Friday 9th September
Friday 9th September
All Saints Church of England (C) Primary School’s Friday 9th September HEADTEACHER’S & OF THE WEEK DIARY DATES The first celebration assembly starts on Friday 16th September. Red Bronze Silver Cup 5/6.9.11 INSET Silver 6.9.11 New intake meeting 6pm Gold 7.9.11 Back to school 12.9.11 C1,2,3 visit from Twycross team 13.9.11 PTA AGM Horseshoe Inn, Tatenhill. 19.9.11 GROUP 1 Swimming starts 22.9.11 Star Foundation collection 22.9.11 Ziggy Zaggy Project. Whole school assembly and class 4 work. 29.9.11 PTA social event 29.9.11— Book Fair. Details to 4.10.11 follow. 7.10.11 Harvest Service 9am. 9.10.11 Harvest Family Service . School children involved. 10.10.11 Governors 7pm 12.10.11 Open Morning 12.10.11 C4 to council offices 21.10.11 Break Up 31.10.11 Back to School 9.11.11 Academy Photographs 11.11.11 Rhema Theatre Group 14.11.11 Sing up Town Hall 16.11.11 Parent Consultations 5.12.11 Last swimming session 7.12.11 Christmas Lunch 8.12.11 Pantomime 11.12.11 Children’s Kitchen 14.12.11 KS1 nativity pm KS2 Carol Service 7pm. 15.12.11 Christmas Party 16.12.11 Break Up Bronze Cup Gold Cup OF THE WEEK WELCOME BACK A huge welcome to everyone. We hope that you have had a lovely summer break with your families and that your children are rested and ready for a new and exciting term. Staff have had a good rest and have prepared a very exciting and challenging curriculum for our run up to Christmas. I apologise in advance for the length of this newsletter, it is simply because there is so much to pull together at the beginning of term, your understanding is greatly appreciated. SCHOOL / CLASS INFORMATION BOOKLET In order to provide you with the most up to date information and expectations for the 2011 – 2012 academic year including class specifics, please find enclosed a whole school and class information to parents booklet. I know it seems a lot but we regularly get questions about all of these items and we do hope that you find this a useful document to keep on the fridge for reference. FORMS We have also enclosed our new year forms for you to sign and send back. I know it is a large pack but it is all necessary! Please return by Friday 23rd September or sooner if you have the time. (Particularly as this holds imperative contact and medical information which we may need immediately). Please note, forms are per child, not per family. Thank you. DATA COLLECTION SHEET In order for us to have up to date contact information and to create our emergency / snow tree for this academic year, please find enclosed a copy of the data we hold for your child. Please check this is correct and make any changes necessary sending it back to school by Friday 23th September or sooner if you have the time. Thank you. IMPORTANT TUCK INFORMATION We have a child with a nut allergy in KS1 and so we are asking that you are mindful not to send in tuck which contains actual nuts such as pots of nuts, cereal bars etc. We appreciate that many items say that they may contain nuts or produced in a factory with nuts, this is not something we expect everyone to control, just items with nuts in. Thank you for your understanding. VERY IMPORTANT CHANGES — KS2 SWIMMING Because we have too many children to go swimming each week we have had to alter the groupings. Your child has been put into a group, either group 1, 2 or 3. This information has been put in your child’s home school communication diary, please check it. Please ensure you ignore the information in the event calendar and use the following dates. Swimming changes continued5.. Group 1 – 19th Sept, 26th Sept, 3rd Oct, 10th Oct, 31st Oct, 7th Nov, 14th Nov Group 2 – 21st Nov, 28th Nov, 5th Dec, 9th Jan, 17th Jan, 23rd Jan, 6th Feb Group 3 – 30th Jan, 20th Feb, 27th Feb, 5th Mar, 12th Mar, 19th Mar A separate letter with this information and which provides information about goggles is also enclosed. EVENT CALENDAR UPDATE Oops. If you have put all the dates from the calendar into your diary, the parents evening in March is Wednesday 7th not Tuesday 6th, sorry. BIRTHDAY INFORMATION TO GO HOME We always send out the birthday list with children's birthdays (to replace the information which used to go on the calendar). We always ask your permission if we can add your child’s name and birthday to this list which goes to all families. Please let us know by Thursday 15th if you do not want this information to go out. Thank you. HOMEWORK You will notice that we have identified in your class information that we will be sending home weekly mathematics homework in KS2 and fortnightly in KS1. This will always be sent out on a Monday and collected on a Monday. This change has been due to feedback from families and we hope that you are able to plan in time for your child to complete this homework. This does not replace our projects which will be termly. Please make sure you read with your child on a daily basis. Maths homework will not be returned to you but staff will use the work to help them plan further teaching for your child. SCHOOL DINNERS We have been asked by Parentpay to pass their apologies on to you for the problems this week. The start of a new year is always extremely busy and this causes overload on their servers. Hopefully you should now be able to access your accounts to pay dinner money. A full half term is £69.30, £10.50 a week or £2.10 a day and dinner money should always be paid in advance at the start of the week and NOT on the day they are staying unless you decide the night before or make an impromptu change. If you have lost your menu you can always access this through the school website, http:// (through newsletters / lunch menu click here). To check which week we are on please look at the dates at the top of each week or directly from the county council site at schoolsandcolleges/cateringservice/cateringforprimaryschools/ primarycateringlunchbunchmenu/Primaryselectsummerautumn11.pdf PTA A very warm welcome to parents, pupils and staff at the beginning of this new school year, especially to those who are new to All Saints. All Saints’ PTA is the Parent Teacher Association to which all parents and members of staff automatically belong. Its aim is to bring the school community together through fundraising events which will benefit the pupils and to have a bit of fun at the same time! Our first meeting is the PTA AGM next Tuesday, 13th September at 7.30pm at the Horseshoe Inn in Tatenhill. Included on the agenda will be a review of last year’s events and the 2011/12 PTA Committee election. All welcome! Any parent can stand for election and we always welcome new volunteers, Mail: whether they are able to help on a regular basis or by donating an hour or two of their time for a specific activity – every bit of support helps! If you’d like to find out more about the role of the PTA Committee or about how you can help the PTA in other ways, please feel free to contact me or any other member of the committee. For new parents: our names, roles and faces are on the PTA section of the school’s website and posted on the wall in the main corridor. We will also be holding a PTA social event on 29 September 2011 open to everyone - a great opportunity to meet other parents. Keep an eye out in the next newsletter for more details. Thanks, Ken, PTA Chair Mobile: 077717148923 SAFETY REMINDER Please remember to remind your child to be careful when they come running down the drive that they must stop at the white gate. Please keep an eye on your child whilst chatting outside school as the road is very easy to run into and whilst we are dong everything in our power to get it changed, it is a 40mph zone. STAR FOUNDATION You will have receive a flyer about our next star foundation collection with this newsletter. Our next collection is Thursday 22nd September 2011, please bring in as much clothing, shoes, belts, hats, bed linen, bags books & cd/dvd’s (these have to be originals in cases) these will be collected by the end of the school day. Thank you. PRIVACY NOTICE - DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 Please find enclosed an A5 privacy notice. This is something we must share with you on an annual basis and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. RASCALS BREAKFAST & AFTER SCHOOL CLUB Welcome back! It’s been great to see you all after the long holiday. We can’t believe how much some children have grown! Just a reminder we are open for breakfast from 7.30am and our after school club runs from 3.15pm until 6pm every day. Thank you to those who have registered with us for another year & have returned their ‘Registration’ forms. If you would like your child to attend Rascals at any time, please can you make sure you have registered with us. We are unable to care for children without this information. If you have any queries, please email, call or pop in and see us. Many thanks, Kate Betts 07817 553368 Email: YEAR 6 SCHOOL ADMISSIONS INFORMATION EVENT FOR YEAR 6 PARENTS School Choice Advice Service Soon after your child starts in year 6 at primary school you will be invited to apply for their secondary school place. If you have older children already attending a secondary school, or if your preferred school is your local school, you will still need to apply. You could risk losing a place at your preferred school if you do not apply. Choosing a secondary school for your child can be a stressful and confusing time, so preparing yourself early for the transfer will give you that extra time you may need to consider all your options. The School Choice Advice Service can provide you with individual support and guidance so that you can make the most informed choice of school for your child. The service is independent, impartial and free. How can the School Choice Adviser help? • Explain the admissions process for different schools • Provide you with information to allow you to see how well the school is performing • Provide details on a school’s specialism • Provide information on school policies such as bullying and special educational needs • Advice on eligibility for school transport • Explain which schools have been oversubscribed in recent years • Help you to make your application either online, by telephone or by paper copy. • Advice on how to apply for a school place outside of Staffordshire • Discuss all options available to you • Provide advice and support with the appeals process Sunday 11th September 2011 11.15am. To help parents with the process there will be an informal open afternoon on Wednesday 14 September 2011, at Queen Street Community Centre, Burton. DE14 3LW from 3.00pm until 5.00pm. Parents are invited to attend the above event where there will be a talk to explain the school admissions and appeals process. Parents will also have the opportunity to ask questions. If you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail—particularly good to see the photographs and colour, please contact the school office at This is an online database of services School information can be provided in different languages, large print, simple text only or Braille. Please speak to Mrs. Gethin if you have a particular requirement Disclaimer: We are proud to have a newsletter which shares information with you for our parish, village, WI, social club, Rascals and our local communities. We do try to vet all items which go into school bags and unless you are notified, are not paid to provide this information. We do not necessarily endorse and we cannot be held responsible for the validity or content of external information.