PTA 䧌姼你梈
PTA 䧌姼你梈
ter IS Newsle S t G PTA 䧌姼你梈 w{hGwGa 031-203-0260 w{hGlTGa g U August 2010 Message from PTA President On behalf of the GSIS PTA, we welcome you and your family. PTA theme for this year is “Strengthen Partnership through Effective Communication”. GSIS PTA Newsletter is one of our major initiatives to deliver our theme. There is an abundance of important information in this first issue of the PTA newsletter. Please read it so that you can become familiar with what is going on at GSIS. Please join us in creating PTA traditions for GSIS! Our goal is to create an active PTA that will continue to grow with our children. * Discover Hidden Resources: PTA would like to reach out to parents who have never volunteered before. Up: PTA foresees overwhelming attendance at the PTA meetings. Be a voice for your children. * Get Connected: PTA will provide opportunities to meet other parents and teachers. * Speak Joining PTA is the best way to find out what’s happening in the school. PTA appreciates your constructive inputs, and your We look forward to a very successful year. input truly makes a difference. God bless, Christine Rim 2010-2011 PTA President nzpzG䀘Ⳙ⏼䐤Gᴴ㦥㢨G╌㐠㡸G㫸㐠㡰⦐G䞌㜵䚝⏼␘UG GGGGGG㝠䚨Gw{hG䊀⫼⏈G⸓ⱬˀ᷅ᴼ⒨ᅨࢌⓄᴸᴈ❹⬠ ⣐⡼یᢱǙⰘ⸔G㢹⏼␘UGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGἬG㢰䞌㡰⦐Gw{hG⎨㏘⤼䉤⪰G㵱ᴸ䚌᷀G from the NewsletterGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG╌㛼㏩⏼␘UGw{hG⎨㏘⤼䉤ᴴG䚍ẄSG Team GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG䚍㈑SGἬ⫠ḔG䚍⺴⯜⪰G㜤ᷤG㐐䇠㍌G Hi there! Welcome to the inaugural edition of the GSIS PTAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG㢼⏈G⬘ᵐ㷨⦐㒜㢌G㜡䚔㡸G㻝⺸䢼G䚨G Newsletter. The aim of this newsletter is to provide specialized PTA information GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG⇌ᴴ⓸⦑G⊬⥙䚌ᷔ㏩⏼␘U and hopefully interesting articles to you – our audience! Message Since the newsletter is only in its infancy, we have provided the key information we think you may need for the GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG㙸G㍜㎠⏈Gw{hGⱬ䞈⪰Gᴴ⃬㛨G upcoming year. However, the next edition will be full of more interesting information GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGᴴ⏈G㢰㜄G┍㵬䚨G㨰㐐ὤGⵈ⣁⏼␘UG and columns. We intend to include the following in every issue: 8SFRPLQJ37$(YHQWVDQG *⇼ᢤ⬠ᵔᲔᇠ̸㡸G㠸䚨G䚐ⶼ⓸G $PHVVDJHIURPWKH37$3UHVLGHQW GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGw{h㜄G⸽㇠䚨G⸬Gᷱ䜌㢨G㛺㡰㐔G Also, we are mulling over the following ideas for the upcoming issues: $%X\6HOORU([FKDQJH&ROXPQ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG䚍⺴⯜␌㡸G㸼䚝⏼␘U $&RRNLQJ5HFLSH&ROXPQ *15"ⱐᴜᮔG⬂㢨G⇼ᛡ䚌㐐㛨G $5HFRPPHQGHG6KRS$WWUDFWLRQ5HVWDXUDQW Business Column. ᬈᴸનᴜၭᝐᴴG╌㛨G㨰㐐ὤ⪰G So feel free to contribute to this GSIS community resource. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG⺴䇵☐⫱⏼␘U We are actively seeking articles written in any language ውᙰᴜᵩྐ٬ᴜᵩG㢸ḰG while looking forward to receiving your comments GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGQGw{h⏈G and suggestions. Lastly – this initial edition is in hard copy, GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG┍㐐㜄Gᷙኸʹ᳤ᴜᵩ㢹⏼␘UG EXWIXUWKHUHGLWLRQVZLOORQO\EHDYDLODEOHYLDWKH*6,637$ZHEVLWH there will be a link to subscribe to this newsletter. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG⬂㡴G㵬㜠SG㢌ᷠG⺴䇵☐⫠⮤G Bye for now! GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGⵐ㤸㤵㢨ḔG㉥ḩ㤵㢬G䚍ὤᴴG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG╌㐐ὬGὤ㠄䚝⏼␘UGᵄ㇠䚝⏼␘U In Christ The Newsletter Team GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGw{hG䟀㣙G㢸㫴䝐G☐⫰ Announcement Powerschool is the new website that is an easy and convenient way to communicate with teachers and to keep track of your child’s progress. ter PowerSchool – Newsle t August 2010 GSIS Technology Coordinator, Mr. Peterson will run powerschool training sessions for parents. Session 1: August 23, 2:00 pm Board room Session 2: August 24, 2:00 pm Elementary library Session 3: August 24, Open house in the foyer Session 4: August 31, 2:00 pm Elementary library Snack Shop – Are you hungry? You can grab healthy snacks to satiate your hunger! Time: 8:00 to 9:00 am / 3:00 to 5:30 pm Location: Cafeteria Knight Shop – Need something for your class? You can buy school supplies and uniforms. Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Location: Main Building 2nd Floor, next to the Auditorium *Operation time for shops is subject to change with notice*. Web designer wanted – PTA appre sy e t a ci please, contact to 031-203-0260 or our help! Event Calendar for September PTA Meetings will be held every second Tuesday of the month When: September 14, 10:00 am Location: GSIS Auditorium PTA Coffee morning for new parents Elementary - August 17, 1:00 pm Middle school - September 1st, Wednesday.10AM 1-3 ES SEW 6 Dorm Family Night 8-10 HS SEW 13 Headmaster’s coffee (Pre-K-12) 14 PTA Meeting 15 HS Principal’s coffee 15-17 MS SEW 17 ES Principal’s coffee 20-24 Chusok Holiday 29 MS Principal’s coffee *SEW is an abbreviation of Spiritual Emphasis Week* PTA Committees Newsletter (Tanya Louys-Moroney, Eunjoo Lee) puts together news and articles for the GSIS quarterly PTA Newsletter. Website (Sandra Chang) The PTA webmaster updates the information on the GSIS PTA website. Multicultural (Kay Lee) Represent the voices of international groups on PTA issues while identifying a variety of cultural communication/activity needs and opportunities for Parents and GSIS faculty. Serve as a liaison between PTA and international families as they coordinate translation of key materials. Activities (Michelle Petrey, Janice Hwang, Tae Sung Kim) The committee sponsors fun and informative events such as the Christmas Bazaar, International Festival, Parenting Class, Father-Son day, Book Club, Dad Club, Knitting Club, New Parents Welcome evening etc. as well as supporting hospitality functions by providing refreshments for PTA meetings and helping welcome new members. Arts (Christina Lee, Jamie Kim) The Arts Committee is to support Newsletter Layout/Design and to coordinate other PTA activities requiring art skills. Community Service (Janice Hwang) Seeks and provides opportunities for Community Service including annual SEW. Volunteer (Jin Hee kim, Myong Hee Ro, Sook Yeon Yoo) Recruits volunteers for specific jobs requested by the PTA, faculty, or staff. Tallies the total of volunteer hours contributed throughout a school year and prepares the annual volunteer report and organizes award ceremonies and a coffee meeting to thank volunteers at the end of the school year. Membership (Kay Lee) Coordinates the annual PTA membership drive, collects dues, maintains a directory of PTA members, and assists the Treasurer regarding PTA due record. Staff Appreciation (Beth Reimer, Jill Martinez) Handles various programs to show our appreciation for the faculty and staff. Fund Raising (Jooyoung Lee) Organize various fund-raising events. Compiles and maintains a list of contributors while ensuring that contributions are properly documented and forwarded to the treasurer for deposits. Maintain “Donation box” to raise funds for the PTA. Technology (Hanjung Kim) Connects PTA web users and the department of Technology in GSIS with timely technological support. Develop and organize computer classes for PTA members. Volunteers @ School Library Assist School Librarians Knight Shop (Junghee Lee, Sook Yeon Yoo, Myong Hee Ro) Its duties include merchandizing, purchasing, sales, operating hours, inventory control and book-keeping in addition to a daily operation of the school store. Newsle t *GSIS PTA Board 2010-2011 PTA Phone: 031-203-0260 ter GSIS PTA Contact List 2010-2011 August 2010 E-mail: *Position *Name *E-mail *Phone PTA President PTA VP HS PTA VP MS PTA VP ES Treasurer Secretary Christine Rim (㢸㫴䝐) Kim Jin Hee (ὴ㫸䢠) Ro Myong Hee (⊬⮹䢠) Yoo Sook Yeon (㡔㍍㜤) Lee JooYoung (㢨㨰㜵) Jean Choe 010-6754-6766 010-4027-2887 010-5210-9695 010-8251-3578 010-9024-9764 010-6324-1637 *PTA Committee Chairs 2010-2011 *Committee *Chair(s) *E-mail *Phone Newsletter Tanya Louys-Moroney Lee Eun Joo (㢨㡴㨰) 010-8576-3271 010-6390-9810 Website Sandra Chang (ὴ㉔㨰) 010-5266-3354 Multi-cultural Kay Lee (㢨䝐ᷱ) 010-2898-6399 Activities Michelle Petrey Janice Hwang Kim Tae Sung (ὴ䈐㉥) 010-4015-1913 010-8564-2372 010-5496-7616 Arts Christina Lee (㢨㐐㡘) Jamie Kim (ὴ䜸㥉) 010-4145-4584 010-9129-0402 Community Service Janice Hwang 010-8564-2372 Volunteer Kim Jin Hee(ὴ㫸䢠) Ro Myong Hee (⊬⮹䢠) Yoo Sook Yeon (㡔㍍㜤) 010-4027-2887 010-5210-9695 010-8251-3578 Membership Staff Appreciation Kay Lee (㢨䝐ᷱ) Beth Reimer Jill Martinez 010-2898-6399 031-695-2800 010-4001-4183 Fund Raising Lee JooYoung (㢨㨰㜵) 010-9024-9764 Technology Han Jung Kim (ὴ䚐㥉) 010-3829-6721 Knight Shop Lee Jung Hee (㢨㥉䢠) Yoo Sook Yeon (㡔㍍㜤) Ro Myong Hee (⊬⮹䢠) 010-6481-7845 010-8251-3578 010-5210-9695 ter NOTICEABLE CHANGES AT GSIS for SCHOOL YEAR 2010-2011 Newsle t August 2010 Personnel Changes for 2010-11 1. Added Seven faculty positions to accommodate the senior class 2. Reduced from two assistant principals (MS & HS) to one secondary assistant principal 3. Added the GSIS-TCIS Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction 4. Added the GSIS-TCIS PD/UbD/Curriculum Planning Coordinator Procedural/Program Changes for 2010-11 1. (Ongoing from 2009-10) Use of daily antiseptic wipes on all surfaces 2. (Ongoing from 2009-10) Fever policy ongoing 3. Moved Kindergarten back to main building 4. Added a second Gr. 4 class Changes to Facilities for 2010-11 1. Swimming Pool: deepened west end of pool (greater safety for racing starts) 2. Sports Complex Storage: increased storage capacity for large equipment 3. Sports Complex 4F Snack Shop: increased hygiene by adding sink, hot water 4. Sports Complex 3F Gym A & B: Added a drop-down vinyl curtain in each gym to allow four PE classes simultaneously 5. Sports Complex 2F: Added PE Classroom in the lobby area 6. Sports Complex 2F: Added Athletic Director’s Office in lobby area 7. Sports Complex 2F: Added office for second female PE teacher (#6 and #7 will enhance student monitoring on 2F) 8. Classrooms: a. Added HS five classrooms to accommodate growth i. Four large labs were divided (lecture and lab rooms now separated) ii.One art and one teacher workroom were returned to classroom usage b. Added ES Korean Language Classroom; PTA Room moved to the Dormitory 3F (lounge area included there) c. Added two ES classrooms to south-facing space between libraries; Accommodated libraries by removing unneeded classroom space 9. Expanded Middle School Office Conference Room; Made possible due to reduction in number of principals (see first section above) 10. On 2F, added office for Asst. Supt. for C & I (see first section above) 11. Accommodated the 3rd Counselor by moving Registrar’s Office to 1F near Admissions 12. Music Department: a. Enhanced instrument storage compartments b. Enhanced music practice rooms c. Added teacher office space 13. Drama Department: a. Added Drama Office (hallway behind Auditorium Stage) b. Enhanced Make-up Room/Dressing Rooms 14. Small 1F Conference Room moved to flexible space in Business Office Dormitory: 1. Expanded Pre-Kindergarten to former Kindergarten classroom suite 2. Expanded ELC to include former Pre-K classroom 3. Adjusted 2F Special Needs Suite; Added Curriculum Mapping Coordinator / UbD Trainer’s office & collaborative space 4. Added 3F PTA meeting room & office space ter 䌊䌈䌉䌈䌅䌊䌈䌉䌉沱䢜䋸 䌟䌫䌡䌫䋸恔巬䋸吘䬱堄泅府䋸岤佼䋸䰴儕䨠䨼䋹 Newsle t August 2010 ܥ٪ыʅӡह %"%&लǬलĬڜ£ԋʐؓˁ̗+ύڗāӡܣڜܦ٪ʍ؎նȷɁ" &"܍लāЕÝʴलāˁ͐ʔ؎ɠā܍ڋʴāळύ͐ڈषऱئնȷɁ" '"āêؿāՎѪѬڋɋɏऱÝìڵऱȪāêɋڵ7=ѪܥѬڜջԋʍ؎նȷɁ";G=G!H7=Gè ("ܥϩ£Н āêʶ ڞڪāêİॹࠢʶǡڜܥࡳڜջԋʍ؎նȷɁ";G=G!H7=Gè ރۍЕण͐ḩ̂ыʅӡह %"&$$-!%$लǬɻѪࡳØԫϐʭइωहģϮࣀժ͐Ƀİ &"&$$-!%$लǬɻѪࡳØԫÝܣ؟ԔĢۋےٝ '"ߩٿ٪लĬξڞҐʿیڜڷ͐ڈ ("(लǬ߉लĬջԋ չԋыʅӡह %"ՎڵاDžÖߌ܄НѪѬڗՎտڜĻۡնȷɁ"ߌНڤՎչɝٟیל &"հࣻߡࠌथ̼հތÝ.ɓफ़ڵҍՎٝЕڵۊٝڜ '"հࣻߡࠌथ̼հ(ߨհdžӽ.ւࡏɓشؿՎԋߩ߉͐ٷӷ£ԉ ("հࣻߡࠌथ̼հ'ߨަڀì[ma56.(£लĬʅչՎٝٷڋळʫ͕Ɂ٠ҍȺࠇࢴԋߩ )"հࣻߡࠌथ̼հ&ߨ.͐ҍߨؓՎ؋ٝāս߉ *"հࣻߡࠌथ̼հ&ߨ.ަڀ॰ʅʶ̼ࡳӡϩս߉ +"հࣻߡࠌथ̼հ&ߨ.ջĢަ؛ڀāӡӡϩս߉ TTTT*ڗשжêशŞ&ߨؓԅՎ؋Е॰ʅڞ܍लӷʯɼٝܪऺڜ ,"āս ଷ"Ýʴलāāս)£ս߉ !İ(ڗۦ£êलսॊսѬऴèӡؿڗսॊèڜѬΎʐ !%£ЊՒāսêāӡٝګ؋սڜāսٝɻ͐ڷыÖʐ "ʴलāळćāս߉.İڗۦDH5ॸڗսڊİՏӡ'ߨڜ͐ڈʅ̗٠ܤè߉ʐ ଽ"ɻԅìDž·ϮَѪФॄ͐ڈʴलā&£āս߉ʐ" ॰ٝɻǁצɠāսè߉ڋɻԅìè͐ڈ॰ٝ -"܍लāӡϩսDžॸڗս८ڵ.षā۔սչ͐ӡϩսՎٖԪ %$"&ߨāêɋɏѪӡϩս߉ %%"'ߨؓڦɠलۋêΆ%ߨڤलêڜ͐ڈةʅशߨ'֗͐ڈӭɋāӡٝӡϩսєߐ %&"כڍê ଷ"כİєìތÝչԋ£ԉ "؞նսչԋ£ԉ ଽ"āӡٝӡϩս߉ %'"ʫ̗Ζê ଷ"ʫ̗Ζӡϩս߉ɏϩɓʠѕɻ "ѬڵսЕڗӭսչԋ£ԉ %("%ߨԪॸڗսڜϩêDžɁϑۋèڜ͐ڈʅ İՏӡ %"DfY!?āս İߩٿڗۦ٪?āս͐یڜ &"9@7 İۦDfY!?āսভՎ८ڵ '"&ߨࢳՎāڀӭɋսۤے.āêİॹࠢʶǡࡳڜ#āêʶڜ̻ࢲڞڪǔӡϩսЕज़؋è߉ ("'ߨDH5ॸڗսЕӡϩսè߉