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Ponude važe do 01. 03. 2010.
Offers are valid until 1 March 2010
Table of Contents
Sheher Park cafe
La Piazza
Pin up
Na ćošku
Pietro Dell`Oro
Rakia bar
Aqua doria
Aqua Boutique
Apoteka Lazar
Sweet years
TQ Plaza
Urban shop
Leto shop
Maestro Jewelers
Zlatarska kuća
Zlatara Tomović
Maxi exlusive
Putovanja & Zabava
Travel & Leisure
Kristal hotel Beograd
Jolly Kop
Hotel M
Hotel Mr Prezident
Hotel Zira
Villa Kalemegdan
Fitness Club Corpore
Spa Corpore
Hotel Aleksandar
Hotel My place
Restoran i prenoćište
City garden
Wellness Aleksandar
Hotel Zelengora
Hotel Šumarice
Hotel Diplomat C
Hotel Šarganska osmica
Hotel Zlatiborska noć
Hotel Čigota
Hotel Prezident
Hotel Bajo Mačkat
Restoran i prenoćište
Park kod Novice
Rent a car Panalex
Rent a car Jolly
Turist agency Jolly travel
Rent a car Europcar
Dr Papić
Restoran Bahus
Restoran Sheher Park cafe
Bulevar Nikole Tesle bb, Beograd
+381 11 301 50 82
Andre Nikolića 1-3, Beograd
+381 11 265 15 65
Sve novo rađa se iz starog, onog sto
je nekad bilo i život svoj je imalo.
Tradicija stvara kvalitet, doslednost ga
održava kroz vreme i stvara nove vrednosti. Kao što vino rađa se iz grožđa, a
loza niče iz zemlje koja nije svuda ista,
tako i zalogaj nije samo trenutak u
kome nestaje, već plod - gajen i negovan, posebno odabran i ponuđen. Svaki treba da je jedinstven, i posvećen
vremenu i prostoru u kome je.
Everything new comes from the old
– that once was and had a life of its
own. The tradition creates the quality and the consistency preserves it
through the time and creates new
values. As the wine is delivered from
the grapes, and grows from the earth
wich is nowhere the same, so is morsel not only the moment in which it
is created, but also a harvest – grown
and cherished, especialy chosen and
offered. Each one should be unique
and dedicated to the time and the
space in wich it is.
5% popusta.
Restoran Sheher sa svojom prijatnim
ambijentom, već više decenija okuplja
beogradsku elitu i goste koji žele da
prepoznaju dobar ukus i stil. Iako potpuno renoviran, zadržao je taj duh ali
je spreman da dočeka i sve one koji
žele da uživaju svim svojim čulima.
Restaurant Sheher Park Cafe with it’s
pleasurable ambient for more than
few decades gathers Belgrade elite
and people who want to recognize
good taste and style. Although completely refurbished, it has preserved
that spirit and welcomes everyone
seeking to endulge all their senses.
5% popusta.
5% discount.
5% discount.
Brazilski restoran Rodizio
Restoran Franš
Milutina Milankovića 11c, Beograd
+381 11 312 25 46
Bulevar Oslobođenja 18a, Beograd
+381 11 264 19 44
We invite you to visit us and enjoy a
pleasant stay in our Hacienda in Belgrade. We will do our best to make
you feel comfortable. We have particularly high standards regarding the
quality and freshness of the products
you are served. Forget about the stress
and everyday life. Feel like on vacation
and let us take care of your enjoyment.
Pozivamo Vas da nas posetite i uživate
u prijatnoj atmosferi naše Haciende u
Beogradu. Daćemo sve od sebe da se
osećate ugodno. Mi imamo posebno
visoke kriterijume koje polažemo na
kvalitet i svežinu našihproizvoda koje
vam serviramo. Zaboravite na stres i svakodnevnicu. Osecajte se kao na odmoru
i prepustite se uživanju, o kojem se mi
Free national Brazilian drink - Caipirinha.
Poklon - Brazilsko nacionalno piće
Franš je simbolički korzo Beograda. To
je mesto na kojem se pokazuje nova
ljubav, nova garderoba, gde se slave
rođendani, političke pobede, knjižice
sa peticama i sklapaju poslovi. U svim
prošlim godinama koje su Beograd preplavile talasima očaja i oduševljenja,
različitom modom i raznim ukusima,
Franš je obarao sve predrasude i postao
prvorazredno mesto društvenog života,
mesto na koje izlazi Beograd, mesto na
koje se vraćaju i oni koji su otišli daleko.
Franche is a symbolic promenade of Belgrade. This is the place where one shows
a new love, new clothes, where people
celebrate birthdays, political victories,
good school grades or negative business
ventures. When belgrade was flooded
waves of despair and enthusiasm, and
a variety of different fashion tastes,
Franche broke all the prejudices and
became a first-class place of social life,
a place where Belgrade goes uot even
those that gone have far away return.
Poklon dižestiv.
Free glase of digestive.
Restoran Novak
Italijanski restoran La Piazza
Beograd: Bul. Arsenija Čarnojevića 54a
+381 11 311 31 31
Tadeuša Košćuška 63a
+381 11 308 29 30
Kragujevac: Zorana Đinđića 13
+381 34 303 612
Kraljevo: Miloša Velikog 3
At the most beautiful location in the
city, surrounded with Kalemegdan
and the tower of Nebojša on one side,
and the confluence of the Sava and
Danube rivers on the other, lays the
gem of the “Novak Café & Restaurant”.
Stellar service, panoramic view of the
river, and implausible comfort that
were once privileges of top players at
the Belgrade ATP tennis tournament
are now available to all of our guests.
International restaurant kitchen that
caters to a plethora of tastes with
infamous combination of rich salads,
sophisticated taste-reviving pastas,
meticulously marinated and grilled
steaks, and many others, make Novak
Café & Restaurant the place you will
keep coming back to.
Na najlepšoj lokaciji u gradu, okružen
Kalemegdanom i Nebojšinom kulom
sa jedne i ušćem Save u Dunav sa
druge strane, nalazi se novi “Novak
Café & Restaurant”. Ambijent, komfor,
panoramski pogled na reku i vrhunska
usluga koji su bili privilegija najboljih
svetskih igrača prvog beogradskog
ATP turnira, sada su dostupni svim
našim gostima. Restoran internacionalne kuhinje, koji raspolaže obiljem izvanrednih kombinacija različitih ukusa
poput bogatih salata, pasta i sosova,
stekova mariniranih najrazličitijim
oprobanim svetskim tehnikama , čine
“Novak Café & Restaurant” mesto na
koje ćete uvek poželeti da se vratite.
Poklon - desert.
Mileševska 54, Beograd
+381 11 383 66 34
For quality food, fast service and
pleasant ambience of La Piazza is an
ideal place for a romantic dinner as
well as for business or family dinner.
The combination of different experiences of the owners in the area of
hospitality, up from restoraterstva
and cafes, complete knowledge and
experience that comes from Italy,
contributed to the fact that La Piazza
is always looking more. All these elements are the reasons why La Piazza
found on all the lists of recommended
Belgrade restaurants.
Zbog kvalitetne hrane, brze usluge i prijatnog ambijenta La Piazza predstavlja idealno mesto kako za romantičnu
večeru tako i za poslovni ili porodični
ručak. Spoj različitih iskustava vlasnika iz
oblasti ugostiteljstva, najviše iz restoraterstva i kafea, upotpunjen znanjem
i iskustvom koje dolazi iz Italije, doprineo je tome da se u La Piazzi uvek
traži mesto više. Iz tih razloga, La Piazza
se nalazi na svim listama preporučenih
beogradskih restorana.
Poklon - dižestiv.
Free glase of digestive.
Free desert.
Japanski restoran Ikki
Kineski restoran Pin Up
Gospodar Jovanova 46, Beograd
+381 11 218 41 83
Strahinjića Bana 44, Beograd
+381 11 262 69 88
When Ikki sushi bar opened Belgrade
became richer for one culture, Japanese. Given that Japanese cuisine is
one ofthe healthiest in the world,
guests are provided a new, exotic
taste, with maximum pleasure, without taking excess calories. Cherishing
peculiar philosophy of eating that
truly follows the rhythm, strength
and spirit of nature, experienced sushi masters and cooks in Ikkibar, are
preparing culinary magic wish unusual
flavors and aromas, and sophisticated
look, in an authentic and elegant
enviorment enrich your experience,
meet other worlds in our kitchen ... It
is impossible to bring Japan closer to
Belgrade, so try to get yourself closer
to Japan by coming to Ikkibar.
Otvaranjem Ikki suši bara Beograd je
bogatiji za jednu kulturu, i to japansku.
S obzirom na to da japanska kuhinja
važi za najzdraviju na svetu, gostima
se pruža nov, egzotičan ukus uz maksimalno uživanje, bez dobijanja suvišnih
kalorija. Negujući osobenu filozofiju ishrane koja istinski sledi ritam,
snagu i dah prirode, iskusni suši majstori i kuvari Ikkibar-a, u autentičnom
i elegantnom ambijentu, pripremaju
kulinarske čarolije neobičnog ukusa
i arome, ali i prefinjenog izgleda.
Obogatite svoje iskustvo, upoznajte
druge svetove kroz našu kuhinju...
Nemoguće je da se Japan približi Beogradu, zato probajte da se dolaskom u
Ikkibar Vi približite Japanu.
Poklon - sake
Lijeva kuća kineske hrane je restoran
Pin up sa prijatnim ambijentom i
opuštenom atmosferom u samom
centru grada nudimo Vam veliki izbor
kineske hrane i pića, prijatnu muziku, i
ljubazno osoblje.
Li’s house of Chinese food Pin-up is
restaurant with pleasant ambience
and relaxed atmosphere in the city
center. We offer you vast selection
of Chinese food and drinks, pleasant
music, and friendly staff.
Poklon - desert.
Free desert.
Free glase of sake.
Restoran Zira
Restoran Trač
Ruzveltova 36, Beograd
+381 11 331 48 01
Mileševska 39, Beograd
+381 11 34 47 000
Zira hotel restoran sa internacionalnom gastronomskom ponudom, vinskom kartom od preko 70 etiketa vina
i prijatnim ambijentom predstavlja
pravi izbor za poslovne i privatne susrete posetilaca.
Zira hotel restaurant with international cuisine, wine list of over 70 labels
of wines and pleasant atmosphere is
the ideal choice for business and private meetings.
10% discount.
10% popusta.
Restoran Trač otvoren je u proleće
2004. godine i od samog početka
uneo je svežinu i inventivnost u gastronomsku ponudu Vračara i Beograda. Enterijer je maksimalno prilagođen
gostima i osnovnoj svrsi restorana,
odnosno uživanju u hrani i vinu.
Ipak, od enterijera važnija je sama
hrana i usluga. Recepti su originalni,
prenešeni iz skoro svih delova Italije,
a mi smo ih sa par detalja prilagodili
našem podneblju i senzibilitetu. Usluga je priča za sebe jer se trudimo da
svakom gostu posvetimo maksimalnu
pažnju, i da se svi koji dođu osećaju
kao domaćini, a ne kao gosti.
Restaurant “Trač” was opened in the
spring of 2004, bringing a fresh spirit
into the gastronomic offer of Belgrade, and its part called Vračar. The
restaurant’s interior is coletely adjusted to the clients and the basic
purpose of any restaurant - enjoying
in food and wine. Still, food and service are something more important
than anything - recipes are original,
brought from all parts of Italy, and
with the use of several details adjusted to the local spirit and sensibility.
The service tells its own story, since
we give our best in dedicating ourselves to every client, making him feel
as a host not as a guest.
Poklon restorana - čaša vina.
Free glass of wine.
Meksički restoran Zapata
Restoran Na ćošku
Vojvode Bogdana 13, Beograd
+381 11 380 92 07
Beogradska 37, Beograd
+381 11 323 64 70
Restaurant “Zapata” which is a trademark of authentic Mexican cuisine
and atmosphere of the most intrigant country of Central America was
founded in September 2005 and
for a very short time it gained many
admirers and loyal guests. Located
near the Boulevard of King Aleksandar Vukov and monuments, it is the
gastronomic and hedonistic place in
the larger metropolitan center. Attracted by great food, vast selection
of drinks and cocktails, professional
service, unusual atmosphere and intimate garden, which becomes a real
little oasis in the summer, guests have
recognized the quality in all that they
are offered.
Restoran “Zapata”, čiji je zaštitni znak
autentična meksička kuhinja i atmosfera po meri najintrigantnije zemlje
Centralne Amerike osnovan je u septembru 2005 godine i za jako kratko
vreme stekao je brojne poštovaoce i
verne goste. Lociran u blizini Bulevara
Kralja Aleksandra i Vukovog spomenika, on je gastronomsko i hedonističko
mesto u širem centru metropole.
Privučeni izvrsnom hranom, velikim
izborom pića i koktela, profesionalnom uslugom, nesvakidašnjom atmosferom i intimnom baštom, koja se u
letnjem mesecima pretvara u pravu
malu oazu, gosti su prepoznali kvalitet
u svemu što im je ponuđeno.
Poklon - desert.
Prijatan ambijent i opuštena atmosfera u samom centru grada. Veliki
izbor hrane i pića, prijatna muzika, i
ljubazno osoblje.
Pleasant ambience and relaxed atmosphere in the city center. Great selection of food and drinks, pleasant music and friendly staff.
Poklon restorana - čaša vina.
Free glass of domestic desert wine.
Free desert.
Restoran Pietro Dell`Oro
Rakia bar
Trnska 2, Beograd
+381 11 344 77 00
Dobračina 5, +381 11 328 61 19
Kralja Milutina 4, +381 11 369 28 05
Strahinjića Bana 21, +381 11 291 00 70
Restaurant “Pietro Dell’Oro”, owned
by the famous football player Dejan
Stankovic, has set high standards from
the start, in terms of ambient, food
and service. Authentic interior and
pleasant ambient were created with
itention to give pleasure to every
guest of the restaurant.
Restoran Pietro Dell’Oro, čiji je vlasnik
proslavljeni fudbaler Dejan Stanković,
od samog početka postavio je visoke
standarde u pogledu ambijenta, hrane
i usluge. Autentičan enterijer i prijatan
ambijent, kreirani su da pruže uživanje
svakom gostu.
Poklon - desert.
Free desert.
Ono što je za Engleze viski, za Francuze konjak, za Grke metaksa ili za
Meksikance tekila - to je za Srbe rakija. Godinama usavršavan, destilat najfinijeg voća, najčešće šljive, propratni
je izraz srpskog nacionalnog bića.
Rakija je uz Srbe u svim značajnim
prilikama, u onima u kojima se slavi, ali i u onima u kojima se tuguje.
Nekada je svako seosko domaćinstvo
peklo rakiju. S vremenom je njena
aroma obogaćivana. Danas, s pravom
možemo reći, određene vrste rakije
porede se sa najpoznatijim svetskim
žestokim pićima
Rakija is to Serbian people what whisky is to Britons, cognac to Frenchmen, metaxa to Greeks or tequila to
Mexicans. The distillate of the finest
fruit, usually plum, has been refined
for years and represents one of the
expressions of Serbian national being.
Rakija is present in all the occasions
significant to Serbs, both when they
celebrate and when they mourn. Formerly, every country household used
to distil brandy. Over the years, its
aroma has been enriched. Today, we
can rightly say, certain sorts of this
brandy are compared to the most famous world spirits.
Poklon iznenađenja - “Rakia tube”.
Gift - “Rakia tube”.
Restoran Aqua doria
Restoran Amerikanac
Kamenički put bb, Petrovaradin, Novi Sad
+381 21 643 31 11
Kovanlučka 10, Niš
+381 18 59 44 89
The Petrovaradin side of the Danube, close to the bridge, you can find
shelter from the city noise and spend
pleasant moments in the restaurant
Čarda “Aqua Doria.” Its appearance
resembles a nice park and restaurant
offers you and a large selection of
drinks, food for all kinds of gourment
(fish stew “bezdanski” prepared in way,
all kinds of river fish, grill, lamb, veal
under the iron pan and spit, beans,
“wedding” cabbage, venison stew ...).
After a good meal, you can enjoy desserts prepared with season fruit, and
all of this at a very affordable price.
If you choose to visit this restaurant,
our recommendation is to try the fish
stew, the specialties below iron pan
and a range of barbecue meat.
Na petrovaradinskoj strani Dunava,
tik uz most, možete naći sklonište
od gradske buke i provesti prijatne
trenutke u restoranu Čarda “Aqua
Doria”. Restoran koji svojim izgledom
podseća na lepo uređeni park, nudi
vam, pored velikog izbora pića, jela
za sve vrste gurmanskih sladokusaca
(riblji paprikaš na bezdanski način, sve
vrste rečnih riba, roštilj, jagnjetinu,
teletinu ispod sača i na ražnju, pasulj,
svadbarski kupus, paprikaš od divljači
...). Posle dobrog obroka možete se
zasladiti desertima spremljenim od
sezonskag voća, a sve ovo možete
dobiti po veoma pristupačnim cenama. Ako se odlučite da posetite
ovaj restoran naša preporuka je da
probate riblji paprikaš, specijalitete
ispod sača kao i asortiman sa roštilja.
U restoranu koji na ovoj lokaciji
postoji više od četiri decenije, mnoge
Nišlije su prvi put imale priliku da
probaju pastu po originalnoj italijanskoj recepturi ili espreso kafu. Izgled
restorana predstavlja uspešan spoj
tradicionalnog i modernog, a posebno
atraktivna je rustična letnja bašta. Na
meniju je uglavnom domaća kuhinja,
ali i autentični gurmanski specijaliteti
sa roštilja poput ruže od svinjskog
mesa i puža od pet vrsta mesa. Prijatnoj atmosferi doprinosi akustična
starogradska muzika.
In the restaurant that exists at this
location for more than four decades,
many people from Niš had the original opportunity to try pasta dishes or
espresso coffee. The appearance of
the restaurant is a successful blend of
traditional and modern, and the rustic
summer garden is specially attractive.
The menu consists mainly of local
cuisine and authentic gourmet specialties such as grilled pork rose, or
the “snail” made of five kinds of meat.
Acoustic country music contributes
the pleassant atmosphere.
Poklon - dižestiv.
Free glase of digestive.
Free desert.
Poklon - desert.
Restoran Sinđelić
Restoran Lovac
Nikole Pašića 36, Niš
+381 18 51 25 50
Svetozara Markovića 17, Kragujevac
+381 34 33 65 01
Ova kuća građena u starom srpskom
stilu završena je 1875 godine. Njen prvi
vlasnik bio je Todor Stanković - Stambolija. Kuća Stambolijskih je po njemu
dobila ime koje je i danas u upotrebi.
1878 godine u Kući Stambolijskih je
osnovan Crveni krst Niša. Preživela je
oslobodilačke ratove, prvi i drugi svetski
rat i nepromenjenog izgleda doživela
oslobođenje. 1949 godine proglašena je
za spomenik kulture i kulturno dobro od
velikog značaja. Danas je ovo jedan od
najuglednijih i najlepših restorana u Nišu.
Sale restorana, kapaciteta 220 mesta,
pružaju osećaj topline i domaćinske atmosfere. Bašta restorana, sa svojih 300
mesta, upotpunjuje ovu sliku i pruža
gostima koji u njoj borave nezaboravne
This house was built in the old Serbian
style was completed in 1875. Its first
owner was Todor Stankovic - Stambolija.
Stambolijski House is named after him,
and is still in use today. Red Cross of
Niš was founded in the House of Stambolijski in 1878. It survived the wars of
liberation, the First and Second World
War and experienced liberation with unchanged surface in 1949 it was declared
a cultural monument and a cultural
heritage of great importance. Today
this is one of the most prominent and
most beautiful restaurants in Niš. Inner
restaurants, with capacity of 220 seats,
provides warm atmosphere. Garden restaurant, with its 300 seats, completes
the picture and offers guests unforgettable moments
Poklon - desert.
Free desert.
Specijaliteti lovačke kuhinje svojim
kvalitetom privlače prave gurmane
i ljubitelje ovakve hrane koji mogu
uživati uz neponovljiv lovački gulaš,
srnetinu ili lovačku salatu. Na meniju
se nalaze i specijaliteti domaće kuhinje što upotpunjuje ponudu. Uz veliki
izbor kvalitetnih vina, alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih pića doživite prijatne trenutke u zdanju koje predstavlja tradiciju starog Kragujevca. Pravom užitku
doprinose i ansambli koji sviraju divnu
starogradsku muziku.
Hunting cuisine attracts real gourmands and game-lovers, who can enjoy unique hunter’s stew, venison or
hunter’s salad. There are specialties
of the local cuisine are also there, to
complete the menu. With a vast selection of high-quality wines, spirits
and soft drinks, you can experience
pleasant moments in the old-Kragujevac-style edifice. Ensembles playing
old traditional music contribute to
the starkening of your enjoyment.
Free desert.
Poklon - desert.
Restoran Neptun
Restoran Pevac
Kralja Milana IV/19, Kragujevac
+381 34 37 03 97
Braće Ribnikar 5, Kragujevac
+381 34 37 03 13
Restoran Neptun neguje i unapređuje
ideju opuštenog životnog stila, koji traži
poznavanje i znalačko uživanje u ukusima zdrave hrane a naročito u ˝plodovima˝ morskih i rečnih dubina i najboljem
vinu. Neodoljivi ukusi specijaliteta od
morskih i rečnih riba: bracin, zubatac,
orada, list, škampi, San Pjer, lignje, losos,
pastrmka, smuđ i to sve na žaru, zatim fileti jastoga i arbuna... predstavljaju samo
deo odlične ponude. Specijalitetima od
mesa, jelima po porudžbini i desertima,
upotpunjujemo ovu predivnu priču o
hrani u ponudi restorana Neptun. Vinoteka restorana predstavlja poseban
kuriozitet: to je jedinstveni ˝svet u malom˝ koji se svakodnevno neguje i dopunjuje. Uz poslovni ručak ili večeru sa
Vama dragom osobom, osetite harmoniju ukusa sa svih meridijana...
Restaurant Neptun fosters and promotes
the idea of relaxed lifestyle, which appreciates and enjoys in the taste of
healthy food, especially the “fruits” of
the sea and the river depths and the
best wine. Irresistible tastes of the sea
and river delicacies such as: grilled sea
bass, dentex, gilthead, leaf, shrimp, San
Pierre, squid, salmon, trout and perch;
fillets of lobster and sea-bream ... represent only part of the great offer. Meat
dishes, specialties a la cart and desserts
complete this beautiful food tale of the
Neptun restaurant. The restaurant’s winery represents a special curiosity; it is a
unique small world, nurtured and supplemented daily. Whether you are having a business lunch or a dinner with you
loved ones, you will feel the harmony of
flavors from all meridians...
Poklon - aperitiv i desert.
Free aperitive and desert.
Extremely friendly atmosphere, interior and exterior of this restaurant
offer the right place to enjoy the intimate company, or socialize with old
friends. Culinary mastery of top chefs,
always smiling and attentive staff, music of the eminent Kragujevac Orchestra “Kraguj”, with a glass of excellent
wine, represent the most exclusive
hospitality of Kragujevac. We advice
you to make a reservation before deciding to spend a pleasant evening in
our restaurant.
Izuzetno prijatan ambijent, enterijer i eksterijer ovog restorana predstavljaju pravo mesto za uživanje
u intimnom društvu ili druženje sa
starim prijateljima. Majstorije vrhunskih kuvara, uvek nasmejano i predusretljivo osoblje, muzika eminentnog
kragujevačkog orkestra “Kraguji”, uz
čašicu izvanrednih vina predstavljaju
vrhunac kragujevačkog ugostiteljstva.
Preporučujemo Vam da pre nego se
odlučite da provedete prijatno veče
u našem restoranu, rezervišete vaše
Free desert.
Poklon - desert.
Restoran Aleksandar
Restoran Grand
Knjaza Miloša 171, Aranđelovac
+381 34 71 46 17
Tržni centar Zlatibor
+381 31 84 53 01
Restaurant Aleksandar, owned by Slobodan Đorđević exists in Aranđelovac,
successfully satisfying its loyal guests.
Exclusivity of the concept, position,
environment, menu, staff and offer,
this unique corner of Serbian culture
and tradition bears hallmarks of the
Karađorđević dynasty. Numerous images, photographs, original items,
weapons, uniforms, medals, documents and souvenirs tell story of the
time of Karađorđe and his descendants, and provoke not only nostalgia,
but the true spirit of respect for a
glorious era in which Serbia gained its
place and status in the world.
Deceniju već u Aranđelovcu sa uspehom i na zadovoljstvo gostiju postoji
restoran Aleksandar vlasnika Slobodana
Đorđevića. Ekskluzivan po svojoj ideji, položaju, ambijentu, ugostiteljskoj
ponudi i osoblju ovaj jedinstveni kutak
srpske kulture i tradicije nosi obeležje
dinastije Karađorđevića. Mnogobrojne
slike, fotografije, originalni predmeti,
oružje, uniforme, ordenje, dokumenti
i suveniri iz vremena Karađorđa i njegovih potomaka ne bude samo nostalgiju već istinski duh poštovanja jednog
slavnog doba u kome je Srbija stekla
mesto i ugled u svetu.
5% popusta.
5% discount.
Grand, restoran domaće kuhinje nudi
tradicionalnu kuhinju kontinentalne i
mediteranske Evrope sa bogatim izborom domaćih i inostranih vina.Pažljivo
odabrana ponuda sačinjena je od
najkvalitetnijih sastojaka sa suptilnim
elementima bakine kuhinje. Sa preko
300 mesta za sedenje Grand spada
u najveće restorane na Zlatiboru, a
bogata ponuda, prijatan ambijent,
odlična lokacija i ljubazno osoblje
učinili su da tokom godina postane
omiljeno mesto za izlazak turista i
Grand restaurant offers traditional
cuisine of continental Europe and
Mediterranean, with a rich selection
of domestic and foreign wines. Selected offer consists of high-quality
ingredients with subtle elements of
Granny’s kitchen. With over 300 seats,
Grand is one of the biggest restaurants
on Zlatibor mountain, and it’s rich offer pleasant atmosphere, axcellent
location and friendly staff have made
it one of the most popular places for
both - tourists and locals.
10 % discount for pre - arranged bussines parties, and onother celebritions.
10 % popusta za unapred dogovorene
i zakazane zabave, proslave, poslovne
Aqua Boutique
Bulevar Oslobodjenja 43, Beograd
+381 11 344 95 50
Knez Mihailova 32; Terazije 35; Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 9
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 80a, Beograd
+381 11 260 61 29
When the most appreciated world
desingers cooperate with leading
world’s manufactures, results are top
stylished products for your bathroom.
Baths, showers, sanitary ware, Italian
tiles, and brands: Duravit, Hansgrohe,
Huppe, Bisazza, Viva, Isla, Bardelli...
If you wish only the hihest-qulaity
products (at the best price), consider
bathrooms designed by Starck, Citterio, Massaud, Foster. German technology and Italian touch for aesthetics
combine in showroom with the largest number of displayed models. Visit
Kada najpoznatiji svetski dizajneri sarađuju
sa najboljim svetskim proizvođačima,
rezultat su vrhunski proizvodi za vaše
kupatilo sa stilom. Kade, tuš kabine,
sanitarije, pločice i brendovi: Duravit,
Hansgrohe, Huppe, Bisazza, Viva, Isla,
Bardelli... Ako želite samo najbolje (i po
najboljim cenama), pogledajte kupatila
koja dizajniraju Starck, Citterio, Massaud,
Foster. Nemačka tehnologija i italijanski
osećaj za estetiku spajaju se u salonu sa
najvećim brojem izloženih eksponata.
Posetite nas!
10% popusta na kupovinu proizvoda iz
Duravit programa.
Azzaro Parallel d.o.o. je vodeći proizvođač
muških i ženskih košulja, kako na srpskom, tako i na tržištu bivše Jugoslavije,
zahvaljujući pažljivo izabranim artiklima
i visokom kvalitetu proizvoda.
Azzaro Parallel d.o.o. is the leading
manufacturer of men and women
shirts, in both Serbian and former Yugoslavian market, thanks to the carefully chosen articles and high quality
of products.
Poklon za svaku kupovinu preko
10.000 dinara
Spend over 10.000 dinars and you will
receive a gift.
10% discount for Duravit products.
Kralja Petra 44, Beograd
+381 11 328 34 33
Zmaja od Noćaja 12, Beograd
+381 11 328 24 74
Altamoda multi-brand couture boutiques is a significant novelty in
Belgrade’s fashion scene. This is a
unique space where world-famous
brands are offered in one place.
Altamoda multi-brend butik visoke
mode, predstavlja značajan novitet na
beogradskoj modnoj sceni. To je jedinstven prostor u Beogradu u kojem
se na jednom mestu u ponudi nalaze
poznati svetski brendovi.
Spend over 30.000 RSD and receive
10% discount.
10% popusta za svaku kupovinu preko
30.000 dinara.
Euromoda multi brend butik visoke
mode predstavlja značajan novitet na
beogradskoj modnoj sceni. To je jedinstven prostor u Beogradu u kojem
se na jednom mestu u ponudi nalaze
poznati svetski brendovi.
Euromoda multi-brand couture boutiques is a significant novelty in Belgrade’s fashion scene. This is a unique
space where world-famous brands
are offered in one place
10% popusta za svaku kupovinu preko
30.000 dinara.
Spend over 30.000 RSD and receive
10% discount.
Apoteka Lazar
Novi Sad: Hadzi Ruvimova 41, tel/fax +381 21 44 71 79, mob. +381 69 785 001;
Bulevar Kralja Petra I 73, tel +381 21 53 06 65, +381 21 44 39 20, mob. +381 69 785 002
Temerin: Novosadska 383, tel +381 21 85 10 60, mob. +381 69 785 003
Beograd: Obilićev venac 18-20; Knez Mihailova 21a (TC Milenijum);
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 156; Milentija Popovića 9 (Sava Centar);
Bulevar Umetnosti 4 (TC Mercator); Julija Gagarina 153 (TC Piramida);
Julija Gagarina 16 (TC Delta City)
Novi Sad: Bulevar Oslobođenja 102 (TC Mercator)
+381 11 367 29 36
Apoteke Lazar, kao vodič u svet zdravog
života i vrhunske nege, Vam preporučuju:
- Kozmetičku liniju čuvenog francuskog
estetskog hirurga Dr Sebagha, “kralja
botoksa“, u čijoj čekaonici se sreću Madona, Kejt Mos ili Šeron Stoun
- Fermes de Marie, prirodnu kozmetiku
sa francuskih Alpa - vrhunsko sofisticirani svet nege
- Dr Hauschka - organsku kozmetiku kao
blago prirode prilagođeno Vama
- Guam, broj 1 u borbi protiv celulita i
Roc, Merck, Bios Line, Aboca...
Donesite zdravu odluku, dobrodošli!
Pharmacies Lazar, as a guide to the world
of healthy living and excellent care, recommend you:
- Cosmetic line of famous French aesthetic surgeon Dr. Sebagha, “The King
of botox”, in whose waiting room one
can encounter Madonna, Kate Moss and
Sharon Stone
- Fermes de Marie, natural cosmetics from the French Alps - the ultimate
world of sophisticated care
- Dr. Hauschka - organic cosmetics, as a
treasure of nature adapted for you
- Guam, No1 in the fight against cellulite
and obesity.
Roc, Merck, Bios Line, Aboca ...
Bring a healthy decision, welcome!
5-15% popusta za kupovinu ekskluzivnih
kozmetičkih i dijetetskih brendova.
5-15% discount for purchase of exclusive
cosmetic and dietary brands.
Firma C.O.D. nudi Vam najnoviju kolekciju muške, ženske i dečije Geox obuće,
pružajući svojim kupcima, izuzetno
kvalitetnu cipelu, prijatan ambijent i vrhunsku uslugu na svim prodajnim mestima. Upoznajte se sa Geox cipelom
koja diše, izuzetnim spojem italijanske
kreativnosti i dizajna. Zahvaljujući svom
univerzalnom patentu, Geox - cipela
koja diše, omogućava stopalu da se
manje znoji i uživa u udobnosti. Geox najprodavanija i najudobnija italijanska
cipela, broj 1 u Italiji i broj 2 u svetu u
rangu cipela za svaki dan.
C.O.D. Company offers you the latest
collections of men, women and kids
Geox shoes, providing you with highquality shoes, pleasant environment and
high-quality service in every retail store.
Get to know Geox shoes that breathe,
and are a great mixture of Italian creativity and design. Thanks to its universal
patent, Geox - shoes that breathe - enable the feet to sweat less and enjoy the
comfort. Geox shoes are the best selling
and the most comfortable Italian shoes,
and are number 1 in Italy and number 2
in the world in the every-day shoes category.
10% popusta za svaku kupovinu preko
20.000 dinara.
Spend over 20.000 RSD and receive 10%
Sweet years
TQ Plaza
Obilićev venac 24; Jurija Gagarina 16 (TC Delta City), Beograd
+381 11 32 84 711
Njegoševa 55, Beograd
+381 11 344 81 28
Od kada je firma Intercinco, čiji je
osnivač fudbaler Dejan Stanković, a
vlasnici brenda Paolo Maldini i Kristijan Vijeri, 2005. otvorila prvi mono
brend shop Sweet years, ova robna
marka postala je vodeća na nasem
tržištu, a to mesto zadržava i danas.
The Sweet Years brand, owned by
Paolo Maldini and Cristian Vieri, has
kept its leading position on the market since the first mono-brand shop
has been opened by Intercinco company, owned by the soccer player Dejan Stanković.
10% popusta za svaku kupovinu preko
5.000 dinara.
Spend over 5.000 RSD and receive
10% discount.
TQ Plaza-butik visoke mode i Kaferestoran predstavljaju značajan novitet na beogradskoj modnoj sceni.
To je jedinstven prostor u Beogradu
u kojem se na jednom mestu u ponudi nalaze poznati svetski brendovi:
Ermenegildo Zegna, Roberto Cavalli,
Versace, Dsquared2, Moschino, Juicy
Couture, Jimmy Choo, La perla, Love
sex money, Giuseppe Zanotti. Integralni deo TQ Plaza je Kafe-restoran
koji svojim originalnim enterijerskim
rešenjima i modernim konceptom
doprinosi bogatijem urbanom stilu
života u Beogradu.
TQ Plaza, couture beautique and
Café-restaurant is a significant novelty on the Belgrade’s fashion scene.
It is a unique space in Belgrade where
the best worlds brands can be found:
Ermenegildo Zegna, Roberto Cavalli,
Versace, Dsquared2, Moschino, Juicy
Couture, Jimmy Choo, La perla, Love
sex money, Giuseppe Zanotti. An integraed part of TQ Plaza is a Cafe Restaurant, which contributes to a better
urban liflestyle of the city, with its
original interior and modern concept.
5% discount.
5% popusta.
Beograd: Terazije 6;
Niš: Obrenovićeva 9 (TC Kalča), Obrenovićeva 27;
Kraljevo: Omladinska 6
+381 11 39 78 334
Novi Sad: Bulevar Oslobođenja 102, T.C. Mercator;
Šabac: Karađorđeva 4
+381 21 461 03 33
Preduzeće Lutton d.o.o. bavi se uvozom i maloprodajom robne marke
Benetton. Svojim kupcima nudimo
najnoviju Benetton kolekciju, posetite
nas u našim maloprodajnim objektima
u Beogradu, Kraljevu, i u Nišu na tri
Benetton je poznati modni svetski
brend iz Italije. Prisutan je u 120 zemalja širom sveta, na 5,500 prodajnih
punktova. Deo je Benetton Groupa, zajedno sa još nekoliko poznatih
brendova, poput Sisley, Playlife i Killer
Loop. Proizvodi koji nose ime ovih
brendova odlikuje poseban italijanski
karakter i kvalitet. Kompaniju su 1965.
godine u Trevizu osnovali Luciano,
Giuliana, Gilberto i Carlo Benetton.
Company Lutton d.o.o. is the importer and retailer of Benetton brand. We
offer you the latest Benetton collections. Visit us in our retail stores in
Belgrade, Kraljevo, and in three locations in Niš.
Spend over 20.000 RSD and receive
10% discount in Benetton and Playlife
Popust od 10% za kupovinu preko
20.000 dinara u maloprodajnim objektima Benetton i Play Life.
Benetton is a well-known worldwide
fashion brand from Italy. It is present
in 120 countries around the world with
its 5.500 points of sale. It is a part of
the Benetton Group, along with several well-known brands such as Sisley,
Playlife and Killer Loop. Product are
known for their that carry these brand
names special Italian character and
quality. The company has founded in
1965 in Trevizo, Italy by Luciano, Giuliana, Gilberto and Carlo Benetton.
Popust od 10% za svaku kupovinu
preko 20.000 dinara.
Spend over 20.000 RSD and receive
10% discount in Benetton.
Urban Shop
Beograd: Dečanska 7, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 48
Novi Sad: Kralja Aleksandra 3
Zrenjanjin: Kralja Aleksandra II karađorđevića 26
Kragujevac: Save Kovačevića bb, TC Mercator
Jovana Cvijića bb, TC Roda
Niš: Obrenovićeva bb, T.C. Kalča,
Obrenovićeva bb, T.C. Srbija
+381 18 52 24 09
+381 21 479 02 57
Urban shop se bavi prodajom modnih
brendova Bench, Alpha, Miz Mooz,
Not Rated, Dr. Martins, Ipath...
Urban Shop sells the following fashion brands such as Bench, Alpha, Miz
Mooz, Not Rated, DR. Martins, Ipath ...
5% popusta za svaku kupovinu preko
20.000 dinara.
Spend over 20.000 RSD and receive
5% discount.
Modna kuća Vogeli počela je sa radom 1993. godine u Nišu. Put od male
radnje do prepoznatljivog i omiljenog
brenda ženske poslovne garderobe ,
popločan je neprekidnim ulaganjem
znanja i truda, podsticajem kreativnosti menadžmenta i zaposlenih i razvoja
timskog duha sa jednim ciljem - da se
zadovolji potreba poslovne žene za
kvalitetnom garderobom.
Vogeli fashion house was founded
in 1993 in Niš. The road from small
shop to recognizable and favorite
brand for business women’s clothing
is paved with knowledge and continuous investment of effort, stimulating
creativity, management and staff development and team spirit, all with
one aim - to satisfy the business women’s needs for high-quality clothes.
5% popusta za svaku kupovinu preko
10.000 dinara.
Spend over 10.000 RSD and receive 5%
Dečija robna kuća - Leto Shop
Autoput Beograd-Niš, oznaka b, lokacija 7 ( Sinjska bb )
+381 11 347 80 21
Knez Mihailova 28; Obilićev venac 22, Beograd
+381 11 202 56 47
Posetite Leto shop dečju robnu kuću,
koja je velika koliko i Vaša ljubav prema detetu. Nudimo Vam više od 150
međunarodnih, robnih marki, i 15.000
proizvoda: opremu ,odeću, i kozmetiku za trudnice, čitav spektar proizvoda
za bebe, nameštaj i dekorativne materijale, za dečje sobe, sve za ishranu i
sigurnost, sve za majke i bebe.
Od prvog sunčanog do prvog
mehaničkog sata prošli su vekovi.
Sa crkvenog tornja i gradskih trgova, sat se preselio u džep svoga vlasnika, da bi konačno dospeo na ruku.
Sat je danas znak raspoznavanja, odraz
ukusa, potreba i statusa svoga vlasnika. Identico, Vaš vodič kroz Vreme, u
svom programu zastupa najpoznatije
svetske proizvodjače vrhunskih satova i luksuzne robe.
Visit the Letoshop children’s department store, which is as big as your
love for your child. We offer you
more than 150 international brands
15.000 products: equipment, clothing,
and cosmetics for pregnant women,
a whole range of baby products, furniture and ornamental materials for
children’s rooms, all for nutrition and
safety, all for mothers and babies “
Poklon iznenađenja.
Surprise gift.
Centuries have passed between the
first solar and the first mechanic clock.
It has moved from church towers and
city squares to the its owner’s pocket,
in order to be finally moved to the
owner’s hand wrist. Today, the wrist
watch is a symbol of recognition, a
reflection of one’s good taste, both a
necessity and a status symbol of the
person carrying it. Identico, your guide
through the Time, represents the
world’s best watch and luxury good
20% popusta na kompletan asortiman
sledećih brendova: Cartier , Piaget,
Baume&Mercier, Montegrappa, Mont
Blanc, Breitling, Omega, Longines,
Rado, S.T.Dupont, Pianegonda.
20% discount for the complete range
of following brands: Cartier, Piaget,
Baume&Mercier, Montegrappa, Mont
Blanc, Breitling, Omega, Longines,
Rado, S.T.Dupont, Pianegonda.
Maestro Jewelers
Zlatarka kuća Andrejević
Vladimira Popovića 10 (Hotel Continental); Kolarčeva 4, Beograd
+381 11 311 14 59
Beograd: Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 130; Milentija Popović 10 (Sava Centar);
Jurija Gagarina 16/165; Terazije 15 (Robne kuće „Beograd“);
Glavna 11 (Robne kuće „Beograd“)
+381 11 244 73 61
Posetite nas u Maestro Jewelers-u i otkrijte raskošnu i zanimljivu vasionu rukotvorina koje plene lepotom, virtuoznim
majstorstvom izrade,delikatnim dizajnom i beskompromisnim kvalitetom.
Uživaćete u najnovijim i najlepšim primercima satova, nakita i pribora za pisanje
renomiranih svetskih proizvođača Audemars Piguet, Breitling, Chopard,
de Grisogono, IDC, IWC, Mont Blanc,
Raymond Weil, Ulysse Nardin, Vacheron
Constantin, Zenith...
Andrejević je porodična firma koja se
generacijama bavi izradom ekskluzivnog
nakita sa dragim kamenjem. Majstorstvo koje se prenosi sa kolena na koleno
u kombinaciji sa prestižnim diplomama
za drago kamenje i dijamante se pokazalo kao prava formula za uspeh. Nakit izrađen kod Andrejevića krasi mnoge
naše sugrađane i poznate ličnosti.
Visit us at Maestro Jewelers and discover glamorous and interesting cosmos of handicrafts that will enchant
you with their beauty, virtuosity of
manufacture, delicate design and unyielding quality. You will enjoy the
latest and most beautiful items manufactured by well-known world watch
and jewelry makers - Audemars Piguet,
Breitling, Chopard, de Grisogono, IDC,
IWC, Mont Blanc, Raymond Weil,
Ulysse Nardin, Vacheron Constantin,
20% do 30% popusta u zavisnosti od
.The House of Andrejević is a family
brand with generations long tradition
of producing and designing exclusive
fine diamonds jewelry. Craftsmanship,
passed on from father to sons, complemented with prestigious specialized diplomas in gemology proved to
be a true formula for success. Andrejevic’s jewelry delights different tastes
and generations; its proud owners
range from a stylish “girl door next” to
10% popusta na kupovinu proizvoda iz
Luxenter programa.
10% discount for Luxenter product
Discounts from 20% to 30% depending on the brand.
Gold Shop Tomović
27. marta 9, Kragujevac
+381 34 33 33 79
5% popusta za svaku kupovinu.
5% discount.
Ugrinovački Put 65, Zemun; Belo Vrelo 2; Beogradska 161, Sremčica;
Vuksanovićeva 50 A; Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 456; Nehruova 93;
Požeška 85; Prizrenska 2; Resnik 13
Mije Petrovića 4a
Kragujevac: Crvenog Barjaka bb
+381 11 353 00 00
Weg Industry u svojim maloprodajama nudi visokokvalitetne audio-video
uređaje, belu tehniku i kućne aparate
najpoznatijih svetskih proizvodjaca
kao što su: Sony, Panasonic, Philips,
Kenwood, Electrolux, Whirlpool, Indesit, Zanussi, Weg i mnogi drugi...
Weg Industry is retail stores offer you
a high-quality audio-video devices,
appliances and home appliances of
most renowned manufacturers like
Sony, Panasonic, Philips, Kenwood,
Electrolux, Whirlpool, Indesit, Zanussi,
Weg, and many others ...
5% popusta za svaku kupovinu.
5% discount
Maxi Exlusive
Prodaja cveća - Teleflora
Cvetni trg, Kralja Milana 31a;
Čika Ljubina 9
Svetogorska 11, Beograd
+381 11 303 00 48
Maxi Exclusive objekti uređeni su u
skladu sa konceptom specijalizovanih
delikatesnih radnji, koje u svom asortimanu pored širokog izbora proizvoda
najpoznatijih domaćih i inostranih
proizvođača imaju i luksuzne artikle
koje se ne mogu pronaći u drugim
radnjama. Po ugledu na svetske metropole i Beograd ima prodajne objekte u
strogom centru grada koji rade 24 sata
i nude specifične luksuzne artikle poput vrhunskih delikatesa, najkvalitetnijih vrsta sireva, morske ribe i plodova
mora, egzotičnog voća iz svih krajeva
sveta i najkvalitetnijih vina.
Maxi Exclusive stores have been designed in accordance with the concept of specialized delicatessen
shops, and, in addition to the wide
range of common domestic and foreign products, offer luxury items that
can’t be found in other stores. Like
other world metropolises, Belgrade
now also has downtown stores open
24 hours and offering specific luxury
items such as top delicacies, highestquality cheeses, sea fish and seafood,
exotic fruits from all over the world
and the best wines.
Teleflora Srbija, ogranak međunarodnog lanca za slanje cveca, Teleflor
International, posvećena je cveću,
lepoti i ljudima, nastala je iz igre cvetnih misli kao spoj umetnosti, filosofije i
zanata. Ljubav pretočenu u jedinstvene
cvetne aranžmane isporučujemo na
adresu u Srbiji, Ex-Yu i u 185 zemalja
širom sveta. Ne zaboravite, cveće
govori sve jezike!
Teleflora Serbia was created by the
love for flowers, beauty and people,
by the flowery thoughts playing, as a
synergy of art, philosophy and crafts,
inspired by Japanese traditional designs and by your stories of life.As an
agent of Teleflor International, we deliver your messages of love, happiness,
gratitude, compassion… across town
or across the world.
Za isporuku na teritoriji Srbije 10%
popusta a za isporuku van teritorije
Srbije 5% popusta.
10% discount for delivery in Serbia. 5%
discount for delivery outside Serbia.
Spend over 2.000 dinars and you will
receive a gift.
Poklon za svaku kupovinu preko 2.000
Putovanja & Zabava
Travel & Leisure
Crystal Hotel Beograd
Turističko naselje Jolly Kop
Internacionalnih brigada 9, Beograd
+381 65 40 30 433
Opening January 2010
Planinska oaza, Kopaonik
+381 36 42 85 75
Hotel je smešten u najekskluzivnijoj i najmodernijoj stambenoj, poslovnoj i šoping zoni u centru grada,
blizu očaravajuceg Hrama Svetog Save.
Odličan je izbor za poslovne ljude i
turiste, sa 35 deluxe soba, 5 Business
apartmana sa opremljenom kancelarijom
i 4 Executive apartmana. Na raspolaganju su Vam: buffet doručak, bar, recepcija 24 sata, lift, ekspres i VIP check-in i
check-out, menjacnica, bankomat, sobe
za pušače i nepušače, klimatizacija, besplatan bežični i kablovski internet, inhouse televizija, sefovi, garaža, Business
apartmani sa opremljenom kancelarijom,
prostorije za sastanke i prezentacije,
rent-a-car, transferi.
The hotel is situated in the exclusive
and most modern residential, business
and shopping area in downtown, near
the famous Temple of Saint Sava. It is an
excellent choice for business people and
tourists, with 35 deluxe rooms, 5 suites
with equipped Business Office, 4 Executive suites. We offer you a wide range of
services: buffet breakfast, bar, reception
24 hours, elevator, express and VIP checkin and checkout, bureau de change, ATM,
rooms for smokers and non-smoking, air
conditioning, free wireless internet and
cable, Inhouse television, safes, garage,
Business apartments furnished office,
rooms for meetings and presentations,
rent-a-car, transfers.
Popust od 10% na osnovnu cenu radnim
danom i 20% vikendom korišćenje interneta u sobama.
10% discount on the price on weekdays
and weekends, 20% use the Internet in
the rooms.
Jolly Kop je novi kompleks izgrađen u
kopaoničkom tradicionalnom stilu sa
moderno opremljenim smeštajnim kapacitetima i jedinstvenim panoramskim pogledom.
Jolly Kop is a new complex built in the
Kopaonik traditional style, an accommodation equipped with modern facilities
and a unique panoramic view.
10% discount for the ski season
10% popusta na osnovnu cenu za ski
sezonu 2009/2010.
Best Western Hotel M
Hotel Mr. Prezident
Bulevar Oslobođenja 56, Beograd
+381 11 30 90 609
Karađorđeva 75, Beograd
+381 11 360 22 22
Best Western Hotel “M” je moderan
hotel sa četiri zvezdice, i prvi je hotel
u Srbiji koji pripada najvećem svetskom
hotelskom lancu - Best Western. Best
Western Hotel “M” smešten je u jednom
od najlepših i najmirnijih delova Beograda, okružen zelenilom Bajfordske šume,
udaljen samo 5 km od centra grada. Hotel ima 166 soba i 11 različito uredjenih
soba za nepušače, restoran “Exlusive” sa
letnjom baštom, hotelski bar, potpuno
opremljene konferencijske sale, moderan
poslovni centar sa barom i konferencijskom salom, turističku agenciju, prodavnicu suvenira, mini market, i parking
sa 24-časovnim nadzorom. Dobro došli!
Best Western Hotel “M” is a modern four
stars hotel and it is a first hotel in Serbia from the world’s largest hotel chain
- Best Western. Best Western Hotel “M”
is situated in one of the most beautiful and peaceful areas of Belgrade, immersed in greenery on the slope of Byford woods, and just 5 km away from the
center of the city. Hotel has 166 rooms
and 11 diversely designed, rooms for
non-smokers, the “Exclusive” restaurant
with a summer garden, a hotel bar, fully
equipped conference halls, a modern
business center with a bar and conference room, a tourist agency, a souvenir
and gift shop, a mini market, parking area
with 24x7 guards. Welcome!
10% popusta na cenu sobe za rezervacije
unapred, besplatan parking, besplatno
korišćenje interneta u sobama.
10% discount. Free parking & WiFi internet in the room.
Unikatan po svom konceptu, dizajn hotel Mr. President ima 61 sobu i u svakoj
sobi portret nekog od svetski poznatih
predsednika. Najbolji srpski umetnici
poklonili su Mr. Presidentu nešto posebno - Rašmor planinu u srpsko-američkoj
verziji u Rašmor baru, kao i mnogobrojne skulpture u čeliku, slike i keramičke
skulpture u prelepom, modernom dizajnu nagrađivane u Srbiji i u inostranstvu. Kao nijedan hotel u svetu, enterijer
Mr.President-a sa mnoštvom detalja,
daje pozitivnu energiju svojim gostima
samim boravkom u hotelu i uživanju u
svoj njegovoj lepoti!
Unique by its concept, Design Hotel
Mr.President has 61 rooms and each of
them has a portrait of a world’s famous
presidents. The best Serbian artists gave
Mr.President’s a special gift - Rushmore
mountain in American and Serbian version in Rushmore bar, as well as numerous steel sculptures, paintings and ceramic sculpures beautifully designed and
rewarded in Serbia and abroad. Like no
other hotel in the world, Mr.President’s
interior with many details gives positive
energy to its guests just by staying in hotel and looking at all that beauty.
Free calls abroad without restrictions,
free parking, the fastest internet connection (wireless and cable), animation-free
evening cocktail.
Besplatni pozivi ka inostranstvu bez
ograničenja, besplatan parking, najbrža
internet konekcija (wireless i kablovska),
besplatna večernje animacija-koktel.
Hotel Zira
Villa Kalemegdan
Ruzveltova 35, Beograd
+381 11 331 48 00
Strahinjića Bana 7, Beograd
+381 11 263 78 56
Hotel Zira se svojim jedinstvenim enterijerom izdvaja od ostalih hotela
u Beogradu. Hotel Zira opremljen je
najnovijom tehnologijom i na raspolaganju ćete imati neograničen pristup internetu, konferencijski prostor
od ukupno 1400 m2, kao i izuzetan
bar, restoran i fitnes centar.
Its unique interior design sets Hotel
Zira apart from any other hotel in Belgrade. Hotel Zira is equipped with the
latest technology, and you will have at
your disposal unlimited internet access, conference space with a total of
1400 m2, an excellent bar, restaurant
and fitness center.
Bilo da ste u potrazi za ekstravagancijom ili romantikom, nečim očaravajuće
neobičnim ili udobnim i prostranim,
raznolikost apartmana sigurno će Vas
zadiviti, i to samo na nekoliko minuta
šetnje od velikog broja popularnih
barova, restorana, galerija i prodavnica, u centru gradskih zbivanja.
Za svakog gosta poklon korpa voća ili
flaša kućnog vina.
Receive a fruit basket or bottle of home-made wine.
Poklon iznenađenja.
Whether you are in search of extravagance or romantice, something
delightfully unusual or comfortably
spacious, the variety and high standard of the suites are bound to amaze
you. And all that is situated on a few
minutes walking distance from many
trendy bars, restaurants, galleries and
shops, in the very heart of the city
Surprise gift.
Fitness Club Corpore
Spa Corpore
Karadjordjeva 2 - 5, Beograd
+381 11 303 95 55
Karadjordjeva 2 - 5, Beograd
+381 11 303 95 55
Wellness centar Corpore je ekskluzivni kompleks na 1000 m2, koji uz fitness
sprave i opremu sa postolja svetskog
standarda, čini poligon zadovoljstva,
pojam luksuza, kutak privatnosti, izbor
druženja, način života, promociju stila...
Wellness centar Corpore ima fitness
zonu bogato opremljenu Freemotion
opremom, prostranu aerobik salu sa
opremom za aerobik, cardio boxing,
body skalping i pilates, savremeno
projektovane svlacionice...
Wellness Center Corpore is an exclusive complex of 1000 m2, that with
its fitness devices and world-class
equipment is the place of satisfaction, the concept of luxury, privacy
corner, the choice of socializing, a
way of life, promotion of style ...
Wellness Center Corpore has a fitness
zone with Freemotion equipment, a
spacious aerobic room with equipment for aerobics, cardio boxing, pilates and body scalping, contemporary designed changing rooms ...
15% popusta za mesecne pakete
korišćenja teretane,
Wellness centar Corpore nudi i usluge
rehabilitacionih medicinskih procedura kao što su relax, sportska, terapeutska i anti-celulit masaže. Wellness
centar Corpore ima beauty room, solarijum, spa sadržaje kao što su đakuzi,
sauna, tursko kupatilo, hladna kada,
sala za odmor.
Wellness Center Corpore offers rehabilitative medical services such as
relax, sports, therapeutic and anticellulite massage. Wellness Center has
Corpore beauty room, solarium, spa
facilities such as Jacuzzi, sauna, Turkish
bath, hot tub, room for rest.
10% discount for use of the spa services and cosmetic salon.
10% popusta za koriscenje paketa iz
spa dela i usluga kozmetičkog salona.
15% discount for monthly packages for
the use the gym.
Hotel Aleksandar
Hotel My Place
Njegoševa 81a, Niš
+381 18 56 23 32
Kej 29. decembar bb, Niš
+381 18 52 55 55
Hotel Aleksandar je de lux hotel
najviše klase smešten na južnoj strani
grada Niša na uzvišenju sa koga se
najlepše doživljava panorama ovog
grada. Na svega 4 minuta od centra grada, ovaj savremeni objekat je
pravi izbor bilo da ste u privatnoj,
poslovnoj, turističkoj ili tranzitnoj
poseti. Sadržaj i usluge, ljubazno i profesionalno osoblje, vrhunska oprema,
obezbeđenje i čuvan parking i atmosfera gostoprimstva, uz ponudu etno i
nacionalne kuhinje vrhunskih majstora
ja naša definicija Vašeg zadovoljstva. I
ne zaboravite “A” je uvek prvo!
Hotel Aleksandar is a luxurious hotel of the highest class in the south
part of the city of Niš, located on a
hill which offers a panoramic view of
the city. Four minutes from the city
center, this contemporary building is
a perfect choice whether your stay
is for business or pleasure, tourist or
transient. The hotel prides itself on
a wide range of services, hospitable
and professional staff, luxury amenities, secure and guarded parking lot
and a welcoming atmosphere, where
one can enjoy a choice of local and
international cuisine prepared by top
chefs. Our mission is your satisfaction.
And do not forget “A” always comes
first !
7% popusta.
Novi hotel u samom centru grada,
jedino mesto koje može da udovolji
svačijim prohtevima u pogledu visokokvalitetne usluge i internacionalne
kuhinje. Nalazi se u mirnoj ulici na
keju pored reke, predstavlja idealno
mesto za individualne poslovne ljude,
parove na proputovanju i svakog turistu koji voli odmor u modernom,
lepo uređenom ambijentu. Takođe je
veoma pogodan za poslovne seminare, koktel partije i poslovne ručkove.
Uz boravak u našem hotelu dobijate i
mogućnost korišćenja saune, teretane
i frizera. Sve vreme boravka o Vama će
brinuti visoko profesionalno i ljubazno
osoblje našeg hotela.
New hotel in the city center, the
only place that can meet everyone’s
demands regarding the high-quality
service and international cuisine. Situated in a quiet street on the quay by
the river, an ideal place for individual
business people, couples on the trip
and every tourist who loves holiday
in a modern and nice ambience. It is
also suitable for business seminars,
cocktail parties and business lunches.
When staying in our hotel, you have
the possibility to use the sauna, gym,
and our hairdresser. During your entire stay, our highly proffesional and
friendly staff will take care of you.
10% discount for weekend nights.
10% popusta za noćenja vikendom.
7% discount.
Restoran i prenoćište City garden
Wellness centar Aleksandar
Vazduhoplovaca bb, Niš
+381 18 422 10 31
+381 34 60 96 00
City Garden se nalazi na samo pet minuta vožnje od centra grada. Osim bogate
ponude i usluge, položaj koji zauzima u
sportsko-plivačkom centru i najvećem
niškom parku Čair omogućuje našim
gostima mirne trenutke pune spokoja i uživanja.
Garden City is situated only fiveminutes drive from the city center.
Besides the rich offer and services,
its position in the sports-swimming
center and the city’s largest park Čair
allows our guests quiet moments full
of serenity and enjoyment.
5% popusta na usluge noćenja po
ležaju i za usluge u restoranu poklon
- desert.
5% discount per night, per bed, and in
the restaurant - free dessert.
Put do Aleksandar Wellness Centra
vodi od Beograda preko Mladenovca
do Orašca. Kod spomen škole Prvom
Srpskom Ustanku, koju je izgradio i podario srpskom narodu kralj Aleksandar
i spomenika voždu Karađorđu, skreće
se desno asfaltnim putem i na udaljenosti od oko 800m stiže se do zdanja
Aleksandar Wellness Centar.
Way to Alexander the Wellness Center, leads from Belgrade through
Mladenovac to Orašac. At the Memorial School First Serbian Uprising,
which was built and for the Serbian
people by King Aleksandar Karađorđe
monument turn right on the asphalt
and at a distance of about 800m is
road the building of Alexander Wellness Center.
5% popusta.
5% discount.
Hotel Zelengora
Hotel Šumarice
Branka Radičevića 22, Kragujevac
+381 34 32 31 15
Desankin Venac bb, Kragujevac
+381 34 33 61 80
Hotel Zelengora se nalazi u strogom
gradskom jezgru, spajajući dve izuzetno
dinamične pešačke zone u kojima se
odvija intenzivan gradski život, kako
društveni tako i poslovni. Otvoren pre
čak 120 godina, hotel Zelengora je najstariji u Kragujevcu, i jedan od najstarijih
u Srbiji. Podigao ga je veliki dobrotvor
i zadužbinar Milovan Gušić (1822-1891),
pešadijski kapetan prve klase. Kao i u
prošlosti, hotel “Zelengora” je i danas
stecište uglednih žitelja i gostiju grada
Kragujevca: trgovaca, bankara, advokata, vlasnika preduzeća i radnji, vođa
političkih partija, profesora, pisaca i
slikara, otmenog i boemskog sveta.
Hotel Zelengora is located in the very
center of the city, connecting two extremely dynamic pedestrian zones with
their intensive social and business life.
With its 120-years-long tradition it the
oldest hotel in the city of Kragujevac,
and one of the oldest in Serbia. It was
built by a big benefactor and charity
giver Milovan Gušić (1822-1891), high rank
infantry captain. Three star Hotel “Zelengora” was renovated several times,
and the last time it was in 2002, when
it was adapted to contemporary needs.
Connecting the past with the present
it represents the life artery of this part
of the city, and is still welcoming reputable citizens and their gests: merchants,
bankers, lawyers, shop or factory owners,
classy and bohemian people.‚1
5% popusta za noćenja vikendom.
Sagrađen u tradicionalnom stilu šumadijske
arhitekture, u očuvanoj prirodi i dubokoj
tišini listopadne i četinarske šume, predstavlja idealno mesto za odmor i rekreaciju,
ali i za poslovne susrete, simpozijume,
seminare, savetovanja i porodična slavlja.
Od centra grada udaljen je tri kilometra
i smešten u srcu Spomen parka. Sobe
raspolažu klima uređajem, telefonom
i priključkom za internet, televizorom,
mini barom, luksuznim kupatilom... Pored
izuzetne lokacije na kojoj se nalazi i visoke kategorije smeštajnih kapaciteta,
ekskluzivnost hotela “Šumarice” ogleda
se i u kvalitetu usluga koje pružaju visoko
profesionalni kadrovi.
Built in line with a traditional Šumadija’s
architecture, located in an intact nature and deep silence of deciduous
and coniferous forest, the hotel is an
ideal place, for relaxation and recreation,
and also for business meetings, symposiums, seminars, conferences and family
gatherings. It is located in the center of
the Memorial park, 3 km from the City
center. Rooms are air-conditioned with
phone and internet connection, TV, mini
bar, luxury bathroom... besides its good
location and excellent accommodation
capacities, the excellent service offered
by dedicated personnel working in the
hotel is another confirmation of the hotel’s exclusivity.
5% popusta za noćenja vikendom.
5% discount for weekend nights.
5% discount for weekend nights.
Hotel Diplomat C
Hotel Šarganska osmica
+381 14 27 73 30
Mokra gora
+381 31 80 05 05
Kompanija Diplomat Club spojila je
stručnost i dugogodišnje iskustvo sa
raspoloživim potencijalima i opredelila za gradnju hotela čija je osnovna namena kongresni turizam. Posetite nas
u nedavno izgrađenom apartmanskom
naselju u zimskom turističkom centru
Divčibare i uživajte u komforu jednog
od naših 60 apartmana.
Company Diplomat Club merged expertize and years-long experience
with available resources and entered
the field of congress tourism. We have
recently built a 60-apartment complex in the winter tourist center of
Divčibare. Come to visit us and enjoy
your stay!
For seven days of stay, two days are
Za sedam dana boravka, dva dana boravka se dobijaju gratis.
Od Beograda do Dubrovnika i Zelenike,
uskokolosečnom prugom od 760 mm, od
1925. do 1974. godine kroz tunele, preko
mostova i kroz planinske useke saobraćao
je čuveni voz “Ćira” ostavljajući za sobom
prepoznatljivi miris dima parne lokomotive...Sada...Deo ove pruge na relaciji od
stanice Šargan Vitasi do Mokre Gore,
koji predstavlja jedinstveno graditeljsko
delo, otrgli smo od zaborava i nadaleko čuvenom Šarganskom “osmicom”
ponovo odjekuje klaparanje vagona i
veseli žamor turista u vozu “Nostalgija”.
Za vreme vaše vožnje imaćete priliku da
sa nekog od pet vidikovaca sagledate bogatstvo i lepote prirode ovoga kraja.
Famous train “Ćira” operated from Belgrade to Dubrovnik and Zelenika, through
a narrow railroad of 760 mm from 1925
to 1974, through tunnels, over bridges
and through the mountain notch, leaving behind indelible smell of the steam
locomotive’s smoke ... Now ...We have
teared a part of the railroad route from
the station Sargan Vitasi to Mokra Gora,
off from oblivion, and the well-known
Sargan “eight” noise of wagons and
cheerful murmur of tourists on the train
“Nostalgia” can be heared again. During
your ride you will have the opportunity
to enjoy the richness and beauty of the
nature of this region overlooking it from
one of the five belvederes.
Besplatna vožnja Šarganskom osmicom
za goste konačišta „Osmica“ ili gratis
noćenje na svaka tri noćenja u zavisnosti
od perioda saobraćanja voza.
Free ride in the “Šarganska osmica” train,
or one free lodge after each three overnights stays, depending on the season.
Hotel Zlatiborska noć
Hotel Čigota
Bela Zemlja bb, Užice
+381 31 57 29 10
Kraljeve vode 30, Zlatibor
+381 31 597 23 55
Novoizgrađeni hotel Zlatiborska noć
smešten je u vikend naselju Bela Zemlja,
neposredno uz glavnu saobraćajnicu ka
Zlatiboru, na raskrsnici puteva i na samoj
kapiji Zlatibora, Sirogojna, Tare i Mokre
gore. Ova prirodna oaza nalazi se na 650
metara nadmorske visine pored blage
klime ima preko 250 sunčanih dana u
godini i pruža izvanredne mogućnosti
za bavljenje sportsko-rekreativnim
aktivnostima, idealna je za opušten i
ugodan odmor ili zdravstveni oporavak.
Newly built hotel Zlatiborska noć is
situated in the cottage settlement
of Bela zemlja, at the intersection of
roads and a gate betveen Zlatibor,
Sirogojno, Tara and Mokra gora. This
natural oasis is located at 650 meters
above sea level, and has mild climate
with over 250 sunny days per year,
thats providing excellent opportunities for engaging in sports and recreational activities, being an ideal place
for relaxing and pleasant vacation or
health recovery.
5% popusta na usluge smeštaja do tri
dana, 7% popusta na usluge smeštaja
preko tri dana.
Hotel Čigota je sinonim za udobnost
na Zlatiboru, i sadrži 23 apartmana, 50
jednokrevetnih soba, 62 dvokrevetne
sobe, 26 soba sa tri ležaja, restoran
sa 420 mesta, kongresnu salu sa 620
mesta. Zaštitni znaci hotela Čigota su
restoran, koktel bar, kongresna sala,
galerija slika, biblioteka, deo za rekreaciju, olimpijski bazen, sauna, masaže,
frizerski salon, kao i zdravstveni centar
sa medicinskim službama.
Hotel Čigota is a tsinonim for comfort in Zlatibor, and contains 23 apartments, 50 single rooms, 62 double
rooms, 26 triple rooms, restaurant
with 420 seats, and a congress hall
with 620 seats. Hotel’s trademarks are
its restaurant, cocktail bar, conference
hall, gallery, library, recreational center, olympic swimming pool, sauna,
massage, hairdresser, and health center with medical services.
Za boravak duži od 3 dana, poklon usluge relax centra.
For stay longer than 3 days, free relax
center services.
5% discount on accommodation up to
three days, 7% discount on accommodation over three days.
Hotel President
Hotel Bajo Mačkat
Naselje Kamalj bb, Zlatibor
+381 31 84 13 86
Mačkat 31312, Zlatibor
+381 31 83 41 60
U septembru 2005. godine na Zaltiboru je otvoren novi moderan hotel,
hotel President. Nalazi se u zelenom
okruženju na sunčanoj padini uzvišenja
Kamalj (990 metara nadmorske visine),
na 10 minuta od centra naselja. Mir,
tišina i osećaj kućne atmosfere predstavljaju idealno mesto za sve one koji
beže od monotonije svakodnevnice,
gužve i brzog ritma života u drugačiji
i opušteniji ambijent.
In September 2005 a new hotel President was opened in Zlatibor. It is situated in the green surraundings of the
sunny slopes of the kamalj hill (on
990 metars above the sea level), at a
10-minute walking distance from the
town center. Peace, tranquility and a
sense of home atmosphere are ideal
for those wishing to flee from the monotony of everyday life, the crowds
and fast pace of life, to a different and
more relaxed world. “
5% popusta na usluge noćenja po
Porodica Šopalović iz Mačkata
poznata je po tradicionalnom spremanju specijaliteta zlatiborskog kraja
od davne 1928. godine kada je prvi
Šopalović restoran otvoren. Prijatnoj
atmosferi u restoranu i konacima doprinose kako njeni gosti i domaćini,
tako i enterijer u drvenom stilu sa
narodnim ornamentima od kovanog
Family Šopalovic from Mačkat is well
known for preparing traditional dishes
from Zlatibor, since 1928 when the first
restaurant Šopalović opened. Pleasant atmosphere in the restaurant and
guest-house is contributed by both
guests and hosts, as well as the wooden interior style with folk ornaments
of wrought iron.
10% discount per night per person.
10% popusta na usluge noćenja po
5% discount per night per person.
Restoran i prenoćište
Park kod Novice
Naselje Đurkovac bb, Zlatibor
+381 31 84 18 18
Na Zlatiboru u naselju Đurkovac,
okružen prelepom prirodom nalazi
se privatan smeštaj Park, koji zajedno
sa restoranom Park kod Novice čini
jednu celinu. Vlasnik restorana je prvi
čovek kuhinje, kuvar profesionalac, sa
bogatim iskustvom sa Jadrana. Pored
izuzetnog roštilja i specijaliteta koji
su prepoznatljivi za zlatiborski region, ovde možete pojesti uvek svežu
morsku i rečnu ribu, specijalitete od
divljači, kao i razna italijanska jela od
testa. U svojoj ponudi domaćin Novica Vam nudi smeštaj u dvokrevetnim
i trokrevetnim sobama, apartmanu,
kao i mogućnost pansionske ishrane u
The settlement Đurkovac on Zlatibor,
surrounded by beautiful nature is a
private accommodation Park, which
together with a restaurant Park kod
Novice makes a whole. The owner of
the restaurant is also the first man of
the kitchen, a professional chef, with
extensive experience with the Adriatic. In addition to exceptional barbecue
and specialties from Zlatibor region,
you can always eat fresh seawater and
freshwater fish, garne specialties, and
various Italian pasta dishes. The host
offers Novica offers accommodation
in double and triple rooms, or apartments, and the possibility of everyday
restaurant alimentation.
Poklon aperitiv i desert.
Free aperitive and dessert.
Budget Rent a Car Panalex
Proleterske Solidarnosti 38/1, Beograd
+381 11 311 30 50
Budget Rent a Car je jedna od tri vodeće
agencije za iznajmljivanje vozila, sa preko
3.000 poslovnica i 150.000 vozila širom
sveta. Raspolažemo najnovijim modelima vozila, koja možete preuzeti na aerodromima Beograd, Tivat i Podgorica kao i
u poslovnicama Beograd, Budva i Herceg
Novi. Vozilo Vam možemo dostaviti na
željenu adresu, na teritoriji Srbije i Crne
Gore, a pružamo i druge dodatne usluge
kao što su najam vozila sa vozačem ili
preuzimanje vozila u jednom a vraćanje
u drugom gradu. Baš kao što očekujete,
svako vozilo je čisto, i pre svega, bezbedno.
Budget Rent a Car is one of the three
leading car rental agencies, with more
than 150,000 vehicles and 3.000 stations
all over the world. You can pick up any
one of our latest models of cars at the
airports in Belgrade, Tivat, Podgorica, or
at one of our offices in Belgrade, Budva
or Herceg Novi. We can deliver the car to
you anywhere in Serbia and Montenegro,
and we offer additional services such as
rentals with a chauffeur as well as the
option to pick up in one town and drop
off in another. As you would expect, all
our vehicles are clean and a priori safe.
Rent a vehicle up to 3 days and you will
get free of charfe GPS. Rent a vehicle for
3-7 days and you will be upgraded to a
higher category car. Rent a vehicle for
more than 7 days and you will receive a
free tank of fuel.
Iznajmite vozilo u trajanju do 3 dana-besplatno korišćenje GPS uredjaja. Iznajmite
vozilo od 3-7 dana - upgrade, viša kategorija vozila. Iznajmite vozilo preko 7
dana - besplatan rezervoar goriva.
Rent a Car - Jolly
Tourist agency - Jolly Travel
Mararikov Trg 10, Beograd
+381 11 803 40 15
Keneza Miloša 9, Beograd
+381 11 20 20 300
10% popusta na rent-a-car usluge za
korisnike American Express kartica.
10% discount for Rent a car for American Express cardmembers.
10% discount on ski and European
travel arrangements for American Express cardmembers.
10% popusta na ski aranzmane I evropska putovanja za korisnike American
Express kartica.
Europcar-SVBP Primero Rent a car
Dr Papić
Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10g/II, Beograd
+381 11 212 21 31
specijalistička ginekološko akušerska ordinacija
Milovana Marinkovića 23, Beograd
+381 11 397 17 72
Osetite slobodu kretanja! Bilo da Vam
je potreban manji, srednji ili luksuzni
automobil-Europcar Primero Vam može
izaći u susret.
Feel the freedom of mobility! Whether you need a small, medium size or
luxury car-Europcar Primero can meet
your needs.
Iznajmite automobil u Europcar Primero rent a car-u i kao korisnik American
Express kreditne kartice, ostvarite 10%
popusta na važeće cene najma.
Rent a car in Europcar Primero rent a
car and as an American Express cardholder obtain a 10% discount on the
current rental prices.
Papić ginekološka ordinacija osnovana
je 1994. godine. Nalazi se na veoma
lepom mestu u blizini Stadiona “Crvena zvezda”, u predivnom ambijentu
kuće koja je adaptirana isključivo za
potrebe ginekološke ordinacije. Iza
rada Papić ginekološke ordinacije stoji
veliko iskustvo i rezultati.
The private gynecological clinic Papić
was founded in 1994. The private office is located near the Red Star Stadium in a large residence which has
been purposefully adapted to fully
serve the medical requirements of a
gynecological hospital.
10% discount for medical examination when you make an appoitment
by web.
10 % popusta na pregled u koliko se
zakaže putem sajta.