Kaalvoet in die reën…
Kaalvoet in die reën…
1 2 3 Kaalvoet in die reën… Content/Inhoud: Metdiebomewatweergroenisendieheerlikelenteweeromons,wagalmalopdieeerstereën.Die woorde van “kaalvoet in die reën” spreek van ‘n afwagtingwaarjyaljousintuiekaninspanomiets teervaarwatgrootgenotverskaf.Jyruikdiereën watvarsdeurdiedoringbomebreek,jysiendiereën daarbuiteingrootswaardruppels,jyhoordiereën wataangerolkomendan,asjykaalvoetis,danvoel jydiereënonderjoutone–lekker-r-r-r!!!Magjy ietskoelindiehandhêen‘nglasieklinkopdielente endiekomsvandiereënterdeëgeniet. Lentetydisdit…kaalvoetindiereën…probeerdit! 4 6 10 12 16 25 29 30 - Baby steps - Nuus van die HEV - Photo Competition - Nuus van ons kerke -GettingfitinMidrandEstates - Birds in the Estate -Midbrief - Contact numbers This Edition: Previous Edition If you didn’t get the Aug. edition please mail editor@midrandestates.co.za Go for gold! Ifyouweretogoforgold,wouldyouseeyourself asbeingagoldsmith,amineroratopathlete?With an extraordinary year nearing completion at a rapid rate, it is time to reflect on goals achieved – are weclosetothegoldinourlives?Itisalwaysmore enjoyable to share the experience and also easier toachievethegoalsthroughacollectiveeffort.We tipourhatstothedadsleavingtheestateforwork early every morning to beat the traffic, the motherstoilingoveranofficedeskandthenthepotsat home, and the youngsters in the community preparingfortheiryear-endexams.Whetheryouare ahardworker,asought-afterartisanorperforming atyourpeak–wetrustthattowardstheendofthe year,youwillgoforgold! Jarno Els (see page 4). Photo taken by Tyrone Zerf E-mail: editor@midrand-estates.co.za Midrand Estates Newsletter – Our contributors. Thenewsletteraimstobringrelevantlocalnewsto ourcommunity.Andwhocantellthestoryofwhat happens here better than our own residents. For that reason we are glad to welcome a number of residents, Cara, Manfred, Traute and Frik, as new contributorstothenewsletterteam.TheHOA-staff who currently contribute are Gert and Wendy and some of the College personnel also assist. If you are prepared to assist please ask for our “information pack”. Vertel ons asseblief 2010-jaar... van jou In baie opsigte was 2010 uniek en het onverwagte hoogtepunte opgelewer – ons wil graag in ons jaareinduitgawevandienuusbrief die kaleidoskoop van ons dorp uitbeeld en nooi inwoners uit om ‘n paar foto’s te stuur en hul storie oor “Hoekom ek 2010 nie sommer sal vergeet nie....” 4 ‘N PRENTJIE PLAKBOEK VAN PEUTER PIONIERS WAT NIE VOORT PLOETER NIE! MCPP se peuter pioniers sedert 2005 ByMidstreamPre-Primêrisdaar‘nsêdingdat “Saambouons...Saamgroeions” Soosdieplakboekhierbowys,worddaarsedert2005saamgebou(engegroei)aan‘nwye verskeidenheidvandeugdeenworddaarbinnekort met trots afskeid geneem van ‘n spesialegroepwatna5jaarhulpadnadie“groot skool”neem.Daarwordterdeëbesefdatbenewensdieskoolseeienaarsenonderwysers wasdieouersenjongesookwarepionierswat dieonbekendeaangepakhet.Diedromewas groot,maarsoookdievertroueop‘ntoekoms indienuwedorpwatin2005oormeergrondpaaie as teerpad beskik het. Aandiegroepiewatvandieeerstedagvandie skoolsebestaanbyMCPPwas,wensonsalle voorspoed toe. 5 THE STORY OF A SMALL PIONEER - FROM BABY STEPS TO THE NEXT BIG STEP! Oneofourfirstresidentspreparesforthe important milestone of entering primary school... When the Els family – Albert (dad), J’ruida(mom)andsix-month-oldJarno –movedintoMidstreamearlyin2004, theEstatewasstillinitsfledglingstage. Their house at Hutton Gate was surroundedbyaclusteroffivehousesand veld,withtheschool(invariousstages ofdevelopment)aswellasjackaland other wildlife as their closest neighbours. The shopping centre, churches and other parts of Midrand Estates werefuturisticnotions. In January of 2005, Jarno joinedthefirsteverclassinthe MidstreamPre-PrimarySchool. It was here that he took his first“momentous”stepsonhis firstbirthday(whichJ’ruidawas fortunatetowitness).Another of the family’s favourite memoriesisofafunwalkheldbythe school. As the walkways had notyetbeendeveloped,thecar parkservedasthecourse.Asmostofthechildrenweretoo smalltoparticipate,theyenjoyedtheday’sactivitiesfrom thecomfortoftheirpramswhilstthemomsanddadsdidall thewalking! Jarnohasprogressedthroughtheranksofpre-primaryschool,duringwhichtimelittle brotherJensen(nowthreeyearsold)hasbeenwelcomedintothefamily.Nowasixyear old in the ‘Sebra’ class, Jarno enjoys swimming, mountain biking and playing tennis with his family. He is excited about going to Grade 1 next year so that he canlearntoread,wrestleandplaycricket.Ofcourse, hefullyintendstocontinuewithhiscareerinBulletjie Rugby! 2011willbeabigyearforthefamily.WhenJarnoputs onhisnewschoolshoes,heandhisfamilywillhave just moved into their newly built house in Midfield and will be anticipating the arrival ofababysistertowardstheendof January. Jarnoisjustoneofanumberofchildrenwhoshareinthehistoryofthe Estate. We wish these special little pioneering residents all the best as theyenterGrade1! 6 News from the HOA / Nuus van die HEV Are you driving above the speed limit? Theworldtodayrequiresmanyofus to spend time rushing from point to point.However,ifweaddspeedingin ourcarstotherush,itwillimpacton thewayinwhichwewouldallprefer to live life inside the estate. Children playing in the estate are at risk and speeding is against the HOA rules. You can change this.... drive at the speedlimitandbysodoingyouwill not only set the example but also set the pace. Residents in Midlands please take note that infuturestationarycamerasaretobedeployedintheestateandspeedwillbemeasured–the cameraswilldetectspeedviolations24hoursaday–7daysaweek. For those with fast and noisy pull-aways... Residents staying close to the access gates have approached the HOAs with therequesttoreininthefastandnoisy pullawaysofcertainroadusers,byinstalling speed bumps within 40 meters of the boom gates. This is a special requesttothosewithfastcars-pleaseresist the Formula 1 pull away when the boomopens! boom opens! 7 News from the HOA / Nuus van die HEV Introducing Wynand Schoeman – the Estate/ Security Manager for Midfield Estate The Midfield HOA board appointed Wynand Schoemaninthejointpositionofestateandsecuritymanagerfrom1July2010.Wynandwas born in the Freestate, matriculated in TheunissenandthereafterjoinedtheSAPolicewherehe completed27yearsofduty.Hestudiedparttime and obtained his Honour’s Degree in Police Science. After teaching Crime Investigation at the Tshwane University of Technology, he joined the securitymanagementteamofMidrandEstatesin 2007.Inadditiontohisnewpositionasestate/ security manager at Midfield Estate, Wynand, in accordance with the SASSETA skills programme, is in charge of the in-house training and assessmentofthesecurityofficersinMidrandEstates. WynandismarriedtoFrancis,andinhisfreetime enjoyswalkingtrailsandplayingwithhisRottweilers.Wewishhimwellinhispersonalandprofessional endeavours. Feedback on security for July & August 2010. The virtually spotless record on security receivedadentoverthepasttwomonthswith twoincidents.Inthefirstincident,fourpersons gained access to Midstream Estate by impersonating police officers under the pretense of delivering a subpoena to a specific resident. On arrival at the resident’s house thefamilywastiedupandthefamilyrobbed. Theoffenderslefttheestatewithblueflashing lights.Duringtheensuinginvestigationthree culprits were identified and arrested and are awaitingtrial. In the second incident an armed robbery took placeonaSaturdaymorningatAshfordHouse office complex when the perpertrators surveyed the area under guise of asking for directions and then returned to rob the occupant from a cell phone and lap top computer. The security management team and guards have taken steps to tighten security and requestresidentstomaintaintheirguardinthe fightagainstcrime. Residents passing through the Windsor and OldKentgatestotakenotethatanewaccess software package will be implemented soon. Allresidentsandtheirfamilymembersaswell as domestic workers must be enrolled again through the capture of a new set of finger printsaswell asaphoto.Registrationtakes placefrom06:00to18:00,sevendaysaweek at the Old Kent gate, with all to be enrolled by4October2010–(ID-documentordriver’s licensetobepresentedaswell) MIDRAND ESTATES HOA’S DatesoftheHOAAnnualGeneralMeetings ResidentsarerequestedtotakenoteofthedatessetdownfortheAGMsofthelocal HOAs,being: MidstreamHOA-21October2010; MidfieldHOA-9November2010; MidlandsHOA-16November2010. FullparticularstobecirculatedsoonbytherespectiveHOAs. 8 9 Gardenin ardeninG G tips from C arel at G ardenin ardeninG G C on onC Cepts Thelongawaitedsummerhasarrivedandnowisthetimetorejuvenateyourwinterdamaged garden. Foryourlawn: For • Mostestablishedlawnsneedapproximately30mmofwaterevery week. week. • Whereweedsareaproblemitmaybebesttouseanappropriate herbicide herbicidewhichshouldbeappliedbeforeweedshavegonetoseed. • Useanorganicfertiliserlike“BladeRunner”every8weeksortreat the thelawneach6to8weeksalternatingwithslowrelease3:2:1 fertiliser and LAN. Foryourplants/trees: • Plantnewtreesandshrubsusingcompostandbonemealor superphosphate. • Add compost and organic fertilisers like “Bounce Back” or “RapidRaiser”toflowerbeds.Alternativelyuseslowrelease 3:1:5fertiliserforfloweringtreesandshrubs. • Sowsummerfloweringannualsorplantseedlingsforcolour Foto deur: Driesia Hamman in the garden. • Sow vegetables or plant seedlings, e.g. asparagus, beetroot, brinjals, broccoli, carrots, celery,cucumbers,dwarfbeans,lettuces,parsley,pumpkins,radishes,tomatoes. • Inspectyourirrigationsystemandensureitisingoodworkingordertoavoiddamageto yourgardenduringthesummermonths.Upgradetheirrigationsystemtoensurethatall areasgetthewaterneededbecauseofchangestoorgrowthinyourgarden. VAN DIE WEERHAAN –wanneerlooponsweerkaalvoetinniereën?? Dietydvandiejaarisdievraag–wanneerreënditweer?Soudievraagwees,wanneerditna diewinterweermeeras12mmin‘ndagreën(‘noutydsehalfduim)wysdiegeskiedenisbyons plaaslikeweerstasie,dievolgendeinonsdorpaan: • • • • In2006valdieeerstegoeiereëneersop1Nov2006met18mm enop13Nov200635mm; In2007valdaarreedsop27September23mm; In2008worddieKrugerdagstoriewaarenvaldaar13mmop18 Oktober2008en27mmop26Oktober2008; In2009wasdiereënvroegenvaldaarop28September2009 53mm; Virmeerinligtingvanafonsplaaslikeweerstasie,besoekonsweb-tuiste bywww.midrand-estates.co.za 10 From our local vet on... à Biliary [Bosluiskoors] in Dogs Springhassprungandsohavetheticks!Alongwiththeincreasedtickburdencomes tick burden an increase in risk of biliary. Both the male [small red tick] and the female [large grey tick] can carry the parasite. This parasite infects the red blood cells and typically causes anaelack of appetite, pale gums and fever.Biliary mia(bloedarmoede).Earlysignsarelistlessness,lackofappetite,palegumsandfever.Biliary is a very serious disease and early detection makes for the best chance transfusions are often oftreatmentsuccess.Inseverecases,bloodtransfusionsareoften Should you have a neededtoensurethesurvivalofthepatient.Shouldyouhavea please consider healthylargebreeddog,lessthan8yearsold,pleaseconsider clinic –it listingitasapotentialblooddonoratyourlocalclinic–it couldsavealife! cure. REMEMBERthatpreventionisthebestformofcure. This may be achieved through the monthly applica-tionofagoodqualitytickspot-ontreatment.En-quireatyourvet. THE CHECKERS WAREHOUSE ON THE HILL: The saga between the Midstream HOA and Checkers has raged on for the past 12 months over the extensions brought about to the existing distribution centre. The most recent additions to the already enormous building will create a single building with a footprint exceeding110000m²-comparablewiththeentireMenlynshoppingcentre. TheMidstreamHOA(inconjunctionwithMidfield HOA and Midlands HOA) has lodged an appeal with the Gauteng Townships board against the process followed by the Tshwane Metroinrelaxinthedevelopmentheightofthe buildingfrom8mto25m.ArequestbyCheckersthattheHOAsbedisallowedtoappealon a technical point, has been rejected by the Townshipsboard.Adatetohearthemeritsof the matter has been set down for November 2010. The K109 access road (update Sept 2010) The need for another access road to the greaterMidrandEstateswasidentifiedin2005with appeals lodged to the Gauteng Province as well as the Ekurhuleni and Tshwane Metros toassistinbringingtheK109-provincialroad about. In 2008 Bondev undertook to finance the road planning and construction and initiatedthepre-requisiteenvironmental studies through Bokamoso Environmental Consultants. Bokamoso has advised that the report was submitted to the overseeing environmentalauthority,GDARD,andthat aresultis(finally)expectedduring October 2010. Therafter the next step in the process can commence. 11 Reader Photo Win a R1000 voucher from one of our sponsors. - Closing date will be 10 November ‘10 - Proposed theme is “2010 was unforgettable” or spring related photos. - Visit www.midrand-estates.co.za for more information on the competition. Photob yDries ia The winning photograph for May‘10 was by Charl. Charl won R1000 sponsored by Eyecare, the local Midstream barber. Photo by Louise PhotobyDriesia Photo by Charl Photob yDries ia PhotobyDriesia o Phot l har by C 12 BOUWERK VORDER FLUKS Beplanning van die kompleks vir kerksondermure Midstream, geleë in Mt Quary straat langsdieMidlandskleuterskool,vorderfluks. Alles dui daarop dat grondwerke so vroeg as OktoberofNovemberreedskanbegin,naverkryging van al die nodige soneringsregte. Bouwerk aan fase een sal waarskynlik teen die tweede helfte van 2011 voltooi wees. Voldoende fasiliteite vir volwasse eredienste, kinderentienerbedieningswordvoorsien,en die fasiliteite word so ontwerp dat gemeenskapsaktiwiteiteenna-uurseaktiwiteitemaklikgeakkommodeerkanword. diensteenaktiwiteitewattansindietydelike tentstruktureopdiehoekvanMt.QuaryStraat enMidwayboulevardstraatgehouword,oorskuif na die permanente kompleks. Tans vind daar by die tydelike tentkompleks eredienste plaas op Sondae 09h00 en 17h00, asook kinderdienste om 09h00 Navraerakendediebouprojekkangerigword aan Hannes van Aswegen by finbestuur@ ksm.co.za, of navrae oor die Bedieningspunt self aan Ds Fanie Venter, by fanie@ ksm.co.za By voltooiing van die kompleks sal al die ere- A small gesture making a huge impact. Hatsofftothoseofourguardsandtrafficcontrolofficerswhorecently collected food and toys amongst themselves and made an impact at anorphanageinSoshanguve.Theseguyswhomakeanimpactonthe lives of our residents on a daily basis are part of a local group called “MightyMen”andmeetweeklyto–astheyputit-“ServetheLord”. AfterhearingabouttheplightofaladynamedGracewholooksafter20 orphans,theydecidedtomakeadifference.Hatsofftothemanddo givethemafriendlywavewhennextyoupassthemby. 13 MIDSTREAM METHODIST CHURCH IS TRULY BLESSED! This was again evident when the Midstream Methodist Church held its first annual Family Fun Day on Saturday, the 18th September 2010 at Midfields Golf Course in Midrand Estates. The weather was wonderful and the event was well attended by members of the congregation and local residents, who participated in the numerous activities on offer. Onesucheventwasthepopulargolfingcompetition,whichsawfortygolfersteeingoffto compete for one of the many sponsor donated prizes. The more active attendees took part in the 2km and 5km fun runs, which afterwards allowed them to partake guilt-free in the delicious cakes and pastries on offer at the tea garden.Thekidswereentertainedintheirown children’s activity area, which offered face painting, a jumping castle and art table, and all the participants in a “Master” and “Miss” Competitionwalkedawaywithprizes.Forthe shopperstherewereanumberofwellstocked stalls offering everything from crafts and doggieaccessoriestoboereworsrollsandrefreshments. Midstream Methodist Church would like to thankallwhoattendedandassistedinmaking thedaysuchasuccess,includingthegenerous sponsorsandthosewhoopenedstalls.Withouttheirsupportthisoccasionwouldnothave been possible. The lion’s share of the Family FunDay’sproceeds,whichexceededexpectations, will be used to redeem debt raised to buildtheMidstreamMethodistChurchSanctuary. 14 15 GETTING FIT IN MIDRAND ESTATES PILATES MIDSTREAM GOLF Pilates is for everyone – whether you just want to function optimally,orarelookingforbalanceinlifeorsimply wanttochangeyourlifeforthebetter!Inside Out Pilates Studio offers a variety of options - individual classes using machines to tone & strengthenthebody,aswellasgroupsessions using mat exercises. NatashaSwanepoel-0833219240,natasha.swanepoel@vodamail.co.za DRIVING RANGE AND GOLF ACADEMY We would like to welcome you atMidstreamDrivingRangeand Golf Academy where we invite youandyourfamilytohitafew balls(R25for55balls)andenjoy the outdoors with us. Golf lessons are available for everyone accordingtotheirneedsandwe also cater for junior academies and golf schools. Lessons by appointment. PatrickO’Brien-0829921314 patrick@leighsflooring.co.za TENNIS - MIDSTREAM Our family tennis-club members play competitive leaguegamesaswellasfun-filledsocialgames!Wehad4teams competing in the Gautengleague this year and they all didextremelywell!There’sa tremendous spirit and friendships are growing! We invite anyone who wants to take up tennis as a lifelongsporttojoinus! Ourhoursare Tuesdays to Fridays 9:00 till18:00and w e e k e n d s 7:00 till 18:00, Adults R70 and juniors R20 per round.Wealsoofferprofessional golf lessons and golf fitness programs. Lookoutforusaswewill be relocating soon right next to the putting green. Come and join us for a roundofgolf!! Riegardt-0823146422 riegardt23@vodamail.co.za Indoor Swimming MarceldaPonte 012 661 5090 marcel@midstreamswim. co.za w w w. m i d s t r e a m s w i m . co.za HendrikGreeff-0824119271 hendrik@gtpca.co.za,www. tennisatmidstream.co.za TENNIS - MIDLANDS Private Lessons, Squad Lessons, Coaching Membership – Up to 3 sessionsaweekformonthlymembership feeofR330.OnlineTennisClub–Joinournewonline club for R 50pm and enjoy discount prices on tennis equipment and apparel. You also get 1 sessionamonthfree!Formoreinforegardingcoaching andcourtbookings,pleasecontactus. Fanie-0795172572Email:fanie@fvrtennis.co.za www.fvrtennis.co.za DANCE STUDIO IsabelStapelberg-0832911212 isabel@dancestudio.co.za www.dancestudio.co.za RUN / WALK FOR LIFE Karen/Esther 0836405566/0824641729 kvdbergh@midrand-estates. co.za www.runwalkforlife.co.za YOGA Classes are 60 minutes long and focus on posture to enhance strength andflexibility,andonbreathingandrelaxation.YogaAlliancecertifiedteacherinVinyasaFlowYogaandHathaYoga.ClassesMonday andThursdaynightsat7pmandTuesdaymorningsat10am.R70.00 foradropinclass.R520foran8classcardvalidfor4weeks. Christine-0828845548,christinevanblerk@gmail.com Midlands Tennis courts - Tennis (Midlands) Club house - Golf - Driving Range - Golf academy - Run & Walk for life Midfield Cricet Oval Tennis (Midstream) GETTING FIT IN MIDRAND ESTATES Gym - Personal Training - Group Training - Weight Training - Cardiovascular Training - Squash - Lady-X-Treme (Ladies only) - Karate - Kettlebell - Jiu-Jitsu - Dance Studio Midstream Tennis courts Tennis (Midstream) Ashford House - Pilates - Yoga 16 KETTLEBELL KettlebellTrainingatMidstreamGym.KettlebellsisaRussiantrainingtoolthathasbeenused Joan Welsh once said: ‘A person’s sincethe1800's.Kettlebellswillimprovecardiovascularfitness,strength,balance,co-ordination health can be judged by which they andflexibility.Kettlebellsareanuniquelyeffectiveconditioningtool,usedbyathletesandordinarypeoplealike.ClassesavailablefromInternationallyQualifiedInstructor(CKT-IKFF) take two at a time - pills or stairs.’ UnderthenameWorld of Wellness, Niel-0721861492,nrgeyser@gmail.com thegyminMidrandEstatesoffersa SOCIAL CRICKET varietyofservicesandbenefitsright KARATE CLUB onyourdoorstep.Herearejustsome The Eagles Karate Club offers Want to become more active by dooftheservicesonoffer: Shotokan karate beginners ingsomethingfunforthewholefamily 1. Personal Training - A qualified classes at the Midstream Gymand meet new people in the process? Games take personal trainer helps you achieve nasium on Tuesday and Thursday afplaceattheMidfieldOval. maximumresults,optimizingyour ternoons from 15:00-15:45. The club is exercise for your age, individual affiliated to Karate Tanya-0832974861,zeeliet@westinghouse.com Gauteng North, one Marius-0829407255,maruisz@telesure.co.za bodyandfitnessgoals. of the strongest clubs 2. Group Training - Small-group in the region. The intraining personal trainer sessions structor, Rudi Bruwer may be just what you need to MOUNTAINBIKERACE has been one of the keep you motivated and moving Gauteng North coachtowardsyourgoalsatthegym. es for more than 5 Entries are for 10, 30 or 60 kilometres with a 3. WeightTraining years. large portion of the race taking place on the va4. Cardiovascular Training cantlandaroundMidlandsEstate. 5. Spinning - Spinning is a form Rudi - 072 532 9999, karate@eagles. Enquireat082-9050-803orenterthrough of low impact cardiovascular co.za,www.eagles.co.za entries@cyclelab.co.za exercisethatminimizesthewear and tear on the joints; which in JIU-JITSU turn enables you to participate frequently. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is 6. Squash-Wehave2courtsatthe one of the most proven gym and another 2 courts at the and effective self-defense MidlandsIndoorPoolfacility. disciplines available today and is 7. Lady-X-Treme (Ladies only) used globally by many individuals This facility is exclusively for the and law enforcement agencies. ladies-weofferclassessuchas Come join us and learn practiaerobics, kickboxing, hydraulic cal self-defense where a smaller, weaker person can successfully circuit,stretchingetc. defendagainstabigger,stronger For more information regarding assailant by using leverage and memberships,rates,trainers,anyof propertechnique. theabovementionedservices,orany other gym related queries, please Nicky-0725772378 contact: Marco at wowmidstream@ info@gbcenturion.co.za www.gbcenturion.co.za hotmail.co.zaor0836299350. THE GYM IN MIDRAND ESTATES 17 18 19 MIDSTREAM & MIDLANDS PRE PRIMêR Oupa- en Oumadag by MLPP en MCPP Omdatonsso‘ngrootwaarderinghetvironsOupasen Oumaswasditvirbeideskole‘ngrootvoorregenplesier omVrydag3Septemberalons OupasenOumasbyonstekon verwelkomenbederf(Intotaal 900byons2skole!).Diedag het saamgeval met Lentedag enonskonmettrotsonsOupas en Oumas laat deelneem aan al die verskillende aktiwiteite waaraan ons kinders elke dag blootgestelword.Almalwatbetrokkewashetditsommerbaie geniet! Granny & Grandpa Day at MLPP & MCPP OnFriday3Septemberninehundred grandparentsvisitedoneofourtwo localpre-schools!Yes,youreadcorrectly – 900 in round numbers! A truly momentous occasion! On the day the kids invited their elders to lowerthemselvestotheirleveland joininsomeoftheirdailyactivities. Alongwiththetreatssharedonthe special spring day, loads of fun was had by all. 20 CENTURION KUNSTEFEES GROEPPRESTASIES 2010 Midstream College Primêre Skool neem jaarliks deel aan die Centurion kunswedstryd. Hierdie jaar was die kompetisie weer soos in die verlede geweldig straf. Groepe wat puik presteer het is: die junior sangspeletjie met ‘n A+.(Hulle was ook afdelingswenners.) Die senior revue het ‘n A++ met 90% ontvang en ons spreekkoor het ook ‘n A++met90%behaal.Voorwaarpuikprestasies. Dryf , Slaan, Strek maal duisend = doodmoeg!!!! DrievanMidstreamCollegePrimêreSkoolseleerders, RynierBrandt,ZanderHillenJanéRautenbach,isna‘n Nasionale0/13–OefenkampinPretoriagenooi.Muurbalspelers van regoor die land het tydens die naweek van 6 – 9 Augustus aan ‘n strawwe oefenkamp deelgeneem. TSHWANE YOUTH ARTS FESTIVAL Hierdie jaar het ons weer aan oudisies deelgeneem en 4 van ons kultuurgroepe het die voorreg gehad om weer in die Staatsteater te kon optree. Hierdie groepe sluit in die senior slagorkes- en vioolensemble, Yadah,sangspeletjieenseniorrevue. Daar is deur vooraanstaande muurbalafrigters aandag geskenk aan verskeie aspekte van muurbal. Alhoeweldienaweekfisiesveeleisendwas het die spelers groot baat daarby gevind. Welgedaanjulledrie! 21 TASTE OF MIDSTREAM 2010 Trots Suid-Afrikaans het MidstreamCollegePrimêreSkoolse ouers, kinders en onderwysers op Saterdag 14 Augustus “Taste of Midstream” gehou. Vanjaar het ons ‘n osbraai gehou. Terwyl die volwassenes saamgekuier en gesmul het aan ‘n heerlike bord kos, het die kinders hulself gate uit geniet in die “pretpark” met‘nwyeverskeidenheid speletjies. Almal het die gaskunstenaars se optredes geniet. Beslis een van dié kuiergeleenthede by Midstream College wat niemand sal of wil misloopnie!Wat‘nfees!!!! YADAH BESOEK OUETEHUIS MIDSTREAM COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL CRICKET Yadah het op 1 SepYadah tember die inwoners van Kiepersol Aftreeoord met ‘n spesiale Lentedag-lofprysing bederf. Die 103 kindergesiggies het met hul pragtige sang en dans elke ou mensie sehartaangeraak! AFRIGTERS Mnr. Danie Erasmus is as afrigter van die 0 / 11 - Northern’s Provinsiale Streekspan aangewys. HullegaaninDesemberdieprovinsieinPietermaritzburgverteenwoordig. DISTRIK KRIEKETPROEWE 2010 ‘n Totaal van 12 seuns het Midstream College Primêre Skool by die Distrik krieketproewe die afgelope jaar verteenwoordig! Agt spelers het daarna gevorder na die tweede rondte proewe. Braam Grobler, Reinhardt Grobler en Zander Hill het in die finale proewe meegeding vir ‘n plek indieDistrikspan.Onsisbaietrotsomtesêdat BraamGroblerdie0/11-Distrikspangehaalhet! CricketatMidstreamCollegeisreaching the end of an extremely successful season.FourofthefiveA-sideshavequalifiedfortheplay–offgamesbyachievingeitherfirstorsecondplaceintheir league.AlltheB–sideplayersarealso doingexceptionallywellintheirfriendly leaguesandareenjoyingtheircricket. Team 0/9A 0 / 10 A 0 / 11 A 0 / 13 A Games played Games won 5 5 8 7 14 12 15 13 22 Skoolhoof rondgeja op tennisbaan… Dieskoolhoof,DrCarelKriekhetsytennisvaardighede uitgestal tydens ‘n dubbelspeltoernooiwatdieCollegesetennis seisoenafgesluithet.DrKriekhetsaam met Gustav Pretourius die mansafdeling vandierondomtalietoernooigewenterwyl me Nellis Putter saam met Chanté vanZyldiedamesafdelingingepalmhet. Dietoernooiisgespeelnetnavanjaarse afsluitingsfunksieop19Augustuswaar elkespeler,spanspelerensosialespeler met‘nsertifikaatbeloon.Spelerswatdie meeste punte vir hulle span aangeteken het,hetelk‘ntrofeeontvang. Dr C Kriek (Hoof), Gustav Pretorius en Mnr H van Vreden (Sporthoof) Hockey season ends with a gala evening Cri-zelda Brits & Ian Stanton This year’s successful hockey season, whichsawtheu/14boyswinningtheSt Peter’sTournamentandtheu/15Agirls cominginatsecondplace,wasrounded offwithaspecialAwardsEveningon3 August with Cri-zelda Brits, the South African cricket captain, attending as guest speaker. Chantellé Antoniadis & Rynhardt Jordaan Whileeachplayerreceivedacertificate for participation, trophies for player of the year were awarded to: Christiaan Kok, Chanté van Zyl, Renate Griessel, NoniSilomo,CalvinKnight,KaylaJackson, Danielle Bezuidenhout, Gustav Pretorius and Elischa de Necker. Jong wetenskaplikes verras 300 Midstreamleerders het hierdie jaar aan die interne Ekspo-kompetisie deelgeneem en 31 het goue,68silweren61bronssertifikateontvang. Walner Hill het die kompetisie weer gewen. Me ClarisevanderMerwevanExperilabinBrooklyn, het die leerders by die prysuitdelings-funksie met interessante eksperimente geboei. DieGauteng-NoordEskomEkspovirJongWetenskaplikeshetop21AugustusbyUPplaasgevind. ‘n Totaal van 408 projekte is ingeskryf waarvan sewe Midstreamleerders was. Mauritz Blignaut, HannesdeBeer,ConraddeBeerenMarinettePretoriushetsilwermedaljesverowerenAnneckePéli het‘nbronsmedaljegekry.KiaraNaidooenNatashaGriesselhet‘nmerietetoekenningontvang. Wiskunde Jordan Little, EduJordan ard Bosman en Toufeeq Toufeeq Suliman is opgeneem in die Gauteng-Noord Wiskundespan. Eduard, Toufeeq en Jor Jordan (voor) 23 Tamsin becomes National Champion TamsinDaniels’passionforridingstartedattheageoffourandhasculminatedinherandherpony,Kavalier,winningthe2010SAPonyRider EventingChampionships.Shewongoldin2008aspartoftheGauteng EventingTeamandwasfirstonForsyteTomCollinsattheSAChildren’s Champs Pre-Novice Eventing in 2009. In the same year she was recognised as Higher Inter-regionals Pony Rider of the Year and received MidstreamCollegeawardsforBestOverallRider,BestDressageRider andBestEquitationRider. Tamsin Daniels Springbokke laat leerders droom oor toekoms Tydens ‘n spesiale saalbyeenkoms van die Hoërskool het Fourie du Preez, Springbokskrumskakel,enJohanvanGraan,voorspeler- en verdedigingsafrigter van die Bulls en Blou Bulle, die skool besoek. Groot was die verbasingtoedieSuper14-enCurriebekertrofeësaammetdiegastehulopwagtinggemaakhet.Diegastehetkortliksdieleerders toegespreekoorhulsuksesseendaarnawas daar geleentheid vir vrae en die neem van foto’s saam met die gaste. Dieonlangserugby-seisoenAfsluitingsfunksie het erkenning aan die skool se rugbyspelers Fourie du Preez en dr Carel Kriek pronk met die Curriebeker en S14-beker en handtekeningjagters word beloon. verleen. Leslie Stolterfoht, JonathanStevens,JoshuaGibsonenJaco Grobbelaar het trofeë ontvang vir diemeestedrieëgedruk.Diespreker by hierdie geleentheid was die legenariese Springbokrugbykaptein van 1981, Wynand Claassen. Hy hetdiegehoortrakteeropstaaltjies uit sy rugbyjare en het klem gelê op die belangrikheid van drome en idealeindiesportmanselewe. Wynand Claassen & Dr C Kriek by die trofeewenners Netbal sluit ‘n goue seisoen af Die netbalseisoen is op luisterryke wyse op Donderdag, 15 Julie in die skoolsaal afgesluit waar elke span die geleentheid gehad het om hul eie tafelversierings en eetgoed te voorsien. Beste spelertrofeë is aan die volgende spelers deur dr Carel Kriek (skoolhoof) en mnr Hans van Vreden (sporthoof) oorhandig: Simone Sibuta, Nono Ramahlo, Anel Lewis, Crystale Veltman, Jessica de Pinho,Tondani Ndou, Hlobi Radebe, Gontse Ditshego, Lebogang Mokwena, Natasha Freitas, Daniëlle van Vuuren en Tshepo Makale. Spesiale vermelding is ook van Gontse Ditshego (Gauteng O/16) en Daniëlle van Vuuren (Noord-Gauteng) gemaak. Simone Sibuta en Nono Ramahlo het goed gevaar en sover as die finale Noord-Gautengproewe gevorder. 24 25 GEVEERDE VRIENDE IN ONS TUINE EN PARKE Disheerlikelenteendieparkeentuineinons Landgoed, wat gister nog vaal en bruin was, barsuitinʼnsimfonievankleure. Voëls wat in die winter deur niemand eers raakgesien is nie, weens hul kriptiese en onopvallende veredos, soos die Swartkeelgeelvink- en die Rooivink-mannetjies, pronk nou met hul mooiste broeikleure. Dit is ʼn gekwetter,geklapvanvlerke,ʼnoppofferyen vlerksleep—enditallesomwyfiestebeïndruk. Albei voël-mannetjies is poligamies (veelwywig)enmoetdusbaienestebou. maar sing pragtig om wyfies te lok. Hierdie gedragisallesdeelvandievoëlssehofmakery om so die voortbestaan van hulle spesie te verseker. Hoe opvallender die kleure, hoe trotserdiegepronk,enhoeharderenmooier diegesang,hoesekerderisdiemannetjievan ʼnbroeimaat. Trouens,diestorie,datwyfiesdienessiesuitmekaarpluk,ashullenietevredeisnie,klink mooi maar is nie waar nie. Die mannetjie is geneties geprogrammeer om te bou en te bou toteenvansywyfiesgereedisomeierstelê eninʼnnuwenessieintetrek.Asdaargeeneierlêendewyfieisnie,worddienesafgebreek. AndervoëlssoosdieGeelbeklysterendieGewoneJanfrederikverandernievankleurenie Rooivink (Southern Red Bishop) Rooivink (Southern Red Bishop) Die Rooivink (Southern Red Bishop) het ‘n opvallende rooi en swart verekleed met ‘n swartvoorkop,bruinvlerkeenstert. IndiewinterlykdieRooivinkmannetjiessoos diewyfies. Swartkeelgeelvink (Southern Masked-Weaver) Swartkeelgeelvink (Southern Masked-Weaver) Die Swartkeelgeelvink (Southern Masked-Weaver) word aan sy relatief effekleurige rug, swart gesigmaskerenrooioëuitgeken. Indiewinterlykdiemannetjiessooswyfiesenwordaanhullerooibruinoëuitgeken. Fotos deur: F & D van Wyk 26 New in Midrand Estates FOOD: We all eat it. Most of us cook it, manyofusloveit,andsomearesopassionate about it that they make it a career. LocalresidentOrgGroblerwillfulfilhisdream in October when he opens his own family restaurant, the Purple Cow, in Midstream. TherestaurantwillbelocatedintheMidfield Clubhouse and will be open for late afternoon visits utilising the open terrace leading to the cricket oval With extensive restaurant experience, Org’s philosophy is simple: love what you do, do what you love. Ideally located within the greaterMidrandEstatesarea,Org’svisionis tobe“thebest,notthebiggest”. Afatherhimself,heunderstandstheneedfor achild-friendlyrestaurantinMidstream. “Purple Cow restaurant is your friendly, honest ‘home from home’ ”, says Org. “It’s a trendy family restaurant with quality, affordable food for all ages. Our extended menu includes great breakfasts, light meals, burgers, grills, desserts and kids offerings - all also available as takeaways.” “Businessmen, Moms, golfers, children – everyone’s welcome. On offer will be generous portions of tasty, quality food served with unrivalled care and attention to detail.” Midstream Team Takes on the World Robot Olympiad On4September,SybrandBotesandDehanLamprechts from Midstream College, joined forces with Clyde Roux(CornwallHillCollege)intheprimaryschoolcategory of the SA Robotics Olympiad, the local leg of theWorldRobotOlympiad(WRO)for2010.TheWRO is a global robotics competition aimed at broadening young people’s application of science and technology throughroboticsystems,andencouragingtheminthe fieldsofscience,engineeringandinnovation. Intheprimaryschoolcategory,teamshadtoassemble robots from unmodified LEGO pieces and limited electronic components, as well as programme them withinatimelimit.Therobotsthenhadtonegotiate the challenging sequence of tasks around a course, with thefastestrobottofinishall tasks successfully, securingawin.Sybrand,DehanandClydeovercome many challenges and put their creativity, problemsolving and co-operation skills to good use in achieving a 3rd place on the day. Their eagerness to further their horizons will surely serve them well in time to come.Watchthisspace! space! SybrandandDehanwiththeirrobot,EVO Sybrand and Dehan with their robot, EVO Kort brokkie... “Dankie, dankie en nogmaals dankie aan die teller by ons “Dankie, SPARwatmyselfooningegeehetbySPARsebestuur.Ditwas SPAR my fout om die selfoon op die toonbank te los nadat ek betaal het,maarditisnet“great”ominso‘nlekkerdorpteblywaar het, sulkefouteniekatastrofiesisnie.Dankieweerens,Mart” 27 EVAN ROOS IS EEN VAN MIDSTREAM COLLEGE SE KRANIGE SPORTMANNE. DietienjarigeEvanRooswattansinGraad 4 is by Midstream College het vanjaar weer presteer op die sportterrein deur vir die tweede jaar as Rugbyspeler van diejaarinsyouderdomsgroepaangewys tewordenookasJuniorVictorLodorum gekroonteword.Evanisbowendien‘n aktiewekrieketspeler–housoaanEvan, onshoujoumetgraagtedop! CAN YOU OVERRIDE YOUR CAR REMOTE WITHANOTHERREMOTECONTROL? How the car remote control works…The remotecontrolforyourcarsendsradio-waves toyourcarwithaspecificsetofin-structions to lock your car doors and activate the car alarm. By using rolling code algorithms, the receiver encrypts the new disarm code and sends it back to the transmitter. Since the transmit transmitter only uses that disarm code once, any information intercepted by a code snatcherisworthless. What can go wrong? It is possible to override the radio signals transmitted by simultanouslytransmittingradiowavesfromanother remotecontrolthatwillblockthosesendfrom your transmitter. This may prevent the signals from your transmitter from reaching your car and thus locking the car and setting the alarm. How to test it? Press a button on your garage remote control and keep it suppressed – try to lock your car – theresultwillspeakforitself. Evan Roos What to do if your car won’t lock? Try again to lock your car as it may be co-incidental that your transmission happened at the same moment as another car. If it still does not lock – move your car to a new parking space–shouldsomeonebeblockingyourremote it is distance depended and most probablywillnotworkfromanotherparkingspot. 1213 For those that need to renew their driver’s license - (Thisisstrictlyonaneedtoknowbasis...) Prior to applying for a new or renewal of a driver’s license you need to have your eyesight tested, and thereafter you will be given a certificate. It is possible to obtain this certificate – at no charge – from Eyecare@Midstream,locatedatthelocalshoppingcentre.Theshorttestcanbescheduled through an appointment and must not be seen as a comprehensive eye test. The certificateisissueddirectlyafterthetestandisthensubmittedby youattheMetro’stestcentreasproof. 28 29 CLASSIFIEDS TE KOOP/FOR SALE: Venter trailer. 7ft (2.1m) Double axle with nose cone. Rubberized interior. Good condition. R10,000 neg. Franz 0126615612 or 0836550413 a/h. Boat. 2008 Sensation 1900 IBR BowRider, Inboard V8, R200,000.00. Incl. Ski's, Life Jacket's, Cof Cert. , Trailer & Much more. Michelle 0824556650 BMW R1200 GS, 2007 Model, 43,000km/s. Accident & scratch free, Silver & grey, Heated grips, ABS & Givi top box, FSH, R90,000 ono, Jaco 0788002700 Kids/Teen bedroom furniture. 1xDuplex Bed, 1xAll Ways Bed, 1xStudy desk, 1xStorage unit. Good condition. R10,000 Retail +/- R20,000. Amanda 0832854744 Personalised Baby grows - or why not design your own slogan! We supply baby wear, shoes, baby baskets. Contact us for all your baby needs www.beautifulbabies.co.za - 0840265196 DIENSTE/SERVICES: Qualified teacher with experience in various special needs/disabilities available for extra classes/stimulation in English or Afrikaans. Anel 0824255888 BabyGym workshop starting 13/10/10. BabyGym builds a better brain by relaxing baby, waking up the senses and building strong muscles. Contact Janet for details 0836536801 www.babygym.co.za Cyris Services offers once off, daily, weekly, monthly spring cleaning. Crime & Trauma scene cleaning, Electric fencing, hygiene services, units carpet & upholstery cleaning. Chantal 0828012933 Make-up artist. Lyk goed en voel goed oor jouself! Vir alle geleenthede: Matriekafskeid, troues, jaareindfunksies. Ek gebruik net professionele produkte. Landi 0826619944 landivorster@gmail.com Refihlele Pest-Control. 24 Hours including Saturday and Sundays. Domestic and Industrial Pest –control. Monica 0110237374 refpest@yahoo.com Do you have scratched DVD, CD, PS2 Wii disks from the kids? I can repair the scratches without reducing the disk thickness. They look as good as new for R30/disk. Chris 0824108298 in Midstream Estate Bachelors unit available in Midrand retirement village R5000 per month Contact Gerald at 083 272 6632 Unit 32 Retire@Midstream To Let, 1 bedroom. Available immediately. R5 500 p/m. Contact Peet 083 268 5361 peet@fsfin.co.za Infant massage & stimulation classes avail. from Oct. Presented by qualified infant massage instructor affiliated to the International Association of Infant Massage. Janet 0836536801/janetwsd@gmail.com LEARN TO PLAY THE PIANO in the comfort of your own home! Lessons available in the mornings for adults looking for a fun relaxing hobby. It is never too late to learn. Keri 0836001123 HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR Scientifically advanced nutrition, weight management & personal care products Lizette 082 773 4002 Independant supplier of new R/O Water Purifiers (R1999.00). Big Blue Housing & Filters R/O Filters R180.00/set. Mineral Water Pot & Filters. More info. contact Eileen 082 \8515513/eileenw@lantic.net Benodig/Needed: Betroubare huishoudster onmiddellik beskikbaar vir 1/2/3 dae in Midrand Estates. Kontak Sophia 0727596017 Half of Voldag werk benodig vir afgetrede dame. Het eie vervoer. Skakel Jaco 083 279 3929 Sina (27), vriendelik, gewillig & hardwerkende huishulp. Opsoek na werk vir woensdae & donderdae. Skakel Sina by 0838619723 of Ilizma by 0832007396. Afrikaans sprekende huishulp beskikbaar Woensdae & Vrydae teen R150 per dag. Hardwerkend, betroubaar & vriendelik. Kontak Gladys 0837593501 Opsoek na 'n betroubare huishulp wat reeds woonagtig is in estate vir twee dae ‘n week. Kontak Juanita by 0783097473 Huishulp beskikbaar kontak Lindewe 0720979394 Huishulp opsoek na inslaap werk. Praat Afr & Eng. Goed met Kinders & bejaardes. Anna 0781269663 Looking for Dental Reception position or office support. 1 Year call centre exp. Call Poppie 0839647991 English speaking domestic worker available Mondays & Wednesdays, R150/day. Especially good with ironing. Reliable & hard working. Mary 0763876510 Soek na Afr.sprekende huishulp 2dae/week vanaf Jan.'11. Betroubaar, moet stryk. Woon verkieslik in Midrand Estates met verwysings. Tanya 0839802739 English speaking domestic worker available MondayFriday, Sleep in or out, Cooking experience. Immediatly available. Pauleen 0839647991 30 31 32
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