Owl Blast Newsletter - Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Owl Blast Newsletter - Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
BINKS FOREST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 561-904-9800 15101 BENT CREEK RD. WELLINGTON, FL 33414 September 2014 Owl Blast Newsletter A Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Publication Volume 3 Issue 1 www.BinksForestPTA.com Inside this Issue Administrative Messages 2 PTA Pages 3-7 Around School 7-9 Calendar 10 Advertisers 11-12 Binks Forest PTA Executive Board Tanya Siskind– President president@binksforestpta.com Amy Rochman– VP School Services schoolservices@binksforestpta.com Shana Feuer–VP Ways & Means waysandmeans@binksforestpta.com Jennifer Weese– VP Volunteers volunteers@binksforestpta.com Amy Robbert– Treasurer treasurer@binksforestpta.com Sara Hyams– Recording Secretary secretary@binksforestpta.com Emily MacMillan–Corresponding Secretary Emily.MacMillan@palmbeachschools.org Michella Levy– Principal Michella.Levy@palmbeachschools.org Editor: Karen Anthony Tanya Siskind PTA President Greetings new and returning Binks Families! I hope everyone had a terrific summer. We have an exciting 2014-2015 school year planned for Binks Forest! Check your back-to-school packet for a list of important dates. Our annual Hometown Harvest Carnival will take place on Saturday, November 15th from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Whether you are a sponsor, vendor, or volunteer, there are many ways to get involved. There are also Spirit Nights, Popcorn Fridays, Holiday Hut, our annual Family Movie Night, our 2nd annual “Owl-O-Ha” Spring Dance and much more! We are pleased to be continuing the Adopt-A-Class program to supplement our teacher’s classroom needs. You will receive detailed information about this program at Curriculum Night on Wednesday, September 10th. Binks Forest PTA works with school administration to make sure that together we make the most of our resources so our students and teachers have what they need to succeed. Last year we were very successful in updating technology and enhancing curriculum support at Binks. This year, in addition to technology, we will continue to focus on academic resources for student achievement. We truly look forward to another successful year at Binks. Through everyone’s combined efforts, we advocate and speak for all children with one voice. Here’s to another great year! PTA- National, Florida and Palm Beach County Council News Click below to be directed to the National, Florida and County Council websites. National- PTA is the oldest and largest volunteer child advocacy association in the United States. Founded in 1897, PTA has a long, successful history of influencing federal policy to promote the education, health, and well-being of all children. Florida– Advocacy Legislative Priorities discussed this summer at the Florida PTA Convention were: Funding, High Stakes Testing, Early Childhood Education, Voucher Funded School Accountability, and Support of Health and Wellness to Reduce Childhood Obesity Policy County Council– September is PTA Membership Month! Binks Forest Elementary School PTA 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Administrative Messages Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President Mrs. Levy, Principal & Ms. Berard, Assistant Principal Dear Binks Forest Families, Welcome back! I hope you all had a fun, relaxing summer. We are looking forward to an exciting new school year. Our theme this year is Ms. Berard and Mrs. Levy “ O w l - W a y s Moving Forward”. Binks is the highest performing elementary school in Palm Beach County and we plan on staying that way. We made huge learning gains last year and scored 720 points out of 800 points, which was a 77 point gain from the year before. I am so proud of our students, teachers and staff who all went above and beyond not only to achieve but surpass our goals. Stubby the War Dog by Bausum, A. Locomotive by Floca, B. A Snicker of Magic by Lloyd , N. (great for vocabulary) The Boy That Loved Math by Heiligman, D. Bone by Bone by Levine, S. A Home for Mr. Emerson by Kerley, B. www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor We will be implementing a School-wide Enrichment Program here at Binks starting the week of October 6th. The goal is to provide students with an opportunity to develop their strengths and talents based on their interests. Every Friday for the last hour of the day, students will rotate to different classrooms based on their personal interest. I will be sending home letters to parents asking for volunteers to help the last hour of every Friday. We will continue our computer based Reflex Math Program this year and have also purchased (Thank You PTA!) the computer based Vmath program for our students to practice math fluency and problem solving skills. Sincerely, Mrs. Levy Mrs. Levy’s BOOKS FOR HOOKS: Our goal is to ignite, delight and cultivate our students here at Binks. Every month I will be listing books and/or resources that parents can use to help support the development of lifelong readers. A few books that are high quality in terms of their topic, literary merit or just the ability to spark thoughts and ideas are listed below: The Noisy Paint Box by Rosenstock, B. Page 2 A few important reminders: September 10th Curriculum Night: K&1st – 4pm-5pm 2nd&3rd - 5:30pm-6:30pm 4th&5th - 7pm-8pm September 15th Fall Picture Day October 1st Informational Parent Night; learn more about: * New Florida Standards * Standards Based Report Cards * Exceptional Student Education * SWPBS– School Wide Positive Behavior Support Non-Discrimination Statement The School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida prohibits discrimination in admission to or access to, or employment in its programs and activities, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic prohibited by law. The School Board also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 3 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President PTA Pages Jennifer Weese VP Volunteer Services Welcome back Volunteers!! We are looking forward to another busy year at Binks Forest Elementary. There are many opportunities to get involved, even if it's just an hour a week. Please join us on Thursday, September 4th at 8:15a.m. for the Volunteer Orientation Breakfast. Both new and returning volunteers are encouraged to join us to find out what's coming up this school year. Also, remember to complete and return the Volunteer Opportunities Form in your child's back-to-school packet. Once I receive your name and email address, I will start sending you information about volunteer opportunities that you have expressed an interest. Hope to see you on the 4th! Room Parent Reminder: There is a room parent meeting on Thursday, September 11th . Please attend one of the two times, 8am or 1pm. Location will be posted in the front office. Thank you! Box Tops Kris Rodgers & Thursa Sotak We All Scream for Ice Cream! g etin M e am at 8 m p or 1 1 9/1 www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor Amy Rochman VP School Services Welcome back, Binks Forest families! We are kicking off out school year with Reflections, a National PTA cultural arts competition. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works. The 2014-2015 theme is, “The World Would be a Better Place if…”. For more information, please check out, www.binksforestpta.com/reflections or www.pta.org/reflections. Good luck! If your children need assistance with clothing or school supplies, or for more information, please contact: schoolservices@binksforestpta.com. Treasurer Amy Robbert Whooo’s an accountant? PTA is looking for an accountant to help us with our tax return which is due in Novem ber. Please contact treasurer@binksforestpta.com if you have worked with (or are familiar with) non-profit 990 EZ forms and are willing to donate your time. reach out to family and friends and have them join the fun! This is a great, exciting little contest that gets the kids eager to watch the ice cream cones grow in the hallway of the cafeteria. It’s for a great cause and will really help us reach our goal of raising $5,500 through this awesome program. All Box Tops submitted will also be counted for the Teacher of the Month award. Just remember to send your Box Tops to school in a baggie labeled with your teacher’s name. The Box Tops team would like to welcome everyone back to school and announce that the popular Ice Cream Party Contest is underway! The class in each grade to turn in the most Box Tops to school by October 24 will win a coveted Ice Cream Party. Hopefully you have a summer stash collected but if you are only just beginning, Let the fun begin! Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 4 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President PTA Pages www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor Hi Binks Families and welcome back to a great year! I’m very excited for another successful year of fundraising. We already have some great fundraising on its way. Information about the Phantom Fundraiser went home in the parent packet at “Meet the Teacher”. This is a direct donation to our school, which provides the funds to support and enhance existing programs and fund new ones. The donation is 100% tax deductible. This year our annual Binks Fall Carnival is November 15th from 11am to 5pm. Our first carnival committee meeting is September 17th at 8:15am. We need all your help. Please plan on attending. September 18th is our next “Dollar$ For No Collar$” day and “Spirit Night” which will be at Hurricane Wings at the Wellington location on the corner of Lake Worth Rd and 441. Our first th “Popcorn Friday” is September 26 . Get in your prepayments the kids always enjoy receiving the fresh popcorn. Student and family involvement are essential in making these school functions successful. We encourage you to join in our “Fun-Raising” efforts. PTA’s Legislative Priorities Voucher Funded School Accountability: Shana Feuer VP Ways and Means At Florida PTA’s convention this summer, our While continuing to oppose vouchers in all forms, that membership set the following as our priority actions for Florida PTA urges the Legislature to impose strict our advocacy. eligibility requirements on private institutions and nonpublic K-12 school receiving public dollars through Funding: Florida PTA urges the Legislature to fully fund strategies any state funded voucher, grant or scholarship programs and programs that ensure the health, safety and and at a minimum, require them to meet the same accountability standards at their cost as public schools. education of the children of Florida. Support of Health and Wellness to Reduce Childhood Obesity Florida PTA opposes the use of national, mandated, Policy: High Stakes Testing: standardized tests as the sole criterion for measuring a school or student’s progress. PTA believes that student assessments should identify how instruction and learning can be improved. Assessments should be used help parents and teachers determine the specific academic needs of students and increase opportunities for student learning. Early Childhood Education: Florida PTA urges the legislature to support and fully fund high-quality child care and preschool programs that are affordable and accessible, coordinated at all levels (federal, state, and local), and characterized by high standards for teaching, training, health, and safety. The Florida PTA will encourage members to participate in their local school Health and Wellness committees to assist in the development and implementation of district and local School Wellness Policies; and The Florida PTA will promote and encourage the use of healthy fundraisers by its constituent organizations; and The Florida PTA is dedicated to the reduction and prevention of childhood obesity in Florida. Florida PTA will continue to advocate in favor of regular physical activity and physical education in schools and support efforts to improve the nutritional value of foods and beverages served and sold in schools throughout the state. *For more info, please contact Laura Fellman, Legislative Chair, Palm Beach County Council, palmbeachcountypta@yahoo.com. Have you joined PTA yet? If not, now is the time! Only $6 per person. Thank you to everyone who has already submitted their forms. We’re well on our way to matching last year’s membership numbers. Let’s see if we can grow even more! Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 5 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President PTA Pages www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor Advocacy Welcome back! We hope to use this column to keep you up to date on what is happening in the political world with regard to our children’s education. For further information on advocacy feel free to contact Michelle McGovern; mcgovern.michelle@gmail.com Below is the list of Wellington Representatives and their local office contact information. Feel free to contact them for help with a government agency or to let them know how you feel about important issues. They represent us!! For more Advocacy information from the Florida PTA and to sign up for important legislative updates visit their website: http://capwiz.com/npta2/fl/home/ IN WASHINGTON US Senator Bill Nelson 413 Clematis Street #210 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-514-0189 http://billnelson.senate.gov/ IN TALLAHASSEE Senator Joseph Abruzzo 12300 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 200 Wellington, FL 33414-5785 561-791-4774 http://www.flsenate.gov/Senators/s25 US Senator Marco Rubio State Representative Mark Pafford 4580 PGA Blvd. Suite 201 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Phone: (561) 775 3360 http://www.rubio.senate.gov/ 2240 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. #102 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 561-682-0156 http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/details .aspx?MemberId=4435 US Congressman Ted Deutch School Board Member Marcia Andrews DISTRICT 6 Marcia Andrews 8177 Glades Road Suite #211 Boca Raton, FL 33434 Phone: 561-988-6302 http://teddeutch.house.gov/ Secretary: Joyce Edison Phone: (561) 434-8139 Business Fax: (561) 434-7385 Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 6 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 PTA Pages Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 7 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 PTA Pages/Around School Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor TRADE-A-BOOK TUESDAY IS BACK!! Our first Trade- A- Book Tuesday will be held September 2nd Children will be able to bring in and trade gently used books for new and other gently used books on the first Tuesday of every month! All levels of books are available for trade. Book trading takes place in the cafeteria during the students regularly scheduled lunch time and they must eat their lunch participating in Trade-A-Book Tuesday. before Don’t miss out on this reading adventure! Kids love to bring in books and take home a book to enjoy. If you have any books you would like to donate to Trade-A-Book Tuesday please contact us at binkstradeabook@gmail.com Music News Mr. Heinrichs Hello and welcome back to another FANTASTIC year in music!!! Here's the latest Binks Forest Music News! There are two important changes to our after school music clubs. First, both the Holiday Chorus AND the Spring Chorus will now be open to any and all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders! I will have permission slips outside my door by Friday, August 29th. Second, I am excited to announce our brand new 2nd Grade Performance Ensemble! Rehearsals will begin the second week back from Winter Break. We will be working on Melodic and Percussion instruments as well as incorporating elements of singing, dancing, acting, expressive movement and story telling!!! It's going to be amazing, and I will have more information for everyone interested in the newsletters to A student visiting with the Chick-fil-A mascot. Thank you to everyone who came to for our 1st spirit night! follow. Our Binks Beats Drum and Percussion Group is still available for all 4th and 5th grade students interested in dynamic group interaction, performance fundamentals, improvisation and ensemble playing. Because of instrument availability, only the first 18 permission slips returned to me will be considered. Make it an awesome year! Chorus: Tuesdays from Permission slips due rehearsal Sept. 9, 2014. 2:05-3:05. by first Binks Beats: Thursdays from 2:05-3:05. Permission slips due by first rehearsal Sept. 11, 2014 2nd Grade Performance Ensemble: Day and time TBA. Will start the week of Jan. 12-16 Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 8 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President Around School Sharon Wedgworth Library Media Specialist MEDIA CENTER UPDATE Binks Forest Media Center opened for student checkout on Wednesday, August 27th. Kindergarten students will check out one book at a time and students in grades 1 - 5 will check out two books each time. Please help your children remember to take special care of their library books. I always tell them the best and safest place to keep these books when they are not reading them is their backpacks. That way, they always have it with them at home and at school. I do not charge Art News fines for late books. If their books are late, they cannot check out another one until the previous books are returned. Overdue notices will be sent periodically to remind the students of late books. We are always looking for volunteers to help in the media center. If you are interested, PLEASE let me know via e-mail: sharon.wedgworth@palmbeachschools.org Our first book fair is coming up soon!!! The fair will run from November 17 – 25, 2014. Again, if you are interested in assisting with this event, please e-mail me at the above e-mail address. The media center is a wonderful place to volunteer, meet other parents, and see the students!!! We appreciate the time you are willing to donate to our area!!! Happy Reading! PAY SCHOOL FEES ONLINE Laura Hernandez Convenient Welcome Back! Easy to Use Safe I’m looking forward to another year of creating Awesome Art! One time set-up Art club will be on Thursdays starting October 16th. From 2:00-3:00pm for grades 3rd, 4th, 5th. Information will be sent home very soon. 2. Select “Get Started Today” Please send in a sketchbook for grades 3, 4, and 5 if you have not already done so. Students can use the sketchbook from the last year if there’s space left inside. Thank you so much for all of the donations! www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor 1. Visit: https://palmbeach.schoolcashonline.com or there is a link on Edline or District home page > Parents tab 3. Register (if you don’t have student ID# use their birth date) 4. Start making payments You can pay for field trips, aftercare, class parties, Cafeteria and any collection of fees 2014/15 school year payments accounts will be charged a convenience fee of $1 per student per month when payments are made. Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 9 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Around School Counselor’s Corner Randi Schietz, Ed.S, NBCT School Counselor/504 Contact (561) 904-9811 randi.schietz@palmbeachschools.org Welcome back parents and students. I am looking forward to my 10th year as the school counselor of Binks Forest (and 21st year of school counseling). I am in my very last month as a doctoral student at FAU and should be defending my dissertation in the beginning of October. I will be working on updating my Edline site over the first few weeks of school to include information about what is going on in Guidance classes, parent workshops and opportunities and other special programs. I have not set the date yet for Career Week but will include information about that in the October newsletter. If you are interesting in participating and want me to put you on an email distribution list to contact you when I begin planning, you can send me an email. Guidance Classes: I will be rotating every other week throughout the year with the Media on the fine arts wheel. In Guidance we cover topics like bullying, testing anxiety, coping with stress, conflict resolution/friendships, character education and career awareness. The curriculum covers Personal/Social, Academic and Career Domains which follows State and National standards for school counseling. I th hope to be able to continue my 5 grade “Girl Talk” program for ALL 5th grade girls which I developed and has been quite successful over the past three years. The program addresses middle school transition, relational aggression Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor and positive peer relationship skills for girls and is also the topic of my doctoral dissertation. Counseling Groups: Small counseling groups are available for many topics including divorce, grief and loss, friendship skills, student success skills, etc. and are scheduled as they are filled (minimum 3 students). For scheduling reasons, groups are usually all from the same grade level. Groups generally meet every other week for 7 or 8 weeks although we do have some groups that stay together from previous years and continue (new students will not be added to those groups). No students will be participating in groups without parental consent. Most of the groups begin in October but I am available to students all year. Students or parents can request individual “counselor chats” and I also respond to any bullying reports made to the “bully box” or to me. Please contact me if you feel your child would benefit from a group experience or if you have any concerns about your child. Donations: Thank you to all the families who send in the supplies for Guidance that were listed on the school supply list. Pencils and packing tape are always welcome and I also collect Ty Beenie Babies (WITH TAGS) and dollhouse people as I use these in my groups quite regularly. IF YOU NEED ANY ASSISTANCE WITH SCHOOL SUPPLIES, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME ANY TIME. Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Page 10 15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414 Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal Tanya Siskind– PTA President Calendar September 2014 Sun 7 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 No School 2 Trade -ABook Tuesday 3 4 Volunteer 5 6 12 13 Night 11 Room Parent Meeting 8am&1pm 17 School Advisory Council Meeting 3:30pm 18 PDD 1/2 Day Hurricane Wings 19 20 October Newsletter 8 9 Orientation Breakfast 10 Curriculum 14 15 Picture Day 16 21 22 23 Carnival Committee Meeting 28 29 30 24 Submissions Due Spirit Night 25 No School 26 Popcorn Friday 27 www.BinksForestPTA.com Karen Anthony– Newsletter Editor October Sneak Peek October Oct. 3 Popcorn Friday Oct. 7 Trade A Book Oct. 9 PDD 1/2 Day $ No Collar/ Spirit Night– Tijuana Flats/TCBY Oct. 10 Popcorn Friday Oct. 15 SAC Meeting 3:30 Oct. 20 No School Teacher Work Day Oct. 21 Picture Retakes Oct. 21 Phantom $ due for eligibility for Carnival wrist band drawing Oct. 24 Popcorn Friday Oct. 31 Carnival wrist bands and basket tickets available for pre-sale Curriculum Night Schedule Wed, September 10th Grades K&1 – 4:00-5:00 Grades 2&3 – 5:30-6:30 Grades 4&5 – 7:00-8:00 Owl Cart– Now Open Wednesdays in the front of school from 7:30-7:55am Spirit Sticks- Introducing our New “Healthy” Incentive for students, no sweets involved! Spirit Sticks will begin to be used to reward good behavior and academic success! Spirit Rings will be sold at the Owl Cart for $5 each, and can hold the new cool Spirit Sticks! Our Advertisers: Our Advertisers: Business Partnerships Parents: If you have a business and are interested in becoming a Business Partner with our school, please contact our Business Partnership Coordinator, Sherry Derrevere at srderrevere@gmail.com .
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