23rd March, 2016 - William Carey Christian School
23rd March, 2016 - William Carey Christian School
N WILLIAM CAREY C H R I S T I A N S C H O O L EWSLETTER Phone: (02) 9608 2277 Website: www.wccs.nsw.edu.au Wednesday, 23rd March, 2016 From Your School Principal The release of the 2015 NAPLAN results on the My School website earlier this month provides schools and parents with some insight regarding student performance and progress. The value of the data provided by NAPLAN results have historically been a source of debate and often have been used to drive political agendas. Thus, it is important to remember that these tests are a ‘snapshot’ of what our students did on a particular day and so it can be considered as informative but limited in their scope in demonstrating the progress a student may make across a year or across a wide range of subjects. Thus it is not the measure to determine the value of a school. When the parents of independent schools have been asked what determined their satisfaction with their chosen school, their highest response has been their children’s welfare. They value that their school provides a safe, protective and stable environment for their child’s academic and personal development (http://www.ahisa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/AHISA-Infographic-3.jpg. The welfare of the children who come to William Carey is something that NAPLAN does not measure. However, the many programs that are run throughout the year, with our students in both Primary and High School, seek to meet this very need. Thus on this point I would like to thank the Welfare team in running the Parent Information Seminars this term on ‘Navigating Teenage Depression’ and ‘Body Confident Children and Teens’. The remaining parent seminar ‘Sex, Dating and Relationships’ in May, will run as part of a series of presentations to our staff and senior high school students. The rhythm of this term is somewhat different this year, in that Easter falls outside the normal term break. We enjoy an extended weekend which reminds us that at Easter, God carried out his astonishing plan to rescue humanity from the price of our rebellion. Even though we were not deserving, God sent His Son to die on the cross. Three days later, God demonstrated his power and faithfulness by raising Jesus from the dead. The school will be running Easter Assemblies on Thursday the 24th March. The Primary Assembly will be at the start of the day, while the High School Assembly will be held in the afternoon. I would like to extend a warm welcome to families who would like to join with us for these events. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:16-17 (ESV) Keith McMullen Principal 1 From your High School Deputy Principals I would like to take this opportunity to thank the 40 parents, 19 staff and two board members who attended our presentation on “Body Confident Children and Teens” held on Monday 14th March. It was a most worthwhile evening featuring Miss Suzie Rhydderch from the Butterfly Foundation as the guest presenter. She spoke with great clarity and sensitivity from a research base that was evident in her content. Concepts covered included promoting a positive body image and a positive body satisfaction, the dangers of “fat talk”, the dangers and warning signs of having a poor or unhealthy concept of self and the importance of role modeling positive body image and healthy behaviours in the family. Suzie left us with some resource materials, notes include body image and eating disorders, that can be sent to you even if you did not attend the seminars. This material can be received in hard copy or electronically. Please contact my secretary, Ms J. Nicholas, via email on nicholasj@wccs.nsw.edu.au if you would like to receive this information. Our next staff/parent seminar is on Monday, 9th May. It will be held in R block from 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm and will cover “Sex, dating, relationships and pornography”. Whether you’re a parent of Prep, primary or secondary aged children, these seminars are an invaluable resource and you’re more than welcome to attend. Please consider bringing a friend or neighbour, as these seminars are also open to the community. Thirty-one Year 11 students are in the midst of running the Peer Support program. In small teams they are facilitating activities in Year 7 Pastoral Care designed to develop knowledge and skills as the young students acclimatise to life in high school. So far they have covered understanding similarities and differences in others, empathy and the value of positive self-talk. In the coming weeks they will deal with perseverance, resilience and various coping mechanisms for when setbacks occur. Peer Support is one of the senior leadership opportunities where students sacrifice some of their time to meet the needs of others. In the process they develop skills that help in the classroom and beyond. Year 12 are facing their half-yearly exams next week, having completed two terms of their HSC courses. These exams are part of the internal assessment schedule which eventually contributes 50% of the HSC mark in mainstream Board developed courses. The results will give students data about how well they are progressing in each subject and feedback from staff will give advice about whether changes or refinements in student approach are needed for the coming two terms. There will be many small actions they can take in class and at home that will aid a process of continuous improvement. With regard to assessment tasks, there are occasionally cases where students get caught out by not following the school policy as laid out in each year’s assessment book (7-12). BOSTES requires us to formulate and communicate our policy, which is why each family receives a hard copy of the policy book (and they’re online at Edumate/Learning/Online Classroom/WCCS Assessment Books). Their premise is that all students have fairness and equity in terms of being assessed on their achievement of outcomes, without having an unfair advantage over others. It is important that students as well as parents and carers know the policy so students can meet commitments, while understanding how to deal with situations involving illness or misadventure. I want to encourage all high school families to ensure they know how to manage assessments and to follow the advice in the assessment books. Please feel free to contact me if you need any guidance in this regard. In His service, Derek White Deputy Principal Senior Studies (On behalf of the High School Deputies) 2 From your Primary School Deputy Principal It was great to see such a good turnout at our recent CCS (Carey Community Supporters) meeting. I realise the circumstances assisted with this, giving parents somewhere to be while the K-2 dance was running. When I first started at William Carey, the school was very small, as was the parents’ group. However, they were very involved with the school and were instrumental in providing much needed support and resources. These days the school is much bigger, yet we still struggle to find parents who can support CCS. I would encourage parents to consider how they might be involved, even if it is only occasionally. We value your support and are greatly encouraged when parents can be part of what is happening at William Carey. One of the topics I addressed at the CCS meeting was how to approach staff to discuss a concern with your child. As I often say, we want to be in the loop if things are concerning you and we are happy to help. The main point I made at the meeting was that it is important to remember that generally speaking, we are on the same page. When you approach the school with a concern about your child, it is safe to assume that we care for your child and want to resolve the issue. It makes a huge difference to parent/teacher meetings when this is our starting point. The other point I brought up was who to see. A lot of the time, issues can and should be dealt with by the class teacher. If it is a bigger picture concern to do with, for example, curriculum for a particular grade, then the appropriate stage coordinator can usually help. While I am always happy to see parents, I am often not the best starting point, as I will need to talk to the teacher or stage coordinator to gather background information before I can proceed. If you are unsure who to see, please ring the Primary Office and we will help you. My Newsletter theme this week seems to be parents and school, so I will continue. We have a large number of parent helpers in the school and they do a fantastic job. We have parents reading with children, helping in the classroom, assisting with sport, accompanying excursions and even attending overnight camps in the wilds of Hill End. Each and every one of you is appreciated and any further volunteers are eagerly welcomed. If you are not sure how you can help, just chat to your child’s teacher or see us in the Primary office. One crucial aspect of being a parent helper is privacy. It is important for parents to know that their child will not be talked about by other parents. Reading levels, academic progress or even behaviour are not topics that should be raised by parent helpers. You are in a position where you will be privy to such information, but with that comes the responsibility to leave such matters at school. Final parent comment – thank you for coming to the recent parent/teacher interviews. We greatly value this time with parents and hope that it is of benefit to you also. Upcoming Events: Thursday 24th March Friday 25th March Monday 28th March Wednesday 30th March Thursday 31st March Friday 1st April Primary Easter Assembly 9am in the hall Good Friday Easter Monday IPSSO THAC vs. WCCS Spotlight on Kindergarten Afternoon Night of the Notables Primary School Photos A-K Family Photos Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. Proverbs 19:20 In His service, Robert Burgess 3 SeniorLeadershipCouncil We are nearing the end of the school term, and what an exciting term it has been. Uprising, our Bible study for all high school students is flourishing. Each Wednesday lunch time is filled with fun with friends, encouragement from others, and great fellowship together as you dig into God’s word. Don’t miss out! Every Thursday lunch, a group of year 11 students go to the Educational Support Unit (ESU) and play board games with the ESU students. These lunch times are not only enjoyed by the ESU students, but the Year 11s as well. It is a great time of friendship and fun. The AUSLAN group continues to run every Monday lunchtime in B4. What a great way to learn to communicate with others and to have fun! Be sure to come along! The Year 7s have come back from camp with minds full of new and interesting fun science facts and knowledge. The camp was in Canberra, where the students visited Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Questacon, NASA Observatory and Canberra Zoo where they had a great time to bond and to learn new things along the way! KYCK, the Christian convention, is back on again in the April holidays. This year, Dave Jensen and Sam Chan are speaking over three weekends. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Jackson to find out more. The SLC are in the process of creating a survey that will be sent to Years 11 and 12. With this survey, we hope to address the challenges of stepping into senior school. This survey will be sent out to all students in Years 11 and 12 this week. With Easter just around the corner, it’s great to stop and reflect on why we celebrate. Romans 5:6-8 says, “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This verse is a perfect reminder of God’s ultimate sacrifice for us. Because of God’s unfailing love, while we were all rejecting Him, He sent His only Son to pay the price for our sins. What amazing love! This Easter, may we be challenged to consider Christ and respond rightly to what He has done for us. In His Grace, Abbey Hyde and Kyle Broadribb Teddy Bears Needed On March 30th, our Kindergarten teachers are inviting Prep families and Kindergarten 2017 families to peek inside the Kindergarten classrooms. Part of this event will be a Teddy Bears’ Tea Party. We are aware that some children may arrive without a teddy bear and would like them to be able to borrow one. If you have a teddy bear you would be willing to donate, please drop it off at the Enrolments Office, next to the Uniform Shop. After the event some teddies will be donated to a charity and some retained for future similar events. Notice of Annual General Meeting of Members Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Liverpool/Campbelltown Christian School Limited will be held on the school premises on Monday 4th April 2016 at 7:00 pm in the WCCS Library. There are three directors’ positions available: Director A (three year term) Position is currently vacant Director B (three year term) Cecily Waterworth – filling a casual vacancy, so is available for re-appointment Director C (three year term) Michael Baker – end of first term, so is available for re-appointment The directors with the greatest number of votes will obtain the three year terms. All directors must obtain at least 51% of the vote. You are invited to join us for our 2016 Mother/grandmother’s breakfast. Who: Mothers and/or grandmothers of Prep – Year 6 students and their children When: Tuesday May 3rd 2016 from 7:30 am to 8:30 am (children then move to morning assembly) Where: Main school hall. Cost: $10.00 per family (Covers breakfast for mum/grandma and children) Bookings: Please book and pay at the Uniform Shop by Friday 29th April Celebrating, sharing and enjoying breakfast with the mums and grandmas of our WCCS Prep-Y6 students. 5 WILLIAM CAREY _____________________________________________________________________________________ C H R I S T I A N S C H O O L Spotlight on Kindergarten WEDNESDAY 30th MARCH 2016 at WILLIAM CAREY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BUMBERA ST, PRESTONS FROM 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM A free event for all parents of children starting Kindergarten in 2017 at any school. Bring your family and friends along for the Carey Kindy experience! Your child can bring their favourite teddy or toy along for a great learning adventure! Find out more information and RSVP by scanning the QR code with your mobile device. Scan me to find out more and RSVP! 6 Or head to our website http://www.wccs.nsw.edu.au/?p=2300 A Little Night Music Saturday 28th May WCCS Art Music Concert Featuring performances by the WCCS concert band, junior band, string ensemble and flute ensemble as well as solo instrumental and piano performances. • 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm • 20 minute intermission • Soup & snacks available to buy Or scan the Q R Code to RSVP and ge t your F REE tic ke ts! Your FREE tickets are available online at www.wccs.nsw.edu.au/?p=2860 Please get your tickets before 28 May to assist with catering. Easter Assemblies Thursday 24th March All parents welcome! Primary 9:00 am - 9:40 am High School 2:30 pm - 3:10 pm For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son. John 3:16 7 Our Junior Maphutseng Ambassadors at Crufit Training On Friday March 4th our eight Year 6 Junior Maphutseng Ambassadors travelled with Miss Lillington to Thomas Hassall Anglican College. We were split into small groups and some of us completed a drama activity. We were taught how to use our voices to make telling stories more interesting. Then we acted out the story of Jonah as a news report. (Jacob, Jenny and Xavia.) In a different group, we created a paper story about Jesus dying on the cross. We learned how to make a cross using origami and using the same piece of paper we wrote the word life. We also learned more about the Gospel. (Alesha, Mikaela, and Tamia.) In the third group we read the Bible and completed “a two ways to live” activity. (Bethany and Alexia.) We had great day at Crufit and are looking forward to attending again later in the year. We learned a lot about the Bible and played some new games, which we plan to use at our school Bible studies. Importantly, we learned how we can share the good news of Jesus with our friends in Year 6 and the rest of the world. Please be aware that smoking is not allowed on the WCCS site at any time. This is in accordance with the NSW Department of Education and Training policy, which reads, “Smoking on school premises, including school buildings, gardens, sports fields and car parks, is prohibited. This includes students, employees, visitors and other people who use school premises, including community groups.” 8 WCCS offers free instrument hire and facilitates music tuition from experience tutors, which takes place on school grounds, during school hours. Although music tutoring takes place in this way, the tutors themselves are not employees of the school, so positions are limited and come at an additional cost that is paid directly to the tutor. To secure a place with a tutor, you may contact him or her directly. SAXOPHONE, FLUTE, CLARINET, TRUMPET, TROMBONE Jenny Cook Places available jennycook1988@gmail.com VIOLIN Bronwyn Harrowsmith Places available 0426991989 PIANO Erinn Harrowsmith Places available 0426993033 PIANO Jenny Reece Waiting List 0421696315 GUITAR Daniel Myer Limited places 0439716734 Website: www.ultimateguitaracademy.com.au Email: daniel@ultimateguitaracademy.com.au DRUMS Jason Follett Limited places jjefollett@gmail.com VOCALS Claire Abrakmanov Places available 0416095775 At William Carey there are several different musical groups in which students are welcome to be involved. There are options for everyone, from beginners through to experienced performers. Both : Primary and High school students are welcome to join any of the groups Concert Band – meets on Thursdays at 8:00 am in G2 Junior Band – meets on Thursdays at 3:15 pm until 4:00 pm in G2 String Ensemble – meets at rostered times on Mondays in the tutor rooms Flute Ensemble – meets Thursday recess on Week B Please see Mrs Starra in Creative Arts for more information in regards to the instrumental program at the school. Volunteers needed: A cross-cultural comparison of child mental health Researchers at The University of New South Wales are seeking volunteer research participants to learn about the differences in child anxiety in Indian and Australian-‐born mothers and their children. Would the research project be a good fit for me? The study might be a good fit for you if: • You are an Indian-‐born or Australian-‐born mother • You have at least one child aged 8-‐12 who is keen to participate • You think your child might be shy or anxious compared to his/her peers (not essential however) • You speak English What happens if I take part in the research project? If you decide to take part, you would be required to answer questionnaires regarding: • Your beliefs about anxiety • Your child’s anxiety • Your own anxiety Your child would also answer one questionnaire about their anxiety and one about their home environment and upbringing. Completing the questionnaires will take about half an hour. The information collected will remain entirely confidential and after the research is complete you will be able to read about the results. Will I be paid to take part in the research project? Your child will receive a movie voucher for his or her participation. It would not cost you anything. Who do I contact? If you would like more information or are interested in being part of the study, please contact: Name Anisha Arora Email anisha.arora@student.unsw.edu.au Phone 0432 339 809 HREC Approval Number:HREC15731 10 Version Dated: 3rd March 2016 Updates of new books entering the library Book recommendations for various age groups and abilities Access to Literacy Pro Access to World Book (Contact the library for password) Access to e-Books Fun Fiction Sites for Kids You can subscribe to the blog to receive regular updates via email. Our blog can be found at blogs.willcarey.nsw.edu.au/library OR by using a QR Reader to scan this code. 11 Monday 11th April 2016 - Friday 22nd April 2016 Bookings Open 21st March 2016 Can you name some famous reptiles? 12 Monday 11th April Bring your own wheels day and Slushie day Friday 15th April $15 (not claimable on CCB/CCR) Monday 18th April $20 (not claimable on CCB/CCR) Wednesday 20th April Come and learn how to care for our native reptiles. Book early to avoid missing out $50 per child per day. Costs even less with Child Care Benefit. Contact William Carey OOSH directly with any enquiries or bookings Phone 0287842752 // Email oosh@wccs.nsw.edu.au 13 Find the forms at http://www.wccs.nsw.edu.au/ Elective Visual Arts Excursion On Friday 11th March, 65 Year 9-12 Visual Arts students embarked out to Homebush to view the Armory Art Express exhibition of a selection of top 2015 HSC Visual Arts works. Students engaged with works that they identified with or were impressed by, taking time to sketch and reflect upon the work in their visual diaries. Current Year 12 students sought to find inspiration and ideas to guide their body of work progress. After the viewing, students split into three elective practical groups of their choosing, which included ink, watercolour and charcoal drawing. Students experimented with media that was demonstrated to them and sought to respond to the local landscape and terrain, with some satisfying results. We commend the students for the way they positively engaged with all activities on the day. Miss E Fenton Head Teacher, Creative Arts WCCS CANTEEN Summer 2016 Please note - all orders must be in by recess GF - Gluten Free BREAKFAST SALADS Toast (1 slice) Breakfast Only Jam or Vegemite Raisin Toast Breakfast Only Cheese Toastie Fresh Fruit GF - Apple or Banana Apple Slinky GF Natural Yoghurt - Plain GF Egg Salad GF - Salad Box with Egg Cheese Salad GF - Salad Box with Cheese ‘Breakfast Only’ items will be available between 8:15 am - 8:45 am only $1.00 $1.50 $2.50 $1.00 $1.00 $2.20 - Fruit GF or Muesli $2.80 $2.00 Muffins - Assorted Flavours Banana Bread - Plain or toasted $2.50 Hot Bacon and Cheese Roll $2.00 (Please Note: No soft drink will be sold before school) SNACKS Fresh Fruit GF - Apple or Banana Apple Slinky GF Natural Yoghurt - Plain GF $1.00 $1.00 $2.20 - Fruit GF or Muesli $2.80 $2.00 Muffins - Assorted Flavours Jelly GF $1.50 Jelly and Custard $2.00 $1.00 Toasted Pizza Muffin (High School only) Eucalyptus Lollies $1.20 Delites Gluten Free Chips GF $1.00 Snaps Gluten Free Chips - Salsa, Oregano & Thyme GF $1.60 Chips 27g $1.20 $2.50 Chips 45g (High School only) Butter Menthols $2.20 DRINKS Water 350ml Water 600ml Up and Go 250ml Milk 300ml Plain Milk Small Choc/Strawberry Milk Large (High School only) - Choc, Strawberry $1.50 $2.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.70 Juice 250ml - OJ, Apple, Apple/Blackcurrant Juice 350ml - OJ,Apple, Apple/Blackcurrant Juice Bombs - Apple/ Raspberry, Vanilla/Lime $3.00 $2.00 $3.00 $2.40 Fresh Juice - Orange, Apple, Apple/Blackcurrant, Soft Drink Cans (High School only) Nexba Ice Tea 350ml (High School only) Dare Iced Coffee 500ml (High School only) Hot Chocolate Coffee (High School only) $3.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.50 Vanilla Malt Apple/Blackcurrant Croutons & Caesar Salad Dressing Dressings: Caesar, Italian, French, Mayo or Sweet Chilli Extras Ham, Chicken, Avocado, Egg or Cheese Quelch Sticks Juicees - Orange, Tropical & Wildberry Icy Twist - Lemonade Gelato Cups GF Paddle Pops Magnums (High School only) - Original, White, Honeycomb (NOT A LUNCH ORDER ITEM) $0.50 $1.50 $1.20 $2.00 $1.50 $4.00 $5.50 $5.00 $5.00 $0.50c $1.00 SANDWICHES & WRAPS Extra: Rolls $1.00, Gluten Free Bread or Wrap $1.50, Toasted 50c Bread: White or Wholemeal - Please Specify Butter only $0.50 Vegemite, Jam $1.50 Cheese $2.00 Egg and Lettuce $3.00 Leg Ham $3.50 Fresh Chicken $3.50 $3.50 Salad - Tomato, Lettuce, Carrot, Cucumber, Beetroot Ham Salad, Chicken Salad or Egg Salad $4.50 Avocado $3.00 Wraps - All wraps come with choice of sauce below. Chicken and Lettuce Wrap $5.00 Ham & Salad Wrap - Ham, Tomato, Lettuce, Carrot, Cucumber $5.00 Sauces: Mayo, Sweet Chili, Garlic Aoli and Honey Mustard Extras Cheese, Avocado, Ham, Chicken, Egg, Bacon $1.00 Salad per item - Tomato, Lettuce, Beetroot, Carrot, Cucumber $0.50 HOT FOOD Sweet Chilli Tender Plain Chicken Tender Garlic Bread Giant Sausage Roll Beef Pie Beef and Cheese Cruizer Potato Pie Spinach & Ricotta Roll Sauce Sachets GF Bacon and Cheese Rolls Gluten Free Beef Pie GF Each $1.50 Each $1.50 $2.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $0.50 $2.00 TBA SUSHI GF Sushi Roll Medium Munch Box - 8 pcs + soy sauce Large Munch Box - 8 large pcs + soy sauce Each $3.50 $4.50 $6.50 Choose from: Teriyaki Chicken, Chicken Schnitzel Tuna or Vegetarian. GF Note: all varieties and soy sauce gluten free. Chicken Schnitzel made with GF crumbs. BURGERS - Must be Ordered by Recess Gluten free bread available for burgers $1.50 extra Mini Cheeseburger Slider - Mini Turkish Continental Roll, Gourmet Lettuce, Mini Beef Patty, Cheese and BBQ Sauce FROZEN TREATS Slushies - Orange or Tropical GF Salad Box GF - Tomato, Lettuce, Carrot, Cucumber, Beetroot Caesar Salad Box - Bacon, Egg, Parmesan Cheese, Lettuce, $2.50 Cheeseburger - Turkish Continental Roll, Gourmet Lettuce, 120g Beef Patty, Cheese and BBQ Sauce $5.00 Beef Burger - Turkish Continental Roll, Gourmet Lettuce, $6.00 Chicken Burger - Turkish Continental Roll, Grilled Chicken $5.50 120g Beef Patty, Cheese, Tomato, Beetroot and BBQ Sauce Breast, Lettuce and Mayo $3.60 Tandoori Chicken Burger - Turkish Continental Roll, $2.0016 Grilled Tandoori Chicken Breast, Lettuce and Mayo $6.00 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Thursday 24/3: Primary Easter Assembly (9:00 am in the hall) High School Easter Assembly (2:30 pm in the hall) Friday 25/3: Good Friday Monday 28/3: Easter Monday Tuesday 29/3: Year 12 examainations commence Wednesday 30/3: Year 7 Geography excursion Spotlight on Kindergarten (see Page 6) Thursday 31/3: Year 7 - 11 Mufti Day Friday 1/4: K - 6 photos A - K family photos Friday 8/4: Primary End of Term Assembly (9:00 am in the hall) High School End of Term Assembly (1:30 pm in the hall) Term 2 is blazer season! If you have not already purchased, or paid a deposit for, a blazer please see the Uniform Shop immediately. The full winter uniform must be worn in Terms 2 and 3. During the school holidays, the Uniform Shop will only be open on Friday 22nd April from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. INDEPENDENT ADVERTISING 17 INDEPENDENT ADVERTISING Stepping Out School of Dance Unit 9/45-47 Whyalla Place, Prestons NSW 2170 Providing lessons during 2016 in the following genres Jazz Hip Hop Tap Ballet Irish Dance Acrobatics & Singing Check out our web site –www.steppingoutdance.com MOB 0409 548 396 ph 96057472 email: rain.drops@bigpond.com Stepping Out School of Dance 18 Unit 9/45-47 Whyalla Place, Prestons NSW 2170 INDEPENDENT ADVERTISING 19 Have you liked us on Facebook? www.facebook.com/WCCS.official We use our Facebook page to share information about events, changes to routine and news stories with the WCCS community. Don’t miss out! 20
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