File - Citrus County, Florida
File - Citrus County, Florida
AGENDA MEMORANDUM Gary W. Maidhof, Director; Department of Development Services ~;,__ Kevin A. Smith, AICP, Direct~ =Commun· Develo ment Division • Joanna L. Coutu, AICP, Principal Planner Commun Develo ment Division 2007 Second Cycle Amendments . August 14, 2007 BRIEF OVERVIEW: Consideration of the 2007 Second Cycle Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Generalized Future Land Use Map (GFLUM) and Land Development Code. Executive summary is attached. BUDGET IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE: RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Consider amendment to the Citrus County Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance No. 89-04 as amended) and the Land Development Code Atlas (Ordinance No. 90.14) 2. Authorize staff to transmit the amendment to the Department of Community Affairs for review. Transmittal Hearing: July 25, 2007 AGN 07-131 PM3-07-060 August14,2007 5:01 p.m. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2007 SECOND CYCLE AMENDMENTS CPA-07-03- Traffic Circulation Element Modification to the text of the Traffic Circulation Element based on the recommendations of the. 2004 Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) adopted on April 28, 2004. The applicant is the Department of Development Services. CPA-07-05- Springs and Springshed Protection Subelement Modification to the text of the Comprehensive Plan to protect the water quantity and quality of springs and the groundwater resources that supply springs within Citrus County. The amendment, if adopted, will provide development standards to enhance the protection of groundwater and surface water resources that supply first magnitude springs. These standards were developed in conjunction with the Florida Department of Community Affairs and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as part of a Springs Initiative to raise the level of springs protection within the State. The applicant is the Department of Development Services. CPA-07-06 GFLUM Update Amendment to the Citrus County Generalized Future Land Use Map (GFLUM). Updates are based on adjustments to the 2006 Adopted GFLUM, reflecting State and utility company ownership and adopted applications. The applicant is the Department of Development Services. CPA-07-08 - Amend Residential Density Policies within Five-Mile Radius of Progress Energy Power Facility Modification to the text of the Utility Element and the Future Land Use Element to allow Planned Developments and increases in residential density within the five-mile emergency planning zone around the Progress Energy Nuclear Power Facility in Crystal River. The amendment proposes evacuation time and special construction standards in lieu of the current limitations on residential density .increases. The amendment, if adopted, would require consistent amendments to the Land Development Code (LDC). It would also require changes to Citrus County and Progress Energy emergency evacuation planning. The applicant is Clark A. Stillwell for Citrus Mining and Timber, Inc. CPA-07-09- Public Transit Element Modification to the text of the Public Transit Element based on the recommendations of the 2004 Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) adopted on April 28, 2004. The applicant is the Department of Development Services. July 25, 2007 AGN 07-131 PM3-07-060 CPA/AA-07-03- Foley for Gulf to Lake Associates, Ltd Redesignation from REC, Recreation District, to RVP, Recreational Vehicle Park District & LOR, Low Density Residential District on the LDC Atlas and the GFLUM for Parcels 10000, 12000, and 12300 in Section 1, Township 19 South, Range 17 East; and Parcels 43100, 34100 and 34200 in Section 6, Township 19 South, Range 18 East.. The subject property would create additional lots within an existing recreational vehicle park (Rockcrusher RV Park) and redesignate the remaining land to LOR for residential use. The total acreage for this application is approximately 185 acres. The applicant is Foley and Lardner. (Rockcrusher Canyon property on Rockcrusher Road) CPA/AA-07-04- Foley and Lardner for Gulf to Lakes Associates, Ltd. /Stanley C. Olsen and Elizabeth Olsen Redesignation from MDR* allowing mobile homes, PSO, and GNC on the LDC Atlas and MDR, PSO and GNC on the Generalized Future Land Use Map, to MDR, PSO and GNC on the LDC Atlas and the Generalized Future Land Use Map. The applicant requests to adjust the Land Use Designation boundaries within the subject property. The total acreage for this application is approximately 259 acres. The applicant is Foley and Lardner. (Northwest corner of the CR-491 and CR-486 intersection) CPA/OA-07-07 - Proposed Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and LDC to expand the authorized uses within the Extractive Land Use District. Application withdrawn by applicant. July 25, 2007 AGN 07-131 PM3-07-060 • DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MEMORANDUM DM-07-180 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ..Jt};./;t.... • FROM: GARY W. MAIDHOF, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 31, 2007 SUBJ: CPA-07-05 Pursuant to Board directive at the public workshop, Policy 3.20.2 has been stricken and a note has been added summarizing the Board's discussion of performance-based septic systems._ Under separate cover I shall write to both DCA and the Department of Health requesting any data and analysis regarding the cost, operation, performance, and expected benefits of performance-based, on-si~e systems. GWM/pla cc: June M. Fisher, County Administrator County Attorney's Office Susan Farnsworth, Environmental Planner, Community Development Joyce Henderson, Secretary, Community Development • • EXHIBIT A CPA-07-05 - Springs and Springshed Protection Chapter Three: Conservation Element IV: G.O.P.- Objective 3.17- Springshed Groundwater Protection groundwater contamination and the reduction of groundwater recharge. Policy 3.17.5 In order to maintain aquifer recharge area the County shall require all new subdivisions to preserve and dedicate adequate open space. a. All new subdivisions shall be required to use open space/conservation subdivision design plans. b. To the greatest extent possible. units shall be clustered. c. Open space shall be connected to adjacent open space to create networks and corridors of larger areas. d. Nonresidential development shall be required to minimize the size of contiguous impervious areas. Surface Water Protection of Springs, Spring runs and Open Sinkholes • Objective 3.18 Citrus County shall protect the surface water qualitv of springs, spring runs, and sink holes open to the aquifer. Policy 3.18.1 The County will develop land development regulations to address development and ~JN!~ construction practices adjacent to springs, spring runs, and sink holes open to the aquifer. • All lands cleared for development shall be seeded, sodded, or mulched promptly after clearing if construction has not commenced. • Erosion control barriers shall be required around the impacted area perimeters unless continuous buffers of natural vegetation of a depth of 15 feet or more exist. Policy 3.18.2 During construction in the vicinity of springs a buffer of native vegetation of 50 feet or greater shall be protected upland of springs, spring-fed waterbodies, and open sinkholes. When site restrictions interfere with the accommodation of a fifty (50) foot buffer. an engineered system that meets the same standards of protection may be submitted as an alternative. Policy 3.18.3 • Any~~~ business or use classified as one of the following handler types by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection 07/27/2007 3-116 • EXHIBIT A CPA-07-05 -Springs and Springshed Protection Chapter Three: Conservation Element IV: G.O.P.- Objective 3.17- Springshed Groundwater Protection Policy 3.19.6 Redevelopment of valid non-conforming lots or structures may seek approval through the Conditional Use process for an engineer-designed system that mitigates the provisions of the springs orotection standards contained within the Plan. Wastewater disposal in high aquifer recharge areas • • Objective 3.20 Citrus County shall protect ground water quality within high aquifer recharge areas by encouraging use of reclaimed water and provision of central sanitary sewer for new development. Policy 3.20.1 All development where service is available, shall connect to systems designed to achieve Advanced Wastewater Treatment (A WT) standards. At the BOCC meeting, the Board discussed the issue of performancebased septic systems and will be requesting additional information, data, and analysis from DCA to support requiring these systems. In part, the Board was concerned about a cost feasible solution to the problem of nutrients in the springs . Policy 3 .20.2 '.Vhere central sev.rer is aot aYailable iastallatioa of performance based septic tank ST;stems. iacludiag an ef:flueat disposal . . . . Policy 3.20.~~ The County shall encourage the State of Florida to adopt regulations which require performance-based septic systems . 07/27/2007 3-121 • From: To: CC: Date: Attachments: "Robert Roscow" <> <> <Susan. Farnsworth@bocc.citrus. fl. us> 06/15/2007 4:4 t PM Citrus County PDRB June 15 2007.doc; closed_depressioll_map.pdf Dear Kevin, Attached are my comments on the proposed watershed protection regs and the closed depression map that I promised you ages ago. I'm sorry I'm so late to the process but hopefully somewhere down the line these comments will be of use. Have a great weekend. Best regards, Bobby • Robert F. (Bobby) Roscow 127 Woodlawn Street Hamden, CT 06517-1341 P: (203) 287-1959 C: (203) 915-5570 F: (203) 287-9123 rfroscow@snet. net RECEIVED c.PA/o?-os 10N' 15 2007 Community Development Division RECEIVED. MEMORANDUM To: . From: Date: Re: CPIJ/r; f;) --or JUN 15 2GU7 Citrus County PDRB Robert F. Roscow June 15, 2007 CPA-07-05 Cemmunity Oe~tlopment Division • Helen Spivey was nice enough to tell me about your meeting but obviously I am too far away to attend. I am so glad that the county in cooperation with DCA will be adopting a springshed protection ordinance and modifying the various sections of the Comp Plan. She also sent me the proposed changes and I am glad to see that whoever mapped the closed depressions for DCA and I are in agreement. In late 2003 I digitized into my GIS system the nearly 2,800 that I found in the county. Unlike DCA's map I did not map any water bodies or wetlands, just what was indicated on the topo maps as depressions. Attached is a copy of my map. It can also be found at the website that Hanh Vu of Homosassa and I put together then at: http://www. truthaboutsuncoast2 .com/index .htm ,specifically: http://www. depressions.htm and http://\VwW. tmthaboutsuncoast2 .com/environment/closed depressions. jpg for the actual map. • In the environmental section I discuss at length the Brooksville Ridge and closed depressions. I believe it important that the board understand that the Brooksville Ridge contributes the majority of the water to our coastal springs. I believe also that SWFWMD underestimates its contribution and unfortunately has not followed through on the tomes of research that it has done or paid for. The single most important fact about the Ridge and the springs is that it acts as a unified system, one does not exist without the other. The environmental results of this interaction through karst topography is what one might call an ecoregion comprised of many different but dependent ecological communities. Vince Morris of Division of Forestry and Withlacoochee State Forest has for years been trying to have it recognized . internationally as a biosphere. Whether it is or not, this is the highest concentration of first magnitude springs in the world and it is inextricably tied to the Ridge recharge area. Citrus County's economy is largely dependent on this resource not just for drinking water but also the·manyindustries supported by it and the worldwide recognition afforded it and its inhabitants. People from all over the globe come to see the manatees and now we are the winter home for the whooping crane. Page 1 of4 • • Researchers (Archbold Biological Station) have also determined that the Ridge was not below the glacial waters but similar to the Lake Wales Ridge remained above. This allowed for speciation, e.g., the Withlacoochee Grasshopper. The Withlacoochee River it is theorized isolated these and yet to be found species endemic to _the Ridge. Without comprehensively noting this resource as a unified whole in its regulations, the county loses opportunities not only to protect the resource but also find funding for further acquisition, research. and guidelines for environmentally responsible development. Additionally, the regulations proposed address nitrate pollution but are silent on phosphorus. It is now known that phosphorus is the limiting factor for exotic growth and algae blooms in the waters and estuaries associated with the springs. While we can reduce further nitrate loading, miniscule amounts of phosphorus can be extremely damaging. They are also a prevalent component of sewage be it treated or not. • The entire Everglades restoration project's goal is to limit the levels of phosphorus to under 10 parts per billion. Above these levels sawgrass is replaced by cattails and other species. Typically we speak of chemical levels in parts per million but here the plant community responds to levels that have to be measured to parts per billion. There's no reason that our regulations should not address specifically phosphorus loading and it and nitrate loading's effects on the environment. Unfortunately, the water standards that are followed by regulators are written to address human consumption, and phosphorus not at all. We know though that plant communities, terrestrial or aquatic, react to much lower levels of these nutrients. Finally the regulations proposed are silent on the impact the Suncoast Parkway 2 (SC2) would have on this ecoregion. The transportation section is already silent enough on why we need it in the first place and FDOT and FTE keep giving us new reasons as we go along that contradict the very reasons they used to espouse. Whatever, the ecoregion has its own unique hydrologic cycle that starts with evaporation from the Gulf and estuaries, then precipitates as rain on the Ridge, and then quickly reenters the ground through sand. and is then transported via zillions of fractures in the karst limestone back to emerge at the springs and start the process all over again. When one examines a hydrologic cycle one usually develops a budget for all the components to determine not only how it works but also how to protect it. No runoff occurs on the Ridge, atypical for almost all other surfaces of the earth, but evapotranspiration does. The latter though is little understood for sandhill type communities typical of the Ridge. One also needs to further break it down into its components, evaporation and transpiration, to better assess impacts. Measurements can be made of evapotranspiration for undisturbed longleaf pine Sat;ldhills but when they are cleared, as for a road, the transpiration from the resulting grass ROW and evaporation from pavement and shoulders is drastically different. The SG 2 will Page 2 of4 remove over 2,000 acres of sandhill habitat and replace it with pavement, DRAs, and bahia grass cover. Excavation for it could also breach fractures that run both horizontally and vertically throughout the karst limestone. No amount of borings will ever predict what one will find until you actually excavate. • Vernon in 1951 wrote "The Geology of Citrus and Levy Counties" and it clearly shows the impossibility of even trying to predict what will happen. Recent theories on the Ocala Uplift, which crests underneath the Ridge, also, indicate the Ridge is rising as the weight of limestone is reduced by solution and therefore more fractures occur every day from the tensile stress. If there is to be a SC 2, then a lot of studies need to be conducted to attempt predicting the impact. If there is no need for the road, as it appears from the facts, then the county needs to demand FDOT/FTEwhy it should risk impacting this ecoregion resource. It should also be born in mind that this resource is not owned solely by Citrus county or private landholders. Vast tracts are owned by the state and federal government. I would like to close by also stating that this ecoregionhas a tremendous history. It's been the playground of magnates and presidents, world-renowned artists, and has unique historical assets that need to be protected. We all know about the Yulee Sugarmill Site but most are unfamiliar with the Etna Turpentine Camp Site on the Ridge. This site was discovered in the 80's when Florida Gas Transmission was studying the routes for its pipelines. Since then a Phase 3 has been completed on the it has been determined to be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. I mention it in the context of water regulations as it so symbolizes the nature of this ecoregion and how man has inhabited it. •• The site is now covered with a grove of live oaks that were probably planted by the settlers at the tum of the century. Surrounding it is arid sandhill, thousands of acres of it. The settlers however got their water from a small·sinkhole at the site. This May I visited the site and sink and found the sink to be an,oasis of green grass during one of Florida's worst droughts ... remember this site is in the midst of upland sandhill. The sink is just a few miles from the headwaters of the Chassahowitzka River springs group. The contrast is unbelievable yet it is that very contrast that makes this ecoregion so significant. Incidentally, the SC 2 ROW sits right on top of all ofEtna so if it were built this major piece of Citrus County's history and Florida would be gone forever. I look forward to the BOCC adopting these regulations and to enhancement of them from research and hopefully identification of the springs and Ridge as an ecoregion. Thank you for your consideration. I·would be happy to provide you any of the materials I have on the above. Kevin, I apologize for not getting you the closed depression map back in December or earlier. Dealing with FDOT/FTE and its projects in the county is a major undertaking. Robert F. Roscow Page 3 of4 • • 127 Woodlawn Street Hamden, CT 06517 H: (203) 287-1959 F: (203) 287-9123 Email: • • Page4 of4 Page 1 of l FACT: The Brooksville Rid in Citrus County Provides 73% of tt: Springs' Needs, Over 226 Billion Gallons of Water Per Year Closed"depressions were only plotted completely for Citrus Cou' OTHER FACTS: 'Xd!i>~ll . sed-Depressions ori Citrus co~ Portion of Ridge: 2,021 of2,782 in county 38,562 acres of 43,596 in cou t3tJr.J=·: Total Area of Brooksville Ridge in Citrus County, 189 p70 acres 40% of South Brooksville Rid · of MEXICO Legend" ,·; .StclloiiiCIII CIIIIJ.htlllag IPdi!J' .Ill illldCRIII! Rt - SC2 altai~ I ngnuts - CilJeddtpltUbll -~OJ) ,;,b•-•i;;t,;i;~· -CDIOI Rllge IICIInl 2 . Rlt: BRCtul COli 4 Dtl: Novtmbtr 1 CJTRUS COUNTY'S ,..... """~'"""" "" .... rOar(l'""r..ll"l......_lll.lll" 11"'6--1111.1-11"'6 httn~// ll"!o ..-1 Ia- deoressions.ioll _ _ ......_......_1111"'6\ I l l I I'"" -·""-.- 6/15/2007 • • • SPRINGS AND SPRINGSHED PROTECTION STANDARDS PM3-07-057 CITRUS COUNTY 2007SECONDLARGECYCLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT REFEREN.CE CHAPTER 3, 5, 10, 11 BOCC WORKSHOP JULY 24 2007 3:50pm RE~·EIVED -o'l-oS 1 ~ful 2 4 2007 Community Development Division THE PROPOSED BUFFERING AND SETBACKS )'> Prohibits increases in allowed land use. intensity · at the Generalized Future Land Use level within the Karst Sensitive Area or 100 feet of a spring group or open sinkhole. · )'> Establishes a 50 foot setback to all springs, springs runs, sinkholes, caves, and karst . • • • ARE THEY FAR ENOUGH TO PROTECT OUR SPRINGSHEDS AND SPRINGS .FROM A SPILL? >We Need to look at Travel Time to Spring Heads >Asses impact of surface features as: • Waterbodies • Hazardous waste sites • Potable water supply withdrawals 3 of35 Pages TRAVEL TIMES TO SPRING HEAD USGS and SWFWMD studies have indicated that ground water. can move rapidly, up to 374 feet per day, in the karst environments in state and Coastal- Region Basin Velocity 50ft 100ft 500ft 1000 ft Regional Groundwater 0.65 ft/day (1) 77 days 154 days 700 days 1400 days lchetucknee Spring Study 200 ft/day (2) Hillsborough Study 374 ft/day (3) USGS-SWFWMD STUDIES Adequate Response Time for HAZMAT spills (1) 0.65 feet day, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources · · Investigations Report 01-4011 ~~<1:<~~~~ \\1\,l-.__~~-~~))1 ~·-'"->·-·--y-~/ ' (2) 220 feet per hour (1 mile per day), ground water near lchetucknee springs, Karst Environmentat-z~""~';:· Services, 1997. lchetucknee Springs Water Quality Working Group Cooperativ~,-,__ /;::;:;_// ..---.::-==-~ •:: : : --.._ ...._~~ SWFWMD ' May 2001 //~//- <::>/~~>~ -~-~ ~-and L, (3) 0.8-1.7 miles per day at Sulphur Sulphur Springs Area, Tampa, F a.~· I .-::: / -~ 0. Report 83-4085. ~' 0 (1/;r/\ ~u/~(0-~-~~-~-\ ~, )" \\ - • . 1' ' ~\ \' \~ 'U '-.._ Y J 7) I\ ll'\ (' ~\' ~ "- <·-' //..? '\\:-... l))/ /') ';:,,~~/ "\~~ ·~---.:~:-:::~:-- . .~.:;/~ ~f/ sff.~~),t11J~ ~y J . ( ( c::3") ' •. ·'~~~dsf//j ~ """----~~-::-;::::- .-;/y \J1\1~j I \~ \~~---:-:.~::;;;/.~ ~~~~~-=-::=--:=~;:::::-~~·/:, .. ______..- - // """ t·--.·-----.... ------· ~- ·· ~.. '"-_..._ ---~- -----' ; I' ;j. ,!./ ;_/ . '·"-"~ .<·' ----~-· ""~~~~~: ~:>-·' --...-=----------::--·" -·------- • 0 • ~· • START WITH WATER FEATURES Major ·spring Group 82 Springs 45 Spring-seeps II 22 Lakes-River Fed J 4Sink River Basin Boundary 5 of35 Pages Add in All Hazardous Waste Sites . 165 Hazardous Waste Sites More than one · Permit • • • Add in Potable Water Supply Wells Note: Agriculture Recreational,~ and Commercial wells not ~hown (70% of water withdrawn) • 201. Potable Water Supply Wells (30% of water withdrawn) 7 of35 Pages Add inKnown Sinkholes · 284 Sinkhole (Shown with two or • • • 9 of35 Pages CONCIDERATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS ~ OVER 319 TONS PER DAY OF SLUDGE IS PROCESSED AND APPLEID TO RESIDUAL · APPLICATION FACILITIES IN THE SPRINGSHED. (SEE SUPPORTING MATERIALS) NEED TO ESTABLISH BUFFERING AND SETBACKS FOR LAND APPLICATION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND SEPTIC TANK SLUDGE AT 1000 FEET (FS 62-640.700 (a)) IN SPRING WATERSHEDS AND CLASS I WATER BODIES. ~ (4) · NEED TO REVIST ALL PROPOSED BUFFERS AND SETBACKS BASED ON GROUND WATER TRAVEL TIME FOR: • Existing Sinks, Sinkholes, And Hazmat Sites To Major Spring Groups (1st magnitude springs groupings ) • Open Sink, Sinkhole, And Surface Water Feature (rivers, creeks, ponds & Lakes) to Spring Head • Potable Wellfields Cone of Influence Drawdown plus Ground Water Movement to Spring Head (five year travel time?, example, Sugarmill Woods) • Hazardous Waste Transporter (within 500 feet of spring or water feature) use of Hwy 19, 41, and 44 where waterbodies are within 100 feet or less of road surface . • • • • ) TiiJlDifn ·VIffilllll ~ 1DJJlB ffiD1] Ll [}]] CiXIJ] ···~fflJ.J1] 11 of 35 Pages SUPPORTING MATERIALS Additional Slides Data Used in Presentation • • • GROUND ·wATER MOVEMENT •••••• USGS GroundWater Basin Boundary •••••••• Locations are app 13 of35 Pages Dunnellon Gap Brooksville Ridge Conservation Area C-2 Crystal River Basin Marsh Area WTPLand Application USGS Well Costal Ridge Sinkhole Springs/Vents Legend Submarine Springs Sinkholes Public, Private, Commercial and Industrial Wells Illustration Not To Scale Generalized ground-water flow patterns showing ground recharge, well draw use, sink holes, submarine springs and field application. Aquifer scale, but are shown to illustrate costal b~~-~fl~rst~JJ,.,.. r,.~llo!f'-:m~tN~n. conservation area C-2. No CvuJu~1·~ River Basin area. (See Kings Bay 2005 • • • 2006 WATER QUALITY Excellent Good Fair BASIN- WATERSHED . -<fm .... . . . - ~• SURFACE WATER). GROUND WATER .:.(fa -.-- .._ ..... ~:~:• SPRINGS .WELLS . . PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES __ OTHERINFULANCES SURFACE DISCHARGES WASTERWATER ,· WASTEWATER REUSE SINKHOLES·_·.... •HAZADROUS WASTE STORAGE TANKS ... LAND APPLICATION ·' ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION ..... ; Problems Poor ,_:; _.r~ ~;,., ""'""'""""""""'""""''• \. ..... . :~-.- ..·.. ~~-.· L'!D9 l'iiDD rm!liBI ll'£m ImmEl 15 of35 Pages PRESENTATION OATA ~LAND APPLICATION OF SLUDGE ~SURFACE WATER FEATURES ~HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES ~POTABLE WATER SUPPLY SITES ~SINKHOLES • • • LAND APPLICATION OF SLUDGE )o> 319 tons/day of residuals (treated sludge) are applied to the ground in the Citrus County springshed and watershed areas. (FDEP permit FLA011887) )o>. CHAPTER 62-640 DOMESTIC WASTEWATER RESIDUALS The residuals land application zone shall not be located closer than 1000 feet to any Class I water body, Outstanding Florida Water or Outstanding National Resource Water, or 200 feet from any other surface water of the state as defined in s. 403.031, F.S. Jones and Upchurch (1993) and Jones and Upchurch (1994)* -wrote that some effluent percolation ponds in the watershed drain extremely rapidly. This is because many of the lakes and ponds have highly porous bottoms composed of clean, finegrained filter material. . > Since the geology of the area (Citrus County) is such that low permeability confining units are either not present or are frequently breached by sinkholes, thus treated effluent can rapidly percolate directly tnto the Floridan aquifer. 17 of 35 Pages LAND APPLICATION O:F SLUDGE (CONT.) Residuals Application Facility in Citrus County Permit No. NAME CAP FLA011847 FLA011848 0.0000 0.0000 FLA011855 FLA011887 ALLEN SITE A-Able Septic Residual Management Facility (Truck Wash System HOLNAM RANCH A-AbleRmf FLR05A230 POST OAK RANCH 0.0000 DISPOSAL METHOD 0.0000 0.0500 SLUDGE DISPOSAL TREATMENT 319 Tons/day Lime Stabilization Of Domestic Wastewater Treatrilent Plant Residuals Permits for Disposal of Waste Residuals Permit No. FLA011887 FLA287407 FLA287423 FLA287431 FLA287466 FLA324256 Name A-ABLERMF ALLEN SITE A CITY OF INVERNESS PCF POST OAK RANCH 5 HOLNAM RANCH ALLENSITEB Type Residuals/Septage Management Facility Residuals A_pplication Facility Residuals Application Facility Residuals Application Facility Residuals Application Facility Residuals Application Facility FLA324264 POST OAK RANCH 4 Residuals Application Facility Waste Haulers in Citrus County (2006) A & C SEPTIC LLC A-ABLE SEPTIC A-ABLE SEPTIC & SEWER SERVICE INC A·ACE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE INC . AQUA WELL & SEPTIC BONDED SEPTIC TANK · BUDGET ROOTER SEPTIC SERVICE CHET'S SEPTIC SERVICE INC CITRUS SEPTIC TANK & SUPPLY INC DIXIE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE RICHARD FERRELL'S SEPTIC SERVICE SHANNON'S SEPTIC SERVICE SIMPLY SEPTIC SERVICE INC SUN COAST SEPTIC Address 2190 N CREDE AVE 695 N MAYLEN AVE 3900 S FLORIDA AVE 7000 W SEVEN RIVERS DR HCR LIMESTONE ROAD W. NORVELL BRYANT HIGHWAY 7000 W SEVEN RIVERS DR . 9041 E Sandpiper Dr 344-9041 Inverness, FL 34450-7434 2190 N Crede Ave 795-1554 Crystal River, FL 34428-5812 . 2190 N Crede Ave 795-1554 Crystal River, FL 34428-5812 726-8450 Inverness P.O. Box 1041 3551 E Hartley Ct (352) 726-6646 Hernando, FL 34442 Toll Free (800) 343-2578 3639 E Hartley Ct 726-0974 Hernando, FL 34442-5009 Hernando 746-9311 Inverness 637-1411 2400 N Croft Ave 726-2138 4939W Pleasant Acres PI 746-4302 Lecanto, FL 34461-9752 795-3715 3410 W Crigger Ct 628-0085 Lecanto, FL 34461-9454 6579 W Green Acres St 628-1222 Homosassa, FL 34446-1806 628-7354 3311 E Marcia St 344-3336 Inverness, FL 34453-9639 Homosassa Fax 795-5423 City CRYSTAL RIVER LECANTO INVERNESS CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL RIVER LECANTO CRYSTAL RIVER • • SURFACE WATER FEATURES- SPRINGS Springs Basin Source Abdoney Spring Coastal Region Alligator Spring Coastal Region SWFWMD FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD American Legion Spring Coastal Region FLGEOSUR #31 Artesian Spring Coastal Region Baird Spring Coastal Region USGS & SWFWMD Baird Spring 2 Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Baird Spring 3 Coastal. Region FGS Bulletin 66 Baird Spring 4 Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Banana Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Banana Spring Coastal Region USGS Banana Spring Coastal Region USGS Banana Spring . Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Bear Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Belcher Spring Coastal Region SWFWMD Beteejay Spring Coastal Region Black Springs Coastal Region SWFWMD FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Blue Hole Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Blue Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Bluebird Springs Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Bubba Spring Coastal Region USGS #01-4230 Catfish Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Cedar Cove Spring Coastal Region USGS & LAKEWATCH & BOCC Chassahowitzka Spring 1 Coastal Region USGS & SWFWMD Chassahowitzka Spring 2 Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Chassahowitzka Spring Main Chassahowitzka SpringUnnamed Citrus Blue Spring Coastal Region USGS Coastal Region USGS & SWFWMD Withlacoochee River FGS Bulletin 66 Crab Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Cresent Drive Spring Coastal Region Fire Hydrant Spring Withlacoochee River Gator Hole Spring GUM SPRINGS NR HOLDER, FLA. Grand Cayon Spring Coastal Region Withlacoochee River Coastal Region DeLoach's book "Diving Guide to Florida Springs" USGS & Rosenau et al. (1977) LAKE WATCH USGS I • Springs Basin Source Halls River 1Spring Coastal Region USGS Halls River Head Spring Coastal Region USGS & SWFWMD Halls River Spring 2 Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Hidden River 2 Spring Coastal Region USGS & SWFWMD Hidden River Head Spring Coastal Region USGS & SWFWMD Homosassa Spring Coastal Region USGS Homosassa Spring 1 Coastal Region USGS & SWFWMD Homosassa Spring 2 Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Homosassa Spring 3 Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Homosassa Unnamed Spring I Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Homosassa Unnamed spring 2 Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 House Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Hunter Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Idiots Delight Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Indian Springs Coastal Region USGS Jurassic Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 King Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Kings Bay Spring #1 Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Lettuce Creek Spring Coastal Region USGS Little Hidden Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Little Spring (Chassahowitzka) Coastal Region USGS Little Spring (Crystal River) Coastal Regiori FGS Bulletin 66 Lost Spring Coastal Region USGS Magnolia Spring Coastal Region Rosenau et al. (1977) Manatee Sanctuary Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Mcclain Spring Coastal Region SWFWMD Middle Springs Coastal Region USGS Millers Creek Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Mullet's Gullet Spring Coastal Region Nichols.Spring Withlacoochee River Potter Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 DeLoach's book "Diving Guide to Florida Sprin.&s FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Pumphouse Springs Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Rita Maria Spring Coastal Region SWFWMD 1997 Ruth Spring 1 Coastal Region USGS & SWFWMD Ruth Spring 2 Coastal Region USGS Ryle Creek Spring Coastal Region SWFWMD 1997 Ryle Creek Spring Coastal Region SWFWMD 1997 - Serings Basin Source Springs Basin Source Salt Creek Spring A Coastal Region BOCCchpt3 Tarpon Hole 2 Spring Coastal Region SWFWMD Salt Creek Spring B Coastal Region BOCCchpt3 Tarpon Hole Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Salt Creek Spring C Coastal Region BOCCchpt3 Three Sisters 2 Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Salt Creek Springs Coa5tal Region USGS Three Sisters Run Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Shark Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 Trotter l Spring Coastal Region FGS Bulletin 66 & SWFWMD Sulphur Spring Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Trotter Main Spring Coastal Region USGS & SWFWMD su-RFACE WATER FEATURES- SPRING- SEEPS Spring - Seeps Basin Source Spring - Seeps Basin Source Azure Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Lake Magnolia Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Black Diamond Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Lake Nina (Hog Pond) Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Lake Ogden Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite · Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map • Satellite Lake Peggy Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Cedar Lake (east) Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map ·Satellite Lake Pocono (Freds Lake) Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map -Satellite Cedar Lake (west) Coastal Region USGS Topo Map • Satellite LakeRoscow Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Citrus Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map· Satellite Lake Tahoe Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Clear Spring Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map· Satellite Little Lake Withlacoochee River . USGS Topo Map- Satellite Connell Lake Withlacoochee River Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Withlacoochee River USGS USGS· Little Lake Inverness Forest Lake Magnolia Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Fort Cooper Lake Withlacoochee River BOCC -Chapter 3 Moon Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Green Heron Lake Coastal Region USGS Topo Map • Satellite Parsley Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Hickory Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map • Satellite Pine Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Holden Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map • Satellite Pineola Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Honeymoon Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Princess Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Lake Carol Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map· Satellite Rush Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Lake Conant Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map· Satellite Small Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Lake Consuella Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map ·Satellite The Pocket Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Lake Evelyn Coastal Region USGS Topo Map • Satellite Twin Lakes Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Lake Floral Withlacoochee River US(JS Topo Map - Satellite Twins Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Lake Inverness With\acoochee River USGS Topo Map • Satellite Two mile Prairie Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Lake James Coastal Region USGS Topo Map· Satellite White Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite Lake Kuna Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map· Satellite Bradley Lake CatoLake • • • SURF ACE WATER FEATURES - W A TERBODIES WATERBODIES Type Basin WATERBODIES Type Basin 16MinePond Pond Withlacoochee River Fivemile Pond Pond Coastal Region Bagley Cove Cove Coastal Region Game Creek Creek Coastal Region Baird Creek Creek Coastal Region Game Creek Bay Bay Coastal Region Battle Creek Creek Coastal Region Gator Creek Creek Coastal Region Bennets Creek Creek Coastal Region Gofl Course Canal Canal Withlacoochee River Betty Creek Creek Coastal Region Gomez Creek Creek Coastal Region Black Creek Creek Coastal Region Grab Creek Creek Coastal Region Blue Bay Bay Coastal Region Greenleaf Bay Bay Coastal Region · Buckford Creek Creek Coastal Region GustafBay Bay Coastal Region Buff Cove Cove Withlacoochee River Halls River River Coastal Region CedarCreek Creek Coastal Region Head Creek Creek Coastal Region Chassahowitzka Bay Bay Coastal Region Hidden River River Coastlil Region Chassahowitzk:a River River Coastal Region Homosassa Bay Bay Coastal Region Crawford Creek Creek Coastal Region Homosassa River River Coastal Region .Cross Creek Creek Coastal Region John's Creek Creek Coastal Region Cross Florida Barge Canal Canal Coastal Region Johnson Creek Creek Coastal Region Crystal Bay Bay Coastal Region Kings Bay Bay Coastal Region Crystal River ~iver Coastal Region Kings Creek Creek Coastal Region Deep Creek Creek Coastal Region Leslie Hefther Canal Canal Withlacoochee River Deer Creek .Creek Coastal Region Lettuce Creek Creek Coastal Region Dixie Bay Bay Coastal Region Little Gator Creek Creek Coastal Region Dolphin Creek Creek Coastal Region Little Homosassa River River Coastal Region Double Barrel Creek Creek Coastal Region Little Rocky Creek Creek Coastal Region Ferris Canal Canal Withlacoochee River Little Salt River River . Coastal Region Fish Creek Creek Coastal Region Lone Cabbage Creek Creek Coastal Region Fish Creek Bay Bay Coastal Region Lost Pond Pond Withlacoochee River 21 of35 Pages WATERBODIES Type Basin WATERBODIES Type Basin Mansfield Pond Pond Coastal Region RyleCreek Creek Coastal Region Mason Creek Creek Coastal Region Salt Creek Creek Coastal Region Miller's Creek Creek Coastal Region Salt River River Coastal Region Moccasin Slough Slough Withlacoochee River Sam's Bayou Bayou Coastal Region Moccasin Slough Canal Canal Withlacoochee River Sheephead Creek Creek Coastal Region Mud Creek Creek Coastal Region Shiloh Pond Pond Coastal Region Mutual Mile Pond Pond Withlacoochee River Shinn Ditch Ditch Withlacoochee River Orange State Canal (C-331) Canal Withlacoochee River Shivers Bay Bay Coastal Region Outlet River River Coastal Region St. Martin's River River Coastal Region Oyster Creek Creek Coastal Region Stage Pond Pond Coastal Region Petty Creek Creek Coastal Region Stevenson Creek Creek Coastal Region Porpoise Bay Bay Coastal Region Story Mine Pond Pond Withlacoochee River Potter Creek Creek Coastal Region Tiger Tail Bay Bay Coastal Region Price's Creek Creek Coastal Region Tony Creek Creek Coastal Region Pumpkin Creek Creek Coastal Region Trout Creek Creek Coastal Region Richardson Creek Creek Coastal Region Turtle Creek Creek Coastal Region Cove Coastal Region Twin Creek Creek Coastal Region Rock Creek Creek Coastal Region Withlacoochee Bay Bay Coastal Region Rose Creek Creek Coastal Region Withlacoochee River River Withlacoochee River Rock Cove ,. SURFACE WATER FEATURES - RIVER FED LAKES RIVER FED LAKES Basin Source Bellamy Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Bonnet Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Croft Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Davis Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Dodd Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Floral City Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Hampton Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 • • RIVER FED LAKES Basin Source Henderson Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Hernando Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Lake Annie Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 • • Lake Beth Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct~06 ·Lake Rosseau Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Little Spivey Lake .Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Nelson Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Point Lonesome Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Spivey Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Todd Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Tussock Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Van Ness Lake Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Lake Moore Withlacoochee River SWFWMD-Oct-06 Cooter Lake (Sunset Lake) Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map - Satellite Church Lake Withlacoochee River USGS Topo Map- Satellite ' SURFACE WATER FEATURES- SINKS SINKS Basin Bull Sink Withlacoochee River Brush Sink Chassahowitzka River Lizzie Hart Sink Chassahowitzka River Shark Sink Crystal River Source USGS Topo Map Satellite USGS Topo Map Satellite USGS Topo Map Satellite FGS Bulletin 66 HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES Note: Not all of the below site are shown in presentation. (Source EPA Envirofacts) HAZMATid Flr000078543 Fld984180265 Name Consumer Car Care Star Enterprise City Beverly Hills Beverly Hills HAZMATid Flr000109496 Name Team Wayne Automotive And Collision Cent City Beverly Hills 23 of 35 Pages HAZMATid Fld984224907 Name Cumberland Farms #I 053 City Citrus Springs HAZMATid Flr000074351 Name Marshall Grading & Asphalt City Crystal River Fld984193755 Huntley Jiffy Food Stores #108 Citrus Springs Fld982169955 Masons Concrete Of Crysal River Crystal River Fld984209635 Aaa Engine & Machine Crystal River Fld000831 032 Metal Industries Incorporated Crystal River Fld980841696 Advanced Circuit Technology Inc Crystal River . Fld984244400 Crystal River Fl00003481 02 Autocrafters Collision Center Inc Crystal River Midas Muffler Progress Energy Crystal River Energy Complex Fld984198085 Fld984254128 Fld984254144 Fld984254136 Fld981745425 Fld039894340 Flr000054783 Fld984178996 Fld982115602 Budget Instant Print Circle K #7248 Circle K #7489 Circle K Store #2814 Crystal Chevrolet Crystal River Firestone Crystal River High School Firing Range Crystal River Precast Plt Cumberland Farms #I 007 Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Fld9821 05694 Damrons Auto Sales & Services Crystal River Fld040216764 Flr000004929 Equipment Maintenance & Repair Crystal River Fld982132193 Florida Dma Flarng Oms # 17 Crystal River FlOOOOO 15297 General Petroleum Equip & Supp Crystal River Fld982131435 Fld981745383 Fld981745383 Flr000112086 Gregs Car Center Gulf Coast Ford Gulf Coast Ford Home Depot #6332 Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Fld984193680 Huntley Jiffy Food Stores #Ill Crystal River Fld984193672 Huntley Jiffy Food Stores #279 Crystal River FlrOOO I 04182 Fld981864358 Fld984197012 Flr000096701 Johnsons Kia King Bay Auto M D Auto Clinic Marakis Property Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Fld040216764 Progress Energy Crystal River Energy Complex Crystal River Crystal River Fld984249656 Progress Energy Crystal River Energy Complex Sears Roebuck & Co Fld982087942 Sparton Defense Electronics Crystal River Flr000017418 Stricker Marine & Beat Sales Crystal River Fld054000237 Suncoast Lincoln Mercury Inc Crystal River Flr000090951 Technology Conservation Group Crystal River FlrOOO 106021 Technology Conservation Group / . Crystal River Fld984180067 Flr000072454 Flr000116988 Fld982118788 Flr000051896 Fld984230698 Flr000009506 Fld984224980 Flr000031773 Texaco #242030614 Texaco Xpress Lube Tire Kingdom Inc #94 Touch Of Quality Cleaners Ultra Tech White Rose Cleaners Wino Dixie #2217 Cumberland Farms # l 007 Crystal Motorcar Collision Ctr Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Crystal River Dunnellon Flr000050427 Bentons Environmental Services Floral City Fld9842599ll Bentons Filter & Recycling Ser Floral City Flr000077222 Carters Auto Recycling Floral City Fld040216764 Crystal River Crystal River • HAZMATid Name City Flr000077826 Cds Enviro Services Floral City Fld984254094 Circle K #72 11 Floral City Flr000087 593 Jans Waste Oiljanice Hammers Service Floral City Flr000067272 Fld981925720 Fld984254l 02 Mikes Filter & Tire Auto Menders Inc Circle K #7298 Floral City Hernando Hernando Flr000081968 Island Fiberglass Pool St Marine Div Hernando Fld984224832 Flr000088864 Flr000084285 Cumberland Farms #1Q46 Enhanced Coatings Inc A & J Auto Salvage Hernando Hernando Homosassa Flr000069799 Advanced Fiberglass Concepts Homosassa Flr000069799 Advanced Fiberglass Concepts Homosassa Flr000069799 Advanced Fiberglass Concepts Homosassa Fld982085656 Ameri Torque Inc Converters Homosassa Fld984167403 Fld984254169 Fld981866478 Fld9818664 78 Barramundi Boats Inc Circle K #7497 Crystal Chevrolet Crystal Chevrolet Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Fld9818664 78 Crystal Chevrolet Homosassa Fld981756471 Fld981756471 Fld984225037 Fld984220 111 Crystal Pontiac Mitsubis Crystal Pontiac Mitsubis Cumberland Farms #1006 Dales Auto Salvage Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Flr000039388 Dan D Radiator Homosassa ' • Eagle Buick City Homosassa Flr000069336 Four Way Oillnc Homosassa Flr000017459 Futronix Inc Homosassa Fld984193706 Huntley JiftY Food Stores #105 Homosassa Fld984193698 Huntley JiftY Food Stores #107 Homosassa Fld984193714 Huntley Jiffy Food Stores #184 Homosassa Flr000068536 Jims Quality Paint & Body Homosassa Fld984187815 L C Products Incorporated Homosassa Fld981925605 Flr000023697 Fld984220 I 03 Larrys Quality Paint & Body Love Nissan & Honda MD Auto Clinic Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Fld053500674 Pro Line Boats Incorporated Homosassa Flr0000700 11 Flr0000700 11 Flr000073734 Flr0000693 51 Flr00006·1119 Fld984254151 Flr00003 7218 Riverhaven Marina Riverhaven Marina· Smittys Auto Recyclers Smittys Auto Recycling Inc Sun Fiberglass Products Tara Food Mart Touch Of Quality Cleaners Walgreens #4217 Fld984212639 Amoco Service Station #6322 Fld982168122 Custom Fiberglass Coaches Fld981925662 Daves Custom Paint & Body Fld039682646 Homosassa Tire Fld982142820 Redwing Disposal Fld984190561 Texaco #242031372 Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Homosassa Springs Homosassa Sj)rings Homosassa Springs Homosassa Springs Homosassa Springs Homosassa Name ' Fld984241364 Dayton Andrews Jeep Eagle Homosassa Fld091312686 Fld9820972 71 Dimensions Mfg & Dist Inc Eagle Buick Homosassa Homosassa • HAZMATld Fld98209727l 25 of35 Pages Name City HAZMATid Name City Flr000074252 Wal Mart Store #1029 Fld984167296 Fld984167296 Precision Machine Precision Machine Inverness Inverness Fld001490176 3 M Auto Service Springs Homosassa. Springs Inverness FlrOOO 107912 Specialties By Chuck Inverness Flr000076489 5 Star Automotive Repair And Service Inverness Fld981745268 Fld981921976 Fld984218354 Fld981745326 Fld094589926 Inverness Inverness Inverness Inverness Inverness Fld984223131 Superamerica Of Florida #8045 Inverness Inverness Fld984180 125 FlrOOO 116566 Texaco #242030852 Tire Kingdom Inc # 162 Inverness Inverness Fld984255083 Aamco Transmission Armor Transmissions Bickers Tire & 4 Wheel Drive Carroll Contracting And Ready Mix Incorporated Circle K #8623 Steves Auto Repair Sunshine Materials Inc Inverness Fld984238725 Tonys Body Shop Inverness FlrOOOO 16279 Citrus County School District Inverness Fld984262725 Total Environmental Services Inverness Fld982112559 Citrus Publishing Inc Inverness Flr000012559 Total Environmental Services Fld981921513 Citrus Tire & Automotive Center Inverness Inverness Flr000012559 Fld984262717 Collision Tech Of Citrus County Inverness Total Environmental Services Inverness Fld981480312 Fld984206 169 Fld147705487 Fld982159444 Fld984171645 Como Auto Sales Craig Holt Machine Crystal Chrysler Dodge Csx Transportation Debusk Trucking Co Inverness Inverness Inverness Inverness Inverness Fld984234344 Touch Of Quality Cleaners #3 Inverness Fld982168411 Dynamic Performance Coatings Inverness Flr000084707 Flr000074641 Flr000004994 Fld982173676 FlrOOO 1185 96 Flr000006098 V A Community Based Ope Wal Mart Store # 1104 White Rose Cleaner White Rose Cleaners Wild Bills Airboat Tours Winn Dixie #2210 Inverness Inverness Inverness Inverness Inverness Inverness Fld981754815 Ed Auto Repair & Towing Inverness Fl0001015122 Withlachoochee Technical Institute Inverness Fld984193 748 Huntley Jiffy Food Stores #183 Inverness Fl0000096842 Jans Oil Inverness Flr000027631 Lowes Home Centers Inc #0 154 Inverness Fld982170847 Fld984254110. Fld982102741 Fld984226050 Central Materials Co Inc Circle K #7504 Citrus Co Central Landfill Citrus Co Central Landfill Lecanto Lecanto Lecanto Lecanto Fld115428476 Fld032362162 Fld032362162 Manatee Dry Cleaners Nick Nicholas Ford Inc Nick Nicholas Ford Inc Inverness Inverness Inverness Fl0000935619 Florida Gas Transmission CIS 26 Lecanto FlrOOO 103424 Metal Industries Inc Lecanto Fld032362162 Nick Nicholas Ford Inc Inverness Fld984180273 Star Enterprise North Crystal River HAZMATid Fld005818752 • • HAZMATld Name Flr000081695 Spanger Property FlrOOO 102244 Co1lisi.on Tech City South Dunnellon • HAZMAT ld Name Fld984174227 Star Enterprise City • POTABLE WATER SUPPLY SITES Population Served POT ABLE WATER SYSTEM 4 ACRES TAVERN 41CHEVRON ADVENTURELAND ALL ABOUT KIDS AMERICAN FOODS GROCERY & DELI . APACHE SHORES SUBDIVISION ARMANTE'S AUGIE'S BAR AND GRILL BEAR -PA'S BETH ELOHIM MESSONIC SYNAGOUGE BEVERLY HILLS SUBDIVISION BEVERLY HILLS VILLAGE MALL BICENTENNIAL PARK BIG OAKS RIVER RESORT & CAMPGROUND BlG PINE ACRES BILL & GERRIES RESTAURANT BRAD'S FOOD AND GAS BROOKLYN SOUTH CADILLAC RANCH RESTAURANT &LOUNGE CALLAWAY CENTER CAMP DAVID CAMP E-NINJ-HASSEE CASEY'S PUB 25 25 25 25 25 742 25 25 25 25 11465 25 25 50 70 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 150 Population Served POT ABLE WATER SYSTEM CASTAWAYS INN CASTLE LAKE PARK CEDAR LAKE ESTATES CHASSA RIVER LODGE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN INVERNESS CINNAMON RIDGE UTILITIES CINNAMON RIDGE UTILITIES,INC. CIRCLE K STORE #7497 CITR. CO UTLIFOXWOOD/INDIAN AC CITRONELLE PARK CITRUS AMERICAN ITALIAN SOCIAL CLUB CITRUS CO UTLICHARLES A. BLACK CITRUS CO UTLIQUAJL RUN CITRUS CO UTL/W ATER OAKS SID CITRUS CO. DISTRICT PARK( CENTRAL RIDGE) CITRUS CO. UTL - CHSWITZKA CPG CITRUS COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION CITRUS SPRINGS CONSTATE UTLIHILLS OF AVALON COVE CAMPGROUND & 25 196 85 100 25 505 25 25 180 50 25 19715 165 148 25 1000 25 5484 425 so 27 of35 Pages Population Served POTABLE WATER SYSTEM RESTAURANT COVERED WAGON CAMPGROUND CROFTMHP CRYSTAL ACRES MHP CRYSTAL GEM CRYSTAL POINTE CRYSTAL RIVER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CRYSTAL RIVER, CITY OF CRYSTALWOOD COURT CUMBERLAND FARM STORES #9641 DAN'S CLAM STAND DEERWOOD PROFESSIONAL PARK DHRS CLIENT CENTER DOLLAR GENERAL STORE DUNNELLON HILLS WATER SYSTEM DUNNELLON VFW POST 7991 EAST CITRUS COMMUNITY CENTER ELDORADO ESTATES EMILY'S FAMILY RESTAURANT EVANRIDGE MHP EXECUTIVE CENTER CONDO AS SOC FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH/SANCTUARY FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD/KING'S KID'S FIRST BA~TIST CHURCH OF LAKE ROSSEAU FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FISHERMAN'S COVE FLORAL CITY WATER ASSN FORT COOPER STATE PARK 80 48 75 25 60 5004528 39 25 25 25 100 25 100 25 25 185· 50 125 25 100 25 100 40 25 4787 60 Population Served POTABLE WATER SYSTEM FOUNTAIN SQUARE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES FT COOPER MOBILE HOME COMM G.P.'S LOUNGE GOOD COUNSEL CAMP GOSPEL ISLAND ESTATES GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP OF CITRUS CO. GREENBRIAR I HANDY WAY# 2119 HARBOR LIGHTS MOBILE RESORT HERNANDO CHURCH OF NAZARENE HESS MART #09401 HIGHLAND CIVIC CENTER HIGHLANDS PURE HOLDER MINE HOMOSASSA SPECIAL WATER DISTRICT HOMOSASSA SPRINGS PIZZA HUT HOWARD'S FLEA MARKET HOWARD'S NORTH/SANDRAY IMPERIAL GARDENS INVERNESS GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB INVERNESS MOOSE LODGE 2112 INVERNESS PARK INVERNESS VILLAGE GARDENS INVERNESS WATER DEPT ITALIAN SOCIAL CLUB KEB TRUST KELLY'S HEALTH CLUB KENWOOD NORTH KING EDWARDS KWICK SAVE FOOD MART KWIK KTNG #56 74 25 79 25 125 62 25 420 25 63 25 25 25 30 25 5972 100 25 25 35 40 50 100 383 6383 25 25 25 172 25 50 25 • POTABLE WATER SYSTEM KWIKSAVE II KWIK STOP (CITGO) KWIK STOP CHEVRON LAKESIDE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES LARGO VILLAGE LIL' CHAMP #1286 LIL' CHAMP #61 07 LITTLE DISCIPLES DAYCARE LITTLE GENERAL FOOD CENTER MAMA MARIES (FRM SAL'S REST) MARATHON #216 MCGREGOR SMITH SCOUT RESERV MEADOW DRIVES MEADOW WOOD S/D MID FLORIDA MOTEL & TP MITCH'S MART MT. OLIVE MISSIONARY BAPTIST MUTUAL MINE NATURE COAST CAMPGROUND NOAH'S NURSERY/RIVER GARDENS NORTHWOOD ESTATES MHP OAK FOREST OAK POND ADULT M.H. ESTATES OAK RIDGE CENTRE OVERPASS MOBILE HOME PARK . PALM TERRACE MH SID PARKVIEW LANES PEARL APARTMENTS PINE RIDGE S/D PINE VALLEY PINEWOOD MOBILE HOME SID PLANTATION INN & GOLF RESORT Population Served 25 25 25 464 80 25 25 35 25 25 25 100 113 93 50 25 45 25 99 25 170 374 70 25 75 89 25 25 4092 168 100 50 • Population Served POTABLE WATER SYSTEM PLAZA FOOD MART PLEASANT GROVE MANOR POINT O'WOODS POLLYWOGS POPPY'S DELI PROGRESS ENERGY FLORIDA (N) PROGRESS ENERGY FLORIDA (S) QUAIL ROOST RV CAMPGROUND QUIK CORNER #l REGISAPTS RIGHT WAY. RIO CRYSTAL SEAFOOD RIVER OAKS TR PK RIVERLODGE RV RESORT RIVERSIDE LODGE ROSEMONT -ROLLING GREEN ROYAL OAKS MANOR INC RUSTY DUCK RESTAU RANT SALOON BAR & GRILL SAMOS ENTERPRISES SANDY OAKS RV & MHP SERVOS SQUARE SEVEN RIVERS COMMUNITY HOSPITA SEVEN RIVERS GOLF & COUNTRY CL SEVEN RIVERS SHELL SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARI( SHELL STATION GAS AND DELI SlNGlNG FOREST UNIT 2 SINGING FOREST UNITS 1 & 3 SMALL WORLD DA YCARE SMOKIN' JOE'S BBQ AND CATERING SOUTH DUNNELLON WATER ASSOC • 25 26 878 25 25 342 750 25 25 35 25 25 25 202 75 542 240 25 50 25 90 25 450 75 25 25 25 144 150 25 25 355 29 of 35 Pages Population Served POTABLE WATER SYSTEM SPORTSMEN'S BOWL SPRING GARDENS SPRINGHORN W S STTHOMAS CATHOLIC CHURCH STONEBROOK MHP SUGARMILL MEDICAL CENTER SUGARMILL WOODS S/D SUN CRUZ/CITRUS MININGTIMBER SUNCOAST MOBILE PARK SUNNY DAYS PLAZA 25 290 25 25 263 50 8383 33 80 50 Population Served POTABLE WATER SYSTEM THREE RIVERS MOTEL THUNDERBIRD MHP TILLIS HILL VF W 4252 81 25 25 50 25 25 26 50- VENTURA VILLAGE WALDEN WOODS MHC WATSON'S FISH CAMP 100 680 60. WELLAQUA 80 100 TRAJLPLAZA TRAILS END CAMP TREETOPS PLAZA TURNER CAMP TWO GUYS FROM ITALY SUNSHlNE #6/BACKWATER HEIGHTS SUNSHINE #7(ELLISWORTH POINT) TARA FOOD MART TARA WOOD OF FLORAL CITY 315 25 45 WEST CITRUS UTILITIES WITHLACOOCHE BAY TRAILS TEXACO FOOD MART 25 112 YANNI'S RESTAURANT 84 25 WEST CITRUS CHURCH OF CHRIST THE MEADOWS THE OASIS MHP 224 100 150 70 SINKHOLES Note: Sinkhole locations shown on presentation consist of one or more sinkholes listed below SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY ADJ. TO SWAMP AREA/KINGS BAY CRYSTAL RIVER SR 495/SHRAMROCK ACRES CRYSTAL RIVER GRANT STOFF AUTO BOND HOMOSASSA SPRINGS CRYSTAL MANOR SUB. CRYSTAL RIVER CHECKERBERRY DR/CRYSTAL MANOR CRYSTAL RIVER WOODWARD PARK CRYSTAL RIVER ELM ST IN HOLIDAY ACRES CRYSTAL RIVER SEVEN RIVERS FARM ST CRYSTAL RIVER OFF N ALABAMA AND KALLARYNY ST NEAR OXFORD, PASTURE CRYSTAL RIVER HOMOSASSA SPRINGS GOLFVlEWDR CITRUS SPRINGS CAM ELlA AVE/CRYSTAL MANOR CRYSTAL RIVER • • .-----· • SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY MlLWAUKEEST CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL RIVER AMERICAN LEGION CRYSTAL RIVER GULFVIEWRD CRYSTAL RIVER GROVE ST/WOODWARD PARK CRYSTAL RIVER ROCK CRUSHER ROAD CRYSTAL RIVER LT8,BLK6, LEGEND DR HOMOSASSA COUNTRY CLUB LANE CRYSTAL RIVER SEDANCT HOMOSASSA SPRINGS RIVER HAYEN VILLAGE HOMOSASSA HOLLYWOOD CIRCLE N CRYSTAL RIVER HALL RIVER ESTATES HOMOSASSA CREED & CYPRESS ST CRYSTAL RIVER STATE PARK RD/CONCORD DR CRYSTAL RIVER PINE CASTLE ST CRYSTAL RIVER STATE PARK RD/CONCORD DR CRYSTAL RIVER ST BENEDICT CATHOLIC CHURCH CRYSTAL RIVER HARAN HAVEN FLORAL CITY CRYSTAL RIVER HARAN HAVEN FLORAL CITY CITRUS CO AIRPORT/SOFTBALL FLD CARPENTER RD CRYSTAL RIVER LAKE MAGNOLIA ESTATES INVERNESS S LOUlSE PT HOMOSASSA LAKE MAGNOLIA ESTATES INVERNESS W RIVER WOOD DR CRYSTAL RIVER BASSETT CIRCLE HOMOSASSA ABERDEEN ST HOMOSASSA SPRINGS CRYSTAL MANOR CRYSTAL RIVER IN FRONT OF CITY HALL CRYSTAL RIVER · STATE PARK RD CRYSTAL RIVER HIGHLAND AVE CRYSTAL RIVER STATE PARK RD CRYSTAL RIVER TANGERINE LN CRYSTAL RIVER STATE PARK RD CRYSTAL RIVER NMARJONWAY CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL PARK SUBD CRYSTAL RIVER STATE PARK DR CRYSTAL RIVER N SUN DANCE AVE, OFF STATE PARK CRYSTAL RIVER OAKLANEDR HOMOSASSA WHITE DOGWOOD LANE HOMOSSASSA STATE PARK RD CRYSTAL RIVER LAKE HAMPTON FLORAL CITY N ALABAMA ST HOMOSASSA ROW OF E HAWK CT, AT END OF ROAD INVERNESS PRIESTRD CRYSTAL RIVER RIVERVIEW CR HOMOSASSA SPRINGS @FIRE STATION HOMOSASSA SPRINGS CARLOS LANE CRYSTAL RIVER RIVER BEND RD CRYSTAL RIVER CRANBERRY ST CRYSTAL RIVER DAZZY VANCE BALL HOMOSASSA SPRINGS HIGHLAND AVE CRYSTAL RIVER DIXIE RD @ GREEN ACRES HOMOSASSA CRYSTAL RIVER MIL WAUKEE AVE CRYSTAL RIVER LT26,BLK V,CRy·sT AL PARADISE EST SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY OAKLANEDR HOMOSASSA OIAMONDST ' 31 of 35 Pages SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY LITTLEJOHN AVE INVERNESS NEAR RUSH ST INVERNESS LACEY LANE HOMOSASSA SPRINGS INVERNESS SHlBISCUS AVE HOMOSASSA SPRINGS HAMPTON WOODS/OFF E HENDERSON TR NEAR LAKE HENDERSON INVERNESS TRELLIS DR, UT7 HOMOSASSA SPRINGS CRYSTAL C'TR PARKING LT CRYSTAL RIVER W GROVER CLEVELAND HOMOSASSA STATE PARK DR CRYSTAL RIVER YULEE DR HOMOSASSA S POINTSElTJA, EAST TERR CRYSTAL RIVER SANDPIPER DR INVERNESS OLD FLORAL CITY RD INVERNESS SOLID ROCK BAPTIST CH/GOODMAN LN @DOUGLAS ST & SUGARMILL WOODS HOMOSASSA SPRINGS GROVELAND WAY HOLDER HOMOSASSA SPRINGS S MELANIE DR HOMOSASSA SPRINGS ROSEDALE AVE HOMOSASSA SPRINGS ATLANTIS WAY HOMOSASSA SPRINGS MANGO DR CRYSTAL RJVER S GRANDMARCJ-i AVE HOMOSASSA SPRINGS SYCAMORE CIRCLE CRYSTAL RIVER ROCKCRUSHER RD & AVOCADO AVE CRYSTAL RIVER BITTEROOT &AMARYLLIS RED LEVEL R.O.W., S CLEMANTIS WAY HOMOSASSA SPRINGS W. NARCISSUS LN HOMOSASSA SPRINGS MEDIAN OF RJVERHAVEN DR HOMOSASSA SPRINGS HIGHWAY 19- EAGLE BUICK-AMC CRYSTAL RIVER INVERNESS W AVOCADO ST & N ROCKCRUSHER RD CITRUS CO FAIR GROUNDS, RIGGS BLD CRYSTAL RIVER FLORENCE ST & AVACADO ST CRYSTAL RIVER STONEBROOK DR CRYSTAL RIVER OFF VETERANS DR CRYSTAL RIVER INTER. N ROCK CRUSHER & AVACADO US19 ROW@ CRYSTAL RIVER QUARRY N. LADY BUG DR CRYSTAL RIVER SOUTH ISLAND DR HOMOSASSA STONEBROOK & MICHIGAN BLVD HOMOSASSA SPRlNGS ROW AY S GRANDMARCH AVE HOMOSASSA SPRINGS DEEP WOODS DR CRYSTAL RIVER MILWAUKEE CT CRYSTAL RIVER PINE CASTLE CT/ SHOULDER CRYSTAL RIVER NEAR BAY & ORCHARD ST CRYSTAL RIVER NEARS ORCHARD TERR HOMOSASSA INVERNESS COUNTRY CLUB · INVERNESS . W. BRIARPATCH ST HOMOSASSA SPRINGS RET. POND@ ROCKCRUSHER & AVACADO RET POND@ ROCKCRUSHER & AVOCADO CRYSTAL RIVER RED LEVEL CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL RIVER ORA@ CINNAMON RIDGE LECANTO HlA WAS SEE LN INVERNESS VIKRE PATH HOMOSASSA SPRINGS SOUTH EAGLE TERR INVERNESS •• SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY MAPLEWOOD ST INVERNESS KINGS BAY DR ON ROW CRYSTAL RIVER LITTLE LAKE HENDERSON INVERNESS HEATHER RIDGE@ CRYSTAL OAKS LECANTO CRYSTAL OAKES S/D • • r----·. SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY 19 OFF US 19 AT NOTTINGHAM SQUARE HOMOSASSA SPRINGS PIZZA HUT, US HWY 19 HOMOSASSA SPRINGS USHWY 19 CRYSTAL RIVER LECANTO 21 NORTH WADSWORTH BEVERLY HILLS N SIDE OF CLEAR VIEW FLORAL CITY 24 PINE ST HOMOSASSA SPRINGS SKY VIEW VLLLAS II INVERNESS L T 25,EXEC CR N & HORSE PRAIRIE INVERNESS STAFFORD ST LECANTO 16 RIVERHAVEN DR, LT It HOMOSASSA GULF TO LAKE HWY (44) CRYSTAL RIVER INVERNESS CRYSTAL MANOR, UT2 CRYSTAL RIVER LOTS 17 & 18 STANDFORD TERRACE L T 38, BLK49,CNR JILL&OLYMPIA HERNANDO S SCARLETT TERR, LT 2 HOMOSASSA US41, ROADWAY FLORAL ClTY CRYSTAL MANOR, UT 3 CRYSTAL RIVER WWTP POLJSHING POND/US 41 INVERNESS PINE HOLLOW CT,LT 6 FLORAL CITY SR 44, DRAINAGE AREA CRYSTAL RIVER 7D1XIERD HOMOSASSA MARINE SCIENCE PROP/HWY 44 CRYSTAL RIVER CONELLE HElGHTS,UT 7 CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL LOUNGE, HWY 44 W CRYSTAL RIVER WINDSOR CT, 7 LAKES ESTATES INVERNESS THE ISLANDS - HWY 44 CRYSTAL RIVER HWY44W CRYSTAL RIVER HOMOSASSA SPRINGS SR 44 & HOLlDA Y ACRES DR CRYSTAL RJVER 11 MANGROVE CT N HOMOSASSA CRYSTAL RIVER US 19, RDWAY CRYSTAL RIVER DRA@ SKOOTERS SPORTS BAR/HWY 44 SR 44 WEST OF RIVER INVERNESS US HWY 19, ROADWAY CRYSTAL RIVER SR44E INVERNESS US 19, ROADWAY CRYSTAL .RIVER 46 S. DAVIS ST BEVERLY HILLS US 19 ROADWAY CRYSTAL RIVER 44W OFF US I9,APPROX 4 MILES CRYSTAL RIVER USHWY 19RDWAY HOMOSASSA 55 GOLF VIEW DR HOMOSASSA SPRINGS PARK DR, OFF HWY 19 NORTH HOMOSASSA US 19&CR44 CRYSTAL RIVER HWY 19N CRYSTAL RlV_ER E. SIDE US HWY 19, NEAR SR 44 CRYSTAL RIVER E OF HWY 19 & N OF W ASBURN CRYSTAL RIVER 68 RIVERHAVEN DR HOMOSASSA CRYSTAL RIVER AIRPORT OFF US CRYSTAL RIVER GLEN DR, LT 8 - 9 BUMELIA CT. SUGARMILL WOODS f---. HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 33 of 35 Pages SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY 69 RJVERHAVEN DR, RIVER HAVEN EST HOMOSASSA HWY 488 OFF HWY 19 N. CRYSTAL RIVER 81 N WINTERSET AVE CRYSTAL RIVER CR 581 ,E TURNER RD INVERNESS 81 N. WINTERSET AVE CRYSTAL RJVER 655 CROfT AVE INVERNESS 81 N. WINTERSET AVE CRYSTAL RIVER 736 GOSPEL OAKS TERR INVERNESS 81 N. WINTERSET AVE CRYSTAL RIVER 755 SUNCOAST BLVD CRYSTAL RIVER HWY 44 WEST, LOT 98 CRYSTAL RIVER 884 W LIBERTY ST HERNANDO 148 N. COUNTRY CLUB RD CRYSTAL RIVER 936 N SONG POINT CRYSTAL RIVER LT 1558 BLK 3C040SHAMROCK ACRES 961 NORTH SONG PLACE CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL RIVER 965 N. HOLLYWOOD CRICLE CRYSTAL RIVER AMERICAN LEGION PT 155, 44 EAST CRYSTAL RIVER 975 ROCKCRUCHER RD AMERICAN LEGION POST# 155,SR 44 CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL RlVER 1107 N ROCKCRUSHER RD CRYSTAL RIVER LT224, E HARVARD ST INVERNESS 1207 CLAYMORE ST INVERNESS 285 N COUNTRY CLUB DR CRYSTAL RIVER 1290 N. CARNEY AVE LECANTO 330 NATIONAL ST CITRUS HILLS 1400 N DUN KENFIELD RD CRYSTAL RIVER 353 N. ROCK CRUSHER RD CRYSTAL RIVER LAKEVIEW DR,BEHIND 1518 EDEN DR INVERNESS 353 ROCK CRUSHER RD CRYSTAL RIVER SR 415,E OF OAK HILLS CRYSTAL RIVER HWY 485 CRYSTAL RIVER DUNKENFLELD & CR 486 CRYSTAL RIVER HWY 488 ROADWAY CRYSTAL RIVER HWY 488, CRYSTAL MANOR CRYSTAL RIVER SR 490, SHOULDER OF ROWA Y HOMOSASSA US19 & 490A INTERSECTION HOMOSASSA SPRINGS HWY495 CRYSTAL RIVER HWY 495 @ MILWAUKEE ST CRYSTAL RIVER MILWALKEE AVE, OFF HWY 495 CRYSTAL RIVER HWY 495, HB'S LOCK & KEY CRYSTAL RIVER WISCONSIN CT & CR 495 us 19 1935 us 19 s 1935 CRYSTAL RIVER • CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL RIVER 2041 NW 13TH AVE/WOODLAND ESTATE CRYSTAL RIVER 2040 NW 15TH AVE CRYSTAL RIVER 2068 DEER TRAIL LANE LECANTO 2129 CEDAR HOUSE TERR CRYSTAL RIVER 2155 S. STONEBROOK DR HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 2260 NORTH YORK DR CRYSTAL RIVER 2380 NW HWY 19 CRYSTAL RIVER 2672 E VENUS ST INVERNESS 2755 E. RACOON CT INVERNESS 3050 DOVE CT INVERNESS 3080 S.CLEMA TIS WAY HOMOSASSA SPRlNGS • SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY 3171 E. BRYANT ST HERNANDO 3271 N HOLIDAY DR,LT16,UT1 • -- • SINKHOLE ADDRESS CITY 7100 W GRANT ST HOMOSASSA CRYSTAL RIVER 7105 W. VILLAGE DR HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 3390 N. HOLLDA Y DR CRYSTAL RIVER 7228 W SUE ANN LANE HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 3563 KINGSWAY HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 7350 HADENOTTER HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 3790 WEST EDUCATIONAL PATH LECANTO 7510 W. PEDERSON LOOP HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 4077 E. PERRY ST HERNANDO 7538 GULFVIEW DR CRYSTAL RIVER 4100 ARROWHEAD RD HOMOSASSA 7634 FERN LOOP HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 4110 N. UTTLE HAWK PT CRYSTAL RIVER 7799 W. CHELSEA CT HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 4195 N. GARY PT CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL RIVERS 4251 NORTH CONCORD CRYSTAL RIVER 8210 W .JUSTIN LN ClTRllS RANCHES 8219 W TROTTER LN HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 4682 BUSH HOLLOW LOOP INVERNESS 4737 S. SAWMlLL WAY. RIVERHAVEN 8316 STONEBROOK CT. HOMOSASSA SPRINGS HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 8345 W AMELl ACT HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 4924 STAGECOACH TR FLORAL CITY 8788 E MOONRISE LANE FLORAL CITY 5235 N HANNELORE TERR CRYSTAL RIVER 9218 E POINT 0' WOODS DRlVE INVERNESS 5280 S. SUFFOLK TERRACE HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 9319 E. FINWOOD CT INVERNESS 5537 W HUNTERS RIDGE CJR LECANTO 9345 EAST BRIAR CT. INVERNESS 5538 S. ISLAND DR HOMOSASSA 9353 N. CITRUS SPRINGS CITRUS SPRINGS 5880 CINNAMON RJDGE RD LECANTO 9375 WISCONSIN CT CRYSTAL RIVER 5935 W PINE CIRCLE CRYSTAL RIVER 9380 W. MILWAUKEE CT CRYSTAL RIVER 6186 W. WOODSJDE CIRCLE CRYSTAL RIVER 9400 W. WlSCONSlN AVE CRYSTAL RIVER 6200 W. WOODSIDE CIRCLE CRYSTAL RIVER 9745 W. CAMPHOR LANE CRYSTAL RIVER 6201 W WOODSIDE CR CRYSTAL RIVER 10381 W LIMERICK LN CRYSTAL RIVER 6272 TANGERlNE LN CRYSTAL RIVER 11442 W INDIANWOOD PATH CRYSTAL RIVER 6317N BEAUMONT ST HOMOSASSA SPRINGS 11580 W ROSA CT HOMOSASSA 6363 S. INLET POINT FLORAL CITY 11590 E. SALMON DR FLORAL CITY 6920 N BURCI-J TR HERNANDO 12915JSTACHATTA RD S . FLORAL CITY 7015 W LN/ NW C:NR OF DUNKENFIELD CRYSTAL RIVER -- 83440 W TAWNY ROSE LANE --------- CRYSTAL RIVER 35 of 35 Pages Board of County Commissioners DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Web Address: Toll Free (352) 489-2120 • TTY (352) 527-5312 3600 W. Sovereign Path, Lecanto, FL 34461-8070 In reply, refer to: PL3-07 -176 August 1, 2007 Clark A. Stillwell, Attorney P.O. Box 250 Inverness, FL 34451-0250 RE: Section 11, Township 19 South, Range 19 East Lots 46-57, Block 8 of Inverness Highlands Unit 1 Dear Mr. Stillwell: This is in response to your letter dated July 26, 2007, to Gary Maidhof. You request a letter of interpretation or that portions of the above properties be included in: CPA-07-06- 2007 GFLUM Update • Staff is requesting direction from the Board of County Commissioners on this request. To this end,- your request has-been added to the packet for the August 14, 2007, BOCC transmittal hearing . If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (352) 527-5261. Yours truly, 'Jr)~a/'Ub+ a~ ~ Margaret A. Beake, AlA, AICP Senior Planner Community Development Division Attachments- Letter and attachment dated July 26, 2007 from Clark A. Stillwell MAB/jah Cc: Gary W. Maidhof; Director; Department of Development Services Kevin A. Smith, AICP; Director; Community Development Division Joanna L. Coutu, AICP; Principal Planner; Community Development Division CPA-0?-06 Building Division Suite #Ill Housing Services Division Suite #147 Community Development Suite #140 (352) 527-5310 Fax 527-5317 (352) 527-5377 Fax 527-5389 (352) 527-5239 Fax 527-5252 A. l'rinted on \..r RcC)ded Paper LAW 0F.FICE OF CLARK • A. STILLWELL, LLC ATTORNEY AT LAW BANK OF INVERNESS BUILDING 320 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH TELEPHONE: (352) 726·6767 FAX: (352) 726-8283 INVERNESS, FLORIDA 34450 MAILING ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 250 caslaw@ INVERNESS, FL 34451-0250 July 26, 2007 Mr. Gary Maidhof, Director Department of Development Services Lecanto Government Building 3600 W. Sovereign Path Lecanto, Florida 34461 Re: • Brannen Properties, Inc.Alternate Key No.: 1633460 Lots 46-57, Block 8, Inverness Highlands Unit #1, Section 11, Township 19S, Range 19E RECEIVED CPA ... o1--D{p . JUL 31 2007 Community Development Division. Dear Gary: Our office represents Brannen Properties, Inc., the owner of the subject property. I attached a copy of your Citrus County Land Development Code Atlas Maps reflecting land uses on the subject property. As you can see from the Atlas Maps this property has multiple land use classifications on it. The front portion is GNC and the rear narrow strip is MDR. The narrow MDR strip to the rear represents .251· acres. Under the 1990 Comprehensive Plan and mapping policies therein, it provided that as to lot of record (which the subject property is) with a structure thereon, then the whole parcel was to be designated commercial under the Land Development Code Atlas Maps. Clearly, that has not occurred here. I recognize that the mapping policy as an appendage to the plan has been subsequently deleted. Further, that the LDC no longer has like appendices. However, originally and thereafter, the subject property should have been designated per the Plan, GNC. Our office is in the process of doing a small scale amendment to this property. It is intended to be expanded for bank warehouse. The client already has a building permit for such. Permit No.2007-05674. I would suggest to you that this is an appropriate parcel to be included in the pending GFLUM Map Amendment, CPA-AA-07-06. Accordingly, I am providing a copy of such to Margaret Beake for her review . • Please review and advise if (a) is it appropriate for a letter of interpretation that since 1990 this subject project should have been GNC on the LDC Atlas Maps; or (b) alternatively, inclusion in the above pending GFLUM process. As you can see this is a very narrow and small strip. The County's interest is protected via the subject building permit as far as LDC and concurrency issues. It is simply a matter of straightening out an error in mapping which was originally done in 1990 and likely because of the scale of these smaller lots irt this particular area. We look forward to your reply. • Very truly yours, L/11P!'f1l;f A. STILLWELL, LLC ~;(lh CAS/tp cc: Margaret Beake Brannen Properties, Inc. • • • • LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ATLAS Board of County Commissioners DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Web Address: Toll Free (352) 489-2120 • TTY (352) 527-5312 3600 W. Sovereign Path, Lecanto, FL 34461-8070 '\\~~~ ~~· ---~-_:::__:._---;-~::-:::---- • .....;__ In reply, refer to: ~ r PL 1-06-183 J Le . Cf'A -01-0Cp December 15, 2006 Mr. Clark A. Stillwell, Esq. Law Office Bank of Inverness Building Post Office Box 250 Inverness, Florida 34451-0250 RE: Brannen Properties, Inc.- Thomas Street·Site (AK No. 1633460)- Lots 47, 48, 49, 50, Block 8 of Inverness Highlands Unit 1, PB 2, Pg 93, Citrus County, Florida Dear Mr. Stillwell: • This is in response to your letter dated December 11, 2006 requesting confirmation as to whether a building used for storage of banking records that is located in a GNC District may be expanded into a MDR District You clarify the use by stating that "[t]here are no employees on site" and that the use is a " ... facility for storage ... ". As such, the facility described is recognized as a "warehouse" use since its primary purpose is for storage. Furthermore, while the building may be designed to be compatible with the surrounding area, the intended use does not provide a neighborhood service to the surrounding residential area·. The Future Land Use Element states that limited commercial use in association with housing developments may be allowed in the MDR District provided the permitted use is compatible with the surrounding area. Given this information, we look to the Land Development Code that provides a list of office and neighborhood commercial uses subject to Conditional Use review in the MDR District. Section 4612. Types of Uses, of the LDC, defines office uses and states that this group may include a dispatching/communications/office center for the distribution of goods, but specifically excludes warehousing or actual distribution of goods. Based on the above information, it is my determination that the described storage facility, being a warehouse, is not permitted in an MDR District This information was provided at a pre-application meeting on July 3, 2006, for the referenced sit~. A copy is provided for your information. It is noted that the MDR portion can be used for , drainage retention area, buffering, landscaping, and on site sewage disposal systems . • Administration Suite #109 (352) 527-5220 Fax 527-5317 Building Division Suite #Ill (352) 527-5310 Fax 527-5317 Housing Services Division Suite #147 (352) 527-5377 Fax 527-5389 Community Development Suite #140 (352) 527-5239 Fax 527-5252 A Prinledon ~\.#Recycled Paper Page Two Clark Stillwell December 15, 2006 Please contact this office if you require additional information. • Sincerely, Kevin A. Smith, AICP Director' Community Development Division KS/JBC/ds ATTACHMENT CC: Jenette B. Collins, AICP, Assistant Community Development Director Rick Parker, Planner, Community Development Division • • LAW OFFICE OF CLARK • A. STILLWELL, LLC ATTORNEY AT LAW BANK OF INVERNESS BUILDING 320 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 SOUTH TELEPHONE: (352) 726-6767 FAX: (352) 7 26-8283 f t.L, E : c PA -a 1 - c:; co INVERNESS, FLORIDA 34450 December 11, 2006 MAILING ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 250 INVERNESS, FL 34451-0250 Mr. Gary Maidhof, Director Department of Development Services Lecanto Government Building 3600 W. Sovereign Path Lecanto, Florida 34461 Re: Brannen Properties, Inc.Thomas Street Site- Alternate Key No.: 1633460 Dear Gary: • Our office represents Brannen Properties, Inc., who on the above reference alternate key number parcel has located an existing commercial structure which is used for storage of banking records. There are no employees on site. The subject property is commercial for the front 400 feet with the rear property being designated MDR. The bank would like to expand this facility. However, the MDR District may or may not allow for this use. This is not a warehouse facility in the industrial use sense. It is a commercial structure and the proposed building is 10,000 square feet with a majority thereof - 8,000 square feet (mol) being located within the commercial district. The limited balance encroaches into the MDR District. The proposed site plan meets all setbacks and will encompass adequate parking ~d stormwater drainage. The subject property is banking facility for storage without a drive-thru. The question becomes whether or not that portion to be located in the MDR is an authorized land use therein. I would think that this would be a form of neighborhood commercial and fall within the County LDC for MDR commercial of other similar uses. If no, I would expect such would be by a conditional use (C/U) which would require. the public hearing process. We look forward to your thoughts and suggestions. I can provide you a rough site plan should you so desire. Very truly yours, • CAS/tp cc: Brannen Properties, Inc .