Spring 2013
Spring 2013 HEDINGHAM COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER http://www.hedingham.org No. 34 Mission Statement The intention is to project a positive image of Hedingham, provide news and information to all residents without editorializing or taking sides Sharks Ready to Hit the Water! Calling All Lifeguards The Hedingham SHARKS swim team is ready for a winning 2013 season! Swim practice begins Tuesday, May 28, 2013, at the Willow Oak Pool. Swim team practices are Monday through Thursday from 4:30-7:15 pm with the oldest swimmers beginning at 4:30 pm. Also, beginning Monday, June 10, there will be an optional morning practice from 10-11 am on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday for swimmers age 7 and up. Swim meets are every Tuesday and begin June 11, 2013. Online registration and additional information is available at www.HedinghamSharks.org. Please check our website for practice times. The Swim Team is also planning a neighborhood Chicken/Barbeque plate fundraiser on June 8, 2013, from 11 am until 2 pm at the Willow Oak Clubhouse. A chicken or barbeque plate is $7 and a combo plate is $10. Be on the lookout for swim team members pre-selling tickets to reserve your plates. A limited number of plates will be available on the day of the sale. The Swim Team invites everyone to come and cheer on the Sharks at our home meets on Tuesday nights at the Willow Oak Pool. GO SHARKS!! Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament in June The Hedingham 2013 Memorial Scholarship Tournament will be held on Saturday, June 1, with a 9 am shotgun start. The rain date is June 8. This tournament raises funds to support scholarships for two high school graduates in the community. Eight young men and women have shared $5500 in scholarship funds in the past four years from this event. The early bird entry fee, due by May 20, is $50 (Platinum members pay only $35) that includes all golf fees, morning coffee/tea, a catered lunch following play and a Hole-in-One Package. There will also be a raffle, scratch-off mulligans, putting contest and more. After May 20, the fee is $60 ($45 for Platinum members). This tournament is open to the public so get your foursome together for a great golf outing and make this the best one yet! Entry forms are available in the Pro Shop or email Lee at leethayne@nc.rr.com. Lifeguards are needed for both Hedingham pools. Lifeguard candidates must have completed American Red Cross Lifeguard Training, CPR for Professional Rescuer and First Aid. Contact Scott Hammond at 919-5503232 for more information. Security Tips for Singles Use a "Buddy System". Have someone in the neighborhood (if possible) that you check on and they check on you. This should be a daily occurrence. Keep shrubs and trees cut back. If you can't keep up with the rate of growth, cut them down. Lights that make both windows and doorways visible from the outside are a very good idea. Keep a flashlight, pepper spray and a fog horn within reach. Change up your regimen; regular daily patterns could make you vulnerable. Know your neighbors. It’s Farmers Market Time Again Hedingham is very fortunate to have our own farmers market stand on Wednesday afternoons in the Athletic Club parking lot. This year’s market will start around the second week in May and continue through the summer. The fine folks who come to us represent the Barnes Family, who have been farming in the Southern Wake County area for many generations. Barnes Farms grows a wide variety of produce, from strawberries to pumpkins throughout the year as well as some field crops. They truly enjoy what they do and it shows in the quality of their produce. Although not an organic farm, they use drip tape to conserve water and work closely with county and state agencies for land/water conservation to preserve the land for future generations. The Barnes’s live where they farm and eat what they grow. They invite everyone in Hedingham to come and enjoy their fine products, which will include strawberries, kale, Bok Choy, spring onions, spring collards, spinach, tomatoes, red and sweet potatoes, radishes (red and white). Depending on the weather, there may also be broccoli, swiss chard and beets. Different products are available throughout the growing season, so watch for the sandwich board sign at the entrance to the Athletic Club and stop by. The Barnes’s will be glad to see you! Swim Lessons Available at Willow Oak Pool A maximum of 10 students will be accepted for each of several sessions of swim lessons this summer. The cost is $80 for 8 30-minute group lessons, payable at registration by check or money order to Fred Smith Company. Sign up at the Athletic Club. Session dates are: May 28-June 6th 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm (Tu-F, M-Th) May 28-June 6th 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm (Tu-F, M-Th) June 10-June 20 9:00 am - 9:30 am (M-Th) June 10-June 20 9:30 am - 10:00 am (M-Th) June 24-July 5 9:00 am - 9:30 am (M-Th, M-F; no lesson July 4th) June 24-July 5 9:30 am - 10:00 am (M-Th, M-F; no lesson July 4th) July 15– July 25 9:00 am - 9:30 am (M-Th) July 15– July 25 9:30 am - 10:00 am (M-Th) Make-up date, if necessary, due to weather or instructor cancellation only, will be on Friday. Contact Ed Lower at 919-320-5603 or by email at elowerswim@gmail.com with questions. Page 2 H E D I NG H A M C O M M U N I TY NE WS LE T TE R —S P R I NG 2 0 1 3 Community Improvements Ongoing The Hedingham Board of Directors is pleased to announce a number of community improvements in 2013. These are a combination of fulfilling the requirements defined in Hedingham’s reserve study and observing and responding to items that need attention and repair. Improvements include: Parking Lots – The Athletic Club and Grand Traverse Pool parking lots will have cracks repaired and the lots resealed and restriped in May. Willow Oak Clubhouse and Pool House – New architectural shingles have been installed using top quality “lifetime” rated Landmark Pro shingles. The buildings will have wood rot and concrete wall cracks repaired. Both the trim and the siding will be repainted in May. Old gutters have been removed and new gutters will be installed in May. Willow Oak Pool – Last year a large green “Funbrella” was installed on the pool deck to provide shade for residents who choose to seek shade from the sun. A second Funbrella will be installed in May to provide more shaded area. The pool restrooms are being completely remodeled. New upgrades to the restrooms include LED lighting, new fixtures and dividers, moisture resistant drywall, tile, quartz countertops with under mount sinks, new toilets, and motion activated lighting. Grand Traverse Pool – The baby pool will get a unique shade structure to provide sun relief to small children and adults around the baby pool. Sidewalks –The City of Raleigh has repaired a number of sidewalk sections to correct trip hazards and broken concrete along Willow Oak Rd., Southall Rd. Ext., Eagle Trace Rd. and several other areas. Did You Know? As part of the new pool contract for the community, there will be hourly inspections of the bathrooms for cleanliness. The recent yard sale was a success! Remember that individual yard sales aren’t allowed; the next community wide sale will be held in the fall. Are you a new renter? Please register with the Hedingham Community Manager if you wish to use the community facilities like the pools, Athletic Club, etc. Bring a copy of your lease when you register to get a scan card to use the facilities. Trash pick-up is each Friday; recycle pick-up is every other Friday (5/10 and 5/24). Planning to spruce up, change up or add on to your home? Approval by the Modification Committee is required for most exterior changes and upgrades. See Hedingham.org for details and procedures. Hedingham pools will have adult supervisors to oversee the lifeguard staff. The new landscaping contractor is making a beautiful difference in Hedingham’s common areas. Watch for bursts of color when summer annuals and new sod are planted soon. The Willow Oak Pool will be closed at 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday for swim team practices during their season. The Grand Traverse Pool will be available for swimming as usual! Once traditional school is out, summer pool hours are 11 am - 8 pm Monday through Friday, 10 am - 8 pm Saturday, and 11 am - 8 pm Sunday. CAS provides an after-hours emergency number to report community emergencies that are not police or medical emergencies. Call 919-367-7711 and press 3 to report things such as water line breaks and fallen trees on roads or dwellings. CAS staff will contact the City of Raleigh or other applicable agency to remedy the problem. NO . 3 4 Page 3 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RALEIGH NC PERMIT #1854 HEDINGHAM COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 2551 Southall Road Raleigh, N.C. 27604 HCA Office: 919-231-9050 YORK Security: 919-828-7677 http://www.hedingham.org Hedingham Community Association Job Opening The Hedingham Athletic Club needs a reliable and friendly nursery attendant to work Monday and Tuesday evenings from 4:30-7 pm and to serve as a backup front desk attendant and for other nursery shifts. Interested candidates should send a resume or request an application by contacting Michael Zmuda at michael@casnc.com or by mail at 2551 Southall Rd., Raleigh, NC 27604. Be sure to explain why you think you would be a good candidate for this position. Hedingham Has a New Assistant Manager We extend a hearty welcome to Lena Deptolla, Assistant Community Manager for the Hedingham Community Association. Lena has been in the Property Management industry since 1996 in the triangle area as well as Wrightsville Beach and Bald Head Island. Her background in Property Management includes apartments, vacation homes and resorts, as well as office and retail centers from the triangle to the North Carolina coast. Lena has worked in Homeowners Association Community Management since 2004. She has a broad knowledge base and has managed townhomes, single family homes, mixed use, and condos across the triangle. Lena earned both the Certified Manager of Community Associations designation (CMCA) and Association Manager Specialist (AMS) designations and plans to pursue the prestigious Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM) certification. She lives in Raleigh with her 2 year old son Jack, is an active volunteer with several animal rescue organizations and shelters, and she fosters homeless animals. Important Contacts Community Manager (Mike Zmuda) 919-231-9050, ext. 24 Assistant Community Manager (Lena Deptolla) 919-231-9050, ext. 23 Athletic Center (Front Desk) 919-231-9050, ext. 22 Officer Harrelson (Community Officer) 919-278-6342 Jason.Harrelson@raleighnc.gov YORK Security 919-828-7677 benallen@yorkproperties.com Golf Club 919-250-3030 Police (non-emergency) 919-831-6311 Duke Energy (power outage) 919-508-5400 Duke Energy (street light outage) 1-800-419-6356 PSNC Energy (gas) 1-877-776-2427 NC One Call Center (mark utility lines) 1-800-632-4949 Solid Waste Services 919-996-6890 (trash, recycling, bulk pickups)
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