Effi Grass by Ori Allon, illustrated by H Hadar Chori-Fathi Matot - Masei G-d said, “When you divide up the Land And give each tribe its share, “Give the Levi’im special cities So they can live and serve there.” The Levi’im will live in those special towns Spread throughout the Land They’ll teach all Jews Torah with love And to keep G-d’s command. Another reason for these special cities Is a place to which accidental killers flee The victim’s family might want revenge But there the killer is safe, you see. For example, if someone climbs a ladder And that ladder should break. Then he falls and kills someone below We treat it as a mistake. Now the one who died had a family And their pain they cannot mend. They want to go after the killer. They don’t care that he didn’t intend. Yet this killer deserves to live When all is said and done What he did wasn’t done on purpose. He accidentally killed someone. Find the little picture in the big picture! And so to the city of refuge That murderer will go - and fast! And once he arrives that family Must leave him alone at last. There the Lev’im will teach him To be more careful, to improve his ways And after the Kohen Gadol dies, He’ll go home and live out his days. 2 3 “Wow! So many sheep!” cried out Effi. “That’s how it is in the Negev,” Effi’s father smiled. “You can see whole flocks crossing the road.” “Look! There’s another flock on the other side!” called Noa, Effi’s sister. Their father stopped the car to let the flock cross over. The shepherd waved to say “thanks.” “Where is he taking them?” asked Effi. “To a place where they can get enough to eat,” their mother answered. “Don’t they have enough where they live?” wondered Noa. “I guess not,” their father said. “The sheep have to eat fresh, green grass every day, and when the grass near their home is gone, they have to be taken further away.” “It must be hard to move the whole flock and to make sure not one lamb gets lost,” said Noa. “And how do you decide where to take them?” “That reminds me of a story from the first parsha of this week’s double portion, Matot,” their father said. “Can we hear it?” Effi asked. “Sure,” their father smiled. “Matot tells about the tribes of Reuven and Gad who come to ask Moshe if they could make their home in a place with lots of green grass.” “And where was that place?” asked Effi. “Next to Eretz Yisrael there was a by Ruthie Klein “These six cities shall be a place of refuge for both converts and residents among the Children of Israel, so that anyone who accidentally kills a person shall be able to escape there.” (Numbers 35:15) place which was perfect for them,” their father said. “Moshe asked them to first help out all the other tribes to go into the Land. Then they could live in the green area that was good for them.” Another sheep crossed the road, and Effi wondered, “Maybe this sheep is the daughter of a daughter of a daughter of a sheep from those tribes long ago? The Children of Israel were commanded to prepare cities of refuge. A city of refuge is a place where people who have killed someone by accident can escape to. Let’s build a city of refuge: Cut out the city and the wall and gate along the thick, solid lines. Within the city, cut out the houses, tree and bushes along the thick, solid lines. Be sure that the side with the broken lines remain attached to the picture. Fold the houses, tree and bushes on the broken lines so that they stand up. Fold back the flaps of the wall on the left and right along the broken lines. Then fold back the bottom strip of the wall with the broken lines to make a base. Then glue that bottom strip to the city at the straight unbroken lines. 4 Good Luck! 5 Midrash “This is the law when a woman makes a vow to G-d” (Bamidbar 30:4) The Young Artist Â"Ò˘˙ ÊÂÓ˙ ‰"Î July 21, 2006 “Continuing south, the boundary shall run along the eastern shore of the Kinneret Sea” (Numbers 34:11). Chanah’s Prayer Many years ago in Eretz Yisrael, before the first Temple was built, the Mishkan, G-d’s Tabernacle, stood at Shiloh, and whoever wished to bring an offering would go there. The Kohen Gadol (High Priest) in those days was Eli. One day, when Eli was sitting at the entrance of the heichal, the sanctuary, he saw a woman crying. She seemed to be mumbling to herself, nonstop. Only her lips were moving, but her voice could not be heard. In those days, people did not yet pray quietly like we do today in the Shemoneh Esreh, and Eli thought this strange woman had to be drunk. “Get rid of your drunkenness,” he called, and right away she opened her eyes, looked at Eli, and said: “My name is Chana and I haven’t drunk any wine. I’m just telling G-d my troubles. I’ve been married many years without children! I prayed to G-d to give me children, and I even vowed that if G-d gave me what I ask, I would dedicate my son to serving G-d.” Eli listened to Chanah, smiled at her and said, “Go in peace, and the G-d of Israel will give you what you ask.” Chana went home, and G-d listened to her prayer. Nine months later she gave birth to a sweet little baby and she called him Shmuel. Chana didn’t forget the vow she made in her prayer at Shiloh, and when Shmuel was three years old, she brought him to Eli and said, “Look Eli, I prayed for this child and G-d answered my prayer. I have now come to fulfill my vow. Starting today, my son Shmuel will grow up with you here in the Tabernacle, and will serve G-d.” Little Shmuel stayed in the Tabernacle with Eli the Kohen Gadol and learned Torah and mitzvot from him. His mother, Chana, made him a beautiful coat and Shmuel always wore it. When Shmuel grew up, he became a prophet, and he led the whole Jewish People in serving G-d, but he always remembered his mother and her prayer for him. Find nine differences between the two (four for our younger readers) Illustrated by Ori Allon The Foundation for Jewish Renaissance Early Childhood Version Our parasha deals with the borders of the Land of Israel. Below is a drawing by the artist Nahum Gutman: “Fish Jumping in the Kinneret”. Shalom parents! Shalom kids! PARASHAT MatotMasei This Shabbat we finish the fourth book of the Torah, “Bamidbar”. Israel’s forty-year journey is almost over. They are really close to Canaan, which G-d promised our forefathers. Soon they will enter the Land, live there, keep all the mitzvot there, and build it up. We can learn an important lesson from this parasha: to know how to forgive others. People sometimes do bad things Look and learn: without meaning to. They might knock something over while running, break something accidentally, or say insulting things without realizing it. They might do things that cause a disturbance, create anger, disappointment, or other harm, and might even lead to a fight. The Torah says, “Hold it!” True, we say “Think before you act.” Yet it is important to remember that sometimes people Sometimes we do things and then regret them. For example, if a child draws a picture and then doesn’t like it, he can draw another. Yet if he tears up the picture he didn’t like and throws it away and later wants it back - it’s too late, right? The picture is gone. But, children, what about words? For example, if a child promises me that tomorrow he’ll let me play with his new toy, are his words like just drawing a new picture, that he can take them back? Or is it like when he threw the picture away and wants it back,- that it’s too late? Suppose I come to him tomorrow and say, “Please let me play with your toy now. You promised!” He might answer, “You’re right, I promised, but that was yesterday, and today I don’t want to. After all words aren’t actions that once done it’s too late” Is that all right? It was just words, and now I’m saying the opposite!” What do you think, children? Can we go back on our promises since they’re only words? The truth is, kids, it’s not so simple. G-d gave us a mouth to talk with so we would use it for good things. The words we speak are exactly like actions. Once we say them they are real and, so, if we make a promise, we have to keep it. We are the only creatures on earth who can speak, and that is because G-d made us like Him. When we talk we can make people happy, or we can hurt them. In this week’s parasha, G-d commands us to be very careful about everything we say. If we promise to do something, we have to make sure to do it. So, children,, always remember to keep your promises! do bad things without having any bad intentions. and the person is very sorry. We have to forgive such a person. We shouldn’t be angry at him, but should accept his apology, because he too feels bad when he sees us. Your friend, Rabbi Mordechai Elon Dean of Mibereshit Children, has it every happened to you that someone hurt you without meaning to? What happened? How did you react? Dedicated by the Nahum Gutman: “Fish Jumping in the Kinneret” JAKAMAR TRUST AND YAD MORDECHAI FOUNDATION Let’s look at the drawing and pay attention to detail. At center is a large fish jumping out of the water. In the distance to the side are people raising their hands in alarm. We see a half-circle in the shape of the fish, the people’s hand movements, and the lines of water and sky. We see contrasts: One vs. many, large vs. small, things vs. people, quiet vs. noise. The picture’s mood is cheerful and colorful and it tells a story. CEO Mibereshit: Avi Wortzman Educational Director: Avi Rath Project Coordinator: Yaki Mendelsohn Editorial Staff: Rabbi David Bateman Translation: Raphael Blumberg Graphic Designer: Rebecca Poch What we can learn: Mibereshit Head office Israel +972-2-588-7890, Mibereshit South Africa Rabbi Laurence Perez Program Coordinators: Melissa Chipkin/ Wendy Kahn 011-440-9902, At last the Israelites came To the end of their tour Moshe wrote the tale Their travels and history for sure. On Pesach of the first year They left from Egypt land Without the miracles from G-d They’d die in desert sand. Soon they’d cross the river Enter into the Promised Land. Even with the end so near Peace and quiet weren’t at hand. Only after conquering the Land Destroying idols and masks Dividing the land to tribes They’d complete their tasks. They traveled and camped Summer, Winter, Spring, Fall Adventures at every turn. Until the last stop of all. Nahum Gutman was also a writer, so his pictures tell stories, as well. He wrote children’s books like “The All Blue Donkey,” “Loben Gulu, King of Zulu,” and more. Gutman’s drawings, in which something is always happening, are drawn in an entertaining, mischievous style. So, the little fish looks big and the big people look small. Also, the innocent, friendly fish looks frightening for a moment, makes a ruckus and frightens everyone standing on the beach. The surprises in the picture make people smile. What we can do: 6 Try to describe what happened before, and what will happen after the moment described in the picture. 7 8 אנגלית Torah stories from our Sages 26 “Machla, Tirtza, Chogla, Milcah and No’ah , the daughters of Tzelofchad, married their cousins.” (Numbers 36:11) Moshe wrote their travels To Moabite Plains from the Red Sea “Bamidbar” was over he knew. What now will be? 1
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