Hahntown Spirit - Norwin School District


Hahntown Spirit - Norwin School District
Well, we have all survived the first six weeks of school, thank you for your time and patience in dealing with all the paperwork. The
beginning of the school year is a transition for all involved including parents, students and staff. We appreciate everyone's
continued support.
The PTA has been off and running with many things happening at the beginning of the school year; just to recap a few things.
The Membership drive was a huge success with 571 members; the Book Fair proved that everyone is a "Star" including all our
volunteers who helped out. The library volunteers are adjusting to the change in the library schedule this year.
The Fundraiser, although always a success, was far below our budget and has generated us just barely enough revenue to pay for
the student field trips, which is our first and foremost obligation. That is where the PTA needs your help! Please take the time to
read through all the articles and see where you can help us generate our revenue to cover the other gifts and programs we offer to
the Hahntown students; either with a monetary donation, box tops, Giant Eagle "Apples for Students" or Target rewards, every little
bit makes a difference.
Our next PTA General meeting will be Wednesday, November 7th at 6:30 pm in the Hahntown Cafetorium, hope to see you there.
Special Thanks to:
 Janet Kuzma for her time and effort in putting together our fundraiser
 Anne Novotnak and all the volunteers who helped with the Book Fair
 Nicole Biedrycki for all her time in gathering and inputting the volunteer information
 Lisa Beam for coordinating our library volunteers
 Amy Lokay for all the work she has put into our website www.hahntownpta.org
 Amy Wilson for producing our newsletters to start the year off informed
 Michelle Barton for providing our new students with their Hahntown shirts
 Bernadette Nemeth and Kelly Ketler for putting together our Membership Drive
 And all of YOU that have supported the PTA thus far
Kris Laukus
Hahntown PTA President 2012
Hahntown Spirit
Thank you to our newsletter sponsor. The generosity of our sponsors allows
additional funds to be allocated to PTA school programs.
Tina McHugh, Travel Specialist
Aka, Dream Maker
Making Your Dream Vacation a Reality
If your child is new to Hahntown and
has not received a new student form
for a Hahntown t-shirt please contact
me with their name and room number
so the PTA can welcome and provide
them with a Hahntown t-shirt. The PTA
provides one shirt for their
career at Hahntown.
Michelle Barton,
Spirit Shop Rep
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Giant Eagle Points
Homeroom Representative Committee
Enroll your Giant Eagle Advantage
Card® and earn points for FREE
educational awards with every
shopping trip.
or 1-800-474-4777
Our School ID # 0953
The Homeroom Representatives have been chosen and are off to a great start. Thank you
to everyone who volunteered and your support is greatly appreciated.
** If you think
you are enrolled,
please check to
make sure that
your Giant Eagle
Advantage Card® is enrolled so
Hahntown benefits from the Apples for
the Students
** Don’t forget to ask your friends,
relatives and neighbors to sign up their
cards too!!! The more enrolled, the
more points we’ll receive which means
more items for the school!
Enroll your Target
REDcard too!!!
Target will donate1% of sales
made at Target.
Visit www.target.com/tcoe
to enroll your card
Our school ID # 90453
** Don’t forget to ask your friends,
relatives and
neighbors to
sign up their
cards too!!! The
more enrolled,
the larger the donation from Target and
it’s FREE!
Foreign Language
The Foreign Language program is up
and running. We will be offering Sign
Language, German, Chinese, and
Spanish this semester to our 1st - 4th
Pam Keiper
Foreign Language Program Chair
The Halloween party is scheduled for Wednesday, October 31st. Party parents will be
contacted soon by their Homeroom Representatives so they can begin planning for the
party. The PTA provides the drinks for all of the parties including students, teachers, and
party parents. Please plan to pick up the drinks at the cafeteria and return the empty
crates when you are finished. No drinks are to be returned to the cafeteria.
All parents must now report to the Community Room (across from the Main Office) to sign
in prior to the start of parties. You will then be dismissed from there by Mrs. Willig.
I want to say thank you to ALL who completed the volunteer training and signed up for
various classroom volunteer opportunities. Your homeroom representative may contact
you at various times throughout the year when the classroom needs an extra helping
Please remember if you were not chosen to participate with one of the four school parties
there are many other opportunities for you to help throughout the year. If there is a
committee or function you would like to participate with please contact the Chairperson
for that particular committee to sign up.
As a reminder, in order to volunteer you must have completed the volunteer training and
be a current PTA member. If you have questions about your eligibility feel free to contact
I am looking forward to working with you this school year!
Nicole Biedrycki
Homeroom Rep. Chair
Educator Award
The Norwin Council of PTAs
recognizes outstanding educators in
the Norwin schools with the Phoebe
Apperson Hearst Outstanding
Educator Award. Last year, Mrs.
Emily Stephany received the award
for Hahntown. Who will receive the
award this year? It is up to
you! Consider nominating one of
your child’s educators (past or
present) that you believe
demonstrates excellence in
teaching. Please look for the
Outstanding Educator Nomination
forms to come home late November
or early December and take a few
moments to write about an educator
that you believe has made a
difference not only in the students’
life but in our school community as
Christa Smith
Outstanding Educator Chair
This year's Reflection’s theme is "The
Magic of a Moment." Information
packets have been sent out. If you
are still interested in participating,
please contact me ASAP for the entry
All projects are due on
Wednesday, October
10th at Hahntown by
4:00. You may turn your project in
early, but no late projects will be
This year's awards ceremony will be
held on Monday, October 22nd in the
Hahntown cafetorium. Projects will be
displayed for viewing at 6:30 and the
ceremony will begin at 7:00. Come
see our students' projects and enjoy
an evening of magic!
Contact Becky Shavel at
rshavel@comcast.net or 724861-3471 with any questions
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Don't forget about
the Donuts…
WHAT: Donuts with Dad
October 18 for students with last
names beginning with A-M
October 19 for students with last
names beginning with N-Z
1 adult per family -father, grandfather, uncle or male
Hahntown Students only please.
School Cafeteria 7:45-8:30 AM
Any questions please contact Kristin
Holiday Workshop is
coming soon!
Mark your Calendars!
Monday, December 3rd
Tuesday December 4th
Wednesday December 5th
MANY VOLUNTEERS are needed for
interested in volunteering and to plan
ahead - please call me. In addition, if
you would be interested in co-chairing
one of the three days to help with set
up, inventory,
restocking and take
down, please call.
All help is greatly
appreciated and
contributes to a fun
and memorable
Holiday Workshop for the children.
Jackie Spatolisano, Committee Chair
The Hahntown PTA Website has been
redesigned this year. Go check it out at
On the website, you will find copies of
papers that have been sent home, news
and information regarding the
Hahntown PTA.
Thank You, Amy Lokay
Winter Carnival
Please mark your calendars for January
18 for the Winter Carnival! I will need
lots of volunteers for this event and I
will start that process in November.
Jennifer Dudik
“Planting the Seeds
for Tomorrow”
The PTA Membership committee would
like to thank everyone for supporting the
membership drive. With over 550
memberships, that’s going to make for a
good year!
Congratulations to the winners of the
1st place = Mrs. Colosimo
2nd place =Mrs. Helphenstine
3rd place = Mrs. DePew
If you missed the membership drive, we’ll
be taking new memberships all year.
Thanks again for your support!
Hahntown PTA
Tuesday October 9, 2012
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Kerber's Dairy Store & Farm
on Guffy Road
Cost: $7.50 includes: Hayride, Small
Pumpkin, and Ice Cream
Buy your tickets at
school to avoid waiting
in line. Tickets will be
sold on October 9th (cash
only please) in the cafetorium before
school or at Kerber’s starting at 5:30
p.m. Tickets will not be sold at Kerber’s
prior to 5:30 p.m.
Parents must accompany children on
Tricia Blenko, Programs Chair
Hahntown Directory
Thank you to all the parents who
provided information for the school
The information is in the process of
being compiled and finalized.
Look for your printed or emailed copy
by late October or early November.
Diane Schoemer
The PTA is Sponsoring
a Contest
Hahntown PTA would like to reward the
#1 class that brings in the most Box Tops
with a special prize. Make sure that you
check for the expiration dates on the
Box Tops.
Turn in your Box Tops
periodically from October 1st
through March 30th. Please
LABEL the Ziploc bags with the teacher’s name and homeroom number.
If you have any questions, please e-mail: webcrzn4@comcast.net
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