May 2012 - 15th District PTA


May 2012 - 15th District PTA
15th District Office • 319 South 15th Street • Louisville, KY 40203 • (502) 485-3535
every child. one voice.
President’s Letter
In March, ten members from the 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
and Kentucky PTA attended the National
PTA Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. While we were there, we learned
about legislation, visited with elected officials, and urged them to safeguard funding
for education. Since this was my first time
to attend the Legislative Conference, it
was very exciting and a little intimidating.
Then I realized that I had been advocating
for my own children for years. One specific example is when our family moved
across the country and our oldest child had
difficulties adjusting to her new school. I
scheduled a conference with my daughter’s teacher and explained that she just
needed a little more time to adjust and
that she would be fine. A few weeks later, my daughter was back to normal and
the teacher agreed that her class placement
was appropriate. I was glad that I had been
an advocate for my child, because another mom who had also recently moved did
not speak up and her child was placed in
a class that did not meet his needs. We are
all valuable contributors in the education
scene. It doesn’t take a college degree or
designer clothes to be an advocate, just a
willingness to speak, in the case of PTA,
for everychild, onevoice.
I want to thank the 15th District PTA
Board members for everything they have
done this school year. It has truly been a
team effort, and all of the work could not
have been completed without their help.
Our board has had a chance to meet and
talk with many of you this year, and you
are a group of dedicated volunteers who
have made a difference in the lives of
many students. Thank you!
Be sure to check out the “Things to Do in
May” article below.
Cherie Dimar
Things to Do in May Awards Banquet
• Attend the 15th District PTA Awards
Banquet on May 8.
• Make sure officers for the coming
year are elected and installed according to your local unit bylaws.
• Make sure that Procedure Books are
completed and passed on to the new
officers and chairmen.
• Inform the incoming board of
the training opportunities that are
• Send the names and contact information of your newly elected officers to
the 15th District PTA Office as soon
as possible.
• Appoint a financial review committee to review your treasurer’s books.
• Make plans to attend the Kentucky
PTA Convention/Leadership July 19
through 21.
May 8, 2012
6:30 p.m.
Fern Valley Hotel and Conference Center
(formerly the Holiday Inn)
2715 Fern Valley Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40213
The 15th District PTA
Awards Banquet will be
held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, at the
Fern Valley Hotel and Conference Center.
May 2012
Assistance Program
Uniforms Needed
The Clothing Assistance Program (CAP)
is in need of used uniforms. Families are
given one new shirt and one new pair of
pants, but we all know that is not enough
to get through the school week. They are
allowed to get two of any type of uniform
item (pants, shorts, skirts, jumpers, and
shirts) from the gently used clothing in the
family room.
PTAs could hold an end-of-the-year uniform drive with some items going to the
school’s Family Resource Center (FRC)
and the remainder to CAP. Be sure to let
the Pony know ahead of time so that the
items get to us in a timely fashion, or
schedule a time to drop them off. Mark the
outside of the box with “uniforms” so we
will know to open those first.
Pants, shorts, skirts, and jumpers can be
khaki/tan, navy, or black. Shirts can be of
any solid color with a collar.
Summer Hours
Volunteer hours for the summer have
not been set. If you and your child or a
group is interested in volunteering, please
contact me to arrange a date and time. Individual students are not able to volunteer.
2012-13 PTA Work Schedule
The schedule for PTAs to volunteer will be
in the June/July Issue.
Yarn Needed
Our wonderful knitters kept us well supplied with hats and scarves this winter, but
they are in need of more yarn. Yarn can be
donated through the Pony or dropped off.
Please be sure to mark it “yarn” so that we
Unlocking the Potential . . .
can separate it quickly from the clothing
We are looking forward to a fantastic bandonations.
quet. Join us, and celebrate all of your
Thank you to all the volunteers and donors
PTA/PTSA accomplishments for the year!
who have helped make this a very successIf you have any questions, please contact
ful year for CAP.
Heather Wampler at 671-9451 or
Paula Wolf, CAP Director
Completing the Financial Review Form:
Before, During, and After
• Any other information requested by the
audit committee
• The current financial review form for
the committee to complete (This can be
found online at
• A copy of this article so that they have
guidelines to complete the financial
When: The financial review should be
The outgoing treasurer cannot
completed after end of fiscal year (June
30) and received by Kentucky PTA by Au- write any checks or pay any bills after the
gust 15. A financial review should also be books are closed for financial review. The
completed if your treasurer resigns or is re- incoming treasurer may only make deposmoved. The incoming treasurer should not its into the PTA/Parent Teacher Student
accept/receive the checkbook and records. Association (PTSA) bank account. No exA financial review may also be performed penditures should be made from the PTA/
PTSA account until the financial review is
any other time that is deemed necessary.
Purpose: To certify the accuracy of the
books and record of the treasurer and to as- During (Review)
sure the membership that the association’s The process for selecting a Financial Reresources/funds are being managed in a
view Committee is in the PTA/PTSA’s
businesslike manner within the regulations bylaws, Article VII, Section 1. The numestablished for their use.
ber of committee members should be odd,
and the committee generally consists of
Before (Preparation)
three members. Anyone who is approved
Before the end of the fiscal year, the
to sign checks may not serve on the Finantreasurer should put in order the followcial Review Committee.
ing items in preparation for the financial
review and deliver them to the Audit Com- Once the Financial Review Committee has
been selected and has received the documittee at the end of the fiscal year. The
time period for the records/documents will ments/records from the treasurer, it can
begin the review. The financial review
typically be July 1 to June 30 unless a financial review was performed in between. should be completed as quickly as possiIn that case, the documents/records needed ble. All members of the committee should
be present during the review.
will be from the time of the last financial
review report.
• Start the review with the records posted
• A copy of the last financial review report
after the last financial review. Check and
• Checkbook, cancelled checks (most
confirm that the amount shown on the
bank statements have the cancelled
bank statement corresponds to the startchecks on them or they can be found oning balance recorded in the checkbook,
line), and voided checks
treasurer’s report, and budget.
• Bank statements (all pages) and deposit • Do a sample of transactions (expenses
receipt records
and deposits). Typically 10 to 20 per• Treasurer’s binder, book, or ledger
cent is a good sample base. If mistakes
(should include check requests, supportare found, the sample should be broading documentation for checks written,
ened to take in more transactions. At
deposit summary forms, and supporting
some point, it may be deemed necessary
documentation for deposits)
to review all the transactions of a PTA/
PTSA. Here are some items to look for:
• Year-end treasurer’s financial report
—Monthly bank reconciliation
• Copies of all monthly treasurer’s reports
—Unexplained reconciling items
• Copies of board, Executive Committee,
—Disbursements not supported by inand organization minutes for initial budvoices or other documentation
get approval and any amendments that
—Blank checks secured in a safe place
were approved
­—Deposit ticket dates timely with dates
• A copy of the approved current year’s
received by bank
budget and any amendments that were
—Timelines of deposits based on
approved during the year
known dates of events
• A copy of current bylaws and standing
written in sequential order
• A copy of the last filed tax return
Why: Kentucky PTA Bylaws require each
local unit to complete and submit to Kentucky PTA a financial review each year. A
financial review is required to be completed each year even if the current treasurer
has been elected for another term and/or if
you have two-year terms.
—All invoices/expenses paid by check
and not cash
• Make certain that state and national portions of the membership dues have been
kept separate from other receipts and
forwarded immediately to the Kentucky
PTA Office.
• Make certain that money collected or
donated for a specific purpose has been
so disbursed.
• Check the treasurer’s monthly reports
and year-end annual report for accuracy.
• After any errors have been corrected by
the treasurer and the president is satisfied that the financial accounts are
correct, draw a line across the ledger and
checkbook register where the financial
review concludes. The committee chair
signs and dates the ledger using a different color ink: “Examined and found
correct. (Name) (Date)”
• If all is in order, the review committee
should prepare and sign the financial review form provided. Make copies of
the form for the incoming treasurer and
president. If additional copies are needed, they can be found at www The financial review
form must be mailed to Kentucky PTA
and received by August 15 each year, to
remain a unit in good standing.
• The committee must also submit a report
in the event that there are not adequate
records available to conduct a proper
accounting of the PTA/PTSA’s funds.
This report should indicate the information that is needed to complete a proper
If during the financial review the committee has questions or needs assistance,
contact the 15th District PTA at 485-3535.
After (Approval)
The financial review report must be presented at the first general meeting of the
year, must be officially adopted/approved
by the general membership, and must be
included in a completed annual report covering the PTA/PTSA’s entire fiscal year. If
there are questions or concerns about the
validity of the financial review report, the
PTA/PTSA may contact the 15th District
PTA to perform an audit or an independent
CPA may be engaged to conduct an audit.
As always, the entire 15th District PTA
Board and I are here to serve and assist
you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Theresa Mayfield, Treasurer
15th District PTA Newsletter
15th District PTA Kentucky Core Academic Standards Team
What an exciting time for the 15th District
PTA Kentucky Core Academic Standards
(KCAS) Team. We were able to send ten
delegates to our National PTA Legislative
Conference in Washington, D.C., March
6 through 8, through our district, our
grant, and the National PTA. We learned
all about legislation, talked to our legislators, and were honored to be asked to do a
Cherie Dimar and Sharon Whitworth talked to delegates about the great relationship
that 15th District PTA has with Jefferson
County Public School
(JCPS) District. This relationship has
gone back more than 70 years that included both the Louisville Independent School
System and Jefferson County School System. Even then, both superintendents
believed that parents were a necessary
component for student achievement. They
insisted that all parents must be welcomed
into their buildings. Their belief then and
JCPS’s belief now is that the PTA is the
recognized parent involvement group
in our schools. PTA has always been a
full and trusted partner with our school
system. As our past state and district
president June Key (1975-77) has stated, “Relationships are not handed to you
like an item in a gift bag; relationships are
earned by having respect for the contribution each person makes.”
We continue to provide much valuable information to our parents/caregivers and
our community about the common core
standards. In the last month, we have had
workshops at Jacob, Price, Fairdale, and
Field Elementary Schools. We have educated our community through the Network
Center for Community Change, our Federal Congressmen, and our Metro Louisville
Education council members. We even set
up a booth at the Children’s Fair to provide needed information to parents about
how they can help their child be collegeand career-ready.
As you can see, we are working very hard
to spread the word about KCAS and will
Thanks Exhibitors!
The 15th District PTA
wishes to thank all of
the exhibitors that participated in this year’s
Programs and Fundraising Fair. We appreciate
their support!
Richard Gardner
Third Vice President
Abbey Press/Snail’s Pace
Vicki Gehlhausen
All Recreation
Kristina Moineau
Amadora Design Concepts,
Kenny Trowbridge
(270) 389-3095
American Income Life
Amanda Cross
(859) 229-5369
May 2012
Bumblebee Marketing, Inc.
Dorothy Van Epps
City Saver
Sherry Kopecky
Gordon Food Service
Contact your local store
manager or Cleo Saltsman Jr.
Great American
Johnny Jones
Hands On Originals
Derek Wright
Hwangs Martial Arts
Mimi Hwang
(408) 93-3519 (cell)
Inter-State Studio
Kelly Cook
(812) 248-2317
Kentucky Shakespeare
Jordan Price
Billy Worden
LDS Photography
April Alsup
Lifetouch National School
Brian Schunemann
(812) 923-9080
continue with your help. Please give us a
call at 485-7450 or 485-3535 to schedule
a workshop. We would love to have brown
bag lunches with parents at their businesses. If you know a company that would like
for us to come and educate their employees about KCAS, share our information
with them.
Sharon Whitworth
KCAS Project Lead
Mad Science of Kentucky
Tanya Hayes
River City Printed Products
Bob Dabney
376-5176 (cell)
Market Day
Twylia Allen
Publish & Market, LLC
Bill Merical
journeyoffallenrock .com
(662) 790-3513
Miracle Recreation
Josh Wagner
Steve-O Magic Co.
Steve Haffner
Ohio Valley Wrestling
Frank Miller
The Underwriters Group
Stuart Ferguson
Papa John’s
Karl La Graeca
Usborne Books & More
Wendy Kennedy
(812) 968-4613
Penn Station
J. J. Boudreaux
Male Involvement Summer Safety Tips
Statistics Confirm the Positive Power
of Father Involvement at School
Students in traditional two-parent families were 43 percent more likely to receive
primarily A grades if their fathers were
highly involved in their schools. Those
whose fathers did not live at home were
43 percent more likely to receive A grades
if their fathers participated in even one activity at school.
Children of highly involved resident fathers were 55 percent more likely to enjoy
school than children with uninvolved fathers. Children of moderately involved
nonresident fathers also were more likely
to enjoy school.
Students in middle and high school were
88 percent more likely to participate in extracurricular activities if their fathers were
highly involved at school.
Students with nonresident fathers who
participated in even one activity at school
were 39 percent less likely to repeat a
grade and 50 percent less likely to experience serious disciplinary problems.
Source: The 1996 National Household Education
Survey, U.S. Department of Education
James Kiper
Male Involvement Chairperson
Calendar of
7–11 ������ Teacher Appreciation Week
8������������� 15th District PTA Awards Banquet and
General PTA Meeting at the Fern Valley
Hotel and Conference Center, 6:30 p.m.
15����������� Submit membership dues payment to
the Kentucky PTA Office.
21–24 ���� National PTA Convention in San Jose,
19–21 ���� Kentucky PTA State Convention in
When we think about safety issues for our
children for the summer, we often forget
Mother Nature. As you know from the last
few weeks, we have had some unexpected weather events. Please take the time to
discuss severe weather with your child.
Many times, our kids will be home alone,
so it is extra important to have these discussions. Make sure he or she knows
where the safe places in your home are.
Also, discuss what he or she should do if
he or she is outside and the weather unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse. Does
he or she know what to do if he or she
hears the weather sirens? Make sure your
child takes lightening seriously. You can’t
have a redo of these situations, so better
safe than sorry!
Two Great Web Sites for Parents
The JCPS Web Site:
The National PTA Web Site: www.pta
Have you gone to either lately? You may
have heard about or even used the Parent
Portal or the calendar on the JCPS site, but
have you taken the time to check out other
links there? Just click on the Keeping Kids
Safe link. You will find information on alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention.
There is info about violence, sexting, inhalants, bullying, dating violence, Internet
safety, and cyberbullying.
It is hard to keep up with everything these
days, but this is a great place to get informed. For example, you probably have
heard of energy drinks and the problems
associated with their overuse by children,
but do you even know the term alcopops?
They are entering the marketplace at an
alarming rate. They appeal to beginning
drinkers, and with the ads being aimed at
youth, it is just another thing we need to
be aware of. Stores are displaying these
two side by side, increasing the possibility
of children acquiring them.
The PTA Web site also has many wonderful programs, including the Bullying:
Connect for Respect Program available
for use at your school. Our national president, Betsy Landers, will talk more about
that program at our Kentucky PTA Convention/Leadership in July. Also, there is
a link to the PTA Resolutions and Position
Statements that will keep you informed.
Visit these two sites often. They do a great
job of keeping parents updated on things
we need to know.
“When I was a kid, we didn’t have all
those fancy car seats, bike helmets, knee
pads, etc., and I turned out ok!”
How many times have we said or thought
that sort of thing? We probably all have.
We wonder how we lived without all the
modern safety equipment available and
sometimes required now. There are the car
seats, seat belts, knee pads, elbow pads,
and helmets we are expected to use for
our children. We may think, “Why should
my child be burdened with using all that
Things have changed. We need to stop a
minute and think—there are many more
cars out there, and cars go faster. Once
upon a time, all those safety tests with
our old friends, the crash dummies, were
not common. I’ll bet some of you remember those old car seats that had hooks that
looped over the cars seats that kids were
put in, you know, the ones with the little
steering wheel and horn or the little colored marble-like things you could play
with on the front of the seat. There was
no real restraint in the car seat or way to
truly fasten the seat to the car. They were
cute and so much easier than the fancy car seats now available and required
for our children. However, just about every day we read about children who lived
through a crash, that if they had been in
one of those old seats, they would have
been thrown right out the window or into
the dashboard! Yes, modern car seats may
seem like a pain to take the time to hook
our children in—not to mention doing it
the correct way—but don’t they deserve
the benefit of all the knowledge these tests
have provided us?
The same goes for the bike helmets, knee
and elbow pads, and other safety paraphernalia recommended and sometimes
required these days. Bikes are so much
faster, and children do so many more
tricks on them. The skateboard parks have
hard concrete that certainly does not allow
for a soft landing!
Sports teams are required to use safety
equipment; shouldn’t our children playing
at home or in the neighborhood have the
same protection? Isn’t it worth it to take
advantage of the safety equipment available today? If one child is saved from a
terrible injury, or even death, I’d say a little inconvenience is worth it! That’s my
opinion, and I’m stickin’ to it!
Susan Gardner, Safety Chairperson
15th District PTA Newsletter
Early Bird Registration for
Kentucky PTA Convention/Leadership-July 19-21, 2012
PTA/PTSA Position
Home Address
(Street Address/P.O.Box/Route)
Home Phone
State/Zip Code
Cell/Work Phone
Please check all appropriate information for registration and badge:
Voting Delegate*
Honorary Life Recognition Member
First time attending Convention/Leadership
Registration Fees:
Early Bird Registration May 1 to June 1
Pre-Registration June 2 to July 6
On Site Registration July 19 & 20
Per Person
Per Person
Per Person
$100.00 — includes meals
$150.00 — includes meals
$175.00 — no guarantee of meals
Additional meals (spouse, family/friend):
Welcome Banquet on Thursday
Life Recognition Luncheon on Friday
Luncheon on Saturday
Per Person — $30.00
Per Person — $25.00
Per Person — $20.00
(Additional meals are not guaranteed at on-site registration, so please consider ordering with early registration.)
Check if you have special dietary requirements or other special needs. Attach your request to this form.
I authorize Kentucky PTA to use my picture in any Kentucky PTA publication.
I DO NOT authorize Kentucky PTA to use my picture in any Kentucky PTA publication.
Attached check includes:
Registration(s) for Convention/Leadership
Total amount of check $
Registration(s) for additional meals
. Please make payable to Kentucky PTA.
Please mail all forms plus check to:
Kentucky PTA / P.O. Box 654 / Frankfort, KY 40602-0654
May 2012
JCPS Offers Online Support for Reading and Math
Students in grades three through eight
who need additional support in reading
and math now have a wonderful opportunity to enhance their skills. The district
provides access to online support in reading and math through two computer
programs. SuccessMaker and Study Island
are available for online use during the
school day and after school for students in
need of additional instructional time. That
means anywhere at any time!
Students can receive extra support in
reading and math connected to their daily learning at school. Both SuccessMaker
and Study Island offer an engaging, technology-based environment for instruction,
support, and encouragement for those
students who need additional help with
reading and/or math. All a student needs is
access to the Internet in order to take advantage of this resource.
All across the district, students were enrolled in SuccessMaker or Study Island
based on their individual instructional
needs in reading and/or math. Participating students can access these programs via
the Internet by visiting the JCPS homepage at and clicking on
Students at the top of the main screen.
Then the student simply clicks on the link
to Study Island or SuccessMaker. Students
log in with their district-assigned username and password. Parents can contact
their child’s school to find out more information about which program to use and
usernames and passwords.
Additionally, access to SuccessMaker and Study Island is available at many
before-/after-school Learning Place programs across the community. Parents can
visit to find a Learning
Place near their home. If parents do not
have access to a computer or the Internet,
they can call the district’s Volunteer Talent Center at 485-3710. District personnel
will be happy to assist them. We hope parents and students will use this wonderful
opportunity to support students who need
additional support in reading and/or math.
Below is more information about each
Study Island
What: SuccessMaker Reading/Math
is a dynamic software program
that individualizes students’
learning based on their demonstrated knowledge and mastery
at each learning level. It connects
with the students’ experience at
school. Concepts and skills in
reading/math are presented to
students at their learning level
while supporting them with additional instruction, helpful tools,
and targeted practice.
When: Students can access SuccessMaker anytime during and
outside of the school day for
20-minute sessions.
What: Study Island is a completely Web-based program, which
allows students to access instructional support from any computer
with an Internet connection and
a standard Web browser. Study
Island is a dynamic, self-paced
program that allows students to
have fun while they review skills
in reading, math, science, and social studies. Students will study
in standard test format or interactive game mode or by using
interactive response systems. The
program reinforces what has been
taught at school. Students earn
blue ribbons as they master the
Where: Students can access SuccessMaker via the JCPS Web site by
clicking Student and following
the SuccessMaker link.
When: Students can access Study Island
anytime during and outside of the
school day for 20- to 30-minute
Where: Students can access Study Island
via the JCPS Web site by clicking
Student and following the Study
Island link.
Students log on using their JCPS
login and password. Students
then select the curriculum course
they have been assigned for
their session—Reading and/or
Math—and work for their allotted time (typically 20 minutes).
During the time the students are
working, please allow them to
work on their own as much as
possible. The program makes adjustments, and different tools are
available based on their performance. No help from adults,
friends, brothers, or sisters allowed! The student logs out of
the program at the end of the
Students log on to Study Island using their username and
password and then select a curriculum (reading, math, science,
or social studies). Students complete a 20- to 30-minute session.
Please allow students to work
on their own. The program will
adjust to their level. Once the students complete the session, they
will log out of the program.
Technical Basics for Study Island and
The computer the students use to access
Study Island and/or SuccessMaker should
have at least these basics:
• Internet connection—DSL or higher
• PC Operating System—Windows XP,
Vista, or 7
• MAC OS—10.5 or 10.6
• Processor—2 GHz or more
• Memory—2 GB
• Java Runtime Environment (JRE)—1.5
or higher
15th District PTA Newsletter
Officers for the 2012-2013 School Year
Name of PTA/PTSA: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of President: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________________
Home Telephone: _________________________________________ Work Telephone: ______________________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of First Vice President: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________________
Home Telephone: _________________________________________ Work Telephone: ______________________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Second Vice President: _________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________________
Home Telephone: _________________________________________ Work Telephone: ______________________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Third Vice President: __________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________________
Home Telephone: _________________________________________ Work Telephone: ______________________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Fourth Vice President: _________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________________
Home Telephone: _________________________________________ Work Telephone: ______________________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Secretary: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________________
Home Telephone: _________________________________________ Work Telephone: ______________________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Treasurer: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________________
Home Telephone: _________________________________________ Work Telephone: ______________________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Please submit these names so that your officers can receive the district newsletter, and other important information.
List any other Executive Board members (elected officers) on a separate page. Please send this form to the 15th District PTA,
319 S. 15th Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40203, or send it via the Pony or e-mail to
May 2012
15th District PTA
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15th District PTA Board of Directors
Cherie Dimar
693-8104 (cell)
485-3535 (office)
Awards Chairperson
Heather McGovern
485-8300 (office)
First Vice President
Heather Wampler
671-9451 (cell)
Clothing Assistance Program
(CAP) Director
Paula Wolf
485-7062 (CAP Office)
767-3769 (cell)
Second Vice President
Eddie Squires
930-3516 (cell)
Third Vice President
Richard Gardner
499-9779 (home)
Fourth Vice President
Jesse Bray
301-9882 (cell)
Fifth Vice President
Rose Babiak
648-3698 (cell)
Kathleen Helm
290-7363 (home)
Theresa Mayfield
689-2227 (cell)
Diversity Consultant
Aneeka Ferrell
445-2656 (cell)
Exceptional Child Education (ECE)
Nikki Hockman
650-6525 (cell)
Family Resource and Youth
Services Center (FRYSC)
Carol Bartlett
485-3703 (work)
Lynn Greene
299-3038 (cell)
Male Involvement Chairperson
James Kiper
Parliamentarian, Special Projects
Chairperson, and Common Core
State Standards (CCSS) Project
Sharon Whitworth
485-7450 (work)
592-4185 (cell)
PTA Liaison
Jack Jacobs
Recycling Chairperson
Richard Gardner
499-9779 (home)
Safety Chairperson
Susan Gardner
499-9779 (home)
Scholarship Chairperson
Barb Fischer
969-8371 (home)
Web Master Consultant
Brian Wampler
671-9450 (cell)
PTA Contact
15th District PTA
Phone: 485-3535
Kentucky PTA
Phone: 226-6607
National PTA
Phone: (703) 518-1200 or
800-307-4PTA (4782)
Facebook—Get Connected!
15th District PTA
Kentucky PTA
National PTA