Record of Site Condition # 209366 Record of Site
Record of Site Condition # 209366 Record of Site
Ontario Ministry of the Environment - Record of Site Condition # 209366 Record of Site Condition Under Part XV.1 of the Environment Protection Act Summary Record of Site Condition Number Date Filed to Environmental Site Registry Certification Date Current Property Use Intended Property Use Certificate of Property Use Number Applicable Site Condition Standards** Property Municipal Address 209366 21/08/2013 10/05/2013 Commercial Community No CPU Full Depth Generic Site Conditions Standard, with Non-potable Ground Water, Coarse Textured Soil, for Community property use 16 Brookers Lane M8V 0A5 Notice to Readers Concerning Due Diligence This record of site condition has been filed in the Environmental Site Registry to which the public has access and which contains a notice advising users of the Environmental Site Registry who have dealings with any property to consider conducting their own due diligence with respect to the environmental condition of the property, in addition to reviewing information in the Environmental Site Registry. Contents of this Record of Site Condition This record of site condition consists (RSC) of this document which is available to be printed directly from the Environmental Site Registry as well as all supporting documentation indicated in this RSC to have been submitted in electronic format to the Ministry of the Environment. RSC Information Each field marked by an asterisk ( * ) must be completed. Is the property used, or has it ever been used, in whole or in part for an industrial use or as a garage; a bulk liquid dispensing facility, including a gasoline outlet; or for the operation of dry cleaning equipment? * Yes No During a phase one environmental site assessment of the property, was a potentially contaminating activity identified on, in or under the property? * Yes No Select Type of RSC * Phase 1 RSC Phase 1 and 2 RSC Phase 1 and 2 RSC with RA Owner Information Owners' General Information Submitting Owner's Information RSC Property Information Environmental Condition Owner's Information Owners' General Information Is the submitting owner(s) a Receiver for the Property? * Yes No Is the submitting owner(s) represented by an Agent? * Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Yes No Owner Information Owner's Information Owners' General Information Submitting Owner's Information Submitting Owner's Information Type of Owner * Owner Name * Firm, Corporation or Partnership Monarch Waterview Development Limited RSC Property Information Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations Street Number * Street Name * Apt No. /RR No. 2550 Victoria Park Avenue 200 City, Town or Village * Province * Postal Code * Country ESA Information Toronto Ontario M2J 5A9 Canada QP Profile Information Submitting Owner's Contact Information Certification Statement Contact First Name * Contact Last Name * David A. George Supporting Documents Phone Number * (including area code) Fax Number (including area code) (416) 491-7440 (416) 491-0435 Email Address Owner Information RSC Property Information RSC Property Information Property Address Does the Property have a Municipal Address? Property Address Yes Municipality Information No Property Reference Number Geographical Reference/Area of RSC Property Previously Filed RSC(s) and TN(s) Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents * Is the property administered by MNR under the Public Lands Act? * Yes No Street Number * Street Name * 16 Apt No. /RR No. Brookers Lane City, Town or Village * Province * Postal Code * Toronto Ontario M8V 0A5 Owner Information RSC Property Information Municipality & Property Address Information Municipality Information Property Address Lower or Single Tier Municipality * Municipality Information Toronto Property Reference Number Tier of Municipality Single Tier Geographical Reference/Area of RSC Property Previously Filed RSC(s) and TN(s) The District Office of MOE * Toronto District Office Address of District Office of MOE Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents 5775 Yonge St., 8th floor, North York ON M2M 4J1 Owner Information RSC Property Information Property Address Municipality Information Municipality & Property Address Information Property Reference Number Assessment Roll Number 1919 054 020 03711 Property Reference Number Geographical Reference/Area of RSC Property Previously Filed RSC(s) and TN(s) Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Property Identifier Number (PIN #) Part of 07624-0359 (LT) Owner Information RSC Property Information Geo Reference & Other Properties Details Geographical References Property Address UTM Coordinates Municipality Information Datum Property Reference Number NAD 83 Zone * Geographical Reference/Area of RSC Property Previously Filed RSC(s) and TN(s) Environmental Condition 17 Easting * 622,770.00 Northing * 4,831,475.00 Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information Area of RSC Property Total Area of RSC Property in Hectares * 0.24 QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Owner Information RSC Property Information Previous Submission Information Previously Filed Record of Site Condition Number: Property Address Municipality Information Previously Filed Transition Notice Number: Property Reference Number Geographical Reference/Area of RSC Property Previously Filed RSC(s) and TN(s) Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Owner Information Environmental Condition RSC Property Information Site Condition Information Environmental Condition Other Site Condition Information Site Conditions for 2011 Generic Standards Risk Assessment Information Property Use and Certification Date Additional Ground Water Information Remedial Action and Mitigation Details Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current/Past Property Uses of Phase One Property Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Other Site Condition Information Is the RSC being submitted using the transition provision under Section 21.1 of the Regulation? Yes No * Owner Information Environmental Condition RSC Property Information Site Condition Information Environmental Condition Other Site Condition Information Site Conditions for 2011 Generic Standards Site Conditions for 2011 Generic Standards Is Property: (i) Within an area of natural significance? or Does Property: (ii) Include or is adjacent to an area of natural significance or part of such an area? or (ii) Include land that is within 30 m of an area of natural significance or part of such an area. Risk Assessment Information Yes Property Use and Certification Date No Additional Ground Water Information Remedial Action and Mitigation Details Soil at the property has: (i) a pH value for Surface Soil less than 5 or greater than 9 or (ii) a pH value for Subsurface Soil less than 5 or greater than 11. * * Yes No Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current/Past Property Uses of Phase One Property Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Is qualified person of the opinion that, given the characteristics of the property and the certifications the qualified person would be required to make in a record of site condition in relation to the property as specified in Schedule A, it is appropriate to apply this section to the property? * Yes No What is the intended use of the property? * Community Is the property a shallow soil property? Certification Statement Supporting Documents * Yes No Does the property include or is the property adjacent to a water body or does it include land that is within 30 metres of a water body? * Yes No What is the Assessment/Restoration approach? * Background Full Depth Generic Stratified What is the ground water condition for the property? * Potable Non-potable What is the texture of the soil? * Coarse Medium and Fine Applicable 2011 Generic Standard Table Number : TABLE 3 Owner Information RSC Property Information Risk Assessment Information Has a Certificate of Property Use (CPU) been issued under section 168.6 of the Act for the RSC property? Yes Environmental Condition Other Site Condition Information Site Conditions for 2011 Generic Standards Risk Assessment Information Property Use and Certification Date Additional Ground Water Information Remedial Action and Mitigation Details Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current/Past Property Uses of Phase One Property Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents No Owner Information Property Use and Certification Date RSC Property Information Current Property Use and Certification Date Environmental Condition What is the current use of the property? * Commercial Other Site Condition Information Site Conditions for 2011 Generic Standards Risk Assessment Information Property Use and Certification Date Additional Ground Water Information Remedial Action and Mitigation Details Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current/Past Property Uses of Phase One Property Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Certification Date * 2013/05/10 Owner Information Environmental Condition RSC Property Information Site Condition Information Environmental Condition Other Site Condition Information Site Conditions for 2011 Generic Standards Risk Assessment Information Property Use and Certification Data Additional Ground Water Information Remedial Action and Mitigation Details Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current/Past Property Uses of Phase One Property Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Additional Ground Water Information Has municipality been notified of non-potable ground water on site? Yes No Municipality notified of non-potable water by? * Owner QP Local/Lower tier municipality non-potable water notification date * 2013/01/31 * Owner Information Environmental Condition RSC Property Information Remedial Action & Mitigation Soil Control or Treatment Measures Environmental Condition Other Site Condition Information Site Conditions for 2011 Generic Standards Identify the estimated quantities of the soil, if any, originating at and remaining on the RSC property that have been remediated, at a location either on or off the property, to reduce the concentration of contaminants in the soil as measured in, or equivalent to, in-ground volume in cubic metres, and indicate the remediation process or processes used and the estimated amount of soil remediated by each identified process. Zero Risk Assessment Information Property Use and Certification Data Additional Ground Water Information Identify the estimated quantities of soil or sediment, if any, removed from and not returned to the RSC property as measured in, or equivalent to, the in-ground volume in cubic metres. Zero Remedial Action and Mitigation Details Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current/Past Property Uses of Phase One Property Contaminant Concentrations Identify the estimated quantity of the soil, if any, being brought from another property to and deposited at the RSC property, not including any soil that may have originated at but been remediated off the RSC property not including any soil that may have been remediated off the property and brought back to the property as measured in, or equivalent to, the in-ground volume in cubic metres. Zero ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Indicate if any soil, sediment or ground water at the RSC property that is or was located within 3 metres of the RSC property boundary has been remediated or removed for the purpose of remediation. No soil, sediment or groundwater remediated or removed for the purpose of remediation. Owner Information Environmental Condition RSC Property Information Remedial Action & Mitigation Ground Water Control or Treatment Measures Environmental Condition Other Site Condition Information Site Conditions for 2011 Generic Standards Identify and describe any ground water control or treatment measures that were required for the RSC property prior to the certification date for the purpose of submitting the RSC for filing; or are or will be required for the RSC property after the certification date. None required Risk Assessment Information Property Use and Certification Data Additional Ground Water Information Identify the estimated volume in litres of ground water, if any, removed from and not returned to the RSC property. Zero Remedial Action and Mitigation Details Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current/Past Property Uses of Phase One Property Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information Other Treatment Measures Other than the activities identified in the in the Soil or Ground Water Control or Treatment Measures above, identify any constructed works that, prior to the certification date for the purpose of submitting the RSC for filing, were required to control or otherwise mitigate the release or movement of known existing contaminants at the RSC property; or after the certification date, are required to control or otherwise mitigate the release or movement of known existing contaminants at the RSC property. No works required to control or mitigate known existing contaminants QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Indicate whether there are any monitoring requirements or any requirements for care, maintenance or replacement of any monitoring or control works for known existing contaminants, if any, on the RSC property, after the certification date, and whether any monitoring requirements or requirements for care, maintenance or replacement of any monitoring or control works are ground water management measures or soil management measures. No monitoring or control works required. Owner Information Environmental Condition RSC Property Information Potential Environmental Concern Environmental Condition Other Site Condition Information Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Are there areas of potential environmental concern? * Yes Site Conditions for 2011 Generic Standards Risk Assessment Information Property Use and Certification Data Additional Ground Water Information Remedial Action and Mitigation Details Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current/Past Property Use of Phase One Property Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents No Click here for Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Form Current and Past Property Use Table of Current and Past Uses of the Phase One Property Click here for Table of Current and Past Property Use Form Owner Information Contaminant Concentrations RSC Property Information Contaminants Measured in SOIL Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations Contaminants Measured in SOIL Contaminants Measured in GROUND WATER Contaminants Measured in SEDIMENTS ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents General Information Related to Soil Media Is there no soil on, in or under the property? * (Note there is “no soil” if either there is no soil on, in or under the property OR the soil present is not sufficient to investigate, sample and analyze in a manner which will meet the requirements and objectives of a phase two environmental site assessment) Yes No Owner Information Contaminant Concentrations RSC Property Information Contaminants Measured in SOIL Environmental Condition Measured Concentration for Contaminants in Soil Contaminant 1-30 * Type of Measurement * Contaminants Measured in SOIL Antimony Minimum Detectable Contaminants Measured in GROUND WATER Arsenic Contaminant Concentrations Contaminants Measured in SEDIMENTS ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Measured * Concentration Applicable Standard Unit Of Measure 0.8 40 µg/g Measured 4 18 µg/g Barium Measured 94 670 µg/g Beryllium Measured 0.6 8 µg/g Boron (total) Measured 13 120 µg/g Boron (Hot Water Soluble)* Measured 0.34 2 µg/g Cadmium Minimum Detectable 0.5 1.9 µg/g Chromium Total Measured 22 160 µg/g Cobalt Measured 9.6 80 µg/g Copper Measured 22 230 µg/g Lead Measured 18 120 µg/g Mercury Measured 0.02 3.9 µg/g Molybdenum Measured 0.8 40 µg/g Nickel Measured 20 270 µg/g Selenium Measured 0.4 5.5 µg/g Silver Minimum Detectable 0.2 40 µg/g Thallium Minimum Detectable 0.4 3.3 µg/g Uranium Measured 0.8 33 µg/g Vanadium Measured 31 86 µg/g Chromium VI Minimum Detectable 0.2 8 µg/g Zinc Measured 86 340 µg/g Cyanide (CN-) Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.051 µg/g Electrical Conductivity Measured 0.675 1.4 mS/cm Sodium Adsorption Ratio Measured 2.6 12 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.04 0.087 µg/g Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- Minimum Detectable 0.05 6.1 µg/g Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.05 µg/g Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.04 0.05 µg/g Dichloroethane, 1,1- Minimum Detectable 0.02 17 µg/g Dichloroethylene, 1,1- Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.064 µg/g Total # of Contaminants 65 Owner Information Contaminant Concentrations RSC Property Information Contaminants Measured in SOIL Environmental Condition Measured Concentration for Contaminants in Soil Measured * Concentration Applicable Standard Unit Of Measure Contaminant 31-60 * Type of Measurement * Contaminants Measured in SOIL Dichloroethylene, 1,1- Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.064 µg/g Contaminants Measured in GROUND WATER Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.05 6.8 µg/g Dichloroethane, 1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.03 0.05 µg/g Contaminants Measured in SEDIMENTS Dichloropropane, 1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.03 0.16 µg/g Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- Minimum Detectable 0.05 9.6 µg/g Dichloropropene,1,3- Minimum Detectable 0.04 0.18 µg/g Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.2 µg/g Acetone Minimum Detectable 0.50 16 µg/g Benzene Minimum Detectable 0.02 0.32 µg/g Bromodichloromethane Minimum Detectable 0.05 18 µg/g Bromoform Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.61 µg/g Carbon Tetrachloride Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.21 µg/g Chlorobenzene Minimum Detectable 0.05 2.4 µg/g Chloroform Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.47 µg/g Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- Minimum Detectable 0.04 55 µg/g Dichlorodifluoromethane Minimum Detectable 0.02 16 µg/g Ethylbenzene Minimum Detectable 0.05 9.5 µg/g Ethylene dibromide Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.05 µg/g Hexane (n) Minimum Detectable 0.05 46 µg/g Methyl Ethyl Ketone Minimum Detectable 0.04 70 µg/g Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Minimum Detectable 0.05 31 µg/g Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Minimum Detectable 0.5 11 µg/g Methylene Chloride Minimum Detectable 0.50 1.6 µg/g Styrene Minimum Detectable 0.05 34 µg/g Tetrachloroethylene Minimum Detectable 0.05 4.5 µg/g Toluene Minimum Detectable 0.05 68 µg/g Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans- Minimum Detectable 0.05 1.3 µg/g Trichloroethylene Minimum Detectable 0.05 0.91 µg/g Trichlorofluoromethane Minimum Detectable 0.05 4 µg/g Vinyl Chloride Minimum Detectable 0.03 0.032 µg/g Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Total # of Contaminants 65 Owner Information Contaminant Concentrations RSC Property Information Contaminants Measured in SOIL Environmental Condition Measured Concentration for Contaminants in Soil Measured * Concentration Applicable Standard Unit Of Measure Contaminant 61-90* Type of Measurement * Contaminants Measured in SOIL Xylene Mixture Minimum Detectable 0.05 26 µg/g Contaminants Measured in GROUND WATER Petroleum Hydrocarbons F1**** Minimum Detectable 5 55 µg/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons F2 Measured 13 230 µg/g Contaminants Measured in SEDIMENTS Petroleum Hydrocarbons F3 Measured 200 1700 µg/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons F4 Measured 76 3300 µg/g Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Total # of Contaminants 65 Owner Information Contaminant Concentrations RSC Property Information Contaminants Measured in Ground Water Environmental Condition Has ground water sampling been conducted at the property? * Yes Contaminant Concentrations Contaminants Measured in SOIL Contaminants Measured in GROUND WATER Contaminants Measured in SEDIMENTS ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents No Measured Concentration for Contaminants in Ground Water Measured * Concentration Applicable Standard Unit Of Measure Contaminant 1-30 * Type of Measurement * Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.10 3.3 µg/L Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- Minimum Detectable 0.30 640 µg/L Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- Minimum Detectable 0.10 3.2 µg/L Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.20 4.7 µg/L Dichloroethane, 1,1- Minimum Detectable 0.30 320 µg/L Dichloroethylene, 1,1- Minimum Detectable 0.30 1.6 µg/L Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.10 4600 µg/L Dichloroethane, 1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.20 1.6 µg/L Dichloropropane, 1,2- Minimum Detectable 0.20 16 µg/L Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- Minimum Detectable 0.10 9600 µg/L Dichloropropene,1,3- Minimum Detectable 0.30 5.2 µg/L Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- Minimum Detectable 0.10 8 µg/L Acetone Minimum Detectable 1.0 130000 µg/L Benzene Minimum Detectable 0.20 44 µg/L Bromodichloromethane Measured 0.82 85000 µg/L Bromoform Minimum Detectable 0.10 380 µg/L Bromomethane Minimum Detectable 0.20 5.6 µg/L Carbon Tetrachloride Minimum Detectable 0.20 0.79 µg/L Chlorobenzene Minimum Detectable 0.10 630 µg/L Chloroform Measured 1.8 2.4 µg/L Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- Minimum Detectable 0.20 1.6 µg/L Dibromochloromethane Measured 0.43 82000 µg/L Dichlorodifluoromethane Minimum Detectable 0.20 4400 µg/L Ethylbenzene Minimum Detectable 0.10 2300 µg/L Ethylene dibromide Minimum Detectable 0.10 0.25 µg/L Hexane (n) Minimum Detectable 0.20 51 µg/L Methyl Ethyl Ketone Minimum Detectable 1.0 470000 µg/L Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Minimum Detectable 1.0 140000 µg/L Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Minimum Detectable 0.20 190 µg/L Methylene Chloride Minimum Detectable 0.30 610 µg/L Total # of Contaminants 38 Owner Information Contaminant Concentrations RSC Property Information Contaminants Measured in Ground Water Environmental Condition Measured Concentration for Contaminants in Ground Water Measured * Concentration Applicable Standard Unit Of Measure Contaminant 31-60 * Type of Measurement * Contaminants Measured in SOIL Styrene Minimum Detectable 0.10 1300 µg/L Contaminants Measured in GROUND WATER Tetrachloroethylene Minimum Detectable 0.20 1.6 µg/L Toluene Minimum Detectable 0.20 18000 µg/L Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans- Minimum Detectable 0.20 1.6 µg/L Trichloroethylene Minimum Detectable 0.20 1.6 µg/L Trichlorofluoromethane Minimum Detectable 0.40 2500 µg/L Vinyl Chloride Minimum Detectable 0.17 0.5 µg/L Xylene Mixture Minimum Detectable 0.20 4200 µg/L Contaminant Concentrations Contaminants Measured in SEDIMENTS ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Total # of Contaminants 38 Owner Information Contaminant Concentrations RSC Property Information Contaminants Measured in Sediments Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations Contaminants Measured in SOIL Contaminants Measured in GROUND WATER Contaminants Measured in SEDIMENTS ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Has sediment sampling been conducted at the property? Yes No * Owner Information Contaminant Concentrations RSC Property Information Laboratory Information Environmental Condition Laboratory Name * AGAT Laboratories Contaminant Concentrations Contaminants Measured in SOIL Contaminants Measured in GROUND WATER Contaminants Measured in SEDIMENTS ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Owner Information ESA Information RSC Property Information ESA Reports Environmental Condition Phase One ESA Reports Contaminant Concentrations The date the last work on the records review, interviews and site reconnaissance components of the phase one environmental site assessment was done. ESA Information Phase One ESA Reports Phase Two ESA Reports Phase One Reports and Other Documents Phase Two Reports and Other Documents QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents 2012/04/18 Type of Report * Phase One ESA * Report Title * Date of Report * Author of Report * Name of Consulting Organization Phase One Environmental 2013/01/02 Site Assessment, Douglas M. Street Fisher 'C'and and Coffey Christopher PartGeotechnics of Street Nielsen 'A',Inc. 16 Brookers Owner Information ESA Information RSC Property Information ESA Reports Environmental Condition Phase Two ESA Reports Contaminant Concentrations The date the last work on the planning of the site investigation and conducting the site investigation components of the phase two environmental site assessment was done. ESA Information Phase One ESA Reports Phase Two ESA Reports Phase One Reports and Other Documents Phase Two Reports and Other Documents QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents 2013/05/10 Type of Report * Phase Two ESA * Report Title * Date of Report * Author of Report * Name of Consulting Organization Phase Two Environmental 2013/05/16 Site Assessment, Douglas M. Conveyance Fisher and Coffey Lands, Christopher Geotechnics StreetNielsen 'C' and Inc. Part of Str Owner Information ESA Information RSC Property Information Reports and Other Documents Environmental Condition Phase 1 Reports and Other Documents Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information List the Reports/Documents other than the document(s) used as your Phase 1 ESA relied on in certifying the information set out in Section 10 of Schedule A or otherwise used in conducting the Phase 1 ESA Report Title * Date of Report * Author of Report * Name of Consulting Organization for Report Phase One ESA Reports Geotechnical Investigation, Waterview Condominium 2005/01/26- PhaseFanyu 4 Building, Zhu and Lakeshore Shabbir Shaheen Boulevard, Bandukwala & Peaker Toronto, Limited Ontario Phase Two ESA Reports Environmental Soil and Groundwater Investigation, 2005/01/27 Waterview Sergiy Condominium Tchernikov(Phase and Shaheen W.4),David Lakeshore & Peaker Lewis Boulevard Limited West, Toronto, Phase One Reports and Other Documents Geotechnical Investigation, Waterview Condominium 2005/02/18- PhaseFanyu 5 Buildings, Zhu andLakeshore Shabbir Shaheen Bandukwala Boulevard, & Peaker Toronto, Limited Ontario Phase Two Reports and Other Documents QP Profile Information Certification Statement Supporting Documents Environmental Soil and Groundwater Investigation, 2005/05/18 Waterview Sergiy Condominium Tchernikov(Phase and Shaheen W.5),David Lakeshore & Peaker Lewis Boulevard Limited West, Toronto, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, Phase 2008/11/19 4 (FormerlyCharlene 2125, 2127, Humphrey 2135, 2137 Shaheen and Cynthia and & 2139 Peaker L. Robins LakeLimited Shore Boulevard West Hydrogeologic Assessment, 2143 - 2147 Lake 2008/12/16 Shore Boulevard Vic Nersesian West, Toronto Construction Control Inc. Remedial Action Plan Summary Report, Conveyance 2012/05/30Lands,Teresa 2123-2147 Weatherhead Lakeshore Coffey and Boulevard Christopher Geotechnics West, Nielsen Toronto, Inc. Ontario Owner Information ESA Information RSC Property Information Reports and Other Documents Environmental Condition Phase 2 Reports and Other Documents Contaminant Concentrations List the Reports/Documents other than the document(s) used as your Phase 2 ESA relied on in making any certifications in the RSC in relation to the Phase 2 ESA or otherwise used in conducting the Phase 2 ESA ESA Information Report Title * Date of Report * Author of Report * Name of Consulting Organization for Report Phase One ESA Reports Geotechnical Investigation, Waterview Condominium 2005/01/26- Phae Fanyu 4 Building, Zhu and Lakeshore Shabbir Shaheen Boulevard, Bandukwala & Peaker Toronto, Limited Ontario Phase Two ESA Reports Environmental Soil and Groundwater Investigation, 2005/01/27 Waterview Sergiy Condominiium Tchernikov(Phase and Shaheen W.4), David Lakeshore & Peaker Lewis Boulevard Limited West, Toronto Phase One Reports and Other Documents Geotechnical Investigation, Waterview Condominiuim 2005/02/18- Phase Fanyu 5 Buildings, Zhu andLakeshore Shabbir Shaheen Bandukwala Boulevard, & Peaker Toronto, Limited Ontario Phase Two Reports and Other Documents QP Profile Information Environmental Soil and Groundwater Investigation, 2005/05/18 Waterview Sergiy Condominium Tchernikov(Phase and Shaheen W.5),David Lakeshore & Peaker Lewis Boulevard Limited West, Toronto, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, Phase 2008/11/19 4 (FormerlyCharlene 2125, 2127, Humphrey 2135, and Shaheen and 2139 Cynthia & Lake Peaker L. Shore Robins Limited Boulevard West) & Ph Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, 2007/07/11 Proposed Vic Nersesian Development atConstruction 2143 & 2147Control Lake Shore Inc. Boulevard West, Geotechnical Investigation for the Proposed2007/07/12 Residential Development Michael Lam at 2143-2147 and VicConstruction Nersesian Lake Shore Control Boulevard Inc. West, Toronto, On Hydrogeologic Assessment, 2143-2147 Lake 2008/12/16 Shore Boulevard Vic West, Nersesian Toronto Certification Statement Supporting Documents Construction Control Inc. Remedial Action Plan Summary Report, Conveyance 2012/05/30Lands Teresa - 2123-2147 Weatherhead Laskeshore Coffey and Boulevard Christopher Geotechnics West, Nielsen Inc. Toronto, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment, 2013/01/02 Street 'C' and Part Douglas of Street M. Fisher 'A', 16and Coffey Brookers Christopher Geotechnics Lane,Nielsen Toronto, Inc. Ontario Owner Information RSC Property Information QP Information First Name * Middle Name Last Name * Douglas Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information QP Information Fisher Which one of the following licences under the Professional Engineers Act do you hold? * None Which one of the following memberships under the Professional Geoscientists Act do you hold? * Practising Member 0402 Is the QP Employed? * Certification Statement Yes Supporting Documents No Membership Number * Employer Name * Coffey Geotechnics Inc. QP Contact Information Phone Number * Fax Number * Email (416) 213-1255 (416) 213-1260 * QP Mailing Address Information Street Number * 20 Street Name * Apt No. / RR No. Meteor Drive City, Town or Village * Province * Postal Code * Toronto Ontario M9W 1A4 Owner Information QP Certification Statement D As the qualified person, I certify that: * RSC Property Information Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information A phase one environmental site assessment of the RSC property, which includes the evaluation of the information gathered from a records review, site reconnaissance, interviews, a report and any updates required, has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. A phase two environmental site assessment of the RSC property, which includes the evaluation of the information gathered from planning and conducting a site investigation, a report, and any updates required, has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. QP Profile Information The information represents the site conditions at the sampling points at the time of sampling only and the conditions between and beyond the sampling points may vary. Certification Statement As of 2013/05/10, in my opinion, based on the phase one environmental site assessment and the phase two environmental site assessment, and any confirmatory sampling, there is no evidence of any contaminants in the soil, ground water or sediment on, in or under the RSC property that would interfere with the type of property use to which the RSC property will be put, as specified in the RSC. QP Certification Statement Owner Certification Statement Supporting Documents Ground water sampling has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. I have, within the six months immediately before the submission of this record of site condition, given written notice of intention to apply non-potable ground water site condition standards to the clerk of the local municipality in which the property is located and the clerk of any upper-tier municipality in which the property is located. As of 2013/05/10, in my opinion, based on the phase one and phase two environmental site assessments and any confirmatory sampling, the RSC property meets the applicable full depth generic site condition standards prescribed by section 37 of the regulation for all contaminants prescribed by the regulation in relation to the type of property use for which this RSC is filed, except for those contaminants (if any) specified in this RSC at Table 2, Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Standards Specified in a Risk Assessment. As of 2013/05/10, the maximum known concentration of each contaminant in soil, sediment and ground water at the RSC property for which sampling and analysis has been performed is specified in this RSC at Table 1, Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards. I am a qualified person and have the qualifications required by section 5 of the regulation. I have in place an insurance policy that satisfies the requirements of section 7 of the regulation. I acknowledge that the RSC will be submitted for filing in the Environmental Site Registry, that records of site condition that are filed in the Registry are available for examination by the public and that the Registry contains a notice advising users of the Registry who have dealings with any property to consider conducting their own due diligence with respect to the environmental condition of the property, in addition to reviewing information in the Registry. The opinions expressed in this RSC are engineering or scientific opinions made in accordance with generally accepted principles and practices as recognized by members of the environmental engineering or science profession or discipline practising at the same time and in the same or similar location. I do not hold and have not held a direct or indirect interest in the RSC property or any property which includes the RSC property and was the subject of a phase one or two environmental site assessment or risk assessment upon which this record of site condition is based To the best of my knowledge, the certifications and statements in this part of the RSC are true as of 2013/05/10. By signing this RSC, I make no express or implied warranties or guarantees. I, the qualified person named below, on the date stated below, make all of the stated certifications applicable to the qualified person in this Part of the record of site condition. Douglas Fisher 2013/07/22 Owner Information RSC Property Information Environmental Condition Contaminant Concentrations ESA Information QP Profile Information Certification Statement QP Certification Statement Owner Certification Statement Supporting Documents Owner Certification Statement Click here to download Firm, Corp, Other Form Owner Information Supporting Documents RSC Property Information Please note, only PDF attachments will be accepted with the exception of the Property Specific Standard, which must be an Excel document. Environmental Condition Certificate of Status or equivalent * Contaminant Concentrations CertofStatus.pdf Lawyer’s letter consisting of a legal description of the property * ESA Information LawyersLetter.pdf QP Profile Information Copy of any deed(s), transfer(s) or other document(s) * Certification Statement TransferDeed.pdf Supporting Documents A Current plan of Survey * Supporting Documents PlanofSurvey.pdf Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern * APECTable.pdf Table of Current and Past Uses of the Phase One Property * TableofCandPUses.pdf Phase 2 Conceptual Site Model * PhaseTwoCSM.pdf Owner Certification Statement * OwnerCerts.pdf Request ID: 015538018 Demande n° : Transaction ID: 51510913 Transaction n° : Category ID: CT Catégorie : Province of Ontario Province de l'Ontario Ministry of Government Services Ministère des Services gouvernementaux Date Report Produced: 2013/07/16 Document produit le : Time Report Produced: 15:05:40 Imprimé à : CERTIFICATE OF STATUS ATTESTATION DU STATUT JURIDIQUE This is to certify that according to the records of the Ministry of Government Services D'après les dossiers du Ministère des Services gouvernementaux, nous attestons que la société MONARCH WATERVIEW DEVELOPMENT LIMITED Ontario Corporation Number Numéro matricule de la société (Ontario) 001640414 is a corporation incorporated, amalgamated or continued under the laws of the Province of Ontario. est une société constituée, prorogée ou née d'une fusion aux termes des lois de la Province de l'Ontario. The corporation came into existence on La société a été fondée le NOVEMBER 25 NOVEMBRE, 2004 and has not been dissolved. et n'est pas dissoute. Dated Fait le JULY 16 JUILLET, 2013 Director Directrice The issuance of this certificate in electronic form is authorized by the Ministry of Government Services. La délivrance du présent certificat sous forme électronique est autorisée par le Ministère des Services gouvernementaux. Phase One Property Phase Two Property RSC Property “TABLE OF AREAS OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN" (Refer to clause 16(2)(a), Schedule D, O. Reg. 153/04) Area of Potential Environmental Concern1 Location of Area of Potential Environmental Concern on Phase One Property APEC 1 Entire Phase One Property Potentially Contaminating Activity2 Location of PCA (on-site or off-site) PCA 51: Storage and use of solvents Contaminants of Potential Concern3 Off-site VOCs Media Potentially Impacted (Ground water, soil and/or sediment) Groundwater Notes: 1 - Area of Potential Environmental Concern means the area on, in or under a phase one property where one or more contaminants are potentially present, as determined through the phase one environmental site assessment, including through, (a) identification of past or present uses on, in or under the phase one property, and (b) identification of potentially contaminating activity. 2 - Potentially Contaminating Activity means a use or activity set out in Column A of Table 2 of Schedule D that is occurring or has occurred in a phase one study area 3 - when completing this column, identify all contaminants of potential concern using the Method Groups as identified in the "Protocol for in the Assessment of Properties under Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act, March 9, 2004, amended as of July 1, 2011, as specified below: PCBs Metals PAHs THMs As, Sb, Se Na Dioxins/Furans, PCDDs/PCDFs VOCs B-HWS OCs BTEX Cl high pH PHCs Ca, Mg CN- low pH ABNs CPs 1,4-Dioxane Electrical Conductivity SAR Cr (VI) Hg Methyl Mercury 4 - when submitting a record of site condition for filing, a copy of this table must be attached **Cette publication hautement spécialisée n’est disponible qu’en anglais en vertu du règlement 671/92, qui en exempte l’application de la Loi sur les services en français. Pour obtenir de l’aide en francais, veuillez communiquer avec le ministère de l’Environnement au 1-800-461-6290 “TABLE OF CURRENT AND PAST USES OF THE PHASE ONE PROPERTY” (Refer to clause 16(2)(b), Schedule D, O.Reg. 153/04) Year Name of Owner Description of Property Use Property Use1 Other Observations from Aerial Photographs, Fire Insurance Plans etc. Dec. 1873 – Jan. 1874 Jan. 1874 – July 1877 July 1877 – May 1880 May 1880 – July 1881 July 1881 – Jan. 1894 Jan. 1894 – June 1896 June 1896 – Nov. 1901 Oct. 1900 – Aug. 1919 Nov. 1901 – May 1947 Nov. 1901 – May 1947 July 1906 – April 1910 April 1910 – March 1925 Aug. 1919 – Jan. 1921 Jan. 1921 – April 1934 March 1925 – April 1943 April 1934 – Nov. 1947 April 1943 – Aug. 1985 May 1947 – Oct. 1952 Nov. 1947 – Oct. 1952 Oct. 1952 – Dec. 1953 Patrick G. Close Agriculture – Chain A Agriculture – Chain A Agriculture – Chain A Agriculture – Chain A Agriculture – Chain A Agriculture – Chain A1, A2 Agriculture – Chain A1, A2 Agriculture – Chain B Residential – Chain A1 Residential – Chain A2 Residential – Chain A3 Residential – Chain A3 Residential – Chain B Residential – Chain B Residential – Chain A3 Residential – Chain B Residential – Chain A3 Residential – Chain A1, A2 Residential – Chain B Residential – Chain B Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Agriculture or other use Residential use Residential use Residential use Residential use Residential use Residential use Residential use Residential use Residential use Residential use Residential use Residential use None Motel – Chain A1, A2, B Commercial use Dec. 1953 – March 1984 Robert Grant Patrick G. Close James E. Smith Patrick G. Close Benjamin H. Dixon Toronto General Trusts Co. George H. Boulton August Ramsperger August Ramsperger Sarah A. Simpson Caroline Johnstone Naomi Pattullo Thomas J. Pattullo Caroline M. Gray Naomi Pattullo Ruth E. White Murray G. Pattullo, Morden J. Pattullo Murray G. Pattullo, Morden J. Pattullo Leon Szelazek, A. Potapenko, Frank Szelazek Leon Szelazek 1899 Goad’s Atlas indicates large lots None None None None None 1903 Goad’s Atlas indicates large lots 1924 Goad’s Atlas shows narrow rectangular lots 1924 Goad’s Atlas shows narrow rectangular lots None 1924 Goad’s Atlas shows narrow rectangular lots None 1924 Goad’s Atlas shows narrow rectangular lots 1937 aerial photo indicates residential sized structure 1937 aerial photo indicates residential sized structure None None None None 1954 aerial photo indicates motel like structure; 1962 FIP indicates motel March 1984 –Oct. 1986 Aug 1985 – May 1986 May 1986 – April 1987 Oct. 1986 – Jan. 2001 April 1987 – Nov. 1987 Nov. 1987 – Jan. 2001 Jan. 2001 – Present 547280 Ontario Ltd. Motel – Chain A1, A2, B E. Antonarakis, P. Residential ‐ Chain Antonarakis A3 Andrew R. Chorny Residential – Chain A3 Grenadier Gardens Motel – Chain A1, Ltd. A2, B Grenadier Gardens Motel – Chain A3 Ltd. (In Trust) 727577 Ontario Inc. Motel – Chain A3 Monarch Waterview Development Limited (formerly Water View Corporation) Commercial use Residential use Residential use Commercial use Commercial use Commercial use Vacant, then under Commercial redevelopment as a use condominium None None None None None None 2002 and 2005 photos shows site is vacant; 2009 photo indicates 16 Brookers Lane under construction Notes: 1 – for each owner, specify one of the following types of property uses (as defined in O.Reg. 153/04) that applies: Agriculture or other use Commercial use Community use Industrial use Institutional use Parkland use Residential use 2 – when submitting a record of site condition for filing, a copy of this table must be attached Phase Two Conceptual Site Model – Street ‘C’ and Part of Street ‘A’, 16 Brookers Lane The Phase Two Conceptual Site Model (CSM) has been prepared based on information and data collected as of the certification date as part of Coffey’s Phase One ESA and Phase Two ESA conducted at the Phase Two Property. The legal survey deposited as Plan 66R-26311 shows the outline of the Phase One Property and the legal survey deposited as Plan 66R26715 shows the location of Part 1 of Plan 66R-26715 which is excluded from the Phase Two 2 Property. This excluded portion covers an area of approximately 20 m . Areas of Potential Environmental Concern The Phase One ESA identified the following areas of Potential Environmental Concern: The Ecolog ERIS report identified the presence of a generator of wastes, including aliphatic solvents on the property located on the north side of Lake Shore Boulevard West, opposite the subject site. These on wastes were generated by the current occupant (Kraft Canada) or a former occupant (Christie Brown & Company) of the facility located at 2150 Lake Shore Blvd. West. The CSM is based on the results of 27 soil chemical results as well as the results of the groundwater samples from three boreholes which were analyzed for VOCs. The analyses included those which were identified as potential contaminants of concern in Coffey’s Phase One ESA for the Phase Two property. The CSM is also based on the following: The Phase Two Property is assessed in comparison to the Full Depth Generic Site Condition Standards for in a Non-Potable Ground Water Condition for residential, parkland, institutional (RPI) property uses for coarse textured soil contained in Table 3 of the MOE publication “Soil, Ground Water and Sediment Standards for Use Under Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act”, dated April 15, 2011. The Phase Two Conceptual Site Model consists of this text and associated text and Drawings as outlined below. Phase Two/RSC Property CSM Requirement i. Provide a description and assessment of, A. areas where potentially contaminating activity has occurred, No potentially contaminating activity was identified to have occurred on the Phase Two Property. Native soil was encountered below the surficial fills for the pavement structure and as such no indication of the presence of a former landfill site within the Phase Two Property boundary was identified. All areas of the subject site are located to the west of the limits of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plans 403 and 1176. B. areas of potential environmental concern, and The Phase One ESA identified potential impacts to the groundwater as a result of the current and/or former presence of a generator of liquid wastes, including aliphatic solvents located to the north of Lake Shore Blvd. West, opposite the subject site. Groundwater with measureable concentrations of chloroform was previously recorded in a former monitoring well at the location of a high-rise building at 16 Brookers Lane and groundwater with elevated concentrations of trichloroethylene was reported in groundwater samples on the south adjacent property. C. any subsurface structures and utilities on, in or under the phase two property that may affect contaminant distribution and transport, ii. Utility trenches for services located within Streets ‘A’ and ‘C’ may affect groundwater flow. The weeping system (permanent de-watering) installed adjacent to the foundations for the two adjacent high-rise buildings will also affect groundwater flow. a description of and, as appropriate, figures illustrating, the physical setting of the phase two property and any areas under it including, See Cross Sections – Drawings 5A and 5B A. stratigraphy from ground surface to the deepest aquifer or aquitard investigated, The site is covered asphalt pavement and granular fills that extend to a depth of less than 1 m at the borehole locations. These fills are underlain by native silts and clayey silts that extend to a depth of approximately 5.3 m. Below this, weathered shale was encountered. B. hydrogeological characteristics, including aquifers, aquitards and, in each hydrostratigraphic unit where one or more contaminants is present at concentrations above the applicable site condition standards, lateral and vertical gradients, Shallow groundwater flow towards the east (see Drawing 2). The lateral hydraulic gradient based on February 15, 2013 observations between BH701 and BH702 located near the western and eastern ends of the site respectively is 0.0237. C. approximate depth to bedrock, Bedrock encountered at a depth of between approximately 3.5 (elev. 76.9 m) and 5.3 m (elev. 74.0 m) below the surface. D. approximate depth to water table, Approximately 5.7 mbgs (elev. 78.1 m) to more than 12.3 mbgs (elev. 68.7 m) based on May 10, 2013 observations E. any respect in which section 41 or 43.1 of the regulation applies to the property, iii. The site is not within or adjacent to an area of natural significance and is located more than 30 m from Lake Ontario. The pH of the soil as measured in the samples analyzed is between 5 and 9. Based on this Section 41 does not apply. As the site is not considered to be a shallow soil property and is more than 30 m from a water body, Section 43.1 of the regulation does not apply to the Phase Two/RSC Property. F. areas where soil has been brought from another property and placed on, in or under the phase two property, and Granular fills are expected beneath asphalt covered areas and within utility trenches. G. approximate locations, if known, of any proposed buildings and other structures No buildings are proposed for the Phase Two Property. Buried utilities such as water and sewers are located on the site. where a contaminant is present on, in or under the phase two property at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard, identification of, A. each area where a contaminant is All soil and groundwater samples analyzed from the present on, in or under the phase Phase Two Property met the 2011 MOE Table 3 RPI two property at a concentration Standards. greater than the applicable site 2 condition standard, B. the contaminants associated with each of the areas referred to in subparagraph A. All soil and groundwater samples analyzed from the Phase Two Property met the 2011 MOE Table 3 RPI Standards. C. each medium in which a contaminant associated with an area referred to in subparagraph is present, All soil and groundwater samples analyzed from the Phase Two Property met the 2011 MOE Table 3 RPI Standards. D. a description and assessment of what is known about each of the areas referred to in subparagraph A, E. the distribution, in each of the areas referred to in subparagraph A, of each contaminant present in the area at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard, for each medium in which the contaminant is present, together with figures showing the distribution, F. anything known about the reason for the discharge of the contaminants present on, in or under the phase two property at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard into the natural environment, G. anything known about migration of the contaminants present on, in or under the phase two property at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard away from any area of potential environmental concern, including the identification of any preferential pathways, H. Climatic or meteorological conditions that may have influenced distribution and migration of the contaminants, such as temporal fluctuations in ground water levels, I. If applicable, information concerning soil vapour intrusion of the contaminants into building, No impacts identified. No impacts identified. No impacts identified. No impacts identified. No impacts identified. No buildings on site at time of this report. Also, all soil and groundwater samples analyzed met the 2011 MOE Table 3 RPI Standards. 1. Relevant construction features of a building, such as a basement or crawl space Not applicable, no buildings currently on site 2. Building heating, ventilating and air conditioning design and operation, and Not applicable, no buildings currently on site 3. Subsurface utilities, iv. Where contaminants on, in or under the phase two property are present at concentrations greater than the applicable site condition standard, one or more cross-sections showing: 3 No impacts identified. A. The lateral and vertical distribution of a contaminant in each area where the contamination is present at concentrations greater than the applicable site condition standard B. Approximate depth to the water table C. Stratigraphy from the ground surface D. Any subsurface structures and utilities that may affect contaminant distribution. 3.Subsurface utilities, v. For each area where a contaminant is present on, in or under the property at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard for the contaminant, a diagram identifying: No impacts identified. A. the release mechanisms B. contaminant transport pathway C. the human and ecological receptors located on, in or under the phase two property D. receptor exposure points, and E. routes of exposure. Summary of Drawings Drawing 1: Site Location Drawing 1 shows the site and properties within the vicinity Drawing 2: Borehole and Monitoring Well Locations Drawing 2 shows the locations of boreholes and monitoring wells advanced on the Phase Two Property during this Phase Two ESA as well as the locations of three boreholes previously advanced on the Phase Two Property. Drawing 3: Groundwater Elevations – May 10, 2013 Drawing 3 shows the groundwater flow direction and groundwater elevation contours. Drawing 4: Subsurface Cross Section Locations Drawing 4 shows the locations of cross sections A-A and 1 B-B . Drawing 5A and 5B: Cross Sections Drawing 5A and 5B shows the stratigraphy and depth of groundwater. Drawing 6: Human and Ecological Receptors Drawing 6 is a schematic diagram of a cross section of the site. 1 Physical Setting Fill material of unknown origin was historically used to infill Lake Ontario but at locations to the east of the Phase Two Property. De-icing salts have likely been applied to the paved portion of the Phase Two Property but as the site has not historically been used as a road and the results of previous testing have indicated that electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) values have met the applicable site condition Standards, significant EC and/or SAR impacts are unlikely. 4 The natural groundwater levels and direction of groundwater flow appear to have been influenced by construction dewatering taking place in the vicinity of the Phase Two Property. Field Investigations Two (2) boreholes (BH701 and BH703) for environmental purposes were advanced within the Phase Two Property in January 2013 and groundwater monitoring wells were installed in both boreholes. Subsequently, in April 2013 two additional boreholes (BH801 and BH802) with monitoring wells were completed within the Phase Two Property. The Phase Two Property is covered by asphalt and concrete pavements and underlain by granular fills that at the borehole locations are less than 1 m deep (elev. 83.5 – 80.2 m). The surficial fills are underlain by native soils consisting of silts and clays which extend to a depth of between approximately 4.6 to 6.1 m (elev. 76.2 – 74.9 m) where they are underlain by weathered shale. The shale was cored to a depth of 13.7 m (elev. 67.0 m). Groundwater levels were recorded on several occasions between January and May 2013 using. Based on the measurements recorded on May 10, 2013, the groundwater encountered in the onsite monitoring wells ranged from a depth of approximately 5.74 m below the ground surface in BH701 to a depth of 12.3 m at BH802. This corresponds to an elevation of 78.13 m and 68.67 m, respectively. Coffey understands that weeping systems were installed at elevations of approximately 67.7 m at 16 Brookers Lane and at about 68.3 m at 2123 Lake Shore and that these weeping systems are removing groundwater from the vicinity of the two buildings adjacent to the site. The presence of a weeping system at the foundations of the adjacent buildings appears to be impacting the groundwater elevation and flow direction within the Phase Two Property. Based on the May 10, 2013 observations, the inferred direction of flow for the shallow groundwater is along Street ‘A’ is towards the north (the dewatering system installed at 16 Brookers Lane) whereas groundwater flow along Street ‘C’ would be either in an easterly or westerly direction towards the dewatering systems installed at 16 Brookers Lane and the east contiguous construction site. In a previous investigation conducted in 2005, which was completed prior to the construction activities at adjacent buildings, the groundwater flow direction was interpreted to be towards the east in the direction of Lake Ontario. Sanitary sewers and other utilities are located within the boundaries of the Phase Two Property. Confirmatory samples collected by Coffey during the time of utility installation and backfilling indicated that the material within the utility trenches met the applicable Standards. Groundwater flow within the Phase Two Property would also be influenced by the presence of the utility trenches. Soil Results The results of soil samples analyzed by Coffey from the Phase Two Property indicate that the soil samples analyzed met the 2011 MOE Table 3 Standards for RPI property uses. This is based on: 5 Two soil samples from the locations of borehole BH701 and BH702 which were analyzed for metals and inorganic parameters. Two soil samples from the locations of borehole BH701 and BH702 which were analyzed for metals and hydride parameters. One soil sample from borehole BH701 which was analyzed for volatile organic parameters and petroleum hydrocarbons. The results of 13 soil samples for metals and inorganic parameters analyzed at the time of the utility installations in 2011 that indicated that each of the 13 samples analyzed meet the 2011 MOE Table 3 RPI Standards. Groundwater Results Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were identified in the Phase One ESA as potential contaminants of concern on the Phase Two Property and the results of the groundwater samples analyzed for VOCs at the three monitoring wells on the Phase Two Property where groundwater was sampled indicated that the concentrations of VOCs in the groundwater samples analyzed met the 2011 MOE Table 3 Standards for VOCs. Contaminants of Concern No contaminants of concern were identified on the Phase Two Property. Release Mechanisms and Exposure Routes As the concentrations of each of the soil and groundwater samples analyzed met the MOE Table 3 Standards, a discussion of the release mechanisms, contaminant transport pathway, human and ecological receptors, and routes of exposure is not required in accordance with O.Reg. 153/04, as amended. 6 W PR EX NE SW ES T ES AY R DI AR G Water's Edge, December 15, 1992 Limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 1176 Phase Two Property LAKE ONTARIO (Conveyance Lands) Limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 403 0 20 40 60 80 100 METRES LEGEND Phase Two Property Boundary Limit of Area 250m from Phase Two Property Boundary Notes: 1. Drawing to be reviewed in conjunction with associated report. 2. Phase Two property boundary adapted from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26311, deposited July 31, 2012 and from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26715, deposited April 2, 2013; limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 1176 and Registered Plan 403, dates unknown. 3. Satellite image: c 2011 Google and c 2012 Digital Globe. 4. Bar scale applies only to Phase Two property boundary. All other features are not necessarily to scale. drawn approved DF/MV CN date MAY 2013 scale AS SHOWN original size Tabloid \\missfs01\data$\GEOT\ENVIRO\0 Projects\ENVSETOB 10000AA to ENVSETOB ---\0 - OLD Numbers with ENVS ETOB\05695AE - Ph One ESA, Remed Sum, Monarch Waterview\Street C and part Street A\2013 Phase Two\Drawing\05695AE_Ph Two ESA_D1-D5B_May_2013.dwg client: MONARCH CORPORATION project: title: project no: PHASE TWO ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT CONVEYANCE LANDS, STREET 'C' AND PART OF STREET 'A' 16 BROOKERS LANE TORONTO, ONTARIO PHASE TWO CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL SITE LOCATION drawing no: ENVSETOB05695AE 1 BRO OKE RS 58 Marine Parade Drive LANE C O N D O M I N I U M 16 Brookers Lane (Existing Hi-Rise Condominiums) er Limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 403 BH407 P H A S E BH406 D CB MAR INE CB STM SAN A K STM L BH801 R CB N E A A ter DRIV Wa 2123 Lake Shore Boulevard West (Hi-Rise Condominium Under Construction) DE CB S t r e e t 5 PARA LAK CB BH802 STM BH701 E SHO CB BH703 RE BOU LEV ARD CB Wat 4 Limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 1176 P WE ST S t r e e t P H A S E (Kraft Canada Inc.) 2150 Lake Shore Boulevard West C CB CB CB 2143 Lake Shore Boulevard West (Former Hillcrest Motel Demolished / Vacant) Notes: 1. Drawing to be reviewed in conjunction with associated report. 2. Phase Two property boundary adapted from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26311, deposited July 31, 2012 and from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26715, deposited April 2, 2013; limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 1176 and Registered Plan 403, dates unknown; proposed service connections adapted from drawings prepared by MMM Group, dated March, 2008. 3. Bar scale applies only to Phase Two property boundary. All other features are not necessarily to scale. CB 0 10 15 20 25 METRES LEGEND BH801 Monitoring Well by Coffey, April 2013 BH701 Monitoring Well Location by Coffey, January 2013 BH406 Borehole by Coffey, 2005 BH407 Borehole with Former Monitoring Well by Coffey, 2005 Catch Basin Man Hole 5 Fire Hydrant Sanitary Sewer Line Storm Sewer Line Water Line Adjoining and Neighbouring Property Boundary Phase Two Property Boundary drawn approved DF/MV CN date MAY 2013 scale AS SHOWN original size Tabloid \\missfs01\data$\GEOT\ENVIRO\0 Projects\ENVSETOB 10000AA to ENVSETOB ---\0 - OLD Numbers with ENVS ETOB\05695AE - Ph One ESA, Remed Sum, Monarch Waterview\Street C and part Street A\2013 Phase Two\Drawing\05695AE_Ph Two ESA_D1-D5B_May_2013.dwg client: MONARCH CORPORATION project: title: project no: PHASE TWO ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT CONVEYANCE LANDS, STREET 'C' AND PART OF STREET 'A' 16 BROOKERS LANE TORONTO, ONTARIO PHASE TWO CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL BOREHOLE AND MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS drawing no: ENVSETOB05695AE 2 BRO OKE RS 58 Marine Parade Drive LANE O N D O M I N I U M m tion 68.3 +_ C Elev a S t r e e t xima te W eepe r te W eepe r 16 Brookers Lane (Existing Hi-Rise Condominiums) < 73.65 m LEV ARD Limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 1176 Appr oxim a Limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 403 BOU BH703 2123 Lake Shore Boulevard West (Hi-Rise Condominium Under Construction) 68.67 m 68.91 m N A L BH801 App roxim ate Wee per Elev ation _ 68.3 K R A 70 75 .0 m .0 m P A E m DRIV S t r e e t DE eep er E leva tion 67.7 +_ D ate W PARA 78.13 m BH802 App roxim 5 INE BH701 LAK E SHO RE P H A S E MAR WE ST 4 Appr o P H A S E (Kraft Canada Inc.) 2150 Lake Shore Boulevard West Elev ation 67 .7 +_ m C +_ m 2143 Lake Shore Boulevard West (Former Hillcrest Motel Demolished / Vacant) Notes: 1. Drawing to be reviewed in conjunction with associated report. 2. Phase Two property boundary adapted from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26311, deposited July 31, 2012 and from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26715, deposited April 2, 2013; limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 1176 and Registered Plan 403, dates unknown. 3. Bar scale applies only to Phase Two property boundary. All other features are not necessarily to scale. 0 10 15 20 25 METRES LEGEND BH801 Monitoring Well by Coffey, April 2013 BH701 Monitoring Well Location by Coffey, January 2013 68.91 m Groundwater Elevation - May 10, 2013 Approximate Groundwater Elevation Isoline 75.00 m May, 2013 (geodetic - m) Inferred Pre-Construction Groundwater Flow Direction (2005) 5 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction with Dewatering in Place at 2123 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 16 Brookers Lane (May 2013) Adjoining and Neighbouring Property Boundary Phase Two Property Boundary drawn approved DF/MV CN date MAY 2013 scale AS SHOWN original size Tabloid \\missfs01\data$\GEOT\ENVIRO\0 Projects\ENVSETOB 10000AA to ENVSETOB ---\0 - OLD Numbers with ENVS ETOB\05695AE - Ph One ESA, Remed Sum, Monarch Waterview\Street C and part Street A\2013 Phase Two\Drawing\05695AE_Ph Two ESA_D1-D5B_May_2013.dwg client: MONARCH CORPORATION project: title: project no: PHASE TWO ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT CONVEYANCE LANDS, STREET 'C' AND PART OF STREET 'A' 16 BROOKERS LANE TORONTO, ONTARIO PHASE TWO CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS - May 10, 2013 drawing no: ENVSETOB05695AE 3 BRO OKE RS 58 Marine Parade Drive LANE C O N D O M I N I U M 2137 Lake Shore Boulevard West (Existing Hi-Rise Condominiums) CB Limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 1176 CB Limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 403 BH703 A BH407 P H A S E BH406 2123 Lake Shore Boulevard West (Hi-Rise Condominium Under Construction) D CB B BH705 STM SAN 2143 Lake Shore Boulevard West K R A A' CB P STM A DE BH801 L A CB N E DRIV ate r PARA CB S t r e e t W INE CB 5 MAR LAK BH802 STM BH701 E SHO S t r e e t er WE ST LEV ARD 4 RE BOU Wat P H A S E (Kraft Canada Inc.) 2150 Lake Shore Boulevard West C B' CB CB CB (Former Hillcrest Motel Demolished / Vacant) Notes: 1. Drawing to be reviewed in conjunction with associated report. 2. Phase Two property boundary adapted from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26311, deposited July 31, 2012 and from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26715, deposited April 2, 2013; limit of Lake Ontario as shown on Registered Plan 1176 and Registered Plan 403, dates unknown; proposed service connections adapted from drawings prepared by MMM Group, dated March, 2008. 3. See Drawing 5A - 5B for Cross Sections. 4. Bar scale applies only to Phase two property boundary. All other features are not necessarily to scale. CB 0 10 15 20 25 METRES LEGEND BH801 Monitoring Well by Coffey, April 2013 BH705 Borehole Location by Coffey, January 2013 BH701 Monitoring Well Location by Coffey, January 2013 BH406 Borehole by Coffey, 2005 BH407 Borehole with Former Monitoring Well by Coffey, 2005 Catch Basin 5 Man Hole Fire Hydrant A Sanitary Sewer Line Storm Sewer Line Water Line Adjoining and Neighbouring Property Boundary A' Phase Two Property Boundary Subsurface Cross Section (For Cross Sections See Drawings 5A-5B) drawn approved DF/MV CN date MAY 2013 scale AS SHOWN original size Tabloid \\missfs01\data$\GEOT\ENVIRO\0 Projects\ENVSETOB 10000AA to ENVSETOB ---\0 - OLD Numbers with ENVS ETOB\05695AE - Ph One ESA, Remed Sum, Monarch Waterview\Street C and part Street A\2013 Phase Two\Drawing\05695AE_Ph Two ESA_D1-D5B_May_2013.dwg client: MONARCH CORPORATION project: title: project no: PHASE TWO ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT CONVEYANCE LANDS, STREET 'C' AND PART OF STREET 'A' 16 BROOKERS LANE TORONTO, ONTARIO PHASE TWO CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL SUBSURFACE CROSS SECTION LOCATIONS drawing no: ENVSETOB05695AE 4 LEGEND BH801 Monitoring Well by Coffey, April 2013 BH705 Borehole Location by Coffey, January 2013 BH701 Monitoring Well Location by Coffey, January 2013 BH406 Borehole by Coffey, 2005 BH407 Borehole with Former Monitoring Well by Coffey, 2005 Groundwater Elevation - Date B-B' Approximate Location of Cross Section Phase Two Property Boundary No Exceedance for Parameters Analyzed Sand and Gravel / Asphalt Native Soil Shale / Bedrock BH705 A BH701 West Notes: 1. Drawing to be reviewed in conjunction with associated report. 2. Phase Two property boundary adapted from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26311, deposited July 31, 2012. 3. Bar scale applies only to Phase Two property boundary. All other features are not necessarily to scale. drawn approved DF/MV CN date MAY 2013 scale AS SHOWN original size Tabloid \\missfs01\data$\GEOT\ENVIRO\0 Projects\ENVSETOB 10000AA to ENVSETOB ---\0 - OLD Numbers with ENVS ETOB\05695AE - Ph One ESA, Remed Sum, Monarch Waterview\Street C and part Street A\2013 Phase Two\Drawing\05695AE_Ph Two ESA_D1-D5B_May_2013.dwg client: MONARCH CORPORATION project: title: project no: PHASE TWO ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT CONVEYANCE LANDS, STREET 'C' AND PART OF STREET 'A' 16 BROOKERS LANE TORONTO, ONTARIO PHASE TWO CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL CROSS SECTION A-A` drawing no: ENVSETOB05695AE 5A BH703 LEGEND BH801 Monitoring Well by Coffey, April 2013 BH705 Borehole Location by Coffey, January 2013 BH701 Monitoring Well Location by Coffey, January 2013 BH406 Borehole by Coffey, 2005 Groundwater Elevation - Date A-A' Approximate Location of Cross Section Phase Two Property Boundary No Exceedance for Parameters Analyzed Sand and Gravel / Asphalt Native Soil Shale / Bedrock Notes: 1. Drawing to be reviewed in conjunction with associated report. 2. Phase Two property boundary adapted from Reference Plan prepared by R. AVIS SURVEYING INC., Registered Plan 66R-26311, deposited July 31, 2012. 3. Bar scale applies only to Phase Two property boundary. All other features are not necessarily to scale. drawn approved DF/MV CN date MAY 2013 scale AS SHOWN original size Tabloid \\missfs01\data$\GEOT\ENVIRO\0 Projects\ENVSETOB 10000AA to ENVSETOB ---\0 - OLD Numbers with ENVS ETOB\05695AE - Ph One ESA, Remed Sum, Monarch Waterview\Street C and part Street A\2013 Phase Two\Drawing\05695AE_Ph Two ESA_D1-D5B_May_2013.dwg client: MONARCH CORPORATION project: title: project no: PHASE TWO ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT CONVEYANCE LANDS, STREET 'C' AND PART OF STREET 'A' 16 BROOKERS LANE TORONTO, ONTARIO PHASE TWO CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL CROSS SECTION B-B` drawing no: ENVSETOB05695AE 5B Water Main Sanitary Sewer Sidewalk Sidewalk Granular / Fill Granular / Fill Approximate Utilities Trench 16 Brookers Lane (Existing Hi-Rise Condominium) Silts and Clay Silts and Clay Groundwater at Top of Shale Shale Shale Approximate Weeper Elevation 67.7 + m LEGEND Phase Two Property Boundary drawn Notes: 1. Drawing to be reviewed in conjunction with associated report. approved DF/MV CN date MAY 2013 scale NTS original size Tabloid \\missfs01\data$\GEOT\ENVIRO\0 Projects\ENVSETOB 10000AA to ENVSETOB ---\0 - OLD Numbers with ENVS ETOB\05695AE - Ph One ESA, Remed Sum, Monarch Waterview\Street C and part Street A\2013 Phase Two\Drawing\05695AE_Ph Two ESA_D6_CSM_May_2013.dwg client: MONARCH CORPORATION project: title: project no: PHASE TWO ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT CONVEYANCE LANDS, STREET 'C' AND PART OF STREET 'A' 16 BROOKERS LANE TORONTO, ONTARIO PHASE TWO CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL HUMAN AND ECOLOGICAL RECEPTORS drawing no: ENVSETOB05695AE 6
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