Today`s Learners = Tomorrow`s Leaders “Shine On”


Today`s Learners = Tomorrow`s Leaders “Shine On”
May 6, 2015
Mrs. Mendoza
Today’s Learners = Tomorrow’s Leaders
“Shine On”
Progress Reports are going home today. Please check your child’s backpack!
Dear Families,
Thank you to all our middle school students and families for participating in our 2015 Science Fair and
Latino Night last week! It was great to see our students share their learning and creativity with our
school community. To recap our Science Fair results, below are the middle school student winners:
Parent Choice Award Winner:
Student Choice Award Winner:
Thomas Efrem – Adrenaline Rush
Austin Gallagher –Make the Wind Work for You
6th Grade:
1st Place Winner:
2nd Place Winner:
3rd Place Winner:
Honourable Mention:
Lily Nguyen—The Moisture in Moisturizer
Nica Josef—Clean Up Oil Spills
Luke Silvernale—Are there Dangerous Levels of Lead in Local Soil?
Ryan Etzkorn—The Benefits of a Greenhouse
7th Grade:
1st Place Winner:
2nd Place Winner:
3rd Place Winner:
Honourable Mention:
Araceli Felix—Dimming Switch
Michael Anderson—Ship Hull Designs Vs. Drag
Michael Mansanarez—Balloon Powered Car
Margaret Brown—What Substances Melt Ice the Fastest
8th Grade:
1st Place Winner:
2nd Place Winner:
3rd Place Winner:
Honourable Mention:
Shayla Felix—Are Yawns Contagious
Lynn Nguyen—Microbes n’ Music
Jordan Dao—Organic Microbots
Aunisty Mendoza and Jenna Blake—A Fishy Memory
Congratulations students! Thank you to Ms. Vu and her panel of judges (Mr. Marshall, Mrs. Budde,
Rachel Phuong and Charles Long) who spent hours reviewing all the amazing projects submitted this
Thank you also to all the parents and students who helped plan and prepare our first annual Latino
Alex Narvaez, Nancy Martinez and family, Daniel Delarosa and Yaneth Esqueda and family, Anna
Zakrzewska and family, Yesenia Medina and family, Jenna Smith and family, Mrs. Diana Moreno,
Jessie Cervantes, Vanessa Villalobos, Reina Trujillo, Maria Garcia, Gabriela Romo and family, and
Leilani Dohert, Mrs. Alison Kairis and the 6 , 7 and 8 grade students
A special thank you to Paul Doherty for donating many of the decorations displayed Saturday evening
and to the students who helped make the decorations. We had a great time and hope you did too! Next
week, in our Parents’ Club Monthly Newsletter, we will provide an update on the amount raised from
the evening’s festivities.
Tomorrow, Thursday, May 7, is our next BIG event, our Spring Music Program! We are hoping for
100% participation, so please come and join our students in celebrating this season with their favorite
Disney songs. As a reminder, all students must be dropped off at their classrooms no later than
6:15 PM. Students will be available for pick-up in their classrooms at the conclusion of our program.
Lastly, I wanted to take a moment to wish all our mothers a Happy Mother’s Day this Sunday! We hope
that you all have a wonderful and restful day with family and friends. Below is a prayer for this special
May God bless you all today and always!
Mrs. Mendoza
All-loving God, we give you thanks and praise for mothers young and old.
We pray for young mothers, who give life and count toes and tend to our every need;
May they be blessed with patience and tenderness to care for their families and
themselves with great joy.
We pray for our own mothers who have nurtured and cared for us; May they continue to
guide us in strong and gentle ways.
We remember mothers who are separated from their children because of war, poverty,
or conflict; May they feel the loving embrace of our God who wipes every tear away.
We pray for women who are not mothers but still love and shape us with motherly care
and compassion.
We remember grandmothers and great-grandmothers who are no longer with us but
who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love.
SLE Winners
Student expectation winners for the week of April 27 –
May 1 are as follows:
Simona Alula (PreK AM) – Perseverance & Problem Solving;
Fernando Quezada (K) – Christian Responsibility, Perseverance, Problem Solving & Citizenship;
Dreyden Mendoza (1st) – Christian Responsibility;
Kathleen Michaud (2nd) – Perseverance;
Eva Frenchowicz (3rd) – Problem Solving;
Brandon Hoang (4th) – Perseverance;
Francisco Trujillo (5th) – Problem Solving;
Ryan Etzkorn (6 ) – Christian Responsibility, Perseverance, Problem Solving & Citizenship;
Gabrielle Donatelli (7th) – Christian Responsibility & Problem Solving & Citizenship;
Aramis Vasquez (8th) – Perseverance.
Thank you, students and staff, for modeling our school SLE’s.
"Called to Protect for Parents and Families" will be hosted by St. Stephen the
Martyr Parish on May 12, 2015, at 5:30 PM. The church is located at 13055 SE
192nd Street, Renton, WA. Registration is online at the SetaNet website.
St. Bernadette School Student Council
SPIRIT WEEK – May 18th – May 22nd
The Themes for Free Dress Days are the following:
Monday – May 18
Pajama Free Dress Day
Tuesday – May 19th
Blast to the Past Free Dress Day
Wednesday – May 20th
Breast Cancer Awareness Day (Pink)
Thursday – May 21st
Sports Free Dress
Friday – May 30
Field Day ~ Free Dress
(Dress appropriate for outside play.)
“Celebrating The World of
St. Bernadette Spring Program
Thursday, May 7, 2015
10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall (final rehearsal, no band)
6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall
Students in grades PreK through 8.
School Band and Choir.
Attendance is required … this is a graded performance. If your child will not be
present due to a planned absence, please contact Ms. Ruyffeleare no later than
May 4th by email at If notice is received by that
date, a make-up assignment will be available the week after the program to replace
the missed grade.
School doors will open at 6:00 p.m. Please deliver your child to his/her classroom
by 6:15 p.m. The program will start promptly at 6:30 p.m. At the end of the evening,
please claim your child from the classroom. THIS IS FOR OUR STUDENTS’
General dress guidelines -- Dress nicely; spring clothes. Dark jeans that fit at the
waist and do not drag on the ground are acceptable. No sweats or warm-ups, but
shorts that meet the school dress code (fitting at waist and reaching slightly above or
below the knee) are OK. Shoulders and midriffs must be covered and skirts/dresses
need to be modest. Shirts and T-shirts with designs are fine - no large words,
character or cartoon pictures; all should reach above the knee. No hats please.
We are all looking forward to seeing you at the program!
Mrs. Mendoza, Ms. Ruyffeleare and Miss McKamey
Please join us for Doughnuts for Dad where you will have the opportunity to learn about
SuccessNet. SuccessNet is a website portal that allows you access to know what your child is
learning in math. Additionally, you are able to immediately see test scores and there are digital
resources that enhance and supplement classroom learning.
Date: May 29th, 2015
Time: 7:40 - 8:25 a.m.
Where: St. Bernadette Parish Hall
We look forward to seeing you!
Please RSVP to Tricia Harrington at
● COVENANT FOR IN-PARISH TUITION – For those families currently receiving the
“in-parish” tuition rate, enclosed please find the Covenant For In-Parish Tuition which
Fr. Mike has signed. In order to continue to receive the privilege of the “in-parish” tuition
rate for the 2015-2016 school year, you will need to sign, date and return this Covenant For
In-Parish Tuition on or before May 22, 2015.
● BAND (from MISS MCKAMEY) - "Take NOTE"! It's Spring and it's CONCERT TIME!!
Catch the Band in action!
St. Bernadette Spring Concert is May 7th at 6:30p.m./Parish Hall.
ALL band members (gr.5-8) will be performing! Students are asked to arrive
no later than 6:00p.m. This is a graded concert/attendance is required.
* BAND FESTIVAL - MAY 13TH 7p.m./Goodwin Gym - Kennedy Catholic High
School Band Parents: Please look for the permission slip from your child.
Keep the music alive during the summertime! Kennedy Catholic Elementary
Summer Band Camp: July 6 – 10 ~ Join the fun making music with Miss McKamey!
Look for hard copies w/details as well!
12:15 - 2p.m. Tuition is $25.00! Sibling discount! Check our web site:
STUDENT OF THE WEEK – The tradition of honoring 8th graders of the week
continues. Each week an 8 grader receives a certificate and gets a huge candy treat
from Mrs. Mendoza.
Week of May 4
Shayla Felix &
Maria Trujillo
JOG-A-THON 2014-2015 – This year’s Jog-A-Thon will be held Friday, May 8 from 9:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. The Jog-A-Thon Volunteer Schedule is attached. All volunteer positions have been
filled. Please remember, students who do not attend St. Bernadette Parish School will not be
allowed to participate. This includes young siblings and infants. When you return the Pledge Sheet,
it must include the money pledged. Pledge Sheets with money are due into the school office no
later than Friday, May 22, 2015.
Plan A – Sunny Weather (outside field)
Plan B – Rainy Weather (Parish Hall)
Pre-K AM and Kindergarten
2 and 3
4 and 5
6 , 7 and 8
Pre-K PM and 1
Pre-K AM
6 and 7
1 and Pre-K PM
LIBRARY NEWS – Please see the attached Panther Library News for important
information regarding the last day to return books (May 22) and the need for volunteers
June 5 and June 9.
SUMMER READING SKILLS – Washington State University is once
again sponsoring the Summer Reading Skills Programs. Flyers were sent
home last week and are available in the office. For more information or phone
1-800-570-8936 or visit their website at
8TH GRADE PICNIC – 8th Grade Picnic at Lincoln Park is Friday, May 29.
GIRLS: No short dresses, no tight fitting or low-cut dresses, dress/light
colors, white preferred. If dress has spaghetti straps or bare
shoulders, a jacket or sweater must be worn at all times.
BOYS: Ties, white shirt only, dark pants, dress shoes. (No tennis shoes.)
GRADUATION EXPENSES – This year’s Graduation Fee is pending the final
decision with respect to the Graduation Breakfast site. Miss Grimes will be
sending home a Graduation Fee and Breakfast Reservation letter soon.
● O’DEA BASKETBALL CAMP – O’Dea High School invites boys currently in
4th-8th grades (grades as of 20140-2015) to their 2015 Irish Basketball Camp. The cost
is $110 per session. Session 1 runs 9:00 a.m. to Noon – June 15-18. Session 2 runs
from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. – June 15-18. Session 3 runs from 9:00 a.m. to Noon –
June 22-25. Session 4 runs from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. – June 22-25. For more
information contact Athletic Director Monte Kohler at 206-624-2068 or
● O’DEA FOOTBALL CAMP – O’Dea High School invites boys currently in 5th, 6th,
7th, 8th & 9th grades to join their 2015 Fighting Irish Football Camp. Camp will be held
at O’Dea High School’s Genesse Playfield on June 24 , 25 & 26 . For more
information contact Athletic Director Monte Kohler at 206-624-2068 or
According to Archdiocesan policy, every volunteer who works with children must complete an initial Safe
Environment Class. After doing so, volunteers must remain in compliance by completing an online
refresher course every year. If you are a volunteer at St. Bernadette and have not yet taken the online class for
2015, please do so at this time. Parents must take this online class before May 1, 2015.
1) Log into SETA Net (Safe Environment Training Database):
On any computer with internet access, go to:
Click “my Obligations”.
Enter your first Name, Last Name and Street Address (do not include city, state, zip).
Click “Submit”.
2) Review your personal information and update your profile as necessary.
Please make sure that all locations at which you work or volunteer are identified.
1. Example – If you volunteer at your parish AND at your child’s school, please make sure both locations
are identified.
2. If you work/volunteer at a new parish or school, please make sure to add the new location to your
Verify accuracy of address and email address.
Click button that says “Update Information and Continue”.
3) Class Assignments:
You only need to complete ONE class each year to satisfy your training requirements.
This course will be listed in the section titled, “Classes You Are Currently Required to Take.”
Click the class title of the course you are required to take.
Write down the logon and password that is assigned to you.
4) Take Online course:
Click link below logon/password that says, “Click Here to Open Praesidium Logon Window”
This will open a new page and send you to the Armatus webpage.
Log-in using the logon/password given to you in SETA Net.
Complete Course.
Your SETA Net profile will be updated within 48 hours of completing the online course.
Roza W. Abebe
Charice Bale
Timothy Beyer
Barbara Daligcon
Ray Daza
Mai-Linh Dinh
Karen Donatelli
Betty Ann Etzkorn
Tracy Etzkorn
Michael Gleeson
Christopher Hamaker
Sara Heino
John Jelks
David Kuykendall
Antonette Loyd
Michael Martin
Jessica Medina
Dai Quyen Nguyen
Tuyen Thi Bich Nguyen
Sunny Olabre
Vinh Sam
Deloyce Smart
Rosena Stirgus
Saba Tilahun
Hong Tran
Vui K Tran Hoang
Elvira Valasote
Joshua Wells
Guy Williams
Mekonen Asfaw
Steve Bale
Fred Coggeshell
Staci Dao
Jean De la Cruz
Katie DiOrio
Maximino Duque
Kelly Etzkorn
Marco Felix
Efrem Gonez
Sophal Hamaker
Jeremy Heino
Norlyn Josef
Zenaida Kuykendall
Bruce Loyd
Anna Martinez
Maria Michaud
Hieu Nguyen
Meaza Ogbe
Maria Perez
Ann Shankle
Kolleen Smith
Tsega Tedla
Chau Tran
Mary Tran
Guy Trujillo
Vanessa Villalobos
John Wells, Jr.
Luchia Woldesus
Grace Baker
Joni Blake
Bonifacio Cordero
Eric Daza
Tonia De la Cruz
Kathy Do
Darlene Dydasco
Mike Etzkorn
Karen Fieland
Ajwant Goraya
John Hein
Jennifer Hiner
Nancy Kidd
Luong Le
Denise Ludington
Nancy Martinez
Rodel Mupas
Hung Ngoc Nguyen
Allison Olabre
Nai Nuoc Phuong
Joseph Silvernale
Michael Smith
Alganesh Teferi
Dao Tran
Pho Thi Tran
Clinton Turpen
Dung Kim Vo
William Wetzler
Patricia Wright
Warren Baker
Vera Blake
Sylvia Cruz
Mitchelle Daza
Gladys Diaz
Paul Doherty
Alganesh Embaye
Tony Etzkorn
Maria Garza
Francis Halili
Kristina Hein
Vinh Hoang
Thuy-Linh Kien
Michael Leahy
Jill Martin
Kathleen McHugh
Alexandra Narvaez
Thuy Thanh Nguyen
Connie Olabre
Gurjit Puriwal
Penny Silvernale
David Sprague
La Keeshia Thomas
Giao Tran
Thuy Le Tran
Jennifer Turpen
Thanh Vo
Heather Wilkinson
Athletic Association
Check out the St. Bernadette Panthers Official Website at
BASEBALL - Sunday, May 10th 5th/6th Grade Boys
12:00 p.m.
St. Bernadette
St. Al/John
Track Meet
Qualifying Meet
Saturday, May 9th, 2015 - 10:00am@ Renton Stadium
8th Grade Pentathlon
Sunday, May 10th, 2015 - 12:30pm@ West Seattle Stadium
All-Comers and Individual Championships
Saturday, May 16th, 2015 @ Renton Stadium
All-Comers at 10:00am
Individual Championships at 12:00pm
Soccer Registration Now Open & Will Be Closing Soon – Please see the
attached flyer regarding Soccer Registration. Please contact Clinton Turpin
At 206-769-7258 if you have any questions
If you have any other athletic questions, please call Tina Hein at 206-420-4034 or
Covenant For In-Parish Tuition (Families currently receiving “in-parish” tuition rate)
Spring Program
Panther Library News
CYO 2015 Soccer Flyer
2015 Jog-A-Thon Packet
Junior High Laser Tag Flyer
Celebrating the Wonderful World of
Handel/arr. Story
Freedman-De Knight/arr. Sebesky
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
Performed by: Pre-K & Kindergarten
Pocahontas..............................................................Colors of the wind
Performed by: 2nd Grade
. . . . . . . . . YOU’VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME
Performed by: 4th Grade
The Jungle Book.........................................................................................
Bare Necessities
Performed by: 3rd Grade
Performed by: 1st Grade
. . . . . Performed
. . . . by:. 5th. .Grade
Heigh Ho!
Lion kinG.............................I just can’t wait to be kinG
Performed by: 6th Grade
OLiVER & Company....................................Why Should I Worry?
Performed by: 7th Grade
Lion kinG................................................The circle of lifE
Performed by: 8th Grade
Director: Ms. Taylor Ruyffeleare
Accompanist: Mr. Roger Berger
Panther Library News
May 6, 2015
Last week to check out books May 12.
To avoid replacement fee notice, please
return books by May 22!
Thank You!!
Library Volunteers Needed June 5 and June 9!
We are in need of volunteers to help organize and complete an inventory of our library
collection during school hours of Friday June 5 and Tuesday June 9. If you are interested, please send an email to Mrs. Harrington.
Go to Follett Destiny to see all the available books in the Panther Library!
If you have any questions regarding any of the above information,
please contact Tricia Harrington at
CYO 2015 Soccer
Registration IS NOW OPEN
JUNE 20, 2015
Please visit the website to sign up today! You can find the link on the
school website under St Bernadette Parish. Click on CYO Athletics and
follow the link to sign up on the Sport’s Pilot link. If you do not have a
Family Profile, you will need to create one.
You can also go to:
We are no longer taking paper applications. Soccer will be CLOSING on
June 20th!!!! Anyone interested in playing MUST BE signed up by the
CLOSING date!!
We are also looking for anyone interested in Coaching!
Please contact Clinton Turpen (206)769-7258 if you have any questions
or are interested in coaching a team!!