Region 4 Reports


Region 4 Reports
Region 4 Reports
Serving Grays Harbor, Lewis,
Mason, Pacific & Thurston
Washington State Parent Teacher’s Association
Region Director’s Message by Espie Badillo-DiIorio, Region Director
Nov/Dec 2012
What’s Inside:
I want to start with congratulations and a huge thank you to Washington State PTA’s own Bill Williams,
our Executive Director for the last five years. Mr. Williams will retire in December and his departure’s
sure to be bittersweet as he’s been a huge driving force in Washington State PTA. His commitment to
children and education is long standing in our local community, state and around the nation. In addition
to PTA, his volunteerism efforts to improve education spans over twenty five years including Washington State School Directors Association and as a champion member of the North Thurston Public
Schools school board. He is a extraordinary person to know because no matter who you are he is eager to know you - I believe that is one of his amazing attributes, besides his beautiful wife Maxine, their
three daughters and grandchildren. I have no doubt Bill Williams will continue his devotion to the children of Washington State in whatever capacity he deems necessary. He has been a mentor for so many
of us in PTA and his commitment to our children is what makes him a true champion.
Legislative Report
Outreach Leg. Assembly
Scholarship Opportunity
10 Reasons to Vote
Programs Update
I want to offer congratulations also to the following PTA’s for completing their by-law training:
Chambers Prairie, Chehalis, Elma, Garfield, Grapeview, Horizons, Komachin, Lacey, Lakes, Lydia Hawk,
McCleary, McKenna, Mossyrock, Mt. View, Peter G. Schmidt, Pioneer 4.3.30, Pioneer 4.4.45, Olympic
View, Roosevelt, South Bay, Tenino, and Tumwater Hill.
If your local unit has not completed by-law training please visit
PTA_&_the_Law_1213.pdf to find any upcoming trainings.
Please contact your Region 4 Director to make these arrangements at or call (360) 970-9180.
See you all soon!
Membership by Kim Rohr, Membership Chair
Every member matters! Membership is an ongoing process, continually
seek new members throughout the year. Review your membership numbers
from last year and set goals to meet or exceed that number this year. Some
ideas - involve students, encourage male involvement and put the T back in
PTA. November 15th is the final due date for the 100% Teacher Award.
WSPTA has many members who have not activated their membership
cards. If you haven’t sent membership cards to your members please do so
right away. If you have, please send a reminder to your members.
If you have not sent submitted membership fees due October 25th, please
send them to the state office right away.
Congratulations to our 17 Region 4 local units that earned the Bronze level
Award for enrolling 50% of the previous year's membership by the deadline.
November 8
Deadline for WSPTA officer
November 15
Deadline for submitting proposed resolutions
December 1
McCleary PTA Craft Fair
December 6
Region 4 Cookie Exchange
3821 Woodlawn Drive SE
Olympia, WA 98501
December 8
PTA Craft Fairs at:
Evergreen Forest Elementary
Komachin Middle School
January 24
Focus Day
State Capital Campus
May 3-5
WSPTA Convention
Hyatt Hotel, Bellevue, WA
Washington State PTA - Region 4
Region 4 Reports
Page 2
Legislative Report by Elizabeth Rogers, Legislative Chair
Boy oh Boy what a weekend….What weekend you ask?
2 Days in Seattle at Legislative Assembly.
May decisions were made, many voices were heard.
Champions for children in the room.
With all this said, here are the results of the weekend.
In all, 14 issues made the short-term platform. Returning
to the Top 5: Fund Education First. Closing the Opportunity Gaps moved up from "also supported" status in
2012. New Top 5 issues call for revenue and supports to
nurture, attract and retain highly effective teachers.
WSPTA's priorities for the 2013/2014 legislative sessions:
1. Advance Basic Education Reforms
2. Fund Education First
3. Closing the Opportunities Gap
4. Revenue for Kids
5. Access to Highly Effective Teachers
The other issues that were voted on and passed but did
not make the "top 5" are (listed alphabetically):
Access, Opportunity and Equity for Special Education
Access to Algebra in Middle School
Access to Quality Early Learning
Great Family Engagement in Every School
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
School Zone Signage
Screening and Support for Struggling Readers
Social Emotional Learning
Training to Support Highly Capable Learners
So now it is time for all of us, with the support of all our
members, to fight for these issues.
The kids are our future and need our support to fight for
what they deserve.
Outreach from Legislative Assembly by Charles-Martin M. Ikari, Outreach Chair for Thurston County
During my first year with PTA I felt
like it was more of a booster club;
just better structured. During my
second year, I learned that because of
the structure it was nothing like a
booster club. Now, in my third year,
I have found and understand the
heart and soul of just what a PTA is
all about. The passion and conviction
that I saw and felt over two days at
Legislative Assembly was touching.
It was nice to meet and hear many
parents who, like myself, care about
our children. We know that it is up
to us to ensure that our legislature is
performing their paramount duty in
funding, no, investing in the States
future…our children. Before the
event I was asked if I thought I would
get a return on my investment. I feel
that the experience and education
that I received was well worth the
small $140.00 registration fee.
The one area that I do have a concern is that I know not all of our
units are able to raise the funds to
send a representative to Legislative
Assembly. Thus we let our Region 4
Legislative Chair know our position
on the issues. They in turn go and let
our voice be known. However, even
they only get one vote. This year six
members represented Region 4; thus
only six votes. My recommendation
would be for us to try and help each
other think of ways to raise the funds
or at least off-set the cost. I would
love to hear your ideas.
The good news is that we can show
up in force this January for Focus
Day. This is our opportunity to meet
with our legislators one-on-one to let
them know how they can assist us. I
look forward to seeing you this coming January 24 under the dome.
TwinStar Credit Union Scholarship Opportunity
Scholarship applications are being accepted to help credit union members pursue higher education, TwinStar Credit
Union offers scholarships to both graduating high school seniors and older students seeking college education. Nearly
$30,000 is awarded each year. Pick up a application at any TwinStar Credit Union branch or download one from their
website, Applications must be postmarked by March 31.
Nov/Dec 2012
Page 3
10 Reasons to Vote by Cassie Cornelius, President’s Liaison
Hello! It is that time of year! The weather is crisp, the
leaves are turning and beginning to fall, but most important our voters ballots have arrived in the mail.
It is so important to vote; voting is an essential part of
democracy. Consider this list of 10 Reasons To Vote
originally offered by a school in Worcester, MA:
1. So you can complain - If you love to complain in
order to see changes, voting is for you.
2. It is your right! - Others died for this privilege &
now it’s your right.
3. Representation - Who's representing you? Find
out and make sure your concerns are their concerns.
4. It is your duty! - "Ask not what your country can do
for you, ask what you can do for your country." - JFK
5. More Federal money - for higher education
funding, youth programs, the environment, HIV/AIDS
or breast cancer research, whatever your cause.
6. To cancel out another vote - In disagreement
with a friend or family member on a certain issue?
7. To Bust the stereotype - some are said to not
care about the issues. Prove them wrong!
8. If you don't someone else will - Why would
you want others deciding what’s best for you?
9. Every vote counts! - Remember the 2000 election controversy?
10. Make some noise! - Your opinion matters. It is
time to be heard!
So get out your black pen, sit down, and vote!
PTA Royalty: Scott Allen (2009-2011), Laura Bay
(2007-2009), Bill Williams (2007-now), Novella Frasier
(2011-now) and Linda Hanson (2005-2007)
Region 4 at Legislative Assembly: Wayne DiIorio, Komachin; Espie Badillo-DiIorio, Region Director; Sharla Desy, Horizons;
Charles M. Ikari, McKenna; Liz Rogers, Region Legislative Chair;
Nikee Kirkman, McKenna; and Julie Hyde, Woodland.
Programs by Julie Hyde, Programs Chair
Reflections chairs, please note that there was an error on
the student entry form published in the Reflections Guide.
The grades for Middle School division should be 6-8. A
corrected version of the form is available on the WSPTA
website at
National PTA will offer “refresher” Reflections webinars
on November 14 at 10 a.m.; November 28 at 4 p.m.; and
December 10 a.m. All times are Pacific Time. Watch the
Reflections Listserv for the webinar’s access information.
What is the Reflections Listserv?
It is a networking connection between Reflections
Chairs for Local Units, Regions and the State Reflections Chair. You will find helpful reminders, changes
and the most up-to-date information on the listserv;
questions asked are answered by peers who know,
ideas and information are constantly being exchanged,
and encouragement is always available.
All Reflections Chairs are invited and encouraged to
join the listserv by emailing a request to WSPTA at or by calling 800-562-3804.
Region 4 Reports
Page 4
Think Outside the Box by Christie Hoskins, Region Outreach Chair for Lewis County
Will you survive “Black Friday?” Are you finished with
your holiday shopping? If you’re like me, you haven’t even
started. I’m actually dreading shopping this year. Money
is tight and I hate that the season gets so wrapped up in
the mall.
What if things were different this year? What if people
started thinking outside the box? What if, instead of
searching and stressing out over unneeded gifts, people
started giving of themselves? What if we decided to become more relational in our giving?
Did you know Aunt Sally won’t wear those reindeer
earrings? And Cousin Paul,
the hardest to shop for, at
least smiled politely last
year when he opened his
third consecutive Chia Pet.
And I bet in a few months
your children will neither
play with or remember all
those must have toys.
Families don’t need more
“stuff.” We need more
relationships & more time
Instead of another game for the DS that your son hides
behind, what if he receives a baseball and mitt so you can
spend time playing catch and building memories that will
last forever? Have you ever taken your children out on
their own special “date night?” This is a night that is just
for him/her, with no siblings, doing what they enjoy. Maybe go bowling. Neither of you may be very good at the
sport, but you will sure make memories trying! Instead of
just dropping off a plate of homemade cookies to your
neighbor, what if you took along a deck of cards or a
board game to sit and play while learning more about her
or catching up on life together? How would it look if you
took Aunt Sally out to lunch as your gift? Maybe she’ll
even wear those reindeer earrings! And I guarantee that
Cousin Paul would love a night of babysitting for his children so he could take out his wife for the evening. And
instead of just “babysitting” his children, you could spend
the evening making memories with them by baking or
craft making. The list goes on and on.
Get creative. Be relational. Think outside the box.
Make this holiday gift giving season one they’ll not forget!
* Felices Fiestas * Buone Feste * Tanoshii kurisumasu wo *
* Jie Ri Yu Kuai * Joyeuses Fêtes * Hau'oli Lanui *
* Forhe Feiertage * Selamat Hari Raya * Happy Holidays *
by Wayne DiIorio
The focus of this PTA program is to:
 Help local units explore ways to encourage positive male involvement at home, in school and within the community;
 Empower men to be positive role models with knowledge and valuable information from a variety of resources.
At this time the program seeks men to share their positive role model experiences. Please contact Wayne DiIorio,
WSPTA Male Involvement Committee Chair, at or 360.459.9856 to share your story or
receive more information about the program. Visit to learn more.
Family Education and Support Services
Family Education and Support Services advocates for kids and is a 501
(c)(3), just like PTA. Their mission is
“to inspire healthy child development
through the provision of quality family support services.”
They believe strong families begin at
home and they support families by
offering a variety of education and
support programs targeted to those
who care for children including parents, relative caregivers, foster parents, early childhood educators, community partners, and others. Their
target areas include Thurston, Mason,
Lewis and Pierce Counties.
To find out
more information please
contact us at
or visit our
website at
2003 65th Avenue West
Tacoma, WA 98466-6215
Phone: 253-565-2153
Or 1-800-562-3804
WSPTA President
Novella Frasier
Region Director
Espie Di Iorio
Outreach Chairs
Christie Hoskins, Lewis County
Legislative Chair
Elizabeth Rogers
Charles Martin Ikari , Thurston County
Meeting Planner
Dawn Jones
Membership Chair
Kim Rohr
Executive Director
Bill Williams
President Liaison
Cassie Cornelius
Newsletter Editor
Julie Hyde
Programs Chair
Black Lake PTA 4.4.2
*McCleary PTA 4.2.8
Boston Harbor PTA 4.5.10
Pleasant Glade PTA 4.4.25
*McKenna PTA 4.4.17
*Chambers Prairie PTA 4.4.1
Meadows PTA 4.4.18
Raymond PTA 4.7.5
Chehalis Combined PTA 4.6.5
Morton Comb. PTA 4.5.30
Reeves Middle PTA 4.5.80
Elma PTA 4.2.2
*Mossyrock PTA 4.6.35
Roosevelt PTA 4.5.55
*Evergreen Forest PTSA 4.4.3
*Mountain View PTA 4.4.20
Seven Oaks PTA 4.4.29
*Garfield PTA 4.5.20
Napavine PTA 4.6.38
*South Bay PTA 4.4.30
*Grapeview PTA 4.3.50
Oakland Bay Jr. High PTSA
*Tenino Combined PTSA 4.4.32
*Horizons PTSA 4.4.6
Komachin M.S. PTA 4.4.50
*L.P. Brown PTA 4.5.15
*Lacey PTA 4.4.10
*Lakes PTA 4.4.13
*Lydia J. Hawk PTA 4.4.5
*Oakville Community PTSA
*Olympic View PTA 4.4.23
*Onalaska Comb. PTSA 4.6.40
Peter G Schmidt PTA 4.4.27
*Pioneer PTA (Olympia) 4.5.45
Pioneer PTA (Shelton) 4.3.30
*Tumwater Hill PTA 4.4.35
Winlock Combined PTSA 4.6.60
*Woodland PTA 4.4.37
* = Find them on Facebook