Saint Mark Catholic Church
Saint Mark Catholic Church
Saint Mark Catholic Church 14740 Stumptown Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 We, the members of St. Mark Catholic Church, a Faith Community called as one by Christ to serve and witness in His name, seek to celebrate our Faith through service and evangelization to each other, our families and our community. Page 1 704-948-0231 St. Mark Parish Directory stmarknc.org14740 Stumptown Rd, Huntersville NC 28078 Parish Office | Mon-Fri, 9 am - 4:30 pm Phone: 704-948-0231; Fax: 704-948-8018 Pastor Very Rev. John T. Putnam, JV Parochial Vicars Rev. Paul D. McNulty Rev. Miguel A. Ubillus Pastor Emeritus in Residence Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Bellow Deacons Rev. Mr. Louis Pais Rev. Mr. Robert Murphy Rev. Mr. Richard McCarron Rev. Mr. Thomas McGahey Rev. Dr. Ronald Sherwood Sacristan Daniel Pressley 704-948-0231, Ext. 211 Administrative Assistant Tricia McCaa 704-948-0231, Ext. 102 Pastoral Associate for HR and Outreach Barry McCaa 704-948-0231, Ext. 119 Pastoral Associate for Facilities and Planning Scott Bruno 704-948-0231, Ext. 118 Finance Director Florence Moore 704-948-0231, Ext. 116 Parish Accountant Karen Zaleski 704-948-0231, Ext. 121 Calendar Management Leanne Vaccaro 704-948-0231, Ext. 101 Music Ministry Laura Maclean, Director 704-948-0231, Ext. 106 Ministry Coordinator Beth Zuhosky 704-948-0231, Ext. 136 Faith Formation Donna Smith, Director 704-948-1306, Ext. 104 Elementary Faith Formation and Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion Faye Nye, Coordinator 704-948-1306, Ext. 115 Middle School Ministry and Sacrament of Confirmation Mary Grace Alvord, Coordinator 704-948-1306, Ext. 117 6th-7th Grade Faith Formation Coordinator Sonnet Bonelli 704-948-1306, Ext. 111 High School Ministry Coordinator J. Brian Kaup 704-948-0231, Ext. 105 Mass Schedule Sunday Masses Saturday: 5 pm Sunday: 7:30 am 9 am (Church; Signed for the hearing impaired) 9 am (Parish Hall; Children’s Mass, 1st-3rd grade) 11 am 1 pm (Spanish) 5 pm (Life Teen Mass) Spanish: Misa en Español cada Domingo a la 1 pm y cada viernes a las 7 pm Daily Masses Mon., Tue., Thur., Fri., 7 and 9 am Wednesday 7 am and 6:30 pm; Saturday 9 am Holy Days: Vigil 7 pm before feast day, 7 am, 9 am, 7 pm on the feast day Nursery available during 9 and 11 am Masses serving children walking age through Kindergarten. Confessions Daily: (45 minutes prior to Mass, ending 15 minutes prior to Mass) 6:15—6:45 am and 8:15—8:45 am Wed.: 6—7:30 pm Sat.: 3—5 pm Sun.: 6:45—7:15 am, 8:15—8:45 am, 10:15—10:45 am, 12:15—12:45 pm (Spanish), 4:15—4:45 pm Rosary Tuesdays - Church; 7—7:30 pm Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Preschool Jane Petriella, Director 704-948-8015 In the Monsignor Bellow Adoration Chapel in the Family Center. For more information email Deaf Ministry Mary Sumeracki 704-576-0675 (V/TTY) Immediately following the Wednesday 6:30 pm Mass Young at Heart Ministry Leanne Vaccaro (Interim) 704-948-0231, Ext. 101 Immediately following the Friday 9 am Mass Hispanic Coordinator Belisario Solorzano 704-948-4239 Wedding Director Kris Brodof 704-806-4071 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena and Rosary Hospitalization If you or your loved one are in an area hospital, call the Parish Office to reach one of the Priests. The Priests offer Confession, bring the Holy Eucharist to you or administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Baptisms & Weddings The use of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings and other Sacramental events is available to active Parishioners. Contact the Parish Office. Evening Attendant Hank Stiene 980-333-3040 Natural Family Planning Al-Anon Lisa 704-651-1065 Teaching Couple #1947 704-548-1834; Alcoholics Anonymous Tom 704-604-7739 Crisis Pregnancy Help Bulletin Team 704-948-0231 Joe and Kathy Hack Pregnancy Hotline:1-800-848-LOVE Catholic Social Services: 704-370-3262 Birthright: 1-800-550-4900 Post Abortion: 1-800-5-WE CARE Page 2 From the Pastor Mass Readings There are Feast Days for each member of the Holy Family, but this particular Feast which always occurs between Christmas and the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, celebrates the entire family—Jesus, our Blessed Mother Mary, and Jesus’ Stepfather Joseph. Scripture does not tell us much about the Holy Family during Jesus’ growth years, but we view them on this day as a religious family worthy of emulation. In this era and society when questions arise as to exactly what a family is or should be, the Holy Family stands out as a model. The Church celebrates this day in the hope that it might instill in our own Catholic and Christian families some of the faithful love and attachment which seem to characterize the Holy Family. As might be expected, each of the readings on this Holy Day makes reference to and emphasizes family life. The Book of Sirach was written, according to most scholars, by Jeshua ben Eleazar ben Sira about 175 years before the birth of Christ. Each chapter of the book follows a particular theme, and Chapter Three, from which we have our First Reading follows a great theme of Proverbs: honor thy father and mother. Sirach speaks of the responsibilities of all members of a family to others in the family. At the foundation of a successful family is a trait which we also extol in lives of stewardship — humility. When dealing with others in our family, the importance of being humble and respectful and loving cannot be emphasized enough. We also need to be conscious of the fact that when we speak of “family,” we are not just talking about a family unit, but that greater family to which we all belong — the family of God, our faith family. St. Paul, in his letter to the Colossians, our Second Reading, builds on the theme of humility and goes even further in describing the attributes that are important to be a member of a family. His introduction includes all that each of us must strive to do, the way we need to act, think, and behave. He tells us that we need to show “heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” These are not easy, but they are also the elements to being good Christians and stewards. Furthermore, according to St. Paul, we need to forgive one another, and “over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection.” If that was not enough for us, he adds that we need to let “the peace of Christ control your hearts.” Today’s Readings First Reading — Hannah gives her son Samuel back to the LORD, leaving him in the temple at Shiloh: “As long as he lives, he shall be dedicated to the LORD” 1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28 or Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14. Psalm — Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord Psalm 84 or Psalm 128. Second Reading — We are children of God when we believe in the name of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another just as he commanded us 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24 or Colossians 3:12-21 [12-17]. Gospel — Joseph and Mary find the lost Jesus in the temple in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking questions Luke 2:41-52. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings for the Week Monday: 1 Jn 1:5 — 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18 Paul more or less wraps up his advice and counsel by saying, “And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.” For a family, any family, whether our blood intimate family or our larger faith community to be completely like the Holy Family, we must have Christ at the center. Living a God-centered life will lead us to stewardship and to a happy and thriving family. Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 During Passover the Sanhedrin ( a supreme council that oversaw Judea as sort of a supreme court and legislative body) would meet in the court of the Temple to openly discuss religious and theological questions. For three days the boy Jesus was in their midst and clearly held his own in the discussions and debates. Imagine being the parent of such a gifted child! That is where St. Mary and St. Joseph found themselves. The value of this small insight into the Holy Family is the realization that in spite of the Son of God literally being a member of the family, their family life was normal and regular in almost every way. The custom at that time was for a son to take up his father’s business. Thus, Jesus became a carpenter after Joseph, but He was more than that — He also was about the business of His Father in Heaven. In spite of His special place, Jesus was obedient and respectful to His parents. The point of this Feast Day is for us to see that the combination of children, siblings, mother, and father all need to be attentive to and responsive to the others’ needs. We cannot achieve the perfection of the Holy Family, but we can strive to be holy. Thursday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Friday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Page 3 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 704-948-0231 Remember In Your Prayers Mass Intentions Please Pray For Michelle Westbrook Accetta Joanne Anthony Roberto Argente Piedad del Rocío Ariza Kimberly Barrie Renee Branem Torie Costa Dolores D’Elia Dottie Dambrauskas Kristina Dontino Gloria Echeverri Albert Fox Jean Fox Theresa Gribschaw Flo Hauck Sarah Elizabeth Hauser Patt Irvin Baby Katherine Elizabeth Jousma Rosemary Keeley Phyllis Kiebler Robb Lamont Dale McCaa Katie Meserrol Michael Orlando Nicole Pellitteri Cavan Petura Shari Sarahcino Alexandra Schaney Ron Seabacher Christine Talbert Robin Warner Charles Williams Karen Zaleski ...and all our parishioners who are homebound or reside in area nursing homes and are unable to attend Mass. Recently Baptized Please welcome our newly Baptized into our Faith Community. Turner Mark Dow Ava Ruth Doiel Madison Rose Doiel Riley Ann Henry Harper Reese Leo James Timothy Porter Mon. December 28—The Holy Innocents, Martyrs 7 am +Emily Jean Derbak (Huddle family) 9 am Ledermann Family Tues. December 29—St. Thomas Becket, Bishop 7 am Janet Hills (Anthony, Pat & Laurie Gagliardo) 9 am Belisario & Andrea Solorzano Weds. December 30 7 am Margaret Hillman (Sandy, Debbie & Renee) 11 a.m Rosemary Keeley (Al & Martha Fox) (CKHS) 6:30 pm +Maria Lucimar Nogueira (Jack & Joan Healy) Thurs. December 31—St. Sylvester I, Pope 7 am +Teresa Tran (Ly Nguyen) 5 pm +Anita Curka (Frank Curka) 7 pm Ofelia Beltran (Cashman family) (Spanish Mass) Fri. January 1, 2016—Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God 9 am +Don Larson (Kevin & Janet Urban) 11 am Chris Waldraff (Barry & Tricia McCaa) Sat. January 2, 2016—Sts. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops 9 am +Russell Haller (Fr. John) 5 pm +Lynn O’Hallilhan (Ronnie Ruggles) Sun. January 3, 2016—The Epiphany of the Lord 7:30 am Fulton Family (Julie Fulton) 9 am +Betsy Borowsky (Mark & Jackie Kogler) 9 am +Teresa Tran (Ly Nguyen) (Children’s Mass) 11 am +Jim Kinley (Magro family) 1 pm St. Mark parishioners 5 pm A.J. & Harry Ohlhaut (Hoyt family) + deceased; (requested by) Members In the Service Our Faithful Departed May God’s grace be with the families of our recently deceased: Mary Lou Breece, mother of David Breece; Israel Trinidad Masson, brother of Marcial Masson; Carol Martincin, mother of Valeire Neitzke; Joan M. Guerrein, mother of Anne Dixon PFC Jacob Alexander; LCPL Jon C. Atkinson, USMC; William J. Borath, Army; Lt. Colonel Scott Michael Breece, USAF; AM1 John Caldwell, (VFA 32); 2nd Lt. Sam Camut, USMC; Capt. Dan Crum, USAF; Lt. Colonel Peter Dargle, U.S. Army; Veronica Dominguez; Spc. Frank Christopher Dunning; PFC Albert Hadley, Infantry/ Scout; Ensign Matthew Hartung USN; MSgt. Patrick Heffernan; LT. Jenna Hehn, USN; 1st Lt. Trevor Hehn, U.S. Army; Capt. Laura Hehn M.D. U.S. Army; MM3 Christopher Heim; Lt. Mellisa Hillman, Navy; Sgt. Christopher Holden; Lt. Colonel Matthew Holloway, Air National Guard; Michael Huddle, U.S. Army; CWO4 Christopher Joyce, Army Airborne; Corporal Edward Keller III; PFC Christian Kotas, Army National Guard (Added); PFC NCARNG Derek Koontz; Lt. Patrick McFarland; SPC Michael Quinn, Jr., U.S. Army; USMC; Lt. Matthew Santoli, USMC; Lt. Carter Stapleton; LT JG Ryan P. Veatch, USN; LT Robert Vendley, U.S. Army; LT William Vey III; Staff Sgt. Andrew Vranek, USAF Army Airborne; Joshua Wagner, U.S. Army; CTT2 Zachary Wortham, USN; PFC Ryan Wilson, Army National Guard ...and for all service members not listed here. 704-948-0231 Page 4 Parish Calendar Sunday, Dec. 27 Parish Office Closed 2:30 pm Baptisms (Church) 3:15 pm Baptisms (Church) 6 pm FF-Life Teen (Room 200,201) 7 pm Organ Practice (Church) Monday, Dec. 28 Parish Office Closed 5 pm REHEARSAL (Hehn/Quist wedding) (Church) Tuesday, Dec. 29 1:30 pm Wedding set-up (Church) 3 pm WEDDING (Jenna Hehn & Shaun Quist) (Church) 6 pm Room In The Inn (Hall, Kitchen) 7 pm K of C Officer & Director Meeting (Room 202) 7 pm Rosary (All are Welcome) (Church) 7 pm Troop 97 PLC Meeting (Room 200,201) Wednesday, Dec. 30 12 am Room In The Inn (Hall, Kitchen) 8 am SLAM (Hall) 1:30 pm YaHM -SilverSneakers Fitness Program (Hall) 7:30 pm Couples Meeting - Hispanic (Room 204) Thursday, Dec. 31 12:15 am New Year's Lock-In clean up (Hall, Kitchen) 7 pm New Year's Lock-In (Hall, Kitchen) Friday, Jan. 1 12 am New Year's Lock-In (Hall, Kitchen) Parish Office Closed Saturday, Jan. 2 10 am Fatima Home Visitation 1st Sat. Rosary & Prayers (Church) 7 pm Hispanic Music Practice (Room 204) Sunday, Jan. 3 9 am Children's Mass / FF- 1-2 grade (special) (Hall, Room 135,138) 1 pm Maximilian Kolbe Fraternity OFS (SMS Library) 2:30 pm Baptisms (Church) 3:15 pm Baptisms (Church) 5 pm FF-MS EDGE/ FR Classes (SMS) 6 pm FF-Life Teen (Room 200,201) 7 pm Organ Practice (Church) New Year’s Mass Schedule Mary Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) Thursday, Dec. 31, 5:00 pm Thursday, Dec. 31, 7:00 pm (Spanish) Friday, Jan. 1, 9:00 am Friday, Jan. 1, 11:00 am Family Life Family life is sacred, but it is not without trial. Perhaps this is the most important message we can glean from today’s readings. If Jesus, Mary, and Joseph can trip up sometimes—can disconnect— then we shouldn’t find it surprising when such things happen to us as well. And parents everywhere (children, too) can probably relate to—and take some solace in—the Gospel’s account of Mary and Joseph after Jesus explained why he stayed behind in the temple. They heard his words, Luke tells us, “But they did not understand what he said to them” (Luke 2:50). Amen! Nevertheless, Jesus does go back home with them, and continues to thrive under their care. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Treasures From Our Tradition This New Year’s Eve, at the turning of the year, you may catch a glimpse of the old year, a cartoon figure of a hunched old man with a sickle, Father Time. Where else but in this column could you learn that this is in fact a pope? December 31 was in the old calendar the feast of St. Sylvester. Legend says that Sylvester healed the Emperor Constantine of leprosy, and presided at the liturgy of baptism for the grateful emperor. In 314, he was chosen pope, and it fell to him to organize the peacetime church, free at last from persecution. He founded the Lateran Basilica, the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome. In northern Europe “Sylvester Night” is a time of great parties with eating, dancing, and singing—recalling perhaps the joy of the church in the fresh air of Sylvester’s papacy. In Poland, there was great fear as the year 1000 approached that an immense dragon would devour the earth and set fire to the heavens. The people prayed earnestly to St. Sylvester, trusting that the saint would not permit such suffering on his feast day. They’ve been celebrating ever since! Many New Year’s customs have pagan roots, like the British “First Footer” tradition. The idea is that the first person setting foot into your house in the new year determines the luck for the year ahead. The ideal first footer was not a bit like old Pope Sylvester, but rather a tall, dark-haired man carrying the right gift. A handsome first footer meant the year ahead would be pleasant, and if he carried bread or a shovel of coal there would be food and warmth in the future. Who will be your household’s first footer? —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Page 5 704-948-0231 Parish Life Special Needs Classroom When: During the 9 am Mass every Sunday (except holiday weekends) Where: Family Center, Room 120 St. Mark offers free care and education for children with special needs or any developmental delay. This classroom is staffed by certified professionals who create a fun, loving and nurturing environment for your child. This is an opportunity for you to attend Mass while your child is engaged in developmentally-appropriate faith formation and play. This is a drop-in classroom, if your child is registered. He/she is encouraged, but not required, to attend this classroom every Sunday. Information/Registration: Connie Andrews, 704-489-6099, Dear friends of Catherine’s House: I am sure many of you are anxious to know who won the car that we Raffled December 10. I am happy to announce that Jerry and Karen Burgess from Saint Matthew’s parish, Charlotte, were the big winners. Your commitment to supporting our fundraiser for the care of women and children who are homeless is greatly appreciated. During this holy season of Advent and Christmas, we are most grateful for your generosity and prayers and will continue to hold you in prayer. Sister Carmelita Hagan When: Jan. 15, 2016; See schedule below Join us for the 10th Annual MARCH FOR LIFE in Charlotte. The day will begin at 9 am with a Mass said for the Unborn. At 11 am we will gather in the parking lot across the street from the Catholic Diocese at 1123 South Church St. Charlotte, NC 28210. (Note: There will be limited parking available, therefore parking may be most accessible uptown). At 12 pm we will march to Trade St. and Tryon St. where Father Casey Coleman, Parochial Vicar of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church will begin with a sermon. We will then march to the court house at 401 W. Trade St. where we will pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. See schedule details at Thursday Morning Study: When: Jan. 14 – May 5, 10 am – 12:30 pm Where: Msgr. Kerin Center Faith and Prayer: Strengthened from Within Discover what it means to live by the light of faith as Kathleen Lewis guides us through Lumen Fidei, the first encyclical of Pope Francis. Then enrich your faith by learning how to hear and respond to God’s voice in prayer with Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer (Ascension Press), Fr. Mark Toups’ eight-week study on the essentials of an effective and fruitful prayer life. Cost: $40.00 (non-refundable) Babysitting is available for preschool age and younger. Respect Life 10th Annual MARCH FOR LIFE - Charlotte! Women of Joy Prayer Group and Scripture Study Spring 2016: March for Life 2016 The March for Life is an annual prolife rally protesting abortion, held in Washington, D.C., on or around the anniversary of the United States Supreme Court's decision legalizing abortion in the case Roe v. Wade. Join your fellow parishioners as an Ambassador for Life as we journey to our nation’s capital to speak up for the protection of the unborn child. Itinerary includes travel to Washington, DC in a deluxe tour bus, daily Rosary, family friendly movies in travel, Mass at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and participation in the March for Life. Thursday’s sleeping accommodations and Friday’s breakfast will be provided by the Knights of Columbus in the Arlington Diocese. Cost is $15 per person or a maximum of $50 for families of four or more. To register – please call Gini Bond at 704-562-9573 or email Deadline for registration for Saint Mark parishioner priority seating is Dec. 31. 704-948-0231 For more information contact Rose Abell 502-445-4573 or Thursday Evening Study: When: Jan. 14 – May 5, 7 – 9 pm Where: Msgr. Kerin Center Consoling the Heart of Jesus by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC Combining the message of Divine Mercy and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with the teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Faustina, and St. Louis de Montfort, Fr. Gaitley offers a simple way to holiness. He has given people a prayerful and thoughtful “Do-It-Yourself Retreat” to learn to rest in God and to help us in our spiritual journey. Cost: $25.00 (non-refundable) For more information contact Kristin Tacy 704-577-6055 or Registration information for both studies can be found on the St. Mark website. Please register by Jan. 5. New members are always welcome! Page 6 Faith Formation Children’s Mass St. Mark 9 am Children’s Mass (in the Parish hall) is now available for children ages 5-10 years old. To find out more about this Mass and register your child, go to our website, We would also love to have some help with this Mass, if you would like to volunteer, you may also do so on the website. Do you have a story of faith, conversion or mercy to share? Your Adult Ed ministry is hoping to make a short video highlighting stories of parishioners. We would like to have at least six parishioners come forward with their stories. These small video clips would be no more than three to four minutes in length. If you have a story to share, please contact Donna Smith 704-948-1306 or NOW! We hope to begin filming in early January. The video will be used during our Lenten CALL series, which begins the week of Feb. 7. This spring our CALL program will be studying The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis. Upcoming Workshops Christine Wisdom M.S. LPC will be offering a spring series of workshops for parishioners on the following topics. All workshops will be held in Room 259 at St. Mark school. • Ways to Live in Heath in Mind, Body and Spirit Wednesday, January 20; 7-9 pm • Practicing Mindfulness and other ways to cope with anxiety Wednesday, February 17; 7-9 pm • 101 for Caregivers Wednesday, March 16; 7- 9 pm Space is limited so please RSVP to Page 7 365 Days to Mercy App Let’s face it, it can be downright overwhelming to be merciful. It often seems we take a few steps forward, only to then get back into the old habits of ill-will, lack of compassion, selfishness or intolerance. Blessed Mother Teresa often said that God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. God wants to equip you with Hope, so you can see the possibilities in your life. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, each of us has an opportunity to rediscover the gift of conversion in our lives, realizing how much Christ loves each of us and how we can radiate that love to others. For those of you with smartphones, the 365 Days to Mercy app is ideal for accompanying you on your spiritual journey. This app contains original daily reflections on mercy that are thoughtful and pertinent; it has a ton of other content, including information on the holy year, prayers centering on mercy and the latest Year of Mercy news, and finally, it’s free! Download it by searching for 365 Days to Mercy in the App Store and Google Play store, or go here for a direct link to both: Imagine our Parish encountering the Catholic Faith not just on Sunday but all throughout the week! Through the Augustine Institute our parish has purchased for you an opportunity to immerse yourself in the Catholic Faith through FORMED! is a revolutionary online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies. FORMED includes not only the Symbolon series as referred to previous but other series including: Beloved, Lectio Divina, Catholicism series and more. Just go to and enter your parish access code: a237c6 and begin! Tell your friends, neighbors and family… this is something for everyone! Below are some of the new programs that have recently been added to the website. Make sure you check them out! Financial Peace University (FPU) When: Beginning Jan. 11, 7 pm Where: Room 203 St. Mark is pleased to offer a rare opportunity for our parishioners to participate in a nine-week class on money taught by America’s most trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Dave and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future and much more. Cost for this seminar is $109 and includes all of your material. Register at: http:// Don’t wait, start 2016 on the right path to financial security! (Couples are highly encouraged to attend together and child care is available) To find out more about this program contact Kate Mikulasovich at 704-948-0231 Young at Heart Food, Fun and Fellowship Ministry When: Tuesday, January 19; 11 am Where: Family Center We invite seniors 55+ to join us for a delicious lunch and great entertainment with the melodic vocals of John Leon Lewis singing Broadway tunes at the Winter Wonderland Luncheon. The cost is $6.00 per person. Reservation envelopes will be on the Yong at Heart table in the Family Center hallway across from the elevator. Please write your name on the envelope and enclose a check or cash. Place it in the black box on the wall next to the table or drop it off at the church office. Seating is limited! Cutoff date is Jan. 8. No walk-ins. Come join the fun! Contact Person: Phyllis Maywald, 704-274-9679 Prayer Shawl Ministry When: Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month Where: Parish Hall Members pray together as they crochet and knit prayer shawls for people suffering through a time of transition, crisis or need, and baby blankets and hats for infants in area hospital neo-natal units and for individual requests. Contact us to join this group or receive a shawl, infant cap or blanket. Contact: Carole Lavinio, 704-992-5659; Sharon Marshall (baby blankets), 704-875-8811 Friendly Visitor Ministry On their own schedule, Friendly Visitor Ministry volunteers visit people in nursing homes and those homebound. Individuals, couples and families can expand their faith practices, prayer and socialization and provide a large variety of services to those who need it most. Training and assistance is available. If you know someone who would welcome a Friendly Visitor, please contact us. Contact: Leanne Vaccaro, 704-948-0231, Dinner Club When: Tuesday, January 5th, 6:30 pm (first Tues. of the month) Where: Red Rocks Café and Bar, Birkdale Village, 8712 Lindholm Dr., Huntersville This is a wonderful way to meet fellow parishioners while enjoying dinner out. RSVP: Maryann 704-947-0597 by 5 pm on Mon., Jan. 4 704-948-0231 New Online Giving and Payment System— Register Now Beginning Nov. 1, 2015, St. Mark implemented a new Online Giving System. The previous system, Direct Give, will continue to be available during the transition. We will now be using Online Giving, a division of Our Sunday Visitor, as our electronic offertory vendor. Considerable thought and analysis has gone into this decision. Some of the reasons for the change include better pricing, more effective data interface and back office support, and an improved envelope service for additional savings. The new system will be much easier and more user-friendly. It is a web-based application that allows you to access your account from anywhere, using your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can use either a bank account or credit card, or both. During the next month, please close out your account with Direct Give, and sign up with Online Giving. Instructions for closing out your account and opening a new one, are available on the website at If you have any issues setting up your new account, please contact Customer Service for Online Giving. If you are not currently using online payment for your weekly collection donations, now is a great time to start! You will be able to help us further automate the bookkeeping function. With this new system, you are able to make your weekly donations, additional one-time donations such as Christmas, and other payments, including Faith Formation tuition and special collections. You can see reports on your contribution history and generate tax statements at each year’s end. Even if you typically use your offering envelopes, you may wish to contribute online to a particular collection. Check out our website for more information!Contact: Florence Moore,, 704-948-0231 ext.116 Page 8 High School Ministry Page 9 704-948-0231 704-948-0231 Page 10 Other Opportunities CTK Fun Day for Special Needs Adults When: Monday, Jan. 4; 12:30-2:30 pm Where: CTK High School; 2011 Crusader Way, Huntersville; Just east of the Hwy 73/Poplar Tent intersection Christ the King Catholic High School would like to invite adults with special needs to a “fun day.” We will have stations in art, science, cooking, music, and sports; and we’re looking forward to a great time. Admission is free, but registration is requested. Register/Contact: 704-799-4400 Carolina Catholic Chorale: Orchestral Mass for Epiphany When: Wednesday, Jan 6; 7 pm Where: St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Charlotte The Carolina Catholic Choral & Orchestra will sing Mozart’s Spetzen-Messe in a Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St. Thomas Aquinas. (Masses are open to the public at no cost). Information: hƩp:// Contact: Stefano Monaco, 704-962-2990, CTK HS Keynote Speaker When: Tuesday, Jan. 5; 6:30 pm Where: CTK High School, 2011 Crusader Way, Huntersville Christ the King Catholic High School is pleased to announce that Father Tad Pacholczyk, Director of the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, will deliver the keynote address for its annual Bridge Week program. Fr. Tad, who holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Yale University, will discuss the care and treatment for patients at the end of life. The talk is funded by the Mecklenburg Area Catholics Schools Educational Foundation, and the public is cordially invited. Contact: 704-799-4400 MACS Accepting Applications for 2016-2017 The Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS) are accepting applications for new students for the 201617 school year at all schools and for all grades. The Early Admission Round ends Jan. 15 for high school applicants, and Jan. 31 for PreK-8th grade applicants. Please visit the MACS website at for applications and more admissions information. For school locations and additional information please call the MACS Admissions Office at 704.370.3273 or visit our website Page 11 Diocese of Charlotte official Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Rome, Siena, Assisi, & Nettuno Walk through the Doors of Mercy! Pope Francis has announced a Jubilee Year of Mercy! This is the perfect time to encounter God’s mercy in a powerful, lifealtering way. Join your Diocesan family on a once-in-alifetime Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Rome, Siena, Assisi, & Nettuno, 10-days, October 12-21, 2016. Only $3,299 from Charlotte (CLT), plus $650 in airport taxes, security fees, and current fuel surcharges, as well as $150 in tips. Under the spiritual direction of Fr. Michael Kottar of St. Mary Help of Christians Parish in Shelby and Fr. Carmen Malacari of Holy Spirit Church in Denver. Please visit to download the brochure and registration form. For more information contact Mrs. Jean Judge at 704-487-7697 or send an email to Space is limited. Register today! 704-948-0231 Anuncios Semanales del Ministerio Hispano Misa en Honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe Grupo de Oración Carismático Todos los viernes a las 7:45 pm Iglesia San Marcos Jesucristo siempre nos está buscando y nos habla de muchas maneras. Sólo tenemos que saber escuchar su voz. El grupo carismatico Esperanza y Vida te invita y te espera todos los viernes a las 7:45 pm para participar y juntos alabemos a Dios. Para mas información puedes llamar al hermano William Veliz al 704-634-8302 Información en Español Virgen Peregrina Nuestra Santísima Madre María, la Virgen de Guadalupe, está visitando nuestra comunidad dejando un regalo de amor, paz, fe y esperanza. Si deseas abrir las puertas de tu hogar a nuestra Madre María, puedes inscribirte llamando a Yolanda Gutierrez al teléfono 980-255-6233. Exposición Perpetua del Santísimo Sacramento Nuestro Señor Jesucristo está expuesto en la Capilla 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Ven a visitarlo y a pasar un momento en la presencia de Jesús Sacramentado. El Señor ha reservado gracias especiales para los que le visitan. En el altar el Señor es puro amor, y distribuye sus gracias a manos llenas a los que le visitan. 704-948-0231 “Este es el tiempo para nuevos mensajeros, más generosos, más alegres, más santos.” Andrea Solórzano 704-948-4239 Rosalba Rojas 704-895-8866 Horario De Misas Misa Diaria: Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes: 7am y 9 am Viernes: 7pm Español Miércoles: 7 am y 6:30 pm Sábados: 9 am Sábado: 5 pm Domingo: 7:30, 9, 11 am 1 pm Español 5 pm Misa de jóvenes Sacramentos Bautizos: Clases todos los segundos sábados de cada mes de 10 am a 12 pm Celebración del Bautismo todos los segundos domingos de cada mes a las 2:30 pm. Por favor contacte a Caridad Masson al 704-948-2839 para registrarse en las clases. Matrimonios: Clases PreMatrimoniales, favor avisar con seis meses de anticipación. Page 12 Jim Engel, CEO & PRESIDENT Parishioner Bank Near. Go Far. 704-439-4343 KEN E. WOOD, MD Now with 7 locations to serve you! Cornelius Is Lake Norman’s Davidson Community Bank! Mooresville Huntersville SouthPark Aquesta BEN J. GARRIDO, MD PARISHIONER 170 MEDICAL PARK RD. SUITE 102, MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 TEL 704 660 4750 FAX 704 660 4751 WWW.LAKENORMANORTHOPEDICSPINE.COM SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Complete automotive repair Free courtesy inspection Free local shuttle service Service all makes and models Locally owned and operated Nice difference.® Steve Genenbacher, Owner (704) 727-0808 16618 Old Statesville Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 Time to get gifting. 2910 Mt. Holly-Huntersville Rd. 704.392.6750 Order a freshly-crafted holiday gift today! PARISHIONERS St. Mark Parishioners Catherine G. Reimels, DDS, FAGD Michael O. Reimels, DDS, FAGD, FICOI Matthew R. Miller, DDS 13605 Reese Blvd. West • Huntersville, NC 28078 • 704-948-1111 Markets Fluctuate. Relationships shouldn’t. We’re with you every step of the way. Fred C. Goduti, CFP® Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Senior Vice President - Investments Fundamental Choice Portfolio Manager STACY S. SCHMITT, DDS 10616 METROMONT PKWY. Member FINRA/SIPC SUITE 200 CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 PHONE 704.597.2570 130 Harbour Place Drive, Suite 200 Davidson, NC 28036 Tel: 704-990-7060 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Toll Free: 866-798-7982 Fax: 704-655-9352 ST. MARK PARISHIONER ALLERGY & ASTHMA CENTER OF LAKE NORMAN Board Certified Allergists Christina J. Collura, DO Jonathan R. Romeo, DO Julia Parkhurst, MS, PA-C Parishioners 15940-C Northcross Dr, Huntersville 704-655-1466 311 Williamson Rd, Mooresville 11907 Sam Roper Drive, Charlotte, NC 28269 961424 St Mark Church (D) 704-746-9889 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Cortes Home Services Cathy Hansen 704.897.2723 Call Juan Cortes - Parishioner 704-937-5033 One Call Gets It All Electrical • Cleaning Gutter • Pressure Washer Landscaping • Trimming • Pine Needle • Mulch • And More! Assisted Living & Memory Care Opening Soon Conveniently located across from St. Mark SERVING THE LAKE NORMAN AREA SINCE 1984 WISDOM TEETH | IV SEDATION DENTAL IMPLANTS | JAW SURGERY Patrick J. Coleman, DMD Michael J. Coleman, DDS Parishioner CAROLINAOMS.COM 704-892-1198 Robert & Eileen McCrary - Parishioners 231 Griffith St. Davidson, NC 28036 704.987.1885 VOTED “BEST BREAKFAST ON THE LAKE” 10% OFF TO ST. MARK PARISHIONERS PLEASE VOTE For Fellow Parishioners Rob Kidwell Mark Gibbons Huntersville Town Commissioner w w w. N o r t h l a k e M e m o r i a l . c o m Election November 3, 2015 Early voting starts October 22nd 11001 ALEXANDERANA ROAD • HUNTERSVILLE PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT MARK GIBBONS To better serve our community, your local family owned funeral home now owns and operates the areas only non-Church related cemetery, NorthLake Memorial Gardens. NorthLake is a 30 acre cemetery in a secluded setting that includes the only consecrated Catholic grounds in the Lake Norman area. With grave space starting at less than $1,000.00 we are also one of the areas most affordable cemeteries. The cemetery includes a columbarium and cremation gardens for families who choose cremation. As Lake Norman’s only funeral home and cemetery combination, we will be able to serve your family with the high quality service you have come to know, from the first call to caring for the grave space for years to come. Feel free to call 704.584.9004 for more information. 704 895-9844 Debbie Ruthenberg Owner & Parishioner Lizzie McCormick, Parishioner CUTS • COLOR • HIGHLIGHTS • SKIN CARE WAXING • NAILS • SMOOTHING SYSTEM Michael Stapleton 20035 Jetton Rd. #C, Cornelius Broker/Realtor (c)704-641-3263 email: COMPLETE OUTDOOR SERVICES MARK SHIELDS E FREE Parishioner of St. Mark STIMA TES CONCRETE SPECIALIST 5 STAR RATING HOME ADVISOR • HARDSCAPES • Grading • Retaining Walls • Footers - Pavers • Outdoor Kitchens • Bobcat Work - Demolition Residential & Commercial (704) 200-5340 • • FAL SPECIAL L! Mary & Michael Stapleton 19721 Bethel Church Rd., Cornelius, NC 28031 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Parishioners From Our Family to Yours Best Pizza in Lake Norman! OPEN 7 DAYS 704 896-2928 MENTION AD FOR SPECIAL OFFER 19400 Jetton Rd., Suite 201 Cornelius Peninsula Village Shopping Center 10% OFF COMPLETE JOB for All Parishioners OWNED BY PARISHIONERS HORTON’S PAINTING Over 125 Homes Sold & Families Served in 2015 We Color Inside the Lines RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Licensed & Insured Interior & Exterior Dry Wall Repair Pressure Washing Window Cleaning Gutter Cleaning Dan Jones Home Selling Team Guaranteed Sold Every Time! Looking for Great Deals: 16930 W. Catawba Ave. Cornelius, NC 28031 Owner / Broker Locally Owned & Operated FREE ESTIMATE Jason Horton Owner/Parishioner 704.345.8084 Ph. 704.777.0100 961424 St Mark Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 WILLIAM G. DAGIT, CPA Saint Margaret Sunday Missal WILLIAM G. DAGIT, JR., CPA M.S. TAXATION BDAGIT_LFS@BELLSOUTH.NET Floral Arrangements - Weddings - Loose Wrap Bouquets Home Decor - In-Home Decorating 704-892-7960 An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. “A PARISHIONER” CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 18127 W. CATAWBA AVENUE PHONE (704) 655-8648 FAX (704) 655-8656 800-566-6150 • 20017 N. Main St. Cornelius, NC 28031 CORNELIUS, NC 28031 Parishioners Brennan Law Firm, PLLC Simple Solutions for Complex Problems • Trusts & Estates Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Martin M. Brennan, Jr., Probate, Estate Administration • Tax/Benefit Plans JD, CPA Tax Planning, IRS Representation St. Mark Parishioner Employee Benefit Plans Licensed in North Carolina & Virginia • Corporations & LLCs Business Formations Mergers & Acquisitions Business Succession Planning 704-896-6441 13801 Reese Boulevard West, Suite 110 • Huntersville, NC 28078 MARTY.BRENNAN@MMBRENNANLAW.COM WWW.MMBRENNANLAW.COM • Interior & Exterior • Residential & Commercial • Fence & Deck Staining Paint Corporation Deacon Carlos Medina President • Pressure Washing • Repaints • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured 704-400-3111 Alina M. Bohn - Parishioner 980.292.1017 / • Accounting Solutions / Advice • Personal & Small Business Accounting • Tax Professional ¡Hablo Español! Bill Fitzpatrick Owner/St. Mark Parishioner MIKE HEGE, MRE, Realtor® & Closet Systems Plantation Shutters, Blinds & Shades Custom closet organization system Quality products and superior customer service since 2000 (704) 947-9822 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 704-491-9445 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months St. Mark parishioner Diagnostic Tires Brakes Alignment Tune-up Quick-lube Mufflers A/C Service Batteries NC Inspections JIM NEITZKE, Parishioner 411 South Old Statesville Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 (704) 875-1095 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES We are proud to be a part of the Lake Norman Community and are here to guide and comfort those who have lost a loved one. Monolithic Slabs, Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Colored & Stamped Concrete Cesidio Castricone 704-999-0066 Laura Castricone 704-361-3770 John D., Claudia and Jonathan Kepner 704-892-9669 On Site Crematory 16901 Old Statesville Road • Huntersville, NC 28078 961424 St Mark Church (B) Office: 704-895-8952 Fax: 704-895-8130 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 General & Cosmetic Dentistry 9725 Caldwell Commons Circle Cornelius, North Caroline 28031 Steven M. White, DDS, PA (704) 896-9535 Parishioner Brad S. Haines, DDS, PA advanced dentistry Myrtle Beach Rental 3 bedrooms 2½ bath condo Oceanside/Oceanview 704-500-4530 Info go to: Email: Patrick Golden, Parishioner 9115 Harris Corners Parkway, Suite 250 Charlotte 704-688-0605 Office 704-578-9451 Mobile Dance Studio Executive Home Care of Charlotte Discover the Home Care Difference TM Mention you saw us in the bulletin and receive your 1st hour free! • Ballet • Jazz • Pointe • Tap • Lyrical • Hip Hop ACRO & Aerial Lyra & Hammock Adult Classes in Cardio Barre’, Dance & Tone, Jazz & Tap Musical Theater! 2 1/2 to Adult Girls & Boys 15905 Brookway Dr., Suite 4107 704.895.8989 St. Mark Parishioner - Parishioners TODD SANSBURY CHRISTIE SPINKS Beaver Dam Weddings & Events 19501 West Catawba Ave. Cornelius, NC 28031 704-947-1670 Historical Home and Grounds 19600 Davidson Concord Rd. Davidson, NC 28036 704-947-1670 1071105-02-1 The Pearl Armin’s Catering & Events LLC 704-947-1670 • HOME CARE SERVICES: • COMPANION • PERSONAL CARE • MOBILITY • HOURLY • LIVE-IN • BEDSIDE • MED PREP • ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING 980-237-2856 St. Mark Parishioner Dr. Brian P. McNulty Dr. Luis L. Dancausse 704-307-6063 3014 Baucom Rd., #200 Charlotte 28269 704-596-3186 Gentle Dentistry with a Caring Touch New Patients Welcome “We’re The Good Guys Your Friends Told You About®” RETIRED Church Financial Secretary 14 Years Hospice Volunteer Offering Part-Time Companionship to the Elderly Anne Lewis - Parishioner • 100% satisfaction Guaranteed • Straightforward Pricing • Technician Seal of Safety • Precise Appt Windows • Sat Appt’s Available • Drug-Free Plumbing Specialists Contact Me At 704-391-8868 DIAMONDS: EGL AND GIA. Certified Huntersville 704-766-0049 14kt-18kt - Platinum Quality Jewelry All Repairs Done on Site 704-892-7343 Michael Malyszko, Parishioner Master Jeweler 20035 Jetton Rd. A Cornelius, NC 28031 N 䡵 䡵 NOVANT HEALTH Northlake DERMATOLOGY Appointments available in days, not weeks! PARISHIONERS Jose Peña, M.D. • Jean Kois, M.D. • Full SPECIALIZING IN: service dermatology • Mohs surgery • Skin cancer specialists 9604 Holly Point Drive • Huntersville, NC 704-316-5070 961424 St Mark Church (A) 460 S. Main Street • Davidson, NC 28036 (704) 896-5850 • For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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