa ñ 33: Tradicionalno selo (Milja, Kisamos) ñ 34: Planinarski dom Kalergi (Omalos) ñ 35: Lefka Ori (Bele Planine) ñ 36: Jezero Kurnas ñ 37: Pećina Samonas ñ 38: Planinski prolaz Aradenas ñ 39,40,42: Planinski prolaz Samarija ñ 41: Planinski prolaz Imbros ñ 43: Kritska divokoza ñ 44: Agia Marina ñ 45: Gavdos ñ 46: Falasarna ñ 47: Suja ñ 49: Platanjas ñ 50: Nea Hora ñ 51: Georgioupoli ñ 52: Paleochora ñ 53,54: Aerodrom Hanija ñ 55: Luka Suda PHOTOS: Cover: Balos, Kissamos ñ 1,3,5,6,7,8,19: Chania harbour ñ 2: Eleftherias sqr. (Chania) ñ 4: Metohi Kindeli ñ 9,12: Monastery of Gouverneto (Akrotiri) ñ 10: Church of St. Paul (Chora Sfakion) ñ 11: Church interior ñ 13,21: Chania old town ñ 14: Church of the Mother of God (Spilia, Kissamos) ñ 15,48: Loutro (Sfakia) ñ 16: Fragokastelo ñ 17: Karidi (Apokoronas) ñ 18: Turkish minaret ñ 20: Clock (Municipal Garden) ñ 22: Naval Museum of Crete (Chania) ñ 23: French School (Chania) ñ 24: Archaeological Museum (Chania) ñ 25: Lakkoi (Kydonia) ñ 26: Folklore dancers ñ 27: Rotonda Church (Episkopi, Kissamos) ñ 28,30,32: Monastery of Holy Trinity (Akrotiri) ñ 29: Church of St. Nicholas (Kiriakosselia) ñ 31: Monastery of Chrissoskalitissa ñ 33: Traditional village (Milia, Kissamos) ñ 34: Kalergi mountain refuge (Omalos) ñ 35: Lefka Ori (“White Mountains”) ñ 36: Kournas lake ñ 37: Samonas cave ñ 38: Aradaina gorge ñ 39,40,42: Samaria gorge ñ 41: Imbros gorge ñ 43: Cretan beast ñ 44: Agia Marina ñ 45: Gavdos ñ 46: Falassarna ñ 47: Sougia ñ 49: Platanias ñ 50: Nea Hora ñ 51: Georgioupoli ñ 52: Paleochora ñ 53,54: Chania airport ñ 55: Souda port TURISTIČKI VODIČ HANIJSKE REGIJE ñ CHANIA TOURIST GUIDE © 2008–2009 OPŠTINSKA KOMISIJA ZA TURISTIČKU PROMOCIJU HANIJE © 2008–2009 PREFECTURAL COMMITTEE FOR TOURISM PROMOTION OF CHANIA Tel.: (+30) 28213 40108/9 ñ Fax: (+30) 28213 40204 ñ E–mail: tourism@nax.gr Text: Dr Anastasia Kalpaki–Georgoulaki ñ Photos: Yiannis Milonakis, Tassos Sakoulis, Antonis Plimakis, ∆.∂.∂., Fanis Manoussakis, Spiros Papakastrissios, Yiorgos Antonakakis ñ Production: Typorama ñ Design: ¡ikos Ailamakis, Nikos Parthenopoulos ñ Color separations: Yiannis Karavias ñ Serbian translation: Nikolic Ljiljana ñ English translation: Jenny Valyraki, Lyn Protopsalti ñ Printing: Typokreta www.chania.eu © 2008–2009 REGIONALNA UPRAVA HANIJE – PREFECTURE OF CHANIA