Winter 2014
Winter 2014 HEDINGHAM COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER No. 37 Mission Statement The intention is to project a positive image of Hedingham, provide news and information to all residents without editorializing or taking sides Sewer Lift Station Conversion Project The last newsle er provided basic informa on about the need for the conversion of the sewer li sta on to the gravity‐fed city sewer system. The feasibility study has concluded that the project is straigh orward and can be achieved with minimal impact to the community at large. The cost of the project is an cipated to be approximately $250,000 and the Board voted at the February mee ng to proceed. The engineering firm is in the process of ge ng all required permits and expects the project to be completed by the end of 2014. Decisions must be made in the next few months regarding how to pay for the sewer li sta on project. Op ons include a one‐ me assessment or increasing monthly dues star ng in 2015. Your input and sugges ons are welcome. Youth Golf Program Back Again This Year PGA Jr. League Golf is back for another golf sea‐ son at the Hedingham Golf Club! This is an ex‐ ci ng opportunity for kids 9 to 13 to par cipate in a unique approach to the sport of golf. The for‐ mat is a 9‐hole team scramble in which all skill levels can par cipate. Matches are once a week beginning the first week in June and concluding by July 15. Matches will start at 5:30pm at local area golf courses. The program cost is $150 for the six week season, a team Jersey, golf balls, bag tag, prac ces, and all green fees! Our team will accommodate up to 30 players; both boys and girls are welcome. Any youngster who has played golf will enjoy this opportunity. For ques ons or to sign up by April 4, 2014, contact Tad Wood at the Hedingham Pro Shop at 919‐250‐3030 or Rod Bradley at 919‐436‐ 0325. For addi onal informa on, go to Pickleball In Hedingham Come play Pickleball at the Hedingham Gym during the day on Mondays and Thurs‐ days. What is Pickleball? It is a racket sport in which four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a wiffle type ball over a net. The sport shares features of other racket sports, the dimensions and layout of a Badminton court, and a net and rules similar to tennis with a few modifica ons. Consult the Athle c Center Schedule for mes and dates. Book Exchange You can take advantage of the new Book Exchange lo‐ cated in the Athle c Center lobby. If you have books you have read and want to clear room for others, bring them in. See something you like? Take one or two to enjoy! Large Apartment/Townhome Project Proposed Adjacent to Hedingham A large residen al building project has been proposed to the City of Raleigh for the 57.2 acres located between the Hedingham and Edgewater communi es. Project Z‐6‐14 seeks to build 16 mul ‐story apartment buildings and more than 200 townhomes, and includes the extension of Northeast Citizens Southall Road star ng at the Hedingham Blvd. intersec on and going to another sec on of Southall Road in Edgewater. It also Advisory Council includes the extension of Corpora on Parkway which will inter‐ Meeting sect with Southall Road within the new planned development. The developer es mates that this project will provide housing Thursday, April 10 for up to 1500 persons, many of whom will travel on the sec‐ 7PM on of Southall Road that goes through Hedingham. A map and brief descrip on of the project is located at Marsh Creek, then enter Z‐6‐14 in the search box. Community Center 3050 New Hope Road This project is s ll pending approval. If you feel strongly that this building project may not be a good thing for Hedingham, plan to a end the next mee ng of the Northeast Ci zens Advi‐ sory Council at the Marsh Creek Community Center on Thursday, April 10. Residents will have an oppor‐ tunity to get more informa on and vote to recommend acceptance or rejec on of the proposed building project. This recommenda on will be presented to the City Planning Commission, which makes the final decision to approve or deny this project. New Violation Fines Policy in Effect Spring Up, Spruce Up! Hedingham has re‐ cently adopted new policies regarding viola on fines that occur when home‐ owners fail to cor‐ rect a condi on that violates our cove‐ nants and rules. Vio‐ la ons include, for example, failure to keep a yard mowed, parking on the grass or other prohibited loca on, or failure to maintain the ex‐ terior of a home to name a few. Each violator is offered an opportunity to come to a hearing about their situa on, and per occurrence viola on fines are $5 and up. Once unpaid fines total $500, the ma er will be referred to an a orney to file a lien on the property. As a last resort, judicial fore‐ closure could result from unpaid viola on fines. As lawns awaken for the growing season and the landscape turns green, it is important to maintain your yard on a regular basis. Fer lize fescue grass before March 15, and apply a pre‐emergent to pre‐ vent weeds Leave clippings on the lawn, as they will quickly disintegrate and provide a natural lawn food. Please visit for advice for lawns in this area. Know the Rules Page 2 Spring is the me to spruce up all around your home. Visit to read all of the guide‐ lines for construc on. Anything that changes the way your home looks, like paint, storage sheds, or an addi on to your driveway, requires approval from the Modifica on Commi ee. Review and ap‐ proval usually takes a week or less. HEDINGHAM COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER—WINTER 2014 Security News Hedingham’s new York Security officer is Montory Pi man. Con‐ tact him with your ques ons or concerns by calling 919 828‐ 7677, which is the York Security dispatch line. Officer Pi man has been with York Security for 3 years and has a total of 15 years in law enforcement. Based on his brief me here, he recommends that all residents must remember to lock car doors and don’t leave any valuables in your car. He also encourages residents to make sure your home is lighted at night and that bushes and shrubs near windows are kept trimmed. Annual Easter Egg Hunt The annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, April 19, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Linville Ridge Play‐ ground located at the end of Eagle Trace Drive. Bring your basket for the Easter Egg Hunt and there will also be face pain ng, a Balloon Twister, and a visit by the Easter Bunny. Want to volunteer to help? Contact Lena at DID YOU KNOW? The annual Scholarship Golf Tournament will occur on Saturday, June 7 with a 9 am shotgun start. Tournament applications will be available at the Golf Club May 1. The Spyglass Hills and Cog Hills townhome communities will be power washed in 2014. All other townhome and single family owners are responsible for cleaning stains, mold and mildew on the exterior of their homes. You can call the City of Raleigh bulk pickup at 919-996-6890 to take away all of your spring cleaning throw away items that do not fit into a regular garbage bag. Dog owners, please, please, please carry bags with you on your walk to pick up after your pets! Violators can be reported to Animal Control (so you need to know where the offender resides), and the owner can be fined. The Spring Yard Sale will occur on Saturday, April 12, with a rain date of April 26. This event will be published in the newspaper and on Craigslist. Remember that individual family yard sales are not permitted within Hedingham, and please don’t forget to remove your signs at the conclusion of the yard sale. Hedingham is a No Soliciting community but that doesn’t stop determined door-to-door salespeople. Be aware that solicitors may be attempting to determine if/when you are at home and casually assessing your home for potential break-in opportunities at a later time. You can remind a solicitor of our community policy and report these persons during regular business hours to our Community Manager at 919 231 9050 X 24 or at other times by calling 911 to report a suspicious person. NO. 37 Page 3 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RALEIGH NC PERMIT #1854 HEDINGHAM COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 2551 Southall Road Raleigh, N.C. 27604 HCA Office: 919-231-9050 YORK Security: 919-828-7677 Paying Association Dues There are several convenient ways to pay association dues including: Sending check by US mail as instructed in the coupon book Signing up for auto draft through CAS. Find the form online at Paying by e-check (once or recurring) Paying by credit card Paying by monthly draft through your bank All checks are to be made out to the Hedingham Community Association Due to the lag time in getting payments posted using the drop box at the Athletic Center, this option may soon be discontinued. Contact Jonathan Stone, Community Manger at 919-2319050 X 24 if you have any questions. Important Contacts Community Manager (Jonathan Stone) 919-231-9050, ext. 24 Assistant Community Manager (Lena Deptolla) 919-231-9050, ext. 23 Athletic Center (Front Desk) 919-231-9050, ext. 22 Officer Harrelson (Community Officer) 919-278-6342 YORK Security 919-828-7677 Golf Club 919-250-3030 Police (non-emergency) 919-831-6311 Duke Energy (power outage) 919-508-5400 Duke Energy (street light outage) 1-800-419-6356 PSNC Energy (gas) 1-877-776-2427 NC One Call Center (mark utility lines) 1-800-632-4949 Solid Waste Services 919-996-6890 (trash, recycling, bulk pickups)
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