THE QUEER CHRONICLE 2011 JAN free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable TQC Issue 2 . Volume 5 . India Q-FEST PUNE 2010 SPECIAL EDITION In this issue Editorial free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable TQC Exclusive: From Sambhaji Park to QFest Pune 2010 01 Page 3 03 Q‐Fest Pune 2010: Through the lens 04 Movies: The best of Q‐Fest Pune 2010 06 Book Review: Pink Sheep 08 Art & Soul 09 The Q‐Fest Pune 2010 Wall 10 Mex in the City: Man of my dreams 13 Life & Tarot: Predictions for 2011 14 Readers’ Corner: Dear Editor 15 RJ’s Top 10 16 As we charge headlong into the new year, let us take a moment to remember the good times we shared with family, friends and all the lives that we have been touched by in the past years. And let us never forget those who did not make it to see 2011. Gaysi: And like that we turned two 17 Music: And not all that Jazz... 18 Weekend Getaway: Kalsubai 19 Leisure: Santé & Bon Appétit 20 Reflections 21 To me, the new year is an opportunity to forgive, to make amends and to strengthen the relationships that keep us alive. “Another fresh new year is here . . . Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give! This bright new year is given me To live each day with zest . . . TQC. Issue 2. Volume 5. Pune. To daily grow and try to be Cover photograph: “A NEW BEGINNING?” by Zohar. Photograph copyright Z Photography My highest and my best! ( Used with permission of the photographer and the featured model. Editor & publisher: Keith | Contributors: Alika, Ambika Rajgopal, Amey Kolhe, ‘Enigma’, ‘Gaysi’, ‘MJ’, Partha Sarathi Biswas, Prasad Bhide, ‘RJ’, ‘Sentinel’, Subodh Bodke, ‘Zephyr Ray’ | Q‐Fest I have the opportunity Pune 2010 photographs: Akshay Bajaj | Layout concept, design & production: Keith. Once more to right some wrongs, TQC (The Queer Chronicle) is a monthly e‐magazine published for and by the queer community in To pray for peace, to plant a tree, And sing more joyful songs!” (Poem by William Arthur Ward) India. This e‐zine is a non‐commercial publication, is not for sale and is exclusively for private distribution. Views expressed are solely the opinions of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial team of TQC, nor its affiliates. The content of this e‐zine may not be suitable for all audiences. The appearance of any person in this ezine, is not to be taken as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons.,, The Editor Please print this ezine only if you have to. Help save our planet. free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable TQC Exclusive : From Sambhaji Park To Q-Fest Pune 2010 TQC - Jan 2011 BY PARTHA SARATHI BISWAS The second week of December, for group discussions led by Prayatna, it A mention must also be made of the IT Queer Pune, was a weekend that many would remember for a long time. That indeed has been a long journey for Pune. revolution, which changed Pune’s skyline as well as the laid‐back weekend for many, translated in Omky, the man behind the Pune‐based character of the city. attending the QFest Pune 2010 ‐ a cultural extravaganza of movies, poetry, discussion group Prayatna, attributes this mainly to the internet revolution “ T h e p a s t 1 0 y e a r s h a s b e e n monumental for Pune in ushering in a plays, art and panel discussions. With bright faces and brighter attire (when it and to the Delhi High Court judgement d e c r i m i n a l i z i n g h o m o s e x u a l i t y. very cosmopolitan character to the city. The IT and ITES crowd that came in with comes to us queer folk, we do justice to “Personally, the year 2001, was the the IT revolution, brought in new ideas our Rainbow Flag), Queer Pune was out in large numbers to watch movies, to year of reckoning for many of us, with the internet revolution getting on full and new thoughts and that was also instrumental for opening up the city for socialize and to have a jolly good time. Given the roaring success of Q‐Fest swing. Chat rooms and sites like Guys4men (now PlanetRomeo) & good. Now, the acceptance level having increased a lot, we might be at the Pune 2010, it would have been difficult Manjam, did indeed open up a world brink of a major revolution of kinds in to digest the fact that 10 years ago, being gay in Pune was almost equivalent which was unknown to many of us. Prior to the internet revolution, it was Pune,” Omky continued. Ameya, a Pune‐based entrepreneur, to a life sans social interaction. With the renowned Sambhaji Garden at Deccan Sambhaji park, or public toilets, if you wanted to meet people of your agrees with Omky when he attributes this new found confidence of Queer and unsavory loo‐cruising, the only orientation. While at the garden, it was Pune to the internet revolution and means of interaction with the queer community, it indeed was a sea change through an intricate system of eye contact, that you got talking to some thinks that Pune is all set to witness some great things regarding the queer for many in Pune, to witness the metamorphosis. one you liked and took it forward. With the advent of internet, things changed, movement. “The success of Q‐Fest, is a clear indication of the fact that Pune’s So, what caused this sea change? and it was quite reassuring to find, gay community is both visible and Undoubtedly, the winds of change had started blowing a few years ago and the more of your tribe. For example, when I first logged into Guys4men, it gave me vibrant. The internet undoubtedly has played a very important part in the Q‐Fest being held in Pune was another proof that Gay Pune might be finally quite a shock to see more than 2,000 profiles from Pune,” he stated. movement, making us realize that there are many in the world with the same coming out of the closet. It was the anonymity of the internet, orientation. With this new found As of now, a weekend in Pune for the queer folk is literally a buffet to choose that had many creating profiles on these websites, and the opening up of a positivity, it was but evident that Pune was all set to witness the revolution in from. With ‘Queering Saturdays’ ‐ film screenings hosted by OpenSpace, events world of information regarding queer lifestyle, that made Pune open up the queer community, which has already become a major feature in organized by Birds of A Feather and slowly but surely. other cities. I am confident that very 1 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable 2 soon, Pune would have its own Pride attendees, take the step of coming out, March, given the level of enthusiasm that is now in Pune. A most heartening to their family or at their work? Also when it comes to the word activism, feature is that the next generation, is some how Pune does not seem to very open about the subject of h o m o s exu a l i t y w h i l e t h e o l d e r come of age. Activism for many seems limited to hosting parties and film generation is slowly coming to terms with it and accepting it as a natural festivals. However, activism has many facets, like legal, health, social etc. In thing,” he stated. Pune we do not have any infrastructure However, there is certainly a lot that remains to be done, in both the gay and or resource persons, to handle these queries. The need of the hour is to get straight communities before Pune can wear the badge of a ‘Queer‐Friendly proper people to handle these queries, and to ensure that gay activism comes City’. For a start, the representation of of age in Pune”. the Transgender community, over all has been close to negligible. Also, as Adds Sagar Dave, co‐founder of the Pune‐based support group Birds of A both Zameer Kamble, and Bindhu Madhav Khire point out the main Feather, “Pune has seen a lot of change especially in the last two years. Events hurdles that Pune has to over come. and ezines provide a sence of Zameer’s short film, “Love_Lonely” was screened at the Q‐Fest to rave reviews. normancy to being gay. It is no longer just an issue that is health related or “Technically, this was not the first queer film festival Pune had seen. Almost five something that one must ‘endure’. I believe that by creating a safe space years ago, a lesbian support group where once can express oneself called Olava had conducted a film festival ‐ Laargish. It was a huge physically through participating in events or emotionally / intellectually in success, with people of all walks of life and all strata of society attending the the case of queer literature / magazines will in their own subtle way, change same. However, due credit must be mindsets.” given to the present team, who have managed to successfully host a festival Speaking on how he believes a sense of b e l o n g i n g i s i m p o r t a n t , S a g a r of this magnitude. I would attribute this to the greater visibility of the present continues, “Our support group Birds of a Feather aims to create a sense of team and their judicious usage of social belonging within the LGBT community, networking sites like Facebook. This has led Q‐Fest to be noticed by a certain so that we all know that we are not alone and being accepted for who we section of the society. However, when it comes to awareness about LGBT issues, are is not as difficult. I believe it gives us the courage and confidence to t h e g ra s s ‐ ro o t s a re o f t e n l e f t embrace life as it is and eventually untouched,” he contemplated. Talking on the same vein, Pune‐based helps us to come out ‐ first to ourselves and then to others. Both aspects are gay activist Bindhu Madhav, points out to the need of more acceptance with in important in their contexts.” “We are all excited about the winds of the LGBT community itself. “When it change blowing in Pune and across the comes to acceptance, or coming out, many in the gay community are adverse country. Q‐Fest is a baby step in the journey of much bigger things to to doing that. In Pune we have had parties since many years, and they are happen for queer Pune.” concludes Keith, the editor & publisher of The well attended. But how many of the Queer Chronicle (TQC). TQC g 3 g P e 3 age 3 a a g P P e e 3 a e a g g P P g e 3 3 a a a g P e3 P e 3 P 3 P e 3 age a g P 3 3 a g P e3 e ag 3 P age age a ge g P P 3 a g P P e e 3 3 P 3 a g g P e e e 3 3 a a 3 g g Pa e 3 P Page Page 3 Pa e 3 P ge 3 Page 3 Pag e a g g g P e e 3 3 a a a 3 g g P P P e 3 Page Pag 3 Pa e 3 age 3 Page 3 Pa e 3 ag g g P P e e 3 3 a a 3 g g P P e e 3 3 e a ag 3 Pa ge 3 age ag 3 Pag e 3 P ge 3 Page P P P e 3 ag 3 a a g P P e e e 3 3 a g g g P e3 e a 3 P ge 3 age a a g P P 3 3 a g P P e e e 3 3 a a Pag e 3 P ge 3 Page 3 Pag e 3 P ge 3 Page 3 Pag e a g g P 3 age ag 3 Pa ge 3 age a a P P P e 3 e 3 Page 3 Pa e 3 P age 3 Page 3 Pag e 3 P age 3 3 g g P P e e 3 3 a a e g g P P age 3 Pa ge 3 age 3 Page 3 Pa ge 3 age 3 3 Pag 3 P e3 P e e e a a e g g g P P g 3 3 a a 3 a g a P e3 P P e e P a g g P e 3 age 3 a a 3 g g P P e e 3 a e a g g P P P e g 3 3 a a g a P P e e 3 ag 3 3 P a g P e e 3 3 P a 3 g g P P e e 3 a e a 3 g g P e 3 Pag Pa 3 P ge 3 age a P e 3 g g a 3 P e e 3 3 P a 3 g g P e e 3 a e ag a e 3 ge g P P e g 3 a g a P P g Pa 3 age 3 P 3 3 a Pa e 3 e e P g g P e e 3 a e a 3 g g g P P g e 3 a a e a 3 P age 3 Page e 3 Pa e 3 P age 3 3 Pag 3 Pag e 3 P ag g g P P ge P g e 3 a a a g P P e 3 3 P 3 ag e 3 ge 3 age 3 Pa 3 Pa ge 3 age ge P P P P g e 3 3 a e a 3 a 3 P e3 g P e g e P a g a g P e 3 P a e 3 ge a 3 g 3 g P e 3 a a g P P g Pa 3 Pa ge 3 Page Page 3 Pa e 3 age 3 Page g P e e 3 3 ag a a 3 g g P P e e 3 a e a g g P e 3 Pag Pa 3 P e 3 P e a g P 3 3 a g P e 3 age ag e 3 ge 3 age a a P P P e 3 g P e3 3 Pag Pa 3 P e 3 age a P e 3 g g P e3 e 3 age ag 3 a a g P P e 3 3 a g g P P e e e 3 3 a a g g g Pa 3 P ge 3 Page Pa 3 P ge 3 Page Pa free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable TQC - Jan 2011 The Q-Fest Pune 2010 Panel Discussion: “Queer visibility in the Arts”. Sitting L to R: Shobhna S Kumar (Queer Ink), Arun Mirchandani (Author), Ashish Sawhney (Filmmaker), Sunil Gupta (Photographer) The Q-Fest Pune 2010 Panel Discussion: “Is your sexual identity, your only identity”. Sitting L to R: Ram Naidu (Architect), Bindumadhav Khire (Gay Activist), Balachandran Ramiah (GayBombay), Ma Faiza (International DJ), Apphia K (Birds of a Feather) free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable q-fest pune 2010 TQC - Aug 2010 Photographs by Akshay Bajaj 4 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable December 11‐12, 2010. Pune TQC - Aug Jan 2011 2010 2 fabulous days . 15 films . 2 panel discussions . 2 book readings . a book launch . a script reading . a skit . an exhibition of art and queer literature . 380 participants 5 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable Movies: Best of Q-Fest Pune 2010 BY AMEY KOLHE HAPPY HOOKERS India, 2006 Director: Ashish Sawhney Running Time: 53 Minutes. In a duration of 53-minutes, this documentary traces the lives of three male sex workers. Sawhney follows their lives to understand the implications of sexual identity. While some are bisexual, others are transgender but they all remain gay together. STRAIGHTLACED USA, 2009 Director: Debra Chasnoff Running Time: 67 Minutes The film is about the lives of teens and young adults as seen through the gender lens. Approaching society's ideas and ideals of gender through clothes, sexuality, sports, dance, safety, consumerism and emotion, the film addresses the complexities of conceptions of masculinity and femininity for Generation Z. 6 SUDDENLY, LAST WINTER Italy, 2008 Directors: Gustav Hofer, Luca Ragazzi Running Time: 90 Minutes Cast: Gustav Hofer, Luca Ragazzi and Frank Dabell The film follows Gustav and Luca as they try and uncover the DICO legislation in Italy. A couple for 8 years, Gustav and Luca find their lives turned around by the reactions of other people. With a camera in hand they follow the Italian conventions and try and understand what it means to be a family. FLYING INSIDE MY BODY India Director: Sushmit Ghosh, Rintu Thomas, Sumit Sharma, Ajeeta Chowhan Running Time: 40 Minutes The film is a journey with veteran photographer Sunil Gupta, who has used his art to challenge the stereotypes that define one's body, sexuality and identity. Gupta has spent over 20 years compiling the first photographic chronicle of the gay community in India, while at the same time, exploring his own relationship with his country of origin. free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable PRAYERS FOR BOBBY TQC - Dec 2010 USA Director: Russell Mulcahy Running Time: 89 Minutes GULABI AAINA India Director: Sridhar Rangayan Running Time: 40 Minutes Prayers for Bobby is the amazing true story of a mother torn between her loyalties, challenged by her faith, and moved by a tragedy that would change her life, and the lives of others, forever. The Pink Mirror, the Indian release title Gulabi Aaina is said to be the first Indian film to comprehensively focus on Indian transsexuals with the entire story revolving around two transsexuals and a gay teenager's attempts to seduce a man. The film explores the taboo subject of transsexuals in India which is still much misundersood and ridiculed. MR & MRS SINGH A TOUCH OF PINK USA Director: Brian Harris Krinsky Running Time: 12 Minutes Canada Director: Ian Iqbal Rashid Running Time: 91 Minutes A parody of the Hollywood movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith, an IndianAmerican couple enters into a marriage of convenience to appease their parents. But both are hiding secrets from each other! The movie concerns, a young gay Muslim man born in Kenya and raised in Toronto, who moves to London to get away from his conservative upbringing. He faces the hardships of coming out of the closet to his mother, as well as hardships in his relationship with his boyfriend. He has an imaginary friend who gives him advice when he is in trouble. Unfortunately, the advice often seems to make more trouble. 7 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable Pink Sheep BOOK REVIEW BY ‘ENIGMA’ Mahesh Natarajan, author of ʻPink Sheepʼ at the book reading at Q-Fest Pune 2010 8 If you are looking for a book with the remains hidden, the confrontations very honest tone, which I believe would typical dramatics usually associated with elusive – Perhaps this can be attributed a p p e a l t o m o s t r e a d e r s . T h e the narration of a gay story, this is not to the fact that the Gay subject in most pretentious and the ones looking for the book for you. The writing while stories is a 30 something man and the metaphors and hidden meaning would subtle and restrained in emotional stories revolve around him, his life and need to look somewhere else, as this expression remains provocative enough choices. Another reason that this book is wonderful with its simple to warrant some time just mulling over absence could be explained is the narration and maturity of thought. the situations represented in a very fluid heavy South Indian influence that is About the author: Mahesh Natarajan manner. There may not be stark part of this book, and South Indians in has had a radical career journey, from a similarities but you will surely find my opinion are the closest to the very consultant, to a counsellor and yo u rs e l f i d e n t i f y i n g w i t h s o m e ta l ked a b o u t A m er i ca n Wa s ps / psychotherapist, to a writer. He loves to characters or situations in the stories. Episcopalians. travel and is fond of reading. He is Although this is not an exhaustive look What is noteworthy is the fact that the currently based in Bangalore. at a gay person's life but is a very bold author captures various perspectives, Book Summary of ‘Pink Sheep’ attempt at covering a multitude of not just the overtly explored Gay Man’s The eighteen stories in this collection experiences, emotions and occurrences. perspective but also the perspectives, highlight different aspects of gay life, The lying that is an inherent part of a thought processes and reactions of the and shows how these men yearn for Gay man’s life in the Indian construct is family, friends and cousins. the same things everybody yearns for; captured quite well and is an essential Overall, the way these very short acceptance and a fulfilling life. part of a book. stories would affect you also remains Publisher: Gyaana Books (2010). The stories usually talk about a partial slightly hidden and the full effect might Price: INR 165.00. acceptance and the “Big” coming out be felt at different times, might even be The book would be available at most seems to have already happened or has days after you read them. It is apparent leading book stores from January 2011 been deemed redundant – which is a from this read that the stories are and could also be ordered from prominent gap. Perhaps these stories based on experiences of the author and, www.queer‐ come from a land where dramatics his friends which impart the book a and TQC Art & Soul COMPILED BY KEITH free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable TQC is committed to encouraging and promoting the creativity of queer & queer-friendly talent. As part of QFest Pune 2010, several talented artists & photographers from within the community came together to put on a spectacular exhibit of their artworks. TQC is proud to showcase some of these masterpieces. "Kumbhar Wada" (Potter's Place) is a 5.8” x 8.3” monochrome photograph. Price Rs 1,000 (Framed). This photograph forms part of a 5-photograph series. Photographer: Vinay TQC - Jan 2011 “Half-a-woman” is a 9.8” x 13.4” artwork using ink pens on cartridge paper. Price Rs 9,600 (Framed). Artist: Resh Val “Bachelorhood” is a 18” x 30” limited-edition digital reproduction on canvas, of an original watercolor on handmade paper. Price Rs 2,500 (Mounted). Artist: Nitin Rodge If you would like to purchase these works of art or would like to connect with the artists, email us at TQC 9 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable TON for “Thanks a uch a giving us s wo days ! t s u o l u b fa ized .... well organ was just everything perfect” h - Siddhart “I had an amazing time. What an event!” - Vic “I lyk d da conce pt!! :))” - Aha na “Q-fest rocked.. amazing 2 days- i enjoiyed all movies -- cried a lot while watching " Prayers for Bobby :( “ - Shail “This is so inspiring.. wish I was in Pune for this..” 10 - Ungira “This Pune is what needs !!! Bravo - Kar Qfest!!” an ice to n s a w “It ntire e e h t see omeo R t e n a l P oom in r e n u P e he H ( . . . . . . y realit Suresh ” ) e h “I don't believ e that this happened when I wasn't around :(” - Jayesh Thank You! free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable FILM PARTNERS PANELISTS Kashish - Mumbai International Apphia K Queer Film Festival Arun Mirchandani Solaris Pictures Ashish Sawhney The Bangalore Queer Film Fest Balachandran Ramiah The Nigah Queer Fest Bindumadhav Khire Ma Faiza EVENT PARTNERS Ram Naidu Gay Bombay Shobhna S Kumar Good as You Sunil Gupta Queer Ink Swabava PERFORMERS The Humsafar Trust Ranjeet Kulkarni WhaQ Bhushan Korgaonkar TQC - Jan Dec 2011 2010 Zameer Kamble MEDIA PARTNER The team from ʻBegum The Queer Chronicle (TQC) Productionsʼ The Q-Fest Team: Standing L to R - Keith, Ameet Palkar, Arindam Basu, Vinay Bhorkade, Andy Barve, Ranjeet Kulkarni, Sagar Dave. Sitting L to R - Akshay Bajaj, Balkrushna Potdar, Sharvari Manakawad, Imran Ali Khan 11 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable Mex In The City: Man OF My Dreams free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable TQC - Jan 2011 BY ALIKA On a recent trip to Mumbai, I met the date, her mother reluctantly agreed man of my dreams. His playful and only when my parents put it frankly: charming grin of perfect pearly‐white “it’s just ice cream.” We sat a booth all teeth seemed to taunt me despite his by ourselves. The next day, I brought distinguished and sexy stature framed her a rose from my grandmother’s by salt and peppered hair. As the head garden wrapped in aluminum foil. She of trade for a Western European broke up with me. I was heartbroken. country at an embassy in Mumbai, he About a year later, my Aunt Helen gave knows this Consul General and that me a pet goose (don’t ask). I named Ambassador. The night before we met, her Heather. She likewise ran away. he was rubbing elbows with Bollywood Now, I am 26. I no longer desperately stars as a designer from his home hope that ‘he’ is right around the country launched a new line in India. In corner. But, meeting the European did his mid‐30’s and wonderfully fit, he had cause me to trip on my heart a bit. He me captivated. And, he is happily appeared to be everything for which I coupled ‐ not with me. have otherwise longed: confidence, As disappointed as it was to meet the stability, good looks, success, maturity, man of my dreams only to find that education, experience... And then, it somebody else had already dreamt him hit me. I was so deeply enamored away, it got me thinking. Why was I so because those are the qualities that I thoroughly smitten with this guy? He crave for myself. seemed like the perfect package: This New Year’s I will be ringing in 2011 dashing good looks, a cute European with my dear friends Tommy and Tim in accent, an endearing tinge of their fabulous penthouse overlooking cockiness, a huge and stunning downtown Los Angeles—along with my apartment in a ritzy part of town, an Ex. Will it make me jealous to see amazing job… a perfect package. Was Tommy and Tim so happily nestled in he everything that I wanted? their disgustingly amazing flat in LA? I am a hopeless romantic. All my life I Slightly. May it be uncomfortable have craved finding that special person celebrating the beginning of a new who would sweep me of my feet. In chapter with the man who just turned fact, I experienced my first encounter the page on me? Probably. But, this with love in nursery school. Her name year I am dedicating it to my dream was Heather. She was an adorable man: me. May I become the man that I brunette with dimples. One day I asked long to love. TQC her out for ice cream to Baskin Robbins. Concerned that we were too young to Photograph: Alika 13 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable Life & Tarot BY ZAPHYR RAY ARIES: Card for 2011 – King of Swords: Situations will demand tough action and tough talking. Shape up or ship out! Key lesson for 2011 – 6 of Cups: Stop living in the past. Stay grounded in the present. Plan for the future. Career: Be extremely professional in ALL your dealings. Don’t shy away from responsibilities. If you think you deserve a promotion, ask for it! Money and investments: Focus on needs, not wants. Not the year to indulge the child or adolescent in you. Focus on and plan for the long‐term. Health and happiness: Find ways to bust the stress, and boy, will there be plenty! Romance and leisure: An old flame could come back into your life and spice things up. Good months: Late October, November TAURUS: Card for 2011 – 8 of Cups: Let go of the past. Key lesson for 2011 – King of Wands: Creativity is a great outlet for pain. Career: If the job isn’t working for you, if your heart desires to do something different – go do it! 14 Money and investments: Shopping can be very therapeutic but can make a dent in the wallet. Try and experience the joy of saving, for once! Health and happiness: No one likes a Devdas! Become the designated driver more often. If you feel you want to kick someone’s arse, try kickboxing! Seriously…join a gym! Romance and leisure: Sort out your issues with yourself before plunging head‐on into yet another relationship. In love this year, let the head rule the heart! No, not THAT head!! Good months: February, March GEMINI: Card for 2011 – Ace of Pentacles: New beginnings Key lesson for 2011 – Temperance: Moderation, balance, calm Balance is the key. Keep it real, stay grounded and you can reach for the skies! Career: You could change jobs, change career paths or just take up new tasks in your current job. Whatever you do, it will bring a new sense of worth and responsibility. Money and investments: Don’t invest in get‐rich‐quick schemes. Exercise caution, read the offer document carefully before investing. Health and happiness: Moderation in everything – food, drink and yes, even exercise. Don’t push yourself to do the downward facing dog if you can’t! R o m a n c e a n d l e i s u r e : A n e w relationship could begin. Don’t rush too fast into it, enjoy the courtship period as you also gauge if it is really going anywhere. Good months: January CANCER: Card for 2011 – 8 of Swords: Stop being your own worst enemy! Key Lesson for 2011 – 4 of Wands: Consolidate your position. Time to take stock of Life Quit wandering through the wilderness. Grow roots, make commitments, and get serious. Career: Not a good year to change jobs. Instead, stick it out in the current job and see where it takes you. Money and investments: Seek advice from a financial planner…and then make sure you follow it. Good year to buy property. Health and happiness: Live a little, laugh a little, love a little. Life may not free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable be all ha‐ha, hee‐hee but it’s not all serious and dowdy either. Romance and leisure: Experiment in the bedroom. Try out the things you always wanted to do but were afraid to. Share your fantasies; hell, act them out! Good months: April, May TQC - Jan 2011 LEO: Card for 2011 – 5 of Cups: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional Key lesson for 2011 – 9 of Swords: Again: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Everyone experiences loss but that need not be what defines your life. Career: Difficult year. Don’t slack off. Keep one ear to the ground listening for sounds of trouble. Money and investments: Save, save, save. Good time to get that mediclaim policy you’ve been putting off buying. Health and happiness: Don’t take everything so seriously. Take time out to smell the flowers Romance and leisure: Treat your partner with love, respect and compassion…only then can you expect to receive the same things. Good months: June, November VIRGO: Card for 2011 – Ace of Pentacles: New beginnings. Manifestation. Key lesson for 2011 – Ace of Swords: Cut out all that is unnecessary, leave behind all that no longer works for you. Career: Perhaps, it’s time to leave. Don’t worry, something better is waiting for you. Money and investments: Save, save and then, save some more. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish. About time you stopped living paycheck to paycheck. Health and happiness: Follow your gut, listen to your heart, stop making excuses and you’ll feel light and joyous! Romance and leisure: Perhaps, this is the year you’ll meet your Mr. Right. But before that, remove all remnants of Mr. What‐Was‐I‐Thinking? Good months: January, August, September. TQC Dear Editor, trying to map readership demographics via the eZine website. However we do realize that our readers have a need to download the editions and read them at their leisure. You can now download the PDFs from We hope our readers would find this useful. ‘TheContradiction’, Mumbai: Do you guys take anonymous posts / entries? I am not out and would love to contribute articles and my thoughts on being gay / bi / curious and speak out for the greater good. Anshul: It’s heart warming The Editor: Absolutely! we publish a lot of our articles that there are people like you under pseudonyms and other than I - not even the rest of the who care for us. But you know, team know the true identity of the hostility of society towards these writers. Privacy is our biggest commitment. So do write our kind and hence it becomes very difficult to access your magazine. Shouldn't there be in email us at also ‘pdf’ versions of the magazine so that we can directly download from your ------------------------------------------------ home site. TQC’s editorial desk is now open for article contributions The Editor: Anshul, thank you very much for your encouragement. For a while, we did not allow PDF downloads of any of the issues as we were still to be published in the February 2011 issue. Please send your articles to us via email at by January 15, 2011. Happy New Year We would like to thank all our readers for their encouragement and support through 2010 and we look forward to bringing you many more exciting issues through 2011. The TQC Team 15 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable RJ’s Top 10 “Guys this is again the time to bid goodbye to another year which will remain only in the air of memories. It’s time to look back and HE GYM LY HIT T ACTUAL t the orite bu me fav ti ll a . n e’s a doing it This on tually “ c a “ in ce lies differen analyze the whole year with a glance that may help you to make best of the coming year. You must have done wrongs and rights, and if folk b BE LES S ON D dousin g nast RAMA y rum eing h ors of igh on Queer dram um in a. Ind gossip ulge The re ing ab percu out ot ssions h e r s lives would less o . be felt f tresp in stantly assing in my , own li fe. minim the balance shifts on the former side then also no worries as you have a full new year ahead of you to mitigate the guilt feelings. And what better than a new year to give kick start to new things in life…!!! It brings in new GET MYSE joy, a new zeal and a breath of fresh air. Though it may be symbolic in nature to some LF TESTED Not only fo r HIV but a lso for oth er STDs which are as life thre atening. who believe that life remains same no matter how many years pass by, but for those who still somewhere in their corner of hearts START SAVING Having a life full of fun is okay but it just believe that Santa exists, Alice must have been to Wonderland and Hogwarts still doesn’t end in my 40s. Financial security is as imperative. awards degrees, the new year always acts as a catalyst to add more happiness to their carts… Well you need not believe in all these to start a new year on a high, but can make it Help in MAKE AMENDS Make-up with my friends whom you surely worth I have lost because of trivial misunderstandings, SORRY is a sing remembering word which initiates an answer by sticking to some resolutions le “me too” between friends. so that when the year ends you e. RE m with cess x e n or nd i oney h I fi m c i , h n io a gw ucat ake thin e, ed Any uld m m i o t , w nk Love I thi e. hing t y renc n a diffe SHA have a sense of ACHIEVEMENT…!!!” ‐ RJ TQC NE T LEAST O GIVE UP A r sex drinking o excessive , g in k o have a Be it sm t things to alance ou B . n o ti ic add life. balanced LEARN A NEW TH Salsa, Spanish, anything I alwa ING noodles, driving ys felt like lear or ning. Guys this is the time… !!! This c ould my li COME prov fe, le 16 e to b OUT e a tu rning poin t of lk aw ay w ith th hono rs. e t 201 1 wa __ __________ ar it love to he we would e n o is th Well e yourself you promis id d t a h W from you. ???. this year… Turned Two free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable TQC - Jan 2011 BY MJ To add to this, all I will say is that I am struggle and continuous commitment is support her in exchange for some confused. Should we declare it as our 2nd Birthday? Or does 2nd anniversary something we all should be grateful for. On behalf of Gaysi folks, “Thank you shallow media bytes…and I could go on but I am certain Broom will haunt me in sound most appropriate? On second sir…for…for being Gay”. my sleep if I don’t stop just about now. thoughts, screw it! Birthday or anniversary, all good wishes (naughty Next on the list, our now‐permanent Queer landmark, Azaad Bazaar. Other As for Hostel Room 131, even though the book got thumbs up on Gaysi, it ones to be offered ONLY offline) are welcome and we are here waiting with than being the only Queer store (straight‐friendly too) in this more‐ was ripped to shreds in many other public spaces. Rumour has it, the open arms. than‐we‐can‐handle populated city, author was so mad with the bad And since it’s such a joyous occasion, I get to flaunt my pompous arse (N.B: what truly gets me all pepped are the two, very young lady entrepreneurs reviews that he personally emailed those who had written it, asking for an Broom’s on holiday, so guess who’s the boss now, sillies!). So here’s a look at an heading this fantastic effort. We are constantly asked to follow our dreams, apology. Ooppsy! Foot…mouth… disease, shut up! article published on CNN Go (Asia) and here they are living it when many Thankfully we have other deserving stating the 10 Gifts from Mumbai’s LGBT community. Now I am not sure how well of us simply contend with dreaming. True inspirations, for me they are. mentions on the list. For instance, the Gay Bombay Support Meet for Parents, you would take to this since some of you completely believe in the notion Kashish Film Festival and Queer Ink Book Fair; two fantastic events have Bombay Dost magazine, Gay India Twitter stream and Nitin Karani’s “Delhi farts but it’s Mumbai that stinks” taken place in this city. And no, they personal blog Queer India. Though I am …and even if they are spot on…and it cannot be denied that though New didn’t happen in some dingy cinema hall or isolated shack. These events sure many would agree, Nitin deserves his own spot apart from his blog, in this Delhi is our political capital, it’s Mumbai’s Queer Politics that keeps it took place in broadest of day light, at the jazziest locations, out and loud… list. He is after all the official Queer, Mr. Fix it! away from being the self‐righteous Gay colouring the city Pink. Well almost, if it And yes…yes, saving the pompous glory capital. Let’s just say we do have our own set of precious crowning glories. weren’t for the damn smokers, the Hummers, the developers, the metro… for the very last, it gives every inch of my toned 6 pack *advertisement Starting with none other than our very dearest; the Gay author, fashion guru ok, I‘ll shut up. Moving on we have, Hostel Room 131 filter*, the immense pleasure of announcing that Gaysi managed to and the dude sitting pretty on every desi & Laxmi Tripathi. Now at the expense of score a spot as well and that too gay guy’s knock out list, Parmesh Shahani. And mind you, the only guy exposing my foot‐in‐mouth disease, I have no freaking clue what the heck are without any selling, flashing, begging, etc. whose criticism of Salman Khan I took very sportingly. they doing here. Or maybe they are placed here for the Dolly Bindra effect; So here’s wishing all Gaysi folks a very happy birthday…errr…anniversary… Then we have Mr. Ashok Row Kavi. This you know to spice up the O‐So‐Modest err…crap…happy times ahead. man is a legend. Fighting for existence at a time when more than half of our list, I personally don’t think much of Ms. Tripathi. I find her crass, publicity Damn! This makes being grounded by Broom so bloody worth it. population was not even aware of the word “homosexuality”, Mr. Kavi’s hungry, and someone who conveniently turns her back towards those who (Article previously published at TQC 17 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable And Not All That Jazz ... BY AMBIKA RAJGOPAL A column that features music and artists; in definitely not ‘run-of-the-mill’ genres! SUEDE BAUHAUS ROXY MUSIC Suede sashayed into the Britpop scene in the 90s and Heavy, dark and pendulous are the first words that come to The tunes of Roxy Music immortalize the glam chic. It is soon became the most influential English rock bands. mind when one thinks of the band Bauhaus. Described as the in every sense an ode to the unique and dazzling art school Their knack of exposing fathers of Goth rock, their background, which influenced human vulnerability with a cruel tenderness, got them music bears tribute to the Bauhaus Art Movement of the vocalist, Brian Ferry. Roxy Music paved the way for acclaim among critics and fans alike. 1920s. Their music unleashes a flood of the glam rock era. Theirs was a time for glitter dust and Suede paints pictures of rich and brooding symphonies, platform boots. Their music emotional holocaust and angst filled reflections, with nuclear which occupied the prime spot in Goth subculture. They were offered a welcome respite to its listeners and encouraged them colours and acidic brutality. Loaded with a heavy dose of the pioneers in creating the swirling musical metaphors to explore the individuality within. It symbolized a break truth, the front man- Brett most associated with this from the throes of Anderson’s words sting almost as much as truth itself. culture. Their lyrics beg for release and conventionalities. Brian Ferry’s rich, full toned Their neo glam image is very inherent in their personalities create in the minds of the listeners the most potent vocals effused with the pop synth-like sound of Brian Eno’s and music. The riffs are edgy imagery. The sensual dark mixing table produced and jagged, but are molded into liquid finesse, made possible waves sweep the listeners into a place, which occupies the most harmonies which have massaged the musical only by Anderson. untouched area of their minds. sensibilities of bands like The Sex Pistols, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran and Morrissey. watch?v=LyJ6RIod7Eg 18 v=‐VyWNDxQQxM watch?v=hRzGzRqNj58 free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable Weekend Getaway: Kalsubai TQC - Jan 2011 BY ‘SENTINEL’ The otherwise barren and dry Western ‘Everest of the Deccan’. Towering at an The wild flowers and natural verdant Ghats turn densely lush green, post the impressive 1646 meters, it offers an hues make the place seem very surreal. onset of the monsoons. The rain, the amazing view of the Western Ghats in The feeling can’t be described, it has to i m m a c u l a t e s n o w‐ w h i t e c l o u d s the Nashik region, an all time favorite, be experienced. At the Summit is the combined with the freshly grown as far as trekking in the Sahyadris is temple of Goddess Kalsubai, the patron vegetation are more than reason concerned. deity of the mountain and protector of enough to go trekking. With the Kalsubai is situated near the village of the Nashik region. As one sees the increase in altitude the view that these Bari which is about an hour by road fabulous bird’s eye view overlooking Ghats offer is no doubt spectacular and from the Karjat railway station on the nearly 25 forts and the mighty in some instances can actually give the Central Line of the Mumbai Suburban Bhandardhara reservoir, it isn’t very much taller Himalayas a run for its Railway. It can also be reached by road difficult to understand as to why the money. But all this beauty has a from Pune by taking the Nashik by‐pass locals ascribed divine status to this downside to it too. The magnitude of to Ghoti and then subsequently moving peak. Take your time to soak it all in, the southwest winds is such, that as one to wa rd s B a r i . T h e c l i m b ta ke s the photography can always wait. After reaches the summit of high peaks in this approximately 3 hours, so it’s advised lunching on your tiffin stuffed meals region, it’s all mist and only mist, which to start early. A local villager can always and relaxing for a bit, one should begin is a great feeling, but robs one of the be asked to accompany your group as a the descent by late afternoon to reach otherwise panoramic views. guide, given the mesmerizing yet the base village in time. If you manage And that’s why; the early winter months puzzling terrain. The trek has relatively to reach Bari by 4pm; you can easily be is the best time to visit Kalsubai, given become easy as important rock‐patches in Mumbai or Pune by nightfall. the highly non‐uniform and extra‐ along the route have now been Good places don’t always have to be far ordinarily high rainfall this year. Kalsubai equipped with ladders, which makes far away ! is the tallest peak in the Sahyadris and the ascent as well as the descent, all therefore has earned the sobriquet the more safe. TQC 19 And Bon Appétit Santé free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable BY CHEF SUBODH BODKE TALLI LEMONADE Ingredients Le ek & Po ta to So up ½ cup of white sugar 3/4 cup water Presenting some delectables to keep you warm this unusually cold winter. Ingredients 1 teaspoon salt ½ cup of lime / lemon juice 1 cup carbonated water or water Ice Straws (optional) 90 ml Tequila 60 ml White Rum Method Add the 3/4 cup of water in saucepan. Turn on high heat, cover and wait till it boils. Once the water boils, add the sugar and salt and stir well for 2 min . Transfer the sugar mixture to a measuring cup and put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. This will be enough time for it to cool down but not enough time for it to freeze. 1 leek (cleaned & sliced) 1 sweet apple (peeled, cored & sliced) 2-3 potatoes (peeled & sliced) 3 celery stalk (sliced) 2 cups chicken broth 1 cup milk ½ teaspoon salt Cooking oil Pepper Salted crackers (optional) Cilantro (optional) potatoes are soft. Turn off the hea t, open the cover, and let the soup coo l down to room temperature (about 15 min utes). Method With a soup ladle, transfer the contents of Add about 2 teaspoons of oil in the soup into a blender. Cover a pot. and blend Turn the stove to high heat. Add the sliced for 20 seconds. Add the blended soup leek and cook for about 3 minutes back into the pot. Add the milk . Add . Reheat the chicken broth and the rest the soup by turning the stove on med of the ium vegetables. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and heat and stir for about 5 minutes. mix. Cover and let it simmer on low to Serve with pepper, salted crackers , and medium heat for 20 minutes unti l the diced up cilantro (optional). Slice some lime and squeeze out the juice in a measuring cup. In two separate glasses, add the lime juice, then the sugar mixture, tequila & rum and finally the carbonated water. Mix and serve with ice and sliced limes /lemons. ke Po u n d C a Ingredients flour ll purpose 3 cups of a n salt ¾ teaspoo der baking pow 1 teaspoon lted butter 1 cup unsa ar 2 cups sug s 4 egg gurt d ¾ plain yo ly squeeze juice (fresh e g n ra o p ⅓ cu kaged) or pre-pac peel on orange 1 tablespo el on lime pe 1 tablespo inutes. Add eed for 2 m sp w lo n o r mixe juice. Turn me orange so d n a s. r u more flo for 2 minute low speed n o r e ix d m n on the ur, yogurt a ntil all the flo epeat this u R ded. Method as been ad nge juice h chine and ra a o m r e ix se some m tter in a 350°F. Grea to n ve o w Add the bu e fe nd on for a Pre-heat th e orange a ium speed e oil. Add th nd let it mix m a turn it med r so a g h it re. su w tu e s ix pan ur m en add th e blended flo ded. Add th n minutes. Th le to b in ll ls e ke e w a e l ec lime p speed unti ther. Pour th y on medium rything toge eating lightl ve b e , e ix m M ti a t ne a the pans. the eggs, o mixture into ion . it d d a s. To h c a e after ut 60 minute king 0°F for abo salt and ba 5 e 3 t aked th a b h s it ke a w a w r B e flou ing nd cake u th o ry p e ve e th Combine th r e so wl the test wheth the flour bo oth pick in powder. Mix all portion rt a long to sm se a in , n, d h d g A u . o t en es ou clea tributed on the othpick com is evenly dis rn to Tu e . th rt u If g . e centr ture and yo of flour mix ready. the cake is 20 REFLECTIONS free e-books at e-zine copyright applicable EYESORE By Prasad Bhide Gossip mills won’t stop. The grind begins & goes on into the late evening – incessantly! Fall in line, fall in line – choose your camp. Fierce & independent is such a bad combination – you are so bad. Why can’t you be lame or tame or as they say – politically accurate? You know you will be loved by one and all – they just know you won't gnaw. You know the heat will be on you, you know it, don’t you. But you will still hang in there, still, won’t you? You are an eyesore … ES I TR R LL EN FO CA It is time once again to get ready for Indiaʼs largest queer film festival: KASHISH, Mumbai International Queer Film Festival. TQC - Jan 2011 KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival 2011 to be held in April 2011 intends to be BIGGER, BOLDER & QUEERER. We call upon filmmakers to submit shorts, features and documentaries that highlight / focus on gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender characters, communities and expressions. Requirements: • Submissions should be of interest to gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgendered people. • Films should be submitted only on DVD. We will not be able to preview online. • Films / videos of any length and in any language are accepted. All films, other than in English, should be subtitled in English. • Each film must be accompanied with a duly filled entry form. • Submissions without completed entry form will not be accepted. • Please note THERE IS NO ENTRY FEE for submission. • We believe in investing all our resources in showcasing the films to the best possible extent, hence NO SCREENING FEE would be paid to filmmakers / distributors. CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 2011. Entry forms are available at and Email: 21
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Layout concept, design & production: Keith
TQC (The Queer Chronicle) is a monthly e-magazine
published for and by the queer community in Pune.
This e-zine is a non-commercial publication, is not fo...