Events - Missouri Autism Report


Events - Missouri Autism Report
March 2011 Events
Autsim Gossip.....Autism Gossip......Autism Gossip
Fundraising - Awareness Events for
March/April 2011
Children’s Miracle Week, at Springfield Chick FilA, Feb 28-March 5. Mention Children’s Miracle
Network Hospitals or Star 92.9 and Chick Fil-A will
donate 15% of your bill to Children’s Miracle Network
National Pancake Day Celebration at IHOP,
Tuesday, March 1, 2011. Receive a free short stack of
buttermilk pancakes and make a donation to Children’s
Miracle Network Hospital.
Panera Bread is doing a promotion with Autism
Speaks from March 27th to April 1st. A portion of r
wildberry (blue) smoothie sales will be donated to Autism
Speaks. On April 1st, Panera wi! donate 100% of a!
wildberry smoothie sales to Autism Speaks! Think Blue!
6th Annual Shoot Out for Autism , Saturday, May
28th, 2011 at Ozark Shooters, 759 US Hwy 65, Walnut
Shade, MO Entry Fee: $85. For more information, call
(417)443-3093 or go to
Magic Moments Riding Therapy will be having a
Bowling Round up on March 12, 2011. To get packets and
more info contact Jeanne (417)325-4490 http://
Rivendale Leather and Lace Auction, Friday, April 1 exciting prizes; dress is casual. Tickets are limited.
Light It Up Blue with Autism Speaks for Autism
Awareness Month. Show your support for Autism
Awareness month (APRIL) by lighting your homes/
buildings blue.
Mark these Upcoming dates!
Community Autism Awareness Fair, Saturday, April 9, 10 am - 1 pm at Burrell Autism Center, 1300 E. Bradford Pkwy,
Springfield. Enjoy inflatables, games and activities for the kids while learning about local autism resources for parents and
caregivers (417)761-5333 for info.
Association on Aging with Developmental Disabilities 21st Annual Conference, St. Louis, Mo. ,May 16 - 17. For
more information go to or call (314)647-8100 for more information.
DMH Housing is hosting a free conference in Springfield on May 5, to register.
6th annual Autism Intervention Conference, April 15-16 at Holiday Inn Exec. Center., Columbia MO., with preconference workshops, April 14. Contact for more info.
Other stuff you need
to know.....
Positive Discipline parenting
class, taught by Jimi Teague: 6week class which would last about
45 minutes once a week. Class
involves role play and thinking on a
child’s level to understand cause and
effect of common parenting and
behavior problems. Interactive
class discussion format with survey
at end. For more info, contact
Uncle Lloyd's Cookie Company
will make special ordered GF
cookies; 1653 East Sunshine Street,
Springfield. They will make them
before they begin their regular
baking to avoid contamination.
w w w. u n c l e l l o y d s c o o k i e s . c o m
Gifts and notes of appreciation
for Dr. Temple Grandin from
families of SW Missouri, are
b e i n g c o l l e c t e d . . If y o u a r e
interested in participating, please
contact Linda at 417-380-6152 or
SPRO Website up and running!
Please review the Springfield
Regional Office website and calendar
frequently to keep informed. Calendar
postings may have
attachments such as registration
forms, fliers and brochures. http://
HELP WANTED: The Missouri Autism Report is looking for a person with advertising experience who
would be interested in working on a commission basis. Must be professional, have good computer and
phone skills and posses excellent people skills. To apply, email or call
Page 5
March 2011 Events
Events for Springfield, Branson and surrounding area...
Tuesdays, March
1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Troop 2 meetings for Boy Scouts
of America, every Tues. at 7-8:30
pm at Arc of the Ozarks. Contact
Teddy Heaton, (417)883-6680
Tuesdays and Thursdays,
March 1-April 7
Pediatric Handwriting Lab
4-5 pm, at Burrell Behavioral
Health, 1300 Bradford Pkwy,
Springfield. $240 for 6-wk course
(sibling discount available) .
Call (417)761-5330
Tuesday, March 1
Family Bridges Family ALL
and potluck. 6-8 pm at Evergreen
Church, 3225 North Fm Rd 123 (1
mile N. of I44 exit on W.Bypass
(Hwy 160). Bring your favorite
potluck dish. Desserts and drinks
provided. Kidz Club and Youth
programs provided for children with
or without disabilities. Faith Based.
Call Dottie 417-863-1605 or
877-863-6900. RSVP for children
under 3, to prepare workers.
Page 6
Wednesdays, March 2 - 30
Single Mom’s support group
every Wed. at South Haven Baptist
Church, 2353 S. Campbell from
6:15-7:30 pm,
Rm 210. Dinner
served between 5-6 pm. Childcare
provided. Most moms attending
have special needs kids, including
several on the spectrum. Please
RSVP to Kathy Meyer
March 2 - April 6
Me in Motion OT program, 4-5 pm
at Burrell Behavioral Health, 1300
Bradford Pkwy, Springfield. $150
for 6-wk course (sibling discount
available) . Call (417)761-5330
Friday, March 4
SEPTA Literacy Night 6-7:30 pm
at Holland Elementary, to provide
parents of special needs students in
the Springfield Public Schools with
literacy information, resources and
Saturday, March 5
Free Night at First Free Church
Respite care for parents with
special needs children ages K-6.
(First Sat. thru May) 5500 S.
Southwood Rd. (S.Highway 65,
west on Evans Road, N on
Southwood Rd.) Activities for
children. Trained adult supervision.
Pre-registration required.
Jeff Nickel (417)581-0133
Wednesday, March 2
Behavior Conference by Down
Syndrome Group of the Ozarks.
Library Center Auditorium. 8 am 3:30pm. Many cross-over behavior
strategies with autism. Speakers
from Rivendale, $40 fee. For more
Monday, March 7
Every Child Ready to Read
Workshop. 6- 7 pm in story hour
room. Pre-reading skills / hands-on
early literacy workshop. Caregivers
receive one hour training credit;
parents get a new book for their
child. Co-sponsored by the Missouri
Parent Information and Resource
Thursday, March 3
Center, MO-PIRC, Southwest.
Temple Grandin speaking at Drury Registration starts February 21; call
College’s Oreilly Center. 11 am - 12 882-0714
pm Admission is free, no
reservations needed.
March 2011 Events
Events for Springfield, Branson and surrounding area...
Room. Must bring at least 10 SCAN of Lebanon support meeting
articles of clothing, newborn through at Stringbeans Childcare, 511
SCAN of Lebanon support plus sizes. No childcare provided, Harrison, Lebanon. 6:30 pm
RSVP on Facebook
meeting at Stringbeans Childcare, H o s t e d b y F a m i l y B r i d g e s . Terry (417)718-7081
511 Harrison, Lebanon. 6:30 pm
RSVP on Facebook (417)718-7081
IDEA Bootcamp by IMPACT at Arc
of the Ozarks, 1501 E. Pythian, 1
Saturday, March 26
Springfield 9 am - 2:30 pm. MultiS
N of Lebanon Open
session training covering Special
Saturday, March 12
11 am - 12 pm at
Education Law, IEP Process and
$5 per family. Wear
D i s a g r e e m e n t R e s o l u t i o n . To
S WA N ( S o u t h w e s t Au t i s m register, call (800)743-7634 or email loose, comfortable clothing
Network) meeting (2nd Sat.)
RSVP on Facebook
Terry (417)718-7081
1-3pm at Wesley United Methodist
Church, 922 W. Republic Rd., Spfd.
Tuesday, March 22
March - panel on Sensory
Integration Therapy. Break-out Jump Mania Sensory Night
groups and refreshments. Respite (4th Tues) 7 - 8:30 pm. Cost $5
care provided. Contact Annette per child. Adults free. 2745 S.
Kansas Expwy., Springfield. Call
Champion Athletes of the Ozarks
Susan at (417)761-9277 for more
Dayna@MoAutismReport.comerry i n f o .
People First of Springfield
• Sectional Basketball Tournament
monthly meeting 11 am -12:30 pm
at Wesley United Methodist. Go to
• Boston University Students
east entrance. For more information High School Transition Fair,
contact Marisa Clary at 886-7180 or Ozark, Nixa 3-7pm at Ozark High • Bowling in Nixa
School, 1350 W. Bluff Dr., Ozark. • Bowling in Branson
For more info, contact Terri
• Champion Adventure - NAIA
Stratton (417)582-5712
Wednesday, March 9
Tuesday, March 15
Enabled Service (3rd Tues.)
Central A/G Fusion Center, 1321
Campbell Ave. , Spfd.
Ethel Campbell.
Friday, March 25
Through the Roof worship
services for individuals with
disabilities and their families
(LAST Friday) at Living Hope
Fellowship, 1624 E. Blaine,
Spfld. contact
Saturday, March 19
4 1 7 - 8 9 4 - 7 8 4 4
Free Clothing Swap, 2-5 pm at
Brentwood Library Community
Disability Law
Social Security
“It’s all we do”
Sports Celebration
Our 6th Annual Sports Celebration is Friday, April 1, 2011. at
High Street Baptist Church. We will
be recognizing our athletes and
celebrating another successful year.
For more information call
Law Firm, P.C.
830 E. Primrose St. Dan Parmele Former Senior Staff Attorney
Springfield, MO
with the Social Security Administration
Mo Supreme Court Rule 4-7.2 The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
Page 7
March 2011 Events
Columbia area events.....
Saturday, April 30
Mid-Missouri Walk for Autism, Presented by
Ella's Hope, at Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO.
Registration 9:30 am. Walk begins at 11 am.
Resources, Kid's Fun Zone, and Refreshments!
Call (314)922-3369 or
Proceeds will go to The
Thompson Center and Touch Point Autism
April 15-16
6th annual Autism Intervention Conference at
Holiday Inn Exec. Center., Columbia MO., with preconference workshops, April 14. Contact for more info.
Parent Workshops by
St. Louis SSD
Tuesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 6:30 9:00 p.m. - 3-session workshop:
Planning for the Future:
Dealing with My Greatest Fears
Mehlville High School, 3200 Lemay
Ferry Road
Thurs., Mar. 3, 6:30-8 pm Speaker: Aaron Likens, author of
Finding Kansas. Students and
parents encouraged to attend. SSD
Registration required
(314)989-7807 or register online
2011 SSD Tutoring &
Summer Recreation
Resources Packet
Limited copies available at
(314)989-8431 or email
packet online at https://
Page 8
Autism Society Calls for Award and
Scholarship Nominations
February 24, 2011 - The Autism Society is accepting
nominations for their annual awards and scholarships for
individuals and organizations in recognition of their
commitment to the autism community. Winners will be
announced at the National Conference and Exposition on
Autism Spectrum Disorders on July 6-9, 2011. Only
Autism Society members may make a nomination.
Awards are given in the following areas: Outstanding
Individual with Autism, Volunteer of the Year, Media
Excellence, Literary Excellence and Professional of the
Year. In addition, we offer scholarships through the CVS/
All Kids Can Program.
Nominations due by March 31
ASD Events in St Louis....
location and can be purchased on
the day of the event. To find a
Understanding the ASD IEP
Process and session on Bullying at participating AMC theatre near you
go to
10 am -12 pm at Bootheel
Counseling Services, 1017 Hwy. 25 PageServer?
N., Bloomfield, MO. To register,
Tuesday, March 1
Wednesday, March 23
Thursday -Friday,
March 3-4
National Conference on Autism &
Employment 7am - 5pm, at
Sheraton Westport Hotel, 191
Westport Crossing Drive, St. Louis. for info
Monthly ASD Support Group (4th
Wed.) 7-8:30pm at Gateway Center
for the Arts, 204 Elm St.,
MO. NO respite care this month
Call Kim (636)239-8939
Touch Point Sibshop 7-8:30 pm at
Gateway Center for the Arts, 204
Maternity Resale Event to 9 am - 12 Elm St., Washington MO. Fun
activities to encourage conversation
pm, to benefit MO-FEAT. Held at
Evangelical United Chruch of Christ, for neuro-typical children with a
special-needs sibling. For two age
204 E. Lockwood Ave., Webster
groups: 4 to 11 and 12 to 18. (ONLY
for siblings of TouchPoint clients;
Saturday, March 12
NOT open to the public) Denise
Sensory Friendly Films
presents Mars Needs Moms, 10 Towell 573-864-2371
Saturday, March 5
am. Tickets are $4-6 depending on
March 2011 Events
Tuesday, March 1
Autism Support Group, Joplin (1st Tues.) 6-8 pm,
at Freeman Business Center conference room, 3220
McClelland Blvd. Sponsored by Ozark Ctr. for Autism.
Respite care not provided at this time. Contact
Fundraising Event!!!
Chuck E. Cheese’s Party, Joplin (1st Tuesday)
3:00 pm 101 N. Rangeline Rd. benefits Magic
Moments Riding Therapy. Jeanne (417)325-4490
April 13, 2011
MPACT-Missouri Parents Act, Joplin, is
offering FREE family and community
training on issues surrounding children
ages 0-3, at Joplin Regional Office,
3600 Newman Rd.
Wednesday, March 9
Disability Rights Legislative Day at the Capitol.
10:30am - 3 pm. 10th anniversary of awareness
day; legislative activities and speakers planned.
For more info contact
Wednesday, April 6
Autism Day at the Rotunda. The Missouri
Autism Report will be there for the Rally and
to display our literature at a booth. For more
info, email
AutismOne Conference 2011 will be held May
25-28 at the Westin Hotel, Lombard, IL. New
logo is “Generation Rescue; autism is
reversible” To register for conference, go to
9:00am-12:00pm Steps to Success:
Understanding the IFSP Process
For families of children in First Steps,
understand the Individualized Family Service
Plan (IFSP)
Steps to Success:
1:00-4:00pm Transition from Part C to B
Designed to help make a smooth transition
from IFSP (Part C of IDEA) services to IEP
(Part B of IDEA) services.
6:00-8:30pm Steps to Success: Parental Rights
Explains the Parental Rights document that all
First Steps families receive and helps families
understand what they and their child's rights
are under Part C of IDEA.
All classes through MPACT are FREE.
Registration is strongly encouraged. Register
at 800-743-7634 or
Page 9
March 2011 Events
Dr. Temple Grandin: Missouri appearances scheduled
February 28, 8:30 am - KADI radio (99.5 FM) interview with
conference special offered for listeners*
March 3, 11 am - 12 pm - O'Reilly Family Event Center
The public is invited to attend this free event. Doors will open at
10:00 AM
March 4, Autism & Aspergers conference - Welk Resort, Branson.
*Register by March 1 and receive $10 off each registration: use code word KADI or 1340.
Faces of Autism
Register NOW for Summer Camp
Camp Barnabas - Purdy
April 1,
Art Walk
- Randy
B a c o n
g a l l e r y,
Mo n a r c h
F a c t o r y,
College St., Springfield, will be hosting the
Faces of Autism on April 1st for Friday
Ni g h t A r t Wa l k , f r o m 6 - 1 0 p m
April 2-29 - The School of
Professional Psychology at Forest
Institute, 2885 W Battlefield, Springfield,
MO will be hosting the Faces of Autism in
the library
April 8, there will be reception for
Faces of Autism at Forrest Institute, to
kick-off new ABA program at Forest
Institute. Kids activities and resource
booths - spaces still available. Public
encouraged to come. For more info,
contact 417-823-3477
Page 10
Scholarships available. For more information call
417-476-2565 or visit
Wonderland Camp - Rocky Mount
Partial scholarships may be available. For more
information visit or call
Camp Guardian - Jefferson City
No cost to attend this camp. For info visit Applications due May 1.
Camp Encourage - Kansas City
Partial and full scholarships available. For info go
to or call (816)830-7171
Arc of the Ozarks - Springfield
Sliding scale with a max of $60 per week. Preregister by March 25, 2011. Contact Mary at
Other summer programs available through:
Springfield Greene County Park Board, 864-1049
Ozarks Regional YMCA, 881-1599 or 862-7456
Boys and Girls Clubs of Springfield, 890-7283
Wesley United Methodist Church
883-1021 x128