Colt Country News - Arlington ISD


Colt Country News - Arlington ISD
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
Colt Country News
I S S UE 1
S UMMER 2016
From the Principal’s Desk
I am so excited about the start of the school year. Last year was an
outstanding year at AHS. We had many accomplishments in the area of
academics, fine arts and athletics. Our students and teachers worked
extremely hard and I am so proud of all of our success.
This year I will send out my weekly parent message through the school
website as opposed to email. You can receive either a text or email alert to tell
you when these messages are updated.
To receive messages via text, text @arlingt to 81010.
Or to receive messages via email, send an email to
You can also follow the school on twitter @ArlingtonHigh and my own twitter
If you have any questions, please contact me through email or at
682-867-8110. Have a safe and fun rest of the summer.
Kick ‘em Colts!
Shahveer Dhalla
AHS Principal
From the PTA President’s Pen
Hi Colts! I hope everyone is having a relaxing and fun summer! I am honored and
privileged to be your PTA President for the 2016-2017 school year. We have an amazing
PTA board this year and we are all looking forward to a great year! This newsletter is chock
full of important dates for registration, Fish Camp, PTA, booster clubs and upcoming school
events. Please make sure to review and print a copy to keep handy!
The first big event for our upcoming school year is the Colt County Fair on August 23rd!
This is a great opportunity for students and parents to see all of the awesome organizations
and extracurricular activities at AHS. There will be plenty of food, games, and opportunities
to pick up Colt spirit items from your favorite clubs. Afterwards, you can join the Colt
Varsity Football Team, Band, Cheerleaders and Drill Team as they kick off the annual Colt
Stampede at 7:30 p.m. on the AHS football field!
continued on page 2
AHS PTA Newsletter Deadlines
AHS PTA Website
PTA and School Events Calendar
AHS PTA needs volunteers!
AHS PTA Reflections
AHS PTA Scholarship Information
AISD Volunteer Requirements
PTA Membership
MGM 2016 says Many Many
MGM 2017
Colt Country Fair
AHS Webstore
AISD Summer Graduation
Sports Physical Information
Counselors Corner
Summer English Reading Assignments
AHS Publications
Fall Registration
New Bell Schedule
Freshmen “Fish Camp”
Volleyball, continued
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
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Summer 2016
President’s Pen, continued from page 1 . . .
There are plenty of opportunities to get involved at AHS. I encourage you to start early by completing the
Volunteer Application on the AISD website after August 1st. Go to
Current volunteers are approved until October 15.
Please make sure to stop by the PTA table at registration because we’d love to meet you. We’ll have some great
looking spirit items for sale and as always, you are welcome to join PTA to show your support for our wonderful
students, administrators and teachers at AHS!
If you have any questions about getting involved at AHS please contact me directly. I am more
than happy to answer any questions and/or point you in the right direction.
Have a great rest of your summer!
Brian Stokes
AHS PTA President
Spirit Sales at Registration
August 8th - August 11th
New registration times—see page 11
of this newsletter!
First Day of School is August 22nd
Follow the AHS PTA on
AHS PTA Website
The PTA website contains loads of current information including the PTA Membership form, MGM 2017,
all the PTA newsletters, senior scholarship information, links to AISD Council of PTAs, Texas PTA and
National PTA, current AHS school information and much, much more!
Visit this site often to stay informed!!!
PTA Newsletter Deadlines
The AHS PTA newsletter is printed with information that is submitted by organizations and booster clubs.
Go to for information and guidelines concerning what will be included in the
newsletter and what format should be used to send your articles and pictures.
If you should have any questions please contact Lynne at If you would like to be
added to the contact list for deadline reminders, please send that information to Lynne as well.
PTA Newsletter deadline dates:
September 16th
November 4th
February 3, 2017
April 21st
and June 7th (summer 2017 edition)
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
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Summer 2016
PTA and MGM 2016-2017 Meetings
August 1
September 12
PTA Executive meeting
PTA General meeting/Fall Open House
MGM meeting
PTA Executive meeting
MGM meeting
6:30 p.m.
6:00/6:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
November 7
PTA Executive meeting
MGM meeting
6:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
December 5
NO PTA meeting
MGM meeting
PTA Executive/General meeting
MGM meeting
NO PTA meeting
MGM meeting
PTA General meeting/ Spring Open House
PTA Executive meeting
MGM meeting
6:30 p.m.
6:30/7:15 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:00/6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
October 3
January 9, 2017
February 6
March TBD
April 3
May 1
PTA Executive/General meeting
MGM meeting
Other Important Events
August 5
August 8-11 and 8/19
August 19
August 22
August 23
August 23
September 2
September 7
September 12
November 2
December 15-16
February 3, 2017
February TBD
March TBD
April 5
May 27
May 28
June 1-2
June 2
June TBA
Registration set up
9:00 a.m.
B Hall
Registration (see the schedule and information in this newsletter on page 12) AHS
PTA Teacher Luncheon
11:00 a.m.
First Day of School
7:35 a.m.
Colt Country Fair
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Colt Stampede (pep rally)
7:30 p.m.
AHS football field
Homecoming AHS vs Flower Mound Marcus
7:30 p.m.
Mandatory Booster Club President’s Meeting
6:30 p.m.
Fall Open House/PTA meeting
PTA 6:00/OH 6:30
PTA Student Achievement Breakfast
6:00 a.m.
Fall Semester Exam Days
PTA Student Achievement Breakfast
6:00 a.m.
Colt Trail Drive (for incoming 9th graders)
7:00 p.m.
Spring Open House/PTA meeting
PTA 6:00/OH 6:30
PTA Student Achievement Breakfast
6:00 a.m.
Senior Awards Night
7:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Location TBA
Mardi Gras Madness (MGM)
Spring Semester Exam Days
Last Day of School
Graduation Rehearsal/Graduation
College Park Center/UTA
Student Holidays
September 5
October 10
November 21-25
December 17—January 2
January 16
February 20
March 13-17
April 14
May 29
Labor Day
Student Holiday
Christmas/Winter Break
MLK Holiday
Presidents Day
Spring Break
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Follow AHS on Twitter
go to
Inclement Weather Makeup Days: June 5, 6
For the 2016-2017 AISD School Calendar, go to
For all Arlington High School Information, latest news and information, go to the AHS Colt Website.
Find us at
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
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Summer 2016
AHS PTA Information
AHS PTA needs you!
There are several board positions available, and your help is needed! The only requirements are that you must be an
AHS PTA member, are an approved AISD volunteer, and you are available to attend the monthly meetings of the PTA.
Please contact PTA President Brian Stokes at to find out how you can help! The students of
AHS thank you!
PTA Reflections
The PTA encourages students to pursue artistic expression through participation in its annual
arts Reflections Program. The program offers students the opportunity to create works of art for
fun and recognition by interpreting a specific theme. Students are encouraged to create and submit
works of art in six areas: literature, musical composition, photography, the visual arts, dance
choreography, and film/video. The theme for 2016-2017 is "What is Your Story?"
You may enter in more than one category. Information, entry forms and deadlines will be available
in the fall from the English classes and on the AHS PTA website at then click on Reflections.
PTA Scholarship Information
Attention Seniors and Parents of Seniors!!
To be eligible for a PTA scholarship this year the senior student and a parent MUST
be a member of the Arlington High School PTA. You may join the AHS PTA at registration.
You can use the form in this newsletter and bring it with you, or you can mail it along with
your payment to the PO Box on the form. The dues are $10.00 per person. Please don’t wait until
March when the scholarship applications are due to take care of this very important detail.
Volunteer Information
Your current volu
nteer approval en
ds on
October 15th. H
owever, you may
begin to
re-apply beginnin
g August 1st to
be on the
AISD approved lis
t for 2016-2017
AISD requires that you must be an approved volunteer before
you can volunteer in any capacity at school. This includes
volunteering for PTA, MGM, booster clubs, etc. There is a
student application as well for students volunteering with PALS,
etc. All volunteers may begin the application process
beginning August 1st. You may go online to to download the volunteer
form. The application is easy and takes about 5 minutes, but the approval time takes awhile, so take care of this
Please note that a clear copy of your drivers license is a part of the application process. Please follow the directions
online to complete the application. If you were approved for the last school year, be sure to follow the specific
directions for returning volunteers. Go to for information to find the application.
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
Summer 2016
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AHS PTA Membership
Please join the AHS PTA!! It’s a bargain price of 10.00 per member! Senior parents must be members of PTA to be able to help
with MGM, so join now before you forget! The PTA is selling spirit items and commemorative bricks, and you also have the
opportunity to make donations to the hospitality funds. Please use the form below to join the PTA and make those donations. Turn
this form in with payment during registration, or mail the form with payment to the address listed on the bottom of this form.
Vanessa Maynard, 1st VP/ Membership
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
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Summer 2016
MGM 2016 says Many, Many Thanks!!!
MGM was a great success!! Approximately 400 students attended and enjoyed great music, lots of food, a
variety of games, a mechanical bull, and much, much more. They got to race on a double bungee and obstacle course,
and were entertained by an awesome DJ! The students won raffle prizes in the MGM raffle room where there was
over $5000 worth of raffle prizes to choose from. Finally, 12 college scholarships were awarded in the wee hours
of the morning.
The 2016 MGM Committee would like to thank the Senior parents who volunteered to help. Their hard work and
dedication to make this an awesome event for our students was very much appreciated! We would also like to thank
all the businesses, organizations, parents, and friends whose contributions helped make MGM 2016 a great success.
MGM was an event that took a year to achieve, but will last a lifetime in our memories and those of our 2016
graduates! Thank you again for supporting MGM!
Laura Perkins, 7th VP/MGM and Lynne Barnes, Assistant/Advisor to MGM
Business Donations
Dr. Alexander Orthodontics
Bowen Road Animal Hospital
Cooper Street Bakery
DFW Flooring Warehouse
El Chico
Green’s Produce
Kenner’s Kolaches
LRG Associates
Mobile Sound Systems
Pantego Lions Club
Starbucks on Bowen/Park Row
The Runner
Six Flags Over Texas
Southwest Bank
Texas Mastercraft
John B. Witte, DDS
Alley Cats
Dr. Barbre Orthodontics
Chicken Express/Cooper St by AHS
David’s BBQ
Suzann and Donald Dixon
Farrell Animal Hospital
Karrousel Dance Club (Bailey Jr. High)
Laser Rejuvenation
Mr. Jim’s Pizza
Optimist Club of Arlington
Piccolo Mondo
Starbucks on Cooper by AHS
The Salon at Vought
W. Gordon Smyth, D.V.M., P.C.
Subway at Bowen/Park Row
Wade Family Funeral Home
Dr. Marian Zinnante, OB/GYN
AHS Booster Clubs
School PTAs
AHS Band
AHS Football
AHS Orchestra
AHS Swimming
AHS Wrestling
Bailey Jr. High PTA
Gunn Jr. High PTA
Duff Elementary PTA
Dunn Elementary PTA
Hill Elementary PTA
Swift Elementary PTA
Businesses who supported MGM through Fundraisers
Anything Goes
Arlington Flower Company
Chop House Burgers
Dairy Queen
Kendra Scott Jewelry
Mike’s Ice Cream
Munson Cox Photogra
Prespa’s Pasta and Pizza
Steele City Pops
As you patronize these businesses,
please thank them for their ongoing
support of Arlington High,
the PTA and MGM!
MGM says . . .
Thank you Shahveer Dhalla for everything you do for PTA and MGM, but most of all your constant support!!
Thank you Jason Fitzgerald for graciously taking our calls and getting everything we needed!
Thank you Terrie Bjorklund and Lori Berney for knowing everything about everything and always being so willing to help!!
Thank you AHS Security Norbert, Brian, and Ramona for staying all night and being so very helpful!
Thank you AHS SRO Officer Jason Stevens for being on duty all night!!
Thank you Orchestra Directors Andrew Goins, Felix Torres and Katie McInturf for moving all the chairs, stands and stuff out
of the orchestra hall so the hall could be used for the raffle room.
Thank you AHS Cafeteria Manager Joe for use of the warmer.
Thank you to the administration, faculty and staff of AHS for all your support throughout the year
We couldn’t have done it without you!!!
The Class of 2016 wishes the Class of 2017 much success with their After Prom Party!
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
Summer 2016
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MGM 2017 - After Prom Party
Calling all Senior Parents - Your help is needed for MGM After Prom Party 2017!!!!!
Mardi Gras Madness (MGM) is the official PTA After Prom Party that is organized by senior
parents and held at Arlington High School. This year will be Arlington High’s 29th Mardi Gras Madness.
The purpose of the MGM is to provide an alcohol and drug free place where our kids can be safe, hang
out with their friends, and have fun after the prom. The party begins at midnight after prom on
May 28th and will last until 5:30 a.m.
AHS hallways and gyms are amazingly transformed by an army of Senior parents into a New
Orleans/Mardi Gras carnival type atmosphere with decorations, games, prizes, food and entertainment,
all for our seniors and their guests.
Your senior does not have to attend the prom to participate in MGM
Senior parents – MGM is part of the AHS PTA and is governed by AHS PTA Bylaws and Guidelines.
In order to participate or volunteer in any capacity with MGM, you must join the AHS PTA. There are
no family memberships. If both parents are participating, each parent must join the PTA. Also, if your
student is interested in applying for a PTA scholarship, they must also be a member of the PTA.
In order to volunteer the night of MGM, senior parents must help throughout the year. Attend
meetings and sign up to serve on a committee. There are big jobs and small jobs available, and you will
find something to fit your schedule.
As you can imagine, this takes a lot of planning, preparation, time and money. In order to put on
a good party, we have a large budget, and it is up to the senior parents to raise this money. Please
contact us for more information and see where you can help. Many hands make light tasks.
Your current AISD volunteer approval is valid through October 15, 2016. AISD will begin
accepting applications for the new school year on August 1.
There are three things you must do to be a part of MGM:
1. Join PTA 2. Become an approved volunteer 3. Attend meetings and serve on a committee
Serving on a committee isn't as hard as it sounds. There are lots of small jobs and some are as fun
as making masks or working at a fundraiser. Go to the PTA website at, click on
MGM 2017, and on that page click on MGM job descriptions and you will see what each MGM position is
all about. Let us know where you would like to help!
If you would like to receive email updates, please email your email address and phone number to
MGM 7th VP Nancy Ward 817-300-3282
MGM Assistant Tammie Bryant 817-690-7716
The first MGM meeting is on Monday, September 12 at 8:00 p.m., in the
cafeteria, immediately following Open House. Bring $10.00 to join the PTA.
Plan to attend and find out what MGM is all about!! See you then!
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
Summer 2016
Page 8
Colt Country Fair
Colt Country Fair will be on Tuesday, August 23rd, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Organizations must
register to let PTA know number of tables needed, if electricity is needed, and what items you will be
selling. Some items will be sold on a first come/first registered basis, so send your forms in early!
Registration forms are available at You may bring the form with
payment and turn it in at registration, or mail the form with payment to AHS PTA, PO Box 13066,
Arlington, 76094. Please make all checks to the AHS PTA.
Deadline to register is August 19th
The Colt Stampede will begin at 7:30 p.m. immediately following Colt Country Fair. All Stampede
activities will be held on the AHS football field.
AHS has a Web Store!
It is now possible for you make AHS payments from the convenience of your home! Pay activity fees,
dues, fines, trip payments, fundraising payments, and much more! Go to and on the left of the
home page click on the Colt Button to the AHS webstore. The first time you go there you will have to set up
an account, but after that, you will be able to click on any category listed to pay what you need to pay! Check
it out!!
Summer Graduation Ceremony
AISD Summer Graduation will be held on August 9th at 6:00 p.m. at UTA Texas Hall
Sports Physical Information
Attention Student Athletes!!
You must have your sports physical completed and the form turned in BEFORE you can
begin participation in any practice or sport at AHS.
There is a new way to take care of all paperwork involved with playing sports at AHS.
To find all the required forms, go to
and follow the directions on the site. There are several forms to be completed online by parents and
Some forms can be completed online, but the physical form must be printed to take to the doctor for the
required physical and signatures, so it can’t be completed online.
The completed physical form is to be turned in to the Athletic Trainer at AHS. Take care of this
paperwork and get your physical scheduled early. Students will not be allowed to begin any practices or
participate in any games if this paperwork is not done first!
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
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Summer 2016
Counselor’s Corner
We look forward to a great year COLTS!
Here is some information for all students –
New Student Registration: August 1 – August 4
Monday, August 8 – Seniors
Tuesday, August 9 – Juniors
Wednesday, August 10 – Sophomores
Thursday, August 11 – Freshmen
Thursday, August 11—Grades 9-12
Friday, August 19 – Grades 9-12
4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - Noon
4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - Noon
Please note the times!
They are different from
years past!!!
Remember : Before schedule card pick-up students will need to complete InfoSnap. You will also need
proof of residency (current Gas, Water & Electric bills showing a service address/no older than 30 days old.)
Leases are accepted if all bills are paid. (“All bills paid” must show on the lease).
Check out required Summer Assignments for PAP/AP classes on the Arlington High School website
( page and AHS counselor page) or see the info below.
Begin your Test Prep now! ACT has ACT Online Prep, The Real ACT Prep Guide, ACT Question of the Day,
as well as sample test questions, test tips, and test descriptions all available FREE at
Also, the College Board and Khan Academy have teamed up to provide world-class practice tools to all students for FREE. and can be accessed from any
computer with Internet access. Full-length practice tests as well as thousands of practice questions! Keep
your brain active and your skills sharp this summer by getting a head start on practice for the ACT and SAT.
Keep an eye on the Arlington High School website, twitter (@counselingcolts) and Facebook
(AHSCounselingDepartment) for any new information.
Pre AP/IB and AP English Summer Reading
Students who are taking Pre-AP/IB or AP English next school year will need book(s) and
summer assignment handouts for the following:
Information and handouts are on the AHS website. On the homepage go up to “Departments” then “English,”
or e-mail, or check with a counselor.
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
Summer 2016
Page 10
AHS Publications
2017 Yearbook Early Bird Pricing
• The 2017 yearbooks are on sale NOW!
• Get the best and lowest price of the year, only $45.
• Order online at, order #10016.
• This low price is good from June 1-August 21. When school starts, the price will increase
to $55.
• The supplement for the 2016 yearbook will be available in B202 when school starts. If you
purchased a 2016 yearbook, come by and pick up the supplement for no charge. (The
supplement includes PuffBowl, SpikeFest, and spring senior events.)
Class of 2017 Yearbook Senior Ads
• Senior ads in the yearbook are a great way to tell your child you are proud of what they have
accomplished and to wish them all the best in the future.
• Ads come in a variety of sizes and prices range from $100-300.
• The deadline to purchase a senior ad is 1/31/17 but don’t delay.
• Contact Emily Miller,, for more information.
Senior Yearbook Photos
• Seniors must have their picture taken by Lifetouch Photography to be included in the yearbook.
• Lifetouch Photography will be taking pictures on campus July 11 and 12, and September 12
and 13.
• Watch your mailbox for more information.
Put Your Photos in the Yearbook
• The yearbook will need photos of students enjoying their summer break.
• A vacation outside of Arlington, a staycation at home, summer camp, or even two-a-days –
we just want to see them having fun.
• Upload your photos at, order #10016
Questions? Contact Emily Miller for information, or 682-867-6496.
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Summer 2016
2016-2017 Parking Permits
Parking Permits may be purchased at Registration. Permits for non-reserved parking spaces are $45. Reserved spaces
will be $60. Students with a reserved permit may paint their parking spaces, but not until the space is paid for. Proceeds
from reserved permits fund a senior scholarship.
In order to purchase a parking permit at Registration, students MUST have the following:
1) Student’s Drivers license
2) Student ID
3) Proof of current Insurance showing the car (make, model, color, and year) the student will be driving
4) Vehicle license plate number
5) Payment (make checks payable to AISD)
Reserved spaces = $60, Non-reserved spaces = $45
After Registration week permits may be purchased from Mrs. Zimmerman in the Main Office. Be sure to bring the
required information listed above.
spaces may
not be
until they
are paid
Before registration remember to complete InfoSnap
AHS August Registration
All students need Proof of Address:
A rental lease with occupants listed or current
utility bill from the residence; (a phone bill or
drivers license is not proof of address) or a
residency affidavit if the parent or guardian is
living with a friend or relative.
Immunizations must be up to date, and
all outstanding fines must be paid prior to
picking up schedules.
For complete registration information and to see
immunizations requirements, go to and
under Current News click on 2016-2017
Dates to pick up AHS Schedule Cards
4:00 p.m.— 7:00 p.m. Seniors
4:00 p.m.— 7:00 p.m. Juniors
4:00 p.m.— 7:00 p.m. Sophomores
8:00 a.m.— Noon
4:00 p.m.— 7:00 p.m. All Grades
8:00 a.m.— Noon
Freshmen will
have a chance
to locate their
lockers and
classrooms at
this time!
Grades 9-12
PTA, AHS organizations and Booster Clubs will
have spirit items for sale during registration week
August 8th - 11th
Booster Club and Organization Registration Set-up
Set-up for Registration will be on Friday, August 5th, from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and
also on Monday beginning at 9:00 a.m. for all organizations
wishing to sell spirit items
Please email AP Matt Waldmann your request for a table prior to that time so he can
reserve your table
Secure storage will be available in classrooms beginning on Friday 8/5
and each day during registration
Registration will start in the cafeteria and spirit sales will be in B hall
Volunteers - if you are helping
with registration you must be on
the AISD approved list. You may
apply after August 1 at
If you are a 2015-2016 approved
volunteer your approval is good
until October 15th.
Colt Baseball is the
only organization that
sells the Green &
White Horseshoe
window decals!!
The building will be open early on Monday, August 8th, for Volunteers who are
helping with Registration and Spirit Sales
For further information, contact Assistant Principal Matt Waldmann
at 682-867-8116 or
****** Booster Clubs and Organizations MUST get their spirit items approved before selling them.
Please contact Principal Shahveer Dhalla or Assistant Principal Jason Davis to get that approval.******
Email Mr. Dhalla at for spirit item approval
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
Summer 2016
Page 12
New Bell Schedule for Fall
AHS will have a new bell schedule beginning this fall. AHS will have block scheduling and the Plus Period,
but the schedule includes some additional time added to the day. Lunch will be based on grade levels when
possible with 9th graders having their own lunch period and 10-12 graders eating at a different time.
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Summer 2016
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Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
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Summer 2016
AHS Organizations and Booster Clubs
AHS Orchestra
We finished the spring semester with a New York themed orchestra banquet organized by Tara Brecht.
Special thanks to all of the parents who helped decorate, set up and make this fun-filled event possible.
We recognized many students for their hard work and commitment to the AHS Orchestra program, said
goodbye to our seniors, and welcomed this year’s new orchestra officers.
Congratulations to the 2016 – 2017 Orchestra Student Officers:
President: Lyndsey Walker
Junior VP: Hannah Lei
Librarians: Laura Britton and Kimmy Pool
Social Chairpersons: Louisa Ivey and Melissa Snow
Senior VP: Ben Mexquitic
Secretary: Alex Olivas
Historians: Lillian Mechlam and Allissa Darby
Sophomore Rep: Sandra Granados
As most of us know, working at the Dean and DeLuca (formerly Colonial) Golf Tournament each spring
is one of the orchestra’s most successful fundraisers. Special thanks to Kim Hays for once again turning this
fundraiser into such a success. Thanks to the many parents, students, teachers and friends who got involved
and worked at this year’s tournament. We could not have done it without your help!!! A million thanks!!
Dates to remember: (a complete list of all orchestra and booster club events will be on
August 20
Boot Camp
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Keefer Orchestra Hall
August 23
Colt Country Fair
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. AHS Cafeteria
September 6
Mandatory Student/Parent Meeting 7:00 p.m.
AHS Auditorium
September 10 Registration/Uniform pickup Day
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Keefer Orchestra Hall
September 16 Howdy Party
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Pantego Bicentennial Park
September 26 Booster Club Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Keefer Orchestra Hall
For a complete list of all events, dates and times for the year, and for details concerning all the orchestra
events, please attend the Parent Meeting on September 6th.
Here’s hoping everyone is having a terrific summer and looking forward to an exciting new school year!!
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
Summer 2016
Page 15
The AHS Colt Band had another wonderful year under the direction of Mr. Hejny, Mr. Burum, Mr. Hervey,
and Mr. Lowe. In mid-May we had several students earn State Medals. Silver Medalists are Brian Nyaberi
and Madeline Gammage. Gold Medalists are Devin Favara, Hayden Harder, Emma Blinn, Katy Caves,
Lauren Miller, Madeline Gammage and Justin Honea.
We are looking forward to another successful year with incoming freshman and the visual ensemble rounding
out our marching band. Our welcome goes out to our newest members. Fish camp exposed our incoming
freshmen to marching band and the camaraderie that comes with it.
Our annual family picnic was June 25 at Woodland West Park. It was a great place to catch up on summer
plans and welcome the incoming freshman and their families Parade camp was June 27-July 1 in preparation for
the City of Arlington July 4th Parade.
We hope everyone is able to enjoy the July break. Summer Band starts up again on August 1. Here is the rest
of the summer AHS Colt Band Summer schedule:
August 1-18
Band Camp for 2016-17
August 6
Mandatory Get Fit Day
August 18
Camp Thurman
August 19
Last day of summer! Take the day off!
August 22
First day of school
August 23
Colt County Fair and Pep Rally
August 25
First Football Game, First halftime performance
For up to date information about the AHS Colt Band visit
Follow us on Facebook! AHS Colt Band Booster Club
The Boosters would like to welcome and congratulate the 2016-2017 Drum Majors
Head Drum Major: Kamryn Leary Senior Drum Major: Tegan Chin Junior Drum Major: Lauren Miller
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
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Summer 2016
Two FFA members, Kelly Kowis and Ally Jerome, will be receiving the highest FFA degree awarded
at the state level…..the State Lone Star FFA Degree at the State FFA convention held at the Dallas
Convention Center in July.
Kelly Kowis
Ally Jerome
Along with Kelly and Ally our new FFA Officer team will participate at the State Convention in July.
These Chapter Officers are:
President…………..Meghan Barnes
Secretary…………..Emma Faulkenberry
Treasurer…………. Ben Roy
Student Advisor…...Alex Mersmann
Vice President……..Dave Saenz
Reporter…………...Dusty Tinney
Sentinel……………Dawson Lowe
August is the start of a new year with our annual FFA Chapter Officer Leadership camp at Lake Whitney.
The officers will lay out our new program of activities and calendar for our FFA members for 2016-2017
school year. They will create new leadership activities for our FFA meetings along with learning new
officer leadership responsibilities during a fun filled three days.
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Summer 2016
Summer Open Gym Dates: 5:30 - 7:30 -July 7, July 11 (TGCA All-Star), July 19, July 26
Monday, July 18 - Thursday, July 21: I Dig Volleyball All-Skills Camp (see flyer for details)
Monday, July 18 - Wednesday, July 20: I Dig Volleyball Specialty Camp (see flyer for details)
Friday, July 29 and Saturday, July 30: Team Camp - $75, checks made to Diane Seymour
Both Days:9 - 11:30 am & 1 - 3:30 pm
Before you run or tryout you MUST have a physical turned in. This year’s additional paperwork must be submitted online!!!!!!!!!!! Get your physical
done early!!!! If you do not have a physical you are not allowed to do any activity until one is on file with the coach or school!
You may not, at all, participate without a physical!
Lady Colt Team Selection Information: Week One Outlook
Monday, August 1: Team Selections
Returners from 2016:12:01 Midnight Mile - AHS Track, run mile
9:30 - 11:30am (Gym A)
1:30 - 2:30 Setters & Middles ONLY ( Gym B)
2:30 - 4:30pm (Gym A)
All New Incoming Players:6:30 am - AHS Track, run mile
7:30 - 9:30am (Gym B)
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to register,
especially if you haven't turned in a COMPLETE physical.
Physicals can be turned in at ANY BC Meeting or CVB event
(open gyms, camps, etc.) It is vital that you also complete
your online information but your physical MUST BE turned
into one of the VOLLEYBALL coaches before you are allowed to to participate!
1:30 - 2:30 Setters & Middles ONLY ( Gym B)
2:30 - 4:30pm (Gym B)
Tuesday, August 2: Team Selections
All Players :6:30 - 7:30 Conditioning (AHS Track)
8 - 10:00am: Tryouts
12 - 1:00pm: Setters & Outside/Right Side Hitters
1:00 - 3:00pm Tryouts
Wednesday, August 3: Team Selections
All Players :6:30 - 7:30 Conditioning (Gym A stations)
5:00 - 6:00pm: Setters & Defensive Specialist ONLY
(Gym B)
6:00 - 8:00pm: Tryouts
Teams posted at 8:30 pm!!
Players selected to a team will be given a
RSVP card for the Kick-Off Dinner Friday.
Must be returned at 8am meeting!
Thursday, August 4: Practice Day
All Teams:8:30am - CVB Player Meeting (Rules & Expectations)
FRA:9 - 11am, Gym B
FRB:9 - 11am, Gym B
JV:Gym A, 9 - 11pm; Gym B, 3-5:00pm
V:Gym B, 9 -12pm; Gym A, 2 - 5:00pm
Players will be handed out equipment
at the end of 1st practice session
Shoe Fitting:
Players will be able to order shoes
(pay when order, details soon)
(weight room/individuals @ morning session)
Friday, August 5:
Scrimmages @ Bedford JH @ 9:00am; bus leaves at
Scrimmages @ LD Bell @ 9:00am; bus leaves at
Scrimmages @ LD Bell @ 9:00am; bus leaves at
& KICK-OFF Dinner!
AHS Cafe @ 6pm - $10/guest
Saturday, August 6:
Varsity:Scrimmages @ AHS beginning at 9am - Varsity on court by 8am for warm-up
JV:Scrimmages @ AHS, must set up nets in Gym D for play; arive at 7:30am - warm-up at 8am
Freshmen:Scrimmages @ AHS beginning at 12:30pm - Be at school by 11:30 for warm-up
Arlington High School PTA Newsletter
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Summer 2016
Volleyball, continued . . .
Week Two Outlook: August 8 - 13
Monday, August 8:
AHS Registration for SR
Freshmen: 8:00 a.m. Photos - Site TBD
10 - 11:30pm, Gym B
See Flyer for Details!
See Flyer for Details!
Tuesday, August 9:
Wednesday, August 10:
Thursday, August 11:
JV: 8:00 a.m. Photos - Site TBD
10 - 11:30pm, Gym B
V: 11:30 - 2:30pm, Gym A
6:30pm Photo Shoot @ Texas Motor
AHS Registration for JR
Pre-season Match
AHS @ Marcus
Varsity: Team Walk-Through 9 - 10:30am
5:00pm: JV & FRA
6:00pm: V & FRB
Bus leaves Gym A @ 3:00pm
AHS Registration for SOPH
Freshmen: Gym B, 8 - 10am
JV: Gym B, 10a - 12p, 2 - 4pm
Varsity: Gym A, 10a - 12p, 2 - 4pm
AHS Registration for FR
Mansfield Varsity Tournament
FR: Gym B, 8 - 10am
Afternoon Pool Play: Times TBA
JV: Gym A, 8 - 10am
Meet at AHS and bus to site
Meet TBD
Friday, August 12:
JV: Gym A, 8 - 10:00 am
FR: AHS @ Seguin
Bus leaves Gym A @ 4:15
Saturday, August 13:
FR and JV team REST!
Mansfield Varsity Tournament
Afternoon Pool Play: Times TBA
Meet at AHS and bus to site
Meet TBD
Mansfield Varsity Tournament
Morning Bracket Play: Times TBA
Meet at AHS and bus to site
Meet TBD