English Newsletter 155.pub


English Newsletter 155.pub
Weekly Newsletter– Issue 155
November 19th– 25th 2011
Coordinated and Supervised by: Marie-Therese Kreidy Script and Layout:Rita Karam Translation: Eliane Aoun
Télé Lumière — Dora Square Beirut - Lebanon
November 20th: World Day of
Children Rights
Fax: +961-1-255001
P.O Box: 80-900 Lebanon
Web site: www.telelumiere.com e-mail: programs@telelumiere.com
Divided by Politics but United by Tele Lumiere
Invited by Tele Lumiere and at the beginning of the Biblical
year called by Pope Benedict, a group of Lebanese deputies and
ministers in addition to intellectual figures reacted positively and participated in an exclusive spiritual retreat to deepen faith and strengthen
hope, at Our Lady of the Well Convent, Bkennaya- Jal el- Dib.
This meeting aims, according to its presenter our colleague Roula Elia,
“to find time for meditation and deep reflection on the Bible far away
from political disputes”.
The spiritual retreat started with Fr. Kamil Moubarak
who dealt with the human person’s role as a member of God’s body,
according to Christ’s Word: “I am the vine and you are the
branches”, underlining “the important interaction of the human person
in his relation with God and others.” Fr. Moubarak explained as well
“how every believer according to his mission can play the three roles
of Christ: priest, king and prophet”. At the end of his meditation, he
asked the Holy Spirit to inspire them.
Later on, Raymond Nader gave his life testimony under the title “What war taught
me”, reviewed the war that devastated the country and divided the Lebanese youth, and concluded that “the war was a time of loss and the only leader of all human persons is Jesus- Christ”.
Furthermore, Nader considered that “this world is ephemeral and the Lord is waiting for us in the
eternal life with the fruits of gifts He entrusted to us. The true wealth is only God.”
The last meeting was with Aneel Aranha, the Evangelist who came to Lebanon to participate in this spiritual
retreat, gave his life testimony and explained how he went over
the bad moments in his life until he reached the safe side because he knew one day, when he was in jail, the face of Christ
Who changed his life and helped him to discover the true peace.”
Meanwhile, the participants intervened, underlined the importance of this gathering, gave their
life testimonies, thanked Tele Lumiere for its initiative and expressed their readiness to participate in
other similar gatherings.
Finally, a follow up committee was selected. It consists of the deputies Neemtallah Abi Nasr, Nabil Nicholas, Shant Janjanian, the former deputy Pierre Daccache, the former minister Mona Ofeish and Prince Hareth Chhab to study the suggestions and
aspirations that came out from this spiritual gathering.
The Council of Eastern Catholic Patriarchs Recommendations
1- Sticking to their land, and sanctuaries in their historical countries
2- Their mission to be the light, salt and yeast in their societies
3- Their duty to build their homelands and their full right of citizenship
4- Mutual work of cooperation and solidarity among the Churches
5- Unified date for Easter among all churches
6– The National Dialogue and respecting the Human Rights and the National Reconciliation
7- The necessity of social and political reforms to achieve civil peace
8- Renouncing violence as means of change
9- The integration in the public life and the effective community participation
10- Building bridges among the faithful as partners in the land and brothers in fate
Highlighted Programs
Saturday November 19th
Mass at the beginning of the
Mass of Patriarch Rai
from New York
Academic Year at Tele Lumiere
Artistic Academy
Within the framework of his
pastoral visit to USA, pray with
us in the Divine Liturgy at the
Holy Trinity Monastery- Petersham, presided by H.B. Patriarch Rai, Bishop Boulos Sayah and Bishop Gregory Mansour
with the help of Abbot William
7.00 - 5.00 GMT
Drekol, Msgr. Michael Thomas
00.00 EST
and the priests of the monastery.
Sing to the Lord and glorify his name
through music and composition with Tele
Lumiere Choir in the Divine Liturgy at St
Anthony Church- Jdeideh presided by
Fr. Tony Khawli, at the beginning of the
new academic year and the feast of St Cecilia the musicians’ patroness.
17.30 - 15.30 GMT - 10.30 EST
The Holy See News
The Samaritan Woman
Know more about the latest
developments of the Holy See in
the Vatican and the pontifical
committees, new challenges
amidst crises, solutions and
analysis with Fr. Jean elHashem.
After meeting Christ, the
Samaritan woman repented
her sins, and brought the
Good News to the citizens of
her homeland.
Written by: Dr. Tarek
Directed by: Charbel Kamel
20.15 - 18.15 GMT - 13.15 EST
Sunday November 20th
Famous Figure
and Scholar…
Msgr. Michel
Mass on the Feast of
the Blessed MarieAlfonsine
Having a prophetic
vision, being revolutionist against the
worn, rigid and lethal
traditions, he is the
man of change and progress in theology,
liturgy and morals. Watch this documentary
about Msgr. Michel el-Hayek with Leila
On the feast of the foundress
of the Rosary Order, pray
with us in the mass celebrated
Boutros Rai at Bkerke
Patriarchal Palace.
13.00 - 10.00 GMT - 6.00 EST
Arab Manuscripts in Lebanon
18.30 - 16.30 GMT - 11.30 EST
Lebanon is an
convents and
libraries witness
wealth. Watch
this documentary highlighting this unique intellectual
21.00 - 19.00 GMT - 14.00 EST
Monday November 21st
Sights from
the Christian
Learn more about
archeological sites in Armenia enriching
the ecclesiastic heritage throughout centuries. With May Mansour and Richard
17.30 - 15.30 GMT
10.30 EST
20.30 - 18.30 GMT
13.30 EST
Roots and Presence
A documentary with Chafika Sassine highlighting the history of Zahlé
Roman Catholic Diocese which is
deep-rooted since centuries and bore
fruits of faith and acts.
20.30 - 18.30
13.30 EST
Together towards Holiness
They are a gift of God Who blew in them Christ’s
spirit and infinite love. Meet them at Our Lady of
Harissa Basilica in a gathering held by “Anta Akhi”
Association, singing with the choirs of Jesus, the
Hidden Convent, Joumana Mdawar and Fr. Roberts Institute.
22.00 - 20.00 GMT - 15.00 EST
How does
describe the structure of the Church
in his letters? New topic with Archimandrite Jacques Khalil and Sanaa
19.00 - 17.00 GMT
12.00 EST
What is the social situation in the Arab countries, Lebanon and with
the current revolutions?
What are the social
needs and difficulties in
Lebanon and in the time of feasts? What is the
culture of life and love, the basics of St Vincent
mission? Learn more in this episode “Challenges of
our Sirs the Poor and St Vincent Mission” with
Charbel Zwein and his guests Dr. Albert Zoghbi
and Louis Baaklini.
20.30 - 18.30 GMT - 13.30 EST LIVE
The Life of the Word
A history full of hardworking in the
pastoral and theological domain is
left in his memory and that’s of
whoever knew him. Get to know
closely Bishop Samir Mazloum
with May Mansour.
Fear consists of conceptions and illusions
caused by the lack of faith and trust in
Jesus- Christ. Fr. Basilios teaches us
the ways to reach the safe side in a new
episode from Jesus the King Cathedral
of the Catholic Copts- Egypt under
the title “Do not fear!”
23.30 - 21.30 GMT- 16.30 EST
22.00 - 20.00 GMT-15.00 EST
Tuesday November 22nd
The Light of Faith
Independence Day
Fr. Agapius Naous and MarieTherese Basha Hnein discuss in
this episode the issue of the
spouses jealousy, its causes,
consequences and ways of treatment within the framework of the
Christian faith and the Church
Salute the Land of the Cedars on
the memory of its independence in a
national evening with Layal and
Manal Nehmé at UNESCO Palace, expressing love and loyalty for
our precious Lebanon.
23.00 - 21.00 GMT - 16.00 EST
21.30 - 19.30 GMT - 14.30 EST LIVE
Wednesday November 23rd
With Red Ink
Lebanon’s Great
The Cross and
When morals are
violated, killing is allowed, the criminal is
punished with an uglier crime that is death penalty. What are the requisites to eliminate this sentence? Why is it legislated
by some regimes? Know more about Death Penalty with Fr. Kamil Moubarak and Clovis Bueiz
20.30 - 18.30 GMT - 13.30 EST LIVE
22.00 - 20.00 GMT - 15.00 EST
the Crescent
Lebanon is represented by the
high and proud Cedars that Christians and Muslims seek their
shadow. How do the Lebanese live
coexistence nowadays? Why does a
large group of youth resort to immigration? What unites and divides
both communities in Lebanon?
Don’t miss this report emphasizing
upon the Story of Lebanon and
Thursday November 24th
A play highlighting Patriarch Elias Hwayek
who refused injustice,
worked hard to free the
condemned and help the
poor, under the abuse of
the Ottoman governors, and went towards the independence of
Great Lebanon with determination and
22.30 - 20.30 GMT - 15.30 EST
God Is Love!
The Path to Christ
What is the difference between
the ministerial and royal priesthood? What is the role of each
one regarding the believers? With
Bishop Saba Esper and Arzé
17.30 - 15.30 GMT - 10.30 EST
The saved human being puts off his
old self to be made new. The 1st
steps of salvation are to reveal the
true face of sin that is death. What
are the repercussions of sin on whoever commits it and its fruits? New
topic: “The Wages of Sin:
Death” with Fr. Marwan Khoury and Therese el Hajj.
20.30 - 18.30 GMT - 13.30 EST LIVE
Friday November 25th
The Essence of Holiness
Ralph Tawitian and Christian Nasrani welcome Ralph Samira, the
student of IESAV- Saint Joseph
University, taking courses in the
audiovisual media. In this episode, he
tells us about the short films production and his love for this career and
mission. 18.00 - 16.00 GMT- 11.00
Raising the banner of the Rosary, responding to the Virgin Mary’s desire she
founded her congregation from Jerusalem to the East and all countries around
the world. This episode highlights the
spirit of the Jerusalem Rosary, the
Blessed Mother Marie- Alfonsine on
her feast. With Elie Issa.
The Pope to Benin
(November 18th- 20th)
After Angola and Cameroon in 2009, the
Pope is returning for an apostolic visit to
the African continent especially to Benin
to present the Post- Synodal Apostolic
Exhortation to the 35 leaders of the bishops’ national councils and the 7 representatives of the regional forums
in the Continent.
On this occasion, Tele Lumiere provides live coverage of the Pope’s
visit as the following:
19.00 - 17.00 GMT - 12.00 EST
Saturday November 19th Visiting the tomb of Cardinal
Bernardin Gantin and meeting
with the faithful, priests, monks and seminarians at the convent’s
square, Ouidah
12.05 - 9.05 GMT - 5.05 EST LIVE
Visiting the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Ouidah and Signing the Apostolic Exhortation
13.10 - 10.10 GMT - 6.10 EST LIVE
Sunday November 20th Divine Liturgy, delivering the Apos-
tolic Exhortation to the bishops of
Africa, and praying the Angelus in Cotonou
9.35 - 7.35 GMT - 2.35 EST LIVE
Following the spiritual
retreat for the politicians in Lebanon, Tele
Lumiere is preparing
for a special retreat for
judges in December, at Our Lady of the
Well Monastery- Bkennaya.
Fountains in
the Desert
In the beginnings, production was a must but our capacities were much limited, as we couldn’t produce more than
Talk Show programs. But later on, the audience asked for
a drama production, we had resort to the film companies
which expressed their readiness to provide us with movies
at cheaper prices, and gave us financial support. Our project was growing even the foreign missions in Lebanon
brought to us from abroad religious films highlighting their
activities, in addition to documentaries about their institutions helping us to
develop and communicate with countries around the world.
- Seek perfection through transparency, honesty, morals
and values
A program with
the Capuchin
Fr. Tony Haddad highlighting the hermits living
alone far from the world for its sake.
- Learn lessons from history and incidents and make
- Using authority for service and
The Maronite
Patriarch Elias
- Escaping the truth is weakness
- Fearing the truth lacks courage
He has a lot of
building, celebrated
the raising of Our Lady of Lebanon statue- Harissa in
1908, presided over the 2nd Lebanese delegation to Paris
Peace Conference in 1919, demanded the Independence
of Lebanon and witnessed the declaration of the State of Great Lebanon in 1920.
Criteria for Ecumenical
and Inter- Religious Cooperation
in the Media
The Virgin Mary
This encyclical aims to allow the Catholic journalists to perform in a better way their first task
that is declaring their faith and witnessing to it,
and encourage them to have new acquaintances,
either among Christians or regarding the faithful
of other religions.
Our Lady of Deliverance… Our Lady of
Martyrs… Our Lady of Innocent
The Baptism
of the Lord
Christ at the middle of the icon
standing in the
bowing his head
below John the
and a voice out of
the heavens said,
"This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well-pleased" while the
Spirit of God descends like a dove and alights on
him. In front of the Baptist, angels kneeling and
praising this Sacrament.
In this book, the author Msgr. Pius Kasha focuses
on suffering in life, and especially the incident of
Our Lady of Deliverance Church in Baghdad
mentioning the funerals and visits, cables of condolences, obituaries, denial and condemnation statements, the masses, all what is said and written on the attack, solidarity letters and interviews, newspaper interviews and echoes, processions and manifestations… in addition to the victims’ images.
Previous issue
How do we distinguish
goodness from evil?
- Evil has a tumultuous impact whereas
goodness is silent as the light.
This issue
Why are we getting hungry?
Divided by Politics
but United by Tele Lumiere
The Council of Eastern Catholic Patriarchs
Highlighted Programs
News Items