August - Muskegon County Genealogical Society
August - Muskegon County Genealogical Society
Newsletter of the Muskegon County Genealogical Society Since 1972 TWIG TALK A publication of: Muskegon County Genealogical Society c/o Hackley Public Library Torrent House 315 W. Webster Avenue Muskegon, MI 49440-1208 Find us on Officers President: Past President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Dawn Westcomb Kelley Jane Appleton Schapka Kathy Broughton DeCormier Karen Page Frazier Nancy Clark Spoon Committees County Clerk ................. Jane Gates Dawn Kelley Barb Martin Facebook ...................... Norman Dagen Historian ....................... Board Members History Book Project ..... Kathy DeCormier Hospitality...................... Jane Weber Paula Halloran John Slater Phyllis Slater Library ........................... Barb Martin Membership .................. Paula Halloran Marsha Wiersema Newsletter ..................... Kay Bosch Dawn Kelley Pioneer Cert. Program.. Board Members Programs & Publicity..... Board Members Special Projects ........... Dawn Kelley Website ......................... Shelly Nelson Vol. 14 No. 8 August 2014 Thursday, August 14th at 7:00 p.m. VFW Post 3195, 5209 Grand Haven Rd corner of Grand Haven & Porter Rds. “Mistakes Everywhere” Speaker, Diane Oslund Diane will show examples: of mistakes found in vital records, obituaries, census records etc. and will discusses ways to verify the information. It also covers the fact that not all discrepancies can be resolved and suggests how to handle the data until ‘hopefully’ it can be resolved at a later date. Diane Oslund has been researching her personal family lines since the late 1970's and has helped others research their families for the past 15 years. She started speaking on genealogical topics in 2003. She has authored or co-authored books on some of her family lines. Co-authored with Karen Krugman “Ford Family Cemetery” (Henry Ford's burial place) and has helped transcribe several cemeteries in Lenawee County. She has held several offices in a local genealogy society. Plan Ahead because we are back in September! Genealogy Family History Workshops Torrent House Local History & Genealogy Dept., 315 W. Webster 2 sessions! 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please pre-register online at or call 231-722-7276 ext. 240 Please help us help you. We need your input, and sooner rather than later. Tell us: What do you want to see for future programs at out meetings? What do you want to see more of in future Twig Talks? What projects of recording history do you want to see us pursue? These are the things we want and need to know. Please send us your thoughts to What day and year was this? President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act establishing the system which guarantees pensions to those who retire at age 65. The Social Security system also aids states in providing financial aid to dependent children, the blind and others, as well as administering a system of unemployment insurance. Twig Talk Vol. 14 No. 8, August 2014 COUNTY CLERK RESEARCH MEMBERSHIP Connie VanDeKoppel, Muskegon, MI SURNAMES: None listed yet Muskegon County Clerk is located on the first floor. You will use the front entrance at 990 Terrace until the new jail is finished in the winter of 2015. The parking lot is on Pine St. & Mrytle Ave. Connie Wanerus, Norton Shores, MI SURNAMES: Havermans, Kovats, Ostrowski, Pereko, Zahrt HOSPITALITY HAPPENINGS Our June meeting with speakers Bill and Glenna Christen, focused on the many clues for identifying old photos. Connie Fales, Bonnie Vokits, Sandra Kelley, Barb Martin, Linda Welsh, Sherran Esch, Marie Payne, Karen Farmer, Judy Tierney, Nancy Bassett and Fran Harrington brought their family pictures for analysis. The program was very educationally helpful to members! Lucky Ingrid Porritt won the genealogical door prize. For or break, Barb Martin tempted taste buds with yummy brownies, pound cake, cookies along with chip and dip. Fresh fruit and veggies were a tasty, nutritious addition from Ingrid Porritt. The Slaters quenched our thirsts with bottled water. Thanks go to all these giving people. We can look forward to a MCGS Book Raffle with a book and CD which have the same title: "More Dating of Old Photographs 1840-1929. Generous Fran Harrington is making the donation. There will also be a free book drawing. In August, our speaker, Diane Oslund, will focus on how to correct most discrepancies found in research sources. Do you have ONE example of misinformation to share? NEW BOOKS AT HPL Hutain Balduzzi Genealogy, by Mildred Leon Hutain Sustainable Genealogy: Separating Fact From Fiction in Family Legends, by Richard Hite Finding Family: My Search for Roots and the Secrets in My DNA, by Richard Hill International Vital Records Handbook: Births, Marriages, Deaths, by Thomas Jay Kemp Sail & Rail: A Narrative History of Transportation in Western Michigan, by Lawrence and Lucille Wakefield Hubbardston Genealogy 1780-1930: plus "A Bit of History" and "A Bit of Blarney, Too!', by Joanne Burns Howard and Peter J. Burns The French Canadians of Michigan by Jean Lamarre VOLUNTEERS are there to help you on Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Remember, you can also go there any time the office is open to do your research from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. TRIP TO ALLEN COUNTY LIBRARY Let’s not forget to plan in time for our annual trip to the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We will be gone October 1, 2, 3, & 4, 2014 (Wednesday thru Saturday). More details are coming soon. We will car pool, split gas, hotel, and parking fees. If you can drive or would prefer to ride, would like to room with people or alone, please let us know so we can make proper arrangements. A sign-up sheet will be passed at the meetings or email Dawn at NOTE: Make the most of your trip to Fort Wayne by doing all of your prep work ahead of time! If you need help, just ask any of us. We can give you all the help you need. MISTAKES, MISTAKES, MISTAKES Below are just a few where mistakes can be made. Birth, Death, Marriage records. Census records. Don’t except family traditions without checking out first. Don’t limit yourself to the surname spelling. Internet genealogy. Finding out you have the wrong family you researched. Don’t trust anything you see in print Coats of arms is for a specific individual. Legends from family, beware. Don’t limit yourself to one spelling of the surname. LATEST NEWS! "Who Do You Think You Are?" 2014 TLC this summer with six all-new episodes and a brand new list of contributors. The Emmy-nominated series is back on Executive Produced by Lisa Kudrow and Dan Bucatinsky, The season premieres Wednesday, July 23 at 9/8c on TLC., the world’s largest online family history resource, is teaming up again with TLC as a sponsor of the upcoming season. As part of the show sponsorship, provides exhaustive family history research on each of the featured celebrities, which is used to build out the story of each episode. 2 Twig Talk Vol. 14 No. 8, August 2014 Answer: August 14, 1935 NEW FREE ONLINE RECORDS SPECIAL PROJECT UPDATE UK – has created a new browsable image collection of Durham wills, probate bonds and probate commissions. The wills form the bulk of the collection, numbering some 149,000 images. The collection spans the years from 1650 to 1857. Free access at: collection/2358715 We have started taking pictures at Muskegon Oakwood Cemetery and we need lots of help. Ingrid Porritt and Dawn Kelley have taken over 2,000 photos to date. We are looking for people to join us. If you would like to help or if you know someone who can lend us a hand, contact us at or call 231-740-3698. This winter Ingrid will start again indexing the vitals out of the Montague Observer Newspapers. Ireland FYI– The General Register Office (GRO) of Ireland has put online enhanced indexes to Ireland’s civil registration records. The indexes have been uploaded to the website. These include birth, marriage and death indexes. Getting these indexes online has been a primary aim of the Council of Irish Genealogical Organizations for a number of years. The birth index spans the years from 1864 to 2013. After about 1900, the index seems to generally include the actual date of birth, as well as the mother’s maiden name (with some gaps). The marriage index spans the years from 1845 to 2013 for non-Catholic marriages and from 1864 to 2013 for Catholic marriages. Marriages after 1912 are indexed by couple. The death index is from 1864 to 2013. In terms of geographic coverage, the indexes up to 1922 cover all of Ireland and from 1922 to 2013 cover the Republic of Ireland. The details in these indexes have been enhanced with such things as date of birth. They are generally better than similar indexes found at FamilySearch, Ancestry and FindMyPast (which are based on microfilms FamilySearch prepared back in 1959). In other words, when looking at birth, marriage and death indexes for Ireland, you are better off going to the website. The indexes can be searched by first and last name. Access is free. Please note, when making a search you have to click a box saying that you are making an application to search the index. This is here simply to satisfy the government’s legal requirement to allow the indexes to be put online. Also, when searching for Mc/Mac and O’ surnames, try searching with and without the prefix and with and without the space. Finally, some compound first names (like ‘Mary Anne’) sometimes seem to be missing the second part of the name (in this case filed under just ‘Mary’) [Ireland Civil Registration Records Index] ***Please note these indexes have been taken off line. Apparently, the indexes contained information that should have been redacted (blocked out), such as the date of birth of living individuals. Publishing such information is a violation of Irish privacy laws. It is not known when the indexes will be going back online (with the appropriate information redacted).*** There is also some speculation the full records may come online within a year, but no details have been provided. Anita Shawboose has finished Seaman Cemetery (with over 1,400 Headstones). She has also finished a couple of the small cemeteries on the western side of the county. We will have the Seaman Cemetery also photos up soon as well. Fran Harrington and her sister Cheri Miller are taking pictures at Restlawn Cemetery and Fran is indexing the death records & Cheri is indexing the marriage record at the Muskegon County Clerk’s office. Connie Fales, Viv Nelund and Linda Welsh are working on indexing the death records at the Muskegon County clerk’s office. Karen Farmer has help us at Oakwood cemetery Kay Deuster is finishing Mona View Cemetery. Laurie Tilden volunteered to index the MAISD (Muskegon Area Intermediate School District) from 1908 to 1933. Jim Harkness is taking pictures of the plaques at Veterans Memorial Park at the causeway and he also working on the marriage indexes. Dawn Kelley stopped by the our Muskegon County Veterans office and found out that there will be some changes at the Veterans Memorial Park. They should be finished by next Veterans Day. They received a grant to expand the park and the price for each plaque may go up again. Jean Town (Local History & Gen. Dept.) is typing in all the death dates from the Clock Funeral records, 1894 to 1948. Diana Iversen is putting an index together from the Chancery index book into a database. 1894 - 1923. Sherri DeMuro has volunteered to be the Muskegon County Cemetery Corrdinator A HUGE Thank You needs to go out to each and every one of these people, and anyone we may have forgotten to mention who is working on all of our other projects in progress. We just could not do any of this without your hard work and dedication to the cause. Thank you! If anyone is interested in lending a hand please let us know (email and phone above). It doesn’t need to be a huge project or a lot of work. Just a little bit of time can help a lot! 3 Twig Talk Vol. 14 No. 8, August 2014 2014 MCGS Membership List New and renewals “THANKS” for joining our society. Without you! we would not be the society that are today. Carol Lang, Brohman, Mi Howard LeRoux Sr., Norton Shores, MI Diana Lebeau, Kalamazoo, MI Ron Lindsley Sr., Muskegon, MI Beth Lyons, Kenai, AK Barb Martin, Muskegon, MI Linda Martin, Fremont, MI Mary McCann, Whitehall, MI Gerald McDonald, Dearborn Hghts, MI Cheri Miller, Muskegon, MI Lyle Monette, Holton, MI Shelly Nelson, Muskegon, MI Viv NeLund, Muskegon, MI Bob Nordstrand, Muskegon, MI Garry & Charlotte Olson, Muskegon, MI JoAnn Osborn, Fruitport, MI Marie Payne, Muskegon, MI Ingrid, Porritt, N. Muskegon, MI Lorretta Rhoads, Russellville, AR Paula Rice, Muskegon, MI John Robillard, Whitehall, MI Tony Rumsey, Hesperia, MI Jane Schapka, N. Muskegon, MI Jon Schultz, Grayling, MI Ruth Skinner, Whitehall, MI Virginia Skoglund, Woodstock, IL John & Phyllis Slater, Whitehall, MI Monica Smith, Muskegon, MI Arthur G. Souter, Cooks, MI Nancy Spoon, Muskegon, MI Pat Straley, Muskegon, MI Randy Stenholm, West Olive, MI Judy Tierney, N. Muskegon, MI Laurie Tilden, Muskegon, MI Connie VanDeKoppel, Muskegon, MI Joyce VanderVere, Norton Shores, MI Bonnie Vokits, Fruitport, MI Connie Wanerus, Norton Shores, MI Nancy Waters, Muskegon, MI Jane Weber, N. Muskegon, MI Linda Welsh, Muskegon, Mi Richard White, Muskegon, MI Marcia Wiersma, Norton Shores, MI Ann Wirtz, Muskegon, MI Eileen Wojewodzki, N, Muskegon, MI Joanne Wood, Muskegon, MI Pat Wright, Spring Lake, MI Marilyn Young, Yuma, AZ Gerald & Nancy Zissler, Muskegon, Mi Kathy Agard, Muskegon, MI Dennis Allen, Muskegon, MI John Archer, Whitehall, MI Rob Aronson, Crozet, VA Shari Aspey, Muskegon, MI Cherri Atwood, Fruitport, MI Wendy Bialik, Muskegon, MI F. Richard Barr, Syracuse, NY Nancy Bassett, Grand Haven, MI Karen Bielinski, N. Muskegon, MI Elmer Bluhm, Spring Lake, MI Kay Bosch, Muskegon, MI Charlie Brown, Spring Lake, MI Dave Bush, Muskegon, MI Karin Carlson, Muskegon, MI Harriett Chalker, Muskegon, MI Maria Chmelarova, Muskegon, MI Carol Chu, Muskegon, MI Mary Connell, Cheyenne, WY Norm Dagen Jr., Empire, MI Dona J. David, Muskegon, MI Sabrina Dawson, Santa Rosa, CA Kathy DeCormier, Muskegon, MI Sherry DeMuro, Muskegon, MI Janet Dexter, Muskegon, MI Nancy D. Dotson, Muskegon, MI Carl & Sherran Esh, Grand Haven, MI Connie Fales, Muskegon, MI Karen Farmer, Muskegon, MI Karen Frazier, Fruitport, MI Jane Gates, Muskegon, MI Joan Gawron, Muskegon, MI Paula Halloron, Muskegon, MI Jim Harkness, Twin Lake, MI Fran Harrington, Muskegon, MI Pam Harrison, Twin Lake, MI Katherine Heilman, Fraser, MI Anthony Hermans, Poolesville, MD Rebecca Hill, Sour Lake, TX Diana Iversen, N. Muskegon, MI Sue Irvine, Grand Rapids, MI Juanita Joiner, Muskegon, MI Kathy Jolman, Muskegon, MI Katherine Joy, Whitehall, MI Judi Keim, Sturgis, MI Dawn Westcomb Kelley, Muskegon, MI Sandra Kelley, Whitehall, MI Alice Kooistra, Twin Lake, MI Jennifer Lamkin, Muskegon, MI 4 Twig Talk Vol. 14 No. 8, August 2014 Free download from Family Tree University 5 Twig Talk Vol. 14 No. 8, August 2014 Important Upcoming Dates 2014 Regular Meetings Board Meetings 7:00 p.m. VFW Post 3195 5209 Grand Haven Road 5:30 p.m. at the VFW VFW Post 3195 5209 Grand Haven Road August 14 September 11 October 9 November 13 No meeting in December August 14 September 11 October 9 November 13 No meeting in December Genealogy Family History Workshops Torrent House Local History & Genealogy Dept., 315 W. Webster 2 sessions! 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please pre-register online at or call 231-722-7276 ext. 240 September 13 October 11 November 8 THINGS TO REMEMBER Money for the book drawing and the 15 Generation Charts No workshops in June, July August & December See You at the Meeting! Michigan moves records to the cloud What’s coming to MCGS The Archives of Michigan is using a state-of the-art and inexpensive option—the internet — to store and preserve a growing collection of digital records that includes everything from 40 years worth of election results to an index of thousands of proposed designs for the state’s quarter released 10 years ago. Sep 11 - Program “Organize Your Genealogy Life” by Family Tree Magazine Power Point Presentation. Conquer the Chaos. Choose the best genealogy filing system for you. Decide what to keep and what to toss. The public can search to find what records have been Keep a neat genealogy space (no matter large or small). archived, but to actually view the documents will have to get a state archivist to retrieve them. A public viewing component will be added later. Oct 9 - “The Poor Farm”, speaker Marjorie Viveen a topic near and dear to me! A program on the farm would The new public viewing capability will be restricted to to include its basic history (started in 1866 in response to the read-only access. The use of tabs can manage whether need following the CW...), a little about it Keepers, and a documents or parts of documents or parts of documents are viewable. Confidential information, like a Social Security lot about individual "inmates." number, can be hidden from public view. Tabs can likewise be matched to different roles and security levels one the Library of Michigan new component comes online. (WMGS Newsletter Summer 2014) now open 2nd Saturday of month NOTE: The requirement is to electronic records. There is no 10am—5pm Monday—Friday plan at this time to go back and digitize older paper records 10am–4pm 2nd Saturday of the month and make them available online. (WMGS Summer 2014) Visit their Web site at CONGRATULATIONS! West Michigan Genealogy Society (WMGS) Michigan Historical Museum 9am—4:30pm, Monday—Friday 10am—4pm Saturday 1pm—5pm Sunday Visit their Web site at Save the date for—Friday and Saturday, October 10-11 The Annual Seminar A Celebration of our 60th anniversary! Dick Eastman will be WMGS speaker at— 2014 Got Ancestors (WMGS Summer 2014) Check out their website for more details: 6 Twig Talk Vol. 14 No. 8, August 2014
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c/o Hackley Public Library
316 W. Webster Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49440-1209
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