Programs forPeople


Programs forPeople
Winter 2013
Programs for People
Sponsored by Sturgeon Adult Learning Council
Keep Active...
... Keep Learning
Programs for all ages in Bon Accord, CFB Edmonton, Gibbons,
Legal, Morinville, Redwater and Sturgeon County
Programs for People
Program Map
The map below highlights some of the areas where programs are taking place.
1 Legal
Community Centre, 5109 - 46 Street
Citadel Centre, 5106 - 48 Street
Legal Arena, 5105 - 48 Street
Legal Fire Hall, 4920 - 50 Avenue
2 Bon Accord
Bon Accord Community School,
Corner Hwy 28 & RGE RD 240
Lillian Schick School, 4509 - 54 Avenue
The Jewel Box, 4915 - 52 Street
Town Office, 5205 - 50 Avenue
3 Gibbons
Gibbons Community Hall, 5016 - 50 Street
Gibbons Curling Rink, 5004 - 51 Avenue
Gibbons School, 4908 - 51 Avenue
Gibbons United Church, 4707 - 50 Avenue
Landing Trail School, 5301 - 37 Avenue
4 Redwater
Ochre Park School, 60 Ochre Park Road
Provident Centre, 4944 - 53 Street
Redwater School, 50 Avenue and 51 Street
5 Morinville
Morinville Arena, 9908 - 104 Street
Morinville Town Office, 10125 - 100 Avenue,
Morinville Community and Cultural Centre,
9502 - 100 Avenue
Sturgeon County Community Services
9610 - 100 Street
6 CFB Edmonton
Military Fitness Centre, Building 185, Mons Avenue
Sturgeon County
7 Cardiff Hall, 55320 RGE RD 251
8 Camilla School, 146 - 26500 Hwy 44, Riviere Qui Barre
9 Calahoo Gazebo and Arena, 9 - 54500 RGE RD 275
10 Coronado United Church, 23108 TWP 570
11 Namao Community Hall, 8 - 24400 Hwy 37
12 Goose Hummock Golf Resort - 23210 TWP 564
13 Mearns Church, 13 - 56500 RGE RD 263A
14 Sturgeon Composite High School,
Hwy 37 East of Hwy 28
15 Prairie Gardens, 56307 Lily Lake Road
16 Sturgeon Heights School, 50 Hogan Road,
South of SH 633 in St. Albert
17 Villeneuve Hall, 63 - 54200 RGE RD 265
Listed in this edition of the Adult Learning Council program guide are a variety of programs and services offered
by the various adult learning agencies within the region. These programs are designed to meet the leisure and
learning needs of all residents. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions relating to information in
this program guide, please contact the respective agency or community services department whose number is
recorded in this publication.
How To Register
•Complete your registration form.
•Sign the waiver form.
•Enclose a cheque or money order made payable to the town or municipality; or
•Include your Mastercard/Visa # and expiry date on the form for Sturgeon County, Gibbons, Morinville,
and Redwater programs.
By Mail – all communities
After Hours Drop Off – all communities
• Complete the registration and sign the waiver form.
• Enclose a cheque or money order made payable to
• Complete the registration and sign the waiver form.
• Enclose a cheque or money order made payable to
In Person – all communities
By Fax – all communities
• Complete the registration and sign the waiver form.
• Bring your registration form and payment, during
• Complete the registration and sign the waiver form.
• Include your Mastercard/Visa # and expiry date on
the town or municipality; or
• Include your Mastercard/Visa # and expiry date on
the form for Sturgeon County, Gibbons, Morinville,
and Redwater programs.
regular business hours to one of the following
Town of Bon Accord
Town of Gibbons
Town of Legal
Town of Redwater
Sturgeon County Community Services
Morinville Community Cultural Centre
*Check each Community's main page for current
building address.
• To register for CFB Edmonton programs,
phone 780-973-4011 ext. 4383.
N.S.F. Cheques
All bank charges on N.S.F cheques will be the
responsibility of the cheque writer.
Programs for People
the town or municipality; or
• Include your Mastercard/Visa # and expiry date on
the form for Sturgeon County, Gibbons, Morinville,
and Redwater programs.
the form for Sturgeon County, Gibbons, Morinville,
and Redwater programs.
• Fax to the appropriate agency. Only those listed
below accept fax registrations.
• Sturgeon County
• Town of Gibbons
• Town of Redwater 780-942-4321
• Morinville780-939-7889
Refund Policy
Each community has their own refund policy. Please be
aware that most communities will not provide refunds
if requested within a week of program start date with
the exception of a medical or family emergency. Full
refund will be given if program is cancelled. It is the
registrant’s responsibility to contact the community
providing the program to find out their specific policy.
When you register, please verify the times and dates of the courses. Registrations will not be processed if the
waiver section of the registration form is not signed. You will only be considered registered once a completed
registration form and full payment is received. We do not hold places.
Note: you must register in a program before attending.
Programs for People
Table of Contents
Personal Development/General Interest
25, 40
Crowsnest (Bon Accord/Gibbons) 7
Deployment Services
CFB Edmonton
English as a Second Language
Family Day Activities
8, 26, 32, 39, 49
Financial Planning
18, 40
Sturgeon County
Francophone Programs
Arts Crafts Programs
12, 13
18, 38
9, 35
Video Conferencing
Early Childhood and Children’s Programs
Seniors Clubs/Activities
13, 39, 54, 55
Building Blocks Literacy
Seniors Funspiel
14, 55
Early Childhood Development Programs
7, 17, 35, 46, 48
Career Employment Councelling 15, 55
Francophone Programs
19, 44
Family School Liaison Programs 51
Martial Arts
9, 23, 26, 37, 43
Financial Subsidy
7, 27, 37, 45
Library Information
15, 25, 34, 41
Personal Safety
8, 18, 26, 46
Military Family Resource Centre 17, 18, 19
Day Trips/Field Trips
9, 24, 28, 44, 49
Program Map
Teen Centers/Groups
8, 26, 50
Registration Information/Forms 3, 5
Youth Council
School Divisions
29, 42
Youth Fitness
9, 11, 24, 36, 43, 49
Sponsor a Child
Sunflower Community Resources 56
Adult Fitness
Victim Services
28, 55
Crowsnest (Bon Accord/Gibbons) 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
52, 53
CFB Military Fitness
22, 23
37, 38
Riviere Qui Barre
52, 53
Adult Recreation Programs
12, 38
Martial Arts
9, 23, 43
10, 12, 21, 27, 39, 43
12, 14, 23, 27, 37, 53
11, 35, 38
Refund Policy
Each community has their own refund
policy. Please be aware that most
communities will not provide refunds if
requested within a week of program start
date with the exception of a medical or
family emergency.
Full refund will be given if program is
cancelled. It is the registrant’s responsibility
to contact the community providing the
program to find out their specific policy. 4
Programs for People
Registration Form
Surname of Adult Registrant or Parent/Guardian
First Name of Adult Registrant or Parent/Guardian
Mailing Address
Email Address (if you would like to receive information on programs)
Town Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Postal Code
Medical/Behavioral Information:
Course No./
Participant(s) Name
Last First
Age Gender
Birth Date:
☐ Cheque ☐ Cash ☐ Interac ☐ Money Order ☐ M/C ☐ Visa Please make cheques payable to the appropriate town or municipality.
NOTE: Only Sturgeon County/Gibbons/Morinville and Redwater Programs Accept Visa/MC .
If paying this way, please print your Visa/Mastercard details at bottom of page.
Office Use
Project Code: Receipt No.:
The personal information provided will be used to register yourself or your child in a Community program or activity and is collected under the
authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this
information, please contact the FOIP Coordinator with the Municipality providing the program.
I hereby ☐ authorize ☐do not authorize (check one) the Municipality to use photographs taken of the aforementioned individual(s) while attending
or participating in Community Services programs and activities (scheduled or unscheduled) sanctioned by the Municipality. Photographs may be
used to promote the Municipality's programs or used in or as part of publications, advertisements, newsletters and displays intended for the general
public. Parents and media may also have the opportunity to take pictures; any of these photos taken during public events cannot be controlled. No
other use of these photographs will be allowed.
Under Section 38 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Municipalities must protect the personal information it collects by
making reasonable security arrangements against such risks as unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure or destruction. Also, Municipalities
must comply with Sections 39 and 40 when using and disclosing personal information.
I,________________________________________, have informed myself of any and all risks that could take place due to my participation or my
child’s participation with the program and hereby release the Municipality or Agency, its employees, instructors, agents and volunteers from any
claim for loss, injury or damage to person or property either directly or indirectly, from the attendance, including participation in any activity
scheduled or unscheduled, including travel to and from any location for myself or my children. I acknowledge having read and understood this
release and accept the terms therein.
Signature of Adult Participant:
Signature of Parent/Guardian:
Sturgeon County/Gibbons/Morinville and Redwater Registrations Only.
M/C or Visa Number 5
Name (as it appears on card) Expiry Date
Programs for People
Sturgeon Adult Learning Council
Membership on the Council is open to any adult who either as an individual or as a representative of
an Agency is responsible for offering Adult Learning courses in the Sturgeon Region. Membership is
comprised of representatives from the following Agencies:
ACFA Régionale de Centralta
Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education
Bon Accord (Town of)
Bon Accord Public Library
Career Employment and Counselling Services
Edmonton Garrison Community and Recreation Association
Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre
Edmonton Garrison Community Library
Gibbons (Town of)
Gibbons Public Library
Legal (Town of)
Morinville Art Club
Morinville (Town of)
Morinville Public Library
Norquest College (Comprehensive Commuity Institution)
Redwater (Town of)
Redwater Public Library
Sturgeon County
Sturgeon Adult Literacy
Sturgeon Family Literacy
Sturgeon School Division No. 24 (Adult Learning)
Marg Clark
Executive Secretary:
Susan Evans
Each agency, organization or institute offering adult
education programs is responsible for the planning,
organization and implementation of their respective
It is the mission of the Sturgeon Adult
Learning Council, through networking and
meetings, to assess needs and to facilitate
the efforts of its member agencies, which
provide resources, information and
education for adults within the Sturgeon
Region. The Adult Learning Council is
not intended to assume the operation
of any of its member agencies, but to
function as a coordinating body for noncredit Adult Learning Programming on an
interagency basis. For more information
concerning the Sturgeon Adult Learning
Council, please call Susan Evans at
780-939-4321 ext. 206, or Toll Free
Advertising space in this publication is
available, if there is room, at the following
rates for non-members:
1/4 page
$50.00 + GST
1/2 page $100.00 + GST
Full page
$200.00 + GST
For more information, please call Susan
Evans, Coordinator of the Adult Learning
Council at 780-939-4321 ext 206.
The Sturgeon Adult Learning Council is made
possible due to financial support from
Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education
NOW serving the Town of Bon Accord and the Town of Gibbons. This partnership will provide our residents with
more programs and more opportunities for our communities.
Community Services Director:
Kelly Taylor /
FCSS Coordinator:
Laura Schmidt lschmidt@gibbons.ca780-578-2109
Events and Recreation Coordinator: Eva Scrimshaw escrimshaw@bonaccord.ca780-578-2109
Town of Bon Accord
Box 779
5025 – 50 Avenue
Bon Accord, AB T0A 0K0
Phone: 780-921-3550
Fax: 780-921-3585
Town of Gibbons
Box 68
4807 – 50 Avenue
Gibbons, AB T0A 1N0
Phone: 780-578-2109
Fax: 780-923-3691
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
12:00-12:30 p.m. closed
Office Hours:
Recreation Program Subsidy
Monday to Friday
Residents of Bon Accord and Gibbons may qualify to
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
access a subsidy to offset course registration costs of
12:00 to 12:30 p.m. closed
children’s programs. Apply in confidence to either the
Town of Bon Accord or the Town of Gibbons.
Vicki Zinyk
Farrel O`Malley
Bon Accord/Gibbons Community Services Boards
We would like to hear from you! Please let us know what
types of programs YOU would like to see in the Town of
Bon Accord and Town of Gibbons. We appreciate any
feedback you have to offer! Please call either Bon Accord
or Gibbons and ask to speak to someone in Crowsnest
Community Services.
All applications for this program are kept in strictest
Preschool Programs
Creative with Kids (0-6 years)
This is a facilitated drop-in program that provides parent
that provides parent/caregivers with opportunities to learn
creative ways to interact with their children using crafts
games, songs, Rhymes and stories. Please contact the Parent
Link Centre for more information at 780-998-5595 ext.. 221
Where: Gibbons School (west gym doors-watch for sign)
When: Tuesdays, January 14-June 11
Time: 9:30 –11:30 a.m.
Instructor: Parent-Link Fort Saskatchewan
Stay and Play (0-6 years)
Join your neighbours and friends every Friday morning
with your preschool children. Activities include crafts,
songs, games, free play and snacks! Moms have plenty of
opportunity for adult conversation and positive interactions
with their children. Come out and join these very positive
upbeat programs! Please contact the Parent Link Centre for
more information at 780-998-5595 ext. 221
Where: Bon Accord Town Office Basement
When: Fridays, January 18–June 14
Times: 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Instructor: Parent-Link Fort Saskatchewan
P u b l i c S k at i n g
Bon Accord/Gibbons winter schedules are listed on page 12.
Preschool Expo
Are you in the market for a preschool? Are you looking for
things to do with your preschooler? Then you should come
to the Preschool Expo on May 4, 2013! The Preschool Expo
brings representatives from many area Preschools, Day Cares,
and other early childhood organizations to one location, on
one date. That way, it’s easy to gather information and to find
a good fit for you and your child! Come explore your options
at the Preschool Expo!
Where: Bon Accord Community School Gym
When: Saturday May 4, 2013
Times: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Crowsnest Community Services
Crowsnest – Bon Accord / Gibbons
Crowsnest Community Services
Programs for People
Story Time (0-6 years)
Come join us for a weekly story adventure. Story Time
celebrates the joys of language and story through the use
of picture books, storytelling, role play and more! Each
week will be new and full of surprises. Story Time is a great
way to connect with other families and make new friends
whether you are an adult or child. This is a drop in program
and everyone is welcome! Contact Crowsnest Community
Services for more information 780-578-2109.
Where: Gibbons Municipal Library
When: January 17–March 21
Times: 10:00 –11:00 a.m.
Fee: FREE/Drop In
Instructor: Traci Cockcroft
Programs for People
Crowsnest – Bon Accord / Gibbons
Preschool Programs
Child and Youth Programs
Bon Accord Out of School Care
Need a safe and fun place for your children before and
after school? Out of School care is available for children in
Kindergarten to age 12 at Bon Accord Community School.
The program opens at 6:15 a.m. to school start and after
school until 6 p.m. plus Early Out and PD day programs
available. Busing is available from other Sturgeon Schools
Division Schools. Alberta Child Care subsidies available for
qualifying families. For more information call 780-578-2109.
The Landing Pad Before and After School Program
This fun-filled, before and after school program is available
for children in Kindergarten up to Grade 6. The Program is
located in Gibbons School with busing to and from Landing
Trail School. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 6:30a.m.
to school start and after school to 6 p.m.. Early out and PD
Day program offered. Call 780-578-2109 for information.
Disconnect to Connect (all ages)
Participate with Family Day Unplugged and help log your
“unplugged hours” from all electronic devises on Family
Day Weekend for a chance to win an amazing family prize
package. Not only will your logged hours help Bon Accord and
Gibbons in our friendly competition with our neighboring
communities to win the Family Day Unplugged Challenge,
you will also be entered into a draw for our amazing family
prize package valued at $200!
Where: Bon Accord and Gibbons
When: Family Day Weekend February 15-18, 2013
Facilitator: Crowsnest Community Services
Parenting Children From 0-10
Join other parents in navigating the bewildering choices
you face as you attempt to parent effectively. We can all
learn how to make even the happiest family better. The
course consists of watching a series of DVDs and then
discussing the evening's topic. Topics include: building
strong foundations, love in action, setting boundaries,
and building character is our long term aim. Call Wilma
at 780-973-5627 to register. Sponsored by Bon Accord
Community Church.
Where: The Jewel Box, (4915 - 52nd Street, Bon Accord)
When: Tuesdays, January 15–March 19
7-9 pm
Fee: $19/couple
Family Day!
One Event, Two Towns!
Bon Accord and Gibbons
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Details to follow...
Internet Safety Course (7-16yrs)
This course will cover uses and abuses of the net, tricks
used by unsafe people, chat rooms, personal information
disclosure, and how to stay safe while surfing. All lessons will
be interactive and students will receive a safety workbook/
handout to take home. All siblings in household ages 7-16
should register together. Please note: computer software
and technical programming will NOT be covered.
Course: Y13901
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Saturday March 9, 2013
Times: 10-1
Instructor: Child Safe Canada
Fee: $24
Register by: March 1, 2013
The Shack Pack (10-13yrs)
Come join this new supervised drop in program just for
tweens aged 10-13. The shack will be open every Wednesday
from 6:30-8:30. Organized activities will be provided or just
come hang out with your friends. It’s up to you. For info call
Where: The Shack (yellow building between Gibbons School and the Arena)
When: Wednesday
Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee: It’s FREE!
Home Alone Safety plus First-Aid (10+yrs)
Do you want your child to learn how stay safe while home
alone and respond to first aid emergencies? Through this
program your child will learn the skills necessary to make
confident decisions while home alone. Please bring a snack
and a pen/pencil to class
Course: Y13701
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Saturday March 2
Times: 10 a.m. -Noon
Instructor: Child Safe Canada
Fee: $24
Register by: February 22, 2013
Red Cross Babysitter Program (11½+yrs)
Prepare your child for the responsibilities of babysitting.
Your child will learn the rights and responsibilities of the
employer, child and the babysitter. Basic first aid, fire safety
and child care will be taught during this all day class. A
certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of
this course. Please bring a bagged lunch, pen/pencil and four
4x6 index cards to class.
Course: Y13801
Where: Gibbons Dew Drop Inn
When: Saturday February 23, 2013
Times: 10-5
Instructor: Child Safe Canada
Fee: $39
Register by: February 15, 2013
Girl Greatness starts at Girl Guides of Canada and leads to
confident, courageous and resourceful girls who will make a
difference in the world. Guiding is the place for today’s girls
and helps them realize their potential as leaders.
We are still seeking girls to join our units in Gibbons and Bon
Accord. We are also looking for adult volunteers to help with
weekly meetings and activities!
All girls from 5 – 17+ are welcome to join Guiding. The age
ranges for each branch are as follows:
Sparks: 5–6 years old
Brownies: 7–8 years old
Guides: 9–12 years old
Pathfinders: 12–14 years old
Rangers: 15-17+
For more information contact or call
Deirdra @ 780-923-2757
Youth Dances (12-17yrs)
the following three dates…
Where: Bon Accord Community Hall
When: Saturday January 26, 2013
Time: 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Fee: $8 at the Door
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Saturday March 9, 2013
Time: 7-10 p.m.
Fee: $8 at the door
Where: Bon Accord Community Hall
When: Saturday May 25, 2013
Time: 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Fee: $8 at the Door
Chito-Ryu Karate
Register for fun, fitness, self-defence, and self-discipline. The
main areas of focus include Kihon (basic techniques), Kata
(patterns/forms), Bunkai (throwing and defence techniques),
and Kumite (sparring). Through Karate, you are also able to
learn certain aspects of Japanese culture. Chito-Ryu Karate
is registered with the Karate Alberta Association, National
Karate Association, and International Chito-Ryu Karate
Federation. Classes will be taught by Sensei Justin Rybie who
has earned the rank of Yondan (4th degree black belt) and
title of Shidoin (instructor). Course:
Landing Trail School Gym
Mon. and Wed., January 14– June 19
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Returning Students $182 / New Students $242
Instructor: Sensei Justin Rybie
Register by: January 8
Chito-Ryu Karate Additional Hour
This is an additional hour of instruction for students enrolled
in the first hour.
Prerequisite:Yellow Belt or better
Landing Trail School Gym
Mon. and Wed., January 14– June 19
Time: 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee: FREE. However, all participants must register by January 8.
P.D. Day Field Trips
Swimming at Servus Place (Grade 1-6)
Join us on a Bus trip to Servus Place in St. Albert for a day of
swimming. Children can board the bus at either Bon Accord
Community School or Gibbons School, and then travel to
Servus Place for a swimming in the pool. Please bring a
bathing suit, towel and a clearly labelled bagged snack and
lunch, as these are not included.
Course: Y13011
Where: Servus Place
When: Thursday January 31, 2013
Pick up:
Gibbons School 9:00 a.m.
Bon Accord Community School 9:15 a.m.
Drop off: Bon Accord Community School 1:30 p.m.
Gibbons School 1:45 p.m.
Instructor: Crowsnest Community Services
Fee: $33
Register by: January 25, 2013
Movie at Grandin Theatre (Grade 1- 6)
Come join us for a day at the movies at Grandin Theatre
in St. Albert. This supervised trip will spend the afternoon
watching a family friendly movie while enjoying a kid’s
combo snack pack. Children can board the bus at either Bon
Accord Community School or Gibbons School. All you need
to bring is a smile.
Course: Y13021
Where: Grandin Theatre
When: Thursday February 7, 2013
Pick up:
Gibbons School 12 noon
Bon Accord Community School 12:15 p.m. Drop off: Bon Accord Community School 3:15p.m.
Gibbons School 3:30p.m..
Instructor: Crowsnest Community Services
Fee: $36 (snack included)
Register by: February 1, 2013
Programs for People
Girl Guides
Crowsnest – Bon Accord / Gibbons
Child and Youth Programs
Crowsnest – Bon Accord / Gibbons
Programs for People
P.D. Day Field Trips Kidz Quarterz (Grade 1-6)
Welcome to Kidz Quarterz. Come and enjoy an afternoon at
their large indoor play structure. Children can board the bus
at either Bon Accord Community School or Gibbons School.
Snacks are included and please note that socks must be
worn at all times inside the play structure.
Course: Y13031
Where: Kidz Quarterz
When: Friday February 8, 2013
Pick up:
Bon Accord Community School 12 noon
Gibbons School 12:15 p.m. Drop off: Gibbons School 3:30p.m.
Bon Accord Community School 3:45p.m..
Instructor: Crowsnest Community Services
Fee: $34 (snack included)
Register by: February 1, 2013
Bowling in St. Albert (Grade 1-6)
Join us on a Bus trip the St Albert Bowling Centre for a day of
bowling and pizza. Children can board the bus at either Bon
Accord Community School or Gibbons School, travel to St.
Albert for a day of bowling and pizza. Socks must been worn
by all children at all times.
Course: Y13041
Where: St Albert Bowling Centre
When: Monday March 4, 2013
Pick up:
Gibbons School 10 a.m.
Bon Accord Community School 10:15 a.m.
Drop off: Bon Accord Community School 1:30p.m.
Gibbons School 1:45p.m.
Instructor: Crowsnest Community Services
Fee: $39 (pizza lunch included)
Register by: February 25, 2013
Swimming at Servus Place (Grade 1-6)
Join us on a Bus trip to Servus Place in St. Albert for a day of
swimming. Children can board the bus at either Bon Accord
Community School or Gibbons School, and then travel to
Servus Place for a swimming in the pool. Please bring a
bathing suit, towel and a clearly labelled bagged snack and
lunch, as these are not included.
Course: Y13051
Where: Servus Place
When: Friday March 22, 2013
Pick up:
Gibbons School 9:00 a.m.
Bon Accord Community School 9:15 a.m.
Drop off: Bon Accord Community School 1:30 p.m.
Gibbons School 2:45 p.m.
Instructor: Crowsnest Community Services
Fee: $33
Register by: March 15, 2013
P.D. Day Field Trips
Royal Alberta Museum Edmonton (Grade 1-6)
Join us on a Bus trip to the Royal Alberta Museum in
Edmonton. This supervised trip will spend the day exploring
all the museums secrets. Children can board the bus at
either Bon Accord Community School or Gibbons School.
Please send a clearly labelled bagged snack and lunch.
Course: Y13061
Where: Royal Alberta Museum
When: Friday May 17, 2013
Pick up:
Gibbons School 9 a.m.
Bon Accord Community School 9:15 a.m.
Drop off: Bon Accord Community School 2:45p.m. and Gibbons School 3:00p.m..
Instructor: Crowsnest Community Services
Fee: $34
Register by: May 10, 2013
Fitness Programs (All Ages)
Swim & Gym (ages 6-12)
Swim & Gym offers your children the best of swimming
and gym time. They will be provided with a Red Cross Swim
lesson as well as supervised planned activities in the gym.
Edmonton Garrison
When: Tuesdays January 15 to March 5
Fee: CRA Members $143 / Non CRA Members $160
Pick up: 3:45p.m. from Gibbons School
4:00p.m. from Bon Accord Community School
Times: Group 1 Swim, Group 2 Gym: 4:45–5:15 p.m.
Break: 5:15 p.m. -5:30 p.m.
Group 2 Swim, Group 1 Gym: 5:30–6:00 p.m.
Drop off: 6:45 p.m. at Bon Accord Community School
7:00 p.m. at Gibbons School
Prenatal Yoga (pregnant women)
Prenatal Yoga is an ideal way to stay in shape during your
pregnancy, prepare your body and mind for your journey
into motherhood. Prenatal yoga is beneficial as it keeps
you limber, tones your muscles, improves your balance and
circulation, helps you learn to breathe deeply and relax. This
will all come in handy as you face the physical demands of
labour, birth and motherhood. Prenatal yoga can also help
you meet and bond with other pregnant women and prepare
for the stress of being a new mother. Bring your Yoga mat!
Course: A13102
Where: Bon Accord Arena Mezzanine
When: January 28–March 4
Time: 10a.m.-11a.m.
Fee: $89
Instructor: Brandy Roy
Register by: January 18
Yoga Kids(ages 2-5)
Accompany your child for a fun filled 45 min on the yoga
mat. Yoga improves flexibility, body awareness, strength
and co-ordination in a playful atmosphere. Children imitate
the movement and sounds of nature, enjoy movement with
music and complete a yoga theme based craft. Parents must
stay and participate with the child registered. It is fun for all!
Please bring a Yoga mat.
Course: Y13301
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Feb 6–March 20
Time: 3:15-4:00p.m.
Fee: $75
Instructor: Jean Irwin
Register By: January 31
Yoga Youth (ages 10-17)
Yoga improves flexibility and body awareness, helps us accept
our limits and learn some skills to assist the student in sports,
studying and stress management. Try this class with a friend,
its super fun! Please bring a Yoga mat.
Course: Y13301
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Feb 6–March 20
Time: 4:15-5:15p.m.
Fee: $75
Instructor: Jean Irwin
Register By: January 31
YOGA (16+)
Programs for People
Mom and Baby Yoga (Moms & their babies ages 6 wks +)
Mom and baby yoga is a wonderful way to take care of your
mind, body and baby post pregnancy. Enjoy Asanas(postures)
specifically tailored to strengthen your core, improve your
posture by releasing tension in your neck, shoulders, hips and
back, build confidence and relax your body back into shape.
Another benefit to this class is that you will get out of the
house to a relaxed, supportive environment where you will
meet other mothers and become a part of a community. Feel
free to bring a few small toys and during the class you are
totally free to pick up your baby, feed, rock, change diaper or
walk around the room if baby is crying. Please bring your Yoga
mat and a baby blanket!
Course: A13202
Where: Bon Accord Arena Mezzanine
When: April 29–June 3
Time: 10a.m.–11a.m.
Fee: $89
Instructor: Brandy Roy
Register By: April 19
All levels are welcome, even if you are limited in mobility and
flexibility. Modifications are available for all fitness levels. Yoga
is for everybody! Come experience yoga in a fun supportive
environment close to home. Please bring a yoga mat.
A13502 (Session 1)
Gibbons Community Hall
Mondays, January 28–March 25
No Class Feb 18
7:00–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $79
Instructor: Jean Irwin
Register by: January 21
A13602 (Session 2)
Gibbons Community Hall
Mondays, April 15–June 10
No class May 20
7:00- 8:00 p.m.
Instructor: Jean Irwin
Register by: April 8
Cross Training With Sara (16+)
Join in the fun of experiencing a boot camp, circuit, step,
interval and crossfit type class all in one with Cross Training.
Sara Eisenzimmer instructs this 60minute conditioning
program that has it all!! This group class accommodates many
levels of fitness, from beginner exerciser to the advanced.
Get ready to sweat!!! Bring your own set of dumbbells a mat,
other equipment provided. Participants must be healthy and
aged 16+.
A13302 (Session 1)
Gibbons School
Tuesdays , January 15–March 12
No Class Feb 12
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Instructor: Sara Eisenzimmer
Register by: January 9
Crowsnest – Bon Accord / Gibbons
Fitness Programs (All Ages)
A13402 (Session 2)
Gibbons School
Tuesdays , April 2–May 28
No Class April 9
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Fee: $79
Instructor: Sara Eisenzimmer
Register by: March 22
Drop In Volleyball
Drop in for an evening of volleyball once a week for some fun
and exercise! Call Kathy Germanie 780-578-4728 for info.
Gibbons School Gym
Every Monday night starting on September 17
7:15-9:15 p.m.
$2 drop in fee
Crowsnest – Bon Accord / Gibbons
Programs for People
Fitness Programs (continued)
Zumba In Bon Accord (16+)
Zumba is a fitness class that combines dance and fitness
moves. Music selections include both fast and slow rhythms
to help tone and sculpt the body. It’s fun and effective, using
interval training combining fast and slow rhythms for an
effective aerobic workout while at the same time targeting
your legs, abs, glutes and arms. Join us for some Zumba fun!!
Course: A13002
Where: Lilian Schick School Gym
When: Wednesdays, February 6–April 3
No class February 20
Time: 6:30p.m.-7:30p.m.
Fee: $89
Register by: January 28
on page 14
Gibbons Curling Club......where fun on the ice is
available for everyone!
We invite every skill level to seek involvement......because
we can start you out in a sport that is social, competitive or
recreational to your liking! Contact
or 780-490-8539.
• Junior Curling Program from October to February
• Learn to Curl “free” Program from October to November
• Ladies, Men’s & Mixed / Open Leagues already in
progress. Contact us for your place on the ice for next
Bonspiel Dates:
• Mixed / Open: February 8 to 10
• Mens: February 22 to 24
• Ladies: March 15 to 17
P u b l i c S k at i n g
*All skaters under 18 must wear CSA approved
hockey/ski helmet*
**Times may be subject to change
Bon Accord Arena** (Phone: 780-921-3838)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 4-5 p.m.
Saturdays: 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Gibbons Arena (Phone: 780-923-2381)
Sundays: 12:45-2:15 p.m.
Monday and Friday : 3:30-4:30 p.m.
2nd Wednesday each month: 1-2:30 p.m.
(early out)
Gardening Programs (All Ages)
Sponsored by Gibbons Community In Bloom
Bumble Bee Kids-Build your own Bee Hotel (ages 6+)
Join us as we build a funky Bee Hotel for your yard to
help your gardens flourish. Parent volunteers are always
welcome! All materials included.
Where: Lillian Schick Art Room
When: May 11
Time: 10:00 a.m.–Noon
Fee: $18
Instructor: Patty Milligan/Lola Canola Honey
Register By: May 3
Bumble Bee Kids- Pollinator Walk (ages 6+)
Join us as we explore our Community in Bloom sites and see
what is flying around. We will be walking from Centennial
Park to the Heritage Rose Gardens and back. We will be
capturing bees and learning how to identify them. Bring a
bug box!
Course: Y13601
Where: Centennial Park (Train Park), Bon Accord
When: May 25
Time: 10:00 a.m.–Noon
Fee: $10
Instructor: Patty Milligan/Lola Canola Honey
Register By: May 17
Buzzzzzzzzz……Calling All Gardeners (16+)
Would you like to make your garden a haven for pollinators?
Learn what plants attract bees and other pollinating insects.
Build a house for native (non-stinging) bees! Turn your
garden into a pollinator playground! Once you tune into the
pollinators in your garden, your life will never be the same.
Learn to identify them and support them in their important
Course: C13033
Where: Lillian Schick Art Room
When: April 24
Time: 7:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.
Fee: $25
Instructor: Patty Milligan/Lola Canola Honey
Register By: April 17
Going Organic (16+)
Want to go organic in your garden but not sure what that
means or how to go about doing it? There is a whole world
to explore in the soil, so come and learn how feeding your
soil is more important than feeding your plants.
Course: C13013
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Saturday, April 13
Time: 10am-11am
Fee: $8
Instructor: Valerie Loseth
Register by: April 5
Adult Programs
Little Warriors Training (18+yrs)
Sponsored by Gibbons Community In Bloom
Worm Composting (16+)
We all know that we are supposed to compost, but what
if you don’t have room for a big outdoor bin? Come and
explore the vermicompost environment, learn the steps in
building a worm compost bin, and find out how easy it is to
compost indoors.
Course: C13003
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Saturday, March 23
Time: 10-11 a.m.
Fee: $8
Instructor: Valerie Loseth
Register by: March 15
Spring Planter (16+)
There is more to building a gorgeous flower planter than just
adding some pretty flowers to a pot. Come and learn how to
decide on what plants to use, how to add dimension, texture
and color, so you can create a masterpiece that you and your
friends will admire all summer long!
Course: C13023
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Saturday, May 4
Time: 10-11a.m.
Fee: $8
Instructor: Valerie Loseth
Register by: April 26
Little Warriors is a national charitable organization, based in
Canada, focusing on the education and prevention of child
sexual abuse. Little Warriors teaches adults how to help
prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual
abuse. In addition to prevention education, Little Warriors also
provides information about the prevalence and frequency of
child sexual abuse and information about healing and support
Course: A13702
Where: Gibbons Fire Hall Classroom
When: Tuesday May 28, 2013
Times: 6-9 p.m.
Instructor: Little Warriors
Fee: $19
Register by: May 21, 2013
Citizens On Patrol
This is an active program in both Bon Accord and Gibbons.
C.O.P. helps maintain community safety by patrolling the
community. A group of trained volunteers patrol the area and
report criminal or suspicious activity to the RCMP. If you are
interested in volunteering to keep our communities a safe
place to live, please call Crowsnest Community Services at
780-578-2109 for information on how to get involved!
Library Hours
you considered
10-8 video conferencing? Bon Accord Public Library has
equipment to10-4:30
make this happen. Whether your need is for a course, a
Saturdayor something
10-2 else that we haven’t thought of, call 780-921-2540 for
Fee structures are as follows:
Over three million items, just a mouse-click
Books, Movies,
Magazines and audio books are all available as well as downloadable audio
and E-books for your MP3 players and E-Book readers.
During Regular Library Hours
Our membership in the Northern Lights Library System gives card holders
Single Student/Adult Learner
$ No Fee Charged
access to the combined collections of four of Alberta’s regional library
can access the Project
from home by visiting our $website
at Charged
No Fee
WWW.BONACCORDLIBRARY.AB.CA or visit the library and our
Regional Not-For-Profits
friendly staff can process your request.
All Other Organizations/Programs
Crowsnest – Bon Accord / Gibbons
Gardening Programs (All Ages)
Programs for People
$20.00 / hour
After Regular Library Hours
All Fees include GST. Fees are subject to change.
CONTACT THE LIBRARY @ 780-921-2540
Bon Accord Public Library
Partnering with:
Knit or Knots Knitting Club
Story time - Ages 0-6 & parents
Krafty Kids - Ages 6 & up
Evening Book Club - Adults
Reality Bites Book Club - Adults
Wacky Wednesdays - Ages 8-12
After School Special - Ages 6 –12
Stamp Collectors Club - All ages
Kids Book Club - Ages 6 & up
Conversation Cafe
Adult art & craft classes
Author visits
Reading programs
Traveling science exhibits
Puppet shows
Children's entertainers
Crowsnest – Bon Accord / Gibbons
Programs for People
Seniors Programs
Step by Step Walking Program
This program is designed for seniors who wish to
enhance their physical health in a social setting. Activities
include walking and gentle, no impact stretches with
modifications, including seated chair exercises. The focus
is on increasing range of motion, mobility, strength and
balance. Facilitator will be present every Monday morning
to provide instruction and support.
Course: A13802 (Session1)
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Mon., Wed., and Fri.,
January 14-March 29
Times: 11 a.m. to noon
Register by: January 11
Fee: $33
Course: A13902 (Session 2)
Where: Gibbons Community Hall
When: Mon., Wed., and Fri., April 1-June 14
Times: 11 a.m. to noon
Register by: March 28
Fee: $33
Seniors Week
Join us for this exciting annual celebration of our seniors.
Special events will be planned in both Bon Accord and
Gibbons for Seniors 55+. Save the date and watch for more
Where: Bon Accord and Gibbons
When: June 2-8, 2013
Times: TBA
Bon Accord Golden Gems
Afternoon drop-in social every Wednesday at 1 p.m. at
the Jewel Box, located just north of Bon Accord Arena. For
more information, contact Tom at 780-974-4245
Gibbons Seniors Twilight Club
Drop in Monday through Fridays from 8:30 a.m. until
noon. Anyone 50 years or better is invited to stop by and
enjoy the company of fellow seniors with shuffle board,
pool, cards and of course coffee. For more information call
the Dew Drop Inn at 780-923-2030
Gibbons Seniors Bus Shopping Trips
On the first Tuesday of each month, seniors can catch a
bus to shop in Fort Saskatchewan. On the third Tuesday
of the month, going to either Kingsway Garden Mall or
Londonderry Mall, The bus leaves at 10 a.m. from the
Dew Drop Inn and returns around 3 p.m.. To reserve a seat
or receive more information, please contact Jock in the
mornings at 780-923-2030.
WHEN: Mondays 6 to 7 P.M.
WHERE: Gibbons School Gym
COST: Each 6 class session is $72
(Drop-ins: $18)
Session One:
Mondays; January 7, 14, 21, 28, February 4 and 11.
6 classes, no class on Feb. 18 (Family Day).
Session Two:
Mondays; Feb 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 8.
6 classes, no class on April 1 (Easter Monday).
Session Three:
Mondays; April 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, and 27.
6 classes, no class on May 20 (Victoria Day)
Please note that the above schedule may
change due to school events, however, all
classes will be made up if changes occur.
To register, contact
Irene at 780-940-5313 or
Over three million items, just a mouse-click away! Books, Movies,
Magazines and audio books are all available as well as downloadable audio
and E-books for your MP3 players and E-Book readers.
Programs for People
Library Hours
Our membership in the Northern Lights Library System gives card holders
access to the combined collections of four of Alberta’s regional library
systems. You can access the catalogue from home by visiting our website at
WWW.BONACCORDLIBRARY.AB.CA or visit the library and our
friendly staff can process your request.
CONTACT THE LIBRARY @ 780-921-2540
Story time - Ages 0-6 & parents
Krafty Kids - Ages 6 & up
Evening Book Club - Adults
Reality Bites Book Club - Adults
Wacky Wednesdays - Ages 8-12
Children's entertainers
Knit or Knots Knitting Club
Conversation Cafe
Adult art & craft classes
Author visits
Reading programs
Traveling science exhibits
5025 - 50th Ave Bon Accord (In Town Office Building)
Building Blocks
wn futu
ing familie
Family Literacy Program
Programs for People
Regional Program
What is the Building Blocks Program?
Building Blocks is a FREE in-home literacy
program designed to assist families with
children 0-6 years of age.
Building Blocks support parents in their
role as their child’s first and most important
What happens at in-home visits?
A trained “Literacy Builder” visits the home of parents and/or caregivers, sharing ideas about
language development, reading, and learning once a week for 15 weeks. Builders provide a
variety of tools and strategies that tap into everyday activities to enhance a child’s learning
journey. In addition, the builder may help with promoting positive behaviours, setting up
routines, therefore giving the child an opportunity for better success when starting school. The
program is designed to be fun and interactive using songs, rhymes, stories, crafts and games to
improve literacy and numeracy skills.
Who should enroll in the program?
Families who are concerned with their child’s learning development
Families where transportation is not available to get to a community program
Families where childcare may be a concern
Families who want to learn more strategies to promote positive behaviors and routines
Families who are dealing with added stress in their life
For more information or to enroll in the program call
Sturgeon Family Literacy @780-578-3330 or email
This program is offered by Sturgeon Adult Learning Council and funded through
Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education.
CFB Edmonton – Military Family Resource Centre
Edmonton Garrison Military Family
Resource Centre
Building 161, Mons Avenue
Lancaster Park, AB
Phone: 780-973-4011
Ext. 6300
Fax: 780-973-1401
Mailing Address:
Military Family Resource Centre
P.O. Box. 10500 Station Forces
Edmonton, AB T5J 4J5
General Office Hours
Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Weekends & Holidays Closed
The Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre
provides support, resources, programs and services that
enhance the strength and resilience of military families to meet
the unique challenges of military life. For full program and
registration details visit
Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Programs for People
Warm up with Community Coffee on the last
Friday of every month!
MFRC Casual Childcare
Ages: Birth - 12 years
For those who need an occasional break from parenting.
Our goal is for the children to enjoy the program as much
as parents enjoy their time away.
When: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and
some Saturdays.
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., 9:00 a.m. - noon
or noon - 3:00 p.m.
Location: MFRC
$11 - $14 per child per 3 hour session,
family rates are available
Register: Opens 8 weeks in advance. Call 780-973-4011
ext. 6300. Space is limited and based on availability.
Open to: Military families are given priority but we welcome other Defence Team families as space is available.
Building Assets In Children
Ages: Parents of children 1 - 12 years of age
Attend this workshop to help your children make positive
choices, helping them become caring, responsible and
successful individuals. Lunch is not provided.
Date: Saturday, Mar. 9
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: MFRC
Fee: Free
Register: Call 780-973-4011 ext. 6300 by Mar. 2
Open to: Defence Team members, employees & families.
Special Event Playgroups
Ages: Parents and children birth - 8 years
Participate in our monthly celebrations! Enjoy interactive
theme-based play with your children and social time
with other adults in the community. Refreshments are
Dates: Saturday, Jan. 12 - Winter Wonderland
Saturday, Feb. 9 - Love is in the Air
Saturday, Mar. 9 - St Patty’s Party
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: MFRC
Fee: $1 per child over 12 months
(collected at event)
Register: Call ext. 6300 by Wednesday prior to
event date
Open to: Defence Team members, employees & families
Drop-In Playgroup
Ages: Parents and children birth - 8 years
Playgroup provides parents, caregivers and children
an opportunity to participate in games and activities
in a supervised setting. The program stimulates the
understanding of child development needs and introduces
parents to the multitude of resources available at the
Dates: Mondays, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Thursdays, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: MFRC
Fee: Drop In Fee $1/per session for each child OR $10.00 for 15 sessions and free for babies under 12 months
Register: Drop-in program
Open to: Defence Team members, employees & families
CFB Edmonton
Children, Youth and Family Programs and Services at the MFRC
Military Family Resource Centre – CFB Edmonton
Programs for People
Children, Youth and Family Programs and Services at the MFRC
Teen Dance
The Edge Youth Centre is hosting a Valentine Dance!
Friday, Feb 15
Ages/Time: Pre-teens (ages 9-12) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Teens (ages 13-17) from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m.
Location: MFRC
Cost: Tickets are $5.00 at the door.
Crafty Kids
Ages: 6 - 11 years
Kids get creative exploring different types of art with cool
of materials a new project each week. Children will be
required to bring an art shirt but all other supplies will be
included in their fees.
Dates: Wednesdays from Feb. 13 – Mar. 6
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Location: MFRC
Fee: $35.00 per child
Register: Call 780-973-4011 ext. 6300 by Feb. 8
Open to: Defence Team members, employees & families
Home Alone Safety
Ages: 10 - 17 years
This interactive program will cover safety, first aid and
comfort skills through games and role playing (younger
siblings 7+ may also register to attend).
Date: Saturday, Jan. 26
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: MFRC
Fee: Free
Register: Call 780-973-4011 ext. 6300 by Jan. 23
Open to: Defence Team families
Family Navigator
The Navigator program provides support, resources and
networking opportunities for families with special needs
through guest speakers and parent peer support.
Date: Thursday, Feb. 21
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: MFRC
Topic: ‘My Life Personal Outcomes Index’.
The Gateway Association will help families measure
quality of life from the special needs perspective with
tips and strategies to help improve the support families
provide their special needs members.
Register: Call 780-973-4011 ext. 6300 or drop - in.
Open to: Defence Team families
Financial Workshops
Learn more about your money! Childcare available on a
first come, first served basis.
Date: Wednesday, Jan. 16
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Topic: ‘Ending the Financial Feud - Couples and Money’
Couples learn about each other’s financial values, triggers
and goals to work together to create a manageable
money plan.
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 13
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Topic: ‘Raising Financially Fit Kids’
Learn easy techniques to teach kids about saving,
giving and spending, helping them become financially
responsible adults.
Location: MFRC
Fee: $5.00
Register: Call 780-973-4011 ext. 6300
Open to: Defence Team members, employees & families
MFRC Toastmasters
Toastmasters International is a world leader in
communication and leadership development. Improve
your speaking and leadership skills.
When: Every Wednesday starting in September
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Location: MFRC
Register: Drop in
Open to: Public
Francophone Supper
Ages: all ages
All ages are welcome to join us for a Francophone Supper
the last Friday of the month. These monthly supper
gatherings take place in various restaurants in and around
Dates:Jan. 25 Lazio (13503 St Albert Trail, Edmonton)
Feb. 22 Pizza Delight
(37 Westpark Blvd, Fort Saskatchewan)
Mar. 29 Cajun House (7 St Anne Street, St Albert)
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Fee: Cost of your meal
Register: Call ext. 6300 by Wednesday before each outing
Open to: Public
Programs for People
French Family Movie Night
Ages: all ages
Come and join us for a family movie the first Friday of
every month. The movies will be viewed in French. Great
fun for all ages! Refreshments and pizza will be served!
Dates: Fridays - Jan. 4, Feb. 1 & Mar. 1
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: MFRC
Fee: Free
Register: Call ext. 6300 by the Wednesdaybefore each outing.
Open to: Public
Francophone Skating Day
Ages: Adults
Beat the winter blues with a day on the ice! Join other
French speaking families for chocolat chaud and skating at
Hawrelak Park. Transportation provided.
Date: Sunday, Jan. 27
Time: Depart the MFRC at 12:30 p.m.
returns at 3:30 p.m.
Location: Hawrelak Park
Fee: Free
Register: Call 780-973-4011 ext. 6300 by Feb. 18
Open to: Public (transportation priority to
military families)
Franco-Albertan Flag Raising
Ages: all ages
Edmonton Garrison celebrates the fifth year of FrancoAlbertan festivities with a flag raising ceremony at
Headquarters. Rendez-vous de la francophonie fosters
celebration, exchanges and the joy of discovering our
Canadian Francophonie. Edmonton Garrison is proud of
the strong French presence on base – the sky will be blue,
white and pink on March 8th!
Dates: Friday, Mar. 8
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Edmonton Garrison Headquarters
(Bldg 181 Churchill Avenue)
Fee: Free
Register: Drop-in event
Open to: Public
Deployment Programs and Services at the MFRC
The MFRC Deployment Support program provides resources, programs, and support to CF families prior to, during
and after an absence.
A deployment means the assignment of military personnel on unaccompanied duty away from their
normal Garrison/Base for a period of more than four weeks. Examples of this would be temporary duty,
extended course, unaccompanied posting or overseas missions. Registration will be open to Defence
Team members and their families pending space availability at the time of the registration deadline.
Contact Denise at 780-973-4011 ext. 6304 for more information.
Sign up for the MFRC’s weekly eblast to receive information on upcoming
programs, services, deployment support and volunteer opportunities as
well as special offers and discounts.
Email and say “sign me up”!
Military Family Resource Centre – CFB Edmonton
Francophone Programs
Programs for People
Sturgeon Adult
Adults helping Adults learn.
What is Sturgeon Adult Literacy?
We offer FREE and confidential help to adults needing to
work on their literacy skills.
Regional Program
We train new volunteer tutors monthly and then match
them to adult learners. Regular tutoring sessions are held.
Why people want help?
A need to upgrade for better work opportunities.
A desire to communicate clearly within their community.
A desire to help their children with homework.
*We are looking for new VOLUNTEER tutors to help Adult Learners in
the communities of Bon Accord, Gibbons, Morinville and Redwater.*
If you have a 2-4 hours a week to spare, please contact
Chris at (780) 578 - 3331 for FREE tutor training.
Conversation Café – a FREE program!
This volunteer led program is running
once again, with thanks to the Bon Accord
Public Library for the use of their space.
It is for anyone who would like to improve
their English conversational skills.
Contact us for the dates.
Sturgeon Adult Literacy
P.O. Box 1457, 5015 – 50 Street
Gibbons, AB. T0A 1N0
Phone Number: (780) 578 – 3331
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am- 4:00pm
Serving our Military & Surrounding Communities since 1986
Military Fitness Centre
Building 185,
Range Road 244 & Mons Avenue
Lancaster Park, AB
T0A 2H0
Phone: 780-973-4011
Ext. 4383 or
Ext. 4392
“like us” PSP Edmonton Garrison - Serving Those Who Serve
Programs are open to the general public.
CRA offers a wide variety of aquatic
programs, fitness CRA offers a wide variety
of programs and services to the Military
and surrounding communities for all
ages and abilities! Stop in for a free tour
and pick up a copy of the CFB Edmonton
Community Guide or visit our website,
click on “Edmonton” and download the
online version to view all of our upcoming
programs, services and activities.
Military Fitness Centre
Hours of Operation
Monday to Thursday 6 a.m.–10 p.m.
6 a.m.–8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Noon–4 p.m.
Remembrance Day Noon–4 p.m.
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
New Years Day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Ways to register for CRA programming:
1. In person at the Military Fitness Centre
2. By phone with a valid credit card
3. PSP online:
Discount Tickets
Calgary Zoo (Adult/Child)
Cineplex Odeon Movie Pass
Edmonton Valley Zoo (Adult/Child
West Edmonton Mall Choice Pass
$10 / $5
* Ticket sales available to general public
* Prices subject to change and are non-refundable
CRA accepts cash, debit, Visa, M/C, AMEX
CFB Edmonton
CFB Edmonton – Community And Recreation Association
Programs for People
CRA Open Skate Times at Twin Rinks
(Until end of March 2013)
Wednesdays 10:30-11:45 a.m. Rink A
Saturdays 2-3:30 p.m. Rink B
Sundays 2-2:30 p.m. Rink A
* Free for CRA members. Skate tags available at
Military Fitness Centre. Non members can pay
facility drop in fee at Military Fitness Centre and
take receipt to Twin Rinks as proof of payment.
Check schedule online for cancellations, tournaments, holiday and additional timings at:
Facilities Available:
• cardio/weight room
• climbing wall
• co-ed dry sauna
• cross-fit training & spin areas
• family change rooms
• field house (4 lane indoor track)
• gymnasium
• unarmed combat room
• 22.86 m training pool, leisure
pool & whirlpool
• squash/racquetball courts
• 2 NHL size hockey rinks
• Indoor and outdoor facilities
to meet most tournament and
special event needs.
For rental inquiries call
780-973-4011 ext 4668
Programs for People
Aquatics Programs – Winter 2013 Swim Lessons, AquaFit & Pool Schedules
CRA offers Red Cross Swims lessons for pre-school aged children (aged 4 months to 6 years) and older children
(aged 5 to 12 years). Participants are evaluated based on performance criteria and progress through levels
receiving badges upon successful completion. Private Lessons are available upon request. Call 780-973-4011
ext. 4653. Fees: CRA $65 / Non CRA $80
Tuesdays, January 15– March 15
Level 2
6-6:30 p.m.
Level 3
6:30-7:05 p.m.
Level 9 & 10
7:10-7:55 p.m.
Community and Recreation Association – CFB Edmonton
Wednesdays, January 16 –March 16
1:30-2 p.m.
Sea Otter
2:05-2:35 p.m.
Sea Turtle-Parented
2:40-3:10 p.m.
Saturdays, Sep 8-Nov 3 (no lesson Oct 6)
Starfish – Parented
8:15-8:45 a.m.
Duck – Parented
9:25-9:55 a.m.
Sea Turtle - Parented
10:30-11 a.m.
Sea Otter - Unparented
11:45a.m.-12:15 p.m.
12:20 -12:40 p.m.
10:00-10:30 a.m.
11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
8:50-9:20 a.m.
Swim Kids 1
12:15-12:45 p.m.
Swim Kids 2
11:05-11:35 a.m.
Swim Kids 3
8:15-8:45 a.m.
Swim Kids 4
8:50-9:20 a.m.
Swim Kids 5/6
9:25-10:10 a.m.
Swim Kids 7/8
10:55-11:40 a.m.
Please Note: CRA reserves the right to require
minimum numbers to run a program and
to change the timing of classes up to one week prior
to the classes start date. Classes may be combined
to accommodate.
NEW! Swim & Gym (Gibbons & Bon Accord)
CRA and Crowsnest Community Services
have teamed up to offer a Swim/Rec program
for kids (includes busing to and from Gibbons
and Bon Accord). Check out page 10 in this
guide for information.
Red Cross Swim Adult (16+ years)
Learn to swim in Red Cross Swim Basics 1 and 2, develop
or improve strokes in Red Cross Swim Strokes. The
program is customized to your individual goals and rate
of progress.
When: Thursdays
Date: Jan 10-Feb 28
Time: Swim Basics 1 & 2 6:25-7:20 p.m.
Swim Strokes 7:15-8 p.m.
AquaFit (16+ years) 13-15 years welcome with parent
Cardio and resistance training class located in the
pool offering a very effective, yet low impact workout.
Suitable for all ages and abilities
When: Wednesdays
Date: Jan 16-Mar 6
Time: 8-9 p.m.
Pool / Training Schedule
ADULT LANES (16+ years)
6:15-7:15 a.m.
6-8 p.m.
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
5-6 p.m.
5-8 p.m.
Sat/Sun & Holidays
noon-1 p.m.
OPEN SWIMS (all ages)
Mon & Wed
6-8 p.m.
6-7:30 p.m.
Sat/Sun & Holidays
1-3:30 p.m.
*Free for CRA Members / Non CRA pay facility drop-in
*Children under 8 years require parental supervision
u Indicates drop-in option is available.
All classes are Co-ed unless otherwise specified. Youth aged 13+ years are welcome in Adult Programs if accompanied
by a parent/guardian. * For full program descriptions, and Spring session dates please pick up a CFB Edmonton
Community Guide or visit our website. Want to register online? Go to
Class Name
u Traditional Hatha Yoga Mondays
u Yoga with Mary
Mondays &
Mondays &
Co-Ed Recreational Tennis
Six Pack Bootcamp
Jan 21-Mar 18
(No class Feb 18)
7-8:30 p.m.
Jan 24-Mar 14
7-8:30 p.m.
Jan 21-Mar 18
(No class Feb 18)
Jan 21-Mar 20
(no class Feb 18)
8-9 p.m.
Mon 6-7:30 p.m.,
Wed 6:30-8 p.m
CRA $73.50
Non CRA $89.25
CRA $73.50
Non CRA $89.25
CRA $94.50
Non CRA $110.25
CRA $31.50
Non CRA $47.25
Blue Room
Field House
Martial Arts Programs
CRA offers several martial arts programs taught by certified instructors equipped to teach forms, strikes, body motor
control and self-discipline, while improving strength, endurance and confidence. Due to progressive nature, drop in’s
are not permitted. *Tae Kwon Do programs require a dobuk and participants are tested at end of session
Class Name
Tae Kwon Do Young
Dragons (4-6 years)
Tae Kwon Do
(7+ years)
(15+ years)
Jiu Jitsu
(8+ years)
Mondays &
Mondays &
Mondays &
Tuesdays &
Jan 21-Mar 18
(No class Feb 18)
Jan 21-Mar 18
(No class Feb 18)
Jan 21-Mar 18
(No class Feb 18)
Jan 22-Mar 15
5-5:45 p.m.
5:30-6:30 p.m.
6:45-8 p.m.
6:45-7:45 p.m.
CRA $52.50
Non CRA $68.25
CRA $84
Non CRA $99.75
CRA $89.25
Non CRA $105
CRA $84
Non CRA $99.75
Blue Room
Blue Room
Combat Room
Combat Room
Dance Programs
From hypnotic Latin rhythms to toddlers and parents learning the basics together, CRA has a dance program to suit
almost every age and ability! L’il Fox teaches the fundamentals of tap, ballet and free movements, while LK’s Dance
Troop has hip hop, jazz and fun dance classes to add to the mix!
Class Name
u Zumba
Tuesdays &
Jan 22-Mar 21
(No class Feb 14 & 19)
Jan 19-Mar 16
(No class Feb 16)
Jan 19-Mar 16
(No class Feb 16)
16+ years
7-8 p.m.
4-7 yrs: 9-9:30 a.m.
8-12 yrs: 9:45-10:30 a.m.
Tots: 1-2 yrs
9-9:30 a.m.
3-5 yrs: 9:45-10:45 a.m.
6-8 yrs: 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
CRA $126
Non CRA $141.75
CRA $65/Non CRA $80
CRA $80/Non CRA $95
CRA $42
Non CRA $57.75
CRA $73.50
Non CRA $89.25
CRA $42
Non CRA $57.75
CRA $73.50
Non CRA $89.25
CRA $73.50
Non CRA $89.25
CRA $73.50
Non CRA $89.25
L’il Fox Parent &
Tot Dance
L’il Fox Beginner
LK’s Dance Troop
Fun Dance
LK’s Dance
Troop Hip Hop
LK’s Dance
Troop Jazz
Jan 19-Mar 16
(No class Feb 16)
Jan 21-Mar 18
(No class Feb 18)
Jan 21-Mar 18
(No class Feb 18)
3-4 yrs: 4:45-5:30 p.m.
5-6 yrs: 5:45-6:45 p.m.
Wednesdays Jan 23-Mar 13
7-9 yrs: 5-6 p.m. 1013 yrs: 6:15-7:15 p.m.
5-6 yrs: 4:30-5:30 p.m.
7-9 yrs: 5:45-6:45 p.m.
Jan 24-Mar 14
Community and Recreation Association – CFB Edmonton
Adult Fitness Programs (16+ years)
Programs for People
Community and Recreation Association – CFB Edmonton
Programs for People
Youth Programs
CRA wants to keep youth active, engaged and empowered, so has a full range of drop-in sports and fitness
programs that are fun and non-competitive to allow everyone to participate and some which include a teaching
component to learn new skills and build confidence! u - Drop-in permitted – fees indicated with each program.
Class Name
6-15 yrs;
6-8 p.m.
6-15 yrs;
u Youth Escapades Wednesdays Jan 23-Mar 13
6-8 p.m.
6-15 yrs;
Youth Drama
Thursdays Jan 24-Mar 14
6-7:30 p.m.
CRA Youth Basketball Saturday &
8-17 yrs;
Feb 9-10
2-4 p.m.
u Youth Sports
Refund Policy
Jan 22-Mar 12
CRA $21/Non CRA $36.75
Drop In: CRA $3/Non CRA $5
CRA $57.75/Non CRA $73.50
Drop In: CRA $8.50/Non CRA $10.50
CRA $50
Non CRA $65.75
CRA $30
Non CRA $46.75
Each community has their own refund policy. Full refund policy can be found on page 3.
“like us”- Edmonton Garrison Community Library
Hours of Operation:
10 a.m.– 2 p.m.
noon-8 p.m.
Sat. (except holiday weekends) 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.
(780) 973-4011 ext 6345
Fax: (780) 973-1598
Located in room 32 of the Edmonton Garrison Community Centre
RR 244 and Mons Ave, Lancaster Park, AB T0A 2H0
One of the five Libraries in Sturgeon County, and part of Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) and The
Regional Automated Consortium (TRAC), members have access to million of books, DVD’s, CD’s and magazines
in English & French! If we don’t have it, we can get it! Also available:
Free public computer access + kids computer
Online Do-It-Yourself Databases
Online Language Training (MANGO)
OVERDRIVE (download ebooks/audiobooks)
o Wireless internet, fax and more.....
o Membership = Access & Benefits for $12.60/year
o Ask EGCL staff about membership options
Warm friendly welcome to chase away the winter chills... computers with internet, free wireless, access to a
network of more than 150 libraries! Volunteers always welcome!
Upcoming Programs (u - indicates drop-in)
Career Employment and Counselling Services
u Holiday Crafts For Kids (6 -12 years)
*Younger children welcome with an adult
Create special holiday crafts for friends and family
with help from Library staff!
Saturdays at 1 p.m. Fee: Free
Dates/Craft: Jan 26: Family Literacy Day Craft Mar 9: St. Patrick’s Day Craft
Feb 9: Valentine’s Day Craft Mar 23: Easter Holiday Craft
Workshops: FREE for qualified participants (unemployed,
under-employed). Program funding provided by
Government of Alberta.
Please register through Career Employment and
Counselling Services at 780- 939-2353
u On Hooks and Needles! (all ages)
Craft away your stress. Join us to work on a project
on-the-go or to learn an entirely new skill while
chatting with other crafters in a relaxed atmosphere.
(Bring your own supplies).
Saturdays starting Jan 5 from 2-4 p.m.
(no session Feb 16)
For full class descriptions, visit website or pick up a CFB
Edmonton Winter 2013 Community Guide.
Getting a Game Plan - Career Planning Workshop
Monday, January 21, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Resumes with WOW!
Monday, February 4, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Back to Basics (Computers)
Monday, February 25, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Computers for Job Search
Monday, March 4, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Ace the Interview and Budgeting Basics
Monday, March 11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Community and Recreation Association – CFB Edmonton
Edmonton Garrison
Community Library
Programs for People
Programs for People
Town of Legal
Box 390,
Legal, AB, T0G 1L0
Phone: 780-961-3773
Office Hours:
5021-50 Street
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and
12:30 – 4:30p.m.
Chief Administrative Officer
Robert Proulx
How can you and your family spend time
together without the distraction of technology?
Come out and disconnect with your family on
Monday, February 18!
Watch the January Legal-Lerie and for more details closer
to the event!
Community Services Coordinator
Christine Young
Program details available at
Unless otherwise stated, please register with the Town Office at 780-961-3773
Meals For The Moment
This program was generated to aid families or persons
in need by supplying them with readymade homemade
meals. Such as families or individuals grieving or have
fallen ill or perhaps had surgery.
This program is operated by local resident Rita Hasson
with the Community Social Board. Rita has been helping
provide this service to our community for the last 3 years.
Rita has rallied volunteers to donate cooked meals when
needed. When Rita receives word of a needy family or
individual she contacts the persons and offers Meals for
the Moment assistances. Any allergies or special diet
instructions such as gluten free are taken note. Rita then
contacts one of the volunteers and passes on the dietary
instructions only. Meals are then brought to Rita where
she hand delivers to the recipient. All participants are
kept confidential.
If you know of anyone who is in need of
Meals for the Moment please do not hesitate to call
Rita at 780-961-4117. Volunteer cooks are also welcome
to contact Rita.
Your time & generosity is a great asset to such a wonderful
Desa Karate Classes begin January 8, 2013.
See page 43 for details.
Parent Link Centre @ Legal School
We wish to invite all parents and children (aged 0-6yrs) to
our 2013 season!
Parent Coffee Talk: Every Wednesday starting January 16
to June 12 from 10:00am to Noon
Creative with Kids: Thursdays starting January 14 to June
6 from 10:00am to Noon
Music with Munchkins: Thursdays starting January 24 to
June 13 from 10:00 to Noon
* Creative with Kids alternates Thursdays with Music
with Munchkins *
These free programs are held in the Legal School Parent
Link Centre. We offer Parent Education programs with
free child care. For more info or to register, contact
Families First Society @ 780-413-9153 then 998-5595
ext. 221.
Hope to see you there for some fun, crafts, music and
much more!
Community Kitchens: Jan 28-29, Feb 25-26, Mar 18-19,
Apr 15-16, May 27-28, Jun 10-11
Legal Community Kitchens is a Parent Link Centre program
offered by the Families First Society, and funded by Region
6 Child and Family Services. Participant requirements:
Families with children between the ages of 0-6. There is a
maximum of 8 participants per kitchen, and participants
must pre-register for each kitchen date, space is limited!
For more information or to register, please call Carol at
780-701-5234. Free child care is offered next door in the
Parent Link Centre for both days!
Program details available at
Spring: Cost:
Apr 4 to May 9 (6 classes)
$37.80 (GST incl)
Chasity Cyr
Public Skating @ Legal Arena
Free Fun For The Entire Family!
Wednesdays from 4–5 p.m.
Sundays: 3:30–4:15 p.m.
Runs until March 20, 2013!
Helmets and protective equipment are
On The Ball
Focus is on improving abdominal and back strength as
well as flexibility to build core stability. Integrates some
of the principles of Pilates with core conditioning. Safe
and appropriate for all levels. Equipment required:
Mat and Stability Ball (55-65cm). Min. 5 registrants.
Community Centre When:
Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Jan 10 to Mar 21 (10 classes)
$63 (GST incl)
Spring: Apr 4 to May 9 (6 classes)
$37.80 (GST incl)
Instructor: Chasity Cyr
Not just for the mind… Yoga has been found to
lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve
coordination, flexibility, concentration, sleep, and
digestion! Bring blanket & mat. Min 7 registrants.
Where: Community Centre When: Tuesdays 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Date: Jan 8 to Mar 12 (10 classes)
$63 (GST incl)
Instructor: Karen Lakusta
Learn To Skate - Ages 3-5 yrs
This program has been designed to introduce children
to ice skating as well as develop their skills so they can
advance in their skating techniques. We will be limiting
this class to 12 participants. Parents are required to
stay on the ice with their child until they are capable of
standing on their own (parents are asked to not wear
skates, but proper footwear is recommended to walk on
the ice). Min 5 registrants per class required.
Legal Arena When: Tues 3:45 to 4:15 PM
$50.40 (GST incl)
Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s
exactly what the Zumba® program is all about. It’s an
exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired,
calorie-burning dance fitness-party™ that’s moving
millions of people toward joy and health. You’ll have
so much fun, you’ll forget that you’re working out! The
best part is that anyone and everyone can do it! People
of any size, age, gender, and fitness level can do Zumba®
without any dance experience! Come and see what
everyone has been talking about. Min. 5 Registrants.
Where: Community Center When:
Mondays 7:00 to 8:00 PM
Jan 7 to Mar 18 (10 classes)
$63 (GST included)
Instructor: Chasity Cyr
Metabolic Training
A high-intensity workout that produces remarkable
results. Full body workout that consists of cardio,
strength training, stretching and abdominal work. Join
us in a great workout to improve your general fitness.
Exercise mat required. Min. 5 registrants.
Where: Community Centre When: Thursdays 6:30 to 7:20 PM
Winter: Jan 10 to Mar 21 (10 classes)
$63 (GST incl)
Programs for People
Tues 4:15 to 4:45 PM
$50.40 (GST incl)
Jan 8 to Feb 26 (8 classes)
Jackie Luker
Recreation Program Subsidy
Town of Legal residents may be eligible for a
subsidy to offset the cost of children’s recreation
Apply in confidence at the Town of Legal Office
or call 780‐961‐3773.
Swoosh Your Way Down The Hill!
Ski or snowboard your way down the hill at Snow Valley Ski
Hill! Legal Community Services is providing transportation
for you to enjoy a day of skiing. Min 10, Max 20 registrants
(Ages 9+; ages 8 and under are welcome with parental
supervision). 3 Volunteer Supervisors Required.
Don’t delay - register by January 17!
Snow Valley Ski Hill
Thursday February 7
(Teacher’s Convention)
Time & Cost: Watch the January Legal-Lerie
Lights! Camera! Action! Movie Afternoon
Spend the afternoon at Cineplex Odeon Theatre! Sit back,
relax and enjoy a new release movie. Legal Community
Services is providing transportation for you to enjoy an
afternoon at the movies. Min 10, Max 20 registrants
(Ages 9+; ages 8 and under are welcome with parental
supervision). 2 Volunteer Supervisors Required
Don’t delay - register by March 19!
The Croods
Where: North Edmonton Cineplex Odeon Theatre
When: Friday, March 22 (PD Day)
Time: To Be Announced
Cost: $13.00 (Movie & Popcorn)
$11.00 (Movie Only)
* Fees include GST and transportation *
Parents! Volunteer Supervisors
Parents!! Would you like to spend
an afternoon with your child at a
recreation field trip? Volunteer as a supervisor, and yours
and one of your children’s ticket will be free! Contact the
Town Office for more info!
Volunteers Needed!
Would you like to volunteer? The Town of Legal is looking
for folks who would like to donate some of their time for
local service groups, societies and Town run or sponsored
programs. If you would like to volunteer, please
contact Christine at the Town Office, 780-961-3773
(or by email:, to have your
name and email address added to the volunteer list.
You will then be notified only at the email address you
provide when organizations are looking for help. As
volunteer notices are sent to multiple e-mail addresses,
your information may be shared with others. Otherwise,
your information will be used only for the purpose you
provided it.
Volunteer Appreciation
Sturgeon Victim Services is a community
directed, police-based program that provides
support, information and referrals to people
touched by crime or tragedy. The program is
delivered by volunteers working under the
direction of the Morinville RCMP.
National Volunteer Week pays tribute to the millions
of Canadian adult and youth volunteers who donate
their time and energy. National Volunteer Week
is recognized as an essential civic and community
event that is celebrated by all sectors of society.
National Volunteer Week 2013 is April 21 to 27.
Watch the Legal-Lerie and the Town’s website
( for more information
closer to the date for another fantastic Volunteer
Appreciation Event!
Summer Playground 2013
Watch for more information on the upcoming 2013
Summer Playground!
July 15 to August 16
5 weeks of fun and adventure!
More info will be in the May Legal-Lerie!
Victims come in all sizes.
Sturgeon Victim Services needs you to speak
for those with smaller voices.
Call today to learn more
about becoming a volunteer.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or
board member with Sturgeon Victim Services,
please contact Donna at 780-939-4590 or by
email at
Watch for more FCSS informative programs coming this spring!
Visit often to keep up to date on classes and workshops!
© Cryssfotos|
Programs for People
Programs for People
Programs for People
Do you need to
improve your
Learn to Read and Write
English as a Second Language
Classes offered in
Winter/Spring 2013:
Beginner, Intermediate and
Advanced level
M o r i n v i l l e
Ar t Club
Open to all levels of
Canadian Language Benchmark level 5-9
Classes will be held Tuesday evenings,
Tuesday, January 29 until
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Location: Sunflower Community Resource Centre/
Sturgeon Literacy
5015-50 Street, Gibbons, AB
Call Dyvonna at 1-780-921-3589
for information or to register.
Two classes will be spent on each of the
following subjects:
•Shades of gray to colour
•Colour and expressive brush strokes
creating maquette or collage creating
an abstract painting
•Experimenting with layering techniques
•Study and emulate masters: Klimpt,
Kandinsky, Van Gogh or Flemish still life
January 15 – April 23, 2013
Tuesdays, 8 alternate weeks.
7:00–9:30 p.m.
Instructor: Karen Cassidy
Fee: TBA
Refund Policy
Each community has their own refund
policy. Please be aware that most
communities will not provide refunds if
requested within a week of program start
date with the exception of a medical or family
Full refund policy can be found on page 3.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
7:00–9:00 p.m.
Morinville Community Cultural Centre
9502 -100 Avenue
Room 5, use east entrance.
Jeannine Chalifoux at
780-939-4562 for more Information.
Programs for People
Programs for People
Programs for People
Programs for People
Morinville Community
Morinville’s Multi-media & Information Centre
Morinville and Sturgeon County
$ 6.00
Youth (6 - 17)
$ 6.00
Children (0 - 5) FREE with Parent/guardian
Now you can order books and access information
from your home or office computer any time, night
or day and pick them up at your library. Search
through over 200 Alberta Libraries in seconds for
the items your want, place your order, and pick
them up at the Morinville Public Library.
You also have access to our online databases by
using your library card.
Evening Book Club - Adults
Knit Club
Loose Threads Quilting Club
Card Making Club
Story Time All Ages
Genealogy Programs
Family Movie Nights
Special Movie Nights
Program Room Rental
Free Public Computers & Wi-Fi
DVD/CD Cleaning
Book Repair
Free Proctoring
Plus much more happening each month, check out our website and
subscribe to our monthly newsletter!
10119 - 100 Avenue
Morinville, Alberta
T8R 1P8
PH. 780-939-3292
FAX. 780-939-2757
10 am - 8 pm
10 am - 6 pm
10 am - 2 pm
Office Hours:
4924 - 47 Street, Redwater, AB
Monday to Thursday
9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Town Manager:
Debbie Hamilton
Community Services Manager:
Jodi Brown
Community Services Coordinator:
Teena Hughson
Redwater Community Services Board
Redwater Community Services strives to foster an energized, caring community
by connecting people to local programs and services, by providing high
quality community events and by supporting community wellness activities
or initiatives through valued partnerships with other local or regional human
services organizations.
The Community Services Board currently consists of seven volunteer members
that provide direction, support and input on the above activities. The Board
is currently recruiting new members. Please contact Jodi Brown (Community
Services Manager) at 780-942-3519, extension 25 for more information.
Community/FCSS Services and Programs
Communities ChooseWell
Communities in Bloom
Family Day Unplugged
Kris Kringle Celebration
Volunteer Appreciation
Annual Clothing Swap
Family Day
Information Referral Service
Photocopying Program
Seniors Week Breakfast
We partner in the following programs and events:
Discovery Days
Family Literacy Day
Family Violence Prevention/Education Pioneer Club (Seniors)
Sunflower Community Resource Program Sturgeon Family Literacy Program
Sturgeon Adult Literacy Council
Alberta Culture Days
Individual and Family Support Programs
FCSS Counseling Services
Sometimes, in our fast-paced lives, individuals, couples
and families need a little help to work out life’s problems.
Counseling can help you learn how to deal with your
problems in a productive manner and develop the skills to
manage a stressful and changing environment. Referrals
are not required. A subsidized fee for services is charged,
using a sliding fee scale based on family income for Town
of Redwater residents. To book an appointment call
1-866-992-6267 (toll-free), during office hours (Monday
– Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm).
Triple P, Positive Parenting Program
Triple P is an internationally accredited program that
helps parents find practical and positive ways of
handling everyday parenting concerns with their children–
from toddlers to teens. Services are available in individual,
group or seminar series. Please contact Families First at
780-998-5595 ext. 221 for more information.
Pembina Place
Check out all we have to offer
on page 40.
Preschool Programs
Marvelous Movers
Make physical activity fun! Start your day with fun
songs and games that will get you movin’ and groovin’.
There’s space for the kids to play and parents to enjoy
a cup of coffee. This is a free, drop in physical activity
based program for children aged 0-6 years and their
caregivers. For more information, call 780-998-5595
ext. 221.
When: Thursdays, 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Where: Pembina Place
Town of Redwater
P.O. Box 397
Redwater, AB, T0A 2W0
Phone: 780-942-3519
Programs for People
Winter: January 17 to March 21
Spring: April 11- June 30
Creating Confident Kids
This FREE 8-session workshop helps parents/caregivers
promote asset-building in children. Assets protect
children from risky behaviors and promote healthy
life choices. A child care subsidy can be provided upon
completion of the program.
This program requires a minimum of 6 participants. To be
added to a waiting list, call 780-998-5595 ext. 221.
Programs for People
Preschool Programs
Kids Have Stress Too
This free 4-session workshop teaches parents that
children do have stress in their lives. Learn about signs
and symptoms that children will express, as well as
coping techniques to teach children to use when dealing
with the stressors in their lives. A child care subsidy can
be provided upon completion of the program.
This program requires a minimum of 6 participants. To be
added to a waiting list, call 780-998-5595 ext. 221.
Child and Youth Programs
Home Alone (grades 5-6)
Do you want your child to learn how to stay safe while
home alone and respond to first aid emergencies? Your
child will learn safety skills through interactive lessons,
role playing and hands on training. He/she will become
more confident and will learn to make safer choices
while home alone. Please ensure your child brings a nutfree snack and a pen/pencil to class.
Friday, February 8
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where: Pembina Place
Fee: $20.00
This half-day program requires a minimum of 6
participants (max 12) by Wednesday, January 30. Register
at Town Office or by calling 780-942-3519 ext. 34.
Safe Sport (grades 3-5)
Help your child become a super sport! Super sports
knows how much fun playing sports can be, but also
knows how to stay safe and healthy while participating.
Topics include winning and losing well; cheating, selfesteem, bullying, dealing with aggression, healthy living,
safe warm ups and more! Please ensure your child brings
a nut-free snack and a pen/pencil to class.
Wednesday, April 10
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Where: Pembina Place
Fee: $15.00
This half-day program requires a minimum of 6
participants (max 10) by Wednesday, April 3. Register at
Town Office or by calling 780-942-3519 ext. 34.
A registration form can be found on
page 5 or visit our website:
Child and Youth Programs
Redwater Alliance Church Youth Group (R.A.Y.G.)
Join other youth in the community, aged 13-18 for fun,
games and excursions. (Ski Trips, Swim Nights, Mud Bowl)
Fridays, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Where: Redwater Alliance Church
R.A.Y.G. New Year’s Eve All-Nighter
Begins December 31st at 7:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm on
New Year’s Day at Redwater Alliance Church.
R.A.Y.G. Year-End Camping Trip
A full week of camping in Kananaskis (late June/early July)
R.A.Y.G. youth drop-in programs are hosted by
community-minded individuals and rely on dedicated
volunteers. To volunteer or get more information contact
the Alliance Church Office at 780-942-3013.
Redwater School Fitness Club
A program that helps promotes youth physical fitness and
teaches the value and health benefits achieved from a
lifetime of physical activity. Students (grades 5-12 meet)
once - twice a week, after school, for up to an hour. Our
programs run indoors and outdoors, weather permitting.
The Fitness Club focuses on personal goal setting and
a variety of physical activities which include; walking,
running, swimming, yoga, aerobic activities and strength
training. Contact Redwater School at 780-942-3625.
Redwater Outdoor Soccer League 2012
The season runs from May until the end of June. For
more information contact Alan Ward at (780) 695-0983.
Redwater Scout Group
Activities for children and youth aged 5 and up. (Beavers,
ages 5-7; Cubs, ages 8-10; Scouts, ages 11-14).
Where: Ochre Park School
Beavers @ 5:30pm
Cubs & Scouts @ 6:30pm
The Redwater Scout Group is brought to you by
community-minded individuals and relies on dedicated
volunteers. To volunteer or get more information contact
Allason Ford at 780-942-7823.
Youth Curling League (ages 11-17, ALL skill levels)
Want to learn to curl? ALL curlers are welcome. Youth
enter as individuals and teams will be selected by the
instructors. Teams consist of a mix of experienced and
beginner curlers. Weekly program includes hands on
instruction in delivery of stones and sweeping technique.
Indoor shoes required (either running or curling shoes) NO EXCEPTIONS! We supply brooms and sliders. Contact
Lawrence Hrycun at 780-942-2878.
Tae Kwon Do
Learn basic kicks, punching and blocking as well as use
of both hands and feet. Tae Kwon Do emphasizes attack
and defense skills--without weapons. It’s considered the
world’s most popular martial art and is an official Olympic
sport. It will help you develop physical and mental fitness,
as well as, improve self-esteem, self-control, mental
agility and mental concentration. Contact Sherrie Debney
at 1-780-656-0804.
Where: Ochre Park School Gym
When: Thursdays (September to April)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm (5-10 year olds)
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm (10 years and over)
Child/Youth Program Subsidy
* Fitness Program Registration *
All students must complete personal information/liability
waivers prior and pay all fees prior to participation.
Call or visit the Town Office (
Tone, Energize and Revive! (Age 18+)
Join Darlene for a gentle, but effective whole body
workout! Resistance exercises tone your body. Light
cardiovascular training increases your energy. Flexibility
training relaxes your muscles and revives your spirit!
When: Tuesdays, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
January 29 – March 19
Where: Pembina Place
$98 (8 weeks)
A minimum of 11 (max 20) registrants is required by
Friday, January 18, 2013.
Vinyasa Yoga (age 13+)
A variety of yoga postures are connected through
breath and movement. This deeper, flowing practice
cultivates balance, flexibility, strength and endurance.
Mondays, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
January 28 – March 18 (Mondays)
(*no class on Family Day, February 18, 2013)
Where: Pembina Place
Fee: $85.75 (7 weeks)
Where: Pembina Place
A minimum of 10 (max 20) registrants is required by
Friday, January 18, 2013.
Redwater residents who have low incomes
or extraordinary living situations that
would affect their ability to pay for children
or youth programs may apply for funding.
• Qualifying families may receive a
maximum of $175 per child per
calendar year to a maximum of $400
per family per calendar year.
• Applicants will be encouraged to pay
an affordable portion of the program
• Applicants must have exhausted other
resources and must not have received
a subsidy for the program from any
other source.
ZUMBA Fitness (age 13+)
Ditch the workout and join the party! ZUMBA is an
exhilarating, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired dance-fitness
party that will help get you into shape.
Mondays & Wednesdays, 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Dates: January 28 – March 18 (Monday)
(*no class on Family Day- February 18)
January 30 – March 20 (Wednesday)
Fees: $98 for Monday only (7 weeks)
$112 for Wednesday only (8 weeks)
$200 for both for Monday and Wednesday
A minimum of 15 (max 50) registrants for each of these
classes is required by Friday, January 18, 2013.
Note: Drop in fees for ZUMBA Fitness ($15, cash only)
are payable to the instructor at the start of each class.
The complete policy and application form
is available online at
You may also contact Teena Hughson at
780-942-3519 ext. 34.
Can’t commit to an entire session or want to
drop into a variety of fitness programs?
Try a Fitness Sampler Pass!
Programs for People
Slam Dunk – Elementary Basketball
Do you have a child in grade 4, 5 or 6 with a
passion for basketball? They can learn “grassroots”
basketball skills in this energetic, fast paced
program. For more information or to register, visit You may also contact
Kevin Hurford at Redwater School. (780-942-3625)
Where: Redwater School
When: Mondays, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Fridays, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Dates: End of November until March
Fitness Programs
Child and Youth Programs
Programs for People
Adult Recreation Programs
Safety Programs
Adult Curling (18+)
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Where: Pembina Place Curling Rink
Fee: $155 for one night /$235 for both nights
For more information or to obtain a bonspiel schedule
contact Lawrence Hrycun at 780-942-2878.
Standard First Aid + CPR Level C Course
This two-day course covers all the skills in Emergency
First Aid, plus first aid for other injuries and illnesses
including head and spinal injuries, fractures of the
upper and lower limbs. The course also includes Level C
CPR training and certification (Adult, Child, Infant, and
2-rescuer resuscitation) and AED training/certification.
When: To be determined.
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Where: Pembina Place
Fee: $100 (resident*)/$135.00 (non-resident)
This two-day course requires a minimum enrollment of
6 (maximum of 10) students. To be added to an interest
list, visit Town Office or call 780-942-3519 ext. 34.
Bad Broads Shinny (18+)
It’s our turn to play! Join other ladies Saturday nights
for a full hour of hockey. For more information contact
Brenda at 780-942-4778.
When: Saturdays (October to April)
8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Where: Pembina Place Ice Arena
Fee: $20 drop-in
Redwater Co-ed Volleyball (18+)
The season runs began October 24 and ends March 2013.
New teams are accepted until December of each year, but
individual players are encouraged to call as teams always
need and welcome new players. For more information or
to enter a team, call Sandy at 780-913-7926.
Fee: $300 per team
Non Credit Learning
Redwater Art Society
A variety of art classes will be offered throughout the
year. For more information, contact Alannah at 780-9424033.
Drop-in Art Classes
Tuesdays @ Golden Villa (10:00 am)
3rd Monday of each month @ Golden Villa (7:00 pm)
Redwater Quilting Guild (2011-2012)
Offering beginner quilting classes, project classes and a
Community Comfort Quilting Program year-round. Nonguild members are welcome drop-in for try one quilting
class (just $15)! Contact Lois Andrews at 780-942-3847
or Bev Chorney at 780-736-2203.
Fitness Sampler Passes may be purchased for $75
(5 drop-ins). These passes may be used for Tone,
Energize and Revive or Vinyasa Yoga. Drop-in
participants don’t need to register for a class but
must complete personal information and liability
waivers prior to participating in any classes. Please
note: Fitness Sampler passes will be available for sale
beginning Tuesday, January 22, 2013.
WHMIS Training
Gain an understanding of WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous
Materials Information System) and managing WHMIS
in the workplace. Topics include: an introduction to
WHMIS, classification and labels, Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS) and worker education. This course meets
all Federal and Provincial Regulatory Requirements. Participants will receive a certificate upon successfully
completing the course.
When: April 17, 2013
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: Pembina Place
Fee: $25 (resident*)/ $35 (non-resident)
A minimum enrollment of 6 students is required by
Thursday, April 11. Register at Town Office or by calling
780-942-3519 ext. 34.
*Because of funding from the Sturgeon Adult Learning
Council, Standard First Aid and WHMIS Training are
available at a reduced rate to residents of Redwater
or any adult living within the physical boundaries of
Sturgeon County. Full subsidies may also be available
to qualifying residents. For more information,
call 780-942-3519 x25.
Redwater Family & Community Support
Services (FCSS) wants to hear from you!
Tell us what kind of programming you want in
your community. Programs to support healthy
families, address substance abuse, parenting,
personal growth and other family programming
may be available.
Contact Jodi Brown at 780-942-3519 ext 25.
Seniors' Programs
Monthly Meeting
First Tuesday of every month (1:30 pm)
Floor Curling & Coffee
Every Tuesday and Thursday (1:30 pm)
Company & Coffee
Every Monday and Thursday (9:00 am)
Walking & Exercise Club
Every Monday and Thursday (9:00 am – 10:30 am)
Offered in conjunction with the Alberta Heartland
Primary Care Network. (Nikki @ 780-997-4147)
Monthly Supper
Second Wednesday of each month
Cocktails at 5:00 pm; Dinner at 6:00 pm
Movie Afternoons
Last Monday of the month (1:30 pm)
New members are always welcome! To purchase your
annual membership (just $10) or for more information,
contact Lorraine Belland at 780-398-3679.
Redwater Legion
Morning Coffee:
Weekdays from 7:30 am to 9:00 am
Every Monday at 1:00 pm
Every second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm
Community Whist:
Every Wednesday starting in September at 1:30 pm
Every Thursday at 7:00 pm
Every Friday at 7:30 pm
General Meeting:
First Monday of the month at 7:30 pm
For more information about Redwater Legion programs
or to book the facility for an event, contact Judy at
Diamond Spring Lodge Seniors Club
Mini Bingo
Monday evenings at 7:00 pm, except Statutory Holidays.
If you are interested in other lodge programs please
contact Shannon Ostby at 780-942-4553.
Pioneer Club (Age 55+)
The Pioneer Club offers a variety of enriching programs
for the ‘Young at Heart’ and is a wonderful place to host
an event. The Pioneer Club is also home to Community
Blood Donor and Influenza clinics.
Pancake Breakfast
First Sunday of each month (9:00 am – 11:00 am)
Programs for People
Community Events
Family Day Unplugged/ Family Day of Fun
Although technology can connect people instantly; it can
also isolate and prevent us from enjoying quality time
together. Each year, neighbouring communities challenge
each other to see who can unplug and connect the most.
Unplug from technology this Family Day Weekend
(February 16-18). Connect with yourself, family or our
community. Play board games, dine, skate or just do
anything at all together. To provide opportunities for you
to unplug and support this regional initiative, stay tuned
to for information about our annual
Family Day of Fun- a day of fun, family-friendly activities
to help you unplug from technology!
Volunteer Appreciation (April 2013)
Our annual celebration of the many people who share
their time and talent, making our community a better
place to live! Stay tuned to for more
Public Skating & Shinny
Indoor Skating at Provident Place
Times vary. Please visit or call
780-942-3555 for current ice schedule information.
Public Skate: $2.25/person
Or save time and money by purchasing a skate or shinny
Skating Passes (10 skates for $15.75)
Shinny Passes (10 admissions for $26.75)
Outdoor Skating at Provident Place Outdoor Rink
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Sticks permitted*
Tuesday and Thursday
Sticks after 6 p.m.*
Saturday, Sunday and School Holidays
Sticks after 2 p.m.*
*Shinny pucks only
Parents please encourage your children to respect these
times. Use of the Outdoor Rink is at your own risk. Appropriate safety equipment and parental supervision
is strongly recommended.
Programs for People
Pembina Place
The perfect place to host
corporate, recreational,
educational and cultural
Our state-of-the-art facility is
home to an indoor ice arena,
curling club, golf club and multipurpose rooms for meetings,
banquets, birthday parties and
special events.
This facility also boasts a 400 seat
hall complete with a full-service
commercial kitchen, dance floor
and theatrical stage. It will surely
meet all of your event-planning
For ice bookings, program inquiries
or special event bookings call
780-942-3519 ext. 34.
More details and a complete fee
schedule are available online at
Registrations will not be
processed if the waiver section
of the registration form is not
You will only be considered
registered once a completed
registration form and full
payment is received.
We do not hold places.
Note: you must register in a
program before attending.
A registration form can be
found on page 5 or visit our
Online Lear ning
Has arrived at Sturgeon Adult Learning Council In Partnership with NorQuest College & Campus Alberta
There are many courses to choose from including: • Computer Training
• Business Productivity
• Writing and Publishing
• Personal Wellness
...and so much more.
Highly Interactive! Reasonably Priced! Learn Anywhere, Anytime! Something for Everyone!
Check out these courses:
Course: Computer Skills for the Work Place
Gain a working knowledge of the computer
skills you will need to succeed in today’s job
Course: Introduction to Mircrosoft Excel
Work with numbers? You need to know
Excel. Learn the secrets of this powerful
Course: Introduction to Quickbooks
Learn how to quickly and efficiently gain
control over the financial aspects of your
Course: Effective Business Writing
Improve your career prospects by learning
how to develop powerful written documents
that draw readers in and keep them
motivated to continue to read.
Course: Marketing Your Non-Profit
Further the ideals and goals of your nonprofit
by learning to compete more effectively for
members, media attention, donors, clients,
and volunteers.
Course: Project Management Fundamentals
Gain the skills you’ll need to succeed in the
fast-growing field of project management.
Course: Creating a Successful Business Plan
Turn your business ideas into a solid plan for
financing and long-term success
Course: Accounting Fundamentals
Gain a marketable new skill by learning the
basics of double-entry bookkeeping, financial
reporting, and more.
For More Information or to register visit and click on the Ed2Go Link.
The Information Hub of Redwater
Library Hours
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Free Internet Access
Interlibrary Loans
Online Catalogue
Printing, Faxing, Photocopying & Laminating
Rhythm and Rhyme
Story and Craft Time
Summer Reading Program
Author Visits
Budding Authors Night
Children’s Entertainers
Looking for work?
Come in and check out the Job Bank.
Every Friday, Careers Under Construction sends
us a listing of job postings in this area.
AB Youth
a Resume,
computer help?
Our intern is here
Our Intern is here to
to assist you until
give you assistance,
March 30, 2013.
until March 30, 2013
780 942-3464
4915 – 48 St.
Redwater, AB.
T0A 2W0
On Site
Programs for People
Redwater Public Library
Audio Books
ESL Resources
Large Print Books
Online databases
Parenting Resources
Available to order in:
Daisy Discs
International Languages
Large Print Collection
Download audio books and
eBooks right from home, to
your computer, MP3 player
Sony Reader or kobo.
eBooks are also available at:
Drop by the library if you
need assistance.
Redwater Public Library is a member of the Northern Lights Library System.
This gives card holder’s access to the collections of over 242 libraries.
Cardholders can access the online library catalogue from home at then click on TRAC.
The Libraries of Sturgeon County, One card – five locations
*Bon Accord*Edmonton Garrison*Gibbons*Morinville*Redwater
Programs for People
Sturgeon School Division
Sturgeon School Division
9820 – 104 Street
Morinville, AB T8R 1L8
Phone: 780-939-4341
Toll-Free: 1-888-459-4062
Fax: 780-939-5520
Specialty programs
Kindergarten Program –
Helps children prepare for the
transition from home to
school and entry into Grade 1
Headstart Program – Helps
prepare children aged 3 ½–5
and provides a foundation for
later success
Program Unit Funded
Initiative (PUF) – Supports
children aged 2 ½–6 who are
severely delayed in one or
more areas
Gifted and Talented
Program – Innovative
program for pre-kindergarten
and kindergarten students
who are developmentally
LOGOS Program – A
Christian-based program that
teaches the Alberta
curriculum in a nurturing
Advanced Placement (AP)
Program – An advanced
curriculum for students who
wish to focus on academics
and prepare for university
Paving Health Pathways
Program – Provides
opportunities for students to
work toward post-secondary
certification in health
occupations including
healthcare, daycare and sports
Green Certificate Program –
For students interested in
agriculture business, with
courses on field crops, bee
keeping and much more
Registered Apprenticeship
Program – Allows high school
students to begin
apprenticeship training while
completing their high school
course work
French Immersion – Offered
at Morinville Public
Elementary School for
students who wish to learn a
second language
Bon Accord
Community School
Headstart to Grade 4
Landing Trail School
Kindergarten to Grade 4
Ochre Park School
Headstart to Grade 4
Camilla School
Headstart to Grade 9
Guthrie School
Headstart to Grade 9
Namao School
Headstart to Grade 9
Sturgeon Heights School
Headstart to Grade 9
Gibbons School
Grades 5 to 9
Lilian Schick School
Grades 5 to 9
Redwater School
Grades 5 to 12
Sturgeon Composite
High School
Grades 10 to 12
Morinville Learning Centre
Grades 10 to 12
Sturgeon Learning Centre
Grades 10 to 12
Before and after school care is offered at Sturgeon
Heights School, Bon Accord School, Guthrie School,
Gibbons School and Morinville Public Elementary School
SSD for Sturgeon County
October 2012
Morinville Public
Elementary School
Headstart to Grade 5
Before and after school care
Our schools
Free bussing
Free bussing is available to all Sturgeon School Division
students and for Sturgeon students attending daycares
in St. Albert
Programs for People
Programs for People
Sturgeon County
Community Services
9610 - 100 Street
Morinville, AB, T8R 1L9
Phone: 780-939-8334
Toll Free: 1-866-939-9303
Mailing Address:
9613 - 100 Street,
Morinville, AB, T8R 1L9
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. &
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Community Services Manager
Terry Cashin
Family & Community Support
Services Coordinator
Marg Clark
Recreation Coordinator
Jessica Gray
Family School Liaison Worker
Kathy Rudyk
Family School Liaison Worker
Lisa Trembath
Brenda McCubbin 780-939-8334
Follow us on Twitter
Please Note:
No classes will be held on
Statutory Holidays including
Family Day, Good Friday,
Easter Monday and
Victoria Day.
Registration opens
January 2, 2013
Community Services Advisory Board
It is the mission of the Board to ensure that the residents of Sturgeon
County have local access to excellent recreation programs, park
facilities and individual/family development support opportunities
through information and education. For any comments, questions or
information, please contact the representative in your area. They are:
Board Members:
Catherine Cake
Janet Vranas
Arlene Whitson
Wayne Bullock
Vic Frey
Karen Shaw
Tom Flynn
Shelley Porter
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 6
Council Representative
Council Representative
Sturgeon School Division
Financial Assistance Policy
To ensure that all residents of Sturgeon County, regardless of economic
circumstances, have access to community services programs, Council has
approved a program fee subsidy policy.
Subsidies of up to 100% of qualifying program fees may be granted to
individuals based on the established criteria. You must be a Sturgeon County
resident to qualify for the subsidy.
For more details or to receive an application form, check page 54/55 or
please call Marg Clark at 780-939-8336/1-866-939-9303.
Sturgeon County
Sturgeon County
Programs for People
All applications will be held in strict confidence.
Sponsor A Child Program
The Sponsor A Child program provides families experiencing
financial constraints with opportunities to access
summer programs for their children. This program
is funded solely through donations from businesses
and families. Because of the overwhelming support
to this program, many children were able to access
fantastic programs this summer. Thank you to all
who supported this program. You helped to make
wonderful memories for many children in the
Sturgeon region.
Sturgeon County
Programs for People
Early Childhood Development Initiative
Sturgeon Region
Resources for families with children from birth to 6 years
Child Developmental Assessment Resource – Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
Are you having trouble deciding if your child is ready for preschool or kindergarten?
Do you have some concerns with your child’s developmental progress?
ECDI can help you with a new tool – the Ages & Stages
Questionnaire. The questionnaire is for children as young as 3
months and as old as 6 years of age. The questionnaire is done
by you, the parent/caregiver, in the comfort of your own home.
It gives you a “snap shot in time” of your child’s development.
The questionnaire takes approximately 15 minutes to
complete. It covers all areas of early childhood development
(including communication; gross & fine motor skills; problem
solving; personal-social and social-emotional).
Subsidy Funding – Early Childhood Development Programming
This funding is available for residents of Sturgeon County (including Bon Accord, Gibbons,
Morinville, Redwater, Legal & CFB Edmonton). Subsidies are available for families with
children ages 0 – 6 years and are experiencing financial barriers in accessing one or more of
the following:
• Early Childhood Development (ECD) Programs for child (like playschool).
• Transportation to and from ECD programs for child and/or parent.
• Childcare for siblings when parent wants to participate in ECD program with child.
• Childcare for children when parent wants to participate in ECD program for adults.
• ECD programs for parents.
Application forms are available through your local preschool, municipal office, health care
office and Sturgeon County Centre. To find out if your family qualifies, please contact Susan
Rhythm & Rhyme Family Time
Rhythm & Rhyme Family Time is a group of families meeting once a week for 10 weeks to
sing songs, tell stories, play, share information and support one another. This interactive
program is designed for parents/caregivers and their children ages 0 - 3 years. To find out
when and where Rhythm and Rhyme Family Time is being offered in the Sturgeon region,
please contact Susan Evans.
For information on any of our resources, contact program Coordinator Susan Evans at
780-939-4321 Ext. 206 or toll free 1-888-939-9303.
Moms & Tots (Parents/Caregivers and with children ages 0-3 yrs.)
This program is a cooperative playgroup for children to play
and interact together; while parents/caregivers socialize in a
fun environment with their children. Learn about how freeplay, facilitated time of themed stories and crafts can assist
with child development.
Lots for Tots (3-5 yrs.)
This playschool offers a stimulating environment in which
your child can socialize with other children. It includes free
play in a variety of centers, crafts, physical activities, stories
and more! A new theme each week! Children must bring
clean shoes and bring a snack. Parents will be requested to
roster one day.
ABC Tots (2 Days Per Week) (3-5 yrs)
This two day a week program will incorporate concepts
including colour, letter and number of the day in a play based
environment. The two day per week format allows for extra
time for experiences such as science experiments, cooking,
crafts, music and games. Children must bring clean shoes and
bring a snack. Parents will be requested to roster one class.
ABC, 1-2-3 (2 Days Per Week) (4-5 yrs)
This two day a week ABC program will teach concepts including
colour, letter and number of the day. The two day per week
format allows for extra time for experiences such as science
experiments, cooking, crafts, music and games. This program is
for children eligible for Kindergarten in Fall of the following year.
Course Program Location
5301 Mom & Tots - Cardiff
N amao N ursery S chool
“L ittle P eople ,B ig D iscoveries ”
Our preschool focuses on learning through
experience. A nurturing, stimulating
environment, and a wide variety of
activities promote the children’s academic
and social development.
The program includes:
• High quality instruction & interaction
• Stories, games and songs
• Early literacy and numeracy skills
• Outdoor play, gym and field trips
• Science and logic discovery
• Printing skills and crafts
• Small class size (max. 15 Children)
Located in Namao Hall (highway 28 & 37)
Fees are $80 for 3 year olds Wed/Fri and
$110 for 4 year olds Tues/Wed/Fri.
For registration information for Namao
Preschool, please contact Marg at Sturgeon
County Community Services at 780-939-8336 or email
Lan DeLeeuw
Mon., Jan. 7 – Mar. 18
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Mom & Tots – Calahoo Arena Lan DeLeeuw
Fri., Jan. 18 – Mar. 22
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Lots for Tots – Cardiff Hall
Lan DeLeeuw
Mon. , Jan. 7 – Mar. 18
12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Lots for Tots - Calahoo Arena
Lan DeLeeuw
Tues. , Jan. 15 – Mar. 19
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Lots for Tots - RQB Arena
Lan DeLeeuw
Wed. , Jan. 16 – Mar. 20
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Lots for Tots - Cardiff Hall
Lan DeLeeuw
Thurs., Jan. 17 – Mar. 21
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
ABC 123 - Calahoo Arena
Sheila Rustemeier Mon/Wed., Jan. 7 – Mar. 18
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
ABC 123 - RQB Arena
Sheila Rustemeier Mon/Wed., Jan. 7 – Mar. 18
12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
ABC Tots - Coronado
Melissa Selinger
Tues/Thurs., Jan. 15 – Mar. 21 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
ABC 123 - Cardiff
ABC 123 - Cardiff
Sheila Rustemeier Tues/Thurs., Jan. 15 – Mar. 21 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Tues. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Sheila Rustemeier Tues/Fri., Jan. 15 – Mar. 22
Fri. 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Please register at least seven days prior to the start date as this is when we will decide
if there are sufficient registrations to run the course.
No classes on Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday and Victoria Day.
Sturgeon County
Early Childhood Programs (Winter & Spring Seddions)
Programs for People
Sturgeon County
Programs for People
All participants of Sturgeon County Pre-school programs must be fully toilet trained prior to registering.
(Excluding Moms & Tots)
PLEASE NOTE: Food allergies are a serious problem. Even trace amounts of some foods can be harmful. Please check
with your child’s teacher to ensure the lunch/snack you prepare is not harmful to others.
Absolutely No Nuts Or Nut Products Please!
Course Program Location
Lan DeLeeuw
Mon., Apr. 8 – Jun.17
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Moms & Tots - Cardiff
Moms & Tots – Calahoo Arena Lan DeLeeuw
Fri., Apr. 5 – Jun. 7
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Lots for Tots – Cardiff Hall
Lan DeLeeuw
Mon., Apr. 8 – Jun. 17
12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Lots for Tots - Calahoo Arena
Lan DeLeeuw
Tues., Apr. 2 – Jun. 4
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Lots for Tots - RQB Arena
Lan DeLeeuw
Wed., Apr. 3 – Jun. 5
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Lots for Tots - Cardiff Hall
Lan DeLeeuw
Thurs., Apr. 4 – Jun. 6
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
ABC 123 - Calahoo Arena
Sheila Rustemeier Mon/Wed., Apr. 3 – Jun. 12
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
ABC 123 - RQB Arena
Sheila Rustemeier Mon/Wed., Apr. 3 – Jun. 12
12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
ABC Tots - Coronado
Melissa Selinger
9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
ABC 123 - Cardiff
Sheila Rustemeier Tues/Thurs., Apr. 2 – Jun. 6
ABC 123 - Cardiff
Sheila Rustemeier Tues/Fri., Apr. 2 – Jun. 7
Tues/Thurs., Apr. 2 – Jun. 6
12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Tues. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Fri. 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Please register at least seven days prior to the start date as this is when we will decide
if there are sufficient registrations to run the course.
Registration opens for Sturgeon County programs on January 2, 2013.
Please Note: No classes will be held on Statutory Holidays including
Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday and Victoria Day.
Child and Youth Programs
Home Alone (10 - 11 yrs.)
Is your child at the age where they want to be left
at home alone? If so, consider arming your child
with useful information to help them stay safe when
being left alone at home for the first time. Topics
including fire and cooking safety, telephone and door
expectations, Internet safety and first aid will be covered.
Instructor: Lan DeLeeuw
Babysitter Safety (11-1/2 yrs. +)
Become an Alberta Safety Council certified babysitter.
This session will cover child development, safety practices
including, cooking, first aid, telephone and general
indoor and outdoor safety. Bring a lunch, large doll and
baby bottle (if you have one). You must turn 12 within 6
months of the course date. Bring a bag lunch for all days!
Instructor: Lan DeLeeuw
8601 Home Alone
Fri., Mar. 22
2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Thurs/Fri, Feb. 7 & 8
9:30 am - 4:30 p.m.
Babysitter Safety
Sturgeon County Community
Services Office
Sturgeon County Community
Services Office
Are you a youth service group or organization that would be interested in hosting a Home Alone or Babysitter
Safety workshop? Call us for information on how we can provide a custom program for your organization.
Call Marg at 780-939-8336 for more information.
Spring Break Activities
Pick Up Locations will be in Morinville and Gibbons.
Bowl n’ Swim (7+ yrs.)
Get rid of the winter rut by joining us at the St. Albert
Bowling Centre and Fountain Park Pool. We’ll begin our
day at the bowling alley with some intense bowling and
crazy arcade games. We’ll enjoy some pizza and pop
before heading to the pool where we will splish and splash
the afternoon away. The day just wouldn’t end off right
without a marvelous ice cream treat from Dairy Queen. A
guaranteed great time!
DATE: Monday, Mar. 25 FEE: $40.00
Vertically Inclined (9 – 14 YRS)
Learn to climb like the experts! The amazing staff at
Vertically Inclined will give us a lesson on the basics of
climbing and safety before we head to Boston Pizza for
lunch then we’ll have free reign over the climbing walls
to try out our new skills. Get ready to become the next
Tuesday, Mar. 26
Sturgeon County
Designed exclusively for kids, Zumbatomic® classes are rockin’, high-energy fitness parties packed with specially
choreographed, kid friendly routines and all the music kids love, like hip-hop, reggaeton, cumbia and more. Parents
love Zumbatomic® because of the effects it has on kids, increasing their focus and self-confidence, boosting
metabolism and enhancing coordination.
Course: 8303
When: Tuesdays, Jan. 15 – Mar.19
Cardiff Hall
6:20 – 7:20 p.m.
Karin Denkova
Fee: $100.00
Register By: Jan. 8
Course: 8304
When: Tuesdays, Apr. 2 – Jun. 4 Where:
Cardiff Hall
6:20 – 7:20 p.m.
Karin Denkova
Fee: $100.00
Register By: Mar. 26
Programs for People
Child and Youth Programs
Let’s Play - Beat The Winter Blues (6 - 10 YRS.)
Spend an exciting morning at Let’s Play indoor playground,
exploring their ball pits, slides, and obstacles. All this will
be capped off with a lunch before jumping over to the
theatre to catch the latest fun movie. Be sure to come
ready for fun on this great day!, Price include entry to
Let’s Play, game tokens, movie, kids movie treat and
Wednesday, Mar. 27
West Edmonton Mall Waterpark (8+ yrs.)
A day at West Edmonton Mall Waterpark is a great way
to spend a day of Spring Break! Take your time making
your way down the slides, hanging out in the wave pool
or gliding down the tube rides. You get your choice of
awesome meals for lunch at the park. Anybody who’s
ever been to this great waterpark knows of the limitless
fun there is to be had here. This trip is always a great time
for everyone involved
Thursday, Mar. 28
Sturgeon County
Programs for People
Sturgeon County Youth Council
is Looking for You!
Sturgeon County Youth Council meets every two weeks starting in
September. Meetings are one hour beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the
Community Services Building, 9610 – 100 Street, Morinville.
We are looking for youth who
like to plan activities
participate in group tasks
give back to the community by volunteering
Become part of our council. Call Jessica Gray, Recreation
Coordinator at 780-939-8333 or toll free 1-866-939-9303,
Make a difference in your community.
Sturgeon County
Strengthening families and the community
Programs for People
d by:
Family School Liaison Program offers confidential, preventative
counselling and referral services at no cost.
This program is available for school age children and their families that
either live in Sturgeon County or are enrolled in the Sturgeon School
Families may call about any concerns they may be facing at home or at
school. To contact a Family School Liaison Worker, please call 780-939-8334
or toll free 1-866-939-9303. Home visits can be arranged.
Sturgeon County
Programs for People
Adult Fitness Programs
Calisthenics Comeback – Cardiff Hall
Instructor Lara Thompson
Remember calisthenics? They may have taken a back
seat to some of the newest fitness fads, but calisthenics
deserve a comeback. Calisthenics exercises use
your own body as resistance, and they can be done
anywhere. Learn how to use an effective calisthenics
course to help you stay fit and learn how easy and
effective simple exercises can be.
High Intensity Tabata – Cardiff Hall
Instructor Lara Thompson
Founded in Japan, Tabata is high intensity interval
training designed to improve your aerobic and
anaerobic system. You will use 20 second, high intensity
intervals over a period of 8 minutes to improve cardio
and strength. Sounds easy, doesn’t it. But don’t be
fooled. This program will push you to your limits. (Note:
This is a 40 minute class)
Fat Blaster Boot Camp - Cardiff Hall
Instructor Lara Thompson
Have you had a little too much Christmas cheer? Don’t
miss this total body workout incorporating resistance
and circuit training that improves core strength, agility,
coordination and flexibility. Whether you are just
beginning your journey to physical fitness or you are
already exercising regularly, this program will help you
work toward achieving your fitness goals!
Step Cardio – Riviere Qui Barre
Instructor Teresa McRae
This is a great aerobic workout utilizing a combination
of step aerobics, power walking, low impact, and
strength training. This cross training program is
designed to meet the needs of beginners to the very fit
RQB Boot Camp - Riviere Qui Barre
Instructor Teresa McRae
Do you want a challenging workout? This fun and
energizing workout will combine drills and exercises
to work and train all aspects of physical fitness and
increase your cardiovascular workouts. Running will
be incorporated into this workout. Rain or shine, come
prepared to work outdoors/indoors. Some present
involvement in Fitness is recommended. The Spring,
Monday/Thursday classes will take place outside
(North end of Camilla School – Soccer Fields) weather
permitting, otherwise in the gym.
Body Pump – Riviere Qui Barre
Instructor Teresa McRae
During this muscular strength and conditioning class
you will get an overall workout utilizing your body
weight, free weights, body bars, bendar balls and
resistance bands, followed by a foam rolling stretch.
A.M. Yoga – Cardiff Hall
Instructor Karen Lakusta
This ancient Indian art of self-improvement
incorporates deep stretching, accompanied by breath
control and concentration, to create an effective
method of stress release and health enhancement. You
will increase your flexibility and muscle tone. Both the
Wednesday morning class and the Thursday evening
class are for all levels, including beginners and those
with special considerations due to injury. Morning Pilates – Cardiff Hall
Instructor Inside Out Fitness
Concentrating on the physical postures of yoga, this
unisex class places special attention to anatomical
alignment. Suitable for all levels, class is designed to
improve strength, balance and flexibility to help you
enjoy the benefits of a quiet mind and a relaxed body.
Get the length as well as the strength to define your
muscles and balance your day. This non-impact class
touches on core fitness, functional fitness, relaxation
and breathing techniques. Combat stress and tension
to improve concentration by devoting an hour to
enhance your physical yoga practice and regain the
balance in your everyday life.
Zumba – Cardiff Hall
Instructor Karin Denkova Please Note that the Friday
Morning Zumba Instructors T.B.A.
Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s
exactly what the Zumba© program is all about. It’s an
exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired,
calorie-burning dance fitness party™ that’s moving
millions of people toward health and joy.
Volleyball at Camilla School (ADULT 16+)
This recreational program gives participants with all
levels of experience an opportunity to enjoy volleyball
in a non-competitive, fun environment. The three hit
rule with equal play for all will be promoted. Registrants in Sturgeon County fitness programs will be asked to complete a Physical Activity Readiness
Questionnaire (PAR-Q) when registering. To access the PAR-Q online, visit our website at www.sturgeoncounty.
ca Click on “Library” then → “Forms” → under Community Services, click on "PAR-Q"
Course Program & Location
Fat Blaster Boot Camp - Cardiff Hall
Mon., Jan. 7 – Mar. 18
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Step Cardio - Camilla School – R.Q.B.
Mon., Jan. 7 – Mar. 18
7:15 – 8:15 p.m.
Zumba - Cardiff Hall
Tues., Jan. 15 – Mar. 19
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
High Intensity Tabata - Cardiff Hall
Wed., Jan. 16 – Mar. 20
9:00 – 9:40 a.m.
A.M. Yoga - Cardiff Hall
Wed., Jan. 16 – Mar. 20
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Calisthenics Comeback - Cardiff Hall
Wed., Jan. 16 – Mar. 20
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
High Intensity Tabata – Cardiff Hall
Thur., Jan. 17 – Mar. 21
7:00 – 7:40 p.m.
Body Pump - Camilla School – R.Q.B.
Thurs., Jan. 17 – Mar. 21 7:15 – 8:15 p.m.
Morning Pilates - Cardiff Hall
Fri., Jan. 18 – Mar. 22
9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Zumba – Cardiff Hall
Fri., Jan. 18 – Mar. 22
10:45 – 11:45 a.m.
Morning Pilates Childcare - Cardiff Hall
Fri., Jan. 18 – Mar. 22
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. or $44/one child
10:45 – 11:45 a.m.
$66/two child
NOTE: Drop ins are not taken in Childcare classes. Call us to find out if there is availability for occasional
Course Program & Location
Fat Blaster Boot Camp - Cardiff Hall
Mon., Apr. 8 – Jun. 3
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
RQB Boot Camp - Camilla School
Mon & Thurs.,
Apr. 8 – May 9
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Zumba - Cardiff Hall
Tues., Apr. 2 – Jun. 4
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
High Intensity Tabata - Cardiff Hall
Wed., Apr. 3 – Jun. 5
9:00 – 9:40 a.m.
A.M. Yoga - Cardiff Hall
Wed., Apr. 3 – Jun. 5
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Calisthenics Comeback - Cardiff Hall
Wed., Apr. 3 – Jun. 5
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
High Intensity Tabata – Cardiff Hall
Thurs., Apr. 4 – Jun. 6
7:00 – 7:40 p.m.
Morning Pilates - Cardiff Hall
Fri., Apr. 5 – Jun. 7
9:30 –10:30 a.m.
Zumba – Cardiff Hall
Fri., Apr. 5 – Jun. 7
10:45 – 11:45 a.m.
Morning Pilates Childcare - Cardiff Hall
Fri., Jan. 18 – Mar. 22
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. or $44/one child
10:45 – 11:45 a.m.
$66/two child
Sturgeon County
Adult Fitness Programs
Programs for People
NOTE: Drop Ins are not taken in Childcare classes. Call us to find out if there is availability for occasional
Course Program & Location
Volleyball Winter Session – Camilla School
Gym (RQB)
Tues., Jan. 15 – Mar. 19
7:15 – 9:00 p.m.
Volleyball Spring Session – Camilla School
Gym (RQB)
Tues. Apr. 2 – May 14
7:15 – 9:00 p.m.
Please register at least seven days prior to the start date as this is when we will decide if there are sufficient
registrations to run the course. No classes on Statutory Holidays including Family Day, Good Friday,
Easter Monday and Victoria Day.
Sturgeon County
Programs for People
Seniors Programs and Activities (50+)
The Senior Citizens Advisory Board is a regional
collaborative group with representation from nine
different Senior’s organizations within the Sturgeon
Region. The purpose of the board is to provide
opportunity to network with other organizations serving
seniors and provides ongoing learning opportunities.
The Senior Citizens Advisory Board meets on the second
Thursday in January, March, May, September and
November. For more information, contact Jessica Gray
at 780-939-8333 or 1-866-939-9303, ext 333.
Bon Accord Golden Gems (50+)
Contact: Tom 780-974-4245
Cost: Annual membership fee $20.
Activities: Shuffleboard, pool, cards, shopping trips,
regular meetings and holiday potluck meals.
Calahoo Golden Agers (50+)
Contact: Stan 780-967-4129
Annual membership fee $10.
Activities: Monthly meetings, carpet bowling, outings,
cards and lunch.
Mearns St. Charles Angels Club (50+)
Contact: Yvonne 780-939-3312.
No annual fee.
Activities: Floor curling, cards, bowling, monthly
meetings, potluck meals, outings and holidays events.
Morinville Seniors’ Rendez-vous Center (50+)
Contact: 780-939-2727 or
Annual membership fee $20.
Activities: Bridge, floor curling, 500 Club, Military
Whist, cribbage, shuffleboard, billiards, drop-in coffee
time, collective kitchen, movie night, knitting, computer
classes, choir and more..! Namao Sixty Plus Club (50+)
Contact: Jack 780-973-5983.
Cost: Annual membership fee $12.
Activities: Cards, outings and lunches. The group
gathers the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at the
Namao Hall to play Whist! 1st Thursday is an outing for
a group lunch. Hope to see you soon!
Hurry Hard!
Gibbons Seniors Twilight Club (50+)
Contact: Jock 780-923-2030.
Cost: Annual membership fee $2.
Activities: Dinners,
shuffleboard, pool, bingo, outings and carpet bowling.
Legal Club 60 Roses (50+)
Contact: Georgette 780-961-3041
Annual membership fee $10.
Activities:Monthly Sunday breakfast, learn and play
cards, crafts, regular meetings, Mother’s Day and
Thanksgiving Bake Sales, Christmas raffles and FREE
Library book exchange open to everyone! New members,
new energy and new ideas always welcome!
Redwater & District Pioneer Club (55+)
Contact: Lorraine 780-398-3679.
Annual membership fee $10.
Activities: Morning coffee, floor curling, monthly
Sunday breakfast and monthly Birthday Party.
Redwater & District Seniors
Transportation Society
Contact: Lorraine 780-398-3679
No annual fee. Bus transportation cost varies depending on distance of the trip.
Activities: Transportation to dinner theatre, casino, mall
trips etc. usually twice a month.
Contact: Jean 780-460-4206
Cost: Annual membership fee $10.
Activities: Floor curling, regular meetings, cards, lunch,
outings, holiday meals.
Senior Swimming
An opportunity to go swimming, do some shopping
and have lunch all in one activity. Fee covers cost
of transportation for the day’s event. Participant is
responsible for all other fees. Call Brenda at
780-939-8334 to reserve a spot on the bus.
WHERE: Harbour Pool, Fort Saskatchewan
Departs 9:45 am (Morinville, Namao)
Aquasize/Swim 10-12 noon
Shopping/Lunch 12 noon to 1 pm
Return 1:30 - 1:45 pm (Morinville, Namao)
BUS FEE: $6.00 per trip
Sturgeon County
A registration form can be found on page 5 or
visit our website:
She worked. She saved.
They stole.
Sturgeon Victim Services needs you to help
those who never thought it could happen to them.
Call today to learn more
about becoming a volunteer.
Programs for People
Seniors Programs and Activities (50+)
Do you have some spare time?
Do you have a desire to help others in
your community?
Sturgeon Victim Services is a program delivered
by volunteers under the direction of the
Morinville RCMP.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer visit
our website for more information or contact our
office by phone at 780-939-4590 or by email at
We are a confidential information/referral
provider and resource for:
children & youth programs  family programs  parenting resources
addictions  family violence supports  aboriginal resources & programs
mental health  counseling  divorce /separation resources
local recreation programs summer camps  work search & employment
local program guides  seniors’ services  and more!
One call or visit can connect you to the information,
program, service or support you are seeking.
drop in:
780.923.2374 (toll free: 780.413.9153)
5015– 50th Street, Gibbons
We’re proud to serve residents & community groups from Bon Accord,
Gibbons, Legal, Morinville and Redwater, the Edmonton Garrison, the
City of Fort Saskatchewan and from within the Sturgeon Region.