The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013 1


The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013 1
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating life with those
around us.
s part of our 10 year celebration series of
the newsletters this year, this edition carries
stories shared by a number of the early pioneers
of Midstream.
Contributions from some of the guards who have
been with Midstream for 10 years are included as
well as the home building pictures of a few of the
early home builders. Similar to a plane taking
off to soar high above in the sky, Midstream has
followed an upwards trajectory over the past 10
years in order to become a village between cities
where a multitude of facilities are enjoyed.
This newsletter provides current news and also
reflects on what happened during the Midstream
start-up period – enjoy!
Kontak ons / Contact us
Lizelle Green Tel: 012 661 1177
Facebook: Midrand Estates
Medewerkers / Produced by
Kom skrop jou nes
anneer ‘n huis gebou word, word die slote vir
die fondamente heel eerste gegrawe. Maar
waar begin jy met jou nes as jy ‘n voël is? Hoe
anker geveerdes hul neste aan die takke van
bome, teen kranse of die mure van geboue? En
hoe weet ‘n voël sonder enige ingenieurservaring
om sulke sterk strukture te bou wat so volmaak
hul doel dien? ‘n Nes se hoofdoel is om eiers en
kleintjies teen roofdiere en gure weer te beskerm.
Net so, het die inwoners van Midstream Estates
besluit om ‘n nessie te bou, waar hulle en hul
kleingoed veilig en beskut sal wees. Die dorp het
met geesdrif en ywer gegroei tot ‘n gemeenskap
waar vlerke gesprei kan word, waar wonderwerke
beleef kan word, maar waar daar steeds die
vertroue is dat hul veilig geanker is op ‘n plek waar
groei, vooruitgang en omgee seëvier.
Benewens die nuutste nuus van ons dorp, deel ons
in hierdie uitgawe verhale van etlike pioniers van
Midstream wat jare gelede hul “nes” hier geskrop
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Inhoud / Content
Celebrating 10 years...
Op die dag
Die Gewone Dikkop
On technical issues
Reik uit na ander
The Living Will
Midstream Traffic Officers
Contact numbers
Page s 6 -
Page 41
The Meyer family was the
second family to reside in
Midstream(see also pictures
on page 20)
Photo’s by: Tyrone Zerf
Vorige Uitgawe /
Previous Edition
Hierdie Uitgawe / This Edition
Page 4 4
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
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the April 2013 edition
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Celebrating 10 years...
31 / 05 / 2003
Op d
ie d a g
a r gele
- 10
adat goedkeuring vroeg in 2003 ontvang
is dat daar met konstruksie van die eerste
fases van Midstream voortgegaan kon word,
is ‘n kontrakteur aangestel vir die konstruksie
van Brakfonteinweg.
Op díe stadium het
kantoorpark se ingang gelei en deel van die
ontwikkelingsvoorwaardes was dat Bondev die
pad sou verleng oor die 2 km lengte om toegang
tot Midstream te verleen.
31 Mei 2003 is die dag waarop die teeroppervlak
op die pad geplaas is – ongeveer 10 jaar gelede.
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
“The Hills are alive with….. movement”
he sound of movement in Midstream Hill is music
to the ears of all the excited owners about to see
their homes take shape and with that change the
horizon of Midrand Estates once again.
gates. Take a drive up Midstream Boulevard and get
to use the Mt Cliff Gate for quick and easy access
while taking in the ever changing view of Midstream
Hill. You will be pleasantly surprised every time!!
With the recent activity hype in Midstream Hill,
the Security Gate and HOA buildings have been
completed. The Himalaya’s course is taking shape
and before we know it will be filled with people
enjoying the outdoors and all the facilities offered
in Midstream Hill. Foundations and brickworks
are popping up as far as the eye can see and
driving through the area fills you with a feeling of
anticipation at what is still to come. Midstream Hill
still offers a unique opportunity to own a stand of
2000sqm, which overlooks the equestrian estate,
Randjesfontein. With neighbours developing houses
to the extent of 1000 sqm on these large stands
your investment is safe and your view serene!!
Parents can also look forward to the convenience
of transfers to school and back with the bus service
that will be available to the residents of Midstream
Hill with children in our schools. The saying “watch
this space” is very applicable to Midstream Hill,
so “watch this space”. It’s going to be worth your
Retire@Midstream while still in it’s development
phase is long past it’s baby shoes! The community
has had time to develop into a vibrant and active
group of not just neighbours but good caring
friends. Bondev has recently released another
phase of 1 and 2 bedroom units for sale. Take
advantage of this unique chance to own a home
in an upmarket fully equipped Retirement Village.
The ground allocated for these units is quickly
filling up. Use the chance to buy directly from the
developer. Visit our Sales office in the Main Building
of Retire@Midstream for more information on the
available units and stands for sale. Be part of the
small percentage of the population who prepared
for their retirement in good time and enjoy the
benefits thereof when they need it most.
With all the excitement around Midstream Hill we
almost tend to forget that although Midlands Estate
is literally sold out there is still much development
happening in the area with sales vibrant and the
occupancy numbers growing day by day! For your
convenience Midlands Estate offers two access
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Winter is upon us! Put on a warm jacket and get out
there and live life to it’s fullest!! Start by changing
your normal route home and take the scenic route
through the whole of Midrand Estates. Guaranteed
you are going to see development that you did not
know was happening on your doorstep.
For comments email
The Bondev Sales Team.
ie begeesterde groep stappers van Retire@Midstream het hul stapskoene aangetrek en op
Woensdag, 24 April die koel weer trotseer. Daar was 21 stappers wat die paadjie om die
gholfbaan aangedurf het, sommige een en ander sommer vier rondtes! Run Walk for Life Midstream
het watertafels gehad met lekker koeldrank en sjokolade.
Na afloop van die aktiwiteit het almal vir koffie en tramezzini’s by die Purple Cow Restaurant bymekaargekom
waar pryse uitgedeel is en gelukstrekkings gehou is.
“Sjoe, maar so ‘n klompie pensioenarisse kan darem lekker stap... en kuier!”
kebe Kanyane from Midlands
Estate wrote the following
note of gratitude:
“I would like to extend my
heartfelt gratitude to the security
team in Midlands Estate. Last
week Wednesday, on the 27th of
March, I had the most terrifying
experience. My 11 year old son
went ‘missing’ for over 7 hours.
I went to the Midlands security
gate for assistance. The man
in charge that afternoon was a
gentleman by the name of Laurie
Oosthuizen. Mr Oosthuizen was
extremely helpful. He attended
to the situation with the greatest
professionalism. He was quick
and proactive.
My son was found safe and
sound. I have been a resident of
Midlands for three years now. It
is really great to know that the
estate has a good, caring and
hardworking team”.
nton, ‘n inwoner van Midstream, vertel van die onvergeetlike geleenA
theid wat hy by sy huis vir sy vriende gereël het waar wynkenner
Martin van die plaaslike Tops@ Midstream ‘n ‘Wynproe’ aangebied het.
Anton vertel : “My vrou, Wiana, het met die gedagte vorendag gekom
om Martin te vra om ons meer van ‘n aantal spesiale wyne te kom vertel en daarna te proe. Die wyne het gewissel in prys en versnitte. Na ‘n
kort inleiding is ons gedaag om self die verskillende wyne te beoordeel.
Martin is ‘n wynkenner van formaat
en kleur die agtergrond van elke
wyn met smaak in. Die top wyn van
die aand was ‘n Bouchard Finlayson Sauvignon Blanc – uitstekend!
Ek kan Martin werklik aanbeveel
vir ‘n groep vriende wat ‘n genotvolle aand rondom ‘n glasie wyn (of
twee) wil geniet en terselfdertyd so
‘n bietjie meer wil leer van ons wonderlike wyne in Suid-Afrika.”
Met die winter wat nader kruip is
dit dalk juis die tyd om meer van
ons rooi wyne te leer.
gerus vir Martin by Tops@Spar by
0722669501 of
un Walk for Life Midstream is makR
ing enormous progress – with novice members already taking part in
5km, 10km and 21km races. Some of
the members recently participated in
the Om die Dam-, Sunrise Monster-,
and Two Oceans marathons. Join in
the fun! For your health, fitness and
your life.
Contact Irene on 083 297 9649 or
Dawie on 082 442 8394.
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
After hosting yet another successful and fun-filled Grandparents’ Day
at Midstream College Pre-Primary, two of the visitors felt compelled to
express their gratitude. We received the following from Peter and Di
Haarhoff from Port Elizabeth:
“We would like to thank one and all at MCPP for the fantastic
Grandparents’ Day you gave us in March. Like many other grandparents,
we came from far away (Port Elizabeth) and it was worth every mile
and every minute. What an amazing time we had.
You made us feel so welcome, there was such a festive mood with a
tremendous vibe and we couldn’t believe how much trouble you had
taken over it all. The decorations, the pink car, the music, juke box,
the concerts, the teas and eats, the gifts and pictures done by the
children, the activities we could enjoy with our beloved little ones - it was just perfect.
Well done and our grateful thanks for a day we shall never forget and ever treasure. Our two little
grandchildren also loved every moment; you gave us all such happiness. Thank you, thank you”
Tennis Championships
championships was held during
February and the beginning of
March 2013 . It was a knock-out
championship with a back draw
in the singles, doubles and mixed
Congratulations to the
FLTR: Albertus Bester, Roelf van der Laan
FLTR: Charlene Klopper, John Harding
worthy winners: Albertus Bester (mens singles), Zani Barnard
(ladies singles), Lee Barnard (ladies singles runner-up) Albertus
Bester & Roelf van der Laan (men’s doubles), Charlene Klopper
& Mariesa and der Laan (ladies doubles) Roelf van der Laan &
Charlene Klopper (mixed doubles).
FLTR: Albertus Bester, Zani Barnard, Mariesa van
der Laan, Lee Barnard, Roelf van der Laan
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Mixed Doubles league is about to start. Midstream Tennis
entered 3 mixed doubles teams: The first team will play in the
Reserve A league, the second team in the Reserve B league and
the third team will play in the A6 league.
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating 10 years...
With t
round us
Yet, the pioneers believed that the future would
be bright!
t was the best of times, it was the worst of
times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the
age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it
was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of
Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the
spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had
everything before us, we had nothing before us.”
These words by Charles Dickens, written in 1859,
describe life in London and France just before
and during the French Revolution. They are from
Dickens’ novel A Tale of Two Cities which ranks
amongst the most famous works in the history of
fictional literature.
With the pioneers firmly settled and trusting
that matters would improve the development
era followed. During this stage Midstream
College and the Square@Midstream shopping
centre changed life as it had been known by the
pioneers and the thousands of new residents
that followed. Midstream College developed
year-by-year with MCPP (Midstream College
Pre-Primary) opening their doors in 2003, the
Primary School in 2004 and the High School in
2005. The shopping centre opened in 2005 and
life in Midstream became much more convenient.
The community celebrated life around the newly
established churches, the parks, the golf course
and even fishing at the ponds which sprang up in
their midst. The first pupils matriculated in 2007
and in 2012 the first Grade 1 class started High
School, having successfully completed seven years
at Midstream College Primary School.
Read on as to what those who endured – and
survived – the pioneering years have to say.
A lot of what was said by Dickens could be
applied to the early settlers of Midstream, as
at the early stages many must have believed
their purchase of a stand in Midstream was an
act of wisdom – or was it just foolishness to
buy where so little was available? In the past
ten years the development of Midstream has
taken place in two time frames.
At first the landscape of veldt grass and
corn field was changed to tarred roads.
The Old Kent entrance gate and a few
houses sprang up in quick time, but
facilities were limited to the swimming
pool close to the Old Kent entrance.
During the pioneering era stands sold
for R90 000 and those were the days
(so we are told) when the daytime
hours were bustling with construction
activity but the evenings were dead
quiet. Careful planning was required when
returning home. To pick up amenities involved at
least an hour’s round trip. To buy bread and milk
was a mission on its own as the closest shop was
the Sasol garage on Old Jhb road. Because the
early morning traffic had to be faced the same
applied to dropping kids off at school.
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating 10 years...
ou r S
O fficia
an Khosana is one of the guards who have been part of the development of Midstream. This is how he
remembers it:
“I started working here at Midstream on 22 October 2001. We were only six guards at the time. We were
working in the bush with no water supply, no roads and no electricity. Brakfontein Road was still a dirt
road. We washed our clothes in a water stream running through the land. Drinking water was brought by
a vehicle and if we needed something from the shops, we had to go to Wierdapark Shopping Centre.
Of the original six guards, four are still working at Midrand Estates. They are myself, Peter Seabi, David
Matlou and security coordinator Vanita. We have all been part of this miracle that evolved in front of
our eyes: houses and schools were built, a shopping centre, medical centre and a retirement estate all
progressed. And still progressing…”
The four guards that have been part of Midstream since 2001
FLTR (Front): David & Jan. FLTR (Back): Vanita & Peter
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating 10 years...
ou r
Se c
O fficia
Looking beyond the guards to those
that are close to them
e are all challenged daily to consider the way in which we touch
the lives of those around us. Every resident passes the guards
of the estate daily and supports the families of the guards through the
regular payment of the estate levies. But few would have guessed
the wonderful way in which the job opportunity at Midstream has
touched the lives of the families of some of the guards.
The newsletter team met up with Peter Seabi that assists with
regulating the traffic and Harry Manyathela, a guard at the Square@
Midstream shopping centre. They are both proud parents of sons
that graduated early this year after successfully completing their
studies at university.
Harry Manyathela is the proud father of Clement Manyathela, his firstborn, who recently graduated with
a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the University of Pretoria.
During his tertiary studies, this rising start was awarded best overall student in French. In October 2012
Clement joined the eNews Channel Africa as an intern for a couple of weeks and then joined Digital News
(SABC’s news website) as a volunteer news producer and had contributed a number of articles for the digital
and printed press, amongst others for the Pretoria News, The Star, IOL and SABC digital news.
After a short stint of hosting the radio show “The Ultimate Thrill” on 2oceansvibefm Clement will Powerfm
(a new Jo’burg based talk radio station) in May as a jounalist.
“I have great dreams, and I believe my dreams are going to be realised. I will be a very proficient TV and
radio presenter. That’s my passion and I am slowly but surely getting to that chapter of my life. I a very
talented and I can’t wait to show the world what I am capable of.”
Peter Seabi, one of the traffic officers on the estate, has been part of the Midrand Estates family since its
early days. His 22-year old son, Tshepiso, graduated early this year and wrote why he makes his father
“I worked hard throughout my high school career – with help from both my parents, Agnes and Peter Seabi
- and completed Matric in 2008 with very good marks. All the hard work paid off and I was able to enrol
with any university.
I registered for a National Diploma in Information Technology Software Engineering at the Tshwane University
of Technology. I developed a passion for programming and spend most of my free time programming all
kinds of applications in Visual Studio, C++ and Java. It took me three years to complete my theory subjects
and I was left with practical in-service learning to graduate in software engineering. A well-known IT
company in Johannesburg recognised my ambition and dedication and gave me an opportunity to do my
practical learning with them for six months, after which they employed me on a permanent basis as a Junior
Java Specialist.”
A gratified Peter mentioned that it was due to his employment on the estate that he was able to send his
son to obtain a tertiary qualification.
May these young men continue to strive towards being the best.
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating 10 years...
‘n Man moet kan sing
by die werk
With t
round us
enk vertel van sy droom sedert die sestigs wat waar geword het
Henk was as ingenieur van die eerste dag betrokke by die ontwikkeling van Midstream. Hy vertel soos volg
oor sy waarnemings:
“Ek onthou nog ‘n gesprek met my ouers in die jare sestigs op reis tussen Pretoria en Johannesburg in ‘n
linkerhand-stuur Chev bakkie. Die pad was enkel en op die lang reis was daar nog halfpad ‘n gehuggie wat
Halfweghuis geheet het. In die gesprek het almal gegis of Pretoria en Johannesburg nog in die leeftyd tot
teen mekaar sou groei.
Min het ek toe geweet dat dit nog in my leeftyd sou gebeur – en dat ek self deel van die span sal wees wat die
ineenskakeling help bewerkstellig. So het die ontwikkelingspan met groot waagmoed en deursettingsvermoë
die afgelope 10 jaar die voorspelling bewaarheid.
‘n Man moet sing by die werk en dit is inderdaad
die geval hier by Midstream. Dit was net ‘n
plesier om die afgelope klompie jare as deel
van ‘n professionele span en as siviele ingenieur
in detail betrokke te wees by meeste van
die ondergrondse dienste, paaie, reservoirs,
sportvelde, damme en geboue wat Bondev hier
tot stand gebring het. Om die sneeubal effek van
dorpstigting dop te hou waar ‘n kaal stuk grond
getakel word, enkele maande later met paaie
bedek word en dan ‘n jaar of twee later staan
daar huise en ry die jongspan op hul fiets skool
toe – dit is mos lekker! “
aureen is an estate agent who was involved in the sales of the first stands in
Midstream. We asked her about her experiences over the past 10 years.
“Being the 12th family moving into Midstream Estate in 2004 was an unreal experience. The daytime
hustle and bustle occasioned by construction machinery and house builders, followed by the almost eerie
silence at night. There was no way that we, or the 11 families before us, could ever have known that
we were witnessing growth and development that would unfold into what is now a huge success story in
estate living. In those days, driving down Brakfontein Road into the estate left much to the imagination as
the tarred road stopped just after the first roundabout – that is, at the road leading to the Old Kent Gate.
Gazing past the roundabout was literally similar to gazing into a vast area of nothing! No Hutton Gate, no
College and definitely no shopping centre!
We remember forgetting to fill up our vehicles and the stressful moments driving up Brakfontein Road
hoping to make the nearest filling station!! Taking our children to school could not be left to the last 5
minutes as it can today, but required planning a good hour in advance so as to take possible traffic issues
into consideration. And forgetting to buy milk was a disaster as the closest shop was kilometers away.
How things have changed over a period of less than 10 years! As facilities were added, life in Midstream
changed from a security estate to a truly convenient, safe, enjoyable and much-to-do village. It is only
when one sits down to pen the thoughts of yesteryear that one realises how spoilt for choice we are. The
development has far exceeded expectations and we are pleased to call Midstream “home”.”
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating 10 years...
With t
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
round us
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Appro tor
Tel: 087 550 3030
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating 10 years...
a round us
esidents of the various estates are spoilt
in that being close to nature, numbers
of Steenbuck and Duiker are seen at regular
intervals. At Midstream College some of the
grounds have been named the Steenbuck
Fields in recognition of the two Steenbuck
rams that have been part of the grounds
for the past seven years. As development
encroached the animals moved into the open
area of the College and have remained ever
The gardens of the retirement village include
a rose garden that has todate contributed to
the healthy diet of the Duiker that roams in
the wooded areas.
It seems as though after ten years the buck is
as much at peace with the human residents,
as the community which has adopted the
animals as part of their own, is with them..
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating 10 years...
With t
round us
Ferdi en Abelien Meyer
erdi en Abelien Meyer deel hulle storie met ons:
“Nadat ons in 2001 ‘n erf op die landgoed gekoop het, was
ons die tweede gesin op Midrand Estates en het op 31 Oktober
2003 begin bou. Ons seun Etienne was destyds elf en ons
tweeling dogters Karen en Liezel 8 jaar oud.
Die foto hierby is van die kinders waar hulle
op die grond waar elkeen se kamer met wit
sementpoeier op die grond uiteengesit is,
voordat daar met die uitgrawings begin is.
In die begin was dit vreeslik lekker met
slegs veld, kosmos en wilde diere nog om
ons. Bokkies, hasies en tarentale het vrylik
rondgeloop op ons erf. Ons is dankbaar dat ons vir ons kinders ‘n tuiste kon bied waar hulle nog kind kon
wees, waar hulle weer fiets kon ry en ons kommerloos laataand buite kon stap. Die dorp het ‘n besige
bedryf geword met die hele aantal huise, maar ons het dit nooit as steurend ervaar nie. Die verkeer was
by tye sleg, maar kort voor lank was ‘n oplossing daar - ons glo dit is as gevolg van goeie beplanning van
Bondev se kant, dat dinge so vlot verloop het en steeds vlot gaan.”
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating 10 years...
With t
round us
André and Ilse ten Napel
e moved to Midstream in September 2004. The day of the move was probably the windiest day of the
year and the dust storms didn’t make it any easier. Our loyal gardener, who had been working with us
for years, gave one look and resigned.
Upon his return home from the airport one Friday evening, André was surprised to see about 20 people
“camping” outside the gate – standing in the queue to buy a stand the next day. Regardless of the distance
from close-by shopping centres, from the outset, the estate was very popular.
At one stage, building processes were in full swing and trucks left the estate at 22:00 at night. Sure, there
were some challenges in the beginning but it has been more than worth the while. Cellphone reception
hardly existed and electricity was precarious. (What a blessing it was when the estate had much less load
shedding time than the rest of the country in 2008)!
Our three Jack Russells – Fiela, Nika and Cheeky – thought they’d moved to dog heaven. Midfield and the
golf course used to be an old cornfield. It was an ugly, dry piece of veld with many holes that served as
an obstacle course for the dogs and as a well used walking area for me – until a security guard asked me
if I had seen the huge snake in that area. That was the end of the dogs’ exploratory visits to that part of
the estate! I can also recall there being a great number of hedgehogs in our area. On a day
Cheeky came running to me, tail-wagging and very proud to
show off the “ prickly ball” she’d picked up.
During our Sunday afternoon strolls, André
and I used to talk about how phenomenal
the development was and that it wasn’t
just another estate, but a small town and
a community in a league of its own. Our
daughter Chantalle, son in law David, and our
beautiful grandchildren JD and Talia also live
on the estate.
Today we have an extended circle of friends,
exercise group, sport facilities, medical center,
hospital, and restaurants on our estate. This is
the lifestyle we love and appreciate.
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Full page
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Die Gewone Dikkop
Spotted Thick-knee
(Burhinus capensis)
ie Dikkop is ‘n algemene standvoël wat dikwels
snags in die dorp se parke en oop areas
opgemerk word. Bedags sit hulle doodstil en word
dan moeiliker raakgesien. Die Dikkop is groter as
‘n kiewiet en verkies oop habitatte met kort gras
of kaal kolle, selfs in voorstedelike gebiede. Hulle
is hoofsaaklik snags aktief is maak graag jag op
insekte, bye, miere en torre.
Die Dikkop weeg sowat 360 tot 600 gram en staan
ongeveer 43 sentimeter hoog. Hulle vlerkspan
is sowat 80 sentimeter en vlieg met sterk, maar
onreëlmatige vlerkslae.
Hulle word gereeld snags op grondpaaie gesien en
hul harde, piepende fluitgeluid word dikwels ook
snags, of na reënbuie gehoor. Die fluitgeluid groei
in toonhoogte en volume en sterf dan saggies weg.
Broeiende voëls bly in pare, terwyl nie-broeiende
voëls in swerms versamel. Die nes word in ‘n
vlak holte op die grond gemaak en uitgevoer met
takkies en grassies. Die voëls kan tot drie keer in
een seisoen broei wanneer hulle tot drie eiers lê.
Die eiers neem 24 tot 30 dae om uit te broei en die
kuikens verlaat die nes binne 24 uur.
Wanneer die kuikens bedreig word staan
hulle bewegingloos terwyl die ouers maak
asof hulle ‘n gebreekte vlerk of rug het.
Sodoende lei die ouers die bedreiging
weg van die kuikens af. Wanneer die
ouers wel ‘n tweede keer broei,
is die vorige kuikens ten volle
onafhanklik, sowat 10 dae
nadat die tweede broeisel
uitgebroei het.
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Celebrating 10 years...
Old Kent Gate 2008
t Gate 2
Old Ken
Midstream Hill Reservoir 2006
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Hill Re
With eve
g a round us
ry th
m Est
ate To
rs 20
Midstream Estate Towers 2002
Midstream Estate Towers 2003
eservoir 2
Midstream Hill Reservoir 2012
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Zoom - In
by Hennie Cronjé
is a
C onjé
nd is
residen ablish a
keen to hy club at
photog Estates. He
eas on
re his id
will sha hy and related
photogr cts in future
How to choose a camera
hen you want to buy a camera, you are confronted with an extremely
wide range of choices. Since sales representatives do not always
provide accurate information, principles to help you with your decision
are given here.
Camera types:
DSLR cameras
CSC cameras
Point and shoot cameras
DSLR and CSC cameras have interchangeable lenses, whilst point and shoot
cameras have fixed lenses. There are two types of point and shoot cameras.
The best known is the small, or compact, flat camera. The other is the bridge
camera, bridging the gap between the flat compact and DSLR cameras.
However, nowadays the CSC camera is a true bridge between the two
(see later).
Generally, the cost of a camera determines its quality.
However, the most important factor determining
image quality is sensor size. The larger the sensor
the better the image quality, but unfortunately,
the more expensive the camera. Image quality
is determined by the definition of the image and
the absence of noise (a grainy appearance on the
image). Definition is also dependent on the quality
of the lens. Noise is very much the result of pushing
a camera too far, eg. too many pixels in the sensor
without the necessary software to control noise.
Another example is too much lens zoom in point
and shoot cameras. In-camera programs may
however control it to some extent.
DSLR (digital single lens reflex) cameras, particularly
those with full-frame sensors, are considered the
golden standard. However, they are expensive,
bulky and heavy. Entry-level DSLR’s are not as
large and heavy but add lenses to the DSLR cameras
and you have a fair quantity of heavy equipment to
CSC’s (compact system cameras) are a compromy
between DSLR and point and shoot cameras. They
are small and flat like point and shoot cameras
but have interchangeable lenses. Their sensors
are generally smaller than those of the DSLR’s but
some of them are larger than those in point and
shoot cameras. Therefore their image quality does
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
not quite match
those of their
bigger brothers.
Amount of zoom in point and
shoot cameras
Image quality
Camera size and weight
Image quality is the most
important consideration.
convenient due to their
reasonable price, small size and simplicity, e.g.
very suitable for overseas travelling and hiking.
However, beware of too many pixels and too much
zoom. The advantage of bridge cameras over the
more compact ones is the larger amount of lens
zoom. Mobile phones on the other hand are rapidly
becoming a threat to the small compact cameras
because the quality of the camera in these phones
is improving all the time.
The amount of pixels does not necessarily mean
a better camera. More pixels provide more dots
making up a picture, but our eyes are limited in
their ability to distinguish between an image with
adequate versus one with more than adequate
dots or pixels. More pixels make the images larger
requiring better and more expensive computers to
handle them. If a camera does not have adequate
in-camera programs to control noise more pixels
lead to more noise. It is interesting to note that
the top models of both Canon and Nikon have fewer
than 20 million pixels, whilst in both brands the
models below them have more than 20 million.
Buying an expensive camera will not result in better
pictures unless you are trained in using the camera
to its full potential. In addition to your camera skills,
the following will contribute significantly to a good
quality picture: Camera and lens, visual design
(composition) and photo editing (where Photoshop
is the golden standard).
Finally, the enthusiastic amateur and semiprofessional (or professional) photographer should
buy a DSLR camera. A camera with a full frame
sized sensor will be the best choice if affordable.
A less demanding buyer will find a point and shoot
camera sufficient, particularly one with a zoom of
about 10-12X for a small compact camera, and
with about 10-14 million pixels. Bridge cameras are
more difficult to recommend due to a recent push in
Figuur 4
zoom ability that is almost
unbelievable. The place
of CSC’s is even more
difficult to determine
because they share
the characteristics of
both point and shoot
cameras and DSLR
is R200. Bespreek by
cameras, and with
prices similar to the
less expensive DSLR
cameras. The internet
will provide adequate
reviews on most cameras
which may also be very helpful
before actually buying a camera.
‘n Duidelike voor- en agtergrond
landskapsfotografie (Figuur 4).
Daarvoor is ‘n wyehoeklens ideaal,
gee met ‘n groot velddiepte. In
Figuur 4 is ‘n 20mm lens gebruik
teen f22. Die heide was amper
teen die lens met die agtergrond
ver agter steeds in fokus. Miken-druk kameras het basies ‘n
wyehoeklens in en daarom is hulle
uitstekend geskik vir landskappe.
Dit is baie belangrik om die lens
doodstil te hou, want geringe
kamera-beweging sal die fokus
negatief beïnvloed. Ingeboude
sal help, maar ‘n driepoot is die
beste om ‘n skerp beeld te kry.
club in m
at ar
ts th Midrand E et in
can g
ing th
in join raphic club ie Cronje.
Photog t with Henn com
contac nje@gmail.
Nog ‘n mooi foto van Maart se
kosmos. Foto is in Midlands
naby die onderdak swembad
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Midstream babahuis se opedag
Baie dankie vir almal wat ’n draai kom maak het by die Midstream Babahuis
Opedag op 6 April. Die kleingoed het hulself gate uit geniet. Die babahuis
is vanaf 1 April onder nuwe eienaarskap en het ‘n “gedaanteverwisseling”
ondergaan. Kom kuier gerus vir ons! Vir meer inligting kontak ons gerus
op: 012 661 5565,,
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
On technical issues
A stable fiber-optic network for data and internet usage
A fiber optic cable network has been
installed throughout Midrand Estates
providing connectivity for data and
internet at (quite literally) lightning fast
speeds. Fiber optic has the added benefit
that it is not negatively influenced by
lighting (as it is made of glass and not
copper) and that the speed of data
transmission is not affected by the
distance the data signal travels – as is
the case with copper telephone cables.
Recent improvements and upgrades to
the network have changed it from being
seen as a less than reliable service to
a service proven to have a stability
rate above 99%. With Midstream
Electrical Supplies (MES) also using the
extensive fiber optic cable network to
relay the electrical consumption figures
to the MES offices on a daily basis, a
very reliable data network is of the
utmost importance. MES introduced
a software program that was used
to monitor continuous connectivity
to the 72 mini-transformers that are
spread evenly through the estate. As
the overall stability measured in the
low 90% early in 2013, Smart Village
- the network owner - was requested
to introduce measures to improve the
stability levels to above the agreed
service level of 95%.
The weekly measurements provided
by MES gave direction to areas in
the estate where problems were
experienced. Smart Village was then
able to focus their attention towards
improving the stability levels in
those areas which gradually led to an
improvement until the 99% mark was
hit early in May. The spin-off for Smart
Village customers is that the same
data network is used by Smart Village
clients for connectivity at lightning
speeds to the world-wide-web. In the
words of Chris van der Walt, Smart
Village MD: “To compete in the world of
data transmission where a number of
wireless transmission products abound,
we understand that a consistent, high
level of service is a must – we will do
our utmost to maintain the high level of
stability recently reached”
For more information on the services
available, visit
CRM[halfpage]adP.indd 1
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
2013/05/14 10:29 AM
From the Desk of
Jen Botha
This month I would like to share some thoughts
with you about Getting a grip on Fatigue!
We all tend to live our lives at too fast a pace. We
are a performance driven culture. A culture that
has made gods out of productivity, long hours and
full calendars.
We have to have the good churned out in double
quick time, we have to be at the office from early
till late, the work has to be done and what we don’t
do at office, we take home and do there. Work
work work. Most of us are constantly in motion.
Constantly running. Always hurrying from place to
place. In our society we value motion and hold up
busyness as a sign of special significance! There is
so little time to stop and do the mundane things.
So little time to just be. To spend time with people
without looking at the clock.
Excessive, unchecked busyness can lead to fatigue
of body, mind and soul. Fatigue affects us physically,
Fatigue affects us mentally and Fatigue also affects
us emotionally and spiritually
GET A GRIP ON FATIGUE - The million dollar
question is how?
Remember that God worked for six days and on
the seventh He rested. We need to build rest time
into our lives. We need to rest physically, mentally,
emotionally and spiritually.
Feed you inner life. We all grab something to eat
every now and then, me more now than then!!
We all know and study the latest information on
nutrition and good food. How much more should
we be feeding our inner life! Read your bible on a
daily basis. Read material that will feed your soul
Find a place where you can have silence and solitude.
This is maybe the essence of what I am speaking
about today. This is perhaps the essence of coping
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
with fatigue.
J e s u s
made time to
be alone. To
spend time in
the presence
of God in
medi tati on.
to speak to
voice, not in
the rush and
bustle of life.
Service Times:
Sunrise: 7:30 - 8:30
Family: 9:15 - 10:30
Evening: 18:00
Youth Childrens Church: 9:15
Youth Gatherings: Friday 18:30 - 20:30
Tel: 076 019 8078
Cell: 082 589 3304
Practice the Website:
down! Make
a conscious decision to drive slower. Walk slower,
Take a walk to somewhere. Seek ways to actively
slow your life down. Drink your coffee slowly. Play
with your dog. Get a camera and photograph that
bird …. you will have to wait! Sit down when you
eat. Block out time in your diary to be quiet and
some stage. Your busyness is not to be equated
with your self worth, or success! Being permanently
busy does not mean that you are good at what you
are doing, or that you are successful. Busy does
not mean excellent! Enjoy life, for life is way too
precious to rush through it!
Stop and smell the roses! Sit when you eat, drive
slowly and enjoy your family and friends; enjoy
your walk with the Lord! It will last into eternity!
God bless and keep you all!
With my love, Jen
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
MCPP nooi ander om saam uit te
reik na ander........... en so ‘n verskil te maak!
Die bestuur en personeel van die plaaslike preprimêre skole het besluit om werk vir hul hande te
gaan soek by gemeenskappe “daar buite” wat nie
die voorregte het wat ons hier in Midstream geniet
nie. Dit sou ook dien as voorbeeld vir die plaaslike
kleuters sodat hulle van ‘n jong ouderdom bewus
gemaak word dat hulle bydraes ‘n verskil kan maak.
Mariaan vertel self verder.
“Verskillende opsies is ondersoek met die mikpunt
wat soos volg verwoord is: “Ons wou spesifiek
betrokke raak by die opheffing van die voorskoolse
kinders omdat ons oortuig is dat ‘n kind wat
voorskoolse insette kry, beter vaar op skool en so
is ‘n beter toekoms vir die kind moonlik.
Die ondersoek het gelei na die Christelike
Maatskaplike Raad se perseel in Derdepoort wat ‘n
klein kleuterskooltjie bedryf het. Die skooltjie het
13 jaar gelede ontstaan toe Mariana van Rensburg
met twee kleuters begin het wat gegroei het na 5
kleuters wat sy in ‘n motorhuis opgepas het. Drie
jaar later het “Die Lotto” vir hulle R32 000 gestuur
waarmee hulle ‘n opslaangeboutjie kon oprig,
waar 16 kleuters akkommodeer kon word. Die
skooltjie maak voorsiening vir kinders wat uit ‘n
geintegreerde gemeenskap kom waar fisiese sowel
as sosiale gebreke voorkom. By ‘n gebrek aan
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
fondse, kon die skooltjie nie uitbrei nie, alhoewel
die aanvraag baie groot was.
Die lot van die kleuters van East Lynne het die
ouers van ons twee skole aan die hart gegryp en
daar is besluit om ‘n ou pastorie op die Derdepoort
N.G. gemeente se gronde te huur. Daar is verbreek
en gebou en so het die Derdepoort Voorskoolse
Ontwikkelingssentrum tot stand gekom. Daar is
tans 3 klaskamers, store, ‘n kantoor, siekekamer,
kombuis en terapiekamer. Die terrein is nog besig
om ontwikkel te word en die hele area sal beveilig
moet word met ‘n veiligheidsheining.
Baie, baie dankie aan al ons ouers, Bondev en
mense uit die gemeenskap wat ons tot hier gebring
het. Die opgewondenheid toe die kleuters die heel
eerste keer die klein toilette sien, die vreugde oor
‘n terrein waar hulle na hartelus kan speel en ‘n
seuntjie se aanmerking dat hy darem baie bly is
oor hierdie skool, want by sy ander skool het hy pak
gekry - maak alles die moeite werd.
Ons staan egter nou voor die uitdaging om elke
maand die bedryfsuitgawes van die skooltjie te dek
asook om die terrein en heining te voltooi. Indien u
meer inligting sou verlang of betrokke sou wil raak,
skakel asb. vir Mariaan Bester, tel nr. 079 872 8886
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
kerksondermure midstream
Besoek ook ons webtuiste
en volg al die nuutste gebeure van die
kerksondermure familie
Die volgende kursusse word gratis aangebied, wat aansluit by
die 3 dae konferensie:
In ‘n Coffee shop, wat nou?
Voetspore bediening bied aan:
Coram Deo Konferensie
20 - 22 Junie 2013
kerksondermure Midstream
Die Denkwyse wat Loop en Loof;
wat Luister en Leef.
Fasiliteerder: Hein van Wyk - Internasionale
spreker, transformeerder & motiveerder
Hoe antwoord ek ander se vrae oor Christenskap?
Dinsdagaande: 16, 23 & 30 Julie;
19:00 – 21:00
Wat glo ander?
Dinsdagaande: 6, 13, 20 & 27 Augustus;
19:00 – 21:00
6 Augustus - Moslems & Jode
13 Augustus - Hindoes & Boediste
20 Augustus - Katolieke & Afrikagelowe
27 Augustus - Ateïste en ander
R100 pp (al drie dae ingesluit)
R80 vir registrasies voor 10 Junie 2013
Vir meer inligting kontak: Anne-Marie by / 012 663 2003
Vir enige navrae kontak: kerksondermure NG Gemeente 012 940 9480/81 of
e-pos u vrae aan •
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
he IEB (the Independent Examinations Board) is an assessment
body, which by means of International Benchmarking Tests (IBT’s), is
responsible for school assessments quality assurance. The IBT’s ensure
that learners who receive a South African education remain globally
competitive. These tests are therefore designed to meet the needs of any
future prospective employers worldwide.
The IBT’s offer a global program of tests in the area of English, Mathematics
and Science.
Midstream College Primary School has risen to the challenge and todate 93 Midstream learners have received a total of 124 certificates
of high distinction. Three certificates of honour were also awarded
to Ashton Malan (gr. 4) for Science, Kain Williams (gr. 4) for English
and Robyn Ferguson (gr. 7) for English.
That’s not all… We are extremely pleased to announce that Justin
van Rooyen (gr. 4), Danica Meiring (gr. 7), Mignon Jooste (gr. 7)
and Bradley Hodgson (gr. 7) excelled in all three learning areas i.e.
English, Mathematics and Science.
Mom, Dad and future employers can sleep tight tonight – our
Midstream learners are on their way to a bright future!
idstream College Primêre Skool se
A-swemspan het hierdie seisoen aan
die A-liga deelgeneem en hulself bewys as
swemmers van die eerste water. Hulle het
nie net ’n algehele derde plek behaal nie,
maar het slegs ses punte nodig gehad om die
tweede plek te behaal.
Die seunsspan het ’n algehele tweede plek
behaal. Rikard du Plessis (gr. 7) en Matthew
Randle (gr. 4) het onderskeidelik 20 punte vir
die swemspan ingevorder. Die dogtersspan
was kort op hul hakke met ’n algehele vierde
Onder meer het Midstream die volgende
individuele prestasies behaal: sewe goue
medaljes, ses silwer medaljes en ses brons
Baie geluk aan al die swemmers wat so getrou
geoefen het en selfs die koue wintermaande
aangedurf het met hul warm asempies.
Ons hou asem op vir 2014 se uitslae en
weet dat dit nog net die begin vir Midstream
College Primêre Skool se swemspan is.
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
ie opgewondenheid wat gepaard gaan saam met die
paar daggies voor die jaarlikse Storie-aand is altyd
geloofwaardig. Histeriese inhandiging van briewe om plekke
te bespreek, spekulasies van die groepindelings oorheers
die klaskamers en ‘Wie is hierdie jaar se storievertellers?’
is op almal se lippe. Selfs oud-Midstream College Primêre
Skool-leerlinge, wat die skool weer besoek en hoor van die
Storie-aand, verlang terug. Dit word gesien as een van die
hoogtepunte van die laerskoollewe.
Op 24 April 2013 is die Storieaand
én nuwe gesigte. Televisie- en
Swanepoel, Petrus
Graan, Daniël
Wolmarans, David Brink, Debré
Rossouw, Jean Bezuidenhout, Johny
Klein, Laré Birk, Morné du Toit,
Vorster Venter en Eduard Janse
van Rensburg het die leeshoekies
natuurlik weereens Petrus Harmse
van Karate Kallie. Om te sorg dat
almal ’n draai by hóm kon maak, is
hy die geleentheid gegun om almal
in die saal te vermaak as ’n encore
tot die legendariese aand.
Die kinders het in dié
gelê, gesit, geluister en
die aktiwiteite wat deel
gevorm het van die aand
se verrigtinge. Selfs die
versnaperinge tydens pouse
kon die storiegangers nie
uit die klasse hou nie. Dié
honger vir stories word nie
sommer gestil nie. Selfs
nie na ’n hele Storie-aand
nie. Ons sal moet vasbyt tot
volgende jaar!
n an attempt to cut back on expenses, the annual Soapbox Derby at Midstream
College Primary School took place without the proverbial ‘soap’.
However, the focus shifted from costumes and carefully prepared dance moves to
what the Soapbox Derby is really about – teamwork and fun!
The Soapbox Derby was hosted on the last day of school, and the many sweets and
treats, the numerous games and jumping obstacles, the face painting, music and
excitement which all go with it, produced exhausted, quiet and happy kids at the start
of the well-deserved holiday – just what Mom ordered.
oin the writer as he walks down the garden path of
Midstream College Primary School and considers two
of the wonderful teachers who can be found under the
‘teaching rainbow’ - the one about to retire and the
other just starting out.
Although we are a parallel medium Christian school, we
welcome a variety of races, culture and religions. Age
is also recognized with respect at our school - ask the
prestigious grandmother of Midstream College, Mrs.
Leona Haveman, or the baby blue-eyed young blonde,
Ms. Wendy Woods.
Forty-five years of her sixty-six years
have been spent teaching. Now,
Leona believes the time has come to
gracefully retire. Her life has been
enhanced by the love and support of
all the colleagues she’s taught with
as well as by the many generations of
children that have stepped over her
threshold. She adds: “They have made
me see the ‘small beauties’ of life that
adults so often overlook.”
In teaching one has to have an iron
support system. Leona leaves the
playground to return to her three
children, four granddaughters and her
James Bond stunt-double husband.
Leona has never seen the downside of
a smile and whenever one is looking
for her, one expects one of two
things: Leona with her back turned
because she is busy giving a hug, or
an outstretched foot, because she is
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
showing off brand new shoes.
Twenty-two year old Wendy is presently in her first
year of teaching. One can only survive the start of
a Midstream College academic year with the aid of
supportive staff members. Wendy doesn’t take credit
for herself and acknowledges the help of fellow teachers
and also,most importantly, her students. Her grade two
learners enjoy routine and because they are brutally
honest, easily remind if anything has been forgotten!
Wendy is not married and enjoys visiting friends, the
occasional outing, or just potato-ing
on the couch. It seems that nothing
is too difficult for Wendy. Perhaps it
is because she envisions the perfect
student and teaches accordingly. “I
became a teacher to make a difference
in the lives of the children in my class
and those I interact with. . I believe
that teaching is my calling.”
Should you find yourself looking for
Wendy one day, search either for the
white, wide brimmed hat (to protect
my fair skin, my child) or look for the
person who moves with the utmost
grace over the roughest terrain.
With the array of colour lining the
Midstream College Primary School hall,
one can only expect a treasure at the
end of this rainbow. We have a golden
yet fresh example to adhere to, and a
golden yet mature set of footsteps to
follow in. Who could go wrong?
Keeping the convenience of business
services on the estate in mind, owners
Martin and Caroline Greyling opened the
local PostNet branch at the Square@
Midstream in May 2008.
The friendly staff members Oniccah,
Zakhele, Evelyn and Cathrine are ready
to assist residents and visitors with a
variety of essential services which include
copying and printing, courier services,
stationery and digital services – all the
business services you ever imagined
under one roof.
To make things easier for residents
Postnet Midstream has 1,900 mail boxes
available and will collect parcels on behalf
of mail box clients. Postnet also offers a
range of courier services.
The confidence they have in their service
is evidenced in their motto “We Can
Help”. Give them a try.
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Be hair
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The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Living Will
An Advanced Directive or Living Will is a statement
or instruction given by a competent adult in anticipation of when a patient may lack the capacity to
make health care decisions. Therefore a Living Will
was devised to stand as a declaration of one’s nonconsent to artificial life-support in the event of one
being unable to communicate when for example
one is seriously injured or loss of life is imminent.
From an ethical perspective, for a Living Will to be
recognised, four requirements must be met:
The patient making the Living Will must be a major
(18 years or older and or declared to be a major by
a competent court).
The patient must have the necessary mental capacity to make their own medical decisions at the
time of creating the Living Will;
The patient may only refuse consent to treatment
if they have been fully informed about their condition and proposed treatment;
One must be satisfied that the patient did not
change his / her mind after making the Living Will.
It is imperative to share this decision with anyone
such as your medical doctor, family members and/
or close friends. One should also share the location
of the document.
A Living Will may also take the form of a lasting
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
Power of Attorney, which is also referred to as a
“proxy directive”. This document allows the patient
to appoint someone else as a healthcare proxy. This
would be either, a trusted friend or relative, which
could act as Power of Attorney to make healthcare
decisions on the patient’s behalf.
Informed consent by a patient is required for any
treatment a doctor considers advisable, either for
the purposes of diagnosis or treatment, except in
exceptional circumstances, such as unconscious
accident cases. Patients whom have executed Living Wills can give definite instructions regarding
the type of treatment to which they will not consent to when loss of life is imminent.
Living Wills, although ethically acceptable, are
currently not recognized as legally enforceable in
terms of South African law. A patient’s immediate decision to refuse medical treatment is valid in
South African law and should the patient therefore
be of sound mind and have the capacity at the time
of the treatment, he or she is legally entitled to
choose to refuse medical treatment. It is however,
generally accepted as permissible to comply with
a Living Will where the patient is in a permanent
vegetative state. In all other circumstances, a doctor who is uncertain whether or not to comply with
an Advanced Directive may approach a court for
guidance in this regard.
Ka m p e
The grade 8 camp was held at
Hartbeeshoek near Brits.
The grade 10’s camped at
Elandskloof, close to Dullstroom.
The Matric class of 2013 on a welldeserved break at Madidaba Lodge.
The grade 9’s attended Konka,
an adventure and sport school .
The grade 11’s camped in Sabie
Die o 14A- en o 15A-spanne het ‘n oefenkamp te
Zwartkloof Natuurreservaat gehou. Die o 16A-span het
‘n rugbykliniek by PUKKE bygewoon en die eerstespan
het Uplands (Witrivier) se rugbyweek bygewoon . NETBAL
’n Groep netbalspelers
van o/14 tot o/17
het by Sportisimo ‘n
netbalkursus by Konka
bygewoon. Midstream
span het vanaf 31
Maart tot 4 April
na die Universiteit
Stellenbosch getoer. The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
en die o 16’s
het die afgelope
vakansie ʼn kursus
The u14 A and u15A hockey girls attended a
coaching clinic in Groblersdal, whilst the u 16 A
and First team girls attended a hockey course in
Cape Town.
Tennis prestasies
Kyle Gerber was chosen for the SA
u 19 team that will be touring to
Scotland and England in June. They
will also be visiting Wimbledon
during this tour.
Zani and Lee Barnard competed
in the African Junior Cup in Kenya
from 11-23 March. They were the
winning team and country for the
Girls 14 & under section. They will
both be playing in the qualifying
round in Tunisia to qualify for the
World Junior Finals.
Individuele prestasies
deur leerders
By die SA Skole kampioenskappe (OosLonden: 21 – 23 Maart) het Diwan Kamoetie
`n tweede plek in die 400m behaal. Diwan
was deel van Gauteng se 4x400m aflosspan
wat `n eerste plek behaal.
By die SA Junior Kampioenskappe ( 4-6
April) het Reynard Grobler ‘n tweede plek
in hoogspring, Crystal Liebenberg `n vyfde
plek in die 400m, Andries Duvenhage`n
negende plek in verspring en Diwan Kamoetie `n vyfde plek behaal. Diwan was deel van Noord-Gauteng se
4x400m aflosspan wat weer eerste oor die wenstreep gehardloop het.
Mej SA Marilyn Ramos
College se dogters vir
‘n motiverings
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The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
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The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
At the Midstream AGM a request was made by residents for the exercising of more stringent control over
users of the HOA roads. Two employees have now been specifically tasked with monitoring traffic in
Midstream. Most of the road users will have already noticed them performing their duties in the vicinity of
the schools, the traffic circles and in streets in general. In addition, to assist them in their task, a speed
camera has been purchased and they have received the required operational training. As is required for the
accurate metering of speed this camera also gets calibrated regularly.
For a while a moratorium was placed
on the issuing of fines as the Midstream
Board of Directors realised that many
of the residents were not aware of the
board’s intention to exercise increased
control. As an interim arrangement
the issuing of fines was suspended,
with only warnings being issued to
expired on the 30th of April 2013,
meaning that as from 1st May 2013
fines were issued to those exceeding
the specified maximum speed limit of
30 kph. Members are requested to familiarize
themselves with the street rules.
These are available at the MHOA office
and/or on the Midstream website.
The Rules were also published on
page 44 of the April “Midrand Estates
News”. Members are also reminded
that an Appeal Committee consisting
of a Director, The Estate Manager and
the Finance Manager is in place to
consider any appeals received with
regard to fines. This Committee will
meet every second week to consider
appeals received. If a person is not
completely satisfied with the outcome
of their decision, there will still be the
option to refer the matter to the Board
of Directors whose decision will be
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
o why is it that we pay more for floor tiles than
for the services of an architect? (There are
Architects who design from R 95-00/m²)
Its true that a well laid floor will finish off a
house in a manner that is both functional and
aesthetically pleasing, but if we think of it tiles are
but one component of all which truly makes for the
synergizing whole that we call home. (And when
your home is renovated, the floor coverings is
usually the first to be replaced!).
With regard to the components that make a home,
the correct perception of cost is regularly lost
to a home builder in that it is often seen as
“one building - one price”. But it is important
that it be seen as part of the series of
components which carry weight in both their
pricing as well as in their importance to the
construction of the house.
have experience.
Thus the time has come that as very intellectual
people, we realize that we should leave the
implementation of architecture to the architects just as we leave the application of medicine to the
medical practitioners - trusting that the work they
do and its importance to the life span of the home
and its residents is more important than just one
aspect of the whole picture which has been painted
by the hand of that same architect.
~Yvonne Perregil
The Job of an architect is to combine years
of study and practice into designing a house
that not only conforms to the standards of
an ever changing rule book, but makes it
a functioning unit for each specific family’s
needs. Not an easy task considering we
laymen have no knowledge of that rule
book. (Did you know that legislation changed
recently, prohibiting a patio across all of your
northern living areas?). Yet, over and over we
disregard this important task, relagating it to
the back of our minds, because as intellectual
individuals we assume we are better able to
design than those who’ve been trained and
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013
The Midrand Estates Newsletter - June 2013