16th September, 2015 - William Carey Christian School


16th September, 2015 - William Carey Christian School
Phone: (02) 9608 2277
Website: www.wccs.nsw.edu.au
Wednesday, 16th September, 2015
From Your School Principal
This is the final week of classes for our Year 12 students. It is a week with a number of activities and celebratory events marking the end of their formal schooling. The events include a breakfast with Year 12 and
the staff, a number of sporting matches between Year 12 and the staff, their graduation ceremony and
morning tea and the formal at Panorama House.
It is always with mixed feelings we farewell a cohort of students, many of whom have been at William Carey
since they were in kindergarten. We are very excited about them commencing a new stage of life, but also
sad to see them leave. Significant relationships have often developed between the staff and the students
and also the parents. It is always interesting to watch parents at the graduation of their youngest child, as
it marks the completion of a family’s journey at William Carey. Sometimes these families have been part of
the community for 20 years and more.
At the end of the year we will be farewelling Mr Rahmi Jackson who has been a significant member of staff
for the past 7 years. Rahmi is to be congratulated on his appointment as Head of Science at Broughton Anglican College. He is certainly a loss to Carey and a gain for Broughton.
I would like to thank the staff for their amazing work in organising the recent Father’s Day Breakfast and in
particular Rhonda Heard. This was an extremely well attended event and a great opportunity for our dads
to connect with the school. We know how difficult it often is for parents to get to school functions in the
busyness of life.
We pray particularly at this time for our Year 12 students and their families asking for God’s blessing on
them and their lives into the future. During their time at Carey they have experienced a holistic education,
one that includes the teaching of the Bible which presents a source of truth that can be relied upon as the
students enter a very uncertain world. May God bless you and guide you and bring you peace Year 12.
Psalm 121:5-8
5 The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Ian Wake
Father’s Day Breakfast
From your
High School Deputy Principals
As we approach the end of another school term, I would like to think that all of our students are preparing for that
well deserved break. Many of our students have gone “above and beyond” in their individual and group pursuits this
term. The overwhelming successes of our musical, Mock Trial team and CIS rugby league team, are good examples
of these “wins” and simply highlight a few of the significant co- and extracurricular achievements that students have
willingly supported. The quiet achievements of those who have been diligent in their attempts to engage in, and
successfully complete, their studies, as well as those who have ministered to others in supporting and encouraging
their friends, also needs to be acknowledged when we consider the work that has been achieved this term. Many of
our students put an enormous amount of effort and devotion into the activities that happen in this school. Thank you
for the commitment you exhibit.
Unfortunately, while many have the opportunity to rest over the next few weeks, this is not the case for our Year 12
students who will be commencing their HSC examinations on Monday 12th October, with the first exam being English. This will mean that the majority of their break away from school will be taken up with finalising any outstanding
summaries, reading through class notes, and attempting past papers and other sample questions. Please continue
to pray for our students in Year 12 and support them in any practical ways you can as they finish their last few days
of school. Year 12 students are reminded that the Library Study Centre is open over the holidays and will provide an
appropriate, well-resourced and supportive environment to prepare for exams. Students are strongly encouraged to
use this facility.
Once again, I would like to thank the significant number of parents who have volunteered their services in assisting
as reader/writers for this year’s HSC cohort. This is a vital role that must be supported each year as we enable full access to exams for students with approved disability provisions. Students apply for provisions on the basis of a variety
of social, emotional, physical, intellectual and medical reasons. The devoted work of our volunteers is a real ministry
in the school and should be formally acknowledged in this way.
As we return for Term 4, I remind you that we also return to summer uniform. Blazers are no longer required for all
students and boys are no longer required to wear ties. On cooler spring days, when a little extra warmth is required,
a school jumper is quite acceptable to be worn without the blazer.
Students in Years 7 and 10 begin examinations in Week 3 next term, with students in Years 8 and 9 beginning examinations in Week 4. There should be a notable reduction in the amount of homework issued to students in the week
prior to exams, to enable students to effectively use the home study time normally devoted to homework to revise
and engage in the various study guides and study resources that staff provide. Time spent revising prior to exams will
generally be rewarded when your child attempts their final tests in each subject. Encouraging and training your child
to diligently prepare for such events is also a valuable exercise.
During the last few weeks, the High School Deputies have been addressing a higher than normal incidence of inappropriate mobile phone and electronic device usage at school. We are seeking parent support to address this matter.
Could you please have a significant discussion at home to discuss the issues of misusing mobile phones at school.
Please reinforce the idea that their phone will be confiscated if your son or daughter uses it without permission at
school and discuss with them what the likely outcome may be in order to support this school initiative at home.
Some parents choose to leave the phone in our care for an extended period of time to reinforce the policy of the
school. Internet connected phones and devices are used to bully, send and receive inappropriate and pornographic
materials on line, and they may even jeopardise the safety of our students with individuals taking matters into their
own hands and inviting people to come to our school. They can also serve as a major distraction to academic performance with students being tempted to be off task due to monitoring or updating their social media status etc.
Finally, I would like to wish all of you a happy and safe holiday period. For those of you who are able to take time
off with your children, I pray that this will be a rewarding time together. For those that are travelling, we pray for
travelling mercies and safety. It’s a privilege to partner you, as parents and carers, in the work of educating, training,
supporting and encouraging your children. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns in relation to
the academic or pastoral wellbeing of your child. As a staff, we look forward to working with you and your children as
we begin our final term together for 2015.
In His service,
Brad Milburn.
Deputy Principal Welfare.
From your
Primary School Deputy Principal
We are at the end of another term and what a busy term it has been. Musical, debating, paper planes,
Science Week, Literacy and Numeracy Week, athletics carnivals, Father’s Day breakfast – so much crammed
into one term. As usual, I am proud of the way in which our students have participated in these events.
Can you believe, in the midst of all the above activities, our students still managed to raise over $5000 for
40 Hour Famine? Even with the amount the school community already gives to the Maphutseng Project,
these students still found more. We have a dedicated and generous school community.
Congratulations to the students who attended the paper planes competition at Sydney University recently.
Of particular mention is Aston V, who threw his plane a staggering 25.75m, which placed him 8th out of the
over 700 students in the K-6 division. I see a future in the aeronautical industry…
Four of our IPSSO teams competed in finals recently. There were some hard fought games, with some very
close results. In the end, our junior T-ball team was victorious, defeating Thomas Hassall in the grand final.
Congratulations to all the teams who participated.
Advance Notice – On Friday 23rd October, we will be holding Grandparent’s Day at William Carey. This will
tie in with book week, and there will be a variety of activities for grandparents to participate in.
Jungle Rumble is coming! Have you booked in for September vacation care yet? Places are filling fast, so
please contact OOSH, Enrolments or the Front Office to secure your child’s place. There will be a great
range of activities, including 10 Pin Bowling, Crocodile Encounters, African Drumming and much more. If
you have friends who are interested, please remember that OOSH is open to all families, not just those
from William Carey.
Does your child enjoy buying from the canteen? If so, could I encourage you to support our canteen by
joining the volunteer roster. If you are unsure what this will involve, why not volunteer for a day or two
during term four, just to see for yourself. We would love to increase our current roster. Talk to Kylie or
Caroline, if you need more information.
Speaking of volunteers, I would like to thank the wonderful parents and grandparents who support our
school by regularly helping out. From sharpening pencils to helping with reading, assisting with sport
coaching to helping in the classroom; you are seen and you are appreciated.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 14th September
Wednesday 16th September
Friday 18th September
Year Two Swim School continues
ALC Science Fair
Last Day Term 3
Primary Assembly 9 am in the hall (including public speaking finalists)
Monday 5th October
Labour day Public Holiday
Tuesday 6th October
First Day, Term 4
“We proclaim Him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” - Colossians 1:28
In His service,
Robert Burgess
Over the last six months, many of our school’s dedicated staff, students and volunteers have been actively
involved in preparing for Seussical the Musical. It ended brilliantly on the 29th of August and has been a
musical that will forever be remembered with great joy in our school community. With the musical now
behind us, our school turns our attention to a more academic season, with Year 11 currently doing yearly
exams and the HSC exams fast approaching for Year 12. However, it is not only our senior students who are
busy studying, but our junior students also.
The SLC have been diligent in introducing a senior tuition program that gives the opportunity for senior
students to tutor junior students in the library as well as to encourage healthy study habits. The aim of this
tuition program is to offer students with areas of weakness or desire to excel to have an opportunity to be
helped, encouraged and academically mentored by some of our senior students, who have gladly taken
the time out to serve our school community. This initiative is one we hope will take our school’s academic
culture further, as well as encourage unity within our student body.
In addition to this programme, the SLC has recently implemented a project known as the Samaritan’s Purse
Operation Christmas Child within our high school with the support of the Senior Executive. The Samaritan’s
Purse aims to bring children in poverty-stricken countries with an opportunity to receive a Christmas
gift from people from around the globe. Practically, for our high school, this has been a chance for our
student body to collectively participate in a project that unifies our pastoral care classes to bring benefit to
children around the world. This operation is one that has been already carried out in our primary school for
previous years and we are excited by the prospect of its potential.
This term has also provided with an opportunity for new members of our student body to serve in our
council. We are proud to introduce our new SLC members for the next 12 months along with the year
group they will be assigned to look after for 2016.
Year 6: Kyle Broadribb and Abbey Hyde
Year 7: Lucas Mushahwar and Elizabeth Ross
Year 8: David Matthews and Ruth Paul
Year 9: Raven Surjan and Sara Turnbull
Year 10: Milenko Kruskonjic and Isabella Burge
Year 11: Brian Bokalawela and Saisha Ram
Year 12: Liam Thompson and Millie Robertson (School Captains)
As the term comes to a close, so does our time at William Carey. We leave with our hearts open; full of
gratitude at the amazing opportunities we have been given here at Carey and the lessons we’ve learnt.
We leave thankful for years dedicated to shaping us and the people who’ve been a part of this journey,
believing that the best is yet to come. We would also like to leave by sharing Psalm 19; a passage that has
meant much to us over the past few months. Psalm 19:1-4 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the
skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal
knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes
out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”
In His Grace,
Zachary Ecob and Nathalia Monteiro
If your family is leaving the school at the end
of the year, please remember that the school
requires a term’s notice in writing, signed by
both parents/carers, clearly stating the last day
of student attendance and advising of their new
Failure to give the appropriate notice may result in
additional fees being charged.
Please address withdrawal letters to the
Enrolments Office.
Further queries can be directed to Mrs Lee or Mrs
Hall in the Enrolments Office.
The Uniform Shop will be open on Friday the 2nd October 2015,
between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.
This is the last Friday of the school holidays.
Safety News from WHS Manager
Please Park Between The Lines
Most parents take great care to park their cars in the centre of the
parking bays in the car park. Unfortunately, some cars park outside the
lines, which creates problems for people that park after them.
Could you please check when you park that you are in between the
We appreciate your care with this.
No Glass Bottles at School
We would ask that students do not bring glass drink bottles to school.
We had a recent incident where a student’s glass bottle smashed,
causing shreds of glass to be sprayed over the concrete.
Please make sure drink bottles are a plastic type only.
Have you liked us on Facebook?
We use our Facebook page to share information
about events, changes to routine and news stories
with the WCCS community. Don’t miss out!
4L Science Investigations!
Year 4 have been investigating what is
Beneath our Feet here, at William Carey.
Simulating a mountain of bedrock, rocks and soil,
finishing with topsoil, we studied the effects of
We gathered soil samples from around the school.
After examining them closely, we mixed them with
Before erosion
We patiently waited, and this is what happened.
The different components in the soil separated so
we could see more clearly what was in each soil
After erosion
2 min
4 min
6 min
We investigated weathering, examining how
rocks are affected by water. Three lumps of rock
hard William Carey clay were shaken in water
for different amounts of time. Our results were
Being good scientists, we retested using a more
pure form of clay. This time it was easier to see
what happens. The longer the lumps of clay were
shaken, the smaller they got, leaving behind a layer
of sediment.
2 min
4 min
6 min
As each layer was slowly washed away, the changes
gradually became evident. The land changed shape
as a river formed, sweeping away first the top layers,
then the stronger soil, until finally some of the
boulders gave way and tumbled into the valley below.
We put this knowledge to good use as we examined
Cabramatta Creek.
Now, we are busy thinking up helpful ways to
slow down the erosion on the banks of our creek.
Vacation Care
Bookings open Monday 31st August.
$50 per child, per day.
($70 for excursion day only) Even less with Child Care Benefit!
There may be additional charges for incursions.
VC Booking form with programme available from the Enrolments office, front office or
OOSH office or download from the school website
at William Carey OOSH
Contact William Carey OOSH directly with any enquiries
Phone 02 87842752// Email oosh@wccs.nsw.edu.au
Monday 21st September
Thursday 24th September
Only $7.00
Not claimable
on CCB
(African Drumming)
Monday 28th September
Bring your own
Wheels Day
Wednesday 30th September
Tenpin Bowling
Followed by a picnic in the park at
Claimable on CCB
Will be added to
daily fee.
Macleod Park Prestons
Contact William Carey OOSH directly with any enquiries
Phone 02 87842752// Email oosh@wccs.nsw.edu.au
Year 5 and the Primary
Pals enjoy
A gold coin donation was required
in order to come to school with
Crazy Hair. All money raised by
Year 5 and the PPs was donated
to Maphutseng.
It was great to see our young
leaders, Abigail and Isaac joining in
with all the fun of the day.
to Mrs
Dye for
organise the day.
On Friday September 4th WCCS hosted
our annual Father’s and Grandfather’s
74 families attended this event and
enjoyed creating toothpick structures,
dining on bacon and egg muffins,
and getting to know each other in an
informal setting.
3W’s Favourite Shakespeare Quotations
There is a
brief. Make
a choice of
which your
shall see.
My Oberon,
have I seen!
I was
of an ass.
friends. Thus
Thisbe ends.
Adieu, adieu,
Now I have the
boy, I will undo
this hateful
imperfection of
her eyes.
Get you gone,
you dwarf!
What, jealous
Oberon. I
forsworn thy
bed and
I go, I go – look how I go,
swifter than the arrow
from the Tartar’s bow.
Fair lovers,
you are
met . . . Away
with us, to
three and
three. We’ll
hold a feast.
patterns as
part of
Years 3-6 students studied the book, THE STONE LION as part of their
Literacy activities.
In PDH, 6D students have commenced a unit called “Learning to Serve”. The
following comments are about our focus book.
Teniel: The lion was brave and sacrificial. He was an example of what Jesus did for us.
Vamika: The lion did not think about himself. He put others’ needs before his.
Jasmine: The message of the book is to help others and put them first, no matter what!
Jonathan: The Stone Lion taught me move outside my comfort zone, in order to sacrifice for
Emma: The book taught me that if you help other people, you will be rewarded in some
Kris: The lion was gracious and unselfish. He used his one chance at life to save someone
Domenic: The lion finally realised that it is better to do something for someone else than
Angelique: The message of the story is to put others before yourself.
Rama: The story tells us to put others’ needs before our own wants!
Krystal: If someone is in trouble, you should help them.
Hophnie: The lion saved two lives. That is Learning to Serve.
Well done to classes 2N, 2C and 2L for their music performances at the primary assembly this term.
This was a great opportunity for these classes to showcase what they have been learning this year in
As discussed in past newsletters, there are many educational and developmental benefits linked with
learning an instrument. We interviewed a few of our students this term to see what they had to say
about learning an instrument:
Madison Biala (2L) – “I like playing in a group”.
Declan Dipalo and Panayioti Raikos (2C) – “We like playing different instuments”.
Dean Vidakovic (2C) – “I like the sound of the instruments”.
Byron Huffadine (2C) – “I like(d) performing for the school. I felt excited and happy…and brave!”
For further enquiries regarding private music tuition or information on our band programs, please contact Miss Sally Reece on reeces@willcarey.nsw.edu.au
Thursday 17/9:
Year 12 Graduation
Friday 18/9:
Last day of Term 3 - Primary assembly (9:00 am) and High School assembly (1:30 pm)
Tuesday, 6/10:
First day of Term 4
Thursday, 8/10:
Year 5 excursion
Years 9,10 and 11 Dance excursion
CSSA 15’s cricket competition
Monday 12/10:
HSC examinations commence
Year 11 Maximising Our Opportunities Evening
Bumbera Street Prestons NSW 2170
Ph 9608 2277 Fax 9608 2681
Email adminst@wccs.nsw.edu.au
Website www.wccs.nsw.edu.au
CCS Shopping Trip
Saturday 21st November 2015
Ladies, get a girlfriend or a group of girlfriends together and treat yourselves to a day of shopping and lunch without
husbands or kids. This is a day set aside for bargain hunting and getting ready for Christmas. Outlets we are visiting
for the day include: KB Toys, Manchester Imports, Shire Sweets, Home & Gift Warehouse, Proklean, Gordon Smith,
Sullivans, Barcs, Corningware/World Kitchen, Crossroads/Katies/Autograph/Saba, Pure Gelato.
We will have an air-conditioned coach, a great hostess and will stop in the middle of the day for well-earned rest and
sit-down two course lunch at the Rocksia, on the Princess Highway, Arncliffe. Morning and afternoon tea are
included in the cost. We will also have light refreshments available for you during the day. You have the option to
pay this off in small amounts between now and November at the Uniform Shop.
Lunch options include a choice of chicken, steak or fish, as well as a vegetarian option and dessert, with tea and
coffee available.
Outlets visited usually donate a gift and these gifts are distributed on the way home at the end of the day, when
each person’s name tag goes into the draw on the trip home. To make this a fundraiser for the school, we need a
minimum of 20 people to receive 3% of the total spent on the day, with up to 12% for 40 or more people.
Caroline Young
Mobile 0414 583 103
Sue Antakley
Office – 9608 2277
Please tear off the bottom slip, complete and return it to the Uniform Shop with your $20 deposit.
For further enquiries, please call:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCS Shopping Trip
Saturday 21st November 2014
Phone Number……………………………………………………..
Child’s Class………………
Mobile Number ……………………………………………………
Email Address………………………………………………………………...
Non-refundable deposit/person - $20 ………….
Full Amount/person = $60
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