Saint Mark Catholic Church
Saint Mark Catholic Church
Saint Mark Catholic Church 14740 Stumptown Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 We, the members of St. Mark Catholic Church, a Faith Community called as one by Christ to serve and witness in His name, seek to celebrate our Faith through service and evangelization to each other, our families and our community. St. Mark Parish Directory stmarknc.org14740 Stumptown Rd, Huntersville NC 28078 Parish Office | Mon-Fri, 9 am-4:30 pm Phone: 704-948-0231; Fax: 704-948-8018 Pastor Very Rev. John T. Putnam, JV Parochial Vicar Rev. Paul D. McNulty Pastor Emeritus in Residence Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Bellow Deacons Rev. Mr. Louis Pais Rev. Mr. Robert Murphy Rev. Mr. Richard McCarron Rev. Mr. Thomas McGahey Rev. Dr. Ronald Sherwood Sacristan Daniel Pressley 704-948-0231, Ext. 211 Administrative Assistant Tricia McCaa 704-948-0231, Ext. 102 Pastoral Associate for HR and Outreach Barry McCaa 704-948-0231, Ext. 119 Pastoral Associate for Facilities and Planning Scott Bruno 704-948-0231, Ext. 118 Elementary Faith Formation and Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion Faye Nye, Coordinator 704-948-1306, Ext. 115 Middle School Ministry and Sacrament of Confirmation Mary Grace Alvord, Coordinator 704-948-1306, Ext. 117 6th-7th Grade Faith Formation Coordinator Sonnet Bonelli 704-948-1306, Ext. 111 High School Ministry Coordinator J. Brian Kaup 704-948-0231, Ext. 105 Preschool Jane Petriella, Director 704-948-8015 Deaf Ministry Mary Sumeracki 704-576-0675 (V/TTY) Mass Schedule Sunday Masses Saturday: 5 pm Sunday: 7:30 am 9 am (Church; Signed for the hearing impaired) 11 am 1 pm (Spanish) 5 pm (Life Teen Mass) Spanish: Misa en Español cada Domingo a la 1 pm y cada viernes a las 7 pm Daily Masses Mon., Tue., Thur., Fri., 7 and 9 am Wednesday 7 am and 6:30 pm; Saturday 9 am Holy Days: Vigil 7 pm before feast day, 7 am, 9 am, 7 pm on the feast day Confessions Daily: (45 minutes prior to Mass, ending 15 minutes prior to Mass) 6:15—6:45 am and 8:15—8:45 am Wed.: 6—7:30 pm Sat.: 3—5 pm Sun.: 6:45—7:15 am, 8:15—8:45 am, 10:15—10:45 am, 12:15—12:45 pm (Spanish), 4:15—4:45 pm Rosary Tuesdays — Church; 7—7:30 pm Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration In the Monsignor Bellow Adoration Chapel in the Family Center. For more information email Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Immediately following the Wednesday 6:30 pm Mass Legion of Mary Prayer and Rosary Immediately following the Friday 9 am Mass Hospitalization Finance Director Florence Moore 704-948-0231, Ext. 116 Young at Heart Ministry Leanne Vaccaro 704-948-0231, Ext. 107 Parish Accountant Karen Zaleski 704-948-0231, Ext. 121 Hispanic Coordinator Belisario Solorzano 704-948-4239 Calendar Management Leanne Vaccaro 704-948-0231, Ext. 107 Wedding Director Kris Brodof 704-806-4071 Music Ministry Laura Maclean, Director 704-948-0231, Ext. 106 Evening Attendant Hank Stiene 704-948-1982 Natural Family Planning Al-Anon Lisa 704-651-1065 Teaching Couple #1947 704-548-1834; Alcoholics Anonymous Tom 704-604-7739 Crisis Pregnancy Help Ministry Coordinator Beth Zuhosky 704-948-0231, Ext. 136 Faith Formation Donna Smith, Director 704-948-1306, Ext. 104 Page 2 Bulletin Team If you or your loved one are in an area hospital, call the Parish Office to reach one of the Priests. The Priests offer Confession, bring the Holy Eucharist to you or administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Baptisms & Weddings The use of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings and other Sacramental events is available to active Parishioners. Contact the Parish Office. Joe and Kathy Hack Pregnancy Hotline:1-800-848-LOVE Catholic Social Services: 704-370-3262 Birthright: 1-800-550-4900 Post Abortion: 1-800-5-WE CARE 704-948-0231 From the Pastor This Sunday, the Sunday of Divine Mercy (or the Second Sunday of Easter), was officially designated by Pope St. John Paul II in 2000 at the Canonization of St. Faustina Kowalska. This is a very special Sunday when Jesus through the Church offers forgiveness of all sins and punishment to those who have gone to confession and who receive the Eucharist on this holy day. It was just a little more than a year ago that Pope Francis announced his intent for the Jubilee Year of Mercy with these words: “It’s a journey that starts with a spiritual conversion. For this reason I have decided to declare an Extraordinary Jubilee that has the mercy of God at its center. It will be a Holy Year of Mercy.” The “official” announcement of the Year of Mercy, however, occurred on this Divine Mercy Sunday last year. From the beginning of his time as our Pope, our Holy Father Francis has had “mercy” as an ongoing theme. This Year of Mercy is directed at three groups of people: 1. Each of us as members of the Church; 2. The clergy; 3. Everyone in the world. Today’s celebration should bring all this in focus if it has not already. We are called to look into our own hearts and recognize our need for God’s mercy. Today should be a day of jubilation that God’s mercy is so free and open to us. Mercy, you see, is not earned; it is given unreservedly. The readings on this Holy Day all reflect that theme of mercy. Our First Reading is drawn from the Acts of the Apostles and it declares the works, the acts that is, of the Apostles in the early days. They go about the countryside performing “signs and wonders.” In effect it declares that “they all were cured,” meaning God’s love and forgiveness is available and open to everyone, absolutely everyone. There is no limit and no restrictions on God’s mercy. Have you ever heard of an “out of body experience?” This may be what John experienced as reflected in the Mass Readings Second Reading from Revelation. Whatever the circumstances, it was a unique experience for John. Scholars agree that the voice John heard was the voice of Jesus, a voice with which John would have been very familiar. John sees Jesus in all His glory, and he receives instructions from Him to write a book of what he has seen and witnessed. Witness to faith, witness to the Lord, are important parts of a stewardship experience. Each of us, like John, is called to witness. This is the first time, as recorded in Revelation, that John is commanded by the Lord to write. However, he receives that command eleven more times in this Book. It is difficult to really ascertain exactly what John thought and felt at that moment. John was overcome and in awe. Here was Christ in all His glory! John had spent three years with the Lord while He was among them. John reports that Jesus “touched me with His right hand and said, ‘Do not be afraid’.” This is the God of love, the God of mercy, who comforts in compassion. Today’s Readings First Reading — The apostles perform many signs and wonders among the people. Many are added to their numbers (Acts 5:12-16). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting (Psalm 118). Second Reading — John, caught up in the spirit, envisions the glorified Lord, the first and the last, the one who lives (Revelation 1:9-11a, 1213, 17-19). Gospel — The risen Christ comes to his disciples with peace and the Spirit. The absent Thomas doubts (John 20:19-31). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings for the Week The Gospel from the Book of John would seemingly be one of the results of the command to write what John has seen. Much of the attention on this Gospel has been given to Didymus, the Apostle Thomas, and the resulting term “doubting Thomas.” However, the meaning in terms of mercy is much deeper than that. When Jesus appears among the Apostles, the Lord’s first words are “Peace be with you.” These are the words of a forgiving and merciful Father. They may have expected to be scolded for their desertion of Jesus on Good Friday; nevertheless, the Lord comes with words of reconciliation. Monday: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Jesus commissions them, just as He has commissioned each of us, to continue His work on earth. The Lord blesses them with the Holy Spirit and breathes new life into them, just as His Father breathed life into all of humankind at the time of creation. He grants them, and thus the Church’s priests and clergy, the authority to forgive. We can be forgiven; God’s mercy extends to each of us. Blessing, Fr. John 704-948-0231 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] HELPING YOUR NEIGHBOR If you truly want to help the soul of your neighbor, you should approach God first with all your heart. Ask God simply to fill you with charity . . . with it you can accomplish what you desire. St. Vincent Ferrer Page 3 Remember in Your Prayers Please Pray For Mass Intentions Joanne Anthony Roberto Argente Piedad del Rocío Ariza Michele Boos Jeanne Brodigan Zachary Daily Dottie Dambrauska John Dambrauska Gloria Echeverri Albert Fox Jean Fox Marie Heggie Lina Hernandez Phyllis Kiebler Carole Lavinio Andrew Leonard Mon. April 4 ~ The Annunciation of the Lord 7 am +Stephen Shailor (Elizabeth Shailor) 9 am Mary Conter (Mark Conter) Tues. April 5 7 am Phil Harrington (SMS Parents) 9 am Conversion of Souls (Ly Nguyen) Weds. April 6 7 am Kim Lohaus, Carolyn Galante & Taylor Garcia (SMS Parents) 11 am +Eugene McGrady (Mike & Kathy Ducey) (CTK) 6:30 pm +Joseph Strona (Sue Salmen) Thurs. April 7 7 am Holly Roberts, Janet Batres & Jane Utrevis (SMS Parents) 9 am +Robert Weber (Berenice Weber) Dale McCaa Wendy Merk Barbara Murphy Tom Murphy Shari Saracino Alexandra Schaney Lynn Storc Kevin Wine Karen Zaleski ...and all our parishioners who are homebound or reside in area nursing homes and are unable to attend Mass. Our Faithful Departed May God’s grace be with the family of our recently deceased: Rose Campbell, grandmother of Zack Flannick Members In the Service + deceased; (requested by) PFC Jacob Alexander; LCPL Jon C. Atkinson, USMC; William J. Borath, Army; LT. Colonel Scott Michael Breece, USAF; AM1 John Caldwell, (VFA 32); 2nd LT. Sam Camut, USMC; Capt. Dan Crum, USAF; Lt. Colonel Peter Dargle, Army; Veronica Dominguez; Spc. Frank Christopher Dunning; PFC Albert Hadley, Infantry/Scout; Ensign Matthew Hartung USN; Kyle Hawks, Army Ranger Class 4-16; MSgt. Patrick Heffernan; ; 1st Lt. Trevor Hehn, U.S. Army; Capt. Laura Hehn M.D. U.S. Army; MM3 Christopher Heim; Lt. Mellisa Hillman, Navy; Sgt. Christopher Holden; Lt. Colonel Matthew Holloway, Air National Guard; Michael Huddle, U.S. Army; CWO4 Christopher Joyce, Army Airborne; Corporal Edward Keller III; PFC Christian Kotas, Army National Guard; PFC NCARNG Derek Koontz; Lt. Patrick McFarland; SPC Michael Quinn, Jr., U.S. Army; LT. Jenna Quist, USN USMC; Lt. Matthew Santoli, USMC; Lt. Carter Stapleton; LT JG Ryan P. Veatch, USN; LT Robert Vendley, U.S. Army; LT William Vey III; Staff Sgt. Andrew Vranek, USAF Army Airborne; Josh Wagner, U.S. Army; CTT2 Zachary Wortham, USN; PFC Ryan Wilson, Army National Guard …and for all service members not listed here. Family Support for Deployed Military Is your spouse or family member currently deployed? Our Church community would like to offer support and encouragement while your loved one is serving their tour of duty. Contact: Parish Office, 704-948-0231 Page 4 Fri. April 8 7 am +Ann Marie Lang (Dale Lang) 9 am Whelan Family 10 am Megan Lewis (Lisa O’Connor) (CTK) 7 pm Christy Rogers (Dianne Piraino) (Spanish Mass) Sat. April 9 9 am John Paul Dietrich (Paul Anatrella) 5 pm +Dennis Howe (Mary Deininger) Sun. April 10 ~ 3rd Sunday of Easter Kristen Oliver (Lisa O’Connor) (Priest’s Mass) 7:30 am +Jean Koch (Stephanie Miller) 9 am Anna Cannon (Michele Cannon) 11 am +Bettina & Antonio Aiello (Maria Jones) 1 pm St. Mark Parishioners 5 pm Gracie Jackson (Lisa Modzelewski) 6:30 pm +Joe Ledlie (Vose Family) St. Mark is sad to say farewell to one of our families who has been with us from our inception. Craig and Julie Leiker will be heading to Atlanta in the next few weeks. Craig has been an usher for years, while Julie has been playing and singing for the parish for the last 18 years. We will certainly miss them both, and invite everyone to a farewell reception on Sunday, April 10, 10-11 am in the Parish Hall. Cake and punch will be served. Please take time to bid the Leiker's a fond farewell. 704-948-0231 Parish Calendar Sunday, April 3 Wednesday, April 6 Friday, April 8 - Continued 12 pm YaHM - Lunch Bunch AE - Divine Mercy - After All Masses 8 am SLAM (Hall) Hawthorne's Pizza (Church Fountain) 10 am After the Boxes (Offsite) Bake Sale - After All Masses (Hallway, (Room 200,201,202) 12:30 pm YaHM - SilverSneakers Kitchen, Room 116 &119) 10 am Cenacle of Divine Mercy Fitness Program (Hall) 10:30 am Divine Mercy Sunday (Room 216) 1:30 pm SMHSM Co-op (Hall, Kitchen) 10 am Finance - Meeting (Room 200-204,120,121) 2 pm Carismatic Prayer Group (Room 204) 2 pm SMHSM Co-op Enrichment Hispanic (Room 200,201) 1:30 pm SMHSM (Room 200, 201, (Hall) 2:45 pm Divine Mercy Sunday 202,121) 3:30 pm Praise Dance Practice (Church) 1:30 pm YaHM -SilverSneakers (Hall, Room 200-203) 6 pm FF- HSYM (Hall, Kitchen, Fitness Program (Hall) 5 pm Rehearsal Room 200,201) 7 pm AE - Charismatic Prayer (Draper/Houser wedding) 7 pm Organ Practice (Church) Group (Room 200,201) 6:30 pm Den Meeting Monday, April 4 7 pm FFHSM- Fraternus / Fidelis (Room 200-204) 8 am SLAM (Hall) (Hall, Kitchen) 7:30 pm Prayer Group (Hispanic) 9:45 am WOJ Steering Committee 7 pm FFHSM- Fraternus / Fidelis (Church, Room 121) (Room 202) (Hall, SMS) Saturday, April 9 12 pm Health & Wellness - Lunch 7 pm RCIA - Hispanic 9 am Day of Renewal & Learn (Room 121) (Hall, Kitchen) (Hall, Room 200,201) 7 pm Troop 97 Committee 10 am Baptism Class 1:30 pm YaHM -SilverSneakers Meeting (Room 203) (Room 200,201) Fitness Program (Hall) 7:30 pm Couples Meeting - Hispanic 10 am Baptism Class - Hispanic 4:30 pm FF- Classes (SMS) (Room 216) (Room 204) 6:30 pm Alzheimer's Caregiver/ 7:30 pm Psalm 150 Practice 10 am YaHM - Tai Chi Family Support Group (Church) (24 movement Form) (Room 203) Thursday, April 7 (SMS Cafeteria) 6:30 pm Troop 97 Meeting (Hall) 10 am WOJ Babysitting 12 pm Cub Scout Pack 97 Clean 7 pm AE - Dave Ramsey (Room 202, 204) up Project - Church (Room 202) 10 am WOJ Bible Study Grounds 7 pm Consecration to Mary (Hall, Kitchen) 2 pm Wedding Preparation Meeting 12:30 pm WOJ Mini Lenten Study (Draper/Houser) (Church) (Hispanic) (Room 204) (Hall) 7 pm Hispanic Music Practice 7 pm K of C General Council 3:30 pm SLAM - Jr. (Hall) (Room 204) Meeting 4 pm Ave Maria choir practice Sunday, April10 (Kitchen, Room 200,201) (Church) 10 am Farewell Reception - Craig 7:30 pm Liturgical Training 7 pm Be a Man - Men's & Julie Leiker (Church) Fellowship (Room 202) (Hall, Kitchen) Tuesday, April 5 7 pm Bereavement Meeting 10:15 am Girl Scout- St Mark Troop 10 am AE - The Bible Timeline (SMS Library & Chapel) 3252 (Room 203) Part ll (Room 204) 7 pm Catholic Doctrine Study 12:30 pm Cursillo (Hall, Kitchen, 10 am School of Mary - Hispanic (Hispanic) (Room 216) Room 200,201) (Room 216) 7 pm Choir Practice (Church) 1 pm Maximilian Kolbe 2:30 pm YaHM - Tai Chi 7 pm Evening WOJ Bible Study Fraternity OFS (24 movement) (Hall) (Room 200,201) (SMS Library) 4:30 pm FF- Classes (SMS) 7 pm Lector's Training 1 pm Rosary Makers Ministry 6:15 pm FF - Spanish Adult Ed Class Hispanic (Room 121) Meeting (Room 200,201) (Room 204) 7 pm Legion of Mary (Room 203) 2:30 pm Baptisms - Spanish 6:15 pm FF- Divine Mercy Showing 7:30 pm Women's AOH (Room 204) (Church) (Hall) Friday, April 8 3:15 pm Baptisms (Church) 6:30 pm YaHM - Dinner Club 7 am Cursillo (Room 200) 5 pm FF-MS Confirmation I (SMS) Outback Steakhouse 8 am SLAM (Hall) 6 pm FF- HSYM (Hall, Kitchen, (Offsite) 10 am Finance - Meeting Room 200,201) 7 pm Arts & Environment (Room 204) 6 pm FF- HSYM (Hall, Kitchen, Planning Meeting 10 am Legion of Mary (Room 202) Room 200,201) (Room 203) 12 pm YaHM - Lunch Bunch 7 pm Organ Practice (Church) 7 pm RCIA (Room 200,201) Hawthorne's Pizza 7 pm Rosary (All are Welcome) (Offsite) (Church) Page 5 704-948-0231 Parish Life Altar Server Training When: Two required sessions, April 11 and 25 Where: St. Mark Church Fourth graders and above are eligible. Both sessions are required to be put on the server schedule. The training sessions will be held in the Church 7:30 pm to 9 pm . (No make-ups are planned.) A parent/guardian will be required to be present for the first 30 minutes of the session on April 11. Contact: Mr. Tom Rider, Bereavement Support When: Thursdays, April 7-May 26; 7 pm Where: Family Center Have you recently lost someone you love? Are you having a difficult time dealing with your loss? St. Mark Church Bereavement Ministry now offers faith based support to assist you in this time of sadness. We invite you to join our peer support groups and let us offer our assistance at this difficult time. The group will meet eight consecutive weeks. Charismatic Prayer Meeting When: Wed., April 6; 7 pm Where: Family Center, Room 201 Come, let us worship the Lord! All are welcome! Contact: Lisa Wenzel, 949-295-9231, Rosary Makers Ministry Monthly Meeting Contact: Nancy McGahey, 704-608-7067 When: Sunday, April 10; 1 pm Opening Prayer Where: Family Center, Room 200 Women Newcomers, AFTER “After the Boxes” Coffee Bring your smiles and completed rosaries and pick up your new mission and crystal rosary kits for faith formation. Your children are always welcome. We look forward to seeing you. When: Tuesday, April 12; 10 am — Noon Where: The Bakery Shoppe, Huntersville If you’ve been in an “After the Boxes” session and would like to meet the new ladies who have recently finished their session or would like to meet up with some of the “After the Boxes” alumni, please mark your calendars to join us on the second Wednesday of each month. No need to RSVP, just come! Information: Check the online Parish calendar at Contact: Susan Wild,, 704-936-9412. If you speak Spanish, please contact Gladis Compoverde, 704-795-7406. Traffic Flow and Parishioner Safety In order to improve safety and traffic flow, the first row of our parking lot...the row of parking spaces located immediately on your right at the bottom of the hill when you enter at the light...will become a one-way street, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week beginning April 7, 2016. If you choose to park in this first row, you will now need to exit by driving away from the church, taking a left at the end of the row, and merging in with the rest of the cars. In addition, it is very important that anyone choosing to park in this first row not back into theses spaces, as this causes a very dangerous situation with other cars that are entering our lot. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to improve the traffic flow during heavily attended Masses, programs and events held at St. Mark. 704-948-0231 Page 6 Respect Life St. Mark's Respect Life Ministry wishes to thank all the ministries and their members who participated in our Pro-Life day by praying at the local abortion facility for an end to abortion on March 19. We had at least 14 ministries covering the day, and Fr. McNulty dropped by for a while as well. We also wanted to thank all the Eucharistic Adoration ministry members who concurrently adopted an hour in the chapel during the same time for us out there, and prayed for the end to abortion. Young at Heart Prayer Shawl Ministry Lunch Bunch When: Second and Fourth Tuesdays of the month Where: Parish Hall When: Members pray together as they crochet and knit prayer shawls for people suffering through a time of transition, crisis or need, and baby blankets and hats for infants in area hospital neo-natal units and for individual requests. Contact us to join this group or receive a shawl, infant cap or blanket. Friday, April 8; 12 noon (second Fri. of the month) Where: Hawthorne’s Pizza, 14205 Reese Blvd., Huntersville This is a wonderful way to meet fellow parishioners while enjoying lunch out. RSVP: Jennie Donohue, 704-274-5135 or Eunice Bajart, 704-960-8410 Contact: Carole Lavinio, 704-992-5659;Sharon Marshall (baby blankets) 704-875-8811 Health & Wellness Ministry When: April 4; 11:30 am — 1:30 pm Where: Parish Hall Please join us for a Lunch and Learn featuring Pharmacist Erin Rogers. Erin will be answering your questions about medications in general, medication safety, most economical ways to fill your prescriptions etc. She is willing to review your personal medication list and there will also be an opportunity to catch up on your immunizations. Erin will bring Pneumonia, Shingles, Tetanus and Whooping Cough vaccines. Medicare covers 100% so there will be no charge. Contact/RSVP: Leanne Vaccaro, 704-948-0231 x 107 Dinner Club When: Tuesday, April 5; 6:30 pm (first Tues. of the month) Where: Outback Steakhouse, 16400 Northcross Dr., Huntersville This is a wonderful way to meet fellow parishioners while enjoying dinner out. RSVP by 5 pm on April 4: Maryann, 704-947-0597 or Lorraine, 631-796-3429 704-948-0231 Page 7 Faith Formation JOINING THE COMPANY OF BELIEVERS What will help you to believe? Today’s scripture readings tell of faith and doubt. They offer stories “recorded to help you believe,” as the passage from John’s Gospel (20:31) remarks today. There is an urgency about this. On this Second Sunday of Easter we are challenged to join the company of believers—countless men and women who witnessed the power of the apostles’ faith. There is no doubt that this power comes from Jesus Christ. The second reading, from the book of Revelation, reports John’s mystical vision of the Son of Man, who proclaims, “Once I was dead, but now I live” (Revelation 1:18). The Gospel gathers everyone but Thomas to see the Risen Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit from him. Like Thomas, we who have come along later must have faith so that we can have life. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 704-948-0231 Spring Workshop – Forgiveness: The Art of Letting Go When: Wed., April 20; 7 — 9 pm Where: St. Mark School, Room 259 Continuing our spring series of workshops led by Christine Wisdom M.S. LPC, all are invited for a discussion on how forgiveness leads to healing. This seminar will address the true meaning of barriers to forgiveness as well as exploring how to let go of fear and choose to love again. RSVP: Page 8 Knight of Columbus Congratulations Community Blood Drive Was a Success Brian Lisk and Mike Hege on achieving full knighthood by obtaining their 3rd Degree March 19 at Holy Family in Clemmons, NC. The ceremony was hosted by Bishop Charles. P Greco, Council #944. The St. Mark Community Blood Drive on Sunday, March 20, was another huge success. A big thank you to all of you who came out to offer their blood to save the lives of our brothers and sisters. Seventy-one donors gave 81 units of blood to the Community Blood Center of the Carolinas ("CBCC"), including 10 donors who gave double red blood cells. We exceeded our goal of 70 units. Each unit can save as many as three lives. The Knights of Columbus will sponsor its next blood drive with the CBCC at the St Mark Family Center on June 12, 2016. At its annual awards dinner on March 17, the CBCC recognized St. Mark as an outstanding sponsor of blood drives in 2015. The many parishioners who donated their blood at St Mark blood drives in 2015 are true heroes who have improved and saved local lives. Thanks to Dave Stoughton, Mike Tolbert, John Ryan, Sean Hannum and Bill Serreno for supporting another successful blood drive. Men’s Shelter Uptown Shelter Thanks to Dave Stoughton, Dick Christian, Joe Scallan, John Balcerzak, Al Schierle, Jack Brinker, Ron Sherwood, Bruce Milstead and Sergio Miranda, the chairman, for working to serve dinner to over 100 people at the Men’s Uptown Shelter on Wednesday March 9. The next meal preparation of our famous meatball subs and French fries will be on June 8. Mark your calendars now. Next Officers Meeting Fourth Degree Exemplification When: April 30; 10 am—3 pm (to 5pm including dinner) Where: St. Therese – Mooresville Fourth Degree Sir Knights are needed to volunteer to help with this very important event. This is a perfect opportunity for a Third Degree Knight to advance to the highest level of our order. You must submit a completed “Form 4,” a signed appropriate dress code form and your check (made out to Michael J. Sabella Assembly #2417) to Mark Yelanich by April 8. Setup Volunteer Contact: Paul Britton,, 941-587-0440 Questions: Steve A. Romeo,, 980-434-4216 Visit our website: regularly for updated information on our Council. When: Monday April 25; 7 pm Where: Family Center, Room 200 Community Outreach Knights of Columbus - Contact GK Tom Battle with your committee reports. St. Mark Community Outreach Collection – Habitat for Humanity Business Meeting St Mark’s first monthly ministry collection will be after all Masses the weekends of April 3 and 10. This collection will benefit Our Towns Habitat for Humanity by providing paint supplies for construction. Brushes (2 – 4 “), rollers pads, rollers, pans and drop cloths are needed. Items will be used to paint the house sponsored by the Lake Norman Faith Coalition of which St. Mark is a main sponsor. When: Monday, April 4; 7 pm Where: Family Center, Room 200 All Knights, please attend. All Catholic gentlemen may attend as guests by contacting the Grand Knight, Tom Battle at 704-948-0231 Please drop items in the bin outside of the Church. Thank you for your support of St. Mark’s Community Outreach Ministries. Page 9 Other Opportunities CTK Catholic High School Open Teaching Positions Christ the King Catholic High School anticipates several new teaching positions for the 2016-2017 school year. To learn more about these opportunities, please visit the Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools website at http:// employment. Letters of interest and resumes may be emailed to the principal, Mr. Brendan Keane, at Charlotte Catholic Women’s Group event: Spring Luncheon When: Monday, April 11; 9 – 11:30 am Where: St. Patrick's Cathedral Join us for Mass, Luncheon and Reflection in the Family Center (no charge). Guest Speaker is Fr. Patrick Winslow. For more information please visit our web or contact Sue Salmen or 704-766-0015. Latin Mass Introduction Class When: April 13; 7 pm (RSVP by April 12) Where: St. Ann Catholic Church (Allen Center Cafeteria), 3635 Park Road, Charlotte St. Ann parish will host a Latin Mass Introduction Class. The class will be taught by Pastor Fr. Timothy Reid and is open to newcomers and regulars alike. The class will cover topics such as the role of priest at Latin Mass, different parts of the Mass, its symbolism and the importance of Latin. Class will be preceded by 6 pm Latin Mass in the church and a light dinner will be served by the Charlotte Latin Mass Community. Family and friends welcome. While the event is free, an RSVP is greatly appreciated. Contact: Mike FitzGerald, Page 10 Run, Walk, or Roll Your Way to Room at the Inn! When: Sat. April 16; 10 am Where: Greensboro Coliseum Join our nonprofit team online to race and raise! The Human Race is a competitive 5K race route and a non-competitive short distance walking route. Friendly pets and strollers are welcome. Can’t make the race but still want to support Room at the Inn? Sponsor our team by donating pennies, nickels, dimes, or dollars! To register or donate, visit our team webpage at Additionally, visit our website to learn more about our programs at Thanks for all you do for the mothers and babies in our programs! Contact: Kathleen, or 336-207-3785 MiraVia (formerly Room At The Inn) announces our Sixteenth Annual Charity Golf Tournament “Links FORE Life.” Join us on Monday, May 23, 2016 at The Golf Club at Ballantyne. Tournament registration is $130/golfer. Check -in begins at 10 am with tee-off at 11. Guests will enjoy a tasty lunch provided by The American Burger Company, 18 holes at one of Charlotte’s premier championship golf courses, great prizes, awards, and dinner from Plate Perfect Catering. Pre-registration is required. For more information or sponsorship opportunities, visit our website at or email Spaces are limited. Please register by May 13! Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Fr. John Putnam, our pastor, and Fr. Jason Barone are planning a 10day pilgrimage to the Holy Land November 6-17, 2016. The trip will include four nights in Jerusalem, three nights on the Sea of Galilee, and then two more nights back in Jerusalem. You will visit all the holy sites in and around Jerusalem. You will also visit Bethlehem, Jericho, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, and the Jordan River. Each morning, while in Jerusalem, you will celebrate Mass in the Tomb of Christ and also on Calvary. There will be a holy hour in the Garden of Gethsemane one evening. You will get a chance to retrace the Palm Sunday route and also will do the Way of Cross leading to Calvary. Those who are married will get a chance to renew their wedding vows in Cana, the place where Jesus turned water into wine. There will be a one hour boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and the opportunity to read the gospels that took place in that area. The brown scapular enrollment will take place on Mt. Carmel. Christopher Cross, a parishioner of St. Mark, will be our tour guide. Feel free to call him at 704-274-2031 or go to his web site at for a registration page/ itinerary or to know more about this pilgrimage. 704-948-0231 Page 11 704-948-0231 Anuncios Semanales del Ministerio Hispano Información en Español Hoy es Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Andrea Solórzano 704-948-4239 Rosalba Rojas 704-895-8866 La Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia se celebra el primer domingo después del domingo de Pascua. Horario De Misas Misa Diaria: Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes: 7 am y 9 am Viernes: 7 pm Español Miércoles: 7 am y 6:30 pm Sábados: 9 am Sábado: 5 pm Domingo: 7:30, 9, 11 am 1 pm Español 5 pm Misa de jóvenes Sacramentos Bautizos: Clases todos los segundos sábados de cada mes de 10 am a 12 pm Celebración del Bautismo todos los segundos domingos de cada mes a las 2:30 pm. Por favor contacte a Caridad Masson al 704-948-2839 para registrarse en las clases. Matrimonios: Clases PreMatrimoniales, favor avisar con seis meses de anticipación. El mensaje de la misericordia es que Dios nos ama, nos ama a todos, sin importar la magnitud de nuestros pecados. Dios quiere que reconozcamos que Su misericordia es más grande que nuestros pecados, para que podamos invocarlo a Él con confianza, recibir Su misericordia y dejar que ésta fluya a través de nosotros hacia los demás. Así, todos llegaremos a compartir Su alegría. Todos debemos procurar participar en la celebración que nuestra hermosa iglesia Católica nos brinda para poder recibir las gracias que nos ofrece nuestro Señor a través de su Divina Misericordia. Para sacarle mayor provecho a esta fiesta deberíamos: Venir al Señor con un corazón humilde y contrito, arrepentirse de todo pecado. Confiar firmemente en la Divina Misericordia del Señor. Confesarse (con un sacerdote) en ese día si es posible, de otra manera siete días antes o después según aprobación de la Iglesia. Recibir la Sagrada Eucaristía el día de la Fiesta. Venerar la imagen de la Divina Misericordia. Ser misericordioso como Dios es misericordioso, practicar obras de misericordia, físicamente ayudando a otros o espiritualmente con oraciones de intercesión. Hoy nuestra parroquia va a celebrar el domingo de la Divina Misericordia y todos están cordialmente invitados a participar: a la 1 pm habrá una presentación/película en el salón familiar y a las 2:45 pm iremos a la iglesia para: Exposición, adoración y bendición del Santísimo, Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, Bendición de las imágenes de la Divina Misericordia – así que traigan las suyas Consagración a Jesús a través de María Reunión Inicial: Lunes 4 de abril de 7-9 pm Salon 204 El 13 de mayo se celebra el dia de la Virgen de Fátima y en nuestra parroquia estaremos ofreciendo ese dia la celebración de la Consagración a Jesús a través de su madre María. Para ello es necesario hacer una preparación de 33 dias. Si no han tenido la oportunidad de unirse a este gran movimiento Mariano anímense y vengan a esta reunión inicial donde se les hará entrega de material y se les explicará como hacer su preparación de 33 dias – el cual comenzará el 10 de abril. Para mas información llamar a Laura Ramirez: 704-315-4485 Page 12 Respeto a la Vida El Ministerio de Respeto a la Vida de St. Mark agradece a los diferentes ministerios y sus miembros que participaron en nuestro día de Pro-Vida. Agradecemos a los que oraron por el fin del aborto frente al centro donde se realizan abortos. Tuvimos 14 ministerios durante todo el día y el Padre McNulty también nos acompañó. También agradecemos a todos los miembros de Ministerio de Adoración Eucarística quienes adoptaron una hora en la capilla durante el tiempo que nosotros estábamos rezando frente al centro de aborto. ¡Dios los bendiga a todos! “Qué hermosa es esta realidad de fe para nuestra vida: la misericordia de Dios. Un amor tan grande, tan profundo el que Dios nos tiene, un amor que no decae, que siempre aferra nuestra mano y nos sostiene, nos levanta, nos guía” Exposición perpetua del Santísimo Sacramento Nuestro Señor Jesucristo está expuesto en la Capilla 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Ven a visitarlo y a pasar un momento en la presencia de Jesús Sacramentado. El Señor ha reservado gracias especiales para los que le visitan. En el altar el Señor es puro amor, y distribuye sus gracias a manos llenas a los que le visitan. 704-948-0231 Jim Engel, CEO & PRESIDENT Parishioner Bank Near. Go Far. 704-439-4343 KEN E. WOOD, MD Now with 7 locations to serve you! Cornelius Is Lake Norman’s Davidson Community Bank! Mooresville Huntersville SouthPark Aquesta BEN J. GARRIDO, MD PARISHIONER 170 MEDICAL PARK RD. SUITE 102, MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 TEL 704 660 4750 FAX 704 660 4751 WWW.LAKENORMANORTHOPEDICSPINE.COM SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Complete automotive repair Free courtesy inspection Free local shuttle service Service all makes and models Locally owned and operated Nice difference.® Steve Genenbacher, Owner St. Mark Parishioner (704) 727-0808 16618 Old Statesville Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 2910 Mt. Holly Huntersville Rd. 704.392.6750 St. Mark Parishioners Catherine G. Reimels, DDS, FAGD Michael O. Reimels, DDS, FAGD, FICOI Matthew R. Miller, DDS 13605 Reese Blvd. West • Huntersville, NC 28078 • 704-948-1111 STACY S. SCHMITT, DDS 10616 METROMONT PKWY. See SUITE 200 Your Ad in CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 COLOR PHONE 704.597.2570 Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.432.3240 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL ST. MARK PARISHIONER If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 11907 Sam Roper Drive, Charlotte, NC 28269 961424 St Mark Church (D) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Cortes Home Services Cathy Hansen 704.897.2723 Call Juan Cortes - Parishioner 704-937-5033 One Call Gets It All Electrical • Cleaning Gutter • Pressure Washer Landscaping • Trimming • Pine Needle • Mulch • And More! Assisted Living & Memory Care Opening Soon Conveniently located across from St. Mark SERVING THE LAKE NORMAN AREA PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP SINCE 1984 WISDOM TEETH | IV SEDATION DENTAL IMPLANTS | JAW SURGERY Patrick J. Coleman, DMD Michael J. Coleman, DDS Parishioner CAROLINAOMS.COM 704-892-1198 ........ ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • w w w. N o r t h l a k e M e m o r i a l . c o m 11001 ALEXANDERANA ROAD • HUNTERSVILLE To better serve our community, your local family owned funeral home now owns and operates the areas only non-Church related cemetery, NorthLake Memorial Gardens. NorthLake is a 30 acre cemetery in a secluded setting that includes the only consecrated Catholic grounds in the Lake Norman area. With grave space starting at less than $1,000.00 we are also one of the areas most affordable cemeteries. The cemetery includes a columbarium and cremation gardens for families who choose cremation. As Lake Norman’s only funeral home and cemetery combination, we will be able to serve your family with the high quality service you have come to know, from the first call to caring for the grave space for years to come. Feel free to call 704.584.9004 for more information. 704 895-9844 Debbie Ruthenberg Owner & Parishioner Lizzie McCormick, Parishioner CUTS • COLOR • HIGHLIGHTS • SKIN CARE WAXING • NAILS • SMOOTHING SYSTEM Michael Stapleton 20035 Jetton Rd. #C, Cornelius Broker/Realtor (c)704-641-3263 email: COMPLETE OUTDOOR SERVICES MARK SHIELDS E FREE Parishioner of St. Mark STIMA TES CONCRETE SPECIALIST 5 STAR RATING HOME ADVISOR • HARDSCAPES • Grading • Retaining Walls • Footers - Pavers • Outdoor Kitchens • Bobcat Work - Demolition Residential & Commercial (704) 200-5340 • • FAL SPECIAL L! Mary & Michael Stapleton 19721 Bethel Church Rd., Cornelius, NC 28031 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Parishioners From Our Family to Yours Best Pizza in Lake Norman! OPEN 7 DAYS 704 896-2928 MENTION AD FOR SPECIAL OFFER 19400 Jetton Rd., Suite 201 Cornelius Peninsula Village Shopping Center 10% OFF COMPLETE JOB for All Parishioners OWNED BY PARISHIONERS Over 125 Homes Sold & Families Served in 2015 Dan Jones Home Selling Team Guaranteed Sold Every Time! Looking for Great Deals: 16930 W. Catawba Ave. Cornelius, NC 28031 Owner / Broker 704.345.8084 961424 St Mark Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 WILLIAM G. DAGIT, CPA Saint Margaret Sunday Missal WILLIAM G. DAGIT, JR., CPA M.S. TAXATION BDAGIT_LFS@BELLSOUTH.NET Floral Arrangements - Weddings - Loose Wrap Bouquets Home Decor - In-Home Decorating 704-892-7960 An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. “A PARISHIONER” CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 18127 W. CATAWBA AVENUE PHONE (704) 655-8648 FAX (704) 655-8656 800-566-6150 • 20017 N. Main St. Cornelius, NC 28031 CORNELIUS, NC 28031 Parishioners Brennan Law Firm, PLLC Simple Solutions for Complex Problems • Trusts & Estates Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Martin M. Brennan, Jr., Probate, Estate Administration • Tax/Benefit Plans JD, CPA Tax Planning, IRS Representation St. Mark Parishioner Employee Benefit Plans Licensed in North Carolina & Virginia • Corporations & LLCs Business Formations Mergers & Acquisitions Business Succession Planning 704-896-6441 13801 Reese Boulevard West, Suite 110 • Huntersville, NC 28078 MARTY.BRENNAN@MMBRENNANLAW.COM WWW.MMBRENNANLAW.COM ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Alina M. Bohn - Parishioner 980.292.1017 / • Accounting Solutions / Advice • Personal & Small Business Accounting • Tax Professional ¡Hablo Español! Bill Fitzpatrick Owner/St. Mark Parishioner MIKE HEGE, MRE, Realtor® & Closet Systems Plantation Shutters, Blinds & Shades Custom closet organization system Quality products and superior customer service since 2000 (704) 947-9822 704-491-9445 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! St. Mark parishioner Diagnostic Tires Brakes Alignment Tune-up Quick-lube Mufflers A/C Service Batteries NC Inspections JIM NEITZKE, Parishioner 411 South Old Statesville Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 (704) 875-1095 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES We are proud to be a part of the Lake Norman Community and are here to guide and comfort those who have lost a loved one. Monolithic Slabs, Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Colored & Stamped Concrete Cesidio Castricone 704-999-0066 Laura Castricone 704-361-3770 John D., Claudia and Jonathan Kepner 704-892-9669 On Site Crematory 16901 Old Statesville Road • Huntersville, NC 28078 961424 St Mark Church (B) Office: 704-895-8952 Fax: 704-895-8130 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 General & Cosmetic Dentistry 9725 Caldwell Commons Circle Cornelius, North Caroline 28031 Steven M. White, DDS, PA (704) 896-9535 Parishioner Brad S. Haines, DDS, PA advanced dentistry Myrtle Beach Rental 3 bedrooms 2½ bath condo Oceanside/Oceanview 704-500-4530 Info go to: Email: Patrick Golden, Parishioner 9115 Harris Corners Parkway, Suite 250 Charlotte 704-688-0605 Office 704-578-9451 Mobile Dance Studio • Ballet • Jazz • Pointe • Tap • Lyrical • Hip Hop ACRO & Aerial Lyra & Hammock Adult Classes in Cardio Barre’, Dance & Tone, Jazz & Tap Musical Theater! 2 1/2 to Adult Girls & Boys 15905 Brookway Dr., Suite 4107 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! Crescere College Consulting Helping families navigate the college admissions process Laura Henry, MA Founder, Consultant (704) 806-1541 704.895.8989 email: St. Mark Parishioner Call Monnie Laughinghouse 800.432.3240 St. Mark Parishioner Dr. Brian P. McNulty Dr. Luis L. Dancausse 704-307-6063 3014 Baucom Rd., #200 Charlotte 28269 704-596-3186 Gentle Dentistry with a Caring Touch New Patients Welcome “We’re The Good Guys Your Friends Told You About®” RETIRED Church Financial Secretary 14 Years Hospice Volunteer Offering Part-Time Companionship to the Elderly Anne Lewis - Parishioner • 100% satisfaction Guaranteed • Straightforward Pricing • Technician Seal of Safety • Precise Appt Windows • Sat Appt’s Available • Drug-Free Plumbing Specialists Contact Me At 704-391-8868 DIAMONDS: EGL AND GIA. Certified Huntersville 704-766-0049 14kt-18kt - Platinum Quality Jewelry All Repairs Done on Site 704-892-7343 Michael Malyszko, Parishioner Master Jeweler 20035 Jetton Rd. A Cornelius, NC 28031 N 䡵 䡵 NOVANT HEALTH Northlake DERMATOLOGY Appointments available in days, not weeks! PARISHIONERS Jose Peña, M.D. • Jean Kois, M.D. • Full SPECIALIZING IN: service dermatology • Mohs surgery • Skin cancer specialists 9604 Holly Point Drive • Huntersville, NC 704-316-5070 961424 St Mark Church (A) 460 S. Main Street • Davidson, NC 28036 (704) 896-5850 • For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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