Eat Healthy Eat Fish Cookbook Kuharica “Jedimo zdravo, jedimo ribu”
Eat Healthy Eat Fish Cookbook Kuharica “Jedimo zdravo, jedimo ribu”
Eat Healthy Eat Fish Cookbook Kuharica “Jedimo zdravo, jedimo ribu” Content - Sadržaj 1. Activities description – Opis aktivnosti 2. Fish in the Bible – Riba u Bibliji 3. Recipes – Recepti 4. Video recipe – Video recept 5. Photos from the set – Fotografije sa snimanja Students and Religion and English teachers have collected recipes of fish dishes that are commonly prepared in students’ homes and translated them into English. During Religion, students talked about the biblical meaning of fish. They have prepared St Peter’s fish and made a video. Učenici i učiteljice vjeronauka i engleskog jezika skupljali recepte prema kojima učenici najčešće pripremaju ribu te ih preveli na engleski jezik. Na satu vjeronauka pričalo se o biblijskom značenju ribe. Pripremljen je i video uradak pripreme ribe svetog Petra. “Eat Healthy. Today as in Biblical Times!” Fish in the Bible Students of the Religion group have discovered where and what does the Bible says about fish. Researching and reading biblical verses they have discovered that fish was one of the basic foodstuffs in biblical time. “So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast. ”None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord. Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish.” Jhn 21, 11-13 “Jedimo zdravo. Danas kao i u biblijsko doba!” Riba u Bibliji Učenici vjeronaučne grupe otkrili su gdje i što u Bibliji piše o ribi. Istraživanjem i čitanjem biblijskih tekstova otkrili su da je jedna od osnovnih prehrambenih namirnica u biblijsko vrijeme bila riba. “Nato se Šimun Petar popne i izvuče na kraj mrežu punu velikih riba, sto pedeset i tri. I premda ih je bilo toliko, mreža se ne raskinu. Kaže im Isus: »Hajde, doručkujte!« I nitko se od učenika ne usudi upitati ga: »Tko si ti?« Znali su da je Gospodin. Isus pristupi, uzme kruh i dade im, a tako i ribu.” Iv 21, 11-13 “Eat Healthy. Today as in Biblical Times!” Fish – Symbol of Christianity Students have also discovered that fish was a sign of recognition amongst christians in first few centuries of christianity, during the persecutions. Fish, Gr. ICHTHYS, has been used as an acronym (an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of the words) for the term “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior” (“Iēsoûs Christós, Theoû Hyiós, Sōtér”). Moral Responsibility for Health Considering the question regarding human’s responsibility for his own health, students came to conclusion that life and health are the most precious gifts of God, therefore one must take care of them and cherish them. In order to confirm that, in the end they have prepared a healthy biblical dish: St. Peter’s Fish with Parsley Sauce. “Jedimo zdravo. Danas kao i u biblijsko doba!” Riba – simbol kršćanstva Učenici su otkrili i da je riba bila znak raspoznavanja među kršćanima u prvim stoljećima kršćanstva, za vrijeme progona. Riba, grč. ICHTHYS, korištena je kao akronim (kratica sastavljena od početnih slova riječi) za izraz “Isus Krist, Božji Sin, Spasitelj” (“Iēsoûs Christós, Theoû Hyiós, Sōtér”). Moralna odgovornost za zdravlje Vezano uz pitanje o odgovornosti čovjeka za svoje zdravlje učenici su došli do zaključka da su život i zdravlje najdragocjeniji Božji darovi te da ih valja čuvati i njegovati. Kako bi to i potvrdili, na kraju su pripremili zdravo biblijsko jelo: ribu sv. Petra u umaku od peršina. Clean the trout, wash and drain it. Rub the trout with Vegeta (a condiment – the mixture of spices and various vegetables). Make cuts transversely and rub it with the olive oil. Fry the trout shortly on both sides in the grill pan. Prepare marinade with olive oil, chopped onion, parsley, garlic, a little pepper and Vegeta. Fill the trout with it. Put it in a baking dish and cover with the marinade. Spray it with lemon juice during roasting. Roast it at 220°C for 25-30 minutes or until the crust gets golden brown. Serve it with potato salad. Pastrvu dobro oprati vodom i ocijediti. Natrljati pastrvu vegetom. Napraviti rezove poprečno i natrljati maslinovim uljem. Kratko popržiti pastrvu s obje strane na gril tavi. Pripremiti marinadu od maslinovog ulja, sjeckanog luka, peršina, češnjaka, malo vegete i papra. Napuniti pastrvu, staviti u zdjelu za pečenje i prekriti marinadom. U toku pečenja, pošpricati limunovim sokom. Peći pastrvu na 220°C 25 do 30 minuta ili dok korica ne poprimi zlatnu boju. Pečenu pastrvu poslužite sa krumpir salatom. Clean the fish and add some salt and pepper. Spray it with lemon juice. Brush baking foil with some oil and put previously blanched and salted vegetables on the foil. Put the mackerels on the vegetables and then the vegetables on the mackerels. You will get layers of vegetables and mackerels. Wrap each fish separately. Bake in a covered pan on the grill or in the oven. Serve it in foil. Ribu očistimo, posolimo, popaprimo te nakapamo limunovim sokom. Foliju za pečenje premažemo uljem i na nju položimo posoljeno povrće koje prethodno blanširamo. Na sloj povrća položimo skušu, a na skušu ponovno povrće. Foliju potom zamotamo. Svaku ribu umotamo u svoju foliju. Pečemo pokriveno u tavi, na žaru ili u pećnici. Ponudimo u foliji. First clean the mullets from shells, take out their entrails and gills (leave the head). Wash them well and then dry, spread lemon juice on them and soak in oil, salt, pepper. Put the fish on a hot grill, and during the grilling, spread some oil on them. When the fish is done, sprinkle chopped parsley and garlic on it. Trlje očistiti od ljusaka, izvaditi im utrobu i škrge (glave ostavite). Operite ih i dobro posušite, premažite limunovim sokom i namočite u ulju, posolite, popaprite. Tako pripremljene ribe stavite na dobro zagrijan roštilj, a za vrijeme pečenja mažite ih uljem. Ispečene pospite nasjeckanim peršinovim listom i nasjeckanim češnjakom. Slice the tuna into small pieces. Mix the vegetables, corn, beans and carrots with olive oil. Stir the ingredients. Add tuna and some salt. Serve it. Store it in a thermal pot. Narezati tunu na komadiće. Povrće, kukuruz, grah, mrkvu, pomiješati s maslinovim uljem. Dobro promiješati sastojke. Dodati tunu i soli po želji. Poslužiti. Čuvati u termalnoj posudi. Put some water and salt in a pan and let it boil. Add spaghetti and cook it. Warm up the olive oil and roast the garlic, parsley and peppers for 2 minutes, add the tomatoes and cook 4 or 5 minutes. Finally, mix in the drained can of tuna. Drain the pasta and mix it with tuna sauce. U posudu staviti vode i soli i kuhati špagete. Ugrijati maslinovo ulje te 2 minute pržiti češnjak, peršin i paprike. Dodati rajčice i prokuhati 4 do 5 minuta. Na kraju dodati iscijeđenu tunu. Umak od tune pomiješamo s ocijeđenim špagetama. Wash the rice, cook it in salt water and drain it. Preheat the cream. Put in the laurel and nutmeg. Heat the butter and fry the onion. Add the rice, mixed vegetables and tuna chopped into pieces. Pour the cream on it and boil it briefly. Oprati rižu, kuhati je u slanoj vodi i ocijediti. Zagrijati vrhnje za kuhanje. Dodati lovorov list i muškatni oraščić. Zagrijati maslac i popržiti luk na njemu. Dodati rižu, mješano povrće i tunu nasjeckanu na komadiće. Preliti vrhnjem i kratko prokuhati. Put the drained tuna, onions, pickled vegetables and mayonnise in a blender. Mix until it is creamy. Cut the bread into slices and spread the pate on them. Serve it with white wine. U mikser staviti ocijeđenu tunu, kisele krastavce, ukiseljeno povrće i majonezu. Miješati sve dok ne bude kremasto. Narezati kruh na šnite i premazati ih paštetom. Uz to poslužiti bijelo vino. Put the cleaned squid into a pan. Cover it with olive oil, Vegeta, salt, chopped parsley and garlic and white wine. Cover the pan and braise them for about 15 minutes. Mix it occasionally. Serve it with cooked salted potatoes. Lignje očistiti, staviti u tavu i preliti s maslinovim uljem, Vegetom, solju, nasjeckanim peršinom i češnjakom te bijelim vinom. Poklopiti posudu i pirjati oko 20 minuta. Povremeno promiješati. Servirati s kuhanim slanim krumpirom. Clean the squid, wash them and dry on a paper towel. Peel the potatoes. Slice the onion. Put the potatoes, squid, onion and garlic in a bowl. Sprinkle rosemary and mixed vegetables over it. Add the oil and olives. Mix it good and spread it on a baking sheet. Cover it with aluminium foil and bake it 30 minutes in an oven on 180-200°C . When it is done, remove the foil, add some wine and bake for 5 more minutes. Očistiti lignje, oprati i osušiti ih na papirnatom ubrusu. Oguliti krumpir. Narezati luk. Staviti krumpir,lignnje, luk, češnjak u zdjelu. Posipati ružmarinom i miješanim povrćem. Dodati ulje i masline. Dobro promiješati i poslagati po pairu za pečenje. Prekriti aluminijskom folijom i peći u pećnici na 180-200°C oko 30 minuta . Maknuti foliju dodati vina i peći još 5 minuta. Mix the flour, salt and pepper in a bowl. Mix the eggs in the second and bread crumbs with almonds in the third bowl. First, roll the squid rings in the flour mixture, then in eggs and last, in bread crumbs with almonds. Put the squid in a fridge. Take them out before frying. Fry the squid rings in the peanut oil. Serve them hot. Decorate them with parsley and slices of lemon. Pomiješati brašno, sol i papar u zdjeli. Jaja umutiti u drugoj i staviti krušne mrvice i bademe u treću zdjelu. Najprije uvaljajte lignje u brašnu, a zatim u jajima te u mješavini badema i krušnih mrvica. Staviti lignje u hladnjak i izvaditi ih neposredno prije prženja. Pržiti ih u ulju od kikirikija. Poslužiti ih vruće. Ukrasiti ih peršinom i kriškama limuna. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes. Boil them in salty water. Put the oil, onion, leek and carrots into a dish with water. Add some salt and cook it for 15 minutes. Cook the fish about 5 minutes. Pour the wine over the fish and add previously cooked potatoes. Cook it all together 5 more minutes. Spice it with the parsley, chive and thyme. Cover the dish and let it cook for 5 more minutes. Serve it warm. Oguliti, oprati i narezati krumpir. Kuhati ga u slanoj vodi. Staviti ulje, luk, mladi luk i mrkvu u posudu s vodom. Dodati sol i kuhati 15 minuta. Kuhati ribu otprilike 5 minuta. Preliti vinom i dodati skuhani krumpir. Kuhati sve zajedno još 5 minuta. Začiniti peršinom, vlascem i timijanom. Prekriti posudu i pustiti na vatri još 5 minuta da prokuha. Poslužiti toplo. Put flour in one dish, whip the eggs in another and put the breadcrumbs in the third dish. Roll the hake fillets in the flour, eggs and breadcrumbs. Warm up the oil in a large pan and fry the fillets over high heat for 2-3 minutes on each side until they are golden. Serve them with tartar sauce and garnish with lemon. U jedan tanjur stavite brašno, u drugom umutite jaja, a u treći stavimo krušno mrvice. Uvaljate filete oslića. U velikoj tavi ugrijte ulje i pržite filete na jakoj vatri 2-3 minute sa svake strane sve dok ne postanu zlatne boje. Poslužiti s tartar umakom i ukrasiti limunom. In a food processor, combine the parsley and the garlic with 2 tbsp. of water and whir until the mixture is completely smooth. Thin the mixture with additional 2 tbsp. of water and mix well. Add the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Mix it well. Cover it and set aside. On a flat plate combine 2 tbsp. of flour with salt and pepper and mix well. Take the carp and dip it into the mixture. Add some olive oil into a large and heated pan. Fry the fish until well browned and put it on a preheated serving platter and set aside. Discard about half of the oil from the pan in which the carp was fried and in what remains sauté the onions until golden brown. Sprinkle in the remaining flour and, over a low flame, cook until the sauce is light brown, stirring constantly. Add the parsley and garlic mixture and cook, continuing to stir, for 2-3 minutes. Pour the sauce over the fish and serve it immediately. U sjeckalici za hranu, pomiješati peršin i češnjak s dvije žlice vode. Kad je mješavina glatka, razrijediti je sa dodatne dvije žlice vode i dobro promiješati. Dodati limunov sok, sol i papar prema ukusu. Prekriti i odložiti. Dobro promiješati 2 žlice brašna i oko pola čajne žličice soli i papra na pladnju ili tanjuru. Umočiti filete u mješavinu, dobro ih premazati te otresti višak mješavine. Zagrijati ulje u velikoj, teškoj tavi u kojoj pečemo ribu sve dok dobro ne porumeni s obje strane. Ribu odložimo na prethodno ugrijani pladanj za serviranje i držimo je toplom. Odbacimo pola ulja iz tave i u ostatku pirjamo luk dok ne poprima zlatno smeđu boju. Posipajte s ostatkom brašna. Stalno mješajući, umak kuhati na laganoj vatri sve dok ne postane svijetlo smeđe boje. Dodati mješavinu peršina i mješajući kuhati još 2-3 minute. Umak preliti preko ribe i odmah poslužiti. Photos from the set Fotografije sa snimanja Magical Tour to Water World COMENIUS 2013 - 2015 Osnovna škola|Primary School Gornji Mihaljevec Hrvatska|Croatia Eat Healthy Eat Fish Cookbook: gathering recipes - teachers P.M. (Religion) and I.Š. (English), 5th and 6th graders, recipes translation - teacher I.Š. (English), 5th and 6th graders. Template design: teacher A.M.V. (Maths). Primary School Gornji Mihaljevec, March, 2014
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