Tesco Uniform Service …..you can now order
Tesco Uniform Service …..you can now order
Welcome to you all and to our second newsletter ; one we hope will offer you lots of updates about our school and what the PTA have been up to. There certainly has been plenty going on at the school this year and everyone has been extremely busy. We started with the Santes Dwynwen Disco, St David Day celebrations, Easter events, a balloon race, Summer Fayre and much more. All of which were generously supported by parents and thoroughly enjoyed by the children. We hope to bring you new and interesting articles and updates within the newsletter so any feedback/suggestions you may have would be gratefully appreciated. We hope to bring you updates/information from other areas of the school such as Aunti Helens, Clwb Llawen ...we may even get the teachers to Inside this issue write a bit about themselves. Welcome .............................. 1 As well as helping raise much needed funds for the school the PTA want to help What have we bought/gallery 2 bring more information to Parents and keep you up to date. We are very much New Parents/Fair/Sports day . 3 in need of volunteers and would love to hear from anyone who would be able to Finances ............................... 4 Social Media ………………………5 Thank you ………………………….6 Important Dates 29/09 Next PTA Meeting Tesco Uniform Service …..you can now order embroidered October uniform items and have them delivered free to your home. December Christmas Fayre Tesco are offering a 5% cash back to the school so as well as you getting your uniform you are also helping the school. School Disco November Hall of Stalls Events of the year so far and money raised iPads….we have been able to help buy new I Pads for the school Santes Dwynwen Disco - £178 12 new cameras for all units Easter Events raised just over £350 . We combined an Easter disco with an Easter bonnet completion an a colouring competition. Our bonnets made the local paper and all the children did a fantastic job. We need to say a big thank you to Mr Eldon Jones, (School Governor ) for helping us judge the colouring competition. Prizes were donated by the PTA for all units which were handed out during the schools weekly service. Our Photo Gallery ….. Balloon Race—this was a well received event by the children and one that was great fun. This event wasn't as much abut raising money but more of a fun experience to coincide with St David's Day celebrations . A balloon was found and a card returned to school from Preston. The PTA sent a gift card to the balloon finder and a prize was given to the balloon sponsor . The Dance leggings - we recently bought new dance leggings for the Urdd Competitions New books and wooden toys for the Under 5 unit & Under 9 Unit PA system with iPod dock and microphone On July 1st the PTA took part in the New Parents Evening for Parents with children joining the school in September. This year we are expecting 60 !! Along with Aunti Helens staff, Under 5 Unit staff , school nurse and family link representative we gave a presentation on what the PTA is all about for our school, what our aims are, breakdown of monies raised. We showed photos of our events and explained what changes we had put in place over the past 12 months. At the end of the evening as the parents were handed their school packs we handed out our very first PTA Goody bags ! Each bag had a hand glued on the front and a number. A winning number received a prize. In the bags were details of the next PTA meeting, PTA Questionnaire, Tesco uniform leaflet, Sponsor form from a parent doing the Crumball Rally (Mr Mark Brownhill) , diary dates 2014/2015 of our events and meetings and a welcome gift of wrapped gingerbread men with a Croeso/Welcome label. As this was the first time we had done this we would love to hear how this was received ? Please let us know if this is something you would like ? Thank you to Sian Canty, Lisa Brownhill and Amy Williams for helping out We may not want to be thinking of it yet but already we are registered for this years Christmas project. The Christmas cards and mugs were a huge hit last year that we have been able to get registered early enough and plan ahead for this years cards and much more. Keep an eye on details coming home to you in September. It was our beach themed summer fair on Friday 6th June. We supported the event on both days by providing a refreshment stall. Did you come and see us ? What did you think ? How can we improve it ? Over the two days we raised with your help £153— There were stalls, bouncy castle, BBQ, fun and games, entertainment, face painting, pony rides, popcorn, puppet show and much more……It was a great night and was diolch yn fawr ! very well supported and attended. We are continuously looking to improve our events so would love to hear what you would like to see for next year ? We thought some live music would lovely ? Also did you try our veggie burgers this year ? We raised just over £800 at the event , which is fantastic !!!! Thank you What have we donated to the school 2013/2014 ?? We started last year with ………..£3394 During 2013/2014 we raised ….£3872.23 £4315.38 Mrs Jo Cottier manages our money and does a great job in keeping us in check. She makes sure she has receipts and logs for all outgoing and ingoing monies , manages our floats for events and works with the bank to ensure we are up to date with the latest technologies . What the PTA do better contact and “To catchcould the reader's attention, place an?.......please interesting sentence or quoteus from the story here.” share your ideas and help us beat our 2013/2014 totals !! Our PTA polo shirts !! We decided this year that having PTA specific polo shirts would be a good idea and help parents identify us at events and shows etc. These have all been personally funded and not come out of PTA money raised. Here is a photo of us wearing them at the sports day Left to right….Sian Canty, Jo Cottier, Nikki Barlow Social Media After our New Parents presentation we went from 112 likes to 123 !!! Amazing and thank you ! Don’t forget our email address if you need to contact us ptaygolyllys@gmail.com What's next ….. Summer holidays and then it’s back to it in September with our meeting on 29th September 5.30pm at the school. Hoping it will be in the new extension meeting room so come along and join us :-) We have an agenda full of fun activities and ideas for parents and children for 2014/2015. If you can’t make the meetings but want to stay in touch with what we are doing then just drop us an email and we can add you to our mailing list. Mrs Sian Canty does a great job of keeping all our communication in check !! We are going from strength to strength and our ‘likes are growing’ Facebook has become a great way to communicate our events/ news from the PTA and we would like to encourage all parents to ‘like’ our page. It’s also a way of contacting us as well as our email address. Search for PTA Ysgol Y Llys and you will find us . Do you use Twitter ?? Would you like to see us on there ? ptsysgolyllys @gmail.com Facebook— PTA Ysgol Y Llys A big thank you goes out to all the many volunteers and PTA members for a fantastic 12 months . These events and fundraising ideas don't run themselves and a lot of hard work goes into them. Also a big thank you to school staff and Clwb Llawen for allowing us to use their facilities. Enjoy your summer holidays and we shall see you in September for lots more fun fundraising !!!!! From all Ysgol Y Llys PTA