

Grad Beograd, Ministarstvo kulture Republike Srbije, Inženjerska komora Srbije
EUNIC - European Union National Institutes for Culture (Austrijski kulturni forum, Italijanski institut za kulturu, Goethe institut,
Francuski kulturni centar), Magistrat glavnog grada Beča, Ambasada Sjedinjenih američkih država,
Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture, JP Urbanistički zavod grada Beograda,
Društvo urbanista Beograda, Dečji kulturni centar, Opština Vračar, Opština Stari grad, galerija O3one, GRAD kulturni centar,
Dom omladine Beograda, Turistička organizacija Beograda
Društvo arhitekata Beograda – Association of Belgrade Architects
Kulturni centar Beograda – Belgrade Cultural Centre
The City of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia - Ministry of Culture, Serbian Chamber of Engineers
EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture (Austrian Cultural Forum, Italian Institute for Culture in Belgrade, Goethe Institute, French
Cultural Centre), Vienna City Administration, Embassy of the United States of America, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, State
Institute for The Protection of Cultural Heritage, Institute of Urbanism Belgrade, Town Planners Association Belgrade, Children’s Cultural Centre,
Vračar Municipality, Stari grad Municipality, Gallery O3one, GRAD Cultural Centre,
Cultural Centre Dom omladine, Belgrade Tourist Organization
na fotografiji stambena zgrada B–9, blok 21, Novi Beograd
autori Lenarčić, Mitić, Petrović i Čanak, foto A. Mirić
Društvo arhitekata Beograda
Kulturni centar Beograda
četvrta beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture — Fourth Belgrade International Architecture Week
četvrta beogradska internacionalna
nedelja arhitekture
od 26. juna do 4. jula 2009.
Fourth Belgrade International
Architecture Week
from June 26th till July 4th 2009
Izdavači − Publishers
Društvo arhitekata Beograda − Association of Belgrade Architects
Kneza Miloša 7/III, Beograd
Kulturni centar Beograda − Cultural Centre of Belgrade
Knez Mihailova 6/I, Beograd
Za izdavače − Acting on behalf of the publishers
Ivan Rašković
Društvo arhitekata Beograda − Association of Belgrade Architects
Marina Đurđević
Kulturni centar Beograda − Cultural Centre of Belgrade
Urednik − Editor
Ana Janković-Čorbić
Lektor − Proofreader
Sonja Šoć
Prevod − Translation
Mila Đurović i Bojan Cimbaljević
Dizajn i oprema − Design and layout
Aleksa Bijelović i Milica Maksimović
Štampa − Printed by
Interprint, Beograd
Tiraž − Print run
Beograd, 2009.
Posleratno socijalno stanovanje u Italiji
Naselja INCIS-a u Rimu: Villaggio Olimpico i Decima
kurator: Alesandra Čeroti
koordinatori: Roberta Đentile i Paola Gvidulji
Post-WWII Social Housing in Italy
INCIS estates: Villaggio Olimpico and Decima
curator: Alessandra Cerroti
coordinators: Roberta Gentile and Paola Guidugli
Grad Avr, obnovljen po ideji Ogista Perea
kustos: Žozef Abram
Nagrade za arhitekturu
Awards for Architecture
Arhitektonsko-urbanistički konkursi 2008/09.
Architectural and Urban Planning Competitions 2008/09
E2A: Fragmenti stvarnosti
E2A Ekert Ekert Arhitekten
E2A: Fractions of Reality
E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten
Teritorijal ejdžensi
Teritorijal ejdžensi
Territorial Agency
Territorial Agency
Kenc Molo arhitekti
Könz Molo Architetti
Mladi bečki arhitekti (YO.V.A.²)
organizator: Magistrat glavnog grada Beča
koncept izložbe: Mihael Dim
Young Viennese Architect (YO.V.A.²)
organized by: Stadtentwicklung Wien
exhibition concept: Michael Diem
Savremena arhitektura u regionu:
Arhitektura Rumunije i Bugarske u XXI veku
koordinator: Ivan Kucina
kuratori: Konstantin Goađea i Peter Torniov
Contemporary architecture in the region:
Architecture of Romania and Bulgaria in 21st Century
koordinator: Ivan Kucina
curators: Constantin Goagea and Peter Torniov
POVRATAK REKAMA – Pokretač života u gradu
koncept: Ružica Bogdanović
concept: Ružica Bogdanović
Le Havre, the City reconstructed upon the idea of August Peret
curator: Joseph Abram
Procesi REstauracije istorijskog nasleđa
organizacija: TRANSEO
REstoration processes of historic treasures
organization: TRANSEO
Devedeset godina Bauhausa: Knjige o Bauhausu u biblioteci
Gete instituta Beograd
Ninety years of Bauhaus: Books about Bauhaus in the library of
Goethe Institute Belgrade
Beograd - pozlaćeni presek: Valorizacija austrijskog
graditeljskog nasleđa na teritoriji Beograda
organizator: Klub mladih arhitekata (KMA)
kurator: Jelica Jovanović
Belgrade – the Gilded Ratio: Valorisation of Austrian Building
Heritage on the Territory of Belgrade
organisation: Young Architects’ Club (KMA)
curator: Jelica Jovanović
Extra-mûros – Očaravajuće arhitekture
Zavod za arhitekturu i baštinu grada Pariza, Francuska
Extra-mûros – Architectures of Delight
City of Architecture and Patrimony of Paris, France
Re... Beograd: stari i novi
Izložba radova sa studentske radionice Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Univerziteta u Beogradu
Re... Belgrade: Old and New
Exhibition of student works from the Design workshop, Faculty of
Architecture University in Belgrade
40 E2A: Fragmenti stvarnosti
Vim Ekert, E2A Ekert Ekert Arhitekten
40 E2A: Fractions of Reality
Wim Eckert, E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten
42 RE _ fokus
Ludovika Molo i Jahen Kenc, Kenc Molo Arhiteti
42 RE _ focus
Ludovica Molo and Jachen Könz, Könz Molo Architetti
44 Ne-misliti
Džon Palmezino, Teritorijal ejdžensi
44 un-think
John Palmesino, Territorial Agency
46 REkonstrukcija
Zoran Radojičić, ARCHTIC
46 REconstruction
Zoran Radojičić, ARCHTIC
48 Šrek siti: Privatni prostor u Bukureštu i druge priče
Konstantin Goađea
48 Shreck city: The non public space in Bucharest and other stories
Constantin Goagea
50 Akcija i REakcija: Slika postkomunističke graditeljske kulture u
Petar Torniov
50 Action and Re-action: Picture of the post communist building
culture in Bulgaria
Peter Torniov
52 Dobronamerni vanzemaljci u kućama starih ljudi
Grac: Savremena arhitektura u istorijskom gradskom ambijentu
Markus Cehner
52 Friendly aliens in old peoples’ homes
Graz: contemporary architecture in historic townshape
Markus Zechner
54 Centar Graca kao mešavina istorijskih fasada i palata, stalnih
postavki umetničkih instalacija i moderne arhitekture
Biljana Aranđelović
54 Center of Graz as a mix of historical facades and domes,
permanent art installations and modern architecture
Biljana Aranđelović
56 Projekti
Andreas Bremhorst, Karl i Bremhorst Arhitekten
56 Projects
Andreas Bremhorst, Karl und Bremhorst Architekten
58 Svakodnevni život
Zigfrid Los, polar ÷
58 Every Day Life
Siegfried Loos, polar ÷
60 TYPUS ili TOPOS: MRLV Arhitekten Hamburg – Projekti i
misaone osnove
Mirjana Marković, MRLV Arhitekten
60 TYPUS or TOPOS: MRLV Architekten Hamburg – Design and
Contemplative Basis
Mirjana Marković, MRLV Architekten
62 Reinterpretacija slobodnog plana
Stanko Gaković
62 REinterpretation of the Open Plan Concept
Stanko Gaković
Tom Mejn
Thom Mayne
68 Srbija na bijenalima arhitekture u Veneciji
moderator: Snežana Ristić
učesnici: Branislav Dimitrijević, Branislav Mitrović, Zoran Erić
68 Serbia at Architecture Biennales in Venice
moderator: Snežana Ristić
participants: Branislav Dimitrijević, Branislav Mitrović, Zoran Erić
70 Šta sa Novim Beogradom? – okrugli sto
moderator: Žaklina Gligorijević, Urbanistički zavod Beograda
70 What to do with New Belgrade? – round table
moderator: Žaklina Gligorijević, Institute for Urban Planning
74 Dečje radionice
organizator: Dečji kulturni centar
74 Children’s workshops
organized by: Children’s Cultural Centre
78 Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda: Bez kontinuiteta nema
vodi: Marta Vukotić-Lazar
80 Walk around the architecture of Belgrade: Without Continuity
there is no Identity
led by: Marta Vukotić-Lazar
81 Na potezu od Slavije do Čuburskog parka
Izložba radova i instalacija „Pejzažna arhitektura i grad”
PUPA - Podmladak udruženja pejzažnih arhitekata
81 On the Stretch from Slavija to Cuburski Park
Exhibition of works and installations ‘Landscape Architecture and
the City’
PUPA – Youth of the Association of Landscape Architects
83 Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda: Istočni Vračar, Savinac i
vodi: Mirjana Roter-Blagojević
84 Walk around the architecture of Belgrade: East Vračar, Savinac
and Neimar quarters
led by: Mirjana Roter-Blagojević
86 Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda: RE... na potezu od Terazija
do Kalemegdana
vodi: Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović
86 Walk around the architecture of Belgrade: RE... From Terazije
to Kalemegdan
led by: Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović
88 Ponoćna šetnja kroz modernu arhitekturu starog Beograda
vodi: Ivan Kucina
88 Midnight walk around the modern architecture of old Belgrade
led by: Ivan Kucina
92 REdefinisanje posleratnog kolektivnog stanovanja
uvodna reč: Tanja Konli
92 REdefining Post-WWII Housing
introduction: Tanja Conley
96 Pere, Le Korbizije, Zerfus: Rekonstrukcija stambenih naselja
– zaštita moderne stambene arhitekture u Francuskoj nakon
Drugog svetskog rata
Žozef Abram, Univerzitet u Nansiju
96 Perret, Le Corbusier, Zehrfuss: Reconstruction of Grandensambles – the protection of modern housing in France from
post-WWII period
Joseph Abram, University in Nancy
98 Makro-strukture i pejzaž:
Vrednost i zaštita berlinskih predgrađa iz 60-ih i 70-ih
Gabi Dolf-Bonekemper, Tehnički Univerzitet u Berlinu
98 Macro-structures and Landscapes: Value and protection of
Berlin’s 1960’s and 1970’s suburban settlements
Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper, Technical University in Berlin
100 Stanovanje u Engleskoj posle 1945.
Ilejn Harvud, Ingliš Heritedž
100 Post-1945 Housing in England
Elain Harwood, English Heritage
102 Mesta trezvenosti: Posleratno socijalno stanovanje u Holandiji
Marike Kajpers, Tehnički Univerzitet u Delftu
102 Sites of Sobriety: Postwar Social Housing in the Netherlands
Marijke Kuipers, Technical University Delft
104 Socijalno stanovanje posle Drugog svetskog rata u Italiji: „Javni
grad“ kao laboratorija za moderne teorije o gradu i savremenu
perspektivu urbane obnove
Paola di Bjađi, Univerzitet u Trstu
105 Post WWII Social Housing in Italy: The “public city” as
a laboratory for modern city theories and urban renewal
contemporary perspective
Paola di Biagi, University of Trieste
106 Pitanja konzervacije i restauracije u socijalnom stanovanju
posle Drugog svetskog rata
Naselja INCIS-a: Villaggio Olimpico i Decima u Rimu
Alesandra Čeroti, Univerzitet u Rimu
107 Conservation and Restoration Issues in the Post-WWII Social
Housing: INCIS Estates Villaggio Olimpico and Decima in Rome
Alessandra Cerroti, University of Rome
108 Density, IntenCity: Stanovanje u Italiji
Đovani Kaudo, Univerzitet u Rimu
108 Density, IntenCity: Housing in Italy
Giovanni Caudo, University of Rome
110 E2A: Post-CIAM Rekonfiguracija
Pit Ekert, E2A Ekert Ekert Arhitekten
E2A: Post CIAM Reconfiguration
110 Piet Eckert, E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten
Beogradska internacionalna nedelje arhitekture 2009.
(BINA ’09) - tematski naslovljena prefiksom RE... posvećena je akutnom pitanju odnosa prema postojećem
arhitektonsko-urbanističkom okruženju i mogućnosti
njegove stalne REprodukcije, aktivno uključene u projekte
budućnosti. Naša želja je da pokušamo preispitati
tradicionalne koncepte REkonstrukcije i REvitalizacije
graditeljskog nasleđa, uglavnom kontrolisane krutim
metodologijama umrtvljenih institucija, ukazujući na
nove koncepte pomoću kojih već izgrađeni arhitektonski
okvir otvara mogućnosti REgeneracije i REintegracije u
žive tokove vremena. Tema održivog razvoja i urbane
REciklaže već dugo zaokupljaju pažnju struke u
tehnološki razvijenim zemljama svesnim da zahuktale
snage modernosti moraju biti upregnute u dublje
naslojene vrednosti. Nove generacije arhitekata počinju
da promišljaju vrednosti prostora kome neposredno
pripadaju na delikatniji način nego što se viđa na
glamuroznim ostvarenjima „starchitects” koji, poneseni
sjajem sopstvenog brenda i zahtevima investitora, često
zaboravljaju na kvalitete zatečenog konteksta. Naša želja
je da pronađemo i pokažemo razmišljanja i delovanja
onih koji se zalažu za REafirmaciju zatečenih resursa u
službi kreativnosti i koji imaju sluha za RE… nasuprot
zahtevima investitora, zaslepljenih prvostepenim profitom
izraženim u kvadratnim metrima i težnjom za „woweffect” arhitekture svojih ulaganja, kao i administrativnim
barijerama prevaziđenih normativa koje postavljaju
branitelji birokratizovane pseudo-tradicije.
Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture 2009.
ponovo okuplja različite struke uključene u promišljanje
životnog okruženja, različite generacije koje će ukrstiti
stare ideje sa novim, kao i predstavnike različitih zemalja
koji će osvetliti kretanja i iskustva iz specifičnih sredina.
Ambicija ovogodišnje Nedelje jeste da podstakne teorijska
razmišljanja i otvorene stručne debate s ciljem da pronađu
plodno tlo u realnom delovanju: planiranju, projektovanju
i realizaciji. Očekujemo da će ovakva razmena znanja i
ideja iskristalisati nove vizije REanimacije i već prisutnog
arhitekonskog okruženja i budućih projekata koji će
svesno uspostavljati dijalog sa već postojećim. Kao i
do sada, Nedelja arhitekture je otvorena ne samo prema
struci već i ka široj javnosti kojoj će se, uz specifično
ovogodišnju temu RE..., predstaviti i pribiližiti nedavna
ostvarenja u oblasti arhitekture i urbanizma u Srbiji i
svetu. U program Nedelje, kao i prethodnih godina, biće
uključene izložbe, predavanja, tematske šetnje, radionice,
projekcije filmova, seminari i tribine. Verujući da će i ova
Nedelja arhitekture privući dobronamerne i otvorene
učesnike, stručnjake i znalce, a takođe i građane,
entuzijaste spremne da podele i prošire opseg svojih
znanja, pozivamo Vas da nam se pridružite.
BINA 09 tim
Belgrade International Architecture Week 2009 (BINA ’09)
– titled simply RE…as an indicator of this year’s theme
– is dedicated to the acute question of our relationship
to the existing urban and architectural surroundings and
the limitless possibilities of its permanent REproduction,
actively involved in projects for the future. Our wish is to
REquestion the traditional concepts of REconstruction
and REvitalization of cultural heritage – mainly controlled
by stiff methodologies promoted by lethargic institutions
– in search for new concepts that can help REgeneration
and REintegration of the existing fabrics into the lively
contemporary practice. The theme of sustainable
development and urban REcycling have been widely
discussed in technologically advanced countries,
conscious of the fact that the furious forces of modernity
have to be correlated to the inherited values. The new
generations of architects have started REthinking the
potentials of their immediate surroundings more delicately
than could be seen in the glamorous realizations of
“starchitects”, who often forget to think about all the layers
and qualities of the inherited contest in favor of celebrating
their own brands. We wish to find and present a new way
of thinking by those who argue for REafirmation of the
inherited REsources in service of creativity. We search to
promote those who pay attention to RE… in spite of the
requests of investors (attracted as much to the easy profit,
as they are to getting a “wow-effect”), but also argue
against administrative norms invented by promoters of
bureaucratized pseudo-traditions.
Belgrade International Architecture Week 2009 again
gathers various professionals involved in REthinking of
the urban and architectural context, various generations
ready to share the old with the new ideas, and the
representatives from different countries across Europe and
the USA. An ambition of this year’s event is to encourage
theoretical thinking and open public debates in service of
a fertile practice within real circumstances of designing,
planning and building. We expect that such an exchange
of knowledge, experience and ideas would generate
new visions for the REanimation of the existing built
environment, as well as future projects, open for a dialog
with the already built domain. The program of Belgrade
International Architecture Week ‘09 includes exhibitions,
lectures, guided walking tours, workshops, films, seminars
and roundtables. It presents recent accomplishments
in the field of architecture and urban planning from the
domestic and international scene. Like in previous years,
Belgrade International Architecture Week ‘09 is open both
to professionals and the broad public. With a belief that
our event, as was the case in the past, will gather people
of good-will and open attitudes, eager to expand their
knowledge and ideas, we cordially invite you to joins us.
petak, 26. jun
Kulturni centar Beograda: Likovna galerija, Knez Mihailova 6
Svečano otvaranje
IV beogradske internacionalne nedelje arhitekture –
– BINA 2009
nedelja, 28. jun
Kulturni centar Beograda: Galerija Artget
Šetnja kroz izložbu E2A: Fragmenti stvarnosti
Vodi: Vim Ekert (E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten),
subota, 27. jun
Okupljanje: Centralni dom vojske Srbije
Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda, autobusom:
Bez kontinuiteta nema identiteta
Vodi: Marta Vukotić-Lazar
Okupljanje: Cvetni trg, ispred samoposluge
Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda:
Istočni Vračar, Savinac i Neimar
Vodi: Mirjana Roter-Blagojević
Okupljanje: Ispred Likovne galerije KCB, Knez Mihailova 6
Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda:
RE... na potezu od Terazija do Kalemegdana
Vodi: Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović
Opština Vračar, hol u prizemlju — Otvaranje izložbe i
proglašenje pobednika
BINA konkurs za mlade arhitekte
Urbanističko-arhitektonsko rešenje slobodne površine
na uglu ulica Kneginje Zorke i Mekenzijeve na Vračaru u
Okupljanje: Ispred Likovne galerije KCB, Knez Mihailova 6
Ponoćna šetnja kroz modernu arhitekturu starog
Vodi: Ivan Kucina
ponedeljak, 29. jun
Na potezu od Slavije do Čuburskog parka
Pejzažna arhitektura i grad, izložba studentskih radova
i instalacija
PUPA – Podmladak udruženja pejzažnih arhitekata
Postavka traje 27–28. juna 2009.
Kulturni centar Beograda: Galerija Artget — Predavanja
E2A: Fragmenti stvarnosti, Vim Ekert
(E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten), Švajcarska
RE_fokus, Ludovika Molo i Jahen Kenc
(Könz Molo Architetti), Švajcarska
Ne–misliti, Džon Palmezino (Territorial Agency),
Moderator diskusije: Srđan Jovanović Vajs
Likovna galerija KCB, Knez Mihailova 6
Dečja radionica: REci REd!
Vodi: Dečji kulturni centar
Galerija Artget — Predavanje
Zoran Radojičić, Srbija
Kulturni centar GRAD — Predavanja
Šrek siti: Privatni prostor u Bukureštu i druge priče
Konstantin Goađea, Rumunija
Akcija i REakcija: Slika postkomunističke graditeljske
kulture u Bugarskoj
Peter Torniov, Bugarska
utorak, 30. jun
četvrtak, 2. jul
Likovna galerija KCB, Knez Mihailova 6
Dečja radionica: REži, REndaj!
Vodi: Dečji kulturni centar
Likovna galerija KCB, Knez Mihailova 6
Dečija radionica: sREdi REsto!
Vodi: Dečji kulturni centar
Austrijski kulturni forum — Predavanja
Uvodna reč: Markus Pifl, organizacija Transeo, Austrija
Dobronamerni vanzemaljci u kućama starih ljudi
Grac: Savremena arhitektura u istorijskom
gradskom jezgru
Markus Cehner, Austrija
Centar Graca kao mešavina istorijskih fasada i palata,
stalnih postavki umetničkih instalacija i moderne
Biljana Aranđelović, Austrija
Francuski kulturni centar — Predstavljanje izložbe
Grad Avr, rekonstruisan po ideji Ogista Perea
O izložbi govori: Žozef Abram, Francuska
Dom Omladine, foaje I sprat — Predavanja
Svakodnevni život, Zigfrid Los (polar ÷), Austrija
Projekti, Andreas Bremhorst (architekten CHRISTOPH
Svečana sala Opštine Stari Grad — Predavanja
TYPUS ili TOPOS: MRLV Architekten Hamburg –
– Projekti i misaone osnove
Mirjana Marković (MRLV Architekten), Nemačka
od 19.00
REinterpretacija slobodnog plana
Stanko Gaković, SAD
od 20.00
Tom Mejn, SAD
petak, 3. jul
sreda, 1. jul
Likovna galerija KCB, Knez Mihailova 6
Dečija radionica: REđaj, REđaj!
Vodi: Dečji kulturni centar
Kulturni centar Beograda: Galerija Artget — Razgovor
Srbija na bijenalima arhitekture u Veneciji
Uvodna reč: Snežana Ristić
Učesnici: Branislav Dimitrijević, Branislav Mitrović,
Zoran Erić
9.00 – 19.30
Italijanski institut za kulturu u Beogradu
REdefinisanje posleratne stambene arhitekture
Uvodna reč: Tanja Konli (Univerzitet u Beogradu)
Učesnici: Žozef Abram (Škola arhitekture u Nansiju),
Gabi Dolf-Bonekemper (Tehnički univerzitet u Berlinu),
Ilejn Harvud (English Heritage), Marike Kajpers (Tehnički
univerzitet u Delftu), Paola di Bjađi (Univerzitet u Trstu),
Alesandra Čeroti (Univerzitet u Rimu),
Đovani Kaudo (Univerzitet u Rimu), Pit Ekert (E2A Eckert
Eckert Architekten)
Biblioteka grada Beograda, čitaonica odeljenja za
umetnost, II sprat — Film
Urbana rekreacija, Kongres studenata arhitekture ex
Jugoslavije (ASK 09 EXYU)
Klub mladih arhitekata (KMA)
subota, 4. jul
Okupljanje: Centralni dom vojske Srbije
Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda, autobusom:
Superblokovi Novog Beograda
Vode: Tanja Konli i Ivan Kucina
Urbanistički zavod Beograda — Predstavljanje izložbe
RE_Beograd: Stari i novi
studentska radionica Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta
u Beogradu
Urbanistički zavod Beograda — Okrugli sto
Šta sa Novim Beogradom?
Moderator: Žaklina Gligorijević
Kulturni centar Beograda: Likovna galerija
Nagrade za arhitekturu i arhitektonsko – urbanistički
konkursi u periodu 2008/09.
Kulturni centar Beograda: Galerija Artget
E2A: Fragmenti stvarnosti
(E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten), Švajcarska
Kulturni centar Beograda: hol ispred galerije Artget
Territorial Agency (Territorial Agency), Švajcarska
Galerija O3one
RE_fokus (Könz Molo Architetti), Švajcarska
Dom omladine, foaje I sprat
Mladi bečki arhitekti (Young Viennese Architects
– YO.V.A.2), Austrija
Kulturni centar GRAD, I sprat
Savremena arhitektura u regionu:
Arhitektura Rumunije i Bugarske u XXI veku
kustosi: Konstantin Goađea, Rumunija i Peter Torniov,
Koordinator: Ivan Kucina, Srbija
Kulturni centar GRAD, prizemlje
Povratak rekama – pokretač života u gradu
Koncept: Ružica Bogdanović, Društvo urbanista
Postavka traje od 26. do 30. juna
EUNIC – Italijanski institut za kulturu
Posleratno socijalno stanovanje u Italiji
Naselja INCIS-a u Rimu: Villaggio Olimpico i Decima
Kustos: Alesandra Čeroti, Italija
EUNIC – Francuski kulturni centar
Grad Avr, rekonstruisan po ideji Ogista Perea
Kustos: Žozef Abram, Francuska
EUNIC – Austrijski kulturni forum
Procesi REstauracije istorijskog nasleđa, Austrija
EUNIC – Gete institut
Devedeset godina Bauhausa:
Knjige o Bauhausu u biblioteci Gete instituta u
Opština Vračar: ulazni hol
BINA konkurs za mlade arhitekte
Urbanističko-arhitektonsko rešenje slobodne površine
na uglu ulica Kneginje Zorke i Mekenzijeve na Vračaru u
Beogradu, Pokrovitelj: Opština Vračar
Organizator: Društvo arhitekata Beograda
Izlozi u ulici Kneza Mihaila
Beograd – pozlaćeni presek: Projekat LEGATIO
– valorizacija austrijskog graditeljskog nasleđa na
teritoriji Beograda
Klub mladih arhitekata (KMA)
BINA izložbeni prostori
Extra – mûros: Očaravajuće arhitekture
Zavod za arhitekturu i baštinu grada Pariza, Francuska
Urbanistički zavod Beograda
RE... Beograd: Stari i novi
studentska radionica Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Univerziteta u Beogradu
1 Kulturni centar Beograda:
Likovna galerija, Knez Mihailova 6
Galerija Artget, Trg Republike 5/I
(radno vreme obe galerije svakog dana od 12.00 do 21.00)
2 Galerija O3one, Andrićev venac 12
(radno vreme svakog dana od 11.00 do 20.00,
nedeljom zatvoreno)
3 Dom omladine, foaje I sprat, Makedonska 22
4 Kulturni centar GRAD, Braće Krsmanović 4
(radno vreme svakog dana od 10.00 do 19.00h)
5 Italijanski institut za kulturu, Kneza Miloša 56
(radno vreme od 10.00 do 17.00, vikendom zatvoreno)
6 Francuski kulturni centar, Zmaj Jovina 11
(radno vreme od utorka do petka od 12.00 do 18.00
subotom od 10.00 do 15.00, ponedeljkom zatvoreno)
7 Austrijski kulturni forum, Kneza Mihaila 22/II–III
(radno vreme od 8.00 do 16.00, vikendom zatvoreno)
8 Gete institut Beograd, Kneza Mihaila 5
9 Opština Vračar, Njegoševa 77
10 Urbanistički zavod Beograda, Palmotićeva 30
(radno vreme svakog dana od 8.00 do 18.00)
Friday, June 26th
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Art Gallery
Opening Ceremony
of the Fourth Belgrade International Architecture
Week – BINA 2009
Saturday, June 27th
Gathering: Cvetni trg, in front of the supermarket
A Walk Through Architecture of Belgrade:
East Vračar, Savinac and Neimar quarters
Led by: Mirjana Roter–Blagojević
Vračar Municipality, Entrance hall — Opening of the
Exhibition and Award Ceremony
BINA Competition for Young Architects:
Urban–architectural design for the open space on the
corner of Kneginje Zorke and Mekenzijeva St. in Vračar
Municipality in Belgrade
14.00 – 17.00
From Slavija to Čuburski Park
Landscape Architecture and the City
Exhibition of students’ works and installations
PUPA – Youth of The Association of Landscape Architects
The exhibition is opened from June 27th till 28th 2009.
18.00 – 21.00
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Art Gallery — Lectures
E2A: Fractions of Reality, Wim Eckert (E2A Eckert
Eckert Architekten), Switzerland
RE_focus, Ludovica Molo and Jachen Könz (Könz Molo
Architetti), Switzerland
un–think, John Palmesino (Territorial Agency), Switzerland
Discussion moderator: Srđan Jovanović Weiss
Sunday, June 28th
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Artget Gallery
Expert Guidance Through the Exhibition
E2A: Fractions of Reality
Led by: Wim Eckert (E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten),
Gathering: In front of the Central Army Hall
A Walk Through Architecture of Belgrade, by bus:
Without Continuity there is no Identity
Led by: Marta Vukotić–Lazar
Gathering: Art Gallery CCB, Knez Mihailova 6
A Walk Through Architecture of Belgrade:
RE... From Terazije to Kalemegdan
Led by: Ljiljana Miletić–Abramović
Gathering: Art Gallery CCB, Knez Mihailova 6
Midnight Walk Through Modern Architecture of Old
Led by: Ivan Kucina
Monday, June 29th
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Art Gallery
Children’s Workshop: REorder!
Led by: Children’s Cultural Centre
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Artget Gallery — Lecture
Zoran Radojičić, Serbia
19.30 – 21.00
Cultural Centre GRAD — Lectures
Shreck city: The Non Public Space in Bucharest and
Other Stories
Constantin Goagea, Romania
Action and REaction: Picture of the Post Communist
Building Culture in Bulgaria
Peter Torniov, Bulgaria
Tuesday, June 30th
Thursday, July 2nd
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Art Gallery
Children’s Workshop: REcut, REgrate!
Led by: Children’s Cultural Centre
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Art Gallery
Children’s Workshop: REdo the REst!
Led by: Children’s Cultural Centre
18.00 – 19.30
Austrian Cultural Forum — Lecture
Introduction: Markus Piffl, Organisation Transeo, Austria
Friendly Aliens in Old Peoples Homes
Graz: Contemporary Architecture in Historic Town
Markus Zechner, Austria
Center of Graz as a Mix of Historical Facades and
Domes, Permanent Art Installations and Modern
Biljana Aranđelović, Austria
French Cultural Centre — Exhibition Presentation
Le Havre, the City Reconstructed Upon the Idea of
August Peret
Exhibition explanation: Joseph Abram, France
Cultural Centre Dom omladine, foyer 1st floor — Lectures
Every Day Life, Siegfried Loos (polar ÷), Austria
Projects, Andreas Bremhorst (architekten CHRISTOPH
Formal Hall of the Stari Grad Municipality — Lectures
TYPUS or TOPOS: MRLV Architekten Hamburg –
– Designs and Contemplative Basis
Mirjana Marković (MRLV Architekten), Germany
from 19.00
REinterpretation of the Open Plan Concept
Stanko Gaković, USA
from 20.00
Thom Mayne, USA
Wednesday, July 1st
Friday, July 3rd
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Art Gallery
Children’s Workshop: RElay, RElay!
Led by: Children’s Cultural Centre
9.00 – 19.30
Italian Institute for Culture in Belgrade
REdefining Post–WWII Housing
Welcome: Tanja Conley (University of Belgrade)
Participants: Joseph Abram (School of Architecture Nancy),
Gabi Dolff–Bonekämper (Technical University Berlin), Elain
Harwood (English Heritage), Marieke Kuipers (Technical
University Delft), Paola di Biagi (University of Trieste),
Alessandra Cerroti (University of Rome), Giovanni Caudo
(University of Rome), Piet Eckert (E2A Eckert Eckert
Architekten, Switzerland)
19.00 – 20.45
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Artget Gallery — Conversation
Serbia on Venice Architecture Biennales
Introduction: Snežana Ristić
Participants: Branislav Dimitrijević, Branislav Mitrović,
Zoran Erić
Belgrade City Library, Department of Art, Reading room
2nd floor — Movie
Urban REcreation, The Congress of Architecture Students
of former Yugoslavia
(ASK 09 EXYU), Young Architects’ Club
Saturday, July 4th
Gathering in front of The Central Army Hall
Guided bus tour: Superblocks of New Belgrade
Led by: Tanja Conley and Ivan Kucina
Institute of Urbanism Belgrade — Exhibition Presentation
RE_Belgrade: Old and New
Student’s workshop Faculty of Architecture, University of
18.00 – 19.30
Institute of Urbanism Belgrade — Round table
What Should We Do With New Belgrade?
Moderator: Žaklina Gligorijević (Institute of Urbanism
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Art Gallery
Awards for Architecture and Architectural and Urban
Planning Competitions 2008/09
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Artget Gallery
E2A: Fractions of Reality
(E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten), Switzerland
Cultural Centre of Belgrade: Hall in front of the Artget Gallery
Territorial Agency
(Territorial Agency), Switzerland
O3one Gallery
(Könz Molo architetti), Switzerland
Cultural Centre Dom omladine, foyer 1st floor
Young Viennese Architects (YO.V.A.2), Austria
Cultural Centre GRAD, 1st floor
Contemporary Architecture in the Region: Architecture
of Romania and Bulgaria in 21st Century
Curators: Constantin Goagea, Romania and Peter Torniov,
Bulgaria, Coordinator: Ivan Kucina, Serbia
Cultural Centre GRAD, groundfloor
Riverfront REclaimed – Charging City Life
Concept: Ružica Bogdanović, Town Planners Association
EUNIC – Italian Institute for Culture
Post-WWII social housing in Italy
INCIS Estates in Rome: Villaggio Olimpico and Decima
Curator: Alessandra Cerroti, Italy
Coordinators: Roberta Gentile and Paola Guidugli, Italy
EUNIC – French Cultural Centre
Le Havre, the City reconstructed upon the idea of
August Peret, Curator: Joseph Abram, France
EUNIC – Austrian Cultural Forum
REstoration processes of historic treasures, Austria
EUNIC – Goethe Institute
Ninety years of Bauhaus: Books about Bauhaus
in the library of Goethe Institute Belgrade
Vračar Municipality, entrance hall
BINA Competition for Young Architects:
Urban–architectural design for the open space on the
corner of Kneginje Zorke and Mekenzijeva St. in Vračar
Municipality in Belgrade, Patron: Vračar Municipality
Windows at Knez Mihailova Street
Belgrade – the Gilded Ratio:
Project LEGATIO – Valorisation of Austrian Building
Heritage on the Territory of Belgrade, Serbia
Organisation: Young Architects’ Club
BINA Venues
Extra – mûros: Architecture of Delight
City of Architecture and Patrimoine of Paris, France
Institute of Urbanism Belgrade
RE... Belgrade: Old and New
Student’s workshop Faculty of Architecture, University of
(3) Kategorije: 1) najuspešnije arhitektonsko delo iz svih
oblasti arhitekture – Godišnja nagrada i 2) izvedeno
delo naših arhitekata koje je realizovano u inostranstvu
– Povelja
Nagrade za arhitekturu
Ovogodišnja BINA, četvrta u nizu, u svoj program uvrstila
je jednu novu izložbu: „Nagrade za arhitekturu“.
Izložba predstavlja osam nagrada različitih institucija
dodeljenih u periodu između prošlogodišnje i ovogodišnje
Nedelje arhitekture, od juna 2008. do juna 2009. godine.
O nagradama, u tekstu koji sledi, navodimo sledeće
podatke: termin dodele nagrade, (1) naziv nagrade,
(2) naziv institucije koja dodeljuje nagradu i (3) osnovne
propozicije nagrade.
(2) osnivač ULUPUDS i Arhitektonski fakultet u Beogradu,
Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu – departman
za arhitekturu i urbanizam, IAUS, Zadužbina Ilije
Milosavljevića Kolarca
(3) Nagrada je osnovana sa ciljem da podstiče, razvija i
afirmiše kritičko - teorijsku misao u oblasti arhitekture i
arhitektonsko stvaralaštvo.
Kategorije: 1) kritičko – teorijski tekstovi o arhitekturi
2) televizijske emisije, izložbe ili multimedijalne prezentacije
i 3) realizovano arhitektonsko delo.
(2) Savez arhitekata Srbije
(3) SAS dodeljuje Veliku nagradu svojim najistaknutijim
članovima za celokupni opus.
(2) Savez arhitekata Srbije pod pokroviteljstvom
Ministarstva za zaštitu životne sredine i prostorno planiranje
(2) Kompanija “Novosti” a.d.
(3) Nagrada se dodeljuje radi podsticanja najviših
dostignuća u arhitektonskom stvaralaštvu
Kategorije: 1) za najuspešnije arhitektonsko delo
realizovano u prethodnoj godini i 2) za najuspešniji
projekat studenta arhitekture u prethodnoj godini
(2) Muzej primenjene umetnosti – odsek za arhitekturu,
urbanizam i arhitektonski dizajn
(3) U okviru izložbene manifestacije dodeljuju se:
Grand prix Salona i Priznanja u sledećim kategorijama:
Arhitektura, Arhitektura – projekti, Enterijer, Urbanizam,
Gosti Salona – delo u inostranstvu i Publikacije.
(2) Skupština grada Beograda
(3) Nagrada grada Beograda dodeljuje se za delo koje
predstavlja najvrednije dostignuće u umetnosti, nauci,
medicini, arhitekturi i urbanizmu, novinarstvu, obrazovanju
i sportu, realizovano u prethodnoj godini.
(2) ULUPUDS, Majska izložba
(3) Nagrada se dodeljuje za najbolja ostvarenja iz oblasti
projektovanja enterijera.
(2) Upravni odbor Inžinjerske komore Srbije
(3) Godišnja nagrada se dodeljuje: 1) za životno delo,
2) za izuzetno dostignuće u struci iz delatnosti članova
Komore i 3) za ostvarivanje izuzetnih rezultata na početku
stručne karijere.
Milenija Marušić i Darko Marušić
Upravno poslovni objekat METALS BANKE, Stražilovska 2, Novi Sad
Nagrada Ranko Radović u kategoriji realizovano arhitektonsko delo
Društvo arhitekata Beograda i Kulturni centar Beograda
(Autori manifestacije: Jelena Ivanović-Vojvodic, Danica Jovović
Prodanović, Ivan Kucina, Darko Marušić, Ružica Sarić)
Nagrada Ranko Radović u kategoriji televizijske emisije, izložbe,
multimedijalne prezentacije
Ognjenka Finci
Asocijacija arhitekata Sarajeva, 2008.
Nagrada Ranko Radović u kategoriji kritičko teorijski tekstovi o arhitekturi, urbanizmu i gradu
Dušan Krstić
Velika nagrada za arhitekturu Saveza arhitekata Srbije
Goran Vojvodić, Gordana Šišović i Dušan Radišić
Upravna zgrada “Porše” u Beogradu
Godišnja nagrada za arhitekturu Saveza arhitekata Srbije
u kategoriji za najuspešnije arhitektonsko delo – godišnja nagrada
31. Salon arhitekture, Priznanje u kategoriji arhitekture
Nagrada grada Beograda
Vesna Cagić i Ksenija Bulatović
Poslovni objekat u Takovskoj ulici u Beogradu
Nagrada za arhitekturu kompanije «NOVOSTI» u kategoriji za
najuspešnije arhitektonsko delo realizovano u prethodnoj godini
Jovan Sarić i Ružica Sarić
Stambeno poslovni objekat u Budvi
Godišnja nagrada za arhitekturu Saveza arhitekata Srbije u kategoriji za
izvedeno delo naših arhitekata koje je realzovano u inostranstvu
31. Salon arhitekture, Priznanje u kategoriji arhitekture
Hana Drašković
“Kula - hotel i garaža”
Nagrada za arhitekturu kompanije «NOVOSTI» u kategoriji za
najuspešniji projekat studenta arhitekture u prethodnoj godini
Katarina Bosnić
Beogradski apartman
Nagrada Aleksandar Šaletić za enterijer
Branislav Mitrović
Nagrada Inženjerske komore Srbije za životno delo
Ela Nešić i Danilo Nedeljković
Enterijer prodavnice “Prizma”
Nagrada Aleksandar Šaletić za enterijer
Marija Savković i Marija Milanović
Konkurs za idejno arhitektonsko rešenje zgrade Oblasnog centra
kontrole letenja na aerodromu “Nikola Tesla”
Nagrada Inženjerske komore Srbije za ostvarivanje izuzetnih rezultata
na početku stučne karijere
Biljana Cvejić i Milan Dimitrijević
Hotel “Townhouse 27” u Beogradu
Grand prix 31. Salona arhitekture
Awards for Architecture
This year BINA, fourth in a row, introduced a new
Exhibition in its Programme. The Exhibition, entitled
“Awards for Architecture”, presents eight awards
bestowed by different Institutions in the period between
last year’s and this year’s BINA, from June of 2008 until
June of 2009.
In the follow-up, we present a fact sheet about the
Awards, which includes: the time when the award is
announced (1) the name of the Award (2) name of
the institutions that bestows the Award, and (3) basic
description of the Awards.
(2) ULUPUDS (Association of Applied Arts Artists and
Designers of Serbia), as the founder, together with Faculty
of Architecture in Belgrade, Faculty of Technical Sciences
in Novi Sad – Department for Architecture and Urbanism,
IAUS, The Ilija M. Kolarac Foundation.
(3) The Award was established with an aim to support,
develop and foster analytical review and theoretic
thought in the area of architecture as well as architectural
endeavour. Categories: 1) analytic reviews and theoretical
texts on architecture 2) television programmes,
exhibitions, or multimedia presentations 3) realised work
of architecture.
(2) Association of Architects of Serbia
(3) AAS awards the Grand Prix to its most prominent
members for their entire opus.
(2) Association of Architects of Serbia under auspices of
the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
(3) Categories: 1) most successful architecture work from
all the areas of architecture – Annual Award 2) realised
work of our architects abroad – Charter
(2) Publishing company “Novosti”
(3) The Award is bestowed for the purpose of encouraging
the highest achievements in architectural endeavour.
Categories: 1) most successful architectural work realised
in previous year 2) most successful project of a student of
architecture in the previous year
(2) Museum of Applied Arts - Department of architecture,
urbanism and architectural design
(3) Within the manifestations, the following awards are
given: Grand Prix of the Salon and Commendations in
the following categories: “Architecture”, “Architecture
– Projects“, “Interior Design”, “Town Planning“, “ Guest of
the Salon - Work done abroad” and “Publications“.
(2) Belgrade City Assembly
(3) The Award of the City of Belgrade is bestowed for
a work that represents the most valuable achievement
in arts, science, medicine, architecture and urbanism,
journalism, education and sport, and was completed in
the previous year.
(2) ULUPUDS, May Exhibition
(3) The Award is bestowed for best accomplishments in
the area of interior design.
(2) Chamber of Engineers Steering Committee
(3) The Annual Award is bestowed for: 1) Lifetime
Achievment 2) for outstanding achievement in the
profession performed by the members of the Chamber 3)
for outstanding results at the beginning of a professional
Arhitektonski i urbanistički
konkursi 2008/09.
Architectural and Urban Planning
Competitions 2008/09
Prikaz godišnje produkcije arhitektonsko-urbanističkih
konkursa, stalna je rubrika BINE. Osnovni cilj izložbe
konkursnih radova je afirmacija dragocene institucije
konkursa i ukazivanje na neophodnost negovanja
konkursne tradicije. Neka primetna konkursna oseka, u
periodu između proslogodišnje i ovogodišnje BINE, bude
i svojevrstan apel Društva arhitekata Beograda nadležnim
gradskim institucijama za raspisivanje konkursa. Konkursi
su svetski priznata nadmetanja najboljih arhitektonskourbanističkih radova za najkvalitetnija rešenja. Ne postoji
brži i jasniji način za unapređenje arhitekture i urbanizma
neke sredine.
One of the constant headings of BINA is review of the
yearly production of the architectural and urban planning
competitions. The main goal of the exhibition of the
competition works is affirmation of the precious institution
of competitions and pointing out to the necessity of
cherishing its tradition. Let the noticeable low tide of
competitions, between this and last year’s BINA, be a
special appeal of the Association of Belgrade Architect,
to the competent city administration for competition
announcement. Competitions are worldwide accepted
way of competing between the best architectural and
urban planning works, for the best quality solutions.
There is no faster and better way for improving of the
architecture and urbanism of a certain envoirment.
Re:A.C.T.(Grozdana Šišović, Tanja Bajić i Dejan Milanović)
Konkurs za idejno rešenje objekta u Ulici Skadarskoj br. 34 u Beogradu
I nagrada
Jelena Mandić i Mirjana Todorović
Konkurs za idejno rešenje fontane sa partnernim rešenjem prostora
ispred poslovne zgrade Jugoimport na Novom Beogradu
I nagrada
studija. Biro je osvojio prvu nagradu za izradu glavnog
projekta za Escher Wyss Areal, najveću industrijsku zonu
u Cirihu. Projekat predviđa izgradnju Escher-Terrassen, 60
m visoku zgradu sa apartmanima i pozornicama za probe
ciriške Opere, čija je izrada naručena od E2A (planirano je
da se radovi završe do 2011). Projekti E2A su objavljeni
u brojnim časopisima i knjigama. Godine 2006. izdata je
monografija 15 De aedibus. E2A (izdavač: Quart Verlag,
E2A: Fragmenti stvarnosti
E2A: Fractions of Reality
Izložba radova biroa E2A Ekert Ekert Arhitekten,
exhibition of the buro E2A
Eckert Eckert Architekten, Switzerland
U svetu sa sve većim brojem izmučenih arhitektonskih
uloga, sa sumnjivim kontekstualnim postojanostima,
ekonomskim pritiskom, u svetu koji vrtoglavom brzinom
stremi ka novim ekološkim standardima, dosežemo
granice perfekcionizma. Našim radovima izrazili smo
stanje uma koje konceptualizuje arhitekturu i urbanizam
kao skladan nesklad, ukazujući na to da nova, moderna
mreža povezuje nejednakosti. Modernizacija ne mora
biti skladna, ne mora da se nameće čitavom sistemu.
Ona postaje sistem osobenosti i neprekidno predviđanje,
najzad, kolaž koji može da poveže razlike, polaritete i
suprotnosti u jedan pojam mašte. Ona oslobađa otpor
sistemu koji je neprijateljski nastrojen prema novim
idejama i potrebama za prilagođavanjem, imajući na umu
da bi stoga novina trebalo da bude izmenjena na čitavom
opsegu „skladne” sfere. Prema tome, savršeni način
čitanja naših stvarnosti je onaj koji je nemoguće dovršiti.
Izloženo je jedanaest fragmenata protumačenih stvarnosti
koji će biti detaljnije obrađeni tokom predavanja.
Within a world of increasingly tortured architectural
roles, of doubtful contextual stabilities, economic
pressure and breathless speed towards new ecological
standards, we reach the limits of a perfectionist world.
Through our work we have formulated a mindset to
conceptualize architecture and urbanism as a systematic
incoherence reflecting that a new modern network
interlocks inequalities. Modernization does not have to
be coherent, does not need a form of imposition on the
entire system. It becomes a system of particularities and
continuous anticipation, finally a collage that is capable
to cast difference, polarities and contrast into one idea of
imagination. It frees the resistance of a system hostile to
new ideas and to needs of adaptation, bearing in mind
that consequently newness would need to be changed on
an entire scale of a “coherent” sphere. The ideal reading
of our realities is therefore one that is impossible to
complete. 11 fractions of interpreted realities are exhibited
and will be further elaborated throughout the lecture.
Braća Pit i Vim Ekert otvorili su svoj biro 1997. u Cirihu,
koji je 2001. postao E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten.
Ovaj biro trenutno zapošljava trideset arhitekata koji
rade na petnaest projekata. E2A izrađuje arhitektonske
i urbanističke projekte u vidu interdisciplinarnih procesa
sa više autora. Konceptualni razvoj je spoj analitičke
percepcije konteksta i hipotetičkog, programskog pristupa
koji prikazuje jedno tumačenje savremenih uslova.
Skorašnji i sadašnji projekti predstavljaju prelaz na širi
opseg koji obuhvata više javnih projekata i urbanističkih
The brothers Piet and Wim Eckert established their
office in 1997 in Zurich and became E2A Eckert Eckert
Architekten in 2001. Currently, the practice employs
30 architects working on15 projects. E2A conceives
architectural and urban projects as an interdisciplinary
process, as a multiple authorship. The conceptual
development is a synthesis of an analytic perception of
the context and a hypothetical, programmatic approach outlining an interpretation of the contemporary conditions.
Recent and current projects represent a change to a
E2A Ekert Ekert Arhitekten
Centar za sluh i jezik, Švajcarska, Cirih
konkurs 2003, I nagrada, realizovano 2006 - 2008
foto: Dominik Mark Verli
E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten
Centre for Hearing and Language, CH-Zurich
competition 2003, 1st Prize, realization 2006 - 2008
photo: Dominique Marc Wehrli
larger scale, which includes several public projects as
well as urban studies. The practice was awarded with the
first prize for the Master plan for the Escher Wyss Areal,
the largest industrial area in Zurich. The plan foresees
the construction of the Escher-Terrassen, a 60m highrise building with apartments and the rehearsal stages
of the Zurich Opera, for which E2A was commissioned
(completion planned 2011). Projects of E2A have been
published in numerous magazines and books. In 2006,
the monograph 15 De aedibus. E2A (Quart Verlag,
Lucerne) was released.
Teritorijal ejdžensi
Izložba radova biroa Teritorijal ejdžensi,
Međuzavisnost je ključna karakteristika sveta u XXI veku.
Transformacije u jednom sistemu utiču na dinamiku u
drugim sistemima, a te veze često funkcionišu i na širokim
prostorima. Naše naseobine postaju sve povezanije jedna
s drugom, što je posledica globalizacije, i sve se više
oslanjaju na prirodne prostore u koje su usađene kako bi
Territorial Agency postavlja pitanje kako arhitektura
može da organizuje koherentan skup širokih teritorijalnih
transformacija uz integrisanje postojećih sila i dinamika.
Gledano s konvencionalne tačke gledišta, od arhitekture
se očekuje da proizvodi prostorna rešenja prema zadatim
smernicama. Territorial Agency pokušava da preokrene
ovo shvatanje i istraži kako arhitektonsko znanje može
da se aktivira kako bi se stvorio zajednički koordinatni
sistem za mnogobrojne aktere i zainteresovane činioce
koji bi informisao, preoblikovao i transformisao budućnost
naših teritorija. Territorial Agency se obraća pitanju
kako arhitektura može da postavi kontinuitet promena i
angažovanje prirodnih, političkih, kulturnih i ekonomskih
snaga kao svoj osnovni stav, nasuprot svom trenutnom
modernističkom pristupu pukog rešavanja problema.
Izložba sakuplja materijale iz raznih izvora i oblasti kako
bi predstavila niz hitnih pitanja o transformacijama
savremenih naseljenih teritorija. U opsegu od geopolitičkih
transformacija na dalekom severu do pregovora o
kulturi urbanih promena u Unutrašnjoj Mongoliji, od
klimatskih promena koje preoblikuju urbanu rečnu deltu
u Holandiji do institucionalnih demokratskih instrumenata
lokalne samouprave u Švajcarskoj, od cirkulacija i novih
zbližavanja povezanih sa evropskim migracijama, do
hermetičkih i gotovo samoreferentnih krugova proizvodnje
znanja i inovacija; od preoblikovanja suverenog
prostora kroz rad na terenu nevladinih organizacija do
infrastrukturnih mreža Ujedinjenih nacija širokog obima,
izložba istražuje kako međusobno delovanje komponenti
savremene teritorije, od kojih mnoge nisu oblikovali ljudi,
trajno regeneriše i transformiše procese koji su ih i stvorili.
Territorial Agency istražuje kako arhitektura redefiniše
svoju ulogu, kako se postavlja prema mogućnosti
dinamičnog ljudskog okruženja koje je pod stalnim
izmenama: jedno nedovršivo angažovanje u čijem je
središtu prostor u transformaciji.
Territorial Agency je samostalna organizacija koja
na inovativan način promoviše i radi na projektima
održivih teritorijalnih transformacija. Territorial Agency
radi na jačanju kapaciteta koji se tiču upravljanja
prostornim transformacijama u lokalnim zajednicama,
ali i na međunarodnom nivou. Territorial Agency se
bavi uspostavljanjem instrumenata i metoda kojima
se osigurava veći kvalitet arhitekture i urbanizma na
savremenim prostorima. Projekti Territorial Agency
kanališu dostupne prostorne resurse ka njihovom razvoju
u punom kapacitetu.
Territorial Agency su osnovali Džon Palmezino i
En-Sofi Renskog.
Territorial Agency
exhibition of the buro Territorial Agency,
Interdependence is the defining characteristic of the
21st century world. Transformations in one system affect
dynamics in other systems, and the connections operate
often over wide areas. Our inhabited environments are
becoming more and more linked with one another, as an
effect of globalisation, and they rely more and more on the
natural spaces they are inserted in to flourish.
Territorial Agency asks how architecture can organise
a coherent set of wide-scale territorial transformations,
integrating existing forces and dynamics.
Conventionally architecture is seen to produce spatial
solutions to defined briefs. Territorial Agency attempts to
© Territorial Agency
© Territorial Agency
reverse this and investigate how architecture knowledge
can be activated to generate a shared image of reference
for the multiple actors and stake-holders that will inform,
reshape and transform the future of our territories.
Territorial Agency addresses how architecture can pose
continuity of change and engagement with natural,
political, cultural, social and economic forces as its
fundamental attitude, as opposed to its current modernist
problem-solving approach.
The exhibition collects materials from a variety of sources
and domains to present a series of urgent questions
about the transformations of contemporary inhabited
territories. Ranging from the geopolitical transformations
in the High North to cultural negotiations around urban
change in Inner Mongolia, from climate change reshaping
the metropolitan delta of the Netherlands to institutional
assets of local democracy in Switzerland, from the
circulations and new proximities linked to migrations
in Europe, to the closed-off and almost self referential
circuits of contemporary knowledge production and
innovation; from the remoulding of sovereign space
through the action on the ground of Non-Governmental
Organisations to the sweeping infrastructural networks of
the UN, the exhibition investigates how the interplay of the
components of the contemporary territory, many of which
non-human, continuously regenerate and transform the
processes that formed them.
Territorial Agency investigates how architecture is
redefining its role, addressing the possibility of an
ever changing and dynamic human environment: an
unfinishable engagement with a space in transformation.
Territorial Agency is an independent organisation that
innovatively promotes and works for sustainable territorial
transformations. Territorial Agency works to strengthen
the capacity of local and international communities in
comprehensive spatial transformation management.
Territorial Agency works for the establishment of
instruments and methods for ensuring higher architectural
and urban quality in the contemporary territories. Territorial
Agency’s projects channel available spatial resources
towards the development of their full potential.
Territorial Agency is established by John Palmesino and
Ann-Sofi Rönnskog.
exhibition of the buro Könz Molo Architetti,
Izložba radova biroa Kenc Molo arhitekti,
Pojedinačne aspiracije u vezi sa teritorijom proširile su se
taktom motora sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem: REpeticija
(pojedinačnih objekata, pozicioniranih na podjednakim
razdaljinama od svojih osa, stvorila je međuprostore bez
značenja: nastanak prigradske periferije jeste univerzalan
Beskonačna REprodukcija „usamljenih“ zgrada slična je
autističnom individualizmu.
Skoro neograničena dostupnost resursa i energije imala je
nesumnjiv uticaj na prirodu i društvenu ravnotežu.
Takođe, ne možemo da umaknemo ovom fenomenu
– nalazimo se na sredini njegovog razvoja. Ideja
individualizma i slobode, u svakom slučaju ljudskog
progresa, ne može se razumeti sama po sebi već samo
u odnosu na njen kontekst, u širem smislu. Naša namera
je da popunimo te međuprostore, da stvorimo veze,
prostore koje su u dijalogu: koncentrisane REvolucionare
protiv ekspanzije. Tražeći razliku – i što se tiče posebnosti,
i što se tiče potencijala nekog mesta – tražimo
zgušnjavanje. Pokušavamo da se fokusiramo na ono što
je tipično. (RE-fokusirajmo se na tipično, i na osobeno.)
Želeli bismo da skrenemo pažnju na tri projekta koji
predstavljaju tri tipa stanovanja:
1_ kuća za bračni par
3_ zgrada za tri porodice
72_ objekat za 72 studenta.
Kenc Molo arhitekti, Lugano, Švajcarska. Osnovani 1992.
Partneri: Ludovika Molo i Jahen Kenc
Individual aspirations for the territory have expanded
at the rhythm of an internal combustion engine: the
repetition (RE-petition) of single objects, positioned at
legal distances from their property lines has produced
interstitial spaces devoid of meaning: the invention of the
suburban periphery is a universal phenomenon.
The reproduction (RE-production) ad infinitum of free
standing houses is akin to autistic individualism.
The near unlimited availability of resources and energy has
brought about an undeniable impact on nature and social
We also can’t escape from this phenomenon – we
find ourselves in the middle of its growth. The idea of
individualism and liberty, in any case human progress,
can’t be understood in and of itself but only in relation to
its context, in the larger sense.
Our intention is to fill these interstitial spaces, to create
relationships, spaces with dialogue: concentration rebels
(RE_bell) against expansion. Searching for a difference,
for a particularity and for the potential of any place, we
look for densification. We try to focus on the typical.
(RE_focus the typical, peculiar).
We would like to present three projects which represent
three residential typologies:
1_ a house for a single couple
3_ a building for three families
72_ a building for 72 students
Könz Molo architetti, Lugano, Switzerland. Established in
1992. Partners: Ludovica Molo and Jachen Könz.
Jednoporodična kuća Al Ronco,
Lugano Pregassona/TI, 2006-2007
(Foto: Walter Mair)
Onefamily House Al Ronco,
Lugano Pregassona/TI, 2006-2007
(Foto: Walter Mair)
diskusiju i umrežavanje. Kao konkretan proizvod nastao
je zajednički panoramski kolaž sa arhitektonskim
intervencijama iz priloga svih timova o aktuelnim pitanjima
iz oblasti arhitekture i urbanizma.
Mladi bečki arhitekti (YO.V.A.2),
organizator: Magistrat glavnog grada Beča
koncept izložbe: Mihael Dim
Radi davanja podsticaja mladim bečkim arhitektama, član
Vlade grada Beča zadužen za razvoj grada i saobraćaj,
dipl. inž. Rudolf Šiker je 2005. godine pokrenuo projekat
„YO.V.A. – Young Viennese Architects“, kao sastavni deo
Bečke godine arhitekture. Projekat je nastavljen u jesen
Izložba YO.V.A.2 (na nemačkom i engleskom jeziku) treba
da posluži kao platforma za predstavljanje inovativnih
kreacija, ideja i koncepata mladih arhitekata. U širokoj i
otvorenoj potrazi za učesnicima pronađene su osobe i
grupe koje su deo mladog, urbanog i živahnog bečkog
arhitektonskog dešavanja. Pravo učešća imali su mladi
arhitekti do 45 godina iz arhitektonskih biroa u Beču.
Kriterijumi za izbor bili su, između ostalog, inovativni
karakter i samostalnost prezentovanih projekata.
Žiri sastavljen od predstavnika iz oblasti arhitekture,
arhitektonskog obrazovanja, Grada Beča, Komore
arhitekata i inženjerskih konzolenata, Austrijskog društva
arhitekture i Interesnog udruženja arhitekture, izabrao je
učesnike na osnovu projekata koje su predali.
Od mnoštva kandidatura izabrano je dvanaest
arhitektonskih timova: SUE ARCHITEKTEN,
SOLID architecture, nonconform architektur vor ort,
t-hoch-n ARCHITEKTUR, Veit Aschenbrenner Architekten,
gharkhanzadeh sandbichler architekten zt gmbh, polar,
HEIN-TROY Architekten, kiskan kaufmann,
Architekten, HOLODECK architects i x architekten.
Pre izbora ovi timovi su se međusobno samo površno
poznavali, pa su pripreme za izložbu iskoristili za stručnu
Magistrat glavnog grada Beča
Magistratsko odeljenje 18 – Razvoj grada i urbanizam
Referat za rad s javnošću i upravljanje znanjem
1, Rathausstrasse 14-16, 1082 Beč, Austrija
Telefon: +43-1-4000 88720
Telefax: +43-1-4000 7271
E-mail: info@ma18.wien.gv.at
Web: www.stadtentwicklung.wien.at
Koncepcija sadržaja
dipl. inž. Mihael Dim
MA 19 – Arhitektura i uređenje grada
Grafika i dizajn
Izložba: Schreiner & Kastler
Katalog: Schreiner & Kastler
Young Viennese Architect (YO.V.A.2),
organized by: Stadtentwicklung Wien
exhibition concept: Michael Diem
Wanting to offer impetus to young Viennese architects, a
Vienna City Councillor for Urban Development, Traffic and
Transport, Mr. Rudolph Schicker, BE, started the project
“YO.V.A”. – Young Viennese Architects – in 2005, as part
of the Viennese Year of Architecture. The Project was
continued in the autumn of 2007.
Exhibition YO.V.A.2 (in German and in English) is
supposed to serve as platform for the presentation
of innovative creations, ideas and concepts of young
architects. In a wide and open search for the participants,
the Project found individuals, and groups, who are part
of the young, urban and lively Viennese architectural
activities. The right to participate was given to young
architects aged 45 or less that work in architecture
bureaus in Vienna. The criteria for selection were, among
others, innovative character and autonomy in realisation of
the presented designs.
A jury composed of representatives of the areas of
architecture and architectural education from the City
of Vienna, the Chamber of Architects and Engineers,
Austrian Architectural Society and Architects’ Interest
Association chose participants based on the designs they
From the multitude of entries, twelve architectonic teams
were chosen for the Project: SUE ARCHITEKTEN,
SOLID architecture, nonconform architektur vor ort,
t-hoch-n ARCHITEKTUR, Veit Aschenbrenner Architekten,
gharkhanzadeh sandbichler architekten zt gmbh, polar,
HEIN-TROY Architekten, kiskan kaufmann, CHRISTOPH
HOLODECK architects and x architekten.
Before the selection, these teams knew each other just
vaguely, so they used the preparations for the exhibition
for a professional discussion and networking. As the
concrete product of this discussion, a joint panoramic
collage was incepted with architectural interventions from
all the teams that reference current issues in the area of
architecture and urbanism.
City Council of Vienna
Municipal Department 18 – City Development and
Sector for Public Relations and Knowledge Management
1, Rathausstrasse 14-16, 1082 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: +43-1-4000 88720
Fax: +43-1-4000 7271
E-mail: info@ma18.wien.gv.at
Web: www.stadtentwicklung.wien.at
Contents Concept
Michael Diem, BE
MA 19 – Municipal Department for Architecture and Urban
Graphics & Design
Exhibition: Schreiner & Kastler
Catalogue: Schreiner & Kastler
Contemporary architecture in the
region: Architecture of Romania
and Bulgaria in 21st Century
according to magazines Architectura / Bucarest
and Abitare / Sofia
koordinator: Ivan Kucina
curators: Constantin Goagea (Romania) and
Peter Torniov (Bulgaria)
Savremena arhitektura u regionu:
Arhitektura Rumunije i Bugarske u
XXI veku
po izboru časopisa Architectura / Bukurešt i
Abitare / Sofija
koordinator: Ivan Kucina
kuratori: Konstantin Goađea (Rumunija) i Peter
Torniov (Bugarska)
Izložba Arhitektura Rumunije i Bugarske u XXI veku
predstavlja drugi nastavak u seriji izložbi posvećenih
savremenoj arhitekturi Balkana. Kao i prethodna
– Arhitektura Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije – i ova izložba je
organizovana tako što su odabrani kuratori, istaknuti mladi
arhitekti, iz sredina čija se arhitektura predstavlja. Namera
organizatora izložbe jeste da se prikažu radovi koji su
realizovani posle 2000. godine i projekti koji tek treba da
se realizuju. Izabrani radovi ne predstavljaju opšte stanje
već, prema mišljenju kuratora, najnapredniji i najkvalitetniji
deo arhitektonske produkcije.
Značaj ove izložbe i onih koje će biti prikazane u okviru
Beogradske internacionalne nedelje arhitekture jeste u
tome što one pružaju mogućnost poređenja i povezivanja
iskustava arhitekata iz država Balkana koji, iako
teritorijalno i kulturno bliski, nisu imali mnogo prilika da
razmene saznanja. A u tranzicionim vremenima, u kojima
arhitektura gubi svoja prethodna vrednosna uporišta
i pokušava da otkrije nova, razmena naprednih ideja i
iskustva postaje neophodnost.
The Exhibition about architecture of Romania and Bulgaria
in 21st century represents the second continuation in
the series of exhibitions dedicated to the contemporary
architecture of the Balkans. Same as the previous ones
– Architecture of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia –this
Exhibition also engaged curators who are eminent young
architects from the countries whose architecture is
exhibited. The intention of the exhibition organizers is to
show the works realized after the year 2000 and projects
that are yet to be realized. The chosen works do not
represent the overall situation, but, according to curators’
opinions, the most advanced and quality portion of the
architectural production.
The importance of this Exhibition and the future ones,
which will be presented within Belgrade International
Architecture Week, lies in the fact that these exhibitions
offer the possibility of comparing and linking the
experiences of architects who come from the Balkan
states, who did not have many opportunities to exchange
their knowledge, even though they are territorially
and culturally close. Yet, in transitional times, in which
architecture loses its previous bases of value and tries to
discover new ones, the exchange of progressive ideas
and experiences becomes a necessity.
Stambeni blok Ljulin,
2006-2007, Sofija, Bugarska
IO Architects
Ljulin Apartment Block,
2006-2007, Sofia, Bulgaria
IO Architects
2006-2008, Salciua, Alba district, Rumunija
SKBD: Attila Kim, Tiberiu Bucsa, Adriana Diaconu
Boarding House
2006-2008, Salciua, Alba district, Romania
SKBD: Attila Kim, Tiberiu Bucsa, Adriana Diaconu
sajmište kao nukleus Novog Beograda, izabrani radovi
projekta Ada Huja (autori: Dragana Bazik i saradnici,
Predrag Milošević i saradnici, Vladan Đokića i saradnici) i
projekat revitalizacije Kule Nebojše (autori: Dejan Miljković,
Branko Pavić, Jovan Mitrović).
Pokretač života u gradu
koncept izložbe: Ružica Bogdanović
Među mnogobrojnim gradovima na vodi značajna tema o
kojoj se govori jeste „vodeni front”.
Tokom istorijskog razvoja gradova pokretačke aktivnosti
locirane su upravo na obalama koje su, nekada na obodu
gradske zone, razvojem i širenjem grada postale deo šireg
gradskog jezgra.
Privredne zone, najčešće brodogradilišta locirana uz
vodene tokove (na primerima evropskih gradova kao
što su Bilbao, Geteborg, London, Amsterdam, Dablin...)
transformišu se u pokretački mehanizam postindustrijskog
grada tercijarnih i kvartalnih aktivnosti – usluga, rekreacije,
kulture, zabave.
Grad Beograd, sa izuzetnom dispozicijom najužeg
gradskog jezgra lociranog u neposrednoj blizini ušća Save
u Dunav, nema kvalitetnu vezu s vodenim frontom.
Tema priobalja je zastupljena u istraživanjima i analizama,
kao i manjim intervencijama (konkursno rešenje i realizacija
pristaništa, zatim niz parcijalnih projekata za Savski
amfiteatar i Staro beogradsko sajmište, Dorćolsku marinu,
Kalemegdansku tvrđavu i objekte donjeg Kalemegdana,
Dunavski amfiteatar – područje Ade Huje). Međutim,
potrebno je da se zona priobalja integralno i planski
definiše, ali je – u nedostatku takvog plana – i bavljenje
parcijalnim zahvatima kroz navedene teme dobrodošlo.
Izložba Društva urbanista Beograda na Beogradskoj
internacionalnoj nedelji arhitekture 2009. prikazuje
projekte koji su tokom prethodne dve godine promovisali
temu „silaska grada” na reke.
Izložba prikazuje postojeće stanje Savskog amfiteatra,
Starog sajmišta i Dunavskog amfiteatra, zatim pregled
projekata: Analiza Savskog amfiteatra, Izložba Staro
Društvo urbanista Beograda je posvećeno promovisanju,
organizovanju i objavljivanju širokog spektra projekata u
domenu urbanističkog planiranja u Beogradu. Društvo
urbanista Beograda predstavilo je svoju delatnost na
Belgrade design Week 2007 prostornom postavkom
Riverfront reclaimed, koja je zatim prikazana i tokom
međunarodne Nedelje arhitekture 2007. Društvo urbanista
Beograda je 2008. godine učestvovalo sa autorskom
izložbom multimedijalnih projekata Staro beogradsko
sajmište kao staro jezgro Novog Beograda, na Salonu
arhitekture 2008, u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti u
Beogradu. Sa projektom Staro beogradsko sajmište, 70
godina od otvaranja prvog beogradskog međunarodnog
sajma uzoraka, Društvo urbanista Beograda je
promovisalo svoju delatnost tokom dana Evropske
kulturne baštine 2007. godine.
Charging City Life
exhibition concept: Ružica Bogdanović
In many cities that lie on water, an important topic of
conversation is the “water front”. During the historical
development of the cities, the driving force activities have
been particularly located on the river banks, which, once
on the borders of city zones, today belong to the wider
city core, a result of the development and the expansion
of the city.
Industrial zones, most frequently shipyards located
alongside the water flows (as in examples of the cities
as Bilbao, Goteborg, London, Amsterdam, Dublin
etc) are being transformed into the driving force of the
post-industrial city’s tertiary and quaternary activities
– recreation, culture, entertainment.
The City of Belgrade, with the extraordinary layout of its
city core located close to the confluence of the rivers
Sava and Danube, does not have a quality connection
with the water front. The theme of riverfronts is present in
Povratak obalama
Beton hala na obali reke Save, Beograd
Riverfront reclaimed
Beton hala on the river Sava, Belgrade
researches and analyses, as well as minor interventions
(competition for the pier, a series of partial designs for the
Sava’s amphitheatre and the Old Belgrade Fairgrounds,
the Dorcol marina, Kalemegdan Fortress and the lower
Kalemegdan, Danube’s amphitheatre – Ada Huja area).
However, it is necessary to integrate and define the
coastal zone through plans, but, in the shortage of a plan,
partial actions relating stated themes are also welcome.
The exhibition of the Town Planners Association of
Belgrade within the Belgrade International Architecture
Week 2009 shows the projects which in the previous two
years have promoted the theme of the “city descent” to
the rivers,
The exhibition shows the existing state of the Sava’s
amphitheatre, Old Fairgrounds and the Danube
amphitheatre, the review of the project: Analysis of the
Sava’s amphitheatre; Exhibition Old Fairgrounds as the
nucleus of the New Belgrade; chosen works from the
project Ada Huja (authors: Dragana Bazik and associates,
Predrag Milosevic and associates, Vladan Djokic and
associates) and the project of revitalisation of the Nebojsa
Tower (authors: Dejan Miljkovic, Branko Pavic and Jovan
Town Planners Association Belgrade
Town Planners Association Belgrade is dedicated to
promotion , organization and publishing of the wide
spectrum of projects in the domain of the urban planning
in Belgrade. Association of the Belgrade Urban Planners
has presented its activity within the Belgrade design Week
2007, with the three-dimensional display RIVERFRONT
RECLAIMED, which has later been exhibited within the
international Architecture Week 2007.
Association of the Belgrade Urban Planners has
participated with the author’s exhibition of the multimedia
project Old Belgrade fairground as the old nucleus of the
New Belgrade, within the Architecture Salon 2008, held in
the Museum of the Applied Arts in Belgrade.
With the project Old Belgrade fairground, 70 years from
the opening of the First international fair of samples,
ABUP has promoted its activity during the European
cultural heritage days 2007.
Posleratno socijalno stanovanje
u Italiji. Naselja INCIS-a u Rimu:
Villaggio Olimpico i Decima
kurator: Alesandra Čeroti
koordinatori: Roberta Đentile i Paola Gvidulji
Izgradnja Olimpijskog sela i Dečime jedan su od najvećih
projekata Nacionalnog instituta za stanove državnih
službenika (INCIS), čija je uloga bila da civilnim i vojnim
državnim službenicima obezbedi rezidencijalne javne
stanove pod povoljnim uslovima.
Između 1958. i 1965. grupa talentovanih arhitekata
(Vitorio Kafjero, Injacio Gvidi, Adalberto Libera, Ugo
Lučikenti, Vinčenco Monako i Luiđi Moreti) realizovali
su dva rezidencijalna kompleksa po narudžbini državne
ustanove, na severu i na jugu Rima.
Dakle, kvart Dečima, kojem je bilo namenjeno centralno
mesto između Eura i budućih stambenih kompleksa koji
će nići na jugoistoku Rima, treba posmatrati i razumeti u
odnosu sa njegovim “blizancem”, kvartom Olimpijsko selo,
napravljenim za atletičare Olimpijskih igara 1960. u Rimu
koji je kasnije, dodeljen državnim službenicima. Pored
karakteristične tipologije i sličnog uređenja, Olimpijsko
selo je smešteno na liniji Olimpika koja će, po projektu
produženja, predstavljati ulicu sa centralnom funkcijom
unutar četvrti Dečima.
Projektanti su postavili cilj da „izgrade četvrt živih,
organskih, nepravilnih formi, koje izazivaju izvesnu radost,
čak i ponavljanjem planimetrijskih tipova”.
Dva kompleksa čine niz linijski poređanih zgrada,
krstastog preseka sa dvorištem, podignutih na pilotise,
povezanih ulicama i uronjenih u zelenilo. Naročito
prisustvo prizemlja izdignutog na pilotise, čime se
izbegava nepovoljan položaj stanova, garantuje ujednačen
pregled i dopušta osećaj veće otvorenosti i daha na čitavu
Struktura zgrada je u armiranom betonu, dok je zid od
opeke u dvema bojama, pucolana crvene i rimske žute.
Ujednačenost urbanističkog karaktera i arhitektonskog
kvaliteta koja izbija iz umerenog odnosa između
prirodnih i izgrađenih elemenata, od velikog je značaja za
rezidencijalne i formalne aspekte.
Što se tiče gradskog dizajna, iako postoji kontinuitet
u namerama, u Dečimi se primećuje veća zrelost i
dovršenost u globalnom izrazu. U svakom slučaju,
dve četvrti rađaju se povezane u jednoobraznoj viziji
razvoja grada: očigledan je, u oba slučaja, odnos sa
savremenim severnoevropskim iskustvom u vezi sa
socijalnim aspektima „susedstva”, zatim podela pešačkih
i saobraćajno prohodnih prelaza različitim nivoima, kao i
projektantski izgled zelenila koje se posmatra kao vezivni
Alesandra Čeroti diplomirala je arhitekturu na Univerzitetu
Sapijenca u Rimu, na kome se i specijalizovala
za restauraciju spomenika. Od 2003. sarađuje na
laboratorijskom kursu iz arhitektonske restauracije na
Arhitektonskom fakultetu „Vale Đulija” i učestvovala je
u istraživanjima i na međunarodnim seminarima u Kini
i Brazilu, u okviru kojih je priredila brojne publikacije.
U svojim studijama bavi se pretežno savremenom
arhitektonskom restauracijom; trenutno završava
doktorat na Univerzitetu Sapijenca u Rimu na temu javne
rezidencijalne gradnje u periodu posle II svetskog rata
s obzirom na probleme konzervacije i restauracije. Radi
u Rimu a svoje profesionalne aktivnosti usmerila je na
restauraciju spomenika.
Post-WWII Social Housing in Italy.
INCIS estates: Villaggio Olimpico
and Decima
curator: Alessandra Cerroti
coordinators: Roberta Gentile and Paola Guidugli
Development of the estates Villaggio Olimpico (Olympic
Village) and Decima, is one of the hugest projects
undertaken by The National Institute for the Houses of
the State Employees (INCIS), whose role was to provide
the residential public apartments for the civil and military
employees, under the favourable conditions.
Between 1958 and 1965, a group of talented architects
(Vittorio Cafiero, Ignazio Guidi, Adalberto Libera, Ugo
Luccichenti, Vincenzo Monaco and Luigi Moretti) have
realized two residential complexes, ordered by this
governmental institution, on the north and south of Rome.
Therefore, Decima estate, which was planned for
the central part between EUR and future residential
complexes, built on the south-east of Rome, should be
observed and comprehend in the relation to his “twinbrother”, Villaggio Olimpico estate, developed for the
athletics who participated in the Olympic games held in
Rome in 1960, and later distributed to the government
employees. Besides the specific typology and the similar
structure, Villaggio Olimpico is settled on the line of
via Olimpica which became the street with the central
function within the estate Decima, after the completion of
the design for the extension.
The designers posed the goal to “build the quarter of
lively, irregular forms, which can provoke certain delight,
even with repetition of the planimetry types”.
The two complexes are formed by the line of the
buildings, cross-section like with the yard, raised on
pilotis, connected with streets and surrounded with
greenery. Specially, the presence of the ground floor
elevated on pilotis, by which the unpleasant position of
apartments is avoided, the unified view is guaranteed and
the feeling of the greater openness and the view to the
whole composition is allowed.
Structure of the buildings is made of reinforced concrete,
while the wall is made of brick in two colours – red
puzzolane and roman yellow.
The unification of the urban character and architectural
quality, which emerges from the moderate relationship
between natural and built elements, is very important for
residential and formal aspects.
As far as the city design is concerned, although there
is continuity in intentions, the greater maturity and the
global expression is shown in Decima. In any case, the
two estates were born from the unique vision of the city
development: in both cases, the relationship with the
contemporary north-European experience with social
aspects of “neighbourhood” is obvious, together with
the division between the pedestrian and car-accessible
approaches to different levels, as well as the design of the
greenery seen as the connective space.
Villaggio Olimpico, Rim, Italija
Villaggio Olimpico, Rome, Italy
za istoriju savremene arhitekture. Predavao je na
Arhitektonskom institutu u Ženevi i u Školi lepih umetnosti
u Metsu. Deset godina je bio član uređivačkog odbora
časopisa Faces. Godine 1999. je objavio „Moderna
arhitektura u Francuskoj 1940-1966, od haosa do
uspona” (Éditions Picard), a 2002, sa Žan-Luj Koenom i Gi
Lamberom „Enciklopedija Pere” (Monum-Ifa-Le Moniteur).
Izradio je naučnu podlogu zahteva za upis obnovljenog
centra Avra na Listu svetske baštine (klasifikacija
UNESCO, 2005).
Grad Avr,
obnovljen po ideji Ogista Perea
kustos: Žozef Abram
Izložba prikazuje obnovljeni centar grada Avra koji se
od 15. jula 2005. nalazi na Uneskovom spisku svetske
Namenjena široj publici, izložba može da zadovolji i
stručnu javnost koja zahteva naučnu preciznost, tako i
amatere arhitekture. Predstavljen je savremeni identitet
ovog grada, njegova vekovna veza lukom i morem kao i
aktuelna dinamika njegovog razvoja.
Izložba se sastoji od dvadeset panoa koji kroz istorijske
planove i fotografije ilustruju formiranje urbane teritorije.
Podsećaju nas na stari grad, na njegov izuzetni privredni
značaj u prošlosti, na kolevku impresionizma, zatim na
rat, bombardovanja i razaranja krajem Drugog svetskog
rata, nakon kojih sledi izrada privremenog grada i njegovo
postepeno obnavljanje. Veliki deo izložbe odnosi se
na arhitektonsku i gradsku baštinu izuzetne vrednosti.
Obnova grada najveće je arhitektonsko delo Ogista Perea
i škole strukturnog klasicizma. Nekoliko panoa posvećeno
je savremenom Avru, aktivnostima luke i velikim
ekonomskim i urbanim projektima.
Ovi veliki horizontalni panoi u skladu su sa sadržajem:
tu su stari planovi, marine, urbani pejzaži, javni prostori,
Izložba je dopunjena 40-minutnim filmom o izgradnji Avra
(na francuskom). Većim delom je posvećen arhivskim
snimcima i razvoju savremenog grada, a predstavljeno je i
mišljenje lokalnih čelnika.
Žozef Abram, arhitekta i istoričar, profesor je na
Arhitektonskoj školi u Nansiju i istraživač na Laboratoriji
Le Havre, the City reconstructed
upon the idea of August Peret
curator: Joseph Abram
This exhibition shows the renewed centre of the city of Le
Havre, which, since 15th July 2005.has been added to
UNESCO’s list of the world cultural heritage sites.
Intended to the wider public, the exhibition can satisfy
both the expert public, which requires scientific
precision, and the amateurs of architecture. It shows
the contemporary identity of this city, its century-old
relationship with the port and the sea, as well as the
current dynamics of its development.
The exhibition consists of 20 panels which, through
historic plans and photographs, illustrate the formation
of the urban territory. They remind us of the old city,
its extraordinary economic importance in the past,
of the cradle of impressionism, as well as of the war,
bombardments and devastations at the end of the
WWII, after which the development of the temporary
city and its gradual renovation started. A large portion
of the exhibition relates to the architectural and city
heritage of extraordinary value. The restoration of the
City is the greatest work of August Peret and the School
of Structural Classicism. A few panels are dedicated
to contemporary Havre, its port activities and huge
economic and urban projects.
These big horizontal panels are in harmony with their
content: they show old plans, marines, urban landscapes,
public spaces, buildings, etc.
The exhibition is complemented with a 40 minute film
about the construction of Havre (in French). Its greater
part is dedicated to the archive recordings and the
Trgovački basen
foto: Žozef Abram
Commercial basin
photo: Joseph Abram
Avenija Foš i Port osean
foto: Žozef Abram
Avenue Foch and La porte océane
photo: Joseph Abram
development of the contemporary city, as well as to the
opinions of the local chiefs.
Joseph Abram, architect and historian, is professor at
the Nancy School of Architecture and researcher at the
Laboratory of contemporary architecture history.
He has taught at the Geneva Institute of Architecture and
at the Metz School of fine arts. For ten years he has been
member of the editorial board of the revue Faces. In 1999
he published “Modern architecture in France, 1940-1966,
from chaos to
growth” (Edition Picard) and in 2002, with Jean-Louis
Cohen and Guy Lambert,
“The Perret encyclopedia” (Monum-Ifa-Le Moniteur). He
made the scientific file of the request for the inscription of
the reconstructed center of the city of Havre on the World
heritage list (classification of the UNESCO, 2005).
Procesi REstauracije istorijskog
nasleđa, Austrija
REstoration processes of historic
treasures, Austria
organizacija: TRANSEO
organization: TRANSEO
Na izložbi će biti prikazano nekoliko projekata restauracije
koje su ostvarili članovi organizacije TRANSEO
(Transnacionalna razmena pri primenjenoj konzervaciji
spomenika). Osim fotografija projekata, posetioci će moći
da vide i stvarne primerke konzervacije i restauracije.
Nakon utemeljenja organizacije različitih disciplina
restauracije u arhitekturi, na domaćim i stranim
univerzitetima i školama, više od dvadeset pet godina
bavimo se zaštitom, brigom i očuvanjem istorijskog blaga.
Naš posao je očuvanje lepote i posebnosti objekata koji
su nam povereni na čuvanje. Svako remek delo se tretira
sa posebnim zadovoljstvom i preciznošću i prvoklasnom
veštinom našeg tima. Savršeni tretman istorijskog
materijala i veliko znanje o modernim umetničko-tehnološkim metodama garantuju profesionalni tretman
svakog objekta. Naše stalno učešće na predavanjima
i kursevima nije samo stvar našeg usmerenja već,
pre svega, preduslov za ispunjenje sve većih potreba
This exhibition will show several restoration projects made
by members of Organisation TRANSEO (Transnational
exchange in applied monument conservation). These
projects will be shown mainly by photographs, but the
public will be also able to see some real samples of
conservation and restoration.
After a funded formation in different disciplines of
restoration and architecture in domestic and foreign
universities and schools, we apply ourselves since
more than 25 years to the protection, the care and the
maintenance of historic treasures. We have made it
our business to preserve the beauty and the particular
character of an object entrusted to our care. Each
masterpiece is treated with joy and accurateness, and
the high- class skill of our team, the perfect treatment
of historic material and the profound knowledge about
modern art-technological methods guarantee the
professional treatment of every object. Our constant
participation on lectures and courses is not only a matter
of course for us but also a pre-condition to fulfil the evergrowing needs of restoration.
Organzacija TRANSEO i učesnici izložbe:
Markus Pifl, diplomirani restaurator za istorijske enterijere
od drveta, Grac
Markus Cehner, arhitekta, istraživač u oblastima zaštite
kulturnog nasleđa i istorijskih objekata, Grac
Martin Proske, restaurator istorijskih predmeta od drveta,
gipsanih odlivaka i fasada
Organization TRANSEO and participants in the exhibition:
Markus Piffl, Diploma restorer for historic wooden interieur,
Markus Zechner, architect, heritage care and historic
building research, Graz
Martin Proske, Restorer of historical wooden objects,
gypsum casts and facades
Projekat restauracije, TRANSEO
Restoration project, TRANSEO
smatra bogatstvom. Goethe-Institut postoji u Beogradu
od 1970. godine. Institut poseduje biblioteku sa oko
12.000 naslova, koji se najvećim delom mogu pozajmiti,
kao i prostranu čitaonicu sa velikim brojem dnevnih
novina, časopisa, magazina, i stručne periodike. Pored
toga u Institutu se nalazi i sala za kulturne manifestacije.
Devedeset godina Bauhausa:
Knjige o Bauhausu u biblioteci
Gete instituta Beograd
Godine 1919. Valter Gropijus je u Vajmaru (pokrajina
Tiringen) osnovao Državnu školu Bauhaus (Staatliche
Bauhaus). Osnivanje Bauhausa bilo je usko povezano
s osnivanjem Vajmarske Republike. Za nekoliko godina
koliko je postojao, od 1919. do 1933. godine, postao je
najuticajnija škola dizajna dvadesetog veka. Raznoliki svet
oblika kojim Bauhaus pleni − do današnjeg dana ostavio
je svoj pečat u našoj svakodnevici, u umetnosti, dizajnu i
arhitekturi. Umetnici koji su proistekli iz Bauhausa uživaju
svetsku slavu.
Jubilej Bauhausa biće proslavljen nizom upečatljivih
izložbi i manifestacija u Nemačkoj, pre svega u mestima
poznatim po ovoj školi, kao što su Vajmar, Jena, Erfurt,
Desau i Berlin, ali i u drugim gradovima.
Izlog sa knjigama o Bauhausu predstavlja doprinos
biblioteke Gete instituta IV beogradskoj nedelji arhitekture.
Goethe-Institut je kulturna ustanova Savezne Republike
Nemačke koja svoju delatnost obavlja širom sveta.
Mi potpomažemo i unapređujemo učenje nemačkog
jezika u inostranstvu i negujemo međunarodnu kulturnu
saradnju. Takođe prenosimo sveobuhvatnu sliku
Nemačke putem informacija o kulturnom, društvenom
i političkom životu. Mrežom Goethe-Instituta, Goethecentara, kulturnih društava, čitaonica, ispitnih centara i
centara za učenje jezika, preuzimamo centralne zadatke
obrazovne i kulturne politike Savezne Republike Nemačke
u inostranstvu. Prihvatamo kulturnopolitičke izazove
globalizacije i razvijamo inovativne koncepte u cilju
stvaranja humanijeg sveta, u kojem se kulturna raznolikost
Ninety years of Bauhaus: Books
about Bauhaus in the library of
Goethe Institute Belgrade
Ninety years of Bauhaus
Books about Bauhaus in the library of Goethe Institute in
In 1919, Walter Gropius founded The State School of
Bauhaus (Staatliche Bauhaus) in Weimar (Thuringia
province). The foundation of Bauhaus is closely connected
to the foundation of the Weimar Republic. In afew years
of its existence, from 1919 until 1933, it became the most
influential design school of the 20th century. The Diversity
of shapes characteristic to Bauhaus, have left their mark
in the contemporary everyday life, in art, design and
architecture, up to this day. Artists who originated from
Bauhaus have had the world famous reputation.
The jubilee of Bauhaus will be celebrated with an array of
striking exhibitions and manifestations in Germany, above
all at locations renowned by this school, like Weimar,
Jena, Erfurt, Dessau and Berlin, but at others, as well.
Contribution of the Goethe Institute Belgrade to the Fourth
Belgrade International Architecture Week is a window
containing books about Bauhaus.
Goethe Institute is cultural institution of the Federal
Republic of Germany, which performs its activities
worldwide. We support and promote learning of the
German language abroad and cherish international
cultural collaboration. Also, we transmit the allencompassing picture of Germany through the information
about cultural, social and political life. With a network of
Goethe Institutes, Goethe Centres, cultural associations,
reading rooms, examination centres and foreign language
learning centres, we overtake the central tasks of the
educational and cultural politics of Federal Republic of
Germany abroad. We accept cultural-political challenges
of globalization and develop innovative concepts for the
purpose of creating the more humanely world, in which
the cultural diversity is considered as the richness. Goethe
Institute exists in Belgrade from 1970. Institute has the
library with approx. 12,000 titles, among many of them
could be borrowed, as well as the spacious reading room
with many daily newspapers, journals, magazines and
professional periodicals. Among these, the Institute has
also the hall for the cultural manifestations.
Učesnici projekta dobijaju priliku da se, radeći na
valorizaciji i revitalizaciji graditeljskog nasleđa, susretnu
sa specifičnostima rada u oblasti očuvanja kulturne
baštine. Ideja je da se formira savremeni, održivi model
revitalizacije graditeljskog nasleđa, koji podrazumeva
međusobnu saradnju i participaciju svih aktera i njihovo
angažovanje u realizaciji pojedinačnih etapa projekta.
Beograd - pozlaćeni presek:
Valorizacija austrijskog
graditeljskog nasleđa na teritoriji
organizator: Klub mladih arhitekata (KMA)
kurator: Jelica Jovanović
Beograd je grad kompleksne i slojevite prošlosti, koja
se samo delimično može pročitati iz njegove postojeće
fizičke strukture. Među mnogim graditeljskim poduhvatima
koji su realizovani na teritoriji današnjeg Beograda izdvaja
se rekonstrukcija grada koju su sproveli Austrijanci. Deo
austrijskih intervencija jasno je uočljiv u gradskoj strukturi –
tvrđava, pojedine kuće, pravci ulica, staro jezgro Zemuna.
Značajan deo ove celine, međutim, fizički više ne postoji,
pa sliku o ovom segmentu našeg nasleđa sklapamo iz
raspoložive arhivske građe.
Austrijsko nasleđe u Beogradu i u Srbiji ima izvanredan
potencijal za kulturno umrežavanje sa zemljama u širem
okruženju, ali ono nije u potpunosti revitalizovano u našoj
zemlji. Ideja projekta LEGATIO jeste da istraži različite
mogućnosti prezentacije ovog nasleđa, a ono što je pred
publikom predstavlja samo naš početni korak. Izložba
predstavlja segmente materijala do kojeg je, radom
na arhivskoj i bibliografskoj građi i radom na terenu,
došao tim studenata tokom istraživačke faze projekta
LEGATIO. Materijal je obrađen i prezentovan raznovrsnim
interaktivnim programima u Knez Mihailovoj ulici i na
Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, s ciljem
da se uspostavi dijalog sa širim krugom posetilaca izložbe
– „korisnicima” arhitekture.
LEGATIO je samostalni projekat u okviru Kluba mladih
arhitekata koji se bavi proučavanjem i zaštitom prirodnog
i kulturnog nasleđa na teritoriji Srbije i u regionu.
Jelica Jovanović je apsolventkinja Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Univerziteta u Beogradu, IG Razvoj i teorija arhitekture
i umetnosti. Aktivna je članica Kluba mladih arhitekata
od decembra 2006. godine. Učestvovala je u realizaciji
projekata Radionica 06, 07 i 08 kao koordinatorka i
autorka postavke. Autorka projekta BIG. Saradnica u
nastavi na Arhitektonskom fakultetu na studio projektu
Arhitektonsko-urbanistički projekat revitalizacije prostora
srednjovekovnog grada Rama i njegove okoline i više
projektantskih radionica. Organizovala i učestvovala na
više kolektivnih strukovnih izložbi.
Učestvovala u pilot-projektu radionice Jevrejska umetnost
i tradicija Filozofskog fakulteta UB. Polaznica Beogradske
otvorene škole. Učestvuje u međunarodnoj razmeni
studenata IAESTE.
Belgrade – the Gilded Ratio:
Valorisation of Austrian Building
Heritage on the Territory of
organisation: Young Architects’ Club (KMA)
curator: Jelica Jovanović
Belgrade is a city of complex and layered past that can
only partially be read from its existing physical layout.
Among the many building endeavours that have been
realised on the territory of present-day Belgrade, what
stands out is the reconstruction of the city done by the
Austrians. A portion of Austrian interventions is clearly
visible in the city’s structure – the fortress, certain houses,
street directions, the old core of Zemun. However,
significant parts of this unity no longer physically exist, so
the image of this segment of our heritage we can glean
only from the available archival sources.
The Austrian heritage in Belgrade and in Serbia has
an outstanding potential for cultural networking with
countries in our wider surroundings, but it still is not fully
revitalised in our country. The idea of the project LEGATIO
is to research the various possibilities of presentation of
this heritage, and what now stands before the audience
is just our opening step. The Exhibition unveils segments
of material that a team of students, during the research
phase of project LEGATIO, uncovered by working on the
archival and bibliographical sources, as well as by working
in the field. The material was processed and presented in
a variety of interactive programs in Knez Mihajlova Street
and at University of Belgrade Faculty of Architecture,
with an aim to establish a dialogue with a wide circle of
Exhibition’s visitors – the “users” of architecture.
LEGATIO is an autonomous project within the framework
of the Club of Young Architects that pursues the study of
the natural and cultural heritage on the territory of Serbia,
and in the wider region. By working on the valorisation
and revitalisation of the building heritage, the participants
to the Project get a chance to encounter the specificities
of working in the area of preservation of cultural heritage.
The idea is to create a modern, sustainable model of
revitalisation of building heritage, which invariably entails
cooperation and participation of all of the stakeholders
and their engagement in the realisation of individual
stages of the Project.
Jelica Jovanović is senior graduate student of the
University of Belgrade Faculty of Architecture, Elective
Group Development and Theory of Architecture and Art.
An active member of the Club of Young Architects since
December 2006. Has participated in the realisation of
Project Workshop 06, 07 and 08 as a coordinator and
author of the exhibitions. The author of the project BIG.
Collaborator in teaching at the Faculty of Architecture
on a studio project Architectural-Urbanism Project of
Revitalisation of Medieval Town of Ram and Its Vicinity
and of several project workshops. She has organised
and taken part in several collective vocational exhibitions.
She has participated in a Belgrade University Faculty of
Philosophy pilot project workshop entitled Jewish Arts
and Tradition. She is attending Belgrade Open School.
Participates in international IASTE student exchange
Prikaz Eliasa Beka - austrijska rekonstrukcija Beograda,
prva polovina 18. veka
Showing Elias Baeck - the Austrian reconstruction of Belgrade,
first half of the 18th century
Extra-mûros – Očaravajuće
arhitekture, Francuska
da promene ugao gledanja, da zaborave predrasude,
jer govori o avanturi, inventivnosti i kreativnosti i, samim
tim, neprimetno utiče na posetioce da ne posmatraju
arhitekturu samo kao zatvoreni svet ili rezervisani posed.
Zahvaljujući efektu kritične mase, serija od četrdeset
projekata objašnjava nam da takozvana dobra arhitektura
i nije toliko retka kao što se čini na prvi pogled, a ako je ne
vidimo to je zato što nije tu gde je očekujemo i zato što je
jednostavnija i skromnija ili samo manje zabrinuta za svoju
besmrtnost nego što zamišljamo.
Ova izložba je s velikim uspehom predstavljala Francusku
2007. na prvom Međunarodnom trijenalu arhitekture u
Zavod za arhitekturu i baštinu
grada Pariza, Francuska
Izložba je koncipirana i ostvarena na osnovu fotografskog
i kritičkog inventara savremene arhitekture u okviru
Zavoda za arhitekturu i baštinu / Instituta za arhitekturu, u
saradnji sa Francuskim institutom iz Diseldorfa. Posebno
je adaptirana da bude predstavljena međunarodnoj
javnosti u organizaciji CulturesFrance, uz podršku
francuskih kulturnih centara u inostranstvu i Odeljenja za
arhitekturu i baštinu pri francuskom Ministarstvu za kulturu
i komunikacije.
Tema i koncepcija izložbe jeste pitanje savremene
arhitekture. Ne može se reći da je savremena arhitektura,
od pedesetih godina prošlog veka očarala, pa čak ni
da je zainteresovala, širu javnost. Smatra se da svaki
novoizgrađeni objekat još više ruži okolinu ili, još gore,
da učestvuje u rušenju ravnoteže same planete Zemlje.
Međutim, iza opšte osrednjosti kriju se mnoga pažljivo
osmišljena, maštovita i često poetska ostvarenja. Dovoljno
je pogledati oko sebe. Kako, u ovim uslovima, ohrabriti
stvaraoce? Prošlost zaista nije idealna ali ne znači da
savremenost, zato što je nekad loše protumačena, treba
mrzeti. Drugim rečima, potrebno je ponovo zainteresovati
ljude za savremenu arhitekturu, zagolicati njihovu maštu
i produbiti znatiželju tako što ćemo im pokazati koliko je
ova arhitektura zanimljiva, začuđujuća i privlačna. Time
ćemo izazvati njihovu želju da otkriju motive, da prošire
vidike i stvore mišljenje o savremenoj arhitekturi.
Predstavljajući samo arhitekture sposobne da očaraju
stvarnost, izložba Extra-mûros nudi mogućnost da se
oni koji su oduvek smatrali da je savremena arhitektura
nepodnošljiva zainteresuju za nju. Ova izložba ih tera
Extra-mûros – Architectures of
Delight, France
City of Architecture and Patrimony of Paris, France
This Exhibition was devised and realised on the basis
of photographic and critique inventory of contemporary
architecture within the Bureau for architecture and
heritage / Institute of Architecture, in close cooperation
with the French Institute in Düsseldorf. It has been
specially adapted for international display in organisation
of CULTURESFRANCE and with support of French
cultural centres abroad, together with the aid of
Department of Architecture and Heritage with the French
Ministry for Culture and Communication.
The theme and the concept of this Exhibition deals with
the issue of contemporary architecture. Since the 1950s,
one cannot assume that contemporary architecture has
enchanted, not even interested wider public. The general
consideration is that each newly built edifice disfigures
the ambience around it even further, or worse, that it
participates in the destroying the balance of the planet
itself. However, behind the general mediocrity hide many
carefully devised, imaginative and often poetic works.
One look around you is enough. In such circumstances,
how can one encourage designers in their creativity?
The past is truly not ideal, but the fact that modern times
are sometimes wrongly interpreted does not mean they
should be loathed. In other words, what needs to be
Bretzel-Pretzel - Žil Eberso i Deni Pegaz Blan
© L Pyot H Setsumaa F Demange
Bretzel-Pretzel - Gilles Ebersolt & Denis Pegaz Blanc
© L Pyot H Setsumaa F Demange
done is to rekindle the people’s interest in contemporary
architecture and with that in mind deepen their curiosity,
tickle their imagination and arouse their desire for it
by showing how this architecture can be interesting,
enchanting, attractive, and with this cause a wish to have
its motives unveiled, to cause the horizons to expand and
a new kind of thinking be created.
By its presentation of only architectures that are capable
of enchanting the reality around them, Extra-muros
exhibition offers a possibility to those who have always
thought that contemporary architecture is unbearable
to become interested in it. This exhibition forces them
to change their perspective, to forget the prejudices,
because it speaks of adventure, inventiveness and
creativity and by this it seamlessly influences the visitors
not to look at architecture either as a closed world, or a
dominion reserved. Owing to the effect of critical mass,
Rasklopivo drvo - Tetrac & Concept plastique
© Philippe Ruault
Dismountable Tree - Tetrac & Concept plastique
© Philippe Ruault
a series of 40 designs explains to us that so-called
‘good architecture’ is not so rare as it may seem upon
first glance, and if we do not see it, it is because it is not
located where we expect it and because it is simpler and
more modest, or maybe just less concerned about its
immortality, than we imagine.This Exhibition represented
France with great success at the first International
Architecture Triennial in Lisbon in 2007.
Re... Beograd: stari i novi
Izložba radova sa studentske radionice
Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
Podsticaj za pokretanje aktivnosti u okviru Projektantske
radionice je želja da se u okviru BINA 09 predstavi
studentsko istraživanje i doživljaj istorijskog razvoja,
sadašnje situacije i mogućnosti buduće REafirmacije,
REvitalizacije, REgeneracije, REkonstrukcije ... bazičnih
poteza ukupnog, istorijskog i modernog, graditeljskog
nasleđa Beograda. Izložba predstavlja rezultat
istraživačkog procesa i saznanja do kojih su studenti,
učesnici radnog tima, došli tokom svog rada.
Prikazani reprezentatitvni potezi starog Beograda (duž
ose Slavija – Cvetni trg – Terazije – Rajićeva ulica), kao
i dva reprezentativna pravca Novog Beograda (prvi duž
ose Savski most – Staro Sajmište – SIV – Opština Novi
Beograd – Fontana i drugi duž ose SIV – Železnička
stanica) izabrani su kao dominantne urbane akse jasnog i
jedinstvenog identiteta. Ispitane su sa različitih aspekata:
istorijskog, političkog, društvenog, socijalnog, kulturnog…
Razmatrani su značenje i identitet javnih i privatnih
građevina i prostora duž njih, kroz praćenje različitih ideja i
realizacija, predlaganih zahvata i ostvarenih transformacija,
analizu predlaganih formi i sadržaja u GUP i drugim
Cilj prezentacije ovog značajnog urbanog i arhitektonskog
nasleđa jeste da se javnost podstakne na razmišljanje o
njemu kao o jedinstvenoj i specifičnoj vrednosti, bazičnom
graditeljskom i kulturnom nasleđu, osnovnom utemeljenju
identiteta i autentičnosti grada, kao i o neophodnosti
njihovog očuvanja i uključivanju u sadašnje i buduće
planove transformacije Beograda.
Autori: Bojana Čitaković, Ivana Ibraimov, Ivka Marković,
Jelena Grdić, Marija Golubović, Marina Marmelić, Milica
Vučković i Tamara Miljanić
Izložba RE... Beograd: stari i novi nastala je kao proizvod
rada studenata Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u
Beogradu, u okviru nastave na predmetu Projektantska
radionica, na prvoj godini diplomskih akademskih master
studija, u saradnji sa BINA 09 i Urbanističkim zavodom
Beograda. Mentori radionice su: doc. dr Mirjana RoterBlagojević, dr Tanja Damljanović-Conley, mr Marta
Vukotić-Lazar i asist. arh. Marko Nikolić
Re... Belgrade: Old and New
Exhibition of student works from the Design
workshop, Faculty of Architecture
University in Belgrade
Exhibition RE... Belgrade: old and new was incepted as a
product of students of the University of Belgrade Faculty
of Architecture, within the framework of the of the course
entitled Design Workshop, at the first year of academic
master studies, in cooperation with BINA 09 and the
Institute of Town Planners Belgrade. The Mentors of
the Workshop are: assistant professor Mirjana RoterBlagojević, PhD, Tanja Conley, PhD, Marta Vukotić-Lazar,
MA, and teaching assistant, architect Marko Nikolić.
Incentive for the start of activities within the Design
Workshop was the desire to present, within the framework
of BINA 09, a students’ research and experience of
historical development, current situation and possibilities
for future REaffirmation, REvitalisation, REgeneration,
REconstruction… of basic outlines of the overall, historical
and modern, building heritage of Belgrade. The Exhibition
is a result of a research process and knowledge that the
students, participants of the work team, acquired in the
course of their work.
The shown representative stretches of old Belgrade (along
the axis of Slavija Square – Flower Square – Terazije street
– Rajićeva street), as well as two representative runs of
Novi Beograd (the first along the axis of Sava Bridge –Old
Fairgrounds – SIV building – Novi Beograd municipality
building – the “Fontana”, and the other along the axis of
SIV building – Central Railroad Station) were chosen as
dominant urban axes of clear and unique identity. They
were examined from different point of view: historical,
political social, cultural etc. What was considered is the
meaning and identity of public and private edifices and
spaces along their sides, through tracking of various ideas
and methods of realisation, proposed interventions and
exercised transformations, an analysis of proposed forms
and contents inside Master Plan and regulative plans.
The goal of presentation of this significant urbane and
architectural heritage is to give an impetus to the overall
public to think about it as a unique and specific value, a
basic building and cultural heritage, the foundational root
of identity and authenticity of the city, as well as of the
necessity of their preservation and introduction into the
present and future plans of Belgrade’s transformation.
Authors: Bojana Čitaković, Ivana Ibraimov, Ivka Marković,
Jelena Grdić, Marija Golubović, Marina Marmelić, Milica
Vučković and Tamara Miljanić
E2A: Fractions of Reality
Wim Eckert, E2A Eckert Eckert
Architekten, Switzerland
E2A: Fragmenti stvarnosti
Vim Ekert, E2A Ekert Ekert Arhitekten,
U svetu u kome je sve više izmučenih arhitektonskih
uloga, sa sumnjivim kontekstualnim postojanostima,
ekonomskim pritiskom, svetu koji vrtoglavom brzinom
stremi ka novim ekološkim standardima, dosežemo
granice perfekcionizma. U svom radu izražavamo stanje
uma koje konceptualizuje arhitekturu i urbanizam kao
skladan nesklad, ukazujući na to da nova, moderna
mreža povezuje nejednakosti. Modernizacija ne mora
biti skladna, ne mora da se nameće čitavom sistemu.
Ona postaje sistem osobenosti i neprekidno predviđanje,
najzad, kolaž koji može da poveže razlike, polaritete i
suprotnosti u jedan pojam mašte. Ona oslobađa otpor
sistemu koji je neprijateljski nastrojen prema novim
idejama i potrebama za prilagođavanjem, imajući na
umu da bi stoga novina trebalo da bude izmenjena na
čitavom opsegu „skladne” sfere. Prema tome, savršeni
način čitanja naših stvarnosti jeste onaj koji je nemoguće
dovršiti. Jedanaest fragmenata protumačenih stvarnosti
prikazanih na izložbi biće detaljnije obrađeni tokom
Vim Ekert (rođen 1969. u Cirihu, Švajcarska) suvlasnik je
biroa E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten iz Ciriha. Studirao je
arhitekturu na Tehničkom univerzitetu u Cirihu (diplomirao
je 1995). Od 1996. do 1997. radio je u Office for
Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) u Roterdamu. Sa Pitom
Ekertom je 1997. osnovao biro koji je 2001. postao E2A
Eckert Eckert Architekten AG. Vim Ekert redovno drži
predavanja i radionice u školama i drugim ustanovama.
Within a world of increasingly tortured architectural
roles, of doubtful contextual stabilities, economic
pressure and breathless speed towards new ecological
standards, we reach the limits of a perfectionist world.
Through our work we have formulated a mindset to
conceptualize architecture and urbanism as a systematic
incoherence reflecting that a new modern network
interlocks inequalities. Modernization does not have to
be coherent, does not need a form of imposition on the
entire system. It becomes a system of particularities and
continuous anticipation, finally a collage that is capable
to cast difference, polarities and contrast into one idea of
imagination. It frees the resistance of a system hostile to
new ideas and to needs of adaptation, bearing in mind
that consequently newness would need to be changed
on an entire scale of a “coherent” sphere. The ideal
reading of our realities is therefore one that is impossible
to complete. 11 fractions of interpreted realities, as shown
in the exhibition, will be further elaborated throughout the
Wim Eckert (1969, Zurich, Switzerland ) is Partner at E2A
Eckert Eckert Architekten, Zurich. He studied architecture
at the ETH in Zurich (Diploma 1995). From 1996 to 1997
he worked at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture
(OMA) in Rotterdam. In 1997 he established his own
office with Piet Eckert, which became E2A Eckert Eckert
Architekten AG in 2001.
Wim Eckert regularly gives lectures and workshops at
schools and institutions.
E2A Ekert Ekert Arhitekten
Fondacija Hajnrih Bel, Nemačka, Berlin
konkurs 2006, I nagrada, projektovano 2006 - 2007, realizovano 2007 - 2008.
foto: Jan Biter
E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten
Heinrich Boell Foundation, D-Berlin
competition 2006, 1st Prize, project 2006 - 2007, realization 2007 - 2008
photo: Jan Bitter
se u Los Anđeles, gde je radila u nekoliko arhitektonskih
biroa, putovala zapadnom obalom SAD, i obilazila
arhitektonske lokalitete i upoznala dela lend-arta.
U Švajcarskoj je radila kao asistent na Federalnoj
politehničkoj školi (EPFL) u Lozani i na Akademiji za
arhitekturu (Accademia di architettura) u Mendisiju, pre
nego što je počela da predaje na školi SCI-arc u Viko
Morkoteu, u Švajcarskoj.
RE _ fokus
Ludovika Molo i Jahen Kenc,
Kenc Molo Arhiteti, Švajcarska
Pojedinačne aspiracije u vezi sa teritorijom proširile su se
taktom motora sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem: repeticija
(RE-peticija) pojedinačnih objekata, pozicioniranih na
podjednakim razdaljinama od svojih osa stvorile su
međuprostore bez značenja: nastanak prigradske
periferije jeste univerzalan fenomen.
Beskonačna RE-produkcija „usamljenih“ zgrada slična je
autističnom individualizmu.
Skoro neograničena dostupnost resursa i energije donela
je nesumnjiv uticaj na prirodu i društvenu ravnotežu.
Takođe, ne možemo da umaknemo ovom fenomenu
– nalazimo se na sredini njegovog razvoja. Ideja
individualizma i slobode, u svakom slučaju ljudskog
progresa, ne može se razumeti sama po sebi, već samo
u odnosu na njen kontekst, u širem smislu. Naša namera
je da popunimo te međuprostore, da stvorimo veze,
prostore koje su u dijalogu: koncentrisane REvolucionare
protiv ekspanzije. Tražeći razliku, i što se tiče posebnosti, i
što se tiče potencijale nekog mesta, tražimo zgušnjavanje.
Pokušavamo da se fokusiramo na ono što je tipično.
(RE-fokusirajmo se na tipično, i osobeno.)
Ludovika Molo je kodirektorka biroa Könz Molo a
rchitetti u Luganu, u Švajcarskoj, koji je osnovala 1998.
godine zajedno sa Jahenom Kencom. Njihovi radovi su
stekli širok publicitet u lokalnoj sredini, na nacionalnom
i međunarodnom nivou, i osvajali su brojne projektne
nagrade za izvrsnost. Ludovika Molo je rođena u Luganu
i diplomirala je arhitekturu na Švajcarskom federalnom
institutu za tehnologiju (ETH) u Cirihu. Nakon toga preselila
Jahen Kenc je kodirektor biroa Könz Molo architetti.
Studirao je na Švajcarskom federalnom institutu za
tehnologiju (ETH) u Cirihu i na Federalnoj politehničkoj
školi (École Polytechnique Fédérale – EPFL) u Lozani.
Pre odlaska u Tičino, gde je 1992. godine osnovao
sopstveni biro, radio je u Nemačkoj i u Barseloni. Kenc,
koji je stekao i diplomu u oblasti urbanog projektovanja
i planiranja 1992. godine, učestvuje u radu različitih
švajcarskih odbora za arhitekturu na lokalnom i
federalnom nivou. Radio je i kao nastavnik i član žirija u
različitim školama visokog obrazovanja u inostranstvu:
u Udruženju arhitekata u Londonu (Architectural
Association, London), na Švajcarskom federalnom
institutu za tehnologiju (ETH) u Cirihu, Akademiji za
arhitekturu u Mendrisiju, u Švajcarskoj, u Školi dizajna Rod
Ajlenda (Rhode Island School of Design) u Providensu, u
SAD, kao i u školi SCI-arc u Viko Morkoteu, u Švajcarskoj.
RE _ focus
Ludovica Molo and Jachen Könz,
Könz Molo Architetti, Switzerland
Individual aspirations for the territory have expanded
at the rhythm of an internal combustion engine: the
repetition (RE-petition) of single objects, positioned at
legal distances from their property lines has produced
interstitial spaces devoid of meaning: the invention of the
suburban periphery is a universal phenomenon.
The reproduction (RE-production) ad infinitum of free
standing houses is akin to autistic individualism.
The near unlimited availability of resources and energy has
brought about an undeniable impact on nature and social
We also can’t escape from this phenomenon – we
find ourselves in the middle of its growth. The idea of
individualism and liberty, in any case human progress,
can’t be understood in and of itself but only in relation to
its context, in the larger sense.
Our intention is to fill these interstitial spaces, to create
relationships, spaces with dialogue: concentration rebels
(RE_bell) against expansion. Searching for a difference,
for a particularity and for the potential of any place, we
look for densification. We try to focus on the typical.
(RE_focus the typical, peculiar).
Ludovica Molo is a principal of könz.molo architects in
Lugano, Switzerland, which she founded in 1998 with
Jachen Könz. Their work has been published extensively
locally, nationally and internationally and has received
numerous awards for design excellence. Molo was
born in Lugano and gained a degree in architecture
at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in
Zurich. After she received her diploma, she moved to
Los Angeles, working in a number of architecture offices
and travelling throughout the west to visit architectural
and land art sites. Back in Switzerland, she worked as a
Objekat za 72 studenta
Casa dell’Accademia, Mendrisio/TI, 1998-2006
Foto: Walter Mair
Building for 72 students
Casa dell’Accademia, Mendrisio/TI, 1998-2006
Photo: Walter Mair
teaching assistant at the École Polytechnique Fédérale
(EPFL) in Lausanne and at the Accademia di architettura
in Mendrisio, before starting to teach at SCI-arc Vico
Morcote in 2003.
Jachen Könz is a principal of könz.molo architects in
Lugano, Switzerland, which he founded in 1998 with
Ludovica Molo. He was trained at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and at the École
Polytechnique Fédérale (EPFL) in Lausanne. Before
moving to Ticino, where he eventually set up his own
practice in 1992, he worked in Germany and in Barcelona.
Könz, who gained a degree also as an urban designer
and planner in 1992, is involved in different architecture
boards at local and federal level. He was a lecturer
and juror in various international schools, including
Architectural Association in London, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Accademia di
architettura in Mendrisio, Rhode Island School of Design
in Providence, SCI-arc Vico Morcote.
i opštim pitanjima kulture. Njegovi glavni radovi su
MUTATIONS (Mutacije), USE – uncertain States of
Europe (NED – Nesigurne evropske države), Solid Sea
(Čvrsto more). Radovi mreže multiplicity izlagani su na
Venecijanskom bijenalu, u Muzeju moderne umetnosti u
Parizu, na KW u Berlinu, na Milanskom trijenalu i na izložbi
documenta11. Izabran je za jednog od projektanata vile u
Unutrašnjoj Mongoliji, kao deo projekta Ordos100.
Džon Palmezino, Teritorijal ejdžensi,
John Palmesino, Territorial Agency,
Ne znati je naš potencijal.
Posle stotinu godina ubrzane urbanizacije, arhitektura
se našla u neizvesnom polju delovanja. Savremena
teritorija je poprište različitih šema transformacije i
razvojnih ritmova, kao posledice istovremenih i često
različitih interesa koje zastupa sve veći broj aktera. Tokom
međusobnog delovanja i takmičenja, oni transformišu,
oblikuju, uobličavaju i reorganizuju prostor u kome
deluju. Istovremeno, stručno znanje stvara niz jasno
ograničenih intervencija i nadležnosti, uz tehnike kontrole i
menadžmenta ograničenog obima koje se same nameću.
U ovoj evoluciji, savremeni grad ne prati linearno kretanje,
u kome je sled elemenata određen i priroda uzroka jasno
uočljiva. Dobivši ovu pluralističku prirodu, ponašanje
savremenog grada je dinamično i u stalnoj promeni. Kako
arhitektura može upisati ne-znanje u svoje aktivnosti u
okviru ovih procesa transformacije? Kako može prevazići
ono što je već poznato i pri ruci?
Not to know is our potential.
After one hundred years of rapid urbanisation,
architecture finds itself operating in an uncertain field.
The contemporary territory is the seat of a multiplicity of
transformation patterns and evolutive rhythms, wrought
by concurrent and often distant interests, promoted
by a growing number of actors. Through their mutual
interplay and competition, they reshape, carve, mould
and re-organise their spaces of operation. At the same
time, expert knowledge is constructing a series of welldelimited boundaries of intervention and competence,
contained and almost self-referential circuits of control
and management techniques. In its evolution, the
contemporary city does not follow a linear movement
where the succession of elements is distinct and the
nature of the causes clearly identifiable. Given this plural
nature, the behaviour of the contemporary city is dynamic
and ever-changing. How can architecture inscribe nonknowledge into its operations within these transformation
processes? How can it move beyond what is already
known and at hand?
Džon Palmezino, arhitekta i urbanista, rođen je u
Švajcarskoj. Inicijator je interdisciplinarnog istraživanja
neutralnosti kao modaliteta prostorne transformacije i
upravljanja, što je bio deo njegovih doktorskih studija
u Centru za istraživačku arhitekturu Fakulteta Goldsmit
Londonskog univerziteta, gde je takođe i nastavnik.
Vodio je i zajednička istraživanja Federalnog univerziteta
za tehnologiju (ETH) u Cirihu i „Studija: Bazel - moderni
grad“ koja su trajala od 2003. do 2007. godine. Osnovao
je međunarodnu istraživačku mrežu multiplicity, koja se
bavi savremenom arhitekturom, urbanizmom, umetnošću
John Palmesino is an architect and urbanist, born in
Switzerland. He is the initiator of the interdisciplinary
research on neutrality as a modality of spatial
transformation and control, for his PhD at the Research
Architecture Centre, Goldsmiths, University of London,
where he also teaches. He has led the researches
at ETH Zurich / Studio Basel–Contemporary City
Institute between 2003 and 2007. He has co-founded
multiplicity, an international research network involved in
contemporary architecture, urbanism, arts and general
culture. Main works include MUTATIONS, USE uncertain
States of Europe, Solid Sea. Multiplicity’s works have
been exhibited at the Venice Biennale, at the Musée d’Art
Moderne de la Ville de Paris, at the KW Berlin, at the
Triennale di Milano and at documenta11. He has been
selected to design a villa in Inner Mongolia as part of the
Ordos100 project.
Neutralnost – Svet bez granica, 2005
© Territorial Agency
Ordos, Unutrašnja Mongolia, 2008
© Territorial Agency
- Gran pri 26. salona arhitekture, 2004.
- Nagrada grada Beograda iz oblasti urbanizma i
arhitekture, 2003.
- Nagrada lista „Novosti”, 2003.
- Priznanje 25. salona arhitekture, 2003.
Zoran Radojičić, ARCHTIC, Srbija
Tipologija i pristup rešavanju problema rekonstrukcije biće
prikazani na primeru pet odabranih projekata:
1. Rekonstrukcija Jugoslovenskog dramskog pozorišta
(I plasman na javnom arhitektonskom konkursu)
2. Rekonstrukcija enterijera Narodne biblioteke Srbije
(I plasman na javnom arhitektonskom konkursu)
3. Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja garaže na Obilićevom vencu
(II plasman na javnom arhitektonskom konkursu)
4. Rekonstrukcija Kalenić pijace (III plasman na javnom
arhitektonskom konkursu)
5. Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja galerije Čolaković.
Razmišljanja i delovanje prilikom rekonstrukcije objekata,
rekonstrukcije programa, rekonstrukcije mesta,
rekonstrukcije enterijera, kao i valorizacijie zatečenih
elemenata, stvaranja i primene programa, intervencija u
prostoru, tehničko-tehnološkog unapređenja.
Zoran Radojičić, arhitekta, je rođen 1967. godine u
Beogradu, diplomirao je 1993. godine na Arhitektonskom
fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Od 1994. do 1999.
godine radi u HK Energoprojekt, MDD Urbanizam i
arhitektura. Godine 1999. godine osniva arhitektonski
studio „ARCHTIC“ d.o.o.
Dobitnik je većeg broja priznanja za ostvarenja u
profesionalnom radu, među kojima su:
- Nagrada Inženjerske komore Srbije za izuzetna
dostignuća u struci, 2007.
- Nagrada lista „Novosti”, 2007.
- Priznanje 29. salona arhitekture za izvedeni objekat,
- Nagrada Saveza arhitekata Srbije, 2005.
Nagrađen na više od trideset domaćih i inostranih
arhitektonskih konkursa. Izlagao je svoje radove i izvedene
objekte na više grupnih i samostalnih izložbi u zemlji i
inostranstvu (Bijenale u Veneciji, Praško kvadrijenale,
Salon arhitekture). Kao gostujući nastavnik, više puta
držao predavanja na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta
u Beogradu. Član je Inženjerske komore Srbije, Saveza
arhitekata Srbije, Društva arhitekata Beograda i
Zoran Radojičić, ARCHTIC, Serbia
Typology and approach to reconstruction problem-solving
will be shown on the example of five chosen projects:
1. Reconstruction of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre
(Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište) (1st place at a public
architecture competition)
2. Reconstruction of the interior of the National Library of
Serbia (Narodna biblioteka Srbije) (1st place on the public
architecture competition)
3. Reconstruction and annexing of the garage at Obilićev
venac (2nd place on a public architecture competition)
4. Reconstruction of Kalenić Market (3rd place on a public
architecture competition)
5. Reconstruction and annexing of Čolaković Gallery.
Thinking and actions when reconstructing the buildings,
reconstruction of program, reconstruction of location,
reconstruction of interior, as well as revalorisation of
found elements, creation and application of programs,
intervention on the space, technical and technological
Architect Zoran Radojičić was born in 1967 in Belgrade.
He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at
University of Belgrade.
From 1994 to1999 he worked in HK Energoprojekt
- MDD Urbanizam i arhitektura. In 1999 he founded an
architectonic studio ARCHTIC, d.o.o.
He is a laureate of a number of awards for his work in the
profession, among which are:
- Award of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers for
outstanding achievements in the profession, 2007.
- Award of Novosti newspaper, 2007.
- Commendation at the 29th Salon of Architecture for
erected building, 2007.
- Award of the Association of Architects of Serbia, 2005.
- Grand Prix of the 26th Salon of Architecture, 2004.
- Award of the City of Belgrade in the area of urbanism
and architecture, 2003.
- Award of Novosti newspaper, 2003.
- Commendation at the 25th Salon of Architecture, 2003.
Narodna biblioteka Srbije – CIP/ISBN/ISSN/ISMN agencija
National Library of Serbia – CIP/ISBN/ISSN/ISMN agency
He has been awarded at more than thirty domestic and
foreign architecture competitions.
He has exhibited his works and completed buildings
at several group and solo exhibitions in the country
and abroad (Venice Biennale, Prague Quadrennial,
Architecture Salon). As a guest lecturer, he has held
several lectures at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade.
He is a member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers,
Association of Architects of Serbia, Association of
Architects of Belgrade, and the Association of Applied
Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia (ULUPUDS).
Šrek siti: Privatni prostor u
Bukureštu i druge priče
Konstantin Goađea, Rumunija
Prilično sam siguran da se svi sećaju animiranog filma
Šrek i da je pitanje koje postavljaju opravdano: kakve veze
ima magare iz Šreka sa nekim arhitektonskim pojavama?
Ima. Naime, kada je reč o gradskim navikama, uvek je
bolje opredeliti se za magare nego za ogra. Magare želi
da odvrati Šreka od nedruštvene iracionalnosti koja se
ispoljava kroz njegovu ljubav prema svemu što je zeleno,
prema netaknutoj prirodi koju želi samo za sebe. Što je
najgore, on mrzi komšije i, sve u svemu, ništa mu nije
potrebno. Očigledno, Šrek nije oličenje poštenog seljaka
kome je bliska seoska poslušnost i jednostavan način
života već je on, naprotiv, odraz aktuelnog nepristojnog
prigradskog mentaliteta. Šrek siti bi mogao biti prikladan
pojam za opis nekog sna o izgradnji nekretnina usred
prirode, pri čemu ta izgradnja uništava prirodu u ime
ljubavi prema prirodi i umesto prirode stvara prostore u
kojima vlada društvena izolacija uz odsustvo moralnih
obaveza, odsustvo interakcije, raznolikosti i društvene
dinamike. Koristim priliku da se zahvalim magaretu iz filma
što mi je omogućilo da uvedem ovaj radni koncept – Šrek
siti – koji sam tek sada shvatio kao autentičan stav koji se
suprotstavlja gradu i ispoljava antipatije prema njemu.
„La rue courbe est le chemin des ânes, la rue droite le
chemin des hommes” (Krivudavi put je onaj kojim idu
magarci, pravolinijski put onaj kojim idu ljudi), rekao je
Korbizje. Možda se prevario. S jedne strane, magarci su
racionalni jer znaju da odaberu najblažu padinu za silazak,
što znači da umeju da štede svoju snagu, a s druge strane,
skoro sto godina nakon što je izrečena ova duhovita opaska
potreban nam je prostor oslobođen automobila isto toliko
koliko nam je potreban vazduh koji dišemo.
Konstantin Goađea od dvanaeste godine radi kao
arhitekta i teoretičar, baveći se istraživanjima u oblasti
arhitekture. Možda je pravilnije i njega i njegove saradnike
nazvati gradskim kritičarima. To je, u najmanju ruku,
ono što on radi sve vreme, bilo da je reč o tekstovima ili
projektima, izložbama ili konferencijama – i to je razlog što
stalno osvaja nagrade. Dakle, preskačući delove biografije,
osvojio je prvu nagradu na konkursu za Rimski paviljon
na Venecijanskom bijenalu 2006. godine (pod nazivom
„remix”), a godinu kasnije i Nagradu za publikaciju na
Godišnjoj arhitektonskoj izložbi u Bukureštu za Remiks
– fragmente države (Remix - fragments of a country). Već
šest godina Konstantin je organizator Rumunskog bijenala
arhitekture – što je nacionalna nagrada za arhitekturu u
Rumuniji. Bio je kustos na dvadeset pet izložbi, a trenutno
se na njegovom radnom stolu nalaze tri projekta u vezi
sa rehabilitacijom javnih prostora. Ostatak vremena
provodi kao direktor biltena „Arhitectura“, a takođe je i
osnivač udruženja „zeppelin“ – koje se bavi umetnošću,
arhitekturom, dizajnom i drugim savremenim temama.
Shreck city: The non public space
in Bucharest and other stories
Constantin Goagea, Romania
I am preatty sure everybody remembers Shreck, that
cartoon film and the question is reasonable: what does
Donkey from Shreck have to do with architectural
phenomena? Well, it does since on the side of urban
habits it is always better to choose the donkey instead
of the ogre. The donkey wishes to turn away Shreck’s
antisocial irrationality embodied by his love for whatever
is green, for a complete nature he wants for himself
only. Worst of all, he hates neighbors and on the whole,
he does not need anything. Obviously, Shreck is not
the image of the good peasant familiar with the village
obedience and a simple life style, but he is actually the
exponent of current rude suburbanites. Shrek-city would
be an appropriate term to describe any dream of real
estate development in the middle of nature that destroys
nature on behalf of the love for nature and creates instead
spaces where social isolation, lack of moral commitment,
lack of interaction, diversity and social dynamism reign.
I am taking this opportunity to thank the donkey in the
film for having allowed me to launch this working concept
– Shrek-city – which only now I understood as a genuine
attitude opposing and showing aversion to the city.
Some donkeys-little donkeys across the lecture as you
have never seen before. “La rue courbe est le chemin
des ânes, la rue droite le chemin des hommes” (A curved
road is a way for donkeys, while a straight road is a way
for human beings), Corbusier said. Maybe he had been
wrong. On one hand, donkeys are rational since they
know to choose a way down a smoothest slope, which
means they manage to spare their efforts, and on the
other hand, nearly hundred years further to this witticism
we need carless spaces as much as we need air to
Constantin Goagea has been working from twelve
years as an architect and theorist, making research in
the field of architecture. It is more appropriate to call
him and his fellows city critics. At least, this is what he
does all the time, no matter it is about text or projects,
exhibitions or conferences – the very reason for constantly
receiving awards. So, going on fast forward, he won the
competition for the Romanian Pavilion at Venice Biennale
in 2006 (called “remix”), and one year later the Publication
Award at the Bucharest Annual Architectural Exhibition for
Remix – fragments of a country, he has been organizing
from six years the Romanian Bienalle of Architecture
– meaning the national professional awards in this field.
Constantin has been the curator of 25 exhibitions, and
three projects for public place rehabilitation are in pending
now on his desktop. In the rest of time, he is the director
of Arhitectura review, the founding member of zeppelin
association – having again as a subject of interest the art,
architecture, design and other contemporary stuff.
– nalik su „rajskim ostrvima”, kao reakcija na izostanak
Akcija i REakcija: Slika
postkomunističke graditeljske
kulture u Bugarskoj
Petar Torniov, Bugarska
1. Reakcija. Početak tranzicije – rane devedesete godine
XX veka. Potraga za novim identitetom. Političke i
društvene promene – takozvana „nežna” transformacija
od komunističko-totalitarističkog uređenja u „slobodno,
demokratsko” društvo izazvala je razdor i pometnju u
društvenom i ekonomskom životu. Ova transformacija
dovela je do gubitka identiteta i radikalne izmene
sistema vrednosti. Reakcija društva je impulsivna i
uslovljena novim, uvreženim „globalnim” vrednostima.
Političari, investitori i arhitekte tragaju za novim putevima,
zapostavljajući kulturno i društveno nasleđe. Istorijski
simboli i zgrade su nepoželjni i nestaju pod pritiskom
novog slobodnog tržišta.
2. Repliciranje. Nov način života i rada i novo urbanističko
uređenje. Sofija kao prestonica prvi je njegov veliki
projekat 2007. godine. Urbanistički razvoj je urađen
deo po deo i uglavnom je uslovljen privatnim interesima.
Odsustvo vizije i dugoročne strategije doveli su do
raznih neobičnih pojava, ne samo u gradovima već i na
obali Crnog mora i u planinskim predelima. Stara teška
industrija je mrtva a nova se zove „turizam”. Saobraćaj i
gustina naseljenosti neprestano rastu a, istovremeno, broj
stanovnika opada. Novi stambeni kompleksi su nikli kao
zajednice sa ograničenim pristupom. Industrijsko-poslovni
parkovi kao zajednice sa ograničenim pristupom, pružaju
međunarodnim kompanijama osećaj „da su kod kuće”.
Tržni centri – uzdanice globalnog potrošačkog društva
3. Reorijentacija kao reakcija i pokušaji da se poboljša
kultura gradnje. Napori, uspeli i bezuspešni, da se izmeni
i poboljša kultura gradnje, urbanistički kvalitet i društveni
uticaj arhitekture.
- Takmičenja i rezultati.
- Političke odluke, udruženja građana i javne rasprave.
- Međunarodna razmena.
- Pozitivni primeri.
Peter Torniov, dipl. inž. arh. rođen je 1970. u Sofiji,
Bugarska. Diplomirao je arhitekturu i stekao master
diplomu na Tehnološkom univerzitetu u Beču (1999).
Radio je kao honorarni saradnik za nekoliko arhitektonskih
biroa u Beču i ostvario saradnju sa biroom Kop Himelblau
(1999–2000). Od 2001. do 2005. bio je asistent na
Tehnološkom univerzitetu u Beču. Godine 2003. osnovao
je +architecture ltd u Sofiji, a 2005. je sa svojim partnerom
Stefanom Petkovim otvorio i ogranak u Bukureštu,
Action and Re-action: Picture
of the post communist building
culture in Bulgaria
Peter Torniov, Bulgaria
1. Reaction. The begin of transition – early 90’s. Searching
for a new identity. The political and social changes – the
so called “gentle” transformation” from communisttotalitarian system to “free and democratic” society
opened a social gap and confusion in the social and
economical life. This transformation led to lost of identity
and radically break of the value system. The reaction of
the society is impulsive and dictated by new imported
“global” values. Politicians, investors and architects are
searching for new ways, neglecting the cultural and social
heritage. Historical Symbols and buildings are unwanted
and disappear under the pressure of the new free market.
2. Replication. The new form of living and working and the
new urban organization. Sofia as capital became his first
Master Plan in 2007. The urban development were done
piece by piece and dictated mainly by private interests.
The missing of vision and long term strategy led to diverse
bizarre occurrences not only in the cities, but also on the
Black Sea cost and the mountain regions. The old heavy
industry is dead and the new one is named “Tourism”.
The traffic and the density are constantly growing and in
the same time the population is shrinking. New residential
compounds grew up as gated communities. Business
parks as gated communities offer international companies
the feeling of “being home”. Shopping malls as flagships
of the global consumer society are like “paradise islands”
as reaction of the missing infrastructure.
3. Reorientation as reaction and attempts to improve the
building culture. The efforts, successful and unsuccessful
to change and improve the building culture, urban quality
and social influence of the architecture.
Skijalište Banjsko, Crno more
Bansko Skiresort, Black Sea
- competitions and results.
- political decisions, citizen organizations and public
- international exchange
- positive examples.
Peter Torniov was born in 1970 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He got
his Master degree and architecture diploma from Vienna
University of Technology (1999). He was a freelancer in
several architecture offices in Vienna, which led him to his
collaboration with Coop Himmelblau (between 1999 and
2000). From 2001 Peter Torniov was assistant professor
for four years at the Vienna University of Technology, in
2003 founded +architecture ltd in Sofia and in 2005 a
branch in Bucharest, Romania along with his partner
Stefan Petkov.
temeljne tehničke provere istorijskih zgrada i konsultacija
sa profesionalcima koji im nude rešenja za konzervaciju,
procenu arhitektonskih prednosti i predračun troškova.
U bliskoj saradnji sa austrijskim Državnim odsekom za
zaštitu spomenika (Bundesdenkmalamt) poslednjih godina
je urađeno preko šezdeset projekata. Od tih projekata, u
najuzbudljivija iskustva spada rad na gradu Gracu koji se
nalazi na Uneskovoj listi svetske baštine.
Dobronamerni vanzemaljci u
kućama starih ljudi
Grac: Savremena arhitektura u
istorijskom gradskom ambijentu
Friendly aliens in old peoples’ homes
Graz: contemporary architecture in
historic townshape
Markus Zechner, Austria
Markus Cehner, Austrija
Grad Grac ima dugu tradiciju u privlačenju ljudi
inovativnog duha. Godinama pre 2003, kada je grad
imao titulu Kulturne prestonice Evrope, uspostavljena je
harmonična koegzistencija novog i starog kao važnog
dela lokalne arhitekture.
Priča o uspehu moderne arhitekture u Gracu počinje
oko 1965. godine pobunom u salama za crtanje
Arhitektonskog fakulteta. Dve decenije kasnije,
Arhitektonska škola Graca bila je u punom naponu,
na veliko iznenađenje savremene međunarodne
arhitektonske scene – imala je političku podršku, bila je
inovativna i spremna da eksperimentiše.
Kunsthaus (Muzej savremene umetnosti) i Ada na reci Mur
određeni su za događaje 2003. godine i to su lokacije
koje dale glavne impulse za razvoj kulture gradnje u srcu
grada. Sprovođenje ideja u istorijskom centru grada pod
zaštitom Uneska nije moguće bez široke diskusije koja
pokazuje da je dijalog starog i novog zasnovan, pre svega,
na sposobnosti komunikacije unutar jednog društva.
Markus CEHNER, dipl. inž. arh., rođen 1967. u
Gracu, Austrija. Od 1996. radi u oblasti planiranja
projekata konzervacije. Okupio je ekipu nezavisnih,
specijalizovanih arhitekata i konzervatora koji su osnovali
malu projektantsku kompaniju „ZECHNER Monument
Consulting”. Svojim mušterijama - privatnicima,
investitorima i državnoj administraciji, pruža usluge
The city of Graz has a long tradition in attracting
innovative spirits. Years before 2003, when the town was
celebrating Cultural Capital of Europe, the harmonious coexistence of new and old was established as an important
part of local architecture. The success story of modern
architecture in Graz started around 1965 with a rebellion
in the drawing rooms of the Faculty of Architecture. Two
decades later, the Graz School was in full cry, much to
the surprise of the contemporary international architecture
scene - politically supported, innovative and very keen on
The Kunsthaus (Museum of Contemporary Art) and the
Island in the Mur were established for the event period of
2003 and gave important impulses to the development
of building culture in heart of the city. To realise this ideas
in an UNESCO protected historic centre is not possible
without a wide ranged discussion showing that the dialog
of old and new is first of all based on the conversational
ability of a society.
Markus ZECHNER, Dipl.-Ing. arch., was born 1967 in
Graz, Austria. He has been working in the field of planning
in conservation projects since 1996. He created a free
lanced team of specialised architects and conservators
in founding the ZECHNER Monument Consulting as a
small projecting company. Private owners, investors and
official departments as clients, are supported in having
a fundamental check up on their historic buildings and
to receive an professional consulting advice forecasting
conservation concepts, architectural benefits and costs.
In close cooperation with the Austrian State Department
for Monumental Care (Bundesdenkmalamt) over 60
projects could be done in the last years. Among that, to
work on the UNESCO heritage city of Graz was one of the
most exciting experiences.
Muzej savremene umetnosti, Grac
Museum of Contemporary Art, Graz
Centar Graca kao mešavina
istorijskih fasada i palata, stalnih
postavki umetničkih instalacija i
moderne arhitekture
Biljana Aranđelović, Austrija
Grac, evropska kulturna prestonica 2003, poznat je ne
samo po svom istorijskom centru koji je pod zvaničnom
zaštitom Uneska već i po modernoj arhitekturi. U
istorijskom centru grada uočavaju se prelepe linije
fasada i palata, uglavnom iz vremena baroka i kasnijih
perioda. Podjednako su atraktivne i moderne umetničke
instalacije i postavke kao sastavni deo projekta gradske
vlasti „umetnost na otvorenom prostoru“ kao i moderne
arhitektonske građevine.
U izlaganju će biti predstavljeni najzanimljiviji urbani detalji
savremenog gradskog jezgra. Kao primer umetničke
intervencije u urbanoj strukturi navodi se umetnica Sonja
Gangle, sa svojom postavkom instalacija na glavnom
gradskom trgu pod nazivom „t+4e – think positive forever“
(Razmišljaj pozitivno zauvek), zatim statua pod nazivom
Light Sword, visoka 54 m, delo umetnika Hartmuta
Skerbiša, kao jedno od poznatijih obeležja i atrakcija
modernog Graca. Jedan od primera moderne arhitekture
u istorijskom gradskom jezgru je ostrvo na Muri nastalo
2003, kada je dizajner i umetnik iz Njujorka Vito Akonti
pozvan da napravi neku vrstu umetničke instalacije
na reci, veštačko jezero sa kafe barom i amfiteatrom
– binom za izvođenje preformansa. Ovi projekti i dela,
zajedno sa mnogim drugim umetničkim instalacijama i
modernim arhitektonskim oblicima, najbolji su primeri
kako se tradicija i moderno susreću na istom mestu, bez
ometanja okoline i rušenja vrednih spomenika iz prošlosti.
Biljana Aranđelović, arhitekta i slikarka, rođena je 1979.
u Nišu. Od 2005. živi i radi u Gracu. Studije arhitekture
završila je na Građevinsko-arhitektonskom fakultetu u
Nišu. Doktorirala je 2008. na Tehničkom univerzitetu
u Gracu, na Institutu za urbanizam. Od 2006. je u
programu privatne umetničke galerije Art moments iz
Graca i, kao deo stalne postavke galerije, učestvuje
na međunarodnim sajmovima umetnosti. Izlagala je na
samostalnim i grupnim izložbama u Austriji, Srbiji, Grčkoj
i Nemačkoj. Godine 2009. izabrana je u zvanje docenta
na Građevinsko-arhitektonskom fakultetu u Nišu za užu
naučnu oblast Istorija i teorija arhitekture.
Center of Graz as a mix of
historical facades and domes,
permanent art installations and
modern architecture
Biljana Arandjelovic, Austria
Graz, Europe`s 2003 Capital of Culture, is well-known
not only because of its historical centre, which became a
UNESCO world cultural heritage site, but also because of
its modern architecture. Observing the historical centre,
the beautiful lines of domes and facades, predominantly
of Baroque and later periods could be find, but also
modern art at open urban space, as well as modern
architecture buildings.
In this presentation the most interesting examples of
urban details in contemporary Graz would be seen.
One of the great examples of art intervention in central
urban structure is artist Sonja Gangle with her t+4e
(think positive forever) project as main square permanent
installation. Then also, 54m high Light Sword statue,
made by artist Hartmut Skerbisch, is one of the well
known modern landmarks and attractions in Graz. One
of the examples of modern architecture in city centre is
island in Mur. In 2003, New York artist and designer Vito
Acconti was invited to make some kind of art attraction
in the river, an artificial island with coffeehouse and the
performance stage for contemporary events.
Those examples together with many other art installations
and architectural buildings are definitely the best
example how modern can meet past without disturbing
environment and demolishing the valuable historical
Biljana Arandjelovic, architect and painter, was born in
Nis 1979. Since 2005 she lives and works in Graz. She
studied architecture at University of Nis, Faculty for Civil
Engineering and Architecture. From 2005-2008 she made
her Doctoral Thesis at Graz University of Technology at
Institute for Urbanism at Faculty of Architecture. Since
2006, she is in program of the Art moments gallery in
Graz. She had solo and group exhibitions in Austria,
Greece, Germany, Serbia and also participated at art fairs
in Innsbruck and Vienna with Art moments gallery. Since
2009 she works as Assistent Professor of History and
Theory of architecture at University of Nis, Faculty for Civil
Engineering and Architecture.
Projekat trajne instalacije na glavnom trgu: t+4e
(razmišljaj pozitivno zauvek)
Permanent installation project on the main square: t+4e
(think positive forever)
spoljne razmere građevine bile što manje, fiskulturna sala
se za tri metra spušta ispod nivoa okruženja. Ozelenjeni
atrijum razdvaja postojeću građevinu od novoizgrađene, u
kojoj se odvijaju fiskulturne radnje i manifestacije. Pogled
sa ulaza ka sportskom terenu i od foajea ka uličnom
prostoru daje utisak lakoće i transparentnosti zgrade.
Andreas Bremhorst,
Karl und Bremhorst Arhitekten, Austrija
Analiza zadatka je centar nacrta. Rešenja mogu biti
teorijska, praktična, jednostavna, komplikovana ili
nemoguća. Ona su ipak uvek skrojena, individualna,
vremenski određena. Naše ideje i građevine su ekološki
orijentisane, funkcionalne, svrsishodne, jednostavne.
Škola „Hertha Firnberg“, Beč
Škola je najmanja i najniža zgrada usred ogromnih
visokih stambenih građevina u Vinaberg sitiju. Otvoreni
prostor se kao pešačka zona prostire duž novog dela
grada. Uvučeno prizemlje kompaktne uzduž podignute
građevine otvara se staklom ka esplanadi. Otvoreni
stepenik vodi ka gornjim spratovima. Široki hodnici u
sredini su istovremeno površine za prilaz i pauzu. Spratovi
su povezani vazdušnim prostorom a kroz stakleni krov
dobijaju sunčevu svetlost. Niše, proseci i vidici variraju
konfiguraciju prostora po spratovima. Sve učionice
okrenute su ka istočnoj strani koja je sklonjena od
saobraćaja. Sa prozora učionica vidi se školsko dvorište i
bašta dečijeg obdaništa. Duž ulice planirane su prostorije
za snabdevanje i upravu koje su manje osetljive na buku.
Tako se zgrada deli na „posluženi“ deo i deo koji „služi“.
Sportska sala postavljena je jedan sprat niže. Krovni
prostor je centralna terasa za pauzu, jedan atraktivni
dobitak prostora na prilično malom zemljištu.
Trostruka fiskulturna sala u gradiću Vels-Pernau,
Gornja Austrija
Trostruka fiskulturna sala Pernau smeštena je na
građevinski značajnom mestu – na glavnom ulazu u Vels.
Predviđeno mesto za gradnju je precizno izmereno. Da bi
Dobrovoljni vatrogasci i trg, Potendorf, Donja Austrija
Projekat definiše novi trg, čija je površina podeljena u tri
funkcionalne zone. Jedna infrastrukturna osa prostire
se preko ove tri zone i čini funkcionalni centar. Zgrada
vatrogasaca okrenuta je ka trgu, tako da sa njim može
da se uspostavi veza pri održavanju manifestacija. Na
gornjem spratu je velika sala, sa pogledom na trg, koja
može da se podeli i da se koristi za organizovanje
kulturnih događaja. Velike staklene površine treba da
podstaknu znatiželju i pruže uvid u delatnost vatrogasaca.
Andreas Bremhorst (1969) je rođen u Viener Nojštatu
(Donja Austrija). Maturirao je u BRG Viktring, Klagenfurt
i studirao arhitekturu na Akademiji likovnih umetnosti,
Beč, u klasi prof. Pentile. Godine 1995, dobio je nagradu
Fridrih-Oman na Akademiji likovnih umetnosti, Beč. Od
1999 radi samostalno, a od 2002 u zajedničkom birou sa
arhitektom Kristofom Karlom.
Andreas Bremhorst,
Karl und Bremhorst Architekten, Austria
The analysis of the specific task at hand is at the centre
of all our designs. Solutions may be theoretical, practical,
simple, complicated or impossible, but they are always
customised, individual, referenced to their time. Our
ideas and buildings take account of the environment,
are unpretentious and never lose sight of the underlying
Hertha Firnberg School, Vienna
The school is the smallest and lowest building amidst the
large-volume, towering housing estates of Wienerberg
City. An esplanade traverses the new city quarter axially,
providing easy walking access. The recessed ground floor
of the compact, longitudinal structure opens up a glazed
Škola Vinerberg, Beč
I nagrada na konkursu 2003, realizovano 2005.
foto: Rupert Steiner
School Wienerberg, Vienna
1st price on competition 2003, realized 2005
photo: Rupert Steiner
façade to the esplanade. An open staircase leads to the
upper levels. The broad central corridors serve both as
access routes and relax zones. The storeys are interlinked
by airspaces and receive sunlight through a glass roof.
Niches, views across rooms as well as vistas of the world
outside vary the spatial configurations of the individual
storeys. All classrooms face the eastern front, which
is shielded from traffic. From the classroom window,
pupils and teachers can enjoy an unobstructed view of
the schoolyard and the garden of the daycare nursery.
The less noise-sensitive utility rooms and administrative
premises are situated along the street. Thus the building
is split into a “served” and a “serving” section. The gym
is located one storey below. The roof becomes a central
terrace to enjoy recess time – an attractive additional
space on this limited-size plot.
to streetscape endow the building with a lightweight,
transparent appeal.
Pernau triple gym, Wels (Upper Austria)
The Pernau triple gym is situated in an urbanistically
prominent point on a main access road to Wels. The
plot size is rather limited, so in order to keep the outside
dimensions of the building low, the gym was positioned
by three metres below the surrounding terrain level. A
greened atrium provides a caesura between old and
new building stock; the access zone leading to the
gym and event space unfolds along this caesura. Visual
links form entrances to sports grounds and from lobby
Andreas Bremhorst (1969) was born in Wiener Neustadt
(Lower Austria). He graduated from secondary technical
school in Viktring, Klagenfurt (Carinthia) and studied
architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, at
master class of professor T.Penttilä. In 1995, he was
awarded with Friedrich Ohmann Award of Academy
of Fine Arts, Vienna. Since 1999 he worked in his own
studio, and from 2002 in office partnership with architect
Christoph Karl.
Volunteer fire department and market square, Pottendorf
(Lower Austria)
This project defines a new market square whose surface
is structured into three functional zones. An infrastructure
axis spans these three zones and forms the functional
centre. The Fire Department building is oriented towards
the market square, which creates a clear reference to
the square whenever special events take place at the
building. The upper storey houses a big sub-divisible hall
with a view of the market square, which may also be used
for cultural functions. Ample glass panes whet curiosity
and offer glimpses of the work of the Volunteer Fire
Svakodnevni život
Every Day Life
Zigfrid Los, polar ÷, Austrija
Siegfried Loos, polar ÷, Austria
ovo predavanje je o tome kako biti zajedno:
biti zajedno kao ljudi
biti zajedno kao prostorije
biti zajedno kao kuće
biti zajedno kao pejzaži
ukatko, to znači prostori između
koji započinju svoje bivstvovanje kada se nešto spoji.
ovo predavanje nije predavanje
već priča o ne-događaju,
kao najvećem događaju.
the lecture is about being together:
being together like people
being together like rooms
being together like houses
being together like landscapes
in common it means the spaces in between,
they start being when something is together.
the lecture is no lecture
it is a story about the non happening event,
as the strongest point.
Zigfrid Los, rođen 1965. godine u Feldbahu, studirao je
arhitekturu na Tehničkom univerzitetu u Gracu i Tehničkom
univerzitetu u Delftu. Diplomirani inženjer arhitekture,
civilni tehničar sa državnom dozvolom, od 1993. godine
u partnerskom birou sa Margot Firč (M. Fürtsch). Godine
2002. osnovali su zajednički arhitektonski brend polar÷ u
Beču i Bad Glajhenbergu (Bad Gleichenberg). Predavač
na Višoj stručnoj školi Joanneum. Direktor radionice za
prostorno uređenje Bečke škole umetnosti (Wiener kunst
Siegfried Loos was born in 1965 in Feldbach. Since
1993, he works in the partnership bureau with Margot
Fürtsch. In 2002, the co-founded their joint architectural
brand polar÷ in Vienna and Bad Gleichenberg. He is a
lecturer at the Higher Vocational School Joanneum. He
is the Director of the Spatial Arrangement Workshop at
the Viennese School of Art (Wiener Kunst Schule). He has
studied architecture at the Technical University in Delft.
He is a bachelor of architecture, and a state-licensed civil
polar÷ Austrija
polar÷ Austria
TYPUS ili TOPOS: MRLV Arhitekten
Hamburg – Projekti i misaone
Mirjana Marković, MRLV Arhitekten
Hamburg, Nemačka
Slika grada Hamburga je upečatljivija nego njegovi
pojedinačni arhitektonski objekti. Građani Hamburga
i hamburški arhitekti, neguju taj mit. Početkom
devedesetih godina XX veka, počinje diskusija o vrednosti
arhitektonskih simbola. U međuvremenu, u Hamburg stižu
i svetski arhitektonski nomadi. Koja teorija će dobiti primat
– Bilbao- effect ili teorija evropejskog grada? Da li postoji
jedan „hamburški put“?
Mirjana Marković, Aleksandar Ronai, Vili Litjen, Manfred
Fos – MRLV Architekten Hamburg – projektuju i grade u
Hamburgu skoro tri decenije. Radove arhitektonskog biroa
karakteriše unapred nedefinisani arhitektonski stil – uvek
se ponovo generišu koncepti iz duha mesta, materijalnog
i nematerijalnog. Ipak, oni nisu tome podređeni već često
nude novu definiciju i oblikovnu artikulaciju toposa. Sigurni
u funkcionalnoj dispoziciji, konstruktivnim rešenjima,
arhitektonskom detalju i energetskim rešenjima, projekti
MRLV Arhitekten predstavljaju se kao generativna čestica
evropskog grada.
Mirjana Marković, slobodni arhitekta i profesor, studirala
je na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu i Umetničkoj
akademiji u Hamburgu. Živi u Hamburgu i bavi se
urbanizmom, arhitekturom i enterijerom. Do sada
je učestvovala u projektovanju i građenju stambenih
objekata i kompleksa, vila, poslovnih objekata, školskih,
sportskih i univerzitetskih objekata, kao i u procesima
restauracije i dogradnje objekata pod zaštitom. Od
1979, zajedno sa Aleksandrom Ronai, Vilijem Litjenom
i Manfredom Fosom, vodi samostalni arhitektonski
biro u Hamburgu – MRLV Architekten – koji ima širok
spektar stručnog rada, od idejnog projekta do nadzora
nad izvođenjem. Osvojila je mnogobrojne nagrade na
urbanističkim i arhitektonskim konkursima, kao i više
nagrada za izvedene objekte. Objavila je mnoge radove
i prikaze o radu biroa u stručnoj štampi. Bila je gostujući
profesor na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Hamburg, ETH
Zürich, Tsinghua Univerzitetu Peking i Umetničkoj
akademiji Hamburg. Aktivna je u stručnim organizacijama,
kao BDA (Bund Deutscher Architekten Hamburg – Savez
slobodnih arhitekata Nemačke), kojem je bila i prva
žena predsednica. Dugogodišnja je članica redakcije
časopisa Der Architekt i savetnica DAM Deutsches
Architekturmuseum Frankfurt.
Architekten Hamburg – Design and
Contemplative Basis
Mirjana Markovic, MRLV Architekten
Hamburg, Germany
The image of the city of Hamburg is more consummate
than the city’s individual architectural structures. The
citizens of Hamburg and its architects do nurture this
trend. By the beginning of 1990s, the discussion on the
value of architectural symbols begins. In the meantime,
the world’s nomads of architecture reach Hamburg.
Which theory will gain primacy – the Bilbao effect, or
the theory of the European City? Is there one single
“Hamburg’s way”? Mirjana Marković, Aleksandar Ronai,
Willi Lütjen, Manfred Voss – MRLV Architekten Hamburg
– design and build in Hamburg for almost three decades.
The designs of the architecture bureau are characterised
by an architectural style not defined in advance – again
and again, the concepts are generated from the spirit
of the location, both material and immaterial. Yet,
the concepts are not subordinate to the existing but
frequently offer a new definition and material articulation
of the topology. Secure in their functional disposition,
constructive solutions, architectonic detail and energy
solutions, MRLV Architekten designs are showcased as a
generative particle of the European City.
Mirjana Marković, a free architect and professor, has
studied at the Faculty of Architecture in Bel-grade and at
The Art Academy in Hamburg. She lives in Hamburg and
is engaged in urban planning, architecture and interior.
So far, she has been involved in designing and building of
residential build-ings and complexes, villas, commercial
buildings, schools, sports and university buildings, as
well as in the processes of restoration and enlargement
of the buildings under heritage protection. From 1979,
together with Alexander Ronai, Willi Lütjen and Manfred
Voss, she leads the independent architectural biro in
Hamburg – MRLV Architekten – which provides for
a wide spectrum of expert work, from the phases of
preliminary design to the construction supervision. She
Emporio Hamburg
MRLV Arhitekten - Markovic Ronai Voss
Copyright www.datenland.de
Emporio Hamburg
MRLV Architekten - Markovic Ronai Voss
Copyright www.datenland.de
has been awarded many times for urban planning and
architectural competitions, as well as for constructed
buildings. She has published many papers and reviews
of the bureau’s work in the professional magazines. She
was a guest pro-fessor at the Architectural Faculty in
Hamburg, ETH Zürich, Tsinghua University in Beijing and
The Art Academy Hamburg. She is active in professional
organizations, such as BDA (Bund Deutscher Ar-chitekten
Hamburg – Association of the free architects in Germany),
where she was the first female president. She is also
a long-standing member of the editorial staff of the
magazine Der Architekt (The Architect) and the counsellor
of DAM (Deutsches Architekturmuseum – German
Architecture Museum) in Frankfurt.
Reinterpretacija slobodnog plana
Stanko Gaković, SAD
Savremeni poslovni prostor u Americi je zasnovan na
konceptu otvorenog plana. Radna mesta su opremljena
sistemskim nameštajem i prostorno definisana lakim
pregradama male visine za osnovnu privatnost. Na taj
način obezbeđuje se visok stepen fleksibilnosti, tako da
se raspored nameštaja i opreme brzo prilagođava novim
zahtevima radnog procesa.
Kritička analiza američkog savremenog poslovnog
prostora odnosi se, pre svega, na ekstremnu
funkcionalnost i standardizaciju koji ne dopuštaju
varijacije. Fiksna tipologija sistemskog nameštaja i
isključivost u primeni organizacionih shema doprinose
monotoniji radnog prostora u kome ljudi provode više od
jedne četvrtine svog dnevnog ili nedeljnog vremena. U
kombinaciji sa minimalnom površinom radnog prostora
i nemogućnopšću individualne kontrole mikroklime,
ovakva sredina podstiče alijenaciju, bolest i povećano
odsustvovanje sa posla.
Primena koncepta otvorenog plana danas treba da
bude realizovana i u skladu sa sledećim savremenim
- Pokretljivost zaposlenih u okviru firme na
međugradskom i međunarodnom planu, uključujući i rad
od kuće. Iz ovog trenda proizlazi potreba za univerzalnim
radnim mestima za različite korisnike.
- Prosečno radno vreme je sve duže – iako korišćenje
kompjutera obezbeđuje veću produktivnost. Duže radno
vreme stvara nove potrebe i nove sadržaje za rad i
- Radni prostor koji podstiče neposrednu komunikaciju
i saradnju. Upotreba kompjutera promenila je način
komuniciranja među zaposlenima. Umesto direktnim
razgovorom, komunikacija između susednih radnih
mesta ostvaruje se elektronskom poštom. Iz ovog trenda
proizlazi potreba za formiranjem ambijenata koji podstiču
direktnu komunikaciju.
- Ekološki održiv radni prostor. Primenom standarda
za zdravu sredinu kroz „Leadership in Energy and
- Environmental Design” omogućava se programiranje i
planiranje ekološki održive sredine.
Radi daljeg usavršavanja poslovnog prostora, na
predmetu Advanced Commercial Design, koristimo model
grada u procesu planiranja. U istraživanjima gradskih
struktura afirmišu se principi kontinuiteta, raznolikosti i
konflikta, pa se njihovom primenom postižu dobri rezultati
u projektovanju savremenog poslovnog prostora.
Stanko Gaković diplomirao je 1972, a doktorirao 1987.
na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Sarađivao sa
više firmi na arhitektonsko -urbanističkom projektovanju.
Gostujući je profesor arhitekture Fulbrajtovog programa
u SAD 1976, a potom nastavnik na Arhitektonskom
fakultetu u Beogradu do 1992, gde je radio kao vanredni
profesor, prodekan za nastavu, urednik Arhitektonike
i aktivni učesnik u razvijanju saradnje sa evropskim
školama arhitekture. Gostovao u SAD. Njegovi projekti
u oblasti arhitekture, urbanizma i dizajna dobili su više
nagrada i priznanja na konkursima i izložbama u kojima
je učestvovao u autorskom timu ili kao autor. Dobitnik
je specijalne nagrade Društva arhitekata Beograda za
arhitektonsko ostvarenje u inostranstvu 1996. godine. U
Hjustonu, gde živi i radi, osnovao je G! studio u kojem,
sa Dankom Gaković, projektuje stambene kuće i manje
poslovne objekte. Učestvuje u formiranju novog programa
u školi unutrašnje arhitekture za Art Institut, gde radi
sa studentima na istraživanju, planiranju i projektovaju
poslovnog prostora (Advanced Commercial Design).
REinterpretation of the Open Plan
Stanko Gakovic, USA
Modern commercial space in the US is based on the open
plan concept. Workstations are equipped with systems
furniture and are partitioned in space with light low-height
panels that provide basic privacy. In this way, a high level
of flexibility is achieved making the layout of furniture and
equipment easily adapted to new requirements of the
work process.
A critical analysis of modern American commercial
space would primarily refer to the extreme functionality
and standardization that does not allow variations.
Fixed typology of systems furniture and rigidness in the
application of organizational layouts both contribute to
the monotony of the work space in which people spend
more than one quarter of their daily and weekly time. In
combination with minimal surface area of the work space,
and inability of individual control of the microclimate,
such environment encourages alienation, illnesses and
increased work absence.
At present, application of the open plan concept should
also be made in line with the following modern trends:
- Mobility of employees within the company on the
inter-city and international levels, including working from
home. From this trend ensues the need for universal
workstations for varying users.
- Average working time is getting longer and longer – even
though the use of computers provides for increased
productivity. Longer working hours create new needs and
contents for both labour and recreation.
- Workspace that encourages direct communication
and cooperation. The use of computers has changed
the manner of communication among the employees.
Instead of direct conversation, neighbouring workstations
communicate by e-mail. This trend indicates a need
for creation of ambiences that encourage direct
- Environmentally sustainable work space. By applying
healthy environmental standards through “Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design”, programming and
Studija sklopa za poslovni prostor kompanije Facebook
Marikruz Miranda
Composition design for Facebook Company business premises
Maricruz Miranda
planning of environmentally sustainable surroundings
becomes possible.
To pursue further advancement of commercial space, in
the Advanced Commercial Design class, we use a city
model in the planning process. In the research of urban
structures, we affirm principles of continuity, diversity and
conflict, so that their application achieves good results in
the design of modern commercial space.
Stanko Gaković graduated in 1972, and received his
doctorate at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade in
1987. He has cooperated with numerous companies
on architectural and urban designs. He was a Fulbright
Program visiting professor of architecture in the US in
1976, and later a lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture
in Belgrade until 1992, where he worked as an associate
professor, vice dean for academic affairs, for teaching, the
editor of Arhitektonika magazine and an active participant
in the development of cooperation with European schools
of architecture. He has professionally visited the US. His
architectural, urbanism and design projects have won
several prizes and awards at competitions and exhibitions
at which he participated either in a team of authors, or
as a sole author. In 1996, he was a laureate of a special
prize of the Association of Architects of Belgrade for
architectural accomplishments abroad. In Huston, where
he now lives and works, he founded G! studio, where,
together with Danka Gaković, he designs residential
housing and small commercial spaces. He participates
in the creation of a new program in the School of Internal
Architecture for the Art Institute, where he works with
students on research, planning and advanced commercial
u Pomoni, ali je ubrzo, sa još šest svojih kolega, bio
otupšten. To je bio početak osnivanja Arhitektonskog
instituta u Južnoj Kaliforniji (SCI-Arch) 1972. godine. Vratio
se školovanju i dobio diplomu mastera arhitekture (MA)
na Harvardu, 1987. Držao je predavanja na univerzitetu
Kolumbija, Harvardu, Jejlu, Berlahe institutu u Holandiji i u
Školi arhitekture Bartlet u Londonu.
Tom Mejn, SAD
Thom Mayne, USA
… Njegov arhitektonski idiom je vezan za podneblje i
kulturnu sredinu iz koje potiče. Jednostavno, klimatske
pogodnosti Južne Kalifornije omogućile su mladim
arhitektima da eksperimentišu mnogo više nego bilo gde
u Americi, uz mnogo manje ograničavajućih faktora i više
prostora za projektovanje.
„Kako ja vidim, osnova mog umetničkog ostvarenja leži u
spontanosti. Ja volim spontanost u rešavanju izazova koje
stvarnost nameće. Oduvek sam težio tome da izgradim
svoje projekte. Dakle, u mom svetu, u mojoj kreativnoj
svesti nastaje arhitektonska vizija u sukobu stvarnosti i
individualne sfere. Kroz interakciju i sučeljavanje često
suprotnih vrednosti pronalazim pitanja i odgovore. U
preseku stvarnog i idejnog nastaje nova realnost – zgrada.
Treba proći dug put kroz izazove i utrošiti veliku energiju
da bi se ostvarila zamisao.“
…His architectural idiom is connected to the climate and
the cultural environment from which he comes. Simply
put, with its climate comfort, South California has enabled
young architects to experiment much more than anywhere
else in America, have less limiting factors and more space
for design.
“The way I see my artistic realizations is that they have
root in spontaneity. I love spontaneity in solving the
challenges imposed by the reality. I have always been
interested in realizing my projects. Therefore, in my world,
in my creative consciousness, the architectural vision
arises in the clash of reality and the individual sphere.
Through the interaction and confrontation of often
opposed values, I find the questions and the answers. In
the touch of real and ideological, a new reality is born – a
house. It takes a long way through the challenges and a
lot of energy to make realization happen”.
Iz intervjua sa Tomom Mejnom za časopis
Forum+, br. 50. Nenad Stjepanović, jun 2005.
Tom Mejn, dobitnik Prickerove nagrade 2005. godine,
osnivač je i vodeći projektant u grupi Morfozis, koja
je poznata po beskompromisnom dizajnu i težnji ka
prevazilaženju ograničenja tradicionalnih formi i materijala,
ali i po radu na otkrivanju nove teritorije, izvan modernizma
i postmodernizma. Morfozis su 1972. osnovali Mejn i Džim
Staford, a godinu dana kasnije im se pridružio i Majkl
Rotiondi i ostao partner do 1991.
Tom Mejn je rođen u Vestberiju, Konektikat, 1944, a
diplomirao arhitekturu na Univerzitetu Južna Kalifornija,
1968. Svoju profesorsku karijeru započeo je na Cal Poly
From the interview of Thom Mayne for the
Forum+ magazine, no. 50.
Interview conducted by Nenad Stjepanović, June 2005.
Thom Mayne, the 2005 Pritzker Architecture Prize
laureate, is a founder and design principal of Morphosis
group, which has always been known for uncompromising
designs and a drive to surpass the bounds of traditional
forms and materials, while also working to carve
out a territory beyond the limits of modernism and
postmodernism. The firm was founded in 1972 by Mayne
and Jim Stafford and one year later Micahel Rotiondi
Caltrans District 7 Headquarters
Los Anđeles, SAD, 2004.
Caltrans District 7 Headquarters
Los Angeles, USA, 2004
joined them and remained as partner until 1991.
Thom Mayne was born in Westbury, Connecticut in 1944
and received his bachelor of architecture degree from
the University of Southern California in 1968. He began
his teaching career at Cal Poly at Pomona, but soon he,
along with six colleagues, was fired. That was the genesis
of the founding of the Southern California Institute of
Architecture (SCI-Arch) in 1972. He returned to school
and received his master of architecture degree from
Harvard University in 1987. He has held teaching posts
at Columbia University, Harvard University, Yale University,
the Berlage Institute in the Netherlands and the Bartlett
School of Architecture in London.
radiofonskih emisija izvedenih na evropskim festivalima,
od kojih je jedna i nagrađena na Festivalu dokumentarne
i radio drame Prix Marulić na Hvaru 2007. Urednica je
redakcije za kulturu Radio Beograda 2.
Serbia at Architecture Biennales in
Srbija na bijenalima arhitekture u
moderatorka: Snežana Ristić
učesnici: Branislav Dimitrijević, Branislav Mitrović,
Zoran Erić
moderator: Snežana Ristić
participants: Branislav Dimitrijević, Branislav
Mitrović, Zoran Erić
Prošle, 2008. godine prvi put je raspisan javni konkurs
za predstavljanje Srbije na 11. međunarodnoj izložbi
arhitekture u Veneciji. Bilo je to važno iskustvo za sve
učesnike, stručni savet, učesnike konkursa, Ministarstvo
kulture, novinare, javnost… Na tribini će se govoriti o
načinu i proceduri izbora našeg predstavnika na Bijenalu u
Veneciji, o dosadašnjim iskustvima, o onome što bi trebalo
promeniti i onome što bi trebalo zadržati u proceduri
izbora, šta našim arhitektima znači učešće na Bijenalu,
koliko je ono važno da bismo shvatilio sopstvenu poziciju
u arhitekturi ovog trenutka, kako se biraju predstavnici u
drugim državama, a kako u regiji… Projekcija fotografija:
Bijenale u Veneciji 2008. (dokumentarne fotografije s
posebnim osvrtom na paviljon Republike Srbije).
Last year, 2008, saw for the first time opening of a public
competition for the slot for representation of Serbia at
the 11th International Exhibition of Architecture in Venice.
This was an important experience for all stakeholders,
the expert council, participants to the competition, the
Ministry of Culture, journalists, the public...
The panel will address the manner and the procedure of
how our representative at the Biennale was elected, the
hitherto experiences, the things that should be changed
and the things that should be kept in the election process,
followed by what it means to our architects to participate
at the Biennale, how important it is for us to properly
understand our own position in the architecture of the day,
how representatives are picked in other countries, and in
the countries in the region…
Photography display: Venetian Biennale 2008
(documentary photographs with a special attention to the
pavilion of the Republic of Serbia).
Snežana Ristić je diplomirala na Arhitektonskom
fakultetu u Beogradu. Bavi se arhitektonskom kritikom,
publicistikom i fotografijom. Objavljuje u domaćim i
stranim stručnim časopisima, nedeljnicima i dnevnim
novinama (Politika, Kvart, Oris…). Autorka je brojnih
radio emisija u kojima se bavi savremenom arhitekturom;
vodila je intervjue sa nekim od najznačajnijih arhitekata
i teoretičara arhitekture (Danijel Libeskind, Bogdan
Bogdanović, Kengo Kuma, Adam Tihani, Rem Kolhas,
Aron Betski, Dejan Suđić i dr). Koautorka je (sa Radonjom
Leposavićem) knjige Šta ste radili u ratu – glasovi iz
crne rupe, Beograd 1999. Koautorka (sa Radonjom
Leposavićem) brojnih radijskih emisija, dokumentarnih i
Snežana Ristić received her university diploma from the
Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. She practices critique
in the realm of architecture, she is a publicist and a
photographer. She has published in domestic and foreign
professional almanacs, weekly newspapers and daily
newspapers (Politika, Kvart, Oris…). She has authored
numerous radio broadcasts in which she deals in
contemporary architecture; she has interviewed some of
the most important architects and theorists of architecture
(Daniel Libeskind, Bogdan Bogdanović, Kengo Kuma,
Adam Tihany, Rem Koolhaas, Aron Betsky, Dejan Suđić,
et al). She co-authored (with Radonja Leposavić) a
book entitled Šta ste radili u ratu – glasovi iz crne rupe
(What Did You Do in War – Voices from the Black Hole),
Belgrade, 1999. With the same colleague, she also
co-authored numerous radio broadcasts, documentary
and radiophone broadcasts performed at European
festivals, of which one received an award at the Festival
of Documentary and Radio Play – Prix Marulić in Hvar in
Srpski paviljon u Veneciji
Serbian Pavilion in Venice
istraživanjima unapređenja sistema planiranja, upravljanja
i razvoja gradova, kreativnim sektorom i urbanom
reciklažom, koju promoviše od ranih devedesetih godina
kroz profesionalni i nevladin sektor i akademiju. Bila je
predsednica Društva urbanista Beograda, članica je
upravnog odbora Društva arhitekata Beograda i Izvršnog
odbora sekcije urbanista IKS. Rukovodila je studijom
Financing Metropolitan Governments in Transitional
Countries, predstavljajući Beograd u međunarodnom
projektu devet glavnih gradova Evrope.
Šta sa Novim Beogradom?
– okrugli sto
moderatorka: Žaklina Gligorijević,
Urbanistički zavod Beograda, Srbija
Beograd još nedovoljno voli i promoviše Novi Beograd,
koga svi gosti iz inostranstva smatraju jedinstvenim živim
primerom grada moderne. Osim visokog kvaliteta životne
sredine u ovom delu Beograda, sa sve više komercijalnih
i javnih sadržaja koji dopunjuju lokalnu urbanu ponudu,
ostaje da se profesija opredeli kako će u u budućnosti
profilisati razvoj i rast ovog grada. Hoće li dopustiti da
se u njega useli visoki poslovni „city”, koji se do danas
nije formirao po uzoru na zapadne prestonice, ili će se
poštovati izgrađeni identitet i kontekst, ostaje da se
rasprai i o tome odlučuje strateškim projektima grada.
Svako iskustvo revitalizacije ili unapređenja sličnih gradova
i svaki pogled „sa strane” urbanistima i upravi može da
bude od velike koristi i da otvori perspektive koje možda
još nisu razmatrane.
Žaklina Gligorijević, dipl. inž. arh. direktorka Urbanističkog
zavoda Beograda, studirala arhitekturu i magistrirala u
Beogradu i Kembridžu, MA. Veliki deo profesionalnog
iskustva stekla je u CEP-u, gde je izgradila karijeru od
studenta saradnika do rukovodioca projekata i direktora.
Jedno vreme bila je koordinatorka kancelarije Gradskog
arhitekte grada Beograda za međunarodnu saradnju. U
više od dvadeset godina širokog profesionalnog iskustva
najviše se bavila urbanim razvojem gradova, a od pre četiri
godine uglavnom Beograda. Direktorka je Urbanističkog
zavoda Beograda. Potpisala je arhitektonske i urbanističke
projekte i prostorne i urbanistične planove u Srbiji i Crnoj
Gori, strateške studije i međunarodne projekte, konkurse
u zemlji, na Kipru, u Irskoj, Americi, Rumuniji. Bavi se
What to do with New Belgrade?
– round table
moderator: Žaklina Gligorijević,
Institute for Urban Planning, Serbia
Belgrade still does not sufficiently like and promote New
Belgrade, which is considered to be, according to the
views of guests from abroad, a unique living example of
a modern city. Apart from high quality environment in this
part of Belgrade, with a growing amount of commercial
and public amenities that supplement the local urban
offering, what remains for the profession is to choose how
to profile the development and the growth of this urban
area in the future. Will it allow for the high business “city”
to move into it, with it still not completely formed in the
shape of that in Western capitals, or will it respect the
identity and context already built; the question remains to
be discussed and decided upon in the strategic plans for
the City. Any experience of revitalisation and advancement
of cities that are similar, and any look “from outside”, can
be of great advantage to the town planners and the city
administration and could open some perspectives that
may have not been yet considered.
Žaklina Gligorijević, MA, B.Arch, Managing Director of
Institute of Urbanism Belgrade, studied architecture and
received a magisterial degree in Belgrade, and a Master
of Arts degree at Cambridge University. A large share of
her professional experience comes from CEP (Centre for
Urban Development Planning) where she built her carrer
from a student-collaborator to the Project Manager and
Director. For a time, she was the coordinator at the Office
of City Architect of Belgrade in charge of international
cooperation. In more than twenty years of her wide
professional experience, she has mostly dealt in urban
development of towns and cities, and since four years
ago, primarilly with urban development of Belgrade.
Currently, she is the Director of the Institute of Urbanism
Belgrade. She has signed numerous architectural and
urbanism projects and spatial and urban plans in Serbia
and Montenegro, strategic studies and international
projects, entries for competition in the country, in Cyprus,
Ireland, the US, and Romania. She practices research
aimed at the development of planning, management
and development systems for urban areas. She also
deals in creative sector and urban recycling, which she
promotes since the early 90s through professional and
NGO sectors, and the academia. She was the President
of the Association of Town Planners of Belgrade, member
of the Steering Commitee of the Association of Architects
of Belgrade and the Executive Committee of the Section
of Town Planners of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers.
She governed a study entitled Financing Metropolitan
Governments in Transitional Countries, representing
Belgrade at an international project involving nine
European capitals.
centra, dodati delove koji nedostaju i urediti prostor oko
objekta. Biće u prilici da zamisle i postave svoj objekat u
novo, adekvatno okruženje.
Dečje radionice
organizator: Dečji kulturni centar
Inspirisani ovogodišnjom temom Beogradske
internacionalne nedelje arhitekture – RE..., osmislili smo
radionice u kojima će deca promišljati o sopstvenom
okruženju i gradeći ga iskazati svoje mišljenje. Pružiće
im se mogućnost da likovnim izrazom, koristeći različite
materijale, rekonstruišu i dekorišu spoljašnji i unutrašnji
prostor Dečjeg kulturnog centra Beograd.
Učesnici radionica će biti podeljeni u pet grupa i svaka
od njih će imati zadatak da preoblikuje, nadogradi i
ukrasi deo pripremljene makete Dečjeg kulturnog centra
Beograd. Koristići različite likovne i nelikovne materijale,
tehnike kolažiranja, modelovanja i oblikovanja osmisliće i
izraditi objekat po svojoj želji.
Likovne radionice Dečjeg kulturnog centra Beograd
osmišljavaju i realizuju Nataša Katalina i Katarina
Nazivi radionica:
1) REci REd!
Prvog dana, učesnici radionica će osmisliti i izraditi deo
unutrašnjeg prostora Dečjeg centra (galeriju, salu, kafić,
2) REži, REndaj!
Drugog dana, deca će ukrašavati unutrašnji prostor
ambijenta u kome borave. Svaka grupa će dobiti zadatak
da dekoriše jednu prostoriju sa određenom namenom.
3) REđaj, REđaj!
U okviru ove radionice deca će osmisliti i izraditi fasadu
svoje kuće. Svaka grupa će dobiti deo makete koji će
nadograditi i ukrasiti po svojoj želji.
4) sREdi REsto!
Na poslednjoj radionici, deca će sklopiti maketu Dečjeg
Dečji kulturni centar Beograd je ustanova kulture, čiji je
osnivač Gradska uprava – Grad Beograd. Od osnivanja,
1952. godine, u njemu se ostvaruju mnogobrojni programi
namenjeni deci i mladima. Danas se dnevni programi u
Dečjem kulturnom centru Beograd kreiraju u redakcijama
za scenske, literarne, likovne, muzičke, dečje zabavne,
edukativne programe i za umetničku igru. Pored dnevnih
programa, Dečji kulturni centar Beograd organizuje
nekoliko značajnih manifestacija za decu. Najveća od njih
je „Radost Evrope’’, koja već 38 godina okuplja mališane
iz čitave Evrope. Veliki završni koncert prati nekoliko
hiljada dece u samoj dvorani i nekoliko miliona gledalaca
u direktnom televizijskom prenosu. Od 1997. godine
upućuje se poziv deci sveta da učestvuju u likovnom
konkursu „Radost Evrope” čija je tema uvek Rečnik
prijateljstva. Stručni žiri najbolje nagrađuje medaljama, a
tokom manifestacije organizuje se izložba najboljih radova.
Svake godine, iz celog sveta, pristigne i do trideset hiljada
dečjih radova.
Children’s workshops
organized by: Children’s Cultural Centre
Inspired by this year’s theme of Belgrade International
Architecture Week – RE… – we have devised workshops
in which the children will contemplate on their own
surroundings and, by building it, express their own
opinions. With use of various materials, they will be given
a chance to reconstruct, and redecorate exterior and
interior spaces of the Children’s Cultural Centre by means
of art.
The participants of the workshops will be divided into five
groups and each one will be tasked to reshape, add on
and decorate a portion of the ready-made scale model of
the Children’s Cultural Centre Belgrade. By using different
artistic and non-artistic materials, collage, modelling and
shaping techniques, they will design and construct a
building the way they wish.
The Children’s Cultural Centre Belgrade art workshops are
conceptualised and implemented by Nataša Katalina and
Katarina Bunuševac.
Names of Workshop:
1) REorder!
On day one, participants to the Workshops will devise and
fabricate a portion of the internal space of the Cultural
Centre (the gallery, the hall, the café, the hallway...).
2) REcut, REgrate!
On the second day, the children will decorate the internal
space of their ambience. Each group will be tasked to
decorate one room with a specific use.
3) RElay, RElay!
Within this workshop, the children will conceptualise
and fabricate the façade of their home. Each group will
get a piece of the scale model that they will add on and
decorate as they wish.
4) REdo the Rest
On the final workshop, the children will assemble the
scale model of the Children’s Centre, add the missing
pieces and arrange the space around the structure. They
will have the chance to envisage and set their building into
a new, adequate environment.
Nedelja arhitekture 2008.
Architecture Week 2008
Children’s Cultural Centre Belgrade is an institution of
culture, founded by the City Administration of the City
of Belgrade. Since its foundation in 1952, it realises
numerous programs intended for children and the young.
Today, the daily programs in the Children’s Cultural Centre
Belgrade are created by separate editorial boards for
stage, literary, fine arts, music, children’s entertainment,
and educational programs, and one for artistic play. Apart
from daily programs, Children’s Cultural Centre Belgrade
is also an organiser of several important manifestations for
children. The largest of them is the “Joy of Europe”, which
for 38 years already gathers youngsters from throughout
Europe. The grand finale concert is viewed by several
thousand children in the arena itself, and several million
viewers in live TV coverage. Since 1997, children around
the world are invited to send their contribution to the “Joy
of Europe” fine art competition, in which the theme is
always The Dictionary of Friendship. The jury of experts
awards medals to the best entries, and the exhibition of
the best works lasts throughout the manifestation of “Joy
of Europe”. Each year, up to thirty thousand children’s
works arrive from around the globe.
Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda:
Bez kontinuiteta nema identiteta
vodi: Marta Vukotić-Lazar
„Stvari nas zovu u pomoć i u nas se uzdaju, ali mi ih
možemo spasti samo ako smo ih već prihvatili srcem.
Kada se to dogodi, stanujemo u pravom smislu te reči.“
K. Norberg-Šulc
Prošlost grada se samo delimično može pronaći u
makro i mikro slikama, u njegovoj silueti, vizurama ili
slikama frontova ulica. Drugi deo se nalazi u „skrivenoj“
dokumentaciji o njihovom nastanku. Ipak, sveukupni
osvrt na razvoj naše moderne arhitekture i urbanizma nije
moguć bez materijalnih dokaza trajanja, kao važnih slika u
memoriji grada, njegovoj kulturi i identitetu.
Šetnja započinje u prostoru nekadašnjeg Novog srpskog
Beograda XIX veka, oko raskrsnice ulice Kneza Miloša
i Nemanjine. Bavićemo se njegovim urbo-hronološkim
slojevima, sa posebnim osvrtom na kompleks zgrada
(ul. Kneza Miloša 35 i 37), tzv. Dobrovićevog generalštaba
(1954–1963). Simbolika kompleksa zgrada Dobrovićevog
generalštaba u Beogradu uklapa se u simboliku
izgradnje Novog Beograda, „središnjeg dela budućeg
Velikog Beograda”, kojom je do donošenja Generalnog
urbanističkog plana 1950. godine rukovodio Nikola
Dobrović (1897–1967). Šetnja će se potom nastaviti
Nemanjinom i Karađorđevom ulicom, preko Železničkog
mosta na levu obalu Save, na mesto gde je nekada bio
Stari beogradski sajam.
Ova dva vredna prostora u samom srcu Starog i
Novog dela Beograda, danas su devastirana do krajnjih
granica: Dobrovićev generalštab je urušen u NATO
bombardovanju, kada je dva puta bio meta, 1. i 9. maja
1999. godine. Ove godine se navršava tačno deset
godina od kada su zgrade bombardovane.
Kompleks Starog beogradskog sajmišta je prostrano
područje koje je fizički i funkcionalno izolovano od
ostatka grada, devastirano, naseljeno siromašnim
stanovništvom, često i pripadnicima marginalnih, ranjivih
grupacija, opterećeno slojevitom i tragičnom prošlošću.
Zaboravljeno je da je njihova vrednost i u susretanja dva
URBANA MODELA: tradicionalne matrice istorijskog
Beograda i funkcionalističke matrice Grada budućnosti,
svetske urbanističke avangarde iz 20-ih godina XX
veka, koja dominira Novim Beogradom. Potpunim
brisanjem ovih kompleksa sa mape gradskog prostora
prekinuo bi se istorijski kontinuitet grada i nestale bi
uporišne tačke njegovog identiteta. Preko ovakvih javnih
prostora specifične tipologije, karaktera i dizajna, grad
se u potpunosti ostvaruje. Cilj ŠETNJE je upravo da se
razmotri svrhovitost rekonstrukcije kompleksa i analizira
način kako da se to učini, primereno njihovoj istoriji i
kompatibilno sa budućim razvojem grada, uz čvrsto
uverenje da dalje ignorisanje taj problem čini još težim.
Marta Vukotić-Lazar rođena je u Podgorici. Filozofski
fakultet, Odeljenje za istoriju umetnosti, završila je na
Univerzitetu u Beogradu, gde je i magistrirala, kod istih
mentora, akademika Vojislava Koraća, prof. dr Marice
Šuput i prof. dr Aleksandra Kadijevića. Članica je Društva
urbanista Beograda i Udruženja primenjenih umetnika
i dizajnera Srbije gde je trenutno predsednica Odbora
za dodelu Nagrade Ranko Radović. Realizovala je više
autorskih izložbi iz oblasti likovnih i primenjenih umetnosti.
Bila je selektor i član žirija brojnih likovnih manifestacija
u Beogradu. Bavi se i likovnom kritikom. Autorka je više
predgovora za kataloge umetničkih izložbi, stručnih studija
i članaka o likovnoj i primenjenoj umetnosti. Godine 1996.
objavila je knjigu Arhitekta Momčilo Belobrk, a 2002.
knjigu Beogradsko razdoblje arhitekte Nikole Dobrovića
(1945–1967). Autorka je koncepta Multimedijalnog
projekta „Staro beogradsko sajmište, kao staro jezgro
Novog Beograda“ u timu Društva urbanista Beograda i
urednica pratećeg kataloga. Marta Vukotić-Lazar živi i radi
u Beogradu.
Kompleks zgrada Generalštaba nakon NATO bombardovanja
B. Strugar
Complex of Army Headquarters after NATO bombardment
Walk around the architecture of
Belgrade: Without Continuity there
is no Identity
led by: Marta Vukotić-Lazar
“Things call as to aid and rely on use, but we can save
them only if we had already accepted them in our heart.
When that happens, we dwell in the true sense of the
word.“, C. Norberg-Schultz.
The past of the city can only partially be found in macro
and micro pictures, in its silhouette, in its views, or images
of street fronts. The other part is lodged in the “hidden”
documentation about their inception.
Yet, the overall retrospection into the development of our
modern architecture and town planning is not possible
without the material evidence of continuity, as important
images in the memory of the city, its culture and identity.
The walk begins at the location of the erstwhile New
Serbian Belgrade of the 19th century, around the
intersection of Kneza Miloša and Nemanjina Streets.
We shall deal with its urban and chronological layers,
with a special retrospection given to the complex of
buildings (Kneza Miloša Street no. 35 and 37), the socalled Dobrovic’s Army Headquarters (1954–1963). The
symbolism of Dobrovic’s Army Headquarters complex in
Belgrade fits well with the symbolism of construction of
Novi Beograd (New Belgrade), the “central part of future
Great Belgrade”, construction which, until the adoption
of General Urban Development Plan in 1950, was under
the helm of Nikola Dobrović (1897–1967) himself. The
stroll will then continue down Nemanjina and Karađorđeva
Streets, across the Railway Bridge onto the left bank of
the Sava river, to a site where Old Belgrade Fairgrounds
used to stand.
These two valuable spaces in the very heart of the
Old and New parts of Belgrade are today ultimately
devastated: Dobrovic’s Army Headquarters was
demolished in the NATO campaign, when it had been
targeted twice, on May 1 and 9, 1999. This year sees the
tenth anniversary of their bombing.
The Old Belgrade Fairgrounds complex is a spacious area
that is both physically and functionally isolated from the
rest of the city, devastated, inhabited by underprivileged
population, often members of marginal, vulnerable
groups, burdened by layered and tragic past. Forgotten is
the fact that the value of these two sites is in the meeting
of two URBAN MODELS: a traditional matrix of historical
Belgrade and functionalistic matrix of a City of Future, of
the world’s avant-garde in urban planning in the 1920s,
which dominates Novi Beograd. The complete removal
of these complexes from the city map would interrupt
the historic continuity of the city and would dislodge its
supporting pillars. Through the likes of such public spaces
with specific typology, character and design, the city is
realised in its entirety. The goal of the stroll is exactly that,
to consider the purposefulness of reconstruction of these
complexes and to analyse the ways to do it, in a manner
suitable to their history and compatible with the future
development of the city, with a firm conviction that further
ignoring of this problem makes it ever graver.
Marta Vukotić-Lazar was born in Podgorica. She
graduated at the University of Belgrade Faculty of
Philosophy, Department of History of Art, where she
also completed her magisterial studies, having the
same mentors, academician Vojislav Korać, professor
dr Marica Šuput and professor dr Aleksandar Kadijević.
She is a member of the Association of Town Planners of
Belgrade and the Association of Applied Arts Artists and
Designers of Serbia, where she currently presides over
the Committee for the presentation of Ranko Radović
Award. She has had several auteur exhibitions in the
domain of fine arts and applied arts. She has been
a selector and member of jury to numerous fine arts
manifestations in Belgrade. She also pursues art critique.
She has written a number of prefaces for art exhibition
catalogues and expert studies, as well as several articles
on fine arts and applied arts. In 1996, she published a
book entitled Momčilo Belobrk, the Architect (Arhitekta
Momčilo Belobrk), and in 2002 a book with the title The
Belgrade Era of Architect Nikola Dobrović (1945–1967)
(Beogradsko razdoblje arhitekte Nikole Dobrovića (19451967). She designed the concept of a multimedia project
“Old Belgrade Fairgrounds as the Core of Novi Beograd”
(Staro beogradsko sajmište, kao jezgro Novog Beograda),
in a team with colleagues of the Association of Town
Planners of Belgrade, together with being the editor of the
accompanying catalogue. Marta Vukotić-Lazar lives and
works in Belgrade.
Na potezu od Slavije do
Čuburskog parka
Izložba radova i instalacija
„Pejzažna arhitektura i grad”
vodi: PUPA - Podmladak udruženja
pejzažnih arhitekata
Izložba predstavlja završni projekat radionice studenata
završne godine Odseka za pejzažnu arhitekturu i
hortikulturu Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu,
na temu „Pejzažna arhitektura i grad – oseti razliku!”.
Predstavljeni radovi i instalacije su rezultat nastavnog
procesa, a bave se višečulnom percepcijom prostora
delovanjem pejzažne arhitekture u urbanom okruženju.
Radovi ukazuju na potrebu da se „metropolitenski
stanovnik“ (Georg Simmel) zaštiti i rastereti od intenzivne
nervne stimulacije u urbanom habitatu, na činjenicu da je
pejzažna arhitektura u današnjem gradskom okruženje
potreba a ne luksuz. Cilj studenata je da ukažu na značaj
pejzažne arhitekture u životu gradskog stanovnika
u različitim aspektima i nivoima delovanja pejzažne
arhitekture – sociološkom, ekološkom, estetskom,
funkcionalnom, kulturološkom... Radovi se bave i
samom Makenzijevom ulicom i predstavljaju moguća
rešenja određenih problema te ulice, uz težnju da se
stvori celovitost jednog uličnog sistema i identitet ulice,
ukazujući na potencijalnu multifunkcionalnost i uličnog
i urbanog ambijenta u celini. Izložba je zamišljena kao
interaktivna šetnja u kojoj će posetioci svojim čulima moći
da osete razliku između delovanja pejzažne arhitekture i
njenog izostanka : razliku između hodanja po travnatom
tepihu i hodanja po vrućem asfaltu, da osete razliku
između stajanja u senci drveta i stajanja na vrelom letnjem
PUPA (Podmladak Udruženja pejzažnih arhitekata) je
studentsko udruženje formirano februara 2008. godine,
kao ogranak strukovnog Udruženja pejzažnih arhitekata
Srbije (UPAS) radi aktivnijeg delovanja studenata pejzažne
arhitekture i hortikulture, razmene znanja i iskustava, lakše
međusobne saradnje i saradnje sa stranim studentima,
kao i radi promocije same struke. PUPA promoviše
pejzažnu arhitekturu kao struku budućnosti, u javnosti,
umetnosti, nauci i biznisu, a baveći se ekološkim,
sociološkim i estetskim unapređenjem otvorenih prostora
posebnu pažnju posvećuje održivom dizajnu. Njenu
organizaciju trenutno čine Upravni odbor od desetak
članova i tri grupe koje su zadužene za delatnost
u tri različite oblasti: ORGANIZACIJA, CREATIVE,
MARKETING. Udruženje podržavaju Evropsko udruženje
pejzažnih arhitekata (EFLA), Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne
sredine, Vladina kancelarija Održivo napred, Šumarski
fakultet u Beogradu.
On the Stretch from Slavija to
Cuburski Park
Exhibition of works and installations
‘Landscape Architecture and
the City’
led by: PUPA – Youth of the Association of
Landscape Architects
The Exhibition is the final project of the workshop for
students of the senior year of the University of Belgrade
Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture
and Horticulture, with the topic ‘Landscape Architecture
and the City – Feel the Difference!’.
The exhibited works and installations are a result of
the teaching process, as they pursue multi-sensory
perception of space by operation of landscape
architecture in urban surroundings. The works indicate a
need to protect and liberate the “metropolitan inhabitant”
(Georg Simmel) from intensive sensory stimulation in
an urban habitat, together with the fact that landscape
architecture in present-day city environment is a need,
not a luxury. The goal of the students is to point out
the importance of landscape architecture in the life of
a city dweller in various aspects and levels of operation
of landscape architecture – sociological, esthetical,
functional, cultural…
The works also deal with McKenzie Street in Belgrade and
unveil possible solutions for the Street, with a tendency to
create a unity of a street system and uphold its identity,
indicating a potential multi-functionality of both street and
urban ambience as a whole.
The Exhibition is conceived as an interactive stroll in
which the visitors will sense the difference between the
operation of landscape architecture, and the lack thereof:
the difference between walking on a carpet of grass and
walking on hot asphalt, the difference between standing in
a shade of a tree, and standing in hot sun of a summer’s
PUPA (Podmladak Udruženja Pejzažnih Arhitekata) or
YALA, Youth of Association of Landscape Architects is
a students’ association established in February 2008,
as a branch of the professional Serbian Association of
Landscape Architects (Udruženja pejzažnih arhitekata
Srbije) – SALA – for the purpose of more active
contribution of students of landscape architecture and
horticulture, exchange of knowledge and experiences,
facilitation of cooperation and cooperation with foreign
students, and for the promotion of the profession itself.
PUPA aids landscape architecture as a profession of
the future, in public realm, in the art world, scientific and
business environments, by practicing environmental,
sociological and aesthetical advancement of open spaces
while giving special attention to sustainable designing. Its
organization currently consists of the Managing Board that
has a dozen or so members and three groups that are in
charge of activities in the distinct areas: ORGANISATION,
CREATIVITY, MARKETING. The Association receives
support from the European Association of Landscape
Architects (EFLA), the Secretariat for the Protection of the
Environment, Government Office ‘Sustainably forward’
(Održivo napred), and the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade.
Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda:
Istočni Vračar, Savinac i Neimar
vodi: Mirjana Roter-Blagojević
U želji da se, u duhu osnovne teme ovogodišnje
Beogradske internacionalne nedelje arhitekture,
REdefiniše naš odnos prema istorijskim ambijentima
grada i REafirmišu vrednosti prostora istočnog Vračara,
Savinca i Neimara, koji su poslednjih decenija poprište
veoma intezivne i agresivne savremene REkonstrukcije,
upoznavanje sa istorijskim i arhitektonskim vrednostima
ovih istorijskih ambijenata započinje iz parka Manjež,
odakle se nastavlja preko Cvetnog trga, danas veoma
živog stecišta brojnih žitelja grada. Šetnja će se
nastaviti Njegoševom ulicom, pored III beogradske
gimnazije, oblikovane u duhu veoma bogate akademske
neorenesansne arhitekture.
Krajem XIX i početkom XIX veka, beogradska varoš se
širila i osvajala prostor van tadašnjeg gradskog rejona.
Izgrađuje se prostor od Beogradske ulice ka Kalenića
guvnu, tzv. Grantovac. U ovom delu grada danas se
posebno izdvajaju ulice Smiljanićeva i Kneginje Zorke, u
kojima su sačuvani brojni primeri prizemnih porodičnih
kuća u kojima su živeli viđeniji građani.
Naspram ovog reprezentativnog dela varoši, na
Englezovcu, kao i na Savincu i Čuburi, naseljava se
siromašnije stanovništvo, koje je živelo u malim dvorišnim
kućama sa jeftinim stanovima.
Na kraju šetnje predviđen je obilazak Kotež-Neimara,
novog planski formiranog naselja sa porodičnim vilama,
koje se izgrađuju tokom tridesetih i četrdesetih godina XX
veka po ugledu na primere engleskog vrtnog grada.
Obilazak prostora istočnog Vračara, Savinca i Neimara
omogućava nam da sagledamo urbani i arhitektonski
razvoj perifernih rezidencijalnih delova Beograda s kraja
XIX i početka XX veka i transformaciju njegove stambene
arhitekture. Prostorna struktura i oblikovanje porodičnih
kuća, vila i prvih višeporodičnih, višespratnih zgrada u
novim rezidencijalnim delovima varoši pokazuju da se
inicijalno dosledno sledi evropska akademska arhitektura
istorijskih stilova krajem XIX veka i veoma široko prihvata
moderna secesijska arhitektura na samom početku XX
veka. Nakon toga, u periodu između dva svetska rata,
stambena arhitektura ovih delova grada postepeno
je poprimila sve elemente savremenog evropskog
koncepta prostorne organizacije i oblikovanja u duhu
moderne. Relativno retke sačuvane porodične vile i
prve višespratnice iz tog perioda svedoče o veoma
prosperitetnom i za savremenu arhitekturu veoma
značajnom vremenu prvih decenija prošlog veka. One
danas predstavljaju bazične elemente autentičnosti i
identiteta gradskih ambijenata koji se moraju očuvati.
Mirjana Roter-Blagojević završila je Arhitektonski
fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, gde danas radi kao
docent na Departmanu za arhitekturu i vodi predmete
Istorija arhitekture i naseljavanja u Srbiji i Integrativna
zaštita graditeljskog nasleđa. Nakon specijalizacije iz
oblasti Proučavanje, zaštita i revitalizacija graditeljskog
nasleđa (1992), tokom rada na magistarskoj tezi
(1994) Arhitektura građevina javnih namena izgrađenih
u Beogradu od 1930. do 1900. godine, posvetila se
istraživanju i tumačenju arhitekture srpske prestonice.
To dugogodišnje proučavanje zaokružila je doktorskom
disertacijom (2004) Razvoj stambene arhitekture
Beograda u 19. i početkom 20. veka. Objavila je
monografiju Stambena arhitektura Beograda u 19. i
početkom 20. veka 2006. godine, za koju je dobila
Nagradu Pavle Vasić i Priznanje Salona arhitekture 2007.
Pored proučavanja i tumačenja transformacije srpske
arhitekture tokom XIX i početkom XX veka u evropskom
kontekstu, posebno polje njenog interesovanja predstavlja
razvijanje i usavršavanje savremene metodologije
valorizacije i integrativne zaštite gradske arhitekture XIX i
XX veka, kao i urbane i arhitektonske obnove prostornih
kulturno-istorijskih celina i istorijskih delova grada.
Walk around the architecture of
Belgrade: East Vračar, Savinac and
Neimar quarters
led by: Mirjana Roter-Blagojević
In a desire, and the spirit of the theme of this year’s
Belgrade International Architecture week, to have our
relationship toward the historic ambiences of the city REdesigned and RE-affirm the values of the spaces of east
Vračar, Savinac and Neimar, which for the last decades
have been sites of a very intensive and aggressive
modern RE-construction, getting to know the historic and
architectural values of these historic ambiances starts
from Manjež Park, wherefrom it continues via Square
of Flowers (Cvetni Trg), which is today a quite vibrant
meeting point for numerous city dwellers. The stroll will
continue down Njegoševa Street, past the III Belgrade
Gymnasium, modelled in the spirit of opulent academic
neo-renaissance architecture.
By the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th
centuries, the town of Belgrade kept expanding and
conquering the space outside of what the city rayon
used to be then. The area around Beogradska Street is
developed, toward an empty track that used to belong
to Kalenić, the so-called Grantovac. Nnowadays, the
most interesting in this portion of the city are Smiljanićeva
and Knjeginje Zorke Streets, which preserve numerous
examples of ground family houses, inhabited by
prominent citizens.
Opposite to this representative part of the town,
Englezovac, as well as Savinac and Čubura are inhabited
by less affluent population, which lived in small courtyard
houses with cheap dwellings.
The stroll is meant to end with a tour around Kotež
Neimar, a newly-designed with family villas, which were
being built in the 1930s and 1940s, modeled after the
English garden towns.
A tour around the stretches of east Vračar, Savinac
and Neimar enables us to comprehend the urban and
architectural development of 19th and 20th century
Belgrade, as well as the transformation of its residential
architecture, The spatial structure and modelling of family
houses, villas and the first condominium multi-storey
Kuća braće Nikolić, Njegoševa 11
arh. Branko Tanazević, 1912.
House of Nikolic Brothers, Njegoseva Street No. 11
arch. Branko Tanazevic, 1912.
buildings in the new residential quarters of the town, tell
us of the initial very consistent adherence to the European
historic styles of academic architecture at the end of
the 19th century and of the widely accepted modern
secession architecture at the immediate beginning of the
20th century. Subsequently, in the period between two
World Wars, the residential architecture of these parts of
the city has gradually taken on all elements of the modern
European concept of spatial organisation and modelling
in the spirit of Modernity. Today, relatively rare preserved
family villas and first multi-storey buildings from this
period testify of a very prosperous and for the modern
architecture significant time of the first decades of the
20th century. At present, they represent basic elements
of authenticity and identity of these urban ambiences that
need to be preserved.
Mirjana Roter-Blagojević has graduated from the Faculty
of Architecture University of Belgrade, where she now
works as an assistant professor on the Department for
Architecture and runs subjects “History of Architecture
and Inhabitation in Serbia” and “Integrative Protection
of Architectural Heritage”. Subsequent to specialization
in the field of Study, protection and revitalization of
architectural heritage (1992), during the work on her
magisterial thesis (1994) Architecture of Buildings of
Public Uses Built in Belgrade from 1900 to 1930, she
devoted herself to research and interpretation of the
architecture of the Serbian capital. This long-term study
she crowned with the doctoral dissertation (2004) entitled
Development of Residential Architecture of Belgrade in the
19th and beginning of the 20th Century. She published a
monograph entitled Residential Architecture of Belgrade in
the 19th and beginning of 20th Century in 2006, for which
she received the Pavle Vasić Award and a Commendation
from the Architecture Salon in 2007. Apart from study and
interpretation of transformation of Serbian architecture
during the 19th and beginning of the 20th century in the
European context, the field of her interest is especially
marked by the development and harmonisation of the
modern methodology of valorisation and integrative
protection of urban architecture of the 19th and 20th
century, as well as urban and architectural renewal of
cultural and historic spatial parts of the city.
Kuća Janka Šafarika
Kneginje Zorke 73, ugao Krunske ulice,1912.
House of Janko Safarik
Kneginje Zorke Street No. 73,
corner with Krunska Street,1912.
Zgrada Društva za ulepšavanje Vračara
arh. Milan Antonović, 1901.
The Society for beutification of Vracar building
arch. Milan Antonovic, 1901.
za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije (1994–1998). Zaposlena
kao kustos Odseka za arhitekturu Muzeja primenjene
umetnosti u Beogradu (od 2002). Od ranih osamdesetih
godina bavi se istorijom srpske arhitekture novijeg doba i
autorka je većeg broja radova iz te oblasti.
Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda:
RE... na potezu od Terazija do
Walk around the architecture of
Belgrade: RE... From Terazije to
vodi: Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović
led by: Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović
Šetnja RE... od Terazija do Kalemegdana osmišljena
je sa idejom da se zainteresovana publika upozna sa
neprekidnim procesom promene arhitektonskog ambijenta
centralne beogradske zone. Preispitaće se kvalitet i
mogućnosti te stalne REprodukcije u kontekstu vremena
sadašnjeg i vremena budućeg. Kulturološka višeslojnost
postojećeg arhitektonskog okvira planirane šetnje
omogućava da se sagledaju kompleksni tokovi razvoja
urbanizma i arhitekture Beograda od sredine XIX veka do
danas, ali i da se otvori pitanje njene REintegracije kao
nasleđenog konteksta. Ova šetnje će omogućiti drugačiju
vizuru na deo grada kroz koji godinama svakodnevno
prolazimo, a osim objekata i lokacija osvetliće i
REafirmisati ličnosti značajnih srpskih arhitekata poput
Alekseja Brkića, Miladina Prljevića, Ratomira Bogojevića,
Konstantina Jovanovića, Aleksandra Bugarskog, Andre
Stevanovića, Nikole Nestorovića, Danila Vladisavljevića,
Milutina Borisavljevića, Vojina Simeonovića, Miroslava
Jovanovića, Branislava Mitrovića i drugih.
Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović, istoričarka arhitekture,
kustos - muzejski savetnik Odseka za arhitekturu
Muzeja primenjene umetnosti u Beogradu, diplomirala i
magistrirala Istoriju umetnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu
Univerziteta u Beogradu sa temama iz srpske arhitekture
XX veka. Radila kao kustos u Muzeju „25. maj”
(1982–1992), sarađivala u Institutu za istoriju umetnosti
Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu (1992–1994) i Institutu
The walk named RE... on the Stretch from Terazije to
Kalemegdan was designed with an idea to introduce
the interested audience with the continuous process of
transformation of architectural ambience of the central
zone of Belgrade. To be examined is the quality and the
possibilities for this constant REproduction in the context
of today, and tomorrow. The cultural multi-layered milieu
of the existing architectural framework of the planned
stroll enables the viewer to perceive the complex flows
of development of urban planning and architecture of
Belgrade from the mid XIX century until today, but also
to open the question of its REintegration as a context
inherited. This stroll will enable us to have a different
outlook on the part of the city through which we have
been traversing for years, and aside from buildings and
locations, it will shine light and REaffirm the personalities
of significant Serbian architects, such as Aleksej
Brkić, Miladin Prljević, Ratomir Bogojević, Konstantin
Jovanović, Aleksandar Bugarski, Andra Stevanović, Nikola
Nestorović, Danilo Vladisavljević, Milutin Borisavljević,
Vojin Simeonović, Miroslav Jovanović, Branislav Mitrović
and others.
Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović graduated from and received
a masters degree in history of architecture at the
University of Belgrade Faculty of Phylosophy on topics
relating Serbian architecture of the 20th century. She has
worked as a curator of Museum ’25. maj’ (1982–1992),
cooperated at the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy
History of Arts Institute (1992–1994) and Architecture
and Urbanism Institute of Serbia (1994–1998). She is
employed as the curator of the Museum of Applied Arts
in Belgrade, Department of Architecture (since 2002).
Since the early 1980s she pursues history of Serbian
architecture of recent times and is an author of numerous
papers on the subject.
Aleksej Brkić,
zgrada Invest-importa (kasnije Hempro) na Terazijama
1953 –1956.
Aleksej Brkić,
’Invest-Import’ office building (later ‘Hempro’) on Terazije
1953 –1956.
Midnight walk around the modern
architecture of old Belgrade
led by: Ivan Kucina
The aim is to observe from a relaxing angle the
unexpected values of modern architecture in the centers
of old and new Belgrade.The following building will be
visited - from KCB (Cultural Center of Belgrade) to MSU
(Museum of Contemporary Art):
Ponoćna šetnja kroz modernu
arhitekturu starog Beograda
vodi: Ivan Kucina
Želja je da se iz opuštajućeg ugla noći sagledaju
neočekivane vrednosti moderne arhitekture u centru
starog i novog Beograda. Od Kulturnog centra Beograda
do Muzeja savremene umetnosti posetiće se sledeći
- Dom štampe, Ratomir Bogojević, 1957;
- Stambene zgrade u Braće Jugovića, Mihajlo Mitrović,
- Filozofski fakultet, Svetislav Ličina, 1967;
- Stambena zgrada u Pariskoj, Miroslav Jovanović, 1956;
- Jugoslovenska banka u Kralja Petra, Grigorije Samojlov i
Borivoje Nanić, 1963;
- Stambeni blok u Kralja Petra, Milorad Macura, 1953;
- Poslovna zgrada Energoprojekta u Brankovoj, Milica
Šterić, 1957;
- Zgrada SDK u Pop Lukinoj, Petar Vulović, 1967;
- Restoran na Savskom keju, Mihailo Jovanović, 1957;
- Muzej savremene umetnosti, Ivan Antić i Ivanka
Raspopović, 1961.
Ivan Kucina je arhitekta, docent, član Upravnog odbora
Društva arhitekata Beograda i saveta Oktobarskog salona,
član Stealth Group iz Roterdama i School of Missing
Studies iz Njujorka, inicijator istraživanja, izložbi i radionica
posvećenih neformalnim procesima transformacije
urbanog sistema Beograda i formalnim procesima
reformisanja postojećih institucija.
- Press House, Ratomir Bogojević, 1957
- Residential buildings in the street of Braće Jugovića,
Mihajlo Mitrović, 1964
- Faculty of Philosophy,Svetislav Ličina, 1967
- Residential building in the Pariska street, Miroslav
Jovanović, 1956
- Yugoslav Bank in the Kralja Petra street, Grigorije
Samojlov and Borivoje Nanić, 1963
- Residential block in the Kralja Petra street, Milorad
Macura 1953
- Energoprojekt Business Building in the Brankova street,
Milica Šterić, 1957
- SDK Building in the Pop Lukina street, Petar Vulović,
- Restaurant on the Sava quay, Mihailo Jovanović, 1957
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Ivan Antić and Ivanka
Raspopović, 1961
Ivan Kucina is an architect, assistant professor, member
of the Board of the Association of Belgrade Architects
and the Council of October Salon, member of the Stealth
Group from Rotterdam and the School of Missing Studies
from New York, initiator of many researches, exhibitions
and workshops dedicated to informal processes
of transforming Belgrade urban system and formal
processes of reforming existing institutions.
Muzej savremene umetnosti
Ivan Antić i Ivanka Raspopović, 1961.
Museum of Contemporary Art
Ivan Antić and Ivanka Raspopović, 1961
kulture Srbije. Predavala je na Cornell univerzitetu,
Univerzitetu u Beogradu, Univerzitetu Teksasa i Karlovom
Odabrane publikacije: Češko-srpske arhitektonske
veze 1918–1941 (Beograd: RZZSK, 2004), Valtrović i
Milutinović I–III (Beograd: IMUS, 2006–2008) i Capital
Cities in the Aftermath of the Empires: Planning in Central
and Southeastern Europe (Routledge, 2010).
REdefinisanje posleratnog
kolektivnog stanovanja
Post-WWII Housing
uvodna reč: Tanja Konli
introduction: Tanja Conley
RE…Konferencija: REdefinisanje posleratnog kolektivnog
stanovanja okupiće vodeće stručnjake sa evropskih
univerziteta i ustanova zaštite kulturnog nasleđa da
daju svoje viđenje o aktuelnom problemu valorizacije i
budućeg tretiranja urušavajućih stambenih konglomeracija
iz vremena posle Drugog svetskog rata. Bez obzira na
rascep između istočne i zapadne Evrope, prouzrokovan
ideologijom Hladnog rata, kolosalni projekti kolektivnog
stanovanja gradili su se u svim delovima kontinenta tokom
druge polovine dvadesetog veka. Kriterijumi vrednovanja
i mogućnosti rekonstrukcije ovih, najčešče širokih
zahvata, vrlo su površno razmatrani od strane stručnjaka:
istoričara arhitekture, konzervatora, urbanista i arhitekata.
Zvanične institucije zaštite nemaju jasan stav u definisanju
metodologije vrednovanja nasleđa iz bliske prošlosti.
Labavo postavljen i komplikovan sistem vlasničkih odnosa
nad zajedničkim prostorima i stambenim jedinicama
u okviru blokovskih kompleksa, otežava sprovođenje
sistematskih akcija s ciljem da se poboljša trenutno loše
stanje. Konferencija će dati jedinstvenu priliku za razmenu
mišljenja o ovoj slabo razmatranoj temi. Uz prisustvovanje
predavanjima, učesnici skupa imaće priliku da doprinesu
zaključnoj diskusiji, da se priključe stručno vođenoj šetnji
kroz blokove Novog Beograda i daju svoje mišljenje na
okruglom stolu “Šta sa Novim Beogradom?”
RE…Conference: REdefining Post-WWII Housing will
gather leading scholars from European universities and
heritage institutes to present their answers to the acute
question of valorization and further treatment of the
rapidly dilapidating post-WWII housing conglomerations.
Regardless of the boundary between the East and the
West during the Age of Cold War, the huge-scale housing
projects appeared all over Europe in the second half of
the twentieth century. Until now, the criteria for evaluation
and possible reconstruction of those vast built areas
have been vaguely considered by the professionals,
including architectural historians, preservationists,
urban planners and practicing architects. The official
preservationist institutions have been struggling with
defining methodologies for the valorization of heritage
from the recent past. Loosely structured and complicated
systems of ownership over the common areas and
private units within housing complexes make difficult
to administrate clearly defined and systematic actions
for the improvement of the existing conditions. This
conference will provide a unique opportunity for sharing
different attitudes about the poorly discussed subject of
the values of post-WWII housing. In addition to lectures
by the invited speakers, the participants in the conference
will have a chance to contribute to the discussion, take
a guided tour through the impressive housing projects of
New Belgrade and give their opinion in the concluding
roundtable titled “What Should We Do With New
Tanja Damljanović-Konli diplomirala je i magistrirala
na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Bogradu, a doktorsku
tezu odbranila na Cornell univerzitetu. Od 1992. bila je
zaposlena u Republičkom zavodu za zaštitu spomenika
Tanja Damljanović Conley received Architectural Engineer
and Master of Technical Sciences degrees from the
Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade and a PhD degree from
Cornell University. She has been working for the State
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Serbia
since 1992, teaching and lecturing at Cornell University,
University of Belgrade, University of Texas and Charles
A selected list of her publications includes Czech-Serbian
Architectural Connections 1918-1941 (Belgrade: RZZSK
2004), Valtrović and Milutinović I-III (Belgrade: IMUS,
2006-2008) and Capital Cities in the Aftermath of the
Empires: Planning in Central and Southeastern Europe
(Routledge, 2010).
Stambena zgrada B-9, blok 21, Novi Beograd
Autori: Lenarčić, Mitić, Petrović i Čanak
Foto: A. Mirić
Residential building B-9, block 21, New Belgrade
Authors: Lenarčić, Mitić, Petrović i Čanak
Photo A. Mirić
16.00 –17.15
Đovani Kaudo (Univerzitet u Rimu)
DenSity – IntenCity: Stambena arhitektura u Italiji
Petak, 3. juli 2009.
Italijanski institut za kulturu u Beogradu, Kneza Miloša 56
Uvodna reč: Tanja Konli (Univerzitet u Beogradu)
Žozef Abram (Škola arhitekture u Nansiju)
Pere, Le Korbizije, Zerfus: Rekonstrukcija grand–
ensambles: zaštita moderne stambene arhitekture u
posleratnoj Francuskoj
Gabi Dolf–Bonekemper (Tehnički Univerzitet u Berlinu)
Makrostrukture i pejzaži: Vrednost i zaštita berlinskih
predgrađa iz 60-ih i 70-ih godina XX veka
17.15 –18.00
Pit Ekert (E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten, Švajcarska)
E2A: Post CIAM Rekonfiguracija
18.00 –19:00
Moderator: Tanja Konli (Univerzitet u Beogradu)
Subota, 4. juli 2009.
od 10.00
Okupljanje: Centralni dom vojske Srbije, Braće Jugovića 19
Šetnja kroz arhitekturu Beograda, autobusom
Superblokovi Novog Beograda
vode: Tanja Konli i Ivan Kucina
Ilejn Harvud (English Heritage)
Posleratna stambena arhitektura u Engleskoj
12.00 –12.45
Marike Kajpers (Tehnički Univerzitet u Delftu)
Mesta trezvenosti: Posleratno socijalno stanovanje u
14:00 –14:45
Paola di Bjađi (Univerzitet u Trstu)
Posleratno socijalno stanovanje u Italiji: Javni grad
kao laboratorija modernih teorija o gradu i perspektive
savremene urbane obnove
14:45 –15:30
Alesandra Čeroti (Univerzitet u Rimu)
Pitanja konzervacije i restauracije u posleratnom
socijalnom stanovanju
Naselja INCIS-a u Rimu: Villaggio Olimpico i Decima
Urbanistički zavod Beograda, Palmotićeva 30
Predstavljanje izložbe RE_Beograd: Stari i novi
Studentska radionica Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Univerziteta u Beogradu
18.00 – 19.30
Urbanistički zavod Beograda, Palmotićeva 30
Okrugli sto: Šta sa Novim Beogradom?
Moderator: Žaklina Gligorijević (Urbanistički zavod
16.00 – 17.15
Giovanni Caudo (University of Rome)
DenSity, IntenCity: Housing in Italy
Friday, July 3rd 2009
9.00 – 9.15
Italian Institute for Culture, Kneza Miloša 56, Belgrade
Welcome: Tanja Conley (University of Belgrade)
9.15 – 10.00
Joseph Abram (School of Architecture Nancy)
Perret, Le Corbusier, Zehrfuss: Reconstruction of
Grand–Ensambles: the protection of modern housing in
France from the post–WWII period
10.00 – 10.45
Gabi Dolff–Bonekämper (TU Berlin)
Macro–structures and Landscapes: Value and protection
of Berlin’s 1960s and 1970s suburban settlements
17:15 – 18:00
Piet Eckert (E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten, Switzerland)
E2A: Post CIAM Reconfiguration
18.00 – 19.00
Moderator: Tanja Conley (University of Belgrade)
Saturday, July 4th 2009
Gathering in front of The Central Army Hall, Braće
Jugovića 19
Guided bus tour: Superblocks of New Belgrade
Led by: Tanja Conley and Ivan Kucina
Coffee Break
11.15 – 12.00
Elain Harwood (English Heritage)
Post – 1945 Housing in England
12.00 – 12.45
Marieke Kuipers (TU Delft)
Sites of Sobriety: Postwar Social Housing in the
Lunch Break
14.00 – 14.45
Paola Di Biagi (University of Trieste)
Post–WWII Social Housing in Italy: The public city as a
laboratory for modern city theories and urban renewal
contemporary perspective
14.45 – 15.30
Alessandra Cerroti (University of Rome)
Conservation and Restoration Issues in the Post–WWII
Social Housing
INCIS Estates in Rome: Villaggio Olimpico and Decima
Coffee Break
Institute of Urbanism Belgrade, Palmotićeva 30
Exhibition Presentation RE_Belgrade: Old and New
Student’s workshop Faculty of Architecture, University of
18.00 – 19.30
Institute of Urbanism Belgrade, Palmotićeva 30
Roundtable: What Should We Do With New Belgrade?
Moderator: Žaklina Gligorijević (Institute of Urbanism
treba da bude utvrđena? Predlažem da tokom ove
prezentacije analiziramo tri stambena kompleksa koja
su izgrađena u nejednakim istorijskim uslovima i koja
postavljaju različite probleme očuvanja i adaptacije: zgrade
koje je projektovao atelje Pere u Avru, Le Korbizjeova
stambena jedinica u Brie-an-Fore (Briey-en-Forêt) i veliki
kompleks u četvrti O-di-Lijevr (Haut-du-Lièvre) Bernara
Zerfisa u Nansiju.
Pere, Le Korbizije, Zerfus:
Rekonstrukcija stambenih naselja
– zaštita moderne stambene
arhitekture u Francuskoj nakon
Drugog svetskog rata
Žozef Abram, Univerzitet u Nansiju, Francuska
Decenije koje su nastupile posle Drugog svetskog rata
u istoriji francuske arhitekture predstavljaju period velikih
preokreta. Obnovom i stalnim naporima da se kriza
stanovanja prebrodi, zemlja pribavlja jedno izuzetno
proizvodno sredstvo koje povećanje broja zgrada
zasniva na značajnom posredovanju države (Ministarstva
za obnovu i urbanizam, zatim raznih ministarstava za
izgradnju i opremanje), na koncentrovanju investicija u
velika preduzeća (teška montažna izgradnja i ogromna
gradilišta), i na sve savršenijem upravljanju zemljištem
(komasacija, zatim podela na zone koje imaju prvenstvo u
procesu urbanizacije i zone koje se uređuju po dogovoru).
Industrijalizacija stanovanja je magična reč u tom periodu.
Međutim, smanjenje troškova nije jedina posledica
postignutog napretka u oblasti izgradnje. Arhitektura
daje svoj doprinos i pojavi masovne kulture. Ona
navikava publiku na jedan formalni univerzum koji je
prožet stručnošću te epohe. Arhitekti koji su počeli
svoju karijeru pre rata (Pere, Le Korbizje, Boduen...)
stvaraju svoja najznačajnija dela posle Drugog svetskog
rata. Suočena sa izgradnjom kolektivnih stanova i sa
velikim aparaturama, mlađa će generacija (Zerfis, Pujon,
Dibuison, Voženski, Lanjo...) doneti novine u strogom
okviru racionalističkih tema. Ovaj period je stvorio bogatu
Kako u okeanu izgrađenog izdvojiti značajne elemente
koji zaslužuju da budu stavljeni pod zaštitu i čija vrednost
Žozef Abram, arhitekta i istoričar, profesor je na
Arhitektonskoj školi u Nansiju i istraživač u Laboratoriji
za istoriju savremene arhitekture. Predavao je na
Arhitektonskom institutu u Ženevi i u Školi lepih umetnosti
u Metsu. Deset godina je bio član uređivačkog odbora
časopisa Faces. Godine 1999. objavio je „Moderna
arhitektura u Francuskoj 1940-1966, od haosa do
uspona” (Éditions Picard), a 2002, sa Žan-Luj Koenom i Gi
Lamberom „Enciklopedija Pere” (Monum-Ifa-Le Moniteur).
Izradio je naučnu podlogu zahteva za upis obnovljenog
centra Avra na Listu svetske baštine (klasifikacija
UNESCO, 2005).
Perret, Le Corbusier, Zehrfuss:
Reconstruction of Grand-ensambles
– the protection of modern housing
in France from post-WWII period
Joseph Abram, University in Nancy, France
The decades that came forth after the WWII, represent
the period of unexpected turn of events in French
architecture. Through the restoration and constant
efforts for the overcoming of the housing crises, the
country obtains one extraordinary production tool which
bases the increasing of the quantity of buildings on the
important intervention of the government (Ministry for
the restoration and urban planning, as well as the other
ministries for development and outfit), the concentration
of the investments into the huge companies (through vast
prefabrication and huge building sites) and the growing
perfection of land management (through redistribution
of land, division to the zones with the priority in the
urbanization processes and zones which has to be
arranged according to the agreement). Industrialization of
housing is the magic word in that period.
Nevertheless, the cutting of expenses is not the only
consequence of the achieved progress in the field of
construction. Architecture gives its contribution also to
the appearance of the mass culture. It accustoms the
public to the formal universe, imbued with the experience
of the epoch. Architects who begun their careers before
the WWII (Perret, Le Corbusier, Beaudouin etc), produce
their masterpieces after the WWII. Confronted with
the construction of the social housing and the huge
equipments, the younger generation (Zehrfuss, Pouillon,
Dubuisson, Wogenscky, Lagneau etc) will bring the
innovation in the strict framework of the rationalist themes.
This period has created the rich heritage.
How can the significant elements which deserve to be put
under protection and whose value should be established,
be distinguished from the ocean of constructed?
I suggest that, during the presentation, we should analyze
three housing complexes, which have been built in the
unequal historical conditions and which pose different
Le Korbizje
Fotografija: Žan-Pjer Bourraux, 1960
Le Corbusier
Photo, Jean-Pierre Bourraux, 1960
problem of the protection and adaptation: buildings
designed by the Atelier Perret in Havre, Le Corbusier’s
housing unit in Briey-en-Forêt and the huge complex in
the Haut-du-Lièvre quarter, designed by Bernard Zehrfuss
in Nancy.
Joseph Abram, architect and historian, is professor at
the Nancy School of Architecture and researcher at the
Laboratory of contemporary architecture history.
He has taught at the Geneva Institute of Architecture
and at the Metz School of fine arts. For ten years he has
been member of the editorial board of the revue Faces.
In 1999 he published “Modern architecture in France,
1940-1966, from chaos to growth” (Edition Picard) and
in 2002, with Jean-Louis Cohen and Guy Lambert, “The
Perret encyclopedia” (Monum-Ifa-Le Moniteur). He made
the scientific file of the request for the inscription of the
reconstructed center of the city of Havre on the World
heritage list (classification of the UNESCO, 2005).
Posebna pažnja posvećena je zelenim prostorima, sada
već razvijenim, koji su sami po sebi kreativna inovacija.
Pokazaću primere i ponuditi neke napomene o stručnim
procenama i društvenom prihvatanju.
Makro-strukture i pejzaž:
Vrednost i zaštita berlinskih
predgrađa iz 60-ih i 70-ih
Gabi Dolf-Bonekemper,
Tehnički Univerzitet u Berlinu, Nemačka
Kultura i tradicija projektovanja berlinskih predgrađa,
seže u dvadesete godine XX veka, do Bruna Tauta, Ota
Rudolfa Salvisberga i mladog Hansa Šaruna. Suočavajući
se sa izazovom da zamisle strukture gušće od ruralnih, ali
manje guste nego urbane, oni su stvorili nove prostorne
tipologije, uveli su, oko 1930, koncept velikih naselja u
predgrađima, apstraktne kompozicije prostora i objekata
(Großsiedlung Siemensstadt 1930/31).
Posle 1945, kada je bilo potrebno više stanova nego
ikada, oživeo je model većeg naselja u predgrađu , a još
kreativnija, politička i tehnička, energija bila je usmerena
na razvoj većih i ambicioznijih projekata, koji su izgrađeni
tokom pedesetih, šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina XX
veka. Kako je u Zapadnom Berlinu postojala ograničena
površina za izgradnju, zahtevana je veća gustina.
Apstraktna prostorna rešenja su tada kombinovana sa
novim tipovima objekata, ali sa blokovima visokih tornjeva.
Hans Šarun, majstor za ne-ortogonalno, stvorio je visoke
makrostrukture, potpuno inovativne, kakve do tada nisu
viđene. Njegovi saradnici i studenti osmislili su veoma
upečatljive pejzaže predgrađa (Vorstadt-Landschaft) u
četvrti Märkisches Viertel, sa objektima poput planinskih
lanaca i zelenim prostorima poput dolina.
Posle perioda oštre kritike i snažnih napada upućenih
takozvanoj nehumanoj razmeri, monotoniji i beznađu
(Trostlosigkeit), mišljenje publike i stručne javnosti se
promenilo, estetika i društvene vrednosti postale su
vidljive i mogli su se stvoriti prvi spiskovi i restauracije.
Gabi Dolf-Bonekemper, istoričarka umetnosti, od 1988.
do 2002. konzervatorka u Nacionalnom birou za očuvanje
istorijskih zgrada u Berlinu (Landesamt für Denkmalpflege).
Od novembra 2001. do januara 2002. gostujuća naučna
saradnica u Institutu za konzervaciju Geti u Los Anđelesu.
Oko 2003/2004. postala je članica međunarodne
ekspertske grupe UNESCO za rekonstrukciju mosta
u Mostaru. Od oktobra 2005. redovni je profesor na
Tehničkom univerzitetu u Berlinu (TU Berlin), a njena uža
specijalnost su spomenici iz skorije prošlosti, ugroženi
lokaliteti koji spadaju u arhitektonsku baštinu, savremena
umetnost komemoracije, arhitektura XX veka i teorija
Macro-structures and Landscapes:
Value and protection of Berlin’s
1960’s and 1970’s suburban
Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper,
Technical University in Berlin, Germany
Berlin’s culture and tradition of sub-urban design
reaches back to the 1920ies, to Bruno Taut, Otto Rudolf
Salvisberg and the young Hans Scharoun. Facing the
challenge to conceive structures denser than the rural
but less dense than the urban, they invented new spatial
typologies, inaugurating, around 1930, the concept of the
greater suburban settlement, an abstract composition
of spaces and buildings. (Großsiedlung Siemensstadt
After 1945, with more demand for housing than ever
before, the model of the larger suburban settlement is
revived and much creative, political and technical energy
goes into the development of ever larger and more
ambitious projects, built throughout the 1950ies, 60ies
and 70ies. With limited surface available in West-Berlin,
more density was required. The abstract spatial layout
was then combined with new building-types, nut just with
higher tower blocks and slabs. Hans Scharoun, master
of the non-orthogonal, creates high-rise macro-structures
that are complete innovations, never seen before. His
collaborators and pupils will conceive the most striking
sub-urban landscape (Vorstadt-Landschaft) in a part of
Märkisches Viertel, with buildings like chains of mountains
and green spaces like valleys.
After a period of fierce critique and heavy attacks, aiming
at what was called non-human scale, monotony and
desperateness (Trostlosigkeit), the public and expert’s
opinions change, the aesthetic and social values
become visible and first listings and restorations could be
managed. Special attention goes to the green spaces,
now well developed, that often were creative inventions
Berlinsko predgrađe, Nemačka
Berlin suburbia, Germany
in their own right. I will show examples and offer some
reflections on experts’ evaluation and social appreciation.
Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper is an art historian, from 1988 to
2002 Conservator at the Berlin office for the conservation
of historic buildings. Nov. 2001 - Jan. 2002 GuestScholar at the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles/
Ca. 2003/2004 member of the UNESCO international
experts group for the rebuilding of the Bridge of Mostar.
Since October 2005 regular Professor at the TU Berlin,
specializing in monuments of recent history, contested
sites of heritage, contemporary art of commemoration,
20th century architecture and conservation-theory.
Stanovanje u Engleskoj posle 1945.
Post-1945 Housing in England
Ilejn Harvud, Ingliš Heritedž, Engleska
Elain Harwood, English Heritage, United Kingdom
Ovo predavanje pratiće istoriju posleratnog stanovanja,
kolektivnog i individualnog, i poteškoće sa kojima se
susrećemo kada ova naselja treba predložiti za spiskove
zaštite, uključujući i naselje Bajker (koje je projektovao
Ralf Erskin), Robin Hud Garden (projektovali Alison i Piter
Smitson), kao i naselje Span (projektovao Erik Lajons).
U Londonu su određenim stepenom zaštite obuhvaćeni
objekti koji su uglavnom bili uspešni, a njihovo pojavljivanje
u listinzima omogućava dalju džentrifikaciju; u Šefildu je,
međutim Park Hil bio predmet programa regeneracije i
njegova je sudbina izvesnija.
Ilejn Harvud je istoričarka u institutu English Heritage čija je
uža specijalnost arhitektura dvadesetog veka – posebno
period posle 1945. godine. Od 1996. do 2005. rukovodila
je istraživanjima za period posle Drugog svetskog rata, a
trenutno učestvuje u istraživanjima koje sprovodi Institut,
kao i u koncipiranju novih istraživanja koja su u planu.
Autorka je knjige Engleska, vodič kroz listu posleratnih
objekata (izdavač Elipsis, 2000; reizdanje: Batsford 2003)
i Pevsnerov vodič grada Notingema (2008). Harvudova
trenutno piše knjigu o godinama između 1945. i 1975.
za izdavača Yale University Press, pod radnim naslovom
„Prostor, nada i brutalizam”, koja se bavi kolektivnim
stanovanjem, a radi i na doktoratu čija je tema arhitektura
četvrti South Bank u Londonu, na Univerzitetu Bristol.
Upravnica je udruženja Dvadeseti vek (Twentieth Century
Society) i članica veća udruženja Cinema Theatre.
The paper will look at the history of post-war housing,
public and private, and the difficulties faced when
recommending these developments for listing, including
the Byker Estate by Ralph Erskine, Robin Hood Gardens
by Alison and Peter Smithson, and Span housing by
Eric Lyons. In London the housing that has been listed
have been those that are generally successful and the
designation has encouraged further gentrification; in
Sheffield, however, Park Hill has been the subject of a
regeneration programme whose future is more uncertain.
Elain Harwood is a historian with the English Heritage, and
its leading specialist on the architecture of the twentieth
century - particularly on the years after 1945. From
1996 until 2005 she was responsible for its post-war
research and listing programme, and remains involved
in its casework and future research programme. She
is the author of ‘England, a Guide to Post-War Listed
Buildings’ (ellipsis 2000, revised Batsford 2003) and the
Pevsner City Guide to ‘Nottingham’ (2008). Harwood is
currently writing a major book on the years 1945-75 for
Yale University Press, provisionally entitled ‘Space, Hope
and Brutalism’, in which public housing plays a major
part, and a PhD on the architecture of London’s South
Bank, for Bristol University. She is also a Trustee of the
Twentieth Century Society and committee member of the
Cinema Theatre Association.
1. Naselje Brenč Hil
Hampsted, London Borough of Camden (Benson i Forsajt) 1972-9
Branch Hill Estate
Hampstead, London Borough of Camden (Benson and Forsyth) 1972-9
2. Naselje Alton Vest
(Rohempton Lejn) London County Council 1953-61
Alton West
(Roehampton Lane) Estate, London County Council 1953-61
Mesta trezvenosti: Posleratno
socijalno stanovanje u Holandiji
Marijke Kajpers,
Tehnički Univerzitet u Delftu, Holandija
Prilikom planiranja i proizvodnje socijalnog stanovanja u
Holandiji, kao odgovor na veliki nedostatak stambenih
objekata posle destrukcije u Drugom svetskom ratu,
postojale su tri glavne prekretnice: prva – snažno
angažovanje države u planiranju (finansiranje, kontrole
i smernice); druga – ideja o „jedinicama susedstva“,
prikazana u precizno planiranim proširenjima gradova u
kojima je dominiralno jednoporodično stanovanje, i treća
– opšta prihvaćenost prefabrikacije, standardizacije i
blokova visokih objekata.
Nova susedstva sa svojim kompaktnim stambenim
jedinicama u Zeilenbau, svojim rasporedom oko javnih
zelenih površina, postali su ideal slobode i zajedništva.
Oni oličavaju „ostvarivo društvo“, u kome svaki deo ima
svoje mesto. Umerenost je propagirana kao neophodno
sredstvo koje treba da pobedi opšteg neprijatelja
– nedostatak stanova.
Danas su ovakvi ideali prošlost. Holandska stambena
politika se, favorizovanjem privatnog stanovanja, iz osnova
promenila, posebno nakon neoliberalizma iz devedesetih
godina XX veka. Korporacije socijalnog stanovanja bile
su primorane da se privatizuju i okrenu ka komercijalnoj
delatnosti. Nasleđe socijalnog stanovanja postalo je
problematično usled demografskih promena, mešavine
interesa i novih paradigmi. Ministarstvo stanovanja je
planiralo veliki program radikalne urbane obnove, a
Ministarstvo socijalne politike stimuliše renoviranje ili
zamenu kuća za starije; oba ministarstva imaju nameru
da postignu više standarde životnog komfora i uštedu
energije, uprkos mnogim protestima protiv tako velikih
razmera destrukcije vrednog kulturnog nasleđa.
Kao posledica toga, razvijeni su novi instrumenti da bi
otvorili oči urbanističkih i arhitektonskih kvaliteta novijeg
nasleđa. Za neka važna, ali ugrožena područja (kao
što je Frankendael u Amsterdamu i celina Lijnbaan u
Roterdamu), procedura proglašenja je počela da dobija
zakonsku zaštitu. To je podstaklo Ministarstvo kulture
da razvije listing-program za posleratno nasleđe, čiji je
rezultat lista prvih stotinu posleratnih spomenika (2007), ali
je još uvek neizvesno da li će sve nominovane lokacije biti
Marike Kajpers, istoričarka arhitekture, od 1977. članica
je niza državnih agencija za konzervaciju u Holandiji i
bila je uključena u identifikaciju, evaluaciju i prezervaciju
arhitektonskog nasleđa dvadesetog veka. Trenutno
je vanredna profesorka na predmetu Kulturno nasleđe
na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Tehničkog univerziteta u
Delftu (nakon sličnog položaja na Fakultetu umetnosti
i društvenih nauka na univerzitetu u Mastrihtu, od
2000. do 2008). Pored toga, ona je potpredsednica
Internacionalnog komiteta za registraciju pri organizaciji
DOCOMOMO (Documentation and conservation of
buildings, sites and neighbouhoods of the modern
movement – Dokumentacija i konzervacija objekata,
lokacija i susedstva modernog pokreta).
Sites of Sobriety: Postwar Social
Housing in the Netherlands
Marieke Kuipers,
Technical University Delft, Netherlands
Both in the planning and the production of social housing
schemes three major turns got shape in the Netherlands
in response to the immense housing shortage after
the destructions of World War II. Firstly, the strong
State involvement in the schemes (financing, control
and guidelines). Secondly, the wide spread idea of
‘neighbourhood units’, represented by precisely planned
town extensions in which one-family housing dominated.
Thirdly, the broad acceptance of pre-fabrication,
standardization and towerblocks.
The new neighbourhoods with their compact housing
units in Zeilenbau arrangements around public greens
represented the ideals of freedom and community. They
embody the ‘makeable society’ where every part had its
own place. Sobriety was propagated as a necessary tool
to tackle the common enemy of housing shortage.
Nowadays such ideals are past. Especially since the neoliberal 1990s, the Dutch housing policy has fundamentally
changed in favour of private housing. The social housing
corporations were forced to privatize and have turned
into commercial organizations. The inheritance of social
housing has become problematic due to demographic
changes, mixed interests and new paradigms. The
Ministry of Housing has scheduled a huge programme
of radical urban renewal and the Ministry of Social Affairs
stimulates to renovate or replace the homes for elderly
people; both intend to achieve higher standards of living
comfort and energy saving, in spite of various protests
against such large-scaled demolition of a valuable cultural
Therefore, new evaluation instruments are developed
to open the eyes for the urbanistic and architectural
qualities of this recent heritage. For some important
Frankendael, Amsterdam, Holandija
Frankendael, Amsterdam, Netherlands
though endangered sites (like Frankendael at Amsterdam
and the Lijnbaan ensemble in Rotterdam) an assignment
procedure has been started to obtain legal protection.
This urged the Minister of Culture to develop a listing
programme for post-war heritage and resulted in a ‘top
100 list’ of postwar monuments (2007), but it is still
uncertain if the nominated sites will be all conserved.
Marieke Kuipers is trained as an architectural historian;
since 1977 she has been affiliated with the successive
state Agencies for Conservation in the Netherlands
and been involved in the identification, evaluation and
preservation of 20th architectural heritage. At present she
is a parttime Professor of Cultural Heritage at the faculty
of Architecture of the Technical University of Delft (after
a similar occupaton with the Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences at Maastricht University, 2000-2008). Besides,
she is vice-chair of the International Specialist Committee
on registers of DOCOMOMO.
Socijalno stanovanje posle Drugog
svetskog rata u Italiji: „Javni grad“
kao laboratorija za moderne teorije
o gradu i savremenu perspektivu
urbane obnove
Paola di Bjađi, Univerzitet u Trstu, Italija
Socijalne stambene četvrti u Evropi dvadesetog veka,
izgrađene da bi se porodicama, koje ih nisu mogle sebi
priuštiti po tržišnim cenama, obezbedili zdravi i pristojni
stanovi, danas se mogu tumačiti kao delovi šireg i
kompleksnijeg „javnog grada”. Takozvani javni grad je
urbana forma, u kojoj su svoje mesto pronašli određeni
principi modernog pokreta: od pažnje ka osnovnim
ljudskim potrebama do prava na stanovanje. Tokom
konstrukcije „javnog grada“ smišljeni su i isprobani
drugačiji vidovi građenja kao alternativa tradicionalnom
načinu stanovanja, dok su veliki broj i raznolikost urbanih
prostora (posebno otvorenih prostora i prostora sa
društvenim sadržajima) često bili predloženi kao sredstva
izgradnje novih građanskih zajednica.
Danas „javni grad“ leži između savremenih urbanih
prostora, zadržava svoje razlike, pokazujući raznolike
forme i probleme. Iako se u određenim četvrtima
socijalnog stanovanja kvalitet urbanog plana još može
prepoznati, mnoge od njih su za kratko vreme propale i
fizički i u društvenom smislu. Štaviše, ovakve uslove često
pogoršavaju široko rasprostranjene predrasude i u društvu
i među stručnjacima.
Ipak, ukoliko oslobodimo našu percepciju predrasuda
i potražimo potencijale i sredstva koja ova velika
naselja mogu da ponude savremenom gradu, ne može
nam promaći centralna i strateška uloga koju ove
socijalne stambene četvrti imaju (ili bi mogle imati) u
metropolitenskom prostoru, urbanim politikama, stručnim
debatama i procesima transformacije.
U tom smislu, današnje četvrti socijalnog stanovanja
mogu se interpretirati kao prostorne figure ne samo
modernizma već i savremenog grada, modernog nasleđa
ali i sredstva za obnovu urbanih predgrađa. Oni mogu
postati laboratorija savremenih planerskih i projektantskih
procesa, u kojima se može testirati sposobnost
transformacije da se udruži sa zaštitom ovih naselja
izgrađenih i otvorenih prostora, gde različiti i integrisani
istraživački putevi mogu podržati početak projekata i
strategija za procese šire urbane regeneracije i nove
prostorne i društvene ravnoteže.
S ciljem da se prikažu navedeni argumenti, prezentacija
će prvo ilustrovati neke studije slučaja, odabrane
kao reprezentativne za različite periode posleratnog
italijanskog „javnog grada“, a potom prikazati rezultate
Nacionalnog istraživačkog programa „Javni grad kao
projektantska laboratorija. Stvaranje smernica za održivu
obnovu urbanih predgrađa“, koju su izveli univerziteti u
Trstu, Rimu, Palermu, Napulju, i politehnike u Milanu i
Paola di Bjađi je redovna profesorka urbanizma na
Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Trstu, predavala je i na
Univerzitetu IUAV u Veneciji, držala seminare i konferencije
u Italiji i u inostranstvu. Bavi se proučavanjem i
projektovanjem savremenog grada, pri čemu posebnu
pažnju poklanja društvenoj gradnji i javnom prostoru.
Autorka je više publikacija, među kojima su Italijanski
urbanisti (priredila zajedno sa P. Đibelini), Laterza,
Rim 1992; Velika rekonstrukcija. Plan Ina-Casa i Italija
pedesetih godina, Donzelli, Rim 2001; Javni grad.
Društvena gradnja i prekvalifikacija gradskog prostora u
Torinu, Allemandi, Torino, 2008; Umetnost i grad. Dela i
umetničke intervencije u gradskom prostoru (priredila sa L.
Carlini i L. Safred), Univerzitet u Trstu, Trst, 2008.
Post WWII Social Housing in Italy:
The “public city” as a laboratory
for modern city theories and urban
renewal contemporary perspective
Paola di Biagi, University of Trieste, Italy
XXth century social housing districts, built in Europe to
provide those families who could not afford market prices
with healthy and decent dwellings, can today be read as
part of a larger and more complex “public city”.
The so called “public city” is an urban form, where some
principles of the Modern Movement have found “place”:
from the attention to fundamental human needs to the
right to inhabit. Through the construction of the “public
city” alternatives to traditional ways of building and living
the city have been devised and tried out, whereas the
large amount and variety of urban spaces (in particular
of open spaces and social equipments) have often been
proposed as means to build new citizens’ communities.
Today the “public city”, laying in-between contemporary
urban spaces, maintains its differences, showing manifold
forms and problems. Even though in some social housing
districts the quality of urban layout can still be recognized,
many of them have been quickly plagued by spatial
decay and social unease. Moreover, such conditions are
frequently worsened by a widespread stigmatization both
in social and disciplinary imagination.
Nonetheless, if we free our perceptions and approaches
from common places and look for the potentialities
and resources these large settlements can offer to the
contemporary city, we cannot miss the central and
strategic role that social housing districts play (or could
play) in metropolitan space, urban policies, disciplinary
debate, transformation processes.
In this sense, today social housing districts can be
interpreted as spatial figures not only of Modernity, but
also of the contemporary city; as both a Modern heritage
and a resource for the renewal of urban outskirts. They
can become a laboratory for new planning and design
processes, where transformation can test its capacity
to combine with the protection of this estate of built and
open spaces; where different and integrated research
paths can support the start of projects and strategies for
wider urban regeneration processes and new spatial and
social balance.
In order to demonstrate the aforementioned arguments,
the presentation will first illustrate some case studies
selected as representative of different periods of post
XXII Italian “public city”, then show the results of the
National Research Programme “The ‘public city’ as a
design laboratory. The construction of guidelines for the
sustainable renewal of urban outskirts” developed by the
Universities of Trieste, Rome, Palermo, Naples and the
Polytechnics of Milan and Bari.
Paola Di Biagi is Professor of Urban Planning at the
Faculty of Architecture Trieste, she taught at the University
of Venice IUAV and carried out activities of teaching,
seminars and conferences in Italy and abroad. Deals with
the study and designing of the contemporary city, with
particular attention to issues public housing and public
space. Among her publications: Urbanisti italiani, with P.
Gabellini, Laterza, Rome 1992; La grande ricostruzione.
Il piano Ina Casa e l’Italia degli anni cinquanta, Donzelli,
Roma 2001; La città pubblica. Edilizia sociale e
riqualicazione urbana a Torino, Allemandi, Torino 2008;
Arte e città. Opere e interventi artistici nello spazio urbano,
edited by L. Carlini and L. Safred, Published by University
of Trieste, Trieste in 2008.
Pitanja konzervacije i restauracije
u socijalnom stanovanju posle
Drugog svetskog rata
Naselja INCIS-a: Villaggio Olimpico
i Decima u Rimu
Alesandra Čeroti, Univerzitet u Rimu, Italija
Izgradnja četvrti Olimpijsko selo i Dečima deo je šire
aktivnosti Nacionalnog instituta za izgradnju kuća državnih
službenika (INCIS), koji je nastao Kraljevskim dekretom br.
1165, od 28. aprila 1938, s namerom da za civilne i vojne
državne službenike obezbedi, uz povoljne uslove, stanove
javne rezidencijalne gradnje.
Iako su pripadala rezidencijalnoj javnoj gradnji u
posleratnom periodu, u odnosu na objekte sagrađene
zahvaljujući programu INA CASA (Nacionalnog instituta
za osiguranja), arhitektonska ostvarenja INCIS-a predlažu
formalno zrelije projektantske karakteristike, verovatno
zbog raznolikosti budućih stanara, državnih funkcionera i
službenika. U suštini, iako su negovala istu pažnju prema
ambijentalnom aspektu, ova arhitektonska ostvarenja
delovala su dovršenije, a upotrebi materijala i tehnološkim
rešenjima konstruktivnih detalja bila je posvećena veća
pažnja .
Dva INCIS kompleksa, sagrađena krajem pedesetih
i tokom šezdesetih godina, prema projektu grupe
sposobnih arhitekata, među kojima su bili Adalberto
Libera i Luiđi Moreti, iako su nudili osetne razlike, bili
su, svakako, osmišljeni istim arhitektonskim jezikom:
sastojali su se od brojnih zgrada u nizu, sa dvorištem
i krstastog preseka, podignuti na pilotise, povezani
prohodnim ulicama i pešačkim stazama i uronjeni u
zelenilo. Jedinstveni urbani krarakter i arhitektonski kvalitet
nukleusa proizlaze iz odmerenih odnosa između prirodnih
i izgrađenih elemenata, a zbog slaganja sličnih elemenata
i ponovljivih oblika, ali uvek u različitim perspektivama, ne
postoji rizik od jednoličnosti.
Sinergija malo raspoloživih izvora ilošeg održavanja
koja traje duži niz godina uzrokovala je propadanje
arhitektonskih ostvarenja i arhitektonskih elemenata oba
Postavlja se, dakle, sve ozbiljnije pitanje: kako očuvati ovu
arhitektonsku baštinu i kako delovati na njoj.. Poseban
je problem to što njena kompleksnost ne dozvoljava
jednostavni odabir intervencija (srušiti, očuvati, iznova
sagraditi), bez odgovarajućih procena. Naime, ta baština
se može posmatrati sa upotrebne tačke gledišta, s
obzirom njenu kulturnu vrednost, vrednost simbola i
pamćenja, budući da je reč o istorijskom nasleđu, ali tek
nakon pažljive analize tih vrednosti može da se odredi tip
intervencije, od najradikalnijeg do najkonzervativnijeg, kao
i načini izvršenja.
U tom smislu, odabiru tipova intervencije treba da
se posveti velika briga i – a to je faza koja sledi i koja
je direktno povezana sa prepoznavanjem vrednosti
(arhitektonske, urbane itd.) – nepogrešivo razlikujući dva
termina koja su često i pogrešno korišćena: obnovu i
restauraciju, čije nerazumevanje ima dramatične posledice
na polju delovanja.
Iz ove perspektive je, dakle, neophodno znanje kako da
se upravlja promenama na delu i poznavanje neophodnih
procesa održavanja, uz prethodno jasno definisanje i
usaglašavanje karakteristika njihove realizacije.
Alesandra Čeroti diplomirala je arhitekturu na Univerzitetu
Sapijenca u Rimu, na kome se i specijalizovala
za restauraciju spomenika. Od 2003. sarađuje na
laboratorijskom kursu iz arhitektonske restauracije na
Arhitektonskom fakultetu „Vale Đulija”. Učestvovala je
u istraživanjima i na međunarodnim seminarima u Kini i
Brazilu, u okviru kojih je priredila brojne publikacije.
U svojim studijama bavi se pretežno savremenom
arhitektonskom restauracijom; trenutno završava
doktorat na Univerzitetu Sapijenca u Rimu na temu javne
rezidencijalne gradnje u periodu posle II svetskog rata
s obzirom na probleme konzervacije i restauracije. Radi
u Rimu a svoje profesionalne aktivnosti usmerila je na
restauraciju spomenika.
Conservation and Restoration
Issues in the Post-WWII Social
Housing: INCIS Estates Villaggio
Olimpico and Decima in Rome
Alessandra Cerroti, University of Rome, Italy
Development of the estates Villaggio Olimpico (Olympic
Village) and Decima, is a part of the wider activities of The
National Institute for the Houses of the State Employees
(INCIS), which has been proclaimed by the Royal decree
No. 1165, from 28th April 1938, with the intention to
provide the residential public apartments for the civil and
military employees, under the favourable conditions.
Even though they belonged to the residential public
development in the post-WWII period, compared to
the objects built with the support of the program INA
CASA (National Institute for Insurance), the architectural
achievements of INCIS suggest formally more mature
design characteristics, probably because of the diversity
of the future residents, state officials and employees.
Basically, even though they have given as much attention
to ambient aspect, these architectural achievements
seemed more complete, and more attention was given
to the use of material and technological solutions of the
structural details.
The two INCIS estates, built at the end of 50’s and during
the 60’s, according to the design of the distinguished
architects, among whom was Adalberto Libera and
Luigi Moretti, even though they offered some notable
differences, were, by all means, concieved by the same
architectural language: they consisted of the numerous
buildings forming rows, with the yards and crosssection like, raised on pilotis, connected with streets
and pedestrian paths and surrounded with greenery.
The unique urban character and architectural quality
of nucleus, emerges from the moderate relationships
between natural and built elements. Because of
composing of similar elements and repeating of shapes,
but always in different perspectives, there is not risk of
Synergy of low availability of resources and poor
maintenance of long duration, has caused the decay of
the architectural achievements and elements of the both
A serious question could be posed: how to preserve this
architectural heritage and how to affect it? A particular
problem is that its complexity makes no allowance for a
simple choice of interventions (to pull down, preserve,
rebuild), without appropriate evaluations. Namely, this
heritage could be observe from the utilitarian point of view,
due to its cultural value, symbolic and memory values,
since it is historical heritage. But only after the careful
analysis of these values, it is possible to determine the
type of intervention, from the most radical to the most
conservative, as well as the means of realization.
In this sense, much attention should be given to the
selection of the intervention types – the successive phase
directly connected with the recognizing of the values
(architectural, urban etc) – unmistakably differentiating the
two terms, often misused: recuperation and restoration,
whose misunderstanding has dramatic consequences in
the field of action.
From this perspective is, therefore, necessary knowledge
of how to manage the changes in action and necessary
maintenance, with the previous clear definition and
harmonization of the conditions for their realization.
Alessandra Cerroti has graduated architecture at the
University La Sapienza where she further specialized in
restoration of monuments.
From 2003 she collaborates on the course Laboratory
for the architectural restoration on Faculty of Architecture
in Valle Giulia and has participated in researches and
international seminars in China and Brazil, within which
she prepared many publications.
Her field of interest are mainly the problems of
contemporary architecture restoration: she is finishing
PhD studies at University of Rome La Sapienza on postWWII social housing related to conservation issues.
She works in Rome and her professional activities are
aimed to restoration of monuments.
Međutim, nijedna od ovih površina nije iskorišćena na
takav način da zadovoljava standarde. Radi se o pravom
pravcatom rasipanju zemljišta.
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Il fronte della città, Vie Nuove, Roma, 1958.
SLOAP (Space Left Over After Planning – prostor izostavljen iz
planiranja), Leslie Ginsburg, Architectural Review, 1973.
Density, IntenCity:
Stanovanje u Italiji
Đovani Kaudo, Univerzitet u Rimu, Italija
Grad Rim i dan-danas raste i razvija se, a lice grada1
obuhvata sve veći prostor. Dve trećine urbanizovanog
zemljišta Rima izgrađeno je u poslednjih pedeset godina
– to bi bio, vremenski posmatrano, najnoviji korpus
grada.. U ovom procesu razvoja grada značajnu ulogu
imale su četvrti kolektivnog stanovanja. I upravo izgradnja
prostranih stambenih kompleksa na osnovu zakona 167
predstavlja, i kvantitativno i kvalitativno, specifičnost Rima.
Tako se, na razne načine, učvrstio korpus grada kakav
je danas. Ali taj organizam nije stabilan, nije konačan,
on i dalje podrazumeva „sve ozbiljniju i opasniju zbrku,
neizvesnost, jer je predstavljen kao udobnost, kao manje
zlo, dok bi, naprotiv, bilo još toliko toga da se uradi”.2 Na
Rim, „grad svojih žitelja”, najveći grad koji je izgrađen u
Italiji, spustila se neka vrsta zaborava, nemara. U pitanju
su, zapravo, delovi grada sa velikim potencijalom za
promenu. To je ono što nazivamo periferijom – prostor
kojim se rasipa, neiskorišćene površine, međuprostori,
bezoblični ostaci bez definisane svrhe koji ispunjavaju
teritoriju, infiltriraju se kao ničija zemlja, dok razdvajaju,
rasparčavaju delove metropole.3 Za više od trideset
godina opština Rim stekla je javne površine na prostoru
od oko 7.000 ha, za koje su izrađeni prostorni planovi.
Od te površine, skoro tri hiljade hektara namenjeno je
za javne objekte i ulice. Proces njihove realizacije, često
dug, mučan i pun kontradiktornosti, učinio je da mnoge
od ovih površina i danas stoje neiskorišćene ili se koriste
na pogrešan način, a u nekim slučajevima su čak i
zaboravljene. Simulacija koja se sprovodi u tri stambene
četvrti (Serpentara, Valmelaina, Torsapienca) beleži
momentalnu raspoloživost zemljišta na 128.000.000 m².
Đovani Kaudo, arhitekta, rođen je 1964. godine u
Fjumefredu na Siciliji, u italijanskoj provinciji Katanja.
Diplomirao je s najvećim počastima na arhitektonskom
fakultetu Univerziteta u Rimu, 30. oktobra 1991. Živi i radi
u Rimu. Istraživač je u Laboratoriji za urbano planiranje
na rimskom univerzitetu Tre (Roma Tre Universitá degli
Studi), gde je takođe nastavnik urbanog planiranja u
okviru trogodišnjeg nastavnog programa arhitekture,
a radi i kao koordinator doktorskih studija na temu
Regionalna politika i lokalno planiranje. Dr Kaudo trenutno
radi na istraživanju aspekata procesa odabira planova za
implementaciju i planiranja gradova i urbanog okruženja.
Bavio se istraživanjem planerske prakse u različitim
urbanim kontekstima (planovi za gradove južne Italije i
strateško planiranje) direktnim nadzorom planerske prakse
i dokumenata, kao i istraživanjem urbanog konteksta u
procesu transformacije, posebno u oblastima u kojima se
sprovodi javna izgradnja i koje su podvrgnute procesima
destrukcije i povećanja gustine. Njegove aktivnosti kao
profesionalnog arhitekte (projekti i urbanistički planovi)
i učešće na konkursima (između ostalih, Shrinking
Cities Berlin i unapređenje urbaniteta oblasti Via della
Lega Lombarda u Rimu) odnose se najviše na urbano
planiranje, temu koja čini središte njegovih istraživačkih
interesovanja, i predstavljaju koristan način da iskustvo
koje je stekao u naučno-istraživačkom radu bude na
najbolji način provereno u praksi.
Density, IntenCity: Housing in Italy
Giovanni Caudo, University of Rome, Italy
The city of Rome still grows and develops, the city
frontline1 is in constant growth. Two-thirds of the
urbanized terrain of Rome has been built in the last 50
years: that is the newest corpus of the city in its temporal
sequence. In this process of development of the city,
the housing quarters played a very important role. This
development of the spacious housing complexes based
on article 167 of the Constitution, represent a specificity of
Rome, both a qualitative and quantitative one.
That is how, the today’s corpus of the city was formed,
using various trajectories. But this organism is not stable
or final; it still is in a state of “serious and dangerous
confusion, uncertainty, for it presents itself as a bonanza,
as something less bad, while, on the contrary, there is so
much more to be done”.2 Upon Rome’s public spaces,
biggest ever built in Italy, a kind of oblivion, negligence
has descended. Those are, actually, part of the city with
huge potential for change. This is the corpus of the
city that we call the periphery – space which is wasted,
unused surfaces, space gaps, amorphous residues that
fill the territory, without defined purpose, infiltrating as
no-man’s land, while dividing the parts of the metropolis.3
For more than 30 years, the Municipality of Rome has
been acquiring public areas in the amount of 7,000 ha,
for which spatial planes were developed. From this area,
almost 3,000 ha is intended for the public structures
and streets. The process of their realization, often long,
tedious and full of contradiction, has made many of these
surfaces to still stand unused or misused till today, and
in some cases even to become forgotten. The simulation
conducted in the three housing quarters (Serpentara,
Valmelaina, Torsapienza), shows immediate availability
of 128 million square meters of land. However, none of
these surfaces is used in a way that complies with the
standards. We are indeed dealing with wasting of land.
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Il fronte della città, Vie Nuove, Roma, 1958.
SLOAP (Space Left Over After Planning), Leslie Ginsburg,
Architectural Review, 1973.
Giovanni Caudo, architect, was born in 1964 in
Fiumefreddo in Sicily, in the Province of Catania. He
graduated summa cum laude in Architecture at the
University of Rome on 30 October 1991. He now lives
and works in Rome.
He is a Researcher in Urban Planning at Rome Tre
University (Roma Tre Universitá degli Studi), where he
lectures in the Urban Planning Laboratory in the three109 — KONFERENCIJA
year degree course in Architectural Sciences, and
coordinates the teaching of the PhD in Regional Policies
and Local Planning. Dr. Caudo’s research in progress
concerns aspects of the process of selecting a plan for
implementation and of designing cities and the urban
environment. In particular he has carried out research
activities into planning practices in various Italian urban
contexts (plans for cities in South Italy and strategic
planning) through direct observation of planning practices
and documents; and research (in progress) on urban
contexts in the process of transformation, especially in
districts affected by public building and that are involved
in processes of demolition and increasing density.
His activities as a professional architect (project work on
executive town plans) and his participation in competitions
(among these: Shrinking Cities Berlin, and the Via della
Lega Lombarda Urban Upgrade in Rome) have covered
topics of urban planning that are linked to his research
interests, and have been useful in verifying empirically
or putting into practice the experience developed in the
course of his academic research.
E2A: Post CIAM Reconfiguration
Piet Eckert, E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten,
E2A: Post-CIAM Rekonfiguracija
Pit Ekert, E2A Ekert Ekert Arhitekten, Švajcarska
Urbanističko planiranje se ostvaruje u tananom prelazi od
zamišljenog ka ostvarenom. Često se manjak ostvarenog
ostavlja u nasleđe narednoj generaciji arhitekata i
projektanata koji se suočavaju sa novim kompenzacijama
i provokacijama prethodno stvorenog. Na osnovu primera
vezanih za CIAM (Međunarodni kongres moderne
arhitekture), raspravljaće se o očiglednom propadanju
rezultata projekata iz 60-ih godina prošlog veka, o
očekivanju da će širom Evrope doći do masovnog
porasta stanovništva, o trenutnim poražavajućim javnim
procenama koje sumnjaju u „mega i nadstrukture” i
strahovanja da će projektu izrađenom u prirodnoj veličini
nedostajati identitet.
Predavanje će obuhvatiti poređenje sa sličnim iskustvima
u urbanističkom planiranju, primere i predloge koje je E2A
nedavno izneo kada je suočen sa zadatkom da preuredi
suvišne i preostale urbane lokalitete.
Pit Ekert (rođen 1968. u Mumbaiju, Indija) suvlasnik je
biroa E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten iz Ciriha. Studirao
je arhitekturu na Tehničkom univerzitetu u Cirihu i na
Arhitektonskom fakultetu Kolumbija univerziteta u Njujorku
(diplomirao je 1994). Od 1995. do 1997. radio je u Office
for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) u Roterdamu. Godine
1997, zajedno sa Vimom Ekertom, osniva biro koji je
2001. postao E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten. Pit Ekert
redovno drži predavanja i radionice u školama i drugim
ustanovama. Predavao je na Tehničkom fakultetu u Delftu,
Holandija, i na Tehničkom univerzitetu u Cirihu. Bio je član
raznih akademskih žirija u Evropi i van nje.
Urban planning operates along a sensitive transition from
the imagined to the realized. Often the lack of the realized
is passed to a next generation of architects and planners
dealing with new compensations and provocations
of the previous. The obvious decay of CIAM related
planning results of 1960s, its European wide forecasted
expectation of massive population growth, the currently
devastating public estimations disbelieving in “mega- and
superstructures”, fearing the lack of identity of the large
scale composed plan, will be discussed along examples.
The lecture will include cross-references to analog urban
planning experiences, examples and recent proposals of
E2A dealing with a task of reprogramming redundant and
residual urban sites.
Piet Eckert is Partner at E2A Eckert Eckert Architekten,
Zurich. He studied architecture at the ETH in Zurich and at
the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture
in New York (Diploma 1994). From 1995 to 1997 he
worked at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)
in Rotterdam. In 1997 he established his own office
with Wim Eckert, which became E2A Eckert Eckert
Architekten in 2001. Piet Eckert regularly gives lectures
and workshops at schools and institutions. He has taught
at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands and
at the ETH in Zurich. He has been a member of several
academic juries in Europe and elsewhere.
Wallisellen, Švajcarska, 2007.
Wallisellen, Switzerland, 2007
EURODOM je firma koja se bavi uvozom i distribucijom
keramičkih i sanitarnih proizvoda renomiranih proizvođača
iz Italije.
Iza imena kakva su Cerim Ceramiche, Floor Gres
Ceramiche, Rex Ceramiche Artistiche, Casa Dolce Casa,
Casa Mood, Appiani i Sicis, stoje decenije iskustva i
stalnih inovacija u programima keramičkih i granitnih
keramičkih proizvoda.Ponuda sanitarija i armatura
obuhvata proizvode renomiranih proizvođača, kao što su
Ceramica Flaminia, Catalano, Vitruvit, Gessi, Hansgrohe
i drugi, a linija, stil, funkcionalnost i „predviđanje“ želja su
specifičnost ovih proizvođača. Tu je i prateća galenterija
Gessi i Geesa koja svojim dizajnom upotpunjuje sliku
savremenog i modernog kupatila.
Iz programa hidromasažnih kada, hidromasažnih tuš
kabina i kombinovanih hidromasažnih sistema, nudi se
program kompanije Jacuzzi, firme koja je pre pedeset
godina osmislila i proizvela prvu hidromasažnu kadu i koja
kvalitetom svojih proizvoda i danas zauzima prvo mesto u
svetu u ovoj oblasti. U ponudi su saune i tursko kupatilo
italijanske firme Effegibi, kao i tuš kabine italijanske firme
Cilj nam je da budemo adekvatna podrška arhitektama,
od faze idejnog projektovanja do nadzora nad izvođenjem
objekta. Naši kapaciteti Vam stoje na raspolaganju od
dostavljanja arhitektonskih kataloga, džepnih uzoraka,
gotovih blok crteža u AutoCAD-u, 3D modela, keramičkih
slogova, tehničkih karakteristika i detalja određenih
sanitarnih rešenja, kako bi Vas uputili na evropske i
svetske trendove u uređenju enterijera i eksterijera.
Pravovremenom distribucijom, kvalitetom koji garantuju
sertifikati EU i evropski standardi, dugogodišnjim
iskustvom u implementiranju i servisiranju selektovanih
keramičkih i sanitarnih rešenja, ostajemo podrška i
sigurnost za dugogodišnju saradnju.
EURODOM is a company whose scope of works is
importing and distribution of ceramic and sanitary
equipment produced by renowned companies from Italy.
There are decades of experience and permanent
innovations in ceramic and granite programs of ceramic
products, behind the names such as Cerim Ceramiche,
Floor Gres Ceramiche, Rex Ceramiche Artistiche, Casa
Dolce Casa,Casa Mood, Appiani and Sicis.
This company offers sanitary equipment and accessories
produced by renowned producers, such as Ceramica
Flaminia, Catalano, Vitruvit, Gessi, Hansgrohe etc.
Line, style, functionality and “anticipation” of the client’s
wishes, are characteristics of these producers. Among
other products, there are accessories Gessi and Geesa,
which complete the image of contemporary and modern
bathroom, by its design.
From the program of hydro massage tubs, shower cabins
and combined hydro massage systems, this company
offers the products produced by company Jacuzzi, which
has invented and produced the first hydro massage tub,
and which is still the number one company in the world in
their field, by the quality of their products.
The selection of the company includes also saunas and
Turkish bathrooms of Italian company Effegibi, as well as
shower cabins produced by Italian company Cesana.
Our goal is to offer adequate support to architects, from
the phase of preliminary design up to the supervision of
executing the works. Our capacities are placed to your
disposal, with submitting of architectural catalogues,
pocket samples, pre-designed AutoCAD drawings,
3D models, ceramic patterns, technical characteristics
and details of the certain sanitary solutions, in order to
refer you to European and world interior and exterior
decoration trends. We are offering our support and
security for the long cooperation, by providing the
distribution of products in time, quality guaranteed by
EU certificates and standards, long-term experience with
implementation and servicing of the selected ceramic and
sanitary solutions.
Nikole Grulovića 71e
+381 11 3046 462
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 388
+381 11 3808 393
Ruzveltova 16
+381 11 3809 543
Bojan Vujičić, project division
mob +381 63 342 859
Goran Ivić, project division
mob +381 63 1165 035
Predrag Šarac
mob +381 63 1165 037
Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture
Belgrade international architecture week
Organizatori – Organisers
Društvo arhitekata Beograda – Association of Belgrade Architects
Kulturni centar Beograda – Belgrade Cultural Centre
Uređivački odbor – Board
Jelena Ivanović-Vojvodić, Danica Jovović-Prodanović, Ružica Sarić, Tanja Konli, Darko Marušić, Ivan Kucina
Društvo arhitekata Beograda, Projekat BINA – Association of Belgrade Architects, Project BINA
Društvo arhitekata Beograda, konsultanti – Association of Belgrade Architects, Consultants
Ivan Rašković, Bojan Kovačević, Ana Kovenc-Vujić, Vasilije Milunović, Dejan Miljković, Mustafa Musić, Branimir Popović,
Branislav Redžić, Aleksandar Stjepanović, Žaklina Gligorijević, Milan Đurić, Borislav Petrović, Zorica Savičić, Jelena
Stojkov, Srđan Jovanović Weiss
Stručni saradnici – Programme Assistants
Davorka Tolić Milosavljević
Zorana Đaković
Kulturni centar Beograda – Belgrade Cultural Centre
Tehnička Podrška – Technical Support
Branko Tošić, Ana Glavički, Vanja Enbulajev
Društvo arhitekata Beograda – Association of Belgrade Architects
Vizuelni identitet – Visual Identity
Dizajn izložbe u Likovnoj galeriji – Art Gallery Exhibition Design
petokraka, Aleksa Bijelović, Milica Maksimović i Una Momirović
Pokrovitelji − Patrons
Grad Beograd − The City of Belgrade
Ministarstvo kulture Republike Srbije − Republic of Serbia - Ministry of Culture
Inženjerska komora Srbije − Serbian Chamber of Engineers
Partneri − Partners
EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture:
Austrijski kulturni forum − Austrian Cultural Forum
Italijanski institut za kulturu − Italian Institute for Culture in Belgrade
Gete institut − Goethe Institute
Francuski kulturni centar − French Cultural Centre
Magistrat glavnog grada Beča − Vienna City Administration
Ambasada Sjedinjenih američkih država − Embassy of the United States of America
Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu − Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture − State Institute for The Protection of Cultural Heritage
JP Urbanistički zavod grada Beograda − Institute of Urbanism Belgrade
Društvo urbanista Beograda − Town Planners Association Belgrade
Dečji kulturni centar − Children’s Cultural Centre
Opština Vračar − Vračar Municipality
Opština Stari grad − Stari grad Municipality
Galerija O3one − Gallery O3one
GRAD kulturni centar − GRAD Cultural Centre
Dom omladine Beograda − Cultural Centre Dom omladine
Turistička organizacija Beograda − Belgrade Tourist Organization
Sponzori − Sponsors
Konkav Konvex
Xella Srbija
Potisje Kanjiža Tondach
Telekom Srbija
Alukönig Stahl - Schüco - Jansen
Uslužni sponzori − Technical sponsors
Zelena jabuka
Građevinska knjiga
Medijski partneri − Media partners
A10 new European architecture
Bus TV
Media Max
Time Out Beograd
AG Nekretnine