Record of Site Condition # 213151 Record of Site
Record of Site Condition # 213151 Record of Site
Ontario Ministry of the Environment - Record of Site Condition # 213151 Record of Site Condition Under Part XV.1 of the Environment Protection Act Summary Record of Site Condition Number Date Filed to Environmental Site Registry Certification Date Current Property Use Intended Property Use Certificate of Property Use Number Applicable Site Condition Standards** Property Municipal Address 213151 2014/05/27 2014/03/18 Agricultural/Other Residential No CPU ESA Phase 1 No Municipal Address Notice to Readers Concerning Due Diligence This record of site condition has been filed in the Environmental Site Registry to which the public has access and which contains a notice advising users of the Environmental Site Registry who have dealings with any property to consider conducting their own due diligence with respect to the environmental condition of the property, in addition to reviewing information in the Environmental Site Registry. Contents of this Record of Site Condition This record of site condition consists (RSC) of this document which is available to be printed directly from the Environmental Site Registry as well as all supporting documentation indicated in this RSC to have been submitted in electronic format to the Ministry of the Environment. Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 1 of 10 PART 1: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, PROPERTY INFORMATION AND OWNER'S CERTIFICATIONS Information about the owner who is submitting or authorizing the submission of the RSC Owner Name HUMBOLD PROPERTIES LIMITED Authorized Person MIGUEL SINGER Mailing Address 369 RIMROCK ROAD, TORONTO ONTARIO, CANADA Postal Code M3J 3G2 Phone (416) 661-4000 Fax (416) 661-4229 Email Address Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 2 of 10 RSC Property Location Information Municipal Address(es) No Municipal Address Municipality Markham Legal Description See Attached Lawyer’s Letter Assessment Roll Number(s) 36030233800700000000 Property Identifier Number(s) 03061-4331 (LT) RSC Property Geographical References Coordinate System UTM Datum NAD 83 Zone 17 Easting 640,542.00 Northing 4,863,389.00 RSC Property Use Information The following types of property uses are defined by the Regulation: Agricultural or other use, Commercial use, Community use, Industrial use, Institutional use, Parkland use, and Residential use. Current Property Use Agricultural/Other Intended Property Use Residential Certificate of Property Use has been issued under section 168.6 of the EPA No Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 3 of 10 Please See the Signed Statements of Property Owner, or Agent, or Receiver at the End of this RSC The rest of this page has been left intentionally blank Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 4 of 10 PART 2: LIST OF REPORTS, SUMMARY OF SITE CONDITIONS AND QUALIFIED PERSON’S STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS Qualified Person's Information Name PAUL JAMES BLUNT Type of Licence Under Professional Engineers Act Licence Licence Number 90227018 QP Employer Name COFFEY GEOTECHNICS INC. Mailing Address 20 METEOR DRIVE, TORONTO ONTARIO, M9W 1A4 CANADA Phone (416) 213-1255 Fax (416) 213-1260 Email Address Municipal Information Local or Single-Tier Municipality Markham Upper-Tier Municipality York Ministry of the Environment District Office District Office York-Durham District Office District Office Address 230 Westney Rd. S., 5th floor, Ajax ON L1S 7J5 Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 5 of 10 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Report Document used as the phase one environmental site assessment report and updates in submitting the RSC for filing The date the last work on all of the records review, interviews and site reconnaissance components of the phase one environmental site assessment was done (refer to clause 28(1)(a) of O. Reg. 153/04) (YYYY/MM/DD) Type of Report Name of Consulting Company P1 ESA Report Title Phase One Environmental Site Assessment, Greensborough Phase 4, Part Lot 19, Concession 8, Markham, Ontario Date of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) 2014/03/18 Author of Report Paul Blunt, P. Eng., Teresa Weatherhead, B.Sc. 2014/03/18 COFFEY GEOTECHNICS INC. Reports and Other Documents Related to the Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Reports and other documents relied upon in certifying the information set out in section 10 of Schedule A or otherwise used in conducting the phase one environmental site assessment Report Title Date of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) Author of Report Name of Consulting Company N/A Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 6 of 10 Site Condition Information Certification date (YYYY/MM/DD) 2014/03/18 Total area of RSC property (in hectares) 1.27770 Number of any previously filed RSC that applies to any part of the RSC property Number of any previously filed Transition Notice that applies to any part of the RSC property Soil brought from another property to this RSC property to remain there following the filing of the RSC? Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 No 7 of 10 Qualified Person’s Statements and Certifications As the qualified person, I certify that: A phase one environmental site assessment of the RSC property, which includes the evaluation of the information gathered from a records review, site reconnaissance, interviews, a report and any updates required, has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. As of 2014/03/18, no phase two environmental site assessment is required by the regulation for the RSC property and based on the phase one environmental site assessment for the RSC property, in my opinion, it is not necessary for any other reason to conduct a phase two environmental site assessment for the RSC property. As of 2014/03/18, in my opinion, based on the phase one environmental site assessment, there is no evidence of any contaminants in the soil, ground water or sediment on, in or under the RSC property that, if the RSC property were put to any of the types of property uses listed in subsection 1 (2) of the regulation, are likely to interfere with any of those types of property uses. I am a qualified person and have the qualifications required by section 5 of the regulation. I have in place an insurance policy that satisfies the requirements of section 7 of the regulation. I acknowledge that the RSC will be submitted for filing in the Environmental Site Registry, that records of site condition that are filed in the Registry are available for examination by the public and that the Registry contains a notice advising users of the Registry who have dealings with any property to consider conducting their own due diligence with respect to the environmental condition of the property, in addition to reviewing information in the Registry. The opinions expressed in this RSC are engineering or scientific opinions made in accordance with generally accepted principles and practices as recognized by members of the environmental engineering or science profession or discipline practising at the same time and in the same or similar location. I do not hold and have not held and my employer COFFEY GEOTECHNICS INC. does not hold and has not held a direct or indirect interest in the RSC property or any property which includes the RSC property and was the subject of a phase one or two environmental site assessment or risk assessment upon which this record of site condition is based To the best of my knowledge, the certifications and statements in this part of the RSC are true as of 2014/03/18. By signing this RSC, I make no express or implied warranties or guarantees. By checking the boxes above, and entering my membership/licence number in this submission, I, PAUL JAMES BLUNT, a qualified person as defined in section 5 of O. Reg. 153/04 am, on 2014/04/11: a) signing this record of site condition submission as a qualified person; and b) making all certifications required as a qualified person for this record of site condition. I Agree Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 8 of 10 Additional Documentation Provided by Property Owner or Agent The following documents have been submitted to the Ministry of the Environment as part of the record of site condition Certificate of Status or equivalent for the owner Lawyer’s letter consisting of a legal description of the property Copy of any deed(s), transfer(s) or other document(s) by which the RSC property was acquired A Current plan of Survey Table of Current and Past Uses of the Phase One Property Phase 1 Conceptual Site Model Owner or agent certification statements v 3.21.2 Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 9 of 10 Filed Record of Site Condition # 213151 on 2014/05/27 10 of 10 Request ID: 016337743 Demande n° : Transaction ID: 53911972 Transaction n° : Category ID: CT Catégorie : Province of Ontario Province de l'Ontario Ministry of Government Services Ministère des Services gouvernementaux Date Report Produced: 2014/04/09 Document produit le : Time Report Produced: 10:44:47 Imprimé à : CERTIFICATE OF STATUS ATTESTATION DU STATUT JURIDIQUE This is to certify that according to the records of the Ministry of Government Services D'après les dossiers du Ministère des Services gouvernementaux, nous attestons que la société HUMBOLD PROPERTIES LIMITED Ontario Corporation Number Numéro matricule de la société (Ontario) 001508734 is a corporation incorporated, amalgamated or continued under the laws of the Province of Ontario. est une société constituée, prorogée ou née d'une fusion aux termes des lois de la Province de l'Ontario. The corporation came into existence on La société a été fondée le DECEMBER 31 DÉCEMBRE, 2001 and has not been dissolved. et n'est pas dissoute. Dated Fait le APRIL 09 AVRIL, 2014 Director Directeur The issuance of this certifcate in electronic form is authorized by the Ministry of Government Services. La délivrance du présent certificat sous forme électronique est autorisée par le Ministère des Services gouvernementaux. r lvii c ND EN ROSS LLI MINDEN GROSS HARRISTERS & SOLICITORS 145 KING STREET WEST, SUITE 2200 TORON7O, ON, CANADA M5H 4o2 TEL4I6.362.3711 FAX416,864.9223 DIRECrDIAL E-MAIL (416)3694113 FILE NUMnER March 25, 2014 Ministry of the Environment Operations Division Floor 12A 2 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto, ON 4V 1 L5 Dear Sirs: Re: Record of Site Condition Humbold Properties Limited with respect to the lands in PIN 030614331 (LT) — We are the solicitors for 1-lumbold Properties Limited and have been requested to provide the following information: Municipal Address not assigned Legal Description PIN 03061-433 1 (LT) Part of Lot 19, ConcessionS (Markham) designated as Part 12, Plan 65R-32387, City of Markham The foregoing information is based on our review of the following: I. 2. The parcel register for the Lands. Plan 65R-32387. Reaistered Owner Humbold Properties Limited n iTt MERIAS LAW PFRMS WQR[DWII)L Page 2 MINDEN GROSS LI.? Nature of Owner’s Interest Fee Simple Land Titles Absolute Assessment Roll Number 36 03 023380070 00000 00 Should you require anything thither, please do not hesitate to contact the writer. Yours truly, MINDEN GROSS LLP Per: David M. DMKJr1 *on behalf of DAvID #2173575 M. KuTNER PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION PARCEL REGISTER (ABBREVIATED) Ontario ServiceOntario PT LT 19, CON B (MEN), PT 12, PAGE 1 OF 1 REGISTRY OFFICE #65 * PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: FOR PROPERTY IDENTIFIER LAND 03061—4331 CERTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAND TITLES ACT PREPARED FOR Rochelle ON 2014/03/25 AT 13:33:38 (LT) SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS IN CROWN GRANT * PL 65R32387;; TOWN OF MARKHAM PROPERTY REMARKS: ESTATE/OUALIFIER FEE SIMPLE ABSOLtTTE RECENTLY, DIVISION FROM 03061—3455 OWNERS’ NAMES HUMBOLD PROPERTIES LIMITED CAPACITY RED. MUM. “ PRINTOCT DATE INCLUDES A! INSTRUMENT TYPE DOCUMENT TYPES LT942230 1993/10/20 TRANSFER YR754079 2005/12/22 NOTICE 65R32387 2010/05/27 PLAN REFERENCE PIN CREATION DATE: 2010/11/23 flA PARTIES PROM AMOUNT (D, LETED INSTRUMENTS NOT INCLUDED) CERT/ CHED PARTIES TO * * HUNBOLD PROPERTIES LIMITED HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGI4T OF CANADA AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT • NOTE, ADJOINING PROPERTIES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED TO ASCERTAIN DESCRIPTIVE INCONSISTENCIES, IF ANY, WITH DESCRIPTION REPRESENTED FOR THIS PROPERTY. NOTE: ENSURE THAT YOUR PRINTOUT STATES THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES AND THAT YOU HAVE PICKED THEM ALL tSP. C C c g z Ow fl a Jr L FOfl (JflICEISE ONLY: — ‘lilt’ P ii La. iii ii I ii I 4 R gr ¼ In g ill ‘a Id tie lu. an if I cfl s S.2g1 9. ‘LiIi I I 1W 1 pIr$ 21a1 hti —l iE a I — I iiiqr t 4 aj “Ii flu gt a- opw II ——7 FWafl I. ii 5 I I -Hi I I I a it I I I I •i if I Si I•1 r 0 I ii I’ ii S I. r Ir I—. p rn S I S D I S IH IL t ir I S — I C 0 S p C I C- F’, a -U 1* C-, -4 a a ‘4.’ W&Y I I “I Il K hO a -4 IS ( li’ Foa OFFIcE USE 0 C S I i a N d J&1 Protq,nrnri —.ir — / • *J ii 4itG.*fl 01 S4W14 TO a? 17-t Seetlo; 2. Nan 66R-15789. BY Ii Affidavit of Residence and SWi. 19. Concession B. daalmmtad es Porte 1 woØg Cyoorat1op as eethi Coora4o pito a 40% jntweet pod to p 40% thtareit fltaSilPI0 dd SAM JipmbolA ProDertios T4n.4 — ata - Alez Sfnzer - MAfl 0*7(4 AND SAY THA T: I. lain ti .11.* . 0 fl C 11* .. ill. k A p.non In biN Hr wflo m. 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Scod SlIppamlim? flnflr... tan. math lScoSg. !a b%tltIt (U) I Va. do all HCMu.I lb Iranian., nIt I. 105P IS IlaltAibi 0fl It.. RiaCst Lan maMa fl Va No U Mfl 1112 f41M865-a)40 Phase One Property RSC Property “TABLE OF CURRENT AND PAST USES OF THE PHASE ONE PROPERTY” (Refer to clause 16(2)(b), Schedule D, O.Reg. 153/04) Year Name of Owner Description of Property Use Property 1 Use Other Observations from Aerial Photographs, Fire Insurance Plans etc. Sept 1805Apr 1855 Isaac Davis Agriculture or other use Crown Patent Apr 1855Nov 1855 William Anderson Nov 1855Feb 1856 David Anderson Feb 1856May 1856 Elijah Miller May 1856Dec 1861 James D. Harington Dec 1861Nov 1866 Daniel R. Koch Nov 1866Feb 1871 Harry Johnson Feb 1871Mar 1872 George H. Burke Mar 1872Feb 1887 James D. Harrington Feb 1887Oct 1907 Elizabeth Mustard Oct 1907Apr 1911 Darius A. Clendening, Melissa Clendening John W. Cowie Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use Apr 1911Oct 1915 Oct 1915Apr 1922 Gideon Brownsberger Apr 1922May 1953 Darius A. Clendening, Melissa Clendening Leonard Cox May 1953Dec 1967 Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use 1874-1881 County Atlas Map – agricultural Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use 1954 aerial photograph – undeveloped vegetated land, agricultural use Dec 1967Mar 1969 Gordon Cox Mar 1969Apr 1982 Markborough Properties Limited Apr 1982Jun 1982 Jun 1982Oct 1993 Twosing Corporation, Threesing Corporation Humbold Properties Limited Oct 1993Present Humbold Properties Limited Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use 1971 aerial photograph – undeveloped vegetated land, agricultural use Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use 1978 aerial photograph – undeveloped vegetated land, agricultural use Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use – All parts Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Site reconnaissance – vacant land Notes: 1 – for each owner, specify one of the following types of property uses (as defined in O.Reg. 153/04) that applies: Agriculture or other use Commercial use Community use Industrial use Institutional use Parkland use Residential use 2 – when submitting a record of site condition for filing, a copy of this table must be attached Phase One Conceptual Site Model – Part of Lot 19, Concession 8 (Markham) designated as Part 12, Plan 65R-32387, City of Markham, Ontario This Phase One Conceptual Site Model has been prepared based on information collected to date as part of Coffey’s Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) conducted at Part of Lot 19, Concession 8 (Markham) designated as Part 12, Plan 65R-32387, City of Markham, Ontario (Phase One Property). Based on the Phase One ESA, no current and/or historic potentially contaminating activities as outlined in Table 2 of Schedule D of O.Reg. 153/04, have been identified on the Phase One Property. The Phase One Property has remained an undeveloped vegetated parcel of land. No structures have been constructed on the property. As such, the property is not considered an Enhanced Investigation property as defined in O. Reg. 153/04, as amended. No current and/or historic potentially contaminating activities within the Phase One Study Area as outlined in Table 2 of Schedule D of O.Reg. 153/04, that may contribute to areas of potential environmental concern (APEC) on the Site have been identified. Based on the Phase One ESA, no APECs were identified on the Phase One Property. Similarly, no contaminants of potential concern were identified. Conceptual Site Model The Phase One Conceptual Site Model consists of the following drawings: Drawing 2 Phase One Conceptual Site Model (Existing buildings and Features) Drawing 3 Phase One Conceptual Site Model (Phase One Property and Adjoining Properties) These drawings depict the following: i. Current buildings and structures on the Phase One Property and adjoining properties. ii. Current water bodies located in whole or in part on the Phase One Study Area. iii. No areas of natural significance are located within the Phase One Study Area. iv. No potable water wells reportedly located on the Phase One Property and within the Phase One Study Area v. All roads within the Phase One Study Area vi. All adjoining property uses vii. No potentially contaminating activities at the Phase One Property and within the Phase One Study Area viii. No Areas of Potential Environmental Concern (APEC) at the Phase One Property The Phase One Conceptual Site Model includes a description and assessment as follows: i. No areas where potentially contaminating activity on or potentially affecting the Phase One Property have occurred. ii. No contaminants of potential concern. iii. The potential for underground utilities, if any present, to affect contaminant distribution and transport. The site representative reported that underground municipal water service lines are currently present for a few of the future residential lots within the vicinity of the future location of Warton Court. Fire hydrants were observed at the intersections of Alfred Paterson Drive and Cheswick Court and Alfred Paterson Drive and Warton Court, south of the Phase One Property. iv. Available regional or site specific geological and hydrogeological information. v. Native soil at the Phase One Property generally consists of glacial deposits known as Newmarket/Northern/Bowmanville tills comprised predominately of sandy silt to sand. These soils are considered to be of moderate permeability and consequently, the groundwater is moderately susceptible to contamination from surface spills. The Phase One Property is located within the Rouge River watershed, and Little Rouge Creek subwatershed, which ultimately drains into Lake Ontario. Little Rouge Creek runs through the northeast portion of the Phase One Study Area. Uncertainty or absence of information The components of the Phase One ESA in which uncertainty or absence of information may affect the validity of the model include: Records Review: Based on the topographic maps, the direction of groundwater flow is expected to be in an easterly direction towards Little Rouge Creek located approximately 200 m east of the Site. However, no groundwater monitoring wells have been installed at the Phase One Property to confirm. Interview: None. Site Reconnaissance: None Little Rouge Creek Approximate Location of Tributary of Little Rouge Creek COUSENS DONALD Y PARKWA Phase One Property Part Lot 19, Concession 8 UE EN LEGEND Phase One Property Boundary Limit of Area 250m from Phase One Property Boundary Approximate Location of Little Rouge Creek Notes: 1. Drawing should be read in conjunction with associated report. 2. Phase One Property boundary adapted from survey prepared by HOLDING JONES VANDERVEEN, OLS, Job No.02-1450-MPLAN 10, dated January 9, 2014. 3. Satellite image: c 2011 Google and c 2012 Digital Globe. 4. Bar scale applies only to Phase One Property boundary. All other features are not necessarily to scale. 0 20 40 60 80 100 METRES F:\GEOT\ENVIRO\0 Projects\ENVSETOB 10000AA to ENVSETOB ---\0 - OLD Numbers with ENVS ETOB\07490AB - Ph 1, RSC Pt Lot 16 Con 9 Markham\2014 Phase One and RSC\Drawing\EE07490AB_GIS_Ph One_Mar_2014.dwg drawn approved TW/MV PJB date MAR. 2014 scale AS SHOWN original size Tabloid AV O EM TL S CA RE client: MADISON HOMES project: title: project no: PHASE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT GREENSBOROUGH PHASE 4 PART LOT 19, CONCESSION 8 MARKHAM, ONTARIO PHASE ONE CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL (EXISTING BUILDING AND FEATURES) drawing no: ENVSETOB07490AB 2 6553 Major Mackenzie Drive (Former Residential / Agricultural) 6551 Major Mackenzie Drive (Vacant) (Former 6475 Major Mackenzie Drive; Residential / Agricultural) N E W R E S I D E N T I A L H O M E S Y PARKWA S COUSEN DONALD Vacant Vacant Vacant Soil Cut E S W I D E N H O M E S T I A L Phase One Property Future Warton Co Right-of-Way R E Fence Line Part Lot 19, Concession 8 Future Ch w e s Right-o ick Court f-Way ea d Ar Tree N OS N E W I D E N H O M E S T I A L ALFRED PAT ERS O R U I D E N H O M E S C O W T I A L AY S E DR R E N IVE D R T N DRIVE O ED P ATER SON S EM ALFR E AM CHES W COUR ICK T DELRA E Y DRIV WARTON COURT CO UR T urt Vacant R P a r k 270 Alfred Paterson Drive (Sam Chapman Public School) 0 10 20 30 40 METRES LEGEND drawn Fence Line Soil cut Adjoining and Neighbouring Property Boundary Phase One Property Boundary approved Notes: 1. Drawing should be read in conjunction with associated report. 2. Phase One Property boundary and adjacent property boundaries adapted from survey prepared by HOLDING JONES VANDERVEEN, OLS, Job No. 02-1450-MPLAN 10, dated January 9, 2014. 3. Bar scale applies only to Phase One Property boundary. All other features are not necessarily to scale. F:\GEOT\ENVIRO\0 Projects\ENVSETOB 10000AA to ENVSETOB ---\0 - OLD Numbers with ENVS ETOB\07490AB - Ph 1, RSC Pt Lot 16 Con 9 Markham\2014 Phase One and RSC\Drawing\EE07490AB_GIS_Ph One_Mar_2014.dwg TW/MV PJB date MAR. 2014 scale AS SHOWN original size Tabloid client: MADISON HOMES project: title: project no: PHASE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT GREENSBOROUGH PHASE 4 PART LOT 19, CONCESSION 8 MARKHAM, ONTARIO PHASE ONE CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL (PHASE ONE PROPERTY AND ADJOINING PROPERTIES) drawing no: ENVSETOB07490AB 3 50
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