Преузимање - Tourist Organization of Belgrade
Преузимање - Tourist Organization of Belgrade
INTRO WELCOME TO BELGRADE Dobrodošli u Beograd, grad koji, kako kažu turisti živi i danju i noću. Beograd zaista nudi mnogo toga zanimljivog, na prvom mestu to su ljudi koji čine „dušu“ jednog grada, zatim njegove znamenitosti, spomenici, parkovi, noćni život, provod... Mnogi tvrde da nije moguće upoznati grad za nekoliko dana, ali to nije tačno, pod uslovom da imate dobar vodič, poput ovog koji držite u svojim rukama! Bogato kulturno nasleđe, znamenitosti i tradicionalna umetnost danas su utkani u turističku ponudu Beograda – grada koji je prestižni Financial Times proglasio za grad budućnosti jugoistočne Evrope. Modni dizajn je takođe deo kulture i bogate tradicije na ovim prostorima. Beograd je prvi grad u istočnoj Evropi koji je dobio svoj Fashion Week, manifestaciju koja na pravi način promoviše modu kao kulturu odevanja punih 18 godina. Došli ste u grad u kojem ljudi uživaju u modi i kupovini. Krenimo zato što pre u omiljenu šetnju Beograđana, u kupovinu kroz Belgrade Design District gde ćete naći kreativne beogradske dizajnere, Knez Mihailovu - glavnu šoping ulicu, Dorćol - autentični beogradski urbani kvart, moderne šoping centre koji su prava “izletišta” za pasionirane zaljubljenike u lepo i moderno. Iako je šoping veoma dobra terapija, nakon sati pešačenja, biranja, obilaženja radnji, prijaće vam malo predaha. Zaustavite se bar na kratko i opustite u vedroj atmosferi kafića, restorana, klubova, barova čiji se bogat sadržaj takođe nalazi u ponudi našeg shopping vodiča. Shvatićete da se Beograd nameće kao neizbežna destinacija za sve putnike koji tragaju za mestom koje čine: urbani, kreativni, radoznali, hedonisti, zaljubljenici u modu, hranu, dizajn i kvalitetan način života. Doboro došli u Beograd – grad mode, lepote, kreativnosti i dobre energije! Welcome to Belgrade, the city that lives day and night. At least, its visitors claim so. Belgrade really offers a lot of interesting stuff. Firstly, there are its citizens - the true soul of the city. Secondly, numerous historic sites and monuments, beautiful parks, exciting nightlife, pure and unadulterated fun...Many say that one cannot discover every corner of a city in a few days. But, if you have an excellent guidebook in your hands such as this, you will see for yourself it is indeed possible. Rich cultural heritage, monuments and traditional art are incorporated in the tourist offer of Belgrade – the city that Financial Times marked as the city of future in South-Eastern Europe today. Modern design is part of our culture and tradition as well. The capital of Serbia was the first city in Eastern Europe to have its own Fashion Week, i.e. an event that has been promoting fashion as an art of living for 18 years now. You have come to the city where people enjoy fashion and shopping immensely. Therefore, let us show you one of Belgraders’ beloved strolls. Our first stop is Belgrade Design District where you will find exquisite garment pieces fashioned by various Belgrade designers. Then, off to Knez Mihajlova Street – the main shopping zone, and Dorćol – the authentic urban quarter. Finally, let’s visit some shopping malls where passionate fashion lovers enjoy various beautiful and modern items. Altough shopping can be a very good therapy, you will need a relaxing break after several hours of walking, picking up the latest fashion and shop hopping. Enter a bar or chill out in the cheerful atmosphere of a lovely bistro or a restaurant or a club. You can find an excellent overview of the best bistros, restaurants, clubs and bars in our shopping guidebook as well. Finally, on your way to your hotel, you will realise that Belgrade is a must-visit-destination for everyone who is in search of the places inhabited by urban, creative, inquisitive and original people, hedonists and individuals who are passionately in love with fashion, design, art and quality way of live. Welcome to Belgrade – the city of fashion, beauty, creativity and good energy! 1 SADRŽAJ/CONTENT Serbian Brands International Brands Serbian Art & Design Best Of Belgrade Sightseeing In Belgrade Skadarlija—Belgrade Montmartre Savamala Serbian Traditional Food Restaurants Bars / Clubs Hotels Shopping List Map Belgrade Events PHOTO_Miša Obradović STYLING_Darko Kostić MODEL_Zorana Kostić Obradović @ Click models GRAPHIC DESIGN_Filip Stamenković Map2-16 SHOPPING GUIDE Production: CLICK Fashion Studio / www.click.co.rs 2 03 15 53 71 73 76 79 84 88 90 94 96 100 104 SERBIAN BRANDS MONA LUNA PWL IVKO WOMAN KATRIN EXTREME INTIMO MARUŠKA MARTINI VESTO 04 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 Address: Terazije 10, Terazije 43, Knez Mihailova 48, Braće Jugovića 23, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 26, 132, 242, Jurija Gagarina 151 /150 (TC Piramida), Zeleni venac 6, Požeška 81/a MONA – a brand dominating our fashion scene with its supreme quality and refined designs for 25 years now and bearing justifiably the title “Best from Serbia” 4 Address: Paunova 24/II (TC Banjica) Cara Dušana 24; Zaplanjska 32 Gospodska 6 Phone: + 381 11 2643 483 mona.bg@eunet.rs www.mona.rs MONA – brend koji dvadesetpet godina dominira našom modnom scenom u pogledu vrhunskog kvaliteta, prefinjenog dizajna i sasvim opravdano nosi titulu „Najbolje iz Srbije“. Map1,2-1 5 Address: Kragujevac – Plaza centar, Bulevar kraljice Marije Čačak – Gradsko šetalište 4 Novi Pazar – R.K.“Samald group M“ d.o.o., Rifata Burdževića bb Leskovac – Južnomoravskih brigada 54 Šabac – Gospodar Jevremova 9 Fashion house Luna manufactures a complete range of women’s clothing and accessories. For every season, every day and for every occasion. Your Luna 6 Address: Belgrade – Knez Mihailova 29; Trg Nikole Pašića 1 Novi Sad – Zmaj Jovina 26 Požarevac – Tabačka Čaršija 2 Zlatibor – TC Zlatibor Modna kuća Luna izrađuje kompletan program ženske konfekcije i aksesoara. Za svako doba godine, svako doba dana i za svaku priliku. Vaša Luna Map2-48 7 Address: Sremska 1, Phone:+381 11 3619140 TC PIRAMIDA, Jurija Gagarina 171 G/4, Phone: +381 11 2278867 Bul. kralja Aleksandra 160, tel. +381 11 3446793 mon-fri 09.00-21.00 pwlfashion@open.telekom.rs www.pwlfashion.com Renomirani domaći brend koji nudi udobne modele od izuzetno kvalitetnih tkanina, mešavinu urbanog i sportskog stila, kreirane za mlade i sve one koji se tako osećaju. Famous Serbian fashion brand offering comfortable clothing made of high-quality fabrics, in a casual-sportish style, designed both for the young and the young at heart. Map1,2-8 8 Address: Ivko Woman Flagship Store Kralja Milana 7 Ivko Outlet Immo Centar Gandijeva 21 www.ivko.com Ivko odeća oblikuje izgled koji stavlja osmeh na lice, privlači pažnju i čini da se osećate posebnim. Ivko fashion provides look that puts a smile on your face, it atracts attention, and makes you feel special. Map2-2 9 Address: RK Beograđanka, II sprat Phone: +381 63 11 35 226 TC PIRAMIDA Jurija Gagarina 151 lokal 17 Phone: +381 63 11 35 908 Kralja Milana 33 Phone: +381 63 11 35 004 Modna marka KATRIN ide u korak sa aktuelnim trendovima i svojim asortimanom omogućava svakoj ženi atraktivni total look. KATRIN – Atractive total look for women - a fashion brand keeping pace with the latest world trends. Map2-33 10 Address: Knez Mihailova 18, TC Ušće, Terazije 16, Kralja Milana 15, Džordža Vašingtona 60, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 156, TC Banjica, Immo outlet centar, TC Stadion, TC Delta City Extreme intimo je omiljeni domaći brend koji proizvodi moderni donji veš, spavaći i plažni program za celu porodicu. Extreme intimo is favorite local brand that produces fashionable underwear, sleepwear and swimwear for the whole family. Map1,2-7 11 Address: Sava centar, Milentija Popovića 9, lokal 12 Phone: +381 11 220 61 37 working hours 10.00-17.00 www.studiomaruska.com Unikatne marame, ešarpe i kravate na svili Unique scarves and ties in silk Map1-11 12 Address: TC Piramida, Jurija Gagarina 151a, Phone: +381 11 2166388, Trg Nikole Pašića 8, Phone: +381 11 3231116, Masarikova 5, Phone: +381 11 3333677, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 30-32 mon-sat 09.00-21.00 www.martinivesto.rs Savremeni i vrhunski modeli namenjeni muškarcima koji žele da izgledaju sofisticirano. Modern and top clothing designed for men who want to look sophisticated. Map1,2-4 13 INTERNATIONAL BRANDS XYZ 16 AVANTI 18 UŠĆE SHOPPING CENTER 20 SPORT VISION 28 CHAMPION 29 REEBOK 30 ADIDAS 31 DE NIRO 32 PAL ZILERI 33 GAGLIARDI 34 MAX MARA 35 OFFICE SHOES 36 DELTA CITY 37 STYLOS 42 FLY LONDON 44 CONVERSE 45 EUROMODA 46 CITY FASHION 47 STADION SHOPPING CENTERMap2-1648 15 Map1-18 Address: SAVA CENTAR, Milentija Popovića 9 Phone: +381 11 22 06 203 mon-fri 10.00-20.00 sat 10.00-16.00 Kompanija AVANTI FURS je osnovana u Kastoriji. Ove godine slavi 150 godina postojanja. AVANTI FURS nije samo luksuzna robna marka, već predstavlja strast i umeće ručne izrade. 1864-2014 AVANTI FURS was founded in Kastoria and this year we celebrate 150 years of experience. AVANTI FURS not only means a Luxury Brand it also represents handmade passion and Art. 18 belgradesc@avantifurs.com www.avantifurs.com Leto u Begradu će doneti dodatno zadovoljstvo ako posetite AVANTI FURS Iskoristite 20% popusta u periodu od marta do septembra. Odaberite unikatni odevni predmet ili luksuzni modni detalj vodeće robne marke krzna AVANTI FURS Summer time in Belgrade will bring you additional satisfaction if you visit AVANTI FURS. Get 20% discount from March to September. Choose a unique garment, or luxury accessories from the Leading Fur Brand AVANTI FURS Map1-15 19 Map1-10 Map1,2-6 Map1-16 Map1-41 Address: Knez Mihailova 33 Phone: +381 11 26 36 548 mon-sat 09.00-21.00 sun 11.00-17.00 Za sve ljubitelje sporta i sportske garderobe, obuće i opreme, u glavnoj šetačkoj zoni u Beogradu, nalazi se adidas brend radnja. Sa jedinstvenom ponudom adidas artikala, od sportske specijalizovane robe do urbanih komada najnovije Originals kolekcije, svako će pronaći nešto za sebe. In case you are a sports fan and in love with sports fashion, there is the adidas brand store in the main pedestrian zone in Belgrade. You will find a unique adidas items, from sport specialized products to the latest urban items from the adidas Originals collection. Map2-31 31 SINCE 1991 ČIKA LJUBINA 15, phone/fax: +381 11 33 44 482 MERCATOR CENTAR, Bul. umetnosti 4, lok. 9, phone/fax: +381 11 26 96 482 DELTA CITY, Jurija Gagarina 16, I sprat, phone/fax: +381 11 22 03 804 CARA LAZARA 19, phone/fax: +381 11 26 37 346, +381 11 21 82 103 Map1,2-3 32 Address: Makedonska 19 Phone: +381 11 33 73 711, +381 63 20 08 21 mon-fri 09.00-21.00 PAL ZILERI OUTLET Fashion Park Outlet Inđija Vojvode Putnika b.b. Inđija Phone: +381 22 21 00 192, +381 63 11 06 536 www.palzileri.com Pal Zileri - potvrda stila savremenog muškarca Pal Zileri - a proof of the modern man’s style Map2-32 33 Address: Čika Ljubina 6 Phone: +381 11 262 4545 www.gagliardi.rs Klasično krojeni modeli za muškarce koji vole sportsku eleganciju, sašiveni od najfinijih materijala, nenametljivog ali visoko stilizovanog dizajna. Fashion clothes made from the finest fabrics for the men who prefer sports elegance, classic cuts, refined and highly stylized design. Map2-17 34 Map2-12 Map1,2-5 Map1-35 Address: TC Delta City, Jurija Gagarina 16 Phone: +381 11 31 29 813, mon-sun 10.00-22.00 Map1-42 42 Address: TC Delta City, Jurija Gagarina 16 Phone: +381 11 31 29 813, 10.00-22.00 Balkanska 13, Phone: +381 11 36 13 255 mon-fri 08.00-20.00h, sat 09.00-17.00 27.marta 11, Phone: +381 11 32 35 155 mon-fri 07.30-20.00h, sat 08.00-16.00 Map1,2-45 43 Address: Terazije 31 Beograd, Phone: +381 11 32 33 446 Kralja Petra 34 Beograd, Phone: +381 11 26 37 014 Prote Mateje 25a Beograd, Phone:+381 11 24 39 834 Karađorđeva 20 Lazarevac, Phone: +381 11 81 10 527 www.dip-trade.co.rs FLY LONDON - prepoznatljiva obuća dizajnirana da zadovolji trend, udobnost i stil muškarca i žene, jedinstvenim i nekonvencionalnim dizajnom FLY LONDON ne prati već diktira modne trendove. FLY LONDON - distinctive footwear designed to meet the trend, comfort and style both men and women, unique and unconventional designs FLY LONDON does not follow fashion trends have dictated. Map2-9 44 www.converse.rs Address: SC Ušće, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 4, Phone: +381 11 28 54 428, mon-sun 10.00-22.00 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 72-74, Phone: +381 11 24 38 536, mon-fri 09.00-21.00; sat 09.00-18.00 Knez Mihailova 26, Phone: +381 11 26 24 153, mon-sun 10.00-22.00 Map1,2-20 45 EUROMODA Address: Zmaja od Noćaja 12 Phone: +381 11 328 24 74 mon-fri 09.00-21.00, sat 10.00-17.00 euromodacompany@gmail.com ARMANI JEANS, ICE ICEBERG, ARMANI COLLEZIONI, CLASS ROBERTO CAVALLI, MOSCHINO, DIRK BIKKEMBERGS, STRELLSON, VENTI, BENVENUTO, TRICOT CHIC... Map2-43 46 Address: Čika Ljubina 11, Phone: +381 11 328 1412 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 86, tel. +381 11 302 0642 office@cityfashion.rs www.cityfashionjewellery.com Unikatan nakit ručne izrade po Vašoj meri. Ekskluzivan dizajn koji je osvojio mnoge evropske gradove. Osetite dah luksuza i uverite se zašto je City Fashion Jewellery nešto drugačije. Unique and handmade jewellery fitted to your needs. Exclusive design that won many European cities. Experience the luxury and see why City Fashion Jewellery is something different. Map2-30 47 Map2-16 Map2-40 SERBIAN ART & DESIGN IGOR TODOROVIĆ VERICA RAKOČEVIĆ IRENA GRAHOVAC INES ATELIER OSCAR HOFMAN JELENA STEFANOVIĆ KLASA FUTRO ANA LJUBINKOVIĆ TAMARA JARIĆ DO GETUP IDENTITY BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Address: Lamartinova 23, Beograd, Phone:+ 381 11 24 32 169, mon-sat 09.30-20.00 SUPERMARKET Concept store, Višnjićeva 10, Beograd sun–thu 09.00–24.00, fri–sat 09.00–01.00 www.igortodorovic.com Custom-made odevni komadi, obuća i nakit izrađeni od prestižnih materijala u duhu visoke mode. Custom-made clothing designed in a haute couture style, made out of the finest fabrics, footware and jewelry. Map2-38 54 Address: Delijska 3, tel. +381 11 26 21 435 mon-fri 10.00-20.00, sat 10.00-18.00 vrcompany@sbb.rs, verica.rakocevic@yahoo.com www.vericarakocevic.com Program za poslovne žene, maturski program, program za venčanja i za ekskluzivne prilike. Women’s business suits, prom night gowns, wedding dresses, and clothing for special occasions. Map2-29 55 Address: Delta City, lokal 244a, Phone: +381 11 31 29 773, mon-sun 10.00-22.00 TC Milenijum (Knez Mihailova), lokal 41, Phone: +381 11 26 33 275, mon-fri 10.00-20.00, sat 10.00-17.30 g.irena@sezampro.rs, www.irenagrahovac.com Odeća i aksesoar od prirodne kože i krzna. Natural leather and fur clothing and accessories. Map1,2-28 56 Address: Dositejeva 22 / 2 (entrance from Gospodar Jovanova Street) Phone: +381 11 32 87 222 mon-fri 12.00-20.00, sat 12.00-18.00 www.ines-atelier.com WOMAN FASHION AND BIJOUX Map2-34 57 www.oscarhofman.com beograd 59 Address: Strahinjića Bana 21 (corner with Cara Uroša) Phone: +381 11 29 10 110, +381 64 13 20 062 mon-fri 12.00-20.00, sat 12.00-18.00 jelenastefanovic.store@gmail.com Mala serija ženske odeće čistih linija i vrhunskih materijala Women’s clothing series – clean lines and premium materials Map2-37 60 Address: Višnjićeva 2, Dorćol, Beograd Phone: +381 11 32 88 530 www.klasa.co.rs KLASU čini deset dizajnerki: Sanja Manakoska, Monika Ratković, Teodora Živković, Ivana Stojanović, Sanja Stepanović, Jelena Antanasijević, Ivana Lazarević, Zorana Stojanović, Katarina Bogdanović i Senka Kljakić. KLASA consists of ten designers: Sanja Manakoska, Monika Ratković, Teodora Živković, Ivana Stojanović, Sanja Stepanović, Jelena Antanasijević, Ivana Lazarević, Zorana Stojanović, Katarina Bogdanović i Senka Kljakić. Map2-36 61 Map2-49 Address: Belgrade Design District, Čumićevo sokače, local 15 Phone: +381 11 33 44 905 mon-fri 12.00-20.00, sat 12.00-16.00 www.ana-ljubinkovic.com Sculptural shapes, bold colors and patterns, heavy embellishment and the perfect fit are accompanied with an interesting play with details, which has always been the distinctive feature of Ljubinković`s design. In the store you can also find the ABO - Shoes/Bags design by IVA LJUBINKOVIĆ. Map2-47 63 Address: Kralja Petra 75 (P1 Concept Store), Phone: +381 66 55 57 777 +381 11 32 87 658 mon–fri 10.00 – 21.00, sat 10.00–18.00 www.tamarajaric.com High-end Women’s RTW line – European elegance mixed with American ease. Map2-39 64 dragana ognjenović NEW SOFTWARE SHOP Address: software beograd, Cara Lazara 14 phone: +381 11 30 37 061 www.software-beograd.rs dragana ognjenovic, d.o. home, kneza sime markovića 10 phone: +381 11 328 39 36; mon-fri 13.00-20.00, sat 10.00-16.00 www.draganaognjenovic.com software beograd, terazije 29 phone: +381 11 30 37 061; mon-fri 08.00-20.00, sat 08.00-16.00 www.software-beograd.rs Map1,2-24,25,50 65 Address: GetUp Jasmina Vujović Belgrade Design District Čumićevo sokače lok. 31 Phone: +381 69 21 81 239 mon-fri 12.00-20.00 getupjasmina@gmail.com Modeli su namenjeni mladoj ženi izražene individualnosti, sa dozom hrabrosti da iznese i ponese razliku od okruženja... Clothing for young women with a highly distinctive personality and courage to be stand out in the crowd. Map2-21 66 Address: Makedonska 30 (Eurocentar), Phone: +381 11 33 73 830 mon–fri 09.00-21.00, sat 10.00-16.00 danijela_biskup@yahoo.com, jsp@sbb.rs www.jspfashion.com fb: Lilu fashion shoes fb: JSP (Jelena & Svetlana Proković) Identity fashion store prodaje dizajnerske kolekcije: odeća JSP – dizajneri Jelena i Svetlana Proković i obuća LILU – dizajner Danijela Biškup. Identity fashion store offers designers collections: JSP fashion - designers Jelena i Svetlana Proković and LILI shoes – designer Danijela Biškup. Map2-46 67 BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT ANA LJUBINKOVIĆ ATELJE ALTERNATIVA (Daniela Glišić) FUNDUS (Sonja Krstić i Dijana Mihajlović) GET UP (Jasmina Vujović) SESTRES (Jelena i Ivana Stevančević i Iva Sumulikovski) NO BROTHERS NO SISTERS (Budislava Keković) REMAKE (Jovana Božović i Antea Arizanović) MODLE (Aleksandra Lalić i Vesna Kracanović) DAMSEL in distress (Olga Marković) IMI CONCEPT STORE (Ivana Ristić) STUDIO PROSTOR (Ivana Rabrenović) ISKRA (Ljiljana Krivošić) EMILIJA PETROVIĆ MILENA RADOVIĆ JOVANA MARKOVIĆ RUKSAG (Marko Ćerketa) MODNI STUDIO VLADIMIR STOJANOVIĆ I MARIJA STANIŠIĆ GALLERY 1250’ ZORAN STANIC BARCELONA ART CONCEPT MINJA TARLE, RUMENKA SUPER, GREŠKA, MILICA TRIČKOVIĆ, MARINA ILIĆ 68 Address: Čumićevo sokače Entrances: Passage Makedonska 4, Passage Dečanska 4, Nušićeva street passage, Passage Kolarčeva 7 mon-fri 12.00-20.00, sat 12.00-17.00 www.belgradedesigndistrict.blogspot.com BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT je jedinstveno mesto na mapi Beograda. BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT je modno umetnički kvart u centru grada koji okuplja najbolje beogradske dizajnere, nastao je po ugledu na slične distrikte svetskih metropola. Ponudu BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICTa oblikuje trideset radnji, afirmisanih dizajnera koji se bave modom, nakitom, kućnim aksesoarom, umetnošću. Jedinstvena prilika za kupovinu unikatnih komada, od najkvalitetnijih materijala sa mogućnošću porudžbine tačno po vašoj meri uz originalni savet dizajnera koji vas očekuju u BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT-u. BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT is a distinguished destination on the Belgrade city map. BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT represents both the fashion and the art district in the town centre, gathering the most eminent Belgrade designers, and modelled upon similar districts around the world. BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT includes thirty shops of eminent artists and designers of clothing, jewellery, and homeware accessories. BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT offers a unique opportunity for purchasing original pieces, made of top quality materials, with the possibility of crafting to your exact measurements, along with advising the designers of the BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT. Map2-23 69 BEST OF BELGRADE SIGHTSEEING IN BELGRADE SKADARLIJA—BELGRADE MONTMARTRE SAVAMALA SERBIAN TRADITIONAL FOOD RESTAURANTS BARS / CLUBS HOTELS BELGRADE EVENTS 73 76 79 84 88 90 94 104 SIGHTSEEING IN BELGRADE BELGRADE FORTRESS PANORAMA VIEW BELGRADE FORTRESS www.beogradskatvrdjava.co.rs The Belgrade Fortress, also known as Kalemegdan, towering along the ridge at the confluence of the Sava into the Danube, was built as a fortification from 1st to 18th century. REPUBLIC SQUARE www.tob.co.rs The main city square with Prince Mihailo’s Monument in its centre, and the favourite meeting point of Belgraders, is surrounded by the National Museum, the National Theatre and several popular restaurants and cafes. ROYAL RESIDENCES www.royalfamily.org Royal residences form two huge compounds. The Old Palace and the New Palace are situated in the city centre, whereas the Royal Compound with the White Palace is located at Dedinje. ST. MARK’S CHURCH www.spc.rs One of the oldest and most beautiful churches, designed in Serbian-Byzantine style, is situated in the very heart of Belgrade. It was built between 1931 and 1940. A tomb with Emperor Dusan’s remains can be seen at the south of the naos. ADA CIGANLIJA www.adaciganlija.rs The most popular resort, ideal for various sport activities, relaxing and chilling out in numerous cafes, clubs and restaurants. ZEMUN – GARDOŠ www.tob.co.rs Gardoš Tower, erected by the Hungarians in 1896, rises above Zemun, a borough of Belgrade which differs from other city areas due to its architecture and ambience. AVALA TV TOWER www.avalskitoranj.com It is 204.57m high. It was the tallest structure on the Balkans from its official opening in 1965 to its destruction on 29th April 1999. The reconstructed Tower was officially put in use in 2010 and became a symbol of Belgrade again. MONUMENT TO THE UNKNOWN HERO Author: Ivan Meštrović In the years after the First World War,numerous monuments in honour of unknown heroes were erected in the countries of the Entente Powers. Former Yugoslavia followed their example. 73 ST. SAVA’S TEMPLE www.spc.rs The largest Serbian Orthodox temple and one of the biggest Orthodox churches in the world. THE VICTOR Author: Ivan Meštrović It was positioned in Kalemegdan on the occasion of 10th anniversary of the Thessalonica Front Breakthrough. This monument is often used as a symbol of Belgrade BLACK HORSES PLAYING Author: Toma Rosandić At the entrance of the National Parliament of Serbia in King Aleksandar Boulevard. Bronze, set in 1939. THE VICTOR MONUMENT TO NIKOLA TESLA Author: Frano Kršinić Located in front of the Faculties of Engineering Sciences in King Aleksandar Boulevard. Set in honour of one of the greatest world scientists. CUKUR FOUNTAIN Author: Simeon Roksandić Located in Dobracina Street. At this former well, a Turkish soldier hit a Serbian boy on 3rd June 1862. This incident caused a chain of events which resulted in bombardment of Belgrade. KNEZ MIHAILOVA STREET 74 GRATITUDE TO FRANCE MONUMENT Author: Ivan Meštrović Situated in Kalemegdan Park. It symbolises friendship, mutual support and collaboration between France and Serbia in the First World War. SKADARLIJA The Belgrade Montmartre Gradska ambijentalna celina Skadarlija, omiljeno mesto sastajanja Beograđana, ali i turista iz celog sveta, kao deo grada formirana je u prvoj polovini 19. veka. Godine 1872. ulica dobija ime Skadarska, kada je izvršena numeracija kuća koje su izgrađene u tipično panonskom malovaroškom stilu. Početkom 20. veka Skadarlija postaje centar boemskog života našeg grada, stecište ljudi nekonvencionalnog i osobenog načina života. Mnogi beogradski, srpski i jugoslovenski književnici, pesnici, muzičari, glumci i novinari vezali su život i stvaralaštvo za Skadarliju. Sate, dane, mesece i godine u njima su proveli veliki književnici Đura Jakšić, Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Milovan Glišić, Rade Drainac, Tin Ujević, Branislav Nušić, Radoje Domanović i mnogi drugi. Bora Stanković je radeći kao službenik u pivari „Bajloni” napisao i objavio roman „Nečista krv”. 76 U Skadarskoj ulici u broju 36 nalazi se kuća u kojoj je živeo i radio Đura Jakšić, veliki srpski pesnik i slikar epohe romantizma. Skadarlijske kafane – „Tri šešira”, najstarija kafana u ovoj ulici, zatim „Dva jelena”, „Šešir moj”, „Ima dana”, „Zlatni bokal”, „Skadarlija” i druge, i dan-danas su stecište najpoznatijih imena iz javnog života Beograda i omiljeno mesto gde Beograđani izvode goste u provod. Gurmanluci i dobra kapljica skadarlijskih kafana nadaleko su čuveni. One su, svakako, deo života čaršije, u njima pulsira kulturni, zabavni, privredni i društveni život Beograda. U ovim kafanama se provodi, organizuju se slavlja i razbibrige, peva i plače, sastaje i rastaje. Polemiše se, uređuju novine, pišu pesme, uče muzički akordi i tekstovi starogradskih romansi. The beautifully arranged town area of Skadarlija, the favourite gathering place of the people of Belgrade as well as of tourists from all over the world, was originally built in the first half of the 19th century. In 1872, the street was named Skadarska and then houses were numbered, built in the typical Pannonian style. In the beginning of the 20th century, Skadarlija became the centre of the bohemian life of Belgrade, with its very unconventional and specific character. Many writers, poets, musicians, actors and journalists from Belgrade, Serbia, and ex Yugoslavia, spent some part of their lives working in Skadarlija. Great writers such as Đura Jakšić, Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Milovan Glišić, Rade Drainac, Tin Ujević, Branislav Nušić, Radoje Domanović spent hours, days, months and sometimes even years in this beautiful street. sculptor Jovan Soladatović. The interior of the house is now used as a gallery for exhibitions or book promotions. Kafanas of Skadarlija –“Tri šešira” (“Three Hats”), the oldest one, then “Dva jelena” (“Two Dears”), “Šešir moj” (“This Hat of Mine”), “Ima dana” (“There’s Time”), “Zlatni bokal” (“The Golden Jug”), “Skadarlija” ˗ are today’s centres of the public life of Belgrade. Skadarlija is where the people of Belgrade take their guests to dinner. The food and the drinks of Skadarlija are famous for their quality, and they also include the culture, the fun, the economy, and the public life of Belgrade. Kafanas are places of parties and celebrations... Kafanas are pastimes. Places where you sing or where you cry. Places of meetings and partings. It is where you discuss, edit newspapers, write poems, or learn the chords and the lyrics of old town romances. The famous author Bora Stanković wrote and published his novel “Nečista krv” (“Impure Blood”) while he was working in “Bajloni Brewery”. The home of Đura Jakšić, the famous Serbian Romanticism poet and painter, is in Skadarska Street 36. In front stands a monument dedicated to this great author, the work of the U SRCU BEOGRADA, VIŠE OD VEKA PRENOSI SLAVU STAROGRADSKE BOEMIJE Skadarska 29 tel: +381 11 72 47 501 www.trisesira.rs SAVAMALA Beogradska zadruga (Geozavod) 2014. Savamala je dobila ime spajanjem reči “Sava” (ime reke) i turske reči “mahala” što znači naselje, kvart, gradska četvrt. Glavna ulica Karađorđeva predstavlja žilu kucavicu cele oblasti. Iako je Savamala ozbiljno oštećena tokom oba rata, još uvek može da se pohvali svojom raskošnom i lepom arhitekturom koja se vidi u celom kraju. Ovde se nalazi i jedna od najlepših zgrada u gradu, zgrada Beogradske zadruge koja je izgrađena između 1905. i 1907. god. zatim zgrada hotela Bristol, izrađena 1912. a u neposrednoj blizini nalaze se i dva primera secesionističe arhitekture - Kuća Luke ĆelovićaTrebinjca (1903) i Vučina kuća (1908) kao i Manakova kuća. Ova kuća nekada je pripadala Manaku Mihailoviću, danas je u vlasništvu Etnografskog muzeja, i služi kao izložbeni prostor. Na Savskom trgu leži propala ali i dalje lepa zgrada železničke stanice izgrađena 1884. godine. Savamala dugo je bila jedna od najzapuštenijih gradskih četvrti ali zahvaljujući nekolicini kulturnih organizacija i institucija ovaj deo grada polako postaje uz brojne umetničke transformacije centar kulture, umetnosti i dizajna. 2009. godine ovde je otvoren Kulturni centar Grad. Ovde se doselio i Mikser festival koji je napušteno skladište pretvorio u sedište svoje organizacije. U Mikser House-u se održavaju raznorazni koncerti, žurke, performansi, izložbe i predavanja. Ovi kulturni centri pokrenuli su mnoštvo ideja i inspirisali mnoge mlade dizajnere i umetnike da se pridruže kako bi svi zajedno promenili lice Savamale. Nekoliko odličnih klubova i kafića je, takođe, dalo veliki doprinos buđenju noćnog života u ovom kraju. Mnogi od njih su otvoreni u napuštenim, ali veoma funkcionalnim prostorima koji su rekonstruisani. Ukoliko ste u Beogradu obavezno napravite i jednu kružnu turu po noćnim klubovima Savamale - Disko bar Mladost, Ludost, Brankow, Čorba, KC Grad... 79 The name of Savalmala comes from the word ’Sava’ (one of the rivers flowing through the city) and the Turkish word ’mahalle’, which means a residential area, a block of houses, a borough. Karadjordjeva Street is the main street and lifeline of the whole area. Although Savamala was damaged seriously during the two World Wars, it still distinguishes itself with its magnificent architecture one can see throughout the entire area. One of the most beautiful edifices, built between 1905 and 1907, is the building of the Belgrade Cooperative Society. Other remarkable constructions are situated in Savamala as well: the Bristol Hotel, built in 1912; two examples of Secession architecture - Luka Ćelović-Trebinjac’s House (1903) and Vučo’s House (1908); Manak’s (1830) etc. Manak’s House belonged once to Manak Mihailović who was an Aromanian immigrant from Macedonia. Today it is a property and an exhibition venue of the Ethnographic Museum. The dilapidated, but still beautiful main train station, built in 1884, is situated at Sava Square too. Savamala has been one of the most neglected boroughs for a long time. But, thanks to several cultural organisations and institutions, this part of Belgrade is gradually being turned through numerous art interventions into a centre of culture, art and design. The Cultural Centre “Grad” was opened in 2009. Mixer Festival turned an abandoned depot into its seat – Mixer House. Numerous concerts, parties, performances, exhibitions and lectures take place there. These cultural centres have launched a multitude of ideas and inspired many young designers and artists to join them in their efforts to give a new identity to Savamala. Several interesting clubs and bars have given an enormous contribution to nightlife in this area. Many are located in the abandoned, but very functional spaces which have been reconstructed. If you are in Belgrade, you should go on a club and bar-hopping tour in Savamala – Disco bar Mladost, Ludost, Brankow, Čorba, KC Grad... Karađorđeva street SAVAMALA area, 1930s 80 SERBIAN TRADITIONAL FOOD Srpska tradicionala hrana je veoma ukusna i vrhunski pikantna, te zadovoljava sva čula. Deo srpske tradicije je domaća hrana, pripremljena od svežih sastojaka iz privatnih bašti ili sa dnevne pijace a pripremanje hrane i zajednički obroci uz obavezan aperitiv šljivovicu su deo tradicije kao sećanje na zajednička porodična okupljanja nedeljom ili proslavljanja religioznih praznika /slave/, koji postoje samo kod Srba. Serbian traditional cuisine is very palatable and piquant, abounding in various combinations of flavours and textures to delight the senses. Essential parts of the Serbian tradition are homemade food, always prepared from fresh ingredients grown in home gardens or purchased at markets, then cooking and eating with family and friends, while sipping indispensable Slivovitsa. They remain embedded in our minds as memories of family gatherings on Sunday or at slava, a religious ritual celebrated only by the Serbs in honour of the family’s patron saint . PROJA Proja spada u vrstu tradicionalnog srpskog hleba koji se spravlja od kukuruznog belog brašna i poznata je još i kao kamena pogača. Ovo od vajkada poznato jelo bilo je pre svega glavna sirotinjska hrana dok je danas ovaj specijalitet rado viđen na svim trpezama i nacionalnim restoranima. U današnje vreme postoje mnogobrojni recepti tako da se proja često pravi i sa belim sirom, čvarcima ili povrćem ali starije domaćice bi rekle da se proja spravlja samo sa kukuruznim brašnom, a sve varijacije sa ostalim sastojcima su projare. 84 Proja is a sort of traditional Serbian cornbread dish. It is made only from white corn flour and water, it was called ‘a stone round bread’. It has been an essential part of the paupers’ diet for centuries. But, it is a delicacy at feasts and in restaurants with the Serbian national cuisine today. There are different recipes how to make this dish: with fresh white cheese, pork cracklings, vegetables etc. Nevertheless, more traditional homemakers claim that proja is made exclusively from corn flour, and all other varieties must be called projara (a cornbread-like dish). GIBANICA Gibanica je tradicionalno i omiljeno srpsko jelo od nadevenog testa, pripremljeno uglavnom sa kajmakom i raznim vrstama sira, često od mešavine jaja i mladog i jakog belog sira. Najbolja gibanica se priprema od domaćih, razvijenih kora. Kao jedno od najpopularnijih srpskih specijaliteta priprema se u svečanim prilikama, kao predjelo ili jednostavno kao prijatan porodični obrok. Druge vrste srpske gibanice se pripremaju sa nadevom od spanaća, mesa, koprive, krompira ili luka. Gibanica is a favourite Serbian traditional layered pastry dish with a filling. The main ingredients are Serbian filo pastry, a mixture of kajmak, different types of white cheese (fresh, soft, strong or brined) and eggs for the filling. The best gibanica is prepared with homemade filo pastry. Being one of the most popular Serbian traditional dishes, it is served as an appetizer on special occasions, or it is a simple family meal. Other types of Serbian gibanica are prepared with a spinach, meat, nettle, potato or onion filling. AJVAR Naziv Ajvar potiče od turske reči “hayvar”. Ajvar je pikantan specijalitet od ukuvanog povrća, posebno prijatanog ukusa, čiju osnovu čine šiljata crvena paprika, plavi patlidžan, beli luk i ljuta paprika. Popularan je na čitavoj teritoriji Balkana. Zavisno od kvaliteta paprike i dodate količine ljute paprike, postoje tri vrste ajvara - blag, srednje ljut ili vrlo ljut. Ajvar se koristi kao namaz na hleb ili sendvič, kao glavni dodatak jelima sa roštilja, pečenom mesu ili kao salata. Priprema ajvara je vrlo složena jer iziskuje dosta ručnog rada, pogotovo za ljuštenje paprike. Paprika i patlidžan se prvo peku, a nakon toga moraju da odstoje kako bi se lakše oljuštili i očistili od semenki. Tako obrađene paprike se melju a na kraju se smeša sa svim dodatim sastojcima kuva nekoliko sati u velikim posudama. Po tradicionalnim običajima, ajvar se priprema početkom jeseni, kada crvene paprike ima u izobilju i predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih elemnata tradicionalne srpske zimnice. The name ajvar comes from the Turkish word havyar. It is a piquant relish, made from sweet red pointed peppers, eggplants, garlic and chilli peppers. It is very popular on the entire territory of the Balkans. Dependent on the capsaicin content in peppers and the amount of added chilli peppers, it can be sweet, piquant or very hot. Ajvar can be consumed as simple spread on a piece of bread or in a sandwich, or as a salad. It goes nicely with grilled and roasted meat. The preparation of ajvar is somewhat difficult, because it involves a great deal of manual labour, especially when roasted peppers are peeled. Firstly, peppers and eggplants are roasted. The roasted peppers are left aside to cool for a while, so the skin can be easily peeled off and seeds removed later on. Then, the two vegetables are ground, mixed with other ingredients and seasoned. Finally, the mush is stewed in large pots or dishes for several hours. Traditionally, ajvar is prepared at the beginning of autumn, when sweet red peppers are most abundant. It represents one of the most important items among the Serbian traditional food provisions for winter. PROJA AJVAR GIBANICA 85 KAJMAK Kajmak je srpski autohtoni sveži mlečni proizvod bogatog ukusa, sličan obranom mleku. Kajmak je veoma cenjen i omiljen kao predjelo u svim tradicionalnim jelovnicima u Srbiji. Proizvodnja kajmaka se vrši postepenim zagrevanjem svežeg mleka do temperature ključanja, te kuvanjem na laganoj temperaturi i po nekoliko sati. Razlikuju se mladi kajmak blažeg ukusa koji je spreman za konzumiranje odmah posle proizvodnje i zreli kajmak oštrijeg ukusa i žućkaste boje, koji je spreman za konzumiranje posle odredjenog perioda zrenja. Najbolji kajmak u Srbiji potiče iz brdsko-planinskih krajeva, gde se stoka uzgaja na mirisnim pašnjacima. Zlatiborski i Šumadijski kraj odnosno područje centralne i jugozapadne Srbije su najznačajniji proizvođači kvalitetnog kajmaka u Srbiji gde i danas postoji tradicija ručnog pravljenja kajmaka u mnogim seoskim domaćinstvima. Kajmak (kaymak) is a creamy dairy product, similar to clotted cream. It is a very popular and appreciated appetizer on all traditional menus in Serbia. The traditional method of making kajmak is to boil fresh milk, then to simmer it over a very low heat. After the heat source is shut off, the cream is skimmed and left to cool and ferment for several hours or days. In Serbia, there are two varieties of this dairy product: mild cream white kajmak, which can be consumed several hours after its RAKIJA 86 making, and strong cream yellow kajmak, rich in flavour, which can be consumed after a longer period of fermentation. The best kajmak in Serbia comes from the mountain regions, where the cattle graze freely in the fields. Top quality kajmak is made in Central and South-Western Serbia, more precisely Zlatibor Mountain and Sumadija, where this delicious product is made manually in many rural households even today. RAKIJA Reč rakija je arapskog porekla i potiče od reči „al-rak“ što u slobodnom prevodu znači znoj. U ove krajeve rakija kao oštri alkoholni napitak je stigla sa Turcima u 14. veku. Dobija se destilacijom prevrelog soka različitih plodova, u Srbiji najčešće od šljive, tako da je najpoznatija srpska rakija Šljivovica. Plodovi kruške, jabuke, kajsije, oraha, dunje, čokota vinove loze i razne lekovite trave, svoju specifičnu vrednost iskazuju kroz proizvodnju rakije, čija se receptura prenosi sa kolena na koleno i čini neizbežan element dobrodošlice u Srbiji. Simbolično domaća rakija predstavlja eliksir zdravlja, ali samo ako se pije uz poštovanje, uz zdravicu “živeli” ili “uzdravlje”. Rakija se konzumira pre obroka, često na iskap iz čokanjčića ili malih čaša. The word rakija is derived from the Arabic al-rak, which means ’sweat’. The Ottoman Turks brought this strong alcoholic spirit, which resembles brandy, to these parts in the 14th century. It is distilled from different fermented fruits, mostly plum in Serbia; therefore, the most famous Serbian rakija is Slivovitsa or Slivovitz (Serbian: Šljivovica). Pears, apples, apricots, nuts, quinces, wine and different herbs, contribute with their singular features to the specific flavour of rakija through the process of distillation. The recipe is passed from one generation onto another. Rakija is an inevitable item when the Serbs welcome their guests. Homemade rakija is believed to be an elixir of life, but only if it is consumed with respect, or with a toast: Živeli or Uzdravlje. Rakija is taken before a meal, often in one gulp from decanterlike shot glasses or regular shot glasses. RESTAURANTS MADERA /international cuisine/ Bul. kralja Aleksandra 43 Phone: +381 11 32 31 332 www.maderarestoran.com KALEMEGDANSKA TERASA /national & international cuisine/ Mali Kalemegdan b.b. Phone: +381 11 32 82 727 www.kalemegdanskaterasa.com KLUB KNJIŽEVNIKA /national cuisine/ Francuska 7 Phone: +381 11 26 27 931, www.klubknjizevnika.rs TRI ŠEŠIRA /national cuisine/ Skadarska 29 Phone: +381 11 72 47 501 www.trisesira.rs ZAPLET /national cuisine/ Kajmakčalanska 2, Phone: + 381 11 24 04 142 www.zaplet.rs DIJAGONALA /international cuisine/ Skerlićeva 6, Phone: +381 11 24 49 099 www.2tacka0.rs BOUTIQUE Trg republike 3 Phone: +381 11 26 21 373 Knez Mihailova 42a Phone: +381 60 31 30 178 www.boutiquerestoran.com COMUNALE /italian cuisine/ Karađorđeva 2-4 Phone: +381 11 30 37 337 www.comunale.rs TORO /latin american cuisine/ Karađorđeva 2-4 Phone: +381 11 30 34 342 www.torobelgrade.com IGUANA /international cuisine/ Karađorđeva 2-4 (Beton Hala) Phone: +381 11 32 83 749 www.iguana.rs PIRE SLOW FOOD /international cuisine/ Cara Lazara 11, Phone: + 381 11 26 34 994 www.pirerestoran.com HOMA /thai cuisine/ Žorža Klemensoa 19 Phone: +381 11 32 86 627 www.homa.rs SUPERMARKET /international cuisine/ Višnjićeva 10 Phone: +381 11 29 10 942 www.supermarket.rs RADOST /Indian-Pakistan cuisine/ Pariska 3 Phone: +381 60 60 30 023 houseradost@gmail.com VAPIANO /pasta, pizza, bar/ Obilićev venac 29 Phone: +381 11 32 87 806 Vapiano Ušće Shopping Centar Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 4, II sprat Phone: +381 28 54 436 www.vapiano.rs CAMPO DE’ FIORI /italian cuisine/ Skadarska 11 Phone:+381 32 42 940 www.campodefiori.rs MALA FABRIKA UKUSA /national cuisine/ Nebojšina 49a, Phone: +381 11 2435727 www.malafabrikaukusa.com GINGER /asian cuisine/ Grand Casino Beograd Bulevar Nikole Tesle 3 Phone: + 381 11 22 02 822 www.grandcasinobeograd.com CHAMELEON /mediterranean cuisine/ Grand Casino Beograd Bulevar Nikole Tesle 3 Phone: + 381 11 22 02 822 www.grandcasinobeograd.com ŠARAN /fish restaurant/ Kej oslobođenja 53, Zemun Phone: + 381 11 26 18 236 www.saran.co.rs SMOKVICA Kralja Petra 73 Phone: +381 69 44 64 056 www.smokvica.rs MYTHOLOGIA Birčaninova 42 Phone: +381 11 26 58 911 www.restoranmitologija.com BARS/CLUBS TUBE Dobračina 17, Phone: +381 64 21 25 794 www.thetube.rs BAR CENTRAL Kralja Petra 59 Phone: +381 11 26 26 444 www.bar.rs MLADOST/LUDOST Karađorđeva 44, Phone:+ 381 69 83 00 770 www.mladost-ludost.com MIKSER HOUSE Karađorđeva 46 Phone: +381 11 26 26 086 www.mikser.rs UDRUŽENJE SVETSKIH PUTNIKA Bulevar despota Stefana 7 Phone: + 381 11 32 42 303 www.usp-aur.rs BAŠTA JAZZ KAFANICA Male stepenice 1A Phone: +381 62 87 11 475 www.jazzbasta.com BLAZNAVAC Kneginje Ljubice 18 Phone: +381 11 32 85 857 Fb: blaznavac.kafe.bar BITEFARTCAFE Skver Mire Trailović 1 Phone: + 381 63 59 42 94 www.bitefartcafe.rs BISTRO PASTIS Strahinjića bana 52b Phone: +381 11 32 88 188 Fb: bistropastis DIVA LOUNGE Grand Casino Beograd Bulevar Nikole Tesle 3 Phone: +381 11 22 02 800 www.divalounge.rs CENTRALA Simina 6 Phone: +381 65 21 07 974 Fb: kafe.centrala RAKIA BAR I Dobračina 5 Phone: + 381 11 32 86 119 www.rakiabar.com DOBRILA Dobračina 30 Phone: +381 11 26 25 869 www.klub-dobrila.com KASINA Terazije 25 phone: +381 63 11 11 211 www.kasinabar.com DRUGSTORE Bulevar despota Stefana 115 Phone: +381 63 82 87 928 Fb: drugstore.beograd BRANKOW Crnogorska 12 Phone: +381 69 83 00 777 www.brankow.com ON THE RIVER 20/44 Savski kej bb Phone: + 381 11 31 94 971 Fb: Klub-2044 SOUND Brodarska bb Phone: +381 63 80 71 853 Fb: belgradesound LASTA Hercegovačka bb Phone: +381 69 83 00 777 Fb: LastaGradskiSplav PLAY Ušće bb Phone: +381 66 91 00 000 www.splavplay.net HOTELS SQUARE NINE***** Studentski trg 9 Phone: +381 11 33 33 500 www.squarenine.rs BEOGRAD ART HOTEL**** Knez Mihailova 27 Phone: + 381 11 33 12 000 www.belgradearthotel.com HYATT REGENCY***** Milentija Popovića 5, Novi Beograd Phone: +381 11 30 11 234 www.hyattregencybeograd.rs HOTEL BALKAN**** Prizrenska 2 Phone: + 381 11 36 36 000 www.balkanhotel.net METROPOL PALACE***** Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 69 Phone: +381 11 33 33 100 www.metropolpalace.com FALKENSTEINER**** Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10K, Novi Beograd Phone: +381 11 22 50 000 www.falkensteiner.com CROWNE PLAZA ***** Vladimira Popovića 10 Phone: +381 11 22 04 115 www.ihg.com/crowneplaza HOTEL TOWNHOUSE 27**** Maršala Birjuzova 56 Phone: +381 20 22 900 www.townhouse27.com ZIRA HOTEL BEOGRAD**** Ruzveltova 35 Phone: +381 11 33 14 800 www.zirahotels.com HOTEL HOLIDAY INN**** Španskih boraca 74, Novi Beograd Phone: +381 11 310 00 00 www.holiday-inn.com/belgrade HOTEL MOSKVA**** Terazije 20 Phone: +381 11 26 86 255 www.hotelmoskva.rs CRYSTAL HOTEL**** Internacionalnih brigada 9 Phone: +381 11 71 51 000 www.crystalhotel.rs IN HOTEL BEOGRAD**** Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 56, Novi Beograd Phone: + 381 11 31 05 300 www.inhotel-belgrade.rs HOTEL 88 ROOMS**** Takovska 49 Phone: +381 11 41 19 080 www.88rooms.com JUMP INN HOTEL**** Zagrebačka 2a Phone: +381 11 40 49 650 www.jumpinnhotelbelgrade.com ARGO HOTEL**** Kralja Milana 25 Phone: +381 11 36 40 425 www.argohotelbelgrade.com HOTEL EXCELSIOR*** Kneza Miloša 5 Phone: + 381 11 32 31 381 www.hotelexcelsior.co.rs SHOPPING LIST WOMAN & MAN AMC Kralja Milana 4 Beogradska 51 Resavska 11 Trg Nikole Pašića 12 www.amcafrodita.rs AVANTI FURS Sava centar, Milentija Popovića 9 www.avantifurs.com B-UNDERWEAR Makedonska 17, Kralja Milana 54 www.bonatti.rs EXTREME INTIMO Knez Mihailova 18, Terazije 16, Kralja Milana 15, Dž. Vašingtona 60 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 156 www.extremeintimo.com FASHION&FRIENDS Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 28/32 www.fashioncompany.rs MONA Terazije 10 i 43 Knez Mihailova 48 Braće Jugovića 23 www.mona.rs MONSOON Knez Mihailova 19 www.monsoon.co.uk MOVEM FASHION Hugo Boss, Canali, Trussardi, Sava centar, Milentija Popovića 9 www.movem.rs NICOLA’S Terazije 39 www.nicolas.rs N FASHION Ušće Shopping Center Zaplanjska 32 www.n-sport.net PAL ZILERI Makedonska 19 www.palzileri.com HUGO BOSS Čika Ljubina 12 Zmaj Jovina 18 www.hugoboss.com PATRIZIA PEPE Kralja Petra 69 www.patriziapepe.com IVKO Kralja Milana 7, Zmaj Jovina 4 www.ivko.com PINKO Uzun Mirkova 4 www.pinko.it LEGEND Knez Mihailova 18 www.legend.rs PS FASHION Ušće Shopping Center Knez Mihailova 23 i 40 www.ps.rs LUNA Trg Nikole Pašića 1 Knez Mihailova 29 www.fashion-luna.com MARTINI VESTO Trg Nikole Pašića 8 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 30-32 www.martinivesto.rs MARINA MODA Uzun Mirkova 5, Braće Nedića 3 Seher park, Andre Nikolića 1-3 Svetog Save 13 marinamoda@sbb.rs MAX MARA Knez Mihailova 2-4 www.world.maxmara.com REPLAY Knez Mihailova 33 www.fashioncompany.rs SIROGOJNO Ivan Begova 3 www.sirogojno-style.com STYLOS TC Delta City Balkanska 13, Nušićeva 15 www.stylosgroup.rs TFY Trg Nikole Pašića 8 www.tiffanyproduction.com ZARA Knez Mihailova 11-15 www.zara.com SWATCH Knez Mihailova 28 www.swatch.com XYZ Fashion Center Ušće Shopping Center www.sportina.rs S&L Knez Mihailova 32 www.s-l.rs DE NIRO Vladimira Popovića 50 Ušće Shopping Center CITY FASHION JEWELLERY Čika Ljubina 11 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 86 www.cityfashionjewellery.com KATRIN RK Beograđanka, Masarikova 5 Piramida, Jurija Gargarina 151 Kralja Milana 33 www.katrinvk.com FLY LONDON www.flylondon.com GAGLIARDI Čika Ljubina 6 www.gagliardi.rs ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIZE Knez Mihailova 47a Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 50 Nemanjina 42 www.accessorize.com ALDO Knez Mihailova 17 www.aldoshoes.com DVE ŠMIZLE Požeška 118a Nemanjina 40 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 26 www.dvesmizle.rs FREY WILLE Terazije 26 www.frey-wille.com LA GATTA Cara Lazara 15 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra www.lagatta.rs MARUŠKA Sava centar www.studiomaruska.com OFFICE SHOES Knez Mihailova 47, TC Merkator www.officeshoes.rs SPORT adidas Knez Mihailova 33 www.adidas.com N Sport Maršala Birjuzova 1 TC Mercator, Bulevar umetnosti 4 www.n-sport.net NIKE SPORTSWEAR Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 108 Knez Mihajlova 20 www.nike.com CONVERSE Knez Mihailova 26 Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 72-74 www.converse.rs PUMA Knez Mihailova 2 www.puma.com PWL Sremska 1, Jurija Gagarina 171, Glavna 12 www.pwlfashion.com SPORT VISION Knez Mihailova 21, 1-3 Delta City Stadion Shopping Center www.sportvision.rs CHAMPION Knez Mihailova 1-3 www.champion.rs REEBOK Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 4 www.reebok.com BELGRADE DESIGNERS ANA LJUBINKOVIĆ BDD-Čumićevo sokače www.ana-ljubinkovic.com ANA ŠEKULARAC Dobračina 34 (ugao sa Jovanovom) www.boutique.anasekularac.com ATELJE ALTERNATIVA Daniela Glišić BDD-Čumićevo sokače www.ateljealternativa.com DRAGANA OGNJENOVIĆ Kneza Sime Markovića 10 www.draganaognjenovic.com Simply d.o. by Dragana Ognjenović Hotel Hyatt, Milentija Popovića 5 www.simplybeograd.com Software Beograd Terazije 29 www.software-beograd.com DRESSING SHOWROOM Dobračina 37 modni.studio.dressing@gmail.com FUNDUS Sonja Krstić, Dijana Mihajlović, BDD - Čumićevo sokače fundus3@gmail.com GETUP - Jasmina Vujović BDD - Čumićevo sokače getupjasmina@gmail.com IDENTITY Svetlana i Jelena Proković, Danijela Biškup Eurocentar, Makedonska 30 www.jspfashion.com IGOR TODOROVIĆ Lamartinova 23, Supermarket Concept Store www.igortodorovic.com IRENA GRAHOVAC Delta City, lokal 244a TC Milenium, lokal 41 www.irenagrahovac.com JELENA STEFANOVIĆ Strahinjića bana 21, Supermarket Concept Store jelenastefanovic.store@gmail.com JASMINA SANADER Supermarket Concept Store, jasminasanader@gmail.com RAILWAY STUDIO by Ljuba Sikimić Kneza Miloša 19 www.railwaymoda.com NATAŠA ŠARIĆ Studio Inspirator Dobračina 50/12 www.natasasaric.com SESTRES BDD - Čumićevo sokače www.sestres.com SUZANA PERIĆ Studio SP, Uzun Mirkova 6 www.suzanaperic.de TAMARA RADIVOJEVIĆ Strahinjića Bana 59 www.tamararadivojevic.com VERICA RAKOČEVIĆ Delijska 3 www.vrcompany.com SHOPPING CENTERS BELGRADE DESIGN DISTRICT Čumićevo sokače bb UŠĆE Shopping Center Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 4 www.usceshoppingcenter.com ZIRA Centar Ruzveltova 33 www.ziracentar STADION Zaplanjska 32 www.stadionsc.rs DELTA CITY Jurija Gagarina 16 www.deltacity.co.rs SAVA CENTAR Milentija Popovića 9 www.savacentar.net SUPERMARKET Concept Store Višnjićeva 10 www.supermarket.rs MERCATOR Bulevar umetnosti 4 www.mercator.rs MAP 1 •3,5,19 6• 11,13,15• •3,5,6,7,28,35,42,45 •5,6,7,10,16, 18,19,20,41 37• •39 •40,22,37,38 •43 9• 50• 29• 24• •1 •34 49• •3 31• • •3 20 •30 48• • 6 •17 28••5•7 •1 32 • 12• •5,6 46• 19• • 21,23,36,47 8• • 19• 1 25• 48• 45• 1• 4• 9• •2 MAP 2 •7 •4,6,33 5,6,7,16• • 7 •45 •1 •5 4• 3• •20 •30 •33 9• •1 •7 •8 BELGRADE EVENTS Summertime Jazz, Blues & World Music Festival July 7th www.savacentar.net FEST - Belgrade International Film Festival February–March info@fest.rs Belgrade Boat Carnival July 6st www.travel-belgrade.com Belgrade Dance Festival April www.BelgradeDanceFestival.com Belgrade Beer Fest August 13th–17th www.belgradebeerfest.com Supernatural April International Earth Day www.supernaturalfest.com Belgrade International Theatre festival – BITEF September 20th–30th www.bitef.rs The October Salon October www.oktobarskisalon.org International Belgrade Book Fair October 26st–November 2th www.beogradskisajamknjiga.rs The Days of Belgrade April 16th–19th www.belef.org Belgrade International Architecture Week April–May www.bina.rs Belgrade Marathon April 19th www.bgdmarathon.org Belgrade Fashion Week October 24th–31th March–April www.belgradefashionweek.com Festival Todo Mundo April 11th-12th www.ringring.rs Belgrade Jazz Festival October 24th–28th www.domomladine.org Museums Night May www.nocmuzeja.rs Belgrade Music Festival BEMUS October www.bemus.rs Mikser Festival May–June www.mikser.rs Science Festival 5th–8nd December www.festivalnauke.org Belgrade’s New Year December 31st–January 1st Contact: www.belef.org The Street of Open Heart January 1st www.travel-belgrade.com Belgrade Design Week June www.belgradedesignweek.com Resonate April 3th-5th www.resonate.io
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