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Reinhardt M A G A Z I N E Volume 16, No. 1 Fall 2010 Reinhardt has extra excitement this fall! Reinhardt M A G A Z I N E Fall 2010 classes began with more students than ever before, 1229 to be exact! 822 are traditional students taking courses in Waleska with 475 living on campus, 133 receiving music President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood scholarships, 230 receiving athletic scholarships and 340 receiving academic scholarships. This record- 33 Vice President for Institutional Advancement & External Affairs JoEllen Bell Wilson ’61 setting student body also includes 407 nontraditional students at outreach programs for working adults in Alpharetta, Cartersville, Marietta and Epworth. Another 119 are graduate students studying business, education, or music; 130 are in the WAIT program (our evening baccalaureate Production/Photography Staff Marsha S. White* Executive Director of Marketing and Communications Lauren H. Thomas* Media Relations Coordinator degree in early childhood education); and we will train more than 100 students in our police academy in 5 11 Amanda L. Brown* Graphic Designer Steven P. Ruthsatz* Assistant Athletic Director Jennifer Wiggins Matthews ’90 Director of Alumni Bruce R. Bynum Director of Development Erin P. Honea Database Specialist *supplied photographs for this issue The Reinhardt Magazine is published annually by Reinhardt University. Creative services are provided by Reinhardt’s Office of Marketing and Communications. Features The Office of Alumni Reinhardt University 7300 Reinhardt Circle Waleska, GA 30183-2981 e-mail: phone: 770-720-5509 Front Cover: As a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and the Appalachian Athletic Conference (AAC), Reinhardt fields 16 athletic teams, eight for women, seven for men and a co-ed cheerleading squad. All offer scholarships for qualified student-athletes. Now a comprehensive university 2 Reinhardt is Hot News! Find out how Reinhardt students, alumni, community members, faculty and staff joined together to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter in Reinhardt’s history. The small college you cherish has developed into a comprehensive university vital to the educational stability of not only our region, but the state of Georgia. We now have more than 40 undergraduate degree programs, 3 master degree programs, and more to come. Your Reinhardt has taken its rightful place as an educational leader in the state of Georgia. 4 Reinhardt Firsts New complexity, same spirit Witness some of the firsts as Reinhardt moved from college to university status. As a comprehensive university firmly grounded in the liberal arts tradition, Reinhardt’s new slogan is: Shaping Lives and Building Futures. 5 Biology takes Root Increasing numbers of students are putting pressure on facilities and budgets. The top construction priority in the new strategic plan is a new science building. Departments Bulk rate postage paid at Canton, Ga. POSTMASTER: Address Service Requested Send alumni news or address changes to: Alpharetta during the 2010-11 academic year. 11 13 26 34 We need you! Year in Review - accomplishments from 2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors - donors who supported Reinhardt With all this change, with all this complexity, if you came back to our campus, I know you’d find the spirit very familiar and you’d feel right at home. During this exciting and wonderful transformation, we have worked very hard to maintain our core values. We still build positive relationships and provide a healthy mixture of both challenge and support. We simply and honestly care about each other. We believe we are creating such a positive living environment that our graduates will take the ideals of love for each other, integrity, and personal and social responsibility with them into the future. Reinhardt has always been a special place and remains so today. during the 2009-10 year Alumnotes Intercollegiate Athletics There are young people today who need to be with us to share in the life-changing experience of Reinhardt University. Too many of them are not here because they can’t afford to be. We give all we can as a university without damaging our instruction. You are the answer. Every gift to our scholarship efforts, no matter how large or small, brings the Reinhardt experience closer for one more student. Do what you can today. It isn’t just about their future; it’s about your future. And, for all of us, it’s about the debt we owe this wonderful place and what Reinhardt means to us. Tom Isherwood President 1 Reinhardt University HOT is... NEWS ! On Aug. 28, 2010, the University welcomed some “hot” activities to commemorate the occasion. A stage-full of Reinhardt friends helped cut the ribbon, including Georgia Mountain Conservancy Director Liz Cole, Reinhardt mascot Reiny, First Lady Bettye Jo Isherwood, State Representative Calvin Hill, SGA president Zaine Hedge, Ambassador Steve Black, Captain Vic West, President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood, Cherokee County Chamber President Pam Carnes, Waleska Major Doris Jones, Judge Frank Mills, County Commission Chair Buzz Ahrens and Canton Mayor Gene Hobgood. R Above: Students and recent alumni, including (top) Lyndsey Hassell, Misti Steward, Pierce Drake and (bottom) Adam Bradshaw, Channing Hoyt and Jessica Mullins, joined community leaders, faculty and staff to celebrate Reinhardt becoming a University. At left, from left to right: Jose Santamaria, Reiny - the Eagle mascot, and Thai Crommer pose with the ribbon. Thomas Martin, son of Zach Martin and University Chaplain Leigh Martin, enjoy Hot Day. Faculty member Vivana Baxter and staffer Janna Moore sip cool ice tea. Bottom: Reinhardt’s faculty and staff Hootenanny band Dr. Dennis McIntire, Dr. Roger Lee, Mary Laing, Pat Drago, Dr. Wayne Glowka, Julie Schultz, JoEllen Wilson ’61, Jessica Burris Akers ’05, and Dr. Robert Driscoll, share a tune or two. einhardt University’s recent name change is hot news, and students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members marked this special time in the institution’s history by celebrating with a special event. “Reinhardt University is Hot News” on August 28, 2010, welcomed some “hot” activities to commemorate the occasion, including a hot rod cruise-in, a hot dog dinner, a hot chili cook-off and more! “Although the official name change was on June 1, 2010, we waited to plan a celebration for everyone, faculty, staff and alumni included, when students would be back. Students are the heart of the University. We wanted them to join the celebration and join in on our excitement!” said JoEllen Wilson ’61, vice president for institutional advancement and external affairs. The “hot” day began with the Lady Eagles soccer team as they opened their fall season. They tied 1-1 in the match against rival team Trevecca Nazarene University. Attendees got an up-close view of some beautiful vintage automobiles during the Hot Rod Cruise-In hosted by local car enthusiasts. The Waleska Farmer’s Market, which featured area gardeners and craftsmen, gave patrons a chance to sample local fruits and vegetables and cool off with fresh desserts. Reinhardt’s famous Faculty & Staff Hootenanny Band performed a selection of songs that got the crowd hootin’ and hollerin’. After the exciting performance, President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood addressed the crowd, and then, with local dignitaries, dedicated Reinhardt’s new name with an honorary ribbon cutting. The Hot Chili Cook-Off brought tasty entries with the winning chili prize going to a local firefighter. Everyone finished this special “hot” day with a delicious Hot Dog Dinner under the big tents. It was a fun time of community and fellowship! —LHT Visit Reinhardt University on Facebook for general RU news, events and photos! 2 3 1 st Some Reinhardt University Firsts... See all the faces that were first to take part in these University traditions. Meet the first Reinhardt University Captainss pictured here (back row, from left): Jeremy Ragan, Aliecia Brooks, Jenna Lee, Chasity Miller, Claire Moore, Courtney Holcombe, Caroline Pereira, Jessica Brown, Olivia Goodall, Sloane Stafford, Rachael Mack, Stephanie Jarrard and Caroline Folsom; (front row, from left): Caitlan Sumner, Misti Dawn Steward, Zaine Hedge and Stephen Karafa. They assist the admissions office in recruiting students. New students sign the first Reinhardt University Honor Pledge at New Student Induction. 4 Brooke Benton from Canton, Ga., was the first prospective student to receive a campus tour of Reinhardt University! She is a member of Reinhardt’s Class of 2014. Reinhardt’s student body elects Zaine Hedge, a senior English major from Villa Rica, Ga., as the first Reinhardt University Student Government Association president. Nontraditional Student Numbers on the Rise Graduate students make up one tenth of Reinhardt’s population, an 84 percent increase since the addition of the first master’s program in 2007. Though Reinhardt’s adult programs have grown steadily over the past two years, the increases in graduate and undergraduate enrollment for fall 2010 were dramatic, said Margaret “Peg” O’Connor, associate vice president for academic affairs. “The growth in Reinhardt’s adult programming is a direct response to the demand for these degrees in the marketplace and the exciting career opportunities they provide,” she said. “Also, the Herculean efforts of Adult Admissions Counselor Ray Schumacher produced real results. In addition, our staff in the North Fulton Center, the Registrar’s Office and the Financial Aid Office worked together to make it easier for adult students to enroll.” O’Connor sees the growing demand from adult students as an opportunity that University planners can address with distinctive, targeted programs. Recent statistics from government agencies, the private sector and print resources report that the number of adult learners is expected to double within the next decade, and Reinhardt needs the right program mix to meet that growth, she said. Popular Degree Completion Programs for Adults Enrollment in the undergraduate education and business programs has also skyrocketed. The WAIT program (Working Adults into Teaching), an early childhood education degree and teaching certification program for working adults, has 130 students on the Waleska campus and at the Cartersville and Epworth sites. Degree-completion programs in Organizational Management and Leadership and Public Safety Management and Leadership have also enrolled more than 90 students at the North Fulton Center and Cartersville and Marietta sites. Three Graduate Offerings... with more to come Reinhardt now offers three graduate programs: a Master of Arts in Teaching in Early Childhood Education, MAT; a Master of Business Administration, MBA; and a Master of Music, MM. The MAT has welcomed 80 students since its introduction in fall 2009. With more than 25 new students, the MBA has its largest class to date this fall, and another cohort is anticipated for spring 2011. The MM now has 11 students. O’Connor also sees more demand for graduate degrees. The National Center for Educational Statistics found that master’s degrees increased 45 percent in the last decade. Business and education showed more than a 50 percent increase, security and protective services showed a 188 percent increase and healthcare increased 9 percent. Meeting this demand, as well as requests from alumni, has prompted Reinhardt to add an M.Ed., a Master in Education in early childhood education for certified teachers with undergraduate education degrees. The 24-month program has been approved by SACS and will start in August 2011. Also being considered for development are a Master in Public Administration and a Master in Homeland Security. The homeland security program will address the needs of homeland security professionals, namely first responders, especially those in mid-management and decision-making positions. The call for graduate education in homeland security has grown dramatically, and the Department of Homeland Security expects to fill more than 500,000 mid- to upper-level management positions by 2015. — POC Top: Reinhardt’s North Fulton Center on Old Milton Parkway in Alpharetta, Ga., offers the MBA and MAT graduate programs, adult programs and public-safety related programs. Middle: Programs related to public safety are another growth area for Reinhardt, including the Police Academy, a bachelor degree in public safety management and leadership, and an associate degree in criminal justice or fire management. Shown here is Reinhardt’s third Police Academy class, which graduated in May 2010. Bottom: Class discussion is a central feature in Reinhardt’s MBA program. Faculty and students create a lively, experienced-based learning environment. MBA class members listen intently to the class discussion. 5 Jonathan Rivers ‘03 Jessica Johnson ’11 Biology Takes Root “I love science.” — Jessica Johnson ‘11 Healthcare, Cancer, CSI, Ecology, the BP Oil Spill These factors are attracting talented students, but increasing numbers are creating needs for facilities, equipment and professional development. What’s your major? At Reinhardt, more students than ever are choosing biology or one of seven sciencerelated programs. Several of Reinhardt’s biology faculty – Dr. Zach Felix, Dr. Eddie Robertson, Dr. Irma Santoro, and Dr. Danielle Satre — recently explained the program’s growth, distinctive features and needs for the future. Why the Growth? Santoro sees the increasing awareness of health issues as spurring student interest. “You can’t turn on the radio or a news program without hearing about new findings or a new drug. Also the prevalence of cancer. That’s huge. ” Robertson lists more factors: “popular TV shows like CSI, disasters like the BP oil spill, ecology, the green movement, sustainability, the change in population and the ‘boomers’ going into eldercare. Also the nurse practitioner who’s providing primary care.” All these factors are drawing students to the sciences. These students are choosing from programs or concentrations, each fine-tuned to provide the foundational coursework and skills required by their intended career field. Future doctors, dentists and pharmacists have an concentration engineered just for them, and they aren’t alone. “If you are going to do physical therapy, you need more physics and human anatomy and physiol- Funding needed for Biology Building A top priority is a Science Center to address the increased interest in biology, chemistry and physics. Reinhardt’s 2010–2015 Strategic Plan outlines the need to raise $4 million to construct and furnish a building adjacent to the Samuel C. Dobbs Science Building. University trustees plan to build the new facility without incurring debt. “We are looking for donors for this exciting new facility,” said JoEllen Wilson ’61, vice president for institutional advancement and external affairs. After funding is secured and plans are finalized, the project will take about a year to build. 66 6 Jonathan Rivers ‘03 Jessica Johnson ’11 Seven science-related majors: Bachelor of Science in Biology: general biology pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy pre-veterinary pre-physical therapy pre-field biology Bachelor of Science in Biology Education Pre-nursing (associate degree) ogy,” said Robertson, so the pre-physical therapy program reflects that preference. “If you are going to be a pharmacist or a dentist, you need to have microeconomics. Our programs give students flexibility, but they also address specific career needs and get our graduates ready for the next step.” Trusting Relationships, Small Classes & Research Opportunities Students interested in science are also drawn to Reinhardt by the supportive relationships they can form with faculty. In a program that is typically about 60 percent commuters, students “can get a quality science experience without getting lost in a large university,” Robertson said. “We get students with talent who value and flourish with a caring, family-type relationship. We’re building the scientific knowledge, but it’s also about relationships. It’s the expertise of our faculty, the depth of passion and the example of balanced lives – the value-entered lives – we offer. It’s not only the science; it’s the other half, too.” Felix also enjoys helping students realize their potential. “We take students… and elevate them to a really high level,” he said. “We take students who don’t know they’re excellent, and we open their eyes to the possibilities.” cont. on p. 8 Science Degree Paves the Way Careers for biology majors range from pharmacy, dental & medical school to research, field work or even law school. “There was nothing extra I needed. The biology degree prepared me.” — Jonathan Rivers ‘03 While pausing to give a flu shot or you might have 30 in a big class.” greeting a customer at the Towne Lake The contrast helped him realize why Kroger in Woodstock, Ga., pharmacist Reinhardt was so special. “It was the closeJonathan Rivers ’03 is all smiles. “You ness. Hanging out watching TV all Satsee pretty much the same people month urday in the Varsity Room.” Now living to month. Some come in every week. A in Canton with his new bride, Erica, he group of fellows who drink coffee at Star- still plays softball on summer Wednesdays bucks say ‘Hey’ every day. It’s a good com- with 12 to 15 Reinhardt friends. munity. I like it here a lot.” As the biology program grows, he That’s good to hear from Rivers, who hopes the hands-on emphasis will remain. almost left biology. Early on he switched “I liked the lab, whether building cultures his major to business, but he missed the in petri dishes or picking leaves outside science. “You got to see why things work doing something hands-on was better the way they do on the biology side and than lectures and notes.” how the world works on the business side. He picked Dr. Eddie Robertson “Dr. I ended up being a double major.” Rob” as his favorite biology professor. As a junior, he decided to become a “Going on hikes, on the trail, to the creek pharmacist. His classes met all the prereq- or the lake — Dr. Rob did the most. He uisites, and he did well on the pharmacy might play James Taylor during a test, but college admissions test. “There was noth- he taught you what you needed to know.” ing extra I needed. The biology degree preHe describes Reinhardt’s biology propared me.” gram as “preparation for anything. I have a He graduated from Mercer University’s friend who works in a micro lab. Another College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is a park ranger. Two who went to dental in Atlanta in 2007. “It was more of a work- school. You can do anything you want place experience,” he said. “It was big. You with this degree.” — MSW had 130 people in a class, while at Reinhardt Canton, Ga., native Jessica Johnson ’11 has known since 5th grade that she wanted to be a dentist. What she didn’t know was that she would spend her first four years in school at Reinhardt. She thought she would start at Reinhardt and then transfer to a bigger school. Reinhardt had given her $1000 more in scholarships than her other top choice, and that little push swayed her to the college next door. As a commuter, she enjoyed Reinhardt and began to get involved. “All my friends lived on campus, and I was always up here, so I decided to move on campus,” she said. “And I love it — the small class sizes, the campus, and how it’s like a small, closeknit family,” she said. With dental school prerequisites to meet, she picked biology as her major. She enjoys the personal attention offered by Reinhardt’s biology program. “In [organic chemistry] lab we each did our own experiment. We all got to work with the chemicals. It’s really hands-on, and they try to give you real-life experience with what you’re studying.” Johnson describes the biology professors as very supportive. “They’re there for you,” she said. “They’re willing to open the lab for an extra hour if you need to redo something or didn’t finish. They’ll also help you get an internship or someone to job shadow. They would do that in a heart beat. They are very different in how they teach, but they are all very good at what they do.” This spring she will job shadow a Reinhardt alumnus in Canton, dentist Dr. S. “Matt” Phelps ’92. “I hope to learn more about what being a dentist entails,” she said. “I want to gain more knowledge and experience about the dentistry field.” After graduation, she plans to spend the summer preparing for the dental school admissions test. Her top choice for dental school is the Medical College of Georgia. “My grades are fine,” she said with a big smile, “but I’ll need to focus on taking the test.” — MSW 7 Living History Elree Bridges Worley ’48 Writes About Her Childhood During the Depression Satre said small classes help students bond. “They are more active with study groups and more apt to talk outside class,” she said. Working together successfully is critical in science, said Santoro. “Especially in research, you need to be collaborative,” she said. “You don’t do anything alone.” Students are also doing research. This October, students studied the deciduous forest that borders Lake Huron. Another group went to Kentucky to collect salamander samples. “If someone wants to go to med school, we can give them an advantage by spending time... with a research project and helping them develop their critical thinking, writing and presentation skills,” Felix said. “Spending time with the students; that’s our edge.” Students are also getting published. Last year, four students presented at an Association of Southeastern Biologists conference. Posters are how younger scientists present their work, said Santoro. They create a graphical representation of their research, then scientists and students come by and Left: Lee Lamb (left) and Taylor Barnes consult their notes as they work on a dissection project. Below: Dr. Irma Santoro (left) enjoys continuing to teach students in actual labs. “At other places, instruction is moving more and more to computers. You don’t often see wet labs any more. You see schools doing genetic experiments on computers on virtual fruit flies. They sit in front of their own computer screens, by themselves, not working together. That’s not modeling how real science is done.” 8 ask questions. The abstracts get published, and the posters qualify as their first formal publication.” Another advantage is Reinhardt’s location. “Our environment, our campus, becomes part of class,” said Santoro. “We go look for bugs or down to the lake to get a water sample. That brings it together. If you provide everything, it’s like a child who has no idea where fruit and vegetables come from because they’ve never grown anything from a seed. Here they can put the two together because they can collect the things they’ll be doing the research on. The circle can become complete.” Growing Program Produces Needs As the science programs have grown and the faculty expertise expanded, more needs have developed. “Our group has been a point of excellence for 20 years, but we... haven’t had the staff or the facilities to support large numbers,” Robertson said. “Now we have the staff, and we’re pushing our physical boundaries in terms of space.” Reinhardt President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood recognizes these needs. “As we’ve expanded in the sciences, there’s a critical need for more laboratories and more technical equipment,” he said. The faculty also need the resources to perform research. “These faculty have to do research in order to be qualified for tenure, but we don’t have the equipment they need,” Robertson said. “We have the type of professors we want, and we need to support their research... Right now, we can’t.” A new science center is the top construction priority in the 2010 – 2015 Strategic Plan. The University is committed to raising $4 million to construct and furnish a building adjacent to the Samuel C. Dobbs Science Building. “We are looking for donors for this much-needed facility,” said JoEllen Wilson ’61, vice president for institutional advancement and external affairs. “The growth of this program, and the success of the graduates are exciting, and we want to put the blocks in place to continue its success.” — MSW (Right) Worley demonstrates the string games she and her sister played while growing up in the Depression. (Top left) Worley points to her childhood photo. (Bottom left) Worley plays jack stones. Photos by Samantha Wilson, Cherokee Tribune. Read more: Cherokee Tribune - Rewriting History Reinhardt alumna Elree Worley’s tales from her childhood during the Depression, “We Made It” and “Rounding the Corners,” have been compiled into one volume and re-released by Yawn’s Publishing in Canton, Ga. The first book, “We Made It,” was published in the early 1990s and contains more than 40 stories from her youth. She wrote the second book a few years later after readers asked for more tales. “People said, ‘You didn’t write anything about so and so’ and ‘You didn’t mention so and so,’” she said. Worley, now 86, would recount her childhood stories to her granddaughter, which eventually led to her decision to write the episodes down. “I could write better than I could talk,” she said, adding she has known she could be a writer since attending Reinhardt for two years in the late 1940s. A teacher there would read her work aloud to the class, she said. “If she liked it, maybe I could hatch up some stories,” she said. The book’s stories are about the “trials and tribulations” of everyday life during that era. Worley was one of 12 children. Her father owned a country store, and the family raised cotton in a tiny community called Enterprise. Stories include “Saving the Chewing Gum,” where she recalls the luxury of chewing gum and how children would take gum out of their mouths only for meals. Gum would stay in a child’s mouth unless it dropped out somehow and got “too much dirt to be cleaned off.” She also writes about milking cows, going to square dances and homespun fun and games. “Our parents couldn’t afford to buy us toys,” she said. “Children created their own games, such as collecting rocks from the yard to play jack stones, using string to form different shapes with our hands and spinning a button on a piece of thread.” “We would play it for hours,” said Worley. “Mother would get us to play it because it was quiet.” During the depression, she explained that children were not aware of the economic conditions. “Everyone was just alike. Everybody had the same nothing. We made it just as good as anybody else.” Worley, who is widowed, has three children and two grandchildren, and she is excited to see the stories reprinted so more people in the community can share in them. “It is history,” she said. “True, everyday, living history.” –article by Ashley Fuller ’01 for the Feb. 26, 2010, issue of The Cherokee Tribune 9 Annual Report - July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 Reinhardt Ambassadors: Advocates to the Community Spreading the word about Reinhardt’s programs, places and personalities Above left: Mathematics and Sciences Dean Dr. William J. DeAngelis (left) talks with Ambassadors Judy Ross (center) and Pam Carnes. Lower left: Waleska Mayor Doris Jones (left) discusses programming with Education Dean Dr. James L. Curry. Above right: Assistant Professor of Business Dr. Katherine Hyatt (left) visits with Ambassadors Alan King (center) and George W. McClure. McClure is the 2010-12 Ambassador chair, and King chaired the group from 2008 - 2010. Reinhardt Ambassadors serve as advocates for the University in their professional and personal circles, and keeping them informed is an exciting challenge. “When we add new programs or make changes, it’s important that we keep them up to date,” said Bruce Bynum, director of development. “If they get a question, we want them to have the correct answer.” The Ambassadors recently joined with North Fulton community leaders to learn about the programs for working adults offered at North Fulton Center in Alpharetta. “To many, this group represents Reinhardt, and we appreciate their willingness to reach out on our behalf in the community,” Bynum said. The Ambassadors also enjoyed meeting MBA students, other Ambassadors and Reinhardt personnel, and hearing comments from President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood. Year in Review Now Reinhardt University Reinhardt’s new strategic plan, Excellence at Reinhardt — A Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015, was finalized by the faculty, staff and administration and then adopted by the Board of Trustees at the May 2010 meeting. One of the first components implemented was an institutional name change on June 1, 2010. Largest Enrollment in History Reinhardt welcomed 1124 students for fall semester 2009 and 1069 for spring semester 2010, the largest enrollments to date. Reinhardt had 73 graduate students, 65 Police Academy students, and 123 evening education students. Selected adult programs were offered at new sites in Epworth, Cartersville and Marietta. These new programs and sites help to meet the community’s growing demand for well designed adult and graduate programs. New Core Curriculum Faculty completed revisions on the set of required courses for all students. Launched in fall 2010, the new general education program offers students more flexibility, addresses personal and social responsibility, focuses on critical reading, and requires fewer semester hours. – BRB 2010 Golf Tournament Winners 2010 Dave Henritze Scholarship Golf Classic: Two teams were awarded top honors. 1) The Bank of North Georgia team, including Jeff Cox (from left) and Bert Clements, won First Low Net. Members of the team not pictured include Vincent Spencer and Chad Parson. The team accepted their award from Jim Jernigan (right), Reinhardt coordinator of ministerial relations. 2) The BB&T Insurance Services team of Tommy Beman (from left), Bryan Evans, Rusty Rustin and Gary Lisle, from northern Fulton County, won First Low Gross. The honors in the 2010 United Methodist Scholarship Golf Outing went to: 3) E.R. Mitchell, (l-r), Wayne Copper, David Walters and Matthew Leiter for First Low Net. 4) Jay Hodges (l-r), Ron Flowers, Johnny Conner and Scott Fankhouser for First Low Gross. 10 Exemplary Student Work The 2nd Annual Convocation of Artists and Scholars showcased exceptional student work, from music recitals, creative writing, artwork and a theatrical production to a student research conference, a student-teacher portfolio exhibit, science exhibits and an award-winning business presentation. 1 SACS & University Senate Approval 2 Reinhardt received final SACS approval as a graduate institution and is developing master’s programs in education and public safety. After a rigorous study, The United Methodist Church also approved Reinhardt to be listed as an UM-affiliated institution. AFC Success 3 Each year, golf tournaments introduce new friends to Reinhardt and raise much-needed scholarship funds. The Dave Henritze Scholarship Golf Classic supports student work, which allows students to work on campus and help finance their education. It also supports other scholarships for deserving students. Since this event began in 1989, it has raised more than $2.23 million for scholarships. The 2011 event will be held on May 9. Despite a challenging economy, Reinhardt netted almost $1.54 million in annual gifts. This total includes $625,000, a portion of the value of a large land donation received in 2009. 4 The United Methodist Scholarship Golf Outing is spearheaded by the Reinhardt Ministerial Association. Proceeds support scholarships for United Methodist students and those pursuing a career in the ministry. Since this first outing in 1994, almost a half million has been raised. The 2011 outing will be held on May 24. To learn more about these opportunities, please contact Barbara Manous at 770720-5506 or — BLM Athletic Highlights Reinhardt changed conferences and is now in the Appalachian Athletic Conference of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. Softball and men’s golf won conference championships. Men’s lacrosse had its inaugural season, and women’s lacrosse was announced for launch in 2010-11. Through the generosity of alumnus and longtime trustee C. Kenneth White ’61, lights were added to the baseball and softball fields. —MSW 11 Annual Report & Honor Role of Donors Pinnacle Society ($100,000 +) Annual Fund The Heart of the Matter by Bruce Bynum, Director of Development Alvia Cook Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Northside Hospital-Cherokee W. I. H. & Lula E. Pitts Foundation Steven & Nancy Gordy Simms Tower Club Amount Percent Given of Total Funds 2009-2010 A Day 5.7% $87,190 Annual Fund Summary Annual Scholarships 22% $340,322 $1,420 Amount Boards .1% Percent of Total Given 9.4% $143,070 FundsGolf Classic Program AHonoree Day $7,185 $87,190 Ministerial Golf Annual Scholarships Unrestricted Funds* Boards .5%5.7% 2%22% $1,420 51.9% .1% $31,130 $340,322 $790,101 Phone/Mail $52,061 3.3% Reinhardt Family $15,850 1% Trustee $68,948 4.1% Golf Classic $143,070 Honoree Program Ministerial Golf $7,185 9.4% .5% 2% Total $1,537,276 Unrestricted Funds* 51.9% $790,101 100% TOTAL $31,130 Phone/Mail $52,061 3.3% Reinhardt Family $15,850 1% Trustee $68,948 4.1% Total $1,537,276 100% TOTAL *Unrestricted Funds include $625,000 gift of land. Each year you are asked to share your success with Reinhardt by giving to the annual fund. By making a donation, you provide Reinhardt with the margin of excellence needed to prepare today’s students for tomorrow in the special way that only Reinhardt can. As Reinhardt’s new director of development, I have already heard from many of you. “I love Reinhardt!” “I love the way they took care of me when I was a student there.” “I love the way the campus looks so beautiful.” “I love the new master’s programs Reinhardt now offers: Just what I needed!” “I love the smiles I see on the faces of my friends when we talk about Reinhardt.” “I love the way Reinhardt has grown but remains the same. I want it to continue to grow and nurture future generations of students.” “I want to help. I give to the annual fund.” Please join me in showing your love and support of Reinhardt. You can go online to and click “Give Now.” You can remember Reinhardt in your will or trust. You can call me at 770-720-5505. You can contact the Alumni and/or Development Office by mail (it’s okay to include a check if you are so inclined). Share with us your news, what is happening in your life. And you can always stop in. We would love to visit. Want to know more? Call me at 770-720-5505 – BRB “A Partnership in the Greatest Sense of the Word” Three levels of annual grants are available: $500 for full-time residents of Cherokee County enrolled as full-time degree-seeking students. $1,000 for students who meet the above criteria and have an academic grade point average of 3.0. $2,000 for students who meet all of the above criteria and reside on campus. 12 Since 1988, more than $3 million in Cherokee Grants have been awarded to deserving local students. Created in 1988, the annual A DAY campaign supports Reinhardt’s Cherokee County Grants for local students which allow eligible students to receive up to $8,000 during their four years at Reinhardt. Barbara Manous, Reinhardt’s director of fund raising and church relations, describes A DAY as “a partnership in the greatest sense of the word – Reinhardt and the community working together to benefit local students. Plus all A DAY gifts are matched by Reinhardt…dollar for dollar.” Cherokee County Commission Chairman Buzz Ahrens is leading the 2010-11 A DAY effort. “Reinhardt is growing at a responsible and rational pace,” Ahrens said. “The University is truly a unique institution of higher learning, so I am glad to offer my time in an effort to ensure funding is available for Cherokee students. It is a compelling story when we see our local students staying and succeeding in college because they received the A DAY scholarship.” “The University is dedicated to shaping lives and building futures, and as chair of A DAY, I hope to help make that continue to be a reality for our students,” Ahrens said. — BLM ($50,000–$99,999) Anonymous The Evelyn and Frank Gordy Foundation Stuart & Eulene Murray Foundation Benefactor’s Club ($25,000 - $49,999) The Rev. Dr. Reynolds W. Greene, Jr. ’80H Donald & Judy Hausfeld Leadership Circle ($10,000 - $24,999) Aramark Corporation Bank of North Georgia Clark & Ruby Baker Foundation Coca-Cola North America Robert L. & Jackie Barnes McEntire ’62 Samuel C. Dobbs Estate Christopher E. & Deborah Dupree Fincher-Loughridge Foundation, Inc. Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges Robert M. & Pam R. Henritze Peter Allen Jernigan Paul W. Jones Fund Padgett Services William G. Hasty, Jr. ’67 Pacesetter’s Club ($5,000 - $9,999) Brenda Cagle Barnes ’65 BB&T Huffines-Russell Insurance The Coca-Cola Company Dash LP Frances Wood Wilson Foundation General Board of Higher Education Ministry Scott D. & Susan Hawkins Fred H. Henritze Lynn H. & Doris L. Johnston John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Lake Arrowhead Communities, L.L.C. My Sports Dreams, LLC North Georgia United Methodist Foundation, Inc. Norman W. & Barbara A. Paschall ’94H Gaylen Roberts The Brooks Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. The Varsity, Inc. Gary C. & Brenda H. Waddell ’68 ’68 Glenn D. & Susan Warren Chairman’s Club ($2,500 - $4,999) Allgood Pest Solutions Eddie & Katherine Brewer Atlanta Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Credit Union of Georgia Dr. Franklin R. & Carolyn R. Croker ’54 ’54 Gerald E. Eickhoff ExxonMobil Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Cherokee State Bank Georgia Power Foundation The Charles S. Hasson Fund, Inc. Hasty, Pope LLP Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hearn, Jr. Lois & Lucy Lampkin Foundation William D. & Nell Magruder Pope, Mc Glamry, Kilpatrick, Morrison & Norwood, LLC John S. Pratt G. Cecil & Myrna Pruett W. Harrison & Dorothy Reeves Regions Bank Steven L. & Cristal Stancil ’73 Charles Austin Stephens The Landon Group, Inc. Universal Alloy Corporation C. Kenneth & Myra White ’61 Neely & Kathy T. Young President’s Club ($1,000 - $2,499) Alan D. & Judith B. Allen Amicalola EMC Trust Operation Round-Up Anonymous Paul H. & Marian F. Anderson, Sr. Thomas & Christine Balachowski Ralph W. & Sandra Smith Balchin Jr. ’65 Thomas A. Ballard O. Alvin & Betty Barge, Jr. Bascom T. Baynes John H. & Joy Adams Bennett, Jr. ’65 ’90 Big Canoe Chapel Women’s Guild Myrtie A. Black Estate Col. Steve K. & Betty C. Black ’76 ’79 Drs. R. Dean & Grace H. Boswell ’47 Beth Adams Bowser ’68 Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC Thomas W. & Carolyn B. Carter ’61 Edward Owens Chapman Cherokee Community Chorale Cherokee County Retired Educators Association Cherokee Floor Covering, Inc. Charles K. & Carolyn Cobb, Jr. Cobb Electric Membership Corp. Jerry W. Cooper Marshall & Kathy Day, Sr. Norene H. Flick Elizabeth Freytag Friendship Class, Peachtree Road UMC Duncan & Judy Gray Donald Gregory & Christy Storey Glenn P. Grove, Jr. Habersham Properties W. Clark Hanger G. Dennis & Jeanette Wakefield Harris, Jr. ’58 ’58 Jim & Jayne Hasson, Jr. W. Richard & Margaret Hauenstein Havertys Furniture Companies, Inc. The Rev. R. Olin & Donna Chastain Herndon ’57 ’57 Calvin & Cheryl Hill James C. & Margaret Nesbitt Hobbs ’65 Holder Construction Company Marjorie Humphrey Hubbard ’37 Robert P. & Barbara Hunter, Jr. Dr. J. Thomas & Bettye Jo Isherwood Margaret C. Jackson Joe E. Johnston Foundation William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ’56 Junior Service League of Woodstock Thomas H. & Jean Krueger Claudette L. Martin Wright & Barbara Martin McClure Family Foundation Joan U. McFather Ernest N. & Jeanene S. Moore ’52 Jeanene S. Moore The Rev. Dr. James B. & Jo Poore Mooneyhan ’66 ’66 Northside UMC L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ’60 ’60 Optimist Club of Laurel Canyon Brad Osborne Sara P. Parsons Hugh & Mary Jane Peterson, Jr. Garland F. & Darsa Pinholster ’96H Mathew Avary & Susan Moore Pinson ’05 ’04 Walter & Mary Pittman Bert Ponder Marion T. & Judy Pope, Jr. William G. & Beverly Pritchard, Jr. R. T. Jones Memorial Community Foundation, Inc. Louis & Katianne Riccardi, D.D.S. Roy Rice & Ellen A. Reagan Mr. & Mrs. Horace L. Richards William O. & Alice S. Riley A. R. & Elaine Fraser Roberts, III ’84 William & Marilyn Roberts 13 Honor Roll of Donors 2009–2010 Gary & Ruthie Rollins Ricardo Sanchez Service League of Cherokee County James D. Spratt, Jr. Mel & Linda Teetz The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. The Henritze Company The Kroger Company Foundation The Ma-Ran Foundation Rufus L. Tindol, III United Community Banks Wal-Mart Foundation Warren P. & Ava F. Sewell Foundation William L. & June H. Wester ’96H N. J. Wilbanks Contractor, Inc Steve & Robin Williams ’73 Venette Morgan Williams John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ’60 ’61 Melody Wilson & David D. Wilson James H. Yarbrough Dean’s Club ($500 - $999) Eric Alvin Ballinger, P.C. Batson-Cook Company Thomas M. & Karen L. Beman Thomas A. Bethel Black Bear Investment Fund, LLC Arlene P. Bowles Thomas P. & A. Pat Bowles, Jr. Thomas L. Bradbury Bridgemill Sixes Service League Business & Professional Women - Canton/ Cherokee Chapter Robert E. Byrd & Michelle DeHaven Dr. & Mrs. Michael Cash Marguerite Thigpen Cline ’58 James Cox CreekSide Bank Crescent Bank Ralph & Mildred Dangar Lucretia M. & Bill Davenport Danny & Bonnie L. DeBord C. W. & Alice Dennard Earl Dolive Thomas B. Doner & Jayette R. Blom Hugh Doss Dr. Robert Driscoll Edward Jones Elarbee, Thompson, Sapp, & Wilson, LLP Catherine B. Emanuel Emerginet First Beacon Capital LLC The Rev. Dr. Ron & Yvonne Flowers David H. & Luck F. Gambrell Georgia Master Gardener Association Inc. Gibbs Landscape Company Randy D. Gravley ’95 Jack H. & Dawn Morrison Gray ’64 Dr. & Mrs. M. David Gregory The Hon. Joe Frank & Elizabeth Harris Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes Dr. Ralph E. & Jean Holmes Helser ’59 14 Hillside UMC James Michael Hunt KBC Investments, LLC Lynn & Larry Kellogg Kohl’s Department Stores Amy & Nevin Kreisler Joel & Sheila Ingle Langford ’91 Lanier Goodman Foundation Edgar Lary ’62 Dr. Stephen S. & Jane Wong Law ’69 ’71 Hazel B. Lewis ’42 The Lisle Company Little & Smith, Inc. Ben Logue Jean & Wayne Maffett The Rev. Dr. Aquiles E. Martinez Mark & Jennifer Wiggins Matthews ’90 Kirk M. McAlpin, Jr. Robert G. & Nancy G. McKinnon The Hon. Kipling Louise McVay Medical Associates of North Georgia John S. & Carolyn R. Millar Jacqueline Moore Richard Mullenbach North Canton Chevron North Metro Waste, Inc. Pillow Perfect, Inc Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. David & Cecelia Ratcliffe Result Oriented Solutions, Inc. Riverstone Chiropractic, LLP T. Andy & Louise Roach Sylvia Wheeler Roberts Andrea Rollins Glen W. Rollins Rotary Club of Woodstock Pamela M. Schindler Schwab Charitable Fund Franklin Self Smith & Howard, P.C. Garrett P. Smith Glenda Snyder Solid Solutions Thomas & Nyle Srok M. Cash Striplin ’71 Sue M. Tennant The Bowden Spratt Law Firm PC A.S. Turner & Sons, Inc. Huie L. & Sonya Chilton Turner ’83 ’83 Universal Steel, Inc. Clifford & Louise Wagner Jennings E. Watkins Wesley Way UMC Wetland & Ecological Consultants, LLC Walter & Carolyn Wiesboeck Stanford G. & Debi T. Wilson Paul Wilson WLJA Radio-93.5 FM Zax, Inc. Patron’s Club ($250 - $499) Kelly Aiken Betty R. Alexander Chuck Angulo & Kathleen Fisher Lucie B. Atkerson B & B Subs, Inc. Patricia Ball Best Buy Elizabeth M. Bivens The Boeing Company James W. Boswell Jr. Nell W. Bradbury Brent Scarbrough & Co., Inc. Wade T. Buchanan Bug Busters Mary Ann Burgess ’59 Shermon C. Burgess ’59 Mary Owen Butler ’43 Merrell & Constance Calhoun Kenneth E. Carter ’66 Gina R. Charles Emory W. & Louise M. Chastain John & Patricia Chastain Alexander J. & Georgia E. Ciaputa ’81 Hilda Smith Clark ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis A. Cline ’91 Martha Covington Dan Patterson, D.D.S. S. Jackson & Sara Bookhardt Dorsey ’59 ’60 J. Richard & Ouida Woods Dowis Eagle Investment Partners, LP LaTrelle Lanier Ethridge ’41 Robert J. & Sara Wilder Eubanks ’56 ’56 Wallace & Betty Jo Fowler George & Judy Galphin Sr. Ed & Peggy Garreau Georgia Florida United Methodist Federal Credit Union Georgia Real Estate Evaluation Services, Inc. Gleichman & Debranski, LLC Vernon W. & Norma Gordon ’57 Clark S. Gore Howard & Patricia D. Hackney ’61 Rex & Joan Hamilton Peggy McIntosh Hancock ’61 Kathryn D. Harden Carlton W. & Martha Jane Hendrix, Sr. The Rev.Sandra D. Henry ’63 Claude B. Hicks ’65 Tom Hoover William D. Hoyt Charles & Carol Ivie Jersey Mike’s Ken & Ann Johnson Sharyn Kerns William R. & Carlene Kincaid ’69 Dr. Roger R. Lee Leonard & Christina W. Leo ’76 J. Wayne & Dolly Lester Harriett Lindsey Robert & Margaret Logan Raymond & Janis Lytle Jr. Nancy R. MacDonald Barbara L. Manous William E. Martin Michael & Laura Keele Martinez ’75 Michael M. Martinez E. J. Mathis ’45 Walter P. & Eloise May Danny McCormick Curtis & Vivian McDougald The Rev. Milton L. & Betty Bailey McGuirt ’55 Dr. Dennis K. McIntire Ronald O. & Ruth H. Meihofer The Rev. H. David & Joy Melton T. Brett Mullinix Susan E. Naylor Dr. William H. Nichols, Jr. Norfolk Southern Foundation-Matching Gifts Mary Odum E. June Owens ’71 Tonya Ray Parker ’98 Betty Champion Parrott ’54 Peachtree Planning Foundation L. Lamar & Melody Pendley ’01 Gerald F. Perry ’54 Jackie J. Prather Price School of Education Perry & Sandra Quinn Rachel G. Farmer Inc Mary Leatherwood Ratcliffe ’43 RDA Systems, Inc. Frederick O. & Gretchen F. Reese, Jr. James & Deneice Rice Donald R. Richardson ’65 Dr. Eddie B. & Sylvia R. Robertson Rotary Club of Canton Roytec Industries, Inc. Robert Michael Schilling Norman K. Shove ’68 John D. Shurley Ann D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Smith Jack H. & Ruby A. Smith ’38 Dee Snow Katherine B. Sosby St Andrew UMC Marietta Richard C. & Lee Cox Staten ’90 Guy F. Storey III ’65 Hugh Thacker ’56 Martha Z. Thwaite Dr. & Mrs. L. Newton Turk, III Edwin N. & Margie Cox Varner ’54 ’54 Wesley C. & Linda Wallace Walraven, Jr. ’65 ’65 James L. Watkins Mathew & Susan Welty Marsha White Paul & Jane Wilgus James Dale Wilson John C. & JoAnn R. Wilson ’60 Woodstock High School The Xerox Foundation Century Club ($100 - $249) Robert V. & Betty Cooper Aaron ’49 ’49 Wendell & Kay Abernathy Ace Plumbing, Inc. Action Trailer Leasing, Inc Joy-Anne Waelti Adams ’02 Ronald & Shirley Akers Mary Alice Alexander Naomi Ponder Alexander ’60 Grady & Donna Allen Robert L. Allen Allen Temple A.M.E. Church Mary Anna Moore Allison-Houston ’51 Marion Allred ’59 Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Applecreek Management Company, Inc. Dr. J. Andrew & Julia Wade Archer ’59 ’59 Arnaud Company, Inc Theresa L. Ast The Rev. Cindy H. & Randy Autry The Ayco Charitable Foundation Harold Bagley Doyle & Willie Jean Bailey ’88 Col. George L. Bailey USMC (Ret.) Rick D. & Linda Cannon Bailey ’74 ’74 Sheila Chatfield Bailey ’54 Doyle & Willie Jean Bailey ’88 Thomas J. Balchin ’62 Danielle Bailey Balint ’84 Ronald & Penny Barnes John F. Barrows ’76 Ray Barrows F. Lamar & Janice Blalock Barton ’58 ’58 Hal & Sandra Beard Baskin ’73 Carlton & Dawn Beard Walter & Anita Beck Kenneth E. & Sandra M. Bedelle ’67 Elaine Bell Glenda & Devoy Bell Bells Ferry Texaco Michael & Angela Benton Elizabeth Davis Berkner ’54 The Rev. W. P. & Elizabeth D. Berkner ’54 Bill Blackwood The Bill Weeks Charitable Foundation Blakinship & Gaskin Properties LLC Robert A. Bolender M. Jimmie Carmichael Boone ’46 A’Delbert & Kathleen Bowen, M.D. Joe & Harriette Bowen Jr. Bowers & Roch, LLP Brett Petersen Agency, Inc. Dick & Ruth Brink Jerry Brittingham John F. Brooke ’47 Walter & Doris Cook Brooks E. Matthew & Elizabeth R. Brown Robert M. & Joelen Brown, Sr. ’61 Sis Brown Mark & Cynthia Murphy Bundy ’89 Dan & Carolyn Robinson Burkholder ’80 Dennis & Mary Burnette David Burre Bruce & Lisa Bynum H. Davis & Kay M. Byrd Philip M. & Barbara Stafford Byrd ’48 ’56 Rebecca Darracott Byrd ’70 Colleen T. & Warren G. Cagle ’48 James W. & Joanne P. Caldwell ’54 Canton Tire and Wheel Carol Cantrell Jean R. Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Carriere, III ’92 Donald Carson Curtis Carter Nancy T. Carter Cascade Building Systems LLC Casidelli’s Frances E. Cason James A. & Jean C. Cason R. J. Catanzano Dr. John A. & Sara Jo Cauble Charlotte Cavanagh Bobby L. Caviness Virgil C. Chandler ’52 Curtis A. & Daphne M. Chapman D. Kenneth Chapman ’63 Kevin & Sue W. Chapman ’82 Chart Industries Cherokee Bank Cherokee County Farm Bureau Cherokee County Master Gardeners Cherokee Ford Christian Fine Arts of Forsyth Circle H Development, Inc. The Rev. Dr. Brian E. & Roxanne Clark ’95 Clayton Food Store David L. Cline L. David Cline ’51 Letitia A. Cline ’83 Clarice Cantrell Cloud ’68 Nan King Cobb ’46 The Coca-Cola Company Anne Johnson Coffman ’65 Jo Ann Coleman, Ed.D. Ben H. & Mary H. Collier, Jr. ’67 Comfort Inn, Canton Karen Reinhardt Conner Mark & Patricia Copeland Copper Insurance Company Jan Corbin Charles E. & Mima Crouthers Corbitt ’68 ’68 Amy C. Cottrill Terri Witt Couvrette ’80 Michael W. Cowart Fred Crain Glen M. Crawford Claude & Melinda Crider Lowell T. & Barbara Jean Clemmons Croft ’60 ’60 George R. Cross Jeffrey W. & Jessica Culverhouse ’73 David W. Cunningham James L. Curry, Jr. Rosemary B. Dacalos 15 Honor Roll of Donors 2009–2010 Brenda Daly Joseph & Debora Daniel Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ’62 ’62 Mr. & Mrs. James S. Davis The Rev. Paul B. & Elsa M. Davis Sr. ’61 Walter R. Davis Days Inn of Canton Dr. William DeAngelis Bob & Bobbie Dees The Delta Air Lines Foundation Joan A. Denney ’73 Ruth Denney Pat W. Dennis CPCU ’55 Dr. E. Malone & Charlotte Dodson Harold H. Douglas ’64 J. Robert Douglas DR Investments, LLLP Rose Mary Duncan Jimmy E. & Patricia H. Harris Dunn ’57 Lee J. & Terry Harris Dunn ’57 Patricia Hall Dunton Janice Floyd Durante ’75 Carole Butler DuVall ’54 Ben F. Easterlin IV C. Jack & Maye Lyon Eaton ’56 ’58 Lawrence & Amy Ebner James Elder Jeffrey & Mary D. Elliott ’74 Don B. & Barbara B. Ellis ’93 Kimberly J. Ellis Greg & Kim Elwell, D.M.D. George E. English PhD ’55 Environmental Management Services Roger Estill Mark Evans Scott Fankauser The Rev. Steven H. & Katheryn K. Fazenbaker Margaret Collins Feehery Jack & Ann McFather Fincher, Jr. ’66 William W. & Nadine May Fincher Firefox Farms, Inc. First UMC Monticello Fisher-Crum Foundation Jaye Fitts William H. Fitts The Rev. Dr. Ann N. Fletcher ’75 L. Austin & Beatrice Flint, M.D. Maggie Jennett Florian Franklin D. Foil Sara W. Fowler Thomas E. Fox Mary Free Samuel & Barbara Freeman Yeteva & Bert Frye William & Sarah Gainer Carolyn S. Galt Odie P. & Kebra Galt, III John Gamwell, M.D. Carole Gantt Mr. Roy S. Gantt ’89 Douglas C. Geiger ’62 James Chester & Faye Gibson ’61 William M. Gibson Gila Distributing - Georgia, Inc. Edward & Julie Gill 16 Rosemary Gilleland ’84 Roger C. Gilmore Luther J. Glass, III Dr. Charles E. Glassick A. Wayne & Katie Glowka Terry L. Goble Sr. ’70 Drs. Jonathan & Anne Good Steven & Amanda Goodall Johnny L. Gordon Jake & Marisa Grant Sara Hardin Gray ’51 Green Heating & Cooling, Inc. William F. Greene Robert K. Gregory Dr. & Mrs. W. E. Gregory Jr. Brian K. & Angela Galloway Griffin ’87 ’86 Roy & Diane Grimsley The Grocery Garage Sale Deborah L. Gruszecki ’05 H. E. Hodge Co., Inc Jarrell N. & Melba J. Hales ’52 George E. Hall John J. Hall III ’77 Stephen W. Hall ’85 Elizabeth Hamill Ruth C. Hammond Harold E. & Evelyn H. Hill Hammontree ’59 ’60 The Rev. Donald E. Hanberry ’52 Daniel D. Hankey Angela D. Harlow ’08 Grace Harper Julia Imogene Whitaker Harrington ’51 Thomas & Kathryn Harris Roy T. & Amy H. Haskell Mark Haugejorde Roger & Barb Hause Rex & Joyce W. Hawkins ’60 Hawks Ridge Golf Club Craig W. Helenbrook Pat & Kip Henderson Carol Henson Mitchell Henson Herndon Heating & Air Herschel W. & Mary Ellen Herrin III James & Pamela Higgins Stephen C. & Kay Higgins ’83 Hightower Baptist Church Brian & Sue Hart Hightower ’84 ’84 Hill Parts The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. C. R. Hill Craig Hill Michael & Danielle Hill Sharon N. Hill Tom E. Hill Gary Hite Dorothy J. Hobbs Peggy M. Hodes R. E. Hodges, Jr. LLC Cindy W. Holcomb Steven L. & Cindy Weatherby Holcomb ’74 William F. Holcombe Jr. Thomas & Lisa Holland Mr. & Mrs. James Holsonback Marie Derden Holt ’42 David W. Holty Hooters of Canton Donald & Marcie Hottinger Linn H. & Cecile Rolan Howell ’66 ’66 Sandra Parker Hudson ’67 Jarrell & Margaret Huffman Homer & Juanita Hughes Patrick & Annette Hughes Royce L. & Jane Karr Hughes ’67 ’68 Elsie J. Ivey Barbara Jacoby Dr. Kenneth & Dana Jago Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Jarrard, Jr. ’65 Jasper UMC John & Clara Jenkins James F. & Eloise A. Jernigan JMF Precision Welding Inc B. Mears John Betty Crowe Johnson ’66 Donald A. Johnson ’05 Edna Johnson James L. Johnson Nancy Clayton Johnson ’70 Harry B. & Rebecca Johnston, III Sara Elizabeth Johnston ’81 Edith Singletary Jolly ’59 Jim & Judy Jolly Doris Jones Jackie Myers Jones ’52 Ken R. Jones II ’97 Bishop L. Bevel & Mildred H. Jones, III John & Robin E. Kashishian ’76 Toombs & Patricia Kay Jr. Michael J. Kelly ’75 Dr. & Mrs. James E. Kilgore Alan & Andrea King Dr. Joseph H. & Karen Kitchens Bill Kittrell Bill & Maria Klouda Richard A. Kocerha Markle Kramer Thomas A. & Jessica Whitmire Lacy II ’02 ’03 Lake Arrowhead Women’s Activity Club Freda C. Lane Alton B. Lanier ’65 Gary & Ann Larson Linda Doss Lawson ’52 Lt. Col. Gerald S. Lawson (RET) ’75 Le May Electric Inc. Robert F. Leech Robert V. & Ann Davis Leftwich ’59 Matthew Leiter Victor & Frances Lepore William C. Lester Gail Mitchell Lewis ’58 James & Kim Liberati The Rev. Dr. Curt G. Lindquist Frances Linn ’29 James Linn ’62 C. Burt & Catherine R. Livezey Susanna Grace Long Annette Loudermilk ’58 Ellis H. & Sheila Lovett The Rev. & Mrs. James H. Lowery Dr. George Lucktenberg The Rev. John H. Lummus ’43 The Rev. Dr. Richard T. & Lillie Mae Helton Lumpkin ’58 ’57 Joy Pope Mabry Joe D. Manous Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Marsh Martha C. Marsh The Revs. Zach & Leigh Sparks Martin Nancy R. Martin Raul Alberto Martinez Mary Mason Daniel R. Mason, Attorney At Law Robert L. & Joanne Gilbert Mathis ’59 ’60 Bob Matthews William P. Matthews Jr. ’65 J. Q. Maxwell Sunday School Class, Haygood UMC Anthony & Judith Mazzarelli Judy McCay George W. McClure Jerald G. & Frances K. McCollum ’50 Irma McCurty The Rev. J. Sanford McDonald ’48 Edwin & Sandra McFather, Jr. CPO John Alvin McGarity USN(RET) ’48 Thomas F. & Martha Fincher McLaughlin, III ’72 Ed & Patsy Bennett McLeod Rich & Robin C. McNally David Melton Meyn America Mid-City Pharmacy Commander James L. Middleton (RET) ’60 Dr. Curtis R. Miles Betty Veal Miller Jay B. Miller Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Roger O. Miller Timothy Miller The Hon. Frank C. & Amanda C. Mills, III E. R. & Marjorie Mitchell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Mobley ’53 Moe’s Southwest Grill, Canton James & Norma Moody Sidney E. Moody Janna Melissa Moore ’04 Maurice M. & Pansie G. Moore ’67 Erick J. & La Vonne Moran Morgan’s Ace Hardware Margaret M. Morlier Robert Morrison Todd & Dale Scarlett Morrissey ’99 George D. Morse Seaborn T. & Karen Smith Moss, M.D. ’65 ’65 Mt. Zion Baptist Church Adult 3 Sunday School Class Frank M. Mutz Janis Lovelace Nelson Marie Cagle Nixon ’48 Scott & Lynn Nolan Cheryl Tarter Norris North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church Dennis C. & Connie Nunnally Old Towne Hot Dogs & Deli, Inc. Bobbie Bagwell Orr ’50 James E. & Janeal Wilkie Orr ’58 ’59 William M. & Bobbie Bagwell Orr ’50 ’50 Robert Gary & Bonnie L. Otts ’65 Albert B. Ozburn Jr. ’49 Leonard Pagano Shirley Pahl Patrick Parisi Derek W. Patterson ’00 Janice Woody Patterson ’61 Mrs. Pierce Patterson Willard R. Patton Charles W. Pearce Colonel James E. & Darrine Adams Perry ’41 ’42 Patricia J. Peterson Edward H. & Lanita W. Phillips ’62 Pike’s Hunting Club, Inc. Pinnacle Homes of the South, LLC Nan Ponder Jerry W. Poole ’71 Bill & Jennifer Popp Greg & Arleen Poquette Larry L. Prather Roger Lee Pritchard Publix Super Market, Inc. #624 Joe Pyen Gwyn Raker Carl & Sharon Rau Ray’s Family Chiropractic Clinic Red Nails Christopher R. Reed Thomas M. & Marsha M. Reed A. Clayton & Anne Reid, Jr. Anne M. Reneau Timothy & Maribeth Reno Victor & Beverly Riccardi Alvin B. Richards Opal Ridings Earnest B. Robertson Jr. Luther Rollins Jr. Bob & Marcia Rosenfeld Frank H. Rudeseal, M.D. Jan Ruskell ’67 Steve Ruthsatz Marcum & Lauren Sasser Michael & Toya Sasser Lacey L. Satterfield ’02 Ryan W. & Kelly B. Satterfield ’95 Forrest L. Sawyer Patricia S. & Kenneth S. Saxon Stacey Smith Scanlon ’00 Dr. Julie Schultz Linda R. Schwamlein Joe I. Sewell & Associates, Inc. Shane’s Rib Shack, Canton Floyd & Kay Shaw The Rev. Dr. Herchel H. & Gladys M. Sheets Dee & Kandy Shelnutt Gerald & Martha Short Larry R. Shrout Sylvia Bowen Shurling ’48 Tom A. & Marcia Greene Simpson Shaw F. Skillings Geraldine Slaughter Don & Pat Smith Kathie Halovich Smith ’04 Otis E. Smith Karen Smithwick Mr. & Mrs. Robin C. Soh ’74 Dorothy O. Sosebee Norman & Frances D. Sosebee ’80 Southern Professional Investigations, Inc. Jimmy E. Spear Houston P. Spencer, Jr. ’60 St. Paul AME Donald J. & Gloria S. Stadler John & Faye Stafford Edgar & Catherine Stansel Larry & Barbara Starr Mr. Richard C. & Lee Cox Staten ’90 Donald F. & Lila Stevens The Rev. Dr. R. Allen & Tracey Young Stewart ’85 ’85 Miriam T. Storey John E. & Claudette W. Strickland ’62 Thomas E. & Nancy C. Mayo Stull Hulett & Linda Lou Sumlin Sun Microsystems Harold L. & Joyce M. Swindell Synovus Trust Company Gwenn Alley Taylor ’58 J. Atwood Taylor III Robert & J. Taylor Terry K. Taylor The Rev. J. Floyd & Betty Tenney Patricia B. Terrill Joseph & Paula Tetrault Mark & Judith Thibaudeau Perry Thibaudeau Lauren H. Thomas William H. & Sarah B. Thomason ’41 Reid & Rhonda Torrance Randell E. Trammell ’03, ’09 Luke A. & Jonna Haines Truan ’96 ’90 Luke A. Truan David & Sarah Tuszynski Christopher Seth Tuttle Christopher E. & Angela Bennett ’90 United Community Bank Patricia VanBuskirk G. Thomas Wade Dennis Waldrep Elizabeth S. Wallace Richard & Martha Wallsinger David Walters The Rev. Calvin R. Ward Jr. ’50 Bill & Edna Ware Shane & Jennifer Waters Jeanette Hobbs Watson ’59 Jeanette H. Weathersby Weiner Eye Center Elizabeth Karr Welden ’39 Andrew J. & Jan Whalen, III Buckley C. Wheeler ’09 Harold & Judith Wheeler Kenneth Wheeler & Amy C. Cottrill William E. Whitaker Nedra White Thomas Whitehead Kenneth B. & Loraine Whittemore ’50 17 Honor Roll of Donors 2009–2010 Chris Wilbanks Kip & Candy Falany Wilbanks ’87 ’88 N. J. & Wava Wilbanks Dr. Carl F. & Debbie Williams Wade & Debra Williams The Rev. Herman & Sandra Williams Lillian Cable Williams ’34 Leah Willingham Jey Willis Kimsey B. & Patricia Sisson Willis ’75 Nancy Wistrand Gary K. Witschy Mark S. Witten H. T. Woodward WWF, Inc. Emily McCormick Wyatt ’03 Lee F. Wynn, Jr. ’49 James & Kathy Yarbrough Raymond & Pennie Foster Yearty ’77 John W. & Glenda Young Kathryn & James Robert Young ’59 Robert L. D. Zenner Associate’s Club ($1 - $99) Acclaim Professional Services, Inc. Jeannie L. Adams ’72 Roy & Darla Adams Adult VI Sunday School Class, Word of Life Family Church John & Michelle Ahern B. Keith Aiken H. C. Aldredge Emory & Dale Allen ’02 Vinny & Diane Amatulli Geri Andersen Kenneth J. & Holly Hochstetler Anderson ’72 ’72 Joan Anderson Kelly M. Anderson Paul & Susan Cox Anderson ’80 Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mary A. Arnaud-Huval Ronald E. Arnold Ruth Arnold Gail Ammons Atcheson ’68 D. Todd & Lisa C. Averett David & Trudy G. Ayers ’70 George W. Bagley IV Clarissa Bagwell Jeanette & Randall C. Bagwell ’48 Robert & Virginia Bailey ’90 Gordon N. Baker Lonnie & Vera S. Bales John W. Ballard Michael & Kathleen Ballard Vivian Ballard The Barnett Law Firm, P.C. Scott & Kate Barron 18 T. J. & Vicki S. Barron Frank & Judy Bartholomew Dianne W. Barton Kim Baudry Ken Baxley Viviana C. Baxter Bill & Chris Beagle Mary Beth & Jerry Bearden Roy L. & Elaine P. Beavers ’70 Lawandna Beavers Joseph & Alisa Beckner Mike D. & Amy Talbert Bell ’91 William & Cattie Benard Douglas & Margaret Bentle Marty J. & Ann Denney Benzel ’77 ’67 Brandi Berger Wayne E. & Tommie Dickey Bevel ’40 Edward & Montine Bible Josie F. Biddy Jermaine T. & Julie Lenoir Harrison Bigham ’92 ’92 Julie L. Bigham Larry & Patricia Bing Elaine M. Bishop Judy C. Bishop Jerry & Camille Black John & Hilary Black Angela R. Blackwell Peggy Watson Blackwell ’68 Steve Blalock K. Kent Blevins Russell Blocker Blue Ridge UMC William & Renee Bogert James N. Bohannon, Jr. ’51 Bojangles’, Jasper Priscilla Sample Bonner ’62 Thomas & Mary Bonsignore Wiley & Patricia Booker Tina Hedden Boosel ’94 Boss & Son Welding & Fabrication, Inc. Staci Boudreau Charles & Denise Bowen E. A. Bowen Richard & Melinda Bowen Thomas & Martha Bowen Harold & Jacquelyn Bowerfind Keyes W. & Margaret Bowman (RET) ’48 Elizabeth Tillman Boyd ’44 Clarence T. Boyle ’78 Steve & Melinda Brackin Culleen Corbin Bradley Ann Bagwell Bradshaw ’52 Todd B. & Sally Bradshaw James & Dixie Bralley Julie Branch Hutton & Floy S. Brandon The Rev. Ronny & Darlene Brannen ’77 ’77 Trisha Brannon ’66 Julie Brennan Richard Brisebois Charles Brigham Peter J. & Julie E. Bromstad ’97 Edgar L. Brooker Harold Brooker Michael & Tammy Brooks Jane Broome Amanda Cook Brown ’98 The Rev. Eugene A. Brown ’46 Lindsey K. Brown Dr. Shawn A. Brown Stephen & Kathleen Brown Terry A. & Edith E. Brown Elizabeth Browning Thomas J. Browning ’64 Wayne A. Bryant Carrie Budd Nichole C. Budd ’08 Buffalo’s Café, Canton Joseph & Judith Campione Susan M. Buice ’77 Robert E. Bullard Ray C. Burda Ellen Burgamy James R. Burgess III ’60 Charles & June Dysart Burke ’60 Bob & Lois Burkholder J. Gordon & Amy Burnett Jr. ’91 Juanita W. Burrell ’49 L. Russell Burress Sam P. Burtz Jr. ’81 Sally R. Butchart Joseph David Byers ’01 Louise W. Cain Roy Cain Colin Douglas Caldwell ’07 Annette & Andy Camp Tony D. Campbell Steven M. Campbell, Attorney at Law Canton Northside Pharmacy, Inc. Crystal Cantrell Lester L. Cantrell ’58 Jeffrey & Angela Cargle William Carlan Carmike Cinemas, Canton Karen Carter Michael A. & Vivian Carter Phillip R. Carter S. Dianne Tatum Carter ’63 Jack & Helen Cashin Jason D. & Emma Lauren Green Castro ’04 ’04 Charles & Arline Causey Joseph & Janet Cawley Michael & Jennifer Cerone Georg F. & Becky L. Chambers ’84 Charles & Mary Chambers Clara M. Chambers R. Stanley Chambers ’69 Jean Champion Danielle Chandler Chandler Exterminators, Inc Karen R. Chapman William & Ursula Chapman Donna Thacker Chastain ’46 Anne S. Cheney Cherokee Eye Group Cherokee Trophies Gail E. Chesney ’69 William & Karen Chesser Chevron Humankind Matching Gifts Program Rudolph J. Childre, Jr. Kenneth & Belinda Clayton Bobby B. & Sarah Cleghorn ’52 Charles Clements Bertha M. Cleveland James Cline ’48 Amanda G. Clonts Amanda Faye Clonts ’05 Walter & Aggie Clonts Bill & Beth Cochran Dr. Donna Coffey & Mr. Richard Wright Thomas R. Coffey R. David & Lenita Bedelle Coker ’67 ’68 James A. Cole Christopher P. & Sandra L. Coles ’85 Delano & Sheryl Colston Comprehensive Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry Bob Conner ’67 Edna S. Cook ’75 James W. Cook ’76 Stan & Carolyn Cooper Wayne S. & Jonell Hester Courson ’72 ’72 Christine Hansard Cowart ’42 Joshua K. Cowart Tim Cox Bill Craig Joyce Cox Crawford Lawrence & Gayle Crawford Mary Cromer Gloria Crowder Mary Crowley Wyona B. Crowder Dennis & Rose Mary Cumberland Donald Curtis Barbara J. Dahlgren ’03 Michelle Daily Joyce A. & Joseph Daniel ’01 Larry H. & Reba Daniel ’60 Priscilla A. Daniel Larry & Betty Danneman ’51 Darden Restaurants James & Renita Darling Chris & Jennifer M. Darnell ’02 Mr. & Mrs. David Datry The Rev. Charles H. & Eva Cox Davis ’78 Donna Davis Lane Davis Lori Davis Maynita Davis Nichole Davis Mack F. & Starla Sherrill Davis ’66 Thomas & Revia Davis Sr. Jan W. Day Eduardo & Noemi De La Grana Jr. Ryan M. & Leslie Cheri Dean ’03 Betsy Decker James N. & Aurena Griffin DeFoor ’67 ’66 Terry & Mary Helen Delay W. Rodney & Leslie A. Delay Delta Kappa Gamma, Gamma Eta Chapter Leslie & Saralynn Demarcus David & Susan Dial Diamond Data Corporation Angela M. Dickerson Jennifer L. Dickey Carrie Dietrich Disaster Restoration Incorporated Bobbie Jean Dixon Dixon Music Co., Inc. R. Dale & Sandra B. Dixon Byron Dobbs Jefferson L. & Margaret T. Dobson ’43 Alan J. & Doris U. Dorris ’60 Paula Doss David G. Doster Kristine Downey Frances Drummond David & Cecelia Duke Kaye England Dunagan ’68 Kim & Rev. Patricia Dunbar Bill Duncan J. D. & Ida J. Dunn E. J. Allen, Inc. Joseph I. Eargle S. G. & S. M. Ebner Roy H. Echols Wendell & Laura Edenfield Tammy J. Edge Garrett & Cathy B. Edmunds ’71 Chad Woody Edwards ’07 Janice P. Edwards ’62 Edwards Tire Sales, Inc. Richard & JudyAnn Eicher Gene & Laura Eide Manya R. Elliott Cheryl N. Ellis M. Nancy Neal Ellis ’62 Thomas & Billie English Virginia English Bobby & Susan Sams Epling ’87 Brian & Stephanie Evans Charles & Ava Evans Jerry D. & Patricia B. Evans ’05 Dana Everhart William M. Fackler Martin & Suzanne Faling Gregg Farmer Joe A. & Ann R. Farnell ’70 Christopher Farnham William Farris John & Rene Fayne Tobin L. & Jennifer Gann Feagin ’98 ’00 Zachary I. Felix Palmer L. & Helen Ferguson Elisa Finale Frances Carpenter Fincher ’36 Martha England Fincher ’60 Dene Findley Virginia Fitchett Nelson & Bonnie Fitzpatrick Evelyn W. Flanigan Jeff & Julie Clark Fleming Chris & Bunny Flick Flint & Connolly, Attorneys D. L. Flood Julian & Hazel Florie John & Sue Floyd Marsha Floyd John Ford Edward Forrest Dwight & Becky Forrester Christopher M. Foster ’06 Marilyn Kilgore Foster ’54 Jim & Ruth Rabus Fouche ’68 Fowler Insurance Agency, Inc. J. Morris & Angie W. Fox Marcus & Angie Fox Dana Franklin Foly Franklin Linda M. Frederick Jack R. & Carolyn M. Free ’55 Walter S. Fuller Sr. Ernest W. Fussell Galaxy Check Cashing, Inc. Tim & Joanne Williams Ganka ’99 Robert D. & Camille Gard Marc W. Garduque Ginger Garrard Betty & Ricky Garrett James E. Garrett Robert N. & Patricia Garrison ’58 Garrison’s Furniture & Appliances Dr. Bonnie E. Garson Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gatewood Georgia Geiger General Electric Foundation Georgia Branch Sons & Daughters of the Pilgrims Constance M. Gibson Randall Gibson Sue Gibron Fred & Joann Gonglach David & Kathie Goodwin Nancy Goodwin Robert & Barbara Gordy, Jr. Randy & June Goruk Ronald M. Goss Frank & Bonnie Sosebee Gramling ’50 Freda Grant Jerry & Donna Grant Chuck & Shelley McCranie Gravitt ’96 Carol C. Gray Steve & Katharine R. Green ’93 William & Janet Green Lyall J. Greening Gillian A. Greer Charlie & Helen Gregory John Gregory Sr. The Rev. James H. Griffin ’48 Cedric & Claudette Griffith The Rev. Rex T. & Olivia Grizzle Steven & Erika Groover Kenneth & Shirley Groves Carol Guilfoil Janie Gulick Evan B. Guth III Esther B. Guyton-Holiday Dr. Michael B. Hagearty Alan & Teena Haley Gannon K. Hall ’92 Keith & Cindy Hall Paula S. Hall June Hames 19 Honor Roll of Donors 2009–2010 Ruby Hamilton Edsel C. & Gilla G. Hammontree ’61 ’62 Dorothy Jones Hamrick ’42 Rosemary Hamrick ’77 Pete M. Haney ’75 Rodney & Mary Ann Hannah William & Pat Hannah Richard & Mandy Harbin Marilyn C. Hardesty The Hardesty Revocable Trust Frances Lanning Hardin ’45 Jack A. Hardin ’77 Carole Joy Moore Hardy ’64 Kenneth & Dorothea Hardy Glenda Ellis Harkins ’59 L. Michelle Harlow James & Ruby Harmon David & Yvette Harper Alan & Terri Harris G. & Elizabeth Harris Georgia Harris Marvin & Vervela Harris B. B. & Mary Ruth Harris ’50 Robert H. Harris Ronald & Jeri Harris Terry & Sherry Harris Gordon R. & Barbara Herndon Harrison ’54 Frank Harrison James W. & Connie Sue Hartley ’59 Christine Hartwell Robert Hartwell Sylvia M Hartwell Judith Landrum L. Harvard ’62 Wilbur S. Hattendorf Elizabeth McGuffey Haverfield ’01 Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Hawkins George K. & Laura Siddie Hayes ’02 Carolyn E. & Maxie R. Hays ’60 Joe F. Head ’70 John & Lucy Heagy Evelyn Thacker Healan ’36 Jeff Hederick Toni-Marie Hedge John & Theresa Heffernan Guy & Nancy Henderson Sr. Walter & Linda Henderson Valmon Hasty Henson ’48 Aaron & Hope Hequembourg Kenneth & Carolyn Herron James & Sue Hess Lynne Hewett Timothy Hewett John & Marjorie Hicks Carol H. Hight ’95 Shelby R. Hill Ruth Whitfield Hinton ’48 Annette Haley Hobgood ’59 John & Janet Hochadel Lori J. Hohl ’08 Doug D. Holder Sr. ’64 Jerry & Diane Hollis Jr. Jefferson A. & Lana Tibbetts Holt ’05 Erin Paige Honea Claude & Ann Hopkins Linda Burns Horning 20 Ray & Trudie Horton Martha Hout Linda Howell Charles & Karen Hudgins Charles M. Hudson H. Keith & Leigh M. Hudson Jarrell Richard Huffman Kimberly A. Huffman Wanda Hughes Donna B. Hunt ’95 Jayne & Larry Hunter Kenneth Robert Hutchins ’84 Katherine E. & Michael D. Hyatt Lisa Hyde Robert & Tina Ingram Sue Irwin Robert & Donna Isenberg J & D Auto Sales Stephen H. Jackson ’73 Charlie & Averdell James Harold G. Jarrell Kevin & Karen Jeffrey Rebecca Hutchins Jenkins ’78 Susan B. Jenkins E. P. & Edna G. Jennings Jr. Gene Jernigan Ann Jester Cathy & Harold Johns Graham P. Johnson Preston & Angela Gearing Johnson ’82 Ben F. & Frances Eslinger Johnson III ’84 ’60 Dianne E. Johnson Frank B. & Joyce W. Johnson ’50 Kathy Johnson Mary H. Johnson ’94 Scott & Kathi Johnson Major General Warren Johnson Willie Mae Johnson Jack & Jane Johnston Amy H. Jones Ann Strawn Jones ’60 Mark & Tracey Jones Martha Jane Jones Walter E. Jones Wayne & Deborah Jones Valarie & Jerry Jordan Kyle E. & Mary Hill Jost ’07 Brad Jovaag Allen E. Joyce James C. Justice Jr. ’60 Dr. Cheul W. Kang ’56 Do Yim Kang ’56 Brian & Tammy Karafa Lucile Hamby Karr ’42 Susan Blackwell Kea ’71 Thomas P. & Patricia A. Kearns Russell G. & Margie L. Kennedy Kenny Sears Builders Ann D. Keyes Key’s Jewelry Kiker Ventures Inc. Cecil H. Kimball Dr. & Mrs. Thomas I. Kindel William C. King Bud & Kathy Kiniry William & Ann Kinzer Ann Kirchhoff Kenneth & Suzanne Kirkpatrick Sara W. Kirkpatrick ’89 L. Durell & Brenda Cole Kitchen ’65 ’64 Lewis D. Kitchen Kathy J. Klein ’78 Arthur L. Kling Richard P. Klocko Faye Bryson Knight ’58 Vernon & Audrey Knoll Knox Printing Services Frederic & Barbara Kolesar Kreations Hair Salon Jodi U. Kuehl Kenneth & Victoria Kull Pin H. Kuo ’80 Tommy & Jennifer Kyzer La Parilla Mexican Restaurant Melissa Lagoo Richard & Mary Laing Kenneth & Sarah Laird Stephen & Betty Laird David & Cindy Laminack Philip & Elizabeth Barfield Laminack ’04 Ernest & Sarah Lander, Jr. Nancy J. Landrum ’64 Don E. & Shae Lee Landy ’01 Jessica Ann Larson ’09 John & Virginia Law Gary & Janet Lawson Gail C. Laye J. Kevin Ledford ’85 C. Ernest & Mary Ann Lee Fred & Carolyn Lee James E. Lee II Merrill & Alice Lee Nan J. Lee ’62 Dennis & Susan C. Lester ’65 Junior & Marcie Lewallen Earl Button & Mona P. Lewis ’71 Jon & Angie Lewis Robin Louise Lindemann ’07 Anne Little Betty & James Little Vivian L. Little Robert H. & Pam Logan Michael Lonati Loose Lip Larry’s Restaurant, LLC Nettie Lee Lovelace ’39 James D. Lowe ’54 Robin B. Lowrey Murray & Carol Lumpkin Mary P. Lyon Kirk & Anne Maassen Bobby & Susan Maddox Jack & Betty Maeger Pat Maher Jimmy C. Major ’53 G. Mike & Sue Malone ’98 David & Wendy Maloney Edna D. Maples Frances E. Marks Ronald & Deborah Marks Gregory & Donna Martin Judson B. & Misti Whitfield Martin Roger & Carole Martin Tabatha Hamrick Martin ’01 LaNelle Martin Mason ’98 Mitchell & Vickie Mason William & Lisa Mason David & Diana Massey Jimmy Matthews Kathy J. Matthews Phyllis & David May Jimmy Mayo Kirsten Mazur Gary & Paula McArdle Charles P. McCanless Louvenia M. McCants Steven & Judy McCay Patricia M. McClure Robert L. McClure Jane Overstreet McConnell ’72 Michael & Margaret McConnell H.C. & L.W. McCullough Mary L. McDonald ’51 Mary McElfresh David M. McElyea Steve McEntire Michael McFarland ’78 John & Margaret McGarr John & Amy McGee Carol L. McIlvaine ’05 J. M. McKee Donnie & Kara McMickle Bobby L. & Sandra Wade McMillan ’66 ’67 Jackie McMorris Glen & Julie McRae Malcolm & Jennifer Lee McTaggart ’94 Zelma B. McWhirter Helen P. Means Mike & Lora Medlin T. W. & Janet Medlock Sara Hemingway A. Mendell Hazel Merritt Jack Merritt ’67 Robert & Jane Merritt, Sr. MGDL, Inc. Susan Summerour Middlebrooks ’92 Frank & Suzanne Middleton John & Shirley Midkiff Roy & Sherry Midkiff Charles & Christine Miller Darlene Miller Edward & Nancy Miller Michael M. Miller Robert & Helen Miller Sylvia H. Miller Sandra & Greg Milton Clinton & Carolyn Mincey Jr. Douglas & Peggy Moeller W. C. & Jean R. Moody Jr. Mitsuru & Carol Ann Mori Linda P. Morris Robert Cecil Morrison Anne P. Moshell Garry T. & Jessica Moss Luwana Chapman Moss ’85 Rick & Cheryl Moss Perry & Karla Motley Lois A. Mott ’04 Mr. Clean Car Wash, Canton Sherry L. Mullins ’93 Carol Murphy Larry & Mary Murray Marjorie Musgrave Joey S. & Zella M. Musick ’84 Mary Ann Nall Mr. Richard & Barbara Nardi Joyce M. Nations, O.D. James & Christine Caylor Neal ’68 Charles P. Nealey ’79 Marshall & Bonnie Neely Julie Gilmour Neighbors ’99 Mary Ann Niehoff Judy B. Norris O’Charley’s Restaurant, Canton Charles & Katharina Ochsner Margaret J. O’Connor & David W. Velutini Martin O’Connor & Cindy Chia Douglas & Joyce Odum David & Phyllis Ogle David F. Ogle, Jr. ’92 The Oil Well Edward & Kara Okerblad Robert & Doris Okerblad Okinawa Restaurant Rebekah Tatum Oliver ’60 Stephanie Olsen Wanda M. Olson Linda O’Neill Charles E. & Donna Huey Orr ’60 ’73 James E. & Janeal Wilkie Orr ’58 ’59 James & Rebecca Osborne William & Margo Outz Judy Boston Owens ’66 T. Grant Owens ’59 Sam & Wanda Padgett David Harrison & Susan Padgett-Harrison Steve Page ’84 Carl Pahl Paula J. Pahl ’85 Barbara Parker Peggy & James Parker Robert & Sharon Parker Ronnie & Martha Parker Angela Parks Eleanor R. Parris Richard F. & Bernice Bottoms Parrott ’65 ’66 Henry W. & Martha Richards Partridge Jr. ’75 David & Kay Pate Mary Patrenos Alan & Angela Patten Michael & Donna Pavone Steve & Belda Payne Georgeann Paylo Harold & JoAnn Peacock Cynthia Gail Pearson ’07 Sandra Pendley Mary Perren Ronald F. Peterson ’99 John & Susan Pettit Jr. Richard & Karen Pfost Angela D. Pharr Mary Johnson Pharr Myrtle Phillips Nancy Watts Phillips ’63 Rudolph & June Phillips Brooke Pickard Pint-Stephens Franklin & Barbara Pittman Maritza Pivaral Troy W. Ponder Walter & Mary Pope, Jr. Barbara Poplawski G. Allen & Susan S. Potter William D. & Sharon T. Pouncey Jeffrey M. Pourchier Vickie & Chris Prescott Karen Preslock Hazel Price Juanita F. Price Rebecca Price Jamie H. Pritchett Proscapes of Georgia, Inc. Provino’s Italian Restaurant Heather Anderson McBride Pruitt ’04 Michael & Roselyn Pulliam Stephen E. Radecki & Jean A. Hardesty John & Lisa Rafferty III Gene & Linda Ratchford Gerald & Candace H. Rausch Jennifer Ray Richard Reaves & Elizabeth C. Burmeister Glenn S. & Regenia Reavis ’78 H. Duane Reece ’88 Douglas & Constance Reed Dr. Howard L. Reese, Jr., C.P.A. Kenneth & Susan Reese Mary Harrison Rellis ’54 Tim A. & Maggie Reneau ’80 James & Rose Rice Martie L. Richards Donald & Anne Richardson George & Annette Richardson Jr. Janice Richardson Gordon Riddoch Rachel G. Ridley ’59 Fern Q. Rissmiller James & Betty Rissmiller Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Roach Kimberly Ehlers Roberts ’01 Fred & Helen Robinson Dr. Mellanie & Mr. Stanley Robinson Janet M. Rodning Doris Rogers Michael & Joan Rolf Perdita Padgett Rollins ’38 Rome Driver Training School, Inc. Mary Ellen Roos James & Nancy Ross Janet Van Every Ross ’80 Judy Thompson Ross Lawrence Rothermel Drs. S. Beth & John Russell Vincent & Doris Russom Marciano & Rebecca Sabio Jennifer Sackman Edward D. Sale 21 Honor Roll of Donors 2009–2010 Carol Sanders Karen D. Sanders ’07 Lee & Karen Sanders ’07 Richard E. Santia Irma M. Santoro-Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Satterfield James & Debra Schmidt Margaret E. Schnaudt George Schneider George & Betty Scholz Adeline Schreiter Melvin & Alicia Schukar Faye Hodge Schultz ’58 John D. Schultze Raymond E. & Christa Schumacher Robert K. & Christine Schweiger ’94 D.W. & K. A. Schwenk Melanie Lena Scopa ’03 James A. Scott Dr. Ernest W. & Jessie Seckinger Sr. Ellis L. & Annabelle D. Selph ’39 Katherine Selstad Richard Semasky Sr. Bill Sexton Howard & Julie Shackelford Dan Shamanski Patrick & Patricia Skelton Shannon ’59 Chuck & Sandy Shapiro Gerald D. Sharpe Mildred W. Shaw Joseph Shell Jane Shelnutt Nancy Sherrow John & Julia Sherman Harvey & Marilyn Shulman Siemens Energy & Automation Kathryn G. Silhavy John M. Simpson T.A. & Tut Simpson Clay & Starr Sizemore Jennifer Slayden Greg & Jacquie Slead Kathrine E. Sloan Strachen & Cathren Small A. & Sandi Smith Arlin & Barbra Smith Dr. & Mrs. Bobby Smith D. L. Smith Diane C. Smith Don & Sybil Smith Bo & Marsha T. Smith ’64 Elizabeth A. Smith Eugene & Janet Smith Glenn A. & Scottie H. Smith ’71 Scott Smith Vicki Smith William & Gail Smith Sons of the American Revolution Mattie L. Sosebee Mary Bryant Spivey ’56 Barry & Sharon Stabile Don & Juanita Stafford Anthony N. & Helen H. Stancil ’83 Benjamin Aaron Standard ’08 Staples 22 William & Mary Davis Staples ’55 Gene & Elaine Starr Allison & Don Startup E. Shelton & Tena Stevens Stevie B’s Pizza, Canton Joe & Tammy Stewart Michael J. Stewart John & Kim Stockard Harvey & Alta Story Dennis & Betty Stowers Francesco Strazzullo & Lucia Coppola Jack & Dot Street Barbara Strickland Kim Strickland Derek L. Struchtemeyer Caroline Selene Sturgeon ’08 Styl’n Salon Michael & Claire Suhowolak Edward & Rebecca Summers Dr. Richard D. Summers Lewis Surplus Dean & Margie Swift Lowell & Tonya Syers Amanda Sykes Taco Mac, Canton Beth Phillips Talbert Mary G. Talbert Conor S. Talley ’07 Matthew & Megan Talley Edwin Tanner Timothy H. & Susan L. Tarpley ’76 Stephen & Katherine Taylor Timothy Walter Teague Jr. ’07 Blanche Terry Templeton ’64 Gwendolyn Tenney & Zachary Felix Colonel Bob B. & Constance W. Thacker (RET) ’38 Randall & Robin Thacker Strelsa Brett Tharpe ’70 Rosemary Thiele James & Sandra Thomas Thompson & Cline, P.C. Dana Thompson Dr. Gordon W. Thompson, D.D.S. Thomson Reuters (Tax and Accounting) Services, Inc Colonel Noble and Gladys Timmons ’49 D. Heath Tippens H. Delane & Ann B. Titshaw Martha Seay Todd ’75 Alma Toney Andrew & Eleisa Torrance Chesley Torrance Ernest & Frances Torrance Larry & Marjorie Torrance Thomas & Ellen Torrance Trayletaah Garden Club Cheryl Ann Tribble Jefferson W. & Donna J. Trotter Lori Trull Egenia Vanderpool Truman Vicky R. Tucker Carolyn White Turner ’50 Eric & Nancy Tuttle Steve Tye Honors & Memorials Philip J. Unger Dr. Charles B. & Laura Upshaw, Jr. Timothy & Lori Urness Frances F. Vaughn ’77 Joe B. Vaughn ’48 Bradley M. Veach ’97 Fermin Velasco Michelle Vineyard ’06 William R. & Gerry King Volberding ’53 Margaret N. & Joseph P. Vollrath ’57 Donna L. Waddell Betty Wade Danny & Janice Waldrop Helen & Loy Walker Deborah Akins Wallace ’08 Pamela Waller Joseph & Joann Waters George L. & Mary Ann Barnes Weatherby ’51 ’54 Mary Jane Haley Weathersby ’60 William R. & Ann Webb Larry H. Webb Tony & Barbara Wehunt Ward L. & Kerry J. Weidenbach Bob G. & Beverly Yost Welch ’61 ’61 Dr. Linda Welden ’62 Michael & Kathryn Wendel Arven C. West ’51 Evelyn West Lawrence Victor West ’01 Phil & Cathy Wilson Westbrook ’71 Stacy Westbrook Barbara R. Westfall Nicole & Jesse Weston Wes Wheeler Sharmon & Jason Whidby Jack & Victoria Whipple Wilson & Louise White Susan C. White Zachary M. White ’96 Christina Whitehead Melba Cooper Whitesides ’73 Brenda Whitfield Jack E. Whitmire ’48 Anthony & Janice Whittaker Arthur & Rosana Whittaker Nancy L. Wickenhauser Robert L. & Marian I. Wickwire Robert & Marianne Wiesboeck Bobby L Wilbanks Willis & Linda Wilkey Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wilkie Byron & Shawn Williams Charles & Sandra Williams Debra J. Williams Kevin Williams Wilson & Marjory Williams Williamson Bros Bar-B-Q Cleve & Stella Wilson Cory Wilson Deborah P. Wilson Dr. Donald D. & Mary S. Wilson Jr. Mary S. Wilson M. Travis & Charlotte J. Wilson Reuben O. & Audrey Wilson ’52 Carol Abernathy Winkle ’62 Kenny & Amanda Payne Wishon ’00 Sara Kendrick Wood ’56 Larry Woolard Daniel O. & Geri Worley ’70 Britney Wright Jerry T. & Mildred Wood Wright ’56 ’57 Lester Wright The Writing & Editing Company Dick Yarbrough Farris Yawn Susan Yeaton Dr. John Yelvington Anand & Ursula Yogendra Ashley & Cheryl Young Philip H. Young Jr. Gary Zakar Zaxby’s, Canton Lambert & Virginia Zenner Dianna E. Zima — EPH 2008-09 Honor Roll of Donors Omission Margaret Nesbitt Hobbs ‘65 should have been included. We sincerely apologize for this oversight. Honors & Memorials — Acknowledge Someone with a Gift to Reinhardt Please consider using the enclosed envelope as a way to remember a loved one or a special friend. We will inform them of your thoughtfulness, and no dollar amount is noted. Reinhardt students will be rewarded by your gift. This listing includes honor/memorials received between July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010. Honor/memorials received after June 30, 2010, will be recognized in the next Reinhardt Magazine. In Honor of: Those being honored are in gold. Dr. Alan D. Allen Harold Bagley Hutton & Floy S. Brandon Jane Broome Dan & Carolyn Robinson Burkholder ‘80 Bob & Lois Burkholder Jaye Fitts Roger & Barb Hause Dorothy J. Hobbs Donald & Marcie Hottinger Margaret C. Jackson James F. & Eloise A. Jernigan Vernon & Audrey Knoll Kenneth & Sarah Laird Joel & Sheila Ingle Langford ‘91 Harriett Lindsey Dr. George Lucktenberg Barbara L. Manous Steven & Judy McCay A. & Sandi Smith Dennis Waldrep John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Ann Henritze Blonder The Henritze Company The Rev. Harvey C. Boyd Sr. (RET) ‘48 Edward & Montine Bible James & Dixie Bralley Joseph & Janet Cawley Anne S. Cheney Lawrence & Gayle Crawford Thomas & Billie English Virginia English Dene Findley Julian & Hazel Florie Constance M. Gibson Lyall J. Greening Elsie J. Ivey Junior & Marcie Lewallen Bobby & Susan Maddox Hazel Merritt Robert & Jane Merritt, Sr. Darlene Miller Mary Odum Edwin Tanner Wilson & Louise White The Rev. Ronny W. Brannen ‘77 Freda C. Lane Frances Carpenter Fincher ‘36 Trayletaah Garden Club The Rev. Dr. Ron Flowers Merrell & Constance Calhoun David Henritze Jr. The Henritze Company Dr. Katherine E. Hyatt Donna L. Waddell The Rev. J. Sanford McDonald ‘48 Floyd & Kay Shaw The Hon. Marion T. Pope, Jr. Naomi Ponder Alexander ‘60 Jeanette & Randall C. Bagwell ‘48 Patricia Ball Eric Alvin Ballinger, P.C. Elizabeth M. Bivens Bowers & Roch, LLP Ann Bagwell Bradshaw ‘52 Charles Brigham John F. Brooke ‘47 Wade T. Buchanan Juanita W. Burrell ‘49 Louise W. Cain Steven M. Campbell, Attorney at Law Lester L. Cantrell ‘58 Bobby B. & Sarah Cleghorn ‘52 Hugh Doss William M. Fackler William H. Fitts Mary Free Yeteva & Bert Frye William F. Greene June Hames Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Hawkins Shelby R. Hill Claude & Ann Hopkins Willie Mae Johnson Dr. William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ‘56 Linda Doss Lawson ‘52 Betty & James Little Joy Pope Mabry Barbara L. Manous Joe D. Manous Charles P. McCanless David M. McElyea Zelma B. McWhirter Sidney E. Moody Marjorie Musgrave Mollie Wagner Neal, Esq. Harold & JoAnn Peacock Rudolph & June Phillips Nan Ponder Hazel Price G. Cecil & Myrna Pruett A. Clayton & Anne Reid, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Horace L. Richards Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Roach T. Andy & Louise Roach Linda R. Schwamlein Karen Manous Smithwick Norman & Frances D. Sosebee ‘80 Jack & Dot Street Hugh Thacker ‘56 The Barnett Law Firm, P.C. William R. & Ann Webb Harold & Judith Wheeler John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘‘‘61’ Kathryn & James Robert Young ‘59 Jack H. Smith ‘38 John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Ted & Marsha S. White, T.J. & Andy White Dee Snow JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘61 Katherine B. Sosby 23 Honors & Memorials Nettie Lee Lovelace ‘39 In Memory of: Those being remembered are in gold. The Rev. & Mrs. Hansel Abernathy Troy J. Cox Hazel W. Hasty Carol Abernathy Winkle ‘62 Richard C. & Lee Cox Staten ‘90 Thomas J. Addleman William Warren Cutts ‘85 Claude B. Hicks ‘65 Christopher P. & Sandra L. Coles ‘85 Rosemary Gilleland ‘84 Elaine Bell John H. & Joy Adams Bennett, Jr. ‘65 ‘90 Marty J. & Ann Denney Benzel ‘77 ‘67 Thomas L. Bradbury John F. Brooke ‘47 Sis Brown Marshall & Kathy Day,Sr. Danny & Bonnie L. DeBord Ruth Denney L. Austin & Beatrice Flint, M.D. The Rev. James H. Griffin ‘48 Mark Haugejorde Hawks Ridge Golf Club Valmon Hasty Henson ‘48 Dr. J. Thomas & Bettye Jo Isherwood Cathy & Harold Johns William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ‘56 Barbara L. Manous Edwin & Sandra McFather, Jr. Robert G. & Nancy G. McKinnon L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 James E. & Janeal Wilkie Orr ‘58 ‘59 Jon & Dot Oscher William G. & Beverly Pritchard, Jr. Ray’s Family Chiropractic Clinic Sylvia Wheeler Roberts Patricia S. & Kenneth S. Saxon Steven & Nancy Gordy Simms Jack H. & Ruby A. Smith ‘38 Dean & Margie Swift Synovus Trust Company The Landon Group, Inc. United Community Banks C. Kenneth & Myra White ‘61 John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Neely & Kathy Young Elizabeth Moss Bailey ‘28 The Rev. Milton L. & Betty Bailey McGuirt ‘55 Colleen Sharp Davis ‘19 Donald W. Barnes ‘60 Mr. & Mrs. James S. Davis L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Loreta S. Davis ‘60 John H. Bennett, Sr. ‘25 Martha England Fincher ‘60 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Mae Dobbs Pearl Bennett Sarah S. Cleghorn William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ‘56 Ed & Patsy Bennett McLeod Bob L. Blackwell ‘47 James & Peggy N. Nally Cline ‘48 ‘51 John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 James M. Boring, Jr. Murray & Carol Lumpkin David Bottoms Dr. William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ‘56 Jerry J. Brooks ‘52 Virgil C. Chandler ‘52 Catherine L. Brown Hazel B. Lewis ‘42 Peggy Buchanan Dr. William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ‘56 John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Pauline Burdine Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62 Dr. J. Rowland Burgess, Jr. Franklin R. & Carolyn R. Croker ‘54 ‘54 William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ‘56 Ora Chadwick Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62 Edna Lovelace Chandler ‘52 Virgil C. Chandler ‘52 Donna York Chastain The Rev. R. Olin & Donna Chastain Herndon ‘57 ‘57 Peggy Nally Cline ‘51 Claude B. Hicks ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. L. Clyde Collins L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 24 Coy B. Free ‘48 Mary Free L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Dr. F. James Funk, Jr., M.D. Dr. & Mrs. L. Newton Turk, III Marcie Turk Bonnie Newman Garrison ‘69 Rebecca Darracott Byrd ‘70 Jan W. Day The Rev. Dr. J. Douglas Gibson ‘34 The Rev. Milton L. & Betty Bailey McGuirt ‘55 The Rev. Dr. Reynolds W. Greene, Jr. ‘80H Robert & Virginia Bailey ‘90 Sis Brown Curtis Carter Gina R. Charles Charles K. & Carolyn Cobb, Jr. Franklin R. & Carolyn R. Croker ‘54 ‘54 Walter & Doris Cook Dickey Georgia Florida United Methodist Federal Credit Union H. E. Hodge Co., Inc Elizabeth Hamill Jack & Jane Johnston Jim & Judy Jolly Ann D. Keyes Gregory & Donna Martin Michael M. Miller William G. & Beverly Pritchard, Jr. William O. & Alice S. Riley Steven & Nancy Gordy Simms T.A. & Tut Simpson John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 William G. Hasty, Sr. ‘41 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 David D. Henritze Donald Carson Anne Moss Hopkins ‘53 Virgil C. Chandler ‘52 Roger E. Hopkins ‘53 Virgil C. Chandler ‘52 Glenn H. Hubbard ‘36 Marjorie Humphrey Hubbard ‘37 Thomas H. Jackson Margaret C. Jackson Charles S. Hasson Clyde M. Lawson ‘56 The Charles S. Hasson Fund, Inc. William J. & Mary Beavers Johnston ‘56 Delta Kappa Gamma, Gamma Eta Chapter Virginia Fitchett Carole Gantt Hightower Baptist Church Sharon N. Hill Gary Hite Homer & Juanita Hughes Janis Lovelace Nelson Barbara Poplawski Norman & Frances D. Sosebee ‘80 Jake Q. Maxwell J. Q. Maxwell Sunday School Class, Haygood UMC Tommy McBurnett Blakinship & Gaskin Properties LLC Robert G. & Nancy G. McKinnon Ed & Patsy Bennett McLeod John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 Brandon McCullers ‘00 John Gregory Sr. Dr. & Mrs. W. E. Gregory Jr. Aaron & Hope Hequembourg Kenneth & Carolyn Herron Charles M. Hudson Ann Jester Pat Maher Linda O’Neill Anonymous Myrtle Phillips Gordon Riddoch Gene & Elaine Starr Beth Phillips Talbert Thomas Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wilkie Shastin B. Rader Brent Scarbrough & Co., Inc. Shane & Jennifer Waters Mary Jane Reed Price School of Education Andrea Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. David Datry Carol Sanders Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62 Robert McKinney Margaret C. Jackson C. Jack & Maye Lyon Eaton ‘56 ‘58 Mary P. Lyon Sandra Ballew Middleton ‘60 Commander James L. Middleton (RET) ‘60 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Michael Milford ‘85 Rosemary Gilleland ‘84 Clovis Biggers Momon ‘60 Mary Jane Haley Weathersby ‘60 Bud Nally Bobby B. & Sarah Cleghorn ‘52 Ann W. Roberts ‘62 Carla M. Roberts Wendell & Kay Abernathy Wayne & Marie Berkner Steven & Camilla Callis Sr. James & Sue Hess Ron & Brenda Laird Merrill & Alice Lee Robert & Sharon Link, Jr. Allen & Virginia Pepper Douglas Peterson & Julia Losby William & Marilyn Roberts Mark & Sheryle Van De Water Robert Seidel Joyce Davey Neal ‘60 Hazel B. Lewis ‘42 Lowell T. & Barbara Jean Clemmons Croft ‘60 ‘60 Franklin Self Eugene W. Owen ‘38 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 J.H. Payne James E. & Janeal Wilkie Orr ‘58 ‘59 Lois Gregory Phillips ‘38 Roy & Darla Adams Gordon N. Baker Elaine M. Bishop Blue Ridge UMC L. Russell Burress Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62 Walter R. Davis Carrie Dietrich Nelson & Bonnie Fitzpatrick Charlie & Helen Gregory David White The Rev. Dr. Ann N. Fletcher ‘75 Jarnett W. Wigington ‘52 Virgil C. Chandler ‘52 Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62 Otis E. Smith Tomette Wilkes Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62 Betty Wood Richard & Priscilla Deming Darby ‘62 ‘62 Frances C. Yarbrough James H. Yarbrough The Rev. Dr. E. Jerome Zeller Rosemary B. Dacalos John H. & JoEllen Bell Wilson ‘60 ‘61 also gave in memory of: Robby Anderson Steven C. Cantrell ‘88 Louise Dysart Fran Fuller ‘61 Robert N. Garrison ‘58 Jessie Goddard Frank Gramling Randy Gravley, Sr. Geneva Hobgood Dave Isom Fletcher Jernigan Marion Key Elizabeth Payne Sammy Prince Dario Sanchez Vesta Smithwick Mr. & Mrs. John Sparks Josh Spears Ray Terrill N.J. Wilbanks Patsy Bramlett Self ‘56 G. Texana Ruff Shelnutt ‘46 Dee & Kandy Shelnutt Andrew J. & Jan Whalen, III Dr. Carl F. & Debbie Williams Marie McClure Smith ‘32 Robert L. McClure Daisy Louise Vaughn Price School of Education James C. Wallace Sr. ‘48 L. Eugene & Yvonne Harris Norton ‘60 ‘60 Marcus Wallace ‘42 Lillian Cable Williams ‘34 25 Alumnotes ’29 Frances Linn, Reinhardt’s oldest living alumna, enjoyed a 100th birthday party hosted by her nieces and nephew Marilyn Howell Cain ‘61, Linn and Cecile Rolan Howell ‘66 ‘66 and Garland Long ‘61 on Oct. 9, 2010. She received greetings from President & Mrs. Barack Obama and Willard Scott of the Today Show. More than 200 friends and family were in attendance. Bartow Co. Commissioner Clarence Brown proclaimed October 9th “Frances Linn Day” and presented her with a written proclamation. Reinhardt presented an Honoree Scholarship and Bartow Cumberland Presbyterian Church honored her by presenting two church members with scholarships. (see p. 31.) ’48 ’70 ’82 ’87 Tina Hulsey Wilson ‘99 MBA ‘09 recently completed her CPHIMS (Certified Professional in Health Information Management) certification. She works for WellStar Health System as an IT manager and recently celebrated her 21st wedding anniversary. ’90 Jennifer A. Wiggins and Mark Matthews were married on Nov. 7, 2009, at Epworth By The Sea on St. Simons Island. They are expecting their first child in October 2010. Keith Pankey was named Teacher of the Year for Oakland Elementary School (Gilmer County). He has taught in Gilmer County for 10 years and has been an adjunct professor in Reinhardt’s Price School of Education, PSOE, for almost two years. He is married to Michelle DeBord Pankey ‘93 ‘00, also a teacher and PSOE adjunct. They have two children, EmmaGrace and Keifer. He is 26 The Alumnus of the Year, Alumni Loyalty Award, Ministerial Honorees, John Wesley Clergy and Laity Awards and President’s Special Award recipients will be recognized, along with others who have made significant contributions to the University. “It has been a tradition to recognize alumni award recipients during Alumni Day. We hope this year to make these awards even more distinctive by highlighting individuals from a larger, more diverse perspective,” indicates JoEllen Wilson ‘61 , vice president for institutional advancement and external affairs. Alumni Director Jennifer Wiggins Matthew ‘90 adds, “It will be a great setting to recognize outstanding alumni with our annual awards. We deeply appreciate all that our Alumni do to support the University, and this event gives us the opportunity to recognize them and brag on all their accomplishments.” also the son-in-law of Bonnie DeBord, executive assistant to the president. ’93 Heather Holbrook is working on a doctorate in instructional design & technology at Virginia Tech. In her second year, she is studying games and simulations in instruction. ’95 Ryan Satterfield was named the 2010 Teacher of the Year for Cass High School. He majored in business and now teaches business education and advises the FBLA group. Ryan is also a member of Reinhardt’s Alumni Board of Governors, and he and his family live in Cartersville, Ga. Kristen Morse Keenum ‘00 and her husband, James, welcomed their son, Andrew James, born Dec. 8, 2008. He also has a 14-year-old sister, Lexi, who began her freshman year at Sprayberry High this year. The Keenums celebrated their third wedding anniversary on June 16, 2010. ’96 ’94 ’97 Robert Martin Burnett works for IBM. Richard Wright (see p. 30). Kristen Morse Keenum ‘93 (please see ’93 note). Karrie Rector McGannon and her husband welcomed daughter, Alexis, on Dec. 25, 2009. They live in Orangeburg, S.C. ’01 Plans are underway for a fund raising dinner, tentatively scheduled for March 2011, to highlight special friends of Reinhardt University. Elree Bridges Worley (see. Sonya Chilton Turner and Glenda Johnston Cagle planned and helped the Class of 1980 celebrate their 30th reunion this past March. ’92 AWARDS DINNER THIS SPRING TO HIGHLIGHT EXCEPTIONAL FRIENDS & ALUMNI p. 9). Joe Head of Cartersville, Ga., retired from Kennesaw State University as director of admissions on May 31, 2010. ’00 The Higgins ’98 Alison McDougal Higgins and her husband, Christian Higgins ’10, announce the birth of their son, Jackson, in November 2009. He was 7 lbs. and 12 oz. and was 21¼ inches. ’99 Matt Gibson and his wife welcomed daughter, Reese Jenna, on March 31, 2010. The Gibsons live in Rydal, Ga. Julie Mooneyhan Goodwin and her husband, Michael, announce the birth of their son, Jason William, on Nov. 21, 2009. Jason joins big sister, Jessica, and big brother, Charlie. The proud grandparents are James and Jo Poore Mooneyhan ‘66 ‘66. Lamar Pendley is celebrating 50 years with his company, Pendley Heating and Air in 2010. ’99 Tina Hulsey Wilson ‘87 MBA ‘09 (please see ’87 note). Amy R. Maples and Clint A. Blankenship (below left) were married on Nov. 1, 2009, at Trevitt Hall in Dalton, Ga. They live in Dalton where she works in the marketing department at North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation and is an adjunct business instructor at Dalton State College. T.J. Rosene, men’s basketball coach at Emmanuel College (Franklin Springs, Ga.) was named Coach of the Year by the National Christian College Athletic Association after leading his squad to the 2009 National Championship. He is also a former head coach of the Reinhardt’s men’s and women’s basketball programs. ’02 Jennifer Leigh McFarland married Mitchell K. Clack on May 16, 2009. The couple resides in Gillsville, Ga. Please let us know if you have a new bundle (or bundles) of joy in your life so we can send you a complimentary Reinhardt University baby hat. We will also add your little one to our Baby Eagle Club. Call, e-mail or contact us via Justin A Mitchell graduated on Dec. 12, 2009, from Shorter College with an MBA. Josh Travis is the men’s basketball assistant coach at North Georgia College and State University in Dahlonega, Ga. Marie Zhong Shu Fang Zhong married Andy Sze on June 5, 2010. They live in Los Angeles, Calif. Zachary White (see p. 30). Clifford L. Owen and his wife announce the birth of their first child, Clayton Daniel, on Feb. 26, 2009. ’03 The Blankenships new parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles... Have a new bundle of joy? Thomas A. “Lonnie’ Lacy II and Jessica “Jay” Whitmire ‘03, his wife, announced the birth of their second daughter, Kendall Lacy, on Sept. 24, 2009. Jacob and Kristin Rogers Travis welcomed daughter “Kate” on June 14, 2010. They also have a 4-year-old, Noah. Stacy Sommer Bradshaw and her husband, Hud, welcomed Sophia Simone on March 26, 2010. Sophia is the baby sister of Max Von & Taylor Renee. Attention: The Rev. Erik A. Mays of Murrells Inlet, S.C., was commissioned as a provisional deacon at the North Georgia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church in June of 2010. Alumni Office Jennifer Wiggins Matthews ’90 770-720-5509 fax 770-720-5910 He was appointed minister to youth at Belin Memorial UMC in Murrells Inlet, S.C. He received his call to ministry through Reinhardt campus ministry. Joe Mullins, who earned a master’s degree in sport management from the University of Tennessee after graduating from Reinhardt, is a physical education teacher, head wrestling coach, and assistant football coach at Pickens High in Jasper, Ga. 27 Alumnotes Jonathan E. Rivers (see p.7) Alumnotes Melanie Scopa is now a development associate at Catholic Charities Atlanta. Previously, she worked as a Reinhardt development officer. Brian Stock and his wife, Mandy, welcomed their daughter, Lydia Anne on Jan. 16, 2010. She weighed 6 lb., 4 oz and was 18 inches long. “She is so cute and a blessing from our heavenly Father,” the proud dad said. ’04 Chrysti Millsapps Goltz and her husband announced the birth of their son, Malachi Isaiah, on March 12, 2010. They live in Taylorsville, Ga. Lindsay E. Powell of Atlanta, Ga., married Ben Boyd on July 10, 2010. She has taught social studies at Roswell High School and served as the Varsity Girls Soccer Coach for the last five years. ’05 Angela Harlow ‘08 became Reinhardt’s director of financial aid on March 1, 2010. She has worked at Reinhardt in admissions or financial aid for almost 10 years. Blake Pass and Suzianne Green Pass ’97 of Blue Ridge, Ga., welcomed daughter, Taber Blakeleigh, on March 11, 2010. Kristen Gent Poole and her husband welcomed son, Carter, on July 9, 2010. They live in Kennesaw, Ga. ’06 Alison H. Holmes Adams of Alpharetta, Ga., is now patron services coordinator for the Falany Performing Arts Center and an adjunct professor of voice at Reinhardt University. Randi Winn McSwain and her husband, Chris, welcomed their first child, Lilly Kate, on Aug. 18, 2010. She weighed 6 lbs., 2 oz. and was 19 inches long. Rae Lynda Adams Merry and her husband welcomed their son, Jacob Merry, on Aug. 18, 2009. They live in Dahlonega, Ga. ’07 28 Mary Hill Jost became Reinhardt’s alumni development ad- In Memoriam ’39 Nettie Lee Lovelace of Free Home, Ga., passed away on April 18, 2010. Nyla Paige and Carolyn Jean Turner. West and Moody ministrative coordinator in January 2010. She had worked in Reinhardt’s admissions office since 2007. Brad and Leigh Baker Prather of Powder Springs, Ga., welcomed sons, Nathan Bradley and Caleb Thomas, on April 5, 2010. Paulding High School, Justin accepted the head girl’s basketball coach position at Metter High School in July 2010. He is also assisting the football team and coaching the cross country team. Briana is the out of state recruitment coordinator for the Georgia Southern University Admissions Office. Emilie Heard Steele and her husband, Garrett, announce the birth of their son, Gavin, on Feb. 19, 2009. Mitchell Roberts and Shea Barker ’10 were married in May 2010, at Dallas First UMC in Dallas, Ga. ’08 Adia Williams of Lithonia, Ga, welcomed twin daughters Nyla Paige and Carolyn Jean Turner. born April 6, 2010. (see photo above). Tina Hulsey Wilson ‘87 ‘99 MBA (please see ‘87 note). Angela Harlow (see ’05 note.) ‘98. Selena J. Tucker Thompson and her husband, Cody, announce the birth of their daughter, Aubrey Elise, on July 3, 2010. ’09 Briana Moody and Justin West are engaged to be married in February 2011. After teaching history and coaching football and track at South ’10 Christian Higgins see note for Alison McDougal Higgins Michael Lichucki and Sarah Marple were married on Oct. 9, 2010. They met as freshmen at Reinhardt. Robert Scott Wahnschaff is engaged to Ashley Raimondi ’09. — JAM, MEJ Follow Reinhardt Alumni News & Events on Facebook! We have added a new Facebook page to go along with our new name: Reinhardt University Alumni. Please be sure to join our new page before we take down our old pages at the end of this calendar year, 2010! — JAM ’41 ’42 Charlie Frank Gregory passed away on Feb. 12, 2010. ’46 ’56 Lucille McKnight passed away in November of 2009. Ms. Virginia Parker of Waleska, Ga., passed away on Jan. 9, 2010. The Rev. Edward “Ed” Emmett Deen, age 80, of Baxley, Ga., passed away on May 19, 2009. ’80 Randall Brooke of Cave Springs, Ga. (formerly of Canton, Ga.) passed away May 3, 2010 ’06 Mark Geiger tragically lost his life in a motorcycle accident on Oct. 3, 2009. Family and friends hosted a soccer game in September 2010 to raise scholarship funds in his memory. – JAM, MEJ Faculty & Staff Oh, BABY! The Office of Marketing and Communications recently hosted its first Baby Brunch & Photoshoot to feature all the babies born to our employees since the last edition of the magazine was published. (Top row, from left) Amanda Brown, graphic designer, and Peyton; Lauren Thomas, media relations coordinator, and Reagan; Nicole Weston, director of residence life, and Julie; The Rev. Leigh Martin, University chaplain, and Thomas; (Bottom row, from left) Dr. Anne Good, assistant professor of history, and Judith; Jym Davis, assistant professor of Art, and Adrian; and Brian Stock, helpdesk support/PC technician, and Lydia. (Not in attendance) Martie Richards, admissions coordinator, and Reece. Award, which recognizes excellence in teaching, commitment to value-centered education and service to students. He is an associate professor of physical education and sport studies. Jonathan and Anne Good welcomed their second daughter, Judith Leonie, on April 26, 2010. He is an associate professor of history, and she is an assistant professor of history. (photo above.) Dr. Kevin Crawford, assistant professor of English and theatre, received the Faculty Research and Scholarship Award. His review of The Third Part of Henry the Sixth, with the Death of the Duke of York, presented by the Atlanta Shakespeare Company at the New American Shakespeare Tavern in Atlanta in November 2008, was published in September 2009 in Shakespeare Bulletin 27.3 (2009). Dr. Katherine Hyatt, an assistant professor of business, received the Jane England Faculty Award for Excellence. The award is named for a longtime faculty member who exemplified leadership and dedication to students. James “Jym” B. Davis’s illustration of Johnny Cash was featured on the front page of the Toledo Free Press Star (Ohio) on April 27, 2010. Davis is an assistant professor of art. Athletic Director Bill Popp recorded his 300th career win as a head baseball coach when Reinhardt beat Virginia Intermont on March 20, 2010. He earned 167 wins as the Oglethorpe University head baseball coach. Now in his seventh season at Reinhardt, he finished the 2010 season with 317 career wins. Dr. Robert “Bobby” Epling received the United Methodist Exemplary Teacher Leigh Martin, University chaplain, gave birth on Feb. 22, 2010, to Thomas Frost Martin. (photo above.) Martie Richards and her husband, Chris, welcomed their first child, daughter Reece Marissa, on July 12, 2010. Richards is an admissions coordinator. Dr. Eddie Robertson received the 2009-10 Captain Reinhardt Award from the Student Government Association. Janet Rodning received the 2010 Reinhardt Bridge Award. The annual award is given by faculty to a staff member in recognition and appreciation of his or her outstanding service and commitment to faculty and students. She is Reinhardt’s Registrar. Dr. S. Beth Russell, an associate professor of psychology, received the 2009-10 Vulcan Teaching Excellence Award. This award recognizes outstanding contributions to undergraduate education, student learning and campus life. Nicole Weston, Reinhardt’s director of residence life, gave birth to Julie Elizabeth Tye Weston on Feb. 22, 2010. (photo above.) Dr. Kenneth Wheeler (see p. 30). 29 Growing History & Spirit Tracing Back History Richard Wright ‘94 (above) and Dr. Kenneth Wheeler, associate professor of history, developed a proposal to restore the Sutallee Trace, a roadbed created in the beginning of Cherokee County’s existence. On March 10, 2010, County and Reinhardt officials, including Cherokee County Commissioner Harry Johnston and Reinhardt President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood, and community members attended a presentation by Wright and Wheeler on “Cherokee Indians and White Settlers in Early Cherokee County.” The pair discussed their research and knowledge of the history of the Etowah Valley during the Southern gold rush when white settlers were moving into the area, prior to Cherokee Removal. They coauthored New Men in the Old South: Joseph E. Brown and his Associates in Georgia’s Etowah Valley, published in the Georgia Historical Quarterly. Due to the persuasiveness of Wright and Wheeler’s proposal and lobbying from local Boy Scout leader Dan Owen of Canton, Ga., the Cherokee County government recently purchased 260 acres of land to link a system of trails with the Sutallee Trace. The next step will be to cut multipurpose trails, as well as provide kayak and canoe access to the Etowah River. – LHT. 30 30 Most would say that Zach White ’96 has a green thumb; he, however, calls it a navy and gold thumb. White, the University’s horticulturist for more than seven years, has a passion for Reinhardt, and it shows inside and outside in all he does for the University. “Reinhardt was a special place when I attended as a student and that same spirit is still here today. It’s an honor to work at the place I love with so many great faculty, staff and students, and I am really lucky to be able to work doing my passion in life— horticulture.” In the last two years, White has dedicated himself to restoring the integrity of Reinhardt’s historical Burgess Arboretum—established in 1951 by Dr. J. Rowland Burgess, Jr., Reinhardt president from 1944-73. More than 600 trees and shrubs have been identified, mapped and re-labeled by White, County Extension Agent Paul Pugliese and the Cherokee County Master Gardener volunteers. “We have trees and shrubs that Dr. Burgess brought to our campus from all over the country, from our paperback Maple tree from the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University, to our Scarlet Oak Tree grown from seedling on the capital grounds in Atlanta to our rare American elm tree,” White said. “The information we have discovered indexing these trees has been like discovering a treasure chest in our own back yard!” A new addition to the Arboretum has been the 127 (and growing) Most Noble Trees & Shrubs Plant Walk; a new tree or shrub is added each year in celebration of the University’s establishment in 1883. W h i t e’s passion for Reinhardt has also grown to include the surrounding city of Waleska. He wanted to create a better sense of community between the City and the University, and that’s when the idea of the Waleska Farmers Market at Reinhardt University came into fruition. “I am involved with other local farmers markets, and I have experienced what great benefit they are to these communities,” said White. “I wanted to bring that benefit to Waleska and Reinhardt. “We’ve had so much support from the Reinhardt family to our community neighbors to people from as far away as Atlanta. Having such positive support even helped us to be voted 4th Best Market in Georgia in the America’s Favorite Farmers Market contest!” White’s hopes for Reinhardt’s “growing” future are to expand the Arboretum by planting more distinct trees and shrubs and to host more farmers markets for the summer and fall 2011 seasons. He also would like to one day bring back Reinhardt’s tradition of farming. “What makes Reinhardt’s campus so beautiful is not just the flowers and plants; it’s the people,” White said. “There is a spirit and friendliness here that I have not found at any other college or institution I have ever been. That’s what makes me love what I do and have such a passion for Reinhardt.” – LHT. A journey that began on a dirt road in a buggy Fond Reinhardt memories from our oldest living alumna When alumni reflect back to their first arrival on campus, many remember riding on highways or interstates; maybe they were with their parents or even in their own cars. Their belongings included matching bedspreads, desk accessories, mini fridges and these days, laptops and Ipods... but Frances Linn ’29 remembers a very different arrival. She traveled by buggy from Pine Log, Ga., down a dirt road that is now Highway 140. She and her whole family came to Waleska, then spelled Walesca, in 1920 so she and her sister could attend Reinhardt Academy. At age 10, Frances was eager to start the fourth grade. Her father, Robert Lee Linn Sr., became the College’s farm manager, maintenance manager and later a chauffeur for the college president who did not own a car. Ms. Linn celebrated her 100th birthday on October 9th of this year, and she is now our oldest living alumna. It’s really no surprise that she has lived this long; both her mother and her sister lived to 102! The Linns have played a big part in the Reinhardt Family. Twenty-five family members have attended Reinhardt, dating all the way back to Ms. Linn’s uncle who graduated in 1893. Typical college life included studying by Aladdin oil lamp, pumping your own water from a well inside the girls dorm, being warmed by coal heat in the residence hall and being one of the lucky few who got to sit by the steam radiator. In those days, they enjoyed practical jokes. Ms. Linn recalls a time when someone snuck a College dairy cow into Winthrop Hall. Maybe it’s a good thing we no longer have dairy cows on campus! Fun activities included very successful debate teams, the Haygoods and the Pierces. A championship debate was held each year, and there wasn’t ever an empty seat. Students also enjoyed three act plays, along with tennis matches and basketball and baseball games played on a dirt court during the day since Reinhardt didn’t have electricity yet. (Top) Ms. Linn was valedictorian of her Reinhardt graduating class. (Bottom) Frances Linn ’29 owns the grand piano that once belonged to Captain Reinhardt, one of Reinhardt’s founders. Her father bought it from Captain Reinhardt’s niece, Fredonia Blanton. Ms. Linn kept a very busy schedule as a student. She worked on Hiltonian staff and was editor her senior year. Her classes included English, French, Latin, Bible, history and chemistry. She worked in the library keeping a high school study hall and tutored in Spanish. She was also on the debate council for girls and taught Sunday School at Waleska UMC. When asked what a favorite Reinhardt memory was, she said, “I would love to relive all of my days at Reinhardt except for two classes — trigonometry and chemistry.” Being busy did not keep her from succeeding. She was 1st Honor Salutatorian of the high school and Valedictorian of her college class. She continued her education at LaGrange College for one year and later completed her education at the University of Georgia. As a lifelong educator, she began her teaching career at age 19 in Pine Log, Ga. She taught at several schools including Taylorsville and Adairsville high schools and eventually retired from Fairmount High School after 44 years in the classroom. Reinhardt continues to be a vital part of Ms. Linn’s life. The grand piano in her front parlor once belonged to Captain Reinhardt, one of Reinhardt’s founders. Ms. Linn’s father purchased the piano from Captain Reinhardt’s niece, Fredonia Blanton. Ms. Linn embodies the ideal of a lifelong learner. She still reads two newspapers, The Daily Tribune and The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, along with five magazine subscriptions. She is true evidence that we are never too old to keep learning. How lucky we are to claim her not just as one of our alums but as our oldest living alum! Happy 100th Birthday Ms. Linn! — JWM 31 31 A “Golden” Opportunity The Class of 1960 Celebrates its Golden Anniversary at Reinhardt’s 2010 Commencement Ceremony The Golden Anniversary attendees (bottom) enjoy recreating a memorable photograph from their yearbook. Below, they pause for a group shot with their robes and medallions. 32 A select group of Reinhardt alumni had a “golden” opportunity at the College’s 2010 commencement ceremony. More than 40 members of the Class of 1960 returned to their alma mater to celebrate their Golden Anniversary. Each was honored and recognized during the ceremony, and the group celebrated the occasion before and after the main event. “Returning to Reinhardt after having graduated 50 years ago gave me the chance to reconnect with friends with whom I have kept in touch and renew friendships with those whom I have lost touch,” said Carolyn Hays, a member of the Golden group. “I have visited the campus several times since graduating and have seen some of the physical changes, but I was amazed at how different, yet still the same, it looks today. Reinhardt will always have a place in our hearts!” The Reinhardt Office of Alumni honored the Golden alumni with a celebration the night before commencement that included dinner, a video presentation and a golden medallion ceremony. The event was the first time many in the group had seen each other since graduation 50 years before. “They were a hoot,” said Jennifer Wiggins Matthews ‘90, director of alumni. “They were just full of laughter and excitement the whole night. They just had so much to say and so much to catch up on since many hadn’t seen each other in so many years. It was a great time!” During commencement, the Golden group wore black robes along with the medallions they received the night before. They were the first group in the commencement processional, and each was recognized during the ceremony. “It was such an incredible experience,” said Bobby Craven during the brunch held for the group after commencement. “We felt so honored to be a part of this special occasion and to be recognized for our accomplishments was such a privilege. The whole experience of our reunion at Reinhardt was first-class all the way.” After 50 years of much success, the Golden group offered a bit of advice to the Class of 2010. “Cherish your friendships, and make the most of the opportunity that has been given to you at Reinhardt.” – LHT Almost 300 students, alumni, faculty and staff enjoyed Reinhardt’s Fall Family and Alumni Weekend. 1) Adia Williams ’08 poses in front of the green screen with her twin daughters, Carolyn and Nyla Thomas, and her mother, You are invited to... Sherryl Skinner. 2) Alexa Huston, a senior business major from Talking Rock, Ga., was crowned Miss Reinhardt 2010-11. 3) Reinhardt’s Finest - Emile Ennis, Michael Cass, Nahum VigoFas, Owen Bagley and Darwin Kellogg -received the Talent Show grand prize. 4) Nahum Vigo-Fas and Kelsey Syers are all smiles during the Miss Reinhardt dance number. Saturday, October Friday, October 8 5) Director9of Residence Life Nicole Weston Miss Reinhardt Competition Free Varsity and Lunch her little one, Julie, enjoyed the face painting 7–9 p.m. at the Falany Performing Arts Center 11 a.m.–2 p.m. at the Hasty Student Life Center Plaza booth Fall Festivalon Fall Family Day. 11 a.m.–3 p.m. at the Hasty & Gordy Center Plaza 6) Cotton candy was one of the goodies being Men’s Soccer vs. Faulkner For more information, please handed out on Fall Family Day. Cheerleaders University contact the Offices of: 3:30–5:30 p.m. at the Jim & Syble Boring Andrew Bradshaw, Courtney Marks, (left), and Sports Complex Student Activities Alumni Relations 770-720-9238 770-720-5509 Dinner (Cost: $6.50) Seyden share a cone. — MSW Amanda 5–6:30 p.m. at the W. Frank & Evelyn J. Gordy Center FALL FAMILY & ALUMNI 8&9 1. Student Talent Show 7–9 p.m. at the Falany Performing Arts Center 2. 3. 5. 6. 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Goodall, a member of the Reinhardt cross country team and a former cheerleader, was one of just 15 NAIA student-athletes from across the country selected to participate for two weeks of leadership training at the Red Cross National Headquarters. “It was so much fun and an amazing experience,” said Goodall, a sophomore business major with a minor in art. “We learned a lot about the Red Cross and what it does. Representatives from the NAIA also came and talked to us about character and having a good attitude whether you’re on or off the field, and that was really informative.” Drew Tyson ‘11 Begins Professional Baseball Career After Being Selected by Oakland Athletics Former Reinhardt baseball player Drew Tyson began his professional career in June after being selected by the Oakland Athletics in the 17th round of the 2010 Major League Baseball First-Year Player Draft. Tyson, a 6-foot-5, 195-pound right-handed pitcher, completed his junior season with the Eagles this past spring and became the first player drafted out of the Reinhardt program, which began in 2005. “Professional ball this summer has been one of the greatest opportunities I’ve had in my life,” Tyson said. “It is a lot of fun, but at the same time this is our job now, and it’s very competitive. When I’m at the field, I just try to have fun and enjoy it for what it is, and compete at my highest level and see where it takes me.” Tyson started his quest for Major League Baseball with the Vancouver Canadians of the Class A short-season Northwest League. After spending some time with the Canadians, he played for and had great 34 success with the Athletics of the Arizona League, a rookie-ball affiliate of Oakland. At the conclusion of the Arizona League schedule, Tyson was recalled to Vancouver, where his club advanced to Northwest League playoffs. Combining his numbers with the Canadians and the Athletics, Tyson finished his first professional season with 19 appearances (all in relief ), a 1-0 record and a 1.25 ERA, striking out 49 batters and walking just seven in 36 innings pitched. Tyson was a member of the Eagles’ pitching staff the last three years, making 46 appearances with 18 starts. He compiled a 12-6 career record with five saves and 102 strikeouts. After working out with the Oakland organization for about a month starting in mid-September, Tyson returned home to Woodstock, Ga., in preparation for next season. – SPR “We got to go to the White House and Capitol Hill. We saw a lot of important people like (Vice President) Joe Biden and Senator (John) Kerry.” Now in its fourth year, the Red Cross/ NAIA Collegiate Leadership Program continues to inspire, motivate and create a new and diverse generation of Red Cross volunteers and leaders through exemplifying the five core values of the NAIA Champions of Character program. These core values are integrity, respect, responsibility, sportsmanship and servant leadership. As part of its support of Red Cross diversity initiatives, State Farm Insurance sponsors this partnership. Goodall is originally from Boston, Mass., but now resides in Marietta, Ga. – SPR. We’re #1! Softball & Men’s Golf Teams Capture Conference Championships in Spring 2010 In its first academic year as a member of the Appalachian Athletic Conference, Reinhardt captured a pair of championships and had one team advance to an NAIA National Championship event. Athletic Director Bill Popp said Reinhardt was are extremely proud of the two conference championships teams. “We feel like all of our teams work exceptionally hard – and it paid off during our first year in the Appalachian Athletic Conference (AAC),” he said. “To also receive the commendations from the Board of Trustees was icing on the cake. We hope to continue to compete well, not only on our fields and courts, but also to maintain the strong aca- demic tradition we have created among our student-athletes.” Under the direction of 2010 AAC Coach of the Year Ken Dixon, the men’s golf squad won the AAC Championship tournament in April, earning the conference’s automatic bid to the national event at the TPC Deere Run course in Silvis, Ill. The Eagles were led by junior Chris Cartwright, and freshmen Zach Lindsey and Dan Merriman, who each received all-conference recognition. In softball, Reinhardt claimed the AAC regular season title by four games with a 14-2 record, and went on to finish 40-11 overall. Glen Crawford was chosen as the AAC Coach of the Year after leading his Lady Eagles to single-season school records for wins, shutouts (23), longest winning streak (11 games) and most victories to start a season (seven). Freshman Maddie Monroe was named the AAC Pitcher of the Year and received all-conference accolades along with senior Sarah Brown, junior Cali Lovett, sophomores Kelsey Floyd, Ashley Kennedy and Andrea Thibaudeau, and freshman Lindsey Booker. Senior Alex Riccardi, who graduated from Reinhardt in May, was an NAIA Scholar-Athlete. – SPR (Top) AAC Regular Season Champion Softball Team; (Bottom) AAC Champion Men’s Golf Team Visit Reinhardt Athletics on Facebook for all your RU sports, events and photos! 35 NAIA Scholar Teams Women’s Soccer, Volleyball Teams Again Among Top Academic Performers in Nation (Top) 2009 Lady Eagles soccer team. (Bottom) 2009 Lady Eagles volleyball team. 2009-10 Two Reinhardt teams received national recognition when the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) announced its scholar teams for 2009-10. Reinhardt’s women’s soccer and volleyball programs earned the distinction, and to be honored as an NAIA scholar team, a squad must have at least a 3.0 combined gradepoint average on a 4.0 scale. “These two teams have had a lot of success academically and deserve the recognition they receive from the NAIA,” Reinhardt athletic director Bill Popp said. “All of our teams are striving to meet academic goals, but women’s soccer and volleyball have really been our leaders in the classroom.” The women’s soccer squad, under head coach Andy Kaplan, was honored as an NAIA scholar team for the fourth straight year after putting together a 3.24 GPA. The Lady Eagles ranked 46th of the 70 programs that earned the recognition with 219 NAIA schools offering women’s soccer as an intercollegiate sport last season. In volleyball, former head coach Angela Monds’ squad garnered NAIA scholar-team status for the third consecutive year. Reinhardt posted a 3.14 GPA, finishing 76th in the nation among 90 schools that qualified for scholar-team accolades. A total of 242 NAIA institutions offered volleyball. The 10-member Appalachian Athletic Conference totalled just eight NAIA scholar teams. Only the University of Virginia’s College at Wise, with three, had more than Reinhardt. – SPR. 36 Golden Eagle awards are given annually to Reinhardt’s top male and female student-athletes while the Silver Eagle awards are presented to a male and female student-athlete with the most team spirit and loyalty to the University. The awards will be presented at Homecoming on Feb. 12, 2011, during halftime of the women’s basketball game. Their names will also be added to plaques displayed in the James & Sis Brown Athletic Center. — SPR Volleyball Program Under Direction of New Head Coach The Reinhardt women’s volleyball program is under the direction of a new head coach – Jenny Hayes. Under Hayes, the Lady Eagles got off to a successful start this fall by winning four straight matches in a tournament at Cumberland University. When the Lady Eagles defeated Wesleyan College in their home opener, they matched the best start in school history at 5-0. “The season got off to a great start with strong heart and determination from the girls,” Hayes said. “They saw how good they can be when they play together as a team.” Hayes came to Reinhardt from Southern Union State Community College where she served as the head volleyball coach the last three years. Last season, she was named the Alabama Community College Conference (ACCC) Coach of the Year. – SPR As Reinhardt’s newest sport, the women’s lacrosse team will begin spring play on Feb. 19, 2011. Head coach Alyson Whitley said she is using her administrative, coaching and athletic skills to meld “a core group of experienced players and several really good walk-ons” into a successful team. “I’m really excited about starting the first-ever women’s lacrosse team at Reinhardt,” she said. Already the team is coming together. In a big tournament this fall, they played Clemson hard. “We only lost by one, and for a brand new team, that’s really impressive,” she said. Reinhardt Athletic Director Bill Popp is encouraging community members to support the new lacrosse teams. “It’s exciting and fast-paced,” he said. “We hope the Reinhardt Family will cheer on our new teams. They’re starting a tradition, and we want you to be a part.” Schedules will be on later this fall. —SPR Golf Tournament Benefited Athletics Athletic Eagle Award Winners The 2009-10 Golden Eagle and Thelma Rogers Silver Eagle award winners were announced in September 2010 by Athletic Director Bill Popp. Earning Golden Eagle Awards were Matt Dalton (baseball) and Maddie Monroe (softball). The Silver Eagle Award, named after a former Reinhardt athletic administrator and coach, went to Kordel Alexander (men’s basketball) and Alex Riccardi (softball). Head coach Alyson Whitley (right) welcomes the first women’s lacrosse signee Emily Collins of Snellville, Ga. On Oct. 25, 2010, Reinhardt held its first golf tournament to benefit Intercollegiate Athletics Maddie Monroe Matt Dalton Alex Riccardi Kordel Alexander “Our first event was a success, and we look forward to the tournament growing every year. It’s a great way for those who love athletics to get involved and make a real difference.” Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood With more than 200 scholarship studentathletes, 15 intercollegiate teams and cheerleading, and a new athletic conference, Reinhardt intercollegiate athletics has more offerings and demands than ever. For that reason, University planners decided to add a fall golf tournament to support athletics. “Intercollegiate athletics play a vital role in life at Reinhardt," said President Dr. J. Thomas Isherwood. “Our first event was a success, and we look forward to the tournament growing every year. It’s a great way for those who love athletics to get involved and make a real difference.” The first athletic tournament was held Oct. 25, 2010, at Callahan Golf Links in Waleska, Ga. Reinhardt staff person Barbara Manous commended tournament chair C. Kenneth White ’61 for his leadership. “Ken was so kind to lead this effort. His enthusiasm for his alma mater is evident in all he does.” For final tournament results and plans for next year, please see —BLM 37 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #1 CANTON, GA. 7300 Reinhardt Circle Waleska, Georgia 30183-2981 Address Service Requested REINHARDT UNIVERSITY WILL EXPLORE EXPANDING Thanks to everyone who answered the phone, talked with students and made a gift. The money we raise goes for scholarships, equipment for the science laboratories, books for the library and other assistance as we ‘Shape the Lives and Build the Futures’ of Reinhardt students. Another phonathon will be held in Spring 2011. We hope you will continue this wonderful tradition of supporting Reinhardt.” ITS ATHLETIC OFFERINGS BY adding... INTERCOLLEGIATE F O O TB ALL A committee of students, faculty, staff and community members will examine the related issues and costs and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board will make a decision during their May 2011 meeting. more Info:
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