Lions Pride - Notre Dame Elementary School


Lions Pride - Notre Dame Elementary School
Notre Dame Elementary School
Preschool ~ 8th Grade
Lions Pride
2015-2016 Back-To-School Newsletter
Nurturing Dreams, Excellence and Success
13000 Auburn Road, Chardon, Ohio 44024 ~ Main Office 440.279.1127
Elementary Admissions, Josephine Ambrose 440.279.1129 ~ Preschool, Freddie Lelko 440.286.7101 x5920
President’s Message
Dear Parents,
Honesty is always a good starting place
so that is my starting point in my first
letter to you. Change is often a catalyst
for growth, exploration and imagining.
On the other hand, change can be
unnerving and cause a little dis-ease.
Sometimes change is in the forefront
and, then again, it can slip through our
fingertips unnoticed.
This past July 1, 2015 a new Notre
Dame Schools Board of Directors began its oversight of governance
for Notre Dame Elementary and Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin Schools.
For over a year, a task force has judiciously addressed this change.
Mrs. Doering worked closely with the task force in thinking through
and executing the governance changes.
Along with the Board and as the only hire of the Board, I will have
the joy and responsibility to serve Notre Dame Schools (NDES/
NDCL) as president. Mrs. Doering will continue to serve you and your
children as principal.
Both NDES and NDCL remain separate schools. The 25 member
Board will use their skills and talents to uncover new potential
for sustaining, strengthening and strategically directing the
implementation and living out of the educational vision and principles
of the Sisters of Notre Dame. This vision is at the heart of Notre
Dame Elementary School’s mission. All of us seek to have it impact
the lives of your precious and loved children and the culture of NDES.
Since NDES is a school sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame, we
commit ourselves to educate in this vision. We commit ourselves to
giving visibility to our Catholic identity. And most of all we promise
you the continued nurturing of dreams, excellence and success. The
track record is self-evident as a Blue Ribbon School!
May this new governance change, the Notre Dame Schools Board of
Directors, be a stimulus for exploration, expansion and envisioning
now and into the future.
Notre Dame Schools
Board of Directors
Lynne Ernes, Chair
Frank Cappello
Jennifer Cavolo
Matthew Dailey
Deborah Feller
Daniel Garey
Roger Gingerich
Sr. Jacquelyn Gusdane, SND
Jill Harmat
John Herubin
James Heslop
Douglas Hogan
Kelly Keefe
Maureen Lynn
Linda McHugh
Daniel Mullinger
Sr. Mary Frances Murray, SND
Joseph Nista
Janet Poponick
Terry Searles
Michael Smith
Joseph Williams IV
William Zehe
Sr. Carol Ziegler, SND
One Heart
One Mission
One Campus
With gratitude and prayer,
Jacquelyn Gusdane, SND
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 2
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents,
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one
another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
~John 13:34-35
Hopefully summer has been a time to relax, enjoy time with family and friends and capture many
special memories with your children. Our school theme this year is “Christ for One Another”. The
theme came to us through a very special email that we received at the beginning of summer. After
the email, someone shared with us how Christ comes to us through the Eucharist and in our daily
lives ~ we just have to be open to His presence ~ which is often through others. Throughout the
year we will share Christ’s love and be living witnesses to His message as He shines through our
lives, words and actions.
We officially welcome and congratulate Sr. Jacquelyn Gusdane as the President of both NDES and
NDCL. It will be a pleasure to work closely with Sr. Jacquelyn and NDCL as we continue to work for
Table of contents
President’s Message ~ 2
Principal’s Message ~3
Calendar-at-a Glance ~ 4
Back to School Information ~5
Survey Results ~6
Fundraising ~ 7
NDPA Board ~ 8
Become a Joint Sponsor ~ 9
CYO Sports ~ 10
What’s New ~ 11
Reminders ~ 12
Lunch Program ~ 13
Uniform Policies ~ 14-15
School Supply List ~ 16-17
NDES After School Clubs ~ 18
National Blue Ribbon of
Excellence ~ 19
We Remember ~ 20
Catholic Identity ~ 21
Academic Excellence ~ 22
Academic Competitions ~ 23-24
State- of- the- Art Technology ~ 25
Hands-On Programs ~ 26
Collaboration ~ 27
Field Experiences ~ 28
Thank You to our Donors, and
Volunteers ~29-31
SND Chicken BBQ ~ 32
Congratulations are also extended to Nikki Koplow and her husband Eric Bukovec who had a
beautiful wedding celebration in June. Miss Koplow is now officially Mrs. Nikki Bukovec. Julie
Amantea is also moving from first grade to second grade for the upcoming school year. Kathy Biro,
who was the first grade teacher assistant last year, is our new 1st grade teacher. Lindsay Montague,
who served as a part-time preschool teacher assistant, will be joining our preschool teaching staff.
Best of wishes are extended to Mrs. Vicky Joslin, Miss Leslie Bell, Mr. Jack Radicelli, Mrs. Allison
Lowe, Mrs. Sarah Keller, Mrs. Sarah Peshek, Chiu-Yi Lin and Mr. John Kelleher who will not be
returning as regular staff members in the 2015 - 2016 school year. We thank them for all their
wonderful contributions and many years of service. May their future endeavors bring them many
blessings and much happiness.
It is with great pleasure that we welcome the following teachers and staff members to Notre Dame
Cathy Zink ~ Sixth Grade Homeroom & Math Teacher
Casie Long ~ Sixth Grade Homeroom & Science and Social Studies Teacher
Wendi O’Brien ~ 8th Grade Homeroom & Junior High Math Teacher
Mery Tomsick ~ Music Teacher
Kayla O’Brien ~ Physical Education Teacher
Susan Hayward ~ Librarian
Maria Injic ~ Director of Finance
Martie Hays ~ Kindergarten Teacher Assistant
Emily Savron ~ First Grade Teacher Assistant
Stacey Modarelli ~ Second Grade Teacher Assistant
Melissa Capretta ~ Preschool Teacher Assistant
Their strong commitment to excellence, knowledge of best practices, skills and enthusiasm will be
a true asset to our school community. They will strive to work in close collaboration with the staff
and parents as they challenge, set high expectations and meet individual needs that will lead to
student success.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Orientation Day on Monday, August 24th from 8:0010:00am. Wishing your family many blessings and the beauty of these wonderful summer days!
Christ for
One Another
Yours in Education,
Barbara Doering
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 3
Calendar changes are updated on our google based master calendar at
You can subscribe to the google calendar and be updated automatically.
2 - Principal for the Day
20 - New Family Wine and Dessert Night 1 - No Classes - Christmas Holidays
24 - Orientation Day 8am-10am
25 - First Day of Classes for Grades 1-8
(Kindergarten students will follow their schedule)
27 - Prayer Service 8:20am
31 - All Kindergarten students half-day
1 - Back-To-School-Night
(Grades K-8; 6:30-8:30pm)
1 - All Kindergarten students half-day
2 – 3 All Kindergarten full day
4 - No Classes – Geauga Fair Day
7 - No Classes – Labor Day
10 - Liturgy 8:30am
11 - Picture Day
25 - Mid-Quarter
2 - Liturgy 8:30am
3 - Pet Blessing 10:00am
10 - Night at the Races
16 - Doughnuts with Dad
15 - Grandparents Day K-4
23 - No Classes; Teacher In-service
23 - End of First Quarter
6 - Liturgy 8:30am
10-11 - Parent Conferences
12, 13 & 16 - No Classes
Teacher In-service Day
17-19 - Book Fair
24 - Prayer Service 1:45
25-27 - No Classes –
Thanksgiving Holidays December
1 - Advent Prayer Service 8:20am
3 - Christmas Luncheon
4 - St. Nick Visit
4 - Mid-Quarter
8 - Liturgy 8:30am
9 - Christmas Boutique
15 - Christmas Program 1:00 & 7:00pm
17 - Band Concert 1:00 & 7:00pm
18 - Prayer Service 1:45pm
Christmas Caroling
21-31 - No Classes Christmas Holidays
4 - Classes Resume
15 - End of Second Quarter
15 - Prayer Service 2:00pm
18 - No Classes –
Martin Luther King Day
20 - Walkathon Pep Rally 8:15am
27 – Science Fair
31 – Family Liturgy 11:00am
31 - Open House 12:00pm - 2:30pm
3 – Teacher Appreciation Day
4 – Student Appreciation Day
5 - Liturgy 8:30am
5 - Family Pizza Bingo Night 6:00pm
10 - Ash Wednesday Liturgy 8:30am
15 - No Classes - Presidents’ Day
18 - Stations of the Cross 1:45pm
19 - Mid-Quarter
24 – Lenten Prayer Service 8:20am
3 - Preschool Poetry Recital 7:00pm
8 - Reconciliation 1:00pm (Grades 3-5)
13 - Mother/Son Bowling
15 - Reconciliation 1:00pm (Grades 6-8)
15-17- Book Fair
23 – Holy week Prayer Service 8:20am
24 - No Classes - Holy Thursday
25 - No Classes - Good Friday
28-31 - No Classes - Easter Holidays
18 - End of Third Quarter
5 - Dance Recital 7:00pm
6 - May Crowning; Volunteer Breakfast
9 -13 - Career Week K-8 8:00am-2:00pm
15 - First Communion 2:00pm
16 - Walkathon/Notre Dame Day
18 - Band Concert at St. Helen’s
19 - Band Concert – NDES
1:00 & 7:00pm
25 - Spring Program 1:00 & 7:00pm
26 - Talent Show
27 - Closing School Mass 8:30am
30 - No Classes - Memorial Day
31 - 8th Grade Graduation
Calendar at- a- Glance
Planning Ahead
2 - Last Day of Classes Awards Prayer Service 1:45pm
End of the Fourth Quarter
3 - Teacher Day
10 - Report Cards Mailed
*If we are required to make up snow
days additional classes will begin
June 3rd.
4 - Classes Resume
8 - Liturgy 8:30am
15 - No Classes - Teacher In-service Day
8 - Drama Club Production 7:00pm
9 - Drama Club Production 3:30pm
10 - Drama Club Production 3:30pm
20 - NDES Learning Fair/Young Authors
21-22 - Kindergarten Screening
24 - Father/Daughter Dance
25 - 2nd Grade Jesus Day/Bread Day
29 - Mid-Quarter
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 4
New Family Orientation
Thursday, August 20, 2015 @ 6:00pm
Notre Dame Provincial Center Auditorium
Any questions or concerns will be answered.
It is our hope that this orientation will help to make the new school year an easy transition.
We are looking forward to a great year with your children!
Wine & Dessert Celebration
immediately following the orientation in the NDEC Auditorium.
This reception is for adults only.
Sr. Jacquelyn Gusdane, SND, President
Barbara Doering, Principal ~ Jenny Massiello, Assistant Principal
Josephine Ambrose, Admissions Director
Back-to-School Important Dates
August 24th:
Orientation Day @ 8:00 - 10:00 am
Meet the teachers
Purchase school supplies & gym clothes
Organize your purchased school supplies in your desk or locker
Pick up text books and workbooks to be covered
Pick up Orientation Day folder with important forms
August 25th:
First Day of Classes for Grades 1-8 @ 7:55am - 2:40pm
August 31st: Half Day for all Kindergarten Students
September 1st:
Back-to-School Night Grades K-8 @ 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Half Day for all Kindergarten Students
September 3rd: All Back-to-School Forms Due
September 4th: No Classes - Geauga Fair Day
September 7th: No Classes - Labor Day
September 11th: Picture Day
September 20th: SND Chicken BBQ
September 27th: SND Chicken BBQ
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 5
Back-To-School Important Dates
Welcome Back -to - School
Survey Results
Thank you for participating in our survey. NDES conducted a survey this past
summer to evaluate different events, things we do well and things we need to
improve. Out of 325 families, 130 or 40% of our families participated.
All of our NDPA events received at least a 70% or better approval rating.
Each year NDPA and NDES evaluate the success of each fundraiser based on
profitability, attendance and volunteerism. We realize fundraiser trends can
change over the years. At our NDPA meetings, many families often share different
fundraising ideas. Last year, we held the Annual Auction and Casino Night. Based on
surveys, people generally liked the event, location and items auctioned but
results also indicated that the Live Auction and Casino Night were difficult to have
on the same evening. Other people expressed having a Reverse Raffle or even
changing it up completely and having a family friendly 5K Run as an option. Either
event would be inviting to the NDES community and other guests.
Survey Results
Christ for One Another
All fundraisers received at least a 70% or better approval rating, with the favorite
fundraiser being the NDES Day/Walkathon and the least favorite, this year’s Annual
Auction Casino Night.
Also, we took a look at possible new fundraisers. The survey showed that when
polled between a 5K and an annual evening event, our families still prefer an adult
friendly evening event. Therefore, we will host a NDES Annual Benefit.
We are open to many options, but need volunteers to steer this event. Please
consider being part of this committee.
NDES Annual Benefit vs. 5K
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 6
Notre Dame Elementary School is grateful for the gifts and community of
parents, staff, trustees, grandparents, alumni and friends. Your contributions and
participation in our fundraisers are essential to our programs and keep our school
thriving year after year!
We rely on your gifts to provide the critical resources needed to cover the true
cost of running our school. Tuition and fees provide most of our revenue, but a
percentage of our operational income is needed from fundraising and your taxdeductible gifts.
Annual Auction &
Casino Night
NDES Fundraising Profit
50/50 NDES Raffle
Christmas Luncheon
Fundraising Profit
NDES Operating Expenses
Together with the strong partnership
of the Notre Dame Parent Association,
Notre Dame Elementary School raised
$151,961.00. These funds will make
a significant impact on our students
throughout this school year. Every dollar
raised will touch each child and will help
continue the legacy of our engaging and
enriching programs that make Notre
Dame Elementary truly exceptional.
Technology Upgrades
& Maintenance
$ 20,000
Laptop/iPad/Printer Maintenance
Whiteboard installation
2 - 3D Printers
Your contributions enrich each
child’s experience on a daily basis
by supporting general operations, by
funding classroom enhancements,
technology advancement, professional
development and NDPA sponsored
events. Your generosity continues to
foster school spirt and support our NDES
Bullies to Buddies
Grade Level Enrichment
$ 48,000
Surface Tablets and Cart
Picnic Tables
Staff Development &
Technical Support $ 20,000
Enrichment Programs $ 20,211
Field Trips
Teacher Startup/Gifts $
NDPA Events
$ 23,000
See NDPA Events Listing
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 7
Investing in Tomorrow
NDPA Meeting Dates
All meetings are held
at 7 pm at the school.
Everyone is welcome to attend!!
11/5/2015, 1/7/2016
2/4/2016, 3/10/2016
4/7/2016, 5/12/2016
NDPA Board
2015 - 2016
Marie Szczyglowski
Erin Gaugler
Barbara Williams
Lisa Callahan
Parent Representatives:
Lynn Barras, Melissa Capretta
Amy Cardillo, Tina Corkwell
Martie Hays, Lisa Jackson
Gina LoCoco, Christine Mahoney
Jackie Moskal, Lisa Weisend
Laura Zucker
Parent Rep Preschool:
Jessica Bauer, Rachel Casteel
Kim Dixon, Melissa O’Brien
Box Top Labels:
Campbell Soup:
Directory Room Parent:
Sunshine Jane Yano
Jamie Putinski
Julie Oppenlander
Jen Creech
Martie Hays
NDPA Dues and Classroom Fees
Dear Parents,
Welcome back! We hope you are enjoying your summer. It always goes so fast.
The Notre Dame Parent Association (NDPA) has many fun activities planned for
the 2015-2016 school year, which will benefit every child from Preschool through
8th Grade. A Volunteer Signup Form for the NDPA events and fundraisers will be
available in your Orientation Day folder. You will also find a list of Board Members,
NDPA meeting schedule and a schedule of NDPA 2015-2016 events and positions.
“Friend”raiser Events:
There are many different types of fun events sponsored by the NDPA. We offer
activities for the children and their families throughout the school year that foster
school spirit.
Date 2015 - 2016 NDPA Events
20 -Aug
New Family Wine & Dessert
Amy Cardillo
28 -Aug
Back to School Treat
Denise Frindt
Family Roller Skating Party
Tina McGraw
16 -Oct
Donuts with Dads
Wendy Satterlee
Fall Jr. High Dance
10-11 Nov
Teacher Conference Dinners
Erin Gaugler
4 -DecSt. Nick TreatOpen
9 -Dec
Christmas Boutique
Halle Worley
NDES Open House
Marie Szczyglowski
Erin Gaugler
3 -FebTeacher AppreciationOpen
4 -Feb
Student Appreciation
Lisa Callahan
5 -Feb
Family Pizza Bingo
Gina LoCoco
13-MarMother/Son BowlingLisa Jackson
Morning with Mom
Tim Atkinson
21-22 Apr
Kindergarten Screening
Theresa Bhanoo
24 - Apr
Father/Daughter Dance
Barbara Williams
Spring Jr. High Dance
1st Communion Reception
Eighth Grade Graduation
Michelle Mulchin
Notre Dame Parents’ Association
Partnership with Parents
As partners with NDES, the NDPA helps support, plan and raise money for the
NDES fundraisers. All of our fundraisers help support our school programs. Your
help is crucial to the success of our fundraisers. NDES has five fundraisers.
Beginning of School Year - NDES 50/50 Raffle Tickets
December 3, 2015 - NDES 30th Annual Christmas Luncheon
Feb/March - NDES Annual Benefit
May 16, 2015 - Walkathon
You can participate in all of the above by becoming a Joint Sponsor.
NDPA will be collecting NDPA Dues and
We look forward to a great year together! Should you ever have questions or
Classroom fees. This form and website
link can be found in your Orientation Day comments, please contact us in person, by letter, e-mail or attend a monthly NDPA
folder. They will cover the following costs: meeting. All are encouraged to attend.
NDPA Dues $25/family
~ NDPA activities and Directory
Marie Szczyglowski and Erin Gaugler
Classroom Fees $20/student
~ Classroom parties and teacher gift.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 8
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 9
Become a Joint Sponsor
Pay once and participate in all fundraisers
CYO Sports’
Meeting Dates
All meetings are held at the school
2nd Wednesday on the following
months at 6:30pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend!!
8/12/2015, 9/9/2015
10/14/2015, 11/11/2015
3/9/2016, 5/11/2016
Notre Dame Elementary School participates in the CYO Sports Program for
baseball, basketball, cheerleading, cross country, fastpitch softball,
football, track, volleyball, and wrestling. Students in grades 3 through 8
may participate in the CYO Sports Program.
All Season
Commissioner: Laylah Loiczly
1 - Girls Cheerleading Squad
CYO Sports
2015 -2016
Girls’ Teams
1 - 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Grade
Don Kruschke
Commissioner: Alex Massiello
1 - 5th - 8th Grade Boys’ Team
Vice President
Tim DeJohn
Ed Hren
NDES Administrative Appointee
Jennifer Massiello
Athletic Director
Kevin Coates
Board Members:
Dave Corwin
Mike Dixon
Christine Hoyt
Matt Hanna
Laylah Loiczly
Melanie Vitale
Mark Zakrajsek
NDES Sports
Board Fundraiser
Winter Season
Commissioner: Mike Stefanek
Boys’ Teams
1 - 3rd Grade; 3 - 4th Grade; 2 - 5th
2 - 6th Grade; 3 - 7th Grade; 3 - 8th
CYO Sports
Developing our Minds and Bodies
Fall Season
Cross Country Commissioner:
Chris Rulison
1 - 3rd - 8th Grade Cross Country
Football - The Geauga Lions
Commissioner: Vic Peroni
1 - 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Grade
Commissioner: Stacey Murray
1 - 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, 8th Grade
Spring Season
Commissioner: Mark Zakrajsek
Boys’ Baseball
1 - 3rd, 4th/5th, 6th/7th and 8th
Grade Boys’ Team
Girls’ Fastpitch Softball
1 - 6th/7th/8th Grade Girls’ Team
Track Season
Commissioner: Chris Rulison
1 - 3rd - 8th Grade Team
Night at the Races
October 10, 2015
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 10
Teacher Conferences & OCEA Convention
This year the OCEA (Ohio Catholic Education
Association) Convention is being held in Cleveland on
Thursday, November 12th and Friday, November 13th.
All our teachers will be attending the conference.
For that reason, parent-teacher conferences will be
held on Tuesday, November 10th and Wednesday,
November 11th. School will be closed on Thursday,
November 12th; Friday, November 13th and Monday,
November 16th. The OCEA Convention will be a
wonderful opportunity for professional development
for our teachers.
Computer System and Website Upgrades
NDES is continuously improving and refining
communications between home and school. With
the installation of Rediker, a new school software
suite and website upgrades, Notre Dame Elementary
School is implementing an effective school
communication solution. With these improvements,
NDES will be able to modernize the day to day
administration operations allowing teachers and
administrators to engage with parents in a secure
environment. This will pave the way for our transition
to paperless forms.
Website and News and Notes
In the past, the paper/online News and Notes
(Wednesday Folder) was the primary source
of information to families with the website and
social media being secondary. We are changing
this concept and making the website the primary
information source. The News and Notes will still be
used but as a secondary source to support, alert and
route people to changes on the website.
The updated NDES website will be available at the
beginning of the school year. This website will
be your guide for all NDES information. Our goal is
to keep a visible calendar on the home page with
relevant information at your fingertips.
Online Form Transition
Over the course of the year, NDES will be transitioning
to paperless forms and e-commerce for all
registrations and responses. We are exploring
different options this year and have begun the
process on some items. Our goal is to be completely
paperless by school year 2016-2017.
Summer Solutions
At the end of the school year, each student received
a Math Summer Solutions workbook. This program is
designed to help students retain and gain fluency of
the skills they have been working all year to master.
This summer-long practice is essential to continued
success and progression upon the return to school in
August and will serve as your child’s first math grade
for the year. Listed below are the steps for completing
the lessons. Thank you in advance for your support in
your child’s success!
Steps for Competing Each Lesson
Independently, the student should complete each question by showing all work in the given space. If he/she needs more room, please feel free to use notebook paper labeled with the lesson number.
Help pages are available in the back of the book for reference and can/should be used as needed.
Parents are asked to check the lesson upon completion, marking questions that have been completed incorrectly.
Using a clean sheet of notebook paper labeled with the heading Corrections Lesson #, students should correct the problems that were answered incorrectly. If the student is unable to identify his/her mistake, he/she can ask for assistance to make the corrections.
Staple the corrections to the answer page of the lesson in the Summer Solutions book.
*Note: A number of lessons (to be determined by the
grade level teachers) will be collected and scored for the
first grade of the school year. Teachers will be looking both
at the original lesson and the corrections in considering the
score of each activity.*
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter What’s New ~ OCEA ~Technology Upgrades ~ Summer Solutions
Pathways to Improvement
Page 11
Electronic Devices
No electronic devices will be permitted at school.
This includes electronic hand held games. Many new
electronics come equipped with cameras and internet
access and cannot be used at school. Cell phones
must be off and kept in the students’ book bags at
all times. If a student’s phone is confiscated, it will
be held in the office until a parent can pick it up and
the student will receive an automatic detention.
Food Allergies/Dietary Restrictions
Many of our students (across all grade levels) have
food allergies and/or dietary restrictions. We strive
to do our best each and every day to keep all our
children safe. All classrooms will be nut free. A
detailed list of safe snacks and treats will be sent
home in the Orientation Day folder.
Back-To-School Night
Back-To-School Night will be held on Tuesday, September 1st from 6:30-8:30pm for all grade levels in
the NDEC Auditorium. This is a required meeting for
parents to attend. Important information about our
school programs and policies will be reviewed at the
meeting. The Parent Association and Sports Board
will share overviews of their organizations and offer
various ways parents can get involved and make
a difference in our school community. Classroom
teachers will have two information sessions during
the evening to highlight their programs, review their
classroom policies and to give parents an opportunity
to ask questions. If possible, families with more than
two children should have both parents attend so they
can visit all their children’s classrooms. Teachers will
be available after the classroom sessions to meet
parents that may not have children in their homerooms. If for some reason you cannot attend, please
contact the school office.
Tuition Reimbursement Incentive Plan
The first T.R.I.P. turn-in day is on Wednesday,
August 26th. The pick-up will be the following
week on Wednesday, September 2nd. We hope you
take advantage of this wonderful tuition incentive
School Policies 2015-2016
All school policies will be covered in the 2015-2016
Parent ~ Student Handbook, which will be distributed
in the Orientation Day folder.
Before Care and Extended Day
We are happy to provide Before Care and Extended
Day. Students may be dropped off in the morning
beginning at 6:30am. The fees for both Before Care
and Extended Day are being raised this year for the
first time in over fifteen years. Our goal is to provide
the best care for your children possible. The cost of
Before Care is $4.00 for students dropped off before 7:00am and $2.00 for students dropped off at
7:00am or later. Doors will be unlocked for regular
student drop off beginning at 7:25am. At 7:30am all
students will proceed to their homerooms to begin
their regular school day. The fee for Extended Day
will be $4.00 per hour. Registration will remain at
$30 per student or $75 per family. Registration
forms for both Before Care and Extended Day will
be available in the Orientation Day folder and on the
NDES website.
Updates & Reminders
Family Vacations
Family vacations are such a special and important
time. We do ask that you try your best to plan your
family vacations around our school calendar. It’s
very difficult for children to do their best in school
when they aren’t present in class. So much is
missed in even one day. Please refer to the Parent
~ Student Handbook for guidelines and policies that
pertain to student absences due to vacations.
Unfortunately, Miss Chiu-Yi Lin resigned from her position as the Chinese teacher at NDES and NDCL this
past week. Although the position was posted, after
reviewing several applicants, Mr. Waler and I have
decided to cancel the Chinese program. It would be
very difficult to find a quality Chinese teacher before
the beginning of the school year. All NDES students
will be taking Spanish in 2015-2016.
Recess/Lunch/Extended Day
Paid positions are available. Please contact the
school office if you are interested.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 12
Aladdin Food Management would like to welcome you back for the new school year.
We encourage everyone to view the Aladdin website –
Lunch service will be available on the first day of school, August 25, 2015.
The menu will meet the guidelines of the Diocese of Cleveland, the Ohio Department of Education and the
USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans. All of our ingredients and recipes have been added into NutriKids, a
nutrient analysis computer program, which allows us to analyze our planned menus. The weekly average will
be located on the menu at the end of each week. In addition, each monthly menu will be submitted to be
reviewed by an Aladdin registered dietitian (RD), licensed in the state of Ohio, prior to implementation and
earn the RDLD symbol when it is approved.
Lunch Program - Aladdin
Healthy Nutrition
The menu will be posted on the NDES school website and will be sent home monthly. Menu items will be
offered in a combo style meal, which includes an entrée, two sides, one of which is a vegetable and milk
for $3.70. Additional menu items can be purchased on an a la carte basis if the student chooses. These
additional menu items will include a freshly made salad and fresh fruit selection daily.
Point of Sale System.
Aladdin has a Point of Sale System (POS) for added convenience and benefit to all students and parents.
Every student will be assigned an account on the system to establish a convenient pre-pay method for service.
However, cash may still be used for purchases in the dining hall.
How it
An account is established for each student which includes an identification card with a bar code.
Funds may be deposited into this account by mailing or sending in a check (payable to Aladdin Food Management Services), by credit card via a secure online website or by making a cash payment in the school office or cafeteria during regular business hours.
As the student purchases food in the cafeteria, the account is reduced by the amount of the sale.
Dining service account funds may only be used in the cafeteria. Use of these funds is protected by both photo and name identification.
Negative balances will not be permitted. You can sign up for low balance email alerts when you create a new account on or when logged into an existing one. Negative balance reminders will be sent by e-mail or in the weekly Wednesday folder.
Please visit to register and to make the direct payments.
We look forward to the 2015-2016 school year!
Any questions or concerns regarding the lunch program can be directed to my email or by phone
Emily M. Heacox
Director of Food Operations NDES/NDCL or 440.279.1058
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 13
Regular Uniform
Notre Dame Elementary School requires the students
to wear uniforms. Students are expected to be neatly
dressed and in proper uniform. Random weekly
uniform checks will be held throughout the school
Girls Grades K-3
NDES plaid jumper, navy blue slacks or NDES plaid or navy shorts from Schoolbelles.
Uniform skirt may not be more than 2 inches above the knee.
Uniform jumper/skort lengths may not be more than 2 inches above the knee.
Socks must cover the ankle
No sport socks or socks with logos
Crew socks, knee high, bobby socks or tights are permitted
Solid colored socks/tights: Navy blue, black, forest green or white
Leggings/tights with matching colored socks, anklets or knee hi socks of the same colors
Yoga pants are not permitted as part of the school uniform. They may be worn on dress down days with a dress, skirt or long tunic (2 inches above the knee.
Uniform Policy
Uniform Policies
Uniform Shorts:
Girls Grades 4-8:
Schoolbelles uniform shorts may be worn ~~
NDES plaid skirt, skort, kilt or kick-pleated August – October 31st and April – June.
skirt of appropriate length (2 inches above the ~~
Jr. High students may wear traditional beige knee or longer), navy blue slacks or NDES uniform shorts without cargo pockets, pockets plaid, or navy shorts
down the sides or brads of any type on them.
Navy blue vest purchased from Schoolbelles
Uniform skirt lenghts may not be more than 2 Shoes:
inches above the knee.
Style: closed toe and closed heel
Colors: solid navy, black, tan, cordovan or Girls Blouses Grades K-8:
brown. Shoes with a contrast in the ~~
Style: long or short sleeved solid Peter Pan, same color family ~ for example: black tailored button down collar, turtleneck, or polo with grey, or brown with tan are acceptable.
Two color shoes are not permitted with the ~~
Colors: white, pastel blue or pastel yellow
exception of traditional saddle shoes.
Vests are required with all shirts except ~~
“Sperry” shoes may be worn as school polo shirts as long as appropriate attire is shoes, if they are in the same color family worn underneath.
as listed above. The contrast must be ~~
Blouses must be tucked in.
solid with no print in the same color family ~ for example: black with grey, or brown with Boys Grades K-8:
Navy blue dress pants, navy blue corduroy ~~
Canvas shoes such as Keds, Toms or Vans may pants or navy shorts purchased from be worn with shorts but not with school Schoolbelles.
uniform skirts, jumpers or pants. The same color policy applies.
Boys Shirts Grades K-8:
Heels may not exceed 11/2 inches.
Style: Long or short sleeved polo, button- ~~
Gold, silver flashy, sparkly shoes are not down dress shirts or white turtlenecks
Colors: white, pastel blue & pastel yellow
Traditional-style, non high/mid tops white, ~~
Dress shirts require a tie
navy or black tennis shoes or any combination of these colors, may be worn Boys Grades 7-8: Junior High Only
with NDES uniform shorts and with the NDES ~~
Traditional beige pants
gym warm-up uniform
Style: Traditional, no pockets down the sides ~~
Tennis shoes worn to school may not be the or any brads on them.
same shoes worn for gym class. Shoes for ~~
Polo shirts or button down dress shirts (see gym class are to be kept at NDES.
above) may be worn with the khaki pants.
Make up/Jewelry/Accessories
Acceptable beige pants can be purchased at Schoolbelles, Sears, Lands End or JCPenney.
No make-up may be worn as part of the uniform.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 14
Dress Uniform
Outdoor Attire
Students should be prepared for outside recess
at all times. Students have outdoor recess if the
temperature is 22 degrees or above.
Girls K-8: Dress Uniform
Spiritwear Days
Clothing for Spiritwear Days consists of any
appropriate NDES Spiritwear t-shirt or sweatshirt
with jeans, sweatpants or shorts. If shorts are
worn, they must be at least fingertip length.
Running-type shorts and pajama pants are not
All students are required to wear dress uniforms
on Mass days or other special days that may be
announced throughout the year. Specific details will
be in the handbook.
Grades (K-3) NDES plaid jumper with a blouse or oxford shirt (K-3).
Grades 4-8, NDES plaid skirt with a blouse or oxford shirt and vest.
Girls may not wear pants or shorts on dress uniform days.
Boys K-8: Dress Uniform
Uniform Policy
Dress for Success
Grades K-6 dress uniform consists of wearing navy school pants with a short or long sleeved polo shirt or dress shirt .
Dress Down Days
Birthdays are considered “Out of Uniform
Days.” Clothing for out of uniform days must be
Grades 7 and 8 are required to wear a dress appropriate for a Catholic school environment.
shirt (see previous page) and tie with khaki or Tops with suggestive or offensive language and/
navy pants. Boys may not wear shorts on or pictures are unacceptable. Tanks, tiny tees,
dress uniform days.
spaghetti straps, sheer tops, bare midriff are
not permitted. Tops/t-shirts are not to be tied
Gym Uniform Policy Grades K-8:
or rubber-banded. Camouflage attire, oversized
The physical education uniform consists of a gold
pants, miniskirts, short dresses or skirts are not
Notre Dame tee shirt (purchased at school) and solid
appropriate. Tight fitting clothing of any kind are
navy shorts with the ND logo (purchased at school).
not permitted.
All students who purchased the warm-up suits may
wear them to school on their gym days. They should
wear their gym shorts and t-shirt under the warmup suits. On warm days, the students only need to
wear their gym warm-up pants with their gym shirts
and shorts when they arrive in the morning. The
students will be permitted to take off their warm-up
suits on warm days. Tennis shoes may be worn with
the warm-up suits. Students that did not purchase
gym warm-up suits will change before and after gym
class. Gym warm-up suits may not be worn to school
on dress uniform days. All students are required to
change for gym on dress uniform days.
If the students choose to wear leggings/yoga
pants they must have a skirt/shirt worn over
them that is no more than 2 inches above the
knee. If shorts are worn, they must be at
least fingertip length. Running shorts are not
If a student comes dressed inappropriately, the
student will be required to call home for a change
of clothes or given a uniform to wear for the day.
Gym Uniform Shoe Policy
All students are required to have a pair of non-marking tennis shoes at school that will be worn only for
gym class. The tennis shoes are to be traditional in
style and the color/colors of your choice. Shoes must
either have Velcro or laces that are fully laced and
tied. No light-up, high-top or mid-top tennis shoes
may be worn for gym class.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 15
pairs of headphones **
NDES pencil pouch*
laddie pencils with erasers*
pink erasers
thin highlighters
boxes of 24 count crayons
box of colored pencils
large glue sticks
pair of scissors
single subject notebook
2-pocket folders
blue 3-prong folder
dry erase marker
dry erase eraser
First Grade
1 pair headphones **
2 NDES pencil pouches*
6 laddie pencils with erasers *
2 pink erasers
1 box of crayons (24)
1 package of 8 count classic thin colored markers
1 package 8 count classic fat colored markers
3 large glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
8 2-pocket folders includes 1 for Spanish
1 of each addition/subtraction flash cards for
home use
1 drawstring bag for gym
1 wide rule notebook
2 highlighters
4 dry erase markers
clear contact paper for covering work books
Second Grade
1 pair headphones **
1 NDES pencil pouch*
4 laddie pencils with erasers*
1 homework assignment book*
1 box of #2 pencils
1 pink eraser
1 box of crayons (24)
1 box of colored pencils (12)
1 large glue stick
1 Elmer's glue (4 oz)
1 pair of small scissors
1 box thin markers
4 1 subject wide rule notebooks
6 2-pocket folders includes 1 for Spanish
1 drawstring bag for gym
2 dry erase markers
1 pack of highlighters
clear contact paper for covering work books
Third Grade
1 pair of headphones**
1 NDES pencil pouch*
1 homework assignment notebook*
6 #2 pencils
1 red pen
1 eraser
1 box of colored pencils (24)
1 box of markers
1 bottle of Elmers glue
2 large glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 metric/US ruler 12 inches not bendable
2 single subject notebooks
4 2-pocket folders
1 drawstring bag for gym
2 thin dry erase markers blue or black
2 packs 3x5 lined note cards
4 packs of post-it notes
1 composition notebook
1 highlighter
clear contact paper for covering work books
Freckle Juice by Judy Blume
School Supply List
Preparation is the Key to Success
Fourth Grade
1 pair of headphones**
1 NDES pencil pouch*
1 homework assignment notebook*
6 #2 pencils not mechanical
2 red pens - non retractable
1 pink eraser
1 yellow highlighter
1 large glue stick
1 pair of scissors
1 hard ruler (metric/U.S. - 12 in.)
1 single subject notebook
1 3-subject notebook
1 black Sharpie marker
2 thin dry erase markers
1 1" binder (no trapper keepers)
1 pkg. 8 pocket dividers for binder
2 pkg. wide ruler notebook paper
3 2-pocket folders
1 box of colored pencils (12)
1 pkg. of markers (thin 8-12)
1 drawstring bag for gym
1 pack index cards
1 pack post-it notes
clear contact paper for covering work books
Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 16
Fifth Grade
1 pair of headphones**
2 NDES pencil pouches*
1 homework assignment notebook*
4 #2 pencils
3 erasable pens not spring-loaded
3 red pens not spring-loaded
1 pink eraser
2 highlighters
2 large glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 12” ruler (metric and US)
5 single subject spiral notebooks includes 1 for Spanish
2 stenographer notebooks
1 composition notebook for STEM
1 1” binder (no trapper keepers)
1 pocket divider set for binder
2 packages of loose leaf paper (wide rule)
6 2-pocket folders
1 set of colored pencils (24, soft)
1 small hand held pencil sharpener
1 set of markers (thin)
1 drawstring bag for gym
2 packs of 3x5 index cards
1 box for index cards
clear contact paper for covering work books
Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Curtis
Sixth Grade
1 pair of headphones**
1 NDES pencil pouch*
1 homework assignment notebook*
4 #2 pencils
6 erasable pens – blue or black
2 red pens
1 large eraser
1 clear protractor
1 basic calculator
2 highlighters
2 large glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
12 inch ruler
6 single subject notebooks includes 1 for Spanish
2 - 1 1/2 inch binders
one to be used for science, the other for social studies)
1 - pack (8 dividers to be used for science and social studies)
1-2” binder with 5 dividers for math
loose leaf centimeter graph paper
2 composition notebooks 1 is for STEM
2 packs loose leaf paper – wide ruled
1 expandable file with 8 to 12 pockets
6 2-pocket folders
1 folder with 3 prongs
1 box of colored pencils (24)
1 box of thin markers
1 drawstring bag for gym
4 packs 3x5 lined white note cards
clear contact paper for covering work books
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
Seventh & Eighth Grade
1 pair of headphones**
1 NDES pencil pouch*
1 homework assignment book*
3 #2 pencils
1 package mechanical pencils
4 pens (blue or black)
2 red pens
1 protractor and/or 12” ruler
1 pack of loose math graph paper not notepad style (place
in math binder)
4 highlighters
1 large glue stick
1 white out (not yellow)
1 pair of scissors
3 1-subject spiral notebooks religion, health, foreign lang.
(please label)
4 1-1/2” binders for math, social studies, English, science
(please label)
1 pack of 5 tab dividers without pockets for math
2 packs of 8 tab dividers with pockets for science, social
studies, English
5 packs loose leaf paper--wide ruled for math, social studies, English, science (place in binders)
6 2-pocket folders with 3 prongs (for religion, health,
computer, art, music, foreign language)—please label each
on outside with your name and subject.
1 box colored pencils (at least 12 soft)
1 box thin markers (at least 12)
1 drawstring bag for gym
4 packs 3x5 index cards
1 dry erase marker & eraser
1 flash drive
1 composition notebook for STEM
scientific calculator for all non-algebra students
Supply List
Success is where preparation and opportunity meet!
****Please be well organized for the first day. Binder
checks will occur within first 2 weeks of school.
Please label the binders w/respective tabs:
Math: Label 5 tabs with no pockets: toolkit/notes; collaboration;
homework; assessments; graph & notebook paper
Label 8 tabs w/pocket: bellwork; grammar; figurative language; writing; reading; vocab/spelling; journal; SRA
Label 3 tabs: TBD at school
Social Studies:
Label 5 tabs: student news, pulp histories, projects, homework, test/quizzes.
7th grade: Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt
8th grade: The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
Note: English packet for both 7th & 8th grade to be completed for 1st day of school. Math work to be completed
for 1st day of school. **Both English and Math will be taken as 1st grades of the year. All students received packets
before summer break.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 17
Registration information will be in your Orientation Day folder
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter NDES After School Clubs
After School Activities for Everyone
NDES After School Clubs
Page 18
Notre Dame Elementary School was recognized as
a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
recipient by the United States Department of
Education. This is the highest national award that
a school can receive in our country. On November
10th and 11th, 2014, Arne Duncan, the United States
Secretary of Education, presented the Blue Ribbon
Award at a ceremony in Washington D.C.
Engagement in reading and writing across the
content areas, hands-on learning and tiered
instruction are essential aspects of the NDES
program. With a focus on critical thinking and
problem solving, students learn to communicate with
a depth of understanding. The school’s progressive
technology program is integrated into all subject
The National Blue Ribbon program honors “Exemplary
High Performing Schools,” using nationally normed
tests. To apply for the award, a school must perform
in the top 15% of the nation in both reading and
math. In addition to meeting the test requirements,
Notre Dame Elementary completed an extensive
application which summarized the school’s strengths
and accomplishments and demonstrated how the
school community works together to Nurture
Dreams, Excellence and Success. Notre Dame’s
application and the official announcement can be
viewed at:
Notre Dame’s community spirit can be attributed
to its committed partnership with the Board of
Directors, parents, staff and students, as well as its
deep relationship with the Sisters of Notre Dame.
Notre Dame’s dedication to respecting the dignity of
the human person is evident in its many outreach
programs. The school’s faith-based curriculum
encourages students to become productive,
responsible and exemplary members of society.
Notre Dame’s journey towards the Blue Ribbon began
several years ago. It has been a true team effort
with faculty, staff, parents and students striving for
continuous excellence, strong determination and
a passion to share our story. Rigorous academics,
leadership, spirituality, service, values and the
development of individual gifts and talents are what
truly define Notre Dame.
There are approximately 31,000 chartered private/
Catholic schools in our country. Each year, 0.1% or
less of those schools have an opportunity to apply for
and receive the Blue Ribbon Award. In 32 years, less
than 3% of all private/Catholic schools in our country
have received this prestigious award.
National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Shine Proudly!!!
Notre Dame always imagines possibilities and
opportunities. The school empowers students by
providing a strong foundation to pursue their dreams,
achieve academic excellence, realize their full
potential and succeed in making a positive difference
in today’s world. NDES is a part of something that is
truly amazing! We should all Shine Proudly!
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 19
We Remember...
Heal the past..Live the present...Dream the future
This past year, Notre Dame Elementary experienced a tremendous loss to its school community.
Mrs. Kathy McPhillips and Mrs. Christine Brinkman were incredible strong women who both made and impact
on the children’s lives at NDES.
“Impact Award” and the “Inspiration~Perseverance Award”
To honor both these teachers, we have established the “Impact Award” in honor of Mrs. McPhillips, which will
be given to an 8th grader at their graduation. To honor, Mrs. Brinkman we have established the
“Inspiration~Perseverance Award” to be given to a 7th grader at the end of the year Awards Assembly.
Our Lady’s Garden
Also, with the help of Mr. Gallagher, a beautiful garden for Mrs. McPhillips and Mrs. Brinkman is being created.
The garden will be called “Our Lady’s Garden” in honor of the Blessed Mother. Trees will be planted in the
garden in memory of both Mrs. Brinkman and Mrs. McPhillips. There will be beautiful flowers and a water
feature will also be added. The garden will take life this year and continue to grow and expand in the years
ahead. We envision a peaceful garden with picnic tables where classes can meet for their outdoor classes or
for some quiet time of reflection. Both Chris Brinkman and Kathy McPhillips would have loved it!
Donations will be accepted to help with the creation of the Our Lady’s Garden. To make a donation, please
make checks payable to to NDES in reference to Our Lady’s Garden. An online donation option will be
available by Orientation Day.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 20
Living the faith in the light of Jesus Christ, each
student becomes whole, mind, body and soul. Notre
Dame Elementary School students are encouraged
to learn about and live out their Catholic faith on a
daily basis. As part of our Catholic identity, NDES
students attend Mass each month and participate
in prayer services throughout the school year. In
addition, students particpate in spiritual retreats and
community service projects to help with their spiritual
Spiritual and Faith Formation
Monthly School Masses
Prayer Services
National Blue Ribbon Celebratory Mass with
Bishop Lennon
6th-8th Grade Spiritual Retreats hosted by Beacon
2nd Grade Bread Day and Jesus Day
Stations of the Cross
K - 5th Grade Level Retreats
CAtholic Identity
NDES..... A Campus that Cares
Community Service and Outreach Projects
As a school community, NDES supports many of the
following charities and causes throughout the year.
SND Missions
Colin Boland Memorial
Sam Szabo Foundation
Kick-It for Cancer
North Coast Community Homes
Geauga Hunger Center
Archbishop Lyke Schools - Preschool Easter Eggs
Coats for Kids
Breast Cancer
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
American Heart Association
Stockings for Soldiers
Legacy Project - Giving Tree
Geauga County Animal Rescue Village
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 21
NDES annually measures students’ progress through the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills.
The chart below illustrates the performance level of each NDES grade level in Math
and English Language Arts (ELA). In 2015, NDES continued to consistently score
above the 85th percentile.
The information received from the CogAT Scores and Iowa Tests of Basic Skills are
used to prepare curriculum and drive instruction.
NDES ELA Iowa Scores
Academic Excellence
Encouraging Excellence
Grade Level
NDES Math Iowa Scores
Grade Level
* The graphed scores are reported as percentiles for each grade level.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 22
Science Olympiad
Students in grades 6 – 8 had the opportunity to
participate in the Science Olympiad program at NDES.
Students met weekly with their coaches to prepare
for these events. Twenty-two students participated
in the St. Ignatius competition with twelve students
moving on to the regional competition.
Science Fair
Students from grades K – 8 had the opportunity to
participate in the NDES Science Fair. The Science
Fair is a natural extension of what occurs in the
classroom. It gives students the opportunity to apply
the scientific process to a question or problem that
they want to learn about. It is a required part of the
curriculum from grades 6 – 8 and optional for grades
K – 5. This year we had forty-five k-5th graders
participate and one hudred and ninety-four 6th – 8th
graders participate.
Science and Engineering Fairs
Twelve 7th and 8th graders were invited to go on to
the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair.
Four of those students went on to participate in the
Ohio Science Day at the University of Akron, three
of them receiving an Excellent rating. One student
received a Superior rating and was invited to move
on to the State Science Day at Ohio State University
in May. His science project, titled Bending Electrical
Time received a Merit Award from Ohio State
University and an Excellent Rating Award from the
Ohio Academy of Arts and Science.
Academic Competitions
Inspriring Success
Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers
of Mathematics 5th, 7th and 8th Grade
Twelve 7th and 8th graders and four 5th graders
from NDES participated in the GCCTM Tournament.
This tournament focuses on working together to
solve math problems. They prepared weekly with
their math teacher/coach for this competition. The
goal of the GCCTM Problem Solving Tournament is to
promote enthusiasm for math, challenge students in
an energizing setting and celebrate community-wide
achievements of these young mathemeticians.
Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl Competition
This past fall students participated in the Thinking
Cap Quiz Bowl Competition. The competition
consisted of 300 questions in the areas of science,
social studies, math, reading, sports and general
questions. Nine teams from Ohio, Illinois, Indiana
and Missouri competed in the competition. The NDES
team of fifteen 8th grade Challenge students came
in second place with a score of 90%. The 7th grade
team of eleven students placed 3rd in the competition
with an 87%.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 23
Destination Imagination
In March, fourteen 3rd & 4th grade
Challenge students participated in the
Destination Imagination Program at
Hiram College. The program focuses
on creativity, teamwork and problem
solving skills. Students met weekly
throughout the year to prepare for this
Shearer’s Potato Chip
In April, thirty-seven 4th and 5th grade
Challenge students participated in
the Shearer’s Potato Chip Invention
Competition. The students were asked
to reuse a Shearer’s potato chip bag or
bags and invent something with it that
would make life easier for someone or
something. Nine of the students were
semi-finalists and three were chosen as
finalists and were invited to lunch at the
Shearer’s facility and will be receiving a
cash award.
Poetry Contest from Creative
As a part of English class, sixth
grade students wrote poetry and
submitted their selections to Creative
Communications. Twenty-seven
students had their poetry published in
the yearly anthology.
Geography Bee
NDES students from 5th - 8th grade
participated in the Geography Bee.
The NDES Geography Bee winner was
invited to represent NDES at the state
level competition.
Scripps Spelling Bee
NDES students from 4th - 8th grade
participated in the NDES School Spelling
Bee. The winner represented NDES at
the Geauga County Catholic Spelling
Bee and went on to compete at the
Geauga County Spelling Bee and earned
2nd place.
Academic Competitions
Imagining Possibilities
Power of the Pen
Our 7th and 8th grade Power of the Pen
team competed in the District Regional
and State Tournaments. There were
approximately 90 writers for 7th grade
and approximately 90 writers for 8th
grade. Three students qualified for the
state competition. The 7th grade team
won a 1st place trophy at districts and a
3rd place trophy at regionals! Power of
the Pen awards a Sweepstakes Award
which is a combination of 7th and 8th
grade team scores. NDES won 4th
overall out of 30 schools.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 24
One Size Does Not Fit All
NDES believes each child is unique with different abilities, experiences
and learning styles. Regardless of their individual differences, students
are expected to master the same concepts, principles and skills set forth
by the Diocese of Cleveland. It is our job to help each student succeed
by identifying the differences and implementing different teaching
strategies that will reinforce the required curriculum.
A strong connection between the student and curriculum is crucial
for academic success. Our NDES teachers are essential in providing this link. Through the use of
traditional and progressive teaching methods, NDES integrates technology, programs, speakers, handson manipulatives, collaboration and culmination activities and field experiences to establish the learning
relationship between the student and curriculum.
Below are examples of how technology is integrated throughout the curriculum at NDES.
Seamlessly integrated across the curriculum, NDES
utilizes a multi-platform technology program.
Technology is a tool that augments the learning
Practice Math, Spelling and Phonics
Preschool - 3rd grade students practiced math
facts, spelling words, and phonics skills with iPads.
Because of technology, the role of the teacher
has adjusted from the “sage on the stage” to a
“guide on the side”. Teachers serve as facilitators
of learning as students create and explore with
technology. With technology, the possibilities
are endless. From preschool - 8th grade, iPads,
laptops, tablets and ActivBoards are as necessary
as pencils, pens, crayons, books and chalkboards.
At NDES, students use all available tools,
traditional and progressive, to research, design,
and problem solve.
Kindergarten-eighth grade students used iPads,
and laptops to take their Accelerated Reading
Each classroom is outfitted with a mutlimedia cart
and ActivBoard that integrates with iPads for an
engaging collaborative learning experience. Below
are examples of how technology was integrated
throughout the curriculum this year at NDES.
State of the Art Computer Technology
Students from Kindergarten - eighth grade not
only learned word processing and typing skills, but
learned how to create
movies, slideshow
graphic design skills,
and the logic of
computer coding and
Accelerated Reading Tests
State of the Art Technology
Integrating Technology Across Curriculum
Research Tools
Seventh grade students
used iPads as a research
tool while engaging in
the dissection of a cow
eyeball and earthworms.
Third grade students
used iPads to
research the history
of communication and
Create Three Dimensional Houses with
3-D Printers in STEM
Eighth grade students created three dimensional
houses with the 3-D Printer during their study
on architecture. Students learned how to use the
3-D software to design the interior and exterior
of a house while maintaining a budget for the
Create Young Author’s Books
Fifth grade students used laptops to write and
create their Young Author’s stories.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 25
Visualize Math Concepts with Math Manipulatives
Seventh and eighth grade math students solved equations with
algebra tiles and expression mats.
Fourth grade students learned the foundations of fractions using
fraction tiles.
Third grade students used number lines, arrays, skip counting and
pictures to reinforce multiplication and division concepts. 5th grade
students used base-10 blocks to discover operations with decimals.
Phonics with the Wilson Magnetic Boards
The first grade phonics students mastered short vowels and continued to explore a variety of blends using
the Wilson magnetic boards.
Day of Clay
Eighth grade students spent a day with clay in the art room building
a three dimensional piece of art. They used slabs of clay to mold
the clay into a pot, bowl or vase. To design their piece, they carved
special designs into the clay. Afterwards, the three dimensional piece
was fired and then glazed.
Pumpkin Patch
Each year three year old students plant seeds before summer break
and then harvest pumpkins as Pre-K students.
K - 8th Grade Bullies to Buddies Program
Students attended a four part anti-bullying program
that teaches students the skills to become assertive
and solve social issues independently.
Holocaust Speaker
As a part of the sixth grade English curriculum,
students studied the Holocaust through different
pieces of literature. Sol Factor, a professor of Jewish
studies at Kent State University, presented information
about the Holocaust to the sixth grade students.
Hands-On Programs & Speakers
Going Beyond the Basics
program designed for students in grades 6-8 using
the curricular materials developed by the National
Catholic Education Association and is endorsed
by Bishop Roger Gries who serves as the Spiritual
Advisor for the program.
Career Week
Over the course of a week, students in fourth - eighth
grade listened to speakers discuss their career choices
and explore over 23 different types of careers in the
areas of Engineering/Technology, Entrepreneurship/
Marketing, Medicine, Law and Government.
Choose Life Program
Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students participated
in the Choose Life Program, which teaches children
the importance of human beings at every stage of life.
This six week program is an innovative 100% Pro-Life
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 26
NDES integrates a holistic approach to learning
through cross curricular engagement. Students
collaborate together on various projects with various
resources in different subject areas. A quality
learning environment is fostered for students to
engage in interactive and collaborative activities.
These environments have been shown to contribute
to better learning outcomes, including development
of higher order thinking skills.
4th Grade Student Collaboration Project:
Descriptive Writing Lesson
Fourth grade ELA students participated in a
descriptive writing lesson. For this lesson, students
worked in groups of three. The first student in the
group created and designed a picture of a house, the
second student wrote a paper to describe the house
and the third student recreated a picture of the
house with technology by using the second student’s
description only. They then came together and
revealed their interesting results.
2nd Grade Culmination Project: Students
Research and Present Information about
Second grade students enjoyed researching
different types of jellyfish using their iPads. As part
of the reading curriculum, students went beyond
their standard text book reading lesson, Jellies
and researched facts about jellyfish. All students
then colored a jellyfish picture and arranged their
researched facts on the tentacles.
7th Grade Cross-Curricular Collaboration
Project:Social Studies, ELA, and Computer
The 7th grade created documentaries, using an
iMovie app on their iPads. They wrote a script,
organized their movie and recorded audio to link
to their pictures that they personally created using
Photoshop about the Roman Empire and Christianity.
Physical Education Introduces Tchoukball, A
Sport That Focuses on Team Work
NDES introduces a new sport to 5th - 8th grade
students that avoids intense competition and
utilizes every team member’s strengths and abilities
without any aggressiveness or violence. The
non-competitive, fast paced game Tchoukball,
pronounced “chookball”, is relatively a new game
invented in the 1960’s by a Swiss Biologist,
Dr. Hermann Brandt. Tchoukball is played with two
rebound nets at both ends of the court. There are
nine players for one team. Unlike most games, in
Tchoukball, you can score at both ends of the court.
Each player must seek to anticipate the actions and
reaction of his opponents, as well as regulate his own
movements. Thinking becomes more complex and
the educational potential of the game is increased.
5th Grade Cross-Curricular and Student
Collaboration Project: The Solar System
Fifth grade science students researched planets using
the iPads and a variety of different resources. Then
they used their information to create digital posters
in computer class.
Kindergarten Cross-Curricular, Collaborative
and Culmination Project: Dr. Seuss Math Game
Kindergarten students celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday
during the week of March 1st by reading and learning
all about Dr. Seuss and his literary works. The week
concluded with students creating a math game based
on a favorite Dr. Seuss book, One Fish Two Fish
Red Fish Blue Fish, and playing the game with their
6th Grade Student Collaboration Project:
Creating a New Culture
The 6th grade students learned about Ancient
Mesopotamia. They participated in a group activity
where they had to create a new culture, develop a
written language, create laws, design a temple and
trade for goods (without speaking) to build a top
secret invention.
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Collaboration, Culmination and Cross Curricular Activities
Working Together for a Better Tomorrow
Page 27
Field Experiences
3rd Grade Art Field Trip: Making Paper at the
Morgan Conservatory in Cleveland
Third grade students took a tour of the Morgan
Conservatory in Cleveland. The trip began with a
tour of the factory where the students viewed many
different paper presses and learned about different
types of natural and organic material that make
paper. The students rotated between stations to bind
and marble their books. Their works of art were
displayed and auctioned at the NDES Annual Auction
and Casino Night.
enhanced the fifth grade science curriculum. The
sessions concluded with a field trip to the Rookery
where each student received their own set of
binoculars and tested them out.
8th Grade Washington Trip: NDES Discovers
the National Treasures of Washington D.C.
On April 28th, NDES students began their annual 8th
grade trip to DC. Upon their arrival, the students
visited the Iwo Jima Memorial, the Jefferson
Memorial and the President Franklin Delano
Roosevelt Memorial. At the Arlington Cemetery,
NDES students had the distinct honor of laying a
wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. NDES
toured many sites in Washington D.C. including
the Lincoln, Pentagon, Korean and Vietnam
Memorials. At the Capitol Building, students met
with Congressman David Joyce followed by a special
prayer service led by Sr. Carol Marek, SND at the
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception. Students toured the battlefields at
Gettysburg and visited the Flight 93 Memorial before
returning home.
5th Grade Binocular Program: Geauga Park
District’s Nature Scopes Binocular Nature
Education Program.
Fifth grade science students participated in six
interactive sessions of the Geauga Park District’s
Nature Scopes Binocular Nature Education Program.
This program provided hands-on instruction that
NDES is a traditional school that implements both
progressive and traditional learning methods.
Keeping the students engaged and connected to the
curriculum is essential for academic success.
Phonics, along with
other methods, is
still utilized to teach
basic reading skills.
Outdoor Classrooms
NDES is taking advantage of their beautiful campus
by bringing the classroom outside. It’s just another
way to engage students in content from all areas.
Children have enjoyed reading, English, art, physical
education, religion, math and even computer class
Cursive Handwriting
Even though students use computers to complete
projects, cursive handwriting is introduced in second
grade and encouraged throughout all grade levels in
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 28
Field Experiences ~ Progressive and Traditional
Discovering the Differences
NDES Marian Circle ( $5,000+ )
*Burton Scot Contractors
Scott & Emily Paulitsch
Larry and Eva Dolan
Hugoton Foundation
*Fowler's Mill, Legend Lakes &
Powderhorn Golf Courses,
John & Gordana Brkic
NDES Blue and Gold Circle
($2,500 - $4,999)
*Matt & Kristin Dailey
Kevin & Paula Doherty
Dan & Diane Garey
*The Kids Club
Jason & Maria Savransky
Jim & Ellen Heighway
Michael & Paula Giudice
NDES Distinguished Circle
( $1,001 - $2,499)
*Precision Orthopaedic Specialties, Inc.
Laszlo & Jill Harmat
*Paul Murphy, Orthodontics*
Paul & Danielle Murphy
*AOPT Physical Therapy
Michael & Kimberly Dixon
*Michael & Jackie Moskal
Cardinal Physical Therapy
J. P. & Marie Szczyglowski
Ed & Carol Hren
*Matt & Jennifer Creech
NDES Lion’s Pride
( $501 - $1,000)
*Animal Hospital, Inc.
Scott & Stacey Murray
*CBC Communications
Mark Dolan & Renee DeLuca
*Care Plus
Rick & Jeanine Kuhlman
*DeJohn Funeral Homes & Crematory
Ross & Patricia DeJohn
*Paul Thomas, Mentor Family Practice
Paul & Julia Thomas
*Maria Cirino
*Todd & Emily Barnhart
*John & Kelly Boland
*Joe & Barbara Williams
*Matthew & Jennifer Veselko
*Martin & Jennifer White
*Todd & Mary Ray
*Brian & Suzanne Valentine
*Rob & Tricia Petrie
Preston Superstore
Pat & Diane Preston
*Ron & Christina Ricca
Aladdin Food Management Services, LLC
Michael & Carla Longano
Sisters of Notre Dame
NDES Patron’s Circle ($250 - $500)
*Accurate Landscaping
Timothy & Lisa Jackson
*Britton Gallagher
P.J. & Liana Insana
*CAPGEM Technical Services, LLC
Rick & Melissa Capretta
*Chuck’s Garage
Chuck & Lisa Weisend
*Cornerstone IT
Ray & Zera Paganini
*East Side ENT
Michael & Erin Gaugler
*For Your Eyes Only
Scott & Jennifer Kriessler
*Florax DS Probiotic (Hebron USA)
Vic & Gwenn Peroni
*Great Lakes Jaw & Implant Surgery Center
John & Lisa Mascaro
*LMN Signature Properties
Mark Gamiere & Lisa Nuzum
*MYGC General Contracting, LLC
Mark & Gwynne Young
*Payne & Payne Builders
David & Sarah Payne
*Phil Prosser Photography
Phil Prosser & Maria Madden
*Thrasher, Dinsmore & Dolan
Brandon & Heather Dynes
*Top Notch Tooling, LLC
Howard & Erna Mabel
*Patrick & Lisa Callahan
*David & Karen King
John & Kathleen Streza
*Tim & Joline Manning
*Shawn & Tina McGraw
*Dan & Stacy Modarelli
*Rod & Christine Morris
*Chris & Michelle Mulchin
*Louis & Jacquelyn Orazem
*James & Jamie Ovens
Thomas & Paula Srsen
*Eric & Teresa Patterson
*Brad & Paula Steven
*Keith & Tina Corkwell
*Eric & Michelle Platz
*Mark & Janeen Zumerling
*Steven & Michelle Rowley
*Alex & Kristen Sammut
*Chris & Patti Schmid
*Paul & Kimberly Boehnlein
*Andrew & Kathleen Zarlinski
*Joseph & Terri Smucny
*Dave & Ann Corwin
Gabriel F. Loiczly Charitable Lead Trust
*Steven & Lori Vieira
*Michael & Michelle Bissler
*John & Kelly Queen
*Steven & Megan Jacobs
*Bruce & Pamela Burton
Mrs. Ramute Mills
Stephen Trudic
*Michael & Martie Hays
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Lagman
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Schieferstein
The Fabe Family
Carolyn Nieset
NDES Benefactor Circle ( $100 - $249)
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Condon
Mrs. Sylvia Bolyard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sadowski
Christine Espinosa
Mr. & Mrs. Mirko Antloga
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cermak
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Centa
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Figas
Mary Kay Dumrese
The Triple T Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John Weber
Mr. & Mrs Rick Corwon
Geauga County Commissioner
Mary Samide & Frank Samide
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Cavolo
Rick Maguire
Robert & Kim Dolan
Ray & Nancy Todd
Bob & Judy Corwin
James & Mary Lou Marchiore
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth LaVan
David Oppenlander
Phyllis Coyle
NDES strives to keep tuition
affordable for all, while
maintaining state-of-the art
Thank you to our NDES Fund Donors
Building Foundations for Tomorrow’s Future
While much of our tuition
covers 80% of the budget,
NDES relies on our families,
friends and alumni to fund the
We are so grateful for the
sacrifice and support of our
donors and volunteers.
You truly make the
*** Asterisked name indicates Joint Sponsor
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Page 29
NDES Friend Circle ( Up to $99)
Ms. Alice Hensch
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Schwendeman
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Yanchar
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frindt, Sr.
Jean Siebert
Ms. Margaret Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Joy
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Farroni
Ms. Peggy Halter
Judy Doerr
Mr. James R. Basich
Gail Ann Petrie
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Puente
Mrs. Barbara A. Ross
Mary C. Storm
Merle & Sally Koenig
Dick & Michele Hays
Branden & Lauren Rader
Janet Pintar
Joseph & Rose Presot
Peter Wile
Wesley & Anmarie Rand
Mr. Richard Lillash
Howard & Anita Morman
Dolores Castle
Michael & Anahid Temesi
Luci Dalton
Lewis & Maria Galante
NDES Matching Gifts
Parker Hannifin
NDES Faculty & Staff
Alex & Jenny Massiello
John & Lisa Petryszyn
Edward & Kathleen Stefancin
Ryan & Elizabeth Looman
Jason Salerno
Don & Kathy McPhillips
Leslie Bell
Nicholas & Colleen DiSanto
Patrick & Mary Gilbert
Nikki Koplow
Greg & Vicky Joslin
John & Colleen Musial
Dave & Freddie Lelko
Jack Radicelli
Dan & Kathleen Schilling
Patrick & Christine Casseday
Chris & Chris Brinkman
Jennifer Maras
Sister Mary Barbara Knuff, SND
Peter & Mary Ann Domanko
Sister Carol Marek, SND
Sister Mary Donnalee Resar, SND
Doug & Diane Vanek
Don & Barbara Doering
Eric & Jennifer Wachob
Kevin & Teresa Bell
Kevin & Joelle Coates
Bob & Chris Nemecek
Steve & Kathy Biro
Julie Amantea
Dominick & Josephine Ambrose
Steve Cavolo
Allie Lestock
Sister Barbara Soplata, SND
Rachel Taylor
Mike & Kelly Stefanek
Sister Margaret Friel, SND
Jessica Frate
Josh & Allison Lowe
Kevin & Juli O’Connell
Walkathon T-Shirt
Achilles Running Shop
Anthony Allega Cement
Cambridge Street Company
CCM Rental
Dutch Country Restaurant
H & M Excavating
Herczog Heating and Cooling
Junction Auto Sales
Oscar Giovanni
P & L Heat Treating
Piesko, DDS
X-Cel Athletics
Alexander & Yelena Belski
Jean Mosher
Peter & Sally Morris
Beth Osborne
Dave and Phyllis Paulitsch
Richard & Marilyn Platt
Tom and Kathy Dolan
Scott Byard
Donatelli Family
Jan & Craig Rand
Don & Mary Jo Dailey
Walter Lazuka
Christine & Stanley Wojnar
Katic, Luka
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Thank You to NDES Fund Donors and Walkathon Sponsors
Creating Dreams
Page 30
Auction Donors & Advertisers
Christmas Luncheon
Achilles Running Shop
Mrs. Kris Mendeszoon
Avanti Salon
Burntwood Tavern
Cleveland Cavaliers
DeJohn Pet Services
DeJohn Funeral Home
For Your Eyes Only - Kriessler Family
iHeart Media
The Hairlines
Kalahari Resorts
Pampered Chef
Ms. Phyllis Coyle and Ms. Sherri Stanic
Preston Chevrolet
Franck Family
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
Thirty-One -Mrs. Jennifer Murray
Walt Disney World Company
Mrs. Gina Fusco
Kruschke Family
Mrs. Jenny Iafelice
Loiczly Family
Mrs. Elizabeth Looman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Nancy Marella
Mrs. Karen Melargno
Ms. Kelly Schlereth
Sukey Family
Mrs. Jennifer Veselko
Williams Family
Annual Auction & Casino Night
African Safari Wildlife Park
All American Auto Wash
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn & Teri Dolan
Alpine Valley
Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa
Avanti Salon
Berkshire Hills Swim Club
Mr. & Mrs. John & Gordana Brkic
Buckeye Chocolates
Chagrin Falls Popcorn Shop
Chardon ATA Martial Arts/Karate for Kids
Chicago Museum of Science and Industry
The Cleveland Browns
The Cleveland Indians
Cleveland Pop Orchestra
Mr. & Mrs. Matt & Jennifer Creech
Mr. & Mrs. Matt & Kristin Dailey
Dairy Queen
DeJohn Funeral Home
DeJohn Pet Services
Dworken & Bernstein Co., LPA
Ferrante’s Winery
Geauga Lyric Theatre Guild
The Golf Dome
Great Wolf Lodge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Paula Giudice
Guido’s Pizzeria and Restaurant
Hard Rock Hotel Chicago
Heinen’s Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Loreto & Jenny Iafelice
iHeart Media
John Roberts Salon and Spa
Kings Island
Ladies and Gentlemen Salon and Spa
Lake County Captains
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan & Elizabeth Looman
Notre Dame Cathedral Latin
NDES Parent Association
Nordstrom Cafe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Juli O’Connell
Pizza Hut Chesterland
Playground World, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Mary Ray
Red Maple Inn
Red Roof Inn
Sara’s Place by Gavi’s Restaurant
Shedd Aquarium - Chicago
Sister Barbara Soplata, SND
Sister Carol Marek, SND
Sky Zone, Highland Heights
Mr. & Mrs. John & Diane Sullivan
Tiny Prints
Toe Ink & Yankee Clipper Barber/Stylists
Mrs. Kristen Tomsic
Mrs. Jennifer Wachob
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Barbara Williams
WKYC Channel 3
Fundraiser Volunteers:
Christmas Luncheon
Paula Giudice
Julie Thomas
Cheryl Nellis
Kim Dixon
Lisa Callahan
Melissa Capretta
Tina Corkwell
Jennifer Creech
Beth Harb
Lisa Jackson
Tracy Karban
Anna Lazuka
Paula Steven
Barbara Williams
Annual Auction and Casino Night
Leslie Jo Bell
Milind Bhanoo
Theresa Bhanoo
Gordana Brkic
Melissa Capretta
Amy Cardillo
Steven Cavolo
Kim Dixon
Renee Dolan
Mary Ann Domanko
Mary Gilbert
Lisa Jackson
Anna Lazuka
Allison Lowe
Christine Mahoney
Barbara Marlowe
Theresa Matteo
Kellie Melin
Christine Morris
Jackie Moskal
Christine Nemecek
Beth O’Brien
Lisa Petryszyn
Michelle Rowley
Sister Barbara Soplata
Marie Szczyglowski
Jennifer Veselko
Barbara Williams
Walkathon Volunteers
Linda Bergles
Renelle Bouffard
Kristina Brancel
Rebecca Burke
Yvonne Burton
Marsha Cable
Lisa Callahan
Melissa Capretta
Amy Cardillo
Julia Caschera
Amy Conforte
Ann Corwin
Shannon Corwon
Sandra Criniti
Dorothy Czack
Kimberly Dixon
Kimberlee Doerr
Heather Dynes
Leticia Echanove
Beverly Filipiak
Jennifer Flynn
Dawn Frazer
Davorka Gabrovsek
Paula Giudice
Ashley Gotliebowski
Beth Harb
Liana Insana
Anne Iskra
Lisa Jackson
Jackie Kalman
Tracy Karban
Jennifer Kriessler
Sandra Kruschke
Jeanine Kuhlman
Melissa Kuran
Anna Lazuka
Kelly Legan
Gina LoCoco
Carla Longano
Mary Mager
Diana Elghanayan McLaughlin
Kellie Melin
Jamie Miller
Renée Mills
Jennifer Seaman Monachino
Kristine Moore
Cheryl Nellis
Monica Nowac
Beth Ann O’Brien
Teresa Patterson
Emily Paulitsch
Carolyn Petzing
Michelle Platz
Rebecca Quimper
Lauren Rader
Laura Reed
Christina Ricca
Karen Rulison
Melissa Salamone
Kristen Sammut
Kelly Schlereth
Victoria Shemitz
Sonja Siebert
Paula Steven
Marie Szczyglowski
Anahid Temesi
Kristen Tomsic
Debra Vaught
Jennifer Veselko
Lisa Weisend
Jennifer White
Barbara Williams
Kristan Wojnar
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Thank You for our Donors, Advertisers & Volunteers
Creating Futures
Page 31
Help th ame
of Notr
Sisters tending
by at
NDES Back-to-School Newsletter Join us for the SND Chicken BBQ
Support the Sisters of Notre Dame
Page 32