Kickin` Back Swap Meet Style - New Braunfels Area Car Club
Kickin` Back Swap Meet Style - New Braunfels Area Car Club
New Braunfels Area Car Club KICKIN’ TIRES May 2011 Volume 20 Issue 5 Robert Maxwell, NBACC member from McQueeny takes a break from hauling parts. Picture provided by Sherry Dawson Kickin’ Back Swap Meet Style PAGE 2 NEW BRAUNFELS AREA CAR CLUB 2011 NBACC OFFICERS: PRESIDENT: VICE-PRES: SECRETARY: TREASURER: Steve Hair Mike Durben Marilyn Marshall Lucy Mortensen Inside This Issue 830-305-3862 830-379-8169 830-625-4334 830-626-3615 Message From The President Steve Hair 3 2010 DIRECTORS: Steve Hair Larry Taylor Sherry Dawson Gene Goodall Barney Calvert Jan Stull 830-372-1570 830-379-7326 830-303-7496 830-625-8526 830-620-5950 830-626-6762 Club Meeting Minutes On Down The Road & Cruise Nights 4 5 Swap Meet 2011 6 Breakfast , Freddy’s Custards,Cool websites Curtis Blackwell Memorial 8 9 Wheels Around the Square flyers 10 Application 12 Announcements 13 CARE COMMITTEE: Jan Stull 830-626-6762 2011 EDITOR: Linda Sangurima E-Mail: 713-261-0618 2011 DIRECTOR OF SWAP MEET : Mike Hass 830-625-9239 15 Advertisements Notice Anyone wishing to put anything in the newsletter please have it to the Editors of Kickin’ Tires by the 15th of the month preceding publication. i.e Feb. 15th for Mar. Publication. Notice Newsletter by e-mail Our new website will be announced in June (God willing) You can now receive Kickin’ Tires by e-mail. It will be in color and can be printed on your own printer. You will need Adobe Acrobat reader most computers purchased in the last 4-5 years should have this software, if not it is free at If you wish this option please e-mail the Kickin’ Tires Editors at VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 NEW BRAUNFELS AREA CAR CLUB PAGE 3 A MESSAGE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT A Message From Your President: Another successful Swap Meet is behind us. Mike Haas and his team deserve a huge round of applause. Special thanks go out to those who helped in every way they could. Without the help of the many volunteers required, we would not have the well attended and well run Swap Meet we have. I would also like to offer a special thanks to Billy & Sherry for opening up their home away from to us as a place to get away, get a cup of coffee and just relax. We received many comments on how friendly our Swap Meet is. We really have something to be proud of. Remember our weekly gatherings at Kirby’s in Seguin and Freddy’s in New Braunfels. There has been a very good turn out at Freddy’s and we are very welcome there. If you haven’t made it to Freddy’s yet, make a point to do so soon. Bring a good chair and enjoy a pleasant evening while we still have them. Once again we had a good turnout for the breakfast at Schobels this month. You can choose from the menu or the buffet for your meal. Prices were reasonable. The next breakfast will again be at Schobels, Saturday, May 14th @ 8:30 am. The Wheels Around the Square car show is just days away. This is one of our personal favorite car shows! Plan on attending to support the Seguin Activity youth center. Don’t forget the Poker Run on Friday May 6th. Sign up is the showroom of Seguin Chevrolet at 6:00 pm. Remember our monthly meeting, Sunday May 1st at the New Braunfels airport at 2:00pm. SEE YA DOWN THE ROAD! STEVE HAIR P.S. My two cents worth: In talking with a daughter-in-law this week, she mentioned Mother’s Day. I told her I am so busy with Swap Meets, car shows and car club meals, I had forgotten to plan for that day. Thank goodness, she hadn’t. Don’t forget your loved ones in the midst of our business in the next few weeks. PAGE 4 NEW BRAUNFELS AREA CAR CLUB VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 Minutes for NBACC Meeting April 3rd, 2011 The meeting was called to order by President Steve Hair. Attendance included 51 members and guests Stanley and Carol Martin. A motion to accept the March minutes was made by Sherry Dawson, and seconded by Ken Voss. Minutes were accepted. Lucy Mortensen gave the treasurer’s report. A motion that the treasurer’s report be accepted was made by Jan Stull and seconded by Ken Voss. The report was filed. Gene Rogers entertained the membership with his auto trivia. Jan Stull, Care Committee Chairman, reported that Clarence Moore was in a rehab facility, but is scheduled to go home on Tuesday. Louise Calvert reported that Curtis had passed and Virginia has asked that some of the membership’s old cars be part of the funeral celebration. More information will be coming as arrangements are made. Louise also reported that Linton Lipscomb is not doing well. Mike Haas reported on swap meet progress, saying that 1041 spaces had been sold and only 19 car corral spaces were left. He reported that all arrangements are going well, and that layout is scheduled for next Saturday after breakfast at Schoebels. Members were reminded to sign up for a shift, and to help keep the grounds clean as the weekend progresses. Set-up day will be Wednesday the 20th. Sherry Dawson said that she was still waiting on the shirts. Linda Sangurima reported that she is still mailing about 42 hard copies of the newsletter. She said that only 6 advertisers had renewed at price of $25.00 per year. She asked that the membership be looking for more sponsors. She also reported that, after researching the issue, she found that to secure a website for the car club/swap meet would cost about $118.00 per year and to have the site built would cost $800.00. Beyond those initial costs, she would be able to manage it herself. A motion to go ahead with the web site construction was made by Billy Dawson and seconded by Fred Willard. The motion carried. Sherry Dawson moved that the cost for the website should be split evenly between the car club and the swap meet. Chuck Ford seconded her motion and the motion carried. In old business, Jan Stull reported that they were still seeking a suitable site for the New Braunfels group to gather on Saturday night. They have tried a number of locations, and although welcome at all, the members in attendance felt like the management at Freddy’s Custard was the most anxious to have the old cars at their location, offering a 10% discount on purchases. Members should plan to meet on Saturday nights at Freddy’s. Steve Hair reported that the Toyota Plant Tour was a big success. 22 members enjoyed the cruise to the plant and found the tour to be very enlightening and interesting. Sherry Dawson reported that Poker Run and Wheels Around the Square were coming up on May 6th and 7th respectively. Help is needed for these events. The Poker Run will begin once again at Seguin Chevrolet and end at Kirby’s. Fliers were available. In other business, Steve Hair announced that the Landa Park 75th Anniversary celebration was scheduled for June 18th, and that old cars were being requested for this event. Steve also reported that movie night has been scheduled for April 30th, with “Madison” as the featured movie. Mike Durben has arranged for a miniature golf cruise on May 14th after the monthly breakfast. Mark Kuykendall reported on the Lone Star Roundup in Austin. Billy Dawson motioned to adjourn and the motion was seconded by Cindy Gable. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted by Marilyn Marshall, Secretary VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 NEW BRAUNFELS AREA CAR CLUB On Down The Road & Cruise Night’s Every Friday Night San Antonio, Biff Busby's IH-35 N @ Toepperwein Rd Sattler, TX Cruise In at Fox Pizza / Movies & Music Store Seguin, TX, at Kirby Korner on TX123 Bypass South Kerrville, TX , at Culvers Restaurant, 1300 Junction Hwy 2nd Friday night Castroville, TX, at Wommack Chevrolet on Hwy 90 Every Saturday Night New Braunfels, TX Freddy’s Custards on Loop 337. Every Third Saturday Night San Antonio, TX, Cruise Night at the Rim, 17907 IH 10 West, Exit 554 Austin, TX, Cruise Night at Albertsons, Oak Hill, at the Y of 71 & 290 Last Saturday of Each Month San Antonio, TX Cars & Coffee, 8:30AM to 9:30 + AM May 6th Seguin Activity Center Poker Run Start time 6:30pm at Seguin Chevrolet 509 W. IH 10 Contact Sherry Dawson 830-305-4570 May 7th Seguin, TX Wheels Around the Square Registration from 8-12, voting 12-1, awards at 2. Contact Sherry Dawson 830-305-4570 May 7th San Antonio, TX 22nd Annual Classic Cruise Along The Corridor Start at Tri Point YMCA at 281 and St Marys parking lot Starting time 8:00AM Contact Buzz Durio via e-mail: May 7th Kennedy Bluebonnet Days 7th Annual Car Show accepting entries at the show starting at 12:00 pm till 1:30 pm Contact the Chamber to RSVP @ (830) 583-3223 or email May 12th San Antonio, TX Monthly Meeting Alamo Area Council Of Car Clubs 7:00 PM 8700 Tesoro Dr, AACOG Classroom #6 Contact: Buzz Durio, May 15th San Antonio, TX Spring Open Car Show Texas Bowties -First Generation Camaro Club at Ancira Winton Chevrolet, 6111 Bandera Rd PAGE 5 PAGE 6 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 Swap meet 2011 is OVER! NBACC pulls off another success without a hitch When you find that certain part you just gotta have, you’ll do just about anything to get it! Charles Greenlaw was caught red handed “borrowing” mon( ey from his wife’s Jan Stull and Faye Kuykendall man the purse. Hospitality booth sporting the latest fashion in hat styles. Many other volun( teers sat ready to offer any assistance needed. (PS. Best job to have at the swap meet). No, you’re not seeing double, just brother (in(laws Mike Roark (left) and Brad Cole from Deepark, TX. (Think their wives shop at the same store?) Yes, that is our illustrious President with his tongue hanging out! The swap meet wouldn’t be what it is without the parts haulers. Count on these folks to get you a hauler for your parts but not if you need them to call 911. They even missed the fifty yard dash their Kickin’ Tires editor made in record time to get to the patron in need! V O LU M E 2 0 I S S U E 5 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B PAGE 7 Enough playing around Sherry… There’s smoozin’ and haulin’ to do. For $7,000 this magenta land parasail mobile could have been yours. NBACC Swap meet offers all types of modes of transportation for all shapes and sizes. Hands down the weirdest item for sale this year. (pic. rt) The few volunteers not too exhausted to sit for a bite on Saturday evening enjoyed Bar B Que pro( vided by Granzins Market. So many pic( tures are missing of all the other hard working individuals. They never stopped long enough to get their picture taken. This is such a great event that brings people together to share in the joy of hard work. Kudos to all involved. “Billy wait! Come back with the RV! You forgot your wife!” V O LU M E 2 0 I S S U E 5 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 NBACC AWARDS SEVEN SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 2011 GRADUATES The scholarship committee of Billy Dawson, Dr. Fred Willard, Chalmers Gable and Larry Taylor has interviewed several students and has selected the following for NBACC scholarship: Holden Bradshaw, Canyon High School Coker Moeller, Smithson Valley High School Mario Gonzales, Canyon Lake High School Louis Lopez, New Braunfels High School Andrew Padilla, New Braunfels High School Holden Caddell, Seguin High School Aaron James Batot, Seguin High School Each is entitled to $500.00 per enrolled semester up to four semesters. All of the above will be attending trade schools for automotive repair, body work or paint. We wish them all well and congratulate them on their choice of continuing their education. This is the place to be in New Braunfels on Saturday night. 841 Loop 337. Bring a chair, enjoy a burger and a malt. Hey NBACC members! Do you like to find cool stuff while surfing the web? Send them to the “Kicking Tires” editor and let us all check them out. John Friend found this one. Watch out Gene Rogers, this website’s been taking lessons from you. V O LU M E 2 0 I S S U E 5 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B PAGE 9 In Memory of Curtis Blackwell How many of us Car Lovers could even imagine that we would be carried to our final resting place in a vintage hearse----one we had bought and beautifully restored? That was the case on Thursday, April 7, at the funeral of one of our earliest NBACC members, Curtis Blackwell. Curtis had a stroke a year or so ago and had not been able to participate in our activities although he and his wife Virginia used to be very much a part of what the car club did for fun and work. They especially enjoyed driving and showing one of the two 1957 Fords Curtis restored. Awhile back, Curtis fell in love with a most unusual vehicle, a 1946 Cadillac Superior hearse which just happened to be in need of EVERYTHING. A very capable and talented man, Curtis and others he supervised after his stroke, painstakingly restored the hearse to immaculate condition. How remarkable that he was able to take his first ride in the finished hearse just a few days before he died! How meaningful for everyone present that it was used to transport Curtis' body to Guadalupe Valley Memorial Park. Following the hearse in the funeral procession were five collector cars driven by car club members who went to bid Curtis Blackwell a final goodbye. Submitted by Fred Willard PAGE 10 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 NEW BRAUNFELS AREA CAR CLUB PAGE 11 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B PAGE 12 2011 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Feb. 11th was the 2nd annual Valentines Day Prom VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B And Anniversaries Happy Birthdays Bonnie Wolchak Terry Daugherty Nancy Bruington June Hall Jack Nordstrom Nick Serold Karen Taylor Linda Dietz RD Odom PAGE 13 3 6 7 8 13 17 25 28 29 Steve & Cindy Hair Phillip & Jan Cobb Gerald & Shirley Rogers Michael & Carol Durben Randy & Raenel Schertz Chuck & Diane Porter Gene & Shirley McCord 9 10 14 24 29 30 31 Events April 30th Movie Night at the Palace Theater May 1st NBACC Meeting 2:00pm New Braunfels Airport May 6th Poker Run, Seguin, TX May 7th Wheels Around the Square, Seguin, TX May 14th Breakfast at Schobels in New Braunfels 8:45 am PAGE 14 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B Advertisers o w VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B PAGE 15 Coupons Friday, May 6, 2011 only Friday May 13, 2011 only Friday, May 20, 2011 only 2004 Pace American Car Hauler Specs: Hitch Pulled Enclosed 24 foot, side door and built in cabinets Friday May 27, 2011 only Special Thanks to new member, Larry Freisenhahn, Comal Golf Carts and Batteries for the use of all those four wheelers we used at the swap meet to haul parts. Accepting sealed bids Minimum bid $8000. Bids will be accepted until Sunday, May 15, 2011 Mail closed bid to: Vou Best 325 Tailwind, Seguin, TX 78155 Contact Phone Number: 830-303-2277 PAGE 16 N E W B R A U N F E LS A R E A C A R C L U B VOLUM E 20 I S S UE 5 New Braunfels Area Car Club 342 Tailwind Seguin, TX 78155