How We Can All Benefit from the Message of Near


How We Can All Benefit from the Message of Near
How We Can All Benefit from
the Message of Near-Death
Experiences (without having
to nearly die!)
Spirituality and Wellbeing
Lampeter 2016
Penny Sartori PhD RGN
What happens when we die?
Experiences Close to Death
• Deathbed visions / end of life experiences
• Empathic / shared death experiences
• Control over the time of death
• Terminal Lucidity
• After death communications (ADCs)
• Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)
Near-Death Experiences
• Most widely researched spiritually
transformative experiences
• Occur unexpectedly
• Accelerated phase of the dying process
• Access a deep altered state of
• Transcendental
• Often gain information not detectable by
the senses
Components of the NDE
• Hearing the news of being near death
• Life review
• Out of body experience
• Tunnel and light experience
• Feelings of peace and calm
• Beautiful gardens
Components of the NDE
• Meeting deceased relatives or friends
• Meeting a “Being” of light
• Telepathic communication
• Barrier or point of no return
• Coming back
• Transformation
Distressing NDEs
Approx 14% NDEs are frightening
Categorised by Bush & Greyson (1992) as:
• 1) Prototypical NDE interpreted as frightening
• 2) The void experience
• 3) Hellish
4th category (Rommer 2000)
After Effects of a NDE
• No fear of death
• More tolerant of others / altruistic
• More loving / compassionate
• No longer materialistic
• Status no longer of importance
• Become more spiritual
• Feelings of interconnectivity (life review)
After Effects of a NDE
• Electrical sensitivity
• Become more psychic
• Healing ability
• Huge psychological boost
• High divorce rate
• Acquisition of impossible knowledge
Rajaa Benamour
• Following anaesthetic
• “Infinitesimal memory”
• Many after effects, light sensitivity,
changes in her electro-magnetic field
• Acquired new intellectual abilities
• In-depth understanding of quantum
physics that she did not previously have
Can NDEs be Verified?
• Many cases are reported anecdotally
• Is there a way to check on their reports?
A Five Year Prospective Study
of Near-Death Experiences in
a Welsh Intensive Therapy
Sartori 2008
Are NDEs merely effects of a dying
Aim of the study:
• What is the frequency of NDEs / OBEs?
• Are NDEs the same as hallucinations?
• Is the NDE due to:
drugs administered?
Can the OBE be Verified?
• Symbols / pictures on monitors
• Could only be viewed from out of body
• Above head height
• Brightly coloured
• Concealed behind ridges
Frequency of NDEs
• 15 NDEs during the five year data
• 2 of these were distressing
• Patient 10 remarkable and unique case
• 2 end of life experiences
Case Report of Patient 10
60-year-old male, emergency surgery
During unconsciousness reported:
• OBE – accurately reported the actions of
the doctor, nurse and physiotherapist
• Meeting deceased relatives and Jesus-like
• Healing of a congenital abnormality
Basic Findings of the Research
• Not due to the drugs
• Not due to abnormal blood levels
• NDEs are under-reported
• NDEs are not wishful thinking
• NDEs are different to hallucinations
Sartori 2008 conclusions:
• Current science cannot explain NDEs
• Research is showing that NDEs can no
longer be explained away
• To ignore NDEs is detrimental to future
patient care
• Science must be revised and expanded
• Future prospective research on a large
scale is paramount to further the
understanding of NDEs, consciousness,
death and LIFE
Benefits of Undertaking the
• Provide greater psychological support to
• Useful in care of terminally ill
• They can guide us with spiritual
counselling at the end of life
• Helpful in bereavement and grief
• Inspire individuals to re-evaluate and have
a different perspective on life
What is the Message of the
• What can NDEs teach us about life??
• How can we benefit from the message of
the NDE?
• Can learning about death, teach us how to
Aspects to Develop with Further
• Acquisition of ‘impossible knowledge’?
• Spontaneous healing of ailments
• Healing of grief
• How NDEs can provide us with a
‘psychological boost’
• Renewal of values and attitude to life
• Cultivating altruism
• Cultivating emotional resilience
Tibor Putnoki
• Cardiac arrest, 9 minutes without
• Life was transformed by his NDE
• Set up The Light of Love Foundation in
Hungary which is based on the wellbeing
of others
• Teaches life skills and empowering
Tibor Putnoki
During his NDE, he was asked:
• Did you have a life before your death?
• Did you live a life worthy of a human
• Could you look into other people’s eyes
with a pure heart and your head held
Jeff Olsen
• Despite the tragic consequences of a car
accident he now lives a deeply fulfilling life
• Newfound understanding gained during
the NDE helped him to cope with the loss
of his wife, son and deal with the life
altering physical injuries
Why do the majority of people
take such little notice of these
life transforming experiences?
Current World View
• Consciousness is created by the brain
• We are all separate
• It’s all about survival of the fittest
The Message of the NDE
• We are all interconnected - the life review,
empathic death experiences
• Consistent with Einstein’s ‘spooky action at
a distance’ now known as ‘quantum
• THE GOLDEN RULE - Treat others as you’d
wish to be treated yourself
• Love and compassion extended to others
• Live in the moment
• Professor Kenneth Ring’s work
• Increased altruism in NDErs
• Increased positive emotions, IgA, oxytocin
• Greater planetary awareness – eco
friendly behaviour, global sustainability
• Advancement in our evolution – Darwin
believed we evolved due to ability to
cooperate and empathise
Christine Stewart
• 11 years old
• Knocked over by a car
• Had an NDE that has given her strength
throughout her life
Quote from Christine Stewart
“My belief is that if everyone had a NDE
there would never be another war, no-one
would starve or be the victim of violence
and greed would become a thing of the
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