
Courses & Workshops
Winter 2011
Visit us
@ the Hingham Shipyard
p: 781.383.2787 > f: 781.383.2964 >
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Day, evening and weekend courses and workshops are offered for
students of all abilities in all media.
Interested in an art class, but uncertain where to begin?
Courses recommended for beginners include Basic Drawing #300, No Fear Drawing
#301, Painting with Acrylics #323, Monoprinting #340, as well as courses in ceramics
and photography.
Exhibition Calendar
South Shore Art Center’s mission is to enrich the communities south of Boston by
fostering an understanding and appreciation of the visual arts through exhibitions
and education.
19 Bancroft Gallery—Body Language —National Show
juried by George Nick
Dillon Gallery—Small Works by Gallery Artists
Faculty Feature—Anne Heywood
Crossen Student Gallery—Students of Anne Heywood
Weekend Workshops
Bancroft Gallery—Motion: South Shore Art Center
Gallery Artists, juried by Perry Price
Dillon Gallery—A Show of Hands: Jeremy Barnard, Lucretia Chase, Children’s Classes
Jack Dickerson, Eleanor Elkin, Peggy Roth Major, Michele Meister, Beverly Rippel and Isabel Shamitz
Faculty Feature—Seana Carmody
See our weekend workshops on pages 11–12
Students must be 4½ years old. See pages 16–17 for courses and workshops for
elementary, middle and high school students.
Studio Art Foundation Program
For students looking for a formalized program of study, the Art Center offers guidance
and a recommended course track, culminating in a Certificate in Studio Art Foundation.
Please call us if you need any assistance in choosing the right class for you!
Visit us @ the Hingham Shipyard, 18 Shipyard Drive, Suite 1A
Bancroft Gallery—Upon Further Consideration—David Lang and
Virginia Fitzgerald
Dillon Gallery—Wes Carlson, D. Peter Collins, Dana Malcolm,
Jan McElhinny, Vcevy Strekalovsky
Faculty Feature—Sheilagh Flynn
Bancroft Gallery—National Juried Show—Sources • Origins
Juried by Howard Yezerski
Faculty Feature—Charissa Roberts
Crossen Student Gallery—Students of Evelina Brozgul
Table of Contents
Adult Courses & Workshops....................................................................4–12
Hingham Shipyard....................................................................................13
Faculty Roster............................................................................................15
Children/Teens Courses & Workshops.................................................16–18
The picture appeared in our Fall Brochure.
It was taken by artist Mariette Perdigao
Community Outreach Programs...............................................................21
Gallery Artist Corner...........................................................................23–24
Contributing Members • Donors • Sponsors • Business Members..............25–27
Art Center Directory...................................................................................28
Cover Image: Behind the Yellow Line, Nancy Colella
Gallery Rental Information..........................................................................29
Registration Information.......................................................................30–31
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Adult Courses & Workshops
• Please register early to avoid disappointment. You may register online at, call (781)383-2787 to
register by phone with a credit card or
see registration page for mail-in information. Tuition includes a $25 non-returnable registration fee.
• No classes will be held February
21 through February 25, school
vacation week.
• Young adults, 15 years and older, are
welcome to enroll in most adult courses
with the permission of the instructor.
• Materials are included for Children
and Teen Courses and Workshops unless
noted. Students must provide their own
materials for Adult Courses and Workshops unless noted.
• An asterisk (*) following a course
number denotes a course eligible for one
Massachusetts College of Art undergraduate credit for $125 additional fee.
Studio Art Foundation Program
South Shore Art Center offers a new program for students looking to formalize their
art studies. Upon completion of a specially designed curriculum, SSAC will award
students a Certificate in Studio Art Foundation. Participants in the program will have
ongoing support of Art Center faculty to evaluate work and assist in course selection.
Certificate Students will have priority registration and be assisted in creating a portfolio of work from their selected courses for presentation and exhibition. They also will
have the opportunity to exhibit at SSAC in Certificate Student shows. Courses must be
completed within three years of registration. Registration fee for this program is $50.
Contact 781-383-2787 for more information.
Drawing and Painting
300 Basic Drawing
Two Sessions
Judy Rossman
The ability to draw is not inherited, it
is a learned skill. That ability is directly
related to ones’ observational skills. Being able to see the basic structure of all
objects is the first step (similar to reading
music). Through a series of exercises,
assignments, and “homework”, students
will strengthen their observational skills
and their drawing skills. Composition,
value studies, line, texture and color will
broaden their understanding of the drawing process. This class can accommodate
both beginner and intermediate levels
in a supportive environment with lots of
one-on-one instruction. Continuing students may complete works in progress.
300a 1/14–2/18 Fri am 10:00–1:00
300b 1/18–3/1 Tues pm 6:00–9:00
$165M $205NM 6 classes
First year focus:
Basic Drawing (48 hours minimum)
Color Theory (10 hours minimum)
Intro to Painting (24 hours minimum Oil, Acrylic, or Watercolor)
Elective choice (24 hours)
© Lucy Wightman
Drawing II (24 hours minimum)
Art History (12 hours)
Painting Elective (24 hours minimum)
Elective choice (24 hours)
Elective courses:
Advanced Drawing (24 hours)
Printmaking (24 hours)
Photography (16 hours)
3D Ceramics (24 hours)
Sculpture (24 hours)
Visiting Art Workshops (18 hours minimum)
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
302 Pastel Atelier
Donna Rossetti-Bailey
This experience for the intermediate and
experienced pastel artist will provide five
hours of uninterrupted studio and plein
air painting time each week. Each session
will include instruction, one-on-one easel
time, critiques, and lots of information
exchanges. All students will be encouraged to express their own personal style
and imagery. We will have fun, laugh and
learn from one another in this extended
class. We will work outside when weather
permits. Some materials provided. Bring
your lunch.
1/19–3/30 Wed am 9:00–2:00
$350M $390NM 10 classes
(includes additional materials fee)
303 Drawing for Painting
Second year focus:
Lavender and Green, Donna Rossetti-Bailey
301 No Fear Drawing—Basic Drawing
Marion Carlson
You can draw! Each week, a principle of
design will be introduced. This hands–on
approach will give you the tools to have
a successful drawing. You will learn line,
texture, value, contrast, negative space
and more in this supportive two-hour
1/24–3/21 Mon pm 6:30–8:30
$145M $185NM 8 classes
Evelina Brozgul
In this intensive still life class you will
learn to draw “exactly what you see”
from life and will progress to being able
to draw without inhibitions or fears. The
goal of the class is to train your eye to
look, not just see what is on the stand.
You will receive assignments that will train
your hand and eye coordination and
develop an intelligent and strong classical
technique often forgotten by contemporary artists. Finally you will examine how
value relates to color and how drawing is
necessary for classical painting.
1/20–3/17 Thurs am 9:30–12:30
$205M $245NM 8 classes
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Adult Courses & Workshops
What you need to know ...
Adult Courses & Workshops
Sarah Roche
Led by a professional botanical artist
and experienced teacher, students will
explore the world of botanical art. Using
traditional drawing and watercolor techniques, work towards producing a lifelike
and accurate botanical painting. All abilities are welcome as there will be plenty of
demonstration and individual attention. 1/31–3/14 Mon am 9:30–12:30
$165M $205NM 6 classes
306 No Fear Drawing—Phase 2
Marion Carlson
With the basics in hand, No Fear Drawing
Phase 2 will take the next step implementing these skills. Each week a design element will be introduced. Class members
will learn gradation, repetition, balance,
size, shape and how to organize a successful drawing.
1/19–3/16 Wed pm 6:30–8:30
$145M $185NM 8 classes
Qingxiong Ma
This course will introduce the basics of
Chinese brush painting. Students will
explore birds and flowers with a combination of Chinese brush painting and
Western techniques. Using freehand
brushwork, the emphasis will be on
expressiveness, individual interpretation and abstraction through exaggeration. Students will use ink, watercolor,
gouache, and acrylic on rice paper to
create wonderful visual effects.
1/18–2/15 Tuesday 10:00–4:00
$225M $265NM 5 classes
310* Beginner/Intermediate Watercolor
Mary Callahan
Designed for all levels of the watercolorist, this course will first provide the
fundamentals and then explore the many
techniques of watercolor. Work from
still life set-ups, photos or from your
imagination. Emphasis will be on color
and design, with the goal of creating an
organized emotional statement.
1/20–3/31 Thurs am 9:00–12:00
$240M $280NM 10 classes
Chinese Brush Painting:
The Landscape
Late Start
Qingxiong Ma
In this course, Chinese brush students will
further their painting skills, with a special
emphasis on the Chinese landscape. As
in “Flowers and Birds”, students will use
ink, watercolor, gouache, and acrylic
on rice paper to create wonderful visual
3/1–3/29 Tuesday 10:00–4:00
$225M $265NM 5 classes
Tuscan Villa, Mary Callahan
Chinese Brush Painting:
Flowers and Birds
Basic Watercolor—
Bare Bones
Lilly Cleveland
This course is designed to start people in
painting. Students will start with supplies
and explanation of colors, paper, palette
and brushes. We will paint a still life,
landscape, monochromatic or work from
photographs. Each class is designed with
a planned lesson in shapes, composition,
values (lights and darks) and color combinations. The first half hour will be spent
drawing a thumbnail sketch of the subject
and then we will paint through to a
finished piece. The supply list is designed
so students can start painting affordably.
Demonstrations will focus on colors and
1/24–3/21 Mon pm 1:30–4:30
$205M $235NM 8 classes
Financial Aid Available
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
323 Painting With Acrylics
Fruits, Lilly Cleveland
Nutshell Workshop
Late Fall
Lilly Cleveland
Have you ever been intrigued by small
works? Are you focused on that tiny painting which you can see from across the
room when you are in a gallery? Learn
watercolor techniques as they apply to the
creation of smaller paintings. Four-session
workshop will explore basic set up in
watercolor, papers, techniques and subject
matter. The goal will be to create a small
work—start to finish—to be matted, ready
for a frame given as a gift. This workshop
will result in one or two finished pieces.
11/29–12/13 Mon pm 1:30–4:30
$95M $125NM 3 classes
Oil Painting—Basics for Beginners
Charissa Roberts Explore oil painting in this personalized
class. Each week students will be introduced to a new subject including still life,
landscape, and floral. Emphasis will be
on the possibilities of the medium, color,
composition and techniques. Personal
goals will be discussed and supported.
321a 1/20–3/17 Thurs pm 6:30–9:30
321b 1/21–3/18 Fri am 9:30–12:30
$205M $245NM 8 classes
Lisa Marder
Explore this versatile medium while learning the basics of drawing and painting.
We will use still life, photographs, the
landscape, the figure, sketchbooks, and
works of other artists as sources of inspiration. While experimenting with color,
line, value, texture, and composition we
will produce both representational and
abstract works in a fun, relaxed, and supportive atmosphere. Beginning as well as
continuing students are welcome.
1/18–2/15 Tues pm 1:00–4:00
$145M $185NM 5 classes
Just Grazing, Lisa Marder
324 Believable Textures in Oil New
Evelina Brozgul
Students will learn how to paint realistic
textures of glass, fur, fruit, clouds, metal,
hair etc. and understand how the masters handled the paint to create believable textures that we so marvel at when
looking at Dutch still lives, landscapes
and portraits. There will be challenging
assignments and lots of practice.
1/19–3/16 Wed pm 6:30–9:30
$205M $245NM 8 classes
326 Glow—Painting Techniques
Joan Brancale
Learn a way to use alkyd paints with oils
and liquin on an absorbent panel to
capture the bright colors and soft edges
of flowers and fruit. Achieve a luminous
effect by using fast drying transparent
glazes that yield an “old masters” look
taught by late artist Thomas Buechner
in his workshops, magazine articles and
books. Joan studied with Buechner and
honors his legacy. This course is geared
for students with painting experience in
any media.
1/18–3/1 Tues am 9:30–12:30
$165M $205NM 6 classes
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Adult Courses & Workshops
305 Winter’s Bounty—Botanical
Drawing and Painting
Adult Courses & Workshops
Dianne Panarelli Miller
This class will begin with an informative
demonstration to help students see how
to begin a painting. The instructor will
work with students on an individual basis
to help them improve at their own speed.
Students will work from still life set ups.
Dianne will blend the discipline of Academic Traditional Methods with the freedom of “Alla Prima” (all in one sitting) to
help students learn the fundamentals to
create a painting that is structurally sound
in color, composition and technique.
Whether you are a beginner or advanced
artist you will benefit from this class.
1/24–3/21 Mon am 9:30–12:30
$205M $245NM 8 classes
Commonwealth Avenue, Dianne Panarelli Miller
Printmaking/Mixed Media
340 Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced
Esther Maschio
Learn something new to stretch your
imagination. Monoprinting is the most
accessible and experimental of any of the
visual arts. Technique and process are
taught by means of sequential demonstrations starting with basic lessons. An
indirect process, imagery is applied to
a Plexiglas surface then transferred to
archival paper by means of an etching
press. Students will learn about mixing inks, roll-ups, viscosity, color theory
simplified, additive, subtractive, trace
drawing, transfers, blind embossing and
chine colle among others. Individual
attention is given during each class and
group experience and interaction with
other students all combine to create a
stimulating atmosphere with lots of room
for meaningful and fascinating learning
curves. Students at all levels of experience
are welcome.
1/24–4/4 Mon pm 6:00–9:00
$260M $295NM 10 classes
(includes a $25 materials fee for inks and
limited paper)
Michael McNabb, Coordinator
Develop your skills in drawing from the
model in this ongoing class. Please call
the Coordinator 781-545-4991 if you
plan to attend.
ongoing Monday evening7:00–10:00
$7M $9NM per session model fee
payable at class
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Esther Maschio
Monoprinting can be a highly experimental medium for creating strikingly unique
works of art. An indirect process, typically
imagery is created on a Plexiglas plate
and then transferred by means of an
etching press to archival paper. Brayers
and brushes are the primary tools used.
Methods and techniques include: additive, subtractive, mixing inks, roll-ups,
viscosity transparencies, color layering,
multiple plate printing, plate registration,
color theory simplified, trace drawing,
collage, chine colle and more. Students
will work with instructor to define goals
and then set a plan to begin work. In
this dynamic and energetic studio environment, exploration and growth are
emphasized at the individual and group
1/24–4/4 Monday 9:00–2:00
$330M $365NM 10 classes
(includes a $20 materials fee for inks)
Mixed Media/3D
365 Collage
Gary Nisbet
Collage is a unique and immediate
means of artistic expression. Students will
be guided through the process of gathering, assembling and creating their own
special visual language by using a variety
of personal collage materials. Techniques
of metallic leaf, crackle finishes, and
painting on collage will also be introduced. Be inspired by new materials,
applications and assembly. Students will
work on a number of 2D and 3D mixed
media projects and will be taught simple
exercises that will help them discover their
own individual creative process.
1/18–3/15 Tues pm 6:30–9:30
$205M $245NM 8 classes
500 Life Drawing and Painting Studio Register early!
Susan II, Lisa Flynn
Potter’s Wheel & More
Janice Bracken
This intermediate/advanced ceramic
class will cover wheel techniques as well
as slab, coil and handbuilding. Glaze
applications will be demonstrated and
independent projects welcome in this very
supportive class. Open to all students
with some studio experience.
1/19–3/30 Wed pm 6:30–9:30
$295M $335NM (includes materials fee)
353 Sculpting with Paper Clay
Ann Conte
Paper clay is clay that has been mixed with
paper pulp. Its properties allow an innovative method of using clay which would not
be possible with a regular clay body. It’s
easy to use, extremely strong in its unfired
stage and easy to repair at any stage in
the process. When fired, it is much lighter
than conventional clay and is useful for
wall installations and delicate sculptural
forms. Students will explore handbuilding
and sculptural techniques that will go beyond traditional clay boundaries. Previous
ceramic experience helpful.
1/20–3/31 Thurs pm 6:30–9:30
$295M $335NM 10 classes
(includes materials and firing fee)
Clay Work Sheilagh Flynn
This course includes instruction in handbuilding and wheelthrowing techniques.
Beginners will learn the basics of clay: slab
and coil construction, wheelwork, and
glazing. Advanced students will explore
more complicated pieces such as teapots
and larger scale pieces. The class will also
investigate different surface/decorating
techniques such as slips, scrafitto, paper
resist, carving and glazes.
1/18–3/29 Tuesday pm 6:30–9:30
$295M $335NM 10 classes
(includes materials and firing fee)
Financial Aid Available
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Adult Courses & Workshops
327 “Alla Prima” Class
Adult Courses & Workshops
Basic Digital Photography Tim Waite
Learn how to maximize the digital camera. Students will learn the fundamentals
of exposure by taking advantage of the
features and functionality specific to their
own digital camera. This course will focus
on the technical aspects of digital photography, including image file formats,
lens selection, the light metering, and developing your own digital workflow. You
will build on your abilities week-to-week
through various assignments created
to reinforce the topics you’ve learned.
Students should bring their cameras and
manuals to class. Digital SLR cameras
required. For more information please
1/20–3/17 Thurs pm 7:30–9:30
$160M $185NM 8 classes
404 A Day in the “Pastel Studio”
Anne Heywood
Warm up your painting talents this winter
with one full day of pastel painting each
month in a casual and supportive environment. Begin each day watching a
demonstration, then enjoy painting your
masterpiece (your choice of subject) with
professional guidance. Each class ends
with a constructive group critique. Class
demonstration topics: Still Life (January),
Snow Scene (February), Spring Landscape
(March). Class size is limited; suggested
materials list is provided upon registration.
1/22, 2/26, 3/26 9:30–4:30
$195M $220NM 3 classes
Bring your lunch at 12:30 and stay for
this fascinating lecture-style class on art
“Tony’s presentation was thorough,
entertaining, and lively…People enthusiastically raved about the course”
—Linda Hayes, Duxbury
Il passaggio, Anne Heywood
Art History: Abstract Art and
the Modern Temper
Tony Pilla
This course will follow the development
of abstract visual art in the first half of
the 20c. by focusing on artworks which
were of critical importance in shaping
that trend in Europe and America. A
secondary focus will be on the styles
and movements associated with these
art works and the role each artist played
in their development. Each week the
discussion will focus on seminal artworks
in particular with general references to
other works which influenced it or were
influenced by it in subsequent years. The
focus will be on works by Picasso, Duchamp, Miro, Kandinsky, Stuart Davis, and
Jackson Pollock
1/27–3/10 Thurs pm 1:30–3:30
$90M $110NM 6 classes
Loosen Up—Painting in an Hour
Nancy Colella
The practice of creating a painting
from start to finish in one hour teaches
you how to think more spontaneously and
produce more lively and intuitive work.
It helps simplify the process. Generous,
quick, well-places strokes will give you
fresher, simpler and more effective paintings. You are able to say a lot with a little.
This two-day workshop will include demos,
painting sessions and critiques. Still life
and photos will be used for inspiration.
2/26–2/27 Sat & Sun10:00–4:00
$150M $175NM 2 classes
Register early!
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Barbara Poole
Students will learn how to create beautiful “Nuno Felt” by combining a silk base
with wool, laying the wool on top of the
silk and then felting them together. Nuno
felt is lightweight with drape and flexibility.
There are many possibilities for transparency, exciting texture, and layering
of materials with diverse characteristics.
Students will finish the class with a completed scarf.
1/29 Saturday 10:00–3:00
$120M $145NM 1 class
($30 materials fee payable to instructor)
488 Color Theory Simplified
Judy Rossman
Through a series of structured sequential
exercises, students will understand the
basics of color mixing. This understanding will endow the student with skill and
confidence in any color media he/she
approaches including watercolor, oils,
acrylics, oil pastels, colored pencil and
gouache. A simple still life will be completed utilizing techniques experienced in
previous exercises.
3/20 & 3/27 Sunday 11:00–4:00
$115M $155NM 2 classes
GOLDEN Acrylic Demo
Free—Call to reserve a spot!
Adria Arch
Learn valuable information about acrylics, guiding you through the basics while
opening up new possibilities. We’ll see
how mineral and modern pigments
relates to clean color mixing, glazing and the creation of fabulous new
colors. Learn the unique properties of
Fluids, Heavy Body, and the new, slower
drying OPEN acrylics. Discover Interference and Iridescent paints for unusual
effects. Get exposed to the many gels
and mediums and how they can change
the texture, saturation and intensity of
your work. Check out the amazing new
grounds to prepare contemporary surfaces for painting, drawing, pastel and
mixed media. We will demonstrate how
to extend your paint to save you money!
Discover how acrylics can simulate oil
and watercolor, yet are infinitely more
versatile. Get your questions answered
and take home free samples to try later!
Adria Arch is a mixed media artist,
teacher and arts administrator.
1/30 Sunday afternoon 1:00
Reservations Required
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Adult Courses & Workshops
453 Nuno Felt @ The Shipyard—Courses & Workshops
H302No Fear Drawing—Basic
Drawing Techniques
Marion Carlson You CAN draw! Each week a basic
principle of design will be introduced
including line, texture, value, contrast,
negative space and more. This hands-on
approach, in a very supportive environment, will give you the tools to produce a
successful drawing.
1/13–2/17 Thurs am 10:00–12:00
$125M $165NM 6 classes
Dianne Panarelli Miller
This class will begin with an informative
demonstration to help students see how
to begin a painting. The instructor will
work with students on an individual basis
to help them improve at their own speed.
Students will work from still life set ups.
Dianne will blend the discipline of Academic Traditional Methods with the freedom of “Alla Prima” (all in one sitting) to
help students learn the fundamentals to
create a painting that is structurally sound
in color, composition and technique.
Whether you are a beginner or advanced
artist you will benefit from this class.
1/13–2/17 Thurs pm 6:30–9:30
$165M $205NM 6 classes
Basic Digital Photography Tim Waite
Learn how to maximize the digital camera.
Students will learn the fundamentals of exposure by taking advantage of the features
and functionality specific to their own digital camera. This course will focus on the
technical aspects of digital photography,
including image file formats, lens selection, the light metering, and developing
your own digital workflow. You will build on
your abilities week-to-week through various
assignments created to reinforce the topics
you’ve learned. Students should bring their
cameras and manuals to class. Digital SLR
cameras required. For more information
please visit
1/12–2/16 Wed pm 7:00–9:00
$125M $165NM 6 classes
H138Beginning Drawing (Grades 4–7)
Julie McAskill
Projects are designed to develop young
artists’ ability to “see” what they wish to
draw. Students will be guided towards developing drawing skills while encouraging
personal expression and creativity. They
will produce line drawings of cartoons,
animals, fish and birds following a step
by step demonstration and will be encouraged to work with their own creativity
and ideas through the weeks to produce
a unique finished piece.
1/13–2/17 Thurs pm 4:15–5:45
$120M $140NM 6 classes
H320 Oil Painting
Evelina Brozgul
In this course for beginning and intermediate students, you will develop fundamental painting skills, while exploring the
potential for self-expression inherent in
oil painting techniques. Studio exercises
include direct observation and response
to still life, as well as instruction for
painting the human figure. Students will
be introduced to the traditional painting
process, from stretching and priming the
canvas to the final glazing. Emphasis
is on clean, non-muddy color and the
human proportions through a painterly
technique. Close observation of the
paint layers and different techniques will
also be discussed. Students will receive
individual attention at every level of their
1/14–2/18 Fri am 10:00–1:00
$175M $215NM 6 classes At the Strangers Ball, Evelina Brozgul
The Shipyard facility is located @
18 Shipyard Drive, Suite 1A—next to
Hingham Beer Works
C, Gary Nisbet
H365 Collage
Gary Nisbet
Collage is a unique and immediate
means of artistic expression. Students will
be guided through the process of gathering, assembling and creating their own
special visual language by using a variety
of personal collage materials. Techniques
of metallic leaf, crackle finishes, and
painting on collage will also be introduced. Be inspired by new materials,
applications and assembly. Students will
work on a number of 2D and 3D mixed
media projects and will be taught simple
exercises that will help them discover their
own individual creative process.
1/12–2/16 Wed am 10:00–1:00
$175M $205NM 6 classes
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Tuesday–Wednesday 10 am–6 pm
Thursday–Saturday 10 am–7 pm
Sunday—Noon–5 pm
NOW OPEN for classes, gallery
exhibitions and sales! South Shore Art
Center @ Hingham Shipyard. Current exhibition: The Hingham Scene,
features artwork of Hingham or by
Hingham artists. Jewelry, glass and
pottery is also available. All art is the
work of South Shore Art Center Gallery
Artists. Craft items represent the work
of invited South Shore Art Center Arts
Festival artists.
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Hingham @ The Shipyard Location & Opening
H329 “Alla Prima” Class
Visiting Artists
Since 1999, South Shore Art Center has hosted master workshops with outstanding,
nationally-recognized artists. The Visiting Artist program provides a challenging and
in-depth opportunity for participants to be nurtured and inspired in our studios and
on location—taking advantage of the stunning coastal landscape. Each summer/fall,
hundreds of working artists and students from throughout New England participate in
three-five day workshops.
Ken Auster
Stuart Baron
Kim Bernard
Pam Bernard
Laura Blacklow
Linda Bond
Carol Bolsey
Lee Boynton
Christopher Chippendale
Karen Christians
Jared Clackner
Doug Dawson
Frank Federico
Susan Fisher
Randy Frost
Carole Ann Fer
Jesseca Ferguson
Linda Heppes Funk
Erica Funkhouser
Frank Gohlke
Jane Goldman
Bonney Goldstein
Barbara Grad
Julie Graham
Gretchen Halpert
Nona Hershey
Nancy Howell
Jon Imber
Joel Janowitz
Catherine Kehoe
Colleen Kiely
Peter Madden
John Brooks Maginnis
Elizabeth McKim
Margaret McWethy
Antonia Ramis Miguel
Janet Monafo
George Nick
Leon Nigrosh
Hugh O’Donnell
Rose Pellicano
Ron Pokrasso
Richard Raiselis
Peter Schroth
Robert Siegelman
Annie Silverman
Tracy Spadafora
Peter Spataro
William Ternes
Sean Thomas
Josette Urso
Dan Welden
Ann Wessman
Heidi Whitman
Dan Wills
Carol Woodin
Bert Yarborough
South Shore Art Center Winter 2011 Faculty
M.Ed. Eastern Nazarene College
B.S. Westfield State College
M.F.A. Tisch School, New York University
B.A. Mount Holyoke
M.F.A. The School of the Museum of Fine
Arts, Tufts University
B.F.A. The Cooper Union School of Art,
New York
B.A. Bridgewater State College
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth,
Art Institute of Boston
M.F.A. Massachusetts College of Art
B.F.A. The Art Institute @ Lesley University
R.H. Ives Gammell Atelier
Vesper George College of Art
California State University
Massasoit Community College
New England School of Art & Design
M.F.A. Tufts University
Diploma, School of the Museum of Fine
Arts, Boston
B.S. Tufts University
B.A. Suffolk University
B.A. Boston University
Massachusetts College of Art
M.S.A.E. Massachusetts College of Art
B.F.A. Museum School of Fine Arts,
Diploma, Tufts University
B.F.A. Rochester Institute of Technology
B.A. Muskingum College
B.A. University of West England
B.F.A. Massachusetts College of Art
B.F.A. Boston University
B.A. Boston College
B.A. Bridgewater State College
B.F.A. Syracuse University
Teacher’s Certificate Michigan State
B.F.A. University of Massachusetts
The Academy of Chinese Painting, Beijing
M.Ed. Lesley University
B.A. Massachusetts College of Art
Professional experience
M.L.A. Harvard University
B.A. Williams College
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Children/Teens Courses & Workshops
Visiting Artists since 1999
Children/Teens Courses & Workshops
Come & create with us! Our faculty
members are experienced and creative
art teachers who love to explore the world
of art with children and young adults.
Students ages 16+ are able to enroll in
adult courses.
• Courses need a minimum of 5 students to run. Please help ensure that our
classes run by signing up no later than 7
days prior to the first class.
• Please take $10 off the total tuition if
you are registering for more than one
110My Favorite Things
(ages 4 ½ and up) Seana Carmody
Young artists will paint, draw, sculpt and
create self-portraits, “me collages” and
artistic masterpieces that celebrate their
favorite things.
1/21–4/1 Fri am 10:00–11:30
$165M $195NM 10 classes
115Wild Things (grades K–1)
Patrice Kelley
Students will make wild and crazy mythological creatures using papier mache,
paint, sculpture, collage and drawing
1/24–4/4 Mon pm 4:00–5:00
$130M $160NM 10 one-hour classes
Holidays & Weather Policy
• No class during February school vacation week, February 21-25.
•In the event of inclement weather, the
Art Center follows the Cohasset Public
Schools school closings. Should a storm
emerge during the day, please call 781383-2787 x 10 for any class cancellations.
Our Youngest Artists
(4 1/2 and up)
107Adventures in Art
(ages 4½ and up)
Ann Conte
On a fun-filled journey of the imagination, students will paint, draw, build,
sculpt and create.
1/24–4/4 Mon pm 1:00–2:30
$165M $195NM 10 classes
139Hands in Clay (grades 1–4)
Ann Conte
Have your children sink their hands into
cool clay and create wonderful, colorful
ceramic pieces. Students will be encouraged to experiment and use their imaginations. Finished pieces will be glazed
and fired.
1/19–3/30 Wed pm 4:00–5:30 $195M $225NM 10 classes
147Collage Club (grades 5–8)
Gary Nisbet Students will explore the art of collage
and learn about contemporary collage/
multi-media artists Wayne Thiebaud,
David Hockney and Andy Goldsworthy.
Students will create masterpieces using
magazine pages, postcards, stamps, etc.
and build sculpture out of recycled materials—including things from nature such
as sticks, rocks and leaves.
1/18–3/29 Tues pm 4:00–6:00
$185M $215NM 10 classes
Draw & Sketch II (grades 6–8)
Seana Carmody A ten-week exploration of drawing and
quick sketching with emphasis on line,
form and value. Students will experiment
with pencils, colored pencils, pastel and
watercolor and will take advantage of
nice weather days to do quick journal
sketching outdoors. Students are encouraged to bring their own small drawing
1/20–3/31 Thurs pm 4:00–6:00
$185M $215NM 10 classes
174 Saturday Ceramics
Learning from the Masters Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
DigIn—Create with Clay
(grades 5–8)
Please note 3:30 start!
Ann Conte
Clay projects of all types for all types—
experienced or newcomers. Hand built
coil, slab, the potter’s wheel, and glazing
will be explored. Bring your creative ideas
and your imagination—and dig in! All
pieces will be glazed and fired.
1/24–4/4 Mon pm 3:30–5:00
$195M $225NM 10 classes
123Art Expressions (grades 1–4)
Patrice Kelley
Express yourself! Art Expressions is one of
the Art Center’s most popular classes—
perfect for students who love to think
creatively and enjoy a range of projects
including painting, drawing, papier mache, clay and fiber.
1/20–3/31 Thurs pm 4:00–5:30
$165M $195NM 10 classes
(grades 1–4)
Marion Carlson
Artists throughout time have studied and
mimicked the masters. This multi-media
class will focus on great artists—such as
Cezanne, Dali and Matisse—and assist
young artists in developing their drawing,
painting, collage and sculptural skills.
1/18–3/29 Tues pm 4:00–5:30
$175M $205NM 10 classes
133Introduction to Cartooning (grades 3–5)
Seana Carmody
Students will begin with drawing hand
gestures, facial expressions and basic body movements. There will be an
emphasis on story where the students
can create unique characters and situations. Their stories will come alive in
comic strips and basic stop-motion
digital animation shorts. Students are
encouraged to bring their own sketchbook. 1/19–3/30 Wed pm 4:00–5:30
$175M $205NM 10 classes
Register early
(grades 9–12) Ann Conte
Build your art portfolio with impressive
ceramic projects. Experiment with paper
clay and learn the basic techniques of
wheel, slab, coil and more. All pieces will
be glazed and fired. (No class February
19 or 26)
1/29–3/19 Sat pm 1:30–3:30 $150M $180NM 6 classes
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Children/Teens Courses & Workshops
What’s Going On
Holiday Arts Festival @ The Shipyard
Saturday & Sunday, December 4 & 5
South Shore Art Center @ The Shipyard presents “Holiday Arts Festival,”
showcasing the work of many of our popular Arts Festival artisans.
Shop for jewelry, clothing, ceramics, glass, art & more!
Plus, workshops for children & youth:
Saturday 10–Noon
My Very Own Gingerbread House
with Ann Conte
Holiday Ornaments
with Patrice Kelley
Sunday Noon–3
Holiday Watercolors
Give a Unique and Handmade Gift of Art
South Shore Art Center @ The Shipyard
18 Shipyard Drive, Suite 1A
Hingham MA • 781-749-2100
Register for classes
Galleries open T–W 10–6; Th–Sa 10–7; Su Noon–5
What’s Going On
Holiday Celebrations
Call for entries:
National Exhibition
Sources • Origins
juried by Howard Yezerski
April 15 to May 22, 2011
Submissions Due
March 7, 2011
National Exhibition
Juried by George Nick
October 29–December 19
@ The Shipyard • Opening Celebration!
Photography by Tim Waite & Dorothy Pilla
1st prize—Janyce Conklin, Lobsterman
2nd prize—Joan Sowada, City Mojo
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
3rd prize—Kim Frohsin, Simple
Girl from the East
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Community Outreach Programs
“Recently, my fourth grade students and I went on a field trip to the South Shore Art
Center. All of my students were thoroughly engaged with the Artist-in-Residence,
Katherine Morrison, and appreciated new forms of art. They also created their very
own artwork. The Art Center has provided us with wonderful learning experiences and
childhood memories. Isn’t that what a great education should give to our children?”
—Patricia Rogers, 4th grade teacher
L.W. Pingree School, Weymouth
Artist in Residence Program
This year’s program (our seventh year) offers upper elementary students a free field
trip to SSAC to meet a working artist, make an original accordion fold book with texture rubbings, and see current exhibitions. Katherine Morrison, artist and teacher of
collage, bookmaking, creative paper-making, and printing techniques keeps students
spellbound. Our wonderful volunteers share learning about tessellations, M.C. Escher
and the Alhambra in the process of making the books.
Sponsored by
Looking at Art Program
Two-hour field trip to SSAC to integrate art experience into classroom studies, scout
badges, or camp experience.
Exhibitions this winter and spring include:
• Gallery Artists: Motion (January 14–February 27)
• Upon Further Consideration—David Lang & Virginia Fitzgerald (3-D work)
(March 4–April 10)
• National Juried Show—Sources • Origins, Juried by Howard Yezerski
(April 15–May 22)
Gallery tour and in-depth discussion followed by hands-on art project
$8/student; maximum 60 students/session
Arts to Go Program
Art Center experts visit schools to provide programs linked to classroom topics, such as Ancient Greece, Chinese Brush Painting, Renaissance Masterpieces and African Printmaking.
Hands-on project included.
Curriculum guidelines followed; teacher packet included
One hour program; $100/class
Special Interest Groups—Professional Development
All of our courses and workshops are available for professional development.
In addition, we are happy to arrange half or full day workshops for a district’s
Art Department to enhance professional development and promote camaraderie.
Cost: $50 – 75/teacher with maximum of 12 participants. All media available.
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Community Outreach Programs
Gallery Artist Corner
South Shore Art Center Gallery Artists exhibit at our two satellite locations.
Please visit our website for more information.
35 Ripley Road, Cohasset, MA
November–DecemberKimberlee & Richard Alemian
January–FebruaryRobert Beaulieu
March–AprilJudy St. Peter
May–JuneBurton Longenbach
July–AugustConnie Cummings
September–OctoberChris Hotarek
Lilly Cleveland
124 Elm Street • 781-383-6650
One Conservatory Drive
Hingham, MA
Music Circus Gallery—Becky Haletky and Maureen Brookfield
Dorothy & Robert Palmer Gallery—Mary Smith
Music Circus Gallery & Dorothy & Robert Palmer Gallery
Philip Dolan Retrospective
Gallery Artist Corner
Welcome to our new Gallery Artists: Wes Carlson of Hull, Heather Collins &
Vcevy Strekalovsky of Hingham, D. Peter Collins & Dana Malcolm of Plymouth, and Jan McElhinny of Cohasset.
The Gallery Artist selection committee meets in April. Please call the
Art Center office for details.
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Gallery Artists
Kimberlee C. Alemian
Richard Alemian
Christian M. Alexander
Virginia M. Allen
Andrew T. L. Anderson-Bell
Stephen Andrus
BJ Andrus
Maida Antigua
John Arapoff
Betty Archer
Peg Mavilia Atkinson
Virginia H. Avery
James Baker
Jeremy Barnard
Robert Beaulieu
Anne Belson
Joreen Benbenek
Janet Blagdon
Stephen Boczanowski
Elizabeth Bourne
Joan Brancale
Patricia Burson
Maureen Brookfield
Henry E. Cahill
Mary Callahan
Corinne Campobasso
Marion Carlson
Wes Carlson
Beverly Carreiro
Irma Cerese
Susan B. Charles
Lucretia Davie Chase
JoAnne T. Chittick
Lilly Cleveland
Nancy Colella
D. Peter Collins
Heather Collins
Jane Flavell Collins
Nancy Connolly
Connie Cummings
Sharon McCann Daly
Susan Denniston
Joan DeRugeris
Jack Dickerson
Mike DiRado
Dianne S. Dolan
Michael Domina
Jeff Eldredge
Eleanor Elkin
Rosalind Farbush
Dorit Flowers
Jack Foley
Marguerite Gager
Susan Gallagher
Elizabeth Gauthier
Debra Giller
Pam Golden
Alison Golder
Wendy Goldstein
Patricia Gray
Virginia Green
Ann Guiliani
Wendy Moore Hale
Becky Haletky
Jack Haran
Michael Hart
Robert Harvey
Julie Hawkins
Liz Haywood-Sullivan
Ellen Helman
Anne Heywood
Roger Q. Hill
Sara Holbrook
Susan Hollis
Virginia Holloway
Christine Hotarek
Nancy S. Howell
Karen Freiberger Hughes
Patricia A. Isaac
Nanci Jaye
Douglas W. Johnson
Berj Kailian
Brooks Kelly, Jr.
Andrea Kemler
Susan Kilmartin
Janet Arfin Kingan
Kay Kopper
Dorothy Simpson Krause
Danguole Rita Kuolas
Maria Lakhman
Moey Lane
John Lanza
Donald Larkin
Stephen Lathrop
Eleanor LeBlanc
Susan Dragoo Lembo
Chris Lewis
Elizabeth Lilly
Ken Lindgren
Mary Lizotte
Burton Longenbach
Susan Luery
Gordon Lundberg, Jr.
Peggy Roth Major
Dana Malcolm
Lisa Marder
Joan Marson
Chippa Martin
Esther Maschio
Janis Mattox
Patricia McCarthy
Sally McCarthy
Jan McElhinny
Jeanne McKenna
Norma McKenzie
Margaret McWethy
Judith Mehring
Michele Meister
Julie Sims Messenger
Dianne E. Miller
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Dianne Panarelli Miller
Mary Driscoll Mirabito
Gretchen Moran
Monice Morenz Grabowski
Ann M. Murphy
Christus Murphy
John W. Nash III
Patricia E. O’Neill
Dorothy Palmer
Gerard A. Parker
Mary Ann Patrick
Marie T. Peters
Christine Pienciak Peters
T. Nicholas Phakos
Anthony Pilla
Ted Polomis
Constance Pratt
Page Railsback
Jeanne Replogle
Chris Rifkin
Beverly Rippel
Stephanie Roberts-Camello
Sarah Roche
Betty Rogers
Donna Rossetti-Bailey
Judy Rossman
Eileen Rotty
Daniel P. Roy
Lori Schill
Lenore Schneider
Isabel Shamitz
Kay Shaw
Kwang Sung Shin
Ruthe Sholler
Jean Simms
Mike Sleeper
Katherine Smit
Mary Smith
Murton Sudalter
J Michael Sullivan
Judy St. Peter
Frank Strazzulla, Jr.
Vcevy Strekalovsky
Kenneth Taylor
Mary Taylor
Regina Thomas
Mike Thompson
Carole A. Thurlow
Paula Villanova
Valerie Forte Vitali
Roberta Walsh
Ruth Ann Wetherby-Frattasio
Michael Weymouth
Julie White
Susan White
Jeanne Wiley
Mary Wilkas
Andree Desiree Wilson
Tim Wilson
Virginia M. Wilson
SSAC Contributing Members and Donors Winter 2011*
South Shore Art Center wishes to acknowledge and thank its contributing members
and donors. The generosity of our supporters allows the Art Center to inspire emerging artists, nurture adults and children, create teaching and learning opportunities, and engage the community with compelling exhibitions of contemporary art.
Please join this growing, distinguished group. Contact Candace Cramer, Director of
Development,, 781-383-2787.
Sara Holbrook and Foster L. Aborn**
BJ and Steve Andrus
Motoko and Gordon Deane
Susan Dickie**
William Earon**
Lena and Ronald Goldberg**
Lesley and Don Grilli**
Nancy and Tom Hamilton**
Susan and Jack McNamara**
Dorothy Palmer**
Constance B. Rice**
Chris Rifkin**
Elise M. Russo**
Elizabeth Steele**
Valerie and Phillip Vitali**
Sandy Weiss**
Mary and Thomas Williams**
Jennifer and Robert Willms**
Don DeMichele**
Judy and Frank Neer**
Nancy and Chris Oddleifson**
Kathleen and Ross Sherbrooke**
Anne and R. Gary Vanderweil, Jr.**
Phyllis and Bill Wenzel**
Libby and Bill Allard**
Franny Andahazy and Michael Nedeau**
Mercedes Aza and Cameron Snyder**
Cornelia Barnard
Eleanor G. Bleakie**
Lois and Bruce Cameron**
Jane C. Carr and Andy Hertig
Nancy and David Colella**
Elaine and Michael Coyne**
Paulie and Herb Emilson
MaryAnn and John Englander
Lauren Farrell**
Edythe Ford
Susan Gallagher**
Nancy Garrison
Patricia and Patrick Gray**
Julie Guild**
Ellen and Bruce Herzfelder**
Andrea and Craig Hillier**
Carolyn and Dick Horn**
Christine and Brian Hotarek
Judy and Robert Kasameyer**
Patsy and Richard Leggat**
Joan and T. Michael Middleton
Tina and Robert Miklos**
Marilyn and Win Minot
Dorothy I. Remick
Jeanne and David Replogle
Sergio Roffo**
Gitte and Rick Shea**
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sherbrooke and Henry
Diane and Tom Shipp
Joan and Phil Shockman
Annellen and James Walsh
Deborah Weiss**
Richard and Kimberlee Alemian
Margaret Casey**
Sarah and Craig Casey**
Lilly and Mark Cleveland**
Nancy Cusack**
Catherine and Richard Evans**
Priscilla and Amory Houghton, Jr.**
Therese Joslin
Pat LaLiberte
Kyle and Edward Lubitz
Shirley and Jim Marten**
Janna and Eric Oddleifson
Michelle and Rich Paterniti
Sarah and Adrian Roche**
Charles S. and Zena A. Scimeca Charitable Fund
at The Boston Foundation
Jane and Vcevold Strekalovsky
Tracey and Jerry Vainisi
Linda and Sam Wakeman
Andrea and David Weltman
Peggy and Michael Weymouth**
Muffy and Paul Antico
Heather and Peter Austin
Emily and John Brown
William Burke, Jr.
Carolyn and John Coffey
Heather and Jeffrey Collins
Jane and Jon Davis
Sandra Donnellan
Sandy and Lindsey Durant**
Sheila and Don Evans**
Ashley and Bruce Garelick
Katherine and David Greaney
Barbara Green
Sarah and Phillip Hannan
Molly Perkins Hauck**
Ellen Helman
Barbara and Warner Henderson
Anne Heywood**
Sarah Jackson**
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Members & Donors
South Shore Art Center Gallery Artists
Anonymous – 2
Kimberley and Greg Albanese
Anne Allen**
Maida Antigua
Jeremy Barnard
Barbara Baron
Janice and Russell Brown
Marilyn Bulkley
Maureen Catawdella
Irma Cerese
Anne Chacchia
JoAnne and Woody Chittick
Kimberley and Greg Albanese
Anne Allen**
Maida Antigua
Jeremy Barnard
Barbara Baron
Janice and Russell Brown
Marilyn Bulkley
Maureen Catawdella
Irma Cerese
Anne Chacchia
JoAnne and Woody Chittick
Ted Chylack
Margot and Don Critchfield
Sara and Michael Davis
Kathleen and John Dowling
Susan and Stephen Etkind
Roberta Fairbanks
Kristen Faulkner
Sarah Forbes**
Robert Fraser
Marguerite Gager
Kathleen Garvey
Jane Goedecke
Amy Golden
Monice Morenz Grabowski
Judith and Richard Green
Colleen and Kevin Griffin
Jeri Herman
Marge and Jack Hobbs
Diane Hoss
Victoria and Michael Hurley
Nanci Jaye**
Gerald Jones
Alison Jordan
Letitia and Robert Jordan, Jr.
Berj Kailian
Dick Karoff and Sandy Manzella
Members & Donors
Janet Fogarty Kelley and Tim Kelley
Mary and Jim Kilroy
Rita and James Kirk
Caroline Knight
Dorothy Simpson Krause
Marylou and Robin Lawrence
Patricia Lawrence**
Alexandra and Robert Leaver
Gerry Lynch
Mary Magnant
Peggy and Tom Merzbacher
Nancy and Thomas Monahan
Gretchen Moran
Allison and Keith Moskow
Betts and Winser Murray
Amy and Shapur Naimi
Anne and Nestor Nicholas
Malee Nuesse
Doug Peck
Katharine Perkins**
Corliss Primavera
Vicki and Daniel Quinn
James Regan
James Richard
Beverly Rippel**
Barbara and Tim Roberts
Karen Ross
Daniel Roy
John Rousseau
P. Kelley Rugg
Lucy and Philip Saunders, Jr.**
Nancy Sencabaugh
Ruthe Sholler
Philip Hugh Smith
Susan Stoddart
Moira Sullivan and Dick Graham
Cindy and Alex Swartwood
Sara Tague
MaryLouise Tautkus
Frederick Thayer
Claire Tinory
Cynthia and Joseph Vallino**
David Vargo
Frances and William Weeks**
Katharine and John Weeks**
Esther Williams**
March and Jim Wyatt
SSAC Business Members/Donors &
Foundations Winter 2011*
Fred Bergfors and Margaret Sandberg
Image Resolutions
King Jewelers, Inc.
LemonLime Salon
Macquarie Group Foundation
Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund**
Party by Design
Roomscapes & Kitchen Concepts, Inc.
Samuels & Associates
South Shore Music Circus
Weymouth Design
Clean Harbors
Scituate Rotary Foundation
Strekalovsky Architecture, Inc.**
Abbott Homes/The Cook Estate
David Avery
Coldwell Banker
Conway Insurance Agency
Dean & Hamilton Realtors
Hingham Institution for Savings
Hingham Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Ray Kasperowicz, C.P.A.
SSAC Business Members/Donors
Ruth Knapp**
Irene and David Lord**
Dana and David Lucier
Lisa Marder and Josiah Stevenson**
Eva and Tom Marx
Pat and Jim McCarthy
Carmen and Tim Schramm
Elizabeth Morse and Richard Wendorf**
Meg and Brooks Robbins**
Michelle and Doug Smith**
Tracy and Kevin Thomas
Lanci and Page Valentine
Zbigniew Wozny
Barbara and Kevin Wrenn
Aldous Collins Painting and Arts, LLC
Boston Private Bank & Trust
Christopher Gallery
Cohasset Harbor Inn
Hingham Beer Works
Massa Products Corporation
Pilgrim Bank
Plymouth County Convention and
Visitors Bureau
RBC Wealth Management
R.M. Driscoll Company, LLC
Rockland Trust
South Coastal Bank
Anderson Fuel, Inc.
Arthur & Pat’s Restaurant
Barbara Bahr Sheehan Design
Cohasset Harbor Marina**
Colony Rug Company
Curtis Liquors
Goodwin Graphics
Gordon, Mond & Ott
Hingham Lumber
Lord & Ladies Estate Sales**
Portland Pottery South, Inc.
Sullivan, Garrity & Donnelly Insurance
Agency, Inc.**
The Rogers Law Firm
* Business Members/Donors and Foundations as of
October 21, 2010
**Represents annual memberships and/or capital
campaign contributions
* Members and Donors as of October 21, 2010
** Represents gifts to the annual and/or capital
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Gallery Rental
Board of Directors
Have your next corporate or social event in the beautiful
galleries at South Shore Art Center. The Bancroft Gallery
provides a spectacular background for events. The smaller
Dillon Gallery is ideal for meetings and presentations.
President Elise Russo
President-Elect Lauren Farrell
Richard Horn
Valerie King
Mercedes Aza, Eleanor Bleakie, Bruce Cameron, William Earon
Thomas Hamilton, Eileen Hayes, Sara Holbrook, Judith Kasameyer
Susan McNamara, Robert Miklos, Martin Nee, Frank Neer
Lisa O’Connor, Michelle Paterniti, Chris Rifkin, Mark Rogers
Douglas Smith, Mark Tosi, Valerie Forte Vitali
Board of Advisors
Libby Allard, Virginia Allen, Kara Bianchi, Pat Cammett,
Lilly Cleveland, Nancy Colella, Heidi Condon, Elaine Coyne,
Sharon Daly, Jane Davis, Motoko Deane, Susan Gallagher,
Nancy Garrison, Lena Goldberg, Ernie Grassey, Patricia Gray,
Julie Guild, Barbara Henderson, Anne Heywood, Andrea Hillier,
Christine Hotarek, Victoria Hurley, Tony Lanier, Lisa Marder,
Gale Michaud, Adrian Morris, Elizabeth Morse, Mary Neville,
Dorothy Palmer, Jeanne Replogle, Beverly Rippel, Sarah Roche,
Barbara Sheehan, Philip Smith, Juliana Tiryaki, Eric Wellmann,
Michael Weymouth, Bill Wenzel, Jennifer Willms, Zbigniew Wozny,
March Wyatt, Cindy Vallino
SSAC Staff
Kimberlee C. Alemian, Graphic Designer/Webmaster Cheryl Cole, Office Manager
Heather Collins, Director of Community Programs Candace Cramer, Director of Development
Pat Frederickson, Membership Coordinator Sarah Hannan, Executive Director Diane Kennedy, Assistant Director/Festival Coordinator
Gary Najarian, Facility Manager
Kaitlin Thurlow, Program Assistant/Registrar
Gallery Rental
South Shore Art Center
Chairs and rectangular banquet tables provided
Microphone and PA system provided
Small platform & podium available
Kitchen access
Digital projector available for rental
List of approved caterers provided
Member discount on Facility Rentals
For information call 781.383.2787 or see website
Reception/Gallery Sitter
Virginia Holloway
Gallery Manager @ The Shipyard
Alice Sloan
Hingham Shipyard 781.749.2100
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
A $25 non-refundable registration fee is
included in tuition. If a student cancels a
registration at least ten days before a
course or workshop begins, a refund will
be granted. Visiting Artist Workshops
require a 30 day cancellation notification.
Weekly Classes
Scholarships for elementary age school children are available based on need through the
generosity of the Lois Weltman Memorial
Fund for Children. Please inquire at SSAC
office for more information.
341 Adv. Print
305 Botanical
327 Painting
326 Oil Painting
315/316 Chi. Brush
302 Pastel Atelier
310 Watercolor
303 Drawing/ for
Painting 300 A Basic Drawing
321 B Beg. Painting
110F avorite Things
107 Adv. In Art
115 Wild Things
317 Watercolor
154 Create w/Clay
323 Acrylic Painting
315/316 Chi. Brush
127 Learning/Masters
147 Collage Club
139 Hands in Clay
133 Cartooning
391 Art History
123 Art Expressions
150 Draw & Sketch
340 Printmaking
500 Life Drawing
301 No Fear Drawing
300B Basic Drawing
351 Clay Work
365 Collage
PDPs are available to educators upon completion of a course.
SSAC takes photographs of course/outreach
participants during classes for inclusion
in advertising and promotional materials.
Should you have any objections to the use
of photos of you or your children, please
notify the SSAC office before your courses/
programs begin.
Credit (*)
Professional Development Points
Massachusetts College of Art Continuing
Education Credit may be earned upon successful completion of the starred (*) courses.
It is possible for such credit to be applied
to a degree program upon approval by the
college. You must commit to credit before
the beginning of the second class. There is a
$125 undergraduate fee.
In the case of bad weather, classes are cancelled when Cohasset Public Schools are
closed. If the Cohasset schools are running
on a delayed schedule, our classes meet at
the regular times throughout the day. When
in doubt about adult evening classes please
call the answering machine for message,
781-383-2787 ext.10.
Membership Discount
To receive a Member’s discount for a course,
your membership must be current throughout the term of the course you are taking.
Membership dues may be paid at the time of
Registration is not complete until payment
has been received. VISA or MASTERCARD is
required for telephone registration.
Through the generosity of the Marion Huse
Fund, we offer tuition assistance on the basis
of financial need. Call for an application. All
requests are kept strictly confidential.
Register by phone, mail or online at www. Students may also register in person
Mon-Fri 9–5, Sat 10–4. Enrollment is limited.
Registration & Refund Policy
Registration Form & Information
Registration & Course Information
324 Texture Painting
352 Potter’s Wheel
306 No Fear 2
Student Name Mailing address
321A Beg. Painting
353 Paper Clay
371 Digital Photo
Age/Grade 174 H.S. Ceramics
Parent’s Name
Home Phone
South Shore Art Center does not
discriminate for any reason in the
administration of its programs. The
building is accessible to everyone.
Please call the office if you require
assistance during your visit to
our galleries or classrooms.
Current Member
Cell Phone
New Member
Annual Membership
____$55 Family Member
____$50 Juried Gallery Artist*
____$35 Individual Member
____$25 Senior/Youth
Non Member
Contributing Membership
____$5000 Angel
____$2500 Benefactor
____$ 1000 Patron of the Arts
____$ 500 Sustaining Member
____$ 250 Supporting Member
____$ 100 Associate Member
*For information on becoming a Juried Gallery Artist, please call 781.383.2787 or visit
Financial Assistance
Directions: From Rte. 3, take exit 14, Take Rte. 228
north to Rte. 3A. Turn right onto 3A and drive south
for two miles. From Rte. 3A turn onto Sohier Street
at the Music Circus sign. Take a right at the first
light onto Ripley Road. SSAC is the last building on
the right with parking across the street.
Gallery Hours:
Mon–Sat 10–4
Sun 12–4
Total Tuition
Membership Fee
Support the Arts with your donation to the Annual Fund
To Register by Credit Card go to
Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—
Register at least 10 days before the class begins! | SSAC Winter 2011
Exhibitions * Classes * Events
Don’t Miss:
December 4 & 5
Small Works
Priced for Holiday Giving
18 Shipyard Drive, next to Hingham Beer Works
For a schedule of programs, see page 12 & 18
visit for program updates!
N o n p r o f i t
Permit No. 21
Photo © Richard Mulcahy
Holiday Arts Festival, 10–4
Featuring Festival Favorites, Workshops for
children & more!
Vcevy Strekalovsky
Body Language
Save the Date
119 Ripley Road
Cohasset, MA 02025
781-383-2787 • fax 781-383-2964 •
Kim Froshin
Juried by George Nick
Through December 19
Friday, April 1, 2011
For a spectacular event
Fools, Fakes and Forgeries
32 Call 781 383 2787 to Register | Register online—