Central Maine Bird Fanciers, Inc.
Central Maine Bird Fanciers, Inc.
Central Maine Bird Fanciers, Inc. 17th Annual Fall Show October 5, 2014 Windsor Fairgrounds Windsor, Maine DEDICATION This show is dedicated to CMBF member, Dr. Robert Hawes. Bob has dedicated hundreds of hours of service to our club. He has graciously shared his valuable font of poultry knowledge and advice both formally in educational sessions and judging services, and informally, to all ages who asked. He has loyally served us in so many ways: setting up and cleaning up for shows, serving on committees, creating our breeders’ list, and judging showmanship competitions. He is currently on our Board of Directors. For all of his achievement, his years of judging at fairs and shows, tutoring juniors and judging their birds, and mentoring the rest of us, Bob received the richly-deserved recognition of the APA at last year’s New England Poultry Congress. It is our time to honor him for his service to the Maine poultry fancier. Bob, you are a gentlemanly competitor, a scholarly and tireless mentor, and most of all, a warm and congenial friend to so many of us. THANK YOU, BOB, for your long and valuable service to the Fancy and Central Maine Bird Fanciers!! Bob is shown here with his number one fan and wife, Alice. She has graciously supported him and his poultry interests AND our club for many years. Amongst many other breeds that have enjoyed improvement due to Bob’s knowledge and care, the Bantam Columbian Plymouth Rock is a current favorite along with his Cochins. Entries must be Post Marked by: September 27th, 2014 PLEASE MAIL ALL ENTRIES TO: LINDA BLACKMAN 1309 Dutch Neck Road Waldoboro, ME 04572 Entry Fee--$3.00 per bird. Junior Entry Fee-- $2.00 per bird Make checks payable to Central Maine Bird Fanciers, Inc. Entries will not be accepted unless check accompanies entry. Any questions/problems during show weekend, call Linda’s cell: 207-542-4323 JUDGES We are pleased to welcome Warren Carlow of Rhode Island Stephen Blash of Massachusetts DIRECTIONS TO THE SHOW From Augusta: Route 17 E for about 12 miles to 32 N., Turn left on to 32 N Windsor Fairgrounds are on the left about 1/2 mile. Poultry Building located by the North Gate of the Fair Grounds next to the museum barn and garden. From the Coast Route 17 W Augusta (est. 40+ or - miles from Rockland) Right on to 32 N Fairground directions same as above. Have a safe and enjoyable trip CENTRAL MAINE BIRD FANCIERS, INC. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING AWARDS Class Champions $10.00 Reserve Class Champions $5.00 Champion Large Fowl $25.00 and plaque Reserve Champion Large Fowl $15.00 and ribbon Champion Bantam $25.00 and clock Reserve Champion Bantam $15.00 and ribbon Champion Waterfowl $25.00 and plaque Reserve Champion Waterfowl $15.00 and ribbon Champion Pigeon $25.00 and plaque Reserve Champion Pigeon $15.00 and ribbon RESERVE SHOW CHAMPION Ribbon and $50.00 SHOW CHAMPION Clock and $100.00 Perpetual Trophy in memory of Forrest Hooper (Show Champion get plate on it. Three time CMBF Show Champion keeps the trophy.) We will be recognizing Charlie Devine with a Lifetime Membership to CMBF for his donation of unique handmade Poultry Clocks as show prizes over many years. Please join us in thanking him for his generosity and the sharing of his talents with us. SPECIAL AWARDS OFFERED Large Fowl or Bantam Erik Nelson offers: Best Game Bird in honor of Charley Devine Best Cochin in honor of Bob Hawes Fran Curtis offers: Best Phoenix $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Large Fowl Bob Hawes offers: In Memory of George Marvin Best American $10.00 Linda & Dick Blackman offer: Best Standard Plymouth Rock other than White in honor of Bob Hawes $10.00 Donna Lamb (through Cochins International) offers: Best Standard Cochin $5.00 Rob Hawes offers: Best Standard Buff Cochin in honor of Bob Hawes $10.00 Bantams Bob Hawes offers: Best Wyandotte in honor of Fran Curtis Best Cochin Linda & Dick Blackman offer: Best Blue Cochin in honor of Bob Hawes Best Game Bird in honor of Charley Devine Mike Lash offers: Best Old English Best Wyandotte Austin & Marti Brann offer: Best Leghorn Best Black Rosecomb Joel Hawes (through Cochins International) offers: Best Red Cochin Donna Lamb (through Cochins International) offers: Best Cochin Reserve Cochin Fran Curtis offers: Best Buff Cochin Best Columbian Plymouth Rock $10.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 Waterfowl Dick Blackman offers: Best Large Duck $5.00 Fran Curtis offers: Best Sebastopol Goose $10.00 Central Maine Bird Fanciers President: Austin Brann Vice President - Chickens: Erik Nelson Vice-President – Pigeons: Brian Read Secretary-Treasurer: Linda and Dick Blackman Show Secretary: Linda Blackman Rules and Regulations 1. All fowl, including waterfowl, exhibited must be tested and rated Pullorum Typhoid Clean. PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR TEST CARD TO YOUR ENTRY. Any bird showing sign of disease or vermin shall be removed from the show. 2. Classes: Cock, Hen, Cockerel, and Pullet in poultry, Waterfowl and Pigeons shall be Old Male, Old Female, Young Female, Young Male. 3. All Pigeons must be banded with seamless bands; unbanded birds may be banded and shown with split bands but must be shown in adult classes. 4. Birds may be handled by Exhibitor, Judge, Steward, or show officials only. 5. Bantams and Bantam Ducks will be judged by A.B.A. Standard. Large Fowl and all other Waterfowl shall be judged by the A.P.A. Standard of Perfection. 6. Protest: Must be filed with the Show Secretary within 30 minutes of judging of breed, along with a $25.00 fee to be returned if the protest is upheld. 7. No exhibitors in the aisles while judging is taking place. 8. Coop in by 9:00 AM Sunday morning. Judging starts at 9:30 AM. 9. Birds may be cooped in between 3 and 6 PM on the Saturday before the show.(Please call if other arrangements are needed.) 10. Exhibitors, please remove coop tags, feed and water cups after the show. 11. Members, please stay and help clean up after the show. 12. Although all possible care will be taken to protect your entries at the show, CMBF is not responsible for any loss or damage to your birds. The ultimate care of entries is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Please provide your birds with water. 13. Judges shall be licensed and base their decisions using the American Poultry Association and the American Bantam Association Standards of Perfection. JUNIOR SHOW RULES 14. Juniors must handle and coop in their own birds. 15. Junior entries are subject to all of the open show rules and regulations. 16. Junior entry fee is $2.00 per bird 17. Juniors must be present at time of judging of their entries. JUNIOR AWARDS Champion Large Fowl Award and $15.00 Reserve Champion Large Fowl Ribbon and $10.00 Champion Bantam Award and $15.00 Reserve Champion Bantam Ribbon and $10.00 Champion Waterfowl Award and $15.00 Reserve Champion Waterfowl Ribbon and $10.00 Champion Pigeon Award and $15.00 Reserve Champion Pigeon Ribbon and $10.00 Junior Reserve Show Champion $10.00 and award Junior Show Champion $25.00 and award Junior Award Donations Donna Lamb (through Cochins International) offers: Best Cochin $5.00 Large Fowl Dick Blackman offers: Best American $5.00 Bantams Bob Hawes offers: Best Featherleg Linda Blackman offers: Best Belgian d’Anver Best Cochin in honor of Bob Hawes Best Featherleg $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Myron Lash offers: Best Old English Fran Curtis offers: Best White Wyandotte $10.00 $5.00 Waterfowl Barry Roberts offers: Best Call Duck Fran Curtis offers: Best Call Duck $20.00 $5.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Bantam Association P.O. Box 127, Augusta, NJ 07822 (973) 383-6944 FAX (973) 383-8633, aba@bantamclub.com State Meet Plaques to Champion and Reserve Champion Bantam Pins for Champion and Reserve for all seven bantam divisions providing there are 25 birds competing Pins for all starred wins in the show. Only ABA members are eligible to compete for the above awards. A single bird is eligible for only one award and can earn only one starred win. Dues are $15.00 per year; $40.00 for three years. New members receive a copy of the quarterly and the latest available copy of the Annual ABA Year Book which lists 900 advertisers and includes a complete breed and variety index. Winners of ABA awards are listed in the year book under Who’s Who in Bantams. Starred wins are earned in classes of 100 or more in the following: Champions and Reserve Champions in the seven bantam divisions. Best and Reserve of Breed and Variety. Best Display when 7 or more bantam displays are shown, Best and Reserve Display when 10 or more bantam displays are shown. Best and Reserve Trio when 30 or more trios are shown by 4 or more exhibitors. Awards are subject to change. American Poultry Association, Inc Pat Horstman, P.O. Box 306, Burgettstown, PA 15021 State Meet The A.P.A. invites you to become a member. Annual dues are $15.00 for 1 year, $40.00 for 3 years, $25.00 for one year outside the U.S. and Canada; Junior Dues (for those 18 and under) are $10.00 per year. Endowment Trust Life membership is $225.00. All Annual and Endowment Trust Life members receive our yearbook and are eligible to earn points toward a Master Exhibitor Award. Every member is eligible for the awards at this show. A minimum of 10 Master Exhibitor Award points will be awarded to any qualified win at this show. AWARDS An APA Certificate will be given for the following when ten or more are judged. Grand Champion & Reserve Champion of each of the following classes: Large Chicken, Bantam, Duck, Goose, & Turkey An APA Medal will be given to the Champion of each Class when ten or more are judged in a class: Large Chickens, Bantams, Ducks, Geese & Turkeys. JUNIOR AWARDS An APA Medal plus one year membership (1 per year) will be given for the following: Champion Large Chicken, Champion Bantam and Champion of combined (Ducks, Geese & Turkeys) shown by a Junior. Juniors need not be members to receive these awards. Join now or at the show. NATIONAL CALL BREEDERS ASSOCIATION District Meet Contact person is Dennis Fuller, NCBA Secretary, 1729 Otterville Blvd., Independence, IA 50644-9261. District Director for our area is Barry Roberts. Email address: roberts4719@roadrunner.com. For more info, visit the website: www.callducks.org COCHINS INTERNATIONAL District Meet Northeast District 1, Director Donna Lamb Awards offered by the Cochins International Club will be issued only to persons that are members in good standing prior to judging. Mail dues to Membership Chairman Mat McCammon, Rt. #2 Box 98M, Bloomfield, IN 47424 or purchase a Membership prior to judging from the club secretary. Annual dues as follows: Adult and Family Membership—$15, Junior Membership (under 18 years of age) $7.50. Membership includes three newsletters annually, a Breeders Directory, and eligibility for awards at all club meets. All Cochins, Large Fowl, Bantams and Frizzles are eligible for Master Breeder Points. Join Cochins International prior to judging at the show to become eligible for awards. See Donna Lamb for membership applications prior to judging to join Cochins International. Must pay dues at time of application to be eligible for awards. PLYMOUTH ROCK FANCIER’S CLUB State Meet Send dues before judging to Richard Hickman, 2724 Cedar St., Millville, NJ 08332 to be eligible for awards. Dues are $20.00 for single, and $7.50 for junior (under 18 ) per calendar year or $100.00 for a lifetime. Club patches are 4” - $4.00 and 3” - $3.00 1987, 1988, 1990, 1995, 1997 yearbooks are available at $2.00 each or $10.00 for all 5. OLD ENGLISH GAME BANTAM CLUB OF AMERICA State Meet The Old English Game Bantam Club of America is devoted to the promotion of Old English Bantams everywhere. Join today and receive a free yearbook with ads and articles from many top breeders. This membership will also enable you to be eligible to win Club awards obtained at all sanctioned Club meets. Annual Club dues are $15.00 U.S. and $20.00 Canada/Bermuda and International ;for Individual, Family or Partnership. Send your dues to: Jennifer Wulff, Secretary 1789 E. Co Rd 100 N, Connersville, IN 47330 AMERICAN SILKIE BANTAM CLUB State Meet Join the ASBC today! Membership benefits include: Quarterly newsletters, Annual Breeders’ Directory, and access to the website’s members’ area which includes access to Silkie Classifieds, Member Forum, live chats, Members’ Directory, immediate access to quarterly newsletters, and email updates. Yearly membership dues: Juniors (under 18 years old) - $10, Individuals - $15, Families - $20. Go to www.americansilkiebantamclub.org. APA-ABA YOUTH POULTRY CLUB “Showmanship Points Program” A point system will be put into effect for our APA-ABA Youth Club members at a sanctioned meet for the showmanship contest. Please note: This point system is only available by the APA-ABA Youth Club. Points for the showmanship contest are not available through the American Poultry Association or the American Bantam Association. There will be three (classes/age groups) recognized beginning at age 8. Junior, Intermediate & Senior. There must be a minimum of two (2) contestants per class for points to be awarded. The Pee Wee Class is considered an “introduction to showmanship” to prepare for the more advanced classes and will not be included in the point system. Our Fall 2014 show is a sanctioned meet for APA-ABA Showmanship. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD WAGON Brought to you by: Debbie Davis Coffee, breakfast sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, other traditional yummy goodies TAILGATE SALES: EXHIBITORS AND CMBF MEMBERS ONLY Sale space fee $10.00 A member of the club will be around to collect. 1. 2. 3. 4. All sale birds must be from tested, pullorum typhoid clean flocks. Sale birds should be free of pests (lice and fowl mites). Sale birds should be in good health. Please do not overcrowd your sale coops or expose young birds to unhealthy temperatures. 5. Please provide your birds with water. JR. POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP Judge: Barry Roberts ***Sign up at the secretary’s desk the morning of the show. ***Showmanship will be held starting at 9:30 a.m. ***Showmanship classes will be judged according to the guidelines as set forth by the American Poultry Association and American Bantam Association. ***Awards will be given to Reserve and Best of each class. JOIN THE APA-ABA YOUTH POULTRY CLUB Ages 5 and up New members receive a membership card & club patch. A quarterly newsletter is available in our website newsroom--Spring/Summer Newsletter is now online! Dues: U.S.A. $8.00 Yearly Canada: $20.00 You can NOW JOIN or RENEW online fast and easy using PayPal The primary objective of our club is to encourage and help our young members to acquire the knowledge, skills and experience to participate fully and effectively in the poultry fancy as an adult. The club promotes opportunities to practice showmanship, cooperation and fellowship and to be involved with their home community and with the poultry fancy in general. The club challenges the youth to study, engage in constructive activities, use his/her imagination and to develop individual talents and abilities by participating in the A.C.E. program. http://www.apa-abayouthpoultryclub.org AREA PLACES TO STAY Best Western, Augusta 1-800-780-7234 Senator Inn & Spa, Augusta 1-877-772-2224 MOTEL 6, Augusta 1-800-466-8356 Moody’s Motel, Route 1, Waldoboro Phone: (207) 832-5362 The Ledges, Route 1, Glen Cove (Rockland) Phone: 1-800-898-8944 Claddagh Motel, Route 1, Rockport Phone: 1-800-871-5454 SEE YOU AT THE SHOW!!!! CENTRAL MAINE BIRD FANCIERS 1309 Dutch Neck Road Waldoboro, ME 04572
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