Summer 2014
Summer 2014 HEDINGHAM COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER No. 38 Mission Statement The intention is to project a positive image of Hedingham, provide news and information to all residents without editorializing or taking sides Board Member Elections Elections for two Homeowners’ Association Board positions are being scheduled for a two year term beginning in January 2015. Board meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month. Most other Board business is conducted via email. If you are interested in being considered for one of these positions, please contact Community Manager Jonathan Stone at or at 919-231-9050 ext. 24. Visit our website to get the Board Member Nomination Form located in the “Forms and Documents” section. Submit the form by September 30, 2014 to be considered. Let your Neighborhood Representative know which candidates you support for these important positions. Each Neighborhood Representative will cast ballots on behalf of their district and the results will be announced at the October Board Meeting. Find an email link for your Neighborhood Representative at District Neighborhood Elections If you live in Districts 2,4,6,8,9 or 10 and would like to represent your neighborhood, this is your opportunity. There are 11 neighborhoods in Hedingham. Each of these neighborhoods is to elect a three member Neighborhood Committee to represent their homeowners on all things requiring a vote. The Neighborhood Committees are the voice of the homeowners in their District and are vital in making sure that those voices are heard. Each Neighborhood Committee appoints a Voting Member who will cast a single vote for Board elections, changing Covenants and Bylaws, the borrowing of money and other matters requiring voting as outlined in the Covenants. Please take the time and get a Neighborhood Committee Nomination Form from the Athletic Club or go to on the Forms and Documents Page. Help to do your part in making Hedingham one of the best communities to live in. The cut-off date will be September 16. Find your Voting District at in the “Forms and Documents” section. Voting will be done in accordance with the revised Bylaws that can be found on Forms Page. New Board Member Dileep Dadlani has been appointed the new board member to fill the vacancy on the board. He will be fulfilling the term vacated by past President Jane Schwartz that will end on December 31, 2015. Call for Volunteers A Community Association like Hedingham is as successful as the volunteers who lead it. We are in need of volunteers to get involved. If you would like to become a member of a committee please contact Community Manager Jonathan Stone, or 919-231-9050x24. Hi Milers News A social group for 55+ folks. Meet second Tuesday each month Sept – June. Affiliated with Raleigh Parks and Recreation. Dues - $10 per year. Three parties are planned for 20142015, Halloween, Holiday and Cookout. Speakers, day trips, lunch etc. Sept. 9 opening meeting at Willow Oak Clubhouse at 10:00 AM with Jonathan Stone, CAS Management/ Community issues and Bruce Embry, Ret. Lt. RPD/Capital Greenway as speakers. To join/questions: Lee Thayne, 919-880-7409 – Joan Ballance, Golf Committee News The Annual Memorial Scholarship Tournament was held on June 7. Five scholarships were awarded to: Morgan Buonpane, attending ECU; LaMont Chaney II, freshman at Hampton University; Garett Hedgepeth, attending UNC-CH; Justin Smith, freshman ECU; and Joshua Williams, attending UNC-G. We congratulate these young adults and wish them well in attaining the goals that they have set. 2014 Fall Resident/Member is October 18/10:00AM Shotgun/Catered lunch/Resident/Member only. Safe Neighborhood = Neighborhood Watch Our Community has approximately 6300 residents according to the Census. In order to keep the Community safe the Neighborhood Watch coupled with York Security and the Police Department are the primary components in helping to keep Hedingham and its residents safe. With over 2400 homes and approximately 9 miles of roadway within the community there is still much that can be done. Neighbor looking after neighbor is the most important thing that we can do. If you have a concern and want to bring it to someone’s attention use the Suspicious Activity Reporting System that can be found at the official web site and let our community police officer know your concerns. If there is something happening that requires immediate response call the Police at 911 after that call York Security at (919) 828-7677 to see if they can help (they are in the community 8 hours per day 7 days a week). It is important for all of us to do our share in keeping watch over our community. If you cannot attend the monthly Neighborhood Watch Meetings please make sure that you contact Lena at the Management Office to have your name put on the Neighborhood Watch e-mail list. The Neighborhood Watch meets with our Community Police Officer on the fourth Thursday of every month at the Willow Oak Club House at 7 PM. We try to limit the meeting to one hour. Look for the meeting signs posted around the community and we hope to see you there. The biggest single problem that we have is people not locking their car doors. COMMON SENSE TIP: Lock your car doors, keep your valuables out of sight. Page 2 H E D I NG H A M C O M M U N I TY NE WS LE T TE R —S U M M E R 20 1 4 Group Rate Discounts Santa is Coming to Hedingham! Hedingham is partnering with Pack Purchases to offer a variety of services to the homes in Hedingham. These include pressure washing homes, pressure washing driveways, pest control, mosquito control, HVAC Service, and many more. Please visit Pack Purchases for Hedingham as follows: For Single Family Homes please go to:, For Townhomes please go to: Santa loves the wonderful children in Hedingham and is returning on Saturday, December 6. Mark your calendars and remember to bring your cameras. Watch for the signs announcing his visit, and more information will be posted on the official Hedingham website - closer to the date of his arrival. Swim Team News The Hedingham Swim Team had a fantastic 2014 season with a final record of 5 and 1. We had over 80 families participate with a total of 121 swimmers ranging from ages 4 to 18 at various skill levels. This is a great opportunity to get involved with your community, meet new families and teach your child the importance of dedication and teamwork. We encourage all Hedingham residents to participate. The Sharks will be at the Fall Festival on October 4th handing out free sno cones. Hope to see you then! Mark your calendars for March 2015 and check out our website at for registration information. Go Sharks! Covenants and Community Rules & Regulations All residents - owners and tenants - are advised to read the Covenants and Community Rules & Regulations, both of which can be found on the official Hedingham website - Some items are: Animals - No more than two (2) household pets may be kept in a Unit. Pet owners are expected to have their pets on leashes when outside and to pick up their pets’ waste as required by the City of Raleigh Animal Control Ordinance which stipulates up to a $250 fine for not picking up after your pet. Golf Course - Residents are permitted to walk on the golf course and golf paths ONLY during the following times: before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m. from May 1 to October 30; before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m. from November 1 to April 30. Bicycling, roller-blading, skating, or skate-boarding are not permitted on the golf course or golf paths at any time. The Golf Course is private property and not owned by the Hedingham Community Association. Failure to follow these rules can be considered trespassing. Golfers have the right-of-way at all times. Modifications - Any change to the exterior of a resident’s home or property must first be approved by the Modifications Committee. Modification forms may be picked up at the Athletic Club or downloaded from the official community website at It is important to make sure all utility lines are marked to prevent damage and that property lines are adhered to. Quiet Enjoyment - All Units are on private property. Walking between Units or behind Units is trespassing and is not permitted. Residents are also expected to keep noise at a reasonable level so as not to disturb neighbors - this applies to loud and disturbing music as well. NO . 3 8 Page 3 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RALEIGH NC PERMIT #1854 HEDINGHAM COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 2551 Southall Road Raleigh, N.C. 27604 HCA Office: 919-231-9050 YORK Security: 919-828-7677 Fall Yard Sale The Community Fall Yard Sale will take place on Saturday, September 20, with a rain date of Saturday, September 27. The Association will advertise the Yard Sale in the N&O one week before the sale. Items should be put out by 8 a.m. and removed by 5 p.m. the same day. Residents who put up directional signs must remove them by 5 p.m. the day of the sale. A reminder that individual Yard Sales are not permitted at any time. Hedingham "Fall Festival" The Hedingham Community "Fall Festival" will be held at the Hedingham Athletic Club on Saturday, October 4, from 1-4 p.m. This fun event will feature face painting, balloon artists, crafts and vendors, pumpkin painting, food, and more. Residents will need to show their Hedingham Scan Card for food/drink tickets. If you do not have a Scan Card, drop by the Athletic Club to get one - you will need a photo ID. Otherwise food tickets can be purchased for $5.00 per person. If you would like to showcase/market your crafts or business at this great event, contact Joanne Baldini at for more information. There will be a fee for the rental/use of a table to display your wares and talents. This is a great opportunity for residents to do some early holiday shopping. Volunteers are need to help with this big event. If you are interested in helping, email Lena at Important Contacts Community Manager (Jonathan Stone) 919-231-9050, ext. 24 Assistant Community Manager (Lena Deptolla) 919-231-9050, ext. 23 Athletic Center (Front Desk) 919-231-9050, ext. 22 Officer Harrelson (Community Officer) 919-278-6342 YORK Security 919-828-7677 Golf Club 919-250-3030 Police (non-emergency) 919-831-6311 Duke Energy (power outage) 919-508-5400 Duke Energy (street light outage) 1-800-419-6356 PSNC Energy (gas) 1-877-776-2427 NC One Call Center (mark utility lines) 1-800-632-4949 Solid Waste Services 919-996-6890 (trash, recycling, bulk pickups)
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