2015: Sep - New Braunfels Area Car Club
2015: Sep - New Braunfels Area Car Club
N ew B r a u n fe l s A r e a C a r C l u b KICKIN’ TIRES SEPTEMBER 2015 SEPTEMBER 12 - Breakfast at Golden Corral 13 - Meeting at Library 19 - NBACC Poker Run SA Rodder Car Show 26 - Pontiac Car Show SWA(M)P MEET 2015 **** BOYS WILL BE BOYS PAGE 2 NEW BRAUNFELS AREA CAR CLUB 2015 NBACC OFFICERS: PRESIDENT: Steve Hair 830-305-3862 VICE-PRES: Jim Koenig 830-379-7452 SECRETARY: Marilyn Marshall 830-625-4334 TREASURER: Marcia Hodgkins 830-303-9971 2015 DIRECTORS: Steve Hair 830-305-3862 Larry Taylor 830-379-7326 Sherry Dawson 830-303-7496 Charles Bode 210-313-4943 Sonny Chapman 830-401-4827 Doyle Marshall 830-708-1373 CARE COMMITTEE: Jan Stull 2015 EDITOR: Cindy Hair 830-305-3305 E-Mail: chair1253@aol.com Notice 2015 DIRECTOR OF SWAP MEET Mike Hass 830-625-9239 This newsletter is always a work in progress. Any and all mistakes are probably mine. I appreciate your input on mistakes so I can make the next issue better. If you see any problems, let me know. Cindy Anyone wishing to put anything in the newsletter please have it to the Editors of Kickin’ Tires by the 15th of the month preceding publication. i.e. Feb. 15th for Mar. Publication. Notice Newsletter by e-mail You can now receive Kickin’ Tires by e-mail. It will be in color and can be printed on your own printer. You will need Adobe Acrobat reader most computers purchased in the last 4-5 years should have this software, if not it is free at www.adobe.com A MESSAGE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT It’s been awhile since I’ve written. This summer has been a real killer for me. With the rain this evening and the temperatures finally dropping, it is beginning to signal the end of summer. Another irritating thing is every time I turn this computer on it wants to spend 30 minutes doing updates. With the arrival of fall several events are coming up that will give us a chance to get out. I went to the Giddings swap meet, which I enjoyed but you had to go early to avoid the heat. I would like to go to the Rosanky swap meet this month if I can. Cindy and I are attending the “Key to the Hills Run” in Boerne in October. It’s been about 3-4 years since we spent the weekend there. We’ve had quite a few illness in our membership lately. Most are well that I know of but keep Mike Durbin in your prayers. Give Carol all the support you can, she is a real trooper. I know several members have visited her and Mike. Cindy has retired from the school district but her hands are full with Kyleigh who is currently in University Hospital. Kyleigh is doing well but has to remain in the hospital until the infection she has is cleared up. Cindy is using the time sitting in the hospital to get the newsletter out and is putting pressure on me do get this done. Hope to see many of you at some of the upcoming events. Watch your email for notices or contact us if you have questions about any of the upcoming events. Marilyn does a great job on the flyers she sends out and I want to let her know I appreciate it. SEE YA DOWN THE ROAD STEVE P.S. Thanks to car club buddies who have helped to keep Kyleigh’s spirits and appetite up. She and I appreciate the visits and goodies. At 2:00 p.m., the August meeting of the New Braunfels Area Car Club was called to order by President Steve Hair. Steve introduced our visitor, Ken Jones from Bulverde. Steve read the minutes from the July 4 meeting/picnic at Charles and Nita Bode’s home. The minutes were approved as read. Steve announced that NBACC has a signed contract for the 2016 swap meet, April 22, 23 and 24. Several problems need to be worked out with the fairgrounds such as a drainage issue. We need to work out details for a fire lane with the Fire Department. Louise Calvert reported that 843 swap meet spaces have already been sold. Our Treasurer, Marcia Hodgkins was not in attendance due to a trip to the emergency room. She told Steve that “we have money.” Jan Stull, Care Committee Chairman, said she has received no calls about illnesses. She reported that Ira Ford’s eyes were doing well at this time. Sergei Ceyanes presented interesting auto trivia recalling the top 5 car models from General Motors, Ford and Chrysler in the 1950’s. The NBACC Fall Picnic is scheduled for October 3. Several swap meets/car shows were discussed: The show in Giddings will be the last weekend in August. A barbecue and poker run fundraiser benefitting Faith Garcia is scheduled for August 9 in LaVernia. The Cruisin’ to Rosanky car show and swap meet will be Saturday, October 10. Flyers were circulated. Sherry Dawson is planning a poker run for Saturday, September 19. There will be a charge of $15 per car entry. The run will end up at the Dawson’s home for a meal. More information will follow, and there will be a sign-up sheet at our September meeting. Sheri Haynes reported that 10 cars were at Eden Hill in June. The residents loved it. June 11, 2016 will be the next car show at Eden Hill. Fred Willard is the chairman of the committee to discuss finding another location for our swap meet. Discussion followed about Fredericksburg swap meet and a possible close-down. The Fredericksburg club contacted a family in the Dallas area that puts on swap meets. We may consider doing that in the future. The committee will meet after adjourning today. There was some discussion about changing our September meeting date from September 6 to September 13. No decision was made. An e-mail will be sent out with the exact date. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Jo Goodall APRIL SWAP MEET CAR SJOW Once again it is time to say THANK YOU to all those who helped with the car show. Registration team was outstanding even though they had to come in very early. Big thanks go out to Jo Basey, Martha Greenlaw. Debbie Shelnutt, Glennis Richter (a newcomer and I hope she will be back ), Ira Ford and Jan Stull. . Kenneth Staats, Jim Basey, Steve Hair and Sonny Chapman did an awesome job parking the cars. Doyle did a great job with trophies again with his grandson Eric and daughter Sherry doing the music and announcements. Our president Steve Hair announced the winners in each class and handed out the trophies. Greatest thing of all was we were mud free at the car show. What a weekend. MILLIE CHAPMAN CAMARO CHRYSLER MUSTANG HONDA BATMOBILE CADILLAC CORVETTE PAGE 10 N E W B R A U N F E L S A R E A C AR C L U B 2015 Marcia Hodgkins 2480 Sweet Home Road Seguin, Texas Feb. 11th was78155 the 2nd annual Valentines Day Prom at the Guadalupe Valley Nursing Center. We were again asked to provide classic cars for pictures. Make Swap Meet Registration Checks Payable to: New Braunfels Swap Meet Mail to: Swap Meet - Barney or Louise Calvert, 100 Bear Creek Dr., New Braunfels, TX 78132 Swap Meet Space 12’ x 25’ SWAP MEET REGISTRATION $35.00 Registration At Gate $40.00 If multiple spaces are required, PLEASE specify side by side or back to back Swap Meet Info: 5950 830-620- SUNDAY CAR & TRUCK SHOW Preregistration Gate $30.00 $20.00 Registration at Company Address: City: _____________________________ State: ___________ Zip: Phone #: ______________________________ E-mail: PAGE 13 N E W B R A U N F E L S A R E A C AR C L U B Advertisers On Down The Road & Cruise Night’s Every Friday Night San Antonio, Biff Busby's IH-35 N @ Toepperwein Rd. 6-11 pm. Seguin, TX, at Kirby Korner on TX123 Bypass South Kerrville, TX , at Culvers Restaurant, 1300 Junction Hwy 2nd Friday night Castroville, TX, at Wommack Chevrolet on Hwy 90 N E W B R A U N F E L S A R E A C AR C L U B PAGE 14 Coupons Friday, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 Friday, SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 Friday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 Friday, OCTOBER 2, 2015 Friday, OCTOBER 9, 2015 Friday, OCTOBER 16, 2015 Saturday nights at Denny’s in New Braunfels!! Show this page and get 10% off your order. Plenty of parking and seating. Join us this weekend. PAGE 15 N E W B R A U N F E L S A R E A C AR C L U B New Braunfels Area Car Club 104 WAMPUM WAY