STARI GRAD - Tourist Organization of Belgrade


STARI GRAD - Tourist Organization of Belgrade
Broj / No. 2, 2013
besplatni primerak / complimentary copy
Tema broja/ Main topic
razgledanja / sightseeing
uvodna reč / introductory word
Dobro došli u Beograd!
Tokom jesenjih meseci, Beograd nastavlja da
nudi raznolike šarmantne doživljaje svojim sugrađanima i gostima. Uz brojne uzbudljive kulturne događaje, ovo doba godine kao da je stvoreno za posete muzejima, odlaske na koncerte i
festivale ili uživanje sa prijateljima u atmosferi
brojnih aktuelnih mesta za izlazak u Beogradu.
Savršen izbor za bolje upoznavanje Beograda
je Knez Mihailova ulica sa okolinom. A za one
koji žele da otkriju nešto više o našem glavnom
gradu, preporučujemo neku od tura razgledanja
grada koju možete odabrati u Turističkom Informativnom centru u Knez Mihailovoj 5, gde će
Vam naše kolege biti na usluzi.
Welcome to Belgrade!
During autumn months, Belgrade offers distinguish and charming experiences to locals and
guests. Along with numerous exciting culture
events, this time of the year is perfect for visiting
museums, going on concerts or simply enjoying
the atmosphere of some of Belgrade hot spots
with friends.
Should you decide to get to know Belgrade
better Knez Mihailova Street and its surroundings are the perfect choice.
For those who want to know more about the
city, Belgrade can be discovered by taking some
of the tours which is possible at the Tourist Information Centre in Knez Mihailova Street 5, where
our colleagues will be at your disposal.
Dejan Veselinov,
Direktor / Director
Turistička organizacija Beograda /
Tourist Organization of Belgrade
Urednik / Editor Saša Marjanović
Urednik izdanja / Editor-in-Chief
Ivana Radonjić
Saradnici / Editorial Contributors
Turistička organizacija Beograda /
Tourist organisation of Belgrade
Design / Design Igor Sergej Sandić
Fotografije / Photos
BG Info Box Gallery, Stari grad, DCC,
Arhiva TOB-a
Mape / Maps BG Info Box, Jug Cerović
Autorska prava / Copyright notice
Tekst i fotografije su vlasništvo Belgrade Info
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za potrebe pregleda, bez prethodne pismene
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Reč urednika: Urednički sadržaj vodiča
Belgrade Info Guide je nezavistan od
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Text and photos copyright Belgrade Info Guide.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced in any form, except brief
extracts for the purpose of review, without
written permission from the publisher and
copyright owner.
Editor’s note
The editorial content of Belgrade Info Guide
is independent from paid advertising.
CIP - Kаtаlogizаcijа u publikаciji
Nаrodnа bibliotekа Srbije, Beogrаd
BELGRADE info guide / urednik Saša
Marjanović. - 2013, br. 2-. - Beograd :
Bg Info Box, 2013- (Beograd : Politika). - 21
Tromesečno. - Paralelni tekst na srp. i engl.
ISSN 2334-8445 = Belgrade Info Guide
COBISS.SR-ID 199244812
Štamparija / Printed by GRAFONIN d.o.o.
Tiraž/ Print run 20.000
Vodič se publikuje 4 puta godišnje / Printed 4
times per year
Kontakt / Contact
Bg Info Box d.o.o., Ulofa Palmea 2a,
(+381) 11 414 09 65,,
Belgrade Info Guide
Belgrade Info Guide
sadržaj / content
Stari grad tema broja /
Main topic – Stari grad 6
Dunavske ekskurzije /
Danube excursions
Intervju / Interview
Top 10 muzeja /
Top 10 museums
Top 10 atrakcija /
Top 10 attractions
Er Srbija /
Air Serbia
Događaji / Events
Mapa prevoza /
Public Transport Map 26
Mapa Beograda/
Belgrade’s Map
Razgledanja /
Gde se smestiti /
Where to stay
Gde jesti /
Where to eat
Gde se zabavljati /
Where to party
Prostori i sport /
Venues and Sports
Info / Info
Belgrade Info Guide
Belgrade Info Guide
tema broja / main topic
Stari grad
Stari grad je centralna beogradska opština koja obuhvata najveći deo
starog jezgra, površine 698 hektara sa oko 50.000 stanovnika.
Stari Grad is central Belgrade municipality, which includes most of the
historic center, measuring 698 hectares with about 50,000 inhabitants.
ulturno - istorijski lokaliteti Beogradska tvrđava, Skadarlija, Terazije, Trg Republike, Knez
Mihailova i Savsko pristanište su u „top deset“ turističkih tačaka grada. Kapetan - Mišino zdanje,
Konak kneginje Ljubice, Saborna crkva, Kosančićev
venac, 20 zdanja i 200 zgrada, spomenika, zadužbina i spomen obeležja zaštićena su kulturna dobra.
Stari grad, epicentar prestonice, sedište je državnih i gradskih institucija. Narodna Skupština, Stari
i Novi dvor, rektorati Beogradskog univerziteta i
Belgrade Info Guide
ultural - historical locations Belgrade Fortress,
Skadarlija, Terazije, Republic Square, Knez Mihailova and Sava port are in the “top ten” tourist
points of the city.
Captain - Misa’s Mansion, Princess Ljubica’s
Residence, The Orthodox church , Kosancicev
venac, 20 buildings and 200 buildings, monuments
and endowments are protected cultural property.
Stari grad, the epicenter of the capital, is the
seat of of government and local institutions. The
Univerziteta umetnosti, 13 fakulteta, Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Srpska pravoslavna crkva,
Jevrejska opština i Islamska zajednica Srbije, ambasade, 18 muzeja, šest pozorišta, dvadesetak ustanova kulture i 20 škola.
Stari grad ima hotele visoke kategorije, privatni
smeštaj i hostele. Domaćin je manifestacija internacionalnog (FEST, BEMUS, BITEF, Festival igre,
Maraton, Karneval brodova), nacionalnog (Ulica
otvorenog srca, Fiš fest) i lokalnog značaja.
National Assembly, the Old and the New Court,
Belgrade University and the University of the Arts,
13 faculties, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Serbian Orthodox Church, the Jewish Community
and the Islamic Community of Serbia, embassies, 18
museums, six theaters, twenty cultural institutions
and 20 schools.
Stari grad has a high class hotels, pensions and
hostels. He has hosted international events (FEST,
BEMUS BITEF Dance Festival, Marathon, Carnival
ships), national (Street of Open Heart, Fish Fest)
and events of local importance.
Jevremova - Street encounters
Old Town Day is a celebration called Cveti. It
celebrates cultural - entertaining event “Jevremova
- street encounters” with the participation of citizens, institutions, kindergartens, schools and religious communities. Jevremova becomes a pedestrian zone with a variety of programs that reflect
the multi-ethnic and multicultural environment.
Belgrade Info Guide
tema broja / main topic
Jevremova – ulica susreta
Dan i slava Starog grada su Cveti. Obeležavaju se
kulturno - zabavnom manifestacijom „Jevremova
– ulica susreta“, uz učešće građana, ustanova, vrtića, škola, kulturno - umetničkih društva i verskih
zajednica. Jevremova postaje
pešačka zona sa raznovrsnim
programima, koji oslikavaju
multietničku i multikulturnu
Dorćol / Dorcol
sredinu. Dorćol zovu „Jerusalim u malom“.
„Mesto na kojem se ukrštaju četiri
U Gospodar Jevremovoj
puta“ zvao se kraj na raskršću ulica
su Bajrakli džamija, Muzej
Kralja Petra i Cara Dušana. Vremenom
pozorišne umetnosti, Muzej
se naziv proširio, sve do Skadarlije, DuVuka i Dositeja, Kulturni cennava i Malog Kalemegdana.
tar „Dom porodice Pavlović“ i
„Prvo dunavsko parobrodarsko
Street corners of Peter Kralj and Car
društvo“ („Dunavac“).
Dusan streets is known as “the place
where the paths cross four times.” Over
time, the name spread all the way to
JP Sportsko
Skadarlija, the Danube and Mali Kalerekreativni poslovni
centar „Milan Gale
„Milan Gale Muškatirović“ obeležava 40 godina postojanja. Bazenski kompleks, renoviran
2010/11, nudi dva zatvorena bazena, olimpijski,
Belgrade Info Guide
Dorćol is called “Jerusalem in
In Jevremova street are
Bajrakli mosque, Museum of
Theatrical Art, Museum of Vuk
and Dositej, Cultural Center
“House of Pavlovic family”
and “First Danube Steamship
Company” (“Dunavac”).
Sports and
recreation business
center “Milan Gale
“Milan Gale Muskatirovis”
celebrates 40 years of existence. Pool complex, renovated in 2010/11, offers
two indoor pools, an Olympic, according to international standards for the competition, a small pool,
po međunarodnim standardima za takmičenja,
mali bazen, sa platformom za obuku neplivača i
nekoliko sauna. Otvoreni bazeni, olimpijski, rekreativni i dečiji, sa elementima akva parka, beleže leti
do 3.500 posetilaca dnevno. Sedište „Galeta“ je na
Dunavskoj keju.
+ 38111 2182242 Ustanova kulture gradske opštine
Stari Grad „Parobrod“
„Dunavac“, u Kapetan Mišinoj 6a, sedište je „Parobroda“, jedne od najagilnijih tačaka savremenog
stvaralaštva na kulturnoj mapi opštine, grada i regiona. Nakon renoviranja 2013, izložbe, pozorišne
predstave, koncerti, književne promocije i tribine,
filmski i edukativni programi za decu i mlade, odvijaju se u bioskopskoj i baletskoj sali, teatru, džez
sceni, galeriji, prostorima za promocije i koncerte,
seminare i radionice.
+ 381 11/4142-163
with a platform for swimming courses and several
saunas. Outdoor pools, Olympic, recreational and
children, with elements aqua park, recorded in the
summer to 3,500 visitors a day. The headquarters
‘Gale’ at the Danube quay.
+ 38111 2182242
Cultural Institution of Stari Grad
“Parobrod” is located at Captain Misa 6a and
represent one of the most active points of modern
art on the cultural map of the municipality, city
and region. After renovations in 2013, exhibitions,
theater performances, concerts, book promotions
and discussions, film and educational programs
for children and youth are held in the cinema hall
and the ballet, theater, jazz scene, gallery, spaces
for promotions and concerts, seminars and workshops.
+ 381 11/4142-163
Belgrade Info Guide
Dunavske ekskurzije / Danube excursions
Jednodnevna ekskurzija nizvodno od Beograda / One day excursion downstream from Belgrade
Republic of Serbia
Rutu rimskih careva i Dunavsku vinsku
rutu čini 20 lokaliteta rimskog nasleđa i
12 vinskih regija, u četiri države donjeg
toka Dunava.
Projekat je zvanično započet 1. jula
2012, a od tada, Dunavski centar za
kompetenciju sa svojim partnerima
aktivno deluje u pravcu jačanja identiteta
i imidža Dunava, kao i promocije
kulturnog turizma kroz transnacionalnu
saradnju četiri države: Rumunije,
Bugarske, Srbije i Hrvatske.
Ukoliko želite da vaš boravak u Beogradu produžite za još dan ili dva – a da istovremeno
pobegnete iz grada, preporučujemo vam kratke ekskurzije u Viminacijum i Smederevo ili
u Sirmijum i na Frušku Goru. Te destinacije nisu daleko od Beograda i omogućavaju vam
da vidite i osetite deo zajedničkog evropskog nasleđa i kulturnog identiteta, kao i gostoljubivost ljudi i kvalitet hrane i vina. Osim toga, imaćete priliku i da uživate u prelepim
pejzažima i atrakcijama duž najuzbudljivije i druge po dužini evropske reke – Dunava.
Ruta rimskih careva je u ovom trenutku
kandidat za sertifikat „Kulturne rute
Saveta Evrope“ pri Evropskom institutu za
kulturne rute (EICR).
Republic of Serbia
Dunavski centar za kompetenciju /
Danube Competence Center
Republic of Serbia
the European Union
Co-funded by
Roman Emperors’ Route and Danube
Wine Route put together 20 Roman
heritage localities and 12 wine regions in
four countries on the Lower Danube.
The project of the routes was officially
launched on 1st of July 2012, and since than,
DCC with its partners is actively engaged
in strengthening the Danube identity
and image, as well as promoting cultural
tourism through transnational cooperation
across the four partner countries: Romania,
Serbia and Croatia.
The Roman Emperors’ Route is at this
moment a candidate route for certification
as a “Council of Europe Cultural Route”
with the European Institute of Cultural
Routes (EICR).
U blizini Požarevca, 85 km od
se Viminacijum
the European Union
– jedan
od najvažnijih gradova i
vojnih logora rimske imperije u
periodu od prvog do šestog veka.
Osim ostataka ovog grada, posetioci mogu da vide delove rimskog
akvadukta, mauzolej cara Hostilijana, fantastične freske u paganskim i hrišćanskim grobnicama,
kao i mnoštvo kvalitetnih predmeta od stakla, nakita, novčića i
U rimskoj vili Domus Scientiarum
Viminacium nalazi se turistički
centar i arheološki muzej, dok se u
taverni Viminacijum služe osvežavajući napici i klasična rimska jela.
Belgrade Info Guide
Roman Emperors’ Route and Danube Wine Route put together 20 Roman heritage localities and 12 wine regions in
four countries on the Lower Danube.
The project of the routes was officially launched on 1st of
July 2012, and since than, DCC with its partners is actively
engaged in strenghtening the Danube identity and image,
as well as promoting cultural tourism through transnational cooperation across the four partner countries: Romania,
Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia.
The Roman Emperors’ Route is at this moment a candidate route for certification as a “Council of Europe Cultural Route” with the European Institute of Cultural Routes
Smederevo /
Near city of Pozarevac, 85km from Belgrade, lies Viminacium –
one of the most important Roman towns and military camps in
the period from the 1st to the 6th century.
Apart from the city remains, a visitor has an opportunity to see
parts of the Roman aqueduct, the mausoleum of the Emperor
Hostilian, remarkable fresco paintings in Pagan and Christian
tombs, and an abundance of high quality glass works, jewelry,
coins and ceramics
Roman villa Domus scientiarum Viminacium houses tourist
center and archaeological museum. Viminacium tavern provides
refreshments and classical Roman dishes.
Rute / The Routes
Rutu rimskih careva i Dunavsku vinsku rutu čini 20 lokaliteta rimskog nasleđa i 12 vinskih regija, u četiri države donjeg toka Dunava.
Projekat je zvanično započet 1. jula 2012, a od tada, Dunavski centar za kompetenciju sa svojim partnerima aktivno
deluje u pravcu jačanja identiteta i imidža Dunava, kao i
promocije kulturnog turizma kroz transnacionalnu saradnju četiri države: Rumunije, Bugarske, Srbije i Hrvatske.
Ruta rimskih careva je u ovom trenutku kandidat za
sertifikat „Kulturne rute Saveta Evrope” pri Evropskom
institutu za kulturne rute (EICR).
Viminacijum /
If you wish to extend your stay in Belgrade for one or two days, but – at the same time – stay away from
the city, we recommend short excursions to Viminacium and Smederevo, or Sirmium and Fruška Gora.
These destinations are not far away from Belgrade, but will enable you to see and feel part of the shared
European heritage and cultural identity, as well as hospitality of local people, and the quality of food
and vines. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to enjoy beautiful landscapes and attractions along
the most exciting and second longest European river – Danube.
Smederevo se nalazi 46 km od Beograda, u srcu Moravske vinske regije, poznate po visokokvalitetnom voću
i grožđu. Tamo postoji duga tradicija vinogradarstva i
pravljena vina, pošto je prva loza posađena još u vreme
rimskog imperatora Probusa u trećem veku.
Ukoliko želite da degustirate izvanredna vina i domaću
srpsku hranu, posetite vinariju porodice Radovanović,
Podrum Živković ili Vinski podrum Janko. Takođe, možete da uživate i u jednoj od najočuvanijih srednjovekovnih tvrđava u Srbiji, koja je kandidat za nominaciju
kulturne baštine pod zaštitom UNESCO-a.
Smederevo is located 46 km from Belgrade, in the heart of
Morava wine region, well known for its high quality fruits
and grape. It has a long tradition of grape growing and
wine culture, since the first vines were planted during the
time of the Roman Emperor Probus in the 3rd century.
If you wish to taste exquisite vine and enjoy exquisite
homemade Serbian cuisine, visit the winery of Radovanovic family, Zivkovic Podrum, or Janko Wine
Cellar. You may also enjoy one of the best preserved
medilevel fortress in Serbia, placed on the Tentative list
for possible nomination as a UNESCO World Heritage.
Belgrade Info Guide
Dunavske ekskurzije / Danube excursions
Jednodnevna ekskurzija nizvodno od Beograda / One day excursion downstream from Belgrade
Sirmijum /
Sirmijum (Sremska Mitrovica) je u trećem veku bio
proglašen za jednu od tri rimske prestonice, a poznat je
i kao mesto na kojem je rođeno čak šest rimskih imperatora. Ostaci grada mogu se videti na mestu današnje
Sremske Mitrovice, 69 km zapadno od Beograda. Centar za posetioce i Imperijalna palata nude informacije,
ture kroz grad, kao i osveženje u kafiću ili restoranu.
Pogledajte umanjeni model antičkog Sirmijuma, sa
akvaduktima, kupatilima, pozorištem i hipodromom,
u to vreme drugim po veličini u Evropi. Takođe, posetite Arheološki muzej i pogledajte Veneru iz Sremske
Mitrovice, zlatni avarski pojas, ili kopije antičkih zlatnih
Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica) was pronounced one
of the four Roman capitals in the 3rd century, and was
also the birth place of six Roman emperors. The remains of the city can now be seen in the modern city of
Sremska Mitrovica, 69 km west of Belgrade. Visitors‘
centre at the Imperial Palace offers information, guided
tours through the city, coffee shop and a restaurant.
See scale model of ancient Sirmium, showing aqueducts, baths, theatre, and hippodrome, once second biggest in Europe. Visit also the Archeological Museum
and admire the Venus of Sremska Mitrovica, a golden
belt of Avars, or copies of ancient gold bars.
Belgrade Info Guide
Fruška Gora /
Fruska Gora
Fruška Gora nalazi se severozapadno od Beograda,
između reke Save i Dunava, a poznata je po svom nacionalnom parku, 16 pravoslavnih manastira i dugoj
vinskoj tradiciji, koja seže u rimsko doba. Zbog svega
toga, destinacija je idealna kako za one koji žele da uživaju u prirodi i spomenicima, tako i za one koji su više
orijentisani ka užitku u vinu i hrani.
Autentično vino ovog kraja je Neoplanta, koje možete
probati u podrumu Čerević. Nešto poznatiji Bermet,
najbolje je da probate u Sremskim Karlovcima, gde ćete
istovremeno uživati u čaši vina i upečatljivoj arhitekturi. Degustaciju vina i hrane nudi više od 60 privatnih
Fruska Gora region, northwest of Belgrade, between
the Sava and the Danube river, is famous for its National Park, 16 Serbian Orthodox monasteries and vine
tradition that goes back to Roman times. That is why
this destination is ideal both for people interested in
the nature and culture, and for those more focused on
enjoying wine and cuisine.
An authentic local wine is Neoplanta, which can be tasted in Cerevic Cellar. The best place to go for better
known Bermet, is tiny city of Sremski Karlovci where
you can enjoy a glass of wine and remarkable historic
architecture. Vines and food may be tasted in over 60
privately owned wineries.
Belgrade Info Guide
intervju / interview
Topla dobrodošlica
u Beogradu /
Warm welcome in
Belgrade Info Guide u svom novom izdanju imao je čast da ugosti Derju Polat, Direktorku
Kancelarije za kulturu i turizam Ambasade Republike Turske
Belgrade Info Guide had the honor and pleasure to interview Derya Polat, Director of Culture and Tourism Office of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
Recite nam nešto više o Vašem poslu koju obavljate u Beogradu.
Na mestu Direktorke Kancelarije za kulturu i turizam Ambasade Republike Turske nalazim se od
2010.godine. Takođe sam odgovorna za jadransku
regiju koja obuhvata Hrvatsku, Sloveniju, Crnu
Goru i iz tog razloga često putujem po regionu.
Kada ste prvi put posetili našu prestonicu i kakvi su Vam bili utisci?
Ima skoro tri godine, od kada sam došla u Beograd
i preseljenje u vašu prestonicu nije predstavljalo veliku promenu, jer postoji mnogo zajedničkih stvari
u našem načinu života i kulturi. Na primer imamo
preko 8.000 zajedničkih reči u našem jeziku, što je
fascinantno. Reči kao što su kapije, komšija, kašika,
dušek, čizme... Dakle, od samog početka nikada se
nisam osećala kao stranac ovde, jer su naši stilovi
života toliko slični .
Uporedite srpsku i tursku hranu. Šta obavezno
preporučujete drugima?
Mislim da je naša kuhinja prilično slična, zbog vekova kulturne razmene - i mi imamo ratluk, baklave,
sarme, ćevape, đevrek... Obavezno preporučujem
svima da probaju ćevape, ajvar, i naravno burek.
Na koji način jačate kulturne i poslovne veze
Turske i Srbije?
Odnos između naše dve zemlje u oblasti kulture
i turizma je vrlo dobar. Svake godine oko 160.000
Srba poseti Tursku i brojevi rastu iz dana u dan.
Jedan od trenutno aktuelnih projekata je otvaranje
Yunus Emre Turskog kulturnog centra u Beogradu .
Belgrade Info Guide
Please tell us about your career here in Belgrade.
I have been the Director of Turkish Culture and tourism office since 2010, meaning I have been responsible for developing cultural and tourism relations
between Turkey and Serbia. I am also responsible
for Adriatic Region which includes Croatia, Slovenia
and Montenegro, therefor from time to time I have
to travel to these countries as well.
When was the first time you visited Belgrade and
what was your first impressions?
It’s almost 3 years, since I came to Belgrade, and moving to Belgrade didn’t really represent the big change in my life since there are many common things in
our lifestyle and culture. For instance we have over
8.000 common words in our languages, which is fascinating. The words such as kapija, komšija, kašika,
dušek, čizme...So from the very beginning I never felt
as a stranger here, since our lifestyles are so similar.
Compare Serbian and Turkish food.What would you recommend to Turkish tourists to try?
I think that our cuisines are as well fairly similar,
due to centuries of cultural exchange. We also have
ratluk, baklave, sarme, ćevape, đevrek. To Turkish
tourists coming to Belgrade I would recommend to
try ćevape, ajvar and of course burek.
What are the main challanges you expect to face
in Serbia and how do you plan to strenghten
cultural and business ties?
We have very good cooperation and relation
between our two countries in fields of culture and
tourism. Every year according to Turkish tourism
data approximately 160.000 Serbian visits Turkey,
and these numbers are growing day by day. One
of the currently ongoing projects is opening of the
Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Center in Belgrade.
muzeji u beogradu / museums in belgrade
Muzeji (rade) /
Museum (are opened)
Beograd se poslednjih godina ubrzanim tempom razvija u
popularnu evropsku turističku destinaciju. Okarakterisan
kao epicentar kulture, muzike i festivala Evrope, Beograd je
dobio zaljubljenike koji mu se rado vraćaju, a preko 40 institucija posvećenih umetnosti i istoriji Srbije čine da se njena
prestonica pozicionira kao jedna od najatraktivnijih destinacija Balkana.
In recent years, Belgrade has developed into a popular European tourist destination. Noted for being an epicenter of culture, music and festivals in Europe, Belgrade has got fans who
is returning every year . More than 40 institutions dedicated
to the arts and history of Serbia to make it one of the most attractive destinations in the Balkans.
O istoriji svedoči Istorijski muzej
Srbije sa postavkom posvećenoj vladavini dinastija Karađorđević i Obrenović. Muzej Istorije Jugoslavije izlaže o
nekadašnjoj Jugoslaviji, a tu su i Konak
kneza Miloša, Muzej žrtvama genocida, Jevrejski muzej, i muzej 4. juli koji
pružaju uvid u različite aspekte srpske
Običaji i nošnja
Zainteresovni za tradiciju i običaje
mogu posetiti Etnografski muzej ili
Manakovu kuću, Konak kneginje Ljubice i Muzej primenjene umetnosti.
Narodni muzej i Muzej Savremene
Umetnosti sa svojim izložbenim prostorima - Salonu Muzeja savremene
umetnosti, Galeriji Petra Dobrovića i
Galeriji-legatu Milice Zorić i Rodoljuba Čolakovića –predstavljaju programe iz oblasti umetnosti u Srbiji. Muzej primenjene umetnosti prikazuje
radove u keramici, tekstilu, staklu itd,
dok se u Muzeju Zepter nalaze likovna dela srpskog savremenog doba. Tu
su i Muzej Paje Jovanovića, Spomenmuzej Nadežde i Rastka Petrovića sa
Belgrade Info Guide
delima nekih od najznačajnijih srpskih
ozorište, film,
Razvoj pozorišta i srpske kinematografije prikazuju Muzej pozorišne
umetnosti i Muzej Jugoslovenske kinoteke. O životu čuvenog nobelobca
Ive Andrića može se saznati u istoimenom muzeju, dok prosvetiteljstvo
i razvoj školstva predstavljaju Muzej
Vuka i Dositeja i Pedagoški muzej.
Nauka i tehnika
Muzej Nauke i tehnike, Muzej Nikole Tesle, Muzej Mihajila Pupina su
najpoznatiji muzeji iz ove oblasti, a tu
su i Železnički muzej, Muzej vazduhoplovstva, kao i Muzej automobila.
U Muzeju sporta i olimpizma posetioci se mogu upoznati sa razvojem
sporta i fizičke kulture u Srbiji, a FK
Crvena Zvezda u svom muzeju beleži
istoriju kluba.
Prirodnjački muzej u svojoj Gale-
riji i drugim prostorima izlaže bogate
kolekcije biljaka i životinja. Muzej Jovana Cvijića se ističe prikazom rada
najvećeg srpskog naučnika geografije.
A tu je Virtuelni muzej Dunava, koji
vodi kroz kulturno i prirodno nasleđe
zemalja na Dunavu.
Ostali muzeji
Romski muzej, Muzej Srpske pravoslavne crkve, Vojni muzej, Muzej
afričke umetnosti, PTT muzej su još
neki od muzeja koji predstavljaju specifične i zanimljive teme za one koji
žele da saznaju više o kulturi i stvaralaštvu Srbije.
The Historical Museum of Serbia
presents the country’s history in a
setting dedicated to the rule of the Karadjordjevic and Obenovic dynasties.
The Museum of Yugoslav History has
an exhibition about the former Yugoslavia state, while further exhibitions
can be found at the Residence of Prince Milos, Museum of Genocide Victims, Jewish Museum and 4th of July
Museum, all of which provide insight
into various aspects of Serbian history.
T raditions and
folklore garments
Those who are interested in traditions and customs can visit the Ethnographic Museum, Manak House, Princess Ljubica’s Residence or Museum of
Applied Arts.
T heatre, Film and
The development of theater and cinema can be seen at the Serbian Museum of Theatrical Art and Museum
of Yugoslav Film Archive. An exhibition on the life of Ivo Andric, the famous Nobel Prize winner, can be found at
the museum that bears his name, while those interested in the development
of education can visit the Museum of
Vuk and Dositej and the Museum of
The National Museum and Museum of Modern Art present programs
in the field of art in Serbia. The Museum of Applied Arts displays works in
ceramics, textiles, glass, etc, and Zepter Museum has a collection modern
Serbian art. The Museum of Paja Jovanovic and Memorial Museum of Rastko and Nadezda Petrovic also have
works by some of the most significant
Serbian painters.
S cience and
The Museum of Science and Technology, Nikola Tesla Museum, and
Mihajlo Pupin Museum are the most
famous museums in this field. There is
also a Railway Museum, Aeronautical
Museum and Automotive Museum.
At the Museum of Sport and the
Olympics visitors can learn about the
development of sport and physical
education in Serbia. The Red Star football club also has its own museum
with records about the history of the
The Natural History Museum presents a rich collection of plants and
animals, while the Jovan Cvijic Museum shows the greatest scientist of geography in Serbia. There is also a virtual
Museum of the Danube, which shows
the cultural and natural heritage of the
countries on the Danube.
Other museums with specific and
interesting collections for those who
want to know more about the culture and creativity of Serbia include the
Romany Museum, Museum of the
Serbian Orthodox Church, Military
Museum, Museum of African Art and
PTT Museum.
Tina Kaplani
Belgrade Info Guide
top 10
Beogradska tvrđava /
Belgrade fortress
Beogradska tvrđava podignuta je na grebenu iznad
ušća Save u Dunav u razdoblju od 1. do 18. veka
kao kompleks odbrambenog karaktera. Celinu čine
sama tvrđava, podeljena na Gornji grad (Despotova
kapija, Sahat kula, Rimski bunar, Statua pobednika),
Donji grad (Kula Nebojša, Amam – tursko kupatilo,
Kapija Karla VI) i park Kalemegdan. Na Kalemegdanu se nalazi i Beogardski zoološki vrt, odnosno “Vrt
dobre nade”, koji obuhvata površinu od oko
šest hektara, a može se
videti 200 životinjskih
Belgrade Fortress was
built for defensive
purposes on a ridge
overlooking the confluence of the Sava and
Danube rivers in many
phases between the
1st to 18th centuries.
The complex consists of the main Fortress, which
is divided into the Upper Town (including Despot’s
Gate, Clock Tower, Roman well, Victory Monument) and the Lower Town (Nebojša’s Tower, Turkish Baths, the Gate of Carl VI), and Kalemegdan
Park. Belgrade Zoo, also known as the Garden of
Good Hope, is located at Kalemegdan Park, covering an area of about six hectares and it is home to
about 200 animal species.
Trg Republike /
Republic square
Trg Republike je centralni gradski trg i glavno sastajalište u gradu. Današnji trg je formiran nakon
rušenja čuvene Stambol kapije (1866.) i podizanja
Narodnog pozorišta (1869.) i spomenika Knezu Mihailu (1882.). Na trgu se nalaze Narodno pozorište,
Narodni muzej, Spomenik knezu Mihailu
Obrenoviću i Spomenik Branislavu Nušiću.
Republic Square is the
city’s central public
space and main meeting point. The square’s
was created after the
demolition of the Istanbul Gate (1866) and construction of the National Theatre (1869) and the
monument of Prince Mihajlo (1882). The National
Theater, National Museum, and the monuments to
Prince Mihailo Obrenovic and Branislav Nušić are
all found on the square.
Belgrade Info Guide
TOP 10 beogradskih
Knez Mihailova /
Knez Mihailova Street
Pešačka zona i trgovački centar – Knez Mihailova ulica
zakonom je zaštićena kao jedan od najstarijih i najvrednijih gradskih ambijentalnih celina, sa nizom reprezentativnih zgrada i kuća nastalih krajem 1870-ih. Smatra se da
je još u vreme Rimljana ovde bio centar naselja Singidunum, a nakon izrade regulacionog plana Beograda, 1867.
godine, ulica je dobila svoju današnju fizionomiju. U njoj
se grade kuće i nastanjuju najuticajnije porodice Beograda. Godine 1870. Uprava
grada je i zvanično krstila
ulicu dajući joj ime – Ulica kneza Mihaila.
Pedestrian zone and
commercial center Knez Mihailova Street
is protected by law since
is one of the oldest and
most important urban environments with multiple
representative buildings and houses constructed in
the end of 1870s. It is thought the center of the of old
Singidunum from Roman times. After the elaboration
of the Regulation of Urban Planning in 1867, the street
acquired its current physiognomy. It is in this street
where influential people of Belgrade got their houses
built. In 1870, the Administrative Office of the City gave
the street the current name – Prince Mihailo’s Street.
Trg Terazije / Terazije Square
Svoje ime Terazije su dobile po kulama za razvođenje vode sa visokog nivoa, koje su Turci zvali terazije
(vaga) za vodu. 1860. godine na mestu nekadašnje
vodovodne kule postavljena je Terazijska česma, po
TOP 10 Belgrade
nalogu kneza Miloša. 1911. i 1912. godine Terazije
su potpuno preuređene – postavljeni su cvetni skverovi i izgrađena je velika fontana. Na ovom trgu se
nalaze hotel “Moskva”,
Palata Anker i kuća
Krsmanovića podignuta 1885. godine (u njoj
je 1. decembra 1918.
godine proglašeno ujedinjenje Srba, Hrvata i
The square was named
after the Turkish word
(terazije) for the towers that were once used to control water distribution
in the city. In 1860, on the site of the former water
towers, Terazijska Fountain was erected by the orders
of Prince Milos. In 1912 the square was remodeled,
with flower beds added and another large fountain
built. Some of the sights on the square include Hotel Moscow, Anker Palace and Krsmanović’s House.
The latter was built in 1885, and on 1 December 1918
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was declared
in this here.
Savamala / Savamala
Jedan od najstarijih delova Beograda, prvi izgrađen
van zidina Beogradske tvrđave, i prvi sa kojim se posetioci susreću budući da je lociran pored železničke i
autobuske stanice, nekada je važio za centar Beograda. Nakon izmeštanja šetačke zone u Knez Mihailovu
ulicu, Savamala dugo ostaje industrijska četvrt, da bi
decenijama kasnije bila transformisana u jedan od
najpopularnijih kvartova Beograda, urbanu dizajnersku četvrt.
One of the oldest parts
of Belgrade, the first
built outside the walls
of Belgrade Fortress,
and the first most
visitors encounter as it
is located next to the
train and bus stations,
Savamala was also
the center of the city. After the pedestrian zone
was moved to Knez Mihailova Street, Savamala
lingered as an industrial district. Decades later
it was transformed into one of the most popular
parts of Belgrade and is known as un urban design
Hram Svetog Save /
St Sava Temple
Najveći pravoslavni hram na Balkanu i jedna od
najvećih pravoslavnih crkava na svetu se nalazi u
istočnom delu Svetosavskog trga, na opštini Vračar.
Hram je sagrađen na mestu gde su po naredbi Sinan-paše 1594. godine, iz manastira Mileševa prenete mošti prvog srpskog arhiepiskopa svetog Save
i tu spaljene. Hram
ima tri horske galerije
i može da okupi 10.000
The biggest Orthodox
church in the Balkans
and one of the largest
in the world is located
on St Sava Square in
Vračar. The temple was built on the site where the relics of the first Serbian Archbishop, Saint Sava, were
removed from the Mileševo Monastery and burnt by
the order of Sinan Pasha in 1594. The temple has three
choir galleries and can hold up to 10,000 people.
Skadarlija / Bohemian quarter
Skadarska ulica, poznatija kao “Skadarlija” ili “boemska četvrt” je nastala krajem 19. Veka i od samog početka je predstavljala omiljeno mesto gradskih boema,
pesnika i drugih umetnika. Ulica je poznata po mnogobrojnim kafanama sa starosrpskim ambijentom,
turskoj kaldrmi i kući Đure Jakšića (poznatog srpskog
književnika i najizrazitijeg predstavnika romantizma u
srpskom slikarstvu), a svoj autentični izgled zadržala
je i do današnjih dana. Najčešće je porede sa pariskim
Monmartrom, kako po izgledu, tako i po veseloj, uzavreloj umetničkoj atmosferi.
Skadarska Street, known as Skadarlija or the Bohemian Quarter, was built in the late 19th century, and
from the very beginning was a favorite place for urban bohemians, poets and other artists. The street’s
Belgrade Info Guide
top 10
original appearance that has been well-preserved,
and nowadays it is known for its many bars and restaurants, Turkish cobblestones and the house of Đura
Jakšić, a famous Serbian
poet and prominent
representative of romanticism in Serbian
painting. The neighborhood is frequently compared to Montmartre in
Paris, not only for the
way it looks, but also for
its joyful, energetic and creative atmosphere.
Ada Ciganlija / Ada Ciganlija
Na reci Savi, u neposrednoj blizini ušća u Dunav, na
udaljenosti od samo 4 km od centra Beograda, nalazi
se negdašnje ostrvo, a sada poluostrvo Ada Ciganlija. Pregradom rukavaca reke Save 1967.
godine, Beograd je dobio jezero. Zelena, uređena, opremljena i opuštena, Ada Ciganlija je
omiljeno mesto Beograđana
ili “beogradsko more”. Preko
Ade je sagrađen najveći viseći
most na svetu sa samo jednim
Once an island, today Ada Ciganlija is a peninsula on
the Sava River, not far from where it joins the Danube
and only 4km from the city center. Ada Lake was
formed here in 1967 when a swampy area along the
banks of the Sava was separated from the river, and is
nowadays known as the Belgrade Sea. The peninsula
is now a large green space, with sports facilities, paths
and a relaxed atmosphere, and is a favourite destination
for locals. The largest single-pylon suspension bridge
in the world stands over Ada Ciganlija’s easternmost
point, opening in 2012.
Zemun / Zemun
Zemun je, zahvaljujući odličnom položaju na obali
Dunava naseljen još u neolitu. Nekada zaseban grad,
od 1945. je opština u sastavu grada Beograda. Posebni dragulji Zemuna su Veliko ratno ostrvo sa plažom
Lido, oaza zelenila i rezervat ptica, kao i Zemunska
tvrđava sa Milenijumskom kulom na Gardošu odakle
se pruža najbolji panoramski pogled na grad. Zemun
Belgrade Info Guide
er srbija / air serbia
ima brojne kulturno-istorijske spomenike, ali i galerije, radnje zaboravljenih zanata ugostiteljske objekte, hotele,
kafane, splavove,...
Thanks to its excellent
location on the banks
of the Danube, Zemun
has been inhabited
since the Neolithic
period. Formerly a
separate city, in 1945 it
was officially incorporated into the City of Belgrade.
Some of the special gems of Zemun are the Great
War Island with its famous Lido Beach, an oasis of
greenery and an important reserve for birds, and Zemun Fortress on Gardos with its Millennium Tower
offering the best panoramic views of the city. Zemun
also has numerous cultural and historical monuments, as well as galleries, restaurants, accommodation, bars, waterfront rafts, shops selling forgotten
crafts, and much more.
Avala / Mount Avala
Planina Avala, visoka svega 511 m, udaljena je od
centra Beograda 18 km. Obrasla je listopadnom i
četinarskom šumom a njen prirodni kompleks i oko
600 biljnih vrsta zaštićeni su
od 1859. Na Avali se nalaze
Spomenik Neznanom junaku
(posvećen žrtvama I svetskog
rata), Spomenik ruskim veteranima, Spomen-park (posvećen
žrtvama II svetskog rata) i Toranj na Avali, ponovo otvoren
2010., sa koga se pruža predivan pogled na čitavu Šumadiju.
Mount Avala, found 18km
from the city centre, is just
511m high. It is covered in deciduous and coniferous forest,
and the area’s 600 plant species have been protected
since 1859. Many monuments can also be seen, including the Monument of the Unknown Hero (dedicated to the victims of World War I), Monument to
Russian Veterans, Memorial Park (dedicated to the
victims of World War II) and Avala Tower, reopened
in 2010., which provides beautiful panoramic views
of the city and nearby Šumadija.
Uzlet nacionalnog avioprevoznika /
Revitalised National Airline Takes to the Skies
Er Srbija je revitalizovana nacionalna aviokompanija, koja od sada
raspolaže novim vazduhoplovima,
novim destinacijama i novim partnerstvima, na putu da postane vodeći avioprevoznik u regionu.
Prvi Erbas A319 je predstavljen u novim bojama Er
Srbije: crvenoj, plavoj i beloj, koji ponosno nosi novi
logo, zasnovan na stilizovanom nacionalnom grbu
Srbije koji je dizajnirala studentkinja iz Srbije, Tamara
Od 26. oktobra 2013. godine, Er Srbija je uspostavila
nove letove sa svog matičnog aerodroma, beogradskog međunarodnog aerodroma Nikola Tesla ka Abu
Dabiju u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima, dok će
letovi ka Banjaluci (Bosna i Hercegovina), Bukureštu
(Rumunija), Ljubljani (Slovenija) i Pragu (Češka) biti
realizovani do kraja 2013. godine. Ovi letovi dopunjavaju broj od 29 destinacija sa postojećim letovima
u okviru letnjeg rasporeda letenja za 2013. godinu.
U planu je otvaranje još sedam novih trasa između
januara i aprila 2014. godine, uz udvostručenje učestalosti i kapaciteta letova do juna 2014. godine sa
letovima do destinacija u 43 zemlje, i 73.000 mesta
za putnike na više od 670 letova nedeljno.
Air Serbia is the country’s revitalised
national airline with new aircraft,
new routes and new partnerships on
its way to becoming the region’s leading carrier
The carrier’s first Airbus A319 was unveiled in the
new Air Serbia livery of red, blue and white, and
boasting the new logo bearing a stylised Serbian
national coat of arms designed by Serbian student
Tamara Maksimovic.
On 26 October, Air Serbia launched flights from
its hub at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla International
Airport to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, with routes to Banja Luka (Bosnia), Bucharest
(Romania), Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Prague (Czech
Republic) to be launched by the end of 2013. These
new flights add to the 29 destinations previously
served by the airline as part of its 2013 summer
Air Serbia also plans to launch another seven new
routes between January and April 2014, and by June
2014 it will have doubled frequencies and capacity,
to serve 43 destinations in 30 countries, with 73,000
seats on more than 670 flights a week.
događaji / events
54. Oktobarski salon /
54th October Salon
Robna kuća “Kluz”
11.10. - 17.11.2013.
Koncerti / Concerts
vogodišnji 54. Oktobarski salon pod sloganom
“Niko ne pripada tu više nego ti” održava se u
periodu od 11. oktobra do 17. novembra 2013.
godine u Robnoj kući “Kluz” u Beogradu. Salon
je najstarija i najuglednija manifestacija iz oblasti vizuelnih umetnosti kod nas koju poseti oko
50.000 posetilaca.
Olivera Katarina
This year’s 54th October Salon, under the slogan “No one belongs here more than you” will be
held from 11 October until 17 November 2013 in
the “Kluz” department store. The October Salon
is visited by 50,000 people from different generations.
Iluzionisti /
The Illusionists
29.11.- 1.12.2013
ajprodavaniji šou magije
na Zemlji “THE ILLUSIONISTS” dolazi u Srbiju ove
jeseni. Najbolji iluzionisti na svetu sa svojom
predstavom “Witness the Impossible” održaće više
nastupa u Beogradu i Novom Sadu. Sedam neverovatnih iluzionista zaintrigiraće vas magijom i
iluzijom koju nikada do sada niste videli. Zadivljujući miks najčudnijih i najneverovatnijih optičkih
iluzija uključuje napeti ruski rulet, iznenađujuće
levitacije, čitanje misli, nestajanja i bekstva i po
prvi put u istoriji, bekstvo iz tankera punog vode.
Svaki iluzionista je maestro na svom polju a njihovim trikovima svedočilo je preko million ljudi
širom sveta.
e biggest selling magic show on earth will be
coming to Belgrade and Novi Sad for a multi date
tour featuring seven world grand master magicians
in “The Illusionists: Witness the Impossible”. The
Illusionists: Witness the Impossible launched in
January 2012 with a sell-out season at Sydney Opera House reaching an audience of 31,000 in nine
days, followed by a Mexico City eight-day season
with an audience of 42,000.The hand-picked cast
of internationally renowned illusionists together
create a blockbuster stage show featuring a stunning mix of their most outrageous and unbelievable optical illusions including nailbiting Russian
roulette, jaw-dropping acts of levitation, mindreading, disappearance and escapes.
Sava Centar, Milentija
Popovića 9
7.11.2013., 20h
Sava Centar,
Milentija Popovića 9
10.11.2013., 20h
Sava Centar,
Milentija Popovića 9
12.12.2013., 20:3 0h
Cargo Trio
Sava Centar,
Milentija Popovića 9
17.11.2013., 20:30 h
Children of
Dom omladine
Makedonska 22
18.11.2013., 20h
Toni Cetinski
Kombank arena, Bulevar
Arsenija Čarnojevića 58
23.11.2013., 20h
Belgrade Info Guide
događaji / events
Festival autorskog
filma / Auteur Film
Dom Omladine
30.11. – 5.12.2013
estival autorskog filma je osnovan 1994. godine sa
namerom da predstavi domaćoj publici najznačajnija ostvarenja iz oblasti umetničkog filma. Njegov
program čine filmovi koji su tokom godine privukli pažnju kritike i publike na prestižnim festivalima širom sveta – u Sandensu, Berlinu, Kanu, Londonu, Lokarnu, Veneciji. Njihovi autori često lično
prisustvuju festivalu, ostvarujući direktan kontakt
sa gledaocima i prenoseći im svoju umetničku viziju iz prve ruke. Pored glavnog programa, Festival
autorskog filma organizovaće i prateći edukativni
program. U okviru edukativnog programa organizovaće se radionice i predavanja za studente umetničkih fakulteta, a prateći program realizovaće se u
saradnji sa Oktobarskim salonom.
uteur Film festival is an event where a vast
number of true auteur films are presented, many
of which become famous in our country after the
screenings on our festival. A gap, no men’s land,
half existence, hybrid form – all these figures
mark the 18th Auteur Film Festival. In brother
Traviani’s Caesar must die, they filmed convicts
of a roman prison who are preparing a play,
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and recognizing the
drama of their own existence in the fiction written long time ago.
Mediteraneo festival
vina, gastronomije
i vinskog turizma /
Mediterraneo Wine
Festival, gastronomy
and wine tourism
Metropol Palace Hotel
23. i 24. 11. 2013.
etvrti Mediteraneo festival vina, gastronomije i
vinskog turizma održava se 24. i 25. novembra u
hotelu Metropol Palace u Beogradu. Predstaviće
se oko 100 izlagača iz iz Srbije i regiona.
Posetioci će moći da uživaju u degustaciji vina, kao i da isprobaju razne specijalitete.
Festival obuhvata i niz predavanja о značaju i ulozi
mediteranske ishrane i pravilnom konzumiranju
Belgrade Info Guide
e 4th Mediterraneo Festival of Wine, Gastronomy and Wine Tourism will be held on 24 and
25 November at the Hotel Metropol Palace in
Belgrade. At the festival more than 100 exhibitors
from Serbia and other countries will be presenting their wines. Visitors can enjoy wine tastings,
as well as to degustation of ham, cheese, truffles,
olives and a variety of other specialties. The festival includes lectures on the importance and role
of Mediterranean food and proper consumption
of wine.
SPAR Evropsko
prvenstvo u krosu
2013 / SPAR
European Cross
Park prijateljstva,
vropsko prvenstvo u krosu održava se 8. decembra 2013. godine. SPAR Evropsko prvenstvo
u krosu je najznačajnije atletsko takmičenje koje
je Beograd organizovao od 1969. godine. Kros je
atletska disciplina u razvoju, koja postaje sve važniji segment atletike, posebno u zimskim mesecima. Očekuje se dolazak predstavnika iz 40 evropskih zemalja.
e 2013 SPAR European Cross Country Championships, the 20th edition of the event, will take
place on 8 December. Cross country is an athletic
discipline in development, which is becoming an
increasingly important segment of athletics, especially in the winter months. Representatives from
40 European countries are expected to attend.
VII Internacionalni
Festival nauke /
7th International
Science Festival
Robna kuća Kluz/ Kluz
Department Store
5.12. – 8.12. 2013.
ajveći regionalni Festival nauke tradicionalno će
biti održan prvog vikenda decembra, od 5. do 8.
decembra 2013. godine i dalje sa jasnom svrhom
– da predstavi, objasni i promoviše nauku na način podjednako blizak i jasan svima, bez obzira na
godine i obrazovanje. Sedmi festival nauke biće
održan u već poznatoj „naučno-festivalskoj četvrti“: u bivšoj Robnoj kući “Kluz”. Pod sloganom
„Superheroji među nama“, više od 550 mladih
naučnika, ali i najvećih naših umova, zajedno sa
mnogobrojnim gostima iz inostranstva, prikazaće
naučne oblasti na svež i inspirativan način.
he largest Science Festival in the region will be
held on the first weekend of December, from the
5th to 8th of the month. The aim of the festival
is to introduce and promote science, regardless
of age and education. The 7th Festival of Science
will be held in the former “Kluz” department
store. Under the slogan “Superheroes Among
Us”, more than 550 young scientists, along with
guests from abroad, will show science in a fresh
and inspiring way.
VII Rakija Fest
Mixer house
15. i 16. 12.2013.
Fest, međunarodni
sajam rakije i najjačih ukusa
Srbije, održava se 15. i 16. decembra 2013. u Mixer
house. Upravni odbor Rakija Festa će organizovati
stručno ocenjivanje uzoraka podeljenih u dve kategorije: „Beogradski pobednik“ i „Najveće rakijsko dostignuće“. Rakija Fest ima pre svega edukativni karakter, koji se ogleda kroz brojne kreativne
radionice i predavanja eminentnih stručnjaka.
Posetioci Sajma imaju priliku da probaju sve izložene rakije, tradicionalne delikatese i druge zanimljive proizvode, tako da Rakija Fest pored ostalog
predstavlja mesto okupljanja poznavalaca lokalne
gastronomske ponude.
e Rakija Fest is an international fair of rakija
and the strongest flavors of Serbia, which will be
held from 15-16 December 2013. at the Belexpocenter in New Belgrade. The committee of Rakija
Fest will include an expert evaluation of the samples. As was done last year, the samples are divided into two categories: “The Belgrade Winner“
and “The Greatest Rakija Achievement”. Visitors
have a chance to try rakija, traditional delicacies
and other interesting products, and overall the
event presents a meeting place for experts of local gastronomy and the public.
Preporučujemo / Recommendation
Beogradski novogodišnji sajam / Belgrade’s New
Year Fair
Beogradski Sajam, Bulevar vojvode Mišića 14
13.12. do 30.12.2013
Sajam etno hrane i pića / Fair of
Ethnic Food and Drink
26.11. - 29.11.2013.
Beogradski Sajam, Bulevar
vojvode Mišića 14
Međunarodni festival zelene
kulture “Green fest” /
International Festival “Green fest”
12.11. - 29.11.2013. Centar za
unapređenje životne sredine
Festival autorskog filma / Auteur
Film festival
30.11. – 5.12.2013
Dom omladine
SPAR Evropsko prvenstvo u
krosu 2013/ SPAR European Cross
Country Championship
Park Prijateljstva
VII Rakia Fest
14.12. - 15.12.2013.
Mixer house
DISNEY ON ICE – Fantasy world /
Svet iz mašte
Kombank arena, Bul. Arsenija
Čarnojevića 58 www. 1.11. - 3.11.2013
The Illusionists
Kombank arena, Bulevar Arsenija
Čarnojevića 58
29.11. - 1.12.2013.
Božićni bazar / Christmas Bazaar
1.12. - 31.12.2013.
Beogradski Sajam/ Belgrade Fair, Bulevar
vojvode Mišića 14
Sedmi internac. festival nauke / 7th
International Science Festival
5.12. – 8.12.2013. Robna kuća
„Kluz“/ Department store “Kluz”,
Belgrade New Year Celebration
Beogradski trgovi/ Belgrade
Ulica otvorenog srca /
Open Hearts Street
Ulice Svetogorska i Makedonska
Belgrade Info Guide
Svetozara Mile
Vaši ordža
Belgrade Info Guide
prevoz / transportation
Gradski prevoz /
Public transport
Gradski prevoz se sastoji od autobusa,
tramvaja i trolejbusa. Vožnja košta 72
dinara (bez obzira na vid prevoza) a
karta se može kupiti u Turističkoinformativnom centru u Knez
Mihailovoj 5 i na kioscima sa BusPlus
oznakom. Po ulasku u prevoz, kartu
treba očitati. Karte se mogu kupiti i u
prevozu, od vozača po ceni od 150
dinara. Graski prevoz radi od 04.00 do
00.00. Tokom noći, prevoz saobraća u
intervalima od 1h od 00,10 do 02.30.
Putnicima se nudi i opcija vremenske
karte koja omogućava neograničen
broj presedanja u roku od 75 minuta i
iznosi 100 dinara.
City transport comprises buses,
trams and trolleybuses. A ride costs
72 dinars (regardless of the form of
transport) and tickets can be bought
in tourist information centre in Knez
Mihailova 5 and at kiosks marked
with BusPlus sign. You have to
validate your ticket once you get on
board. You can also buy a ticket on
board, from the driver, for 150 dinars.
Public transport runs from 04:00
to 00:00. During night time, buses
run at 1-hour intervals from 00:10
to 02:30. ravelers can also use time
ticket valid for 75 minutes, which
costs 100 dinars.
Taksi /
Sva taksi vozila u Beogradu, na
krovu imaju i jedinstveni znak
taksista Beograda. Putnik je
obavezan da plati samo cenu taksi
prevoza po važećem cenovniku i u
iznosu koji pokaže taksimetar na
kraju putovanja. U cenu je uračunat
i prevoz ličnog prtljaga putnika.
Prevoz kućnih ljubimaca je moguć
uz pristanak vozača. Ne preporučuje
se dogovaranje cene taksi prevoza,
bez uključivanja taksimetra.
All taxi vehicles are clearly marked
by a unique sign of the taxi services
in Belgrade placed on the roof of
the vehicle. Passenger pays only the
price of taxi ride according to the
current pricelist and in the amount
displayed on the taximeter at the
end of the ride. The price includes
transport of passenger’s personal
luggage. Transportation of pets is
possible with the driver’s consent.
Negotiating a price for taxi services,
where the taxi meter is not switched
on, is not recommended.
Alo taksi / ALO taxi
tel: (+381) 11 356 45 55
Alfa taksi / Alfa taxi
tel: (+381) 19807
Aurora taksi / Aurora taxi
tel: (+381) 11 369 93 33
Beotaksi taksi / Beotaksi taxi
tel: (+381) 1970
Beogradski taksi / Beogradski taxi
tel: (+381) 19801
Euro gold taksi / Euro gold taxi
tel: (+381) 19806
Žuti taksi / Žuti taxi
tel: (+381) 19802
Lux taksi / Lux taxi
tel: (+381) 11 303 31 23
Maksis taksi / Maksis taxi
tel: (+381) 11 19804
NBA taksi / NBA taxi
tel: (+381) 11 318 57 77
Pink taksi / Pink taxi
tel: (+381) 19803
Plavi taksi / Plavi taxi
tel: (+381) 19805
Taksi Bell / Taxi Bell
tel: (+381) 19808
žalbe / Complaints: (+381) 11 322 70 00
Belgrade Info Guide
umetnost / art
Umetnost / Art/ Art
Muzeji /
Narodni muzej /
National Museum
Address: Republic Square
Open: Tue, Wed, Fri 10-17h,
Thu, Sat 12-20h, Sun 10-14h,
closed on Mondays
tel: +381 11 33 06 048
Muzej primenjene
umetnosti /
Museum of Applied Art
Kuća legata /
Heritage House
Address: Knez Mihailova 46
Open: 10-20h, closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 33 44 583,
Muzej Srpske
pravoslavne crkve /
Museum of the Serbian
Orthodox Church
Address: Kneza Sime Markovića 5
Open: weekdays 9-16h
tel: +381 11 30 25 136
Etnografski muzej /
Ethnographic Museum
Spomen muzej
Ive Andrića /
Memorial Museum
of Ivo Andrić
Address: Andrićev Venac 8
Open: Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Open: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 10-17h,
Thu 12-20h, Sun 10-14h,
closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 32 38 397
Muzej Jovana Cvijića /
Museum of Jovan Cvijić
Address: Jelene Ćetković 5
Open: Thu 12-18h
tel: +381 11 32 23 126
Zbirka ikona Sekulić /
Sekulić Icon Collection
Open: Thu12-18h
tel: +381 11 32 83 504
Address: Vuka Karadžića 18
Open: Tue and Sat 11-19h,
Wed, Thu, Fridays 12-19h,
Sun 10-14h, closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 26 26 494
Muzej Vuka i Dositeja /
Museum of Vuk and Dositej
Address: Gospodar
Jevremova 21
Open: Tue, Wed, Fri 10-17h,
Thu 12-20h, Sun 10-14h,
closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 26 25 161
Galerija fresaka /
Gallery of Frescoes
Jevrejski istorijski muzej /
Jewish History Museum
Address: Students’ Square 13
Open: Tue-Sat 10-17h,
Sun 9-14 h, closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 32 81 888
Address: Kraljevića Marka 10
Open: Tue-Sat 10-17h,
Sun 09-13h, closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 30 36 114
Muzej grada Beograda /
Museum of the City of
Address: Zmaj Jovina 1
(administrative building)
Open: weekdays 9-17h
tel: +381 11 26 30 462
Konak kneginje Ljubice /
Residence of Princess Ljubica
Address: Cara Uroša 20
Open: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 10-17h,
Thu 12-20h, Sun 10-14h,
closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 26 21 491
Belgrade Info Guide
Address: Kneza Sime Markovića 8
Open: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 10-17h,
Thu 12-20h, Sun 10-14h, closed
on Mon
tel: +381 11 26 38 264
Muzej Paje Jovanovića /
Museum of Paja Jovanović
Address: Kralja Milana 21/
Open: Thu 10-18h
tel: +381 11 33 40 176
Muzej nauke i tehnike /
Museum of Science and
Address: Skenderbegova 51
Open: Tue–Sun10-20h
tel: +381 11 30 37 850
Muzej savremene
umetnosti /
Museum of
Contemporary Art
Address: Ušće 10, Novi Beograd
The museum is closed for
tel: +381 11 31 15 713
Salon Muzeja savremene
umetnosti /
Salon of the Museum of
Contemporary Art
Address: Pariska 14
Open: 12-20h, closed on Tue
tel: +381 11 26 30 940
Muzej savremene
umetnosti /
Museum of modern art
Gallery - Legacy of Milica Zoric
and Rodoljub Čolaković
Rodoljuba Čolakovica 2, Belgrade
Open: 12-20h, closed Tue
tel: +381 011 36 76 093
Manakova kuća /
Manak’s House
Address: Kralja Petra 71a/I
Open: Mon-Fri 10-14h
tel:+381 11 26 22 634
Muzej Banjčkog logora /
Museum of the Camp at
Address: Pavla Jurišića Šturma
Open: Thu12-18h
tel: +381 11 36 74 877
Address: Kralja Petra 36/IV
Open: Fri, Sat, Sun 10-17h.
tel: +381 11 26 22 163
Muzej „25. Maj“ /
“25th May” Museum
PTT muzej /
PTT Museum
Open: Mon-Fri 10-15h
tel: +381 11 30 64 170
Address: Botićeva 6, Belgrade
Open: 10-20h, closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 36 71 485
Muzej istorije Jugoslavije /
Museum of Yugoslav History
Address: Botićeva 6, Belgrade
Open: 10-20h, closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 367 14 85
Istorijski muzej Srbije /
Historical Museum of Serbia
Address: Đure Jakšića 9
(administrative building)
Open: weekdays 8.30-16.30h
tel: +381 11 32 87 242
Gallery at Nikola Pasic Square 11
Open: 12-19h, closed on Mon
Stari muzej /
Old Museum
Address: Uzun Mirkova 14
Open: Tue-Sat 11-18h,
Sun 11-16h, closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 26 25 621
Address: “Nikola Tesla” airport,
Open: 09-18:30h
(summer), 09-16h (winter)
tel: +381 11 26 70 992
Muzej jugoslovenske
kinoteke /
Museum of the Yugoslav
Film Archive
Address: Botićeva 6,
Open: 10-20h, closed
on Mon tel:+381 11 36 71
Muzej Zepter /
Zepter Museum
Address: Knez Mihailova 42
Open: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun 10–20h,
Thu, Sat 12–22h,
closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 32 83 339
Galerija prirodnjačkog
muzeja /
Gallery of the Museum of
Natural History
Muzej Nikole Tesle /
Nikola Tesla Museum
Address: Gospodar Jevremova 19
Open: Mon-Fri 9-15h, Sat 9-14h
tel: +381 11 26 26 630,
Address: Andre Nikolića 14
Open: 10-18h
tel: +381 11 26 51 654
Muzej automobila – zbirka
Bratislava Petkovića /
Museum of Automobiles
– Collection of Bratislav
Address: Krunska 51
Open: Tue-Fri 10-18h,
Sat, Sun 10-15h
tel: +381 11 24 33 886
Železnički muzej /
Railway Museum
Address: Nemanjina 6
Open: 9-15h, Sat,
Sun - visits by appointment
tel: +381 11 36 10 334
Istorijski arhiv Beograda /
Historical Archive of
Address: Palmira Toljatija 1
Open: Mon-Fri 08-16h
tel: +381 11 26 06 336
Arhiv Srbije i Crne Gore /
Archive of Serbia and
Address: Majke Jevrosime 30
Open: Mon-Fri 11-19h
tel: +381 11 30 34 625
Address: Vase Pelagića 33
Open: reading room
Mon-Fri 09-15h
tel: +381 11 36 90 252
Vojni muzej /
Military Museum
Muzej Narodnog pozorišta /
Museum of
the National Theater
Address: Dositejeva 2
Open: Mon-Fri 10.30-19h,
Sat 15-19h, closed on Sun
tel: +381 11 328 44 73
Kula Nebojša /
Nebojša Tower
Address: Belgrade Fortress bb
Open: 10-17h, closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 33 43 441
Muzej romske kulture /
Roma Museum
Address: Husinskih rudara 31a
Open: Mon-Fri 10-19h,
Sat, Sun 12-20h
tel: +381 69 228 00 75
Romska umetnička galerija /
Roma Art Gallery
Address: Ruzveltova 43
Open: Mon-Fri 10-19h,
Sat, Sun 12-20h
tel: +381 69 22 80 075
Arhiv Srbije /
Archive of Serbia Military
Konak kneza Miloša /
Residence of Prince Miloš
Muzej pozorišne
umetnosti /
Museum of Theatre Arts
Muzej afričke umetnosti /
Museum of African Art
Address: Kosovska 11
Open: prior to film projections
tel: +381 11 32 48 250
Address: Mali Kalemegdan 5
Open: 10-21h (summer), 10-17h
(winter), closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 32 84 317
Address: Rakovički put 2
Open: 10-17h (Apr-Oct),
11-16h (Oct-Apr), closed on Mon
tel: +381 11 26 60 422
Address: Botićeva 6,
Open: 10-20h,
closed on Mon
tel:+381 11 36 71 485
Pedagoški muzej /
Museum of Pedagogy
Muzej vazduhoplovstva /
Museum of Aviation
Galerija Petra Dobrovića /
Petar Dobrović Gallery
Arheološki lokalitet Vinča /
Vinča Archaeological Locale
Address: Belo brdo 17,
Open: Tue, Wed,
Fri 10-16h, Thu 12-18h,
Sat, Sun 10-18h
tel: +381 11 80 65 334,
Kuća cveća /
House of Flowers
Address: Bulevar vojvode Bojovića
Open: 10-20 (Jun– Sep), 10-18
(Oct–May), closed on Mon
Umetničke galerije /
Art galleries
25. maj / 25. maj Gallery
Add: Botićeva 6, Open: 10-16h,
Closed Mon,
tel: (+381) 11 367 14 85
Arte Galerija / Arte Gallery
Add: Svetogorska 29
Open: 10-21h,
tel: (+381) 11 324 39 96
Artget / Artget
Add: Trg Republike 5/I, Open:
11-21h, Closed Mon,
tel: (+381) 11 262 29 26,
Beograd Gallery /
Beograd Gallery
Address: Karnegijeva 2
Open: reading room
Mon-Fri 09-19h
tel: +381 11 33 70 781
Add: Kosančićev venac 19, Open:
09-19, Sat 09-15h, Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 303 39 23
Cvijeta Zuzorić umetnički
paviljon /
Cvijeta Zuzorić Art Pavilion
Add: Kalemegdan 1,
Open 10-20h, Sun 10-14,
tel: (+381) 11 262 15 85,
Belgrade Info Guide
umetnost / art
Umetnost / Art
Diplomatski klub /
Diplomatic club Gallery
Add: Bulevar oslobođenja 317
Open: 08-22h,
tel: (+381) 11 309 50 00.
Euroart / Euroart Gallery
Add: Makedonska 30
(Eurocentar), Open: 11-19h, Sat
11-15h, Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 337 33 74
FLU / FLU Gallery
Add: Knez Mihailova 53, Open:
10-19h, Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 263 06 35
Biblioteka grada Beograda /
Belgrade City Library Gallery
Add: Knez Mihailova 56, Open:
08-20h, Sat 08-14h, Closed Sun
tel: (+381) 11 202 40 11
Galerija 212 / Gallery 212
Add: Vlajkovićeva 25, Open: 1120h, Sat 11-15h, Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 337 32 99
Grafički kolektiv /
Grafički kolektiv
Add: Obilićev venac 27, Open:
11-20, Sat 10-16, Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 328 59 23
Haos / Haos
Add: Dositejeva 3, Open: 12-20h,
Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 262 74 97
Zadužbina Ilije Kolarca /
Ilija M. Kolarac Foundation
Add: Studentski trg 5, Open: 1020h, Closed Sun, tel: (+381) 11
263 50 73
KCB Art Galerija / KCB Art
Gallery Add: Knez Mihailova 6,
Open: 11-21h, Closed Mon,
tel: (+381)11 328 64 87
Magacin / Magacin
Add: Kraljevića Marka 4; Open:
New Moment /
New Moment Gallery
Add: Hilandarska 1, Open: 0918h, tel: (+381) 11 322 99 92
O3one / O3one Gallery
Add: Andrićev venac 12, Open:
12-20h, Sat 14-20, Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 323 87 89
Belgrade Info Guide
Progres / Progres Gallery
Add: Zmaj Jovina 10,Open:
10-21h, Sat 10-16, Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 218 26 26
Remont / Remont
Add: Makedonska 5/III, Open:
12-19h, Closed Sat, Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 322 34 06
Galerija RTS / RTS Gallery
Add: Takovska 10, Open: 10-18h,
Sat 10-16h, Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 321 18 33
Salon muzeja savremene
umetnosti / Salon of the
Museum of Contemporary
Art Add: Pariska 14, Open: 1220h, Closed Tue,
tel: (+381) 11 263 09 40,
Galerija SANU / SANU
Gallery Add: Knez Mihailova
Kulturni centri /
Cultural Centres
Beogradski kulturni centar /
Belgrade Cultural Centre,
Add: Knez Mihailova 6/I
Beogradski centar mladih /
Belgrade Youth Centre
Add: Makedonska 22
Dečiji kulturni centar /
Children’s Cultural Centre
Add: Takovska 8
Studentski kulturni centar /
Students’ Cultural Centre
Add: Kralja Milana 48
Strani kulturni centri /
Foreign Cultural Centres
Singidunum / Singidunum
American Corner
Galerija SKC / SKC Gallery
Add: Kralja Milana 48, Open:
10-17h, Sat 10-14, Closed Sun
tel: (+381) 11 268 84 68
Stara Kapetanija /
Stara Kapetanija Gallery
Add: Kej oslobođenja 8 (Zemun),
Open 11-21h, Sat, Sun 11-14h,
Closed Mon,
tel: (+381) 11 261 20 23
Add: Terazije 26/II,
tel: (+381) 11 268 57 80;
Open 11-18h, Sat 11-14h,
Closed Sun
ULUS / ULUS Gallery
Add: Knez Mihailova 37,
tel: (+381) 11 262 31 28;
Open 10- 20h, Sat 09-14h,
Closed Sun
Zvono / Zvono Gallery
Add: Višnjićeva 5,
Open 12-19h, Sat 12-16h,
Closed Sun,
tel: (+381) 11 262 52 43
Add: Nake Spasić 3
Confucius Institute
Add: Studentski trg 3
Pozorišta /
Atelje 212
Add: Svetogorska 21
Add: Makedonska 22
British Council
Add; Terazije 8
French Cultural Centre
Add: Zmaj Jovina 11
Goethe Institute
(German Cultural Centre)
Add: Knez Mihailova 50
Italian Cultural Institute
Add: Kneza Miloša 56
Cervantes Institute (Spanish
Cultural centre), Add: Čika Ljubina
Canadian Cultural Centre,
Add: Kneza Miloša 75, tel.
Russian Centre for Science
and Culture
Add: Kraljice Natalije 33
Austrian Cultural Forum
Add: Kneza Sime Markovića 2
Grad u koji dolazimo prvi put privlači nas zbog
svojih ljudi, zatim bulevara i šetališta, obala i
vrtova, zalazaka sunca, kafea i restorana, muzeja,
ritma života, provoda. U Beogradu sve uvek vri,
oseća se kako pulsira život jednog grada na granici
dve civilizacije, na ušću Save u Dunav, ispod
Avale. Šarm Beograda jednostavno je neodoljiv.
Šetajuće ture kroz
BDP - Belgrade Drama Theatre,
Add: Mileševska 64a
Bitef (modern dance)
Add: Skver Mire Trailović 1
Boško Buha
35, Open: 10-20h, Thu 10-16h,
Closed Mon, Sun, tel: (+381) 11
334 24 00
Add: Knez Mihailova 40, Open:
09-21h, Sat 11-20h, Closed Sun
tel: (+381) 11 218 53 23
Iranian Cultural Centre
razgledanja / sightseeing
Add: Trg Republike 3
Add: Desanke Maksimović 6
Duško Radović
Add: Aberdareva 1
JDP - Yugoslav Drama Theatre,
Add: Kralja Milana 50
Add: Glavna 32 (Zemun)
Narodno pozorište /
National Theatre
Add: Francuska 3
Add: Karađorđeva 9 (Zemun)
Add: Radoslava Grujića 21
Add: Svetog Save 16
Add: Trg Nikole Pašića 3
Zvezdara Teatar
Add: Milana Rakića 38
Š etnja kroz Beogradsku varoš i
Beogradsku tvrđavu
Šetajući gradskim ulicama, uz interesantnu
priču vodiča o istoriji grada, arhitekturi i životu
Beograđana, upoznaćete uže jezgro grada, Beogradsku tvrđavu, kao i park Kalemegdan. Polazak: sub. ispred TIC, Knez Mihailova 5; Jezik:
srpki (u 11h) i engleski (u 13h); Trajanje: 2h;
Cena: 300 RSD
Informacije i karte: Knez Mihailova 5 ponsub 10-19h, ned 10-15h; tel. (+381) 11 263
56 22 i 263 53 43; bginfo.knezmihailova@
njiževni vodič kroz
Beograd-Tragom Ive Andrića
Krenite tragom čuvenih beogradskih pisaca, i
čujte priču o njima i duhu vremena u kojem su živeli i stvarali.
“Slatki Beograd“
Od „Kafane ?“ do hotela „Moskva“ degustirajte
slatkiše koji su karakteristični za određene periode tokom dva veka istorije Beograda, i njegovo prerastanje
od orijentalne varoši u modernu evropsku prestonicu.
„ Beogradski muzički
Svojevrsno putovanje kroz modernu istoriju Beograda, posmatranu kroz istoriju muzike, povešće
vas od prvih muzičkih bandi, šlagera, preko „astalskih pesama”, do opere i džeza.
The cities we visit attract us for a variety of reasons:
its people, streets, waterfront promenades and
gardens, sunsets, cafes and restaurants, museums
and galleries, rhythm of life, entertainment, and
more. Belgrade is constantly boiling, one can feel
the life of a city at the border of two civilizations
pulsing at the confluence of Sava and Danube
rivers, under Mount Avala. The charm of
Belgrade is simply irresistible.
alk through Belgrade Town
and Belgrade Fortress
A walk through Belgrade’s streets accompanied
by the stories about the history, architecture and
life of the city is a great way to be introduced to the
the old town center and Belgrade Fortress, as well
as Kalemegdan Park. Departure: Sat, Info center,
Knez Mihailova 5; Language: Serbian (11h) and
English (13h); Duration: 2h; Tickets: 300 RSD.
Sweet Belgrade
From inn „?“ to Hotel Moscow visitors can taste
all kinds of sweets that are specific for certain periods during the two centuries of the history of town.
Transformation of Belgrade from an oriental town
to a modern European capital can feel in different
types of sweets.
Tesla in Belgrade
The tour is made based on Nikola Tesla’s visit to
Belgrade, in June 1892. It includes a visit to Captain
Misa’s building, City Hall - the Old Palace. The tour
ends with a visit to the Nikola Tesla Museums.
Belgrade Info Guide
razgledanja / sightseeing
Tesla u Beogradu
Program podseća
na boravak Nikole Tesle u Beogradu, u junu
1892. godine, i uključuje posete Kapetan
Skupštini grada-Starom dvoru i Muzeju
Nikole Tesle.
Panoramsko razgledanje
Beograda autobusom
azgledanje Beograda
Razgledanje Beograda realizuje se svakog radnog
dana i subotom u 10h 50min, ispred hotela “Balkan”.
Razgledanje je moguće organizovati i nedeljom, praznicima, kao i na drugim jezicima, uz najavu najmanje 12h ranije. Trajanje: 2h; Jezik: engleski.
Informacije i karte: Glob Metropoliten Tours, Mekenzijeva 26;
tel. (+381) 11 243 08 52 i (+381) 11 243 08 99
Knez Mihailova 5; pon - sub 10-19h, ned 1015h; tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22 i (+381) 11 263 53
” Tramvaj zvani Beograd”
Program turističkog razgledanja uz pratnju vodiča je besplatan. Trajanje: 1h. Broj mesta ograničen
– 25 osoba. Termin: pet: 19h srpski i 20h engleski;
sub: 17h srpski i 18h engleski.
Prijavljivanje uz ličnu kartu: Knez Mihailova
5; pon - sub 10-19h, ned 10-15h;
tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22 i (+381) 11 263 53 43;
“iBike Belgrade”
Biciklistička tura vas vodi iz centra grada, uz obale Save i Dunava do Novog Beograda. Tura uključuje rentiranje bicikle, osveženje u Zemunu, vožnju
Belgrade Info Guide
sightseeing by bus
Sightseeing by minibus
čamcem do Ade Ciganlije i usluge vodiča. Dužina
ture je 30 km. Trajanje: 4h (uključujući i pauze).
Polazak: u 14h na kraju ulice Kneza Mihaila, ispred
Gradske biblioteke. Cena: 15 evra. Karte: kod vođe
ture na mestu sastanka. Jezik: engleski (uz prethodnu najavu mogućnost drugih jezika).
Sightseeing tours are organized at 10:50 every
day except Suns. Tours on Sundays and other languages can be arranged with at least one day’s notice. Departure is from in front of Hotel Balkan.
Duration: 2h; Language: English;
Kontakt: (+381) 66 900 83 86,,
Information and tickets: Glob Metropoliten
Tours, Mekenzijeva 26;
tel. (+381) 11 24 30 852 i (+381) 11 24 30 899
Kroz program u Konaku kneginje Ljubice
saznaje se o životu u
Beogradu u vreme vladavine dinastije Obrenović. Kustoskinja Muzeja grada Beograda
obučena u kostim iz
perioda kneginje Ljubice kao domaćica svoje
palate dočekuje posetioce. Program: performans uz
posluženje – kafa i ratluk, obilazak konaka. Mesto:
Konak kneginje Ljubice, Kneza Sime Markovića 8.
Termin: pet. u 17h i sub. u 10h.
Trajanje: 1h. Cena: 350 RSD. Maksimalan broj
posetilaca: 30 osoba.
Knez Mihailova 5; Mon – Sat 10-19h, Sun1015h; tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22, (+381) 11 263 53
” Tram called Belgrade”
Sightseeing by Tram is free of charge. Duration:
1h; Number of visitors – 25 persons; Schedule: Fri:
19h Serbian and 20h English; Sat: 17h Serbian and
18h English.
Reservations with a valid ID: Knez Mihailova 5; Mon – Sat 10-19h, Sun 10-15h;
tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22, (+381) 11 263 53 43;
“iBike Belgrade”
The bike tour takes
you from the center
of the city, along the
Danube and Sava rivers, and through New
Belgrade. The tour
includes bike rental,
refreshments in Zemun, and a boat ride
to Ada Ciganlija and
guide services. The total length of the route is 30km.
Duration: 4h (including breaks). Departure:
14h, in front of the City Library in Knez Mihailova.
Tickets: 15 euro (can be purchased at the beginning of the tour). Language: English (other languages with prior arrangement).
Na kafi kod Kneginje Ljubice
Informacije i karte: Knez Mihailova 5; pon sub 10-19h, ned 10-15h;
tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22 i (+381) 11263 53 43;
Beogradska “Rakija tura”
Ukoliko želite da osetite autentični šarm Beograda i boemsku atmosferu i saznate mnoge zanimljivosti o srpskom nacionalnom piću, dođite i uživajte
u “najjačim ukusima Srbije”.
Program: degustacija 5 različitih vrsta rakija uz
mezetluk i stručna i zabavna predavanja na srpskom
ili engleskom jeziku u trajanju do 1h. Polazak: Rakia Bar, Dobračina 5, od 17h, tri lokacije, minimum
6, maksimum 20 osoba. Cena: 1200 RSD. Obavezna
rezervacija dan ranije.
Kontakt: Rakia Bar, tel. (+381) 11 32 86 119,, www.rakiabar.
In vino... Singidunum
Tura obuhvata degustacija pet vrsta vina, autobuski
prevoz, usluge vodiča i enologa. Cena: 1650 RSD. Pola-
Contact: (+381) 66 900 83 86,,
Coffee at Princess
This tour recreates the lifestyle of Belgrade during the reign of the Obrenovic dynasty. Visitors
will learn about royal habits of the time, accompanied by museum guides dressed in period of
Princess Ljubica.
Program: Performances, coffee, and a tour
around the house. Princess Ljubica’s Residence,
Kneza Sime Markovića 8. Duration: 1h. Tickets:
350 RSD. Limited number of visitors: 30 persons
Information: Knez Mihailova 5; Mon – Sat
10-19h, Sun 10-15h; tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22,
(+381) 11 263 53 43;
Belgrade “Rakia Tour”
The Belgrade Rakia
Tour encourages participants to discover
the authentic charm
of Belgrade and bohemian atmosphere of
the city with the traditional drink, Rakia.
The program includes
the tasting of 5 different types of Rakia on three locations, small degustation dishes and fun lectures in Serbian or English.
Departure: Rakia Bar, Dobračina 5, from 17h,
minimum 6, max 20 persons. Tickets: 1.200 RSD.
Reservations are mandatory, and must be made
at least one day in advance
Contact: Rakia Bar, tel. (+381) 11 328 61 19,,
In vino... Singidunum
The tour includes a tasting of five wines, bus
transport, guide and wine experts. Price : 1650RSD.
Departures are every other Saturday starting from
26.10.2013. Tour program: gathering of the group
front of City Hall at 12:45 pm, departure by bus for
Radmilovac at 13:00, on arrival visit vineyards, wine
cellar and wine tasting, departure for Belgrade at
Belgrade Info Guide
razgledanja / sightseeing
zak je svake druge subote počev od 26.10.2013. Program
ture je: okupljanje grupe ispred Skupštine grada u 12:45
časova, polazak autobusom za Radmilovac u 13:00 časova, po dolasku obilazak vinograda, vinskog podruma i
degustacija, polazak za Beograd u 15:30 časova.
Kontakt: Master Holidays, TC City Passage,
lok. 3-12, Obilićev Venac 18-20
tel: 011 32 82 676, 069 35 21 322,
Tura podzemnim Beogradom
Podzemni Beograd
sadrži na stotine lokaliteta: pećina, laguma,
zazidanih reka, tunela,
bunkera i drugih građevina. Čujte priče o
neobičnoj istoriji Beograda, čudnim sudbinama i legendama,
enigmama koje vekovima podstiču znatiželju poznavalaca istorije i kulture.
Mesto polaska: Gračanička 11, ispred agencije EuroJet. Termin: na srpskom jeziku, sre. 17:30, sub. 14:30,
nede. 11h. Trajanje: 2,5h. Obavezne rezervacije.
Informacije i karte: Knez Mihailova 5; pon sub 10-19h, ned 10-15h;
tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22 i (+381) 11 263 53 43;
Poseta tornju na Avali
Svakog dana od 09-16h;
Cena: odrasli 150
RSD, učenici, studenti
i penzioneri 70 RSD,
deca do 7 godina ne
plaćaju kartu. Osobe
sa invaliditetom imaju
besplatan ulaz i prilagođen prilaz tornju.
Informacije i karte:
tel: (+381) 66 87 77 029,
Folklorno veče u Skadarliji
Svakog petka u 20h, u skadarlijskom restoranu
“Mali Vrabac” organizuje se Folklorno veče, dvočasovni program koji uključuje večeru, zabavni program
Belgrade Info Guide
Contact: Master Holidays, TC City Passage,
ext. 3-12, 18-20 Obilicev Venac
tel: +(381)11 32 82 676 069 35 21 322, office@,www.master-holidays.
Underground Belgrade
Underground Belgrade consists of hundreds of sites, caves and
dungeons, which have
been carved into the
limestone rocks, countless buried wells and
walled rivers, as well
as hundreds of underground tunnels built
in last 300 years by the Austrians, Serbs and Germans.
Schedule: Tue10h, Thu 5:30; Sat 12h; Sun 14h, Gračanička
11. Duration: 2,5h. Reservations are mandatory.
Information and tickets: Knez Mihailova 5;
Mon–Sat 10-19h, Sun 10-15h;
tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22, (+381) 11 263 53 43;
Avala Tower
Time: Every day from 09-16h;
Tickets: adults 150 RSD, students 70 RSD, free
admission for children under 7.
Information and tickets:
tel: (+381) 66 87 77 029,
Folklore Evenings
in Skadarlija
Every Friday at 20h in the restaurant Mali Vrabac in
Skadarlija, special folklore evenings take place. The program includes dinner, folk dance performances and a
package of souvenirs. Cost: 3.500 RSD.
Information and tickets: Knez Mihailova 5;
Mon–Sat 10-19h, Sun 10-15h;
tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22, (+381) 11 263 53 43; Glob Metropoliten Tours: Makenzijeva 26,
tel. (+381) 11 243 08 99 and Andre Nikolića 7,
tel. (+381) 11 266 22 11, tijana@metropoliten.
com, mob. (+381) 64 822 66 00
Tickets are also available at Belgrade’s hotels.
KUD-a Talija, vino i poklon sa suvenirima. Cena je
3.500 RSD po osobi.
Ulaznice: Knez Mihailova 5; pon. – sub. 0921h, ned. 10-15h; tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22 i 263
53 43;
Glob Metropoliten Tours: Makenzijeva 26,
011 24 30 899 i Andre Nikolića 7,
tel. (+381) 11 266 22 11, tijana@metropoliten.
com, mob. (+381) 64 822 66 00. Ulaznice se
mogu kupiti i u beogradskim hotelima.
Istražite misteriozni Viminacijum, arheološko
nalazište iz doba rimskih imperatora.
iminacijum, Lepenski Vir i
Celodnevni izlet u rimski grad Viminacijum,
najstarije arheološko nalazište Lepenski vir i lokalitete Nacionalnog parka Đerdap realizuju se svake
subote, od 9h, po ceni od 5.500 RSD po osobi. Izleti
uključuju i obilazak Golubačke tvrđave i ručak u restoranu Kapetan Mišin breg.
Poludnevni izleti do Oplenca sa vodičem na engleskom jeziku, svakog četvrtka u 14h i nedelje u
10h. Cena izleta je 28 evra.
ovi Sad, Fruška Gora i
Sremskih Karlovaca
Poludnevni izleti do Novog sada, Fruške Gore
i Sremskog Karlovaca. Tura ima vodiča na engleskom jeziku. Cena izleta je 35 evra.
Ulaznice: Knez Mihailova 5; pon. – sub. 0921h, ned. 10-15h;
tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22 i (+381) 11 263 53 43
Glob Metropoliten Tours: Makenzijeva 26,
tel. (+381) 11 24 30 899 i Andre Nikolića 7,
tel. (+381) 11 266 22 11, tijana@metropoliten.
com, mob. (+381) 64 822 66 00. Ulaznice se
mogu kupiti i u beogradskim hotelima.
Discover the mysterious Viminacium, an old
archeological site from the time of ancient Rome.
iminacijum, Lepenski Vir and
Full-day excursions include visits to the Roman city
of Viminacium, the oldest archeological site in Serbia,
Lepenski Vir, and breathtaking sights in the Đerdap
National Park. The excursions are organized every
Saturday at 9h and cost 5.500 RSD, which includes
lunch in the restaurant Kapetan Mišin Breg and admission to Golubac Fortress.
Departures are every Thursday at 14h and
Sunday at 10h. Departure Place is from the
Square Nikola Pasic or
pick up from hotel. Duration is half Day Tour
with English speaking
guide. Price is 28 Eur
per person.
T he City of Novi Sad, Fruska
Gora and Sremski Karlovci
every Wednesday at
14h and Saturday at
10h. Departure Place:
in front of Hotel Balkan or pick up from
hotel. Duration is half
Day Tour with English speaking guide 35
Eur per person
Information and tickets: Knez Mihailova 5;
Mon–Sat 10-19h, Sun 10-15h;
tel. (+381) 11 263 56 22, (+381) 11 263 53 43,
Glob Metropoliten Tours: Makenzijeva 26,
(+381) 11 243 08 99 and Andre Nikolića 7,
tel. (+381) 11 266 22 11, tijana@metropoliten.
com, Tob. (+381) 64 822 66 00
Tickets are also available at Belgrade’s hotels.
Belgrade Info Guide
gde se smestiti? / where to stay?
Smeštaj / Accomodation
Beogradski hoteli /
Hotels in Belgrade
U lobijima beogradskih hotela snimaju se modni
editorijali i muzički spotovi, priređuju se svečanosti, izložbe i manifestacije, i neretko privlače goste
zbog gastronomske ponude hotelskih restorana.
Od raskošnih dizajn hotela sa enterijerijerima uređenim po poslednjim modnim trendovima, šarmantnih i ušuškanih “boutique” i “garni” kategorije,
do predstavnika svetskih lanaca i onih koji su staru
slavu iz prošlog veka podigli na još viši nivo, mnogi
hotelu u Beogradu dobitnici su prestižnih priznanja, među kojima su “Hotel godine” i “Cetrificate of
Excellence”, a najznačajnija su im ona koja njihovi
gosti zabeleže u “knjizi utisaka” ili “Trip Advicer-u”.
The lobbies of Belgrade’s hotels are commonly used
for fashion shoots and music videos, as well as various ceremonies, exhibitions and events, and they
often attract guests for their gastronomic offers.
From luxurious hotels designed according to the latest
trends and charming little boutique hotels, to global
chains and those who have raised their former glory
to another level - many hotels in Belgrade are awarded with prestigious accolades, including “Hotel of the
Year” and “Certificate of Excellence”, but the most important are those left in guest books or on Trip Adviser.
Beogradski hosteli /
Hostels in Belgrade
Inspirisani duhom moderne metropole, hosteli u
Beogradu smešteni su na najatraktivnijim lokacijama, i teško ih je pobrojati. Goste privlače originalnošću, mladim osobljem i pristupačnim cenama.
Od inventivnog “pop-art” stila kojim odiše dekor
njihovih soba, do plutajućih na vodi tik do čuvenih
splavova, ponuda beogradskih hostela deo je najpopularnijih globalnih “booking” servisa.
Inspired by the spirit of a modern metropolis, hostels in Belgrade are located in the most attractive
locations, and continually increasing number is
difficult to count. Guests are attracted by hostels’
originality, young staffs and good prices. From
those with inventive Pop Art style décor, to those floating on the water next to Belgrade’s famous
“splavovi” party boats, the city’s selection of hostels
can be found on all of the popular global booking
Privatni smeštaj u Beogradu /
Private Accommodation in
Bilo da borave u Beogradu iz poslovnih razloga,
bilo da su inspirisani zabavom, manifestacijama ili
jednostavno željom za otkrivanjem nove destinacije, gosti srpske prestonice rado biraju neki od skoro
500 privatnih smeštaja da bi se, kako kažu, pre svega
osećali “kao kod kuće”! Prijatan ambijent apartmana u strogom centru grada, stanovi “de-lux” kategorije, i kuće u otmenim delovima Beograda, u ponudi
su privatnog smeštaja koji je jedan od načina da se
doživi beogradski “lifestyle”!
Whether visiting Belgrade for business, pleasure, or
simply to discover a new destination, guests in the
Serbian capital often choose to stay at one of the nearly 500 private accommodation facilities, in order
to feel “at home” during their trip.
From pleasant apartments in the city center to deluxe flats and houses in posh neighborhoods, private accommodation is one of the best ways to experience unique Belgrade lifestyle!
Za više informacija o smeštaju u Beogradu, posetite
/ More info about accommodation in Belgrade on:
Belgrade Info Guide
Belgrade Info Guide
gde jesti? / where to eat?
Francuski /
Kralja Milutina 33,
tel. (+381) 11 364 06 25
Le Moliere
Zmaj Jovina 11,
tel. (+381) 11 218 81 61
Bld. Nikole Tesle 3
(Grand casino),
tel. (+381) 11 220 28 22,
Kajmakčalanska 2,
tel. (+381) 11 240 41 42
Italijanski /
La Piazza
Mileševska 54
tel. (+381) 11 383 66 34,
Košava Trattoria
Kralja Petra 36,
tel. (+381) 11 262 73 44,
Studentski trg 10,
tel. (+381) 11 328 64 54,
Panta Rei
Tadeuša Košćuška 63,
tel. (+381) 11 303 66 98,
Pietro dell Oro
Trnska 2,
tel. (+381) 344 77 00,
Belgrade Info Guide
Spisak restorana /
List of restaurants
Ušće Shopping Center,
Mihaila Pupina 4,
Obilićev venac 29,
tel. (+381) 11 285 44 36,
Azijska kuhinja /
Asian cuisine
Sushi Box
Andre Nikolića 1-3, Senjak;
tel: +381 (0)11 369 2570,
+381(0)65 244 7918,
Open 08:00-02:00h.
Restaurant Makao
Pere Velimirovića 7; Starine
Novaka 7a. Palilula; Šafarikova
11. Stari grad;
Makao i
Žuto more
Prve pruge 8, Zemun
Bld. Nikola Tesla 3,
tel. (+381) 11 220 28 22,
Sushi Bar
Gospodar Jovanova 46,
tel. (+381) 11 218 41 83,
Vuka Karadžića 2,
tel. (+381) 11 218 19 31,
Sushi Bar Tokyo
Čumićevo Sokače L19,
tel. (+381) 11 32 48 676,
(+381) 66 053 661,
Indijski / Indian
Ljubićka 1b,
tel. (+381) 11 344 62 35,
Internacionalni /
Francuska 7,
tel. (+381) 11 262 79 31,
Lorenzo i
Cvijićeva 110,
tel. (+381) 11 329 53 51,
Bld. Kralja
Aleksandra 43,
tel. (+381) 11 323 13 32,
Metropolitan Grill
Milentija Popovića 5
(Hotel Hyatt),
tel. (+381) 11 301 11 40
Dijagonala 2.0
Principal Diners Club
Skerlićeva 6,
tel. (+381) 11 244 90 99,
Bld. Oslobođenja 18a,
tel. (+381) 11 264 19 44,
Karađorđeva 2-4,
tel. (+381) 11 3283 749,
Kalemegdanska terasa
tel. (+381) 11 328 30 11,
Birčaninova 42,
tel. (+381) 11 265 89 11,
Ušće bb,
tel. (+381) 11 214 04 67,
Savski Trg 7,
tel. (+381) 11 66 84 541,
gde jesti? / where to eat?
gde se zabavljati? / where to party?
Kafei / Cafes
Barovi / Bars
Amarone Wine Bar
Kralja Petra 20,
tel. (+381) 11 328 56 56,
Bistro Pastis
Bar Central
Tribeca Uniqa
Blowup Bar
Višnjićeva 10,
tel. (+381) 11 291 0942,
Kej oslobođenja bb,
tel. (+381) 11 319 49 71
Strahinjića Bana 52b
Milutina Milankovića 134d,
tel. (+381) 11 2026 004,
Čunarska 1,
tel. (+381) 11 261 20 96
Grand pleasure
Na ćošku /
Whatever @ The Corner
Vasina 3,
tel. (+381) 11 262 74 24
Beogradska 37,
tel. (+381) 11 323 64 70,
Kej oslobođenja bb,
tel. (+381) 11 319 12 26,
Riblji / Fish
Požarevačka 51,
tel. (+381) 11 244 74 46,
Mora Radnička 27,
tel. (+381) 11 355 12 68,
Kej Oslobodjenja bb,
tel. (+381) 11 307 75 75,
Savski nasip 7,
tel. (+381) (0)63 202 513
Ušće bb,
Bld. Kralja Aleksandra 348,
tel. (+381) 11 241 24 64,
Kej oslobođenja 53,
tel. (+381) 11 261 82 35,
Domaća kuhinja
/ Serbian
Gospodar Jevremova 36,
tel. (+381) 11 328 47 46,
Dobanovačka 95,
tel. (+381) 11 316 75 11,
Latinoamerički /
Latin American
Strahinjića Bana 66a,
tel. (+381) 11 262 34 33,
Libanski /
Svetozara Markovića 49,
tel. (+381) 11 362 11 11,
Sinđelićeva 34,
tel. (+381) 11 219 03 24,
Srpska Kafana
Svetogorska 25,
tel. (+381) 11 324 71 97
Stara Koliba
tel. (+381) 11 311 74 44,
Belgrade INFO Guide designed by ISSstudioDesign Belgrade
Nebojšina 6,
tel. (+381) 11 24 41 938,
Picerije /
Skadarska 13,
tel. (+381) 11 3237 204,
Hilandarska 32,
tel. (+381) 11 334 28 97,
Španski /
Gospodar Jovanova 56,
tel. (+381) 60 504 04 55
Kralja Petra 59,
tel. (+381) 11 262 64 44
Despota Stefana 36a,
tel. (+381) 63 441 655,
Kosovska 33,
tel. (+381) 11 30 37 794
Nušićeva 3,
tel. (+381) 11 323 84 74
Jazz klub Rif
Strahinjića Bana 48,
tel. (+381) 11 291 03 11
Lime Café
Obilićev Venac 1
Open 09:00-01:00h
Mama’s Biscuit House
Strahinjića Bana 7 2a,
tel. (+381) 11 328 38 05,
Strahinjica Bana 66a,
tel. (+381) 11 328 3 715
Makenzijeva bb
tel. (+381) 64 262 80 10
Kasina Bar
Terazije 25
tel. (+381) 63 111 12 11
Kontra Bar
Strahinjića Bana 59,
tel. (+381) 64 82 66 438,
Karađorđeva 44
tel. (+381) 69 830 07 70
Vasina 19,
tel. (+381) 11 263 50 10
Rakia Bar
Dobračina 5,
tel. (+381) 11 328 61 19,
Sunset caffe
Ada Ciganlija lok. 9
tel. (+381) 63 807 32 10
Three Carrots Irish Pub
Kneza Miloša 16,
tel. (+381) 11 268 37 48
Klubovi / Clubs
Karađorđeva 43
tel. (+381) 64 228 50 55
Bitef Art Café 2
Skver Mire Trailović 1,
tel. (+381) 63 59 42 94,
BW Brankov
Crnogorska 12,
tel. (+381) 69 830 07 77,
Cantina de Frida
Karađorđeva 2-4,
tel. (+381) 11 218 11 20,
El Hispano
Obilićev Venac 27/II,
tel. (+381) 11 262 86 85,
Kej Oslobodjenja 55,
tel. (+381) 11 316 01 60,
Slavonska 18b, Zemun,
Belgrade Info Guide
+381 11 316 29 25
Čorba Cafe
Braće Krsmanović 3
tel. (+381) 262 25 09
Ćirila i Metodija 2
tel. . (+381) 64 350 73 88
Dom omladine
Makedonska 22
tel. (+381) 324 82 02
Francuska Sobarica & Klub
Francuska 12,
Savski kej bb
tel. (+381) 62 800 20 20
Hedone Lounge
Vojvode Putnika 34,
tel. (+381) 62 8417 287,
tel. (+381) 61 153 72 60
gde se zabavljati? / where to party?
Klub Cinema
Gračanička 18
tel. (+381) 62 222 152
Splav River
prostori i sport / venues and sports
Klub Krug
Braće Krsmanović 6-8
Prostori /
Klub Koketa
Savski kej bb
tel. (+381) 62 8222000
Ada Ciganlija- Makiška strana
lokal br.8
tel. (+381) 65 333 2050
Kombank Arena, Add: Arsenija Čarnojevića
Red Shoes
Klub Ilegala
Beogradski sajam / Belgrade Fair
Ada Ciganlija, Makiška strana,
strana broj 7
tel. (+381) 64 110 3866
Klub Vanila
Studenski trg 15
tel. (+381) 066 222152
Splav Acapulco
Dunavski kej bb
tel. (+381) 63 33 44
Gradski splav Lasta
Bld 58,
Banjica, Add: Crnotravska 4,
Klub Divljina
Beogradska filharmonija / Belgrade
Philharmonic Orchestra,
Hala sportova / Sports Hall, Add: Pariske
Add: Studentski trg 11,
komune 20, New Belgrade, tel: (+381) 11 26
01 658,
Dom omladine / Belgrade Youth Center
Košutnjak, Add: Kneza Višelava 72,
Kneza Miloša 9
tel. (+381) 65 4755 115
Klub Opposite
Mitropolita Petra 8
tel. (+381) 66 222 152
Kolektiv club
Splav Brodarac
Klub Šećer
tel: (+381) 11 35 55 288, 35 45 585
Dom sindikata
Stari DIF / OLD DIF, Add: Deligradska 27,
Add: Dečanska 14,
tel: (+381) 26 58 747,
Expo XXI
“Obrenovac” Sportski i rekreativni
centar / Sports and Recreation Centre,
Obrenovac, Add: Bg. Bataljona 5,
Add: Španskih boraca 74A,
Guarneriuss, Add: Džordža Vašingtona 12
Klub Box
Klub Šteta
Kolarac, Add: Studentski trg 5,
Splav River
Teatro Bar
Splav Office Pub
Kej Oslobođenja bb
tel. (+381) 63 321 975
Splav Office Pub
Kej Oslobođenja bb
tel. (+381) 63 321 975
Jazz & Blues Club
Knez Mihailova 48
tel. +(381) 64 1970 488
Višnjićeva 9
tel. (+381) 65 47 55115
Kulturni centar Rex / Rex Cultural
Centre Add: Jevrejska 16,
Sarajevska 26
tel. (+381) 64 238 6006
Sava Centar / Sava Centre
Klub Čorba Kafe
Resavska 24
tel. (+381) 3233192
Klub Danguba
Klub KST
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73
tel. (+381) 11 321839
Klub Lava Bar
Ćirila i Metodija 2
tel. (+381) 64 1100323
Kneza Miloša 77
tel. (+381) (381) 11 3610525
Klub Shahrazad
Klub Plastic
Adresa: Terazije 1
tel. (+381) 11 3226318
tel: (+381) 11 24 12 353, 24 11 636,
Pinki, Add: City Park 2, Zemun,
tel: (+381) 11 37 71 650,
Pionir Add: Čarli Čaplina 39,
Đušina 7
tel. (+381) 11 3245437
tel: (+381)11 32 33 048;
Dunavska 17A
tel. (+381) 11 2628842
Dragstor Play
Ušće bb
tel. (+381) 62 33 77 66
Šumice, Add: Ustanička 125 l,
Add: Milentija Popovića 9
SKC, Add: Kralja Milana,
Tašmajdan stadion / Tašmajdan
Stadium, Beogradska 71
Bilet servis, Trg Republike 5,
tel: (+381) 11 303 33 11 Open 09-20, Closed
Eventim, Topličin venac 19-21, tel: (+381)
11 328 10 25, Open
08-21, Mon-Sat 10-18, Closed Sun.
Ticketline, Čika Ljubina 18-20 (Plato Music
Store), tel: (+381) 11 203 05 70, Open 12-18, Sun
Belgrade Info Guide
Olimp, Add: Vojislava Kovača 11,
Tašmajdan, Add: Ilije Garašanina 26,
Klub Gaučosi
Prodaja karata /
Ticket agents
tel: (+381) 11 87 21 550, 87 21 361
tel: (+381) 11 27 66 566, fax: 27 66 667
Braće Krsmanović 3
tel. (+381) 11 2622509
Klub Re Sava
(Ana 4 Pištolja)
tel: (+381)11 26 68 711, 26 67 999
Add: Makedonska 22
Svetogorska 17
tel. (+381) 64 01 333 00
Brodarska bb
tel. (+381) 62 8222 000
Čarnojevića 58, tel: (+381) 11 22 02 222,
Add: Bulevar vojvode Mišića 14
Hercegovačka bb,Savamalski kej
tel. (+381) 69 11 00777
Karađorđeva 9
tel. (+381) 64 873 7570
Kombanka Arena, Add: Bulevar Arsenija
Akademski plato 1
tel. (+381) 11 3285 925
Vase Pelagića 54
tel. (+381) 69 2000 300
Brodarska bb
tel. (+381) 65 52 77337
Sportski centri /
Sports Centres
tel: (+381) 11 38 37 556,
Vračar, Add: Sjenička 1, tel: (+381)11 24 52
342, Voždovac, Add: Crnotravska 4,
tel: (+381) 11 26 67 780, 26 60 640
11. april, Add: Autoput 2, New Belgrade,
tel: (+381) 11 26 72 939,
Milan Gale Muškatirović, Add: Tadeuša
Košćuška 63, tel: (+381) 11 21 82 242
Stadioni /
FK “Crvena zvezda” stadion / FC “Red
Star” Stadium, Add: Ljutice Bogdana 1a,
tel: (+381) 11 36 72 060
FK “ Partizan” stadion / FC “Partizan”
Stadium, Add: Humska 1,
tel: (+381) 11 32 27 181, 32 27 182,
Tenis /
Balašević - Teniska akademija /
Balašević – Tennis Academy, Add: Miška
Kranjca 17a
tel: (+381) 11 35 83 809,
35 10 920, 30 56 234
Tennis Center Novak, Add: Tadeuša
Košćuška br. 63a, tel: (+381) 11 3282 930
Teniski klub Beograd / Belgrade Tennis
Club, Add: Partizanski put 1b, tel: (+381) 11
27 54 977, (+381) 63 71 72 526
Teniski klub Crvena zvezda / Red Star
Tennis Club, Add: Mije Kovačevića 9,
tel: (+381) 11 27 62 652
Teniski klub Feniks / Feniks Tennis
Club, Add: Crnotravska 4, Banjica,
tel: (+381) 11 26 67 849;
(+381) 64 22 01 257; (+381) 63 24 09 94
Teniski klub Gemax / Gemax Tennis
tel: (+381) 11 30 61 813
Teniski klub Green Set / Green Set
Tennis Club, Add: Drenovska br. 20, tel:
(+381) 11 3940 414,
Golf /
Golf Club Belgrade, Add: Ada Ciganlija 5,
tel:/fax: +381 11 35 51 559
Hipodrom /
Add: Paštrovićeva 2, tel: +381 11 35 43
Ekstremni sportovi /
Extreme sports
Water Skiing, Paintball, Sport Climbing,
Bungee jumping, Alpine Skiing and
Snowboarding, Add: Ada ciganlija bb,
tel: (+381) 63 85 999 86
Autokomerc Carting Centre
1, Add: ulica
84c, Surčin, tel: (+381) 11 3131 591
SKATE PARK, Add: Ušće, blizina Brankovog
mosta / Ušće, near Branko’s Bridge.
European Martial Arts Hall of Fame,
Add: Slavujev venac 1,
tel: (+381) 11 30 89 199
Belgrade Info Guide
osnovne informacije / basic info
Lokacija /
Beograd je glavni grad Republike Srbije. Nalazi se
u jugoistočnoj Evropi, na Balkanskom poluostrvu,
na raskrsnici puteva istočne i zapadne Evrope.
U centru grada (Knez Mihailovoj ulici) obeležene
su koordinate Beograda: 44°49’14” severne
geografske širine, 20°27’44” istočne geografske
dužine i 116,75 m nadmorske visine.
Belgrade is the capital of the Republic of
Serbia. It is located in Southeastern Europe
on the Balkan Peninsula, at the crossroads of
Eastern and Western Europe. The coordinates
are marked in the centre of the city (on Knez
Mihailova Street): 44°49’14” of geographic
latitude north, 20°27’44” of geographic
longitude east and 116.75m above sea level.
Stanovništvo /
Beograd je administrativno podeljen u 17
opština. Po popisu iz 2011. godine broj
stanovnika iznosio je 1,154,589. Zvanični jezik
je srpski a pismo ćirilica. Najveći broj stanovnika
je pravoslavne religije. Ostale važne religijske
zajednice: islamska, katolička i jevrejska.
Belgrade is the capital of the Republic of
Serbia and is administratively divided into 17
districts. In 2011 Belgrade had 1,154,589
inhabitants. The official language is Serbian,
and Cyrillic is the official alphabet. The majority
religion is Orthodox Christianity, and other
important religious communities include Islam,
Catholicism and Judaism
Klima /
Beogradska klima je umereno kontinentalna, sa
četiri godišnja doba. Jesen je duža od proleća, sa
dužim sunčanim i toplim periodima. Dve nedelje
zakasnelog leta u oktobru, u kojima Beograđani
posebno uživaju, zovu se miholjsko leto. Zime
nisu preterano oštre. U proseku, tokom zime 21
dan beleži temperaturu ispod nule. Januar je
najhladniji mesec, sa prosečnom temperaturom
0,4°C. Proleće je kratko i kišovito, a leto naglo
dolazi. Najtopliji meseci su juli (22,1°C) i avgust
The climate in Belgrade is moderate
continental, with four distinct seasons.
Autumn lasts longer than spring, with
longer sunny and warm periods. The two
weeks of late summer in October, which are
particularly enjoyed by Belgraders, are called
St. Martin’s Summer (“miholjsko leto”). The
winters are not particularly harsh. There are
21 days on average with temperatures below
zero degrees centigrade during the winter.
January is the coldest month, with average
temperatures of 0.4°C. Springs are brief and
rainy, with summer arriving suddenly. The
hottest months are July (21.1°C) and August
Belgrade Info Guide
Vremenska zona /
Time Zone
Beograd i Srbija nalaze se u području
Centralnoevropske vremenske zone – GMT +1;
odnosno GMT +2 od poslednje nedelje u trećem
mesecu do subote pre poslednje nedelje u
desetom mesecu.
Belgrade and Serbia are located in the
Central European time zone region – GMT
+1, or GMT +2 during Daylight saving time
(Mar - Oct).
Struja i voda /
Electricity and Water
ale Evrope, napon
Kao i u većini gradova kontinent ice su standardne
struje u Beogradu je 220V. Utičniz česme za piće.
evropske. U Beogradu je voda electricity
As in most cities of Europe, the
Electrical outlets
voltage in Belgrade is 220V. pean. Tap water
are standard continental Euro
in Belgrade is safe to drink.
Novac /
Novčana jedinica je dinar (RSD). Kovanice
dolaze u sledećim apoenima: 1, 2, 5, 10 i
20 dinara, dok su novčanice od 10, 20, 50,
100, 200, 500, 1000, 2.000 i 5.000 dinara.
Novac se može zameniti u banci ili nekoj od
menjačnica u gradu (označenih logotipom
Narodne banke Srbije).Prenos novca iz
inostranstva putem Western Uniona se može
podići u poštama i većini banaka. Kartice
koje su prihvaćene su VISA, VISA Electron,
MasterCard, Eurocard, American Express ,
Maestro, Diners Club i DinaCard.
Currency is the dinar (RSD). Coins come in
the following denominations: 1, 2, 5, 10 and
20 dinars, while the banknotes are: 10, 20,
50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 5,000
dinars. . Western Union money transfers from
abroad can be collected from the post office
and most banks. Widely accepted cards are
VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Eurocard,
American Express, Maestro, Diners Club and
Aerodrom /
Aerodrom Nikola Tesla /
Nikola Tesla Airport
tel. (+381) 11 209 44 44,
Aerodrom se nalazi na 18 km od centra
grada, u blizini Surčina. Nacionalni
avioprevoznik je JAT.
Nikola Tesla Airport is located 18km to the
west of the city centre, near Surčin. Serbia’s
national airline is JAT Airways.
Autobusi /
Centralna autobuska stanica /
Central Bus Station, Železnička 4,
tel. (+381) 11 262 71 46 (međugradski
saobraćaj / local routes), 263 62 99
(međunarodni saobraćaj / international
Autobuska stanica Lasta /
Lasta Bus Station, Železnička 2,
tel. (+381) 11 334 85 55,
Vozovi /
Centralna železnička stanica /
Central Railway Station, Savski trg 2,
tel. (+381) 11 360 28 99.
Osobe sa invaliditetom /
Disabled travellers
Pešački prelazi na glavnim gradskim
raskrsnicama imaju spuštene trotoare, a veće
raskrsnice u gradu su opremljene sistemom
zvučne signalizacije.
Pedestrian crossings on the main city arteries have
sloped kerbs and large intersections in the centre
are equipped with sound signalling systems
Parking /
Car parks
Postoje tri parking zone u centru gradu:
crvena zona (parkiranje do sat vremena),
žuta zona (do dva sata) i zelena zona (do tri
sata). Parking se može platiti ispunjavanjem
parking kupona koji se mogu kupiti na
kioscima ili slanjem SMS poruke sa brojem
registracije na 9111 za Zonu 1, 9112 za
Zonu 2 i 9113 za Zonu 3. Za parkiranje
u gradskim garažama nema vremenskog
There are three parking zones in the Old Town:
the red zone (one-hour parking limit), yellow
(two-hour) and green (three-hour). You can
pay by filling out a parking coupon available at
kiosks or by sending an SMS with the number
of your license plate to 9111 for Zone 1, 9112
for Zone 2 and 9113 for Zone 3. For parking in
a parking garage, no time limit applies.
Važni telefoni /
Important Phones
Policija / Police – 192
Vatrogasci / Fire-fighters – 193
Hitna pomoć / Ambulance – 194
Tačno vreme / Time – 195
AMSS pomoć na putu /
AMSS road assistance – 1987
Mobilni telefoni /
Mobile phones
Vip mobile, tel. 060 12 34.
MTS, tel. 064 789.
Telenor, tel. 063 98 63.
Telefoniranje /
Making a phonecall
rada, birajte
Za pozivanje brojeva u okviru Beog
rada, birajte
samo broj, a za zvanje van Beog brojeva u
prvo pozivni za grad. Za pozivanje
i kod (00), zatim
inostranstvu, birajte prvo izlazn za grad i tek
pozivni broj za zemlju, pozivni broj
onda broj telefona.
rade, dial the
To call a local number within Belg
a call to another
number directly and to make first. To call
area, dial the relevant area code ss code (00),
abroad, dial the international acce
the area code and
followed by the country code,
the phone number.
Banke /
Piraeus Bank
Kolarčeva 1, tel. (+381) 0800 000 800
AIK banka
Knez Mihailova 10/VI, tel. (+381) 11 63 42 26
Sremska 3-5, tel. (+381) 11 20 21 127
Alpha Bank
Kralja Milana 11, tel. (+381) 11 32 34 931
Banca Intesa
Milentija Popovića 7b,
tel. (+381) 11 31 08 888
EFG Eurobank
Kolarčeva 3, tel. (+381) 0800 1111 44
Erste Bank
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 85b,
tel. (+381) 11 20 15 014
Findomastic banka
Kosovska 10, tel. +381 11 33 36 000
KBC banka
Požeška 65b, tel. (+381) 11 30 50 300
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 6,
tel. (+381) 11 0800-303-303
Jubmes banka
Zorana Đinđića Bld. 121,
tel. (+381) 11 22 05 500
Komercijalna banka
Svetog Save 14, tel. (+381) 0700 800 900
Marfin banka
Dalmatinska 22, tel. (+381) 0800 330 300
Meridian Bank
Kolarčeva 7, tel. (+381) 11 33 05 876
NLB Continental banka
Golsvordijeva 21, tel. (+381) 11 34 44 346
NLB LHB banka
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 165v,
tel. (+381) 11 22 25 100
OTP banka
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 115 e,
tel. (+381) 11 205 33 01
Poštanska štedionica
Kraljice Marije 3, tel. (+381) 11 30 24 555
Privredna banka Beograd
Bul. oslobođenja 4, tel. (+381) 11 26 412 55
Procredit Bank
Despota Stefana Bld. 68c,
tel. (+381) 11 20 77 906
Raiffeisen Bank
Zorana Đinđića Bld. 64a,
tel. (+381) 11 32 02 100
Société Générale banka Srbija
Zorana Đinđića Bld. 50 a/b,
tel. (+381) 11 30 11 555
Srpska banka
Savska 25, tel. (+381) 11 36 07 200
Unicredit banka
Rajićeva 27-29, tel. (+381) 11 32 04 500
Univerzal banka
Francuska 29, tel. (+381) 11 30 22 801
Vojvođanska banka
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 111,
tel. (+381) 11 22 28 555
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 165g,
tel. (+381) 0700-700-800
Pušenje /
i restorana,
Pušenje je dozvoljeno u većin obeleženi
barova i klubova (svi su vidno no u javnim
na ulazu). Pušenje je zabranje
rity of
Smoking is allowed in the majo clearly marked
restaurants, bars and clubs (all
smoking ban is
by a sign at the entrance). A
respected in public premises.
Dragoslava Srejovića bb, Beograd, + 381 11 2768 388,
info / info
dežurne službe / emergencies
00-24 / 00-24
Apoteke /
"Sveti Sava"
Nemanjina 2,
tel. (+381) 11 664 31 70
Strana predstavništva /
Foreign representations
American Chamber of
Add: Vlajkovićeva 30,
tel: (+381) 11 30 88 132
Council of Europe
Add: Sinđelićeva 9,
tel: (+381) 11 308 84 11
European Agency for
Add: Vasina 2-4,
tel: (+381) 11 302 34 00
Foreign Investors Council
Add: Svetogorska 37,
tel: (+381) 11 303 55 50,
Bosna i Hercegovina /
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Add: Krunska 9,
tel: (+381) 11 324 11 70
Brazil / Brasil
Add: Krunska 14,
tel: (+381) 11 323 97 81
Bugarska / Bulgaria
Add: Birčaninova 26,
tel: (+381) 11 361 39 80
Kanada / Canada
Add: Kneza Miloša 75,
tel: (+381) 11 306 30 00
Češka Republika /
Czech Republic
Add: Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra
22, tel: (+381) 11 323 01 33
Kina / China
Ambasade i konzulati /
Embassies and Consulates
Add: Perside Milenković 9,
tel: (+381) 11 369 31 63
Albanija / Albania
Add: Bulevar Kneza Aleksandra
Karađorđevića 25a,
tel: (+381) 11 306 66 42
Add: Kneza Miloša 62,
tel: (+381) 11 361 05 35
Alžir / Algeria
Add: Smetanina 12,
tel: (+381) 11 367 12 11
Argentina / Argentina
Knez Mihailova 24,
tel: (+381) 11 262 25 41
Australija / Australia
Add: Vladimira Popovića 3840, tel: (+381) 11 303 19 56
Austrija / Austria
Add: Kneza Sime Markovića 2,
tel: (+381) 11 333 65 00
Belorusija / Belarus
Add: Deligradska 13,
tel: (+381) 11 361 69 38
Belgija / Belgium
Add: Krunska 18,
tel: (+381) 11 323 00 18
Belgrade Info Guide
Nemačka / Germany
Poljska / Poland
Grčka / Greece
Portugal / Portugal
Velika Britanija / Great
Britain Add: Resavska 46,
tel: (+381) 11 264 50 55
Rumunija / Romania
Add: Užička 10,
tel: (+381) 11 367 57 72
Holandija / Holland
Rusija / Russia
Mađarska / Hungary
Add: Krunska 72,
tel: (+381) 11 244 04 72
Slovačka / Slovakia
Add: Kneza Miloša 74-76,
tel: (+381) 11 306 43 00
Add: Francuska 33,
tel: (+381) 11 322 65 23
Add: Simina 29,
tel: (+381) 11 202 39 00
Indija / India
Add: Ljutice Bogdana 8,
tel: (+381) 11 266 41 27
Iran / Iran
Hrvatska / Croatia
Add: Ljutice Bogdana 40,
tel: (+381) 11 367 43 60
Kuba / Cuba
Italija / Italia
Add: Birčaninova 11,
tel: (+381) 11 306 61 00
Add: Vukovarska 3,
tel: (+381) 11 369 24 41
Kipar / Cyprus
Add: Diplomatska kolonija 9,
tel: (+381) 11 367 27 25
Izrael / Israel
Add: Bulevar Kneza Aleksandra
Karađorđevića 47,
tel: (+381) 11 364 35 00
Add: Kneza Miloša 38,
tel: (+381) 11 206 53 01
Add: Vladimira Gaćinovića 4,
tel: (+381) 11 266 28 95
Add: Deligradska 32,
Katićeva 8-10,
tel: (+381) 11 361 13 23
Add: Bulevar umetnosti 18,
tel: (+381) 11 222 38 00
Slovenija / Slovenia
Add: Dositejeva 41,
tel: (+381) 11 303 84 77
Španija / Spain
Add: Prote Mateje 45,
tel: (+381) 11 344 02 31
Švedska / Sweden
Add: Ledi Pedžet 2,
tel: (+381) 11 206 92 00
Tunis / Tunisia
Add: Vase Pelagića 19,
tel: (+381) 11 369 19 61
Ekvador / Ecuador
Makedonija / Macedonia
Add: Gospodar Jevremova 34,
tel: (+381) 11 328 49 24
Turska / Turkey
Krunska 1,
tel: (+381) 11 333 24 00
Meksiko / Mexico
Egipat / Egypt
Add: Andre Nikolića 12,
tel: (+381) 11 265 05 85
Finska / Finland
Add: Birčaninova 29,
tel: (+381) 11 306 54 00
Francuska / France
Add: Pariska 11,
tel: (+381) 11 302 35 00
Add: Ljutice Bogdana 5,
tel: (+381) 11 367 41 70
Crna Gora / Montenegro
Add: Užička 1,
tel: (+381) 11 266 23 00
Norveška / Norway
Add: Užička 43,
tel: (+381) 11 367 04 04
Glavna 34,
tel. (+381) 11 261 85 82
Hitne službe /
Emergencies 00-24
centar /
Pasterova 2,
tel. (+381) 11 3618-444
Stomatološke službe
/ Dental service
služba DZ
Vračar / Dental
service DZ
Vračar Kneginje
Zorke 15,
tel. (+381) 11 2441-413
služba DZ Stari
grad / Dental
service DZ Stari
Obilićev venac 30,
tel. (+381) 11 2635-236
Add: Birčaninova 27,
tel: (+381) 11 306 58 20
Japan / Japan
Add: Vladimira Popovića 6,
tel: (+381) 11 301 28 00
Add: Graničarska 8/III,
tel: (+381) 11 344 01 35
"Bogdan Vujošević"
Goce Delčeva 30,
tel. (+381) 11 260 18 87
Ambulanta za
odrasle / Adult
Bulevar Franše
D'Eperea 5,
tel. (+381) 11 3615-001
ext. 119
Švajcarska / Switzerland
Danska / Denmark
Add: Neznanog Junaka 9a,
tel: (+381) 11 367 95 00
"Prvi maj"
Kralja Milana 9,
tel. (+381) 11 324 1
3 49
Hitna pomoć /
Bulevar Franše
D'Eperea 5,
tel. 194
Add: Bulevar kneza Aleksandra
Karađorđevića 92,
tel: (+381) 11 706 40 00
Vatikan / Vatican
Add: Svetog Save 24,
tel: (+381) 11 308 53 56
Belgrade Info Guide
All you need to know about Belgrade
Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps
Summer 2013
Belgrade Beer Fest
Join over half a million
partygoers for five days of beer,
music and fun
Summer in the City
Belgrade heats up in more ways
than one during the most festive
season of the year
27€ / dan
Ask for a complimentary copy at the airport, port, the hotel reception or at the
Tourist Organization of Belgrade information centers.
Potražite besplatan primerak na aerodromu, pristaništu, recepciji hotela ili u
informativnim centrima Turističke organizacije Beograda.
Bginfobox doo
Ulofa Palmea 2a
11160 Beograd
+381 11 4140965
magazin za savremenog putnika
u slobodnoj prodaji u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Makedoniji
oy s ter per pe tua l g mt-m a s ter ii
Belgrade, Uskoèka 7
011 32 85 667
Tuesday - Friday 10:30 - 18:30
Saturdays 12:00 - 17:00
Sundays and Mondays closed

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