Volume 14, No. 1 Fall 2008


Volume 14, No. 1 Fall 2008
Volume 14, No. 1
Fall 2008
dates to remember
21 Family History Workshop
& Cherokee Culture Presentation
ll t
Golden Anniversary
Festivities: May 2
45 %
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Buckley Wheeler
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Aita Akharume
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Timothy Parham
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POSTMASTER: Change Service Requested
Bulk rate postage paid at Marietta, Ga.
Send alumni news or address changes to:
The Office of Alumni Relations
Reinhardt College
7300 Reinhardt College Circle
Waleska, GA 30183-2981
e-mail: alumni@reinhardt.edu
phone: 770-720-5509
Reinhardt College. Creative services are provided by
*supplied photographs for this issue
Reinhardt’s Office of Marketing and Communications.
ts &
C. Seth Tuttle
Director of Development
Steve Ruthsatz*
Athletic Operations Manager
The Reinhardt Magazine is published annually by
Melanie L. Scopa ’03
Development Officer
Caitlan Sumner
Nancy Goodwin
Development Information Services Officer
DeeJay Jackson ’04
Director of Alumni Relations
Amanda L. Brown*
Graphic Designer
Orientation leaders get ready to enthusiastically greet Reinhardt’s new students
during the summer of 2008.
Lauren Thomas*
Media Relations Coordinator
Front Cover:
Rusty Evans
& Ring of Fire
Jan. 25
Marsha S. White*
Executive Director of Marketing
and Communications
Marsha S. White, Editor
Reinhardt College
7300 Reinhardt College Cir.
Waleska, GA 30183-2981
n Ca m pus
om m u ti n g
Production/Photography Staff
Please direct comments to:
vi in
JoEllen Bell Wilson ’61
Paul O’Mara
Vice President for Institutional
Advancement & External Affairs
Additional Photo Credits
Jan. 24 &
Feb. 21
Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood
North Georgia Annual Conference
and Alumni Dinner
6 0 % F e m al e
91% Fu
% Part-time
Participation in Graduation
Rev. Leigh Martin LSM@reinhardt.edu
1051: total students
395: number of new students
3%: percentage of graduate students
36%: percentage of upperclassmen
13:1 student to faculty ratio
14: Average freshman class size
169: number of 2008 graduates
10,000: number of living alumni
2 Class of 1959 Golden Anniversary
of erce
St nt
Wesley Lecture featuring author
Reinhardt by the numbers# # #
Feb. 7, 2009
25 Rusty Evans and Ring of Fire -
17 Margaret Feinberg
Spring Visitation Day for High
25 School Juniors
7 Homecoming
24 admissions@reinhardt.edu
a Tribute to Johnny Cash
n d e d Si t es
Experience Reinhardt - Open House
Ex te
21 United Methodist Youth Night
21 Experience Reinhardt - Open House
Country Christmas Carol
12 Falany Performing Arts Center
Fall 2008
mark your calendar!
Nallely Zuniga
Education - Middle Grades
Addressing Expectations for Technology
Investing in Technology:
Committed to Spend $1.2 million over 4 years
Today’s students live connected
to their cell phones, Blackberries,
Facebook & You Tube, iPods
and laptops. They talk by texting.
As Reinhardt responds to
these changing expectations,
see what’s to come.
A committee of faculty, staff and students began gathering
a list of technology needs in spring of 2008, and their report
was fine-tuned by Reinhardt’s trustees. “Our plan recognizes
what we need now and in the future to maintain quality,”
Reinhardt President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood said. “This plan
also allows us to better integrate technology into classroom
and administrative functions.”
Projects for this Year include:
Technology Additions
Online Classes
Additional courses for working
adults will be added this year.
Online Community
Accepted students have a new
website where they can meet, post
questions and receive news.
Emergency text message and
e-mail system added in 2008.
Document Camera
Equipment allows a professor
to project an image from a book,
magazine, etc. onto a large screen.
Response System
Students respond by selecting
a button on a “clicker”.
Professors can track responses, thus
increasing participation and feedback.
Cameras & Software
Communication students are
using new programs and professionalquality equipment.
Dynamic new www.reinhardt.edu
A Window for the World into Reinhardt
If you have checked the Reinhardt website,
www.reinhardt.edu, lately you may have
asked, “Where’s the Reinhardt blue and
gold?” Well... it’s still there; you just have
to click on alumni, parents or current students to see it.
The homepage now mirrors the College’s admissions publications. Pages provide links selected for specific audiences
like alumni, current students and future
students. In its sixth generation, Reinhardt’s website had grown to 950+ pages, a
far cry from the one-page site created by a
volunteer in November of 1995.
Alumni director DeeJay Jackson ’04
has used the web to publicize events and
sees it and other electronic communication, like the alumni e-newsletter, as becoming increasingly important, especially
with recent alumni.
President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood
said the web does an excellent job of reflecting Reinhardt’s unique spirit. “Our
site shows much more than just the facts,”
he said. “Its graphics and words help to
show the atmosphere and people that
make this place so special.”
Admissions director Julie Fleming
said the web has played a critical role in
recruiting, especially when complemented
by helpful students, faculty and staff. “If
we didn’t have the website, there’s no way
we would have brought in the number of
students — around 370 each year — that we
have for the last three years,” she said. Almost a third of new students this fall first
indicated their interest via the web. But
Fleming is careful not to put all her efforts
into technology. “Web pages and e-mails
are important, but they can’t replace the
personal touch, which really makes the difference with a lot of our families.”
Briana Moody, student government association president, and Justin West, technology committee student member, are
enjoying the new site. “Students really like
it,” she said. “It gives you a lot more information, especially for prospective students.”
West said the links have helped him find
information more quickly.
Virginia R. Tomlinson, executive director and CIO for information technology,
said new features are ahead including video and sound clips, instant messaging and
live chat. “We have added space and band
width so we can better utilize our site. Now
that the new site is live, we plan to make it
even more useful.” — MSW
»» Wireless access - Students ranked »» Computer lab renovations - Lawexpanded wireless access as their most
important technology need. Wireless
was completed in all residence halls
this summer and in all academic building this fall. An outdoor access point
was also added in the center of campus.
»» Smartboards
- Smartboards look
like white boards or movie screens,
but they are actually large interactive
computer screens that allow students
and professors to select buttons or
write notes on the screen, which they
can save to their computers. A smartboard will be added in the Falany Performing Arts Center and the Dobbs
Building this year, but eventually all
designated classrooms will have them.
»» OneCard - New student ID cards will
be implemented this fall for use in the
Gordy Center, library, laundry rooms,
selected vending machines, and specific outside door locks. They can also be
used as debit cards with participating
retailers. “I fought for the... OneCard
system,” said Briana Moody, SGA president. “It allows you to do so much on
one card. Also managing credit and
budgeting are learning processes, and
it’ll be good for that learning aspect. It
will also help open up access to certain
areas after normal building hours.”
son 204 & 207 were renovated and
rearranged, new furniture added,
and the network speed improved.
These changes have made each lab a
more effective instructional area. “A
lot of students said the new labs
are very nice,” Justin West, technology committee member, said.
»» Audio visual control systems & updated projectors - When completed,
all classrooms will have wall controls
for screens and projectors. Outdated
projectors have been replaced, and
additional projectors added. These
changes allow professors to more easily utilize technology in all their classes.
»» Training
- Nine in-house training
classes on Microsoft 2007 Word, Excel and PowerPoint were held this fall
for faculty & staff, and additional
classes will be offered in the spring.
»» Administrative software - The web
portal that gives users access to course
offerings, grades, budgeting, billing
and student accounts is being replaced
with an updated version, JICS. The
JICS system has a better web interface
and includes new features for paying
online and checking admissions status for prospective students. —MSW
(Top) Expanding wireless access across campus
allows students to study in many new locations. You
can enjoy working outside on a beautiful fall day,
like Latoria “Torie” Pierson, a liberal studies major
from Marietta, Ga., but still complete your assignments and utilize the Internet.
(Center) Reinhardt’s new EagleCard was launched
this fall.
(Bottom) Education major Kristie Spivey comes
to the front of the class to use the Smartboard and
show the difference between a need and a want.
Leadership Program Launches
This Spring
New Learning Lab:
Center for Student
Success Replaces SERF
It’s where you go for help with
your first big college paper and
much more.
What does it mean
to be a leader?
To Rabab Kamal,
a freshman from
Cartersville, Ga.,
being a leader is a
part of her everyday
life. The oldest of
five siblings, Rabab’s leadership skills began
at home.
“As the oldest, I try to be the role model for my sisters and brother,” she said. “I
have set high standards for them because I
was so involved in high school.”
From band to National Honor Society, Rabab was involved in more than 10
organizations in high school, and now that
she started college, Rabab will take part
this spring in the Reinhardt College Lead-
ership Academy (RCLA)—a new program
open to all students.
Rabab hopes that through the RCLA
she can build upon her leadership skills.
“You have to be a follower to be a
leader,” Rabab said. “Some people think
that you are born a leader, but in my experiences, you have to learn and grow to
become a leader.”
RCLA is a one-day conference that will
include such discussions and workshops as:
Time & Stress Management, Leadership
Style, Intercultural Awareness and Communication Style.
“To be a strong leader, you have to take
the skills you learn and use them every day,”
Rabab said. “Young people have to step up
as leaders so that we can build a strong
foundation for future generations.”—LHT
The new Reinhardt College Leadership Academy will welcome its first group of students
this spring. The RCLA will reinforce the six pillars of leadership excellence—envision,
enlist, embody, empower, evaluate, encourage—through studying the
writings and actions of great leaders, listening to scholarly presentations by leadership
professionals, and participating in interactive workshops.
New Degree Program:
World Languages and Cultures
Viviana Baxter (right) will host an international
study opportunity to Spain this summer. “Visiting a
country you are studying is an excellent way to reinforce what you are learning about language and
culture,” she said. Baxter’s group visited Segovia,
Spain in 2002.
A Bachelor of Arts in World Languages and
Cultures was added in 2008, thus bringing
the number of Reinhardt programs to 39.
Reinhardt’s program is designed for
practical use. Viviana Baxter, associate professor of Spanish language and education,
said most traditional language programs
concentrate heavily on literature, but Reinhardt’s major emphasizes proficiency in
two languages and the cultures of both.
“Our degree seeks to produce graduates
with a broader understanding of language
and culture as a basis for work or graduate
study in business, education or the liberal
arts,” she said.—MSW
“A lot of people come to college and
have no real concept about how to take
notes or study,” said Dr. Catherine B.
Emanuel, the Center’s first full-time director. “They think if they read it once,
they’ve got it. That’s often not the case
in college.”
Founded several years ago as the
SERF lab, the Center was refocused
and renovated this summer. It offers
free tutoring in all subjects, but most
students come for help with math or
writing. New services include study
skills workshops and standardized test
prep sessions. Long-term plans include
promoting student research and supporting the reading and writing emphasis for first-year students, the Compass
Project, beginning in 2010.
Professor Dr. Richard Summers
also assists with the Center and sees
this work as fulfilling the College’s mission. “We as a faculty pride ourselves on
offering a community of challenge and
care, but it’s not only about challenge,”
he said. “We also have to show them
that we care. We have to do everything
we can to help students be successful,
and the Center is one way we do that.”
Dr. Richard Summers (left) and Dr. Catherine
Emanuel (right) work with students and student
tutors like Andrea Cole, Nicole Davis and Andrew Pullen to provide services to help students
succeed academically.
Community Cooperation Helps Produce
Two Successful New Programs
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and External Affairs JoEllen Bell
Wilson ’61 said collaboration and cooperation have long been central to the
College’s success.
“Reinhardt has partnered with our
community for generations to provide quality programs and skilled graduates,” Wilson
said. “Two recent examples are WAIT and
our new exercise classes. By working closely with Cherokee County school officials
and the local YMCA, we benefited from
their expertise and now have two dynamic
new programs.”
Reinhardt President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood welcomes this support. “I hear Reinhardt described by neighbors and friends
as ‘my college,’” he said. “These people
aren’t alumni, but there’s still a lot of passion behind their feeling of ownership that
we welcome and support.”
Margaret O’Connor, associate vice
president for academic affairs, is continuing this spirit in northern Fulton County.
“We are eager to assist local organizations
through degree programs and other outreach efforts. We’ve been here for 20 years,
and we see much potential for cooperation
and meeting shared goals.” —MSW
Shaping Up!
Success Does WAIT!
“WAIT Students Are Uniquely
Prepared to Relate Coursework
to the Reality of the Classroom.”
Success does WAIT for a select group of
Reinhardt students. Comprised of students
who currently work as para-professionals,
substitute teachers or in fields outside of
education, the WAIT program [Working
Adults Into Teaching] gives those, who may
have put their education on hold because
of family or work obligations, the opportunity to finish their degree in Early Childhood Education.
Seventy-five students are enrolled in
the program, with another 30 expected
to begin this spring; not one student has
dropped from the program.
Harriett Lindsey, associate professor of education and director of field
experience, attributes the program’s enrollment and retention success to the
individual attention and support given to
each student.
“The program is a true learning community,” she said. “The students have
formed close friendships with each other,
and the instructors, who all have professional teaching backgrounds, are mentors
throughout the students’ careers.”
founding in 1883,
College and community
leaders have worked closely
to address student and
workplace needs.
YMCA Partners with Reinhardt
to Offer Group Exercise
Monique Carroll ’08 teaches first grade at Joseph
Knox Elementary in Canton, Ga. The popular
WAIT program is based on the paraprofessional program she completed.
The WAIT program was based upon
the college’s former Paraprofessional Program, which Cherokee County School officials helped create and fine-tune. Twenty
parapros graduated this past spring, and all
are now teaching in their own classrooms.
“A partnership which fosters ongoing
collaboration between Reinhardt College
and the Cherokee County School District
has been in place since 2000,” explained
Dr. Frank Petruzielo, superintendent of
schools. “Establishing a seamless degree
program targeting paraprofessionals who
desired a teaching degree and certification
was ground-breaking and capitalized on the
paraprofessionals’ significant classroom experience. ”
Do you want to be a part of WAIT? For
more information, contact Lindsey at 770720-5581 or HAL@reinhardt.edu. —LHT
Reinhardt is partnering with the G. Cecil Pruett Community Center Family
YMCA in Canton, Ga. to offer on-campus exercise classes for students, faculty
and staff.
Tracy Heimerl, the YMCA group
exercise coordinator, said the program is
a “win-win” because the class members
learn about the Y and vice versa.
Students have asked for such classes,
and college officials believe these opportunities support life-long learning and a
commitment to healthy living.
Response has been enthusiastic.
Caitlyn Crippin, a senior from Conyers,
Ga., says that she loves the workouts.
Offerings include pilates, yoga, core conditioning and zumba. — LHT
Staff member Kirsten Mazur is all smiles despite
a challenging workout.
Loyal and Involved Alumni Recognized
in Ministerial Honoree Scholarship Program
The Reinhardt Ministerial Association created the Ministerial Honoree Scholarship
Program in 1992. Each year, a handful of exemplary ministers and laypersons are
selected to be honorees. Their family, friends and church members are invited to
recognize these role models by making a gift to the College in their honor. Over the
years, these efforts have raised more than $200,000 for scholarships.
John H. & Joy Bennett, Jr. ’65 ’90
Reinhardt understands and “I’m having the time of my life. I’m applying what we are learning
supports the needs of the adult in my current job, and I’m building a portfolio to guide my career after
learner and the demands of a
I finish my MBA.”
changing marketplace. The North
Angela Martin, MBA ’09 (front, left)
Fulton Center has been serving
working adults since 1987.
Listening to the Community:
Extended Sites Add Programs
Designed for Working Adults
»» Associate of Science
in Criminal Justice
Evening & weekend program
Includes online opportunities
January 2009
»» Working Adults into Teaching
Evening program
in Early Childhood Education
August 2009
To better meet adult student needs and
changing marketplace demands, Reinhardt
administrators have decided to place new
emphasis on degree-completion programs,
co-hort programs and graduate studies at
the College’s North Fulton Center in Alpharetta, Ga.
Reinhardt’s North Fulton Center has
been an educational resource for Roswell
and Alpharetta for more than 20 years.
Margaret O’Connor, Reinhardt’s associate vice president for academic affairs, is
enthusiastic about the change. “Career opportunities and rewards for our students
underline the importance of moving in
this new direction,” she said.
College officials worked with the Alpharetta Department of Public Safety to
refocus the associate degree in criminal
justice. Students will take 8-week sessions
in flexible classes built around the busy
schedules of working adults. Online course
options will also be available.
“Our curriculum prepares students
for the fields of juvenile and adult justice,
while they explore investigation, detection
and enforcement procedures, and improve
problem-solving skills and critical thinking
abilities,” said O’Connor.
College officials are also planning to
bring the popular evening program in early
childhood education, WAIT, to the North
Fulton Center in fall of 2009.
For more information, call 770-7209191, e-mail nfmail@reinhardt.edu or
click www.reinhardt.edu/working_adults
Bennetts personify the
close relationship between
Reinhardt and the community,” said Marsha S. White, Reinhardt executive director
of marketing and communications. “John
and Joy are caring alumni who participate
in many of the College’s activities. They
live out their Christian ideals every day,
and I can’t think of two people more worthy of this recognition.”
John is in the second generation of
Bennetts to attend Reinhardt. His father
and all his 11 aunts or uncles attended Reinhardt. Joy is also a Reinhardt graduate, as
are their children: John H. Bennett III ’88,
Angela Bennett Ulm ’90 and Amy Bennett
Cox ’99, and many other relatives.
John met Joy at Colonial Grocery.
“She came through the line with her father, and I was more interested in watching
John H. & Joy Bennett, Jr. ’65 ’90
he is the current Board Secretary. He
also serves on the Funk Heritage Center
Advisory Board.
Joy worked at Reinhardt as an administrative assistant from 1986 to 1992. She
left the College to keep their first grandson, and “she’s had grandchildren to keep
every since,” said John, with a big smile.
Gary C. Waddell ’68
Gary C. Waddell ’68
Joy than in bagging groceries.
I dropped something heavy on
the bread, and her dad wasn’t
too pleased, but I was still able
to carry the bags to the car.” A
romance started, and Joy and
John married in 1966.
Spending time with family
has always been important to
the Bennetts, and the Goshen
Baptist Church in Waleska includes many Benettts.
Having worked in the poultry industry,
John is now broiler manager at Pilgrims’
Pride in Canton, Ga. He generously donates his time and has held leadership
positions with the Amicalola EMC Board
of Directors, Crescent Bank, Oglethorpe
Power Corp., and the Georgia Poultry Association. A Reinhardt Trustee since 2002,
hen you meet successful accountant
Gary Waddell, he doesn’t strike you
as someone who didn’t plan on going to
“No one in my family, on either side,
had graduated from college,” he said. “After high school, I went to work in the carpet mills of Dalton.” His young age kept
him from being drafted into the Vietnam
War, and he credits a series of events for
bringing him to Reinhardt.
He knew of the College from his high
school sweetheart, Brenda Hill. She was already at Reinhardt when his mother and
her friend asked him to swing by and deliver a package to the friend’s son. “We pulled
onto the campus and here came Henry
strolling out of the administration building, in college dress with books in hand. I
knew in that moment that Reinhardt was
where I needed to be.”
He applied and took his first SAT.
He worked two shifts, close to 80 hours a
week, to pay for school. His first quarter he
“studied hard for the first time in a long
time, and I made 3 Cs.” Before he finished,
he had made the honor roll. “We had a lot
of fun, too,” he laughingly said. “I wasn’t
the student without any blemishes...I spent
a little time in Dean Wood’s office, but we
got to be good friends.”
“I count my two years at Reinhardt
among the best years of my life,” he said.
continued on p. 22
Gary Waddell ’68 will receive
the Alumnus of the Year Award
at the January 2009
Board of Trustees meeting.
Give to A DAY for Reinhardt
When you give to A DAY, your donations
will help support talented Cherokee County
students like Jennifer Laminack of Canton.
Jennifer, a music performance major,
said the music professors have taught her
so much. “They provide the perfect atmosphere for learning, ‘fellowshipping’ and
just making and enjoying music. I wouldn’t
be where I am today without my experiences at Reinhardt.”
The Cherokee County Grant [funded
by A DAY] allowed Jennifer to choose a col-
Alumni Board of Governors
President Gene Norton ’60 (center)
shares a hearty congratulations with
Mathew A. Pinson ’05 (left)
& Jack H. Smith ’38. Smith received the 2008
Alumni Loyalty Award, and Pinson received
the Young Alumni Award.
Jack Smith ’38
2008 Alumni Loyalty Award
“I have been connected to the
College for a long time, and I love
it. The College deserves committed people, so I have tried over
the years to do my part and be
dedicated. It is an important place
to learn and live, and there are so
many special people that call
it home... ” — Jack Smith
Mathew Pinson ’05
2008 Young Alumni Award
“For many young alumni, the
value of a Reinhardt degree has
launched them to where they are
now—it’s the springboard for our
success.” — Mat Pinson
Jack H. Smith ’38 met his wife-to-be, Ruby,
while sitting on the corner watching the
Reinhardt students go by. They married in
1953. He served in the Philippines as an
Army Airborne Engineer from 1941 to 1945.
He left the service as a staff sergeant with
the World War II Victory Medal, a Philippine Liberation Ribbon with a Bronze
Star, an Asiatic-Pacific Service Medal
with Two Bronze Stars and an America
Service Medal.
He started his construction career at
Greene Lumber. His family pegs his success to his God-given ability to build, fix
things and save money. His other interests
have included real estate development, residential contracting and banking.
As former mayor of Waleska, he helped
establish a city water system, a new City
Hall, a fire station and police department.
He was an R.M. Moore Elementary school
trustee and served on the Cherokee Day
Care Program board. He has also been active in the Cherokee County Community
Action Agency, the Chamber of Commerce, the Industrial Authority, the Lions
Club and Masons.
He served on the College’s Alumni
Board of Governors and is a member of
the Reinhardt Ambassadors. He supervised the building of the College’s President’s Home in the late 1970s. Since the
Smiths live down the street from the campus, they have befriended many students
over the years.
The Smiths are active in Waleska
Baptist Church. They have one daughter,
Edna Cook ’75, and two granddaughters,
Amanda Cook Brown ’98, and Julie Cook
LeSesne. —MSW
After graduating from Reinhardt, Mathew
A. Pinson ’05 served as the director of
of annual giving at Tennessee Wesleyan
College (Athens, Tenn.), a role he held
until early in 2008, when he became
the director of development for major
gifts at the Candler School of Theology,
Emory Univeristy.
He married the Rev. Susan Moore ’04
on May 31, 2008, in the Hagan Chapel.
The son of a United Methodist minister, he has been very active within The
United Methodist Church and served as
an elected delegate to the 2000, 2004 and
2008 Jurisdictional and General Conferrences of the Church. He is associate conference lay leader for the North Georgia
Annual Conference, and, at the request
of the Bishop, serves on the Board of Ordained Ministry.
As he accepted the award, Pinson
praised his classmates’ accomplishments
and thanked those who had helped him.
“In the last ten years, others who
graduated with me are probably much
more deserving of this award... For many
young alumni, the value of a Reinhardt degree has launched them to where they are
now—it’s the springboard for our success.
Curt Lindquist and Theresa Ast taught me
everything I know about higher education.
I was not the best student, but I sure tried
hard. I am very grateful to be awarded the
Young Alumni Award.” —DNJ & MSW
lege without basing her decision on financial obligations.
“The ability to attend college near
home, mingled with the pride of living in
Cherokee County, adds so much to the experience of attending Reinhardt,” she said.
Would you like to help local students
earn a Reinhardt degree? If so, please give
to A DAY for Reinhardt. For more on A
DAY, visit www.reinhardt.edu.—LHT
What Does This Mean to You?
Tim Teague ’07
It means a lot to the
Rev. Allen and Tracey
Stewart ’85 ’85 and
Tim Teague ’07.
The Stewarts are the very first members
of a unique group of people at Reinhardt:
the 1883 Club. Named for the year Reinhardt was established, 1883 Club members
show their appreciation for Reinhardt’s
unique experience by caring consistently.
With an automatic monthly donation
of $18.83 from their credit card, the Stewarts give back to their alma mater and express their gratitude for all they received.
“We both owe Reinhardt a great deal,” he
said. “We look back at our college years as
formative and endearing.”
The Stewarts lovingly share their Reinhardt story. He is the senior pastor at
Hartwell First United Methodist Church,
and she is a ninth-grade science teacher at
Hart County High School. They have three
daughters: Taylar, Lauren and Ashton.
The youngest member of the 1883
Club is Tim Teague ’07, a native of Clarksville, Ga. “I visited campus one time, and I
knew this was where I was going to college.
Now I want to give back for everything Reinhardt gave me.”
The Stewarts: (rear, l - r) Tracey’85 and Allen ’85;
(front, l - r) Taylar, Lauren and Ashton.
Calling Reinhardt his home away
from home, Teague returns to Campus often. He recently helped host the Miss Reinhardt Pageant, and he regularly attends
basketball games, a team he played on for
four years.
“I hope that other young alumni will
recognize the impact Reinhardt had on
their lives,” Teague said, “and then, by giving back, help current students have that
same experience.” Teague lives in Hickory
Flat, Ga., and is a manager at Hollister in
Alpharetta, Ga.
Teague and the Stewarts want to encourage other alumni and friends to join
them in the 1883 Club. “Sometimes you
forget that you want to help,” Teague said,
“but once you join, you always know you’re
at least giving $18.83 a month.”
Rev. Stewart feels the same way. “Reinhardt alumni owe so much to the College,”
he said. “I hope that they will step up and
help in this easy, yet beneficial way.”
To join the 1883 Club, visit www.reinhardt.edu/advancement and click “Give
Now” or call 770-720-5507. —MLS
President’s Report & Honor Roll of Donors
A Note-Worthy Thank You
Record number of students attended
the 2nd Annual Scholarship Fiesta
on October 23, 2008
Just as they have in the past,
students today find meaning and
purpose in their lives through their
Reinhardt experiences.
At this festive event hosted by the Office of
Development, students met other scholarship recipients and wrote notes of thanks
to the donors who provided funding for
their scholarship awards. They also enjoyed
a fiesta-themed dinner, piñatas and prizes.
Forty students took part. “It’s important that students realize it is not simply
money,” says Melanie Scopa, development
officer. “Their scholarships were funded
by men and women who were generous
enough to give from their own pockets,
some of whom were Reinhardt students,
too. We want them to know how much our
students appreciate this assistance.” —MLS
Letitia Cline ’83, principal
Dear Friends,
young man, nervous, walked on
stage. Only a few seats were left in
the Falany Performing Arts Center, which might seem strange to some
for a percussion recital. A young lady followed with her fife, and she whistled out
a march as he accompanied on his drum.
The evening began as you would expect
with a drum – orderly and rhythmic. But
then he moved to the marimba with two
mallets in each hand. With imperceptible movements of each wrist, harmonies
flowed from the stage. From timpani to
triangles, classical to jazz, the minutes
passed without notice. Before I realized it,
I had enjoyed an entertaining evening of
Right, top: Development Officer Melanie L. Scopa
’03 (left) and Development Coordinator Erin P. Honea (right) welcome each student, like scholarship recipient Jessica Campione of White, Ga., who takes
part in the event.
Right, middle: Ashley Young of Canton, Ga., takes a
break from her music classes to write a note.
.... ring, ring
Life is wonderful at Reinhardt.
As the young man took his final bow in
response to the applause and cheers of
friends and strangers and raised his hand
in embarrassed recognition, it was moving
to see what this accomplishment meant
to him. The memory of this evening will
always be his. His success on this stage
at his college, Reinhardt, will travel with
him forever.
........ .........
Thanks for answering
the phone and saying Yes!
The Rev. Allen Stewart ’85, pastor,
and Tracey Young Stewart ’85, teacher
The Rev. Max Caylor ’67, pastor
This fall, Reinhardt students called on and older alumni are so sweet and often
alumni and friends of the College to do- have the funniest stories to share about
nate to the Annual Appeals Campaign.
their time at Reinhardt!”
Tina Kurhanewicz, a sophomore from
Answer the call! Join hundreds of
Buford, Ga., participated as a Phonathan alumni and friends of the College by docaller for the second year.
nating to the Annual Appeals Campaign.
“Phonathan is such a great way to give Your donation will enrich lives of so many
back to Reinhardt,” she said. “My favor- students at Reinhardt.
ite part is what
with alumni,
For more information, contact the Ofhappens
at phonathon
young and stays
old. It isatgreat
of Development at 770-720-5507 or
young alumni are doing after graduating, visit www.reinhardt.edu.—EPH
Reinhardt is a college of discovery.
Whether through the arts, in a classroom,
in student leadership, on an athletic field,
in chapel, or in service to the community,
students achieve great things here. They
reach higher than they ever dreamed possible. Just as they have in the past, students
today find meaning and purpose in their
lives through their Reinhardt experiences,
and they take these lessons with them into
the community and make the world a better place.
I believe no college does a better job than
we do in offering these life defining moments to our young people. Reinhardt is a
special and sacred place where evidence of
God’s Grace is shared every day.
Please join with us to continue to nurture
this spirit of challenge, support and accomplishment. With your help, I assure you
that we will always lead the way as a college
of opportunity. Your generosity means so
very much to the lives of these wonderful
Thank you for your continued support.
Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood
Dr. Angela Falany
Hulse ’86, physician
E. Scott Evans ’92, banker
William G. Hasty Jr. ’67,
attorney and Reinhardt
Trustee Chair
Dennis Harris ’58, Marguerite Thigpen Cline ’58,
former mayor, educator & school
Annual Fund
Is Huge Success
& Year in Review
2007-08 in Review
Annual Fundraising Drive Has Widespread Impact
in the Classroom and with Students
einhardt’s Annual Fund raised
$978,759 during the 2007-08
year. What a huge annual impact
this has made on our students! Not
only do your gifts support classroom activities
and programs, but they also allow students to
benefit from the value others place on them and
this institution. Your generosity demonstrates to
students your sense of ownership for this institution and what it means to be a family of faith.
“So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially
to those who belong to the family of faith.”
Galatians 6:1 —CST
07-08 Annual Fund
Given | Percent
New Alumni Friends
Reinhardt’s undergraduate programs were
reaffirmed for ten more years. The affirmation application as a graduate institution
is complete and will be decided upon in
December 2008. After that approval is secured, Reinhardt will submit proposals for
graduate programs in education and music.
New web site>
Reinhardt has a dynamic new web site.
This important marketing tool is a central
component of Reinhardt’s recruiting and
communications mix. Please see p. 2.
National NAIA academic
teams of distinction>
Four 2007-08 athletic teams — baseball,
women’s cross country, women’s soccer,
and volleyball —- were recognized as scholar
teams, with a squad combined grade-point
average of 3.0 or higher.
(Left) Reinhardt and the Cherokee County Recycling
Center created “Reinhardt Recycles” in 2005, which
has recycled approximately 1200 tons of paper a
year. Mary Laing (center), Reinhardt’s support services coordinator, spearheaded the project, along with
Dr. Steven Powers (left) and the Rev. Leigh Martin.
More “Go Green” efforts will be launched this year.
Evaluating new degree
Church Giving Program
$114,472 0.1%
Golf Classic
Degree programs in theatre and youth
ministry are under consideration for
addition in 2009-10.
Compass Project on reading
& writing in the first year>
Plans are being fine-tuned to expand the
Reinhardt 100 orientation course by adding a year-long emphasis on reading and
writing skills.
Adding online courses>
Reinhardt’s online options for working
adults will be expanded.
The new full-time director will lead
efforts to integrate into the Center the
activities and energy of the existing SERF
program, further enhance advising,
develop programs for at-risk students and
train on successful teaching strategies.
Please see p. 4.
Ministerial Golf
Unrestricted Funds
Going Green>
A new committee will investigate opportunities and make recommendations on
reducing the College’s environmental
Expanding technology>
$1.2 million dollars has been committed
to technology enhancements, $300,000
a year for the next four years. This new
technology and training will greatly enhance teaching, administrative efficiency,
and student services. Please see p. 3.
New sport>
Reinhardt is exploring lacrosse. If assessments are positive, a men’s and/or women’s team will be added for the 2009-10
school year.
We’ve changed the name of our annual
fundraising drive to Annual Appeals Campaign, but our focus on matching donors’
interests with college needs is still the same!
So, if you have been a loyal donor to the Annual Fund Campaign, we hope you’ll continue to be a loyal donor to its replacement:
the Annual Appeals Campaign!
$82,012 11.1%8.4%
Annual Appeal Replaces
Annual Fund Campaign
Show your commitment to our students
and Reinhardt’s mission by giving to the
2008-2009 Annual Appeals Campaign.
This year’s goal is $980,000, so let’s round
up and reach for a million! We can do it, but
only with your support! Please demonstrate
your belief in Reinhardt and the way we are
educating tomorrow’s leaders today! Every
dollar makes a real difference. To learn
more or to give online, visit us on the web at
www.reinhardt.edu/advancement. — CST
Reinhardt Family
Reinhardt Family
Help Us Raise $980,0000
$369,213 19.8%
Honoree Program
Golf Classic
Enhancing Center for
Student Success>
Church Giving Program
SACS accreditation>
What’s Ahead in 2008-2009?
Total Given | Percent
Top 10 Reasons to Donate to the Annual Appeals Campaign:
1. To help students today have the
same wonderful life-changing collegiate experience as you had.
2. To provide financial assistance
and help students choose Reinhardt;
more than 94 percent of Reinhardt
students will receive some type of
financial aid this year.
3. To help Reinhardt attract and
retain outstanding faculty and
staff who are the best within their
chosen profession.
4. To support and expand innovative
academic programs.
5. To add and upgrade much needed
campus technology.
6. To purchase library books
7. To make an immediate impact.
Without the annual appeals, each
student would need to pay $917 more
in tuition or fees to cover the cost of
their education.
8. To show Reinhardt’s value to
others. Giving rates are a measure
corporations & foundations use to
rate alumni satisfaction and involvement. If giving rates are high, other
organizations are likely to give.
9. To demonstrate your loyalty to
Reinhardt and its mission.
10.To make a difference!
Each Reinhardt graduate will impact
thousands of lives through his or her
family, business, church and community. By supporting Reinhardt, you
make a difference!
and resources.
Symbol Key: ^ Trustee
Honor Roll of Donors 2007-2008
very effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of the information on these
contributions received between July 1, 2007,
and June 30, 2008. Any omissions or inaccuracies should be reported to the Advancement Office at 770-720-5790 or NLG@
reinhardt.edu. Proper recognition will be
made in the next Reinhardt Magazine. –NLG
Pinnacle Society
($100,000 +)
Estate of Jewell Wyatt Bannister ‘40 *
Community Foundation For Greater Atlanta, Inc.
Dr. F. James & Florrie Funk, Jr. ^
Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher
The Goizueta Foundation
Estate of Jean Isaacs *
Elizabeth Johnston
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation
Estate of Thomas K. Marlowe *
Estate of Jacqueline McKenzie Rainwater *
Steven & Nancy Gordy Simms
Leadership Circle
Bank of North Georgia
The Community Foundation of Northwest Georgia
Samuel C. Dobbs * Estate
Fincher-Loughridge Foundation, Inc.
First Cherokee State Bank
L. Austin & Beatrice Flint, M.D.
Georgia Foundation For Independent Colleges
William G. & Linda Nichols Hasty Jr. ‘67 ‘90 ^
Fred H. Henritze
Robert M. & Pam R. Henritze
John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Harold S. Johnston
Lynn H. & Doris Johnston ^
Paul W. Jones Fund
Dr. Charles H. Little ‘48
Robert L. & Jackie McEntire ‘62
North Georgia United Methodist Foundation, Inc.
Northside UMC
Padgett Services
Norman W. & Barbara A. Paschall ‘94H ^
Garland & Bonnie Reynolds
The Sandridge Foundation
Thomas Guy Woolford Charitable Trust
Tower Club
H. Marvin & Barbara B. Wilson
The Evelyn and Frank Gordy Foundation
Benefactor’s Club
Aramark Corporation
M. Austin Davis Foundation, Inc.
Donald & Judy Hausfeld ^
Ouida M. Hubbard ‘31 *
Joe E. Johnston Foundation
Stuart & Eulene Murray Foundation
Hugh & Mary Jane Peterson, Jr. ^
Estate of Virginia A. Tumlin *
Pacesetter’s Club
Brenda Cagle Barnes ‘65
BB&T Huffines-Russell Insurance
Fred & Sue Branding
Thomas W. & Carolyn B. Carter ‘61 ^
Chatlos Foundation
Clark & Ruby Baker Foundation
Atlanta Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Coca-Cola North America
Sam & Wendy Dimaio
Astrid Edwards
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Five Smith’s Foundation Inc.
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation
Paul & Lori Fronczak
Fuchs Lubricants Co.
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
The Charles S. Hasson Fund, Inc.
James & Jayne Hasson, Jr. ^
Scott D. & Susan Hawkins ^
Henry Bros. Co.
Neal & Jineane Heybeck
Hirtle, Callaghan & Co
Sam N. Hodges
Cornelius & Anita Houtsma
Ideas Inc.
Young Yup Kim
Frank & Alice Kleinman
Thomas H. & Jean Krueger
Mark & Kris Lazart
Lois & Lucy Lampkin Foundation
Ethel Luerssen
Will D. & Nell Magruder
William & Kathleen McAlaine
Henry F. & Margaret Price McCamish
Jason & Kelly Murphy
David & Carol Nagy
Paul Heybeck Memorial Fund
Phillips Electric
Edward & Blanche Polinski
Andy Pourchier
Megan, Sean and Michael Prendergast
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Steven & Susan Puffpaff
W. Harrison & Dorothy Reeves
Don & Joann Ropel
Richard & Anne Schick
David & Margaret Sevening
Joseph & Gloria Sewell, Jr.
Sonneborn Refined Products
State of Florida Department of Health
Charles Austin Stephens ^
Steve & Virginia Tumlin Foundation
Wendell & Rosalie Stoike
SunTrust Bank, Inc.
Mel & Linda Teetz
Mr. & Mrs. R. Stevens Tumlin, Jr. ^
Wachovia Foundation
Gary C. & Brenda H. Waddell ‘68 ‘68 ^
Robert & Lucille Wallace
Glenn D. & Susan Warren
Paul & Pam Watson
James & Deborah Wetter
C. Kenneth & Myra White ‘61 ^
White Family Foundation
Grace Winter
E. Jerome * & Patricia Zeller, Ph.D.
Chairman’s Club
AGA Insurance
Allgood Pest Solutions
John H. & Joy Adams Bennett, Jr. ‘65 ‘90 ^
Drs. R. Dean & Grace H. Boswell ‘47
Ann S. Brewer
The Coca-Cola Company
Crescent Bank
Christopher E. & Deborah Dupree ^
ExxonMobil Foundation
Georgia Power Foundation
Habersham Properties
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hearn Jr. ^
The Reverend R. Olin & Donna Chastain Herndon
‘57 ‘57
Calvin & Cheryl Hill *
Dr. J. Thomas & Bettye Jo Isherwood ^ #
The Landon Group, Inc.
Alton B. & Alma Jo Lanier ‘65
Northside Hospital-Cherokee
William G. & Beverly Pritchard, Jr.
Pruett Enterprises, Inc.
G. Cecil & Myrna Pruett ^
Thomas M. Reed #
William O. & Alice S. Riley
Dr. Eddie B. & Sylvia R. Robertson # #
SunTrust Directed Funds: Asbury-Warren
United Methodist Higher Education Foundation
Warren Capital Corporation
William C. Warren, III
J. M. Wilkerson Construction, Inc.
President’s Club
Dr. Alan D. & Judith B. Allen
Amicalola EMC Trust Operation Round-Up
Paul H. & Marian F. Anderson, Sr. ^
Lurline C. Argo
B & N College Booksellers
Thomas & Christine Balachowski
Ralph W. & Sandra Smith Balchin Jr. ‘65
Bank of Woodstock
O. Alvin & Betty Barge, Jr. ^
Barnes Law Group, LLC
Bascom T. Baynes
The Bedford Falls Group, LLC
BellSouth Matching Gifts Center
Michael L. Benner
Myrtie A. Black * Estate
Colonel Steve K. & Betty C. Black ‘76 ‘79
Pamey J. Brotherton
Edward Owens Chapman
Cherokee Floor Covering, Inc.
Charles K. & Carolyn Cobb, Jr. ^
Mr. & Mrs. Earl P. Cook
Benjamin R. Crigler, Sr.
Dr. Franklin R. & Carolyn R. Croker ‘54 ‘54
Cumming First United Methodist Church
Ralph & Mildred Dangar
Marshall & Kathy Day
Thomas B. Doner & Jayette R. Blom
Dr. Robert Driscoll #
Dr. William & Donna Early
Fellowship Class, Haygood Memorial UMC
Gates Chapel UMC
Georgian Bank
Stuart V. & Teresa J. Gibson
Gila Distributing - Georgia, Inc.
Frederick E. Gilbert
Randy D. Gravley ‘95
Jack H. & Dawn Morrison Gray ‘64
The Reverend Dr. Reynolds W. Greene, Jr. ‘80H ^
R. J. Griffin & Company
Habersham Bank
G. Dennis & Jeanette Wakefield Harris, Jr. ‘58
‘58 ^
Hasty, Pope LLP
Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes
Hillside UMC
James C. & Margaret Nesbitt Hobbs ‘65
Holder Construction Company
Marjorie Humphrey Hubbard ‘37
Robert P. & Barbara Hunter, Jr. ^
IBM International Foundation
Jasper Banking Company
Dr. William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ‘56
R. T. Jones Memorial Community Foundation, Inc.
| # Reinhardt Family | * Deceased | UMC United Methodist Church
Jova Daniels Busby
The Kroger Company
John & Barbara Lundberg
Mac-Gray Services, Inc.
The Reverends Zach & Leigh Sparks Martin #
Wright & Barbara Martin
McClure Family Foundation
Harriet H. McDonald ‘29
Joan U. McFather
The Honorable Kipling Louise McVay
Diane Minick
Ernest N. & Jeanene S. Moore ‘52
Jacqueline Moore
Mark E. & Peggy Moore
Terry & Vicki Morrison #
National Christian Foundation
Brad Osborne
Peachtree Road UMC
Pennville First Baptist Church
Dr. Garland F. & Darsa Pinholster ‘96H
Walter & Mary Pittman
Bert Ponder
Marion T. & Judy Pope, Jr. ^
James C. & Claudett Fagan Power, Jr. ‘56 ‘56
Project Time & Cost, Inc.
Roy Rice & Ellen A. Reagan
Mr. & Mrs. Horace L. Richards
Rogers Construction Company
Ricardo Sanchez #
Franklyn Self
Service League of Cherokee County
Thomas D. & Nancy M. Snyder
Donald J. & Frances Sims Sparks ‘64 ‘65
The Linda & Melvin Teetz Family Foundation, Inc.
United Community Bank
Vulcan Materials Company
Waleska UMC
James C. & Sherry Hopkins Wallace Jr. ‘85 ‘90
William L. & June H. Wester ‘96H
Darryl & Samatha Wheeler
Melody Wilder & David D. Wilson
Steve & Robin Williams ‘73
Venette Morgan Williams
Williamson Bros Bar-B-Q
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 #
WLJA Radio-93.5 FM
Dean’s Club
The 1904 House, Inc.
Dr. David & Dr. Mary Alyono ‘73
David Armento
Lucie B. Atkerson
Bank of North Georgia
Thomas M. & Karen L. Beman
The Reverend Howard E. & Marilyn Bledsoe ‘58
Bradley Blizzard
Michael & Ann Henritze Blonder
Thomas P. & A. Pat Bowles, Jr.
Beth Adams Bowser ‘68
Benjamin Bryson
Bobbie Pritchett Burgess ‘65
Joseph G. & Barbara Burnett Sr. ‘65
Robert E. Byrd & Michelle DeHaven ^
Kathryn L. Carmichael
T. Ned Castleberry
Charles Caswell
Emory W. & Louise M. Chastain
Cherokee Association of Realtors, Inc.
Cherokee Bank
Cherokee Community Chorale
Cherokee Ford
Marguerite Thigpen Cline ‘58
Jerry W. Cooper
Credit Union of Georgia
James L. Curry, Jr. #
Dayna L. Darling
William G. Davidson
Danny & Bonnie L. DeBord #
James R. Dellinger, Jr.
Edward D. Jones & Company
Elarbee, Thompson, Sapp, & Wilson, LLP
Faith Ventures Foundation, Inc.
David H. & Luck F. Gambrell
Goodman Properties
John W. Gregory Sr. & Family
James T. Hakes
Clark Hanger
The Honorable Joe Frank & Elizabeth Harris ^
Havertys Furniture Companies, Inc.
Dr. Ralph E. & Jean Holmes Helser ‘59
Margaret C. Jackson
J. L. Jerden
The Reverend Dr. Allen O. & Linnie Lou Jernigan
Mr. John L. Kennedy
Shirley R. Kinsey
Joel & Sheila Ingle Langford ‘91 #
Edgar Lary ‘62
Dr. Stephen S. & Jane Wong Law ‘69 ‘71
The Lisle Company
Little & Smith, Inc.
Ben Logue
Jean & Wayne Maffett
Martha Wilson J. Marcucci
Kirk M. McAlpin, Jr.
Robert G. & Nancy McKinnon #
Meg Adams Interior Design, Inc.
Reverend H. David & Joy T. Melton
John S. & Carolyn R. Millar
E. R. Mitchell Construction Company
E. R. & Marjorie Mitchell, Jr. ^
Morgan Keegan & Company
John Mount Scholarship Fund
Frank M. Mutz
Dr. William H. Nichols, Jr.
North Canton Chevron
North Georgia Community Foundation
L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60
Larry Padgett
The Palmer Agency
Tonya Ray Parker ‘98
Peachtree Planning Corporation
Wilds L. Pierce
Pillow Perfect, Inc
Judy Pingley
Symbol Key: ^ Trustee
Honor Roll of Donors 2007-2008
Pope, Mc Glamry, Kilpatrick, Morrison
& Norwood, LLC
Myra H. Price ‘60
Pritchard & Jerden, Inc.
Result Oriented Solutions, Inc.
Sylvia Wheeler Roberts
Pamela M. Schindler
Smith & Howard, P.C.
James * & Dee Snow
James L. & Helen Spears
James D. Spratt, Jr.
Thomas & Nyle A. Srok
Storage Consulting Inc.
Hugh Thacker ‘56
J. Neal Timms ‘41
Total Office Products Service
Universal Steel, Inc.
Wal-Mart Foundation
Waste Management
Jennings E. Watkins
Jesse J. Webb
Wesley Way UMC
L. Susan Williamson ‘74
Willoughby & Sewell Development Co.
Reuben O. & Audrey Wilson ‘52
Stanford G. Wilson
The Xerox Foundation
Patron’s Club
Mr. Martin Agati
Chuck Angulo & Kathleen Fisher
Atlanta Classic Foundation Charities, Inc.
Lawton & Maxine Baggs
Rick D. & Linda Cannon Bailey ‘74 ‘74
Bank of Canton
The Bank of Ellijay
Cannon & Anne Vickers Barton ‘65
Bodacious Food Company, Inc.
Carey H. Brown
Bug Busters
Amy G. & J. Gordon Burnett Jr. ‘91
M. J. & Debbie M. Burton
Howard C. Busbey Sr.
Mary Owen Butler ‘43
Philip M. & Barbara Stafford Byrd ‘48 ‘56
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Carter ‘66
Nancy T. Carter #
Mark Cisneros
Classic Smith Neighborhoods, Inc.
Cohutta Banking Company
George & Virginia Cook
Julie & Kevin Cook #
CreekSide Bank
Dallas First UMC
Dan Patterson, D.D.S.
Diamond Data Corporation
J. Robert Douglas
J. Richard & Ouida Woods Dowis
Tom & Ann Early
Andrew M. & Melinda Edwards Jr. #
Jeffrey & Mary D. Elliott ‘74
George E. English PhD ‘55
LaTrelle Lanier Ethridge ‘41
Robert J. & Sara Wilder Eubanks ‘56 ‘56
George & Judy Galphin Sr.
Odie P. & Kebra Galt, III
Ed & Peggy Garreau
Roger D. & Shelia J. Garrison ‘98 ‘84
Generis Partners, LLC
William M. Gibson
Sherrille C. Gooch ‘76
Dr. David & Cheryl Gregory #
Hamby HVAC Mechanical Services
The Reverend Billy J. & Barbara Ross Harris ‘99
Carlton W. & Martha Jane Hendrix, Sr.
Claude B. Hicks ‘65
Bobby T. Holcombe ‘52
Susie Hooper
William Harvey & Alonna Howell
Intermedia Group, Inc.
Alan H. Jackson ‘75
Jasper UMC
Jenzabar, Inc.
Robert P. Johnson Jr.
Dr. Joseph H. & Karen Kitchens # #
Lake Arrowhead Garden Club
Wes Latimer
J. Wayne & Dolly Lester
The Reverend Dr. Curt G. Lindquist #
Harriett Lindsey #
Robert & Margaret Logan
Mary P. Lyon
Nancy R. MacDonald
Michael & Laura Keele Martinez ‘75
Walter P. May #
George T. & Sultana H. McGuire
The Rev. Milton L. & Betty Bailey McGuirt ‘55
Dr. Dennis K. McIntire #
Timothy & Candace Montgomery
Phillip & Jane Moon
Dr. G. David Moore #
George D. Morse
Dr. Seaborn T. & Karen Smith Moss ‘65 ‘65
Bob & Judy Murphy
The Reverend Larry G. Naylor
Susan E. Naylor #
Dolph & Victoria Nelson, Jr.
George J. & Carole D. O’Neill
Thomas B. & Ann Owen ‘74
E. June Owens ‘71
Betty Champion Parrott ‘54
Peachtree Planning Foundation
Gerald F. Perry ‘54
Boyd & Vickie Pettit, III
Randall O. & Liz Porter ‘96H ^
RFK Holdings
A. R. & Elaine Fraser Roberts, III ‘84 ^
Roger & Mariellen Schultz
Security Bank of North Metro
Norman K. Shove ‘68
Shaw F. Skillings
Garrett P. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Smith
Jack H. & Ruby A. Smith ‘38
John K Spitznagel
Donald F. & Lila Stevens
M. Cash Striplin ‘71
TAS Publications
J. Atwood Taylor III
TPA Realty Services, LLC
James H. & Anna S. Turner ‘76
Martha Brewer Wagner ‘63
Charles & Joan Waits
Wesley C. & Linda Wallace Walraven, Jr. ‘65 ‘65
Dr. & Mrs. D. Ben Warren
James L. Watkins
Elizabeth Karr Welden ‘39
Wetland & Ecological Consultants, LLC
Paul Wilson
John W. & Glenda Young # #
Century Club
Rex B. Abernathy ‘84
Roy Abernathy
Joy-Anne Waelti Adams ‘02
Buzz Ahrens
Ronald & Shirley Akers #
Tanya Fuss Alexander ‘84
Mary Anna Moore Allison ‘51
Marion Allred ‘59
American Legion: Brady Post #45
Ampacet Corporation
Kenneth J. & Holly Hochstetler Anderson ‘72 ‘72
Theresa L. Ast #
George P. Avary
David & Rebecca Babcock
Elizabeth Moss Bailey ‘28 *
Col. George L. Bailey USMC (Ret.)
Sheila Chatfield Bailey ‘54
Thomas J. Balchin ‘62
J. Danielle Bailey Balint ‘84
Mark K. Ballard ‘84
Eric Alvin Ballinger, P.C.
Bank of America
Ronald & Penny Barnes
F. Lamar & Janice Blalock Barton ‘58 ‘58
Barton Family Reunion
Rotary Club of Bartow County
Stan Bearden
Dionne McLean Beasley ‘78
Walter & Anita Beck #
Kenneth E. Bedelle ‘67
Glenda & Devoy Bell #
Bells Ferry Texaco
Robert & Vicki Benefield
Buddy Bennett
Alan Bethel
Judy C. Bishop
Ben & Mary Blackburn
Dr. Michael & Eleanor Blass
James N. Bohannon, Jr. ‘51
Hugh B. & Julianne Roper Boling ‘60 ‘61
Henry & Laura Bond
M. Jimmie Carmichael Boone ‘46
Joe & Harriette Bowen Jr.
Ann Bagwell Bradshaw ‘52
Harold & Nan Bradshaw
Bristol Timber Company, Inc.
Amanda Cook Brown ‘98 #
Donald & Debra Brown
Robert M. & Joelen Brown, Sr. ‘61
Thomas J. Browning ‘64
Wade T. & Peggy Buchanan
Dennis & Mary Burnette
S. Lynn Phillips Burt ‘61
Jerry L. & Kay Bufford Butler ‘60 ‘59
Ron H. & Linda Seymour Byers ‘66 ‘69
H. Davis & Kay M. Byrd
J. M. & Charlice Byrd
C & K Paving Contractors, Inc.
The Reverend James Cabaniss
James W. & Joanne P. Caldwell ‘54
James & Daina Cannon
Cannon/Estapa General Contractors, Inc.
Canton Glass Company
Canton Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Canton Supply Company, Inc.
Carol Cantrell
Jean R. Cantrell
Robert T. & Evelyn Hester Carmichael ‘64 ‘65
Edward E. Carriere, III ‘92
Luther & Geraldine Carter Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Cash ^
Jack & Helen Cashin
Evelyn M. Cason ‘60
Joanie Castleberry
Dr. John A. & Sara Jo Cauble
Bobby L. Caviness #
Laura Chambers
Virgil C. Chandler ‘52
Curtis A. & Daphne M. Chapman
D. Kenneth Chapman ‘63
Kevin & Sue W. Chapman ‘82
Chart, Inc.
Timothy & Lynne Chason
Claretta Cheek ‘90
Cherokee County Farm Bureau
The Cherokee Golf Center
Hilda Smith Clark ‘62
Clayton Food Store
L. David Cline ‘51
Letitia A. Cline ‘83
Pierce Cline
Clarice Cantrell Cloud ‘68
Anne Johnson Coffman ‘65
Ben H. & Mary H. Collier, Jr. ‘67
George & Olive Conlin
Bob Conner ‘67
Mark F. Cooper
Charles E. & Mima Crouthers Corbitt ‘68 ‘68
Gerry & Audrey Cox Jr.
Joseph & Debora Daniel
Morris & Gloria Darden, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Datry
Robert & Becky Davidson
The Reverend Charles H. & Eva Cox Davis ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Davis
Walton C. & Mary Elizabeth Davis, Jr.
The Delta Air Lines Foundation
Ruth Denney
| # Reinhardt Family | * Deceased | UMC United Methodist Church
Joyce & Ed Dewey
Robert M. & Zelma W. Dick ‘66
Walter & Doris Cook Dickey
Alec Dicks
Victor & Marlene Dinicola
Jerome E. & Gwen Pritchard Dobson ‘65 ‘64
Dr. E. Malone & Charlotte Dodson
S. Jackson & Sara Bookhardt Dorsey ‘59 ‘60
Danny & Jeanie Dukes
Laurie Duncan
Janice Floyd Durante ‘75
William Durham
Richard & Barbara Sue Durrett
Carole Butler DuVall ‘54
Dyer & Rusbridge
Robert M. Dyer & Ellen McElyea
Danny B. Dykes
Eagle Performance Products Corporation
Thomas D. Earley & Ann Schumann
Ed Voyles Automotive Group
EDM Technologies, Inc.
Edwards Tire Sales, Inc.
Don B. & Barbara B. Ellis ‘93
Employees Community Fund of the Boeing
Environmental Management Services
Bobby & Susan Sams Epling ‘87 #
Roger Estill
Etowah Maid Dairies
Maughee & Brice Evans
Willliam & Carol Evans
Floyd A. & Fay Falany, Ed.D. ‘84
The Reverend Steven H. & Katheryn K. Fazenbaker
William W. Fincher
The Reverend Dr. Ann N. Fletcher ‘75
Franklin D. Foil
Kurt B. Ford
George A. Fossett Sr.* & Carol McKnight Fossett
The Robert D. Fowler Family (Judy, Nancy, Louise)
Wallace & Betty Jo Fowler
Fowler’s Florist
Thomas E. Fox
Foxfire Farms, Inc.
Lynda & James Frederickson
Samuel & Barbara Freeman
Yeteva & Bert Frye ‘53
Carolyn S. Galt
Marc W. Garduque #
Douglas C. Geiger ‘62
Georgia Elite All Stars, LTD
Georgia Real Estate Evaluation Services, Inc.
J. Danny Gibbs ‘82
Gibbs Landscape Company
James Chester & Faye Gibson ‘61
Lois C. Gilleland ‘49
Rosemary Gilleland ‘84
Roger C. Gilmore
Cliff C. Glover
A. Wayne Glowka #
Terry L. Goble Sr. ‘70
William & Carolyn Godwin
Jennifer & Herwig Goldemund
Drs. Jonathan & Anne Good #
Sara Hardin Gray ‘51
Green Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Dr. Donald Gregory & Christy Storey #
Robert K. Gregory #
The Reverend William G. Griffin, Jr. ^
Daniel F. Grissett
Jarrell N. & Melba J. Hales ‘52
John J. Hall III ‘77
Stephen W. Hall ‘85
Jo Ann Hammett
The Reverend Donald E. Hanberry ‘52
Peggy McIntosh Hancock ‘61
Cliff & Kathy Harden
Wendell & Ann Hardin
Christine Adams Harmon ‘49
Julia Imogene Whitaker Harrington ‘51
A. Gregory Harvey ‘76
David J. & Dorothy V. Hatmaker ‘44
Garry Haygood
J. P. Haynes Lumber Co., Inc.
David Henritze Jr.
The Reverend Sandra D. Henry ‘63
Stephen C. & Kay Higgins ‘83
Brian & Sue Hart Hightower ‘84 ‘84
C. Craig Hill
Hill Parts
Tom E. Hill
Ruth Whitfield Hinton ‘48
Charles & Carol Hobbs
Dorothy J. Hobbs
Steven L. & Cindy Weatherby Holcomb ‘74
Spright & Jannifer Holland
Marie Derden Holt ‘42
David W. Holty
Kenneth Howard
David W. Howe
Linn H. & Cecile Rolan Howell ‘66 ‘66
James Hubbard
Sandra Parker Hudson ‘67
William & Virginia Huguley
Bridget E. Hundelt
Thomas K. Hundelt Jr.
Larry & Claire Hyde
International Marble Industries, Inc.
Janet Jackson
Dr. Kenneth & Dana Jago
Dennis & Judith Jane
Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Jarrard, Jr. ‘65
James F. & Eloise A. Jernigan #
Betty Crowe Johnson ‘66 #
David Johnson Electrical Co.
Ken & Ann Johnson
James L. Johnson
Harry B. & Rebecca Johnston, III
Sara Elizabeth Johnston ‘81
Edith Singletary Jolly ‘59
Doris Jones #
Jackie Myers Jones ‘52
Bishop L. Bevel & Mildred H. Jones, III
Toombs & Patricia Kay Jr. ‘49
Richard E. & Judith A. Carmichael Kearley ‘71 ‘86
William L. & Susan L. Kee
Don Keeter
Bill C. Kent
Sharyn Kerns
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Kilgore
Carol Ann Green King ‘62
Symbol Key: ^ Trustee
Honor Roll of Donors 2007-2008
Faye Bryson Knight ‘58
Lake Arrowhead Women’s Activity Club
Alfred & Evelyne Lakos
Martha J. Lancaster ‘60
Karen M. Lance
Del & Tamara Lacey Land ‘79
Ernest & Sarah Lander, Jr.
Steven & Patricia Landrum
Billy & Mary Lane
Latin Solutions Corporation
Lawson and Quarles, Inc.
Lt. Col. Gerald S. Lawson (RET) ‘75
Clyde M. & Linda Doss Lawson ‘56 ‘52
David R. Lea ‘71
Robert V. & Ann Davis Leftwich ‘59
Leonard & Christina W. Leo ‘76
Earl Button & Mona P. Lewis ‘71
Gail Mitchell Lewis ‘58
Hazel B. Lewis ‘42
Frances Linn ‘29
James Linn ‘62
Nathaniel A. Long
Dr. George Lucktenberg #
The Reverend Dr. Richard T. & Lillie Mae Helton
Lumpkin ‘58 ‘57
Charles M. Magbee
Frank & Wylene Marler
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Marsh
J. Darwin Martin ‘77
Michael M. Martinez #
Daniel R. Mason, Attorney At Law
E. J. Mathis ‘45
Robert L. & Joanne Gilbert Mathis ‘59 ‘60
Mauldin Body Shop, Inc.
J. Q. Maxwell Sunday School Class, Haygood UMC
Erik A. Mays ‘03
Hugh & Angela McClain
George W. McClure
Mr. & Mrs. Herman McClure
Jeremy Stayton McClure ‘08
Raymond McClure
Jerald G. & Frances K. McCollum ‘50
James R. McCormick
The Rev. J. Sanford McDonald ‘48
McFarland Foods, Inc.
Rt. Reverend Todd McGregor & Reverend Patricia
Mr. & Mrs. C. Wade McGuffey
Jane McKenney
McKesson Foundation, Inc.
Thomas F. & Martha Fincher McLaughlin, III ‘72
MeadWestvaco Foundation
Donna E. Meeks ‘81
Mid-City Pharmacy
Dr. Curtis R. Miles
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Miller
Dr. Mary Ruth Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Roger O. Miller
Daniel S. & Margaret Misseri
Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Mobley ‘53
Moe’s Southwest Grill
Moore Pontiac-Buick-GMC Truck
Dr. John G. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Morgan
Morgan’s Ace Hardware
Margaret M. Morlier #
Richard Morris
Willora Morris
Robert Morrison
Todd & Dale Scarlett Morrissey ‘99
Edith Deaton Morton ‘47
C. Mickle Moye
Sandra D. Mullinax ‘80
Mark & Patricia Nay
Anne C. Neal
Kenneth Nelson
Jeffrey Nevison
Marie Cagle Nixon ‘48
Scott & Lynn Nolan
Norfolk Southern Foundation-Matching Gifts
Cheryl Tarter Norris #
Dennis C. & Connie Nunnally
Leonard & Cindy Odum
Ole Pro Agency, Inc.
William M. & Bobbie Bagwell Orr ‘50 ‘50
Dr. Thomas P. Ottinger #
Albert B. Ozburn Jr. ‘49
Paula J. Pahl ‘85
Shirley Pahl
Sherilyn B. Parker
Derek W. Patterson ‘00
Mrs. Pierce Patterson
David & Elizabeth Pederson
Ethel B. Perrine
Mathew Avary & Susan Moore Pinson ‘05 ‘04
J. Al Pond
Hailey Pope
Bill Popp #
Obie W. & Marilyn S. Powell, Jr.
The Prescription Shop
Priest Homefurnishing, Inc.
Mary Leatherwood Ratcliffe ‘43
Carl & Sharon Rau
Dr. Rebecca Ray ‘74
Ray’s Family Chiropractic Clinic
RDA Systems, Inc.
Dr. Bruce E. & Elaine Long Reed ‘61 ‘61
Anne M. Reneau
Matthew & Meredith Retter
M. Hobson & Louise A. Rice, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin B. Richards
Richards Lighting Center
Donald R. Richardson ‘65
Lavone Rippeon R. Rippeon ‘95
River Green Womens Club
T. Andy & Louise Roach
David L. Roberts
Earnest B. Robertson Jr.
Heather Rogers
Rope Mill Inc.
Lacey L. Satterfield ‘02 #
Marvin Satterfield
Forrest L. Sawyer
Dr. Julie Schultz #
Angela Scroggins
SEI - Atlanta
Sellers & Warren, P.C.
Floyd & Kay Shaw
The Reverend Dr. Herchel H. & Gladys M. Sheets
John L. Shelnutt
Mark & Chris Shelnutt
Kim Shepard
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Shields
Larry R. Shrout #
Signs & Wonders, Inc.
Tom A. & Marcia Greene Simpson ^
Smile Design Center, LLC
Donald Snell
Yvonne Solomon
Katherine B. Sosby
Dorothy O. Sosebee ‘54
Cheryl N. Spain
Houston P. Spencer, Jr. ‘60
Mary Bryant Spivey ‘56
Stacy’s Rental
Donald J. & Gloria S. Stadler
Steven L. & Cristal Stancil ‘73
John & Hazel Steel
Horace Stone
Guy F. Storey III ‘65
F. Jack Stow
Dennis & Betty Stowers
Sun Life Assurance Comapny of Canada
Harold L. & Joyce M. Swindell
James & Ramona Talley Jr.
Helen Tames
Gwenn Alley Taylor ‘58
The Reverend J. Floyd & Betty Tenney
Jerry Thacker Properties
Betty May Thompson ‘52
Dr. Gordon W. Thompson, D.D.S.
Waverly L. Thornton
Tijuana Joe’s Cantina #3
Martin A. Torrance
Thomas J.* & Mary Z. Turner ‘41
C. Seth & Malti Tuttle #
James & Amanda Upshaw
LTC Keith Frederick Vansant
Edwin N. & Margie Cox Varner ‘54 ‘54
Joe B. Vaughn ‘48
Kenneth G. & Sharon S. Vinson
William C. & Marilyn Voss
G. Thomas Wade
Wadeken Industries
Mark T. & Dee Thacker Walker ‘79 ‘78
Richard & Martha Wallsinger
The Reverend Calvin R. Ward Jr. ‘50
Luther H. Weaver
Weiner Eye Center
Sam & Christi West
Andrew & Jan Whalen, III
Ann Wheeler
Drs. Kenneth Wheeler & Amy C. Cottrill # #
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Whitaker
Halford S. Whitaker ‘52
William E. Whitaker
Nedra White ‘61
Ted & Marsha White #
Ellis & Louise Whitehead
Wendell & Jane Bennett Whiteside ‘64
Rawlan M. Whittemore ‘48
Derrick L. Whittle
Nancy Whitworth
Randall & Rose Ann WIlcox
Dr. Carl F. & Debbie Williams
The Rev. Herman & Sandra Williams
Jack D. Williams
Jamie Williams
John & Frances Williams Jr.
Kimsey B. & Patricia Sisson Willis ‘75
Brian & Lauren Wilt
Gary K. Witschy
Oran Woodall
H. Travis Woodward ‘52
Ralpheal Wynn
James & Kathy Yarbrough
Kathryn Johnson Young ‘59
The Rev. Valarie H. Ziegler
Associates Club
A & W Contracting
Academy of Dance Arts, Inc.
Jeannie L. Adams ‘72
Kimberly Adams
Phillip & Jane Adams
Tom & Eydie Adams
Mary Alice Alexander
Mr. Emory & Dale Allen ‘02
The Rev. Hoyt A. & Martha McDonald Allen ‘51
Paul & Susan Cox Anderson ‘80
Miller & Virginia Andress
Jerry Angel
Anthony Log Homes
Billy & Gail Archer
Aaric M. & L. Noelle Smith Ard ‘04 ‘07
Johnathan & Gretchen Arnold
Lauren Rachel Aschmann ‘04
Gail Ammons Atcheson ‘68
M. Ann Atchley
Peggy M. Autry ‘60
David & Trudy G. Ayers ‘70
Jeanette & Randall C. Bagwell ‘48
Garrett B. Bailey
William D. Bailey ‘93
Ernest F. Ballew ‘67
Shirley Barentine
Kristie O. Barker ‘08
Michelle R. Barker
Carla & Douglas Barnes
Kent & Karen Barnhart
Kay Bartlett
Viviana C. Baxter #
Danny & Mitzi Beavers ‘72
Mike D. & Amy Talbert Bell ‘91
Elaine Bell
Jorge & Yolanda Benedit
Jerry & Linda Benton
Marty J. & Ann Denney Benzel ’77 ‘67
Elizabeth Davis Berkner ‘54
Larry B. Bertram ‘00
Thomas Best
Wayne E. & Tommie Dickey Bevel ‘40
Robert & Beth Billington
Robert Blake Billington ‘08
Leigh Birdsong
Barry W. Bishop ‘67
David & Sara Black
Cole Blackwell
Peggy Watson Blackwell ‘68
| # Reinhardt Family | * Deceased | UMC United Methodist Church
Doretta Blankenship
Harvey & Carole Ellis Blassingame ‘60
Ruth W. Bolton
Priscilla Sample Bonner ‘62
Kenneth & Dana Bonney
Tina Hedden Boosel ‘94 #
Eric W. Booth #
Asia Miller Bowles ‘06
Keyes W. & Margaret Bowman (RET) ‘48
Candice G. Boyd ‘08
Elizabeth Tillman Boyd ‘44
Clarence T. Boyle ‘78
Marshall E. Brackett ‘76
Hugh Bradford
Wayne & Nancy T. Bradley ‘65
Todd B. & Sally Bradshaw
Stewart Ryan Brandon ‘02
Edward L. Brewer
Margaret S. Brock
Peter J. & Julie E. Bromstad ‘97 #
Troy L. Brookshire ‘60
The Rev. Eugene A. Brown ‘46
Judith Brown
Mary B. Brown
Mary Elizabeth Brown
Leslie Brumlow
Bonelle & Bernice Bryans
Gary Bryant
Dewey & Lola Bryson
Bob Buckham
Susan M. Buice ‘77
Robert E. Bullard ‘64
Allen Bunten
Jennifer Bunten
Teresa Bunten
James R. Burgess III ‘60
Truman & Gale Burgess
Jennifer Burns
Jessica C. Burris ’05 #
Sam P. Burtz Jr. ‘81
David & Jennie D. Byers ‘89
Joseph David Byers ‘01
Rebecca Darracott Byrd ‘70
Bernese & Albert Cagle
Bob & Jane Cagle
Colleen T. & Warren G. Cagle ‘48
Campus Images
Canton Northside Pharmacy, Inc.
Crystal Cantrell
Lester L. Cantrell ‘58
Leah Nicole Carter ‘08
Carter Septic Tank Company, Inc.
Whitney Lynn Carter
Cartersville Fence Company, Inc.
Kimberly Rae Castro ‘08
Randal R. & Judith S. Castro
Eric J. Cero
Edwina I. Chadwick
Georg F. & Becky L. Chambers ‘84
Charles & Mary Chambers
Clara M. Chambers #
Dane & Laura Chambers
R. Stanley Chambers ‘69
Jean Champion #
Johnny W. & Debra Champion ‘80
Thomas & Emily Champion
Chandler Graphics
Jan Chandler
Don Thacker Chastain ‘46
Cherokee Eye Group
Cherokee Trophies
Berl J. & April Harding Childers ‘04
Rudolph J. Childre, Jr.
Charles & Betty Christopher
Ben & Sally Clark
William K. & Linda Clark ‘59
Bobby B. & Sarah Cleghorn ‘52
Charles Clements
Marjorie G. Cleveland
James Cline ‘48
William L. & Dorothy Nally Cline ‘50 ‘54
Amanda G. Clonts #
Kellen Lynn Cloud ‘08
Coast II Coast, LLC
Nan King Cobb ‘46
Dr. Donna Coffey & Mr. Richard Wright #
Steve & Dian Cole ‘62
Christopher P. & Sandra L. Coles ‘85
Alan Collins
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Frank A. Collins
Comprehensive Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry
James W. & Edna S. Cook ‘75 ‘76
Kevin & Cortni Cooney
Marque & Denise Cooper ‘78
Michael & Lisa Corkill ‘96
Genie C. Cothran ‘66
Nathan & Charmaine M. Courville
Christine Hansard Cowart ‘42
Joshua K. Cowart ‘90
Pat Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Crenshaw
William R. Crittenden
Theresa L. Crouse & Travis Lamb #
Carroll & Margaret Crowe
Mary Crowley
Bryan L. Crump ‘08
Harold & Sherry W. Crump
Cumming Chiropractic Center
Robert P. Cunningham
Patricia L. Cunnington ‘94
Wesley & Jennifer Cupp
Jenilee Kell Curtis ‘08
Richard & Amy Curtis
Daco Enterprises, Inc.
David A. & Charlene Dalfonso
David L. & Barbara M. Dalfonso
Tom Dalfonso
Larry H. & Reba Daniel ‘60
Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62
Rebecca A. David ‘71
Jeff & Zola Davis
Maynita Davis
Kenneth Day
Dr. William DeAngelis #
Dianne Elaine DeLauder ‘08
Jamie DeLuca
Andi Demcellari ‘06
Joan A. Denney ‘73
Edwin J. & Louise Dickson ‘48
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Linda Dilbeck
Herb & Arleda Dittmer
Mark & Robyn Dittmer
Symbol Key: ^ Trustee
Honor Roll of Donors 2007-2008
Kenneth Thomas Dixon ‘02 #
Byron Dobbs
Jefferson L. & Margaret T. Dobson ‘43
Hal J. & Judy K. Dolin
David G. Doster #
Dow Corning Corporation
Therese Driscoll
Kaye England Dunagan ‘68
W.T. & Betty Dungan
Robert & Mary Durham (RET)
Steven M. Eaton ‘68
Roy H. Echols #
Janice P. Edwards ‘62
Jocelyn Lee Edwards ‘49
Wendy Edwards ‘85
Mary J. Ellington
Manya R. Elliott #
Cheryl N. Ellis ‘89
M. Nancy Neal Ellis ‘62
Greg & Kim Elwell, D.M.D.
Beverly Burton Emerson ‘64
Episcopal Church of the Holy Family Men’s Breakfast Group
C. David Estapa
Dorothy Stutts Ethridge ‘58
Charles & Ava Evans
E. Scott & Beth Cascioli Evans ‘92
Donnie Everett
John N. & Karen Everhart
Tobin L. & Jennifer Gann Feagin ‘98 ‘00
Linda M. Field ‘85
Jack & Ann McFather Fincher, Jr. ‘66
Frances Carpenter Fincher ‘36
Martha England Fincher ‘60
Susan Lewis Finck ‘90
Mr. & Mrs. Flanigan
Jeff & Julie Clark Fleming #
Nicholas Fogarty
Dwight & Becky Forrester
John & Martha Forney
Marilyn Kilgore Foster ‘54
Thomas S. & Mary Ellington Foster ‘74 ‘74
Duane Foutz
Dana Franklin
Jack R. & Carolyn M. Free ‘55
John K. & Lisa Michelle Free ‘08
Ralph F. Frye ‘42
Fran Fuller ‘61
Sam R. Galanti
David Gallagher Jr.
Robert D. & Camille Gard
Joel W. & Norma Garrison
Robert N. & Patricia Garrison ‘58
Garrison’s Furniture & Appliances
Dr. Bonnie E. Garson #
Georgia Geiger #
Edwin M. & Wanda C. George ‘61
Peter & June Giglia
Edward & Julie Gill
Jack A. & Ava Godwin
Charles G. Goldman
Steven J. & Carol P. Goodreau ‘83 ‘83
H. C. Goodwin Jr. ‘47
Paul & Dana Morgan Goodwin ‘77
J. Stowman & Nancy Letavish Goodwin #
Ronald M. Goss ‘64
Mrs. Michael & Cynthia Gravely ‘02
Chuck & Shelley McCranie Gravitt ’96 #
Kim & Wesley Green
Steve & Katharine R. Green ‘93
Cherie L. Greenberg ‘06
Jeptha & Joan Greer
Regina Ann Greeson ‘08
Robert & Melinda Grimes
Cheryl Guenther
Robert W. & Maryann Gunderson
Habersham Bancorp
Judy Haeseler
Michael B. & Patricia Hagearty
Gannon K. Hall ‘92
Harold E. & Evelyn H. Hill Hammontree ‘59 ‘60
Dorothy Jones Hamrick ‘42
Rosemary Hamrick ‘77
Pete M. Haney ‘75
Rodney & Mary Ann Hannah
Frances Lanning Hardin ‘45
Jack A. Hardin ‘77
Carole Joy Moore Hardy ‘64
Glenda Ellis Harkins ‘59
LeVantia Cox Harlan ‘54
Angela D. Harlow ’05 ’08 #
L. Michelle Harlow #
Sarah Harrelson
William & Janice Harrelson
Alan & Terri Harris
Anne Harris
B. B. & Mary Ruth Harris ‘50
A. Wayne & Jennifer Harrison
Gordon R. & Barbara Herndon Harrison ‘54
James W. & Connie Sue Hartley ‘59
William G. & Anna Coleman Hasty III ‘94 ‘94
Tim Hatlevig
Wilbur S. Hattendorf
April Hill Hill Hawkins ‘85
Evelyn Thacker Healan ‘36
Dan & Camy Heilman
Eric & Marcie Heiter
Jerry Henderson
Robert W. Henson
Greg & Stephanie Stuart Henson ‘08
Weldon & Valmon H. Henson ‘48
Highland Building Supply
Carol H. Hight ‘95
Betty E. Hill
Don & Alecia C. Hilson ‘85
Jimmy & Mary Lou Hipp
Gerald Hobgood
Jamie A. Hoenshel #
Lori J. Hohl ‘08
Marshall & Hilda Parks Holcomb ‘83
Doug D. Holder Sr. ‘64
Adies Holliday
Mary Gates Holmes ‘69
Joseph & Melba Holt
Ray & Trudie Horton
Merita Hoseclaw
Sally Hosmer
Martha Hout #
H. Keith & Leigh M. Hudson
Kay-Leigh Huffstickler
Everett & Marilyn Hughes Jr.
Wanda Hughes #
Joe Hulsey ‘53
Donna B. Hunt ‘95 #
James R. Hunt #
Idus A. Inglis ‘41
DeeJay Nacole Jackson ‘04 #
Stephen H. Jackson ‘73
Barbara Jacoby
Lisa Chester A. Jeans ‘96
David W. & Cathy B. Jeffrey ‘71
Rebecca Hutchins Jenkins ‘78
Susan B. Jenkins
Ben F. & Frances Eslinger Johnson III ‘84 ‘60
Donna M. Johnson #
Frank B. & Joyce W. Johnson ‘50
James L. Johnson ‘48
Mary H. Johnson ‘94
Wayne & The Reverend Mary Johnson
Michael & Becky Johnson
Walter & Leslie Johnson
Major General Warren Johnson
Andrew Jordan
Terrie L. Jordan ‘89
Valarie & Jerry Jordan #
Mary E. Jost ’07 #
Stephanie Joyner
James C. Justice Jr. ‘60
Dr. Cheul W. Kang ‘56
Do Yim Kang ‘56
Lucile Hamby Karr ‘42
Thomas P. & Patricia A. Kearns
Joan & Vernon Keenan
Key’s Jewelry
Christopher C. Keylon ‘94
Doug & Sandra King
Ann Kirchoff #
Jane Kirk
Thomas & Laura Kirk
Sara W. Kirkpatrick ‘89
John F. Kiser
Sandra D. Knight ‘66
John O. Knox Sr.
Walter E. & Faith L. Koch
L. R. Whiddon Sunday School Class
Mary Laing #
Lakeside Publishing
Philip & Nina Lamson
Nancy J. Landrum ‘64
Dr. William & Caroline Landrum ‘62
Don E. & Shae Lee Landy ‘01
Barry & Dena Lane
John & Rebecca Langford
Ruth Pittman Lanier ‘47
Joseph B. & Cindy Roper Lawson ’00 ’00 #
Betty Ledbetter #
J. Kevin Ledford ‘85
Nan J. Lee ‘62
Dr. Roger R. Lee #
Janet S. Lemons ‘88
Fred & Nancy M. Leopold ‘78
Doris Tarpley Lester ‘64
Lauren Renee Lewis ‘08
Renee Lewis
Robert & Juliana Lewis
James & Jerrie Lindsey
Walt & Jimmye Lipscomb
Gerald E. Lites ‘64
Anne Little #
Little Ones Early Learning Center
Daryl & Gretchen Lobik
John & Mary Westbrook Lodwick ‘52
Kathy Loffredo
Robert H. & Pam Logan
Carrol Blasco Long ‘99
Clifford G. & Lela H. Long ‘61 ‘62
Stuart & Sally Loos
Bobby & A. Katharine Threlkeld Losurdo ‘90
Evelyn Taylor Lowe ‘45
James D. Lowe ‘54
Deborah Kirk Loyless ‘02
The Reverend John H. Lummus ‘43
Lt. Col. Henry G. Maeger USMC (Ret.) ‘38 *
Jimmy C. Major ‘53
Leon W. Manley ‘83
George & Beth Manners, Jr.
Joe D. Manous
Sandra A. Mansilla ‘98
Casey Marchman
Ken & Joyice Teague Marshall ‘95
Cathaleen Martin
Lucia G. Martin ‘95
Judson B. & Misti Whitfield Martin
Tabatha Hamrick Martin ‘01
Tunisia Martin ‘85
Jewel Mashburn ‘50
LaNelle Martin Mason ‘98
Martin Mattingly
Sara Elizabeth Mattingly ‘08
Kirsten Mazur #
Debra McClure
Christopher McConnell ‘08
Jane Overstreet McConnell ‘72
Michael & Margaret McConnell
Nelson & Thelma McConnell
Linda McDaniel
Mary L. McDonald ‘51
Steve McEntire
Tiffany F. McEntire
Tommy McFarland
John Alvin & Kathy McGarrity ‘48
C. Mark McHan
Brian & Susan McLeod
Bobby L. & Sandra McMillan ‘66 ‘67
Mary Ann McMillan
Rich & Robin C. McNally #
Sallie Metcalfe ‘71
Jeff & Amber Mette
Annette Haley Mickel ‘59
Susan Summerour Middlebrooks ‘92
Commander James L. Middleton (RET) ‘60
The Honorable Zell & Shirley Miller
Thomas R. Millican
The Honorable Frank C. & Amanda C. Mills, III
Robert E. Mines, Jr. ‘74
Lori Lynn Momon ‘08
Gloria Moody
Sonja D. Moore ‘96
A. Jean Bearden Moss ‘98
Garry T. & Jessica Moss
Luwana Chapman Moss ‘85
Eddy L. & Lucille T. Mullinax
Sherry L. Mullins ‘93
| # Reinhardt Family | * Deceased | UMC United Methodist Church
Joyce M. Nations, O.D.
James & Christine Caylor C. Neal ‘68
John D. & Susan P. Nealey ‘89
Albert N. Nesmith Jr.
Ronnie Newberry ‘60
Hoylene Noble
Douglas & Betty Norris
North Metro Waste, Inc.
Deborah H. Oakes ‘08
Rick & Deborah Oakes
Margaret J. O’Connor & David W. Velutini #
Martin O’Connor & Cindy Chia
David & Phyllis Ogle
Rebekah Tatum Oliver ‘60
Dr. J. Brian O’Loughlin #
Stephanie Olsen #
Dorothy Orange
James E. & Janeal Wilkie Orr ‘58 ‘59
Kenneth L. & Stacy Owen
T. Grant Owens ‘59
B. Maurneen Ozmore ‘61
Gregory J. & Peggy M. Padgett ‘76
David Harrison & Susan Padgett-Harrison
Keith E. & Michelle DeBord Pankey ‘93 ‘00
Peggy & James Parker #
Sherri Williams Parker ‘78
Devin C. Pass ‘08
Sheron & Beverly Pass
Henry S. & Sharon A. Pate III ‘62
Jennifer M. Patterson ‘01 #
Jennie M. Payne
Sandra Pendley
Judy L. Perkins
Patricia J. Peterson
Ronald & Patricia Peterson ‘91
Markham Peykoff
The Reverend James R. & Lois Gregory Phillips,
Jr. ‘38 ‘38
Nancy Watts Phillips ‘63
Betty Pierce
Dorothy Pittman
William Pitts ‘69
Maritza Pivaral #
Robert C. & Fannie R. Pooley
Martha C. & William E. Porter
George & Carol Post
Jonathan Gunter Post ‘08
Kirk Post
Jeffrey M. Pourchier #
Michael M. Power
Dr. Steven L. Powers
Karen Preslock #
Jay Prester
Katelyn E. Prester
Dean E. Price ‘80
Susan M. Pritchard ‘93
Professional Framing Enterprises, Inc.
Renee Pruitt
PSC Enterprises Inc.
Quick Shot
Katherine Ann Raczynski
Kellie C. Rainwater ‘89
Glenn S. & Regenia Reavis ‘78
Janeka C. Rector
Marion J. & Nell Reece ‘59
Marsha M. Reed
Christine Francis Reilly ‘08
Tim A. & Maggie Reneau ‘80
Rick & Diann Renta
Martie L. Richards #
Travis & Becky Richey
Harold D. Ricks ‘64
Larry T. & Sheila Ricks ‘68
Patty Rico
George S. Ridenhour, Jr.
Rachel G. Ridley ‘59
Alan & Jody Riley
June Q. Roberson ‘52
Swain Roberson Sr.
Kimberly Ehlers Roberts ‘01
W. Bradley & Rebecca N. Roberts CPA ‘93
Billie Robinette
James & Anita Rogers
Nelson & Marian Rogers
Perdita Padgett Rollins ‘38
V. L. Roof
Janet Van Every Ross ‘80
Linda Ruggiero
Jan Ruskell ‘67
Drs. S. Beth & John Russell #
Steve Ruthsatz #
Rutledge Accounting
Milton J. & Mary Ryman, Jr.
S & S Accounting Service, Inc.
Sandra A. & Charles E. Sachs
Mr. Jerre B. Saint
Alain Saint Louis
Carol Sanders
Frankie Sanders
Ruthann Kerce Sargent ‘71
Ryan W. Satterfield ‘95
Brian K. Saunier ‘99
Patricia S. & Kenneth S. Saxon
Christopher & Patricia Schaefer
Joerg & Korie Price Schmidt ‘93
Melanie Lena Scopa ’03 #
John & Amy Scott
The Reverend Juel & Juanita Cochran Sealey ‘65
Jeffery & Sandra Segars
Carmen D. Seitz ‘95
Mr. Torai Sekiya ‘03
Ellis L. & Annabelle D. Selph ‘39
Joseph Sevcech
Kristen Michelle Sevcech ‘08
Daniel & Rebecca Shabo
Jane Shelnutt
Howard & Marlene Sheriff
Susan W. Shupe
Peggy & Steve Simmons
John M. Simpson ‘91
Fred A. & Lucille M. Skellie, Jr.
George & Terri Slade
Jim & Martha Slaughter
Connie Smith
Elizabeth A. Smith #
John R. Smith ‘93
Hannah Smith
Kathy A. Smith
Mary Ann Smith
Robert & Martha Smith
Honor Roll of Donors 2007-2008
Scott Smith
Glenn A. & Scottie H. Smith ‘71
Steve Smith
Vicki Smith
Karen Smithwick #
Judy Smith Snow ‘78
Mattie L. Sosebee
A. Spain
Lisa J. Spain
Laura C. Spangler ‘87
Johnny T. & Mary Guyton Sparks ‘40
Sara Kathryn Esco Spivey ‘94
Joanne J. Spochacz
Julie Spragg
Ann Hallman Stafford ‘56
Anthony N. & Helen H. Stancil ‘83
Scott & Jennifer Stanley
William & Mary Davis Staples ‘55
Barbara P. Starr #
Allison & Don Startup #
State Farm Companies Foundation
Shirley B. Stegall
Louise Westbrook Stewart ‘56
The Reverend R. Allen & Tracey Young Stewart
‘85 ‘85
Betty Urban Stone ‘47
Bobby Stone
Natalie E. Stone
Caroline Selene Sturgeon ‘08
Dr. Richard D. Summers #
Mary Alice Sutton ‘08
Thelma Sutton
Clifford & Cindy Switzer
Amanda Sykes
Dale B. Sykes
Patricia A. Tanner
Dr. & Mrs. Terrell B. Tanner
Timothy H. & Susan L. Tarpley ‘76
Johnny & Sue Tatum
Taxsmart Business Services, Inc.
Betty J. Taylor ‘56
Tek Beauty Supply, Inc.
Blanche Terry Templeton ‘64
Gary Waddell ’68
(cont. from p. 7)
Honors & Memorials
Col. Bob B. & Constance W. Thacker (RET) ‘38
Strelsa Brett Tharpe ‘70
Charlyn V. Thomas ‘08
Wanda Thomas
Thompson & Cline, P.C.
Sue Thompson
Mark Thornton
Don & Diana Threewitt
LTC Noble S. Timmons Jr. (RET) ‘49
Ginny Tomlinson #
Shawn C. Tonner & Mark Stevens
Joy O. Torrance
Wilbur A. Towler ‘59
Luke A. & Jonna Haines Truan ‘96 ‘90
Carolyn White Turner ‘50
Sue E. Turner ‘60
Brenda Harris Tustian
Christopher E. & Angela Bennett Ulm ‘90
Frances F. Vaughn ‘77
Darrell & Anne Vaughan
Jimmy & Beverly Vaughn
Margaret N. & Joseph P. Vollrath ‘57
Harold E. & Vickie Waddell, Jr. ‘80
Helen & Loy Walker #
Joseph M. Walker ‘88
Amber Wallace
Deborah Atkins Wallace ‘08
Laurie S. Walton ‘84
Daniel & Jennifer Walts
Britannica Washington
Rebecca Erin Watkins ‘08
Jeanette Hobbs Watson ‘59
Lee Anne Watson
Joanne Waver
George L. & Mary Ann Barnes Weatherby ‘51 ‘54
Chris D. & Toni Webb
Bob G. & Beverly Yost Welch ‘61 ‘61
Tony L. Weldon ‘79
Darby & Malinda Wellborn
Ronald F. & Sue West
Phil & Cathy Wilson Westbrook ‘71
Barbara R. Westfall
Bob & Carolyn Wheeler
“It was magic for me. It’s also when Brenda
and I realized we would be together the rest
of our lives – that’s another great aspect.”
The Waddells married shortly after
graduation, on July 7, 1968. They moved
to Atlanta and soon started a family. Gary
went on to graduate from Georgia State
University. “I worked full-time and attended evening classes. It was really tough,
working and going to school full time, but
I made it.”
The Waddells have been married 40
years and have two children: a son, Jeff, who
lives in Atlanta, and a daughter, Stephanie
“Stacy”, who lives in the Buford/Cumming
area. Each owns a business, and each are
successful college graduates.
Gary said being Reinhardt’s 2008
Judy Wheeler
Melanie Beth Wheeler ‘08
Martha H. White
Susan C. White
Zachary M. White ’96 #
Rick & Patti Whiteside
Melba Cooper Whitesides ‘73
Brenda Whitfield
Jack E. Whitmire ‘48
Claudia Whitmore
Ms. Melanie Whitt
Robert L. & Marian I. Wickwire
Jarnett W. & Jo Yarbrough Wigington ’52 ‘52
Bud & Gail Wiley
Stephen & Ann Wilhoite
Willcraft, Inc.
Adia Sherrell Williams ‘08
Robert & Deborah Williams
Thomas & Paige Williams, Jr.
Jey Willis
Eloise C. Wilson *
John C. & JoAnn R. Wilson ‘60
John E. & Haley Bledsoe Wilson ‘87 ‘87
Carlton L. & Jean Weaver Windsor ‘67
Carol Abernathy Winkle ‘62
Christopher James Winnette ‘08
James W. & Loretta C. Winnette
Roger W. Wise, Jr.
Joey & Paula Womack
Sara Kendrick Wood ‘56
Woodstock Woodworks, Inc.
Larry Woolard
Daniel O. & Geri Worley ‘70
Dick & Emily C.Woste
Edna Payne Wright ‘67
Jerry T. & Mildred Wood Wright ‘56 ‘57
Yawn’s Books & More, Inc.
Dr. John Yelvington #
Michelle Young ‘88
Mildred Zimmerman
Alumnus of the Year meant a lot because
of what Reinhardt has meant to him and
his family. The award is “something I never
would have expected to receive. I’m very
proud of the award and very proud to be
associated with Reinhardt. I think it’s a
great place. I’ve very proud, very honored
and humbled,” he said.
Gary is a director on the Georgian
Bank Board and a member of the American Institute and Georgia Society of CPAs.
He is a managing partner with Waddell
Smith, CPAs in Roswell, Ga. He has also
been an active member of the Roswell Rotary Club for many years. Prior to joining
the College’s Board of Trustees in 1995, he
served on Reinhardt’s Board of Advisors.
Symbol Key: ^ Trustee
| # Reinhardt Family | * Deceased | UMC United Methodist Church
Honors & Memorials
Acknowledge Someone with a Gift to Reinhardt
Please consider using the enclosed envelope as a way to remember a loved one or a special
friend. We will inform them of your thoughtfulness, and no dollar amount is mentioned.
Reinhardt students will be rewarded by your gesture. This listing includes honor/memorials
received between March 1 and Sept. 30, 2008. Honor/memorials received after Sept. 30,
2008, will be in the next Reinhardt Magazine — NLG
In Honor of:
received between March 1 and Sept. 30,
2008. Those being honored are in orange.
Elizabeth Moss Bailey ’28
Margaret C. Jackson The Rev. Milton L. & Betty Bailey McGuirt ’55
The Rev. Dr. William R. Burch ’77
Tom & Eydie Adams Billy & Gail Archer George P. Avary Shirley Barentine Kent & Karen Barnhart Stan Bearden Jerry & Linda Benton David & Sara Black Kenneth & Dana Bonney Hugh Bradford Judith Brown Leslie Brumlow Bonelle & Bernice Bryans Dewey & Lola Bryson Cartersville Fence Company, Inc.
Thomas & Emily Champion Timothy & Lynne Chason Ben H. & Mary H. Collier, Jr. ’67 George & Virginia Cook Kevin & Cortni Cooney Wesley & Jennifer Cupp Morris & Gloria Darden, Jr. Robert & Becky Davidson James R. Dellinger, Jr. Herb & Arleda Dittmer Mark & Robyn Dittmer Richard & Barbara Sue Durrett Willliam & Carol Evans John N. & Karen Everhart Samuel & Barbara Freeman J. Danny Gibbs ’82 Kim & Wesley Green Robert & Melinda Grimes Wendell & Ann Hardin Dan & Camy Heilman Betty E. Hill Spright & Jannifer Holland William Harvey & Alonna Howell
William & Virginia Huguley Larry & Claire Hyde Michael & Becky Johnson Walter & Leslie Johnson Faye Bryson Knight ’58 Steven & Patricia Landrum Billy & Mary Lane Earl Button & Mona P. Lewis ’71
James & Jerrie Lindsey Walt & Jimmye Lipscomb Daryl & Gretchen Lobik George & Beth Manners, Jr. Frank & Wylene Marler Hugh & Angela McClain Brian & Susan McLeod Mary Ann McMillan Gloria Moody Phillip & Jane Moon Dolph & Victoria Nelson, Jr. Hoylene Noble Boyd & VIckie Pettit, III Betty Pierce Alan & Jody Riley Nelson & Marian Rogers Frankie Sanders Jeffery & Sandra Segars Daniel & Rebecca Shabo George & Terri Slade Jim & Martha Slaughter Smile Design Center, LLC Connie Smith Mary Ann Smith Shirley B. Stegall Darrell & Anne Vaughan Charles & Joan Waits Dr. & Mrs. D. Ben Warren Ann Wheeler Martha H. White Nancy Whitworth Randall & Rose Ann WIlcox Stephen & Ann Wilhoite Thomas & Paige Williams, Jr. Joey & Paula Womack Danny & Bonnie Debord’s Wedding Anniversary
Keith E. & Michelle DeBord Pankey ’93 ’00
The Rev. Dr. J. Douglas Gibson ‘34
The Rev. Milton L. & Betty Bailey McGuirt ’55
Keri Gregory
Lee Anne Watson The Rev. Edward Davis Lacey Jr. ‘58
Douglas & Betty Norris Pennville First Baptist Church Jimmy & Beverly Vaughn Robert & Deborah Williams William G. Pritchard, Jr.
Carey H. Brown H. Marvin & Barbara Wilson’s 50th Wedding
Hal J. & Judy K. Dolin Patty Schaefer
Julie Spragg Wanda Thomas The Rev. Valarie H. Ziegler The Rev. Dr. E. Jerome Zeller
Miller & Virginia Andress Ben & Mary Blackburn Dr. Donna Coffey & Richard Wright
Richard & Amy Curtis J. Robert Douglas Dr. Robert Driscoll W.T. & Betty Dungan Andrew M. Edwards Jr. Don B. & Barbara B. Ellis ’93 Episcopal Church of the Holy Family Men’s
Breakfast Group Jeptha & Joan Greer Ruth Whitfield Hinton ’48 Everett & Marilyn Hughes Jr. IBM International Foundation Dr. J. Thomas & Bettye Jo Isherwood
Shirley R. Kinsey Jane Kirk John F. Kiser The Rev. Dr. Curt G. Lindquist John & Barbara Lundberg Barbara L. Manous Jennie M. Payne Judy L. Perkins Patricia J. Peterson V. L. Roof Roger & Mariellen Schultz Bob & Carolyn Wheeler Bud & Gail Wiley John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
E. Jerome & Patricia Zeller, Ph.D.
Maughee & Brice Evans Sally Hosmer Charles & Jo Anne Hutton, Jr. Thomas R. Millican 23
Honors & Memorials
In Memory of:
received between March 1 and Sept. 30,
2008. Those being honored are in orange.
Ed L. & Geneva Adams
Ann S. Brewer
Thomas J. Addleman
Claude B. Hicks ’65
Elizabeth Moss Bailey ’28
James Cline ’48
Mary Free
Daisy L. Gibson
Margaret C. Jackson
Carolyn G. Jordan
Toombs & Patricia Kay Jr. ’49
Joyce Brooks Poole ’53
Virginia A. Ruskell
George & Harriett Strait
Patricia B. Terrill
T. & Yvonne Thackston
Mary Jane Haley Weathersby ’60
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Donald W. Barnes ’60
Brenda Cagle Barnes ’65
C. Ernest Bennett
Patsy Bennett
Dr. J. Rowland Burgess, Jr.
Dr. Franklin R. & Carolyn R. Croker
’54 ’54
Walter & Doris Cook Dickey
Roy Butterworth
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Peggy Nally Cline ’51
Claude B. Hicks ’65
L. Clyde Collins
John H. & Joy Adams Bennett, Jr.
’65 ’90
Margaret C. Jackson
Jack H. & Ruby A. Smith ’38
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
William Warren Cutts ’85
Christopher P. & Sandra L. Coles ’85
Rosemary Gilleland ‘84
June Darby ’53
William L. & Dorothy Nally Cline ’50
James Cline ’48
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Colleen Sharp Davis ’19
IBM International Foundation
Jane C. England
Mary Linn Howell ’27
Nellie Colvard Owen ’38
BellSouth Matching
Gifts Center
Bodacious Broads Chapter of the
Red Hat Society
L. R. Whiddon Sunday School Class
Homer E. Hubbard ’39
Reinhardt College Price School of
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
The Rev. Dr. J. Douglas
Gibson ’34
Dr. Franklin R. & Carolyn R. Croker
’54 ’54
Herbert O. & June Hamby
Toombs & Patricia Kay Jr. ’49
Norman W. & Barbara A. Paschall
Stacy Tillotson & Bobby McGuirt
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Thomas H. Jackson
John Reed
Margaret C. Jackson
Louise Satterfield
Mr. Bill Jones
Mary Free
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Louis L. Jones, Jr.
Carol Lynn S. Scifres ’62
Dr. Linda Welden ’62
The Charles S. Hasson Fund, Inc.
Mary Free
Patricia S. & Kenneth S. Saxon
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Paul Alan Heybeck ’09
Judy Knight
David White
Fred & Sue Branding
Sam & Wendy Dimaio
Astrid Edwards
Paul & Lori Fronczak
Fuchs Lubricants Co.
Mike & Charlann Handlon
Henry Bros. Co.
Neal & Jineane Heybeck
Cornelius & Anita Houtsma
Ideas Inc.
Young Yup Kim
Frank & Alice Kleinman
Louise Landa
Mark & Kris Lazart
Ethel Luerssen
William & Kathleen McAlaine
Theodora Menard
Skip & Patricia Moyer
Jason & Kelly Murphy
David & Carol Nagy
Paul Heybeck Memorial Fund
Phillips Electric
Edward & Blanche Polinski
Megan, Sean and Michael
Steven & Susan Puffpaff
Don & Joann Ropel
Richard & Anne Schick
David & Margaret Sevening
Sonneborn Refined Products
State of Florida Department of
Wendell & Rosalie Stoike
Robert Van Hyfte
Robert & Lucille Wallace
Paul & Pam Watson
James & Deborah Wetter
Mike & Jill Wetter
Grace Winter
Mr. & Mrs. David Datry
The Rev. Dr. Ann N. Fletcher ’75
Mary Elizabeth Brown
The Robert D. Fowler Family (Judy,
Nancy, Louise)
Walter E. & Faith L. Koch
John & Rebecca Langford
Milton J. & Mary Ryman, Jr.
L. Michelle Harlow
Charles S. Hasson
Erich C. Koch
Lenore Lipscomb
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Lt. Col. Henry G. Maeger USMC (Ret.)
Col. Bob B. Thacker (RET) ’38
Constance W. Thacker
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Pat Mathews
L. Austin & Beatrice Flint, M.D.
Lymeal McClain
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Brandon McCullers ’00
Carol Sanders
Michael Milford ’85
Rosemary Gilleland ’84
Paula J. Pahl ’85
Brian Mothersted
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Mary A. Neal ’36
Anne C. Neal
Russell O. Neal ’47
Mr. Roy Hobgood
Walter & Doris Cook Dickey
Anne C. Neal
Carolyn S. Galt
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Charlotte Ray Orr ’56
Bobby Townsend
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Carolyn Williams
Mr. Robert Wood
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
H. Richard Wynne
Danny & Bonnie L. DeBord
Gerald Hobgood
Keith E. & Michelle DeBord Pankey
’93 ’00
Claudia Whitmore
The Rev. Dr. E. Jerome Zeller
J. Frederick Agel
Frank & Elizabeth Allan
Atlanta Track Club
Joan D. Benson
James & Sharon Cox
Phillip Dickinson
Kelley Durst
Don B. & Barbara B. Ellis ’93
William D. Graves
James P. & Julia K. Hall
James C. Harper
Marion Harwell
Richard & Jill Hayes
Betty R. Henley
Joy Herndon
Benjamin & Marian Hill
Patrick & Jean Kelly
William Lanford
John & Amy McMillen
Mathew Avary & Susan Moore
Pinson ’05 ’04
Martha M. Wallace
Richard & Sara Wehr
Charles & Marsha Whatley
John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61
Loyal Alumna Ho bard ’37
Marjorie H. Hub
,000 to construct
approximately $200
of 19
d provide scholarship
hrey Hubbard, Class
on Carillon Tower an
“Mrs. Marjorie Hump
e is a model for all alu
Reinhardt College,”
wment funds. Marjori
is a loyal alumna of
her for more tha
president of instit
and her
al affairs. “Marjorie
alma mater.”
vancement and extern
chairs tion to her
husband, the
atton Era Alumni
of the successful Br
Leaving a LetugdaecntsyToday
Helping Tomorrow’s
of admissions,
cy Be?
ntacted the director
What Will Your Lega
ill is
plan. Peggy apt College in your W
er, they created a
Including Reinhard
ips, institutional aid
ys to leave a legacy!
for grants, scholarsh
one of the easiest wa
st day of the fall
to take care of your
rk-study. On the fir
course we want you
inhardt, and
mmunity, but if Rein
, she enrolled at Re
and your spiritual co
king you the person
two years later, she gra
College helped in ma
le has shown their pr
This happy
are today, there is
bering Reinhard
rough naming Re
as alumni by remem
leave a legacy than th
are thankful for the
in your Will.
k for a way to
pleasure of meeting
took the time to loo
I often have the
spirational stories of
Peggy finance her ed
people who share in
m days gone by, simies. I recently had
While this story is fro
Reinhardt experienc
us continue
a couple who are
ns develop today. Help
portunity to talk with
are so
for assistance.
explained why they
r students’ requests
hardt alumni. They
rs, as
hardt can continue
rdt’s generous dono
ith your help, Rein
thankful for Reinha
ge Should Be” for
not have been
be “The Way Colle
their education would
ort from others.
many deserving stu
without financial supp
t leaving Resch
e ye
have questions abou
Ahead of her by on
ur Will or any othe
his (then) girlfriend
hardt College in yo
was eager to have
planned giv
Peggy was ready
questions about
him at Reinhardt.
help tomorrd
e at
e. Together we can
her college experienc
y for
was the means to pa
row’s students toda
only thing missing
her education.
C. Seth Tuttle
Director of Develo
770-720-5505 or CS
The Delta Air Lines Foundation
Karl Weissenbach ’74
director of
the Dwight D. Eisenhower
Presidential Library and Museum
Paying it Forward
Giving back to his alma mater,
H. Talmage Dobbs created a scholarship
for non-traditional business students at Reinhardt.
“Reinhardt gave me so much
while I attended, and now I am
paying it forward by giving back
as an alumnus.”
Priscilla Kaimathiri, a junior nontraditional business administration
major from Marietta, Ga., was
one of the first recipients of the H.
Talmage Dobbs Scholarship.
“I hope to use the education and
knowledge I am obtaining at Reinhardt today to help less privileged
women in Kenya start small
businesses,” she said.
Talmage Dobbs was not
your average Reinhardt student. At age 52, Dobbs was
stuck between a rock and a hard place.
His father had recently passed away and
required that any beneficiary of his estate
must have a college degree.
After three previous attempts to fulfill
his father’s wishes earlier in life at The University of Georgia, the University of Miami
and Georgia State University, Dobbs decided to try his hand at Reinhardt College.
“I quit all three because I was too
smart,” says Mr. Dobbs. “When you go
back 30 years later, you find out what you
don’t know.”
While working towards his degree in
Reinhardt’s McCamish School of Business, Dobbs credits faculty members Dr.
Noel Powell and Tom Kirk with shaping
his education and significantly impacting
his experience as a student.
“Reinhardt means everything to me,”
he said. “It was the best thing that ever
happened to me.” He proudly graduated
in 1996 with a Bachelor of Science degree
in business administration with a concentration in finance.
Inspired by his time on campus,
Dobbs left Reinhardt with a desire to give
back to the institution that had given him
so much. In 2005, he contacted his alma
mater about doing just that, and soon after, the H. Talmage Dobbs Scholarship for
Non-Traditional Business Students was
created. This endowment will continue
to benefit students like Dobbs for years
to come.
The first awards were made for the
2008-09 academic year; Priscilla Kaimathiri, a junior non-traditional business
administration major from Marietta, Ga.,
was one of the first recipients.
“I hope to use the education and
knowledge I am obtaining at Reinhardt today to help less privileged women in Kenya
start small businesses,” she said.
Kaimathiri and her husband, a minister at East Cobb United Methodist Church
in Marietta, are natives of Kenya and travel
there each summer to do mission work and
lay the foundation for their future endeavors. Their son, Daniel, is a junior accounting major at Reinhardt.
Dobbs hopes that students who receive
his scholarship continue their education
and reach for all their goals at Reinhardt.
“No one can steal your education. Never give up. Ask for a tutor. Ask to do extra
credit and finish!” he said.
He hopes that other alumni will follow his lead and give back to Reinhardt in
whatever way possible. “Reinhardt gave me
so much while I attended,” he said humbly,
“now I am giving back as an alumnus. ”
Dobbs, a private investor, is married
to Georgia Dobbs, a professional tennis
player. Together, he and his wife drag-race
professionally. The couple currently resides
in West Palm Beach, Fla.—MLS
Dorothy “Dot” Stutts Ethridge
and her husband, Weyman, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on
August 24, 2008, with a cruise, a gift from
their four children and spouses. Accompanying them on the cruise were their children, spouses, seven grandchildren, and
six best friends.
million pages; 400,000 phoWeissenbach graduated from Reintographs; 16,000 artifacts; hardt with an Associate of Arts degree,
these are the holdings in the and then earned his bachelor’s degree
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Li- from American University in Washingbrary and Museum in Abilene, Kan., and ton D.C., but it was his time at Reinthey are the responsibility of Karl Weis- hardt that he gives the most credit for his
senbach, Reinhardt Class of 1974. As career success.
director, he is in charge of maintaining,
“One of the joys of going to a colpreserving and coordinating the hold- lege like Reinhardt is that you get that
ings so they are accesspecialized encour“One of the joys of going to a agement from your
sible for research, museum exhibits, public college like Reinhardt is that professors who alprograms and educaways push you to
you get that specialized do more than you
tional outreach.
“At the Eisen- encouragement from your think you can do,”
hower Museum and
explained Weissenprofessors who always push you bach. “I got that
Library, it is my goal
to create new partner- to do more than you think you push at Reinhardt
ships and initiatives can do,” Weissenbach says.
that continue to tell
the story about President Eisenhower won’t “push” his children, Ben, age 14,
and his relevance in our country today,” and Anna, age 12, to go to Reinhardt, he
he said.
hopes that by sharing his stories of his
In the political science field for al- experiences at the College, it will gently
most 30 years, Weissenbach began his persuade them to consider the place that
career in 1979 running the research means so much to him.
rooms at the National Archives build“Reinhardt has special meaning to
ing in Washington, D.C. In 1991, he be- me, and not a day goes by that I don’t
came supervisor of the Central Research think about my time there,” he said.
Room before accepting the role of direc- “One day I was jogging in Washington,
tor of the Nixon Presidential Materials D.C. wearing a Reinhardt T-shirt, and
Project of the National Archives and someone stopped me and said, ‘I know
Records Administration in College Park, exactly where Reinhardt is. Are you still
Md. Weissenbach held this position in Georgia?’ I replied, ‘No, I am in Kanuntil three years ago when he decided sas.’ He looked at me puzzled, and I told
to move to Kansas to secure the director’s him it was a long story, but it’s the story
position at the Eisenhower Museum that will always have a special place in my
and Library.
Jerry Dobson is a professor of geography at the University of Kansas and president of the American Geographical Society. This year, he was elected
as a Fellow of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science and also
won the Cartography and Geographic Information Society’s first Award of Distinction- a distinguished career award for lifetime achievement. He is married to Gwen
Pritchard Dobson ’64, and they have
two sons: Eric of Knoxville, Tenn., and
Craig of Washington, D.C.
James “Jim” Smith retired on
May 30, 2008, from the Chattanooga County Department of Family
& Children Services after 30 years and 4
months of service. He was a foster care case
manager and, for the last 28 years, worked
in the Eligibility Unit determining client
eligibility for food stamps and Medicaid.
Prior to that he was a Staff Sergeant with
the 379th Bomb Wing (Heavy), Strategic
Air Command, USAF. Jim and his wife of
36 years, Jill, plan to spend a lot of time
with their four grandchildren.
Beth Baker Royal along with her
husband, David, and their twin
daughters, Suzy and Mimi, were chosen
as the 2008 March of Dimes Ambassador
Family for Coweta County. Beth wrote,
“Our Royal Family Team raised over $3,000.
March of Dimes provided life-saving and
life-sustaining equipment and medicines
when our twin daughters were born three
months early.”
Darryl Moler was recently named
CEO of JG Head and Associates.
He lives in Conyers, Ga.
ion of
The long-standing tradit
nds to
welcoming alumni and frie
d took
campus for Alumni Weeken
ined this
place October 3 & 4. Comb
end, the
year with Fall Family Week
catch up
festivities included time to
ing the
with old friends while enjoy
fun, fellowship and good foo
(Top) The Miss Reinhardt Court included 1st Runner
Up Tabatha Reece (l - r), Miss Reinhardt 2008 Lindsay Bradley, and 2nd Runner Up Hilary Martin.
(Middle Left) Staff member Jamie
Hoenshel (center) and her children Natalie and Nathaniel say
“Cheese!” in the big red chair.
Jay Wallace and his wife, Sherry
Hopkins Wallace ’90, announce
the birth of Huck Elijah Wallace on March
17, 2008.
Angie Falany Hulse, M.D. has
been named Professional Woman
of the Year by the Cherokee County Business and Professional Woman’s Club.
Lori Puckett and Traci Holbrook
were married on May 29, 2008.
She is a family therapist and has a private
practice with Family Counseling Associates of North Georgia in Dawsonville, Ga.
The Holbrooks continue to be foster parents and are planning to adopt.
Chad Caldwell recently joined the
Cottage School Board of Directors.
Leslie Williams McArthur and
her husband, Alan, have an award-
winning baby. Their son, Owen Henry
McArthur, won The Cherokee Tribune Cutest Baby contest.
Erick Housch was named Board
of Directors chair of the Coosa Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross.
Nathaniel Mingo and Sharnell, his wife,
announce the birth of their daughter, Lauren, on May 30, 2008.
Brandon Blair and Cheryl, his
wife, announce the birth of Baylee
Elizabeth Blair on June 3, 2008.
Shelley McCranie
Gravitt and her husband, Chuck, announce the birth of
Morgan Paige, on
August 28, 2008. She
joins big brother Zach-
Mindy Heinsch married Mike Yancy on
April 25, 2008.
(Lower Left) Ruth Vaughn ’48
shares her 1948 yearbook with
students Briana Moody and
Lindsay Bradley.
Please make plans to attend your
Golden Anniversary Celebration
on May 2, 2009. You, your
classmates, and your families will
enjoy a delicious breakfast where
you’ll receive a Golden Anniversary
Medallion. During the College’s
graduation ceremony, Class of ’59
members in attendance will be
recognized. More details will be
sent in the spring. — DNJ
ary, age 3. Chuck is a senior accountant in
Reinhardt’s Business Office. They live in
Canton, Ga.
(Middle Right) Adam Bathe, lead
singer in Men in Black, performs in
the Student Talent Show, winning
first place.
(Lower Right) Alumni make new friends and renew
long-standing friendships at the Alumni Awards Dinner. Mathew A. Pinson ’05 (l - r) shares a laugh with
Gene Norton ’60, Alumni Board of Governors president, and Yvonne Harris Norton ’60, his wife. Please
see related article on p.8.
Class of 1959
Save the Date
Nicolas Roberts announces the birth of
his daughter, Lily Anne Roberts, on March
16, 2008.
West ’95 ’01 & Love ’96 ’01 Featured Speakers at
Reinhardt’s 2008 Business Ethics Seminar
Major Vic West ’95 ’01 (left) and
Lieutenant Bert Love ’96 ’01 of
the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office
were featured speakers at Reinhardt’s
annual Business Ethics Seminar on
March 17, 2008. The seminar was
hosted by the Peter S. Knox Program
in Business Ethics in the McCamish
School of Business at Reinhardt. The
Knox Family Foundation and the Tull
Foundation also provided funds.
They examined many recent examples of ethical lapses and presented
some of the reasons public officials
choose to act unethically. West provided statistics to put the negative
examples into perspective. “There are
approximately 54,000 public safety
officers in Georgia,” he said. “Only
about three percent commit some type
of unethical act throughout the year,
and the majority of those are dealt
with through retraining or some sort
of remedial or disciplinary actions.”
Associate Professor of Business
Dr. Bonnie E. Garson hosted the seminar. —MSW
Kelly Falany earned an undergraduate degree from Oglethorpe
University and recently received a Master
of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary. As a member of the North
Georgia Conference of The United Methodist Church, she works for the World
Methodist Council. She and Steven Brumbeloe, a United Methodist minister, are engaged to be married on Dec. 13, 2008, at
Reinhardt’s Hagan Chapel.
Heather Stover Dilbeck and
William J. Dilbeck, her husband,
announce the birth of Michael Dilbeck on
April 27, 2007.
on the Road
Amy R. Saxon
Belcher on Oct. 5, 2008,
at Moores Mill Club in
Auburn, Ala. They honeymooned at Watercolor in
Santa Rosa Beach, Fla. Mark & Amy are
living in Birmingham, Ala. He served as
Reinhardt’s vice president for institutional
advancement from 2003 - 2005.
DeeAnna Parrish ’03
“At Reinhardt I learned to be independent.
I have to do what I have to do to get
myself home safely at night.”
DeeAnna Parrish ’03 is a
police officer in New York City.
Her career choice was influenced by her
father, who was a policeman when she was
young. “I used to sit and watch him put on
his (bulletproof) vest, but I never thought
I would be doing the same thing,” she said.
“I was always afraid to try this; it was sort of
a man’s role to play, but I really like it.”
DeeAnna earned a bachelor’s degree in
psychology from Reinhardt in 2003. She
received her M.S. in Forensic Science Investigation in 2005 from the University of
New Haven (West Haven, CT).
How did you get from Reinhardt
to New York?
During my second year in grad school I
started applying for jobs, and I took the
NYPD test as an option. With my master’s,
I knew that I would have to work as a police
officer before I could get a job in forensics.
Exactly one week after graduation, I got a
call from NYPD to start the academy.
Cindy Roper Lawson was appointed to the Board of Directors
for the Parents Action Council at Wildwood Christian Academy. She was also chosen as the school’s 2008-2009 Benefit Gala
auction chair. She serves on Reinhardt’s
Alumni Board of Governors and works in
the College’s financial aid office.
(Above) DeeAnna Parrish ’03
patrols her assigned area in the South Bronx.
(Right) Parrish enjoys welcoming her father and
mother, Alan and Belinda Parrish, to the Big Apple.
What is a typical workday like for you?
There is never a typical day! Every day is
filled with craziness, and you never know
what it will be. I handle things from domestic disputes and burglaries to cases when
someone is hurt or needs an ambulance.
When not handling jobs…I am checking
the roofs in buildings to make sure no
one is dealing drugs or doing drugs. Or
I’m looking for dangerous conditions that
need to be corrected. I also get assigned to
different boroughs for special events like
parades, award shows or protests. My assignment includes four major public housing units in the South Bronx.
Who influenced you as
a Reinhardt student?
My biggest influences were probably
my psychology and sociology professors.
I also loved working for Ann Atchley in the
greenhouse. Even after I stopped working
with her, I still visited, and we were very
close. I still thank Ann today! I was also
influenced by the entire Residential Life
Staff because they were a big part of my
times at Reinhardt.
Why did you choose Reinhardt?
I fell in love with Reinhardt when I visited it for the first time. I wanted to go to
a small school that wasn’t far from home.
What is the most important lesson you I loved the small classes, and the campus
was beautiful! I am so glad that I chose
took from Reinhardt?
I learned to be independent. Sometimes I Reinhardt, and I am glad that Reinhardt
can’t rely on others to get out of a situa- chose me! It was the best time of my life!
tion. I have to do what I have to do to get — DNJ
myself home safely at night.
Michelle DeBord Pankey has
accepted an adjunct professor position with the Price School of Education at
Reinhardt College. more news on p.33
Anthony and Angela Campagna
’01 announce the birth of Isabella
Jade Campagna on Febuary 17, 2008.
Paula Couch Collins and Jody, her husband, announce the birth of Joseph “Luke”
Collins on Sept. 7, 2007. He joins big sister
Emma, 3. They live in Cartersville, Ga.
Hubert “Bert” C. Love ’96 ’and Vic
West ’95 ‘01 (see related story on p. 29.)
Nichol “Nicki” Phillips is completing a Master of Arts in Teaching at
Piedmont College. She is student teaching
at Dawson County High School this fall.
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She worked as a Reinhardt admissions
counselor from May of 2002 until July of
2008. She lives in Cumming, Ga.
Jacob Griffith teaches 8th grade
Georgia studies at Austin Middle
School in Douglasville, Ga. He completed
his Master of Education in Adolescent Social Studies in 2005 from Kennesaw State
University. He and his wife are in graduate school at the State University of West
Georgia: he is pursuing an Educational
Specialist degree in Secondary Social Science, and she is pursuing a Master of Education. They moved to a home they built in
west Paulding County in December 2007.
Tracy Michelle Harris married Brandon
Jay Beavers on October 17, 2008, at Big
Canoe Chimneys in Jasper, Ga. She is the
owner and stylist with Trilogy Salon in
Canton, Ga.
Mandy, live in Cartersville, Ga.
L. Noelle Smith Ard, and her husband, Aaric Michael Ard ’07, announce the birth of Liam Chase on April
17, 2008.
Callie Brown recently graduated from
Kennesaw State University with a Master
of Arts in Professional Writing. She works
as a freelance editor and writer and is also
an adjunct instructor of English at Atlanta
Christian College.
Crystal Chastain and Michael Dale were
married on Sept. 13, 2008. Crystal graduated in May from North Georgia College &
State University with a nursing degree. She
works in the Ronnie Green Heart Center
at Northeast Georgia Medical Center in
Gainesville, Ga.
Matt and Danielle Kiniry Cunningham
are now Salvation Army Officers (pas’04
Jennifer Kohlbacher announces the birth
and have been appointed to Thomof Alyssa Marie Kohlbacher on March 11,
Ga. Salvation Army Officers are
called to a life of service commitment to
Brian Stock is pursuing a Master of Di- Christ. Along with big sister Ella, the Cunvinity at Reformed Theological School and ninghams are expecting their second child
will graduate in 2010. He had worked in in January.
Reinhardt’s Office of Information Technology since 2003. In October of 2008, he left Jane Charles Gingrich and her husband,
Reinhardt to begin a pastoral internship Stephan, announce the birth of Ayla Sarah
at his church, Christ Community Church Gingrich on Febuary 27, 2008.
(PCA) in Acworth, Ga. His goal is to do
mission work overseas. Brian and his wife,
Chrysti Goltz announces the birth of Victoria Leann Goltz on May 19, 2007.
Elizabeth Barfield Laminack graduated
with a doctorate of Veterinary Medicine
from The University of Georgia School
of Veterinary Medicine in May 2008. She
lives in Colbert, Ga.
Emma Williamson Vaught announces the birth of Morgan M. Rahl on
June 24, 2007.
Jennifer Bagley married John
Stanfield on July 5, 2008. She re- Jennifer Maier married Michael Brian
ceived a Master of Education with a con- Smith on March 15, 2008, at Mt. Zion
centration in Cognitive Development from UMC in Marietta. They live in Kennesaw, Ga.
Nova Southeastern University (Florida) in
Jason and Angela Scheitlin Methvin April of 2008.
Jennifer Greene and Zach Truelove were
married on April 19, 2008, at Wolf Moun’04, and big brother William, announce
the birth of Zoey Peace on April 1, 2008.
Megan Kellogg is engaged to marry Todd tain Vineyards and Winery. They live in
Gwinn on July 11, 2009. She is an admis- Cumming, Ga.
Susan Moore and Mathew Pinson ’05 sions counselor at Kennesaw State Univerwere married on May 31, 2008. She gradu- sity, and he is a civil engineer for Blulinx
Aaric Michael Ard – see ’04 L.
ated from Duke University with a Master of Corp and is originally from West Virginia.
Noelle Ard.
Divinity and from the University of North They will reside in Acworth, Ga.
Carolina with a Master of Social Work in
May 2008. The couple now resides in Atlanta. She is the minister to children and
older adults at Glenn Memorial UMC in
Decatur, Ga., and Mat is the director of development - major gifts for Candler School
of Theology at Emory University. Susan
was Reinhardt’s 2008 baccalaureate speaker and has recently joined the College’s
Alumni Board of Governors.
Brent Riley is beginning his final year of
dental school at the Medical College of
Georgia. He will also receive his first assignment with the U.S. Army in January 2009.
Kelly Hopfer and Ren Tamayo announce
the birth of Donaca Rose Tamayo-Hopfer
on April 28, 2008.
Carol Horning McIlvaine announces the
birth of Brockton Montgomery McIlvaine
on June 27, 2008.
Joe Phillips and Alana Stephenson were
married in June 2008. They live in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Terence Johnson ’08
left) is a professional sales and marl w keting(above
intern with the Disney Event Group at Dis-
ney World. He describes his job as “assisting sales and
marketing managers with client proposals by producing
electronic forms of media and promotions to help the wishes
and dreams of guests and clients alike to come true. Whether the
client is planning a convention, wedding, family reunion or small
gathering, they receive the same special attention; we get the business
done to create the magic Disney is renowned for around the world.”
Kyle Hayes announces the birth of Tobias
Gregory Hayes on June 28, 2008.
ter all!
i t’ s
First Lt. Tommy Dean has received the Bronze Star Medal for
his service in Afghanistan. The medal he
received was for multiple actions where
his unit’s primary focus was to train forces in the Afghan army. The Bronze Star
Medal is the ninth-highest award for the
U.S. military.
S e c o m i ng
Julie Prather married Billy Peppers on
Sept. 6, 2008. She is an early intervention
program teacher at Joseph Knox Elementary in Canton, Ga.
Dorothy McConnell ‘08 (right) is also on a professional internship with
the Walt Disney World Company. As a cast deployment assistant, she uses
a computer program that allows cast members (the Disney employees) to
clock in and check their assignments. She also makes sure cast members
get their breaks and assignment changes on time. She works with almost
all the parks, some resorts and the complex where the Braves practice offseason. “This is a pretty exciting job!” she said.
Debbie Coker announces the birth of
Mollie Grace Coker on October 14, 2007.
Shaina Peritts announces the birth of
Taylor Lauren Peritts on July 2, 2008.
Audra Leigh Baker and Brad Prather
’07 were married on May 24, 2008.
Selena Tucker married Cody Thompson
on June 28, 2008, at Jerusalem Baptist
Church in Jasper, Ga.
Jennifer Bunten announces the
birth of Dylan Bunten on Jan.
21, 2008.
Angie Harlow and her husband, Chris,
announce the birth of Tate Harlow on
Oct. 7, 2008. Tate joins big sister, Emma,
age 3. Angie works in Reinhardt’s financial aid office. The Harlows live in Ball
Ground, Ga.
Greg Ihlenburg is working with Enterprise Rent-a-Car in Myrtle Beach, SC and
will serve in their management trainee
Christine Reilly graduated in December
2007 and went on a 4-month mission trip
to Senegal, Africa where she worked with
the Lebou people. She is now in nursing
school at LaGrange College.
Mary “Beth” Whitmire married Brady
Cornelison on June 7, 2008, at First Baptist Church of Canton, Ga.
Adia Williams is working in property
management with Walton Ridenour
Apartment Homes as a leasing consultant
in Kennesaw, Ga. She recently moved to
Atlanta. She will begin work on a Master
of Business Administration in Marketing
with Strayer University in January 2009.
Read All About It
Spotlighting Three
Recent Alumni Authors
Are you ready to be silly and funny and
laugh along the way? Then, Are You
Ticklish Today is the book for you by the
way. Loaded with silly rhyming schemes
that will make your child say, Read it
again, Read it again. Gee, I wish my
mom would tickle my toes while counting to ten! - by Keith Pankey ’92 &
Michelle DeBord Pankey ’93 ’00
I’ve Been Thinking, Part One and I’ve
Been Thinking, Part Two were written
by Marguerite Thigpin Cline ’58, a
Southern storyteller who shares unforgettable, but true, tales about her family, friends and neighbors.
How does Santa really know who is
naughty or nice? The answer is finally revealed in The Elf on the Shelf: A
Christmas Tradition TM. Based on the
tradition Carol Aebersold began with
her family in the 1970s, this cleverly
rhymed children’s book was written by
Aebersold and her daughter, Chanda
Aebersold Bell ’94.
These are just a few of Reinhardt’s published alumni authors. If you are an
alumnus and have recently published
something, please send us your news at
Faculty & Staff Notes
Dr. Shawn A. Brown received the 2008
Vulcan Materials Company Teaching
Excellence Award in recognition of her
outstanding contributions to undergraduate education, student learning and
campus life.
In Memoriam
Dr. Eddie Robertson received the Captain A.M. Reinhardt Award on Oct. 4,
2008, from the Student Government Association during Fall Family Weekend. The
award recognizes an individual who has
demonstrated “his or her devotion to the
mission of Reinhardt College.”
Dr. Kenneth Wheeler received the Elizabeth Moss Bailey Faculty Mentor Award
from the Student Government Association
for his unwavering dedication and commitment to Reinhardt students.
Mary Lou Linn Howell passed
away on September 19, 2008.
Mary Arcelia Neal died on
Aug. 17, 2008, at her home in
Evans, Ga. She was preceded in death by a
sister, Francine Neal Chism ’36, and a
brother, Russell Neal ’47.
Rebecca Doebler, Reinhardt’s coordinator of student activities since June 2007,
married Adam Cavender on August 31,
2008 in Snowshoe, W.V. They live in Roswell, Ga. He is an environmental planner
for Mulkey Engineers & Consultants.
Lt. Col. Henry G. Maeger
USMC (Ret.) passed away on
Aug. 29, 2008, in Greenwood, S.C. He is
survived by his wife, seven children, ten
grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
He had lived in Abbeville, S.C.
Dr. Anne M. Good received the 2008
Faculty Research and Scholarship Award.
Her research was published in Terrae Incognitae, the official publication of the
Society for the History of Discoveries.
Homer Hubbard passed away on
Aug. 11, 2008. He was a World
War II veteran and a retired surveyor. He
was a lifelong member of Bascomb UMC.
L. Michelle Harlow received the Jane
England Faculty Award for Excellence.
Betty Ledbetter retired from Reinhardt
on Oct. 17, 2008. She had worked in the
College’s housekeeping area since September 1979.
The Rev. Leigh S. Martin and her husband, the Rev. Zach Martin, announce the
birth of Savannah Leigh Martin on Sept.
26, 2008. She weighed 7 lbs 11oz and was
19.5 inches long. Leigh has been the College Chaplain at Reinhardt since 2004.
Robin C. McNally received the 2008
United Methodist Exemplary Teacher
Award. Funded by the Division of Higher
Education of the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry of The United
Methodist Church, this annual award recognizes excellence in teaching, commitment
to value-centered education and service
to students.
The Rev. Dr. Curtis G. Lindquist and
Dr. John S. Yelvington were recognized
for completing the Master Professor
Program of Reinhardt’s Institute for
Teaching Excellence.
The Rev. Dr. J. Douglas Gibson ’34
United Methodist minster
who “owed a debt” to Reinhardt
Josephine Padget passed away.
Veda Evans Allison passed in
February 2008.
Charles “Bud” Bannister, age
72, a retired controller and chief
financial officer, passed away on July 30,
2007, in Canton, Ga. He was survived by
his wife, Grace Bannister, of Ball Ground,
Ga., and his daughter, Rebecca Bannister ’92, of Woodstock, Ga. He was also
survived by two brothers, Elijah and James
Bannister, and three sisters, Sue Bannister Lawson ’57, Ina Bannister Conley
’61 and Martha Bannister Cook.
James M. Weatherby passed
Mike Horton passed away on
January 14, 2008.
Cheryl Holloway Dunn Bacchus passed on July 3, 2008. She
is survived by her husband, Richard Baccus, and daughter, Dixie Roxanne Bryan.
Louis Clyde Collins, 83, passed away on
June 10, 2008. He was a former dean of
men at Reinhardt. He is survived by his
wife of 59 years, Thomasine D. Collins.
Dr. Max Dixon, a former dean, registrar,
and social studies faculty member, passed
away on Oct. 23, 2008. He is survived
by his wife of 64 years, Theoto “Petey”
Dixon, who lives in Americus, Ga.
Louis L. Jones, a member of the Reinhardt Board of Trustees since 1978, passed
away on August 25, 2008. A lifelong
friend of Reinhardt, he generously gave of
his time and resources to numerous community causes.
The Rev. Dr. E. Jerome Zeller, former
Reinhardt vice president for academic
affairs, School of Arts and Humanities
dean and religion faculty member, died on
July 4, 2008. He was selected by Reinhardt
to be a 2007-08 Ministerial Scholarship
Douglas Gibson graduated from Reinhardt Academy
and Junior College, Emory University and Seminary and
Burton Seminary. For 35 years, he served in United Methodist churches across the North Georgia Conference. He left
the pastorate in 1971 and served a counseling appointment
for 19 years. He served numerous leadership positions within The United Methodist Church.
Elizabeth Moss Bailey ’28
“A wise counselor and teacher, inspiring others
through trust, faith, compassion and nobility of spirit.”
Active in civic affairs, he was a member of the Kiwanis, Exchange Club, Masonic
Lodge and Lions Club. He held many roles in the community and wrote a weekly
newspaper column for 11 years.
A Reinhardt trustee since 1945, he was honored with the Reinhardt Distinguished
Alumnus Award in 1975, the Alumni Loyalty Award in 1985, a Reinhardt Ministerial Honoree Scholarship for 50 years of service in 1995 and the College’s John
Wesley Award in 2002. He had been an active member of Lawrenceville FUMC
since 1964.
Gibson generously gave of his time to his alma mater for more than 60 years. He
shared his thoughts about “owing Reinhardt” at a College luncheon in 2002. He
said as his accounts were being settled prior to graduation, he learned Reinhardt
owed him $7.50 for hours he worked in the College kitchen. Instead of getting paid,
he asked that someone take over his job. Two students were hired, and he “called it
even.” He said he realized that he owed Reinhardt, not the other way around. “I was
indebted to Reinhardt... I thought, when I start paying what I owed off, soon as I
get this, I’ll take it easy. But by the time I did that, Reinhardt had done some other
things for me, and I found myself deeper in debt. And all through the years, I’ve
been trying to keep a challenge to Reinhardt and to the churches I’ve served, and
I’ve found myself deeper and deeper in debt. I’m still trying to pay debts that have
come as you have blessed my life. You’ve given me an opportunity to tell people to
be their best and follow Christ.” — MSW
from The 1965 Cherokee Phoenix
lizabeth Moss Bailey ’28 passed
away on Sept. 8, 2008. A Cherokee
County native, she attended grammar school, high school and junior college
at Reinhardt. She was elected “Miss Reinhardt” and was her class valedictorian. She
also graduated from LaGrange College and
The University of Georgia.
She began her career in 1930. She
served as Waleska Elementary School
principal and was the first curriculum director for Cherokee County Schools. She
also served as Curriculum Director for the
Georgia State Department of Education.
She served Reinhardt as Dean of
Women from 1962 until her retirement in
1975. She also taught English, was registrar
and held several alumni leadership positions. In 1965, the annual, The Cherokee
Phoenix, was dedicated to her. In 1977, she
was named Dean Emeritus.
Bailey held a special place in the hearts
of many alumni. In 1973, she received Reinhardt’s Alumni Loyalty Award. In 1983,
she created the College’s Centennial Quilt,
on display for years in the College library.
In 2001, she was the first woman to receive
Reinhardt’s John Wesley Laity Award, and
a scholarship was established in her honor.
As she accepted the award, she said, “My
message to you is thank you, I love you and
I want you to remember what John Wesley said… ‘Do all the good you can.’” The
audience, many with tears in their eyes, responded with a standing ovation.
The Elizabeth Moss Bailey Faculty
Mentor Award, the recipient of whom is
selected each year by the student government, was named for her in 2003.
Bailey was a lifelong member of Waleska UMC where she served in many leadership capacities. She moved to Pawleys
Island, S.C. in 1997 to live with her daughter, Betty Moss McGuirt ’55, and her husband, the Rev. Milton McGuirt.
The 1998 Soccer Team celebrates its 10-year
reunion with a pick-up game. Before the game,
team members grouped for a photo. Pictured are
(bottom row, l-r) Brandon Wilson, Carsten Krogh,
Carl Fleming, Benji Walton, John Shepard and Joe
Aaron; (top row, l-r) Travis Howick, Jesper Moeller,
Brad Sullivan, Nate Pryor, Samir Naim, Richard
Marshburn, Roger Joseph and Lars Andersson,
Reinhardt men’s soccer coach from 1993-98.
(Below): Joseph (center) takes the ball past Aaron
(right) to kick for a goal.
of a wide open forward who buried the
go ahead goal. Reinhardt held strong defensively to control the rest of the game,
but the team was unable to score a goal.
The men’s soccer team’s final record was
21 wins, 1 loss and 1 tie, with a ranking
of second in the nation—the best finish of
any athletic team in recent Reinhardt
College history.
“Although we didn’t win the
title, we earned a lot of respect
among our peers,” Walton
said. “The whole campus
was genuinely fired up
about our accomplishments as a team. It was
an experience I will never
The 1998 team members
have kept in touch after graduation, but now, ten years later, they
reunited at Reinhardt on Oct. 18, 2008
to remember that victorious season and
honor the coach that instilled in them the
value of teamwork.
“From the beginning, I encouraged
the team to believe in the idea that they
are great players, but they will only do well
if they work together as a team,” said Lars
Andersson, Reinhardt men’s soccer coach
from 1993-98, now the head women’s soccer coach at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. “That was the recipe for
our success.”
“I have very strong ties to the 1998
team, and I enjoyed playing a pick-up game
and reminiscing about our success that season. Back then I had a coach-player relationship with each player, but now I can say
that we all share a true friendship.”—LHT
Soccer Team
was 1998, and the
Reinhardt College
men’s soccer team was
facing State Fair College
from State Fair, Mo. Tired
and bruised from a game the
day before, the Reinhardt team
was still pumped because this wasn’t just
any game—it was the national championship game of the National Junior College
Athletic Association (NJCAA).
“From day one of the season, our
team’s focus was completely on winning
the district championship,” explained
Benji Walton ’01, a member of the 1998
men’s soccer team and now the head women’s soccer coach at Birmingham-Southern
College. “Going to the national championships wasn’t even on our radar, so
when we got to that point, it was a
surreal experience.”
The national championship game was
bittersweet for the Reinhardt team. It was
a scoreless battle until late in the first half
when a State Fair midfielder kicked a shot
that hit the post and then dropped in front
Success on Display
Reinhardt’s past athletic accomplishments
are now on display in three solid oak trophy cases in the James & Sis Brown Athletic Center. The cases were donated by the
Kennesaw State University athletic department and renovated by the College’s maintenance department.
“We are so pleased to have the trophy
cases in place,” said Athletic Director Bill
Popp (left). “We are very proud to display
some of the history of athletics here at Reinhardt.”—LHT
Athletic Award
Winners Named
You’ll have to do a double-take at many Reinhardt games. Our twin team members include (top, l-r):
Michael and Jarrod Willis; Adam and Aaron Darling; Kinsey and Kelsey Galyon; (bottom, l-r) Lauren
and Kristen Cook; and Laura and Elizabeth Waite.
Trouble at Game Time
Athletics Features
It is a good thing that in most team sports,
players wear different jersey numbers to
distinguish themselves from one another.
This is especially true at Reinhardt, which
features five sets of twin student-athletes
who compete as teammates on six different
athletic teams.
Jarrod and Michael Willis are junior
baseball players; Kinsey and Kelsey Galyon,
along with Aaron and Adam Darling, are
sophomore basketball players, while Elizabeth and Laura Waite are freshman soccer
players. Kristen and Lauren Cook, also
freshmen, are two-sport student-athletes,
playing both volleyball and softball.
So, why did these twins decide to further their academic and athletic careers at
Reinhardt? Was there a chance that they
would separate and choose to attend different colleges?
“After high school, we knew that we
wanted to play college baseball together
somewhere,” Michael Willis said. “We
knew that we wanted to go to school together because all of our lives we really
haven’t been split up.”
Kelsey Galyon said, “We had opportunities to play basketball at other places,
Sets of Twins
but once we came and visited Reinhardt,
we felt like this is where we are supposed
to be. I don’t think we would have gone
anywhere without each other.”
The Willis and Galyon twins have enjoyed their Reinhardt experiences thus far.
“The students are very nice, and it’s
just a good atmosphere,” Michael Willis
said. “Classes aren’t big, so it’s easier to
When selecting a college, the Galyons
also had to consider location, since they
are from Knoxville, Tenn., compared to
the Willis brothers who are from Douglasville, Ga.
“It was the right choice to move away,”
Kelsey Galyon said. “It’s about three
hours from home, and it’s helped us grow
up, change in a lot of ways and be more
One thing is certain with both the
Willis and Galyon duos – they enjoy
being twins.
“It’s just fun being a twin,” Michael
Willis said. “Being a twin is different.”
Kelsey Galyon echoed Michael’s
thoughts by stating, “It is fun. I don’t know
what it’s like not being a twin.”—SPR
einhardt’s 2007-08 Golden
and Silver Eagle Awards were
recently announced; Golden
Eagle Awards went to Daniel
Jape ’08 and Shastin Rader, while Silver
Eagle Awards went to Greg Ihlenburg ’08
and Kimmie O’Connor ’08. Golden Eagle
Awards are given annually to Reinhardt’s
top male and female student-athletes and
the Silver Eagle Awards recognize the top
male and female student-athletes for team
spirit and loyalty to the College.
Jape was Reinhardt’s only NAIA First
Team All-America selection last year, earning the honor as a designated hitter. Jape
led the Southern States Athletic Conference in RBIs and home runs. A twotime member of the SSAC All-Academic
Team, he was also a first team all-conference and NAIA All-Region XIII pick last
spring. Jape, from Woodstock, Ga., graduated cum laude with a business degree in
May 2008.
Rader, a two-sport student-athlete,
competed in softball and volleyball. In
softball, she was a First Team All-SSAC
performer last season, and she was selected
to the National Fastpitch Coaches Association’s 2008 NAIA All-East Region Second
Team. In volleyball, she helped the team
to its best record in school history. Rader,
from Palmetto, Fla., will graduate with a
sports studies degree in 2009.
Ihlenburg, a two-time winner of the
Silver Eagle award, served as the baseball
team captain from 2005-08. A four-time allconference honoree, he was named on the
Dean’s List all four years, along with being
selected as an NAIA Scholar-Athlete three
times and to the SSAC All-Academic Team
four times. From Canton, Ga., Ihlenburg
graduated magna cum laude with a business degree in May 2008.
O’Connor, from Marietta, Ga., was
chosen in 2007 to the NAIA All-Region
XIII Second Team. She was named an
NAIA Scholar-Athlete for the second time
and selected to the SSAC All-Academic
Team for the third time. On the Dean’s
List all four years, O’Connor, from Marietta, Ga., earned a history degree with cum
laude honors in May 2008.—SPR
Reinhardt to Celebrate
125 Year Anniversary
During 2008, Reinhardt will host a series of events celebrating the 125th anniversary
of the College’s founding. A black tie gala on Jan. 24 will kick off the festivities; it will
also mark the successful conclusion of the “Confirming Our Commitment” Capital
With the theme of “Beginning a New Chapter in Reinhardt’s Story,” Alumni Director DeeJay Jackson will encourage alumni to focus on furthering the legacy of their
alma mater. Many of the College’s annual events will have an anniversary twist. “On
Alumni Day, we will feature storytelling about the ‘olden days,’” she said. “Also, at
the opening game for each sport, alumni players will be invited back for recognition.”
Dr. Isherwood is
vocation and
e f vesting
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hello lege, you arAradtiodn iof-
rdt Co e next ge including
s wor
e to
suppo are crea dif ferenc
When future. Yo will make
in the aders who
hey say that your college years are
the greatest years of your life, and
Reinhardt has lived up to this ideal.
Peaceful study sessions under the
magnolia trees…
Stimulating philosophical discussions
in the Gordy…
Admired and approachable professors…
These are experiences to remember in the
years to come.”
–Kirsten Rodning ’10
Say hello to the future by making a donation
today. Please give online by clicking ‘give
now’ at www.reinhardt.edu or return your gift
in the enclosed envelope.
7300 Reinhardt College Circle
Waleska, Georgia 30183-2981
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reviving the tradition of fall Opening Conpicnic and will include community memformer faculty, staff and administrators.
tional events are also on the drawing board,
a special 125 Year Anniversary scholarship
presented on Honor’s Day. — JEW & MSW
PERMIT # 428