Reinhardt Magazine 2012
Reinhardt Magazine 2012
Reinhardt M A G A Z I N E Volume 18, No. 1, Fall 2012 New Symposium Brings History Buffs to Campus to Explore Region’s History – p. 6 Also includes President’s Report & Honor Roll of Donors President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood of Artists & Scholars 5 Convocation This annual week of events celebrates Vice President for Advancement JoEllen Bell Wilson ’61 Reinhardt’s best student work. Editorial/Photography Staff Marsha S. White* Executive Director of Marketing and Communications Lauren H. Thomas* Media Relations Coordinator Amanda L. Brown* Graphic Designer 8 Reinhardt to Build New Science Center The funding has been secured, so learn what’s to come. Steven P. Ruthsatz* Former Director of Athletics – Operations Erin P. Honea Assistant Director of Annual Giving & Information Services Mary Jost ’07 Former Alumni-Development Administrative Coordinator *supplied photographs The Reinhardt Magazine is published annually by Reinhardt University. Creative services are provided by Reinhardt’s Office of Marketing and Communications. 2 4 9 Bulk rate postage paid at Canton, Ga. POSTMASTER: Change Service Requested Send alumni news or address changes to: The Office of Alumni Reinhardt University 7300 Reinhardt Circle Waleska, GA 30183-2981 e-mail: phone: 770-720-5509 Front Cover: Professor of History Dr. Kenneth Wheeler (left) and local history expert Richard Wright ‘97 ‘05 helped spearhead the regional history symposium, Etowah Valley Iron-Making and the Coming of the Civil War, so they could share “little-known and never-heard-before stories that will dramatically reshape our understanding of the development of the [Etowah Valley] region.” Cover Photo by Amanda L. Brown 6 13–28 It is difficult to fully realize that Bettye Jo and I have been at Reinhardt for a decade. I still view myself as the new guy. This has been a remarkable time of challenge and achievement, and I am grateful to the many people who have contributed to the growth and stability of this very special, life-changing University. History Symposium Almost 100 guests and students enjoyed Etowah Valley Iron-Making and the Coming of the Civil War. Features School of Music: We’re Growing Find out how a new program, highly experienced faculty, additional classroom space and dedicated supporters and patrons have helped Reinhardt’s music program become the largest private program in Georgia. Learn why Ken White ,61 supports Reinhardt. A Decade of Accomplishments What has changed and what has stayed the same since President J. Thomas and Bettye Jo Isherwood came to Waleska in June 2002. Hubbard Hall named for Loyal Alumni Glenn and Marjorie Humphrey ,36 ,37 have supported their alma mater with their time, talents and treasure. To recognize their more than 70 years of dedication, Reinhardt has named the newest residence hall in their honor. 26 Talon Award Gala Highlights Achievers 13 Ten years... I say often that we do what we do better than anyone else. I know that is true. Reinhardt is a university of relationships that offers such a unique combination of challenge with support and encouragement. We have inexhaustible opportunities for accomplishments and success, and we build self-confidence in our students for today and tomorrow. We accept the challenge of faith and work to build from our values a community of unity from our diversity. I am very proud of the community we have nurtured. While it is easy to count buildings and programs, and each one of them is vital, the true accomplishment of this wonderful place is its spirit. I am very proud of our faculty. Our faculty has brought together a spirit of creativity and imagination with a very down-to-earth commitment to hard work. They have created learning opportunities that are exciting and relevant. We remain committed to small class size because the teaching and learning that occurs at Reinhardt is very personal. Our faculty members are masters at teaching one-to-one — they teach not only the subject, but also the student. I am very proud of our Trustees. They lead this University with faith and commitment, and they are bound together by an exciting view of Reinhardt’s future while they identify strongly with its traditions and values. Eight special alumni and friends were honored on this festive night. I am very proud of our staff members. Departments I am proud of you. Year in Review – celebrate Reinhardt’s successes Honor Roll of Donors – friends who supported Reinhardt during the 2011–12 year 27–33 Alumni News – Evelyn Thacker Healan ,36, Brian Frey ,10, 34–38 Athletics – New Coaches, Field House and Field, Football, “The true accomplishment of this wonderful place is its spirit.” They perform their complex and demanding tasks with intelligence and sensitivity. They are truly our day-to-day backbone. If it needs to happen, they make it happen. Your consistent commitment to who we are and what we do has made the last 10 years possible. We need you; we need your support. Pray for us, tell the Reinhardt story, visit our campus, and write a check today. We have more to do and more students to serve, and it will take all of us to do it. Thanks, Golden Anniversary, Alumni Day, Alumnotes and In Memoriam Women’s Soccer, AAC Softball Champs, Athletic Golf Tournament J. Thomas Isherwood President 1 School of We’re Growing! Music... “I encourage alumni and friends to develop a special interest in students at the University and contribute time and finances. They will find it to be especially rewarding and very satisfying.” Only 10 years ago... Reinhardt had seven students majoring in music. By fall 2012, Reinhardt will have almost 170 music majors and be the largest music program at any private institution in Georgia. Contributions to this impressive growth include a new academic program, highly experienced faculty, additional classroom space and dedicated supporters and patrons. Reinhardt’s School of Music is growing, and to meet the demands of this positive growth, a new program, five new faculty and additional classroom space are being added this year. New Academic Program: Musical Theatre The music program will hit a high note in fall 2012 when the musical theatre program takes the stage. As the only private university in Georgia to offer a degree in musical theatre, Reinhardt will showcase the talent of more than 15 students this fall alone, with plans to grow the program as the need increases each year. Faculty for the new program are already in place: Dr. Tamara Harper will serve as director, while David Nisbet, director of the Reinhardt theater program, will also assist with musical theatre. New Faculty Students will soon be singing to the tune of a several new professors. Dr. Martha Shaw has been appointed as a professor of music. She comes to Reinhardt from Shorter University, where she served as professor of music and director of choral activities. In 2008, she was honored with the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship. A specialist in vocal pedagogy for all ages, Shaw is active as a clinician and as a guest conductor throughout the United States. A Cherokee County native, her 15 years of experience as a public school music specialist contribute significantly to her work. In addition, Dr. Chuck Chandler and Dr. Rebecca Salter, who were both assistant professors of music in voice at Shorter University, are also coming to Reinhardt. Additional Space Above: The ground breaking for the Ken White Music Center was held May 15, 2012, and included Architect Garland Reynolds (from left), Trustee and naming gift donor Ken White ‘61, Reinhardt Board , of Trustees Chair William G. Hasty Jr. 67, Reinhardt President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood, Student Government Association President Virginia Hutton, Music Dean Dr. Dennis K. McIntire and Brasfield & Gorrie representative Chris Britton. 2 The Ken White Music Center is a welcome addition to the growing music program. The 4,000 square foot space connects with the west wing of the Falany Performing Arts Center and includes six faculty studios, eight practice rooms and a classroom. The public is invited to help dedicate the Center on Oct. 6 at 3 p.m., during Alumni Day/Fall Family Weekend. “The Ken White Music Center will just about double the space available for our School of Music, and it would not have been available to us without the generosity of Mr. White,” said Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood, president. — LHT — Ken White ,61 , Alumnus Ken White 61 (right) and his wife Myra attend the Falany Performing Arts Center 10th Anniversary Gala. , Meet Donor and Loyal Alumnus Ken White 61 C. Kenneth “Ken” White is an ideal alumnus. He’s a successful businessman who is loyal to and involved with his alma mater. A Cherokee County native, he received an AA from Reinhardt and a BBA from The University of Georgia. After working for several years as a certified public accountant, he opened Whitecrest Carpets, where he became well known in the carpet industry. After 20 years, he sold this business and is currently president of White Capital Group in Dalton, Ga. He generously provides resources. While he ran a carpet business, Reinhardt only had to call to receive carpet for almost every building on the campus. He has made extraordinary financial gifts to Reinhardt in athletics, music and numerous other projects. He gives of his time. He joined the Reinhardt Board of Trustees in 1983. He is an active member of the Membership, Student Affairs and Finance committees, and he chairs the Investment Committee. He is present at every Trustee meeting and rarely misses a Trustee committee meeting. He has also served on numerous University committees, including the Presidential Search Committee, Blue Ribbon Committee and Technology Committee. He directly helps students. Many softball and baseball players this year and in previous years are at Reinhardt because of either his recommendation or his financial support. He has also mentored students by meeting with them, learning about their goals, and sharing career advice. Ken shared why he was so passionate about his alma mater. RU: How do you see your role as a RU Trustee? KW: The buck stops with us. We offer support, make policy and become Reinhardt disciples in our community. I try to be knowledgeable in order to make good decisions on behalf of students, faculty and staff. RU: Why did you choose athletics and music as two areas to support? KW: Athletics presents an opportunity for financial support. For instance, baseball and softball (two teams I enthusiastically encourage) help fill dorms. The success of these and other athletic teams creates a good image for Reinhardt. As for music, I believe the School of Music can be a shining star and an asset for the recruitment of quality students. RU: Why have you chosen to be so involved? KW: Reinhardt provided an affordable opportunity for me to attend college while living at home. When I was first invited to be a Trustee, I was busy building my business and could not be as involved as I wanted. When I sold the business, I found more time to devote to the Board of Trustees and developed a greater interest in the University as a whole. I care about Reinhardt and the history of this school and want Reinhardt to continue to grow and at the same time retain some of our strong traditions. RU: Why do you encourage others to support Reinhardt? KW: Reinhardt serves an educational niche by helping both privileged and underprivileged students. Reinhardt welcomes all with an open door by serving a diverse population. I encourage alumni and friends to develop a special interest in students at the University and contribute time and finances. They will find it to be especially rewarding and very satisfying. — JEW 3 Decade of Accomplishment “There’s no doubt in my mind this institution has even bigger accomplishments ahead. We’re not finished. We are strongly committed to ‘what’s next?’ We have a lot more to do, and I know we’ll do it.” Reinhardt President Dr. J. Thomas “Tom” Isherwood (left) and Bettye Jo, his wife and Reinhardt’s first lady, have served the University since July 2002. In asking Tom and Bettye Jo Isherwood for reflections on their tenure at Reinhardt, both smiled widely, but quickly grew thoughtful. “Talking about the last 10 years gives us a wonderful opportunity to show how much this University has changed, and yet, how much it has stayed true to its values and mission,” Dr. Isherwood said. Mrs. Isherwood said they have benefited from “building upon those who came before us, and it’s been inspirational to see the institution grow and develop.” Enrollment Growth Athletic Expansion »» from 1083 to 1300 students »» from 13 to 18% minority “This fall we expect to welcome almost 1300 students, which will include the largest freshman class in our history,” Dr. Isherwood said. “The increase in the number of minority students is also a tremendous victory. Our enrollment growth is in response to our quality undergraduate programs, as well as the addition of well received programs aimed at graduate and nontraditional students.” »» from 10 to 17 teams “Part of the collegiate experience is sports, whether you are playing or cheering from the stands,” Dr. Isherwood said. “We want to give opportunities for young people to continue their interest in sports and to develop a lifelong passion for fitness.” The Isherwoods enjoy Reinhardt athletics. “The games are so exciting, and everyone is looking forward to football,” Mrs. Isherwood said. Football will begin practice in 2012 and competition in 2013. Dr. Isherwood also mentioned the benefit of lighting the baseball and softball fields, which expanded time for practice and games. $35 Million Raised Academic Depth and Scope »» from 17 to more than 40 majors »» from 54 to 73 full-time faculty »» Graduate programs »» Police Academy »» Convocation of Artists & Scholars “When I arrived, Reinhardt did not have the program diversity we needed,” he said. “Our program growth, as well as our offerings for working adults and graduate students, resulted from faculty creativity and hard work. As we have added faculty, we have focused on solid credentials, creativity and experience. We have also emphasized a commitment to teaching, mentoring, community service and scholarship. Our annual Convocation of Artists and Scholars demonstrates the excellent work our students are doing.” Name Change to Reinhardt University “The change reflected what our institution had already become in diversity of programs and complexity,” Dr. Isherwood said. “The new name has been very well accepted.” 4 “People identify with our mission and values, and even in very tough financial times, they have supported us with what we need to respond to our students,” Dr. Isherwood said. “We work hard to spread the word about Reinhardt, and we are thankful for generous alumni and friends who believe in our cause and give year after year.” Community Outreach Mrs. Isherwood has been very involved in the Falany Performing Arts Center Advisory Board and has enjoyed seeing the Center fine tune concert offerings and become a cultural destination. She also commends the Funk Heritage Center for educating and entertaining school children and history buffs from across the region. 19 New or Renovated Facilities Over the years, Reinhardt added state-ofthe-art facilities and renovated its older structures. “We will open four buildings this fall, our much-needed Science Center has been funded, and we are considering adding another wing on the residence hall,” Isherwood said. Values and UM affiliation Despite the tremendous changes, Dr. Isherwood doesn’t think Reinhardt’s commitment to values or its United Methodist affiliation has changed. “We do an excellent job of communicating our values,” he said. “There’s a strong sense of commitment and tradition which is very important to me and to this institution.” Mrs. Isherwood appreciates the UM affiliation and enjoys campus ministry events. On the Day of Prayer, “I went out on the front porch and found a brightly colored card with a prayer for me,” she said. “Things like that keep us mindful of our connection to faith.” Next on the agenda “There’s no doubt in my mind this institution has even bigger accomplishments ahead,” he said. “We are very, very successful at meeting our strategic goals, and this focus has given us financial stability at a time when many similar institutions were struggling. We’re not finished. We are strongly committed to ‘what’s next?’ We have a lot more to do, and I know we’ll do it.” — MSW CONVOCATION & Scholars A celebrationofofArtists academic achievements... Convocation of Artists and Scholars CONVOCATION Reinhardt’s best student minds and tal- ofentArtists & Scholars convene every spring for the Uni- Student-Teacher Presentations Deena Hutson, an early childhood major, presented what she had learned during student teaching at Indian Knoll Elementary School. versity’s Annual Convocation of Artists & Scholars or COAS. The week boasts music recitals, creative writing readings, a student research conference, a student teacher portfolio exhibit, art and science exhibits, internship presentations and a leadership conference. April 5-10, 2010 Research Conference Interdisciplinary studies major Steven Karafa presents his paper: The Rise of American Anti-Communism and the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Internship Presentations English major Grace Pulliam, right, shares her experience as a social media & editorial intern for Get Stylin. Science Poster Presentations Katie Reed, right, a senior biology major discusses her research and findings about the endangered Southern Darter. 5 Ironing It All Out... Reinhardt hosts the inaugural history symposium, Etowah Valley Iron-Making and the Coming of the Civil War This symposium was the first in a series that will examine the history, culture and environment of the Etowah Valley. G. Richard Wright ’97 ‘05, a local history expert, explains the antebellum industrial history. “We are excited about telling little-known and never-heard-before stories that will dramatically reshape our understanding of the development of this region.” –Dr. Ken Wheeler, History Professor Mark Your Calendar for the 2012 Civil War Book Discussions Dr. Kenneth Wheeler, Reinhardt professor of history and event coplanner, answers questions from two history enthusiasts Parker Shultz (right) and Allie Shultz, son and niece, respectively, of Dr. Julie Shultz (bottom), Reinhardt associate professor of middle grades education. Etowah Valley Iron-Making and the Coming of the Civil War was held at Reinhardt on March 30 and 31, 2012. It explored the history of antebellum iron production and was very well received by more than 100 attendees. With support from the Reinhardt History Program, the Georgia Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities and through appropriations from the Georgia General Assembly, the event included historic ironwork tours in Bartow County; a keynote address focused on Jacob and Moses Stroup, key Etowah Valley furnace builders and iron makers; a lecture about the Civil War coming to Etowah Valley; and a panel discussion. The event was coordinated by Assistant Professor of History Philip J. Unger and Professor of History Dr. Kenneth H. Wheeler. The 2nd annual symposium will be in the spring of 2013. Please see for details. 6 Reinhardt will host a series of book discussions this fall on the Civil War. The kickoff lecture will be “Why Did So Many Men Die in the American Civil War?” to be given by Birmingham Southern Provost and Professor of History Dr. Mark Schantz in the Falany Performing Arts Center on Sept. 13, at 7 p.m. The lecture, sponsored by the Georgia Humanities Council, is free and open to the public. The lecture will introduce the fall reading and discussion series, “Making Sense of the American Civil War,” being held across the U.S. to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. The Reinhardt discussions will be hosted by Dr. Kenneth Wheeler and Dr. David Parker of Kennesaw State University on Sept. 18, Oct. 2, Oct. 16, Oct. 30, and Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Canton YMCA Reinhardt Room. This series has been made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association, which is being administered locally by the Georgia Humanities Council. For book titles and more details, see Familiar Faces on TV & in the News Police Academy Grads in the Spotlight Three Reinhardt Police Academy graduates, Officers Ryan Campbell, Stephen Delman and Shane Smith, were recently recognized for exceptional service in the line of duty. Campbell helped save a life, and Delman and Smith rescued a man from a burning home. Police Academy graduates have also been featured in the cable television shows Pit Bulls & Parolees on Animal Planet and Cell Block 6: Female Lockup on The Learning Channel. “Our graduates are working in all types of public safety positions. We have alumni employed by various law enforcement agencies across the state, including the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the Georgia State Patrol. One of our first graduates was recently selected for a SWAT team assignment,” Lester Drawdy, Reinhardt’s Police Academy director, said. “Our graduates are landing jobs in their field. Out of our 155 grads, almost three-quarters are now working in law enforcement. The employment rate will continue to increase as our most recent graduates find jobs.” The 6-month evening program combines college-level academic courses with practical hands-on learning, which differentiates Reinhardt from other P.O.S.T. certified academies. Students complete the training requirements to become certified peace officers in Georgia while also earning 15 semester hours of college credit towards an associate’s degree in criminal justice. New classes start in August, January and May. For more information, see ––MSW Reinhardt Adds Online Degree Completion Programs & Off Campus Site in Woodstock To help working adults more easily complete their degrees, Reinhardt is adding online programs and an off campus site. The online degree completion program in criminal justice will start classes in August 2012, with a new group of students starting classes every 10 weeks. The online bachelor degree completion program in health care adm inistration will be offered online beginning in spring 2013. In addition, the Master of Arts in Business Administration will be offered at a new off campus site: the Chambers at City Center at 8534 Main Street in downtown Woodstock, Ga. For information on how to apply, see Noble Foundation Grant Funds Repairs at Funk Heritage Center The Samuel Roberts Noble foundation, Inc., funded a grant to remove and replace the shingle roofs on two historic cabins and in the blacksmith shop in the Funk Heritage Center’s Appalachian Settlement. Since opening in 1999, the Funk Heritage Center has welcomed more than 128,000 visitors, more than half of whom were school children from 13 surrounding counties. Dr. Joseph Kitchens, Center director, praised the Noble Foundation for their generous assistance. “The Appalachian Settlement,” he said, “is a central component for both historical and environmental education programming. It is the educational platform for many of our school field trips, public events and other programs including our annual Georgia History Timeline. More than 2,300 students attended this living history program last fall. While the museum is devoted primarily to the Southeastern Indians, the Settlement is essential to interpreting the Appalachian frontier.” —MAH (Above) The Blacksmith Shop was one of the Funk Heritage Center structures repaired using a Noble Foundation Grant. These buildings are in the Appalachian Settlement, an area used to interpret the frontier experience. (Below) Marvin Garner shows caning during Pioneer Days, a spring event. 7 Premiere Science Center to be Ready for Fall 2013 Named for Loyal Alumni... Hubbard Hall Plans for the much-need science center are shaping up nicely. The Woodruff Foundation, together with gifts from friends and the George Lawson estate, will finance the new facility. The Hubbards have supported their alma mater with their time, talents and treasure. To recognize more than 70 years of dedication, Reinhardt has named the newest residence hall in their honor. Glenn and Marjorie Humphrey Hubbard ’36 ’37 The new science center will emphasize undergraduate scientific research. As Reinhardt expands its scientific instruction, University planners can start to consider health professions such as nursing and medical technology. The $4.5 million science center will include four fully equipped labs, three classrooms, various small spaces for student research and new faculty offices. Following its completion, the Samuel C. Dobbs Science Hall will be renovated. “It’s inspiring to look back and see how this building project has come together.” — Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood, Reinhardt President The need was critical. Biology had become one of Reinhardt’s most popular majors, and space was in short supply. Labs and lectures were being taught in the same areas, which resulted in less effective instruction. The strategic plan included a new science center, and plans were being developed to add fully equipped labs, classrooms, individual student research spaces and faculty offices. Samuel C. Dobbs Science Hall would also be renovated. All that was needed was the $4.5 million to fund the project. Reinhardt President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood and Advancement Vice President JoEllen Bell Wilson ,61 have spent the past several years looking for interested donors. The George Lawson Estate provided the initial $2 million. Reinhardt trustees and the Northside Hospital Foundation pledged or donated almost $1 million. The Woodruff Foundation completed the needed funding with a $1.5 million gift. Isherwood recognizes the generous supporters who are making this new science center possible. “It’s inspiring to look back and see how this building project has come together. I’m thankful to George Lawson for believing in Reinhardt and putting us in his will. And to the two foundations for agreeing to help us meet this need. And to our trustees Nancy Simms, Billy Hasty, Billy Hayes, 8 Deborah Marlowe and several anonymous donors. Because of all this support, Reinhardt will have a premier science building by the fall of 2013.” Science faculty members are looking forward to having additional space designed to meet their needs. Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Irma Santoro said the new science center “will allow us... to finally undertake laboratory experiments that we have not been able to do because of very little space... We will finally be able to separate lab and lecture so that we can set up for the lab prior to the class. This will allow us to incorporate more involved labs into the curriculum.” Assistant Professor of Biology Zachary Felix agrees. “With the new building, we will have more lecture rooms and a dedicated lab space for each area in biology, which will make instruction so much more efficient. And, maybe more important, we will get an infusion of updated equipment. Biology, particularly the areas of molecular biology and microbiology, are moving so quickly, and the equipment we have needs to be improved.” Plans call for construction to start in fall 2012 so the building can be ready to welcome students for fall 2013. — MSW Specifics on Hubbard Hall • Houses 72 male students • Two students share a bedroom and bath. Common study areas are included in each two-room suite. • Next to the Fincher Visual Arts Center overlooking the Falany Performing Arts Center Lake Mullenix Planning is underway to add a second 72-bed wing to open fall 2013. I met Glenn and Marjorie Humphrey Hubbard ’36 ’37 in the early 1990s when I began working as Reinhardt’s alumni director, said JoEllen Bell Wilson ’61. They were cochairing a fund raising effort by the Classes of 1934 to 1938. They wrote letters, called friends and ultimately raised more than $200,000 to build the Bratton Carillon, named for the president of Reinhardt while they were students. Their efforts also established the Bratton Scholarship Fund. Marjorie was born in Ball Ground, Ga., in 1916. (She’s a young 96-year-old and doesn’t mind that I tell her age!) She came to Reinhardt in 1935 and lived in a private home in Waleska while attending classes. After graduating in 1937, she taught for a year at the Etowah School and then moved to Woodstock to teach at the New Bethel School. She became reacquainted with a fellow teacher, Glenn Hubbard, Reinhardt Class of 1936. They courted and then married in 1940. During World War II, Glenn went to work for Bell Aircraft Corporation. After the war, he returned to teaching, but in 1950, he started a career in accounting. He worked in that field until he retired in 1980. He passed away in January 2002. Marjorie, a life-long educator, retired from Woodstock Elementary School in the early 1970s. The Hubbards have one daughter, Elaine, who retired as a mathematics professor from Kennesaw State University in 2003. When the Hubbards were honored at the 2012 Talon Awards Gala, Elaine accepted the plaque commemorating the name of Reinhardt’s newest residence hall. (see p. 26) The Hubbards’ support earned them the 2003 Reinhardt Alumni Loyalty Award. Marjorie makes an annual gift in her husband’s memory to benefit Reinhardt students, and Reinhardt is a beneficiary of their will. To recognize these gifts, and to thank the Hubbards for more than 70 years of dedication to their alma mater, Reinhardt Trustees have named the newest residence hall the Glenn H. and Marjorie Humphrey Hubbard Residence Hall. “I’m looking forward to gathering with Reinhardt alumni, students, parents and friends for the grand opening of this fine building on Alumni Day, Oct. 6, 2012,” Wilson said. “It’s sure to be a fine occasion.” — JEW 9 Generations of Love for Education Tippens Memorial Endowment Fund It was a love story that began a century ago. In January 1910, Mamie Cleo Cagle and Charles Monroe Tippens met in a one room school house called Sandy Plains. He was 21 years old and the “new” teacher for the school, and she was 16 years old, an older seventh grader anxious to learn. When school let out in June 1911, Monore wrote to Cleo telling her he would like to see all of his students, but her most of all. As she’d had her eyes on him too throughout the year, they began to date and were married on December 24, 1911. They raised a family of six girls and one boy: Willie B, Annie D, LeRoy, Ruth, Margaret, Marjorie and Betty. The descendants of Monroe and Cleo have been the primary beneficiaries of their de- Field House, Field, Hubbard Hall, Ken White Music Center, Eagle Statue, Education Classrooms To get ready for more students, programs and football, the Campus has buzzed with construction. The new turf field is complete, Hubbard Residence Hall and the Ken White Music Center will be ready for fall classes, and the Athletic Field House will open in mid-September. The bottom floor of Paul Jones has been converted to education classrooms, and alumni and students have enjoyed posing by the new Eagle Statue next to the Hasty Student Life Center. See p. 3, 9 & 35. Academic Excellence, New Programs & Locations The Convocation of Artists and Scholars continued to grow in awareness and participation. Reinhardt launched a Master of Education in Early Childhood Education and added a new site in Woodstock, Ga. Reinhardt’s first online programs, a degree completion program in criminal justice, was approved to launch in fall 2012, and an online degree completion program in healthcare administration will start in Spring 2013. A Master of Public Administration with a criminal justice concentration is in the final approval stages; it is scheduled to start in spring 2013. Supports Alma Mater with Time, Treasure “The benefits and opportunities that Reinhardt gives students come in many shapes and sizes, however, without these gracious people giving of their time, talents, and financial contributions, those opportunities that I was offered wouldn’t be available.” Music Program Growth; Addition of Musical Theatre Due to energetic recruiting, a more widely known reputation, and an increasing number of incredibly talented students and faculty, Reinhardt’s music program has grown substantially. A new degree in musical theater has been added, and a new music facility designed, funded and constructed. As a result, Reinhardt will have the largest private music program in the state of Georgia. See p. 4 & 5 for more. — Ryan Satterfield ’95 When Ryan Satterfield stepped onto Reinhardt’s campus in the fall of 1991, he didn’t know what his future would hold, but he knew he had found a second home. For more than a decade, he has been a constant champion for Reinhardt, unchanging in his commitment to help other students receive the same opportunities he did. “It didn’t take me long to realize that Reinhardt was going to be a special place for me,” remembers Satterfield, a 1995 graduate. “I immediately became involved in the campus community, both socially and academically, and the benefits that both of those gave me paved the way for many more opportunities later in life.” After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Satterfield spent the next three years working in Reinhardt’s Office of Admissions. It was during this time that he began to see the need for philanthropy. “I witnessed on a daily basis the impact that giving back had on our student body and our campus as a whole,” he said. “The benefits and opportunities that Reinhardt gives students come in many shapes and sizes, however, without these gracious people giving of 10 “Despite a very challenging economy, this has been a year of exceptional excitement, energy and activity,” said Reinhardt President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood. “Reinhardt University is the most dynamic institution of learning in Georgia.” votion to education, and now account for more than 50 bachelors degrees, 25 masters degrees, and 13 doctoral degrees. To date, 12 of their descendants have attended Reinhardt. As education, and Reinhardt as well, has been in the forefront of this family’s existence for the last century, Margaret Tippens Dobson has established an endowment in her parents memory. The Charles Monroe & Mamie Cleo Tippens Memorial Endowment Fund will provide scholarships for deserving students. “Reinhardt has played a major role in the educational background of my family,” said Margaret’s son, Jeffrey. “What better way for my mother to honor that heritage than establish an endowment in honor of her parents, the founding members of our family.”— LHT Ryan Satterfield ’95 2011-2012 Highlights Ryan Satterfield (right) with his family - wife, Kelly, daughter, Chloe, and son, Carson. their time, talents, and financial contributions, those opportunities that I was offered wouldn’t be available.” Satterfield has pursued a career in education and this fall will begin a new role as an assistant principal at Woodland Middle School in Bartow County, Ga., but he is still consistently doing his part to continue the Reinhardt experience. He not only has been a member of the 1883 Club, a giving society that gives a continual $18.83 a month, he also volunteers his time on the Reinhardt Alumni Board of Governors. Satterfield urges his fellow alumni to join him in supporting the students of Reinhardt. “I would encourage alumni to do whatever they can and feel comfortable doing. In some cases, that may mean simply telling their Reinhardt story. If you are looking for an easy way to give financially, the 1883 Club would be a great fit. If volunteering is something you want to do, contact the Alumni Office, volunteers are always needed. Regardless of what type of efforts you are willing to give, I can assure you it will be put to helping the mission of Reinhardt.” — EPH Are You Ready for Football? The eight-person coaching staff is in place. The turf field and athletic field house are on track. Recruiting has been very successful, and more than 130 football players are ready to begin practice this fall. Reinhardt football has been accepted to compete in the Mid-South Conference and will begin intercollegiate competition during fall 2013. Reinhardt now fields 17 scholarship athletic teams. Almost 25 percent of the student population plays an intercollegiate sport. See more on p. 35 & 36. Fund Raising Success: Annual Fund Tops $1 million Reinhardt alumni, faculty, staff, donors and friends contributed a record $1,011,062 to the annual appeal. In addition, capital campaign funds were secured to construct a music center and science center. The Funk Heritage Center and campus right-of-way project also received capital campaign gifts. ––MSW 11 Honor Roll of Donors 2011–2012 Annual Report & Honor Role of Donors Pinnacle Society ($100,000 +) Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education Angel & George M. Lawson Estate Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation W. I. H. & Lula E. Pitts Foundation Steven & Nancy Gordy Simms C. Kenneth & Myra White ‘61 White Family Foundation Tower Club ($50,000–$99,999) Anonymous The Evelyn and Frank Gordy Foundation Harriet H. McDonald Estate Stuart & Eulene Murray Foundation Benefactor’s Club ($25,000 - $49,999) Sis Brown Georgia DOT, Grant to Improve Right of Way Joan U. McFather I’ll always remember Reinhardt. It’s in my will. John A. McGarity ’48 Leadership Circle ($10,000 - $24,999) For more information about planned giving, contact JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘61 at 770-720-5545 or 2011–2012 Annual Fund Amount Percent Given of Total Funds A Day $102,703 10.2% Annual Scholarships $424,766 42.0% $17,465 1.7% Athletic Golf Direct Mail $50,279 5.0% Golf Classic $132,740 13.1% $16,675 1.6% Honoree Ministerial Golf $22,210 2.2% $124,928 12.4% Phonathon $29,929 3.0% Reinhardt Family $16,651 1.6% Trustee $70,350 7.0% $2,345 .2% $132 0% Total $1,011,062 100% Unrestricted Funds Alumni Board ofTOTAL Governors Ambassadors 12 Amount Given Percent of Total A Day $102,703 10.2% Annual Scholarships $424,766 42.0% Funds Appalachian Mountain Regional Campus Council The Brown-Whitworth Foundation Care Solutions, Inc. Churches Homes Foundation, Inc. Coca-Cola North America The Community Foundation of Northwest Georgia Copperfield Energy Samuel C. Dobbs Estate LaTrelle Lanier Ethridge ‘41 Fincher-Loughridge Foundation, Inc. Georgia Independent College Association Jim & Jayne Hasson, Jr. John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Paul W. Jones Fund Mrs. Russell O. Neal The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc. Padgett Group Hugh & Mary Jane Peterson, Jr. The Sandridge Foundation Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates United Methodist Higher Education Foundation Pacesetter’s Club ($5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous Brenda Cagle Barnes ‘65 BB&T Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC Bruce T. Halle Family Foundation Thomas W. & Carolyn B. Carter ‘61 Clark & Ruby Baker Foundation Dash LP Marshall & Kathy Day,Sr. First Cherokee State Bank Frances Wood Wilson Foundation General Board of Global Ministries of the UMC General Board of Higher Education and Ministry SunTrust Bank Trusteed Foundations: Greene-Sawtell Foundation Hawkins Foundation, Inc. Scott D. & Susan Hawkins Fred H. Henritze Peter Allen Jernigan Joe E. Johnston Foundation Deborah Marlowe North Georgia Conference, UMC North Georgia United Methodist Foundation, Inc. Northside Hospital-Cherokee Roy Rice & Ellen A. Reagan Scholarship America SEI The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. The Varsity, Inc. Glenn D. & Susan Warren Drs. Anil & Monika Yadav Chairman’s Club ($2,500 - $4,999) AT&T Georgia Pioneers Allgood Pest Solutions Amerisure Insurance Anonymous Richard & Angela Bell John H. & Joy Adams Bennett, Jr. ‘65 ‘90 Big Canoe Company, LLC Eddie & Katherine Brewer Charles K. & Carolyn Cobb, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymon H. Cox Franklin R. & Carolyn R. Croker ‘54 ‘54 Duke Reality ExxonMobil Foundation L. Austin & Beatrice Flint Sharon A. Gay Georgia Power Foundation Georgia Student Finance Authority God’s World Publications Inc. Dr. & Mrs. M. David Gregory Janice R. Hamrick ‘59 Hasty, Pope LLP Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hearn Jr. Helping Hands Ministries, Inc. Homeowners Association of Big Canoe, Inc. Dr. J. Thomas & Bettye Jo Isherwood Lynn H. Johnston LGE Community Credit Union Lois & Lucy Lampkin Foundation The Landon Group, Inc. William D. & Nell Magruder McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. McClure Family Foundation Norman W. & Barbara A. Paschall ‘94H Pickens County Board of Education Pope, McGlamry, Kilpatrick, Morrison & Norwood, LLC William G. & Beverly Pritchard, Jr. G. Cecil & Myrna Pruett The R. A. Bowen Trust Ray M. & Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation Pinnacle Society Tower Club Benefactor’s Club Leadership Circle Pacesetter’s Club Chairman’s Club President’s Club Dean’s Club Patron’s Club Century Club Associate’s Club $100,000 + $50,000–$99,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $10,000 - $24,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $2,500 - $4,999 $1,000 - $2,499 $500 - $999 $250 - $499 $100 - $249 $1 - $99 Regions Bank Roswell-Alpharetta AAUW The Snodgrass Foundation Charles Austin Stephens TPA Realty Services, LLC Universal Alloy Corporation Gary C. & Brenda H. Waddell ‘68 ‘68 J. M. Wilkerson Construction, Inc President’s Club ($1,000 - $2,499) Alan Reed Memorial Scholarship Alan D. & Judith Allen America’s Junior Miss Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Amicalola EMC Anonymous AT&T Georgia Ralph W. & Sandra Smith Balchin Jr. ‘65 Barnes Law Group, LLC Thomas A. Bethel Big Canoe Chapel, Inc. Myrtie A. Black Estate R. Dean & Grace H. Boswell ‘47 The Bowden Spratt Law Firm PC Calhoun First UMC The Charter Foundation, Inc. Cherokee Community Chorale Cherokee County Retired Educators Association Chick-Fil-A, Inc. Children’s Restoration Network Cobb Electric Membership Corp. Coca-Cola Refreshments The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Creekview High School James L. Curry, Jr. Daisy Davies Educational Foundation Brenda Daly Lillian B. Darden Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. Duluth High School The Etowah Scholarship Foundation Inc Fergus Lodge No. 135 Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Follett Higher Education Group Bob & Susan Freeman Friends of the Arts for Shorter College, Inc Ron Gazaway Gila Distributing - Georgia, Inc. Gilmer Christian Learning Center 13 Patron’s Club Dean’s Club $500 - $999 Honor Roll of Donors 2011–2012 Gilmer Education Foundation, Inc. Gordon County Board of Education Jack H. & Dawn Morrison Gray ‘64 Habersham Properties Paul & Ellen Harper G. Dennis & Jeanette Wakefield Harris, Jr. ‘58 ‘58 William G. Hasty Jr. ‘67 Donald & Judy Hausfeld Havertys Furniture Companies, Inc. Dr. Ralph E. & Jean Holmes Helser ‘59 The Rev. R. Olin & Donna Chastain Herndon ‘57 ‘57 Calvin & Cheryl Hill James C. & Margaret Nesbitt Hobbs ‘65 Betty Holland Homer & Juanita Hughes Robert P. & Barbara Hunter, Jr. Rick Ingram John McEachern PTSA Kaiser Permanente The Kroger Company Foundation Thomas H. & Jean Krueger Martha J. Lancaster ‘60 The Landon Group, Inc. Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church Little & Smith, Inc. George Lucktenberg Wright & Barbara H. Martin Paul & Susan May Ellen McElyea & Mr. Robert Dyer The Melvin Teetz Revocable Trust The Rev. Milton L. & Betty Bailey McGuirt ‘55 Robert G. & Nancy G. McKinnon The Hon. Kipling Louise McVay Mount Bethel UMC Mount Carmel Christian Church Richard Mullenbach Noonday Baptist Association Northside UMC L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Mathew Avary & Susan Moore Pinson ‘05 ‘04 Professional Assoc. of Georgia Educators Foundation, Inc. R. T. Jones Memorial Community Foundation, Inc. Harrison & Dorothy Reeves Reynolds Architects, PC Garland & Bonnie Reynolds Louis & Katianne Riccardi, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Horace L. Richards A. R. & Elaine Fraser Roberts, III ‘84 Rosebud McCormick Foundation Inc The Scottish Rite Foundation of Georgia Rod & Sandi Sentell Service League of Cherokee County David & Caroline Smith James R. Sowell Steven L. & Cristal Stancil ‘73 Johnny L. Stone Summerville-Trion Rotary Club SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation Matching Gifts SunTrust Directed Funds: Asbury-Warren Foundation Sydney Mae Taylor Foundation, Inc. Earle Taylor, III 14 The Bowden Spratt Law Firm PC The Charter Foundation, Inc. The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee The Etowah Scholarship Foundation Inc The Kroger Company Foundation The Melvin Teetz Revocable Trust The Teasley Fund Huie L. & Sonya Chilton Turner ‘83 ‘83 TVA/Power Distributors Scholarship United Community Banks William L. Wester ‘96H Holly Williams Steve & Robin Williams ‘73 Venette Morgan Williams John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Melody Wilson & David D. Wilson Neely & Kathy T. Young Dean’s Club ($500 - $999) A Aarcher Services, Inc. Paul H. & Marian F. Anderson, Sr. Anonymous W. Scott & Katharine Armentrout Keith Bell Thomas M. & Karen L. Beman Bent Tree Foundation, Inc. Wayne & Marie Berkner James N. Bohannon, Jr. ‘51 Beth Adams Bowser ‘68 Michael & Nancy Buchieri Robert E. Byrd & Michelle DeHaven Marguerite Thigpen Cline ‘58 Committee to Elect Judge Ellen McElyea Jerry W. Cooper Steve Crain Credit Union of Georgia Crigler Enterprises, Inc. Lucretia M. & Bill Davenport Jarrett L. Davis, III Danny & Bonnie L. DeBord Deluxe Athletics LLC D.A. & Robin Dobbins Jerome E. & Gwen Pritchard Dobson ‘65 ‘64 Earl Dolive Dr. Robert Driscoll Jimmie F. & Joyce Duncan ‘56 ‘56 C. Jack & Maye Lyon Eaton ‘56 ‘58 Emerginet-Cherokee Emergency Services Family Plan, Inc. First Beacon Capital LLC The Rev. Dr. Ron & Yvonne Flowers Jerry & Carol Foster Gregory & Carol Fowler Friends of the Cobb Symphony Orchestra Gentle Force Chiropractic George Mitchell Allen Foundation, Inc. Georgia Impact Fastpitch Organization Georgia Master Gardener Association Inc. Gibbs Landscape Company Brian K. & Angela Galloway Griffin ‘87 ‘86 Richard & Debbie Griffiths Rex & Joan Hamilton Tim & Sue Haney The Hon. Joe Frank & Elizabeth Harris Hartwell First UMC W. Richard & Margaret Hauenstein Camille Hegg Carlton W. & Martha Jane Hendrix, Sr. The Rev. Dr. C. R. Hill, Jr. Hillside UMC Dianna E. Hinton Dorothy J. Hobbs David W. Howe International Essential Tremor Foundation Margaret C. Jackson Johns Creek UMC Dr. William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ‘56 Tony Johnston Jimmy S. Jordan Sr. Lynn & Larry Kellogg Sharyn Kerns Salacoa Valley Kiwanis Club Joel & Sheila Ingle Langford ‘91 Lanier Goodman Foundation Dr. Stephen S. & Jane Wong Law ‘69 ‘71 Betty Littleton Jean & Wayne Maffett Barbara L. Manous Denise M. Martin ‘84 Jennifer A. Matthews ‘90 Kirk M. McAlpin, Jr. Dr. Dennis K. McIntire Flora Ella McIntire The Rev. R. Gregory & Lydia Meadows John S. & Carolyn R. Millar Maurice M. & Pansie G. Moore ‘67 James & Mary Mozley NGMC Auxiliary Inc. Betty Champion Parrott ‘54 L. Lamar & Melody Pendley ‘01 Gerald F. Perry ‘54 Darrell & Kay Pippin David & Cecelia Ratcliffe Renasant Bank C. Nelson & Marie Gates Richardson ‘57 ‘58 William O. & Alice S. Riley Ringgold Band Boosters Roach, Caudill & Gunn LLP Sylvia Wheeler Roberts Dr. Eddie B. & Sylvia R. Robertson Rotary Club of Woodstock Dr. Ricardo Sanchez Pamela & Robert Schindler Franklin D. Self Sheriff Roger Garisson Charities, Inc. Ken & Geraldine Slaughter Garrett P. Smith Snapping Shoals Electric Trust, Inc. Lovedia S. Snow Solid Solutions Southeast Restoration Group James D. Spratt, Jr. Mr. Dave Street Mel & Linda Teetz The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. John & Dana Tidwell Traditions Turf Management, Inc. Randell E. Trammell ‘03, MBA ‘09 Arthur & Lori Tribble A.S. Turner & Sons, Inc. Turner Construction Company Drew Tutton Bill & Lisa Vandiver Jennings E. Watkins Wetland & Ecological Consultants, LLC L. Susan Williamson ‘74 Stanford G. Wilson Windstream Corporation The Xerox Foundation Dr. John Yelvington John W. & Glenda Young Patron’s Club ($250 - $499) Robert & Catherine Adams Alpharetta First UMC David L. Andrews ‘82 Chuck Angulo & Kathleen Fisher Antioch Baptist Church North Scott J. & Christine S. Arnold Eric Alvin Ballinger, P.C. Anne Vickers Barton ‘65 Cannon Barton The Bedford Falls Group, LLC Glenda & Devoy Bell Patrick & Charlotte Bellantoni Elizabeth Davis Berkner ‘54 James W. Boswell, Jr. Roger & Sherry Branka Bremen First UMC Diana Briscoe Carey H. Brown Robert M. & Joelen Brown, Sr. ‘61 Sylvia M. Brown Bug Busters Dan & Carolyn Robinson Burkholder ‘80 Business & Professional Women - Canton/ Cherokee Chapter Philip M. & Barbara Stafford Byrd ‘48 ‘56 Kenneth E. Carter ‘66 Nancy T. Carter John A. & Sara Jo Cauble Pat Chastain Cherokee Bank Cherokee Floor Covering, Inc. David B. Chester Gordon & Sharon Christensen Alexander J. & Georgia E. Ciaputa ‘81 Alexander & Hilda Clark Seth Coffee Cooperative Education Fund Martha Covington Fred Crain George R. Cross Charles L. Davidson III C. W. & Alice Dennard S. Jackson & Sara Bookhardt Dorsey ‘59 ‘60 Dyer & Rusbridge Andrew M. Edwards Jr. Catherine B. Emanuel Robert J. & Sara Wilder Eubanks ‘56 ‘56 Ms. Margaret Collins Feehery Wallace & Betty Jo Fowler Yeteva & Bert Frye George & Judy Galphin Odie P. & Kebra Galt, III Georgia Florida United Methodist Federal Credit Union William & Susan Gibson Edward & Julie Gill $250 - $499 Howard & Patricia D. Hackney ‘61 Peggy McIntosh Hancock ‘61 Angela D. Harlow ‘08 David E. & Susan Harrison Will & Renay Heath The Rev. Sandra D. Henry ‘63 Mitchell Henson Maureen Hicks Paul & Carole Holley Donald C. & Susan Holmes ‘71 Charles & Carol Ivie Gene Jernigan Joe N. Guy Co., Inc. Junior Service League of Woodstock Cynthia M. Kiernan Kiker Wealth Management LLC William R. & Carlene Kincaid ‘69 William & Ann Kinzer Dr. Joseph H. & Karen Kitchens David & Cindy Laminack Roger R. Lee Harriett Lindsey Laura Link Robert & Margaret Logan Ray & Janis Lytle, Jr. The Revs. Zach & Leigh Sparks Martin Michael & Laura Keele Martinez ‘75 Bess A. McDaris Tom & Joan McEvoy Terry & Charlotte McKenzie The Rev. H. D. & Joy Melton Diane Moore G. David Moore George D. Morse Seaborn T. & Karen Smith Moss ‘65 ‘65 Mountain Lakes Insurance Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Inc. T. Brett Mullinix William H. Nichols, Jr. Norfolk Southern Foundation-Matching Gifts Northwestern Benefit Corporation of Georgia William O’Callaghan, Jr. Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program Robert Gary & Bonnie L. Otts ‘65 Leonard Pagano Pickens County Chamber of Commerce Pilgrim’s Pride Pillow Perfect, Inc Larry L. & Janice Prather Private Bank of Buckhead Eric J. Puckett ‘89 RDA Systems, Inc. Denny M. Rey ‘06 Donald R. Richardson ‘65 Jerry M. Rogers Roytec Industries, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Ruthsatz John Sakers Mariellen Schultz Lanier Shelnutt Norman K. Shove ‘68 John D. Shurley Sylvia B. Bowen Shurling ‘48 Ann D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Smith Jack H. & Ruby A. Smith ‘38 Sportran 2 Inc. Barbara Stine Century Club $100 - $249 Steve Strickland M. Cash Striplin ‘71 F. Len & Patsy Cochran Sturdivant ‘61 ‘61 J. Atwood Taylor III Zelma Taylor The Rev. Charles R. & Barbara Thomas James H. & Anna S. Turner ‘76 Edwin N. & Margie Cox Varner ‘54 ‘54 James C. & Sherry Hopkins Wallace Jr. ‘85 ‘90 Wesley C. & Linda Wallace Walraven ‘65 ‘65 Marsha S. White David Whitley Brian Wildman Wayne & Vicki Wilson Mark S. Witten Woodstock Outlet Rusty & Kelley Wright Emily McCormick Wyatt ‘03 Edna Roquemore Young ‘56 Century Club ($100 - $249) A Kwik Bail Bond Francis & Bobbie Aaron Ace Plumbing, Inc. Action Trailer Leasing, Inc Kristin Adams L. Cecile Adams ‘61 L B. Ahrens Jr. Ronald & Shirley Akers Herbert & Martha Alford Judy Allen Allen Temple A.M.E. Church Mary Anna Moore Allison-Houston ‘51 Marion Allred ‘59 Vinny & Diane Amatulli American Professional Search, Inc. David & Annieka Anderson Frederick & Elizabeth Anderson Kenneth J. & Holly Hochstetler Anderson ‘72 ‘72 Stuart A. & Gloria C. Anderson Anonymous Anonymous William Ansley Andrew & Julia Archer Carlos & Cheryl Arnaud Gene & Joyce Arnold The Rev. Cindy H. & Randy Autry Aime Baars Rebecca & David Babcock Doyle & Willie Jean Bailey ‘88 Col. George L. Bailey USMC (Ret.) Rick D. & Linda Cannon Bailey ‘74 ‘74 Sheila Chatfield Bailey ‘54 Robert Baird Danielle Bailey Balint ‘84 Patricia Ball Irene Barker Ronald & Penny Barnes Barrow Automotive John F. Barrows ‘76 F. Lamar & Janice Blalock Barton ‘58 ‘58 Mary C. Barton Bates Properties Philip Beamer Walter & Anita Beck Kenneth E. & Sandra M. Bedelle ‘67 15 Honor Roll of Donors 2011–2012 Mark D. & Amy Saxon Belcher ‘99 Bells Ferry Texaco The Bill Weeks Charitable Foundation E. N. Bishop Malan & Joan Blanchard Dr. Michael & Eleanor Blass Jorge & Mary Blohm The Boeing Company John & Penny Boemanns Tina Hedden Boosel ‘94 Marjorie Bowman Kirk Bozeman Harold & Nan Bradshaw Jerry W. Brannon Michael J. Bridgewater A. Allan Brittain Peter J. & Julie E. Bromstad ‘97 John F. Brooke ‘47 Gene & Kathleen Brooks Amanda Cook Brown ‘98 Ronald & Karen Brown James & Sue Browning Richard F. Buhl DDS Robert E. & Lynda Drennon Buice ‘61 Robert E. Bullard Mark & Cynthia Murphy Bundy ‘89 Laura Baynes Burchfield ‘89 Bob Burkholder Joseph G. & Barbara Burnett Sr. ‘65 Dennis & Mary Burnette Bobby & Rebecca Burnley Carroll & Jean Burns Christopher Glenn Busby ‘02 Wilson & Gail Bush Bruce & Lisa Bynum Charles W. Byrd H. Davis & Kay M. Byrd C & K Paving Contractors, Inc. Colleen T. & Warren G. Cagle ‘48 Joanne P. Caldwell ‘54 Alfred & Nancy Camp David Campbell Robert Campbell Canton Insurance Agency Canton Northside Pharmacy, Inc. Canton Tire and Wheel Canton Wellness Center, LLC Carol Cantrell Jean R. Cantrell Lamar & Mary Rachel Cantrell ‘64 Carol Carlsen & Stan Taraskewich C.W. Carmichael Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Carriere, III ‘92 Richard D. Carringer John & Elizabeth F. Carter ‘71 Frances E. Cason William Cassidy Robert & Janet Cavin, Sr. Bobby L. Caviness Stanley Chambers Steve & Joan Chambers Chandler Graphics Curtis A. & Daphne M. Chapman D. Kenneth Chapman ‘63 Dennis Chapman Kevin & Sue W. Chapman ‘82 William & Ursula Chapman Gary & Marilyn Charles 16 Charles L. & Dendia O. Chastain ‘70 ‘97 Claretta Cheek ‘90 Cherokee County Farm Bureau Cherokee Ford Alfred J. Ciraldo The Rev. Dr. Brian E. & Roxanne Clark ‘95 Mark Claude Clayton Community Homemakers Club Clayton Food Store Letitia A. Cline ‘83 Wally & Clarice Cloud Dr. Donna Coffey & Mr. Richard Wright ‘97 ‘05 Anne Johnson Coffman ‘65 Scott & Lisa Coleman Ben H. & Mary H. Collier, Jr. ‘67 Bob Conner ‘67 Johnny Conner Joseph & Jane Conyers Janis E. Corbin & J. R. Buttrum James A. Corley Terri Witt Couvrette ‘80 Dr. Channing H. Cox, Jr. Neil & Henrietta Croker ‘63 Laird & Mary Ann Cruzen Jeffrey W. & Jessica Culverhouse ‘73 Dan Patterson, D.D.S. Priscilla B. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. James S. Davis Lane Davis Mack & Phyllis Davis Obeta W. Davis The Rev. Paul B. & Elsa M. Davis Sr. ‘61 Days Inn of Canton Shirley Deering The Delta Air Lines Foundation Louis & Jeanne DeMartinis Ruth Denney David & Susan Dial Walter Brooks & Doris Dickey-Brooks Elizabeth Dickinson Kenneth & Catherine Moses Dobson Margaret H. Dobson Harold T. Dodson Malone Dodson Charles & Judy Dollar Albert Clayton Dorminy Jr. J. Robert Douglas J. Richard & Ouida Woods Dowis Frances Drummond Alan & Sue Dunbar Bill & Sue Dupree Janice Floyd Durante ‘75 Edwin Dykstra Joyce Eagle Thomas D. Earley & Ann Schumann Al Easterling Edwards Tire Sales, Inc. James Elder Jeffrey & Mary D. Elliott ‘74 Don B. & Barbara B. Ellis ‘93 Greg & Kim Elwell, DMD George E. English Ph.D. ‘55 Environmental Management Services Bobby & Susan Sams Epling ‘87 Eric A. Ballinger Harry Estes Roger Estill Express Employment Professionals Century Club $100 - $249 Dr. Floyd A. & Fay Falany William S. Farrer The Rev. Steven H. & Katheryn K. Fazenbaker Fears Family Foundation Patrick & Marsha Fera Tyrone Ferguson Bill Fincher Jack Fincher Jeffrey & Jennie Fitchett Virginia Fitchett Five Talents Wealth Management, Inc. The Rev. Dr. Ann N. Fletcher ‘75 Franklin D. Foil Carol McKnight Fossett ‘56 Jerry D. Fountain The Robert D. Fowler Family (Judy, Nancy, Louise) Foxfire Farms, Inc. Richard Franzman Carolyn M. Free Mary Free Samuel & Barbara Freeman Arthur L. Friedman W. Leon Frost Dr. Janice Fuller & Ben Fuller Carolyn S. Galt Jason T. & Kim Johnson Gamel ‘96 ‘99 John Gamwell, M.D. Jerry & Charlotte Gardner James E. Garrett Ullman & Ellen Garrett Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gay Douglas C. Geiger ‘62 Georgia Platinum Mortgage, Inc. Georgia Real Estate Evaluation Services, Inc. James Chester & Faye Gibson ‘61 Joseph & Patricia Glasser A. Wayne Glowka Warren Godfrey Homer & Patricia Gold Drs. Jonathan & Anne Good William & Michele Gorski Chip & Angie Grant Gary Grant Phillip & Monica Gray Sara Hardin Gray ‘51 The Great Frame Up Green Heating & Cooling, Inc. Jeptha & Joan Greer Greg Elwell, DMD, PC The Rev. James H. Griffin ‘48 William Gropp James & Linda Groves Deborah L. Gruszecki ‘05 ‘12 Gymnastics Academy of Atlanta, Inc. Jarrell N. & Melba J. Hales ‘52 George E. Hall John J. Hall III ‘77 The Rev. Donald E. Hanberry ‘52 The Rev. W. Calvin & Debbie Holcombe Haney, Jr. ‘75 ‘77 Daniel D. Hankey Frances Lanning Hardin ‘45 Bob Hardt Christine Adams Harmon ‘49 Larry & Charme Harmon David & Yvette Harper Julia Imogene Whitaker Harrington ‘51 John H. & Maria Broome Harrison ‘85 Roy T. & Amy H. Haskell Bill & Bebe Hatcher David J. & Dorothy V. Hatmaker ‘44 Al & Carol Hauson April Hill Hawkins ‘85 Carolyn E. & Maxie R. Hays ‘60 Hazlehurst Pediatrics, PC Craig W. Helenbrook Carol Henson Claud M. Hicks, Jr. Claude B. Hicks ‘65 Carol H. Hight ‘95 Brian & Sue Hart Hightower ‘84 ‘84 Della Hill Michael & Danielle Hill Sharon N. Hill Tom E. Hill Coy & Linda Hinton Jr. Linda Hobgood Hodges and Broadway Steven L. & Cindy Weatherby Holcomb ‘74 Hugh L. Hollis Jefferson A. & Lana Tibbetts Holt ‘05 Marie Derden Holt ‘42 Robert & Christine Horne Janet Horton ‘81 Donald & Marcie Hottinger Mr. & Mrs. Richard House Howell Family Partnership, LLC Linn H. & Cecile Rolan Howell ‘66 ‘66 Humana Foundation, Inc James Michael Hunt Mike Hunt Helen Ickes Mike Israel Barbara Jacoby Dr. Kenneth & Dana Jago Harold G. Jarrell John & Clara Jenkins Susan B. Jenkins James F. & Eloise A. Jernigan Betty Crowe Johnson ‘66 E. R. Johnson Eric T. & Carol C. Johnson James L. Johnson Harry B. & Rebecca Johnston, III Sara Elizabeth Johnston ‘81 John & Sandra Jolin Edith Singletary Jolly ‘59 Doris Jones Jackie Myers Jones ‘52 Bishop L. Bevel & Mildred H. Jones, III Bill & Peggy Jordan K G & C Roofing, Inc. Dr. Cheul W. Kang ‘56 John & Robin E. Kashishian ‘76 Michael Kelly ‘75 Craig Keyworth Dr. & Mrs. James E. Kilgore Bill & Nancy Kittrell Scottie Foster Knight ‘59 Kirk & Pamela Kondos Markle Kramer Bela & Christina Krusac Eduardo & Denise Labra Thomas A. & Jessica Whitmire Lacy II ‘02 ‘03 Charlie Lail Stephen & Betty Laird Philip & Elizabeth Laminack ‘04 Gary & Ann Larson Edgar Lary ‘62 Larry C. Lascody The Rev. Keith Lawder Sheriff Gerald S. Lawson ‘75 Linda Doss Lawson ‘52 J. Kevin Ledford ‘85 Leonard & Christina W. Leo ‘76 Victor & Frances Lepore J. Wayne & Dolly Lester James R. Lewis Robert L. Lindquist Frances Linn ‘29 James Linn ‘62 Richard & Lucy Lockhart Robert H. & Pam Logan Loganville Family Dentistry Maureen Lonati Michael Lonati The Rev. Dr. Michael Long Annette Loudermilk ‘58 Ellis H. & Michelle W. Lovett Ellis H. & Sheila Lovett The Rev. & Mrs. James H. Lowry Jr. Rev. John H. Lummus ‘43 Nancy R. MacDonald Sarah Macknik Claude N. & Barbara B. Maddox Main Site LLC William K. Malone, Sr. T.J. Mangold Dennis & Marsha Manning Norman & Beverly Manning William Manns & Mary Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Marsh John Marshall J. Darwin Martin ‘77 The Mason Law Firm James & Catherine Mathews E. J. Mathis ‘45 Robert L. & Joanne Gilbert Mathis ‘59 ‘60 Mark & Jennifer Wiggins Matthews ‘90 William P. Matthews Jr. ‘65 J. Q. Maxwell Sunday School Class, Haygood UMC Dr. Elaine McAllister Judy McCay Colleen McClellan George W. McClure Raymond Lamar McClure Jerald G. & Frances K. McCollum ‘50 The Rev. J. Sanford McDonald ‘48 Marie McDonnell Mr. John Alvin McGarity USN(RET) ‘48 George T. McGuire Thomas F. & Martha Fincher McLaughlin, III ‘72 Rich & Robin C. McNally Lynn & Linda McPherson Ronald O. & Ruth H. Meihofer Mid-City Pharmacy Commander James L. Middleton (RET) ‘60 Paul & Barbara Thomas Milano Curtis & Elaine Miles Betty Veal Miller Dr. & Mrs. Roger O. Miller Dexter Mills The Hon. Frank C. & Amanda C. Mills, III Sandra & Greg Milton John & Debra Minkley David Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Mobley ‘53 Edward P. Monico James I. Montgomery Kimberly & Bryan Moody Janna Melissa Moore ‘04 Ronald F. & Marlene Price Moore ‘56 ‘56 Erick J. & La Vonne Moran G. Larry & Lora Morgan Morgan’s Ace Hardware Margaret M. Morlier Todd & Dale Scarlett Morrissey ‘76 ‘99 Edith Deaton Morton ‘47 Sven G. & Joyce L. Mossinger Bill & Betty Moxley Mt. Zion Adult 3 Bill Garrett Sunday School Class Judith Mullis Walter & Marianne Murphy Susan E. Naylor John J. Neely, Jr. Janis Lovelace Nelson John Nemeth Jeffrey Nevison Nancy White Rose R. Newcomb, D.V.M. ‘83 Robert Nicholson Marie Cagle Nixon ‘48 Paul Norfleet Cheryl Tarter Norris North Metro Waste, Inc. The Oil Well Charles E. & Donna Huey Orr ‘60 ‘73 James E. & Janeal Wilkie Orr ‘58 ‘59 William M. & Bobbie Bagwell Orr ‘50 ‘50 T. Grant Owens ‘59 Shirley Pahl Steven & Teresa Pahl The Painting Pros Thomas Palmer Tonya Ray Parker ‘98 Suzanne Ames Pastush ‘98 Mary J. Pate Mrs. Pierce Patterson Walton & Jacquelin Peabody Richard & Patricia J. Peterson PGA of America Philip Beamer Distributor Edward H. & Lanita W. Phillips ‘62 Pleasant Valley Auto Care Annette Pollack Charles & Lin Pollard Bert Ponder Jerry W. Poole ‘71 Joan Poole Steve & Susan Poole Bill & Jennifer Popp Margaret Porter Dawn Powell W. L. Prance Elmer Prather The Prescription Shop Herbert M. & Janice Priest, Jr. Professional Realty Associates LLC Progressive Audiology Center Jim & Lonnie Puhger 17 Honor Roll of Donors 2011–2012 Perry & Sandra Quinn Lou & Cindy Raimondi Gene & Linda Ratchford Mary Leatherwood Ratcliffe ‘43 The Rev. Robert H. Ray ‘60 Tom & Marsha Reed Anne M. Reneau Timothy & Maribeth Reno Jerry Rhea Alvin B. Richards George S. Ridenhour, Jr. Lavone R. Rippeon ‘95 Jonathan & Erica Rivers ‘03 T. Andy & Louise Roach Wanda P. Roach Robin Roberts William W. Roberts Earnest B. Robertson Jr. Robert E. Robinson ‘88 Winton L. Robinson Janet Van Every Ross ‘80 Dick & Cynthia Rubant J. Michael Samples Rev. James Sanders Irma M. Santoro-Bliss Lacey L. Satterfield ‘02 Ryan W. & Kelly B. Satterfield ‘95 Forrest L. Sawyer Patricia S. & Kenneth L.. Saxon Stacey Smith Scanlon ‘00 Eric & Crystal Schindler Dr. Julie Schultz Les & Jan Schwartz Sellers & Warren, P.C. Joseph & Gloria Sewell, Jr. Floyd & Kay Shaw Herchel & Gladys Sheets Dee & Kandy Shelnutt John D. Shelton Pamela Shingler Gerald & Martha Short Larry R. Shrout Sidelines Grille Steve & Peggy Simmons Tom A. & Marcia Greene Simpson Single Source Printed Products Spencer T. Singleton Joseph & Michelle Skibo Shaw F. Skillings Don & Pat Smith James & Rachel Smith Kyle D. Smith Marvin & Julie Smith Theodore R. Smith Jerry & Laura Snyder Robin C. Soh ‘74 Dorothy O. Sosebee Melissa W. Spencer Harry J. Spinnenweber Mary Bryant Spivey ‘56 Sport Supply Group Stacy’s Rentals Donald J. & Gloria S. Stadler Edgar & Catherine Stansel James R. Stephens, Jr. ‘81 Steven McEntyre Security Craig W. Stevens Don F. & Lila Stevens 18 Louise Westbrook Stewart ‘56 The Rev. Dr. R. Allen & Tracey Young Stewart ‘85 ‘85 Guy F. Storey III ‘65 Miriam T. Storey Dennis & Betty Stowers Francesco Strazzullo & Lucia Coppola John E. & Claudette W. Strickland ‘62 Tommy & Shirley Strickland Thomas E. & Nancy C. Mayo Stull Edward & Rebecca Summers Mark & Kris Sunderland Harold L. & Joyce M. Swindell Lowell & Tonya Syers Mary G. Talbert The Rev. J. Floyd & Betty Tenney Colonel Bob B. & Constance W. Thacker (RET) ‘38 Mark & Judith Thibaudeau Perry Thibaudeau Lauren H. Thomas Dr. Gordon W. Thompson, D.D.S. John & Linda Thompson Thompson, Meier & King, P.C. Tight Line Drywall Colonel Noble and Gladys Timmons ‘49 Joanne Tinsley Georgann Toop Martin & Doris Torrance Jon & Dawn Toups Roy & Marilyn Towns Trend Publications, LLC Pam Grant Tribble ‘70 Jefferson W. & Donna J. Trotter Luke A. & Jonna Haines Truan ‘96 ‘90 Trummie Lee Patrick III Insurance Agency, Inc David Tuck David & Sarah Tuszynski Christopher Seth Tuttle Christopher E. & Angela Bennett Ulm ‘90 Lisa Volmar Michael & Sonya Vosika Robert R. & Myrna Maddox Waddell Sr. ‘58 ‘58 G. Thomas Wade Robert & Lynn Wages Foy & Sherri Walker Jr. Richard & Martha Wallsinger The Rev. Calvin R. Ward Jr. ‘50 Peyton Warren James L. Watkins, Sr. John E. & Jane McCleskey Watkins ‘67 Michael L. Watson Richard B. Weatherby Mary Jane Haley Weathersby ‘60 Burt Weerts Elizabeth Karr Welden ‘39 Andrew J. & Jan Whalen, III Thomas & Maliece Whatley, Jr. Buckley & Callie Bateman Wheeler ‘09 ‘11 Kenneth Wheeler & Amy C. Cottrill William E. Whitaker Charles W. White, II Wendell & Jane Bennett Whiteside ‘64 Kenneth & Loraine Whittemore ‘50 Walter & Carolyn Wiesboeck Kip & Candy Falany Wilbanks ‘87 ‘88 James & Patti Wilkerson Bryan D. Williams Century Club $100 - $249 Dr. Carl F. & Debbie Williams The Rev. Herman & Sandra Williams Jack D. Williams Carrie Chapman Willingham ‘95 Jey & Casi Willis Reuben O. & Audrey Wilson ‘52 Carol Abernathy Winkle ‘62 Gary K. Witschy Rona Wolbe Lane & Rona Wolde William C. & Sara Kendrick Wood ‘56 Brenda S. Wright Susan Wright Donald & Shelma Wyeth James H. Yarbrough Henry & Tisha Yoder Terry Zamerowski Frank A. Zayas Kathryn Carmichael Zeigler ‘08 Valarie H. Ziegler & Bill Nunn Steve & Sherry Zuber Associate’s Club ($25 - $99) Betty Cooper A. Aaron ‘49 Frank & Priscilla Aaron Jr. Academy of Dance Arts, Inc. The Accountant Team, Inc. Sherry Adams Joy-Anne Waelti Adams ‘02 Jeannie L. Adams ‘72 Russell & Cindy Adamson Dele & Joann Adeogun Jessica C. Akers ‘05 ‘11 Dana Thompson & Jud Alden Naomi P. Alexander ‘60 Dale H. Allen ‘02 The Rev. Hoyt A. & Martha McDonald Allen ‘51 Amys Creek Farm LLC Joan Anderson Charles E. & Wanda E. Anderson ‘73 Paul & Susan Cox Anderson ‘80 Anonymous Fred D. Anthony Garrison’s Furniture & Appliances Don A. & Tina M. Archer ‘88 Misty A. Arisohn ‘04 Cynthia Cross Armata Sharon Armstrong Huey Arnaud David & Nancy Arrington Lauren Rachel Aschmann ‘04 Theresa L. Ast Gail Ammons Atcheson ‘68 Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Peggy M. Autry ‘60 H. Doc Ayers Aime K. Baaro James R. Bagwell ‘61 Jennifer Smithwick Bagwell ‘76 Jeanette & Randall C. Bagwell ‘48 Ann Moore Bailey ‘10 Stella Bailey Michael & Kathleen Ballard Manuela Dent Bankston Billy & Nan Barnette Alesa Barrett Miller L. & Gaylor O. Barron ‘66 Frank & Judy Bartholomew Michael & Donna Bates Robert & Brenda Bates Thomas & Sandra Bates Viviana C. Baxter Kathryn Beatty Roy L. & Elaine P. Beavers ‘70 Elaine Bell Mike D. & Amy Talbert Bell ‘91 Mark & Cindy Bello Jane Belmore Elizabeth Bennett Sheila Bennett Marylee Benthall Betsy’s on Main Street Ron & Kim Bickley Judy C. Bishop Angela R. Blackwell Emily Blackwell Peggy Watson Blackwell ‘68 Bill Blackwood Beth E. Blakely Jerry & Sara Bland Doretta Blankenship Joseph & Melinda Boland Doris L. Bolton Helen P. Bondie Wiley & Patricia Booker Barbara Ann Boone Paul & Deanna Bosworth Thomas & Martha Bowen Joe & Harriette Bowen Jr. Timothy Bowman Ben & Lindsay Powell Boyd ‘04 J. O. Boydstone, III Clarence T. Boyle ‘78 Marshall E. Brackett ‘76 John Bradford Culleen & Donald Bradley Rick Bradshaw Todd B. & Sally Bradshaw William & Cally Bradshaw Archie Ella Brakers Rickey Brand Mary L. Brannon Mr. & Mrs. Jason Matthew Bretch Robert E. & Marie Bridges Jimmy & Vicky Brooks Dr. Shawn A. Brown The Rev. Eugene A. Brown ‘46 Elizabeth Browning Joyce Brownlee Lana Bruce Carolyn Williams Buckman ‘60 Susan M. Buice ‘77 Ray & Pat Burda James R. Burgess III ‘60 Richard Reaves & Elizabeth Burmeister J. Gordon & Amy Burnett Jr. ‘91 R. Martin Burnett ‘94 Jackie & Rosellen Burns Jr. Juanita W. Burrell ‘49 Sam P. Burtz Jr. ‘81 James Butler Rebecca Darracott Byrd ‘70 Thomas & Vicki Callahan David & Jody Camp Maria L. Capane ‘06 Karen Goodwin Carlile George & Carole Carreker Benny Carter Brenda Carter Charles T. Carter S. Dianne Tatum Carter ‘63 James A. & Jean C. Cason Aaron Cavin Everett J. Cebula ‘11 Darond & Tamika Celestin Martha Chacon Peggy Chadwick Charles & Mary Chambers Clara M. Chambers Dane & Laura Chambers Leland C. & Betty Chambers Lloyd & Floreen Chambers R. Stanley Chambers ‘69 Jean Champion Johnny W. & Debra Champion ‘80 Michael & Allison Chandler, Jr. Arthur Chapman Wayne Chapman Donna Thacker Chastain ‘46 Cherokee Eye Group Cherokee Trophies Vernetta Chisolm Jyme M. Cinotto Audrey G. Clark Gerald & Linda Clark Larry E. Clark Bryan & Karie Clayton James E. Clayton Kenneth & Belinda Clayton Bertha M. Cleveland L. David Cline ‘51 William L. & Dorothy Nally Cline ‘50 ‘54 Daniel & Marjorie Cloeter Amanda Faye Clonts ‘05 Thomas J. Clunie Nan King Cobb ‘46 R. David & Lenita Bedelle Coker ‘67 ‘68 Robert L. & Marjorie Howard Cole ‘47 Keith M. & Amy L. Collett ‘96 Billy Collins William B. Collins Don & Sue Colter Geneva D. Colvard ‘48 Comprehensive Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry Caitlin Conley ‘11 Joseph & Teri Cook Mike L. & Joy S. Cook Edna S. Cook ‘75 Ed & Loralee Cooley David & Wendy Coots Sherry N. Cornett B. B. Courington Jean & John Courington Wayne S. & Jonell Hester Courson ‘72 ‘72 Christine Hansard Cowart ‘42 Tim & Betty Cox William & Amie Cox Amy Bennett Cox ‘99 Linda D. Crapps Joyce Cox Crawford Kevin Scott Crawford Dorothy Crawford-Smith Jerome & Katherine Crilley Jonathan & Amy Crisp Lowell T. & Barbara Jean Clemmons Croft ‘60 ‘60 Susan L. Cronin ‘96 Terry & Judy Cullifer Jenilee Kell Curtis ‘08 Michael D. Williams, D.D.S. Barbara J. Dahlgren ‘03 Karen Dahlinger Priscilla A. Daniel Joyce A. & Joseph Daniel ‘01 Larry H. & Reba Daniel ‘60 Larry & Betty Danneman ‘51 Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62 Darby Huey Funeral Home Chris & Jennifer M. Darnell ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. David Datry Daughters of the American Revolution Rita David Joseph & Thelma Davis Mike & DeeDee Davis Omelia D. Davis Mack F. & Starla Sherrill Davis ‘66 The Rev. Charles H. & Eva Cox Davis ‘78 Jonathan L. & Lori Davis ‘91 Tom & Sherry Dean Betsy Decker J. C. Deisley June DeMoss Joan A. Denney ‘73 Pat W. Dennis CPCU ‘55 Carey R. Dent Carolyn P. Dent Erasmus Dent Monika & Joseph Dent Carole Butler DuVall ‘54 James & Bonnetta Devore, Jr. Vilma Diaz ‘07 ‘09 Paul Dickens Kenneth & Juanita E. Dickerson ‘61 Caroline Matheny Dillman Tom & Linda DiNucci Direct Packaging Gerald & Cathy Dobson Marilyn L. Dockery-Reece ‘05 Charles A. & Carla M. Dorris Paula Doss James A. & Josie M. Dougherty ‘01 Dot W. Douglas Lester & Leslie Drawdy, III Therese Driscoll Kaye England Dunagan ‘68 Jacie Len Duncan ‘09 Nancy P. Eagle Wendell & Laura Edenfield Bruce Edmondson Janice P. Edwards ‘62 Gene & Laura Eide Eula Elder Virginia Ellis M. Nancy Neal Ellis ‘62 Elizabeth & Dan Emshoff David & Jenny Estle Lori Ethridge Benny Eubanks Richard Tuttle & Marilyn Eubanks 19 Honor Roll of Donors 2011–2012 Evans Concrete, LLC William D. Ewing Sandy Fantz Byrd Brothers Farm Joe A. & Ann R. Farnell ‘70 Christopher Farnham M. Christine Farrier John J. Fay Zachary I. Felix Jean Fernandez Ruby & Russ Field John & Deborah Fincher Martha England Fincher ‘60 Jack & Ann McFather Fincher, Jr. ‘66 Susan Lewis Finck ‘90 Evelyn W. Flanigan Jeff & Julie Clark Fleming Linda N. Fleming D. L. Flood Marsha Floyd Virginia S. Fodor Mark & Melissa Folsom Jody Fordham Jerry & Sara Fortnun Marilyn Kilgore Foster ‘54 General Electric Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation The Bank of America Foundation Laura Jones Fountain ‘62 Retha Fox Thomas E. Fox Dana Franklin Joyce Franklin Denise Freehauf Kim B. Fryer Stephanie Leigh Fuller ‘11 Ernest W. Fussell Tim & Joanne Williams Ganka ‘99 Betty Gardner Larry & Mary Jane Garrett Scott & Kimberly Garrett Betty & Ricky Garrett Michael T. Garrison ‘70 Joel W. & Norma Garrison, Sr. Leonard & Carol Gass Georgia Geiger Carole George & Lin Breeden Edwin M. & Wanda C. George ‘61 Helen V. Gilbert ‘89 Rosemary Gilleland ‘84 Hugh & Gail Gilliam Patricia M. Gilman Mary Wilda Gilreath ‘86 J. Michael & Julie Mooneyhan Goodwin ‘00 Kathleen Gorski Ron Goss ‘64 Olisa Graham Bonnie Sosebee Gramling ‘50 Jerry R. Gravitt Chuck & Shelley McCranie Gravitt ‘96 Larry & Carol C. Gray Tony & Lois Gray Angela B. Green William & Janet Green Steve & Katharine R. Green ‘93 Brandon R. Greene Ray & Rozetta Griffeth Scott & Nancy Griffin 20 P.T. & M.C. Griffiths Jerry Grissom Edward & Veronica Gucwa Janie Gulick Robert W. & Maryann Gunderson Keith & Deborah Gustafson John A. Hagler ‘56 Keith & Cindy Hall Max & Regina B. Hall ‘84 Robert Hallissey Don T. & Shannon C. Hammond Harold E. & Evelyn Hill Hammontree ‘59 ‘60 Rosemary Hamrick ‘77 Gene Hanna John & Shelly Hanna William & Pat Hannah Carren Hannon ‘04 Jack A. Hardin ‘77 Alan & Cynthia Hardisty Carole Joy Moore Hardy ‘64 Glenda Ellis Harkins ‘59 LeVantia Cox Harlan ‘54 Grace Harper Ronald & Jeri Harris Gordon R. & Barbara Herndon Harrison ‘54 James W. & Connie Sue Hartley ‘59 The Revs. Joe & Barbara Hatchell Wilbur S. Hattendorf James & Cherie Hawkins Michael & Jennifer Hayes George K. & Laura Siddie Hayes ‘02 Joe F. Head ‘70 Evelyn Thacker Healan ‘36 Linda Hein Beulah Exum Hennly ‘61 Valmon Hasty Henson ‘48 Manuel & Maureen Hernandez Carol Hester Belle Gibbs-Hillman ‘72 & Larry Hillman, Sr. Bryan & Michele Hise Annette Haley Hobgood ‘59 Linda W. Hogan John R. Holbrook ‘48 Zane & Laura Holland David & Jane Holty Erin P. Honea Sandra D. Hooper-Ferguson ‘11 Ray & Trudie Horton Jerry B. Horwart Martha Hout Frank & Hazel Howell Valerie Howell ‘80 Lee & Edith Howington Sandra Parker Hudson ‘67 Eleanor C. Hughes Royce L. & Jane Karr Hughes ‘67 ‘68 Donna B. Hunt ‘95 Jayne & Larry Hunter Scott & Theresa Huskins Kenneth Robert Hutchins ‘84 Ronald Hunton ‘08 Katherine E. & Michael D. Hyatt Lanier R. Ingram ‘53 Barry & Donna Jackson Bruce Jackson Cecil E. & Donna A. Jackson David & Sheryl Boston Jackson ‘73 Hillman & Sue Jackson Associate’s Club $1 - $99 Mark & Patricia Jackson Stephen H. Jackson ‘73 Stephanie Jacobs William T. James Daniel L. Jape ‘08 Fred Jarrell Jr. Edna Jefferson David W. & Cathy B. Jeffrey ‘71 Kevin & Laura Jeffries Josephine R. Jenkins Rebecca Hutchins Jenkins ‘78 Andy & Gena C. Jenkins ‘98 Roger & Barbara Jewell Mary Johns Ben F. & Frances Eslinger Johnson III ‘84 ‘60 Christopher Brett Johnson Dianne E. Johnson Kelley Ann Johnson Mary H. Johnson ‘94 Melba & Dewey Jones James R. Jones R. & Deinna Jones Wayne & Deborah Jones Franklin & Patsy A. Jordan ‘93 Valarie & Jerry Jordan Edwigo Joseph Kyle E. & Mary Hill Jost ‘07 Brad Jovaag Stephanie Joyner A. Clayton & Anne Reid, Jr. Fred W. Snell Jr. The Rev. W. Hamp Watson, Jr. D.A. Kaehlert Steven Karp Toombs & Patricia Kay, Jr. Thomas P. & Patricia A. Kearns Rhonda Fay & Vaughn Kelley Champ & Lynne Kelly Key’s Jewelry Shirley Harris King ‘59 Ann Kirchhoff Sara W. Kirkpatrick ‘89 Janet M. Kitchen Kathy J. Klein ‘78 Frank & Gloria Kles Arthur L. Kling Faye Bryson Knight ‘58 Robert R. & Jann Sailors Knowles ‘64 Mary Kocian William & Cynthia Korosec Kenneth & Victoria Kull Pin & Mary Kuo The Rev. Edward Davis Lacey Jr. ‘58 Mary Laing Richard L. Laing Nancy J. Landrum ‘64 Keith Laney Stephen & Elizabeth Lang Ruth Pittman Lanier ‘47 Law Offices of Benjamin Bradley Reed, PC Mrs. Howard P. Lawrence Sue B. Lawson ‘57 James W. Lay James & Rebecca Layne David R. Lea ‘71 Karen V. Lee Lauretta Legeza Peter & Mary Legeza Fred & Nancy Odessa Leopold ‘78 Lester L. Cantrell ‘58 Cindy Lewis Don & Patricia Lewis Earl Button & Mona P. Lewis ‘71 Wayne & Brenda Ligon The Rev. Dr. Curt G. Lindquist Phillip & Kathy Linebarger Ray A. & Barbara E. Linn Malinda & David Lipscomb Anne Little Kathy Loffredo Moody & Diane Long Stuart & Sally Loos, D.D.S. Stuart &Marlys Lovejoy Alton & Sonia Lovingood Connie Wei Luan Lida Ludwick Sara C. Lundquist Bill & Betty Lyerla Modean W. Lyons Kirk & Anne Maassen E. Colleen Mabe Macy’s Foundation Matching Gifts Program Elsa A. Magdalena Robert & Jane Magruder Jimmy C. Major ‘53 Mark Malone G. Mike & Sue Malone ‘98 R. K. (Kip) & Jane W. Mann Joseph T. Mann ‘04 Nicole L. Maples Ken & Joyice Teague Marshall ‘95 Katie Jane Martin Mary Martin & Carole Gentle Martin Land Surveying PC Martins Crossing Cleaners LaNelle & Meredith Mason ‘98 David & Diana Massey Richard & Melodie Massie Tom & Mary Mathis Robert & Susan May Walter P. & Eloise May Bill & Lisa Mayo C. Mays Kirsten Eva Mazur ‘10 Anthony & Judith Mazzarelli Carol Doll McBath Betty F. McBrayer Charles P. McCanless Louvenia M. McCants Shawn & Susan McCarthy Michael & Margaret McConnell Jane Overstreet McConnell ‘72 Lenora McCrea & Nelle Mason Mary L. McDonald ‘51 Amy & John McGee Michael & Maureen McGuire J. M. McKee Ryan S. & Marvee A. McKenzie Duane Scott McKinley ‘73 Ronald & Bonita McKinney Monica Sharice McKnight Kelly McKnight-Crosby Ed & Patsy Bennett McLeod Beverly Tarpley McMurray ‘62 Glen & Julie McRae Malcolm & Jennifer Lee McTaggart ‘94 Deborah Meloun Richard & Lynn Mercer Julius & Catherine Merendo Roy & Sherry Midkiff Robert & Helen Miller Sheila B. Mitchell E. R. & Marjorie Mitchell, Jr. Robert & Connie Monroe, III Steven & Carolyn Moore Mitsuru & Carol Ann Mori Kathy Morrison Barbara Moss Christine Dot Moss Garry T. & Jessica Moss Luwana Chapman Moss ‘85 Perry & Karla Motley Lois A. Mott ‘04 Janice Mozley Mt. Zion Church, Adult VI Sunday School Class Tommy & Wanda Mulkey Jane Mundy Joey S. & Zella M. Musick ‘84 Carl & Faye Nalls Tripp & Jamie Nanney Mr. Richard & Barbara Nardi Joyce M. Nations, O.D. Marshall & Bonnie Neely Elizabeth J. Neely ‘05 Kenneth Nelson Gale B. Nemec ‘70 Network for Good Jim & Doris Niblett Judy B. Norris Angie Norris Deborah H. Oakes ‘08 Mark & Sharon Oberholtzer Joe & Lisa T. O’Bryant ‘90 Peggy W. O’Connor David & Phyllis Ogle Edward & Kara Okerblad Mark & Helen Wehunt Oliver Rebekah Tatum Oliver ‘60 Stephanie Olsen Carla Olson Mary A. Osborne Enoch & Jean Overby Gary & Rebecca Owen James & Evelyn Owens Gregory J. & Peggy M. Padgett ‘76 Steven M. Paen Steve Page ‘84 Nadine L. Paine Spencer Tyler-Thomas Palmer ‘02 Harold & Bettye Parker Robert & Sharon Parker Andrea D. Parks Henry S. & Sharon A. Pate III ‘62 Joey & Lindy Satterfield Patterson ‘97 Toby & Jamie Patterson Samuel S. Patton Jr. ‘08 Georgeann Paylo Steve & Belda Payne Kenneth D. & Peige H. Payne ‘03 Cynthia Gail Pearson ‘07 Shane & April Perry Gary V. Petrie ‘61 John C. Pettibone Anthony Petty Diane M. Pfaeffle Richard & Karen Pfost S. Beth Russell, Ph.D. Jimmie G. Phillips Marion Pierson Cornita Pinchinat Maritza Pivaral Charles & Sue Polk Cindy Poole Maggie L. Pope Daniel & Lois Post William D. & Sharon T. Pouncey Roger & Lorraine Powell James C. & Claudett Fagan Power, Jr. ‘56 ‘56 Amy Powers Robert & Sharon Prescott Bob Prillaman Dorothea Pringle Jamie H. Pritchett Paul & Marlene Proenza Heather Anderson McBride Pruitt ‘04 Jesse & Beth Cohen Pullias ‘10 Keith Purcell Gerri Radehl Anna Michele Ragan ‘10 Carl & Sharon Rau Dana C. Ray Ray’s Family Chiropractic Clinic Jeremy Keefe Burmeister Reaves ‘04 Jim C. Reavis Glenn S. & Regenia Reavis ‘78 Marion J. & Nell Reece ‘59 Constance Reed Robbie Reed Melissa L. Reese Pete & Twyla Reese Howard L. Reese, Jr., C.P.A. Reeses Fashion Gallery Inc Spurgeon Reid Mary Harrison Rellis ‘54 Tim A. & Maggie Reneau ‘80 Wayne & Sue Reynolds Carolyn & Lawrence Rice Scott Richey Larry T. & Sheila Ricks ‘68 Howard & Charlene Robinson Dr. Mellanie & Mr. Stanley Robinson Kathleen Rodemich Janet M. Rodning Anthony & Idelma Rodriguez Reinaldo & Elena Rodriguez Charles E. Rogers E. P. Rolison Mary Ellen Roos Kathryn L. Rose Robert & Ruth Rose Cheryl Ross Judy Thompson Ross Thomas M. Rucker ‘69 Marjorie A. Ruffino Collene Waldrop W. Ruggles ‘49 Marissa Sabio Stephen & Jan Sampson Eaddy Sams Wynelle Sams Carol Sanders Lee & Karen Sanders ‘07 Jessica McAlister A. Saras ‘04 21 Honor Roll of Donors 2011–2012 Roger & Dawn Satterfield Robert F. Schad Darlene Hicks Schoals ‘80 The Rev. Stephen C. & Deborah B. Schofield George & Betty Scholz Roy & Laurie Schottenfeld William & Carol Schuck Faye Hodge Schultz ‘58 Julian Scott Sebco, LLC Dewayne & Sylvia Sellars Dogwood Pet Services Frank & Jackie Sessions C.P. Settlemyer Charles Walton Sheffield ‘11 Jane Shelnutt Harvey & Marilyn Shulman L. & Susan Silsbee Thomas & Ana Simmons Cathy Slack Colin & Catherine Slay Debra Sloan Christopher & Carla Smith David & Cynthia Smith Diane C. Smith Donald Smith Dorothy S. Smith Dustin Smith Eugene & Janet Smith Glenn A. & Scottie H. Smith ‘71 John R. Smith ‘93 Leslie C. & Claudine B. Smith Nancy M. Smith Scott Smith Sue Smith Wilbur & Sadie Smith Karen Smithwick Sons of the American Revolution Leah R. Sonson ‘05 Harold & Mattie Lee Sosebee Michael & Lillian Soucy Jeffrey Sparks Kevin & Margaret Spillane Robert & Stacey Spinnenweber Janet Spitdowski Sara Kathryn Esco Spivey ‘94 Gary & Donna Stacy Ann Hallman Stafford ‘56 John & Faye Stafford Tammy D. Stafford Margaret Stallings Mike & Myra Stamey Anthony N. & Helen H. Stancil ‘83 Barry Standard Nancy P. Stanfield Robert & Lois Stang Patricia Stanley Charles E. & Betty L. Stapler William & Mary Davis Staples ‘55 Larry & Barbara Starr Allison & Don Startup Leslie & Margaret Steinway Nathan A. & Delane Bailey Stevens ‘00 ‘97 Deanie Stiles Matt & Kathleen Storey Ann F. Strickland Salina Strong Caroline Selene Sturgeon ‘08 22 Associate’s Club $1 - $99 Barbara Sullivan Dr. Richard D. Summers Marcus & Sally Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Swancy Charles & Janell Swann Bret & Catherine Tanner Edwin Tanner Timothy H. & Susan L. Tarpley ‘76 Blanche Terry Templeton ‘64 Tracey H. Thompson Patrick A. Thuman Pat & Judy Thurman H. Delane & Ann B. Titshaw Ginny Tomlinson Tommy Adams Insurance Agency, Inc Jim & Pam Treglown Patrick & Patti Tressler Benjamin T. Trotter Lori Trull Tunisia & Anthony Turner Carolyn White Turner ‘50 Clint & ElbiaTutterow Mary Eloise Turner Tyler ‘40 Carl & Karen Ujhelyi Rick & Martha Ullrich Philip J. Unger Union UMC Frances F. Vaughn ‘77 Mr. Charles & Judy Vires Gerry K. Volberding ‘53 Margaret N. & Joseph P. Vollrath ‘57 Harold & Vickie Waddell ‘80 Wadeken Industries Helen & Loy Walker Joseph M. Walker ‘88 Brian & Delilah Wallace Larry & Arleen Wallace Deborah J. Walls Edward B. Walton Cathy Hammond H. Warner ‘80 Jeff & Mindy Watson Jeanette Hobbs Watson ‘59 George L. & Mary Ann Barnes Weatherby ‘51 ‘54 Shelly D. Weaver ‘90 Larry H. Webb Weiner Eye Center Russell & Katherine Wells Edward & Mary Lou Weng Bill & Vicky Wesley Head West Lawrence Victor West ‘01 Phil & Cathy Wilson Westbrook ‘71 Barbara R. Westfall Dion & Shelley Whitaker Bryan & Pam White Sharon D. White Mr. Zachary & Loretta White ‘96 Melba Cooper Whitesides ‘73 Brenda & J. Newt Whitfield Jack E. Whitmire ‘48 Robert L. & Marian I. Wickwire Benjamin J. & Rachel Deonna Wiles ‘02 Dolores Wilkinson John & Christina Williams John L. Williams Kevin Williams Oscar Williams Gifts in Kind Paula Williams Wilson & Marjory Williams Judith Williams Raymond M. Williamson Kimsey B. & Patricia Sisson Willis ‘75 H. Marvin & Barbara B. Wilson ‘51 Glenda Hawkins Wilson ‘60 Women Source Larry Woolard Daniel & Geri Worley Jerry T. & Mildred Wood Wright ‘56 ‘57 Lee & Doris Wyatt Carolyn P. Yarbrough Robert & Mary Yarbrough William L. Yarbrough Stacy Westbrook Yawn Yawn’s Books & More, Inc. Gary & Sheila Yepson Yes, I am Camille, Inc. Sharen E. Yood Bob G. & Beverly Yost Welch ‘61 ‘61 David & Cheryl Young Kathryn & James Robert Young ‘59 Mark & Crystal Young Melissa C. Young Rosie H. Young Pam S. Younker Kelly J. Zimmerman ‘03 Sandra Salazar Zuniga Gifts in Kind Charles Abbott Rick & Judy Jaeger III ‘65 Maria Klouda Patricia M. Lusted Norma F. Patton In Memory of: Those being remembered are in blue. continued from p. 25 John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 also gave in memory of: Robby Anderson Rudolph J. Childre, Sr. Edna Dunn The Rev. Phil Ellington Charlie Ferguson The Rev. W. C. Haney Dan Hill Doris L. Johnston Ben Ledbetter John T. Orr Chip Prance John Russell Josh Spears Loy Walker Donna Westbrook Honors & Memorials — Acknowledge Someone with a Gift to Reinhardt Please consider using the enclosed envelope as a way to remember a loved one or a special friend. We will inform them of your thoughtfulness, and no dollar amount is noted. Reinhardt students will benefit from your gift. This listing includes honor/memorials received between July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012. Honor/memorials received after June 30, 2012, will be recognized in the next Reinhardt Magazine. In Honor of: Those being honored are in blue. Dr. Alan D. Allen Bob Burkholder Robin C. Soh ‘74 Chanda A. Bell ‘94 Lillian B. Darden Curtis A. Chapman Anonymous Jeanette & Randall C. Bagwell ‘48 Margaret C. Jackson Joan U. McFather David & Phyllis Ogle Spencer Tyler-Thomas Palmer ‘02 Carrie Chapman Willingham ‘95 Edna Roquemore Young ‘56 Margaret Tippens Dobson ‘43 Jerome E. & Gwen Pritchard Dobson ‘65 ‘64 The Rev. Dr. Ron Flowers William O. & Alice S. Riley Betty Tippens Forrester ‘50 Jerome E. & Gwen Pritchard Dobson ‘65 ‘64 The Rev. Sandra D. Henry ‘63 Jeffrey & Mary D. Elliott ‘74 William L. Cline ‘50 Margaret C. Jackson The Rev. Dr. Curt G. Lindquist Oak Grove UMC Dr. Franklin R. Croker ‘54 George & Carole Carreker Joseph & Jane Conyers Lillian B. Darden Lynn & Linda McPherson Linda H. McPherson Betty Champion Parrott ‘54 Ann F. Strickland Charles R. & Barbara Thomas Dolores Wilkinson The Rev. J. Sanford McDonald ‘48 M. Nancy Neal Ellis ‘62 Floyd & Kay Shaw L. Eugene Norton ‘60 Larry L. & Janice Prather Randell E. Trammell ‘03, ‘09 The Hon. Marion T. Pope, Jr. Lillian B. Darden Gwenn A. Taylor ‘58 Zelma Taylor Chesley Torrance State Farm Companies Foundation Margie Trammell Randell E. Trammell ‘03, ‘09 Mrs. JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘61 Sylvia B. Bowen Shurling ‘48 Randell E. Trammell ‘03, ‘09 Amanda Payne Wishon ‘00 Marie Derden Holt ‘42 Hildreth Woods Mr. & Mrs. Jim Treglown & Family Mathew A. & Susan Moore Pinson ‘05 ‘04 also gave in honor of: Andrea R. Baker ‘04 Chase Busby Ezra Chastain Holland Jefferson Tucker Holt Riley Sophia Travis Selah Walkup In Memory of: Those being remembered are in blue. Robert V. Aaron USAF (Ret.) ‘49 Betty Cooper A. Aaron ‘49 Francis & Bobbie Aaron Frank & Priscilla Aaron Jr. Annette Pollack Mary Barrows Homer & Juanita Hughes David L. Cassell Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62 C. Ernest Bennett Ed & Patsy Bennett McLeod Anna A. Chambers Joseph G. & Barbara Burnett Sr. ‘65 The Rev. & Mrs. Hansel Abernathy Carol Abernathy Winkle ‘62 John H. Bennett, Sr. ‘25 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Robert M. Chambers Joseph G. & Barbara Burnett Sr. ‘65 Thomas J. Addleman Claud M. Hicks Jr. Larry E. Biddy ‘67 Kristin Adams Thomas J. Clunie Jessica Champion Johnny W. & Debra Champion ‘80 Billy Bailey Mrs. Bill Bailey & Family Elizabeth Moss Bailey ‘28 Milton L. & Betty Bailey McGuirt ‘55 Donald W. Barnes ‘60 Brenda Cagle Barnes ‘65 Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 Kleven Boston ‘35 David & Sheryl Boston Jackson ‘73 Melinda Lewis Boston ‘35 David & Sheryl Boston Jackson ‘73 Janet L. Campbell Richard & Lucy Lockhart Virgil C. Chandler ‘52 Jeffrey & Jennie Fitchett Virginia Fitchett The Rev. Donald E. Hanberry ‘52 Sharon N. Hill Janis Lovelace Nelson John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 23 Honor Roll of Donors 2011–2012 In Memory of: Those being remembered are in blue. Donna York Chastain The Rev. R. Olin & Donna Chastain Herndon ‘57 ‘57 Pauline Clonts Jack H. & Ruby A. Smith ‘38 L. Clyde Collins L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Ms. Tanya Cox Mr. & Mrs. David Datry Dr. Robert Driscoll Marshall & Kathy Day,Sr. Robert G. & Nancy G. McKinnon L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Mathew Avary & Susan Moore Pinson ‘05 ‘04 Larry L. & Janice Prather Brian R. Wildman John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Ray Ellis Joan U. McFather John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 George A. Fossett Sr. Carol McKnight Fossett ‘56 Ovit K. Foster ‘55 Ronald F. & Marlene Price Moore ‘56 ‘56 Coy B. Free ‘48 Jimmie F. & Joyce Duncan ‘56 ‘56 Mary Free L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Jack R. Free ‘55 Jimmie F. & Joyce Duncan ‘56 ‘56 Mary E. Frost ‘86 W. Leon Frost Marc W. Garduque Robert G. & Nancy G. McKinnon The Rev. Dr. J. Douglas Gibson ‘34 Milton L. & Betty Bailey McGuirt ‘55 Ruth Whitfield Hinton ‘48 Colleen T. & Warren G. Cagle ‘48 Glenn H. Hubbard ‘36 Anonymous Denise Caylor Jackson ‘72 Stephen H. Jackson ‘73 Thomas H. Jackson Margaret C. Jackson 24 In Memory of: Those being remembered are in blue. A. Elizabeth Johnson ‘40 E. R. Johnson Joyce Davey Neal ‘60 Martha J. Lancaster ‘60 Patricia Lawrence Mrs. Chris Ikerd Russell O. Neal ‘47 Walter Brooks & Doris Dickey-Brooks Mrs. Russell O. Neal Clyde M. Lawson ‘56 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Don O. Lewis Billy Lewis & Family Henry G. & Mary P. Lyon L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Jake Q. Maxwell J. Q. Maxwell Sunday School Class, Haygood UMC Brandon McCullers ‘00 Jason T. & Kim Johnson Gamel ‘96 ‘99 Carol Sanders Sandra Ballew Middleton ‘60 Commander James L. Middleton (RET) ‘60 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Eugene W. Owen ‘38 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 Janice F. Woody Patterson ‘61 Terry & Judy Cullifer Jerry L. Pritchard ‘56 Jimmie F. & Joyce Duncan ‘56 ‘56 Floyd Puckett Margaret C. Jackson John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Sandra Reed Ed & Patsy Bennett McLeod Carla M. Roberts Wayne & Marie Berkner Michael Milford ‘85 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Zadie A. Scott Julian Scott Wylette Moody Mr. & Mrs. David Datry Patsy Bramlett Self ‘56 Franklin D. Self Ronald F. Moore ‘56 F. L. & Janice Blalock Barton ‘58 ‘58 Robert Bailey’s Class, Hebron Baptist Church Carroll & Jean Burns Philip M. & Barbara Stafford Byrd ‘48 ‘56 Franklin R. & Carolyn R. Croker ‘54 ‘54 The Delta Air Lines Foundation Pat W. Dennis CPCU ‘55 Jimmie F. & Joyce Duncan ‘56 ‘56 Robert J. & Sara Wilder Eubanks ‘56 ‘56 Carol McKnight Fossett ‘56 Carolyn M. Free Mary Free John A. Hagler ‘56 Hillman & Sue Jackson Lynn H. Johnston Cheul W. Kang ‘56 Claudett Fagan Power ‘56 James C. & Claudett Fagan Power, Jr. ‘56 ‘56 Mary Bryant Spivey ‘56 Ann Hallman Stafford ‘56 Marcus & Sally Sutton John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Women Source William C. & Sara Kendrick Wood ‘56 Jerry T. & Mildred Reese Wood Wright ‘56 ‘57 Edna Roquemore Young ‘56 G. Texana Ruff Shelnutt ‘46 Dee & Kandy Shelnutt Andrew J. & Jan Whalen, III Dr. Carl F. & Debbie Williams Sarah Carroll Shipley Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Shipley Troy Smithwick, Sr. ‘38 Colonel Bob B. & Constance W. Thacker (RET) ‘38 Constance W. Thacker Charles Monroe & Mamie Cleo Tippens Kenneth & Catherine Moses Dobson The Rev. Mack Tribble (RET) L. Cecile Adams ‘61 Sherry Adams Naomi P. Alexander ‘60 Andrew & Julia Archer Julia E. Archer Peggy M. Autry ‘60 Mrs. Bill Bailey Family Stella Bailey Billy & Nan Barnette Mary C. Barton Robert & Brenda Bates Philip Beamer Marie Bridges Robert E. Bridges A. Allan Brittain Ronald & Karen Brown Joyce Brownlee Carolyn Williams Buckman ‘60 Bobby & Rebecca Burnley Jackie & Rosellen Burns Jr. Wilson & Gail Bush Thomas & Vicki Callahan David Campbell John & Elizabeth F. Carter ‘71 Robert & Janet Cavin, Sr. Stanley Chambers The Rev. Dr. Brian E. & Roxanne Clark ‘95 Seth Coffee William & Amie Cox Lowell T. & Barbara Jean Clemmons Croft ‘60 ‘60 Rita David Mack & Phyllis Davis Elizabeth Dickinson D.A. & Robin Dobbins S. Jackson & Sara Bookhardt Dorsey ‘59 ‘60 Frances Drummond Alan & Sue Dunbar Eula Elder Lori Ethridge Fears Family Foundation Ruby & Russ Field Gregory & Carol Fowler The Robert D. Fowler Family (Judy, Nancy, Louise) Retha Fox Hugh & Gail Gilliam Joseph & Patricia Glasser Chip & Angie Grant Phillip & Monica Gray Angela B. Green Susan Hamilton Tim & Sue Haney Larry & Charme Harmon Carolyn E. & Maxie R. Hays ‘60 Dr. Ralph E. & Jean Holmes Helser ‘59 Coy & Linda Hinton Jr. Linda Hobgood Zane & Laura Holland Mr. & Mrs. Richard House Eleanor C. Hughes Mrs. Chris Ikerd Cecil E. & Donna A. Jackson Edna Jefferson R. & Deinna Jones Champ & Lynne Kelly Shirley Harris King ‘59 Bela & Christina Krusac James W. Lay Mrs. Bill Lewis & Family Cindy Lewis Don & Patricia Lewis Annette Loudermilk ‘58 Claude N. & Barbara B. Maddox William K. Malone, Sr. James & Catherine Mathews G. Larry & Lora Morgan Walter & Marianne Murphy Peggy W. O’Connor Enoch & Jean Overby Gary & Rebecca Owen James & Evelyn Owens T. Grant Owens ‘59 Walton & Jacquelin L. Peabody Philip Beamer Distributor Marion Pierson Darrell & Kay Pippin Charles & Sue Polk Roger & Lorraine Powell The Rev. Robert H. Ray ‘60 Marion J. & Nell Reece ‘59 Melissa L. Reese Pete & Twyla Reese Reeses Fashion Gallery Inc. Sandra Robbins Rev. James Sanders Herchel & Gladys Sheets John D. & Mary Shelton Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Shipley Leslie C. & Claudine B. Smith Kyle D. Smith Marvin & Julie Smith Melissa W. Spencer Mike & Myra Stamey Nancy P. Stanfield Patricia Stanley Joanne Tinsley Jim & Pam Treglown Arthur & Lori Tribble Pam Grant H. Tribble ‘70 David Tuck Clint & Elbia Tutterow Rick & Martha Ullrich Lisa Volmar Robert & Lynn Wages The Rev. W. Hamp Watson, Jr. Mary Jane Haley Weathersby ‘60 Thomas & Maliece Whatley, Jr. Glenda Hawkins Wilson ‘60 John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Sue Ellen Turner ‘60 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 James C. Wallace Sr. ‘48 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Ozella White ‘07 Mrs. Pierce Patterson James C. Williams Frederick & Elizabeth Anderson Paul H. & Marian F. Anderson, Sr. Stuart A. & Gloria C. Anderson Doyle & Willie Jean Bailey ‘88 Bates Properties John H. & Joy Adams Bennett, Jr. ‘65 ‘90 E. N. Bishop Dan & Carolyn Robinson Burkholder ‘80 Clara M. Chambers Leland C. & Betty Chambers Lloyd & Floreen Chambers Ed & Loralee Cooley Amy Bennett Cox ‘99 Dr. Channing H. Cox, Jr. Danny & Bonnie L. DeBord Tom & Linda DiNucci Dot W. Douglas J. Richard & Ouida Woods Dowis Floyd & Fay W. Falany ‘84 Betty Farkas Jerry & Charlotte Gardner Linda Hein Janet Horton ‘81 Donald & Marcie Hottinger Frank & Hazel Howell James F. & Eloise A. Jernigan Doris Jones Joel & Sheila Ingle Langford ‘91 Bill & Betty Lyerla Barbara L. Manous Elaine McAllister Joan U. McFather Robert & Connie Monroe, III Barbara Moss Susan E. Naylor Harold & Bettye Parker Kenneth D. & Peige H. Payne ‘03 Reynolds Architects, PC Garland & Bonnie Reynolds Rod & Sandi Sentell Donald Smith Robert & Lois Stang Charles & Janell Swann Christopher E. & Angela Bennett Ulm ‘90 Russell & Katherine Wells William E. Whitaker Kip & Candy Falany Wilbanks ‘87 ‘88 James & Patti Wilkerson John & Christina Williams Holly Williams Oscar Williams John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Sam R. Wilson ‘23 Alesa Barrett Carol Hester Janice Mozley Barbara Sullivan Gary Woody ‘65 Robert Gary & Bonnie L. Otts ‘65 Jay Yadav Drs. Anil & Monika Yadav continued on p. 22 25 Evelyn Thacker Healan ‘36 Looking Ahead: The 3rd Talon Awards Gala will be in March 2013. Blessed with Ideals True Watch for exact date and honorees. I can never adequately express how much I value my Reinhardt education... I think what I value most is the Christian atmosphere and the moral values and principles instilled in me which have guided me all my life. Reinhardt friends enjoyed the 2nd Talon Awards Gala on March 22, 2012, honoring... 1 3 2 4 8 I am 94 years old. I graduated from Reinhardt College (now University) in 1936. My mother graduated in 1906. She and my father bought a house directly across the street from Reinhardt to provide an education for their seven children. All of us attended, and five of us graduated. Our family was born and bred Reinhardt. Remembering the Alma Mater 7 6 5 Recently I had a dream. I was trying to recall the words to Reinhardt’s alma mater. I awoke singing it and was able to finish it except for one word. I got online to check how accurate I was. It was verbatim, and the word I had left out was “influence.” Adding that made it complete. Thinking how I now cannot remember what happened yesterday, I was proud of remembering something from 76 years ago! It amazed me that as I sang, I felt the same pride I felt when attending. Nothing had changed but actually had heightened as I began to recall the many benefits of my education. Popular Activities Included Sports and Debate Teams , (1) Chanda Aebersold Bell 94 credits her Reinhardt professors as an inspiration for pursuing her dream career as a children’s book author. (4) Elaine Hubbard gives big thank you on behalf of her parents for whom Reinhardt’s newest residence hall is being named. (see p. 9) (2) The John Wesley Clergy Award was presented to the Friendship Class at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in Atlanta, Ga. (5) On being named for an Honoree Award, Curtis Chapman shares a sentimental moment with the crowd. (3) Pam Haney Tribble ’70 accepted an Honoree Award in loving memory of her late husband, the Rev. Willie Mack Tribble, Jr. (6) Chris Dupree proudly displayed his John Wesley Laity Award with his son, Jacob, and wife, Deborah. (7) Franklin R. Croker ’54 gave a heartfelt speech as he accepted the award for Distinguished Alumnus of the Year. (8) The Hon. Judge Marion T. Pope (center) is congratulated by his son Jonathan and President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood as an Honoree Award recipient. Aside from splendid scholastic instruction, there were beneficial extra-curricular activities. Sports were important, both intercollegiate and intramural, and women were active participants. Athletics were considered “wholesome… and very essential to the best mental and moral, as well as physical, development.” I played on the women’s basketball team. To lead our team, we had a “big captain” and “little captain.” I played all the time as little captain. I loved the sport, the rivalry and being a team member. honors, the competition never affected our closeness. Her mother always introduced me as her second daughter, and Dr. Bratton always seemed proud of my school record. One day he told me that during his presidency the two most outstanding graduates were Elizabeth Moss Bailey, who had graduated several years before me and Reinhardt Girls’ Basketball Team from the 1930s includes who I knew to be an Evelyn Thacker Healan (front row, second from left). outstanding graduate, and me. I have no one to confirm it, but his words remain a trea Debating teams or “literary societsured memory. ies” were a challenge and competition was When graduation came, the choice for fierce. The ladies’ teams were Phi Alpha and valedictorian was between Lillian and me. Phi Delta; the mens’ were Pierces and HayOur grade average was the same, but I had goods. I was a Phi Alpha president and was the most extra-curricular activities since I chosen as sponsor of the Pierces. was class president and played basketball. The annual debates were most popular. The faculty chose Lillian for valedicYou could feel the strong rivalry. You spent torian and me for salutatorian. I opened 30 minutes before the debates cheering for the ceremony, welcoming everyone in atyour team. I led the cheers for the Phi Altendance. I asked my brother Roy, a 1929 phas and for the Pierces when I was not degraduate and my mentor whom I consider bating. I worked with a piano player friend and stood on a table cheering and singing the smartest person anywhere, to write my heartily, wearing my team colors. That was address. I enjoyed delivering it. He made it a real workout. Most of the cheers and humorous which helped me to get through songs I had composed. On the night of the the sad part about leaving Reinhardt and men’s competition, as the Pierces’ sponsor, what it meant to me. I wore an evening dress and led the debaters on the stage. Those debates were one of the Guidance for Life I can never adequately express how much most important events of the year. I value my Reinhardt education. But I will say I think what I value most is the ChrisRecognized for Excellence The president of Reinhardt when I was tian atmosphere and the moral values and there was Dr. W.M. Bratton. I knew him principles instilled in me which have guidand his family well since his daughter, Lil- ed me all my life. — Evelyn Thacker Healan ’36 lian, and I were classmates and best friends. Though we often ran against each other for 26 27 Alumnotes Alumnotes Stanley since 1985 and is the senior vice president - wealth management, financial advisor. Class of ’62 Golden Eagles Anniversary ’74 Dr. Rebecca Ray of Ray’s Family Chiropractic Clinic in Ball Ground, Ga., was elected to the Georgia Council of Chiropractic Hall of Fame. She was one of the founding directors and has served as president and vice president. ’60 It’s a class act! A select group of Reinhardt alumni had a “golden” opportunity at the University’s 2012 commencement ceremony on April 28, 2012. Sixteen members of the Class of 1962 returned to their alma mater to celebrate their Golden Anniversary (50 years). Each was honored and recognized during the ceremony, and the group celebrated the occasion before and after the main event. 34 years in the making... “Buddy” William Autry and Joyce Dobbins were married on June 25, 2011, by Buddy’s former roommate, the Rev. Alvin Taylor ‘59. Buddy and Joyce worked together years ago and reconnected on Facebook. They live in Resaca, Ga. ’37 Marjorie Humphrey Hubbard and her late husband Glenn were honored by Reinhardt Trustees for their generous support. Reinhardt’s newest residence hall will be named in their honor. See p. 9. ’54 Dr. Franklin R. Croker was recognized as the 2012 Distinguished Alumnus of the Year. See p. 26. ’59 Jack Dorsey and Sara Jo Bookhardt Dorsey ‘60 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Dec. 24, 2011. The Dorseys are retired and live in Waco, Ga. They have two sons and three grandchildren. ’61 ’82 David L. Andrews and Dovie Ashworth Paulk ’79 got engaged on Oct. 22, 2011, at Reinhardt’s Fall Family and Alumni Day, and they married on Feb. 4, 2012, at Barnsley Gardens in Adairsville, Ga. He made arrangements with the alumni office to have a photographer snap the proposal photo (lower left). They had first met as students at Reinhardt (upper left) and he returned to where they first met to propose. “One could say it was 34 years in the making,” David said. 28 JoEllen Bell Wilson received the 2012 First Citizen Award from the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce. She has worked at Reinhardt since July 1982 and is now the vice president for advancement. ’64 Ron Goss, Sr. served as the 2011-2012 president of the Georgia National Association of Insurance & Financial Planners. ’71 Allen Gudenrath has been appointed to the State Board of Economic Development by Governor Nathan Deal. He has worked at Morgan Brian Frey ’10: A Hands-On Future At Reinhardt, Brian Frey ’10 liked that he could be hands-on when doing projects in his communication classes, and he’s taken those experiences to the next level. His senior thesis project from Reinhardt didn’t just sit in a portfolio in a closet, it is now an award-winning creation that will soon be used all over the world. Frey developed the smart phone and tablet apps BrailleTouch and BrailleTeach for use by the blind. “When I was first in college in the early 90s, I played a text-based game, similar to World of Warcraft. I had more fun building on that game and making new places for people to go, and it was good practice coding. Once games with graphics became more prevalent, the text-based games were, however, still popular with the blind. Since I still enjoyed these types of games too, I became friends with several blind people. It gave me such a strong interest then to help this population, and I turned it in my mind and made these apps for the blind.” In fall 2011, Frey’s creation BrailleTouch won first place in the design competition at the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services held in Stockholm, Sweden. He worked with a team of Georgia Tech developers to further the project he had originally started at Reinhardt. BrailleTeach will be a free app available for “teaching” braille, but BrailleTouch will have a minimal cost and can be used as the keyboard on the smartphone. “The difference in our apps from others already out there, is that ours is eyesfree text entry in which you turn the device away from you and imagine you are looking ‘through the device.’” Frey credits the professors and adjunct faculty at Reinhardt for being the positive examples he needed to get where he his today. “The biggest thing I got at Reinhardt was that the faculty was so approachable and so real, that I knew I could be that successful one day, too. I went to a really large university the first time around, and the faculty were never around and were too busy, so now that I had all these faculty around wanting to help, I knew Reinhardt was the experience I needed to build the foundation for my future endeavors.” Currently in the Ph.D. program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Frey encourages his fellow Reinhardt alumni who want to pursue their own doctorates to try to get something published their senior year as he did. “If they [alumni] send me an e-mail, I can give them guidance on how to get started. It actually took me three tries until I got accepted into UMBC, so I would advise any Reinhardt students and alumni that if they have a passion for something, to never give up on that and look forward to the future.” — LHT ’83 Letitia Cline was recently named assistant superintendent of educational programs, student support and professional development for Cherokee County (Ga.) Schools. For the past two years, she was principal at Avery Elementary School in Canton, Ga. ’84 Darrek Cornelison of Ball Ground, Ga., has been named vice president and city executive for the Canton, Ga. branch of Community Bank and Trust. ’84 Amy Smith Simonton and her husband, Jay, have been married for 24 years and have four daughters: Kaitlin, Mary, Hannah and Bethany, ranging in age from 20 to 13. She teaches high school art at a local Christian school. She recently wrote, “Even though I graduated almost 28 years ago, I have fond memories of Reinhardt and all the joy it brought to my life!” ’87 ’89 G. Richard Wright ‘05, see p. 6. Jennifer Wiggins Matthews is the business development manager at Century Bank of Georgia in Cartersville, Ga. ’92 Devin Handley, M.D. has recently accepted a position as family care physician at Redmond Family Care in Calhoun, Ga. ’93 Jeff Clemmons has written Rich’s: A Southern Institution about Rich’s Department Store. After earning his associate degree from Reinhardt, he attended Reinhardt’s business program for a year, and then transferred to Georgia State University. He credits his work on Wikipedia, which included the history he wrote 29 Alumnotes third child, Brandon Michael, on Oct. 1, 2011. Alumni, Students, Parents & Friends Enjoy a festive visit to Reinhardt! Reunions for the Class of 1987 and all athletic teams. Field House and Hubbard Hall Grand Openings. Ken White Music Center Dedication. Find details on Save the Date: October 6, 2012 for Reinhardt’s page, to getting his book contract. He works in public relations for Troutman Sanders. University and has worked in marketing for the past 16 years at DirecTV, Laarhoven Design, Coding Strategies and Deerland Enzymes. The Rev. Andrew Witt married Ginger Duren on June 23, 2012. He is the senior pastor at Wesley Chapel UMC in Calhoun, Ga. ’94 Chanda Aebersold Bell was named Reinhardt’s Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year. See p. 26. Cameron Massey Harrison is a new stay at home mom. She, her husband, Bill, their 12-year old son, Jackson and 19-month old daughter, Ava Marie, live in Powder Springs, Ga. After graduating from Reinhardt, Cameron earned a BS in Marketing at Georgia College and State Jonathan Erick Housche of Summerville, Ga., announces the birth of his daughter, Elizabeth Catherine “Ella Cate”, on Feb. 10, 2012. ’95 Randy Gravley, president and CEO of Tri-State Communications, was chosen by the Cherokee County Elections Board to serve as its chair, a position with a four-year term. Tri-State owns and operates five radio stations in North Georgia including WLJA 101.1 FM/WPGY 1580 AM. He also sits on the Cherokee Office of Economic Development Board, is past president of the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce and serves on the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Foundation and the National Association of Broadcasters Board. John Monk and his wife Meagan have a new baby girl, Emerson Olivia Monk, born on April 2, 2012. ’96 ’96 Zachary M. White married Loretta Walborn on Nov. 12, 2011. They live in Jasper, Ga. White is Reinhardt’s horticulturist. He received a ‘Key to the City’ from the Waleska City Council and Waleska Mayor Doris Jones in October 2011 for spearheading the popular Waleska Farmers Market. 30 Luke and Jonna Sleight Truan ‘90 announce the birth of their son, Erik Harrington, on March 11, 2011. ’98 Terry and Natasha Gregg Groulx ‘94 welcomed their ’00 Dr. Brandilyn Pewitt Hayes and her husband, Robert, had a baby girl, Hadley Elizabeth, on Feb. 1, 2012. ’01 Robert and Tammy Peters Gilreath adopted a baby on March 27, 2012. Gabriella Faith was born on March 25. She has two proud sisters, Charlotte, age 6, and Sarah Grace, age 3. John "Trea” Pipkin III was appointed Henry County Solicitor General by Gov. Nathan Deal. After graduating from Reinhardt with an associate degree, he earned a bachelor’s degree from The University of Georgia and a law degree from Georgia State University. He is also an adjunct professor of criminal law at Gordon College. ’02 Laura Davenport Hayes was named 2011-2012 Summerville Middle School Teacher of the Year and was also selected as Chattooga County Teacher of the Year on Nov. 18, 2011. ’02 Jeremiah and Misty Manous Norton ‘00 of Jasper, Ga., welcomed their son, Elijah Harley, on Sept. 8, 2010. Elijah joins big sister, Miah. ’05 Mathew A. Pinson was recently elected lay leader of the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is the youngest conference lay leader in the U.S. ’06 Cody and Andi Henry Baker ‘04 (left) welcomed their daughter, Landyn Ray, on July 17, 2011. Cody is a helicopter pilot and architect for Crown Communities. Margaret Andrews Chind and her husband, Daniel, of Atoka, Tenn., announce the birth of their second daughter, Althea Jane, on Aug. 11, 2011. Althea joins big sister, Charlotte. Emilee Holland and Andrew Wehunt ‘07 became engaged on March 31, 2012, and are planning a wedding for spring 2013. Noah Rich was named 2011 Officer of the Year for the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Uniform Patrol Division. Clifton “Keith” and Brittney Taylor Matt Cunningham transferred to Gainesville in June 2010 as executive director of the Salvation Army. Mary Hill Jost and her husband, Kyle, announce the birth of their daughter, Penelope “Penny” Carol on Feb. 6, 2012. Mary worked in Reinhardt admissions, advancement and development from August 2007 to May 2012. Reinhardt is Calling... What will your answer be? Please say Yes! Oct. 2012 & Feb. 2013 Jordan Turner of Canton, Ga., is a Reinhardt admissions counselor and the head coach for the RU Cross Country team. sulting Group. She lives in Lithonia with her two-year-old twin daughters. ’08 ’09 Dan Audia is a records and registration administrator in Reinhardt’s Registrar’s Office. Formerly he worked in Reinhardt’s admissions office as an admissions counselor. Adia Williams is a recruiting assistant with the Atlanta office of the Boston Con- Hannah Aschmann Hise works at Reinhardt as the administrative assistant to the School of Arts and Humanities and the McCamish School of Business. Her husband, Andrew Hise, is a Reinhardt admissions counselor. Lamin Traore is an account manager for AT&T Government Solutions. He lives in Buckhead and is still playing lots of soccer. Ann Moore Bailey MBA Jason Bunch and Stephanie Fuller ’11 were married on Aug. 11, 2012. She works at United Way. Melanie Scopa is the senior associate director of stewardship for Emory University. Previously she served as director of annual giving for Catholic Charities Atlanta. Karen Knight Carter and her husband, Ryan, had a baby, Hannah, on May 7, 2012. Walter Jones, Jr. and Candice Boyd ’08 of Cartersville, Ga., were married on Nov. 6, 2010. had her art showcased at the 2012 American Craft Council Atlanta Show, which is one of the largest and most prestigious craft shows in the Southeast. Drew Murphy of Canton, Ga., welcomed his daughter, Isla Belle, on Aug. 26, 2011. ’04 ’07 ’10 ’03 Leah Farrah Hill Tubosi welcomed a baby girl, Haley Patricia, on Dec. 9, 2011. Ray ‘06 announce the birth of their son, Benjamin, on Nov. 23, 2011. ‘09 Buckley Wheeler and Callie Bateman ‘11 (above right) were married on Oct. 8, 2011. David Rausch and Jenni Smoller ‘10 were married on June 11, 2011, by David’s grandfather, Rev. Donald Hanberry ’52. ’11 ‘11 Ashley Street (above left) married Terry West on March 24, 2012, at the Wheeler House in Ball Ground, Ga. James “Alan” Cook of Cartersville, Ga., obtained his MAT from Reinhardt in April 2011. He is now a 4th grade math, science and social studies teacher at Cartersville Elementary School. ‘11 Beth Cohen Pullias (at right) and her husband, Jesse, were married on May 21, 2011, at Smyrna First United Methodist Church (Smyrna, Ga.). Beth works at George Mason University as the PR coordinator/social media specialist, and they live in Fairfax, Va. Chasity Miller of Summerville, Ga., is the general music/band director for Summerville Middle School and the marching band assistant director for Chattooga High School. 31 Alumnotes, In Memoriam and Faculty/Staff Notes Alumnotes Ashley Young is living in Edinburgh, Scotland and serving as a missionary for the homeless with the Bethany Christian Trust organization. ’12 Adam Pool and Francisco Ricardo Ortega-Grippa ’11 have started a company, GrIppa Design in Jasper, Ga. Pool is the web designer and database manager and Ortega-Grippa is a web and graphic designer. —MHJ, JMM, JEW, MSW In Memoriam Please consider using the enclosed envelope to make a gift in memory of a cherished friend. We will inform their family of your thoughtfulness, and no dollar amount is noted. Your gift will be in the next Reinhardt Magazine. ’29 Harriet Harper Williams McDonald of Brisbane, Australia, passed away on Nov. 12, 2011. She and her husband, Archibald, had lived in Australia for the past 20 years. Before retiring, she was an associate professor at Emory University’s nursing school. ’34 ’35 Lillian Cable Williams passed away on April 2, 2012. Charlotte Seymour Walters of Monroe, Ga., passed away on Jan. 22, 2012. ’36 W.F. Garrett passed away on July 3, 2012, at age 98. He received Reinhardt’s 2002 Alumni Loyalty Award. Broughton Fred Stancil of Ball Ground, Ga., passed away on Nov. 30, 2011. He served in the U.S. Army, was a World War II veteran and was cited for courageous conduct during action in British New Guinea. ’45 Hazel Reinhardt Hill Moore, of Canton, Ga., passed away on Jan. 30, 2012. Gwendolyn Cox Adams of Cartersville, Ga., passed away on Feb. 20, 2012. Wynell Owen Blackwell, passed away on June 28, 2012. Her husband, Bob, ’47, died in 2009. They are survived by children: David ’79, Susan Kea ’71 and Eddie ’82. ’47 Norris Price of Breman, Ga., passed away on July 24, 2011. ’48 ’49 ’52 Ruth Whitfield Hinton passed away on Oct. 23, 2011. Linda Hensley Laney of Cartersville, Ga., passed away on Jan. 2, 2012. Robert Aaron passed away on ’70 ’73 ’87 Nov. 18, 2011. Sara Timmons Cathey of Tignall, Ga., passed away on Sept. 6, 2011. Virgil Chandler died on Aug. 31, 2011. Barbara Ross Harris died on Oct. 5, 2011. ’55 George Knight of Cartersville, Ga., passed away on Dec. ’56 ’60 Ronald Franklin Moore passed away on April 22, 2012. 20, 2011. on Oct. 28, 2011. Peggy M. Autry passed away on July 4, 2012. She is survived by her daughter Deborah Autry; daughter Donna Rinedoller and her husband, David. Elsie Carey Williams passed away on Sept. 16, 2011. David Henderson passed away on April 19, 2012. ’42 Rev. Thomas James passed away on Feb. 26, 2012. ’38 Troy Smithwick passed away Mrs. Christine Hansard Cowart passed away on May 20, 2012. She was preceded in death by her husband, James. She is survived by two sons, James and David. Sue Ellen Payne Turner ‘03 of Canton, Ga., passed away on April 18, 2012. ’61 Allen Delois King passed away on May 9, 2012. 32 ’63 ’67 Larry Biddy passed away on Sept. 3, 2011. Phillip Butt passed away on Aug. 14, 2011. Mark Fuller passed away on May 17, 2012. George Oscar Hendricks of Cartersville, Ga., passed away on Nov. 7, 2011. He had worked at Anheuser Busch since 1992. Dr. Robert L. Driscoll, Reinhardt vice president and dean for academic affairs and professor of education, died June 21, 2012. Prior to coming to Reinhardt in 2002, he had worked in education in western New York, at Georgia State University, and at Kennesaw State University. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Martha Sikaras Driscoll; daughters, Tanya Burnham and Elizabeth Driscoll; two grandchildren; two sisters; and many nieces and nephews. James C. (Jim) Williams, former Reinhardt assistant vice president for plant operations, passed away on Nov. 15, 2011, following a stroke. He worked at Reinhardt from 1989 until 2000 and had served on the Board of Trustees’ Buildings and Grounds Committee until early 2011. — JMM, JEW, MHJ, MSW Faculty/Staff Notes Dr. Ron Akers, assistant professor of physical education, recently retired from Reinhardt. He taught in the Price School of Education since August of 2003. Tina Boosel, instructor of business, and Kathy Hyatt, assistant professor of business, were featured speakers at a SIFE Regional Conference in October 2011. Curtis Chapman, professor of art from 1966- 2005, was honored at the University’s recent Talon Awards Gala (see p. 26). Donna Coffey, associate professor of English, had these poems published: “Talking to My Father at a Baby’s Funeral,” a finalist in the 2011 Prime Mincer Poetry Contest and published in Prime Mincer, winter 2011; “Saint Margaret,” published in spring 2012 Calyx; “Dance of the Doves” in qarrtsiluni, fall 2011; “Playing Orphan,” which was honorable mention in the Whispering Prairie Press 2011 Writing Awards; “Cowbirds,” in Honey Land Review, fall 2011; and “House Boat,” which earned Special Merit Recognition in the 2011 Muriel Craft Bailey Poetry Contest and published in Comstock Review, winter 2011. She also recently published two articles. Dr. Kevin Crawford, assistant professor of English & theatre, played Prospero, in the July 2011 Palm beach Shakespeare Festival production of “The Tempest.” He also received Reinhardt’s annual award for Artistic Performance and Research. Drew Cronic, assistant football coach, and his wife, Amelia, welcomed their son, Isaiah Nathan Cronic, on March 28, 2012. Melissa Doyle, reference and user services librarian, and Amy McGee, technical services librarian, both earned a Master in Library and Information Science from the University of North Texas. Zach Felix, assistant professor of biology, received the Vulcan Teaching Excellence Award and United Methodist Exemplary Teaching Award. The United Methodist award recognized excellence in teaching, commitment to value-centered education and service to students. The Vulcan Award highlights outstanding contributions to education, student learning and campus life. Dr. A. Wayne Glowka, dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, published The Texiad: An Epic of the Texas Revolution. It is available for the Amazon Kindle. Dr. Jonathan Good, associate professor of history, received the Jane England Teaching Excellence Award. This award is named for a longtime faculty member who exemplified leadership and dedication to students. Dr. David Gregory, associate professor of music, received the Distinguished Service to Music Award from Kappa Kappa Psi, the national honorary fraternity for college band members. Betty Johnson, physical plant coordinator, retired at the end of August 2012. She had worked at Reinhardt in numerous positions in housekeeping and finance and administration since 1977. Valarie Jordan, housekeeping supervisor, received the University’s 2012 Bridge Award. She has worked at Reinhardt since 1998. This annual award is given by the faculty to a staff member in recognition of their outstanding service and commitment to Reinhardt faculty and students. The Rev. Dr. Aquiles Martinez, professor of religion, has published Interpretación bíblica con sabor latino: una invitación al diálogo desde la diáspora (Caracas: Mi Familia Center y Acción Ecuménica, 2012). All book proceeds will be used to support Mi Familia Center -Serving Migrant Communities, Inc. Brett Mullinix worked for the Olympic Broadcasting Service in London during the 2012 Summer Olympics. Huitt Rabel, media and digital service manager, and his wife had a son, James Thomas, on Dec. 9, 2011. They also have a daughter and son. Dr. Julie Schultz, associate professor of middle grades education, wrote “Comprehension Strategy Instruction for Pre-service Teachers: Promoting Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing,” which was published in the University of West Georgia’s Gateways Journal. Elizabeth Smith, assistant professor of mathematics, was selected by the students to receive the 2012 Jason Gamel ’96 Blue & Gold Spirit Award. The annual award recognizes an employee who best shows their RU pride. Dr. Richard Summers, professor of mathematics, attended the Southeastern meeting of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). At the joint national meeting of the MAA and the American Mathematical Society, he presented a paper, “Partition Numbers and Fractals: Insights Using Bulgarian Solitaire.” Dr. Paula Thomas-Lee, assistant professor of music, and her husband, Justin, recently welcomed their second son, James Ryder. Dr. Pamela Wilson, associate professor of communication, spoke on media historiography at Georgia State University and served as the keynote speaker at the Davidson College Global Media conference. She has authored two articles, “Native Americans” and “Ethnographic Film and Visual Anthropology,” for Oxford Bibliographies Online. Dr. Kenneth Wheeler, professor of history, received the faculty’s annual Academic Research Award. He also served as cochair of the History Symposium. See p. 6. – LHT, MSW 33 for Cross Country, Women’s and Men’s Basketball “We are very fortunate to have hired these three very talented coaches to help us continue on our successful path here in athletics. All three bring strong but different talents to the table from local recruiting contacts to NAIA championship level competition experience. They all three fit the character of the staff here in athletics and with support will lead our teams very well”. “The field house provides us much needed space. All of our athletic programs truly benefit from our growth.” Reinhardt broke ground for the Athletic Field House on Jan. 24, 2012. The facility will support football, men’s and women’s soccer, baseball and softball. Jordan Turner ‘07 Men’s & Women’s Cross County – Bill Popp, director of athletics The 22,000-square-foot facility sits between a new artificial turf field and a grass practice field. Located among the Ken White Fields, the building features a 4,800-square-foot weight room; locker rooms; coaches offices; an athletic training area; meeting and storage space; public restrooms; a concession stand; an outdoor plaza and a garden area. Alumni, students, faculty, staff and the community are invited to the field house grand The Athletic Field House opening during Alumni Day/Fall Family Weekwill contain 300 lockers end on Oct. 6, 2012, at 10 a.m. – SPR handmade by the Reinhardt maintenance staff. Reinhardt University’s Golden Eagle and Thelma Rogers Silver Eagle Awards Reinhardt University presents four annual athletic awards. The Golden Eagle Awards go to the top male and female student-athletes. Zach Lindsey, men’s golf, and Maddie Monroe, softball, were the Golden Eagle winners for 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Thelma Rogers Silver Eagle Awards, which are named after a former longtime athletic administrator and coach, are presented to a male and female student-athlete for his/her team spirit and loyalty to the University. The 2010-11 recipients were men’s basketball player Wes Jones and volleyball player Sami Lane. The 2011-12 recipients were men’s cross country runner Daniel Guerrero and softball player Andrea Thibaudeau. ––SPR 34 – Bill Popp, director of athletics As a cross country runner for the Reinhardt Eagles, from 2003-06, Turner qualified for the NAIA national meet all four seasons. He returned to his alma mater after working in the admissions office at Georgia Highlands College. At Reinhardt he will also work as an admissions counselor. Lindsey Huffman Women’s Basketball Huffman comes to Reinhardt after being an assistant coach at North Georgia College & State University, her alma mater. She also spent a year as an assistant coach at Roswell (Ga.) High School after being a graduate assistant at North Georgia. She received a bachelor’s degree in 2007 and a master’s in 2009. A standout player, Huffman helped North Georgia to the 2006 Peach Belt Conference regular season title and a 23-4 overall record. At Etowah High School in Woodstock, Ga., Huffman is the school’s all-time leading scorer with 1,735 points and twice garnered all-state accolades. Men’s golfer Zach Lindsey competes in NAIA national tournament for 3rd year Reinhardt junior Zach Lindsey made his third straight trip to the NAIA Men’s Golf National Championships in May 2012 after receiving an individual at-large bid for the second consecutive year. As a freshman in 2010, he competed with his Eagles teammates when Reinhardt qualified as a team after winning the Appalachian Athletic Conference Tournament championship. Playing at Creekside Golf Club in Salem, Ore., Lindsey shot a three-day, 54-hole total of 11-over-par 227 at the 2012 NAIA national tournament, missing the cut for the final round by just one stroke. His best 18-hole score in nine career rounds at the NAIA nationals came on his final day of competition when he fired a 1-over-par 73. Lindsey, from Kennesaw, Ga., has earned All-AAC honors the past three years and was an NAIA First Team All-American as a sophomore. In 11 events and 25 rounds during the 2011-12 season, he shot par or better 13 times and finished with a 72.32 scoring average, which ranked second nationally in the NAIA. Lindsey posted two tournament victories and nine top 15 finishes. – SPR Jason Gillespie Men’s Baskeball Head Coach Monroe Jones Lane Guerrero Thibaudeau Lindsey An experienced head coach, Gillespie comes to Reinhardt from Virginia Intermont College. He spent the past three seasons as the athletic director and head men’s basketball coach at Cincinnati Christian University after four successful years at Bluefield College, where he was twice named the AAC Coach of the Year. He led the Rams to NAIA Division II national tournament appearances in 2007, 2008 and 2009. His final team at Bluefield finished 27-7 overall, a perfect 18-0 in conference regular-season play and ranked eighth nationally. In 1997, he received his Bachelor of Arts in history with a coaching minor from East Tennessee State University. He earned a master’s degree at Tennessee Tech in 2000. – SPR 35 Football Update: Up and Running Reinhardt’s inaugural football program is up and running. The coaches and players take the field to practice this fall. Intercollegiate competition begins in fall 2013. Perfect Goals! Women’s soccer has record season! Senior starter Chelsa Hise plays the ball down the field during a game last season. Reinhardt’s football coaching staff includes Ryan Anderson, (back, from left), Rusty Wright, Larry Prather, and Tony Tiller, and Will Heath (front, from left), Reggie Perkins, Danny Cronic and Drew Cronic. First on head coach Danny Cronic’s agenda was to recruit a diverse, experienced coaching staff. Defensive coordinator Rusty Wright and receivers coach Will Heath were the first hires, then he added his son Drew Cronic as offensive coordinator, Ryan Anderson as linebackers coach and Larry Prather as an assistant to help with the offensive line. Tony Tiller and Reggie Perkins came on board to coach the defensive backs and offensive linemen, respectively. “I think having a full, complete staff gave us some credibility,” Danny Cronic said. “They are all doing a very good job of recruiting in their areas. Recruiting Talented Student-Athletes Quality players were next. Almost 130 student-athletes are expected on campus this fall to take part in practice sessions on the University’s new artificial turf field. H AT L S E TIC “I think recruits coming in and seeing the diversity and the quality of our coaching staff has made a difference. It shows that Reinhardt has made a real commitment to football.” — Head Coach Danny Cronic “By National Signing Day [Feb. 1], we had not completed our coaching staff; however, since the middle of February we’ve signed over 100 players. “I think recruits coming in and seeing the diversity and the quality of our coaching staff has made a difference. It shows that Reinhardt has made a real commitment to football.” The vast majority of players are from Georgia, but some are from Alabama, Florida and Tennessee. “When we started signing the good players, it gave us credibility with other kids. Everybody likes to have other good players around them.” Football Conference Affiliation Though most of Reinhardt’s teams compete in the Appalachian Athletic Conference, that conference doesn’t sponsor football because most of its members do not field the sport. Thus, Reinhardt was accepted as an associate member of the Mid-South Conference, MSC, for football. Future MSC opponents include Belhaven, Bethel, Campbellsville, Cumberland, Faulkner, Kentucky Christian, Bluefield, Georgetown (Ky.), Cumberlands, Lindsey Wilson, Pikeville, Union (Ky.) and UVA’s College at Wise. – SPR Intercollegiate Athletics Reunion Oct. 6 Athletic Field House Grand Opening at 10 a.m. and Reunion at 11 a.m. Reinhardt has a proud traditon of intercollegiate competition, and all former Eagles and Lady Eagles are invited back to help unveil Reinhardt’s newest athletic facility as part of Alumni Day and Fall Family Weekend. A reunion for all athletes will follow the field house event. Please make plans to take part! 36 In 2011, Reinhardt’s women’s soccer team enjoyed its best season in the 11-year history of the program. The Lady Eagles won the Appalachian Athletic Conference regular season championship with a perfect 7-0 record and went on to finish 14-4-2 overall. Along the way, Reinhardt earned the AAC Tournament title and the school’s first-ever berth to the NAIA national event, where the Lady Eagles suffered a respectable firstround loss to Lee University, which went on to earn its fourth straight NAIA national crown. Under AAC Coach-of-the-Year Andy Kaplan, Reinhardt set a school record for wins in a season. The Lady Eagles also put together a nine-game unbeaten streak, the longest in school history. Reinhardt had several players receive awards throughout the year. Highlighting the honorees was senior forward Katherine Amatulli, who was selected as an NAIA We’re #1! AAC Champs The Reinhardt softball team had another banner season under head coach Glen Crawford in 2012, winning the Appalachian Athletic Conference Tournament championship and returning to the NAIA national event for the second year in a row. After claiming the outright AAC regular season title the previous two years, the Lady Eagles captured a share of the crown at 14-4 Honorable Mention All-American after being named the AAC Player of the Year. Sophomore midfielder Ashley Yarger was chosen as the AAC Defensive Player of the Year while goalkeeper Kaleigh Clarke collected AAC Freshman-of-the-Year accolades. Joining Amatulli, Yarger and Clarke as first team all-conference honorees were sophomore midfielder Krista Barikos, senior midfielder Elizabeth Waite and senior defender Kelsey Carl. – SPR Making some noise in second straight appearance at NAIA national tournament! but went on to compile a 36-12 overall record and 18th place ranking in the postseason NAIA national poll. Following a 2-0 loss in its opener at the NAIA national tournament in Gulf Shores, Ala., Reinhardt earned some respect by posting victories in its next two games. The Lady Eagles tallied a 3-0 win over then No. 4-ranked Central Baptist College, the top seed in their pool and one of the most powerful hitting squads in the country. Another victory by Reinhardt, this one a 9-0 rout of Morningside College, put the Lady Eagles in position to make the prestigious Elite Eight, but Central Baptist advanced on a tie-breaker. Leading Reinhardt was junior pitcher Maddie Monroe, who was named the AAC Pitcher of the Year for the third time. First Team All-AAC performers also included senior catcher Ashley Kennedy, senior infielder Haley Williams, senior utility player Nikki Roddy, senior outfielder Andrea Thibaudeau, senior outfielder Bailey Arnaud and freshman utility player Kelci White. Monroe and Roddy were also First Team All-East Region picks by the National Fastpitch Coaches Association while Thibaudeau garnered a spot on the second team. – SPR For schedules & sports news, see 37 7300 Reinhardt Circle Waleska, Georgia 30183-2981 Change Service Requested Danielle Glanzer (left) and her father, Selwyn, (right) and grandfather, Marvin, enjoyed playing in the 2011 Athletic Golf Tournament. Make plans to play this year with your family or friends. 3rd Annual Athletic Golf Tournament Join us on October 15, 2012, to help raise funds for scholarships for deserving student-athletes. For more details, visit
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