Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church January 27, 2013 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 2205 West Market Street ▪ Greensboro, NC 27403 ▪ (336) 274-6520 ▪ www.olgchurch.org Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 27, 2013 Parish Office Office Hours: Mon-Wed, Fri, 9AM-12Noon, 1PM-4PM Thursday 9AM– 12Noon only Phone: (336) 274-6520 Fax Number: (336) 274-7326 Website: www.olgchurch.org E-Mail Address: olgchurch@olgchurch.org Church Office Address: 201 South Chapman Street Greensboro, NC 27403 Catholic Social Services (336) 274-5577 Hispanic Ministries (336) 273-2343 Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino, Permanent Deacon Our Lady of Grace School Office Mr. Kurt Telford, Principal Phone: (336) 275-1522 Fax: (336) 279-8824 Website: www.olgsch.org E-Mail Address: olgschool@olgsch.org School Address: 2205 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27403 Schedule of Services Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am, 1:30pm (Traditional Latin Mass) 4:00pm (Spanish) & 7:00pm Holy Days of Obligation: 6:00pm (Vigil), 7:00am, 12Noon, 6:00pm Mission Statement Daily Mass In the Eucharist we receive the true Christ—the foundation of our Church. With Christ in us, we form, nurture, and promote love, respect for human dignity, Christian values and teachings within our family, parish, and community through worship and service. Confession Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, Pastor Rev. Fr. Christopher Davis, Parochial Vicar Permanent Deacons Rev. Mr. Tony Pynes Rev. Mr. Tim Rohan, retired Rev. Mr. Paul Teich, retired Rev. Mr. Jim Toner Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino, Hispanic Ministries Monday - Friday: 7:00am, 8:45am; Saturday: 8:00am Saturday: 3:00pm - 4:45pm Wednesday: 7:30am (following 7:00am Mass) Thursday: 5:00pm - 6:00pm or by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday: 9:15am - 6:00pm Friday: 7:30am - 8:30am Benediction: 1st Sat. of each month following the 8:00am Mass Recitation of the Holy Rosary Saturday after the 8:00am Mass (except 1st Sat. of each month when the rosary is prayed at 7:30am before Mass) Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church January 27, 2013 3er Domingo Tiempo Ordinario 27 de Enero del 2013 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Heb 9:15, 24-28; Sal 98:1-6; Mc 3:22-30 Martes: Heb 10:1-10; Sal 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mc 3:31-35 Miércoles: Heb 10:11-18; Sal 110:1-4; Mc 4:1-20 Jueves: Heb 10:19-25; Sal 24:1-6; Mc 4:21-25 Viernes: Heb 10:32-39; Sal 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mc 4:26-34 Sábado: Mal 3:1-4; Sal 24 (23):7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lc 2:22-40 [22-32] DIRECTORIO DE MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Domingo: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Sal 71 (70):1-6, 15, 17; 1 Cor 12:31 -- 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lc 4:21-30 Párroco Padre Eric Kowalski 274-6520 Vicario Parroquial Padre Christopher Davis 274-6520 Coordinador General Diácono Enedino Aquino 273-2343 Preparación para Bautismo Javier y Josefina 617-7741 Preparadores Matrimoniales Jesús y Marina 987-8884 Encargada de Lectores Hermán Sedda 851-9503 Encargado de Ministros de la Eucaristía Jerman Duran 685-9866 Música y Coro Fitty Reyes 476-0472 Encargada de Catecismo Nuria Duran 685-9866 Encargado de Quinceañeras y Bodas Ministerio Hispano 963-3704 Ministerio de Hospitalidad Juan Luis Juárez 327-6426 Grupo Juvenil Luis Sánchez Juan Luis 253-7521 327-6426 January 27, 2013 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 3er Domingo Tiempo Ordinario 27 de Enero del 2013 El Ministerio Católico Hispano de la Diócesis de Charlotte. HACE UNA ATENTA INVITACIÓN A SU: Encuentro Conyugal 2013 Para parejas en Unión Libre casadas por el civil o por la Iglesia Lugar: Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Dirección: 862 Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 Fecha: Sábado 16 de Febrero 2013 Horario: 8:00 a.m. a 10:00 p.m. Donación: $ 30.00 por pareja Más informes con Manuel y Paula Varona (336) 354-7591 y Nino (336) 273-2343, nino05@hotmail.com Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church January 27, 2013 Bautismo Pláticas y formación cada tercer domingo de cada mes después de Misa de las 4:00 PM Pláticas: Feb. 17, Marzo 17, Abril 21, Mayo 19, Junio 16, Julio 21 Fechas para celebrar el Bautismo BAUTISMOS SOLAMENTE LOS SABADOS A LAS 10:00 AM MES DE FREBRERO LOS SABADOS: 2 de Febrero Hora 10:00 AM 9 de Febrero Hora 10:00 AM 16 de Febrero Hora 10:00 AM 23 de Febrero Hora 10:00 AM MES DE MARZO LOS SABADOS: 2 de Marzo Hora 10:00 AM 9 de Marzo Hora 10:00 AM 16 de Marzo Hora 10:00 AM MES DE ABRIL LOS SABADOS: 6 de Abril Hora 10:00 AM 13 de Abril Hora 10:00 AM 20 de Abril Hora 10:00 AM 27 de Abril Hora 10:00 AM MES DE MAYO LOS SABADOS: 11 de Mayo Hora 10:00 AM 25 de Mayo Hora 10:00 AM MES DE JUNIO LOS SABADOS: 15 de Junio Hora 10:00 AM 22 de Junio Hora 10:00 AM 29 de Junio Hora 10:00 AM MES DEJULIO LOS SABADOS: 6 de Julio Hora 10:00 AM 13 de Julio Hora 10:00 AM 20 de Julio Hora 10:00 AM 27 de Julio Hora 10:00 AM January 27, 2013 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Staff Contact Information Phone (336) 274-6520 Fax (336) 274-7326 Website www.olgchurch.org Sacraments Marriage: Couples please contact one of our priests if you wish to schedule a wedding date at the parish—a minimum of 6 months preparation is required. CLERGY Pastor Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, elkolgcs1@gmail.com ext. 314 Parochial Vicar, Director of Liturgy Rev. Fr. Christopher Davis, frdavis@olgchurch.org ext. 313 Permanent Deacons Dcn. Tony Pynes, tpynes@olgchurch.org, ext. 345 Dcn. Tim Rohan (ret.), Call the church office. Dcn. Paul Teich (ret.), deaconpaul@triad.rr.com, 202-4428 Dcn. Jim Toner, kerygma8@aol.com, 298-7789 Baptism: Parents should attend a Baptismal Preparation Class (held the first Sunday of each month at 1:00pm in the school library). Baptisms are held on Saturdays. Please contact Allison Gregg (ext. 317 or agregg@olgchurch.org) in the office for more information. Anointing of the Sick: If you or a loved one are seriously ill or facing surgery, please contact the church office to arrange to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Director of Religious Education Jim McCullough, jmccullough@olgchurch.org, ext. 335 Assistant to the Director of Religious Education MaryAnn DiPaola, mdipaola@olgchurch.org, ext. 333 Preschool Religious Education Coordinator/VBS Lisa Balzano, lbalzano@olgchurch.org, ext. 321 Communion for the Sick & Homebound: Please contact the church office if you have a stay in the hospital or will be homebound. We would be happy to make arrangements for you to receive Communion if you are unable to attend Mass. First Communion, Confirmation, Religious Vocations: Please call the church office for information. LITURGY DEPARTMENT Director of Liturgy Rev. Fr. Christopher Davis, frdavis@olgchurch.org, ext. 313 Founding Director, OLG Schola Cantorum Brian Marble, bmarble@olgchurch.org,, ext. 337 Assistant to the Director of Liturgy Andrew O’Connor, aoconnor@olgchurch.org, ext. 330 General Information Contact the church office for the following: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Welcome Finance/Office Administrator Jenny Montgomery, businessmanager@olgchurch.org ext. 315 Parish Records Jean Wilson, jwilson@olgchurch.org, ext. 322 Executive Assistant to the Pastor Allison Gregg, agregg@olgchurch.org, ext. 317 Receptionist Rita Eberle, reberle@olgchurch.org, ext. 310 Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Smith, jsmith@olgchurch.org, ext. 311 Accountant Danny Byerly, dbyerly@olgchurch.org, ext. 316 Verbal announcements at Mass Scheduling information/fundraiser before or after Mass Reserving a meeting space Bulletin submissions—Submissions may be sent to reberle@olgchurch.org. The submission deadline is two Fridays prior to the publishing weekend. Parking: The church has two parking areas—a small lot on Chapman Street and a larger lot on Tremont Drive. Please observe all city parking regulations when parking on the street. Bulletin Boards: To place a church related advertisement on either of the two church bulletin boards, please submit materials to the church office for the pastor’s approval. Posters/flyers placed without prior approval, will be removed. To become a member of Our Lady of Grace, please complete one of our registration forms located at the entrances of the church, on our parish website (www.olgchurch.org/registration.html), or complete the form below and we will mail you one. Welcome to the parish! Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office. Name: Address: City: State:_______ Zip: ____________ Phone:_________________ E-Mail: I would like to join Our Lady of Grace. Please send me a registration form. I would like information about becoming Catholic. MAIL TO: OLG Registration Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church 201 S. Chapman St. Greensboro, NC 27403 How can we help? Please call the parish office at 274-6520 ext. 310, if you have any questions. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church January 26—February 2 Mass Intentions SAT—January 26 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SUN—January 27 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 1:30 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM MON—January 28 TUE—January 29 WED—January 30 THU—January 31 FRI—February 1 SAT—February 2 SUN—February 3 Carmencita de Guzman† Living & Deceased OLG Students, Alumni & Faculty Geraldine McDonough† Mary & John Muro† Joseph & Matthew Paul Vezzi & Joseph Machese† Mary McCabe Walsh† Priest’s Intention Priest’s Intention Robert & Ann Bertino† 7:00 AM 8:45 AM 7:00 AM 8:45 AM 7:00 AM 8:45 AM 7:00 AM 8:45 AM Sophia Bush† Deborah & Joseph Kohten Michael Power† Herman Halter, Jr. Joseph Endredy Ruby Merkle† Joseph Endredy Sandy Hook Elementary School 7:00 AM 8:45 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Michael Power† Thomas McGough† Sebastian Romero Fr. Eric Kowalski 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 1:30 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM Joseph Endredy Prayer Ministry William Flynn† Alfred Klag† Priest’s Intention Priest’s Intention Mariana Rodriguez† Eternal rest grant unto all the faithful departed, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them… Bobby Fiore, Edward Roy, William Kirwan Scripture Readings Monday: Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 98:1-6; Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 Friday: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Sunday: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Cor 12:31 -- 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30 January 27, 2013 Pray for the Sick Diane Adams Roy Allard Diane Cook Tom Dourgarian Jim Furman Scott John Bobby Hanlon Colin Kanyuk Doris Kauder Frank Kauder Jacob Keepes Evelyn Knox Jane Kodack Dan & Marie LaBlanca Brian Marble Ruby Martin Jeane McFillin Carol McGough Julian McClamroch Lisa McMaster Fred Myers Ralph Murphy Ed Pachasa Ronald Parr Ray Parrish Amor Payawal Nelson Payawal Edward Roy Giacomo Puccio Roberta Pugh Cheryl Reekes Nancy Saksa Vicki & Grady Strickland Worth Squires Maria & Sylvia Szumilus Deacon Paul Teich Cherita Thomas-Wall Marie Van Kleef John Weems Chris Westmoreland Jimmy Wright Bill Williams Sharon Wintermate Jack Yoast Sofie Zuluga *Names appear for two weeks unless continuation is requested. Pray for Those in Military Service Remember in your prayers the men and women in the active military and their families. Your fellow parishioners are grateful for your support in prayer until their loved ones’ safe return. SP4 Sam Kiceina Private Will Stoddart SPC Thomas Berti SPC Jason Cook PFC Brandon Bridge Andrew Dial PO1 James Andrew Ellis Maj James R. Schmid SGT Zackaria Harris PFC Kimberly Walton Lt Garland Wilson CM2 Steven Walton Sgt Adrian M. Welch Cpl James Austin Lt John Roath E-3 PFC Cody B. Brown PO3 Jesse M. Brown Maj Timothy P. Popek CPO Glen Thomas Lt Col Rick Moor SFC Frank Luedtke Pvt Colin Butts SPC Wayne Hopper SSG Steven Bixby SFC Chris Brooks SSgt David A. Weekley Pvt Crystal Martinez-Butts SPC Elliot F. Chodkowski Cpl Jonathan Hill Sgt Maj Corbin’s Unit Maj Christopher McCarthy SSgt Travis Hawley PFC Chris Kirwan, USMC Sgt Maj Bill Stoddart PFC Matthew Sarnocinski PFC Conway Prior E-4 Robert Bauer Staff Sgt. Ian Taylor January 27, 2013 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time This Week at OLG CAF = Cafeteria; CR = Choir Room; CH = Church; LIB = Library; LS = Lower School; MS = Middle School; OLC = Our Lady’s Cottage; SJH = St. Joseph’s House; SR = Science Room; CY = Courtyard Monday, January 28 10:00 AM Monday Morning Bible Study, SJH-d 6:00 PM Boy Scouts, CAF Tuesday, January 29 9:15 AM Divine Mercy Cenacle, CR 7:00 PM RCIA, LIB Wednesday, January 30 7:30 AM Confession, CH 6:00 PM Walking with Purpose, CAF, LIB 6:00 PM UNCG Bible Study, SJH-u 8:00 PM Young Adults, SR 7:45 PM Rosary Group, SJH-d Thursday, January 31 9:30 AM Divine Mercy Cenacle, CR 9:30 AM Adoration, CH (until 6:00 PM) 5:00 PM Confession, CH 6:00 PM 40 Days for Life, CH 7:30 PM Flames of Fire Charismatic Prayer Group, SJH-d Friday, February 1 6:00 PM Retrouvaille, CAF Saturday, February 2 7:30 AM Rosary, CH 8:30 AM Walking with Purpose, SJH-d 10:00 AM RCIA, LIB 12:00 PM Retrouvaille, LIB 3:00 PM Confession, CH 3:00 PM Sister Parish Soup Sale, CY, CAF 5:45 PM Hispanic Faith Formation, LS, SR Sunday, February 3 Today is Donut Sunday 9:00 AM Religious Education, LIB, LS, MS 10:20 AM Adult Faith Formation, LIB, SJH-d 2:45 PM Hispanic Faith Formation, LS, SR Family Stewardship Corner “Sir, leave it (fig tree) for this year, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future.” (Luke 13:9) After reading the passage above, discuss how the truth in this passage is seen not only in plants and trees around your own home but in the people that are in your family, your parish, your community, and our world. Can you make a connection to some efforts to make things strong and a benefit in years to come? Stewardship Monthly Second Collection After discussion at the September 17th and November 19th, 2012 Parish Finance Council meetings, it was recommended to Father that a monthly second collection on the first Sunday of the month be taken. The name The Grace Fund—For the Work of Our Lady of Grace was chosen for this collection. This monthly second collection will be an opportunity for financial giving and stewardship, the purpose of which will be to help address the needs of our parish and school. Each quarter the offering received will be used to address specific areas of need here at Our Lady of Grace. The offering for the first quarter (Jan. 6th, Feb. 3rd, & March 3rd) will be used to help address the needs of our school. Thank you for the many generous financial sacrifices you make on behalf of our parish and school. They are deeply appreciated. Second Collection and Special Collection Schedule Below is the schedule for Second Collections and Special Collections for the next quarter in order to help our parish family members prepare financially for their stewardship. God bless you for your continued generosity on behalf of our parish family. January 20—Combined Mission Collection January 27—Msgr. Pharr Tuition Assistance Fund February 3—The Grace Fund February 13—Ash Wednesday February 24—Easter Flowers March 3—The Grace Fund March 24—Priests’ Retirement & Benefits Collection March 28—Holy Thursday March 31—My Easter Gift to My Parish Parish Support Week of January 20, 2013 Actual Collection Offertory Goal Surplus/(Loss) for Week of 01/20/2013 $13,532 $22,770 ($ -5,593) Year-to-Date for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Actual Collection Offertory Goal Surplus/(Loss) for FY 2012/2013 $669,682 $682,102 ($ -12,420) Thank you for your continued financial sacrifices made on behalf of our parish family. God bless you, Fr. Kowalski Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church January 27, 2013 From the Pastor’s Desk “Laudetur Jesus Christus!” (Praised be Jesus Christ!) There is much good to report to you, my parish family. For starters, the long awaited modification/restoration to the confessionals is nearing completion. This restoration allows us to restore to their original beauty both of the original confessionals, and will allow both to have the option for the penitent to see the priest. Both confessionals will have a modified bench installed so that those who are unable to kneel may sit down to make their confession. As part of this work, and as we have previously discussed, the image of the Divine Mercy is being relocated to the former Legion of Mary altar where it will be installed along with the candle racks. This relocation is on an “ad experimentum” basis, meaning that we’re going to try it there and see how it goes while we explore the possibility of relocating it permanently next to the Pieta statue in the rear of the church. Your input is very important to me regarding how the Divine Mercy image looks once it is installed on the Legion altar. (Check out how beautiful the shelf is for the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe statue near the Legion altar. My deep appreciation for the talents of our very own Paul Nixon for the shelf and for the work in preparing and relocating the Divine Mercy image to its “ad experimentum” home.) I invite you to also email me directly with your input (elkolgcs1@gmail.com) on whether you think the Divine Mercy image would be better served placed near the Pieta statue in the rear of the church. Again, I welcome your input on the two locations mentioned and look forward to hearing from you. The 2013 Diocesan Support Appeal is going to begin very shortly. To that end, I want to thank those of you who made a contribution to the 2012 DSA. Thanks to your love for your parish family and your financial sacrifices we were able to turn around a floundering DSA which was in the red for almost $44,000, to one in which we will receive back $15,164.74 for the first time in quite a few years! That happened because of you!!!! I am extremely grateful also for the increased number of those who contributed. It was the highest number of families participating in a very long time. Our goal for this year is $120,320 which represents a reduction of approximately $6,000. And while it is still definitely a large amount of money to raise, I am confident that with the participation of every one of our approximately 1600 families we will not only meet our goal but surpass it as we did this year’s DSA goal. Again, thank you so very much to those who helped! As I have done in years past, I will be speaking with you at all the Masses asking each of you to participate in this year’s Diocesan Support Appeal. And as I have done in the past, and in an effort to “lead by example” I will make the first pledge to kick off the Appeal. I ask you all to consider matching my pledge, or if you are financially able to do so, to surpass it. If you are unable to do so, then any amount that you are able to do so long as we have every registered family participate on some level, would be greatly appreciated. Finally, we have had some developments regarding both the Our Lady of Grace capital campaign and the diocesan capital campaign. These developments will be explained to you in a letter from me which will be mailed in the very near future, as well as in my speaking at all the Masses. I ask you all to please read the letter and plan to give your input as we take the necessary steps to move forward and reenergize our parish family for the next phase. I want to thank so very many of you for all the positive comments that you have made to both me and to Fr. Chris and for your support, friendship and encouragement. We have a LOT of very good things going on here with the promise of many, many more to come as we re-energize, support and encourage one another to bring Our Lady of Grace back to her prominent place as a spiritual leader and powerhouse in Greensboro. Oremus pro invicem! Rev. Fr. Eric L. Kowalski January 27, 2013 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time LENTEN SCHEDULE LENT/HOLY WEEK/EASTER/ DIVINE MERCY 2013 ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH 7:00 AM MASS with imposition of ashes 8:45 AM SERVICE (school and public) 12:00 NOON SERVICE 5:00 PM SERVICE 7:00 PM SERVICE LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE Monday, February 25th 7:00 PM Confessions STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays 12:00 NOON & 6:30 PM (Simple Lenten meal in the cafeteria after the evening Stations) DAILY MASS Weekdays 7:00 AM & 8:45 AM; Saturday 8:00 AM CONFESSIONS Wednesdays 7:30 AM—8:30 AM Thursdays 5:00 PM—6:00 PM Saturdays 3:00 PM—4:45 PM HOLY WEEK Monday, March 25th No Mass or Communion Service Tuesday, March 26th CHRISM MASS in Charlotte (No Mass or Communion service) Wednesday, March 27th (SPY WEDNESDAY) 8:45 AM Mass ONLY Thursday, March 28th (HOLY THURSDAY) 7:00 PM Bilingual Service Friday, March 29th (GOOD FRIDAY) Stations of the Cross 12:00 PM English; 3:00 PM Veneration of the Cross (Bilingual); Saturday, March 30th (HOLY SATURDAY) 1:00 PM Blessing of Easter food 8:00 PM Easter Vigil EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 31ST 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM (LATIN), 4:00 PM (SPANISH) ** No 7pm Mass DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, APRIL 7th 1:30 PM TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS 2:30 PM DIVINE MERCY SERVICE Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Divine Mercy Sunday During the Mass of canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000, the year of the Great Jubilee, Pope John Paul II proclaimed: "It is important then that we accept the whole message that comes to us from the word of God on this Second Sunday of Easter, which from now on throughout the Church, will be called Divine Mercy Sunday." The readings on that Sunday are always about mercy, trust and the forgiveness of sins. Our Lord Jesus said, ''The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet... Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy." (699) The plenary indulgence that was issued for Divine Mercy Sunday does not change the promises of Our Lord. Rather it provides the Church's highest mark of approval and endorsement and gives souls more time to go to Confession. January 27, 2013 Special Announcements Inclement Weather Policy When the school is closed or has a delayed open due to inclement weather, please be advised that the parish office will also be closed for the day. The 7AM and 8:45AM Mass will NOT be said publicly and the church building will be closed for the day. If the Mass is an “intentioned” Mass, the Mass will be said privately by one of the priests and will not be rescheduled. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. And as always, please use common sense when deciding “whether” to drive in inclement “weather.” Security Upgrade In our continued efforts to make the property a safer place the locks have been changed on the lower school. When borrowing a key for use of the building please use the ramp door ONLY to enter and exit. If any other door is used or propped opened the use of the facilities will be reconsidered. Please note: Use of the school smart boards is NOT PERMITTED for any reason. These items are costly to replace. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Parish Campus Security Join us on Sunday, April 7th at 1:30 PM for a Traditional Latin Mass and 2:30 PM for a Divine Mercy Celebration! Novena Schedule: Chaplet of Divine Mercy March 29th—April 6th (Good Friday to the Saturday before Divine Mercy Sunday) Day 1: Good Friday, March 29th Prayed after the 12:00 PM Stations of the Cross in the church Day 2 and 3: Holy Saturday, March 30th and Easter Sunday, March 31st Prayed privately at home or in the church Day 4 through 8: April 1st through April 6th Prayed Monday through Friday after the 8:45 AM Mass in the church Day 9: April 7th Prayed at 7:35AM before the 8AM Mass in the church It is crucial that we all be aware of our surroundings and of anyone who may be on our campus. If you see any suspicious individual or behavior, etc., please contact either the church office or the school office immediately. Many thanks for your assistance. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak with our parish business manager, Jenny Montgomery (ext. 315). She will be happy to assist you. Young Adults Attention Young Adults ,age 20s thru 40s! Come out for our monthly Adoration/Dinner on Friday, February 22nd, starting at 7:30pm at Maryfield in High Point. Dinner out to follow at 8:30pm. You can also join our weekly informal Catechism study on Wedneday nights located on the OLG church campus (check activity calendar for time/location). Further info/questions, please contact Greg Rinaldi at 336665-5899 or gregrinaldi@yahoo.com. Donut Sunday is next Sunday, February 3rd following our morning Masses in the cafeteria. February’s gathering is sponsored by the OLG Night Shelter Teams. Please join us for coffee and a donut and introduce yourself to someone you have not met! Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form) The Traditional Latin Mass is offered each Sunday at 1:30PM. Missa Cantatas (sung Mass) are scheduled for the following dates: Sunday, January 27th; February 10th; February 24th; March 10th; March 31st (Easter Sunday); April 14th; April 28th; May 19th; June 2nd; June 16th. PLEASE mark your calendars and plan to join us. Booklets with the prayers in Latin and English are provided. All are welcome! January 27, 2013 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Knights of Columbus Luncheon with Friends January 29th, 12:30PM Knights of Columbus Council #939 once again will host a charity lunch program on Tuesday, January 29th at our club house on Horsepen Creek Rd. (down from St. Paul the Apostle Church) Come out and enjoy a nice meal at a very low cost of $5.00 per person. Bring your family, bring your friends. Doors open at 12 noon and the meal is served at 12:30. The menu features beef stew, rolls, beverage and dessert. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Married Couples—Want to give the gift that keeps on giving? Attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend— it’s the best gift you’ll ever give to each other and your marriage! The weekend centers entirely on your relationship and is a positive, private experience between you and your spouse that will revitalize your marriage. Marriage Encounter Weekends make great gifts. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Feb. 8-10, 2013 in Winston-Salem, NC and Apr. 26-28, 2013 in Raleigh, NC. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information, visit our website at http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact William & Elizabeth Nickle at applications@NCMarriageDiscovery.org or 704-315-2144. Call Pat Kirwan at 541-5582 so we’ll know how many meals to prepare. WOMEN’S CLUB EVENTS Fashion Show and Luncheon Join us for a fun Fashion Show and complimentary luncheon at 11:30 AM on Thursday, February 21st at Pennybyrn, 109 Penny Road, High Point, NC. The Fashion Show is sponsored by Songbird Consignments and our own Gullanar Campbell, Gloria Essa, Majorie Gittinger, Lura Lyle and Esther View will model the fashions. The Knights of Columbus Piedmont Council #939 is sponsoring a pancake breakfast to support the LAMB Foundation of NC. Date: Saturday, February 9 Location: Applebee’s at 3200 N. Battleground Avenue Time: 8:00 AM—10:00 AM Cost: $7.00 for adults, $4:00 for children Reservations are not required, but to help us plan please call Bill Eastwood at 674-2674 if you plan to attend. See you there! Thanks! For more information and to make a reservation, please call Carol Stratton at 851-0436 or Rosemary Murphy at 2920653 or jmurphy12@triad.rr.com. Our ATTRACTION BOOKS are still available and make great gifts. Pick one up in the church office or call Louise Kemp at 294-2986. Checks should be made payable to the OLG Women’s Club for $25 each. AFTER MASS February 2 & 3 Homemade Soup Sale Deadline for Bulletin Article Submissions Edition Deadline for Submission Feb. 3 4PM, Wednesday, Jan. 30th Feb. 10 4PM, Wednesday, Feb. 6th Feb. 17 4PM, Wednesday, Feb. 13th Submissions should be sent to reberle@olgchurch.org PLEASE NOTE: Submissions received after the deadline will appear in the next bulletin issue unless the information would be outdated. Thank you for your cooperation. To Benefit our Sister Parish Mission, The Corpus Christi Foundation in Granada, Nicaragua $10 per 1 Quart Vegetable Beef Barley, Chicken Noodle, Minestrone, and Chili To Pre-Order call Carlotta Riker at 297-4441 or email carlottariker@gmail.com with your name and phone number and how many quarts you wish to order. Payment is due at time of pickup after Mass at the church on February 2nd and 3rd. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Grateful thanks to all who helped with the Night Shelter Dinner held at the Greensboro Urban Ministry on Wednesday, January 2nd. Your good work provided a delicious meal for the residents who call the shelter home. Thanks also for the many great donations – the meatloaf, fruit, pies, cakes, brownies, cookies, candies, and other desserts were awesome! We had an overwhelming response and the shelter truly appreciates all that they receive. Please know that anything left from the dinner is served the next day at lunch and nothing is ever wasted. The residents thoroughly enjoyed the feast thanks to your generosity! We will ask for donations again for the April dinner. Please note: the Knights of Columbus will serve the next dinner on Wednesday, February 6. If you are a member of the K of C and would like to help, please call Roy Berninger at 665-1551. Spiritual Exercises Retreat for Women 2013 is the Year of Faith. It is incredible how much good just one holy person can do, just as physical exercise strengthens our faith and helps us endure life’s challenges. Legionaries of Christ priests will help you revitalize your personal faith through guided meditation, spiritual direction, Eucharistic adoration, and the sacrament of confession. Increase your ability to transmit the love, peace and joy of Christ by actively cultivating your spirit of faith in 2013. When: February 22-24, 2013 Where: St Francis Springs Retreat Center, Stoneville, NC January 27, 2013 Are you looking for new ways to give a special offering to Christ during Lent? Join us in quiet prayer, fasting and peaceful witness for an end to abortion outside “A Woman’s Choice of NC” abortion facility, 201 Pomona Drive in Greensboro. Here are some of the many blessings received during our fall vigil: Abortion appointments at the clinic went down 50%. Six babies’ lives were saved at the last minute. A woman experienced healing from a past abortion as she stood vigil and prayed. An abortion worker reached out as she began to realize the truth about abortion. Become a part of the vigil. Go to 40daysforlife.com/greensboro to sign up for vigil hours & view the vigil guidelines. Daily hours available from 7:00a.m. to 7:00p.m. Come pray with us! 40 Days For Life Greensboro February 13 through March 24 Contact Leslie Marsh 336-471-5571 or leslieannmarsh@gmail.com Cost: $195 Double Occupancy/$235 Single Questions: sperez@triad.rr.com, 336-643-6199 Learn more at 40daysforlife.com January 27, 2013 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Religious Education Director of Religious Education, Jim McCullough 274-6520 ext. 335, jmccullough@olgchurch.org Last Chance For These Great Catholic Talks! Sons, Fathers, Husbands, Brothers, Men! – Join us for the 3rd Annual Catholic Men’s Conference, Man of Prayer, Man of Action. The conference will be on Saturday, February 16, 2013, at St. Matthew Catholic Church from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Mass will be celebrated by Most Reverend Bishop Peter J. Jugis, and a dynamic line-up of speakers is scheduled, including the return of Fr. Larry Richards, a high-powered national men’s speaker. Dr. Ray Guarendi, nationally renowned Catholic psychologist will offer practical advice and Bishop Curlin will lead a reflection as well. Advance ticket price is $35 for adults, with discounts available for seniors and students. Price includes breakfast and lunch. For registration, please visit our website at www.cltcmc.org or contact Dan Trapini at daniel_trapini@bellsouth.net. Also, Fr. Larry & Dr. Ray will speak at the Women’s Night of Reflection on Friday, February 15. See http://ccwg.eventbrite.com for details. 3rd Annual Charlotte Catholic Men’s Conference Bus Trip Date: Saturday, February 16 Departure Time: 6:30 AM Departure Location: St. Pius X Catholic Church 2200 N. Elm Street Greensboro Contact: Greg Rachal at koc11101@yahoo.com or 336-215-9318 Once again the Knights of Columbus Council #11101 from St. Pius X Catholic Church is organizing a 55 passenger luxury motor coach to travel to the 3rd Annual Charlotte Catholic Men’s Conference. Riding the motor coach is a fantastic way to travel to the conference. Call now to reserve your seat! We look forward to seeing you there! Our current selections are not going to last much longer! Check the Tremont side door beside the Lower School for the best selection of what is left. Great Catholic talks by great Catholic speakers, just right for listening to on the way to work. Cut off the radio junk and improve your attitude and your faith life! Your donation of $3 per CD will help us nearly break even. Thanks! Why Attend 7am Daily Mass? It is a great way to put God and His Kingdom first. Inquire about the Catholic Faith: We have “Inquiry” meetings for anyone seeking a spiritual life who is open to the Bible and has questions about Catholicism. Get in touch with Jim McCullough at 274-6520 x335 or email him at jmccullough@olgchurch.org to register and get more information. No cost. No pressure. Education & Formation Commission John Endredy, Chairperson jendredy@gmail.com or 449-3656 Come One, Come All Seven Myths about the Catholic Church & Science taught by Benjamin Wiker, PhD is being offered at OLG and started on December 2. The course runs 8 sessions (with some Sundays off for the Christmas season and school breaks). The course consists of DVD lectures and discussion. It runs from 10:20 AM to 11:20 AM on Sundays in St. Joseph’s House. No pre-registration necessary. For more information on the lectures, see www.catholiccourses.com. Co-op childcare is available for children ages 1-3. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church OLG Girl Scout Troops Cookie Sale February 9th & 10th after all masses. Cookies are $4.00 per box. January 27, 2013 Mark Your Calendar 60th Anniversary Diamonds & Denim Gala Auction on March 23rd, 2013 Tickets Available Soon! They make great Valentine's gifts and they're here before the Lenten Season! Come enjoy a sweet treat! Thanks-A-Lot! - OLG Girl Scouts Our Lady of Grace School Middle School Open House Monday, February 11th , 6:30 PM Middle school is a crucial time in a student’s academic career. Join us to explore how Our Lady of Grace School’s middle school curriculum can prepare your child for success. We offer an academically-challenging curriculum, while also preparing our students to be thoughtful, compassionate leaders in a rapidly changing world. This year, 2 of the 3 National Merit Scholars at Bishop McGuiness High School were OLG graduates—come find out why. Our Lady of Grace School is excited to announce our upcoming 60th Anniversary Diamonds & Denim Gala Auction on March 23rd. We hope that you will join us for this event. If you are a business owner, please consider supporting this event by placing an ad in our program or donating an item for the auction. For more information on how you and your business can participate, please contact Karen Hornfeck at khornfeck@olgsho.org or 336-275-1522 or Theresa Byrd, wbyrd@triad.rr.com or 336-430-8789. Thank you for your continued support of our school! Summer Camps are Back! Looking for something fun and educational for your children to do this summer? Save Your Box Tops! You can help raise hundreds of dollars for OLG School! Please clip Box Tops (found on General Mills, Betty Crocker, Ziploc, Kleenex, etc. products) and put them in the Sunday Collection in an envelope marked “Box Tops” or bring them by the school or church office. Thank you! These add up very quickly! Our Lady of Grace School is proud to announce that our popular summer camp program will be returning For the Summer of 2013. More information will be coming soon!
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Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
families. Your fellow parishioners are grateful for your support in prayer until their
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November 3, 2013 - Our Lady of Grace Church
families. Your fellow parishioners are grateful for your support in prayer until their
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